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First time I saw it I was in the showers after PE. One of the in-crowd girls showed it in an absolute too nonchalant way. Then again, how else could she show it, being so obvious to everyone there? She was the first one ever that I saw with such an obvious display.

I remember not being shocked or surprised but merely intrigued, interested. Why would anyone make a choice to do that and in that way. It was obvious to the world and a permanent reminder to the person involved. Still I dare not ask. I was not in one of the lower groups like the geeks or the nerds, but I was not one of the top girls either.

A few months later I noticed the first girl was not the only one anymore. More girls from the in crowd, known as the clique, displayed themselves even going further. They were a closed group of girls speaking amongst each other and they were the top loveliest girls in the school. Gorgeous and belonging to the peer group I myself desperately wanted to belong to.

I was intrigued and so immensely eager to know what was behind it all, that I had to ask. I admit that I am a nosy girl and maybe too nosy for my own good, but the suspense was killing me.

In the past few months I had raised up the ladder enough to speak to one of the new girls, but her answer was even more intriguing than the question.

"I'm not at liberty to tell. If you really, really want to know, you will have to ask Johnny Severus", was all she could tell me. I was even more astounded. Ask Johnny? What would a man know about this? And why the big secret? There was more to this and I have said before that I am really nosy and curious so I asked her again, pleaded even to get the answer.

But she insisted and looked me over. Her gaze wandered all over my naked body, starting at the top with my long auburn hair that was wet at the present, reaching to the top of my bum. Then into my hazel eyes, framed with long curvy lashes. Then her eyes took in my broad shoulders and went down to my boobs. These are my pride. I'm just 14 but my boobs are really gorgeous. Firm 34B's standing proudly with nipples in the absolute best spot. No sagging tits and no dangling nips. All due to my strict regime of sports and gymnastics. After that her eyes still went down to my furry pussy. Long auburn whisks of curly thick pubes shielding my pussy from view. I loved my pubes and was proud to have entered womanhood visibly. I had regular periods for over 3 years already. Last she looked at my legs that were really long. I have perfect measures for modelling, being almost 5'7" and still growing, with legs that are smooth and tall. As a matter of fact I had modelled once with a mailorder company showing bathing suits and children's underwear, but I was 11 at the time.

"Yes why don't you ask Johnny, I am certain that he will be able and willing to tell you all about it. Don't be embarrassed; he isn't".

I was surprised by the reply. Johnny? A guy?

Johnny Severus is the alpha dog and leader of the clique in my high school. You know the type: rich boy, beautiful, captain of the football team. All the girls in school were after him, but he never had a steady date. He always showed up with the most gorgeous girls on his arm, but I don't think he was going steady. All the more reason for all the girls to go chasing after him. And I admit, he gave me butterflies in my stomach too.

On the other hand he was a spoiled brat, having enough money to never have to worry. His mother had died when he was six and his father was a successful business man in cosmetics. Never home but his dad bought him anything he wanted. I guess he had the habit of changing women from his father because his dad changed girls like wet towels.

So you can imagine that I did not run to Johnny, being the 17 year old supremacy that he was.

And yet every time I thought about it it intrigued me more and more and more. The girls I spoke all referred to Johnny, so he was the only one that could free me of my now overwhelming curiosity. It was eating me alive by now.

So one Monday I couldn't take it anymore and I saw Johnny sitting on the lawn in front of the school all alone, which was a miracle. Johnny never was alone, always being surrounded by eager girls or jocks from his clique.

I knew this was meant to be, my window of opportunity. So I went.

"Hi Johnny", I started.

He was reading some book and when he looked up his gaze went over my body down and up and down.

"Who are you?" he asked me in his normal superior way. His tone implying that I was not worth knowing, a junior that you don't want to touch.

"Uhhmm I'm Giselle Damper. I... I... I'm a junior here and uuuhmmm..."

"Ah you are Dan's little sister. Why would I want to speak to you?" He intervened.

"I... Uhhm I only want to know something and they tell me only you have the answer."

"What then?" he asked in that patronising tone of his, sounding bored and unpleasantly interrupted.

"Well some girls in the shower, uhhm well when I can see them, you know..."

"Silence!" he came back to me, stopping me abruptly and rudely. "I understand. Is that all you want to ask me?"

"Uhhmm well maybe you can tall me how to get in the top clique too?" I was almost too afraid to ask, but I decided that I would make the most out of this unexpected chance.

"Do you really want to know, or are you just curious?" he said to me.

"Well Johnny I really want to know because you see..."

"I don't have to see. If you really want to know, I won't tell you. I'll show you. But you must do as I say, all I say, whenever I say and not tell anybody about it. Can you do that?"

I was excited that I was talking to Johnny, THE Johnny and that he would include me in the secret that it had become by now.

So I easily complied. "Yes Johnny I can, I will do anything you say, whenever you say. Please tell me Johnny." Yes I would comply. I mean, how bad could he be for a 14 year old girl?

"Okay then. If you say that you will do anything I say for the next two weeks I will reveal it all to you at my birthday party on Saturday in two weeks. If you comply you are hereby invited and it will mean that you will come to belong to the clique, IF you do exactly as I tell you. The whole in-crowd will be there and I will reveal all to you then. Am I clear?"

Oh boy I would belong to the clique. Belong to the most popular bunch of kids in school and be at the best parties, sit in the best benches at lunch and get the best chances in connections. This was more then I ever expected!

"Yes Johnny I understand."

"First thing you must do is lose the bra."

I was too happy that I was invited to the most important party of town: my entrée into the top peer group and that he would reveal the secret to me to immediately understand what he said just then.

"Bad start little girl. I thought you would do what I said whenever I said. Maybe you are not that worthy after all. Why do I have to repeat myself then?"

"Do you mean now and here?" I asked him in a hushed tone, although nobody was near enough to hear.


Boy this was turning some unexpected way fast. I was wearing a loose white blouse, with large oversized arms. I quickly undid my bra at the back and shimmied out of them without taking off my blouse.

