Passion Of Erika Christensen #1: Opening Moves free porn video

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Fall 2003. London, England.

The room's door opened and four beautiful girls walked out. All looked breathless and somewhat disheveled, even though their bodies showed evidence of recent showers. One was a tall elegant redhead dressed in a gown that matched her curls. The second was a tanned brunette in a green dress of similar cut. Then there was a young blonde in purple, her creamy skin shining in the hallway lights. Finally there came another lush young woman dressed in blue, her hair red-gold and falling about her shoulders. They smiled at each other as they headed through the hall, not saying much now. Many words and emotions had been exchanged between them throughout the day, but now such things were unnecessary. Their friendship had been cemented, and they were ready to go back to their ordinary lives.

If, Erika Christensen thought to herself as she brought up the rear, the lives of women such as us can ever be called ordinary.

The four were not everyday people. They were celebrities- young Hollywood actresses. Recently they had been cast in the same movie, which they would soon begin filming. All had gained much attention from fans and critics so far in their careers, and surely more was ahead. This is the life we signed up for, Erika thought. Ever since I was a child, I've known I wanted this life. It's been worth everything- all the committment, all the hard work, all the troubles that have come along. I've done great up to this point, and I'm going to keep on doing great. This is the life I was given, the life I've built, and I will live it.

"Erika, are you alright?" a voice asked her. She looked up and smiled at her old friend Alicia Witt. The redhead was frowning, looking down at her. Big things happened for you today, Lish, Erika thought. I'm not surprised you're still worried about them. Oh well, you seem more at peace now, and that's good enough for me as long as it remains.

"I was just thinking." Erika glanced back at the room they'd just left and sighed. "It was an amazing day today."

"Yeah," Evan Rachel Wood agreed. "I had a lot of fun. More's ahead- right, Keri?"

"Sure," Keri Russell said, running a hand through her brown locks. Of all the girls, she looked the most tuckered out. You've been through more today than any of us, Keri, Erika regarded her. We surprised you so much in the process of becoming your friends. Which reminds me...

"Keri, I owe you another apology."

"What?" Keri blinked. She stopped short and looked back at Erika, Alicia and Evan at her sides.

"I'm not really the crazy person you thought I was," Erika smirked. "I've been acting that way to have some fun with you. It's time to stop now. I'm sorry."

Keri stared at her. "Uh ... you mean you're not..." She looked back at the room they'd just left, her voice catching in her throat.

"No, not that," Erika laughed. "The other thing. You know, the misconception you had about me?" She glanced at Evan. "Both of you. You assigned me a role, and I took it. I think I may have overplayed it a bit, though. What do you think?"

"You did just fine," Evan said.

Keri still looked confused. "You mean you're not really a Scien..."

"I am," Erika cut in. "I just follow the philosophy, though. I agree that the mythology's a little out there. Of course, when your religion's founder was a great science-fiction writer..."

"We get it," Keri said. "And we're sorry too. Right?" She looked at Evan, who nodded, a smile still on her lips.

"I helped her kid you a little," Alicia said. "I've seen her do it before. It's fun to play along." She sighed. "I guess I owe you both an apology too. I kept some things concealed. I wasn't expecting what happened between us. I wasn't even sure I wanted it." She looked back towards the room. "And now..."

"Enough," said Keri. "We've had enough apologies and debates today. We've ironed them all out several times over already. Let's just move on. Okay?"

"Okay," said Erika. She smiled at the other girls, then resumed walking. Her friends followed along. Phew, Erika thought. I was worried. We've had so many problems today, all over nothing. It took us forever to put them aside. Now that we're done, I'm glad we're friends. It better stay like that.

"So, Erika, how'd you meet Alicia anyway?" Evan asked as they rounded the corner. "I know you've known her for a while, and that what just happened between you never happened before, but how'd it start?"

"Thereby hangs a tale," Alicia replied.

Winter 2001. Los Angeles, CA.

"It's good to see you again, Erika."

"You as well, Tom. How's your family?"

"Just fine. And yours?"

"Great." Erika bit back a sigh. Tom Cruise was a longtime acquaintance of her family, and had given her a lot of good career advice. She liked the man, as an actor and a friend. They had become estranged recently, however, and Cruise was still not interested in resolution. Erika could see this in his expression and tone.

"We need to talk," the great actor said, taking Erika's arm and pulling her aside.

