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Watching Scott struggle under the hood of the car, Kari sighs as the Louisiana sun heats up the vehicles interior. Of all places to break down, it would have to be in the middle of Cameron Parish. Nothing around for miles but marsh and mud. Opening the door and stepping out into the two lane highway, Kari didn't bother looking for traffic. There wasn't any. Who in the world would want to come down to this armpit of the world?

"Did you find out what's wrong?"

Scott looks from under the hood at his young wife and smiles.

"No, not yet. But I will eventually. Then we'll be at sitting at Dad's drinking lemonade and laughing. Don't worry honey."

Kari shakes her head as she looks up the long, deserted highway. This was to be the first time she was to meet Scott's father. An oilfield worker in the swamps of Louisiana. She'd left the comfort of Dallas to drive the long hours to meet her father-in-law and see where Scott had grown up. It had been a nice trip up to this point. Now, they were stranded.

Looking out over the marshland, Kari couldn't help but admire the primeval beauty. Being an artist, she'd always looked for the beauty in everything. Green swamp grass covered the area for miles. White egrets stood poised on the edge of waterways hunting for their dinner. Seagulls squawked overhead after their flight from the coast. Off in the distance, the derrick of an oil rig could be seen reaching into the sky.

"You know honey, this is really pretty country. I'm glad I brought my supplies. I think I'll paint a scene of your home while we're visiting your Dad."

Scott moves from under the car's hood. Grabbing a rag, he wipes the grease from his hands as he looks around.

"You think it's pretty? Only an artist would say that."

Kari moves over to Scott and gives him a big hug. Feeling his body against hers, she smiles.

"It's gorgeous honey. How's the car going?"

Scott shakes his head.

"I'm no mechanic Kari. We'll have to see about getting a tow and putting it in the shop when we get to Dad's. Any luck with the cell phone?"

Kari shakes her head.

"None whatsoever. I keep getting no signal."

Scott turns and looks out over the marsh.

"Well, someone will come by and we'll hitch a ride from them. Until then, we'll just have to sit here and wait honey. I'm sorry."

"That's okay Scott. I'll grab my pad and do some sketching. I really like the way it looks out here."

Scott laughs as Kari runs to the trunk of the car and sorts through their luggage.

Looking up and down the road, Scott sighs at the non-existent traffic. Gazing back to the marsh, he eyes the driftwood laying on the banks of the canals.

"Kari, over there! That's a gator. Why don't you sketch that?"

Kari jumps as she comes running with the pad and pencil.

"A gator? I've never seen one in the wild. I'd love to draw it!"

Closing the trunk, Kari hops onto the car and begins to sketch.

"Wow! That's a big one. He must be 6 ft long if he's an inch."

Scott moves over to watch Kari work. They'd been together for 4 years before getting married. Even now, Scott loved to watch Kari's hands create the art she was so well known for.

"That's looking great honey. But he's not that big. If you go out farther, you'll see alot bigger gators than that. He's just a scrounger."

Kari stops the charcoal and looks up at Scott.

"That's okay. I'm fine drawing this one. I don't care to see the big ones."

Scott laughs as he turns back to the driver's door. Glancing up the road, he notices a flash in the afternoon sunlight.

"Someone's coming our way Kari. I'll flag them down and we'll be off. FInish up."

Over his shoulder, Scott listens to Kari mumble. Once she got started, Kari always hated to rush her artwork. To her, perfection was a middle name.

Watching the vehicle grow closer, Scott walked up the highway waving his grease covered rag. Maybe this was someone he went to school with. It would be nice to see a high school buddy again.

Staring up the road, Scott watches the outline of a pickup truck begin to form. Scott just grins. He had forgotten that most people in this area drove pickups. He and Kari could ride in the back if the cab was full. That should give her a new thrill.

Watching the truck pull over to the side of the road, Scott breathes a sigh of relief. Thank God they're not just driving by. Turning to Kari, he yells over his shoulder.

"Let's go honey. It looks like we've got a ride."

Waving at the pickups driver, Scott walks over to the cab grinning.

"Thanks for stopping. The car broke down. My wife and I would appreciate a lift to the nearest phone if you don't mind."

The driver of the truck smiles at Scott as he leans out the window.

"Dat's no problem. We about to set the traps for the night and heading by ol'Beauregards filling station. He's got a phone. I'll drop you off dhere."

Scott smiles as he hears the heavy cajun accent. Remembering his friends from school and how they use to have problems in the huddle during the football games trying to get him, the newcomer, to understand what they were saying.

"Hurry up Kari. It's time to go."

Watching Kari throw her work into the backseat of the car and run towards him, Scott turns to the driver.

"We'll just hop in the back. You've already got someone up front."

The driver shakes his head and slaps the man beside him.

"Get in the back boy. Let these folks ride up front."

Scott watches as the young man exits the cab and run to the bed of the pickup.

"You two sit up here. That's my boy. He be fine sitting back there with the traps. He can open the back window and talk all he wants. Kids do that nowdays."

Scott smiles as he grabs Kari's hand and leads her to the passenger side of the truck. The door left open, Kari waits on Scott to enter first.

"Okay, I'll straddle the stick. You sit next to the door."

The driver laughs as Scott's long legs move on either side of the stick shift.

"Son, you got longer legs than a damn crane. Just give me room to shift and we'll make it where we're going."

Scott spreads his legs as the driver begins to shift the trucks gears. Behind him, the window to the bed of the truck slides open.

"Hiya, I'm Oscar. How you folks doing?"

Scott looks over his shoulder at the young man sitting in the bed of the truck.

"We're doing better now Oscar. Thanks for giving up your seat."

Smiling, Oscar proudly displays his few remaining teeth.

"Dat's no problem. I like sitting back here with the traps. The wind feels good."

Scott looks at the traps sitting in the back of the truck. Big ones. These guys are after gators. The lines, hooks and rope are the only thing used to catch gators. Remembering his big brother, Mike, trying to catch him a baby gator he laughs.

"You guys going for alligators?"

The driver nods.

"Yep, we got a license this year. So we're legal. You know about gators?"

