Fleshware Requiem: A Zombie Apocalypse Story free porn video

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I waited, muscles knotted into anxious cords, with a steel crowbar ready to kill. I heard her footsteps just beyond the door; and I knew the exact position her head would first appear as she passed the threshold into the lab. I knew where to swing for maximum damage. I adjusted my sweaty grip upon the smooth steel; as my heart pounded beneath my immaculate white lab-coat that bulged slightly near the top from my broad shoulders. That had been her idea. Did she actually find me ... handsome in it? Would that even matter to her? In reality it was my nerves I truly needed to grapple. Not to mention the familiar stiffening that occurred within my dark cargo pants. As it always did; when she drew near – or when I even thought about her drawing near.

My body could sense her approach with an alacrity that seemed to defy the conventional five-senses. As my breathing accelerated; a thin sweaty trickle ran from my tousled, mahogany head of hair, past my sharp brow ridge. I would tell myself, in the other iterations of this identical moment that had occurred so often these past months, that the Hatred was my true lover. Not this nemesis of living Desire that I forced myself to despise. The Hatred was my mantra.

I would have at least this one, small victory. This one, petty blow towards personal liberty.

And there would be many, many more to come; so I hoped. She was responsible for all of it; this laboratory of horrors. The experiments on the cadavers, the imprisonment; the perverse form of inverted slavery that had slipped over the others that had accompanied me to this refuge of shame and pleasure. The vile machines, the preserved flesh surrounding me on cold worktables scattered throughout the chamber where I labored with futility. And the windows of course.

Bullet-proof, triple-layered, reinforced anti-shatter glass. As useless as my struggles had been so far, hitting those windows with the intent of breaking them would prove even more futile. Actually looking at what lay beyond them was out of the question.

If I wanted to entertain even the illusion of survival, of a future.

Everything that I looked upon in the workroom before me served as a stark reminder of why she needed to die. One perversion upon another, leading off on an unwholesome tangent of abominations long past the territories of behavior and innovation that any man had business exploring. Her latest dictates seemed as if she were compounding the degradation and madness that had slipped over me – and the other survivors like a tarnished burial shroud. And it was all so senseless; She didn't really need me for any of the unholy experiments. What was the real reason she kept me around? It wasn't that I was smarter than her, could do anything she was incapable of. Contemplating the possibilities as to why I was even here, why she allowed me this ... this ... research only served to deepen my dread.

My lonely resolve, to never stop until I had killed her was soon accompanied by the merciless certainty that these depraved inventions she demanded removed any possibility of pity. The pity that I longed to give her. The reason why I hadn't acted sooner was not overwhelming force on her part; despite the evil of the experiments, prior to now my own feelings where the true enemy. More to the point, my own lusts. But I had reached a tipping point. Or so I hoped.

I was at peace with the violence I intended to inflict on the one I hated as much as I craved. As usual, I felt the first stirrings before she was even through the door. As always, it started as a tingling in my gut. Like circus-cannon butterflies hopped up on meth. Then, the floating sensation. I had once read a neurology article that studied the brains of people in the throes of the deepest, most prayerful religious experiences, across cultures. An uplifting sensation; the part of the brain that oriented the body's perception of position in space was suppressed. It was Immersive; It was sublime. It was Her.

October 19th, 2076 One Year Ago

Must be a trick of the light. Perhaps the glare. Or the bones. Or the death. It got to all of us eventually. I wanted to be the voice of reason; the sane one out of this accidental band of twelve men that did NOT see the apparition. I wanted to be the one to tell them all that they were letting hunger, paranoia, and superstition cloud the reasonable answers that were there for the taking if one has a cool head. But that wasn't true. Amidst the crumbling ruination of now-skeletal guts of the urban corpse that had once been St. Louis, I too saw the Woman in White scampering through broken cinder-blocks and pock-marked pavement.

She was climbing, as if to get a higher vantage point. She nimbly mounted a smooth curvature of silvery metal that had once been part of the now-exploded landmark Arch to reach a nearby half-collapsed brick wall that formed a staircase profile from the irregularity of its disintegration. What was she looking for? At? If the Woman in White was looking towards us; she would have seen an almost unbearably grim gaggle of desperate men.

Most of us had only been able to scrounge-up old 20th century gas-masks, luckily equipped with modern, sub-molecular filters. But most of our weapons were primitive slug-throwers from that era as well. The woman, or indeed any observer would not have been able to see our faces beyond the mosquito-like countenance of our fully-enclosed respirators. She would have seen that the rest of our bodies were covered by a motley assemblage of padded garments, scuba-diving wetsuits, and thickly wrapped leathers. All with as many pockets-within-pockets as possible; as your basic slug-thrower gun only had a tenth the ammo capacity of a modern pulse weapon. Every bullet precious, and needed. No such thing as a spare clip. That and food. What there was of it.

Oddly, actually getting enough food was often less of a problem than one might have expected in the apocalyptic wasteland that the country – and the world found themselves in. My band had actually survived the eight years since E-day almost entirely on pre-packaged, processed food-stuffs preserved to last for the long haul. But actually eating it was a whole 'nother ball game. Not that all of us that started out eight years ago were still alive.

Even though the woman perched on the broken wall couldn't really make out our faces; just the fact that we were walking, wearing clothes, and even bothering with gas-masks spoke volumes; or at least it should have – to any survivor.

"Sal; we gotta do another Endo check." McConnaught demanded, his voice filtered by his mask into a hollow rasp. Because of her? Because you see some fallout shelter headcase that finally decided living underground wasn't living? Just because she finally snapped and decided on one last breath of 'fresh' air, " I actually made finger-quotes. " - that we need to waste resource testing for T-levels that we all know are too-damn high?" I argued.

"Eh, not like rat skins are in short supply." muttered Garland, our sort-of-doctor. Well, not really a doctor; he had a been a Medical Technologist before E-day; that was the best we could hope for. "It just takes time for the endothelial cell cultures to get started is all."

