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This story was written over a long period, the idea triggered by a friend of mine. Though it took forever to write and edit… and re-edit… I am extremely proud of how far it has come since its start. I would appreciate the feedback, positive or negative, anything that would help improve my writing. However… if you’re going to respond that I took to long to get to the sexual aspect of it, I ask that you please leave and save your time and mine. I have never, EVER been into ‘Wham, Bam, Thank you Ma’am’… and my writing reflects that.

Thank you Angelus for the classical idea and triggering my brain for this story! And for letting me bounce ideas off of you. And an even more important thanks to my lifelong friend who has helped me find the passion within me and for helping me discover true love again… things I never thought I could have. I love you.


The soft bed sheets moved against my skin as Christian’s fingers caressed my back, moving sensuously, teasing me. I turned to face him, the moonlight outlining his face, his blonde hair glistening.

‘What are you doing?’ I inquired playfully, my arms wrapping around his hard body.

‘I woke up and saw you laying there and just couldn’t help myself.’ His eyes, blue and dark, pierced mine as we stared at each other in the moonlit room.

He inched his facer closer to mine, his breath warm against me.

Suddenly, a blindingly bright light shone. I sat up quickly. I looked around to find daylight outside, and myself alone in bed with a note.


You looked so beautiful, I couldn’t wake you, though I was extremely tempted. I had to go to work early, so I left you pancake batter in the fridge, made with cinnamon just the way you like them. I love you. Enjoy your day off. I’m sorry I couldn’t be home to share it with you.



I gripped the note and fell back on the bed. I smiled as I looked out the door to the balcony, sunlight streaming in, illuminating the room. It was the beginning of October, the air was cooling but warm, and the leaves were just beginning to change to match the color of the sun. Judging by the angle of the rising sun, it wasn’t much past 8.

I missed Christian. Every bone in my body told me to go back to sleep and just wait for him to come home. The sheets warmed me as my naked body stretched beneath them. I vaguely attempted to fall back asleep until the faint scent of the pancakes that he made for himself this morning made its way up the staircase to my nose. I bounced out of bed, threw my robe on and flew down the stairs to the kitchen.

The scent of cinnamon flooded me. I opened the refrigerator to find the mix Christian left and hurriedly made myself breakfast.

‘Hm… Maybe he really can cook,’ I mumbled to myself. ‘At least breakfast foods.’

I silently ate the pancakes after drenching them in maple syrup. I swirled the remaining amount of syrup on the plate making odd designs purely for my own amusement. I dropped the fork on the plate and looked around the house.

‘It’s my day off and what am I doing? Sitting in my house, alone. This is officially pathetic.’ A boredom that bordered on depression swept over me as I began cleaning up the kitchen.

I slowly wandered my way back upstairs. I flipped through Christian and my vast music collection, and stumbled upon a CD I hadn’t played in sometime. I placed my copy of Mozart’s ‘Requiem’ in the player and danced my way across the room. I dropped my robe back onto the chair that I originally retrieved it from and slid my naked body back under the sun-warmed sheets. The taste of perfectly-made pancakes on my tongue, and the thought of my interrupted dream still fresh in my mind, I curled into the heat of the October sun and fell back asleep.


Moonlight was once again illuminating the room. Christian had returned to my side, his fingers running up and down my spine, tracing small patterns across my back.

‘Hi, yourself,’ I said. ‘I’m dreaming again, aren’t I?’

‘Maybe,’ Christian replied. ‘But if you are, I hope you wake up thinking it was a good dream.’

His arms enveloped me as I moved closer to him. When I felt his lips press against my forehead, I began to wonder if I had maybe just fallen asleep that long and Christian had just woken me up when he got home.

No such luck.

As I closed my eyes and reached for his lips with my own, I heard a thud from behind me. Startled, my eyes flew open only to reveal a much higher sun. The light still came pouring into my room. I looked towards the balcony to see a dove sitting on the railing, seeming dazed and confused. I sat up and wrapped the sheet around me and made my way to the door.

Sliding the glass door open, the bird cocked its head and looked at me like I had just performed a magic trick. With a ‘coo,’ he flew away.