"The movie was good," Erika told him, frowning as she looked about for the press. She had just walked out of the Hollywood premiere of Vanilla Sky, a psychological thriller in which Cruise had starred. She had enjoyed it, even though the pace and imagery had overwhelmed her a bit. Hopefully I'll get the chance to be in a film like that myself one day, she'd thought. All my life I've watched great meaningful stories on screen, wanted to be in them. This film had such a story and nice performances by Penelope Cruz and Cameron Diaz. I wish I could have been part of it too. "I really liked it."

"Thank you," Cruise said, dropping her arm and glancing around. He nodded when he saw none of the crowd appeared to be paying them any attention, then turned back to Erika. "You're wasting your talent."

Erika threw up her hands. "We are not going to talk about this again."

"No, Erika, you know I'm right. You did great in Traffic, you really wowed them. And now you're going right back to wasting your time with small roles, TV shows, bad independent films..."

"I like these roles, Tom! They're important to me. And I'm going to get praised again. You'll see. I just auditioned for the next Fatal Attraction. Geena thinks she can get me into Susan Sarandon's next film. And then there's Home Room. Please tell me you've heard about Home Room."

"Yeah," Cruise grimaced. "I've heard about that one. You're playing a teenage shooting victim. You prepared for the role by going around talking to people in Columbine and Jonesboro, exposing yourself to Nazi science and views that aren't ours. Just like before, when you were on Nothing Sacred. Damn it, Erika, don't you know how dangerous..."

"It's not dangerous, Tom! It can help people if done the right way. It really can. If you'd just talk to some of the people I have, think about it..." She took a breath. "You'd really be amazed. Our way is great, yes, but it's not the only way to explain life, to get used to and find meaning in it. It doesn't work for everyone."

"That's another thing. Why won't you join me in promoting Scientology? You need to. People pay attention to you- young people."

"Tom, I don't find it necessary to go around grandstanding our philosophy to the public. My own life and career are hard enough to manage without adding the evangelism you're planning. People see things differently. We can't change that. Nor do we need to. We're all human, Tom. I think if I just live what I believe and let other people believe what they want, instead of insisting to everyone that my philosophy is the only truth and then getting cranky when they don't go along as I expect ... well, it just seems more respectful."

"Respect." Cruise shook his head. "We gave you this life, Erika. You were raised in Scientology's proud tradition. You wouldn't be where you are now without our help."

"Don't think I'm not grateful," Erika said. "Believe me, I will endorse Scientology whenever the media asks me about it. I've been doing that. I believe in the philosophy. I follow it. I just don't think it's the only good way there is. The others are good too."

"We have a duty, Erika. We are artists, and we have this tradition. We must spread it above all else." Cruise glared down at her from his lifts. "You're either with us or against us."

Erika paused, looking back at him. "Then I am against you," she said after a blink and a shrug.

The two of them stared at each other, Cruise agape and Erika looking hesitant yet firm. Oddly, very few people around them had even noticed the exchange. One tall redheaded girl had, though, and she was smiling despite herself. "Tom," she spoke.

Cruise turned, raising an eyebrow. "Um..."

"Hey," Alicia Witt smiled at her Vanilla Sky co-star. "Who's your friend?"

Fall 2003. London, England.

"Oh my gosh!" Keri stared at Erika agape. "You told off Tom Cruise? Tom Cruise?"

Erika nodded. "It just came out. I was a little surprised myself. But I had to say something."

Evan grinned. "Have you always been this rebellious? I heard you were a good girl."

"I am a good girl," Erika said. "I just like to go to extremes sometimes, explore what I can do. That's what life is about, not to mention acting. I've always tried to live that way, all my life." She smiled back at Evan.

"And that was how we met," said Alicia. "I liked Erika at once. I could tell she was someone really inspiring, right about a lot of things. The fact that the pompous egomaniac I'd just done a film with couldn't see it ... it added flavor. Tom is a good actor and a good man, but he really needs to get over himself."

"Sounds like it," agreed Evan. "Who did he think he was, telling you all that stuff?"

"Tom and I have very different lives," Erika said. "His family wasn't loving. Mine is. When he got into acting he got into a lot of big films quickly, while I've had to work hard for every role I've had. I'm sure he has too, but it's just not the same. We're not the same sort of people. But because we share the same religion, people think we are." She sighed. "Tom and I warmed up to each other a few months after that premiere. He saw Home Room and liked it, and we agreed to disagree on the rest. He calms down and wises up when he needs to, I'll give him that. And he does rebel against the things that confine him- on screen at least."