"No reason to waste that time when we could be making more progress towards this ... Preserve-place they talk about on Short-wave." I insisted. "Let her be. She's gotta be infected already. No contact is the best contact."

"Maybe ... maybe Sal's wrong; Maybe she's the living proof?" said Cleary, as he refuted me, widening his stance as if ready to give chase.

"What, of a cure? Ehhh ... been down this road too many times." grumbled Garland with a dismissive shake of his gas-masked head.

"The only labs big enough for any real hope were the first ones hit!" I snarled; reminding myself time and again of the cause of our hopelessness grated on my already fraying nerves. "You're thinkin' with your little head again." I accused. But Cleary was like that; done a dime in Federal lockup for sexual assault back in 67' Not someone I wanted watching my back; even after all these years of him doing just that. Besides, he could do tricks with a car-engine that had to be seen to be believed. As it was now though, I suppose we couldn't claim to be much better. The real reason, besides all the rationalizations and survival-based excuses about why we wanted to get to this Preserve, was the buzz we'd heard that there were women there. It really was that simple; Cleary was just less shy about admitting it.

Now it seemed, we wouldn't have to shoot, hot-wire, and suffer our way to Wyoming; it seemed that the rarely-acknowledged object of our quest was right in front of us. She seemed healthy enough. From a distance, at least. Some kind of white, flowing gown. Smooth, perfect skin.

Not a tumor in sight. That was refreshing.

No trouble breathing, no crippling pain. But no respirator. No gas mask. That lingering, long-suffering hope for hope itself tickled the edges of my consciousness again; after being so long buried.

"Hold up," cautioned Tannerman, our best sniper. "Maybe she can be our Endo test. Just give it a minute."

"No ... It's been eight fuckin' years..." rasped Nailer, our wilderness-survival expert. " I won't ... won't..." he never finished his sentence. He didn't really need to; we all knew – and felt what he did. Having to perform a biochemical test to know if was safe to feel the sunshine on your face ... Never feeling the wind in your hair. It wouldn't take much of an excuse to say 'to hell with all the precautions'. Like Nailer did.

It took a moment to struggle with his tamper-proof straps and seals, but far too quickly, he ripped off his mask to breathe in great gusts of forbidden, unfiltered air. And to give chase. His stringy, once-blond matted tangle skewed in several directions as his face, and wild eyes freed themselves at last.

"It's alright ... I'm okay ... and I want more ... I want ... Her." And with a hungering hiss, he set off in the direction of the Woman in White. We were stunned for a moment. McConnaught just wanted to expose a sealed plastic sheet sandwiching a growth of preserved rat-skin to test the toxin levels, but Nailer had volunteered himself out of his own frustration. Not surprising; he'd been a park ranger, and sometimes-hunter before ... it must seem like a cruel joke to travel from city to countryside, forced to seal himself off from the natural world in such an unnatural way. Also not surprising; no one else followed his lead with regards to our respirators.

And he had snapped. He seemed to be breathing just for the sake of breathing as he lunged towards the Woman in White. She must have noticed us, and made up her mind concerning our trustworthiness, because she slid down the Arch fragment and took to running herself. Odd, those looked like high-heels she was wearing; but she was able to move with a graceful speed to impress a ballerina.

In moments, it had become a full-blown chase. Some of us were going after Nailer, to try and talk some sense into him while there was still time; if there was still time. Nailer was chasing the woman. And the rest of the men chased Nailer to prevent him from getting to the woman first. To his credit, he lasted about two minutes.

"Yes ... Yes ... I'm ... I'm fine ... I'm uhhh..." Nailer gasped, panting with determined exhilaration, and then with agony. "She's ... immune ... and so am ... I ... I... " he stumbled to a stop next to a rusted fire-hydrant, as a coughing spasm wracked him. Followed by the clenching of facial-muscles. "You see ... I can ... handle it..." He grunted; eyes flashing wild with pained lunacy as a trickle of drool escaped his quivering lips. "Uh – AHHHHH!!!!" his eyes squeezed shut from the pressure that was building behind them. "We don't need ... the masks ... don't need ... the tests ... She ... survives ... I'll survive! Free ... free from the th - " he fell, vomiting to his knees. The white of his left eye suddenly flushed a solid crimson, as a blood vessel burst in his retina. "Not ... to me ... I ... I am ... immuuuuuuunnnnnnnn..." His head jerked like a rag doll with the strings cut as he collapsed into a thrashing heap upon the rubble-strewn cement.

His howls barked through the deepening gloom of early dusk as he clutched his skull; as if trying to prevent his gray matter from flying the coop. There was only one thing to do. I began to load my Winchester.

"You think... GULP that I'm not really ... immune ... show you ... show you all..." Nailer raved, froth escaping the rictus of his clenching jaws. "Stronger ... smarter that you ... prove it..." He began to stand on wobbly feet, veins throbbing in his neck and forehead. He began a slow, low-boiling cackle as a trickle of blood escaped his right ear. "Rip your mask off too ... you'll see it's alright ... if you're Man enough..." he wheezed.

No way in hell.

I didn't answer him. No one did. Once the first stage symptoms were obvious, there was literally no reasoning with the victim.

So no one tried.

Instead, I reasoned with a bullet. Between his eyes. So much for our wilderness expert. Eleven men now. The sound of my shot was a sobering death-knell that changed the mood almost as readily as it changed Nailer from man to corpse.

"Too much activity; too many footsteps ... too much noise, noise, noise" twittered Mouse with a spasmodic quiver. That was the only name we'd ever gotten out of him. He was right, of course. He knew as well as anyone how to slip through the ruins unnoticed. Just a juvenile delinquent when E-day hit, but he'd survived alone for years; knew where to go in any city to find food, drink, a bath – (not that he partook of that luxury too often.) Useful enough to keep around despite the fact that he was almost certainly clinically insane. But hey, he'd never pulled a stunt like Nailer just did.

