Schwarze Pheromone
- 3 years ago
- 41
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Aus schwarz mach weiss
Gelangweilt sah er die Bewerbungen durch. Zu jung, zu alt, sieht scheisse aus… Oh Mann dachte er, sollte ich nicht die Bewerbungen nach Qualifikation durchsehen? Leise lachte eine kleine Stimme in seinem Kopf: mach ich ja, fickbar oder nicht?
Dann fasste er einen Entschluss, vier Stellen waren in der Produktion ausgeschrieben. Alle im Niedriglohnsektor. Aber in dieser Stadt waren diese Stellen dennoch heiß begehrt. Genau deshalb hatte er hier die besten Chancen. Wenn große Konzerne abzogen war der Druck so groß einen neuen Job zu finden, wieso dann in Asien produzieren?
Er würde drei Stellen mit Frauen besetzen, die richtig zupacken konnten und wollten. Blieb noch eine offene Stelle: eine neue Fickstute für sich.
Nachdem er den Stapel fast ganz durchgesehen hatte, fand er was er suchte. Zwar schon 26 Jahre alt, sehr süßes Grinsen und einen Hauch von Exotik. Die Fickstute war schwarz wie die Nacht. Einzige Konkurrenz: Eine 27 jährige asiatische Sahneschnitte. Das belebt das Geschäft. Außerdem waren beide in einem traumhaften Alter für das Angebot. Sie sahen noch gut aus, waren aber schon so alt, dass sie wussten, dass der Zug abgefahren war noch einen Traumprinzen zu begegnen. Traumprinzen fanden Exotik gut bei 16 bis 22 jährigen.
Schon mehrfach hatte er zwei Frauen gleichzeitig eingeladen. Das Spiel war ganz einfach: Variante A: Nur eine bekam den Job, wer das war, machten die beiden unter sich aus. Wer zuerst nackt war und anfing seinen Schwanz zu blasen war an Bord.
Variante B war noch weitaus schlimmer für die Frauen: Beide wurden eingestellt und die „bessere“ wurde Chefin der zweiten, was sich aber ständig ändern konnte, denn es gab regelmäßige Tests. Aber es waren eben wirtschaftlich schlechte Zeiten und so kam leider nur Variante A in Frage. Es gab nur eine Fickstuten-Stelle. Allerdings tendierte er diesmal dazu alles auf „schwarz“ zu setzen. Eine Entscheidung die dann für die nächsten zwei bis fünf Jahre bestand haben konnte.
Der Erste Vertrag war immer ein Zeitarbeitsvertrag mit zwei Jahren Laufzeit. Je nach Eignung und natürlich streng nach Sachgründen begrenzt war auch eine Verlängerung möglich.
Er setzte den Termin für die Vorstellungsgespräche auf einen Brückentag an. Da trennte sich ganz schnell die Spreu vom Weizen. Wer da der Meinung war, dass er lieber ein langes Wochenende genießen wollte statt einen Job zu ergattern, der war sowieso falsch in diesem Unternehmen.
Die drei Damen für die Produktion waren schnell gefunden und wurden sofort eingestellt.
Dann erschienen seine beiden Kandidaten für den Spezialjob von denen sie noch nichts wussten. Beide waren pünktlich. Aber die Asiatin war für seinen Geschmack ein wenig zu aufgebrezelt. Das ihr nicht die Titten aus dem Ausschnitt fielen, lag eben nur daran, das es bei so kleinen Titten einfach nichts zum Fallen gab. Dagegen war „sein kleines Schwarzes“, wie er sie schon in Gedanken nannte, zwar auch scharf anzusehen, aber kam nicht so nuttig rüber.
Eine Weile beobachtete er beide über die Überwachungskamera im Vorraum. Dank des Brückentages war in der Firma nicht viel los und seine Sekretärin hatte heute frei. Sie missbilligte, dass er immer wieder solche Frauen einstellte. Er ließ sie mit dieser kleinen Unverschämtheit durchkommen, weil er wusste, dass sie den Laden auch dann schmiss, wenn er aus allen möglichen Gründen nicht da war. Außerdem wusste sie am Ende, wer ihre Brötchen bezahlte und sorgte immer für die richtige Information wenn sich z.B. seine Frau meldete.