"Hand them over."

I stepped closer so that I could give him my white lacy bra without being too obvious. When I reached out to hand it over though, he pulled back a bit and it the bra unfolded fully in my hand, making it totally obvious to anyone looking that I handed over a bra.

"As a punishment you will not wear a bra or tit support at all until my birthday. That includes bikini tops. If you don't obey you will not be introduced and you will not know. One more time of not obeying me gets you out.

"Also in the next two weeks you will sunbathe every day in the nude. You will have no tanning lines, whatsoever and that is a concrete rule. Also you will visit Madame Erika, the beauty parlour and ask for a Johnny makeover. This you will do as soon as possible. And I really mean soon.

"Here are the dressing rules: only wear tight halter tops and skirts that reach to mid thigh, max. No blouses or pants anymore. Sleep in the nude to get acquainted with nudity. Better still: from 10 pm till 7 am you will be nude always.

"Your brother applied for membership too. I think the Dampers might both get lucky if they both obey.

"Now piss off, I'm studying here."

I went away flabbergasted. I left my bra in his hands and he embarrassed me in front of the whole on looking school. I knew word would go around like a burning fire and I held my arms close to my body so that nobody could look along my arms to see my tits with the erect nipples. Wait a sec, erect nipples? This was summer?

All day long I wondered if it was worth the trouble, but then I noticed that all THE clique girls from PE gave me cheerful glances and encouraging nods. I was right: everybody knew, but even more, these girls approved! I was going to THE most important high school social event in town. Yes it would be worth it. And what could go wrong anyway? If things went too far I could always stop, couldn't I?

As soon as I got home I took the yellow pages to make an appointment with Madame Erika. She was not surprised and told me in a dull voice to come over at one the next day and bring $ 200, -.

The money was not too big a problem being the daughter of a bank director and well off in the money department. One o'clock was. I had English at that time and after that a double lesson math.

I took the appointment remembering the stern voice Johnny had used that day telling me ASAP and his promise that I would be out if I refused an order again.

Next morning in school I saw Johnny in the hallway and he beckoned me over with his finger. Of course he was surrounded by his friends and peer group, as usual.

"Come over here Giselle. Have you obeyed me as instructed?"

"I have Johnny."

"Are you wearing a bra right now Giselle?"

O boy and in front of his whole crowd! He asked me if I was topless in front of all his peers and there must have been 10 guys there! But I had to answer promptly to his question. I remembered: anything he said, whenever he said it.

"No Johnny, I'm not wearing a bra."

"Prove that to me. Lift your top."

Today I was wearing a red top, much tighter than the blouse from yesterday.

I lifted my top exposing my boobs in front of his eyes. He could see all of my breasts and my nipples standing proudly.

"Keep your top up and show it to my witness behind you," Johnny said.

In the process of turning of course everybody present had a peek at my boobs. When the "witness" had seen the proof of me not wearing a bra, I had to turn back around but the other way. This way everybody had had a peek.

"Well done, precious. You can redress now. Keep this up. Have you made the appointment?"

"I have Johnny, but it is at one this afternoon and I have to skip classes, so I thought..."

"You don't think. That's my job. It is not my problem that you have to skip classes. Do as I tell, is all I ask. How about tanning?"

I had a problem there. I didn't know anyplace where I could sunbathe in the nude. At home in the garden along the poolside my brother would surely see and make dumb remarks, or my mom would start asking questions. So I used the tanning light my mom used in wintertime to keep up her tan.

"Nice thought, but that won't do precious. Lights give an unnatural tan. Find a way. Maybe try the beach at Hammerhead?"

I had no idea of what he was talking about, but I stored the name in my mind.

Then he surprised me even more with his next order: "Lift your skirt."

Again in my mind I was stunned by his command, but again also I remembered the social perks it would get me in the end and I remembered putting on thick cotton panties this morning because my skirt only reached till mid thigh. Also my period was due and I would soon be wearing sanitary napkins. So it was a sane thing to wear.

So I lifted the tight short darkblue skirt to reveal my undies. I felt the blood rush to my head in shame as all guys were gawking at my panties. Lucky for me the circle of onlookers was tight, so nobody else in the hall had a view of my knickers.

"Oh God this is horrible. Whoever wears these things anymore? White cotton undies? And you seriously think I will let you in on the most popular crowd without you even knowing what is hip? From now on you will only wear thongs, the stringy type. And when I say from now on I mean from NOW on. Take these off! Quick!"

I lowered my skirt and took off my panties without revealing myself. Then I handed over my panties to Johnny.

"I don't want those awful things. Throw them away! In fact, you will dispose of all your panties when you get home and in future only wear string thongs. Is that understood? I'll have Dan check your drawers. You still have a lot to learn in two weeks girl. God, I thought that at least you knew about thongs."

And with that he walked off to his class taking his clique with him.

I was really embarrassed that he had shown me to his friends. I had gone topless before on the beach in Europe, but not one single girl wears tops over there. Mom and I simply adjusted. I remember the stealthy looks from Dan and dad. Still there it was by choice and in the right setting. Here in the hallway it most certainly was not!

And I had shown my underwear! God who would have thought that! As I thought about me showing my panties I remembered that I was even worse off. By not wearing them at all! I wore four pieces of clothing en two of them were shoes!

For the remainder of the morning I held my legs tight against each other. Not giving anyone the opportunity to see my bare hairy pussy.

Right after history I had to run to Madame Erika for my make up session. I had the address from the yellow pages, but it was in a part of town where I never had been before. It was the shady part of town and I was glad that is was bright daylight. I saw some peepshows and Adult movie theatres on the road over. Also there were a lot of porn shops. I saw things on the pictures in the windows outside that my protected upbringing would never had shown a fourteen year old virgin. I must admit that I was intrigued, but I had Madame on my mind.

I was precisely on time for the appointment. Madame Erika asked me to sit in an old barber chair. Erika was a nice lady of about forty. She was peaceful and assuring. She gave me tea in the backside treatment room and asked me what Johnny had said to me and done to me.