"Now, we've gotta get going; unwanted attention won't be far behind." Garland reminded us.

"Her..." Cleary insisted. "At the least, she's probably got a safe harbor, a clear zone if nothin' else." That made sense. Cleary paused, a lit a cigarette. He lodged the nicotine-delivering stick between the ridges of his re-breather assembly, where the vapors could – in theory be sucked in. That did not make sense. If his filters were any good at all, no vapors would get through. He typically explained himself with a 'fuck the Apocalypse, I ain't stoppin' now.' His actions more symbolic than chemical. "See where she gets off to." Nods of general agreement.

But that also meant I had to follow her too; to save her from my own allies. None of us could go it alone. Individually; and actually survive. Even Mouse, cunning as he was, still got wounded from time to time, still needed help. (That was how we found him.) But I'd be damned if I let them have their way with the Woman in White. Months ... maybe a whole year since any of them had even seen anything female. I knew these men; they'd tear the poor girl apart! But if I was too strident in my opposition to the painful violation they were bound to inflict; they could easily turn on me. Was this stranger worth dying over? I followed after the crowd; wracking my brain to determine how I could save her, not get myself shot, and not alienate my team?

Struggling to conceive of an answer, I scrambled over the bodies of near-mummified corpses of both men and vehicles, wondering if I would be put down with no more ceremony than I had just used to dispatch the contaminated Nailer. I huffed it past a cinder-block wall with valentine-motif graffiti of a stylized heart with many cupid's arrows piercing it. We barreled through the wreckage after our feminine target in a haphazard mob, nimbly avoiding the pulverized remains of our once-civilization; the intended purpose of our mad scramble seemed the final nail in the coffin of chivalry, civility itself. Unless I could save her. I wasn't a total monster; despite all the bullets-between-the-eyes, the vital supplies and medicines we'd stolen to save ourselves over the years. The knife-edge choices that left no room for second thoughts. There had to be some limits; some last ethical shred to grasp on my slide into an amoral abyss of ruthless savagery.

It was not until the third city block that I became convinced there was more to this than met the eye. The Woman in White ... she seemed to stop, pause for a moment next to the ivy-embraced metal shaft of an unexploded Chinese ballistic think-bomb jutting out of the side of an old hotel. What a find! Salvaging the neurolectrics alone could let me bypass almost any automated security! A few years ago, I would have complained bitterly about the pointlessness of it; human warfare was only incidental to E-day. It was not the cause. If only our Leaders had known the truth in those early hours ... If they'd suspected the magnitude of the betrayal ... but no, they were locked into an us-vs.-them Cold War mentality. Blind. Utterly blind.

But now, the first thought in my mind was how every last bolt and rivet of the missile could be exploited to our advantage; in a modern, apocalyptic parallel to the way my Great-Plains ancestors made use of every part of an arrow-perforated buffalo. From bristles to bladder. Nothing wasted. A lesson from history that served me well. Any further-reaching concerns ceased to matter.

But what should have mattered was why the woman seemed to be waiting there. At first I thought she was trying to catch her breath; but no ... something in her eyes alerted me; it was as if she wasn't really afraid. She was studying us too intently for someone in a panicked dash with only escape on her mind. My well-honed instincts smelled subterfuge. I picked up my pace to keep up with the others as it occurred to me that the woman wanted to make sure we didn't lose sight of her. Wanted us to follow her. There was one possible explanation.

It could only be a trap.

Ballsy, though. For twelve – make that eleven men, all equipped with both small-arms and rifles. She must be extremely confident in her allies! We could surely inflict heavy casualties if someone intended to take on our entire band at once. Casualties that few survivor-colonies would be able to afford.

"N-no, wait ... It's not what it looks like!" I insisted. Vanconi shoved me aside rudely.

"Don't try it, Sir Galahad. You're not spoiling this for us!" We needed Vanconi; as a 20th century gun enthusiast, he could keep our weapons in good order. Would he recognize my value to the team, or only his immediate, physical needs? The problem was, they knew me as well as I knew them; and what I was determined to prevent.

But the pattern seemed clear to me, she would scamper frantically down the choked thoroughfares past rows of vehicles abandoned to rust and rodent, running with just enough vigor to play the frightened little damsel in distress; yet it seemed as though her overall distance from us never changed. Every once in a while, she would kick some rubble, or drag down a swath of ivy, as if ... as if to make sure she left a clear trail so that the whole group could chart her progress; since some of us were faster than others.

"No, it's a trap!" I rasped in warning. They barely spared me an angry glance; they knew I'd say anything to divert them from their carnal objective; but it seemed that their mistrust of me, and lust for the girl was blinding them to any other possibilities. Including a smeared sigil painted upon the asphalt; depicting an arrow penetrating a row of several, cartoonish hearts. Made with long-dried blood.

Soon, she led them into an area apart from the other crumbling structures; past the tangled threads of what was once a high-security fence; past a guard-booth inundated with darkened blood stains from within, towards what was once a sprawling, high-tech compound. Odd, that there was no company/corporate logo? Though the sign should have been in disrepair by now, still ... it seemed that there was no identification whatsoever concerning who had funded this large campus. I couldn't see the entire structure, but it appeared more spacious than most stadiums. Finally; I did see a sign:




Wow. A massive compound sprawled over several acres before us. A LOT of private property. Clearly, something this massive had to have been built before the war; but no clue as to who or what had paid for it. As spacious as the structure was ... it could have been a factory; perhaps some processing plant; I could see a metallic reticulum of pipes and conduits rising about two stories above the south side. Yes, a high-tech operation. It must have cost millions; before E-day you just ... just couldn't build something like this without some serious governmental/corporate backing. This wasn't just the backyard of some crazy old coot with a shotgun. But no, not government property; private. Curious.

