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Jonas Agonistes Chapter 1: Like a Novel by Robbe-Grillet

I avoided bourbon but not scotch. Scotch. I found it helped me sleep, but upon further discrimination and many scientific trials I decided it helped me do something like sleep. I pushed it aside. I even poured out one of the half-full bottles in my drawer. Not the other one, though. Just one.

Two weeks before, I left the Corps. Unwillingly, grudgingly, silently, at my own request, but I left. I resigned. Not in disgrace, but ‘don’t show your face around here again, Buddy’ was the implication. For about a fortnight, I toasted my discharge in a motel in Jacksonville, NC. I stayed at a terrible place, drinking more of that scotch, wishing I had a friend, finding one in the bottle. I was not suicidal. I did what we all should do when we have no one to go to. And there was no one.

The major warned me. ‘You are a candidate for all sorts of neurotic behaviors, Lieutenant. Depression, anxiety, alcoholism, fantasies… Don’t give in to them. You did what you could. You did right. The system failed you. Hell, the system eats up moral decisions, and doesn’t even spit them out. Talk to that priest friend of yours. Get a girlfriend. If they can handle it, talk to your parents. Get a counselor or a therapist. But remember: al Gatar is off limits. Al Gatar is classified. They are already considering declassifying it, so it should come off the list. But not yet. Soon, maybe.’

For two years Major Marx had steered me through a pseudo-legal system of innuendo, implication, half-truth, and exhaustive restatement, threat, cynicism, and frustration. Two years repeating the same story, recounting the same action on the same day, over and over while my interrogators looked for a flaw, for a changed word or idea, a discrepancy. I was the main character in a novel by Robbe-Grillet, each chapter repeated with only a small change here, a nip and tuck there. Finally the major brokered a decision that the Corps would NOT pursue charges like mutiny or murder or disobedience of orders. In return, all I had to do was resign, accept an honorable discharge-and get the hell out of our Marine Corps. So I did. It was probably for the best. I was starting to smell like Camp Lejeune, and Camp Lejeune smelled like Dewar’s.

And I thought Dewar’s smelled more and more like kerosene.

So I drove home to Mom and Dad, taking my time, using secondary roads, eating in little diners with girls waiting on me, listening to their southern accents, ordering grits and ham and greasy burgers. I avoided thought about my future. I wore civilian clothes, but my high and tight gave me away for a serviceman and especially a Marine. My Mustang was only two and a half years old, paid off, and worked wonders for my attitude, keeping me on an even keel. It was my most important possession, except for that Dewar’s half bottle in the trunk. I found a little, run-down motel along the highway just across the Ohio as it was getting dark and I put in. I could have made it all the way home, but I was in no hurry. No one knew I was coming. I was a low expectation.

I could not like-sleep without the Dewar’s, but I didn’t drink it anyway. There were too many arms and legs in my mind, too many women in burkas clutching babies, two too many dead Marines. I think I needed a sleeping pill. How do I get that? Walk into a doctor’s office and say, hey, I got some people killed and I’d like some pills to make me forget? Or maybe I could just say, I’m having trouble sleeping and Dewar’s doesn’t do it for me anymore, Doc. Can I get a pill? Ambien? Trazodone? Heroin?

I didn’t think he’d give me the opium but I had a shot at the others. I lay there thinking I was the victim of raised standards. I used to think like-sleep was good enough, and now it wasn’t. Perhaps I should reconsider? That scotch was in the trunk, not far at all. But it was 7 in the morning, I was four or five hours from home, from Mom, from my birthplace, from Father Rick, from Jane Austen née Miller, the prettiest girl in the ninth grade. Eighth grade too. Dad was there. Maybe I had friends I couldn’t remember. The scotch was sounding better all of a sudden. I think the major was correct: I was definitely a candidate for neuroses.

I pulled into the driveway at home about 3 in the afternoon. I hadn’t touched the scotch, which felt like a victory, if a sad one. The sun was out, it was cool but not cold, most of the leaves were still on the trees, the house and street and neighborhood all looked the same. I had last been here two-no, two and a half years ago, just before I deployed with my platoon to Afghanistan.

I had seen Mom and Dad upon my ignominious return, alone. They met my plane, but I had been in handcuffs at that point. I was allowed to say hi, kiss mom, and head to the brigᷫ to await a hearing. I was restricted to Camp Lejeune once a judge got me out of the brig, pending results of the investigation since there were no charges. We went to the beach a few times, the O club, but then they had gone home and I had entered the Long Winter of My Discontent. Now I was home. No job. No prospects. Out of jail, though. Home.

