Jonas Part Two
- 3 years ago
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Jonas Agonistes Chapter 1: Like a Novel by Robbe-Grillet
I avoided bourbon but not scotch. Scotch. I found it helped me sleep, but upon further discrimination and many scientific trials I decided it helped me do something like sleep. I pushed it aside. I even poured out one of the half-full bottles in my drawer. Not the other one, though. Just one.
Two weeks before, I left the Corps. Unwillingly, grudgingly, silently, at my own request, but I left. I resigned. Not in disgrace, but ‘don’t show your face around here again, Buddy’ was the implication. For about a fortnight, I toasted my discharge in a motel in Jacksonville, NC. I stayed at a terrible place, drinking more of that scotch, wishing I had a friend, finding one in the bottle. I was not suicidal. I did what we all should do when we have no one to go to. And there was no one.
The major warned me. ‘You are a candidate for all sorts of neurotic behaviors, Lieutenant. Depression, anxiety, alcoholism, fantasies… Don’t give in to them. You did what you could. You did right. The system failed you. Hell, the system eats up moral decisions, and doesn’t even spit them out. Talk to that priest friend of yours. Get a girlfriend. If they can handle it, talk to your parents. Get a counselor or a therapist. But remember: al Gatar is off limits. Al Gatar is classified. They are already considering declassifying it, so it should come off the list. But not yet. Soon, maybe.’
For two years Major Marx had steered me through a pseudo-legal system of innuendo, implication, half-truth, and exhaustive restatement, threat, cynicism, and frustration. Two years repeating the same story, recounting the same action on the same day, over and over while my interrogators looked for a flaw, for a changed word or idea, a discrepancy. I was the main character in a novel by Robbe-Grillet, each chapter repeated with only a small change here, a nip and tuck there. Finally the major brokered a decision that the Corps would NOT pursue charges like mutiny or murder or disobedience of orders. In return, all I had to do was resign, accept an honorable discharge-and get the hell out of our Marine Corps. So I did. It was probably for the best. I was starting to smell like Camp Lejeune, and Camp Lejeune smelled like Dewar’s.
And I thought Dewar’s smelled more and more like kerosene.
So I drove home to Mom and Dad, taking my time, using secondary roads, eating in little diners with girls waiting on me, listening to their southern accents, ordering grits and ham and greasy burgers. I avoided thought about my future. I wore civilian clothes, but my high and tight gave me away for a serviceman and especially a Marine. My Mustang was only two and a half years old, paid off, and worked wonders for my attitude, keeping me on an even keel. It was my most important possession, except for that Dewar’s half bottle in the trunk. I found a little, run-down motel along the highway just across the Ohio as it was getting dark and I put in. I could have made it all the way home, but I was in no hurry. No one knew I was coming. I was a low expectation.
I could not like-sleep without the Dewar’s, but I didn’t drink it anyway. There were too many arms and legs in my mind, too many women in burkas clutching babies, two too many dead Marines. I think I needed a sleeping pill. How do I get that? Walk into a doctor’s office and say, hey, I got some people killed and I’d like some pills to make me forget? Or maybe I could just say, I’m having trouble sleeping and Dewar’s doesn’t do it for me anymore, Doc. Can I get a pill? Ambien? Trazodone? Heroin?
I didn’t think he’d give me the opium but I had a shot at the others. I lay there thinking I was the victim of raised standards. I used to think like-sleep was good enough, and now it wasn’t. Perhaps I should reconsider? That scotch was in the trunk, not far at all. But it was 7 in the morning, I was four or five hours from home, from Mom, from my birthplace, from Father Rick, from Jane Austen née Miller, the prettiest girl in the ninth grade. Eighth grade too. Dad was there. Maybe I had friends I couldn’t remember. The scotch was sounding better all of a sudden. I think the major was correct: I was definitely a candidate for neuroses.
I pulled into the driveway at home about 3 in the afternoon. I hadn’t touched the scotch, which felt like a victory, if a sad one. The sun was out, it was cool but not cold, most of the leaves were still on the trees, the house and street and neighborhood all looked the same. I had last been here two-no, two and a half years ago, just before I deployed with my platoon to Afghanistan.
