Ganz in seiner Hand
- 3 years ago
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My sister-in-law Rose Mulligan was one of those women that liked to be in the driver’s seat when it came to almost anything imaginable even when it came to telling her male partners where to place their cocks, how deep to go, and even when to flood her demanding quim with their stored-up juices at exactly the moment she knew her orgasm was most likely. I had even given her what she wanted on more than a few occasions because I would be the first one to admit she had the sweetest ass in all...
Ella esta muy pensativa esos dias..como habia llegado a ese punto?..No sentia nada, ni sentimientos de rabia ni ningún otro. Solo sentía sed de venganza. Lo esperaba en su Departamento. Habia esperado ese momento por mucho mucho tiempo..y ningun detalle librado al azar. Lo tenia todo programado. Tenia que ser fuerte para que todo salga como ella lo deseaba, pero lo podria lograr?Si! ella era una luchadora, una mujer hecha y derecha , y sobre todo muy dominante..y nada ni nadie la iba a dominar...
Mientras me arrodillaba frente a aquel hombre mayor que estaba totalmente borracho y lleno de lujuria, record? las palabras de Nick, aquellas con las que me convenci? de hacer este trabajo: "Vamos, siempre has dicho que eres un gran actor y que puedes hacer cualquier papel". Hab?an sido dichas hac?a unas 48 horas y ahora, si este hombre no ca?a redondo enseguida, me enfrentaba a mi mejor impostura, mi mayor actuaci?n, pero no en una obra de teatro o en un largometraje, si no en la pu?etera vida real. Le mi...
Aus schwarz mach weiss Gelangweilt sah er die Bewerbungen durch. Zu jung, zu alt, sieht scheisse aus… Oh Mann dachte er, sollte ich nicht die Bewerbungen nach Qualifikation durchsehen? Leise lachte eine kleine Stimme in seinem Kopf: mach ich ja, fickbar oder nicht? Dann fasste er einen Entschluss, vier Stellen waren in der Produktion ausgeschrieben. Alle im Niedriglohnsektor. Aber in dieser Stadt waren diese Stellen dennoch heiß begehrt. Genau deshalb hatte er hier die besten Chancen. Wenn...
Anmerkung: Nach unendlich langer Zeit habe ich endlich wieder mal Zeit und vor allem Muse zum Schreiben gefunden. Die Geschichte im Hotelzimmer kann also weitergehen. Es lohnt sich natürlich auch, die bisher erschienenen Teile 1 bis 4 zu lesen. ;)„Natürlich, es macht mir ein wenig Angst, Herr! Ich wollte nicht respektlos erscheinen. Verzeiht mir“, beeilst du dich zu sagen. Und augenblicklich lässt mein Griff nach. Ich hatte dich heute schon genug leiden lassen – freilich aber noch nicht genug,...
it was true. She had an okay face, big brown eyes with too much mascara. light brown skin, long mexican hair with those ugly fake streaks in them, pear shaped body with a little acne.. she was attractive enough to fuck, and ugly enough to not feel guilty when i finished her off. "Did you ever think about getting braces to fix that shit?" she didnt answer. i looked down at her, you could tell she was becoming aware how bad tonight would turn out. I looked around for something blunt...
Was war das für ein Gewitter in der Nacht! Hab kaum durchgeschlafen! Gut dass Wochenende ist und ich ausschlafen kann. Aber jetzt ist auch Zeit aufzustehen. Ich öffne mein linkes Auge. Wo ist mein Radiowecker? Ich wisch mir die Haare aus dem Gesicht. Aber da wo er stehen müsste, ist er nicht! Was für Haare wisch ich mir da eigentlich aus dem Gesicht? Mein Igelschnitt ist das wohl kaum? Ich richte mich auf und öffne auch das zweite Auge. Durch die Vorhänge fällt sanftes Vormittagslicht ins...