‘Stupid bird,’ I muttered. As I looked over across the immense yard from the balcony, I watched the leaves change colors. I watched the first few orange and red fires fall to the ground. I retreated inside, back to the kitchen to make a cup of hot chocolate. It suddenly seemed that time and it was necessary. I sat at the table flipping through the paper, passing through the boring parts and going straight to the comic strip section waiting for the water to be hot enough. I had finished the sudoku puzzle and the word search by the time the water boiled.

‘This is what my life has come to. On my day off, I absent-mindedly fill out ridiculous puzzles that any five year old could do.’ I paused for a moment.

‘Dear sweet Jesus, I’m talking to myself.’

Shaking my head, I poured the water into a mug and added the cocoa mix. Soon the scent of chocolate mingled with the cinnamon of this morning. I made my way back up to the balcony and sat in the wooden rocking chair, curled my feet underneath me, and just existed.

I drank my cocoa and watched as animals, from squirrels to rabbits, crossed our yard, many making their way to the lake and back across into the woods. I watched as birds swooped to catch fish. I was grateful that my day off was so beautifully warm. I knew I wouldn’t get a chance to be so close to nature again as winter was fast approaching, though you wouldn’t know it with the heat.

I turned to my left and looked at the easel and stool I had placed on the balcony six months ago when we first moved in. I hadn’t touched it since then. It was always a case of not having time, or being to busy, or having better things to do or not knowing where to let myself go with my art. The truth was I was afraid to let myself relax. As I looked beyond the easel towards the tree-lined lake, I saw two deer approaching the clearing that allowed the house access to the lake. I watched as they stopped in the middle of that clearing, the sun and trees presenting brilliant shadows across the area. They were beautiful, graceful creatures as I watched what I assumed was the doe take care of her fawn, providing food for the both of them. Not wanting to miss this opportunity , I slipped the door open and walked to the art studio down the hall from our bedroom and grabbed an art pad and the pastels my mother had given me quite some time ago.

I ran quickly back towards the balcony, fearing the opportunity had escaped me. I put the art pad on the easel and turned to shut the door leading from the bedroom to the balcony. It emitted a loud click that startled even me. I turned to look at the clearing to find the doe looking up at me. She and the fawn were at least a hundred feet away, and I was above them, but I could feel her eyes on me. She and her fawn continued about their business, as I sat on the stool and began drawing furiously, afraid they would be startled again and run off.

They were stationary for quite sometime. As I had just begun the area around them, I noticed the doe look up with a start and run off towards the woods on th
e right side of the house, with the fawn close behind. I was saddened at first that something had startled them, knowing there was very little danger around here, but knew the doe was protecting herself and her fawn.

As I refocused my attention to the clearing the began filling in the trees and fallen leaves, the balcony door slid open.

‘You know I hate it when you go outside in your underwear,’ a male voice said condescendingly.

‘I know… that’s why I didn’t wear any,’ I replied smugly. ‘I’m wearing a sheet. It fully covers me. And oh. Wait. We’re about fifteen miles from civilization. So unless you’re concerned about animals ogling me, you’ve nothing to be concerned about.’

Christian wrapped his arms around me and buried his face in my hair.

‘I don’t want anyone looking at you. You’re mine to enjoy.’

‘Well aren’t we possessive?’ I asked coyly.

I turned to face Christian and kissed him lightly.

‘What are you doing home so early?’ I asked with a smile.

‘What? You don’t want to see me? I see how it is,’ he replied, tickling my sides.

I dropped the pastel I was holding on the base of the easel and turned to face him.

‘So you got fired, huh?’ I joked.

‘Ha. Ha. Very funny. No. With the holidays coming up we’re finally having some down time. All of the advertising deals are done for the holidays, so boss let some of us go home early. He kept some of the slackers there as punishment.’

‘Wait. So he sent home his good workers, and is paying the guys who don’t do anything?’ I asked, mildly disturbed by the concept.

‘Someone’s gotta answer the phones… and I’m pretty sure he doesn’t want to pay me a hundred and twenty dollars an hour to do it.’

‘You’re a smart ass.’

‘Yes… I am… that’s how we afforded this house. By me being a smart ass.’

‘Oh, so you’re the lone contributor in the household?’ I exclaimed, pretending I was insulted.