I pulled my two seabags out of the trunk and backseat of the Mustang and locked the car. I carried things up the steps to the big front porch. I decided to knock-I didn’t think it right to just walk in when I’d been away for years. I knocked. I waited. Then I rang the doorbell, and I heard Mom coming down the stairs. She was there. I think that moms can tell if one is suffering, and can tell if one is suffering justifiably. She just looked at me for a few seconds. Ultimately she pushed the storm door open and I was in her arms. I whispered, ‘No charges, Mom, I’m out of the Marines. Honorable discharge.’ She said, ‘You did what was right, Jonas. I don’t know what you did, I don’t know if anyone was hurt, but I know you did the best that could be done. I’m so glad you are home!’

I cried. I have cried many times over al Gatar. So it goes, said Vonnegut.


‘I have an applicant here, Mrs. Gilchromie, a veteran requesting he be admitted for teacher education and history. A guy from the Marines. He wants to get his teaching license. He needs student teaching and two…no, one methods class. He also wants to start work on a master’s in history. Got out of the Marines in October. Oh, he was in Afghanistan, but there is nothing about that in the record sent to us. Resume, application, some references.’ Marjorie Morningbloom just pointed out the obvious to her boss.

‘Is it on computer?’

‘Yes, Ma’am,’ she responded.

Barb Gilchromie called it up. Jonas Simms, bachelor’s from Miami in Oxford, First Lieutenant, nothing about the details of service in Afghanistan. Honorable discharge.

‘Do we have transcripts from Miami?’

‘Yes, Ma’am, pretty good. 3.23 undergrad. Strong in English. Likes history, though. Weak in foreign language, barely qualified with two years German.’

The dean looked at the documents, thinking. ‘I have a request here from Merciful Saviour High for a more experienced student teacher to work full time and move into a position. I think they had a teacher get sick. Here it is… This could be the guy. Is he Catholic?’

‘We don’t ask that, Barb!!’-but then Mrs. Morningbloom said quietly, ‘But yes he is. It’s in his military records.’

‘Crazy world, isn’t it Marj? I still would recommend him. Call him in. I’d like to talk to him. He fits this post, if he has enough presence. I’ll give Marty a call out at Saviour.’

Mrs. Morningbloom dialed the number on the application. It rang a house in Sky Grey, Ohio, not far from Cincinnati.

‘Hello?’ A man’s voice.

‘Hello, I’m Marjorie Morningbloom calling for Mr. Jonas Simms?’

‘Speaking, Ma’am.’

‘Mr. Simms, I’m trying to arrange an interview for you with Ms. Gilchromie, the dean of the school of education here at the University of Cincinnati.’ Morningbloom alw
ays liked to say the full name of the university, UC just seemed to abbreviate the dignity of the school.

‘Yes, Ma’am,’ replied Simms. ‘When would she like to see me?’

‘As soon as possible, Sir, she has openings today and tomorrow if you can make one.’

‘How about this afternoon?’ Simms asked. He needed a half hour to shave. At least he was sober.

‘Will 2:00 work for you?

‘Yes, I’ll be there at 2.’ And so it was arranged. He hurried to shave and clean up. He needed to iron a shirt.

At 2 he walked into Marjorie Morningbloom’s office.

‘Mr. Simms?’

‘Yes, Ma’am.’

‘Right this way. Ms. Gilchromie is expecting you.’ She led him into an office cluttered with books, papers, and years of experience.

Ms. Gilchromie rose and held out her hand. ‘Mr. Simms, I’m happy to meet you.’

‘Thank you, Ma’am.’

Before her stood a strong-looking young man, perhaps 25, with dark brown but short hair, wearing a sport coat and shirt with a button down collar and a tie. He was wearing corduroy trousers. The clothes ensemble looked new, which it was.

‘Have a seat, Jonas. Is it okay if I call you that?’

‘Of course. May I call you Barb?’

She laughed. ‘If you think it appropriate, then of course.’

‘Thank you again, then, Ms. Gilchromie.’ She noticed the hint of a smile and she appreciated his little gesture of respect. She returned it.

