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Sitting bolt upright in bed I take deep calming breaths, my knuckles white as I grip the sheets beneath me. Closing my eyes I rock gently, telling myself repeatedly that it's okay. Still, I feel the headache building, threatening to engulf my skull and crush it in a pounding frenzy. 'Not again, ' I whisper as I cup my face to my hands, inhaling deeply as I fight back the tears that are building and stinging my eyes.

It's always the same; over and over I can see the images flickering like I'm reliving a waking nightmare every time I close my eyes. The voices resounding in my head, and that laugh... A shiver charges up my spine as I hear that laugh echoing, bouncing from the deep recesses of my mind. That high pitched, gargling laugh, as though it mocks my fear, thrives and grows stronger as I cry against the agony of its claws as they tear open my flesh. Panic stricken I clench my hands to my back, still feeling the pain yet my skin is intact.

It started a little over a month ago. The dreams. They're so real, so hauntingly real. I can feel the icy touch of its bony fingers touching me, every detail relived over and over again. The stench of its breath still stinging my nostrils as the rancid odor furrows its way inside my nostrils causing me to gag and my eyes to water.

These are more than dreams, they have to be.

I can still taste the bitterness of its breath, the string of saliva swayed, hanging from its trembling gnarling mouth as it stood over me, dripping, burning my tongue as it falls. My mouth open unable to scream, my voice a bare whisper as my throat burns, my lungs heaving against its weight. The sneer as its lip curls revealing its yellow fang like teeth and the stalactite red stains falling from the crimson gums, streaking their way down to the points of its teeth.

I'd only been volunteering at the clinic for a few months when the shipment arrived. The heavily armored vehicle echoed through the vast emptiness of the receiving dock as its reverse beacon sounded, the 'beep beep beep' sounding like it was blasting through a magnitude of speakers.

It had been a slow afternoon, only the Thompson's Siamese cat recovering from the castration surgery to fill a dull void in my day. Cleaning the weeping stitches taking me almost an hour as I pass the time, hoping for an emergency or anything to make this day less dull. Michael, the young trainee had left for the day, so I was left with Dr. Jon Anderson, or Jon, as he likes me to call him. Not that I don't like Jon, I do, it's just that Michael brightens my day in more ways than one, if you know what I mean.

Michael. He's six foot of lean, masculine testosterone that just screams 'sex appeal'. His dark hair and eyes have me spell bound every time I look at him. His smile has me weak at the knees; even the mere thought of his smiling face sends a small quake building deep inside.

When he wears that white coat he looks so distinguished with the stethoscope slung around his neck, the pen and pad obtrusively poking out from his pocket. Even the way he absentmindedly scratches at his neatly trimmed goatee makes me yearn, unable to avert my gaze as he watches Jon intently, occasionally scribbling notes in his pad.

He's in his final year before graduation from veterinarian school, so 'hands on' around the clinic, which I know Jon appreciates, especially during the busy periods. I know I appreciate his hands on approach, but only in my fantasies. I think I'd die of embarrassment if Michael even suspected my desire toward him. My stolen glances and silent sighs have gone unnoticed thus far, and as far as I'm concerned they can stay that way!

Our clinic has been chosen for this shipment because of our isolation cages, and the fact that we operate near the airport. The clinic is prone to accepting many animals destined for quarantine after being discovered in luggage of smugglers from countries known for their rabies and the many varied diseases their beasts seemed to harbor.

This case was no different. As the forklift raises its pronged arms into the pallet, I begin to wonder how anybody could possibly be so cruel to encase any animal as inhumanly. Through the vented wooden box his deep breaths sound ragged, as though he struggles for each and every intake of air. My heart goes out to him. As the box is gently lowered to the ground, we adorn our safety gear. Even after we finish the grueling showers and vigorous scrubbing, it almost seems worth the pain of the relentless brushes, bruising and burning my skin each time an animal survives.

'Clyde' as he is affectionately known, named after the bloodhound that sniffed him out from the millions of cases that went through customs that day, lays still. Still in the zippered case he was discovered in, he stays motionless. The bag raising ever so slowly as he exhales before lowering again, the nylon sucking against the outline of his rounded mouth as he breathes in.

My heart races as we near the crate, bracing myself for what I may see. Animals that have endured as many hours in such a confined space normally don't survive, and those that do are normally so dehydrated and starved of oxygen, their features are sometimes distorted beyond recognition from being bound for so long.

As the truck moves toward the sterilization bay, I spot the man from quarantine for the first time. Lowering his glasses down the bridge of his nose, I feel his eyes gaze upon me. From behind me I can hear the muffled cough of Jon clearing his throat, a silent command known only between he and I of his disapproval at the intrusion from government officials invading his 'home'.

The clinic is more than a home for Jon; he lives and breathes this place. I don't think I've ever seen another individual so totally engrossed in their work. He prides himself in every detail, be it minor or major, things have to be done precisely by the book. Sterility being his main concentration, each of us washing our hands at every available opportunity, abiding ourselves by his rules.

Not such a big deal, I mean he doesn't ask for much. The perks of working for somebody like Jon far outweigh the disadvantages we have to put up with. Looking at my chapped weak fingernails caused by the endless scrubbing, seems a small price to pay for the pleasures received in reward for my dedication.

The lines etched deep around his eyes the only evidence of his troubled life. Being left an only child at a tender age, Jon had learned the hard way about the cruel realities of life. His only brother having been savagely attacked by an unrestrained dog, died in his arms before any help could arrive. They'd been playing in the park at Jon's insistence, Anthony preferring to sit and catch up on his latest video game, reluctantly took his younger brother to the park to stop the incessant nagging.

Like something out of a nightmare the dog had lunged, sinking its razor sharp teeth into his brother's jugular, his gurgled cries lasting moments, but seeming like an eternity as Jon relives the sounds of his brother's last dying pleas, over and over in his sweat provoking nightmares. The memory haunting him for endless years before he gained the courage to study veterinarian science to help overcome his fears. It was only through his studies in college that he now better understood the animal psychology associated with such random attacks of violence against the human species. In fact, he'd grown to love and respect canines in an almost unnatural way, almost to the point of obsession.