Scott nods his head.

"Yea, sure do. My family moved to Cameron when I was 14. My big brother tried to catch me a baby gator before he left for the army. The funny part was, when he pulled the line up, he had a big one and it chased him clear through the swamp. He broke a baseball bat over it's head to slow it down until he found a fence pole to sit on."

Oscar and the driver burst out laughing.

The driver looks over at Scott and Kari.

"So you two from Cameron?"

Scott smiles and shakes his head.

"I am. My wife is from Dallas, that's where we live. We're coming down for her to meet my Dad. James WIlkerson. You know him?"

Oscar yells in the back window.

"Yea, I know dat James. He's not too bad a man. Remember him Dad? He fired cousin Reuben off the rig for taking those wrenches."

Oscar's Dad nods.

"Yea I know him also. Pretty decent fellow from the meetings I've had. Good man."

Looking over at Kari, Scott grins. It's nice to be home. Even with the car breaking down, the trip was worth it. Taking Kari's hand, Scott squeezes it in reassurance.

"So, what you guys using to catch the gators with?"

Oscar points to an ice chest leaning against the gate of the truck.

"Red meat mainly. Whatever we can get that is fresh. They like dat."

The driver smiles and looks over at Scott.

"The fresher and bloodier the better. It attracts the bigs one. That's where the money is."

Scott shakes his head in understanding. Mike had told him that also. He'd studied trapping before trying to get him a pet that he insisted on having.

"So how much you getting now for a big gator if you don't mine me asking?"

The driver spits his tobacco out the window before he answers.

"Dhey say about ten grand for one good size one. The french are in town this year buying all the hides for dheir purses and things. A man will do anything for dat kinda money. Especially when you can kill around 20 this year."

Scott's eyes widen.

"Twenty this year? It use to be 12."

The driver grins and nods at Scott.

"Yep, use to be. Now you can make alot more money. You just got to know where to find them and have good bait.

"Well it sounds like you've got it all worked out. You using fresh cows for bait?"

The driver looks at Scott and smiles.

"Sure am. Unless we can find something better."

Feeling Oscar breathing over his shoulder, Scott grips Kari's hand and stares at the passenger's door.

"What's better than fresh beef? Gators love it."

Looking back at Oscar, the driver grins and nods.

"Show him boy."

With a flash of his hand, Oscar pulls a knife out of his boot and grabs Scott's head. Scott reaches and opens the passenger door of the pickup. As the door swings open, Scott pushes Kari out into the marsh. The bright flash of the blade slashes across Scott's throat.

Feeling his life ebb, Scott watches Kari fall into the canal beside the highway. Looking down, he cries as the blood soaks the shirt that Kari had picked out for him to wear to meet his Dad. Raising his head, Scotts eye dim as he stares at the driver. The gold and purple LSU cap perched on his head, the driver smiles at Scott.

"Like I said boy when we picked them up. Fresh bait. Now let's go get the bitch."

The last fleeting thought Scott has is of Kari. Thrown into the swamp, she's now on her own. He can no longer protect her. If she survives, she'll never be the same.

The slamming of the gavel against the wooden block ends the record breaking bids.

"Winning bid is by the French Consortium. The amount is $15,000 US."

Kevin looks over at the old trapper who won.

"Woooooooooooooooooohooooooooooooooooooooo! You broke the record Andrew. You owe me a beer mon ami."

Andrew grins at Kevin. He'd taught Kevin how to trap. Not all the secrets of course. But enough so the star quarterback would make more than a decent living.

Kevin walks over to Andrew and gives him a firm handshake.

"You taught me well Pops. When you going to teach me how to catch the big ones like that?"

Andrew laughs at Kevin and shakes his head. No matter what you taught him, Kevin would never learn.

"I told you before boy. You have to watch the gators. Dhey grow and you watch. Dhen, when dhey big enough, you grab'em. Dat's not too hard for a jock like you right?"

Kevin laughs as he slaps Andrew on the back.

"No Pops. That's not hard at all. But I did good today with the added quota. Monica is going to love this paycheck."

"Well boy, just remember what I taught you. Watch them grow, be careful and always use fresh bait. Gators are smarter than you think. They know what they like."

Kevin nods his head and grins.

"I remember Pops. Now about those beers."

Shaking his head, Andrew shoves the cap back on his head and goes to the bar. This was his night. He'd made more than anyone ever had in the history of trapping. The beers were on him.

The phone in Sheriff Ricky Boudreaux's office seemed to never stop ringing. The local newspaper, the Dallas Times and Herald even the New Orleans Picayune were ringing every hour for an update of the progress.

The couple hadn't been missing but over a day. Yet, the boys father was an oilfield executive and very well liked in the community. People were wanting to help in the search.

Sheriff Boudreaux re-opened the map of the local marsh. Shaking his head, he stared at the marks of swamp grass and canals.

"There's no way Scott would go into that. Something else happened. He would never leave the highway. There is no need for a seach."

Ricky knew Scott from school. He'd graduated with his brother, Mike. Ricky left Cameron and joined the Army the same as Mike did after graduation. Ricky to the MP's, Mike to the Special Forces. Together, they'd watched Scott grow up and become the attraction of most girls in Cameron.

Now, his high school buddies brother was missing, along with his wife. RIcky stared at the map praying for answers.

As the door to his office opened, Ricky raised his head. Noticing one of the deputies Ricky wondered what the interruption could be now.

"Sheriff, there's a long distance phone call for you from someone claiming to be Mike Wilkerson. He's insisting on talking to you about the missing couple. Says he's an old friend of yours?"

Ricky lets out a deep breath as he nods to the deputy. He'd been expecting this call. Now he had to face up to it.

"Put him through Junior. That's Scott's brother. Him and I graduated together."

Waiting on the call to be transferred, Ricky stares at the map. There is no way Scott would of headed into the swamp. Something else had to happen.

As the phone buzz's his office, Ricky grabs the headset.

"Mike? It's Ricky, long time no see. How you been?"

The voice on the other end of the line sounds different than he remembers. Ricky can hear the worry.