The rest of my band seemed to catch on at this point; she could be hiding an army inside that compound! The chase of these brutal, desperate gas-masked men of one lone woman was as savage as the Serengeti, the driving urges just as primal, just as bestial. Though they all attempted to speed up, to catch her, grasp her, claim her before she could reach a segmented sliding hangar door, her own velocity – even in high-heels was sufficient that even the greatest bursts of speed humanly possible gained no ground.

This was entirely too suspicious. How could anyone not realize she was toying with them?

But again, I understood these men, as they did me. When Garland, or especially Cleary, took to hunting something; once their pride was at stake; they would pursue it beyond reason, beyond sensible acknowledgment of danger. It was true of most of the band; when they wanted something badly enough, it was conquer-or-die. To give up on the Woman in White now ... it would also send a tacit message that Nailer had died for nothing. McConnaught surely knew it was a setup by now, but that no longer mattered. It was the team's greatest asset – and no doubt the pig-headedness that would get them all killed. And me with them.

That was when Cleary drew his knife. Holding it delicately. I'd seen this tactic. The obvious danger had suddenly hit home, and his intent was to catch her, grab her, and use her as a hostage against whatever reinforcements would be inside waiting for us. He just had to catch her. How could she possibly run so fast? But I realized that her maintaining a constant distance of thirty feet ahead no matter how fast we were bespoke of greater abilities not yet apparent. I tried to shout out another warning but ... after so much running, behind the mask, I didn't have the breath to make more than a hoarse whisper.

I should have stopped short, should not have run into the hangar with them. But dammit! We needed each other! I can't just watch them die with a bemused chuckle and expect to survive on witty repartee. So ... if I was with them, maybe I could find the words negotiate with whatever gang of armed men were waiting for us; defuse the disaster waiting to happen.

The Woman in White was backed up against a wall, her posture fearful, as if she were trying to press herself into the pitted cement. And yet ... the expression on her face, it was neutral – none of the terror I would have expected. A vision as unique as she was gorgeous.

She was young and fit, yet with an ageless grace accentuated by a flowing mane of snow-blind- white hair glistening with a stark, ivory purity. But her sculpted face had not a trace of age. Her form seemed so hale, hearty, unlined and youthful, that she could flaunt what should have been a sign of age as a symbol of smooth-skinned defiance towards the natural cycle of mortality.

Those eyes that showed a fearlessness belying her posture were heterochromic; one blue, the other iris green. The white that she wore was, evidently a wedding dress. It was a shape-hugging trumpet-mermaid design that enhanced her curves and flared below the pelvis with diaphanous layers of organza-weave silk. Her bare shoulders poked above the lacy caress of the fabric as if to proclaim a shapely grace I never dreamed could be found among the ruins. She seemed to thrust out her bustline at me; artfully contained in a elegant bodice of heart-embroidered lace appliqué as she slowly rose away from the dull wall of graying concrete. Yet somehow, she had just outrun all of us, dressed in such constricting finery, high-heels clicking. Not a drop of sweat. Didn't really seem to be breathing heavy.

Cleary made his move; still seething with adrenalin, he lunged at her bosom, knife at the ready. He would grasp her, intentionally ripping her clothing to make her seem more vulnerable to what ever backup she had now watching us; as he held his savage blade to her smooth, quivering throat. I'd seen his merciless strategy evolve over at least four similar encounters over the course of our eight years; only this time; I would do something. This time, I vowed I would bury my fears and find a diplomatic resolution.

"Don't touch her!" I commanded, my voice brooking no argument.

His gloved, greedy hand was mere centimeters from her heaving chest.

"I've had it with your knight-in-shining-armor routine, you sanctimonious prick!" That hand became a fist, which then reached for his Luger-pistol. "We all know you've got some stick up your ass over your worm-food fiance' and now you've gotta play the hero whenever we want some female action!" If he only knew. Cleary's voice deepened as he spoke into a threatening rumble. "We're all sick of it, and you. Maybe you shouldn't run with us anymore; if you're gonna be such a tight-ass every time something sweet comes our way." His posture tense, his breathing heavy, he was still pumped up from the chase, it would be easy to switch from flight to fight.

"Sure, I get you." I lowered my Winchester, but not too much. "You don't give a shit what happens to these girls when you're done with 'em. I've tried to talk some sense into you, but we're all adults here, you've made your choice.

"But maybe you will give a shit about an intact Intercontinental Think-bomb, that only I can salvage. You know neurolectrics is my specialty. You missed it, didn't you? All of you? This 'female-action' you've been chasing totally blinded you to the real find! A machine like that has filtration systems, fuel, mag-rails ... I can take it apart to build us some real pulse guns! I can use its chips to make code-slicers for electric locks! Power supply can get our next car up and running. Hell, we can use its casing for armor! You know only I have the skills to make use of it; IF I'm alive and happy." I paced back and forth through the sterile hanger, marshaling my thoughts.

"A real find eh?" Garland muttered in a double-edged question. "So we last a little longer with some more tech. But in the end, what are we surviving for? Moldy energy bars in the next clear-zone we find, sitting around in ammonia-treated tents tryin' not to think about who died today? Look around you Salvador, what do all those high-minded bullshit laws and ethics mean now? It's back to basics. The most basic."

"Maybe we'll have something else to do in the next clear-zone!" Cleary rumbled. "Or someone."

"Basic doesn't mean we have to be animals! That Preserve is still out there!" I reminded them, ignoring Cleary. "We can find a home, a shelter there! Live as men, not savages!" The woman's frightened posture was gone now, and she began to look us over as if studying some shiny, new toys. Didn't she realize what I was trying to save her from? She strode closer to me. "Leave her! Even if you nimrods retraced your steps back to the location of the missile, I won't help you unless you let the girl stay here, safe." It wasn't going to be easy; somehow the nearness of the girl began to affect me like a drug. It wasn't simply a matter of her glamor-model good looks; something about the aura of her presence kindled in me a primal, covetous instinct – to protect, possess, mate. I suspected the first item on that list would be forgotten by my companions.