His surgery, named after his dead brother, 'Anthony's Animal Mechanics' reads proudly above the entrance, and also on the placard in the luscious garden out front.

The threat of infectious diseases entering Australian territories through illegal smuggling is all too real. Quarantine laws are at their strictest when species are found through the meticulous scrutinizing of the well trained 'sniffer squad' as they are affectionately known amongst their trainers. Here we wait for the heavy iron door to drop before we can even think of opening the crate.

Airport security had seized the baggage and as necessary precaution, the animal had been enclosed in the purposefully built crate for its, and our own protection. Fear can make even the most docile of animals lash out when they feel threatened or thrown into an unknown situation.

For most of the animals brought here, they are plucked from the sanctity of their jungle homes, shoved in cages and then forced to suffer one of the cruelest plights any living creature could ever endure. Starvation and near suffocation as they are crammed into tight boxes, bags, anything to avoid detection as their captors pass through airport security. Of course, the illegal smuggling rings don't stop at the airport, but for us they do.

The clinic itself isn't anything spectacular. The building was originally used as a Doctor's practice so modifications were minimal to accommodate for the animals. The two back rooms had their dividing wall removed so the room could be set up for the recovery cages, but other than that, the building remained the same.

It had only been within the last two years that Jon had acquired the adjacent property, which he had converted to the now, isolation area. The sterile benches spanning the length of one wall making the room seem like more of a laboratory, rather than a room to treat animals. The shiny metal bench tops cleaned meticulously and the white tiled floors mopped to a superior sheen.

It is in here that Clyde will spend the next twelve weeks, that is, if he survives that long.

Taking the crow bar, Jon carefully prises up one side of the crate. The creaking of the wood as the nails ease their way from its vice echoes throughout the vacant walls of the receiving dock. Moving to the next corner, he wedges the bar between the lid and sides and levers slowly, the corner raising an inch as he works the nails free. As we have not been informed on the condition of the animal, knowing only that he's a primate, Jon works with caution.

Nodding at me, I move toward a corner and help Jon raise the lid. With a look of discerning interest, the quarantine inspector leans his hooked nose over the lip of the crate, his pale blue eyes devoid of any indication to his thoughts. The bag lays motionless apart from the slight inflating and deflating as Clyde breathes. The zipper pulled closed allowing only what oxygen can filter through the thin nylon fabric of the sports bag. Taking the handles, Jon cautiously raises it from the crate and moves slowly to the isolation room. Following close behind, the quarantine inspector and myself watch quietly as the bag is placed on the long metal bench.

"Stand back," Jon cautions as he takes the zipper pull in his fingers. As he gently unzips the bag his shoulders slump in a heavy sigh. "Poor little guy," he whispers as he opens the bag to its full capacity revealing the heavily bound monkey. Its arms taped tight to its sides, he sleeps soundly, obviously he'd been drugged heavily prior to the flight to keep him from making any noises that may attract unwanted attention. The oversized pouch of his bony voice box resting against his chest, Clyde's feet tucked in tight within the small confined space inside the bag. His tail taped tight up one side leaving him totally incapable of moving even if he hadn't been drugged.

"What type of monkey is he," I ask, glancing at his prominent chin.

"He's an Alouatta seniculus," Jon explains. "They're commonly known as Howler Monkeys because of their loud howl. He's obviously from South or Central America. Look at the tail, Kim, see the last few inches there?" Pointing at the flesh like tip he continues, "A howler monkey's tail is like a third hand. Their tails even have individual fingerprints same as you and I have handprints, yet their tails have the ability to carry their entire body weight as they swing from trees to eat or play." Parting Clyde's gums, Jon inspects his teeth. "I think we'd better get this tape off him before he wakes up. Kim, would you prepare the cage please?"

"Already done." Handing Jon the scissors, I turn to the quarantine inspector. "Would you like a coffee, tea? Jon, would you like one too?"

"Thank you, coffee sounds great," the inspector says smiling extending his hand to mine. "I'm Nathan Eames."

"Kim," I reply, noting his firm grip as we briefly shake hands, "It's nice to meet you."

"Jon Anderson," Jon says as he takes Nathan's hand. "And I'd love a coffee, thanks Kim."

"I have to say, Jon, this is some establishment you have here." I hear Nathan say as I make my way to the kitchen. Well, that'll keep Jon happy, I laugh to myself, remembering his disgruntled cough from earlier.

As I pass the recovery room, I hear the Thompson's cat purring peacefully in sleep. Setting the cups out on the kitchen bench I wait for the kettle to boil. Noticing Michael's pad laying on the counter, I can't help but have a quick glimpse inside. My heart skips a beat as I look at the pages. Inside, instead of scribbling what I had thought were notes of examinations, were detailed sketches of me. The details flawless as though he'd been studying me in moments I'd been unaware. Pictures of my face prominent on the pages as I flip through the sketches in his pocket sized notepad. A warmth descends to my inner thighs as the thought of Michael paying such close attention to me stirs emotions deep inside. Resting the pad aside, my face flushed as I switch off the kettle; I pour the coffees and set them out on a tray with the milk and sugar.

My feet not even feeling as though they touch the ground as I make my way back to the isolation room. The smile on my face uneraseable as I lay the tray on the bench alongside the now empty sports bag. Turning to see the two men standing beside one of the cages oblivious to my return, I make my way over to join them.

"Oh, you're back, Kim," Jon says as he places the lock onto the cage door. "I've just taken some blood specimens from our little friend here." Nodding his head in the direction of Clyde, I notice his breathing now seems unabated.

"How are his vitals?"

"He's doing good so far, but I'll keep the heart monitor on him for a while yet." Turning to grab his coffee, Nathan and I take a seat on the bench much to Jon's disapproval.

As Jon and Nathan talk about the quarantine side of things, I let my mind wander back to the sketches in Michael's notepad. Maybe I'm just another model for him to practice his skills on, I guess, but deep down I'm hoping he has feelings reciprocating those I hold of him.