Jetzt betrat er den Vorraum: Guten Tag, begrüßte er die beiden Frauen. Welche von ihnen hat den Termin um 11:30? Beide Frauen meldeten sich natürlich. Er lächelte beide an und sagte, na das ist ja ein Zufall zwei Sahneschnitten gleichzeitig. Er stieg direkt unverschämt ein. Nach seiner Erfahrung brachte es nichts sich dem Thema langsam zu nähern. Schließlich vergab er hier eine Stelle. Man könnte auch sagen er vergab hier eine Stellung. Und die Einstellung für die verschiedenen Stellungen sollten sie sich verdienen. Hier ging es nicht darum eine Frau zu verführen. Kommen sie beide rein, dann können wir gleich prüfen wie flexibel sie sind.
Beide kamen mit in sein Büro und er wies ihnen Plätze auf seiner Besuchercouch zu. Dann setzte er sich auf die Ecke seines Schreibtischs. Gut meine Damen, wie sie wissen geht es hier um einen Job. Ich biete ein gut bezahltes zunächst auf zwei Jahre befristetes Beschäftigungsverhältnis. Bei ganz besonderer Begabung geht auch mehr, aber das liegt an ihnen. Am Besten ist, sie legen erstmal ab.
Bei „seinem kleinen Schwarzen“ war er sich nicht ganz sicher, aber die Asiatin wurde Feuerrot und versuchte jetzt eindeutig ihre Bluse zu schließen. Nana, sagte er, sie haben beide nicht die besten Chancen auf einen sicheren, dauerhaften Arbeitsplatz. Ich fasse das noch mal kurz zusammen: nicht die besten Deutschkenntnisse, keine, zumindest keine deutsche, Berufsausbildung. Zu alt für eine Ausbildungsstelle. Ich vergebe hier etwas gut bezahltes. Deshalb sollten sie jetzt mal ablegen, statt die Bluse zu schließen. Also? Ich will arbeiten, nicht Strich, sagte die Asiatin in relativ schlechtem deutsch. Die Schwarze sagte: ich brauche ganz dringend wieder Arbeit. Genau deshalb seit ihr ja hier, geregelte Arbeitszeiten, nur ab und zu mal ein wenig die Beine breit machen. Also los, Bluse runter, wer will den Job haben? Beide zogen jetzt die Oberteile aus. Beide waren ziemlich schlank und sahen gut aus. Die Asiatin hatte allerdings fast keine Oberweite. Du hast ja kaum Titten grinste er und kam zur Couch rüber. Ungeniert fasste er an ihre Kleinmädchentitten, man, das ist ja gar nichts. Er schnappte sich eine Brustwarze und quetschte und drehte sie fest. Die Kleine jaulte auf und riss sich los, legte schützend die Hände über die kleinen Tittchen. Er lachte, Mensch wenn du den Job haben willst, dann solltest du aber noch was richtig gutes draufhaben. Er wandte sich der Negerin zu: Was ist mit dir? Ergeben, den Kopf gesenkt reckte sie ihm ihre C Körbchen Titten entgegen. Ok, das ist ja mal was, wenigstens ´ne Hand voll. Aber beim bumsen mit dir muss selbst am Tag immer Licht an sein. Er quetschte sie genauso wie vorher die Asiatin, aber zog sie dabei runter auf die Knie. Sie stöhnte auf, machte aber keine merklichen Versuche sich loszureißen. Was ist mit blasen? Gehorsam blieb die Schwarze auf ihren Knien und fing an, an seinem Reisverschluss zu nesteln. Als sie ihn aufhatte sagte er, du zuerst und griff in die Haare von Mailin, der Asiafotze. Er riss sie schnell von der Couch nach unten und sagte: Mund auf. Sie zögerte, er fragte knapp: Job oder nicht Job? Sie nahm ihn in den Mund aber das war es auch schon. Kannst du nicht ordentlich blasen? Was ist mit dir, willst du vielleicht einen Job haben? Bei diesen Worten, die an Karima gerichtet waren, fing die kleine Asiastute doch an zu blasen, aber er zog sie an den Haaren zurück, gleichzeitig schubste Karima sie weg. So ist es richtig, sehr brav lobte er, das ist der richtige Einsatz. Kaum hatte er seinen Schwanz in dem Negermäulchen, dachte er, er wäre in eine Melkmaschine geraten, sie ging direkt in die Vollen. Sein Schwanz verschwand bis zum Anschlag in ihrem pechschwarzen Gesicht. Als Mailin sah, wie gut ihm das gefiel versuchte sie Karima wegzuziehen, hatte aber Pech. Karima bekam ohne hinzuschauen eine ihrer kleinen Titten zu fassen und krallte spitze Fingernägel hinein und quetschte mit voller Kraft. Wimmernd ließ Mailin von Karima ab. Er zog jetzt auch Karima seinen Schwanz aus dem Mund. Schließlich wollte er nicht vorzeitig spritzen.