"I'd like to work with him someday," said Keri. "Maybe if I read up on your religion so I could get to know him better..." She paused, biting her lip.

Alicia and Erika exchanged smirks. "Tom quickly calmed down and introduced us," Alicia said. "We got to talking about the film and our careers. One thing led to another, and now here we are. Erika and I have been close friends since then- as close as two people can be in Hollywood, anyway. You know how it is. Our careers keeping us apart, all our differences. I knew about her lifestyle as she developed it, but I never got directly involved. Not until now."

"Yeah," Erika laughed. "We just fixed that. About time, don't you think?" Alicia smiled wistfully, then nodded her head. Erika grinned at her. "So, we kept you in the dark most of today. We're sorry."

"You don't have to apologize," said Evan. "It was our fault as much as yours."

"Yeah," Keri agreed. They were silent for a moment as they approached the stairs at the end of the hall. A watchful doorman nodded and waved them on. Keri glanced at the clock above him worriedly. "Is the club still open?"

"Inside Out stays open 24/7," Alicia said. "You never know who will stop in, or when. It's part of the place's charm. I was walking around Soho a few weeks after I moved to town, and there it was. I was glad to find it. I know I won't be living here forever, but as long as I do, I'll keep coming back."

"I will too," Evan said, then frowned. "We will keep doing what we just did, right? You won't go crazy on us again?"

Alicia smiled, glancing at Erika. Again the two exchanged knowing looks. "I'll do my best. I've just been fighting my interest in this for the longest time. And now I finally don't want to, but..." She trailed off, shaking her head.

Erika beamed at her. "It's like anything else in life. You just need to see it the right way. You manage it properly, you learn to enjoy it, it rocks. You don't, then..." She shrugged as they walked back into the club's main room. Keri, Alicia, and Evan nodded, thinking over Erika's words. Erika shook her head and looked around them. Inside Out was still pretty crowded, even for the early morning. People of all kinds were moving about on the dance floor that looked like a city street or talking in small groups near the seeming outdoor cafe that served as the bar. The club's manager, still behind the counter, looked up from his customers and waved hello.

"I'll go settle our bill," Alicia told the others. She walked towards the bar, heels clicking. Evan nervously scanned the crowd.

"You worried about that jerk?" Keri asked her.

"Don't be," Erika said. "Clarke never forgets a face, and he'll tell the other staff. Once someone's out of here, they stay gone. I've seen people get tossed out before. Never because of something they did to me until now, but..."

"It's not him," Evan interrupted. "I'm looking for the other guy we met. Jamie. You didn't think I'd forget about him?"

Erika smiled, recalling the young man who Evan had connected with earlier in the night. "I'm sorry I came between you," she told Evan again. "We had a situation."

"Yeah," Evan nodded. "It's over now, though, and I want to see him again. You said you see him in here a lot. Are there regular times?"

"I don't really know him," Erika shrugged. "I saw the movie you mentioned, Billy Elliot, and I agree he's a good actor, but we've never spoken. I haven't even been here that long. I auditioned for our movie in LA, and then I flew here for the filming, and ... well, you know the rest."

"Do you think he would be okay with me being into girls?" Evan asked. "I know I probably shouldn't be asking, neither of us know him, but I just have to know. I have to see him again. That bartender said I would."

Erika grinned. "Doug was just saying that to make you feel good. He might be right, though. We'll see."

Keri grimaced, watching the bartender as he talked with Alicia. "Do you know him well?"

"Some," Erika replied. "Alicia and I have chatted with Doug almost every night we've been here. He's a big fan of ours. He's not really from London or Hollywood, but he knows a lot about both places. He's a very interesting guy."

Keri raised an eyebrow at the look on her face. "Have you... ?"

Erika shook her head. "I might someday, though. He is cute."

"What about Jamie?" Evan asked. "You said he was too young for you, but if I get to know him and..."

"You want a threesome, just let me know," Erika cut in, guessing her thoughts. "But you might not want to take things too quickly. The relationships in my life don't usually happen as fast as everything today did. I've learned to be careful when they do. I don't want to get hurt again."

Keri frowned. "What do you mean? You told us a little about your past relationships, and you sounded pleased with most of them."

"Not all," Erika said. "I haven't been into the lifestyle that long- I am only twenty-one- but I know how things can go if you aren't careful."

"Yeah, of course," Evan said. "If you get involved with the wrong person..." She sighed. "You must have lived through many interesting relationships, though. That Rosenbaum guy, Geena, what you did when you made Swimfan..."