‘Not at all baby.’ His hand caressed my cheek, moved down my neck and began playing with the area where the sheet lay on my chest. ‘You contribute more than enough.’

With that he picked me up and spun me around on the balcony. He stood me up and kissed me. A long, hard kiss. As he backed away his denim blue eyes stared at me, roaming over my body, his hands slowly trying to push the sheet off my body.

‘I thought you didn’t want anyone to see me naked,’ I said coolly. ‘Aren’t you afraid a squirrel will get aroused?’

‘Let him.’

‘Who said it was a male squirrel?’

His laughter filled my ears as he wrapped his arms around me.

‘I should let you finish before the sun goes down. By tomorrow it’ll have all changed. The feeling won’t be the same.’

I looked at him, shocked that he understood not just that I wanted to finish, but the fact that I was capturing a moment, a feeling, a unity with nature. I watched as he turned and entered the bedroom, shutting the balcony door behind him. As I turned back to my art, I heard him turn off ‘Requiem’. My face distorted into one of annoyance.

‘I was listening to that,’ I thought. I quickly put the thought aside when I heard him enter the room below ours and begin playing his guitar.

I begin drawing what I saw to the rhythm of his song. I finished quickly with his help. I took the pad down and carefully removed the picture from it. I blew the extra dust off it, leaving a clean looking piece of incredibly inspired art. I smiled. Most of the stress in my life had escaped into this picture. Everything was suddenly calm. A light breeze swept through the trees and blew my hair. I slid the door open and took the picture to the desk in the bedroom. It was staying there until I figured out where I was going to put it. Or if I was even going to keep it.

Still in the sheet, I tiptoed downstairs. As I turned the corner at the base of the stairs, I could clearly hear Christian playing. I approached the room to see him sitting in the bay window in just a pair of jeans.

Suddenly, I had another inspiration.


Startled, Christian almost dropped his guitar as he slid out of the window.


‘All I get is ‘hi’?!’

‘You startled me. I couldn’t think of anything else to say. You look like an angel.’

‘No I don’t.’ Maybe I did. I was wrapped in a white sheet, with extraordinary long brown curls tumbling down my back. Maybe not angel. More like Greek Goddess.

‘Could you come with me?’

‘Sure,’ he said, putting his guitar down.

‘No!’ I jumped. ‘Bring that with.’

Christian looked at me inquisitively, but reached for the guitar and followed me back upstairs.

I looked at him as he stood out on the balcony, in just jeans.

‘You’re missing something,’ I said.

‘Excuse me?’ he asked, staring at me incredulously.

‘I’ll be right back.’

I returned to the balcony with a cowboy hat. Silently, I moved him to the edge of the balcony, forcing him to sit on the ledge, with his back against the house. His left leg was bent up on the balcony, as his right leg steadied himself by hanging, his toes just touching the floor beneath us. I handed him the guitar and told him to play. As he began to play I tilted the cowboy hat down a bit, just enough that you could barely see his expressive eyes. The sun was beginning to set. The lighting behind him was perfect. The oranges and reds of autumn made his post-summer tan stand out even more. His toned abs rippled as he played. After admiring him for a moment, I sat down and went to work.

He played the whole time I drew. Every curve, I knew exactly. I knew what it felt like beneath my finger tips. I could do this from memory if I had to. But I wanted to look at him. Before me was this sexual being, playing random guitar notes, or what could have been a song. I wasn’t exactly focused on that. I was focused on the muscles of his arms that tensed each time he’d strum. I watched the quickness of his fingers, imagining what the would feel like on me, knowing he plays me better than he plays the guitar. I watched as his eyes closed as he listened to his own music. I noticed him breathing in the scents around him, feeling nature wrap around him.

With his eyes closed, I finished. I stared at him for a minute or two… watching his every movement.

‘I’m done,’ I finally said.

He stopped playing, and set the guitar against the door to our bedroom. He walked behind me, wrapping his strong arms around me, his chest pressing against my thinly clothed back.

‘Is that what I look like?’

‘Why? What’s wrong?’ I could feel the tears well up in my eyes. He hated it.