I told her about the Johnny Makeover and the bra and the panties and the tanning and the party in two weeks.

Erika was not surprised. "I know what he wants. We have an arrangement. I will let Gloria, my assistant, buy you some thongs of the kind he likes. Also Gloria will buy you shoes that you have to learn walking on. They are high spiked and you better learn or make a fool out of yourself. We will start with the makeover. Before we start I want written consent from you that the whole procedure is with your full approval. The procedure consists of facial and body treatment. That means we will scrub, clean, remove blemishes and restyle your face. You are really beautiful, so we won't need much remodelling. If you are not allowed to have any tan lines, how will you get by your pubes blocking the sun? They'll have to be trimmed at least."

Geeezz. I had not thought about that at all. I told you I was proud of my pubes and did not ever want to have them gone.

Erika thought that in two weeks the trimmed hairs would have returned quite some bit and suggested we trim them short. I agreed but with great reluctance. Softly Erika reminded me that I had no say in what she would do to me whatsoever, and to simply accept it. She had to report any hesitation to Johnny. She asked for my approval to all she would undertake today and handed me a form. I trusted her and signed without reading it.

Then Erika had me take off my top and skirt, effectively undressing me totally. She just raised an eyebrow and started work on my face. She scrubbed the skin, removed unclear skin and then epilated my eyebrows. I had never done that before. She used wax and it stung quite a bit, but it was over in a sec. After that she dyed my brows and lashes.

While keeping my eyes closed to let the dye do its work, I heard the buzzing sound of an electrical machine. Erika told me to keep my eyes shut and that is would sting a bit. I thought she used some cleaning device for micro treatment. It sure did sting! All over the length of my eyelids it stung when she took the machine over it. Then the same feeling went over my lips. All around the edge of my lips and on some parts of my mouth itself. It really hurt there. Then she applied lipstick.

Erika said that the face was okay for now, but that I had to return in two weeks, just before the party, to touch up.

Then she took a piercing gun in her hands. She took both my ears, cleaned them with ether or alcohol and shot two gold rings through them. I protested before the piercing ordeal, but Erika threatened to tell Johnny or apply an extra piercing if I kept that up so I stopped. After the ears she prepared to put a barbell through the top of my bellybutton. And I couldn't stop myself and protested. I remembered that she had to report to Johnny too late.

"I did warn you stupid girl. Now I have to give you an extra piercing. I would almost have been finished by now."

Indeed Erika went on with the navel piercing and put the needle between two tweezers through the top of my belly button.

"I shall spare you the pain of some piercings on obvious or touchy places. I shall pierce the tongue."

I almost cried out again, but a look from Erika stopped me just in time. She pulled out my tongue and used some stuff to make me feel it less. Then after careful placement she put the needle through and I cried out in pain. Erika was good. She applied the barbell and the piercing would not show in daily life.

"You will make some boy really happy with that," she said with a smirk. I didn't understand her.

Well piercings can be removed I thought and I had wanted earrings all my life. It was not as if this was permanent. Mom was against it: it would destroy acupuncture spots.

Erika declared the procedure complete and asked Gloria to show her buys of this afternoon.

Gloria had been shopping for thongs and she came back with 6 pairs she hadn't shown me yet. She also bought the shoes. Gloria would trim my pussy. She explained to me that it was daily work for her to do this and not to be embarrassed. I was naked except for the three piercings and embarrassed as hell to let anybody else touch my pussy, I can tell you that. She was surprised that I wore no underwear seeing me the first time that day.

Then she put me on the edge of the chair, laying back comfortably. She clipped and trimmed the long hairs with scissors. Then she asked me to stand up and raise my arms to remove the hair of my armpits. She applied oil instead of foam and explained that it was to prevent razor burn and in growing hairs. Then she took some new disposable razors and my armpits were smooth in a few minutes flat. I not only felt naked after the shaving but I was really naked too.

Then Gloria gave me the shoes. She bought open sandals with heels 4 inches high and sharp as needles.

"Walk on these every chance you get and make yourself comfortable with them."

After Gloria was finished Erika took me to the wall with a large full body sized mirror. I stumbled like a drunk on the high heeled shoes. Only then did she let me look into a mirror for the first time that afternoon.

I have never been so horrified in my life looking at myself!

I looked like a whore. My brows were shaped perfectly. Beautiful arches over my eyes, enhancing the gaze from my hazel eyes. My lashes were colored black and standing full in the light, my skin was pure and softly shining like silk, but the rest of my face...

My eyelids were puffy and red. Erika told me she had tattooed my eyelids and lips. Jesus Christ! For the rest of my natural life the eyes would not be without a black stripe just at the bottom of the lids. Many women just applied that with eye liner, but poor Giselle was marked for life.

My mouth was shaped with a definite line around the lips. She had used some bright red color around my lips and she had shaped the lips more roundly. I had thick lips from the tattooing procedure and from the shape itself. They just looked like I was in for anything, pouting.

Then looking down I could see my puffy pussy lips dangling under my body. The lips were protruded and I saw myself like a 10 year old again. With almost no pussy hair.

On my feet were the 4 inch high heels. I was still working on my balance but it looked like my legs were long towers of flesh. The shoes were beautiful and made me look like 19 years old at least. I saw these kind of women on the street outside. Erika made me look like a whore.

I started crying but I knew there was no way back. I was tattooed for eternity and I was totally in the power of Johnny. I knew after being marked like this and coming so far I could not refuse him anything in the future.

Erika declared I was done for the day. She advised me to buy an ice cream to soothe the pain on my lips and to stop the swelling. The tattoo was not like putting dragons on somebody's arms. Erika used a much finer needle and this skin did not need deep penetration to stick. She expected that by tomorrow the swelling would almost not be visible.

I did not want to go home and face my parents so I asked Erika where I could sunbathe in the nude. Lucky for me she knew of a small secluded beach not far from the parlour. Many movie stars from Los Angeles go there to get a full tan, she explained. Well they would, our town being a suburb of Los Angeles.