I had seen Mom and Dad upon my ignominious return, alone. They met my plane, but I had been in handcuffs at that point. I was allowed to say hi, kiss mom, and head to the brigᷫ to await a hearing. I was restricted to Camp Lejeune once a judge got me out of the brig, pending results of the investigation since there were no charges. We went to the beach a few times, the O club, but then they had gone home and I had entered the Long Winter of My Discontent. Now I was home. No job. No prospects. Out of jail, though. Home.
I pulled my two seabags out of the trunk and backseat of the Mustang and locked the car. I carried things up the steps to the big front porch. I decided to knock-I didn’t think it right to just walk in when I’d been away for years. I knocked. I waited. Then I rang the doorbell, and I heard Mom coming down the stairs. She was there. I think that moms can tell if one is suffering, and can tell if one is suffering justifiably. She just looked at me for a few seconds. Ultimately she pushed the storm door open and I was in her arms. I whispered, ‘No charges, Mom, I’m out of the Marines. Honorable discharge.’ She said, ‘You did what was right, Jonas. I don’t know what you did, I don’t know if anyone was hurt, but I know you did the best that could be done. I’m so glad you are home!’
I cried. I have cried many times over al Gatar. So it goes, said Vonnegut.
‘I have an applicant here, Mrs. Gilchromie, a veteran requesting he be admitted for teacher education and history. A guy from the Marines. He wants to get his teaching license. He needs student teaching and two…no, one methods class. He also wants to start work on a master’s in history. Got out of the Marines in October. Oh, he was in Afghanistan, but there is nothing about that in the record sent to us. Resume, application, some references.’ Marjorie Morningbloom just pointed out the obvious to her boss.
‘Is it on computer?’
‘Yes, Ma’am,’ she responded.
Barb Gilchromie called it up. Jonas Simms, bachelor’s from Miami in Oxford, First Lieutenant, nothing about the details of service in Afghanistan. Honorable discharge.
‘Do we have transcripts from Miami?’
‘Yes, Ma’am, pretty good. 3.23 undergrad. Strong in English. Likes history, though. Weak in foreign language, barely qualified with two years German.’
The dean looked at the documents, thinking. ‘I have a request here from Merciful Saviour High for a more experienced student teacher to work full time and move into a position. I think they had a teacher get sick. Here it is… This could be the guy. Is he Catholic?’
‘We don’t ask that, Barb!!’-but then Mrs. Morningbloom said quietly, ‘But yes he is. It’s in his military records.’
‘Crazy world, isn’t it Marj? I still would recommend him. Call him in. I’d like to talk to him. He fits this post, if he has enough presence. I’ll give Marty a call out at Saviour.’
Mrs. Morningbloom dialed the number on the application. It rang a house in Sky Grey, Ohio, not far from Cincinnati.
‘Hello?’ A man’s voice.
‘Hello, I’m Marjorie Morningbloom calling for Mr. Jonas Simms?’
‘Speaking, Ma’am.’
‘Mr. Simms, I’m trying to arrange an interview for you with Ms. Gilchromie, the dean of the school of education here at the University of Cincinnati.’ Morningbloom alw
ays liked to say the full name of the university, UC just seemed to abbreviate the dignity of the school.
‘Yes, Ma’am,’ replied Simms. ‘When would she like to see me?’
‘As soon as possible, Sir, she has openings today and tomorrow if you can make one.’
‘How about this afternoon?’ Simms asked. He needed a half hour to shave. At least he was sober.
‘Will 2:00 work for you?
‘Yes, I’ll be there at 2.’ And so it was arranged. He hurried to shave and clean up. He needed to iron a shirt.
At 2 he walked into Marjorie Morningbloom’s office.
‘Mr. Simms?’
‘Yes, Ma’am.’
‘Right this way. Ms. Gilchromie is expecting you.’ She led him into an office cluttered with books, papers, and years of experience.
Ms. Gilchromie rose and held out her hand. ‘Mr. Simms, I’m happy to meet you.’