‘This is amazing. You have this type of talent, and you haven’t touched this easel since we moved in. Why not?’ I could feel a sense of anger coming from within him.

‘I never have time. Between work, and the house, and you. There’s just no time.’

‘Baby, for something like this, you make time. You’re far too good at it not to.’

I blushed at his compliment. The tears came free-flowing now as he stood in front of me, his hands resting on my shoulders. All the stress had escaped me. Everything, from the hassle of moving in to the house and unpacking, to handling work and the changes going on there, to Christian working long hours. It suddenly all dissipated into my art, into Christians fingertips. I could feel it moved from me through the house, to the ground, to a place far, far away where I didn’t have to feel it anymore.

As the sun finally set behind the trees on the lake, the coolness of autumn was felt. Without the warmth of the sun, the temperature dropped from a warm seventy-something to what couldn’t have been much above forty. I shivered slightly at the new found chill. Christian wiped my tears and stood me up, taking me by the hand and led me into the house.

I put the sheet back on the bed and put my robe on.

‘Go downsta
irs,’ he said behind me. ‘I’ll bring in everything from outside and then start on dinner.’

I slowly walked downstairs, the hurriedness that I had felt earlier had escaped me. Time stood still for me now. Instead of turning right to go down the hallway to the kitchen, I turned left and entered our living room. I’d always admired this room. It had plush carpeting, which made you feel as though you were walking on clouds, all over except for in front of the fireplace. The large wood-burning fireplace was surrounded by exquisite hardwood flooring covered partly by a bearskin rug. There was a bit of slate just in front of the place itself to prevent damage to the floor itself. Above that was a monstrous plasma TV, put there by a very persistent Christian. There were multiple, huge comfortable sofas, love seats, and chairs that you could fall into and never get out of because you just didn’t want to, it was perfect for entertaining. It was by far the warmest room in the house.

I crossed the large room to the fireplace, finding the tile extremely cold. I heard Christian moving back and forth between the balcony and the bedroom as I lit kindling and old newspapers in the fireplace. I placed the first log on the fire and by the time Christian had come downstairs, it had caught and was blazing. For kicks, I placed another one in.

Christian walked in, still in just his jeans, and cuddled up with me on the bearskin rug.

‘You are such a pyromaniac!’ he said, tickling my sides.

I turned quickly and pushed him onto his back, covering him with my body.

‘Pyro or not, I was cold and needed some warmth.’

‘Well that’s what I’m here for.’

‘No.’ I said, looking into his eyes with a smile. ‘You’re here to make my meals for me!’

‘Oh really?’ he asked with a mild amount of shock in his voice.

I simply nodded with a smile.

‘Well in that case, I suppose I better get to it!’

With that he carefully slid me off his body onto the bearskin rug and exited the room. I turned to face the fire, when suddenly I was enveloped in a warm blanket. I jumped and twisted my neck quickly to see Christian kneeling behind me.

‘I didn’t want you to get cold while I was gone.’

My eyes closed as I kissed him on his soft lips, feeling his tongue gently snake it’s way into my mouth. I smiled into the kiss and slowly pulled away. With my eyes still closed I told him to go before it was too late and we were too tired to eat.

I watched him walk back through the entranceway and heard him enter the kitchen. I placed another log onto the fire and curled up with my blanket on the bearskin rug, and shut my eyes.

When my eyes reopened, my flames were about to expire. I could hear Christian singing in the kitchen and the scent of apples engulfed me. I quietly placed another log in the fire and tiptoed my way past the stairs and down the hall to the kitchen. Christian either knew I had fallen asleep or thought I couldn’t hear him. He never, ever sang. Not like this. I wish he would though, I loved his voice.

‘All that I am, all that I ever was, is here in your perfect eyes. They’re all I can see, I don’t know where, confused about how as well. I just know that these things will never change for us at all.

I slipped into the kitchen and joined him.

‘If I lay here, if I just lay here.’

He stopped suddenly, embarrassed, and turned to face me. I walked to towards where he was standing, and he pulled me to him, wrapping himself around me.

‘Would you lie with me and just forget the world?’ we both sang.

‘I love you Brianna.’

I looked up, into dark eyes that consumed my very being. His eyes captivated me. I grew weak for a moment but was supported by his arms.