Then Gloria showed me the thongs. One was even smaller then the next one! Gloria said this was what Johnny wanted. All of them were nothing more then strings through the butt and some square inches of cloth on the pussy only, not even that much on the vulva. Also the fabric was so sheer that it clung to the skin and showed everything by looking through it or by the shape it took on. I chose a black lacy thong to put on and paid Erika.

After that I headed to the beach, wobbling dangerously on my new high heels. Needless to say I cried all afternoon.

I didn't see Johnny for a few days. My face had taken on its original shape the next day. Mom and dad went ballistic over my change telling that I was too young to make permanent decisions like that and and and. But in the end there was nothing they could do. I soon realised that I was doomed to wear lipstick all the time for the rest of my life, because otherwise people could see the distinction between the tattooed lip outline and the natural one. Erika had used some bright red color and I was destined to use bright colors.

One problem came when my period started the day after the treatment. I couldn't wear napkins in my thongs, so I bought tampons. My pussy was tight but I managed to get them in. Also I had to get used to a string in my butt. My asshole was not used to having something against is and I plucked the whole first day getting my string out. By the second day I was more used to it and after the third day I loved the way they felt or better put, the way I never felt I anything. When I got home I started going through my drawer with panties. There were some that were to beautiful to throw away and I put them to the side. At hat moment Dan entered my bedroom and asked what I was doing.

"I'm just going through some old stuff. I need some new clothes so I'm just scanning my wardrobe." I said wishing him away.

But Dan came closer.

"You know I have orders to help you get rid of your old underwear. So give."

His big hands took all I had in the drawer. Gone were my panties, even the silk ones I got last Christmas. But he also took my body stockings. They had more cloth in the gusset than allowed, so they had to go. Dan threw them in a bag. I was devastated but I understood that he did that on orders from Dan. So I thought lets get it over with. I gave him my cotton bra's too, leaving me with the lacy ones. A big cotton bra is no match with thongs are they?

The piercings were no bother at all. Sure they hurt, but Erika gave me a bottle of antiseptic stuff that I applied and the wounds healed beautifully. My tongue piercing was placed perfectly. Even mom and dad didn't see the thing ever. No ticking against my teeth and no hissing in my speech. It took some time getting used to while eating, but the barbell was not that long and it was not in the way much.

My classmates gave me the third degree on what and why, but I kept my mouth shut. I told them if they wanted to I could refer them to a parlour. But I think for these fourteen year olds that went too far. As it had for me to be honest. My friend Barbara was more perceptive than the others.

"You are trying to get in the clique huh? Do you know what they do with each other on their parties and weekends? Do you? Sex. That's what. You better think Giselle."

Yes I heard the rumours too and I thought that it made the deal the more interesting. At the same moment I suspected that little 14 year olds aren't mature enough for that so they wouldn't, would they?

I only now noticed that the other girls were treated the same way I was. I recognised the tattooing on their faces too. With some more than with others, but recognisable. I knew now why they all had these piercings. Still, these girls...

In the week following Johnny beckoned me to him again. We were alone in a quiet part of the school, in a small hallway leading to the sport fields.

"Hi precious. Have you been keeping to the orders I gave you?" he asked me.

"Yes Johnny, I have done everything that you have asked me," I said proudly, because I had.

"Prove it to me. Take of your top and skirt."

By now I knew better than to discuss an order, so I quickly took of my top and skirt. The thongs I had on were really tiny and the tiny cloth and string more than once slipped between my pussylips.

I stood before Johnny in nothing than my tiny thong and the three piercings. Waiting demurely for his approval.

"Hold your arms up and spread your legs two feet. I want to check for tanning lines."

His face was almost on my skin when he gave me the once over. He pulled down the thong some to check for tanning lines. But I had been careful. I had turned every few minutes and I had tanned evenly all over. I had taken the bus and walked to the beach every day. This way I could practise walking the high heeled shoes and get a tan. I studied at the beach so I could make full use of the sun time. On the nude beach I was not the only one with an almost bare crotch. I had played volleyball with a bunch of regulars and I noticed that even some guys had bare cocks and balls I noticed.

Then he checked the face. I heard him making approving sounds and that made me happy. Approval of this really hard to please kid.

"You're doing fine. Keep this up and you will blend in perfectly with the top clique. I see you trimmed your cunt to tan better too. Perfect.

New instructions for you: make an appointment with Madame Erika for Friday so she can touch up. I'll leave orders for her.

You will do fine this Saturday. Wear a tight one piece dress. Erika will know. Now get lost."

Fortunately Erika had scheduled in my appointment already expecting the return. Sadly again at one in the afternoon, so I had to skip some classes again.

When I entered the parlour, wearing my high heels as usual outside school, Erika was pleased to see me.

"I see you are getting used to the shoes?"

"Yes Erika, I wear them whenever I can. I keep them in my bag at all times and out of school I practise walking on them. I even once almost missed the bus and I had to run to get it. I tell you I can even run on these babies!"

She let me wash my face to get rid of any outside dirt and make up for the facial. Then she asked me how I was. Of course I had to tell her my parents were outraged and my girl friends were curious.

Again Erika told me she had had instructions from Johnny and I had to sign a consent form. She told me nothing bad would be done to me so again I signed.

Then she had me undress myself totally and sit in the chair.

She scrubbed and massaged my face again and touched up the eyebrows with tweezers. Then she switched on the tattooing machine. I started to tell her that nothing more should be done, but she shushed me.

"You know that you have no say in it and that I will have to tell Johnny if you don't obey. So be still and lay back."

I was really frightened that she would tattoo whatever on my body. But she was good. She reapplied ink to my eye lids making them blacker but not expanding the zone. Then she switched needles and reapplied the lip work. This time she applied some more color on the lips themselves, but the shape stayed the same. Then she touched up some freckles with skin toned dye.