"Kim?" Jon says, waving his hand in front of my face. Biting my lower lip I smile.

"Sorry, I was in my own little world." My heart still aflutter with thoughts of Mike as I follow them toward the main building. Walking behind, I can't help but notice the way Nathan's ass looks in his trousers. Not nearly as good as Michael's, but still firm for a man I'm guessing to be in his early fifties. The gray of his temples visible as he turns his head to chat with Jon as they enter through the side door. Without his glasses, he could be quite handsome, I think silently as I follow them inside. His strong jawline and prominent nose giving him a defined look, a man of stature no matter what role he held. He has the look of someone who strives for what he wants, and more than likely, gets it.

"Kim, I'm going to be here for a while tonight, why don't you call it a day," Jon says as he places his cup in the sink. "I want to keep an eye on Clyde for tonight at least."

"Okay, thanks Jon." Smiling I shake Nathan's hand. "It was nice meeting you, Nathan."

"You too, Kim. I'm sure we'll see each other again, I want to keep a close eye on Clyde's progress for my reports." Giving him a heartfelt smile I grab my coat.

"Don't stay up too late, Jon. I'll see you tomorrow." Waving my good-byes I head outside. The air is starting to cool as I make my way to my car.

"Hey Kim." Waving as he heads up the steps to the clinic, I turn to see Michael.

"Hi Michael. What are you doing here this late?" My heart racing as I see him for the first time out of uniform. My eyes tracing their way up his toned torso, his dark track pants and contrasting white sneakers teamed with the navy and white windbreaker making him look even more irresistible.

"I forgot a few things," he smiles as he shrugs his shoulders. "Wait up, I'll just be a minute."

"Okay." Watching him disappear through the door as it closes gently behind him I feel my heart thumping faster in my chest.

As the minute turns into ten, I begin to feel like a fool. Most people would have turned and left, but no, I stand here like some lovesick idiot waiting. Feeling the pang in the pit of my stomach I reluctantly unlock my car and climb inside. Sitting there momentarily staring at the entrance of the clinic, I turn the key and start the engine. As I reverse out of the parking lot I turn up the radio, hoping for something raunchy with a good rhythm to take my mind away from my disappointment. Even hearing Ram Jam belt out 'Old Black Betty' doesn't distract my thoughts. Somehow I make my way home, not really sure how as my mind had been on anything but driving.

My phone is ringing as I open the front door. Hearing my answering machine kick in, I listen to the message as I remove my jacket and toss my keys on the bench.

'Hey Kim, it's Michael. I'm really sorry Kim, I forgot you were waiting when Dr. Anderson showed me Clyde. He's not what I had expected. Anyway, I just called to apologize, I'll see you tomorrow.'

Resigning myself to the couch, I switch on the TV and curl up. Resting my head on the armrest I close my eyes, feeling my body slowly begin to relax. My breathing slow and deep as I feel sleep finally wash away any thoughts of Michael.

Glancing at my watch I sigh, thinking just how highly unusual it is for either Jon or Michael to be this late. Checking the door finding it locked I make my way around to the back. The door to the isolation room is locked but through the windows I can make out light. Jon must have left it on, or fallen asleep here, I guess as I raise myself on my toes to peer through the window.

"Hey, Kim," Michael says from behind me. Startled, I clutch my chest in fright, feeling the rapid beating of my heart as I turn to face him. Laughing he pulls out his bundle of keys. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you."

"God," I whisper as I exhale heavily, then look at him and laugh. "Don't do that!"

"Sorry." Grinning he unlocks the door and steps inside. "Wow. Looks like Jon left in a hurry last night."

Stepping through the doorway we both survey the array of litter scattered across the floor. An empty coffee mug lays in a puddle of spilled amber liquid, messing the normally spotless steel top bench. A clipboard lays askew against the leg of a chair with its contents spewed onto the floor. Michael and I glance at each other as I straighten the pile of papers and return them to their clipboard.

"Don't touch anything, Kim, just incase," Michael warns. "I'll check in the surgery, see if he's there, otherwise I'll give him a call."

"Okay, I'll come with you and check on the Thompson cat. She goes home this morning."

An eerie silence fills the clinic. Neither of us used to being here without Jon's friendly face to greet us, we head to the reception area where Michael searches the teledex and pulls out Jon's number. I wait quietly as he dials. Holding the receiver to his ear he mindlessly brushes a few pieces of lint from his trouser leg. Looking up at me as he listens to the incessant ringing, he chews softly on one side of his lower lip.

"No answer," Michael says as he lays the receiver back in the cradle. "I'll try his emergency number, he's sure to have his mobile with him."

"Okay. I'll be in recovery if you need me." Grabbing some gauze and tape from the supplies cabinet I head to the adjoining room. As I pull the cat from her cage I hear Michael hang up the phone in the next room. Entering the room, he leans against the door frame.

"That's strange, he's not answering his mobile either."

"Maybe he just forgot to take it with him," I offer as I remove the soiled bandages from the Thompson cat.

"Oh well, he'll show eventually," Michael says shrugging. Hearing the jingle-jangle song of the bell over the entrance door, I pick up the Siamese and place it back into the cage.

"That'll be Mrs. Thompson. Michael, would you mind greeting her please as I wash up?" With a wink and a 'cluck' sound as he sucks his inner cheek against the side of his teeth he walks out into reception.

"Good morning, Mrs. Thompson," I hear him say as I lather my hands and forearms.

As I rinse the soap from my arms, I smile as Michael leads Mrs. Thompson into the recovery room. Glancing over to her cat, it's obvious she's happy to see her owner as she circles the cage rubbing against the sides purring.

"The operation went well." Opening the cage, he lifts the Siamese and places it on the examination table. Running his hand along its back, patting the cat as he talks. "She'll need to come back in a week to have the sutures removed. If there's any sign of infection, call us immediately, or if her urine becomes bloody. Also, if she refuses to eat or seems generally depressed after the first day bring her in."