"Not sure it's gonna matter one way or another," Tannerman argued. "This Preserve-place, sounds like a fortress; sounds like the place where men that can handle themselves are gonna be welcome. We got food, supplies, and skills. Really, I doubt they're gonna turn us away if our - " he snickered sarcastically. " - background checks come back a little rough around the edges! As if there was such a thing anymore." The Sniper chuckled. "I don't think it matters one whit to our future whether or not we leave a trail of broken hearts behind us." What a nice way to whitewash it, I thought.

"Maybe..." Cleary drawled threateningly as he flicked his symbolic cigarette at me. His chest was still heaving, he was still ready for action. "Maybe I take her with us! Sal cares so much about her-" He grabbed for her elbow -

and his hand passed right through her!

" ... maybe I'll use her to make you ... you ... wha -?" He shook his head. I backed away, not certain what I'd just seen. The Woman in White shrugged sheepishly.

Cleary lunged angrily at the hem of her bodice, not to be denied.

He was denied.

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First Time Zombie Fucker a NTFHC story

Introduction: in this town, if youre not a zombie fucker, you arent anyone The following is a hard and fast glimpse into the life of a small character introduced in the gothic action/adventure novel, The Red Fang by Nicola C. Matthews. This character is reintroduced as the main character in the second novel in the BEFORE THE SUN RISES series, a book called Immortal Sins by Nicola C. Matthews. This story is written in the same style as the short story Now Thats Fucking Hardcore! and the rewrite,...

3 years ago
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All Change for the Apocalypse

My apologies to Lush readers but I should have posted this story, just a personal choice and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did when I scribbled it.Wyliecoyote ....or just another Outside Context Problem Apocalypse (a·poc·a·lypse) [əˈpɒkəlɪps] n 1. a prophetic disclosure or revelation2. an event of great importance, violence, or total devastation; doom: the apocalypse of nuclear war. etc., like the events described in the Apocalypse3 . Apocalypse Abbr. Apoc. Bible The Book of...

First Time
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Requiem A Love Story

Beneath the requiem lies eloquent verses, its tenants transgress while in mourning. Yet bequeathed of its passerby’s there are dormant cries that echo. I am there among them. We envision plains and grains of gold dancing westward into the receiving winds. We can hear thunder of past and present as they come together in a splendid display of courage and contradiction. Of these people’s misgivings- the forthcoming events surpassed the very foundation of their imaginations. And to this day we...

3 years ago
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Women will do anything to survive the Zombie apocalypse Ch 02 Skinny dipping surprise

Troy looked around. There was nothing else in sight. No other people or zombies. Fucking that blond girl last week was a lot of fun. But now it just made him crave real sex even more. This was too good of an opportunity to pass up. Troy snuck closer to where she was, using the tree line as cover. He was able to get within feet of her pile of clothes. He decided to make his presence known. He lifted up his AR-15 and pointed it directly at her. “Well hello missy” he said casually. “Drop the...

2 years ago
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Zombie Apocalypse

Laying next to you in bed is a beautiful redheaded woman, bound and gagged. She looks at you fearfully. You reach your hand out to her, and she shudders at your touch. She begs you with her eyes to let her go. "Never," you say, pulling her closer to you. "I'm scared. Please, I just want to go home," she says the moment you remove the gag. "Tell me something about yourself," you ask, ignoring her please. "What do you want to know?" she asks. "Do you have any scars?" you ask. "A few," she...

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Women will do anything to survive the Zombie apocalypse Ch 03 Turning the tables Part 1

“Don’t move or I cut you. Put down the gun.” Troy was very confused and stood frozen for a moment. The voice was clearly behind him and very close. He started to turn very slowly to not alarm her, but then ducked and spun in the opposite direction. He blindly swept his leg out, hoping to catch his attacker. His instincts were right and he connected with a pair of shins. He watched as this woman fell to the side, banging her head hard against the wall. Troy caught his balance, stood up and...

4 years ago
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All Change for the Apocalypse

My apologies to Lush readers but I should have posted this story, just a personal choice and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did when I scribbled it. Wyliecoyote ….or just another Outside Context Problem Apocalypse (a·poc·a·lypse) [əˈpɒkəlɪps] n 1. a prophetic disclosure or revelation 2. an event of great importance, violence, or total devastation, doom: the apocalypse of nuclear war. etc., like the events described in the Apocalypse 3 . Apocalypse Abbr. Apoc. Bible The Book of...

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A Cinderella Spell Chapter 6 A Fairy Tale Apocalypse Part 1

Authors note: Yes, I know I said at the end of the last chapter that this would be the final part and I had fully intended it to be, but since there was a lot more to this chapter than I had realised and I can't seem to feel comfortable writing stories that are more than around 20k in memory, I've decided that this chapter will split into parts (most likely 3, but I promise nothing). Hope you enjoy it, Sophie xxx A Cinderella Spell - Chapter 6, The Fairy Tale Apocalypse...

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The Apocalypse

The Apocalypse by KittyNor The anti-dote Kristina Banks moved into her lab for the final testing sequence. After this sequence, the ant-dote would be ready and it would give humanity a fighting chance to survive. "Dr. Banks, the tests are ready to be performed," a nurse notified her. "At the count of three, we will perform the final tests," Kristina announced to the team. "One ... Two ... Three" The gas infected with the anti-dote was released into the air tight...

2 years ago
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Requiem Chapter 2

Opening my eyes, I find myself in a clean room. Machines beeping monitoring me. I close my eyes and focus on the magic. Pulling it into my body slowly I focus it into healing. I fall back into the darkness as the magic takes over. Waking up again I feel different. Opening my eyes, I find myself in a tank of some kind. Held up and surrounded by a greenish goo. Whatever the fluid is, it is helping the magic and my nannites heal my wounds. I look down and see my legs slowly re-growing. My...