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Joyce knocked on the door of Lady Anne’s bedroom. She waited and knocked again. She opened the door and looked in. The bed was not only empty; it was undisturbed, and there was no candlestick on the night stand. She walked down to where Samuel was outside an equally unresponsive door. “You had better allow me,” she said. She tried Lord Lionel’s door, but it was locked. She and Samuel exchanged knowing grins. “Well, I shan’t let the tea go to waste,” she said. She drank it down. “I think...

2 years ago
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The two succulent cunts lightly touched in a gentle cunt kiss, then separated. The initial kiss was tentative. It was the first full pussy to pussy contact between these two beautiful women. Both cunts were full lipped, shaved and had been lightly lubricated for this highly anticipated encounter. Two luscious cunts that had, for several months, been on a collision course. Tonight, they would clash. Tonight, these two well endowed pussies would finally square off in the flesh. Two beautiful...

2 years ago
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Seal Tod Kar Pregnant Kiya

Hello indian sex stories dot net readers, I am rehan from mumbai. Hot and handsome guy with the size of 6 inch long and 5 inch thick. Coming to my girlfriend her name is zoya and she is beautiful and sexy with the figure of 34 28 34. Story 2 mahine pehle ki hai jab mai zoya se first mila tha aur wo mujhe pasand aa gayi to maine use propose kar diya aur usne haa bhi bol diya to mai khush ho gaya. Fir hum roz milne lage aur dheere dheere ek dusre ke bohat close ho gaye. Waise to humdono ke beech...

3 years ago
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Seal the DealChapter 2

I didn’t have long to wait. It seemed like only moments later that I was facing an arc of monster dogs or wolves. Hell, I couldn’t tell the difference by just looking at them, and I really didn’t think that it made any difference. All I could say for sure was that I believed that the creatures were going to kill me if I gave them the chance. All of the creatures were larger than the largest dog that I had ever seen. Based on what I had seen on TV, they were larger than dire wolves. Well, I...

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Seal the DealChapter 4

The scooters required some minimal service because we had been a bit rough with them yesterday. There was nothing seriously wrong, but the track did need some adjustment because we had hit some tree roots a bit harder than was prudent. Hopefully, we will do a better job of driving today. Today was something of a repeat of yesterday in that we were going to check out the rest of the registered campers to make sure they had made it through the night in good shape. If we had time, we were also...

2 years ago
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Seal the DealChapter 5

I found out about all of this much after it happened: The US ambassador to North Korea made an appointment with a high ranking official at the North Korean “palace.” “Sir, we have recently discovered that your country is behind the sudden appearance of werewolves in North America. This is an unforgivable action on the part of North Korea, and it must stop immediately! “My country considers it an act of war, and will respond vigorously if it happens again. Your government must know that the...

2 years ago
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Sealed Fate

Liuzhou Intermediate People's Court pronounced its verdict, the two were guilty of intentional homicide, the defendant Lu Yuqiao (female) was sentenced to death. He Zhikun also received the death sentence and was carried out a week later. Lu yuqiao would try to appeal her death sentence. A few weeks later Yuqiao’s mouth closed over my penis and the sensation made it go erect immediately. Opening my eyes I make direct eye contact with this beautiful you woman whose sucking my dick. She only...

2 years ago
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Sealed Like Envelopes

Adele was bored. She lay on her stomach on top of her bed, swinging her feet above her head, desperately tried to find a new way to amuse herself. Unfortunately, there was nothing to do. She had already checked her email twice, written in her journal, and stared at the ceiling for too long than she cared to think about. She had entertained the thought of a morning run but seeing snow fluttering out the window, had given up that idea. She was in the final week of her politically-correct Winter...

3 years ago
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It had finally warmed up. Winter’s tail had hung on with a tenacious grip all through April, and only finally surrendered to spring two weeks into May. Under normal circumstances, the odd weather would have gotten quite a bit of play in the news. It was barely a blip on the radar with a pandemic and a worldwide lock-down taking up every second. Stephanie had been awake for about a half hour, and much like winter, had only surrendered to the day when she couldn’t force herself back to sleep....

2 years ago
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Sealed shut

Daddy is home and I couldn't be more happy. We don't want to leave each others side and we walk hand in hand everywhere we go. I had a special night planned for daddy but he was a little grumpy because I didn't tell him what was to come. We got dressed up, looking so good. We jumped into his SUV headed out to start our night of excitement. As we pull into a residential area he asks where we are and what are we doing here. He said you know I am not to fond of mingling Much. lol I know baby but...

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Sealed the Kiss

Hannah woke up to another warm, lazy day. The night before had been so hot, almost 90 degrees, and her air conditioner was broken, so she found herself, once again, grateful for living so far from everyone. She lived so far out in the Florida plains that, on days like this, it was absolutely okay for her to sleep and even walk around naked. Since she wasnt expecting anyone to show up around her house any time soon, she slipped out from under the thin sheet covering her slim figure and went to...

2 years ago
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Sealed With A Lick

The frail, skinny boy who sat sleepy-eyed on the bed before me gingerly pulled the hem of his bright orange top an inch or so lower to cover the lean, white meat of his belly. His long, shaven legs dangled in opposite directions off the foot of the bed. He wore striped knee socks, navy blue and red, one or two bare toes peeking through the fabric. There were holes in his panties, as well, which were stretched thinly over his frail pelvic bone to the point of tearing. They must have been second...

3 years ago
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Future mother in law approval

It was a warm Sunday afternoon and Mandy was getting ready for her night out with John, John had been asking Mandy out for some time and decided she had made him beg enough, to go on a date. As she got undressed she looked at herself in the long mirror in her bedroom, Mandy was 19yrs old and worked as a beauty consultant in a huge department store in the city, she lived at home with her parents Alan and Dula as well as her brothers Andrew and Carl, Mandy had a younger sister Stacey who was 17...

2 years ago
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Submitted for Approval

"Miss Mishra, can you come into my office right away, and bring the Premier files with you." This was the call that Kavita had been waiting for. She pressed the intercom on her desk. "I'll be right in, sir," she told the man. Kavita picked up the papers and headed to the office. She stopped briefly to knock on the door and then when she heard her boss tell her to enter, she pushed her way in. The man looked up the young account executive. "I only have about fifteen minutes," he told...