"She'll be fine," I smile as I pat my hands dry on a paper towel. "She loves affection doesn't she?"

"Siam just loves the attention, don't you baby," Mrs. Thompson coos as she tickles her cat under the chin. "Let's get you home sweetie." Lifting her cage onto the table, Michael helps her get the cat inside.

"Kim will see you out, Mrs. Thompson. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to call."

"Thank you, Doctor," she says as I lead her out to reception.

After finalizing the account and wishing them well, I finger my pen as I watch Mrs. Thompson and her cat leave. The shrill of the phone startles me as it breaks the silence. There's no music, I realize as I greet the caller, Jon always has the radio going.

"Good morning. Anthony's Animal Mechanics." My mind suddenly slips back to Jon, as I listen to the caller's frantic pleas for help.

"One moment, I'll see if the doctor can see you now." Placing the caller on hold, I quickly run to the door of the recovery room.

"Michael, I have a lady whose dog was just hit by a car. Sounds pretty messy. What do I tell her? What if Jon doesn't turn up?" Raising a hand in a questioning motion I look at Michael.

"Put her through to the office, I'll take the call in there," Michael says as he places some papers into a folder on the filing cabinet.

"Okay." Making my way back to the desk, I pick up the receiver. "I'm transferring you to the doctor now." Hanging up the phone, I slump down into the chair. My mind racing as I wonder if Michael will be able to handle the situation if Jon doesn't show. Leaning forward I rest my elbows on the desk kneading my brow with my fingers. God, where are you Jon?

"How does Chinese sound for lunch?" Michael asks as he enters the room. Placing the menu in front of me he sits casually on the desk beside me.

"I haven't had Chinese in years!" Picking up the menu, I feel the low growl of my stomach. "I haven't eaten all day either."

Looking up into his face, food is suddenly the last thing on my mind. The look on his face reflecting my thoughts as a lusty glaze fills his eyes. Feeling the warmth in my cheeks, yet unable to avert my gaze, I move my hand onto his. Entwining his fingers with mine he leans forward. Our lips meeting in a tender kiss, opening our mouths slightly as our tongues trace over each other's softly, so gently, moving into an embrace as I slide the chair back and move my body against his. Wrapping my arms around his waist, I press myself against him. The heat of our passion intensifying, his hand moving to the small of my back, pulling me closer. Feeling the twitch of his bulge against my mound sends a warmth between my thighs, my tongue searching his sweet mouth as the fire inside me is ignited.

My heart beating in erratic waves as our lips part, l look at his mouth, unable to meet his gaze just yet. Michael traces his fingers softly down my cheek before curling a finger under my chin, raising my face to meet his.

"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that," he whispers, kissing my lips softly.

"Me too," I whisper, resting my head against his chest savoring the warmth of his body next to mine.

With one last passion filled kiss, we break our embrace. Picking up the menu, I glance over at Michael and smile.

"How does lemon chicken sound?"

"Perfect." Giving me a sexy smile, Michael picks up Clyde's chart. "I'd better check on our little friend. Do you mind ordering lunch while I get this done?"

"Sure. I'll give Jon another call too."

"Thanks, Kim." Watching as he walks out the door, I sigh.

Hearing voices coming from the isolation room, I guess Jon has returned.

"Oh, hi Nathan." Sitting the bag of Chinese food on the bench I walk to the cage. Clyde is awake and looks amazingly well considering the ordeal he's just had to endure. "Well, hey there little fella," I coo as I take a closer look at our latest resident. "He's looking great."

"He sure is," Michael says as he moves to my side. "He's showing phenomenal readings, not like the others when they came to."

Handing me the chart, Michael sneaks me a wink before turning to Nathan.

"You're just in time for lunch, Nathan. Hungry?" Pulling the containers of food from the bag, Michael sets them out on the bench. "Pull up a chair, I'll run in and grab some plates."

"Thanks, I am a bit peckish," Nathan says as he grabs two stools and moves them beside the one Michael had been using. "Where's Dr. Anderson today?"

"I have no idea. We've been trying to call him all morning." Taking a seat beside him, I pries the lids from the containers just as Michael returns with the plates and cutlery.

"I left here around eleven last night. He didn't mention anything about being away today." Picking up a plate, Nathan shrugs.

"I'm expecting an accident victim any minute now," Michael says as he spoons some fried rice onto his plate. "Nothing I can't handle, but I was hoping Jon would have shown up by now, just for the support."

"I can take notes for you," Nathan says as he reaches for a container. "I'm fully qualified, and my credentials make me more than able to fill in the forms for your school reports."

"Thanks, Nathan. I think I'd feel better having someone watch me, this being my first solo operation and all."

"From what Jon tells me of your work so far, you'll be fine."

The next few minutes are spent in silence as we eat our meal, each lost in our own thoughts. My thoughts of the tender kiss Michael and I had shared, wondering if his thoughts are of the operation or the same as mine. The inconspicuous wink and sly smile on his face confirming it is definitely the latter. Smiling back coyly, I excuse myself from the room.

"I'm going to put the kettle on. Coffee anyone?" With nods from both the men as they eat, I make my way inside.

"Mrs. Carlson is here with her dog."

Looking up from the cage, he slides the water dish in beside Clyde. In a blinding second, the monkey lunges, sinking its teeth deep into Michael's hand.

"Ah, fuck!" Shaking his hand against the pain, he cups his palm in his other hand as the blood begins to drip inside the cage and onto the floor at his feet. With a loud screech, Clyde grabs for Michael's retreating hand. Slamming the door closed with his elbow, he holds it tight as Nathan quickly latches it shut.

Placing the tray down on the bench, I quickly run to the supplies cupboard and pull out a roll of gauze.

"Shit, are you okay?" Unrolling the gauze I wrap it firmly around his hand to stop the bleeding.

"I'll be fine," he says, with a side ways glance he looks at Clyde. "It was my fault, I wasn't paying attention."

"I'll lock up in here, you'd better see to Mrs. Carlson. She seems pretty agitated."