‘Thank you, Ma’am.’
Before her stood a strong-looking young man, perhaps 25, with dark brown but short hair, wearing a sport coat and shirt with a button down collar and a tie. He was wearing corduroy trousers. The clothes ensemble looked new, which it was.
‘Have a seat, Jonas. Is it okay if I call you that?’
‘Of course. May I call you Barb?’
She laughed. ‘If you think it appropriate, then of course.’
‘Thank you again, then, Ms. Gilchromie.’ She noticed the hint of a smile and she appreciated his little gesture of respect. She returned it.
‘Mr. Simms, I called you in because your application indicates a desire to student teach. Almost all student teaching assignments were made long ago. But I have a last minute request from a high school that a student teacher with outstanding credentials or greater than usual successful experience be allowed to student teach while performing the full duties of a teacher. To be plain, a teacher at one of the local schools has become ill and will be unable to fulfill her duties in the second semester. The school would like to fill the position with a student teacher as a full time substitute using an emergency license. These are occasionally granted for cases like this. So you would be student teaching for us but working full time as a teacher for them. You would be paid on the substitute schedule. We have a part-time social studies instructor who teaches at this school who would act as your mentor and cooperating teacher. You would also need to attend at least a methods class here, in the evenings or on weekends, depending on availability. Would you like to be considered for this position?’
Jonas considered. It would mean more pressure, but he had already been a Marine officer, it might lead to a full time permanent position next year.
‘Yes, I’d like to be considered.’
‘Good! I hope you are flexible. They will want to meet with you soon. They do not want this hanging over their heads. Schools hate for tragedies to bog them down, I think you can understand. It is Merciful Saviour High School in Sky Grey, which is where you live, correct? I’ll call their principal as soon as we finish, send her your documents, and hopefully they will interview you soon.’
‘Thank you for everything, Ma’am.’ She indicated he might leave, and she picked up the phone.
Late that afternoon, Jonas received a call from Sharon Martin of Merciful Saviour High School.
‘Mr. Simms?’
‘Yes, this is Jonas Simms.’
‘Mr. Simms, this is Sharon Martin. I am the principal of Merciful Saviour High School. We are just outside Sky Grey. I’d like to arrange an interview for a position here.’
‘Of course, Ms. Martin. I can come anytime.’
‘If you could make it tonight around 7 it would really help us. We are swamped with work right now.’
‘I’ll be there at 7, Ma’am.’
‘Uh, Ms. Gilchromie faxed us most of your documents, including a list of references. Are these current?’
‘More or less, Ma’am. although the local ones are less so. The main reference is Major Tom Marx. He and I worked closely together for the last two years. The others-Father Rick was a childhood friend I lost touch with about the time I went into the Marines, etc.-they were all longer ago.’
‘I don’t see a commanding officer listed here from the Marines, Mr. Simms.’
‘No, I believe Major Marx may be able to shed some light on that, Ma’am.’ Simms then went quiet, afraid he would say too much.
‘I will certainly try to get in touch with him. I expect to see you in a few hours then, Mr. Simms.’
Jonas was worried. She was smart.
At 6:00 Sharon Martin and Father David Elkins met in the conference room next to Sharon’s office.
‘It’s strange. He would not say why he didn’t have his commanding officer as a reference. For the last two years! It seems he might be hiding something,’ she said.
‘Yeah. All the vets we’ve interviewed have included their last commanding officers for sure. I wonder what this Marx will have to say.’
‘I reached his office. He’s an attorney in D.C., in the Marine Reserves. He’s supposed to call back.’
On cue, the phone rang.
‘Hello? Merciful Saviour High School. This is Principal Martin. May I help you?’
Tom Marx spoke up. ‘Principal Martin? Tom Marx. Major Tom Marx when I am on duty. I understand you are calling to inquire about Jonas Simms, who I know as Lieutenant Jonas Simms, USMCR.’
‘Uh, yes Mr. Marx. I’m going to put you on speaker here. Father David Elkins is with me. We have the responsibility of hiring a new teacher and are considering hiring Jonas Simms.’