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With Hubbys Approval

I used to spend a lot of time on the computer in our house because of work. But as my son Nikhil started growing up, he started getting interested in the computer too. Initially, he would wait patiently, but grudgingly for me to finish with the computer, before he could start working on it. But by the time he became 16 years old, he became more demanding. And kept saying that he needed the computer more than me, as he had to use it to discuss his school homework with his classmates over the...

2 years ago
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A New BeginningChapter 14 Approval

I had indeed been thinking about it, wondering how I might eventually work things around to include Steven. What happened between mother and I, had merely escalated the need to. The opportunity to do so however likewise presented itself with plans already being made the day before. Steven was planning on doing a simple barbeque out on the new patio so that he could break in the brand new barbeque he'd just purchased. After which, we had all been planning to spend some time relaxing, soaking...

3 years ago
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Sealing her addiction to him

"James, come downstairs please," I hear Cynthia call out to me from the landing.As I make my way downstairs, I see her waiting for me in the living room, sitting on the couch with one leg crossed over the other. She's wearing a tight pair of ripped blue jeans and a white t-shirt."Have a seat, sweetie. I need to talk to you about something," she says cheerfully."Alright," I reply, a little apprehensive."So, about yesterday," she starts. "It was really fun and was, well, amazing, but I...

3 years ago
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Sealing the Deal

I flew into the capital city late on a Monday afternoon in preparation for an important business investment meeting on Tuesday morning. I was about to sign an agreement with a small company that would add millions of dollars of value to my company. I had played my cards close to my chest, meaning that I still had them guessing whether a deal would be signed at all. I had decided to sign the deal with very favourable terms for both of us. I had checked into my hotel when I received a call from...

4 years ago
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Sealed With a Kiss

The hot water felt wonderful as Tina eased into the bathtub. Relaxing and leaning against the wall letting the hot water ease her tired muscles. Closing her eyes and letting the hot bath works its magic Tina let her mind wonder. Mentally going thru the list of things she wanted done before Rich arrived for the weekend. It was not often they had a whole weekend together and she wanted it to be perfect. Tina woke with a start. She must have dosed for a minute. Sitting up she reached for her...

4 years ago
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Sealed with a Kiss Ch 01

This is my first medieval story, well actually this is my first story period. Haha, I knew I can’t write. ???? But please if there is anyone who wants to help me edit please, I will love it and I will always be in your debt! – Satisfy ————— The sun reflects itself down at the pond, around it the sounds of a bird singing its’ favorite melody. The skies seem clear blue, and the clouds looks as if it was nothing but a fluffy pillow. The grass is greener than ever and the sounds of the horse that...

2 years ago
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Sealed Like Envelopes Ch 02

Hearing the bell ring, Adele teetered precariously on her heels to the front door. She had barely touched the handle when the door swung open, expelling an exuberant Laura. Laura and Adele had been friends since the second grade, when they shared a locker in Mrs. Kern’s class. They were closer than most sisters, though they looked nothing alike. While Adele was tallish with long, brown hair, Laura was petite with short, wild blonde hair and the personality to match. ‘So, do you like?’ asked...

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Sealed Like Envelopes Ch 03

The sun was shining through gaps in the puffy snow clouds, throwing the white world into a swirl of white and gray, speckled with the green of mountain pine. Adele puffed her breath and giggled when it condensed into a small cloud in front of her face. It was the day after the diner fiasco and Travis had driven Adele to the park where they used to do their homework together after school. The park was small and secluded within a residential neighborhood. There were two swings, a slide, a...

1 year ago
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Sealed Deal Part 3

"So, Myra," Kendra asked, "What makes you think you would be perfect for this job?" "Well," Myra stood up and untied her wrap dress at the waist and let it fall, revealing her naked body. She wore no bra or underwear. "I have a great body and a . I'm also told twins run in my family." "Okay. So far, so good!" Kendra touched her belly as she could feel Raj's 5 month fetus moving in her stomach. "Are you up for an audition today, Myra?" "Oh yes, Ma'am, I am." Myra sat with her legs slightly...

1 year ago
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Sealed Deal Part 2

"What the hell IS this???" Henry asked. "Hi, there, Henry." Kendra stuttered as he continued towards she and Raj. When he was right in front of her, he moved her hands from covering her breasts and eyed her naked body up and down. She could see the bulge in his pants as he said, "I could fire you for this you know." "Oh but Henry, we were just having a little fun," Kendra said, her eyes wide and innocent. Her hand went town to his crotch and she rubbed her body against him. "Raj was just...

1 year ago
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Sealed Deal

Kendra sighed as she unlocked the door to the model home she was hosting for an open house that day. She glanced around the million dollar house and up at the twenty foot cathedral ceiling in the entry way. She was feeling a little antsy as she made her way through the house turning on the lights. Her eyes skimmed across the expensive bed spread on a high victorian style bed with posts that nearly reached the ceiling. The things she could do in that bed, if she didn't have people coming through...

2 years ago
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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 26 Parental Disapproval

The rest of the night was not very exciting. Lenore was inside the restaurant for at least ten minutes. We sat quietly while we listened to the cries of anger coming from within the restaurant. The patio was not an exit, so we saw no other customers except the two women who had collapsed out on the patio shortly after the barrier had been removed. What we could hear made it clear that several married women had tried unsuccessfully to be picked up, and their husbands were not pleased. Lenore...

3 years ago
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Fuck My Arabian Slut Wife Chapter III Nescafe Goes Wild In America And Hubby Approves

ChapterIII Nescafe Goes Wild In America And Hubby Approves. (Interracial, MMM……F, DP, BBC, BJ, Anal, Slut Wife, Cuckold) Introduction : My name is Aziz, I am a 45 years old businessman from Casablanca. My wife Nescafe (that’s her nickname), is 15 years younger than me. She is a very tall (almost 6’) and very sexy babe with the most perfect body you could ever imagine! She‘s got the most perfect boobs, a small waist, large sexy hips, and the biggest booty in town. With the purest and...