"Thanks, Kim," Michael says, rubbing his hand on the bandage. Looking at Nathan, he nods, "Ready?"

"You bet." Taking a sip of his coffee before placing the cup back on the tray, Nathan follows him into the main building.

After tidying the bench, tossing the remains of our lunch into the bin, I take one final look at Clyde. His incessant hisses sending a chill up my spine as I turn off the light and lock the door behind me.

Hearing Michael and Nathan's voices as they leave the surgery, I glance up from my magazine.

"How'd the operation go?"

"We'll know in a day or two. His back leg was shattered, so if the bones don't start to mend soon, it'll be no doubt an amputation."

"Ouch." Putting the magazine down, I follow them to the kitchen.

Listening to the pair discuss the operation, I wash the few coffee cups in the sink and place them away in the cupboard overhead.

"Do you need me for anything else tonight?" Turning my attention to Michael, I place the dishcloth on the bench.

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Hi friends, Main naya writer hoon,agar meri kahani aapko achhi lagti hai toh aap mujhe email kare. Mera email id hai: Meri kahani real hai jo mere saath ghati hai. Main ek chote se village se hoon. Ek baar main apne mama ke yahaan gaya tha. Main raat mein wahaan pachuncha toh maine ek bahut hi khubsura t ladki ko dekha. Main use dekhta hi rah gaya. Halanki,main bhi kafi khubsurat,smart aur gora hoon woh bhi mujhe chura kar dekhti thi. Main raat mein jab sone gaya toh main uske baare mein hi...

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Lita had been driving across the country for hours and she was exhausted. All she wanted was a stiff drink and a good night's sleep. She drove a couple more miles before coming across a bar on one side of the road, and a motel on the other. "Perfect!" she said out loud. She pulled into the parking lot, turned off the engine and got out of the car, locking it behind her.As soon as she walked in the bar, Lita noticed two things....great music and nothing but women. She thought, 'A lesbian...

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Master SantinoThe ArenaDark Meat

DARK MEAT This is story in the Master Santino, The Arena series.? You do not need to read the others since each story pretty much stands on its own.? This is fantasy and should be treated as such.? Enjoy.  DARK MEAT I glanced at the piece of paper before me.? There were just two words on it. ?Dark Meat?.  ?Exactly what do you want? ? I asked the young late 20s gentleman across the desk from me. He had been screened by several employees before he had finally entered my office. ?I want...

1 year ago
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Family ReunionChapter 3

Lori loved the offer of "having a turn" and we were soon in her bedroom. I laid her back on the bed, spreading her thighs after deftly removing her scrap of what she called panties. Her mound was bald, with pussy lips that hung beautifully from her petite snatch. With my face in close proximity to her pussy, I introduced my tongue to her wetness, pushing her fleshy lips apart. "Oh god" she moaned. Lori tasted amazing. Her juices had a thickness and tanginess to them. When I swiped a...

4 years ago
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Living Above The Garage Part Two

I had said my goodnights to mum and dad, and with hugs to each of them, headed to my new quarters above the garage.A short while later, the alarm system gave its signature bleep to announce that it was armed. This confirmed that my parents had retired to their room on the other side of the house. Now, we didn't have a huge house, but it's on a corner plot, and my room is above the garage.What my parents didn't know, and certainly wouldn't be very happy about, was that I had used the...

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Entrapment Two Sides To Every Story Part 5B Alternative Ending

ENTRAPMENT, TWO SIDES TO EVERY STORY PART 5B. THE SAME AS PART 5A UNTIL THE LAST CHAPTER WHERE IT CONCLUDES WITH A HAPPIER ENDING FOR THOSE READERS THAT THOUGHT THE STORY A LITTLE TOO BRUTAL AND UNRELENTING XXX MR WILTON'S PERSPECTIVE I drifted off to sleep after she left, briefly waking at about 9AM the next morning. I sent her a text message with the photo I had taken last night to give her something to think about whilst she was at work that day. I wasn't working until...

2 years ago
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Copyright © 2004 She finally gave up. Sleep was not to be her companion, despite the numbers on the alarm clock. They were reminding her that she was closer to a new day, than to the old one she had abandoned hours earlier. It was hot as hell. The sorry excuse for an air conditioner, was sending a weak breeze, that seeped from the slots on top of the droning beast. It was not any cooler than the air hanging motionless in the room. One small consolation crossed her mind, at least the...

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EvilAngel Lily Lane Rude Blowbang Glazed Donut

Tan, tattooed sex fiend Lily Lane playfully poses, salivating as her huge tits spill from her sleek fishnet outfit. The cock-hungry starlet plays with her wet cunt, soon welcoming eight dudes for a decadent interracial blowbang! Lily giggles as the guys grope her breasts and slap their stiff pricks over her face. Explicit blowjob action features ruthless throat fucking, a squirting orgasm, and a slimy bukakke finale! The fellas slather her with multiple cum facials, and then lewd Lily soaks up...

2 years ago
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Sue Ch 0912

The following material is sexually explicit erotica. If you are offended by hard-core pornography close this file. Chapter 9 Sharing the Bath-Room Brian had bought food from where he’d hired the boat so we had a good lunch, washed down with a small bottle of wine that he’d kept cold by dangling it in the river and after we finished that we lay in the shade and talked for a while before we both dozed off. When we woke again we found that it was about time for us to pack up for the return...

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Washed UpChapter 31

Sam: Preparing for the trip to St Joseph I awoke snuggled up to Delia again. I guess I must be related to a puppy as I really enjoy cuddling. When Becky awoke and started making her needs known, I held her to me and fed her a nipple. I'll swear it felt like the love was flowing out of my body and into hers. Feeding our little one was one of the greatest feelings I have ever had. At breakfast, Andy said they were going into town to pick up four wagons. I reminded him to check with the wagon...

1 year ago
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CHAPTER 12: CELEBRATION!When we returned to the ship after completing our mission, there was great fanfare. We had greatly exceeded expectations. Not only had we been able to wreck great damage to their forces and commanders, we had taken with us information that documented the treachery which High Command could use for further retribution if they desired. But in the heat of the moment I had forgotten that as we walked from our shuttle in the docking bay into the ship’s entry and down the...