‘Hire him.’
‘I beg your pardon?’
‘Hire him. No one will do a better job for you. No one will work harder. No one will be better for your kids to be around. When Jonas Simms left the Marine Corps, the Corps lost its best young officer. Not one of the best. The best.’
Fr. Elkins looked at Principal Martin. His look said, Is this for real?
Fr. Elkins: ‘What was your relationship to Lt. Simms?’
Marx: ‘I am a JAG officer. Lt. Simms and I worked day in and day out on a court case. His case. I was assigned as his defense counsel. I cannot tell you what he was charged with-actually he was never charged. I can tell you nothing about the case. It is still classified, or I would tell you. I hope to have the reports and documents declassified, but it will not be this month.’
Martin: ‘I wondered why he had no commanding officer’s recommendation.’
Marx: ‘That’s because he was restricted to Camp Lejeune for two years. Officially he worked for the base. In reality, he had no duties. He was not in the brig, but it was almost as bad. I wrote his fitness reports and the commanding general signed them. As he was not writing them himself, and as he wanted no contact with Lt. Simms, the general demanded the evaluations be non-controversial. They were vanilla. It is unfortunate. Lt. Simms is extraordinary.’
Fr. Elkins: ‘You really have us intrigued, Major Marx.’
Marx laughed. ‘I will say something for the record if you want to record this. Here. I have known many brave men in the Marine Corps. I have known men who lost their lives saving others, selflessly acting when it would mean their own deaths. I have investigated brave men for the awarding of the Medal of Honor. So I do not say this lightly: Lt. Simms is the most morally courageous person I have ever met. You will see no medal or award. There is no statement in his file. I cannot tell you what happened or what he did. Maybe someday. He faced an impossible situation and acted morally when, I believe, most men would not.’
Fr. Elkins looked at Ms. Martin. She mouthed the word, Wow.
Fr. Elkins: ‘Could you repeat that? I want to copy it down.’
And so they did.
Marx: ‘I do not know if Lt. Simms will be a good teacher. I can tell you that his men trusted him implicitly. They to a man stood for him. I have never seen such loyalty. And from every-EVERY-one of them, there was a statement tha
t Simms was the best lieutenant or best officer they had ever served with. I speak of his character. If I had children, I’d want them to be around as many teachers like Jonas as I could find. And I think you’ll only find one.’
Martin: ‘Major, are you given to overstatement, perhaps?’
Laughing, Marx said, ‘Ma’am, and Sir, I only wish I had been able to save Lt. Simms’s career in the Marines. Unfortunately political considerations undermined his cause. He is a remarkable man. Oh, and he doesn’t know it.’
Fr. Elkins: ‘Humility is more welcome in my business than yours.’
Marx said with a hint of humor, ‘True. He is alone as far as the Corps goes. Humility is perhaps the virtue least recognized by the Marine Corps. He was placed in an impossible situation and behaved with integrity, grit, and with complete disregard for his own life and career. He realized his actions would threaten or end his career-he told his platoon sergeant. His after action statements were scrupulously consistent, detailed, and true to every verifiable fact. The Corps ostracized him before it investigated, almost as completely as you hear happens at the academies. His friends disappeared. For the last two years he stood alone. Now that he is home, I hope he finds old friends and makes new ones.’
Fr. Elkins: ‘I think you have given us a lot to think about. We may get back in touch with you, but I can say for myself I look forward to meeting him.’ There was a pause.
Marx: ‘Feel free to contact me about him any time. I only wish I could have helped him more. Thank you, and goodnight.’
Ms. Martin clicked off the phone. They sat in silence.
Fr. Elkins said, ‘I don’t care if he can’t teach. We have a responsibility to surround our kids with people of character. I’ve never heard such a recommendation. Let me check with a chaplain I know at Arlington, I want to find out if this Marx guy is something other than he claims.’
There were nights I didn’t remember going to bed, and I’d find a half-full glass of whisky sitting by my chair on an end table. I don’t waste liquor, so I knew I must have been too drunk to justify, too drunk to think, too drunk to read, too drunk period. For some reason it’s the lost last hour of a small binge that finally brought me up short. I knew I was drinking to a problem, threatening my liver, my mind, the job I expected to start after Christmas, my plan for a master’s, a future.