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Fuck My Arabian Slut Wife Chapter III Nescafe Goes Wild In America And Hubby Approves

ChapterIII Nescafe Goes Wild In America And Hubby Approves. (Interracial, MMM……F, DP, BBC, BJ, Anal, Slut Wife, Cuckold) Introduction : My name is Aziz; I am a 45 years old businessman from Casablanca. My wife Nescafe (that’s her nickname), is 15 years younger than me. She is a very tall (almost 6’) and very sexy babe with the most perfect body you could ever imagine! She‘s got the most perfect boobs, a small waist, large sexy hips, and the biggest booty in town. With the purest...

3 years ago
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Sister Wouldnt Approve

Taking a deep breath, I let myself in with a roguish smile breaking out on my face. Once inside, I know the drill: slip the key and twist a half-turn into the keyhole - little assurance. I rush upstairs and look around the room, a loud sigh escaping my lips. Here I am again! It's not like it's an alien landscape because I've spent a lot of time in my sister's flat lately.Given that she's an essential worker, she's out all day, so she's offered me her house to use whenever I need it as a...

4 years ago
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Twelve CondomsCondom 11 Vicky Brother Approved

After his ‘discovery’ at the at the college fundraiser Sam had decided to lay low for a few weeks. He counted himself extremely lucky the police hadn’t kicked in his door in the wake of that debacle. Secure in his own home Sam found the confidence to return to his voyeuristic hobby. Peeking through his window blinds Sam had to admit pickings in the complex were getting slim. Below him eighteen year old Hayle Jones walked hand in hand with her new boyfriend. Sam could just make out a slight...

3 years ago
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2014 A 50 Year Sex OdysseyChapter 32 Beautiful Black Hair A Black Car and More

The highlights of Driver Training on this day? ... the section of the Manual covering upkeep of the car, the need for insurance coverage, and other little tidbits ... plus, sarcastic glances exchanged between the little high school "snit" Judy and me ... and of course, further examination of "The Fruits of the Spirit". Certainly Mr. Wilder kept the 90 minutes interesting. All I could think of was edging closer to having a license and "wheels" in my driveway. On Thursday, 20 others and...

3 years ago
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Facing Destiny Pt 2 of 2

Darkniciad melted into the kiss, lost in the feeling of her soft lips. She pressed her body against his and he subconsciously followed her lead when her other hand slipped behind his back. Even as he marveled at the feeling of her tongue slipping into the kiss to tickle his lips, one of his hands curled around her back, and the other settled on the swell of her taut bottom.Destiny moaned, pulling herself even tighter against him. Then, as suddenly as she’d moved in for the kiss, she pulled...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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knocking up jeannette pt 3

The doctor lifter her left leg up toward her chest and fitted her swollen ankle into the stirrup, then he walked to the other side of the maternity bed and manouvred her right leg with a shove into its stirrup so that she sat only slightly reclined from the upright position, her pregnant belly protruding to touch the insides of her thick, muscular thighs, and her moist pink vagina exposed and open between her splayed legs. Jeanette's pregnancy bump was a sea of stretch marks and she was very...

3 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 2

When you’ve died a lot, you get almost accustomed to waking up in some other body, in another place and at a different time. I KNEW it was me in the body lying on that hospital bed, but I also knew everything else was not me. Rather than babble something that would define me as mentally suspect, I shut my mouth and opened my eyes and ears. My head was full of all kinds of extra information that had no anchor. It was just there. For instance, I knew that the lovely woman smiling down at me...

1 year ago
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For The Manor Born

The day was muggy and hot, midsummer and the sun was beginning to show itself in the sky overhead. I was mucking out the stables and preparing the masters horses for a day of riding with his beautiful lady. It had become almost a tradition over the last few years since they were betrothed on the eve of Erastide . The whole county had come to pay their respects to m’Lady of Edenshire. The old master had really outdone himself with this marriage for not only had he married a beautiful lady of...

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Adventures of Me and Martha JaneChapter 2A

I believe that Martha Jane, like me, was mostly curious at first. And it seems that my surprise and delight at our intimacy was matched only by her own surprise and delight at my enthusiasm and cooperation. But we never mentioned our secret to each other when she visited my Mom, nor when we greeted on the front porch on our way to school in the mornings that followed. Several weeks later, a few days after Christmas, the city was inundated by a heavy winter snow--something Southern cities...

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Adventures of Carl

Carl is a 52 year old black male. He is 5'8 and 155 lbs. He is physically fit runs every day and goes to the gym for at least hour and a half a day. He is also a widow. He married his grade school sweetheart Dawn, and she passed away from cancer. They never had any c***dren, but each had brothers and sisters and viewed their nephews and nieces as their own, there are 8 of them they even set up trust funds for them and college funds as well. They both had excellent paying jobs Dawn was a...

1 year ago
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The Play Room Chapter 3 Counter Moves

Now that he was alone, Kirk was suddenly very conscious of the fact that he was lying on her basement couch totally naked. He felt as weak as a kitten after his earth-shattering climax, but rolled off the couch, grabbed his backpack, and pulled his beach towel out. It was still a bit wet, but cool, which felt good as he wiped the sweat from his face and body. He heard a noise like a door closing from the other room and sat down with the towel covering his groin.Karen reentered the room, still...

First Time
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Camis Captured

“Cami, chill, I’m almost there, Jake called and asked if I could go out for a beer and I fo-” “Chill? You’re fucking telling me to chill? I’ve been waiting here, like a fucking idiot, for almost an hour- and I learn you were having a beer? Shit, Nick, I thought you quit drinking.” “No, I quit being a fucking alcoholic.” Nick said, obviously more than annoyed. Cami heard him mutter ‘bitch’. “You know what? Don’t even bother showing up at the party. I’m done with your anger issues. We’re...