‘Mr. Simms, I called you in because your application indicates a desire to student teach. Almost all student teaching assignments were made long ago. But I have a last minute request from a high school that a student teacher with outstanding credentials or greater than usual successful experience be allowed to student teach while performing the full duties of a teacher. To be plain, a teacher at one of the local schools has become ill and will be unable to fulfill her duties in the second semester. The school would like to fill the position with a student teacher as a full time substitute using an emergency license. These are occasionally granted for cases like this. So you would be student teaching for us but working full time as a teacher for them. You would be paid on the substitute schedule. We have a part-time social studies instructor who teaches at this school who would act as your mentor and cooperating teacher. You would also need to attend at least a methods class here, in the evenings or on weekends, depending on availability. Would you like to be considered for this position?’

Jonas considered. It would mean more pressure, but he had already been a Marine officer, it might lead to a full time permanent position next year.

‘Yes, I’d like to be considered.’

‘Good! I hope you are flexible. They will want to meet with you soon. They do not want this hanging over their heads. Schools hate for tragedies to bog them down, I think you can understand. It is Merciful Saviour High School in Sky Grey, which is where you live, correct? I’ll call their principal as soon as we finish, send her your documents, and hopefully they will interview you soon.’

‘Thank you for everything, Ma’am.’ She indicated he might leave, and she picked up the phone.

Late that afternoon, Jonas received a call from Sharon Martin of Merciful Saviour High School.

‘Mr. Simms?’

‘Yes, this is Jonas Simms.’

‘Mr. Simms, this is Sharon Martin. I am the principal of Merciful Saviour High School. We are just outside Sky Grey. I’d like to arrange an interview for a position here.’

‘Of course, Ms. Martin. I can come anytime.’

‘If you could make it tonight around 7 it would really help us. We are swamped with work right now.’

‘I’ll be there at 7, Ma’am.’

‘Uh, Ms. Gilchromie faxed us most of your documents, including a list of references. Are these current?’

‘More or less, Ma’am. although the local ones are less so. The main reference is Major Tom Marx. He and I worked closely together for the last two years. The others-Father Rick was a childhood friend I lost touch with about the time I went into the Marines, etc.-they were all longer ago.’

‘I don’t see a commanding officer listed here from the Marines, Mr. Simms.’

‘No, I believe Major Marx may be able to shed some light on that, Ma’am.’ Simms then went quiet, afraid he would say too much.

‘I will certainly try to get in touch with him. I expect to see you in a few hours then, Mr. Simms.’

Jonas was worried. She was smart.


At 6:00 Sharon Martin and Father David Elkins met in the conference room next to Sharon’s office.

‘It’s strange. He would not say why he didn’t have his commanding officer as a reference. For the last two years! It seems he might be hiding something,’ she said.

‘Yeah. All the vets we’ve interviewed have included their last commanding officers for sure. I wonder what this Marx will have to say.’

‘I reached his office. He’s an attorney in D.C., in the Marine Reserves. He’s supposed to call back.’

On cue, the phone rang.

‘Hello? Merciful Saviour High School. This is Principal Martin. May I help you?’

Tom Marx spoke up. ‘Principal Martin? Tom Marx. Major Tom Marx when I am on duty. I understand you are calling to inquire about Jonas Simms, who I know as Lieutenant Jonas Simms, USMCR.’

‘Uh, yes Mr. Marx. I’m going to put you on speaker here. Father David Elkins is with me. We have the responsibility of hiring a new teacher and are considering hiring Jonas Simms.’

‘Hire him.’

‘I beg your pardon?’

‘Hire him. No one will do a better job for you. No one will work harder. No one will be better for your kids to be around. When Jonas Simms left the Marine Corps, the Corps lost its best young officer. Not one of the best. The best.’

Fr. Elkins looked at Principal Martin. His look said, Is this for real?

Fr. Elkins: ‘What was your relationship to Lt. Simms?’

Marx: ‘I am a JAG officer. Lt. Simms and I worked day in and day out on a court case. His case. I was assigned as his defense counsel. I cannot tell you what he was charged with-actually he was never charged. I can tell you nothing about the case. It is still classified, or I would tell you. I hope to have the reports and documents declassified, but it will not be this month.’

Martin: ‘I wondered why he had no commanding officer’s recommendation.’

Marx: ‘That’s because he was restricted to Camp Lejeune for two years. Officially he worked for the base. In reality, he had no duties. He was not in the brig, but it was almost as bad. I wrote his fitness reports and the commanding general signed them. As he was not writing them himself, and as he wanted no contact with Lt. Simms, the general demanded the evaluations be non-controversial. They were vanilla. It is unfortunate. Lt. Simms is extraordinary.’