Mom and Dad must have seen it, but they didn’t say anything. They’d get up with me still asleep or in that like-sleep state and I’d awaken an hour or so later with a dirty, sour feeling. My hangovers didn’t hurt, they just depressed. I wanted milk then. I knew I’d done wrong. Perhaps Mom and Dad felt like I needed the release. Perhaps they knew I needed something and just hoped and prayed I’d come around. They knew I wanted the job and the degree. Perhaps they trusted me-who could not trust myself. Perhaps they just hoped it would go away with time and patience.
Mom got me back to church. For some reason, she always felt Mass cured ills. Maybe it does. ‘Fr. Rick is saying Mass at 9 Sunday,’ she said. ‘But he’s been given a new assignment, so he won’t be here long.’ Rick had been my best friend up to 9th grade, when he had headed to Saviour and I’d headed to Sky Grey Public. He’d ended up in a seminary and was ordained while I was in the Marines. Right now he was associate pastor of our home parish, Merciful God.
I drove my Mustang to Mass about 10 minutes early and found a seat in the back. For some reason I wanted to be unobtrusive. Some people went to Mass to be part of a community, I usually wanted solitude, introspection, prayer in a private way. But I was there, and by 9 the place was full. There on the right was Jane Miller Austen, prettiest girl in the eighth grade, ninth grade, and most other grades to to be honest, now with a toddler holding one hand and an infant on her other arm. The unworthy husband, Austen, was carrying a diaper bag and a punkin seat. He was tall. I decided he looked smug, married to Jane and with two kids. I wanted some bourbon. I’d finished my half bottle of scotch and hadn’t replenished it, and now I regretted it.
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‘I…I don’t know if I should. I mean its like, I need the money but I don’t know if I’m willing to sell myself like this.’ I was just so unsure. Here I was a high school dropout with no job, no money, and living in my 27 year old boyfriend’s apartment. Life is good, huh? ‘Babe, I know you need the money, you know you need the money, so why don’t you just do it? You’re so good at it and guys would pay huge bucks for a barely legal girl like you. You’re lucky I have no problem with it, too. I...
Leila had her long blond hair tied in a pony-tail this morning, her generous breasts were loaded into a tiny white, lace-trimmed bra and a bright red blouse which did little to hide the swell of her C cups. She wore a short white tennis skirt underneath which she had the barest hint of a string that just about covered the neatly trimmed blond ‘V’ of her pubes but not much else. Anyone happening to be standing behind her if she suddenly bent over would get a generous eyeful of all her firm,...
Foster sent us, me and George, out to do some requisitioning. Our orders were to get something for the men to eat, anything, but especially corn and flour. "Do it legally if you can," our officer said with a smile as he gave us a sheaf of quartermaster forms, "but get us some grub." We took two tired riding horses and a wagon and mule, both old as dirt, and we started scouring the countryside. It did not take us long to figure out that a lot of men had been out doing the same thing before...
The Neighbor Next Door By Gurl Friday Of course you're shocked. That's a completely natural reaction. But I'm sure you will be able to understand. Before long, you'll be able to accept this and maybe even see this as a really good thing. I really hope so, especially that last part. Because once you see this as something positive, something good for everyone concerned, things will fall into place a lot better. It will help if I explain how things got to this stage, to this...
John felt like a long drive would help to clear his head. He had a particularly stressful week and now found himself alone for the first time in many years. His f****y had decided to take an extended weekend trip to visit the in-laws. He stayed behind to work. ‘Work’ he thought, ‘it was always his work that ruled his life and kept him from having fun’. He tried to relax as he drove into the mountains hopeful the beautiful scenery would help boost his spirits. He knew this train of thought was...