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Requiem for Chryse

She wanted to be the perfect boy. She had a nice boyish personality when she let it out of the back corners of her mind, but he was geeky at best, and terribly clumsy. Where she was eloquent, he stuttered, where she was graceful, he walked into doorframes. But, gazing at the bishounen across the table, she felt the boy in her mind rise up in a glorious panic. With this one, she would have to remain in control, he expected her to be a girl. She carefully blended the boy that wanted out with the...

3 years ago
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Chaos Statue Requiem Part 1

The Chaos Statue was originally introduced by the author known as "Zero Cool" in 2006. It's been over 10 years since he's written anything that has been archived at Fictionmania, so I took the liberty to add to the Chaos Statue Universe with my first story on the site. Chaos Statue: Requiem We all have wishes. We all have dreams. Sometimes though, our dreams are not our own. Sometimes, it's the wishes of others that permeate who we are. We cannot help the things that happen to...

3 years ago
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The Last Zombie

The zombie had been walking for days. Perhaps walking wasn’t the correct term. Shuffling or lurching was more accurate. He was dimly conscious of a tiredness as he moved. He barely lifted his feet anymore. When the catastrophe, the ‘zombie apocalypse’ had occurred, when he had been stricken after his own attack, he had moved much more quickly. But that had been months ago, and victims had been more plentiful, and there had been more food, and more energy. But now mankind had learned to cope...

5 years ago
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The Apocalypse Chapter 1

There is not much sexual content in this part but there will be later on. I love stories that have a plot to them. Most characters have not had much physical descriptions to them yet and for that I am sorry. Please help me out in the comment on then and please tell me what you think! This is my first time writing a story like this, but I like it so far and have the next part in Progress. Sorry for any issues in the writing like misspellings. --------------------- Sam is 16,...

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MultiQuest The Pokmon Apocalypse

Dear Reader, Authors run on praise and feedback. You may not realize it but one "Like", or better yet comment, can be the difference between getting stuck and continuing a story. Please don't be shy about voting on quest options/making suggestions and be sure to take a moment to hit that "Like" button at the end of every chapter. Additionally, if you want to add your own spin on the story, I encourage you to write it up and submit it: most likely I will approve it. However, if you are not...

4 years ago
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Zombie Leza18 Inoculations

“Welcome back,” Thomas said, grasping Leza with both hands when she returned with her usual zombie groupies. “We heard from our people at David’s Pump Brigade, but how was Martin’s group? Did everything go well?” “I’ll say! Aside from an awkward introduction, the training went well. Your girls were wonderful, proving my contention about women being naturals at this. Martin’s women volunteers were great as well. While the men were nervous, the women giggled like young girls at a sleepover...

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Zombie Leza2 Zombie Leza Returns

Thomas and Fredrick entered the meeting hall, only to discover the building was packed. It seemed everyone was there. Not just the men in their off-hours, but nursing mothers, small children, as well as those normally tending crops or doing research. Hell, he saw several of the guards supposedly keeping watch. Since Leza removed her ... people, the area surrounding the compound was clear. It went from thousands of the undead, packed shoulder to shoulder, to standing empty for the first time...

2 years ago
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Zombie Valentines Day

Sorry folks, no sex in this short story. Just a short and dirty story I threw together for my wife to celebrate two of her favorite things, Valentine’s Day and the show The Walking Dead that came back from its mid-season hiatus on Valentine’s Day. There is no mention of characters from the show and is not intended to be associated with it in any fashion, nor was the story intended to be part of a Valentine’s Day contest. ***** Zombie Valentine’s Day After 5 years of fighting and surviving...

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Zombie Lust

But that night would be a night I would never forget. I was so tired I just wanted to go home and get some sleep. I had to make a choice, cut through the graveyard and get home in half the time, or go all the way around which would take longer but was less creepy. I said, "Fuck it," and went through the graveyard. I hated the graveyard. It was always so creepy and the place just gave me a bad vibe, even when I was a kid. Yet there I was, walking through the damn place at 2 a.m. so I...

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ZILF Or My Girlfriend The Zombie

Everything went to complete shit on Halloween night. At least that's what most people who are still "human" would say.But not me because that's the night that fate opened up its door and gave me the woman of my dreams. So what if she's a drooling cannibalistic corpse. She's actually still pretty hot, a total MILF. But I guess the correct term for her now would be... ZILF. Real love is not all about looks.Prior to this, she had just been my late night stroke fantasy. My guilty obsession....

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Feeding the Zombie Horde

Project Immortal Soldier: the military’s latest weapons program. In a nutshell, the greatest scientific minds in the country had discovered a way to reanimate the dead, and we wanted to use this technology to bring back fallen soldiers so they could once again server their country, this time as undead zombies. You haven’t heard of this program? Well, it’s all quite classified of course. Anyway, I had been observing operations at project headquarters for maybe a month when Captain Alcott, who...

2 years ago
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The Zombie Hunters Price

‘Watch out!’ It was close to noon and the sun had been up seven hours at least. The field should have been safe enough: no visible shade for miles. Hearing Jex’s shout, the woman stopped digging, turned to see the lumbering beast approaching and ran. At the sound of the call, the abomination turned and began shuffling in Jex’s direction. He had his shotgun pointed at it just in case but there was no point in risking a shot when the sun was doing the work for him. Wisps of smoke were...

4 years ago
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The Zombie Hunters Price

"Watch out!" It was close to noon and the sun had been up seven hours at least. The field should have been safe enough: no visible shade for miles. Hearing Jex's shout, the woman stopped digging, turned to see the lumbering beast approaching and ran. At the sound of the call, the abomination turned and began shuffling in Jex's direction. He had his shotgun pointed at it just in case but there was no point in risking a shot when the sun was doing the work for him. Wisps of smoke were...

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Sinister Urge A Zombie Survival Story

The World has literally gone to Hell. The War on Terror escalated. Hundreds and thousands died day by day. No one knows who unleashed the Virus, but it spread across America in a matter of days. Who would have thought that the Arabs, or Russians, or CIA or whoever had it, would have found a "zombie" virus? Later, scientists would explain that the Virus works by activating the reptile brain by breaking down Adrenaline. It shuts off the higher functions, and as such bypasses the conscious mind....