"I'm fine Rick. I'm calling to fine out what you have on Scott. Dad called me earlier. The only one I knew to turn to was you. What's up?"

Running his hand through his balding hair, Ricky sighs into the phone.

"Mike, we've got an abandoned car. Right now that's it. There are some tire tracks across the street, but we have no idea how old they are. Other than that, we're seaching the marsh and surrounding areas. If they're out there, we'll find them."

The silence on the other end of the phone speaks volumes.

"Ricky, I've got a flight into Lake Charles tomorrow morning. I've contacted some friends. They're going to come in and investigate."

Feeling more than alittel perturbed, Ricky forces his voice to be pleasant.

"Mike, we've got it under control. If you want I'll meet you at the airport tomorrow. You're Dad doesn't need to be driving that far with everything going on. We can talk then if you like."

"Okay Rick, thanks. My flight arrives at 9:30 am. I'll see you then. Thanks for everything bro."

Rick hangs up the phone and stares at the receiver. Mike was coming back into town. That didn't mean trouble, but with his brother missing it meant that Mike was going to run things. He was going to find Scott and Kari no matter who's toes he stepped on.

Rick straightened himself and stared at the pictures on his office wall. Most were from school. A few from the military. But those didn't seem to impress the locals as well as school hero photo's did.

The majority showed him and Mike together. He as the blocker and Mike as the receiver. Together they'd been quite a pair. Rumour even had it that their senior year they'd been responsible for winning the state championship. Ricky patted his gut as he stared at the old photo's. That was along time ago. Times had changed.

The military photos show Ricky as an MP. His armband displayed proudly as he pullled patrol. One photo showed him and Mike posing together. Mike had visited Ricky in Korea. It was in 79 during an operation one of the yearly Operation Spearheads. Mike had appeared on the barracks steps with his green beret slouched over his eye and smiled.

For Ricky, that was when he realized his high school buddy had changed. He would still joke around and drink beer with the best. But he watched everyone warily. He was no longer the young wide receiver who would run out and make plays happen.

Now he was coming home to search for his brother. Ricky stared at the picture alittle longer.

"I don't want to imagine what the search entails buddy"

Grabbing the maps in his large hands, Ricky exits the office and locks the door. Signing out at the small desk, Ricky hops into his truck and drives home.

Kari moves the marsh as the water laps around her legs. Her tears had for Scott had stopped hours ago. She'd cried as much as anyone could every cry. The last image of her love was him pushing out the door of the pickup as Oscar grabbed him from behind. He protected her to his end.

Looking around the mud, Kari wanders through the marsh. Not having any idea of North or South, Kari wanders aimlessly. At night, she stops to rest. Listening to the croaks of the gators and the croaks of the bullfrogs. But something else is out there. Something far more dangerous. Oscar is following. The driver let him out.

Kari is now on her own.

Sitting at the small airport sipping coffee, Ricky turns to watch the Piper aircraft roll up to the one gate. As the few passengers climb down the ladder, Ricky has no difficulty picking out Mike. At 6 ft, Mike towers over the other passengers. His slim build and erect stature gives away his military background.

Rising from his chair, Ricky heads towards the gate as Mike grabs his bags from the attendant. Raising his head, Mike smiles at seeing his friend approach.

"Ricky, you're looking good man. It's good to see you again."

Ricky grasp Mike's hand as he slaps him on the arm.

"Good to see you also Mike. How was the flight?"

Mike turns to look at the small plane as the crew begins to refuel.

"Not bad this time. No turbulence. I've always hated flying in those small things. I'd feel alot better if they'd just give us chutes when they take off."

Ricky laughs as he remembers a Christmas pass where he boarded one of the small Pipers in New Orleans with Mike. It was dark and windy. You literally sat behind the pilots and looked over their shoulders. As the turbulence would hit, the small Piper would drop a few feet. Not far, but enough to make your stomach dance. The co-pilot had looked back and grinned at the passengers offering his confidence. When they landed, Mike was the last one to get off the plane. Even then, his feet weren't too steady.

"Ricky, I'd like you to meet a friend of mine, Jim Abbott. Him and I work together in Dallas."

Turning, Ricky looks at the aging man. Jim holds out his hand as he smiles. A smile that doesn't reach his eyes.

"Sheriff, it's nice to meet you."

Ricky takes Jim's hand and is surprised by the firmness in the man's grip. Old, but not weak.

"It's nice to meet you also, sir."

"Jim brought some equipment to use Ricky. It should help out in the search."

"Good. We can use all the help we can get. I've got the car parked out front. We can get started back to Cameron as soon as you're ready."

Mike grabs his bags and looks over at Jim. Nodding, Jim grabs his gear and follows Ricky and Mike towards the front exit.

Throwing their luggage and equipment into the trunk of the squad car, Mike hops in the back seat as Jim sits upfront with Ricky.

"So Rick. How's Dad doing?"

Ricky looks in the rearview mirror at his friend.

"Not real good Mike. He and Norma are worried stiff. I've never seen your Dad this worried before"

Mike runs his hand through his close crop brown hair. Looking out the window, he stares as the scenery changes from scattered houses to the long marsh.

"Can you take us to where you found the car Ricky? We've still got alittle sunlight left."

Nodding his head Ricky realizes the investigation is about to get intense with Mike there.

"Will do bro. We've got the car at the courthouse if you want to look through that. We've been all through it. Nothing there to fell us anything."

Jim looks over at the Sheriff, his grey hair cropped close to his scalp.

"So what have you got sofar Sheriff?"

Ricky reaches down to the folder laying on the front seat. Handing it through the wire cage, he offers it to Mike.

"Give it to Jim, Rick. He's a retired Fed. He'll know more about what you've got there than me. I'm just a grunt for him who does the outside work. He's the brains of the partnership."

Ricky turns and looks at Jim. A retired Fed. That meant FBI in Ricky's book. Or perhaps CIA, Mike had been involved with them in the past also. Jim takes the file and flips through the documents.

"Looks like you've covered it all Sheriff. It sounds like you're looking at an abduction by someone passing by?"