Sarah Baumann hatte es von Anfang an für keine gute Idee gehalten, aber sie wollte ihrem Freund Ralf, mit dem sie jetzt schon fast acht Jahre zusammen war, nicht die Freude verderben. Er hatte sich „Weihnachten wie früher“ gewünscht, wohlwissend, dass es sowas nicht geben konnte. Zwar konnte man versuchen alles so auszurichten wie vor 40 Jahren, was einem bei den Dingen wie Essen, Dekor etc. auch gelingen konnte, aber man selbst war einfach nicht mehr der, der man als Kind gewesen war. Sarah...
Der Weihnachtsmann Es gibt tatsächlich Menschen, die glauben an den Osterhasen und seine bunten Eier. Euch Dummköpfen sei gesagt, es gibt ihn nicht und wenn ihr auf große harte Eier steht, dann bucht euch gefälligst einen Besuch beim Weihnachtsmann! Mein Job ist mies bezahlt und wenn man ein Jahr lang keine menschliche Muschi zu sehen bekommt, außer man glotzt angestrengt durch das große Teleskop vom Nordpol aus, dann hat man wirklich einiges nachzuholen. Wie in jedem Jahr standen sie Schlange,...
Habe nun zum x-ten Male meine Pornobilder durchsucht, auch der Puff bringt wenig Freude. Der schönste Geschlechtsverkehr ist halt mit unbedarften jungen Mädels ungeschützten Verkehr zu haben. Gerne würde ich den Mädchen der Bischöflichen Marienschule mal einen Braten rein schieben. Eine Schande die Mädchen hinter trockenen Schulbüchern verstauben zu lassen, während sie bei jedem Eisprung eine Chance schwanger zu werden vergehen lassen und dann nur sinnlos ihre Periode haben. Ein Baby zu haben...
Sie lebten in einem Zweifafilienhaus, das deutsche Ehepaar Andreas und Sandra Hoffmann und das türkische Ehepaar Ali und Aisha Sülemann. Die Türken wohnten in der oberen Wohnung und durch die Sitten anderer Völker gab es immer wieder mal Reibereien, die aber nicht so ernst waren. Während sich Hoffmanns am agilen Nachtleben und dem ständig im Flur im Weg stehenden Kinderwagen störten; war es der zu gross genutzte Bereich des Waschraums, den Sandra wie Aisha meinte über die Grenzen hinaus...
Frauen können jedes Mal wieder überrascht sein, was Dirk für ein Schwein sein kann – einfach weil es ihm Spaß macht. Immer wieder ist eine völlig perplex, wenn er ein unverfängliches Telefonat oder einen harmlosen Chat in heißen Phone Sex verwandelt oder sie ohne Vorwarnung seine Schwanzbilder aufs Smartphone bekommt. Die eine oder andere war aber gerade deswegen fasziniert von ihm, spezielle solche, die mit einem langweiligen Freund oder Ehemann liiert sind. Was für ein Jammer, dass er keine...
Firstname : weiblicher Protagonistin Lastname : dein Bruder Samstag, 10:00Uhr morgens: Du erwachst durch das leichte quietschen der Tür als deine Mutter ins Zimmer tritt. "Guten Morgen und alles gute zum Geburtstag, Schatz!" hörst du Sie fröhlich trällern. Etwas verschlafen drehst du dich noch einmal um und ziehst dir die Decke über den Kopf. Seufzend hörst du von ihr nur in mahnendem Ton: "Dein Bruder und dein Vater sitzen schon am Frühstückstisch, wir wollen bald los, also erheb dich bitte...
Tales of a Hustler---Requiem for a WelterweightSunday morning had finally arrived. It was time. I sat at the coffee table sipping on coffee, and thumbing through the hundreds of pics from the last four years. Tommy, Kyle, Rick, Hunter, and now Joey, and the twins—Cole and Cody, and of course me and lil bro, Dustin. Lots of fine young meat, I added one day over 6.5 ft of dick ! With an average daily spillage of over 24 oz of the finest young jock jizz money could buy. But more so—some fine young...