Fr. Elkins: ‘You really have us intrigued, Major Marx.’

Marx laughed. ‘I will say something for the record if you want to record this. Here. I have known many brave men in the Marine Corps. I have known men who lost their lives saving others, selflessly acting when it would mean their own deaths. I have investigated brave men for the awarding of the Medal of Honor. So I do not say this lightly: Lt. Simms is the most morally courageous person I have ever met. You will see no medal or award. There is no statement in his file. I cannot tell you what happened or what he did. Maybe someday. He faced an impossible situation and acted morally when, I believe, most men would not.’

Fr. Elkins looked at Ms. Martin. She mouthed the word, Wow.

Fr. Elkins: ‘Could you repeat that? I want to copy it down.’

And so they did.

Marx: ‘I do not know if Lt. Simms will be a good teacher. I can tell you that his men trusted him implicitly. They to a man stood for him. I have never seen such loyalty. And from every-EVERY-one of them, there was a statement tha
t Simms was the best lieutenant or best officer they had ever served with. I speak of his character. If I had children, I’d want them to be around as many teachers like Jonas as I could find. And I think you’ll only find one.’

Martin: ‘Major, are you given to overstatement, perhaps?’

Laughing, Marx said, ‘Ma’am, and Sir, I only wish I had been able to save Lt. Simms’s career in the Marines. Unfortunately political considerations undermined his cause. He is a remarkable man. Oh, and he doesn’t know it.’

Fr. Elkins: ‘Humility is more welcome in my business than yours.’

Marx said with a hint of humor, ‘True. He is alone as far as the Corps goes. Humility is perhaps the virtue least recognized by the Marine Corps. He was placed in an impossible situation and behaved with integrity, grit, and with complete disregard for his own life and career. He realized his actions would threaten or end his career-he told his platoon sergeant. His after action statements were scrupulously consistent, detailed, and true to every verifiable fact. The Corps ostracized him before it investigated, almost as completely as you hear happens at the academies. His friends disappeared. For the last two years he stood alone. Now that he is home, I hope he finds old friends and makes new ones.’

Fr. Elkins: ‘I think you have given us a lot to think about. We may get back in touch with you, but I can say for myself I look forward to meeting him.’ There was a pause.

Marx: ‘Feel free to contact me about him any time. I only wish I could have helped him more. Thank you, and goodnight.’

Ms. Martin clicked off the phone. They sat in silence.

Fr. Elkins said, ‘I don’t care if he can’t teach. We have a responsibility to surround our kids with people of character. I’ve never heard such a recommendation. Let me check with a chaplain I know at Arlington, I want to find out if this Marx guy is something other than he claims.’


There were nights I didn’t remember going to bed, and I’d find a half-full glass of whisky sitting by my chair on an end table. I don’t waste liquor, so I knew I must have been too drunk to justify, too drunk to think, too drunk to read, too drunk period. For some reason it’s the lost last hour of a small binge that finally brought me up short. I knew I was drinking to a problem, threatening my liver, my mind, the job I expected to start after Christmas, my plan for a master’s, a future.

Mom and Dad must have seen it, but they didn’t say anything. They’d get up with me still asleep or in that like-sleep state and I’d awaken an hour or so later with a dirty, sour feeling. My hangovers didn’t hurt, they just depressed. I wanted milk then. I knew I’d done wrong. Perhaps Mom and Dad felt like I needed the release. Perhaps they knew I needed something and just hoped and prayed I’d come around. They knew I wanted the job and the degree. Perhaps they trusted me-who could not trust myself. Perhaps they just hoped it would go away with time and patience.

Mom got me back to church. For some reason, she always felt Mass cured ills. Maybe it does. ‘Fr. Rick is saying Mass at 9 Sunday,’ she said. ‘But he’s been given a new assignment, so he won’t be here long.’ Rick had been my best friend up to 9th grade, when he had headed to Saviour and I’d headed to Sky Grey Public. He’d ended up in a seminary and was ordained while I was in the Marines. Right now he was associate pastor of our home parish, Merciful God.

I drove my Mustang to Mass about 10 minutes early and found a seat in the back. For some reason I wanted to be unobtrusive. Some people went to Mass to be part of a community, I usually wanted solitude, introspection, prayer in a private way. But I was there, and by 9 the place was full. There on the right was Jane Miller Austen, prettiest girl in the eighth grade, ninth grade, and most other grades to to be honest, now with a toddler holding one hand and an infant on her other arm. The unworthy husband, Austen, was carrying a diaper bag and a punkin seat. He was tall. I decided he looked smug, married to Jane and with two kids. I wanted some bourbon. I’d finished my half bottle of scotch and hadn’t replenished it, and now I regretted it.