Ricky smiles as he drives the car down the long highway.

"That's what I figure. Scott would never try to cut through the marsh to get to Cameron. Not this time of year anyway. The gators and snakes are out. Besides, it's too long a walk even in the winter. The car is broken down, so they had to flag someone down for help. The greasey rag shows he was working on it."

Jim nods his head and looks back at Mike.

"That sounds like a likely scenario to me Mike. Scott's not stupid, someone had to pick them up."

Mike continues to stare into the passing marsh.

Jim looks back at Ricky.

"So what's being done by the state Sheriff?"

"We've notified them and given them Scott and Kari's description. They've put out a statewide alert. With Texas so close, we've notified the FBI and asked for their help. Just in case they cross the stateline. But they want proof before they come in."

Jim smiles as he looks at the window.

"Don't worry. I'll take care of the FBI. They'll be here tomorrow Sheriff."

Pulling the squad car over to the side of the highway, Ricky turns and looks at Mike.

"This is where we found the car. I figure it had been here about twelve hours. That's when the last deputy passed this way before the next one found it. Your Dad had called and said Scott was running late and how that wasn't like him. So I sent a couple deputies out in each direction. One along the beach leading to Texas, the other this way up to Lake Charles. That's the only way he could of come in. Jadon found the car sitting right there."

Mike jumped out of the car and walked towards the spot Ricky was pointing at. Jim came up behind.

Looking around the general area, Jim grimaced as he stared at the rocks lining the side of the highway.

"No way to get any tire prints from this Mike. Both sides of the road are lined with rocks."

Mike walks over to the opposite side of the road. Leaning down, he runs his hands through the white shale.

"They were picked up here. Look at the different colors of the shale. The ones I turned over aren't as bleached. The same for over there, and there. Those are large areas where the stones were flipped when the vehicle left. I'd guess a truck. Especially knowing how trucks are owned by everyone in the area. Front wheel drive I'd say Ricky. "

Ricky squatted beside Mike staring at the white stones. Sure enough, two areas had a grouping of stones that were darker than the others. Much darker. Someone had parked here and pulled off. That someone had to be whoever picked up Scott and Kari.

Ricky looked over at Mike.

"You never forgot how to track did you Mike?"

Mike shakes his head and stares into the swamp.

"No, never did Ricky. Growing up out here you learn the basics. Being in the Army, I learned from the best."

Ricky stood and wiped his hands on his dark brown pants. Looking down at Mike, he felt the difference in his old high school buddy. Learning from the best? The Army taught tracking to their Special Forces. Not to everyone. But even as a teen, Mike could track the marks of a snake through the marsh.

Mike stood and looked up the highway towards Lake Charles.

"I'll come back tomorrow morning and walk the side of the road. Maybe Scott put up a fight somewhere along the way and there will be some fresh marks. If not, it's up to you and Jim to do what you do best. I just can't sit home with Dad not doing anything while Scott is missing."

Ricky watched his friend slump as he headed back to the squad car. Looking over at Jim, he noticed the concern in the older man's eyes as Mike leaned against the car.

Walking across the highway, Ricky approaches Jim.

"Thanks for the help with the Feds. They're really needed."

Jim turns his gaze towards Ricky and nods.

"No problem. I've known Mike and Scott since they were kids. Before their parents moved to Louisiana. Their Mom use to work as a secretary at the bureau. Now, Mike works with me. I grabbed him as soon as he got out of the Army and I had opened my own investigation business. He's good at what he does. As for Scott. He's like my own son. That's how much this means to me Sheriff."

Ricky nods his head in understanding.

"Well, just call me Ricky or Rick. We'll find them I'm sure."

Jim turns and heads for the car with Ricky. With his hands tucked in his pants pockets, Jim looks out over the wet marsh.

"Ricky, tell me something. The scenario we have is not good. Do you know the odds of finding Scott alive?"

Ricky stops and stares at Jim. His hands feeling sweaty as he plays with the keys.

"I know they're not good Jim. Especially for Scott. But Kari may have a chance."

Jim nods and turns back towards the car. Hopping inside, Ricky turns the motor as they drive away. Looking into the rear view mirror at Mike, he notices the tears form in his dark eyes. Tomorrow, he's going to be riding up and down this road. Looking for any sign. Any glimmer of hope. Ricky couldn't blame him. Mike was a grunt. He had to be doing something. There was no way he was going to sit around waiting for the state police to call and give updates. He had to feel useful.

Feeling the water soak into her sneakers, Kari moves through the marsh. With each step, her small frame sinks into the swamp. With a sucking from the bogs, she lifts her foot to take another step.

Around her, she listens to the sounds of the marsh. Just yesterday she had commented to Scott about it's beauty. Now, she listened for it's danger. Last night she found she couldn't sleep. The sounds of the night hunters keeping her on edge. The croaks of the frogs and gators. The buzz of the mosquito's. All sent her a warning to stay awake.

Looking at the setting sun, Kari knew she would have to sleep tonight. She had no idea how many days it would take to walk through this murk. But her stomach was reminding her she was hungry. Taking sips of water from the canals, she had hoped to quell the hunger. But not anymore. Kari was thin enough as it was, she couldn't afford to lose anymore weight.

Turning to look back over the marsh, she watched for Oscar's bobbing head. She'd seen it twice since Scott had shoved her from the truck. Her body landing in the mud as it slide into the canal. Her last vision of Scott was his eyes glazing over from the lost of blood.

The last time she had seen Oscar, Kari had laid in the tall grass and edged herself forward. When she peeked over the top of the weeds, Oscar could not be seen. She immediately headed deeper into the swamp. It had been hours since Kari had seen him. Now she has to eat and find a place to sleep.

Looking around, Kari eyes a small mound protruding from the mud. The grass growing high over the small hill, she edges her weary body to the haven.

Slipping into the grass, Kari looks between the reeds to search for Oscar. Nothing. Turning her eyes to the canal, she watches the bugs scurrying across it's surface. Reaching down, she snares a waterbug in her petite hand. Opening her hand to watch the insects, Kari mumbles to herself.