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Tales of a Male Stripper

I'm Rex a long time male stripper, I usually do bachelorette parties, which are pretty tame, just thrusting my cock in womens faces including the bride to be, sometimes I even get a cheeky handjob off of one of the bridesmaids but it never goes further than that. Until one night... I thought it was a normal party, for a bride called Jess, she was 19 years old and was getting married the next day. I rang the bell and was greeted by one of her drunk bridesmaid. A smoking hot 18 year old wearing a...

Cheating Wifes
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Chapter one The old airstrip behind our neighbourhood was such a lovely place to exercise. I always loved skating on my in-liners, but after moving here it has become almost an obsession. The asphalt of the strip has held up nicely since it was closed down for airtraffic, giving me a very smooth surface - which by incident I have all to myself. The strip runs smoothly uphill from where I go onto it, and setting a hard speed uphill for a mile and a half gives me a nice sweat. Going downhill is...

2 years ago
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Gold Plated Garbage TruckChapter 2 How To Be A Success Without Really Trying

Four Months Later: There have been a lot of people finding fault with me and Em and Homer, saying we got undeserved success as singers and writers and composers and musicians and all such shit. They also say ever since we became a success we have been real snobbish. First all those New York critics bitched about Em insuring her vocal chords for one million dollars. One sissy faced little round assed pucker butt said as how thirty-nine dollars ought to be considered overkill. Some of the...

1 year ago
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The CityChapter 2 Getting Acquainted

Morning in Bed We must have gotten up and moved to the bed sometime during the night, because I awake under the covers between you and Lani, Lani pressing her ass against my cock. I love the feeling of slowly becoming conscious of the world, hard and horny, realizing that there is a soft body pressed against mine, touching and kissing my lover almost by reflex in the soft early morning light. This morning I'm sandwiched between two soft bodies,,, a dream? I reach my arm over Lani, snuggling...

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Another Halloween Party

Sometimes, you just have to suck it up and try and make the best of a situation. Things are what you make of them. I kept telling myself that I needed to make this into a fun evening, even if I didn’t want to go. The ink was still wet on my divorce decree and I really wasn’t up to a search for new romance. I was only going because Mel and Megan had almost demanded it of me. Mel was more than just my boss, he was also my friend and had stuck with me through the emotional turmoil of the ugly...

4 years ago
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Second Chance at LoveChapter 25

Jenny could feel the anger well up in her at Katie's insinuation that Jim might be the father of her baby. "You planned this didn't you," Jenny almost screamed. "No, no, no, please, I would never do anything like that," Katie cried. "I thought you were my friend and you do something like this! How could you... how could you Katie!" Jenny said through clenched teeth as her eyes filled with tears. She jumped up and stormed out of the room, slamming the door so hard the pictures on the...

4 years ago
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The Best Stand At The Wedding Fair

THE BEST STAND AT THE WEDDING FAIR by Angela Dee North PROLOGUE "Listen, Bridie, I said I was sorry! What more can I do?" I was in the doghouse with my wife yet again. I'd completely forgotten to collect a parcel from the Post Office depot. Now it was too late. The depot had closed an hour ago, and Bridie had wanted the parcel today. "For god's sake, Terry!" she fumed. "You know perfectly well how much I needed that mannequin for the show tomorrow! It was going to be...

3 years ago
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A cold winter night

"I want you....."  I whisper softly to you in the back of my car. A cold winter night in the middle of February, but the heat from both our bodies kept us warm. I watch as you run your delicate nails over my  bare stomach tickling and pecking at the curly but soft hairs. You look up at me with a teasing smile, knowing full well that I am at your mercy.. My willpower sapped from me by your sweet strawberry lips.. Will you spare me and not leave me unsatisfied this time ?... Will you finally...

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My first fuck

Hai readers i am lal from kerala, i am 23 good looking man,now i am working in a hospital, this is my real story and this is still continued. I had a girl friend , she is very beautiful and very sexy, she is 36,30,36, very big boobs and ass, very superb, i wrote that i am in hospital & i am in quarters, i am alone in my quarters ,there were no men was staying with me so i got many chance to fuck my girl friend in d quarters, when she get time she will call me & come the night around 6pm and...

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A summer story

- By Formerly Yak It was the first true week of summer and I couldn’t have been more excited. I was going to be working at a summer camp full time, doing what I loved for three months straight at Camp White Lakes. Last year we’d taken on a whole bunch of new people in the staff but I was already an experienced counselor entering my fourth year. I did the team building activities like the trust falls, the rope climbs, the partner relays. Each area gets a trainee every summer and my Trainee...

3 years ago
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Seth II CarolineChapter 12 Retribution

1866 Robert and Caroline awakened to the odor of smoke. Night lay on the town, chill and moonless, a harbinger of the coming winter. The trees stood nearly bare. Dead leaves covered the courthouse lawn and filled the gutters. "Smell that?" Caroline asked as her husband got his feet on the floor. "Um," he said, padding to the window. He could not see anything or anyone, but tendrils of twisting smoke rose before his eyes. "I'd better go look." Barefoot and in his nightshirt, Robert...

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How I became a slutty sub Chapter 1

This is a fantasy of mine as I am a new gay little sub..............After years of fantasising about becoming a submissive slave but never quite being brave enough I finally plucked up the courage and try it out.i had always been considered as straight by my friends and family and had done nothing outwardly different to suggest that I was anything but straight. But I had fantasised for a long time about being dominated and controlled by a guy from the very first moment we met, sucking his cock...

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MoneyChapter 28

Some magical internal clock woke me up just before four. I saw that it was three fifty-eight and reached up to shut the alarm off. The other alarm was set for seven, so I knew the girls would get up to go to school. Didn’t they have Spring Break? I slid from bed and went to the toilet and then into the shower. The water had just begun to warm up when Janet snuggled into me under the water. We kissed as she told me, “You’re the one. You make me feel so special every day and make me feel like...