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Weird sisters Threesome

Sex with Deb had always been awesome. After our first assfuck, it got even better. A week had passed since I took my girlfriend's anal virginity, and not one day went by without me fucking her beautiful plump ass and pumping it full of cum. For reasons beyond my understanding, Deb's initiation to anal sex had sent her libido into overdrive. Deb always had a major oral fixation, much to my enjoyment. It was a sort of daily ritual for her to give me one of her incredible blowjobs, slurping and...

2 years ago
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I like to show off with hubby

Here it is 2010 which started out very well when my husband and I went out on the town and stayed at a nice motel on the way home.  Sure, we could have easily made it home but my husband had other ideas since when I have had a few drinks, he knows I am wide open for adventure.  I have been an exhibitionist for many years and have to say that many men have seen me either naked or partially clothed.  I suppose I am chicken to do many things when alone so am lucky to have an understanding husband...

2 years ago
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A Special Birthday for my Slut Wife

My wife was dressed in her typical slut outfit, short skirt, hose, heels and sheer blouse. We were preparing for a special birthday celebration for her 45th. I had rented the biggest room at the adult motel, and had put us on the register for a special evening for her, and for the guys to call our room for an invite.Cheryl took the first call from the desk.“Hello?” She answered in a sultry tone.“Yes, we are looking for a couple of guys to help me celebrate my birthday,” she replied.“There are...

3 years ago
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SnatchedChapter 6

As things settled down a little I asked Caloe where I should take the thaka to gut it. Usually the men gutted their kills where they made them and then brought them back for the women to skin and cut up. I didn't know if this was plain laziness or what. There were a lot of usable parts inside a thaka that went to waste when they were field dressed, unless the men went to the trouble of bringing them back. Caloe told me if I'd take it back out away from the campsite about a hundred yards or...

1 year ago
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PenthouseGold Gianna Grey Rachael Cavalli Gianna Grey Rides Her Personal Trainer

Raven-tressed bombshell Gianna Grey gets it on with personal trainer Lucas Frost in front of her voyeuristic lesbian girlfriend Rachael Cavalli for a raunchy XXX type of Penthouse workout session. With Rachael’s encouragement, the lucky stud is pussy licking the tattooed vixen and getting his stiff dick sucked. Then the voluptuous babe climbs aboard his rock-hard rod with her soaking wet shaved pussy to go for a wild cowgirl ride and gets a messy cumload on her back after doggystyle...

3 years ago
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Farm Girl Likes to Have Fun

Riding had always seemed to me to be a very erotic experience. The repeated thumping of the hard saddle against my crotch stimulated my clit and my imagination. With my legs spread wide apart across the thick body of Max, my stallion, I could close my eyes and imagine the hips of a gorgeous blonde adonis crashing into me. I had a small, but really well developed body, which made grown men look twice and get that look on their face, the one that meant `Boy I'd like to Fuck her!'I was only about...

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Gillian and Herbert Millerchapter two of two

I leaned against the hallway wall and listened to them, and I "didn't" suck it up; I sobbed instead, just like a little boy. I was quiet about it, but I did sob. I could hear him donning his clothes. I headed for the dinette. A shot of brandy would be useful right then, now, this last few minutes of my marriage to Gillian Miller nee Crowley. I was actually on my second shot when I heard them coming downstairs. They were talking kinda low, but I did manage to hear them saying some stuff about...

Wife Lovers
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My wife the internet swinger Ch4

  My wife Beth had changed into someone I didn't know. The last round of sex with another guy showed me a totally different side of her. He was a teenager and she is 35. She role played with him as his Mother and he was her Son. The sex was very hot and I found a pay site that would pay for amateur movies showing incest. The movie was very believable and they paid me $1000 for it. Beth was getting more obsessed with her body at the same time she was getting obsessed with big cocks. She...

Wife Lovers
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A First To Remember

I’m seventeen and in the RAF. I’m not a virgin but I’ve not had a lot of full sex. My first proper girl friend and I used to play with each other and give each other oral, lots of it! She would also rub her pussy over my cock until she came, and she did that a lot too! One night, as she was rubbing her naked, hairy pussy, over my hard cock, it found her entrance accidentally and she slid onto it, we just looked at each other, smiled, and carried on, the delightful feeling of being in a pussy...