‘I love you too, Christian.’

I regained my bearings and released myself from his arms and sat at the kitchen table. I looked over at him expectantly.

‘It’s coming, Bree, relax!’

‘I’m hungry! All I had all day were these horrible cinnamon pancakes made from some gross batter that I found in the fridge,’ I mocked.

‘Well if you didn’t like those then you’re probably not going to like my apple-stuffed pork chops.’

My mouth watered. I watched as he pulled them from the oven, the smell was overwhelming. Apple-stuffed pork chops are one of the few foods I would love to eat every day for the rest of my life. They’re delicious. But this was the first time Christian was making them. Nervous didn’t begin to describe how I felt.

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Music of Change #2: The Bonus By Valerie Hope ?I swear to God, if I hear one more industry buzzword, I?m going to climb the clock tower with a high-powered rifle,? Gary said between his teeth, trying to look interested and busy as he doodled on his legal pad. The meeting had been going strong for an hour and a half easily, and showed no signs of deteriorating before rush hour had started in earnest. Sales meetings were always like this ? no one liked the sounds of their own...

2 years ago
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A Story for my Wife

A Story for my Wife. I want to hear any and all sounds, words, moans and gasps you make as well as seeing the look on your face as you move yourself onto all 4's so another guy, with a 9 1/2" to 10" cock, can fuck your ass. I beleave it will go like this . . . You look at me as your dropping your shoulders down onto the bed and wiggling your ass up high, and I see you looking like a woman full of lust. Then as you feel him crawling up behind you, firmly squeezing the cheeks of your ass, you...

2 years ago
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a night to remember21

It was two days after Christmas; we were 15 and had just gotten back from skating at Rockefeller Center and having fun in the city. My parents were going to a wake and staying over at a hotel there. It had been so long since we had time to ourselves. We had sex twice before, but that was in the summer and I was extremely horny. He had gone back home to get a shower and his parents needed him for something. I guess I may as well give you guys a little background on us. I'm pretty tall...

1 year ago
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The Teenage TrapChapter 2 His First Day

The sun was shining and the birds were singing, and he was eager to start this his first job since leaving university. He parked his car in the staff car parking area, and made his way to the front entrance, becoming very conscious of the stares of three attractive young ladies watching him from the office window. In hindsight, he was fairly sure that it had been because he was a man, was the main reason that he had been rejected for the job initially, and that he had only been invited for...

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Cuckold Husband Chapter 1

“You want what? You want me to get fucked by other men?” Kim's eyes flashed with anger. “You fucking pervert.”Paul winced as the lounge door slammed behind her as she stormed out.“That went well, then,” he muttered, sitting down on the settee and opening a can of beer.He had no idea why he'd decided that particular evening was the time to tell Kim of his fantasy of watching her get fucked by another guy. As the saying goes, it seemed a good idea at the time.It had been his fantasy for years. He...

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The Commissars in TownChapter 4

“So, that’s it for the day, all of the cases that we could reasonably tackle for one afternoon. I don’t know about you, Annette, but I don’t approve of loading up an extreme workload and wearing the body out over something that can always be dealt with tomorrow. Too many lawyers, myself included, used to wear themselves thin in the past, and for what? If the Mayhem has taught us anything, it’s that life is fragile. We have to embrace it. Democracy might be dead, but we aren’t, are we?” Deputy...

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The Bodyguard

Director Hanson looked at me and smiled. "I have reviewed your file, Peter, and I think you're exactly what this agency needs. You spent some time in the military, then as a member of law enforcement, and then a private security firm. Do you understand what we're asking you to do?" I nodded. "I'm supposed to protect celebrities when we're out in public. Protect them from threats, and if necessary, an overly eager press." "Just don't be too rough. The U.S. has a First Amendment," Hanson...

1 year ago
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gay massage in Thailand

Massage in ThailandI was boring in Bangkok, too much traffic and people around, so I decided toGo to Chiang Mai. By airplane it is only a good hour flight, I booked true Agodaa room in a small hotel in the center of Chiang Mai. The first days I walked intown just looking around, evening had dinner outside and after went to some gay bars, Panda bar, 69 bar and some more. They were good, but I did not meta guy who is really my type, many very young 20/25 years old, I prefer 30 over.Late afternoon...