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Zombie Leza12 Finding a Compromise

Lisa finished repacking the bandage around Baldy’s chest. While several of her people were shot during their attack on Martha, she was reluctant to tend their wounds. The survivors wouldn’t take kindly to her caring for those who murdered their guardian. As a result, she waited until they were well away from the site of Martha’s massacre. The undead had a better immune system than the living. Their injuries didn’t rot, and they seldom bled to death. Many humans, injured by zombies,...

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Zombie Leza7 Selective Volunteering

The room was abuzz with nervous energy. Everyone was too excited to remain silent, though not everyone was present. “What do you think this portends?” Helen, an older woman with long brunette hair and a weary smile asked. She was assigned to Dr. Fredrick’s team, conducting research on the zombie plague and developing and promoting various new agriculture and animal strains. Jefferson sighed, not wanting to delve into the topic before the meeting began. He’d arrived early, largely to get...

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Zombie Leza16 Renewed Hope for the Future

Thomas, Jefferson and Fredrick greeted Leza, as Linda, Helen and Rebecca said goodbye to their zombie hosts before reentering the Collective’s walls. Several women were shepherding animals to the grazing areas, despite the abundant numbers of zombies outside. “It’s wonderful seeing you active again,” Thomas said. “If I hadn’t seen it myself, I wouldn’t believe you died a few days ago.” “Yeah, the unbelievable is becoming fairly ordinary since she showed up,” Helen observed. “How are you...

3 years ago
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Say Again All After ZombieChapter 2

The incidents of the crazed critters wandering up to our high ground hideout were increasing as time went on. That surprised me because I would have thought the decaying process would have drastically reduced their numbers after the initial outbreak. We had to do a “mopping up” action almost every morning at daybreak just to make certain they were truly finished off with broken skulls and exposed brain matter. They had shown no reaction to shooting, slicing or dicing on other parts of their...

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Zombie Leza6 Anarchy in Struggling Societies

Thomas dumped his wheel barrel full of shit into the open field and smiled over the fact he could. He felt so secure he allowed his mind to wander, something he hadn’t done for years. The best he’d accomplished was dreaming of his lost family at night, which disrupted his sleep, leaving him unprepared for the following day, so he kept a tight rein on his imagination. He’d been a farmer when the zombie apocalypse began. While there were widespread news and power blackouts, he received updates...

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Requiem for a Hero

In dealing with the death of a loved one, a person knows that they are going to have rough times ahead. I recently found out that it can be somewhat worse if the person you lost is a World War II veteran. My grandfather was born into a terrible family situation. His father had been killed by one of his uncles before he was born. His mother did not want him as her child, so she had him moved off to live with an Uncle on an Indian reservation. Eventually, he signed up for the United States...

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This story was written over a long period, the idea triggered by a friend of mine. Though it took forever to write and edit… and re-edit… I am extremely proud of how far it has come since its start. I would appreciate the feedback, positive or negative, anything that would help improve my writing. However… if you’re going to respond that I took to long to get to the sexual aspect of it, I ask that you please leave and save your time and mine. I have never, EVER been into ‘Wham, Bam, Thank you...

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Loves Requiem

Warwick Castle, Lancaster Estate England 1815 Kelloch Havisham, Duke of Lancaster, sat on the settee across from his bed and stared at it hard, as he swallowed another mouthful of the rich brandy. There was something wrong with him, he thought. The same dream, over and over again, it wasn’t normal. Not in the least. It wasn’t supposed to happen to him. He was the bloody Duke of Lancaster. Everyone in the Ton trembled when he passed them by, and he was having a bloody reoccurring nightmare. ...

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Chaos Statue Requiem Part 2

Readers should absolutely read Part One prior to reading this. I kind of hit a rut when writing, but I do not like leaving things unfinished, so while this could have been strung out, I chose to complete it. I will likely write more, well-developed stories in the future, but I a choosing to end this one. This picks up immediately where Part One left off. Stephanie in her chiseled, masculine body feels her new cock absolutely throbbing. The prospect of fucking her best friend's...

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Zombie Leza13 More Dead Than Alive

When Leza returned with her entourage—larger than ever—the Collective was ready. Despite it being too soon to kill anything larger, they slaughtered two chickens and carried the fresh blood out and waited outside the gate. As usual, she designated a group of her undead to run ahead and drink. The entire procedure operated without a hitch. The zombies were licking the bowl when she reached the welcoming committee. “Glad to see you again,” Thomas said, extending his hand. “We weren’t sure...

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Zombie Wife and Officer Midnight

People talk about their lives being complicated. It’s a fact, everyone’s is! But the issues I seem to deal with, are more the incredibly, bizarre situations that arise, from said complications. A while back, I was laid off from my high paying job, of eight years. At the time, I figure I’d take a couple weeks of ‘Me Time’, then, find a new job. Well, seemingly out of nowhere, the economy decided to downturn, so POOF! No jobs! On a different note, it seems my wife of 3 years, Daria, had fallen...

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ZombieKiller Girlfriend

Zombie-Killer Girlfriend "Nice kill, Leon!" "Thanks. Look out, Lilly!" "Got 'em!" "Yah! High five!" "Okay, kids. Put the game on hold and eat," I said as I came into the living room. My son Leon looked up at me, and said, "Give us a couple of minutes, mom." "Yah, Mrs. Jay, we're about to hit the boss zombie," his girlfriend Lilly added. "Fine," I said. I became silent, so I could watch them play without embarrassing them, and smiled. I watched the subtle cures, and...

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Zombie Leza15 A Living Zombie

The medical clinic erupted in frantic motion as various warriors brought their weapons to bear. The medics stood in dazed surprise, blocking their view, and the others hovered in opened-mouthed wonder. “You’re alive?” Helen exclaimed. “You’re speaking intelligently,” Fredrick marveled. Leza glanced at him, only opening one eye as if the light hurt. “I won’t be for long unless you ... zap my damn heart!” She leaned up, looking at them expectantly. He ran for the device, which Helen held...