First Time
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Bass Ki Cebin Me Bharpur Pyar Rajkot

Hi my sweet sweet friend ..apka sexy indian rangile rajkot wala handsome raj apni dream girl ke suhana ke dream ke sath khush he or ap kese ho sab khush na ok ..bass thoda udas hu indino ..kyu vo me last me kahunga take apko first me hi bor na ho agar mere bare me janna acha na alge to . or me apni adhuri story likh raha hoo to pahele me apni story ka first step past karunga take new log jisne ye story nai padi vo first se pad sake usko ageki story me jana na pade or jisne first step pad liya...

1 year ago
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The Strawberry Patch Book 1 The BabiesChapter 3 Ice Breaking

December – Year 1 After that revelation, Lynn sat there looking at me for a long time. I was trying to read her eyes when Mark broke the silence with a loud laugh. “Did you see that?” “No, what? “That drunken guy at the pool table just racked himself in the balls with his cue!” Grateful for the break, I looked over to see the young guy rolled up on the bar floor. His friends were all laughing their asses off at his misfortune. I turned back to Mark and just shook my head. Just as I was...

3 years ago
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Sugar and Spice Fire and Ice

Her name was Iris, and she was a goddess if I ever saw one. Her pinned back platinum hair almost glowed under the stage lights and her blue eyes sparkled with secrets just begging to be investigated. Her skin was fair in tone, and flawless in quality. But what secured her goddess status for me, was the first time I heard her sing. My too involved friend had dragged me into this underdeveloped, run-down neighborhood to a bar that had no sign or indication it was open to the public. Just a door...

3 years ago
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I Am Not A Slut

‘I’m a stripper, not a slut.’ I looked into the eyes of the man seated at the other side of the table. ‘I know that you don’t believe that but it’s true.’ Given the circumstances that led to this moment in my life I wouldn’t have believed that statement either. . . . My parents were hardly what you would have called good role models, my mother was a slut and my father was a distant memory to her and nothing to me. I was the result of a one night stand, not the first of the many in my mother’s...

2 years ago
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An Unusual Seduction X

Once we finished breakfast we all sat around and made small talk.  I knew what was on everybody's mind - sex.  Some days Carol is near insatiable.John asked, "What did you two this morning?"Carol said, "Dick finger-fucked me to orgasm and I sucked his cock until he came all over me."Underneath his T-shirt John's cock twitched.Carol's robe fell off one shoulder and her bare tit was on full display.  John stared at Carol and his face was flushed.  I looked at both of them and thought,...

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Growing Up in Gwinnett Volume 7

I didn't go to this mall very often, as it was not close to my house. However, when I was 16 years old, I played for the North Atlanta Boys Basketball Club. We practiced at Oglethrope University several nights during the week, and played games on Saturdays. Because the University was close to the mall, I used to stop by sometimes after practice. I liked this mall because there were several boys from the private schools (Marist, Lovett, Westminster) who worked at the mall, and sometimes they...

2 years ago
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Lifes Little Surprises Part 1

Life's Little Surprises - Part 1 by: Barbara Ann O It was career day at school and many organizations had come to put up display booths. It was meant for the senior class but I took a quick tour just to see what might be available in two years. Since I had no idea what lay ahead for me it was more an exercise in curiosity. Close to the end there was a hotel chain with a nicely laid out booth of sunny beaches and ocean views hanging on all sides. But it was the very pretty...

2 years ago
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Wife wants to try limited sex play with a black guy but it gets out of control

My wife Beth confided in me one of her favourite fantasies. To be held down and ravished, preferably by a big black man. She emphasised that it was only a fantasy as she wouldn’t want to have intercourse with anyone other than myself under any circumstances. ‘Maybe you would like to act out something along those lines.’ ‘If it was acting it wouldn’t work,’ she replied. I went on to suggest. ‘Why not have a real scenario where you would be really forced...

4 years ago
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Peter Masters found his reserved seat on the train, hoisted his old green bergen rucksack up onto the luggage rack, and sat down with a sigh of relief. It had been another long and tedious week in the City, and he was really looking forward to spending the weekend with his best friend Mark and Claire, his wife. He'd quickly changed out of his work suit into cords and a pullover before leaving the office dead on four o'clock, earning the odd curious or envious look on the way out. The pay...