2 years ago
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True SubmissionChapter 2

I met her again. I can’t believe it, I there were a zillion things against it, but somehow I saw her again two nights ago, on Saturday. Her name’s Isabel. I met her for the first time a week ago when I saw her dancing at the Abbey with some other girl. That first meeting with Isabel didn’t go well, and I am not entirely sure why not. I am a good looking guy, fit, educated, and with no small skill when it comes to dealing with women. I won’t say that I could have any woman I wanted, but I do...

1 year ago
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A Little Help For Mom

It was a normal Monday morning, and I woke up at six-thirty to get ready for class and work, and walked downstairs to see my mother in a very short robe, sitting down like she was it barely covered the slopes of her ass. My mother and I have always had a special relationship, ever since my dad died four years ago from cancer. My mother was devastated by his death, and has never even considered dating again. But, as I know that her and my father have always had a very lively sex life, I've heard...

4 years ago
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Party Time Humiliation Group

Nina and I have been married for 15 years now and have raised a family and lead fairly normal lives. Our sex lives have also followed a normal course, with us being at it like rabbits in the early days, through to almost no sex at all for a time,Right now we are going through a second wind with our sex lives. Neither of us are getting any younger and age and comfortable living have left their mark for both of us. That said, we are comfortable with who we are. Sex has been fun lately, with...

1 year ago
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Amazing Night

It started out when my boyfriend Joel invited me to his house. His parents were out of town for the weekend, so we had the house to ourselves. We had never really gone very far with each other, but this was because I was his first girlfriend. He was kind of scared to go farther than we had, and wanted things to go slowly. As he was not my first boyfriend, and I was incredibly horny, tonight I was going to make him to things to me he never dreamed of. I was kind of nervous, but all that went...

First Time
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Wifes Wild AssChapter 11

Helen began licking the donkey's cockhead again, skillfully tonguing his massive prick back into a new hard-on. The prick stalk came up, vibrant and throbbing. She leaned back and gazed lustfully at his cock, imagining how well his prick would fill her cunt. The thought drove her wild. She was desperate to get fucked by her first burro. But she wasn't quite sure how. Harold, however, had already given that some thought. He had measured the height of the donkey's loins and had hammered...

4 years ago
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Jock TalesThe Beginning PT 3

Jock Tales---The Beginning PT 3I woke the next morning exhausted. I felt like I had been jumped in the streets and r a p e d. Basically, that's pretty much what had happened. With just a a bit of stirring, I discovered that my assailants had finally untied me. At least that part was good---I could get up and piss. As I made my way to the bathroom, I felt my ass—seamed wet. Sure nuff, remnants of fresh wet cum sticking to the hairs in my crack, and---b l o o d. Those fuckers made me b l e e d !...

3 years ago
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Stella and Marina SM in Spain 6

Stella Maris is our mighty Mistress on the penultimate day of our role play for threeStella Maris is a slender stylish beautiful blonde ballet amateur of quite high level!Marina is as tall and tasty but a brunette, both wear their hair short, it is so sexyMarina is this day servant of Stella Maris with the right to speak, I am silent slaveMarina has a very sexy idea, which she whispers to Stella Maris, keeping the surpriseMarina starts slowly to seduce and please Stella Maris - right from the...

2 years ago
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Diploma Pickup Pt I

“No shit! I went Lee,” exclaimed the behemoth of a man as he navigated his top of the line, metallic blue-gray 2016 Chevy Tahoe.“State School for Fine Arts,” answered the demure effeminate lad who was more than a thousand miles away at the moment.“Oh. So you aren’t really from my city,” teased the man with the medium brown complexion.“Nope. I grew up in the northeast part of the state.”“It’s all good.”“But I did lose my virginity there,” shared the sepia toned sissy with neatly manicured...

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The Envy Skull Part 4

Our story continues as Jenny does her best to mess up the lives of our heroes Michael and Candice. Is it working the way she's planned? How much further can she manipulate all those involved? As always, you MUST read all of the previous parts of the story to understand this part. I've found the best way to find them is to do a super search with "skull" in the title box. Thank you to Allison Voorhees for creating this story and idea in the first place. Thank you to Alyssa Davis for...