"I exgaggerated that last one a little," Erika cut her off. "Just to get your attention. You seemed so desperate to get close to us."

Evan blushed. She glanced at Keri, who rolled her eyes at Erika, choking back a laugh. "Oh," Evan said. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be," replied Erika. "It worked out great. Really, Jesse and I just made out in that scene while John directed us. We didn't take things any farther than you saw in the movie. We did retake it a lot, though- we had to rehearse in private to get the emotions right. And when that happened..."

"You really did get with him?" Keri asked her. "You weren't lying to us about that?"

"Of course I got with him," Erika said. "Shiri and Jason too. It was my first relationship with multiple co-stars. I wonder how this one will compare." She sighed, turning to face Alicia as she walked back to them. "Were we in there too long? I didn't look at the time till we got out."

Alicia shrugged. "Doug said it was on the house. On account of it being their first time here." She nodded at Evan and Keri. "He also said he called a cab for us when he heard were headed down. They're waiting outside."

Erika flashed the bartender a smile of thanks. He nodded back, then returned to serving his customers. He thinks of everything, Erika said to herself. Such a great guy. If I could spend more time with him and get to know him ... no, forget it, Erika. You have enough going on in your life right now as it is.

She turned back to her friends and waved at the club door. "Let's get going. I'm tired."

"Me too," Keri agreed with a sigh.

"Erika?" Evan said as they headed for the door. Erika gave her a questioning look. "Just how did you get into swinging? You told us a lot before, but now that you say you've been exgaggerating..."

Should have waited longer to do this, Erika thought. Damn it. "I didn't lie to you," she told Evan. "I just summarized, and left out things that weren't important to the moment. You have to understand- you're not born into this. It has to develop in you. The way it did in me might be typical for some, but..." She sighed. "It's been a long road, and it keeps going. It's worth it, though. I feel I'm where I'm supposed to be, doing what I'm supposed to be doing."

"You ought to tell us more about it," Keri said. "I'm sure you have some great stories."

"She does," Alicia agreed. "I know some of them."

"Not all, though. Even I can't recall all the details." Erika sighed as they headed through the door. Clarke, the club's hulking black bouncer, nodded at them, then indicated a cab parked at the curb. Sun's almost here, Erika noted, looking at the gray sky. The crowd's gone away, except for a few people. God, I need some sleep. "It's like any set of memories. You recall an overview more than anything, except when it comes to the most important points. And even with those..."

"You should tell us more about what shaped you," said Evan. "For someone who's just starting out in this, who wants to get involved, it might help."

Erika frowned. "I thought your parents were..."

"They are," Evan said. "But they've never told me much about it other than the basic facts. They said I had to find my own way. I'm doing well so far, I think, but if I could find a teacher like you found Geena..."

Erika grinned, seeing what her new friend was getting at. Then she took a breath. "There's just so much that's happened, so much I've done. I have trouble keeping track of it sometimes. You have to follow the progression to fully understand it, and even then ... It was all cool, though. I know that."

"We understand if you're not ready to talk," said Keri. "Just please do tell us sometime."

"I will," Erika promised, looking at the cab. She smiled in recognition at the driver as he opened the door for them. "Hey, Frank. Nice to see you again."

"You as well," Frank Martin replied. He then walked around the cab and got back behind the wheel. "Where can I take you?"

The actresses piled into the backseat, huddling close. Alicia slammed the cab door, then gave their destination. They looked at each other again as the driver headed off, giving each other pleased expressions and trying to hide their fatigue. It's been a long night, Erika thought. It's good that we're spending the rest of it and today together. We'll have to be careful again starting tomorrow, though. Our director can't know about this. Dane's also coming in tonight, and if he finds out ... no, he can keep a secret, Erika. You know that. Don't worry. Your little brother may be a dweeb sometimes, but he's a good guy. You shouldn't tell him about this, but if he finds out- and he might, since you're all in the same movie- just play it safe. It'll be alright. He already knows a few things about your relationships anyway.

Not everything, though, Erika added to herself. I've never told anyone everything. There's still so much I don't fully understand, even though I've lived through it. So much has shocked me, swept over me so fast and hard. I'm not sure I could put it into words, not the way Evan wants me to. I could try, but it wouldn't be easy. Not that anything ever really is.

To make any sense of it all, I would need to go back three years. Back to the night it all started...

Winter 2000. Los Angeles, CA.

"I want to have sex," the young man on the movie screen said, "and then do a hit as we're both cumming."