2 years ago
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danny phantom sissy story pt 1

Introduction: this is a story based on one of my favorate characters. the themes are based on the whole series Hi guys, Im Danny fentom but my friends call me Danny phantom. Normally I would have some fantastic heroic story for you but this time I got something more strange. More strange than a half boy/half ghost? Yes. It began with my best friend tucker. He is a negro boy and a real tech geek. He is also my best friend. He is tall and always wearing a cap. One day I was watching TV together...

3 years ago
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Ilam Manager Udan Nadantha Kama Anubavam

Vanakam nanbargale, indru tamil kathaiyil naan velai seiyum idathil velai paarkum manager udan eppadi sex seithen enbathai ungal idam pagirugiren. En peyar Kavitha vayathu 35 aagugirathu. Naan oru officeil valai paarthu varugiren, enaku thirumanam aagi oru paiyan irukiraan. En kanavar velaiku kalaiyil kilambinaar endral athodu iravu thaan veetirku varuvaar. Avaruku naan oruvarl irukiren enbathaiye aval maranthu vitar. Aanal engalukaaga thaan avar oodi oodi uzhaikiraar athanaal avarai thapu soli...

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Delta OriginalChapter 4 Christmas Aboard

In the morning, Justin wasn’t that surprised to find Kim curled up in his arms. Not long after they moved into the flat, he often found her in his bed. He had gotten so used to it he didn’t even wake when she crawled in with him anymore. She had told him she always felt safest when with him as she had dreams. Considering the stories that Tyson and the girls had eventually told him of what Paul tried to do on several occasions, he wasn’t that surprised. He had to go back to wearing his...

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To Reign in HellChapter 3

I had just barely returned to my throne in Hell for about a week when I got a rather unwelcome visitor. It was the Archangel Raphael and he had a mission, evidently. His luminescence was striking in my infernal domain and I had to remind myself that I was once brilliant, a shining light of angelic holiness, before my fall from grace. I had joined Lucifer's revolt aeons ago and never regretted my choice, but it had cost me the radiance that still came so easily to this archangel. It was clear...

4 years ago
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Seducing My Elder Sister Didi

Hi, I am Ricky from a Bengali middleclass family. I am a 6ft tall, bit yellowish skin tone, muscular and curly hair guy. I did kickboxing since my teenage, so I have an athletic body. I am handsome, you can say. I am here to describe about the incident between me and my virgin didi. After clearing my JEE exams, I got selected in NIT Dur**pur. My dad is a government employee and my mom is a housewife. My sister loves me a lot. She was doing her graduation and wanted to do MBA. She was very...

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The Discovery

The Discovery by Janet L. Stickney [email protected] The fist came crashing into my head from out of nowhere. My Father, in another one of his drunken rages had attacked me for some unknown reason. Shouting, and cursing the whole time, he was destroying what little respect I had for him. Running for my life, the fear of my Father chasing me, I dashed out the front door and into the secure darkness of the street. When I got there, I was once again on my own, running from...

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Gettng caught in Moms panties

I often wondered what would happen if Mom walked in on me while I was dressed in her underwear ever since the close call I had when I was 8. I was wearing her white nylon slip bra and panties. She came home while I was in her room. I closed and locked the door, changed and came out, claiming to have 'taken a nap'. I'm sure Mom saw right thru me and knew something was up. I was so tense it took me an hour to calm down from the adrenaline rush. From then on, I had a heightened sense of thrill,...

2 years ago
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The Rendezvous

“I’m glad you came.” I say as she enters with that confidence as if this were her own room at home. “I almost didn’t.” She replied while taking her jacket off and laying it across a chair in the corner. With a glance over her shoulder I can see in her eyes she only says things like this to tease. She knows I like the chase. She wants this as much as I do. “I’ll make it worth it.” I say as we meet in the middle of the room. “Do you trust me?” “Yes.” Without hesitation she replies and looks...

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You're not fooling anyone: Right now you're pretending to be a straight "man" but you're not fooling anyone... all you're doing is pretending and most people you know arent mean enough to call you out on your gay-ness... If you come out of the closet you have a greater chance of looking like less of an idiot because at least people wont have to pretend not to know your a fudge packed, bent over cock lover! Right now you're just looking weak and stupid and again, everyone already knows anyway -...