"What was it Mike had said? Bugs are full of protein and help you survive in extreme circumstances."

Kari remembers sitting there tossing a kitchen towel at Scott's brother after he said that. Mike was different from Scott. Brothers, yes. But Scott joked around and enjoyed life. Mike was quiet. His eyes always seem to show pain. The two were much different. But Scott loved his big brother. He had told Kari about Mike's past. At least what he knew of it. That wasn't much. Mike seemed to live in a secret world.

Feeling her stomach rumble again, Kari stared at the bugs in her hand.

"Well Mike. I guess I know how you feel now."

Opening her mouth, Kari empties her hand. The water helps wash the food down. Swallowing hard, Kari reaches into the canal for another serving. As the rumbling stops, Kari slips into the reeds of the hill. Laying down, her body curls into a ball.

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The Swimming PlacePart one .I was one of the hottest days on record and Meg Brown was relaxing at home.She had lived alone for almost a year and enjoyed the freedom it gave her .Simon had left leaving her the house and the courts had ordered him to pay Four hundred dollars a month in maintenance which was great but not enough to live as well as she had before.Meg was a legal secretary at the county court but could only work part time . Part time suited Meg fine as it gave her time to relax and...

3 years ago
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My Busty Mom 2

GOD, It was so tasty and that sexy smell made me very horny. I suddenlly bit her butt hard and she said “abbaaa, sukaa”. I stood up and turned her towards me and began to taste her juicy lips. I began to eat her upper lips and took her lower lips into my mouth and sucked it. She began to press my cock hard on my nikkar. God, I was in heaven. I began to bite her apple like cheeks. She was even faster than me in giving her cherry like lips for me to suck. I took her tongue in my mouth and started...

2 years ago
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Bound In Chains

I wake up to the sound of water dripping on concrete . My head is so groggy , and as I open my eyes everything is still fuzzy and out of focus . At first I can barely make out the windows as the light shines through them . I close them again to try and give them time to adjust . The dripping of the water is so loud , each drop sounds as if it is crashing to the ground . I try to focus on my breathing to clear my head . When I try to move , I realize I am bound and I become dizzy as I can not...

1 year ago
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Subhash Takes His Maid Anal

Dear Readers, this is the third story about an Indian man and his maid. The first story was about how an Indian man, managed to entice his maid to have sex with him. The second story was about how he fucked her the first time. Subhash was anxiously waiting on the third day for his maid Sushila to come for her work. He would glance at the clock, pace his room and again look up. The clock was showing 10:00 A.m. Sushila was already an hour late and Subhash was fuming inside. Two days had gone and...

1 year ago
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ek mast chudai by: PRIYANSHU EK MAST CHUDAI ye meri pahli kahani hai.mera naam priyanshu hai..ek aurat ki vasana ki kahani hai .wo aurat koi aur nahi meri mummy hai.jinka naam manju hai. age us samay 30 saalaur fig 38 -28 -36 thi.rang gora dekhane me south ki actress namitha jaisi lagati thi.pita ji ka transport ka bissunes tha.mummy aksar sex karane ki talash me rahti thi,kyonki pita ji saal me ek ya do baar ghar aate the.mummy ki talash jald hi khatm ho gayi. hamare ghar ke thik samane...

4 years ago
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Alright So I Was Wrong

Copy-write,[email protected] Another story by Pagan. Alright so I was wrong. As she came down the lawn she was giggling like a schoolgirl, her husband heard her and turned his head to watch her. His lovely wife headed his way; in each hand she held a glass of orange. He looked at her as she skipped over the grass, she was really lovely, they had been married four years now but they had decided to wait until they were in their thirties before children, build a secure future and all...

2 years ago
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Immersion breaking fictional story disclaimer. All characters are made up and no names are based on real people. Sorry about that. (contains taboo themes(you've been warned), masturbation and voyeurism but no actual sex... yet)I couldn't believe it had come to this. I had moved in to live with my sister. This last year hadn't gone the best for me, I had lost my job and had to live off of my savings for a few months until most of that was gone. I needed some help getting back on my feet. Bit of...

1 year ago
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MomPOV Adeline Ex pro Bass fisher MILF E432

– 43 years old – Is a mother of 3 with twin 17yr old daughters – Was married for 10 years and is recently divorced and single – Ex professional Bass fisher that was sponsored for about 7 years – She has 2 fuck buddy boy toys that she sleeps with and they are friends – Loves watching porn and has always fantasized about the thought of doing one – Secretly has a lesbian affair with her cousins wife while he was in another room – Loves anal sex and has a bucket list of 2 guys at once and getting...

2 years ago
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The Rogues Harem Book 1 Chapter 10 Naughty Fairy Spying

Book One: Rogue's Sultry Harem Part Ten: Naughty Fairy Spying By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this. Chapter Twenty-Eight: Naughty Fairy Spying Princess Ava – Forest of Lhes, The Princedom of Kivoneth, The Strifelands of Zeutch My rose-quartz fingers spread apart Kora's pink petals. I licked my lips, staring at the flood of Sven's cum, her brother's cum, pouring out of her pussy. A surge of taboo lust shot through me at the incestuous mixing of...

1 year ago
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Julie Ch 04

Julie left smiling, her body still floating. And if she was a little disappointed about her oral performance, at least she gave him her mouth to use and he used it. She had been there for his pleasure and that was what made it hot. It wasn’t like she was some kind of blow job queen or something. By her own admission, it was something that she never really considered her forte. Not that she didn’t put effort into it. She had just never been with men who had high expectations in that category,...

3 years ago
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Rick and Andy at the drive in

I come out of the 7 11 with a 6 pack of beer and jump in the van, andy has 2 joints rolled and winks at me. We head to the Ft Lauderdale drive in to watch the Rocky Horror Show. When we get there the place i packed, girls and guys dressed in lingerie and made up like the movie characters, andy finds a place right in the middle, we put the speaker in the window and crack a couple of beers and settle in. Andy fires up a joint and passes it to me, i take a long drag and pass it back. What a life,...