The young girl facing him shrugged. "Okay." She reached out and took the offered pipe. Among the audience watching the film, a girl who was and was not the girl on screen clenched her teeth as she looked on.

Stop, Erika Christensen reminded herself. You know how this plays out. You read the script so many times, and you acted it too. You just got through playing Caroline's part a month ago. You know she gets what she deserves, and that jerk up there with her does too. You shouldn't be so worried.

But I am, she told herself, looking down at her body and then up at Caroline's as her character shared a smoke with the young man and then fell back on the bed, the screen going dark blue as he moved in. They kissed and shook a bit, then it faded out.

We never really touched each other, Erika reminded herself. It seems graphic, but it's not. None of it's real. It was all just acting. I never felt anything for Topher- I've never liked people who insist on going by weird names and he's too full of himself for someone so young in the business. Caroline of course didn't feel anything for his character either. She only wanted the drugs. Nothing else was in her mind. I feel such pity towards her, such anger. I want to reach out to her, yell at her to stop what she's doing, to ... I guess I really acted her part well.

She looked at her parents, who were sitting beside her at the test screening. Both looked even more surprised than she was by her performance. Her father's hands were tight on the arms of his seat, his face trying to keep emotion locked in. He looks just like Michael Douglas will a few scenes later, Erika thought. And Mom's worse. She's been dabbing at her eyes every time I've come on, just as she is now. I wanted people to feel this way, but ... Stop it, Erika. You did great. You put yourself aside and lived the role, just as you always knew you could. You defied so many people's expectations of you when you played Caroline. Your parents didn't want you to do it, but you knew you had to. You convinced them, Steven Soderbergh helped. This film is going to be so important, it has such social value, it's going to win so many awards, do so well. It's...

She shook her head and looked over towards the film's director. Steven Soderbergh was sitting a few rows away, wearing a proud contented look. That's how I should be feeling, Erika thought. I worked as hard on this film as he did, we all did, and now it's done. I hope it's going to win awards, even though I never expect them. It was so tough stepping into Caroline's part, forgetting about who I was and playing the roles of the addicts I met and talked to about this. I did a truly daring thing for the first time with this role- yes, I've acted a lot and even flirted with crime on screen a bit, but never like this. I've never gone to these extremes before. These are my first lovescenes too- and I did them at such a young age. I did so much in this role I've never done. I did drugs, even though I've never touched a cigarette. I had sex, when in real life I've only kissed guys so far. I needed my parents' consent for the role- if I had been able to wait just a few months, I wouldn't have had to get it, but this script came when it did. We argued so much over it, I was so glad when they finally agreed to let me do it, but now I just feel ... nothing.

No, she snapped at herself, you do feel something. You sympathize with Caroline, you were her. You put it all across- every emotion you got to know from the people talked to about the role- and now it's done. Look at yourself. You did great!

Then why do I feel this way? Erika thought. Why do I feel so lost?

It's Caroline's attraction, she answered herself, still thinking about her character even though it was no longer on screen. You can't help but feel drawn to her, even though she's making so many mistakes. That's what your parents are worried about, what everyone's worried about when it comes to drugs. You know better than to get involved with them for real- they know that. You handled the part of an addict well and might do it again someday, but you'll keep it confined to screen. Still, though ... I almost want Caroline's crutches. I almost want to do what she's doing to get over the bad things in my life. The disappointment, the angst, the fear. I can't, I know I shouldn't, I saw so much pain in the addicts I talked to about this role, but still...

She pushed her thoughts away and smiled as Benicio del Toro's character came on. Such a great actor, Erika thought, and a handsome man. Too bad we never shared the stage together. I got to talk to him a lot during production, though. We became friends. Maybe now that I'm eighteen, and I've moved out on my own, we could ... Stop it, Erika. He's fifteen years older than you. Benicio's also not interested in you, he never showed you a hint that he was. Still ... she looked around for Benicio, but couldn't find him in the dark theater. Stop it, she ordered herself. Just calm down and watch the movie.

Taking her own command, she settled back in her seat, trying to smile as the film went on. It was hard, though. Caroline's done so much I haven't done, Erika thought. She was able to, where I haven't been. I'm not her, I don't want to be her, but ... Again she looked at her parents, reminding herself they'd stood by her all throughout the filming, just as they had through her career so far and would continue to. Even if she someday made them feel worse than they did now. She looked past them to her brothers Nick, Brando, and Dane. All were riveted in their seats, a mixture of pride and fear on their faces. These are my family, Erika thought. I love them, and they love me. Because of them, I will never become like Caroline, never fall into her trap. I'm glad I have them, and that they let me show others what can happen if you don't. I can't be Caroline, I'm so disappointed in her, our lives are so different, but...