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Apocalypse How

Don’t stand to close to a paranoid is my advice. It catches. One night my friend, while leaning over his PC, decided to conduct an experiment (no doubt stoked by a considerable amount of book smarts, too little wisdom & too much esoterica):’ Meme virus- unreality as infection my bosom bud, a downloadable paranoia’ He spun in his swivel chair to stare me down. ‘Those black Ops wizards painting hologram spirals in the night sky oh yes’ he wrote the virus on his keyboard in a lightning-quick...

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Nymmph Apocalypse

by Dave It had been a particularly challenging week filled with last minute shipping modifications. The annual ordering cycle signaling the beginning of the holiday season had begun. Soon overtime would be mandatory bringing bloated paychecks and exhaustion. Realizing my precious free time would soon be spent preparing for the holidays, I decided to forego my normal Friday night social activities in pursuit of one of my most endearing pastimes; photography. Although there was a high...

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The Apocalypse Chapter 2

This is only my second story. This is a plot induced story, if you just want sex your out of luck here. There is sexual actions though but they are near the bottom of each chapter/part. Sorry for any grammar or spelling issues. Please Help me out with the story by submitting feedback and ideas. The next story might be a long wait it might not I don't now yet. Thanks ****** Mary OK, for the record that was scary as shit. I was in shock until the guys came in here and tried to...

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The apocalypse ch2

I look at the figures dropping into our apartment from the hole above in fear. They moan and limp slowly towards our little camp. I move my hands slowly to grab my baseball bat. They didn't notice because zombies have extremely bad eyesight and have a keen sense of smell instead. However, the zombie's keen smell won't usually work due to their own stench of rotting meat. As they got closer i examined them, there were 3 normal rotting zombies and another zombie with a broken leg...

2 years ago
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The Apocalypse Chapter 2

Introduction: Susan get to know Jeff A little better. Note: This is only my second story. This is a plot induced story, if you just want sex your out of luck here. There is sexual actions though but they are near the bottom of each chapter/part. Sorry for any grammar or spelling issues. Please Help me out with the story by submitting feedback and ideas. The next story might be a long wait it might not I dont now yet. Thanks ****** Mary OK, for the record that was scary as shit. I was in shock...

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The Magic Apocalypse

A whisper goes through the various parts of the internet as most governments desperately try to implement new censorship laws for "hampering the proliferation advanced digital warfare algorithms." Most online communities theorizes that this means Artificial General Intelligence capable of hijacking nuclear missiles and the likes and doesn't dig too much into it. Other more conspiratorially minded individuals have dug deeper and claim that it's something completely different, but they are...

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There had seldom been couples as striking as you both looked that evening. He wore a tailored black suit and an anthracite tie in a Windsor knot. You had tried your new evening dress. It had a famous name and evanescent laces of black and white, diving in an indecent décolleté. Your beautiful, slender neck, held high by antique jewelry. You were young and brilliant; sexy, and you knew it.You talked a lot and cleverly. You laughed a lot and cleverly. Made fun of some people who deserved it, and...

Love Stories
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The Slave Girl of Apocalypse

The Slave Girl of Apocalypse By Sheena Sands (copyrighted) The year is 2090. Years after a nuclear holocaust ravaged the Earth and decimated most of the human population, all that is left is a desert where a handful of armed and aggressive survivors battle each other for three important resources -- fuel, water and women, in that order. In this primitive atmosphere, women are once again the weaker sex, often preferred as currency, endangered, enslaved and exchanged. This is one such...

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A Cinderella Spell Chapter 6 A Fairy Tale Apocalypse part 2

A Cinderella Spell - Chapter 6, A Fairy Tale Apocalypse (Part 2) Monique's Story I was galloping at full speed to where I had last seen my Grandma, David was chasing after me. "Monique!" He shouted "Wait up!" he caught up to me and grabbed my arm. "He's got her!" I said with tears streaming down my face. "He's got her and I haven't even tried to find her." "Who has who?" "Ulric, the one who caused all of this, has got Beth, my best friend," I almost screamed at him...

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Apocalypse by Erin Tyler I'd like to think I did enough research for this story, but I've never been certain that I have. This has been, for the most part, a first- person account of events from my life, but how often are first-person accounts completely reliable? I admit that I've sprinkled in a little drama here and there. It hasn't been much, and the biggest reason I use it is because I can't remember everything with 100% clarity. Maybe The Mistress wasn't always so...

2 years ago
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Miss Apocalypse

Damien sighed as he saw another zombie down the road. It was the only one he could spot. Otherwise, the perimeter was clear. The safe thing to do was to use the sniper rifle on his back and pick off the undead from afar. Sadly easy was not always best. Sighing he turned around to Harriet. She was the other guard in his shift. "I'll sweep the perimeter of hostiles. Back in five minutes." She gave a nod and pushed an "acknowledged" through her lips. He spared a glance at my employer...

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New Beginnings Aprs Les Apocalypse

I saw her struggling up the hill that I was sitting on. I had really been sitting here peacefully contemplating the skeleton and ruined flesh of what had been, until very recently, one of the great cities on earth. Just imagine how foreign it is to me, thinking of Los Angeles that way. Most of the time the only thought I had given the place was cursing the bad traffic and wondering why they didn’t just build some more damn freeways! Now, like a bad horror/sci-fi post-apocalypse movie, I was...

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Apocalypse BluesChapter 2

We entered the dining room then, to find that most students had simply fled without a thought of food, but there were some others eating there, clearly trying to figure out what to do next. They rose with a start as they saw us, especially when they realized that most of us were naked (including me). There were six of them, including one professor, one campus cop, and four students. I looked very closely and realized that the professor was a woman, but very mannish in appearance. She stared...

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