3 years ago
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Seduction of my sexy colleague 8211 Part 2

Hello all, please read the previous episode to understand the below story. She left for home and left me horny. She forgets to pick her panty. I picked her panty and cleaned my dick with her panty. I pulled my pant up and went home. I was happy with my achievement but yet to progress much. I had sex with wifey. She slept, but I was awake. I checked my mobile, and I got the message from Lavanya. She: Where is my panty? Me: I cleaned my dick with your panty. It’s with me. She: Hmmm. Me: You had...

4 years ago
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Mom Tied And Spanked

Mom Tied And Spanked Mom caught me with my finger in my sister’s pussy. I had her down on the floor, face down, and I was sitting on her. I had my back facing her head and I was leaned over getting a good look at her. I had her skirt up under me, I had her panties off, and I had two fingers as far up her pussy hole as I could get them. That was when Mom caught me. She grabbed my collar and dragged me over the couch when she sat down, pulled me across her lap, and started spanking...

3 years ago
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In The Ass

She was so hot. I just loved to look at her as she left her apartment. No matter when or for what reason she look very sexy. She had the kind of body that just screamed 'fuck me'. And that is what I wanted to do. She was kind of short but had those perfect legs that gave the illusion of going on for ever. She had that long, thick hair that was just perfect to nuzzle in too. I watched her everyday, and I knew her habits. On weekdays morning she dressed in a short dress type suit. All stiff and...

2 years ago
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My ex husband my brother in law

I had maintained friendly relations with my sister-in-law & when I heard she was in the hospital, I landed up to see her. I was also hoping to meet the rest of my ex-family. I work as a hostess in a catering firm & as I was planning to go to work from there, I landed up in my working clothes. I dressed up in a spaghetti blouse with ample cleavage showing, a nearly see-through white/silver sari. I had no petticoat below but had worn a kinky panty, which all my clients had loved. It was made up...

3 years ago
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Scissor Sisters Chapter Eight

Scissors Sisters - Chapter Eight - By: Beverly Taff List of Characters. Me: Peter(Now Petra); Susan(Susie): My mother; Grandma: My granny; Aunty Pauline: My mother's twin sister; Charlotte: My younger sister(By one year); Persephone & Stephanie: My younger twin sisters(By 3 years); Emily & Judith: My twin cousins(2 days younger than I me); Janice: Grandma's live in maid; Uncle Reggie: Grandma Brother and a Baron; David: Emily's...

1 year ago
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Shreya Fingered By Strangers In A Train

Hello everyone, this is Ricky back with another experience with my cute little cousin, Shreya. This encounter happened recently about a few weeks ago when we were traveling to Nagpur by train. This incident is about how we had fun with two complete strangers we met during our journey. For people who are reading my sex stories for the first time, let me introduce you to Shreya and myself. I am Ricky living in Mumbai. I am 5’11″ tall, decent looking, 21-year-old guy. I am a gentleman kinda person...

3 years ago
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Fucking my sexy mommy

Now I am going to tell about my mom Kavitha’s beauty. Her height is 5.5 feet. She is housewife. My father is working in company as a marketing manager. So he travels a lot. Her age is 45. But she looks like a angel. If I and mom went out all of them thinking we are brothers and sisters not mom and son. She has that kind of beautiful structure. She has a good pairs of boobs on her top. She has a beautiful deep round navel. We can insert a finger in her navel. I never missed a chance to see her...

3 years ago
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Five Strokes

One night, after a very long day of work and ridiculous traffic, I finally make it home. Pulling up to my driveway, I work to strip my mind of this entire horrible day. I feel dirty from dealing with a demanding boss, incorrigible clients, and incompetent co-workers. I notice as I come in the door all the lights are out, but your car is home. “Strange,” I think. Walking into the house, I notice my two favorite scents: chamomile and lavender. The smell is intoxicating and fills my senses. I...

Straight Sex
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One wild night for a sweet little southern girlp2

Please read "One wild night for a sweet little southern girl" first or this is not going to make any sense. We sat on the couch talking about what a fabulous time we were having. I kept on looking over at Dave's now flaccid cock. It lay there like a large snake. Dave caught the glimpses I was giving him. "You know Mary, It was so great to final have you after all the fantasizing I did about you" Dave said. "I'm glad you liked it baby I said giving him a huge smile. I was having flashes of me...

4 years ago
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The Towel Girls Punishment

by Lubrican Author's Comment: This story is dedicated to Gene, who thinks I can't write a piece of trash. Here's the proof I can. =============================================== Bob Loni was in trouble and she knew it. Her rebellious nature had finally gotten her in real trouble. She'd taken a necklace out of old Wauna's hut while Wauna was out gathering fruit and she'd gotten caught with it. Now she was being called in front of the village wise men for punishment. Loni...

2 years ago
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Helping a Couple Out

I was on the road for business a few months back. It had been a long trip and I was in a hotel for about 3 weeks. So long that I sort of became a regular in the bar across the street. I was a typical city bar, slightly upscale, but not too snobby or expensive. I would usually wonder over after the meetings were done, have a drink or two and grab a bite to eat before heading back to the hotel for some work and then sleep. I had gotten to now a couple Lori and Jim that were there almost every...

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My First Sexual Encounter 8211 Part II

Hi to all Iss lovers, This is a real incident , which happened 2months back. My name is Naveen ( name changed ) and I am 26 years old , I am a fair looking guy & 6 feet tall. I work as a software engineer in Chennai. I have a separate Orkut I’d in which I have around 150 friends (all are females above 30 and married ). Among that I have very special women named Madhu who is 33 years old. Her husband is working abroad and comes to India once in 5 years. Initially she was a very good friend to me...

4 years ago
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Kennel Girl Part Two

The next day was I woke up early my mind was still racing with everything I'd experienced the night before. It was 6 o'clock and no one was up yet. I lay there for a few minutes covered up to my eyes in warm blankets thinking of what it would be like to have a dog jump up on my bed and for him to start sniffing his way around my body. As my mind raced I moved till I was laying completely on my back I opened my legs and pulled the bed clothes between them making it feel like someone,...