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Village Adventure

A man named Rakesh came to his hut after working in city for 2 years. He was the first one to come of the group who had gone to earn a fortune to city. He was the only bachelor and so he had come to marry. He also brought with him all the gadgetry new to the people of village. He was really looking forward to his stay in village. The fire of his coming spread far into the village. The wives of all those who had gone with came to know about their husbands. Totally three others had...

3 years ago
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Secret Desires In France Awakening Part 4

LOUISE That night in bed Louise was reading the latest Peter Robinson thriller, but found it hard to concentrate on it. Her thoughts kept wandering and went from the next exhibition in her art gallery to Rob, who was coming home tomorrow and then to Alex, who had almost been here a week now. Marge, Alex’s mother had called her tonight to ask how things were going.‘Alex only texts us to say that everything is cool and chill,’ she had said, ‘so I thought I’d better ask you.’Louise had assured...

4 years ago
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Summer Of Firsts Chapter 2

My neighbor and I walked to and from school every day for weeks with the exception of the days I had track and field practice. He was a bit of a nerd but very sweet. The more I got to know him the more attractive he became. I found myself thinking about him while I masturbated. My fantasy of him was heightened by seeing him doing yard work with his shirt off. He was thin and cut and, as the summer carried on his tan was becoming well formed. The first time I could tell he wanted me was when I...

First Time
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Alone Time

Trina woke from her light drowse when Eric came to bed, but didn't stir. The gentle sway of the mattress when he sank down onto it did little more than jostle her. Almost absently, he touched her in the small of her back, over her nightgown, and trailed his fingers down past her hip, beyond the hem mid-thigh, and behind her bare knee. It tickled, but she didn't want to make love, didn't really want him on top of her or inside her. She loved Eric dearly, but it was a mood thing, sometimes, when...

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Sexual War with a Chinese Client

Hello my fellow boys, girls, men and women reading sex stories.I just completed my college and waiting for my offer letter for software company .I stay in rented home .trying for other jobs too and updating my technical skills too .I stay with another friend of mine too .we stay in lower part of home .our house owner in the top floor.I look good ,fit body with no tummy ,wealthy family and fair ,had my own vehicle .had a naughty mind .love pornography a lot ,watching women on road ,massages at...

1 year ago
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My downward spiral to a becoming a slut Chapter 9 Nightmares or reality

Introduction: After surviving her rape and the medical exam at the hospital Tori continues her struggle to grow up. How much had she contributed to her own downfall? What responsibility did she have for the situation she found herself in? The story again returns to erotica as things began to happen to Tori again, but are they reality or nightmares, read on to find out. Sunday morning my mother told me the doctor had called Saturday night and had given her good news about my ribs. I did not have...

4 years ago
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Started with the fact that I went to Ensk.Found housing, people are able to help and all vsyakosti.The girls did a good job and turned me into a very cute and sexy girl. Explained everything to me and from Popular.Went out together to stroll around town, went to a night club of some kind.When they came,the girls don't remember what excuse forced me to approach men sitting on a bench in TRESTA metres from the club. They were adults, sometimes rude and swearing more, I even became as-that not to...

2 years ago
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Strip Searching RebeccaChapter 4 David Is Caught and Confesses

David was worried about Rebecca. She had left Tuesday for Brazil and he had not heard from her since. It was now Thursday, so he decided to fly down to Brazil and see if he could find her before their parents found out on Saturday. David was one year younger than Rebecca. He was over six feet tall and was in great physical shape. He belonged to the high school football team as the starting quarterback. He was very popular in school, especially with the females. While he knew his sister was a...

4 years ago
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A special work relationship

I'm in the staff room, idly leaning against the worktop, scrolling through my phone. You walk in to make a brew and I hear you before I see you, 'Jeez Raquel your bum looks good in them jeans!' I smile coyly, loving your attention 'It looks even better out of them..' I quip back, still not bringing my eyes away from the phone. We'd been flirting for months, but we were both in long term relationships, so had never taken it further. I can feel you close by, standing behind me..almost touching...