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Erika the Sex Slave Chapter 4 REPOST

"Good afternoon Mr. Sparrow," Gary said with a smile. "Gary. What can I do for you?" I asked. It was too early for the leaves to start falling, and too late to mow my lawn. "Can I come in?" "Alright," I said and let him in. Gary sat on the couch and handed me a piece of paper. I took the paper and sat on the adjacent couch and opened it up. It was an invoice. A 600 invoice. "This is a 600 invoice," I said shocked. "yes sir." "That's pretty pricey for yard...

2 years ago
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Erika the Sex Slave Chapter 4

The doorbell rang the next day around 2pm. Joe was supposed to come by around 7pm, like last night, and I wasn't expecting anyone else. I opened the door and found Gary Weil standing on my doorstep. Gary was a seventeen year old kid from the neighborhood who I hired to shovel my sidewalk in the winter, mow my lawn in the summer and rake my yard in fall. Gary was a skinny kid with slicked back red hair and wire-rimmed glasses. He smiled at me and his freckles amplified."Good afternoon Mr....

Straight Sex
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Erika the Sex Slave Chapter 3

Joe came over Friday night at around seven o'clock. Erika opens the door wearing a white shirt/dress. Joe sees dress and smiles. He follows Erika into the living room, his eyes never leaving Erika's ass. The shirt/dress clings to her ass and the material inches up with every other step Erika takes. By the time Joe sits on the couch, the shirt/dress inches up all the way to her edge of her ass. She hands Joe a beer."Nice dress," Joe says as he pops open the beer and takes a sip."Yup.""Nice...

3 years ago
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Erika the Sex Slave Chapter 3 REPOST

"Nice dress," Joe says as he pops open the beer and takes a sip. "Yup." "Nice panties," he says and Erika blushes. She moves her hands in front of her crotch. "Yup." "Like the pattern on them. Nice frilly dollies." The dress material is thin and in the right lighting very transparent. Erika turns a little red and her eyes dart around the room. She tries very hard to avoid eye contact with Joe. "I don't think that dress is meant to be worn in...

2 years ago
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Best Vacation Ever Erika Mike and I

Mmmmmm Erika sighed as she woke up to Sonjays soft lips on her pussy. “Good morning baby. “She said. Sonjay completely ignored her and continued to gently lap on her pussy. Bathing her face in Erika’s juiciness. Her moans began to echo throughout the room. Arching her back as Sonjay wrapped her arms around her thighs for security. Erika bit down on her bottom lip and clinched the sheets. “Oh baby. “ she whispered. Sonjays tongue darted in and out of her tunnel and traced her around her clit. ...

1 year ago
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Sissy Crissi Chapter 2 Facing Erika

Chapter 2 - Facing Erika But my bliss would be short lived. I was abruptly wakened from my dreamlike state by a jarring shove into my shoulders that snapped my neck back and sent me reeling forward to the floor. I tried to reach out my arms and break my fall, but one hand was pinned between my pantied crotch and thighs. I reached out with the other and managed to get it in front of me, but it only tended to cause me to roll to the side, throwing my shoulder into the floor and toppling...

4 years ago
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Facing Erika

Facing Erika But my bliss was short lived. I was abruptly wakened from my dreamlike state by a jarring shove into my shoulders that snapped my neck back and sent me reeling forward to the floor. I tried to reach out my arms and break my fall, but one hand was pinned between my pantied crotch and thighs. I reached out with the other and managed to get it in front of me, but it only tended to cause me to roll to the side, throwing my shoulder into the floor and toppling me...

1 year ago
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Erika and Zed

Friday night,8:37 p.m. Erika just got out of the shower and she heard the phone ring. She answered it and on the phone was her boyfriend Zed. "Hey baby,what's up?" he asked. "Not much,I just got out of the shower." "You didn't invite me over,baby how could you." Zed said in a joking voice. "Aww I'm sorry,why don't you come over and I'll make it up to you?" "Alright there in about 20 minute,because I have to wash dishes." Erika laughed and said,"Well hurry up with them,I can't wait all...