Das Praktikum 28Ein zweiter Versuch Wenige Monate nach Richards ersten Geburtstag sah ich, dass bei mir alles besser läuft als geplant. Die Agentur hatte mehr Kunden als ich mir je geträumt hatte. Ich hatte einige gute Mitarbeiter, sodass ich mich mehr um den Kontakt zu den Kunden und um grobe Absprachen wegen unserer Ideen kümmern konnte, und die Feinarbeiten machten meine Mitarbeitenden. Natürlich motivierte sie auch ein entsprechender Bonus, aber den konnte ich mir leisten. Je mehr ich...
You were on your way home when you died.It was a car accident. Nothing particularly remarkable, but fatal nonetheless. You left behind a wife and two c***dren. It was a painless death. The EMTs tried their best to save you, but to no avail. Your body was so utterly shattered you were better off, trust me.And that’s when you met me.“What… what happened?” You asked. “Where am I?”“You died,” I said, matter-of-factly. No point in mincing words.“There was a… a truck and it was sk**ding…”“Yup,” I...
FMM, bi, dom, cuckZuviel Rotwein, Gazonga, Winter, 2018Ich machte die Bekanntschaft von Thomas per Internet. Oft schon hatte es mich sehr erregt, wie fremde Männer meiner Frau den Hof machten. Mit den Möglichkeiten im Internet nutze ich die Chance Bilder von Ihr, die ich heimlich gemacht hatte, sympathisch wirkenden Interessenten zu zeigen. Auf den einschlägigen Internetseiten zeigte ich sie vor und erhielt fast immer überschwängliche Antworten von Männern, die oft derb beschrieben wie sie...
Ich hatte meiner Frau Inge zu Weihnachten ein paar aufregende Dessous geschenkt und war gerade dabei, sie vor dem Weihnachtsbaum in diesem geilen Outfit zu fotografieren. Inge hatte sich vor den Baum gelegt, spielte an ihrer frisch rasierten Muschi und sah in ihren neuen Bettstiefeln, den schwarzen Strümpfen und dem Halbschalen BH einfach zum Anbeißen aus. Ich bekam schon beim Knipsen ein Rohr und stellte mir schon den weiteren Verlauf mit einem genüsslichen Fick unter dem Weihnachtsbaum vor....
This is the eighth story in my Legacy Universe, with the previous stories listed below for those who haven't read them. Like the others this is a stand alone story, though it might be helpful to have at least read the first, The Miracle Legacy. The Miracle Legacy Change of Heart Hardshell The Praxis Crossing Mannequin The Vengeance of Lady Hexx Glamour Girl Counterweight By Morpheus It was a great day for a picnic. The sky was clear, the sun was warm and the birds were all...
"Endstation f?r "Schweinchen"(C) 2014 by Masostud Vorgeschichte: Der homophile Tom begibt sich ?sehenden Auges? aus purer Geilheit in die F?nge eines sehr dominanten Mannes, der sich Mike nennt. Als es zu sp?t ist, muss er feststellen, dass er in die H?nde eines skrupellos sadistischen Menschenh?ndlers geraten ist, der seine ?Handelsware? nach den W?nschen des k?nftigen K?ufers zurichtet. Dabei wird er von seinem ebenfalls versklavten Luke als willigen und total h?rigen Luke unterst?tzt.Im Verlauf seiner...
Letzte Woche habe ich meine Wunschliste für Weihnachten verfasst und Max zugesteckt. Wunschlisten kennen wir sonst eigentlich nicht, aber da dieses Jahr alles ja so anders ist, dachte ich mir, ich schreibe meine Wünsche mal zusammen. Aber ehe nach Kaffeemaschine, Spa-Wochenende oder Urlaub auf Tahiti gesucht wird - es ging in eine völlig andere Richtung, und hier ist ein Auszug daraus: Tantra Massage Noch einmal so ein heißes Erlebnis in einer Therme Bei H&M (oder ähnlich) in einer...