Hi friends…. Thanks alot ap sabne meri pehli real story bhai ki shadi mein maine manai suhagraat bhut pasand ki.. Maine ap sebse promise kiya tha ke main ap ko woh sab bhi bataunga jo maine jalandhar ja kar apni mausi ke sath kiya. Lekin jo mujhe nahi jante unko main ek bar phir bata deta hoon mera naam manmeet singh hai meri umar 28 saal aur main ludhiana rehta hoon. Ab main apko woh sab batata hoon jo shadi ke baad huya. Shadi ke just baad hi mausi apni beti ke sath wapis jalandhar chale...
Where did that thought come from? That would surprise Steven, but would it work? Hayley took the next exit from the interstate to see if she could backtrack. This was curious. Steven's stories were all over the board. What he consistently left out of his stories was romance, which was okay. The point of "adult fiction" isn't to be romantic, and his stories certainly made her juices flow. She had no idea where he got all his story ideas from, but she had to admit, they were consistently a...
When Penthouse Pet Vanna Bardot decides she wants to become a masseuse, who better to get training from than brunette stunner Jennifer White who teaches in a very hands on sort of way. Watch this steamy premium Penthouse lesbian porn scene unfold as the two hot ladies take turns rubbing oil up and down each other’s bodies. They take time to finger and lick each other’s juicy pussies meanwhile to get even hotter and wetter to prepare for Magic Wand masturbations that take them to...
xmoviesforyouShortly after she turned sixteen, Chloe started lusting after men's cocks. It was not the men themselves she was attracted to, it was their cocks. A quick glimpse of a bulge in some man's shorts was all it took to get her daydreaming about wrapping her wet lips around his stiff dick, gently and lovingly coaxing that first taste of pre-cum from his warm balls. Then with increasing excitement, sucking with abandon until gushes of his hot cum filled her mouthThe first time Chloe acted upon those...
Oral SexHi all, I am back with my story..any aunties/girls who are in need of safe sex can contact me on I am from tamilnadu. this story happened before a week. there is a neighbor hood friend of mine. i used to call her as sister. She is 2 years elder than me. She used to come to my home on weekends (that is the time when we have leave for college). I never had an intention to her until an incident happened. i happened to go to her home casually and when i went to her home, she was sweeping the house...
IncestAshley chose her outfit carefully. She wore a simple white blouse with buttons. It was tight, but Mr. Brenner couldn't tell since she kept her sweater on till after he left. Her skirt was loose and short--well above the knees. She decided against a plaid, thinking it was cliché and, instead, went for bright blue. She completed the outfit with a pair of pink ankle socks. She was going for a look that was both innocent and sexy--just short of slutty.And she succeeded beautifully.At the same time,...
Hello all! I am first-time writer here. My name is Arun, and I have lived in the USA for the last 9 years. I am a single 29-year-old working as a Software Developer in one of the biggest tech firms in the USA. If anyone wants to reach out, you can reach out to me at or kik: davidswaminathan. I am 6 feet tall with a medium built with a 6-inch cock. I have thick curly hair but try to keep it clean and straight. Any woman in the USA who wants to meet for an illicit meeting, reach out to me. We...
Shyly you come towards me. Your nightie is red, short, and lacy. A single delicate pearl button between your breasts holds the top closed. Almost sheer, the outline of your nipples creates a shadow darker than your skin; thin straps of red across each shoulder. The shadow of your tummy button is clearly visible. Panties the same colour. My God! This is my gift. My body reacts. I want you. I can feel the shyness in you. You quickly climb into the bed and cover yourself. “No,”...
InterracialIt was three more days before they brought her home, three days in which we went to see her first thing in the morning each day, Angie took her the syrup and she actually looked quite good in it, it was blonde and short, not unlike her natural hair, mind you for the money it cost, it should have been good! She walked out of the ambulance still clad in her robe and we both made a big fuss of her after listening to the doctor's instructions, "Just a week or so more of rest David" he said...
"Please, Mark, we really need to work out tonight," pleaded Cindy! Mark looked at the two women and said, "You guys know the rules, the gym closes at ten sharp!" "Just for a little while," begged Jill?!? Mark, the manager of the Suburban Workout Gym, was about ready to begin his own workout when these two dingbats showed up just as he was closing up. "Oh well, come on in, I was just going to work out myself, and I could use a spotter," he said, giving in to their pleas! Both girls rushed past...