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The Red DoorChapter 4

Four hours later I crawled out of the kennel and Sue helped me stand. I ached in places I didn’t know existed, was covered in sweat and cum, his and mine, add a goodly amount of slaver, or drool if you prefer. Plus I was so full of dog cum I felt bloated and doubted I’d stop leaking for a week. The scratches were almost inconsequential compared to everything else. In the past I’ve been used by multiple dogs one after the other, that was intense but King put them to shame. Not that he fucked...

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My New Wife and The Young Spaniards

We had a wonderful summer wedding and immediately after we honeymooned in Spain were both itching to get at each other. My wife Louise was a beautifully slim, pale skinned young woman. I was 22 she was 21. She was in her twenties but her body was still that of a teenagers. Since we first met at school Louise had always been one of the worst cock teasers I had ever known. In a way that’s probably why I liked her but she had a reputation like no other and since we went out together and ultimately...

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The sight of male members makes mom horny beyond her control! By Oediplex 8==3~ Inspired by the il-lust-rations of Pandora’s Box, the world’s greatest incest artist ~~~~~~ Slightly dated as to current plot of the series, this does not effect the action between mother and son. My mom and I love to watch “Desperate Housewives” on TV. I think three out of the four main ladies are hot, and I love the sexy things that go on in the series. My mom loves the hunks, and dirty...

2 years ago
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A Tale of Two SidneysChapter 3 Achieving Goals

Gwen was able to give Julia her address and had her eyes closed by the time they left the Country Club parking lot. Sleep was probably the best thing for her, Julia only hoped that the younger woman still had the wits to stick her head out over the door of the convertible if she was going to hurl again. Being one of the original residents of the exclusive community Missus Dickens was familiar with every street inside the security gates. She had no trouble locating Gwen's home. After...

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Searching for Fulfillment ch1

Kelly lay beneath her husband, trying to muster up some enthusiasm as he pounded into her. She loved Justin; he treated her like royalty, and it was clear he thought his wife hung the moon. He'd pursued her throughout their last two years of college, wooing her with everything a girl could ask for. More importantly, he'd been sweet and loving, a true gentleman. He was everything Kelly's mother and friends told her she should want in a man, and Kelly adored him. He proposed shortly after...

Wife Lovers
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A small slice of winter

A small slice of winter1.Frank walked out of the apartment building and stepped onto the cracked, cement sidewalk. It was cold – the temperature barely breaking even – and he detested having to vacate the confines of his warm apartment to venture out into that bitter air. But it had to be done, and so with a brave defiance he shifted his winter cap to cover his ears, put his hands in his pockets and began the walk, head down and nose out of the wind.In about ten minutes he would arrive at his...

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Jack and JillChapter 38

Friday. Today was the start of my new job. I was going to have some money in my pocket this weekend. I was going to be a MAN. School went fine. Sara and I walked together and there was nothing weird about her actions. I got an A on a story I wrote for Creative Writing and my teacher had some nice comments, saying I had raw talent. I guess that was the class to learn how to cook it. I ended off in the pool around 5:00. There were a couple of guys finishing up in the shower so I started...

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The Shop

The Shop - By Felicity Lovechild I had just split with my girlfriend and was feeling rather lonely. I passed by a corner shop and, feeling rather randy decided I'd get a dirty book to massage my lonely hours that evening. As I entered the shop, a rather elegant woman greeted me with a beaming smile. Her thick jet black hair fell to just below her shoulders, and her big brown eyes was as warm as her smile. Her immaculately made up face did well to mask her years, but looked...

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In My Striving

IN MY STRIVING... I had built a mental picture, based on my dream And it looked awful high, standing there on the beach It looked to me like an idol... a goal just a bit out of reach. The feeling was incredible, and I thought I would burst. When I found that my idol, was but nothing, a single tall stone. All but for me... alone, on that long long beach As you both showed me, from the mountain top Of which you not just helped, but took me up I could see my idol, way down there on that...

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Family LettersChapter 122

Dear Louisa, I'm upset that I made Brianna cry. I'm not sure why I shared things with her that I would not have shared with anyone else. Maybe it was missing Master Will. Then again maybe it is because I hoped that sharing them would start to help me to overcome the areas of drag in my life. All I'm certain of for now is that I no longer want to walk in fear where fear has no reign. Here on Atlantis-at that is true, that is that no one would dare molest me. Even my Master or Mistress...

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NuruMassage Katrina Jade Fill My Cavities

Masseuse Katrina Jade has an ulterior motive for bringing her ebony friend Ricky Johnson to the spa. She knows that Ricky’s father is a dentist, and she has cavities in her teeth, but no dental insurance to fill them. At first Ricky feels used, but she swears it’s not like that. She offers him the house specialty NURU massage. Ricky is game and still wants to hang out with her for real. Katrina disrobes in the shower room, pleasing Ricky with the sight of her full breasts and sexy...

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Squirted Lala Ivey Squirter Lala is Fire

Lala Ivey says she isn’t much of a squirter – until today – so she’s come to Squirted.com in hopes of Toni Ribas teaching her a thing or two. In her bright orange tights and bra, this curly-haired babe looks totally fire. She slips her hand inside those tights to play with her pussy, then shakes her ass, and Toni rips a big hole in her tights to oil up her sexy booty. Lala loves playing with a big vibrator because it makes her cum really hard, and with a little help from...

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Want to Play a Game Part 3 Me

Grabbing you from behind i feel a sudden rush as we both hear the tell tale signs of someone just outside the door my cock hard as it rubs against your skirt i whisper into your ear, ‘We are not finished yet.’ I touch your neck and slowly hold it in my hands ‘ I don’t think you quite understand but i am yours but you are mine as well. ‘ pushing you to the back of the closet behind the coats as the light begins to fill the little room. Lori’s voice fills the little room as she talks to a vaguely...