Chapter 1 Do you know Teri Weigel?? Have you seen her act or seen her in Playboy magazine several years ago?? If not, you owe it to yourself to check Teri out. She's totally awesome, hot and so fucking sexy. I won't bore you with all the details of Teri Weigel's life but let it suffice to say that she's one very sexy and very sensual woman. She was one of the monthly Playmates for Playboy (Miss April 1986) and then eventually Teri got noticed and picked up by the porn film industry....
I’m almost an “Old Salt” now. Hi, I’m Petty Officer Linus Larue, and have been in the Navy for 8 months now. Went to boot camp and my first technical school in San Diego. Graduated at the top of my class and was promoted to (E4)PO3. I was due to report to my ship tomorrow and got to spend my first night of liberty in a Greyhound bus station because I couldn’t afford a hotel! I called my girlfriend in Texas and was told by her mom that she was out on a date! Oh fucking great! Anyway, I got to...
Ted's point of view I grabbed Lisa and ran toward the parked cars even though I didn't think we would make it. The Pinto accelerated hard, the eyes of her brother slitted above a snarl. I felt an instinctive need to close my eyes when he slammed on the brakes and screeched to a halt just a few feet from us. The rough idle of the car didn't last long as it sputtered into silence. We stopped running and panted as we stared at the little bastard. Arthur sneered at us as the car door opened...
Fiona’s diary: It was much more pleasant to wake up slowly, of my own accord, than to be startled by an alarm. I must have still been half asleep, because it took me a while to work out what the warm, soft thing pressing against my soles was. When I did, I felt a little pleasurable shudder, and then Mandy’s breath on my feet. I was used to sleeping alone, but Mandy was a joy in bed. No, not that way; ok, that way too. I meant she hardly tossed or move about, except when she was having...
Author's Note: Hello again. I hope you're enjoying the story. I'll be posting a little more frequently so that I can time the posting of the final chapter (chapter 24) on my deviant art closer with my posting of it here. I've just posted chapter 22 over there, and I've got everything up to 23 on my patreon, so if you don't want to wait to find out what happens next, go check them out at and Warning: This sexy, swappy chapter includes...
Peter ist an sich ein ganz umgänglicher Mensch. Höflich, zuvorkommen, durchaus ein Kavalier, manchmal emotional. Bei den Frauen kam er gut an, er war intelligent, zuverlässig und handwerklich geschickt. Er war nicht unattraktiv, sportlich und ganz gut bestückt. Dennoch klappte es irgendwie mit den Frauen nicht. Eine seiner Ex-Freundinnen hat ihm vorgeworfen, er sei zu nachtragend und eifersüchtig. Die Eifersucht konnte er bestätigen, hatte doch ihm doch einer seiner Freunde seine erste große...
Romance“I can’t sense Seranni.” Alim’s voice sounded confused. Rolan was shaking his head, clearly in agreement with the inability to sense the elf. I restrained myself from making the same movement; Rolan and Alim weren’t supposed to know I could sense the taint at all. I was guessing by the slightly ill-looking expressions on my husband’s and brother’s faces that they couldn’t feel her either. The blond elf continued to flop around, her seizure ongoing. A loud thump from her booted foot hitting...
Hintergrund Marcia und Tom waren begeistert vom kommenden Super Bowl und der Super Bowl Party. Alles begann kurz nach dem letztjährigen Super Bowl und dem Pay Per View nach der Spielefeier. Sie hatten das Spiel bei einem Freund gesehen und waren dann nach Hause gegangen, um die After-Game-Party mit den Cheerleadern des verlierenden Teams zu beobachten, die ungeschützt vom Siegerteam gefickt wurden. Beide wurden unglaublich angemacht und am Ende vögelten sie wie Karnickel. Später sprachen sie...