InterracialIt was during the hottest month of the year that I encountered Lorenzo in that Mediterrean paradise. Back then I was fifteen and passionate about antiquity. My family used to have the habit of spending the summer holiday in Czech visiting old relatives in the small and forgotten villages s**ttered around South Bohemia. But that year, under my insistence, my mother finally yielded to my wish to spend a holiday in Sicily. I had always been passionate about the South. In my dream, Sicily was...
Tahir awoke in his bed with a start. How did he get there? The last thing he remembered was appearing next to Kim, and then he awoke here. Kim was lying next to him; she had been awake for a few hours watching over him. Reaching over he pulled her close to snuggle feeling her finally relax. Getting up after she was asleep, he had to report to the Captain. Roberts was looking over reports from the last visit Tahir had made back east. There were snippets of information coming in about the raids...
By Sunday, Rob was feeling much better. We made love that night. I did the work while he quietly lay under me so as to not move his knee any more than necessary. It was good. Best of all, we cuddled afterwards and fell asleep in each other's arms.Monday was back to regular life, getting the kids off to school and cleaning house. Rob was my captive as he’d be off work for at least another ten days or so. He was already up and hobbling around. Remarkable, when you think of the surgery on his...
Wife LoversSometimes a man hungers for sex way beyond human comprehension. We become wild a****ls in bed. Atleast I do. The other night I was at my local watering hole hanging out with the ownr over a game of pool. The door swun open and in walked thos very sexual creature of a woman. She stood only about 5' and caught every eye in the joint. Before us all was a lovely hispanic woman. She was a bbw and I enjoyed the scenery. Soon those few seconds turned to hours and I was shooting darts by myself. I had...
Introduction: It is boring doing the late shift in the quiet home, so when the teasing and flirting between a MILF and a younger colleague reaches its peak, both cross the professional working boundary with no hope of ever turning back The MILFs and the younger colleague Jane and her younger colleague were sitting at the kitchen table in the residential house they both worked at. This particular house housed 4 elderly people over the age of 85 who were physically inactive and very much bed...
Sitting at .home, bored. I was listening to the radio eating some pizza and laying on the couch. Suddenly, the d.j annouced a concert that was here in town this weekend. I thought "no doubt im there". I go to the computer to purchase tickets. Next i go to shower and get dressed. I was not prepared for what was going to be the best concert ever. I take a cab to where the show was being held at. I would never have thought that i would be seeing the star of the show. It was Her "rhyanna"....
Wild slut Samantha Mack visits us despite her busy schedule. The tattooed lady with humongous tits is all giggly and active while sharing stories about the latest happenings in her life. Samantha takes off her bra to reveal the full splendor of her breasts before giving her man a blowjob and deepthroat. She puts the big dick between her tits and slides it up and down. The horny duo fuck each other in missionary, doggystyle, and cowgirl. Samantha’s big tits violently bounce with each...
xmoviesforyouNote : This story is completely fictional! Yesterday afternoon I went to my sister Emilys house to keep her company since her husband is out of town on business for the week. We decided to have dinner around eight o'clock. After dinner Emily said she was going to take a shower and for me to pick out a movie for us to watch when she finished. So while she was in the shower I went into her bedroom and put on a hardcore porn movie that I had brought with me then called my friends and told them to...
IncestShe was cut off as the bathroom door clicked open and a smiling face peeked through. "Kia! Stop making faces at yourself through the mirror!" Fin giggled as her blonde head bobbed on over, the door staying open. She walked over to Kia with a skip in her step and threw her arms around her slender waist. Smiling and giggling as Fin nuzzled her cheek agaisnt Kia's breasts; soon feeling the perking nipples, she giggled. Kia blushed deeply and rolled her eyes, "Fin atleast knock! And...
How many guys remember their first crush on an older woman? It could have been a teacher, or a friend's older sister, or a friend's mom... How many remember the first older woman they knew that they wanted to fuck? That woman that you took one look at as a boy or young man and just knew that you had to see her naked, caress her body and fuck her silly... I know I'll never forget mine. It was the summer of my thirteenth birthday. My best friend was having a sleep over to celebrate his...