Ok, sagte er, das sieht ja schon fast so aus, als ob die Sache entschieden ist. Du kannst die Sache aber retten, Mailin, was ist mit Arschficken? Sie schüttelte mit Tränen in den Augen den Kopf, während Karima sich blitzschnell die Jeans und einen Süssen knappen Slip runterzog, sich umdrehte und nach vorne beugte, während sie mit den Händen nach hinten Ihre Pobacken auseinanderzog. OK, bleib so, bis ich bei dir bin, sagte er in ihre Richtung. Er ging zu seinem Schreibtisch und gab Mailin einen Umschlag. Hier ist ein Monatslohn drin, sagte er. Zieh dich bei deiner nächsten Bewerbung nicht an wie eine Nutte, dann wirst du auch nicht so behandelt, oder sei bereit dich mehr einzusetzen. Du kannst gehen, ich werde jetzt noch ein paar Tests mit Karima durchführen.
Wenn du möchtest, dann machen wir eine richtige kleine weisse Frau aus dir. Ich bumse jetzt deinen kleinen Negerarsch durch und wenn du merkst, dass ich komme, dann ziehst du ihn schnell raus, drehst dich um und lässt dir dein Gesicht schön weiss besamen. Dann machen wir noch ein paar nette Fotos für deine Persnalakte und wenn mir alles gefällt, dann wirst du eingestellt ok?
Ja Chef, fick meinen Arsch ordentlich durch und mach mich zu deiner kleinen weißen Frau.
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her soft David woke with a start, heart pounding, sweat on his chest and face. He opened his eyes at last, a quick glance showed the familiar cot bars and the pink glow of sunlight through the nursery curtains. Relief flooded through him, it was only a dream, the same dream, a frightening dream, and a visit to his past life.Shifting slowly in his cot the dream faded, it was alright he had just wet his nappy in his sleep. He was safe in his cot; the golf club was a distant memory not to be seen...
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I was about fifteen when I really knew my single mom was a slut. She loved to fuck and would fuck any man. Many of her men were married and she did not care. Their wives no longer loved sex like my mom did. Mom was thirty five and had a great figure and great looks. She loved dressing sexy or even being naked. She was naked the day she fucked my boyfriend. He came over and I was gone and mom was sunbathing naked. When he saw her he got an immediate hard on which mom ended up sucking before they...
Tessa woke after a long night of games with her friend Derek. As always, she beat him by a landslide in every game they played before he retired for the night. She woke up early to prepare for work at the local pet shop. She yawned and got out of bed quickly and went to the bathroom. Looking at herself in the mirror she wondered what about her made her unable to tell Derek that she enjoyed his presence. Every time she tried she just couldn't get the words out of her mouth. He was moderately...
I was pretty young, I don't want to say my age, but I was riding my bicycle everywhere if that tells you anything. Our house back then was near a public park and had nature trails everywhere you could ride or walk. They were surrounded by tree's and heavily wooded and I always enjoyed riding down the paths and checking things out. We had a rule at home that was when the street lights come on, I better be home!One day, I was riding my usual trails and I saw these two old men, about my dad's age,...
“No offense, but I don’t really care to tell my life’s story to a complete stranger. Why don’t you tell me a little about yourself first,” I say. “Very well.” She gives me a smile as bright as a daisy. “There’s really not much to say. I grew up with my sister. I knew early in life what I wanted to do with myself. I’ve always been interested in learning about what makes people tick so I decided to study psychology in school. One thing led to another and here I am, sitting with you now.” She...
After a few minutes of resting he got up and headed over to the table. I felt tingles in my pussy as I watched his firm ass and muscled legs walk away from me. It was then that I finally looked around me and took in the room. It was a nice hotel room with two queen beds and a big wall of windows. The furniture was that dark fake cherry but it went well with the pale yellow walls. I heard some ice rustling and turned to see him grinning at me while he worked on popping the cork off of a bottle...
Busty Jackie Hoff looks like a modest coed, but her hot pink fishnets, jean cut-offs, and PervCity swag give the impression that she’s not the typical girl-next-door. Her innocent look is super-hot, but the brunette’s inner exhibitionist shines through when she shows off her big tits, delicious booty, and shaved pussy. The Cali girl hops on the sofa in doggy style, licks her fingers, and then caresses and fucks her tight asshole. She doesn’t require a dildo to masturbate or a vibrator to get...
xmoviesforyouMonday morning....i wake up with the usual morning erection, but something is hands and getting are cuffed to the bed. as I take a look around I see a two women who must be 20 yrs older than me standing at the foot of my bed, one had on a mascarade mask with matching bras and thong and the other woman was naked with a determined look on her face, then it hit me she was the leasing agent Michelle at my complex!! I couldn't figure out who the other woman was...before I could say...