3 years ago
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Erika the Sex Slave Chapter 1

To say Erika was smoking hot would be an understatement. She stood tall at 5'6", 115 pounds with soft-blue eyes and an amazing body: full pouty lips, slender hips, round tight ass and flat stomach decorated with a dolphin shaped belly-button ring, and the most perfect set of tits on an eighteen year old I had ever seen. Her blond wavy hair went 3 inches past her shoulders and was usually loose, or tied in a single ponytail.Erika was a freshman at the local college and rented my one-bedroom...

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Erika the Sex Slave Chapter 1 REPOST

Erika was a freshman at the local college and rented my one-bedroom basement apartment for 3,000 a month. Normally I wouldn't rent to a college student, nonetheless a college freshman since they're usually strapped for cash. But a family member knew her family from church and vouched for her, so hesitantly I agreed to rent to her. The first time I met Erika I was smitten. Her perfect smile and soft voice mesmerized me. I almost agreed to let her live rent free. The day I met her she wore...

3 years ago
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Very relaxing and seductive night jazz music is playing as Kelly ushers us into a room with full length mirrors on all the walls and ceiling and introduces us to Erika and Dane. Kelly is wearing a black leather outfit with killer heels. Skin tight slacks, the zipper on the matching jacket is almost completely undone and her cleavage looks fantastic. The when she turns for the first time I notice at the same moment as Roger her slacks have a clip on panel which she has removed. And her naked...

2 years ago
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Very relaxing and seductive night jazz music is playing as Kelly ushers us into a room with full length mirrors on all the walls and ceiling and introduces us to Erika and Dane. Kelly is wearing a black leather outfit with killer heels. Skin tight slacks, the zipper on the matching jacket is almost completely undone and her cleavage looks fantastic. The when she turns for the first time I notice at the same moment as Roger her slacks have a clip-on panel which she has removed. And her naked...

1 year ago
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Erika the gymnast

I sat and watched the girls practice out on the gymnastics floor while I was waiting for my girlfriend Erika. I enjoyed seeing how the girls, clad only in their form-fitting leotards, moved and contorted their athletic bodies. I was discretely watching two slim girls, Jill and Hannah, that were stretching out near me at the edge of the floor while they talked. Jill was a good friend of Erika's and was sitting on the floor facing toward me while Hannah was standing and facing away from me. Jill...

First Time
1 year ago
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Erika the Sex Slave Chapter 7

Mark Radler rang the doorbell the next evening around 7pm. Erika let him in and he followed her into the living room like a puppy. He sees Erika's portrait on the wall and smiles. He and Gary had seen it on Sunday when they came by for their 'payment'. It was Gary's last and Mark's second. The moment they saw the portrait they almost fell down. They went on and on about how they would love it if Erika got nude and sucked them off. And if I could give them a copy of that picture. I simply said...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Erika Gets Interracial

Erika called to the front desk again, she really wanted her favorite dress for that night out, and it was supposed to have been finished by now. The hotel, a first-class place, had a dry cleaning service and she thought it a good idea.Unfortunately earlier that day her friend and travelling companion Maggie had spilled something on it while she was holding it and now it wasn't ready. Erika liked that dress best as it really hit her curves right, went with her favorite shoes, and made her just...

2 years ago
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Erika the Sex Slave Chapter 6

Unlike Erika, who was eighteen and a freshman in college, Zareen was seventeen and a senior in High School. That would've bothered me had the age for sexual consent in my state wasn't sixteen. Since Zareen was still in High School meant that she lived at home, something else that would've bothered me until I learned Zareen's home life wasn't a typical Pakistani household. Zareen lived here with her aunt and her family. Her parents were back in Pakistan. Her aunt was always preoccupied with her...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Dj Dad And Erika

Our mom died the summer I was sixteen and my sister Erika was fifteen. Dad was devastated, and thought he had to become both mom & dad for us. Well, he couldn't cook for shit, so that naturally fell to us. I say "us" because Erika was one of the hottest babes in school, cheerleader deluxe and a walking wet dream, but she had too many diversions to be able to prepare evening dinner, so I took on the job. I could make roasts, meat loaf, fish, Italian, and anything else in which a little...

2 years ago
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Vacay in the Vajay pt3 Erika fucks Mike

After waking up from a well deserved nap, Mike got up to fix some lunch. Erika was still in the bed. She was dreaming about Mike and how much fun it would be to have him one on one. Sonjay had already left the villa to check out the area . Mike was in the kitchen when he heard some footsteps coming down the hall. “Something smells good.” says Erika. Mike turns around to see her standing there, she was beautiful and naked. “I’m headed to the shower and then I will be ready to eat sexy.” she...