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The Mistress Manual by: Mistress Lorelei1WHY BECOME A MISTRESS?:Some Unexpected Pleasures"When we are flat on our backs there is no way to look but up." - Roger W Babson"For my readers who have already tasted the heady wine of total control over a submissivemale, this question may seem absurd. The answer is so obvious: being a Mistress is fun.Female Dominance offers the Mistress a cornucopia of delights. (The submissive male enjoysit too, although there are moments in scene when he may not seem...

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Tea Ladies

(T minus three weeks) Mike Harris called it 'The Quickening'. He had borrowed the term from the film 'The Highlander' where the quickening refers to the awakening of special powers that lay dormant in certain people until they are triggered by a significant event. Mike applied dramatic licence to the feelings that regularly overwhelmed him and called these feelings 'The Quickening'. Mike hadn't felt the quickening for two years; he thought that he had suppressed the feelings for so...

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Rough Paradise

"YAAAAS!" shouted Jessica, "We won!!". And she and her friend stayed to leave stadium. They walked along the hall of brand new stadium. Then Amy complained "It's hot here. I am so thirsty." "Okay, Amy" said Jessica, "Meet me at the exit". "I will".Amy walked to find a drink. Quite a long time. And she wondered what Jessica think where she is. She thought "If I can't find somewhat where I could drink there are still toilets (there must be) where I will drink there tap water". On a way she asked...

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Chuck and LisaChapter 73

I knew today was going to be busy, so I slid from bed and got ready to go out and do some forms. It was raining again, so after going back into the bedroom for my sports leg, I put a pot of coffee on and went to the gym room where the dreaded treadmills waited. I did my stretches before beginning to walk slowly as I worked up to a fairly good running pace. When I had been running for about twenty minutes I slowed down to a walk then stopped. The girls began coming in with Lena and Mar...

2 years ago
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RuneswardChapter 56 Chrysalis

Vestra watched as the black dragon slammed its paw down one final time, a cloud of dirt and dust billowing out yet again. The sound of its blow took a moment to reach her, but her eyes were already watering. The man encased in blue had sacrificed himself for her. For all of them, really ... but also for her. There was no movement from the mound of crushed metal the black ri’Dagowyn had left in its wake. She turned to watch the crumbling face of the other white-haired girl. She watched the...

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The Bloodwood Table

All Characters 18 or older * Kalli’s grandfather built furniture. That was her memory. He was the one who cared for her, when her parents dumped her every weekend and sometimes longer. He was the one who fed her, and bathed her, and tucked her in at night. His hands caressed her as her rocked her to sleep, and made sure she wore clean panties. His hands gave her love, and built furniture. He was huge and strong and knew everything. ‘Anyone can saw a board in two, Kalli,’ he had told her,’...

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Lucky StiffChapter 25 Marla II June and Merry

One of these mornings, You're going to rise up singing. Then you'll spread your wings, And you'll take to the sky! --Summertime (Porgy and Bess) On the way upstairs, I asked Marla what time she needed to be home. I didn't want her to get in trouble with her Aunt. "Aunt Gin won't expect me home until dinner tomorrow." "You're shitting me!" "Nope, and I intend for you to take my virginity tonight." "There's only one problem, Marla. I cannot take it from you unless...

1 year ago
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The next morning a Romanesque couch had appeared in the living room, just like the ones at Fort Lascall. Sigh. Aneeka had rushed out of the bedroom this morning, I’ve no idea where she was off to in such a hurry. At least I was still free of the prisoner rack! I’d almost broken down in tears the night before when I’d been allowed to fed myself dinner. I sighed before allowing Nallen to settle me onto his lap, “Is this something cultural I just don’t understand, this feeding each other so...

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My Story of Sexual Reawakening

After my wife died, I sank into a kind of funk. Some people would call it depression. Family and friends tried to help. They brought me meals and found activities to invite me to attend. The truth is I missed that close personal, comfortable, relationship that Mary and I had for almost 45 years. I especially missed the rush that I got from driving her into orgasmic moans as I buried my cock balls deep in her wonderful warm wet pussy. I wanted to experience those feelings again, but I didn’t...

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What About Nick Chapter 2

I awoke the next morning with a nice wet, warm sensation on my cock.  I was lying on my back and as I opened my eyes, Michelle was down between my legs sucking my dick.  She was sucking me nice and slow, stroking the length of my cock while sliding her mouth up and down.  As she slid my dick out of her mouth, she stroked me with her hand.  My cock was growing hard in her hand and mouth.  Noticing my cock head growing thick and plump, she teased and licked it with her mouth and tongue.I slid one...

Office Sex

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