Group SexThis is totally fictional, but some elements are true. You figure out how much is true however nothing i*****l ever occurred. When i was younger, i lived in a mobile home park with my parents. I only had one friend, paul. We got high together, had the same taste in music, looked at the same hot girls, blah blah blah. We were constantly on the prowl for weed and pussy without much luck either way. It was such a bitch having money in my pocket, and not being able to find weed. At one point we...
The urge to find a cool, open space slowly came to me, and before I'd even made a conscious decision, I found myself up and drifting towards the basement. I stripped out of my shorts and tank top as I descended the stairs. The air down there was nice and cool, and I felt a little refreshed. I sat in the middle of the room, the cool cement floor feeling really nice against my skin. I again started tracing my fingers across my engorged belly as that strange feeling of arousal I remembered from...
Introduction: Part 2 of my Caveworms series. You should read part 1. Its not necessary, but it may answer the question What the fuck?. It probably wont though. I lay there for a while in a daze, hoping, but not quite believing that what had happened to me yesterday was just a dream. The summer heat had started early again today, and I started to feel myself overheat under my covers, which were soaked in my sweat. With a groan I finally forced myself to stir, pulling off my sheets and sitting on...
The Fifth Time and things are getting weird The news was in my Dad had won the Pools so we would be moving from the council house to a private house,My parents had decided to have a house built on the oposite side of the railway about a mile and a half from where we lived, it was nice little did I know that things would get weird when we moved,And things got a little weird before we moved so I had just started secondary school, I had started in the September and it was winter I recall one of my...
I lay there for a while in a daze, hoping, but not quite believing that what had happened to me yesterday was just a dream. The summer heat had started early again today, and I started to feel myself overheat under my covers, which were soaked in my sweat. With a groan I finally forced myself to stir, pulling off my sheets and sitting on the edge of my bed. I felt even heavier than before, and I was pretty sure my stomach had gotten bigger. I sat there with it resting on my legs, absent...
I was a nieve k** as you will soon see, I am straight but this is the story of how an upper classman at my boarding school taught me how to get muscular and cut. Colby had a great body that all the girls shrilled about and all the guys wished they had. Colby was our dorms leader and one day I asked him if he would show me how to work out and get results like his. He told me I had to be serious and willing to work hard and I had to earn his trust and respect. I was so excited that he at least...
I was a nieve k** as you will soon see, I am straight but this is the story of how an upper classman at my boarding school taught me how to get muscular and cut. Colby had a great body that all the girls shrilled about and all the guys wished they had. Colby was our dorms leader and one day I asked him if he would show me how to work out and get results like his. He told me I had to be serious and willing to work hard and I had to earn his trust and respect. I was so excited that he at least...
I was a nieve k** as you will soon see, I am straight but this is the story of how an upper classman at my boarding school taught me how to get muscular and cut. Colby had a great body that all the girls shrilled about and all the guys wished they had. Colby was our dorms leader and one day I asked him if he would show me how to work out and get results like his. He told me I had to be serious and willing to work hard and I had to earn his trust and respect. I was so excited that he at least...
I was a nieve k** as you will soon see, I am straight but this is the story of how an upper classman at my boarding school taught me how to get muscular and cut. Colby had a great body that all the girls shrilled about and all the guys wished they had. Colby was our dorms leader and one day I asked him if he would show me how to work out and get results like his. He told me I had to be serious and willing to work hard and I had to earn his trust and respect. I was so excited that he at least...
Mom Acting Weird The week before I turned fourteen my mother started acting really weird around me. She seemed very nervous, she dressed sexier than normal, and somehow I kept getting glimpses of her bra or her panties. Mom almost never opened her legs up for me. That was something that she reserved only for Dad. Then on the morning of my birthday Mom entered my bedroom wearing only her bra and panties. She looked absolutely beautiful, her bra was plain white and simple, and her...