Wife spanked by step dadMy wife’s parents have always been strict disciplinarians, so my wife was used to corporal punishment. When she lived at her parent’s home, the punishments for my wife usually consisted of spankings to varying degrees.For minor misdemeanour's, my wife’s mother would usually take her over the knee for a hand spanking across her clothed or panty covered bottom and sometimes, if the misdemeanour warranted it, a spanking OTK on her bare bottom.For serious incidents, my...
Fraternity Brother to Sorority Sister Chapter 15 Ken's Family Beth had a wonderful time at the game and the dinner at Aaron's church. She enjoyed meeting all of Aaron's friends and learning, and relearning more things about him. Yes, they did kiss more times. Before they knew it, homecoming was over. Beth did keep her date with Ron at Sonnys. She told him all about homecoming, omitting all references to Aaron. With homecoming over Beth needed to focus on school and work. ...
During the fall, Donald’s obsession with Emma’s feet and toes seem to grow. Often when they sit on the couch reading or watching a show, he will have her lean against the pillow at one end of the couch, with her feet on his lap. Totally content, Donald massages her feet for hours. From time to time, lifting one to suck on each toe and lick her soles. He finds himself spending more and more of this time with her big toes in his mouth, sucking contently as he runs his tongue between her nail...
Love StoriesThe Italian Job 4As I opened my bedroom door I met a sight that made my cock jump again, the maid was in the room but she was bent over cleaning the coffee table, with her back to the door, I could not help noticing I assure you that I could see straight up her dress, she was wearing a thong that had pulled up right into her crack with her vulva lips on each side of it framing it, I could not resist such an apparent invitation, I came behind her, she had not seen or heard me because she had got...
Ganz in Wei? "Was Du immer willst. Eine Hochzeit in wei?; mit allem Drum und Dran; wom?glich auch noch mit wei?er Kutsche und wei?en Pferden; findest Du das nicht ziemlich kitschig? Und was das kostet. Meinst Du wirklich, dass wir das n?tig haben, um unsere Liebe zu beweisen?" "Also mir w?rde das gefallen. In der Kirche mit viel Blumenschmuck anschlie?end in feierlicher Ball mit Brauttanz, Hochzeitstorte und und Allem was dazugeh?rt. Nat?rlich ein wundersch?nes Brautkleid." "Ach herrje, darauf ha...
Author’s Note: This is the first chapter in the blossoming and soon-to-be-enduring romance of Peggy and Alex. At the end of this chapter, there is a question. Your comments will help shape Chapter 2, and your votes are always appreciated. ———- Peggy and I had been married for six years when it happened. During those six years, our sex life had become more passionate and varied. At the beginning of those six years, though, on our wedding night, we both lost our virginity, and it wasn’t...
Tuesday morning at Section 12 was more of the same old same old, only at a slower pace. Literally thousands of files had been opened in the six months the task force had been in operation; now there was time to go through each one again, update each one and then close them. That process would take months on some of them, years on others as the court cases dragged out. Ben made it a daily task to scour all intelligence reports from all agencies looking for anything the task force should...
Chris and his mother went to the mall that afternoon, stopping in almost every store it seemed. However, strangely, he didn't mind. For the first time in his life he liked shopping. Actually it wasn't the shopping, but rather being with his mother that he liked. He watched her closely, enjoying her shy smiles and flushes of embarrassment as she tried on various outfits. When she would come out of the dressing room with a dress or blouse on, Chris would give thumbs up or down. It became...
Pat and I were away for the weekend. We settled in our hotel room, and I told Pat I wouldn't mind a nap. Pat wasn't tired because she had slept a good chunk of the drive."Okay, you have a rest, and I will have a look around," Pat said after kissing me on the forehead.I made myself comfortable on the bed while Pat freshened up and fell asleep before she left.When I woke I couldn't believe it, I had slept for nearly two hours. I slithered off the bed and splashed cold water on my face.Back in the...