Hello boys and girls and special hello to my beautiful and hot bhabhis and aunties .Thank you for giving your time for my story .This is your friend Priyesh Preetam from the living city Patna , Bihar. Mail me if you like this story at [email protected] .I am doing my 10+2 at a collage in patna. I have very normal physique and looks, but I am good at my studies and am a man at peace so I got a good reputation in school and college.As you all know I am living and study in patna but my...
We were sitting together in the car, quickly gliding along the highway, coasting towards a weekend together and away from all the rules and regulations that stayed in place at home. I turned my head towards him. He was so dark this time of year, like rich dark chocolate. His hair was just starting to grow out of its close crop. I let my eyes wander, his beautiful eyes were focused on the road, while mine continued downwards. I could see his beautifully cut chest beneath his light and airy...
InterracialFemmericks By Lenal A dad took his kid to the mall Told the wizard, "She asked for a doll" So now every day, She says, "Daddy, let's play," And then he's the best Barbie of all. A builder's responses were crass When the witch said he used half his ass So she made the big jerk Put his whole tush to work When he dances each night, as a lass. Young Susie experienced joy When she broke lonely Billy's new toy. Doc Smith made her play nice With his TG device In a tale tagged...
This story is one of a continuing series of connected stories known as “Tales from the Shack.” This story stands on its own, though it is part of the series. I typically don’t write graphic sex into this story line and that remains true here. Thanks to blackrandi and Sbrooks for amazing short notice editing; they make these readable. The Shack: An Angry Man Just One of those Fuckin’ Days. There are just days you shouldn’t even get out of the fucking bed. The kind of days you start off by...
James had never had to share a room with another man in his life. He'd never had a brother, he'd lucked out for his first year of college and snagged a single room, and then his whole life had changed. The guards escorted him down the halls, the sound of men stomping their boots and smacking their cell bars following him. James hung his head, his blond hair falling into his face. He was - or had once been - a cute college kid. He was a little nervous, a little bookish, his frame slender and...
We go out one afternoon visit a few shops, you walk into Ann Summers and spend some time in there looking at clothes and toys, then we go to a pub for some lunch and a drink, all the time winking at me rubbing my leg and cock, we are on our way home and you say I need the toilet, we stop off at a picnic area, you go inside, after a while you come out wearing what you bought in Ann Summers, mini skirt, boots, blouse, you grab my cock and say now the fun starts, we go over to the picnic tables...
Annie wrapped her legs tighter around the young body that was fucking her so well, her mind was in a whirl feelings of total pleasure coupled with panic and guilt swept through her brain but her body was in control and the enjoyment was just too much. She cried out as she exploded into an orgasm better than anything she had felt in years, then she reached up and pulled Danny’s head closer and kissed him, tears of pleasure and guilt ran down her face as her grandson continued to slide his young...
Cindy is standing behind me, arms around my neck looking over my shoulder as I type this. We're outside in our private yard, under a clear late winter sky somewhere north of LA. It's unseasonably warm, even for southern California, so we're enjoying our first Naked Day in quite some time. We woke up this morning looked out the window and thought, 'It's too nice for clothes - Naked Day!" We made love in our bed as we have so many times over the years, unrushed, taking care of each...
After Mason left I thought that my first experience went quite well, I sent Anika a text telling her how well it went and she replied with a little wink face and told me the fee had been transferred.I decided to go clean the room and change the bedding, I was told to always have the room ready as sometimes bookings come in at short notice, it was just as well I did as it was just after lunch when I got another enquiry.This was an interesting one, it was from a woman calling herself Mrs Wilkins....
The college visit with not my niece. Pt2 I hope that you are reading this because you enjoyed part 1 of the story. Ellie and I met a few weeks ago and have shared a few fantasies. I decided to write them down and share them as stories. I do not have permission from her to share her identity, but trust me, she is real and damn.. she is hot! +++++++++ We went back to the hotel by 9:00, washed and changed into jeans and shirts and then hit a club near the hotel I enjoyed the sights of all of...
Hello, my name is Lola Bunny. You may call me Madame. I am a dominatrix who also happens to be a rabbit. Make of it what you will. I have a dungeon where I work.I'm currently in a leather corset and wearing a large strap-on. Coyote from the coyote and roadrunner cartoon from looney tunes is sitting at my feet. Handcuffed and waiting anxiously for me to decide what to do with him. I sigh as i look around at all the toys at my disposal. I smirk to myself as I turn back to coyote.