4 years ago
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Dad and his Girls

My first attempt at Erotic Fiction. Hopefully the start of a Series of Stories It all began at the start of my Daughters summer holidays. We were a normal family, Me , My wife Alice and My 2 Girls, Demi and Natalie . When I say normal I mean, we both have steady jobs and the girls both do OK at school. We live a comfortable life and none of us really want for anything. But that’s where it all stopped. I first became suspicious of my wife after she started to work late into the evenings and...

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My Wifes CoWorkers Are Making Her Fat

Coworkers Are Making My Girlfriend FatMy wife (then girlfriend) Samantha started at her office as soon as she finished college in her early 20s. She was a shy, thin and genuine girl; a former runner in school, she was by far the youngest and thinnest of all her coworkers. They were 5 married women, all in their forties and ranging from chubby to straight-up fat. She became immediately their "mascot." They would all compete to help her with the new job, make her feel at ease, invite her to...

3 years ago
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I clutched my bag and hopped up onto the teal porch, avoiding the steps. I rang the doorbell frantically, knowing that I was late again. I have always prided myself with how early I was for everything, but over the past few weeks I was a bit scatterbrained and couldn’t show up on time for anything. I could hear the shrill ringing of the doorbell through the oak doors. They were soon accompanied by familiar heavy footsteps that belonged to Carlos who opened the door. “Calm the fuck down, and...

2 years ago
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The Malvika Diaries 8211 Part 2

20th May 2015 : I had a busy day today. The long meeting hours with clients really suck and it sucks more when they are old fellows. I was going to the parking in the basement of my office situated in Bandra when my phone rang. It was Siddhartha, my husband. He told me that his flight had landed safely in Mumbai and he would be home within an hour. One part of me was happy that my hubby was coming home after 4 weeks and the other part was sad because I won’t be able to fuck Ishan till Sid was...

2 years ago
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My Best Friend Mom Ch2

  My name is Tommy and I have a confession. I had sex with my best friend Alex's Mom and I liked it. I am sure she did too because we did it 4 times the night I stayed over there when Alex and his Dad were camping. It's Friday night and we are getting ready for our football game. It's been a week since Laura and I had sex and she is all I can think about. I still can't believe how tight her pussy was. She is a voluptuous woman with very large breasts and a full backside. I think she is sexy...

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Little Baby Girl

Little Baby Girl Ted runs afoul of some ladies when they mistake him for a pedophile. They try to get their revenge. I will let Ted tell it. Peace Belle. I woke up and found I nude and tied to a chair. It was in a basement. The girl that I tried to pick up last night said, "Bagged him good Anne. He is starting to come awake now." Anne said, "Good job Amy. Now we got this pervert, we can treat him for his problem right." I wanted to say something. I did not know what they were...

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As previously reported in Parts One and Two, I had the great good luck to be running an Officers’ Leave Centre in Seoul (senior officers only) and soon after arrival had met Miss Lem, who was operating her School For Homeless Girls, which was actually a thinly disguised bordello. At her invitation I had attended her ‘pleasure palace’ as she unofficially called it, and she had given me a sample of the sexual delights to be had there - for a price. Paying visitors had to fork up lots of...

1 year ago
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Kitten and TeddybearChapter 9 Broken Pieces

Interlude: 25th Anniversary Cindy: The thing to remember about mosaics, is that you start with a lot of broken pieces. Mom says she went dancing to blow off some steam. Dad claims he almost lost Mom, before they got to know each other. Mom does not say Dad is wrong. Whatever Mom did, it was memorable. People still talk about it, though it is rare that anyone connects it to her. Sheila: The session with Mario was a quickly retreating memory. It was time to consider our date. Sean had...

2 years ago
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Friends With My Wifes Panties

It’s been a few weeks now that I have been hosting the Sunday afternoon NFL Football games here my friends and I hang out in the basement. My wife Kristie doesn’t usually mind and sometimes she will even join us. However two weeks ago my wife (who by the way is smoking hot with a killer body) accidently left one of her satin bikini string panties (a dark purple pair) on the bathroom floor just out of plain sight almost behind the hamper.As I picked them up I began to wonder what if someone else...

1 year ago
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StepSecrets Rebecca Volpetti Hot Stepsister

Music is everything to Rebecca. No matter how bad her day is, a good tune always brightens her mood. She had a fantastic day as she had her first choreography class with a new dance crew and she loved it. She has been dreaming about becoming a professional dancer for all her life, even though not everybody in her family supports Rebecca’s passion. Her stepbrother is the worst as his life is all about business and soccer. He has absolutely no appreciation for the performing arts. But even...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Caitlin Bell Hot Latina Caitlin Bell Takes Manuel On A Wild Ride

Blonde Caitlin Bell will make her your ambition when watching this scene from The tasty temptress is outdoors primped in rocking cheetah lingerie with flesh toned nylons. Her tease sequence is a wonderful watch especially when she gets topless, shot on the ground with her legs split or ass pointed to the sky or when she (you get the idea)… Inside Caitlin continues to tantalize on the sofa until a frothing at the mouth Manuel arrives. The couple initiate contact with some...

3 years ago
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Nothing Ventured Nothing Gained

Perhaps I should have posted these in order. This was a response story, written for my friend as a continuation of a story she wrote for me about her self-exploration, in the early days of our M/S relationship. As such, it takes place before the rest of my chronology, and is certainly shorter and a bit more subdued. We were feeling each other out, but it is one of my favorites still.As usual, I do not own the universe of Gor and the characters presented are my...

2 years ago
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Katie is Devious complete

Jackie Meyer was sitting at her computer in her home office. She was a widow of two beautiful daughters. Katie, her oldest, was actually her step daughter. She was 24, and Sarah, the youngest at 18. Jackie had Sarah when she was 16 and still in high school. She was home alone as both of her daughters were out. Katie was away at college and Sarah was with a friend out of town for the weekend. As soon as Sarah had left Jackie turned to start her evening. After dinner her mind wandered back to...

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