1 year ago
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SpoofPorn Alexa Tomas ReXident Evil

Alexa Tomas works for the Favella Corporation, the largerst biochemistry company in the world. A security malfunction caused a tear in the main vault of the lab, releasing several grams of the Zeta virus and turning most of the population into zombies. Alexa’s mission, together with her sidekick Pablo Ferrari, is to exterminate the zombies and to erradicate the virus. But, between battles, there’s always time for a good fuck. One of those unforgettable ones that’s able to...

1 year ago
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My Very Naughty Petite Wife

We met when Fee was 35 and still married, we lived in the same close but were just on good morning terms and the odd chat about mundane things, Fee had to pass my small house every day on her way out and back but at the time I wasn't sure if she was interested, I have always had a thing for petite near flat-chest well educated girls so I started to play her. She commented on my very muscular body and asked how old I was, at the time I was 44 to her 35, she mentioned that she was going through a...

1 year ago
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Chuck A Love Found

Have you ever looked at someone and known instantly that person would change your life forever? It has happened twice to me. The first time it happened as I walked down an airplane exit ramp. I looked at her just as she looked at me, and we knew. That look turned into lunch, and in the end, Kelly and I were together four unforgettable years. Because of her I was a different and better person, but unimaginable circumstances tore us apart. On New Years Eve seven years ago my plane crashed at...

2 years ago
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The Paper Demon Chapter One

Damn it’s hot out here. I hate summer. I would of course live where it never rains or snows. Sun everyday, day in day out. You know it’s really hot when you step outside and it’s so bad it pisses you off. A car drives by, windows down with their music blaring. Thanks jerk-wad for sharing. Damn, what am I doing out here? Clearing my head… I really hate that bitch. Another car drives by, a little too close. A house with a messy yard to the left and the door wide open, a couple arguing...

1 year ago
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The New Secretary

Although I particularly like comments on how wonderful my writing is, I can accept constructive criticism as well. If you want to tell me how great I am, make suggestions for story ideas, or just BS about something contact me at: [email protected] The New Secretary By Amy Brett Chapter 1 THE RUMORS HAD been flying for weeks and everybody was walking on eggshells around the office. I'd always done my job as a high paid clerk in the payroll and records department to the...

3 years ago
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Marathi Madhe Zava Zavi

Mi indian sex stories dot net site khup varsha pasun surf karto. Ani aaj mala Marathi madhe story lihaichi iccha zali. Hee story nahi mazya barobar zaleli khari gostha aahain. Hee story ek prayatna aahain. Mala contact karaila tumhi email karu shakta . Mi Ashish Mumbai javal rahato majha vai 33 aahain, hi gosta 2 varsha aagodar zali aahain. Mi mazya kahi kaama nimeet Pune la gelo hoto. Sarvani mala majhi chulat baheen Usha kade rahaila sangitla. Mag mini tila call kela ani ti pan ho bolali....

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Just Another Day

Its a hot day in Miami. You get out of bed and decide to spend the day reading while basking in the sun. You shower and dress your 5'5" curvy body with D cup breasts. You then make your way to your backyard and lie there with your favourite erotica. But after a few pages you can't go on, you're horny as hell. You haven't had sex in months and now you can't take it anymore. You make up your mind. Today, you will have sex. You could call your best friend, who's a champion boxer in high school...

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Make Me Gay

I've never really had any problems getting laid. Sure, there were girls I really wanted to fuck that wouldn't give me the time of day, but generally I've always gotten a decent amount of pussy. The thing was though, even though I'd had lots of intense, beautiful sex with some pretty hot girls, I have always secretly wanted to suck a guys cock, especially a black guy.I've jerked off while thinking about this for a long, long time. I wanted so badly to kiss a soft dick, feeling it grow hard, and...

2 years ago
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Deva Fucks My Wife

By : Raj Wanna B Cuckold Hi this is Raj please give your feedback at my id A snapshot into the fucking of my wife by Deva (more to come) I was naked by the side of the bed slowly playing with my cock. My wife was on the bed with Deva between her legs. Her cute feet were resting on Deva’s shoulders with her toenails painted a light pastel blue. She was nicely tanned from a recent trip to the beach and that contrasted perfectly against her painted toes. Her heels sat upon his bulging traps,...

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