Chat Night Guest: Pam of TGStories On Tuesday July 6, 1999 6PM PST You can e-mail Pam at: [email protected] Edited by Anne-Mal As always, we socialize a bit before the chat! (J) Is there something we can talk about? (GeorgiaCnf) Pam is probably downing a stiff drink before meeting the masses! :) (J) How well attended do you think this one will be? (Alex) A stiff drink before mass? (GeorgiaCnf) J, it's half an hour to go and the lecture theatre is filling rapidly!...
In Tanitsar life returned to normal. With Odar returned from the Hanilei campaign, Macro had more time for his wives. Thesia and Alana were more than two-thirds along in their pregnancies, and Anais was only two moons behind them. The state of hope in which the three princesses found themselves was known all over the island and preparations were under way for a huge celebration. The last royal birth, that of Elbar, had been over a half century ago. Under the erratic rule of a mad king, the...
My big sis Serena is a senior and I’m sixteen and a sophomore. I usually stay after school and participate in some of the many activities available but today I didn’t feel well and got home before she did. I was so quiet laying on my bed she didn’t realize I was there. As usual she had some guy with her who she always told Mom she was studying with. I soon heard some noises that didn’t sound like any schoolwork I knew of so I crept quietly down the hall and her door wasn’t shut. I guess she...
As I was raising my daughter, Jenna, I wondered how she became the free spirit that she was. My then-wife was quite conservative. Diana stopped short of wearing dresses constantly, but her shorts and skirts were always at least knee-length. She always wore a bra, even in bed, despite having only 32B boobs. Never wearing a sleeveless shirt, she always wore blouses and shirts that had sleeves at least halfway down her arms. In bed, her nightgowns were always ankle-length. She didn't enjoy being...
IncestNothing had happened between Ryan and me for awhile, we had gone on as normal. Every so often, in the evenings as I lay in bed I would play with my cock and remember every curve, bump and vain of my best friends dick and the thought always made me cum cum in seconds. We were both about 16 by now, and like most guys our age, had girlfriends on and off, and there was no... opportunity? is that the right word?... for anything more to happen. One night Ryan, myself and a friend of ours, Chris were...
From the moment I set eyes on Lily Lane, I was entranced. The busty girl has intricate tattoos all over her arms and her abs, and I need to see what they look like in my bed. Once she grabs hold of my cock, she has complete control, and she can make me do whatever she wants. She pulls me into her pussy, screaming as I stretch her tight twat. When she gets her satisfaction, she teases out a load of cum onto her tongue and swallows it down while I watch. Getting to fuck a MILF of this caliber is...
xmoviesforyou“What are we going to do now?” Susan asked as Dan walked her back up to the big maple tree. “I told you that Karen has a surprise for you and you’re about to receive it,” Dan said placing his arm around her waist and admiring her deep cleavage. Karen and Lilly spread out the two comforters and helped Wendy to lie down. Wendy took several damp towels from a bag and passed them to Karen and Lilly to clean off their pussies, ass and tits. Dan helped Susan to lie down and they began kissing....
The next day she told me that she had found what she was looking for and had me clear the calendar for a Saturday. She told me the photographer would meet us at the house and we would go from there. That Saturday morning my wife showed me the close she wanted me to wear for the pictures and got dressed in this little black dress that was enough to make me blow my wad right then and there. She asked me to zip her up and I began to run my hand up and down her soft back and around to lightly...
All characters are at least 18 years old. Hank Stop staring at her panties. Stop staring at her panties. Stop staring at her panties. “And I believe that’s all we have time for today,” I announced with a quick glance at the clock. “Please make sure to finish reading Chapter 8 if you haven’t already, as we’ll be covering Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. See you all next time!” My Psychology 1301 students were already packing up before I even finished, and I had to raise my voice higher and higher...
RomanceIn those days in Oklahoma everybody had a saying that summed up their own personal outlooks on life and just things in general. Hell, after the Great Stock Market Crash in 1929, between farmers not being able to sell what they grew and people not able to buy it, "sayings" was about all some people had. Those sayings ranged from, "Hit's God's will." to just plain old, "Aw hell, fuck it." What started as a "dry spell," became a drought, after a couple of years. The rains went...
There might be a grand plan. But, nobody’s shared it with me. As far as I know, life’s nothing but chance encounters woven into meaning by the choices we make. Nonetheless, karma’s a heartless bitch, and, sometimes she’ll make you wonder why your life sucks. I was in Chicago because conventions are big business. Every convention needs speakers. I’ve been inside at DHS. So, I get requests to talk. That’s why I was in the lineup at one of those godawful events, where nothing makes sense. But...