Fbailey story The week before I turned f******n my mother started acting really weird around me. She seemed very nervous, she dressed sexier than normal, and somehow I kept getting glimpses of her bra or her panties. Mom almost never opened her legs up for me. That was something that she reserved only for Dad.Then on the morning of my birthday Mom entered my bedroom wearing only her bra and panties. She looked absolutely beautiful, her bra was plain white and simple, and her panties were also...
If there was one thing that Sam liked to do these days, it was to look at herself in the mirror. It wasn't just a vanity thing, although she knew that played a part, but a reminder of just how far she'd come. She loved to run her hand along the contours of her waist especially, and still marvelled every time at the hourglass shape that appeared in front of her. The hourglass was hidden tonight under a mid-thigh Donna Karan red dress. It was a little shorter and lower cut than she was...
James and His Dad Pt 2So it was set I was to move to my new house, I had forgotten the Thursday House rule,I called to see James & Yes it was a Thursday it was about 6pm when I called,I knocked the answer......I Knocked again......I heard a voice James's Dadjust a second, suddenly the door opened there is James's Dad stood in the doorway,no shoes or socks no shirt just a pair of shorts, oh hello David, did you want James?Yes I said, right come on in mate, take off your shoes...
Part of the RANDOM VICTORIES universe. See LEGEND OF HAIR HOUSE. You're Gonna Carry that Weight Chapter 1: Under Pressure Jim was staring at the wall of his dorm room. He had not slept for thirty hours and the books before him were starting to blur. It was the beginning of finals week. Empty pizza boxes were all over the floor and his sweat suit was feeling very grungy. It was two years since he and Sharon had graduated high school. She had gone to a school in the next state...
Today started like any other week-day. I got up, showered, got dressed and went into the kitchen to prepare mine and my wife’s breakfast. At six-thirty I went back to the bedroom and woke her.We had breakfast, I took her lunch and dinner down to her car, (she has a class tonight and won’t be home for dinner) wished a good day.It was like any other day until finally it dawned on me that it wasn’t like any other day. She wouldn’t be home until 8:30; this would be a party day. Party day after I...
And then after that, things got weird. As if they weren't weird enough already, right? After all, here I was, Kathryn's maid, doing her laundry on Mondays and cleaning her apartment on Thursdays - including all of those intimate services which I had always been doing. But now, I was required to pass as a woman full time. Mondays and Thursdays I wore my standard maid's uniform all day. On other days, I purchased a half dozen skirts and blouses to get me through the day. Of course my work...
Course 8 / Day 3: Course Progress Meeting Participant Notes: Fifty Jo: She coped well with her initial work programme yesterday. No concerns so far, but of course little has been done to stretch her beyond her treatment on arrival and her shaving / piercing sessions, which she managed to get through without more than expected levels of distress. The exercise training regime continues today to increase her level of fitness. Jenny's Recollections At the start of today, I'm feeling...
LIFE IS WEIRD Part 1. Come on Jack, hurry up! Or we will miss the plane!" my mother shouted towards the house opening the car window. "Coming mom," Jack appeared at the door dragging his big luggage. He placed it in the trunk of the car, opened the backdoor and sat beside me. "I do not wanna join you in this stupid trip," he asserted angrily. "Watch your language young man!" my father warned. "It is necessary for the family members to have some time together." "Then, why...
This is an utterly true story of events that took place some 50 years ago. I’ve only written this because I wanted to be able to keep the memories fresh as I get older and because my “friends and lovers” have either moved on with their lives or passed away, but since the intent of this opus isn’t just pure sex, some realistic ‘fill’ was necessary. I might mention a tiny bit of back story. My whole life I’ve only ever been good at three things – swimming, guitar playing and sex. © Hellraser 2014...
Ok. I think I get it. I just got told I can screw any girl, woman, boy, or man, at the resort I wanted who was at least fourteen and their parents would have to just deal with it. That is too fucking weird. Am I dreaming? Did I slip back into a coma again? Do I really care? It is a dream come true for any horny teenaged boy. I knew it was the work of his older daughter as a way to thank me for what I had done to help her. The people here who couldn’t outright buy a small country had the...