4 years ago
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Flights of Consciousness Book III Charitable Good DeedsChapter 6

David and Nora sat on a sofa in the Hyatt lobby talking quietly. Nora said, "In a few minutes a Lebanese named Yuusif Hashem will come into the hotel, walk directly to the elevator and take one of the cars to an upper floor. The room where he meets another Arab named Widdaud Ahmad changes for each meeting. I'll point Yuusif out, and you can connect with him tonight and wander around in his past, present, and future. Yuusif is a member of Hezbollah, a terrorist organization backed by Syria...

3 years ago
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Shamus JournalsChapter 45

I was right. Doris gave me hell about spending that much money on someone I didn't even know. I didn't say anything until we pulled up in front of the steakhouse they had chosen to eat at. I turned in the seat so I could face Doris and still be able to see Sandra and Jimmy as I spoke. She opened her mouth to say something and I just held up my hand for silence. "You been giving me hell since I left the music store. This time you shut your mouth and let me speak. I bought the pair of...

1 year ago
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Cassie Chan Humiliated

Cassie is in the Main area of the Astro Mega Ship cooking up some food while the other Rangers were out doing a mission. She opted out of said mission in order to work on some school work which she had already completed faster then she had expected. The Rangers wouldn't be back from there trip for at least another Hour and an Half. Cassie was about to head to the Training room as theres no such thing as getting to prepared for battle when your battling to save the Word. When walking down the...

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The Holiday part one

I stared up at Jackson, doing my best to look him square in the eye while trying to decide if he was being serious or not. I couldn’t quite believe my ears but then this was Jackson, so anything was possible. “We’d have a great time – sun, sand, too much wine – and some amazing, adventurous sex! C’mon, it’s time you got back out there. Come with me!” Jackson is my housemate. Well, more my landlord really. It’s meant to be temporary but it seems to be lasting a very long time. I left an...

2 years ago
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Dying Embers

Author’s note: Thanks to techsan for his ‘as good as it gets’ editing. As for DG Hear … hey, thanks for making me feel like I’m a better writer than I am. A reminder that the author previously known as Dynamite Jack is now Jake Rivers. NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD I sat on the floor staring at the dying embers. The coals from the large fire I’d built earlier were coated with a fine gray ash … as the exquisite thirty-four-year-old single malt was tinged with the same, more than faint, taste of...

4 years ago
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SleeneChapter 3 Friday

On Friday, I went shopping on my way home from work and then called Ken. "Hi honey" "Hey sweetie. You ready?" "I've been sitting in a puddle all day! I can't believe how horny I am! Do you want me to come over," I asked, hopefully. "Yes, but not tonight" "Uhhhh, come on. I'm so horny. We could start tonight," I added, coquettishly. "We will start tonight, but you'll start over there. Do you have a pen and paper handy?" "Ummm ... hang on ... okay, I'm ready." God was...

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A New Beginning Brees Story

Bree Begins: My first husband was always working late. He worked in an office downtown and said he had to put in the long hours to get ahead. I would complain but he always said he was doing it for us. He called again and said that he would be working over a couple of hours and not to hold dinner for him. I felt sorry for him and decided to pick up something for him at a quicky restaurant and take it to him. I walked in with a dinner for him. As I approached his office door, I saw he had his...

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My Younger SisterChapter 2

I was sitting at my desk trying to study for my latest test, when there was a knock on the door. "Can I come in," called out Eve my younger sister. "Sure," I said, and she came in and walked to me and put her hand on my neck. "What's wrong john?" she said, "you seem upset about something." "Yeah, a bit," I sighed, "just trying to get this test over with." I reached down and placed my hand on her tight little fifteen year old ass. "I was lonely and thought I'd come in and...

2 years ago
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A Long Goodbye

Spring 2005 - Brownwood A solitary, distinguished-looking man sat on the bench and gazed out over the large garden. His jet black hair was speckled with hints of silver and his weathered but handsome face showed signs of a life spent outdoors. To a stranger he appeared like a man taking in a beautiful spring afternoon, but those who knew Nathan Cordova would've noticed something was wrong. Gone was the warm gentle smile that usually adorned his face. Dark brown eyes that once announced his...

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Evas Long Run

Eva awoke at her normal hour for a weekday. It was 4 am and as she did every morning, Eva lightly kissed her husband, Mike, as she rolled out of bed to change into her running gear. She was proud of her body, at 36 and after 2 c***dren, running had helped her maintain her shape. She was tall, 5 feet, 10 inches, but only weighed 125 pounds. As she stood in front of the mirror, she admired her large, 38C breast.The c***dren had not taken any of the firmness from them; her waist was still very...

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The Unreality Pandemic

The first signs of the Unreality pandemic were whispers on various sites on the internet. At first people claimed it was just creepy internet stories. When the pictures and videos arrived, they claimed it was special effects made with state of the art A.I algorithms. When hour-long live stream videos where victims answered questions arrived, critics went silent. Some governments began saying it was nothing to worry about. Some governments were quiet, too quiet for them to not be doing something...

2 years ago
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Deadlier Than The Male

DEADLIER THAN THE MALE Chapter One Jo felt betrayed, for she was sure she had been, by her husband of five years, whom she had loved and whom she thought had loved her. Well, maybe he did, but going to see her neighbour and best friend down theroad was a funny way of showing it. Of course she had no proof ? yet. But soonshe would. Didn't he find her attractive? Twenty-seven, raven hair, 5 feet ten inches,great body, slim and athletic, and, she thought a pleasant disposition as well.She had...

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More Family SecretsChapter 6

Dave had followed Veronica's suggestion, and Michelle looked both shattered and satisfied as she and his mother drove off to pick Frank and Erica up before continuing on to Edmonton. And while Dave hadn't managed to repeat the electrical discharge, the pleasure it had given Michelle must have broken down her orgasm threshold. She came a dozen more times in a little over an hour, before he finally busted a nut for the second time and dozed off to dreamland while spooning with her. Even...