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Ed BiggersChapter 6

Following Shadow, Ed walked into the IRS office and stopped at the receptionist. She looked at Ed and then glanced down at the cat. Smiling at Ed, she asked, “Who are you here to see?” “The person in charge,” replied Ed in a very casual manner. Very calmly, she picked up the phone and called security. Looking at Ed with a smile, she said, “Let me let him know you are here.” The sour tone of her voice let Ed know that she was lying to him. He reached in his back pocket as the woman said,...

4 years ago
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Fighting Terrorism Finding Love

There are no explicit descriptions of sex in this story. The computer devices and technology described are purely a product of my imagination. Although, to paraphrase what someone once said . . . . . ‘Yesterday’s science fiction is today’s reality’. So who can really say that they don’t already exist . . . somewhere. ‘The Agency’ is fictional but perhaps it isn’t. Who really knows what goes on hidden away from the eyes of the American public. Hopefully, the gremlins that attacked my last...

3 years ago
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RivalsChapter 4

There were a few guys playing drums out by the Man, with a dazzling didgeridoo player. A few dozen people were standing and listening, but no one was dancing. After a few minutes of tapping her toes, Tanya sprang into motion, her long skirt billowing in the wind as she shook her hips and twirled. I joined in, but after a moment, I started feeling painfully self-conscious. No one else was following us. The little crowd had all turned their eyes our way-or rather Tanya's. A wild, carefree...

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Orignally posted by Sex in heels just found this in an old archive i once downloaded....not my words but very good adviceThere is a lot of bad information about how to give a good blowjob on the internet. I have written this guide to help girls understand how they can be much better at doing what they are supposed to do. I am hereby releasing this text into the public domain so all sluts can read it.I am calling you sluts because that is the first thing you have to understand. If you want to do...

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CUCK HUBBY IN CHASTITYBeing locked in chastity can do plenty to a man. The longer he can't getfree, the bigger the changes. "What do you think of these?" Bella wanted to know. "They're called DatePanties. 'Cheeky' style. Because they leave my butt cheeks showing." The curvaceous woman turned around so her husband could see the rearview. He opened and shut his mouth, throat so dry he couldn't speak. Shewas extremely sexy, with her long red-brown hair, generous bust, fullhips, and gorgeously...

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Internship Sex With Anamika

Hello indian sex stories dot net readers, I’m Amit from Delhi, I’m 5’11 athletic build. Tall and Dark. (Google Hangout ) This is the first time I’m sharing Sex story on Public Platform, I hope you guys and Girls like it. *Name used in this story is imaginary, to hide her identity Moving to this Story, This is Story about Anamika, She was interned in the Company I work. Details About Anamika Height- 5’9″ Weight- 60 approx Figure- 34d-32-34 Colour- White She started her internship in the First...

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Howards Sister

By Gail Holmes Howard glumly sat at the kitchen table taking note of his Mothers advice she was always good at giving it out, He could but pay attention; he knew she wouldn’t resign until she’d had her say. “Well, don’t just sit there! Am I right or wrong” She turned Howard’s father with a fierce look that could have killed him. If anyone was under the thumb, it was poor old Ray he had more than suffered the wrath of...

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Knowing His Place

She placed the red sole of her Loui Baton on his bare crotch while staring down into his face. She saw in his eyes the acceptance of his place in her life now. It was a place of his choosing, and although at first, she felt ashamed of her extramarital affairs but not now. Now she relished them. The partners' differences made it thrilling, and she rarely ever had sex with the same person twice.While still staring down in her husband’s face, she said, “You will sit here, hands on the arms of the...

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I had met him several times before, and now that he and his new wife, June, had moved into our neighborhood, we interacted more frequently. I had actually dated her for a while before she and Jeff married, so I was aware of more intimate aspects of her as well as their relationship. I had always found it strange that they got married, as they seemed an odd pair. He was not particularly attractive, nor personable. Also, June complained a lot about him, in particular his tendency to be rude...

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Sweet Caroline

'I know I saw an angel, I knew by the feeling inside, The only problem with this was, It meant that I had died' Hi there, and welcome to, well, my story. As you can probably tell by that little bit above, I'm dead. Oh, yes. I'm as dead as a very dead thing- dead as a dodo, dead as a dinosaur, dead as a...well, you get the idea. Anyway, I guess I'd better give you the details you've been waiting for, right? Okay,...

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My heart was really pounding now. What the fuck do I do?! I wonderedsilently."Come on Suzie, let me fuck you!" he repeated. I watched him remove hisshorts and boxers so he stood in front of me naked.Think fast George! I told myself. Adopting a high-pitched tone, I said: "Ican't, I'm on my period." There! That should do it! I thought.But apparently Ivan knew more than I had given him credit for. "Then letme do you in the ass."IN THE ASS?! I was stunned.He was trying to turn me by my...

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The Cheater

The Cheater By Margaret Jeanette Johanna Brown was having lunch with her best friend Alice Fuhrman. They were talking about their favorite subject -- men. Alice was scheduled to get married in eight months to a wonderful man. Johanna was already married to Jeremy. "There isn't a man who can't be seduced. Men think with that tool of theirs not their brain!" "Not my Jeremy. He is totally devoted to me. We have only been married six months and the honeymoon isn't over...

2 years ago
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Joyce has a lesbian encounter

It’s Saturday! I thought to myself as I awoke to the sun shining into my window through slightly cracked blinds. Saturday is the day I always spend with my best friend Jennifer. We have been friends for years and stayed friends through my teenage pregnancy as well as two subsequent divorces. Through all that Jennifer has stayed a true and steady friend. So even though we met in school and could easily have drifted apart, we just stayed close. I always think of her when I see a funny meme, or I...

3 years ago
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A Time of PurgatoryChapter 9 An end or a beginning

Jas's next fertile time fell midweek, so staying overnight would have been difficult unless I brought my business clothes over to her flat. Jas, as always persuaded me that I should do that, pointing out that that driving home late at night, only to get up in time for work the next day would leave me short on sleep. I did agree to do as she suggested for practical reasons as I usually started my day at eight, an hour before the office staff came in and the phones began ringing. It gave me a...

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