Copyright© 1996-2003 The rich man uses vaseline, The poor man uses lard; The worker uses axle grease But gets it twice as hard. Lets get something straight right off - I'm not fat! In fact, I'm my own worst critic when it comes to how I look - usually I just don't give a shit what others think. Lets see, I'm exactly six feet tall and right now I'm about a hundred and ninety five pounds. Not thin, not fat. Bet you don't believe me? Lets face it - I love food! Then there is...
Amy and I have been dating since high school. When I met her I assumed she was the typical prudish cheerleader. Boy was I surprised! One weekend she informed me she had a fake identification and wanted to check out the amateur night at a topless place in a town a few hours away. I borrowed and id from a buddy and we drove to the club. I assumed she wanted to watch and see what it was all about. She signed up as one of the participants. Amy is 5’5′, 110 lbs. firm titties and tight ass. I haven’t...
I've been divorced for about two years and was having reasonable success at a local upscale restaurant. eh single women knew the incomes required ot eat/drink there. Most of the gals were about 26, dressed nice and weren't into gamesOne Tuesday I sat at the bar and as I was finishing my lunch I noticed a stunnig beauty about 5 chairs looking me overI also noticed a ring on her hand. I didn't pursue it but she kept checking me outThere wasn't any other girls left so what the hellI slid over....
Amy and I have been dating since high school. When I met her I assumed she was the typical prudish cheerleader. Boy was I surprised! One weekend she informed me she had a fake identification and wanted to check out the amateur night at a topless place in a town a few hours away. I borrowed and id from a buddy and we drove to the club.I assumed she wanted to watch and see what it was all about. She signed up as one of the participants.Amy is 5'5", 110 lbs. firm titties and tight ass. I haven't...
So the other day I walken thru the woods without much to when this guy and his wife come up to me. Very rarely do I run into people in the woods but here is this couple, I mean an older couple I am guessing in their mid fifties and looking like they have a education and maybe some money. The guy sttarts in about how would I like to make twenty dollars and I bite. He says all I have to do is fuck his old lady while he watches, like right now and all. His old lady is not all that bad looking,...
The face looking down into Jared’s face was the same face that had just kissed him on the side of the cheek as he slept. That face now quickly retreated as Jared tried to sit up. As Jared finally got himself upright a warm cup of coffee was presented to him which he readily accepted. This still made him none the wiser as to who had kissed him on the face because the person that had handed him the drink had disappeared back into Jared’s kitchen and out of his sight. As Jared drank the coffee...
My wife Ashley and I had arrived at the Connor family estate at four PM. It was Friday and the Connor family reunion was scheduled for the long Memorial Day weekend. The family retreat was so big the freaking bedrooms were numbered. I had married into the wealthy Connor family. Ashley Connor had been one of the most sought after female descendents of her grandparents, Timothy and Rose Connor, and I had won her hand! Jeff Burton had been the first to arrive at the sprawling log cabin. Actually,...
She more open-up like doctor … No… Samir …. ( name she call show this ) the thing is different to judge your health. and that is ….. have you remember what you do after bath and coming out of washroom………… what is your state of dress-up…Then, the scene that time flash to my mind …. Complete my bath flash the light of my Wardrobe to check my undergarment to wear…………. Ohhh ... !!! God …….Shit… Shit.. You saw me …. “ Nude, totally Nude……. But how it is possible … while you are setting on sofa in...
Scotland 1953As the months past. and the summer holidays drew near, Stella and Dawn often talked about what sort of thing happened at WEBLEY HALLTrust me Stella, you are going to be the biggest hit there.Dawn would tell her.Well what sort of things go on there then,Stella asked a few times.Each time Dawn would say.Well all sorts of things really,Mike and the Major.Discussed throughly, what people wanted to do when they could go to a place with no sexual boundaries.And you would be surprised at...