1 year ago
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Do you get off to the thought of exposing yourself to total strangers? Or maybe you cream your pants when you think about someone running up to you and exposing themselves to you. Whatever the case may be, know that you are not fucking alone. There seems to be plenty of people that are into your kind of kink.Many of them are over on Here, you will find an abundance of users that want nothing more than to get off to content that will make you horny as fuck. If this...

Reddit NSFW List
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Rash Decisions

This is a short and fairly light-hearted story. I've been toying with the idea for over a year. It's set in my DNA universe, but it is not a continuation of the main storyline. You don't need to have read my DNA stories to be able to follow this one. I've probably got a dozen things wrong about centaurs and horses, but that's the way they work in my universe. At least, that's my excuse. There you'll find out a little about me and where my stories are archived. If you...

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Playing volley at the beach

My dear wife convinced me we could escape for a couple days and have a nice vacation at Barbados. I thought it was a very good idea; but Anita then added that she could get the chance of getting fucked by a real man with a huge black cock as I enjoyed the beach...On our first day there we went for a walk at the sandy beach in front of the resort and we found a volleyball game going on.There was a half dozen young black natives playing along with another six white tourists and they invited us to...

1 year ago
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Dear all I am regular reader of ISS, and many stories I have seen which inspired me to write my life experience when I was working in a leading telecom company in USA. I am RAJA, any female, who need a good friend in USA, especially in California, who want to have sex with me can mail me at Alternatively, call me at 1-510-927-1462 any time SO HERE IS THE STORY, WHICH IS NARRATED BY MY EX-WIFE, I AM NOW DIVORCED NOW, AND LOOKING TO MARRY AGAIN, SO HERE U GOES………. One of our clients came down...

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Barebacking at the bookstore

After a few visits to the adult bookstore I work up the nerve and head back to the booths. I'd seen online to come prepared so I had my balls and ass smooth hoping to entice some daddy dick. Lube in pocket with my butt plug up my ass I found three occupied booths. I knocked on the first door, no answer. Second booth had two younger guys inside jerking each other off. They invited me in but they were not what i was looking for so I declined. Almost loosing hope I knocked on the last booth's...

3 years ago
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Butterflies are the Gentlest

Butterflies are the Gentlest (c) 2010 by Trismegistus Shandy This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution- Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License. Feel free to repost or mirror it on any noncommercial site or list. You can also create derivative works, including adaptations to other media, or new stories using the same setting, characters and so forth, as long as you mention and point to the original story. ----- February 16, 20-- Dear...

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Lustful Threesome 8211 Part 2

For all peeps who have not yet read the 1st part, I suggest you to enjoy. As usual comments / critics please welcome. Continuing from where I left, the threesome was now getting too hot to handle. With the beauties only now in G-String and exploring each other’s bodies, it was turn to indulge in the exploration as well. I pulled Archana to my side and started caressing her boobs and I Jessy slowly feeling the wet pussy. Both the ladies, pulled my short and they were astonished to see my 7 inch...

2 years ago
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Licking a pussy

Hello! All ISS fans. As it seems that I have endless stories for u! Are u enjoying them or not? There is another fucking and sucking story for u. As you all are aware of me that I am Abhishek, 18 male living in east Delhi. The story is not real. It does not match to any living being present on earth. It is made by me only for your enjoyment .if anybody having any questions, comments or anything to say about the story can freely mail me on or lu enjoy it dudes and babes. The story starts from...

4 years ago
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Summer at the cottage 2

Part 2 Still naked the three of us walked the thirty steps or so down to the lake and waded in. The cool water made us gasp but it was refreshing. We were all sticky and sweaty after our intense session together and it felt good to get cleaned up. Gail and Jenny were grabbing my genitals and had little problem getting me hard again. With that accomplished Jenny turned her attention to Gail, suckling her full C cup breasts, and nibbling on her large dark areolas. I came up behind her and...

Group Sex
1 year ago
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Finding My Voice Chapter 2 Upping the Ante

FINDING MY VOICE Chapter 2 - Upping the Ante Of course, no sooner had I arrived home from my shopping expedition, than it was off with my male drab and on with my new purchases. I found that whilst I couldn't tighten the laces on my corset to the extent that Edith had managed, I still managed to squeeze my waist sufficiently to create a reasonable curvy figure. Once fully attired in my underwear, I spent several deliciously enjoyable hours trying on all the dresses; skirts; and tops I...

4 years ago
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After Five YearsChapter 6

July 2009, Sudan It was a few hours before dawn when I locked the motorcycle up, next to a shed and hid it behind some rusty sheets of corrugated iron. Then I struggled my way to the back of my home, and opened the lock in the rusty gate. Even if the gate was rusty the hinges were well greased and it opened without a sound. I locked the gate after me and soon was inside the house. For the first time, I really felt the exhaustion of recent events. I forced a smile when my wife and daughter...

3 years ago
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How my girlfriend turned me gay The End

He did stay that night, and the three nights after that. He left the house only to work, I left it only to get more groceries and lay in supplies of beer and wine. We were naked most of the time, and I lost count of how many times we had sex. A few times I topped him, but mostly he topped me, although we often just sucked or jacked each other. We did it in the bed, in the shower, on the floor in front of the fire. Once we grabbed sleeping bags and stole out of the house naked -- it was cold but...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Lady Down on Love

It had been a slow night. Many weeknights are, compared to the bustle of the weekend. I had a small rush of after-work regulars, but they had already disappeared. The remainder of the crowd had either paired off or went home alone. I informed everyone of last call. Part of being the owner of the Clancy's Pub was that I could close early if I wished. On the opposite side of the coin I had no chance for a social life outside of the bar, and decided long ago that I would not get involved with...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 336

Jenny was moved to a private room after she rested for a few minutes and the doctors finished with everything. Then the picture taking started, all of us with Jenny and the babies and then the grandparents holding the babies and all of us holding the babies. Jake and Mindy were both beaming as they had their pictures taken holding the boys. Jake was often wiping tears. Then it was time to feed them - we video-taped the first feeding. Some babies have trouble getting the nipple latch, but...

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