2 years ago
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Vacay in the Va jay jay tribute to Erika and my b

Mmmmmm Erika sighed as she woke up to Sonjays soft lips on her pussy. “Good morning baby. “She said. Sonjay completely ignored her and continued to gently lap on her pussy. Bathing her face in Erika’s juiciness. Her moans began to echo throughout the room. Arching her back as Sonjay wrapped her arms around her thighs for security. Erika bit down on her bottom lip and clinched the sheets. “Oh baby. “ she whispered. Sonjays tongue darted in and out of her tunnel and traced her around her clit. ...

3 years ago
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Succubus Genie part 2 How to solve a problem like Erika

Of course in some ways my life had taken a massive upturn recently; Lilith, my genie, was still as eager to please as the day I got her and I fucked her most nights, the thought of a blowjob before starting on a mounting pile of homework had kept me going for the last hour and a half. When the school bus finally came to my stop I was glad to leave the chattering of year sevens behind even though it meant a ten minute trudge through the driving rain in nothing but a school uniform. Making...

2 years ago
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Night with Erika

Introduction: I spend a night with my friend Erika and get the unnexpected. It was a late night and I had just got home from practicing with his band. It was friday, I had nothing to do, like any normal friday night for me. It was 6:30 going to bed early was nothing new I would sometimes I would take naps that lasted 18 hours I called them short comasI took off his blue skinnies and his t- shirt and hopped into his bed as off couse I slipped my hands to rub his 6 inch cock completely shaved....

3 years ago
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Night with Erika

At 9:30 I wook up quickly to my phone ringing, I grabbed and saw a txt from my friend Alice, the txt was stupid so I didn't want to reply I looked at my inbox saw I had about 13 messages from Erika who didnt usually talk to me we sat together and talked, but out of school she usually ignored me. Erika: "Hey im bored" Erika: "HELLOOOOO?" Erika: " your a bitch answere your phone" Erika: "uhmm fine dont wanna reply i guess you dont want me" Erika: "that last one was a joke...

2 years ago
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Heute ist ein Tag wie jeder andere, Erika sitzt im Büro und durchsucht das Web. Die junge Brünette ist ein einfaches Mädchen, hübsch aber keine Sexbombe. Mit überschlagenen Beinen sitzt sie am Schreibtisch. Plötzlich poppt eine Email auf. Erika runzelt die Stirn. 'Auf der Suche nach neuen Abenteuern? Klick hier' zögerlich betrachtet Erika den unscheinbaren Link. Nach kurzem Überlegen beschließt sie, es zu riskieren. Eine schlichte Seite öffnet sich. 'Das Paket wird an Ihre private Adresse...

3 years ago
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Erika stretches my sphincter Jul 2017

It has been a few months since my last adventure and I apologize for the delay. Not much has been going on and because of that, I started to get the itch. You know - the one that says you need to get some. And online porn was simply not going to cut it. So I reached out on everybody's favorite anonymous hookup source - Craigslist - in the hopes I would get lucky. It's always a longshot, but ya never know; I have had fair success meeting fun and sexy and real people on CL. Of course, I've...

4 years ago
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Erika the Sex Slave Chapter 3

Joe came over Friday night at around seven o’clock. Erika opens the door wearing a white shirt/dress. Joe sees dress and smiles. He follows Erika into the living room, his eyes never leaving Erika’s ass. The shirt/dress clings to her ass and the material inches up with every other step Erika takes. By the time Joe sits on the couch, the shirt/dress inches up all the way to her edge of her ass. She hands Joe a beer. ‘Nice dress,’ Joe says as he pops open the beer and takes a sip. ‘Yup.’ ‘Nice...

1 year ago
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Erika Goes Pro

I grew up in a small town in Arkansas - I’d tell you the name but I really don’t think anyone outside of it has ever even heard of it. That and the fact that it’s small enough that someone could easily figure out who I was after reading this. My story started with my twenty-second birthday. Hitting twenty-two felt like a strange milestone for me. I’m not sure why - nothing special happens at twenty-two. Maybe that was just it. I was done with the big birthdays. Sixteen means you can drive;...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Tasting Erika

Erika catches my glance at an after-shoot party in Munich. She is the assistant to the assistant of someone who I've long forgotten. She is drop dead gorgeous, speaks perfect English, and in a very vivacious; not often seen in the German character. She comes to me from across the room. "You are the photographer," she says. I can't tell if it is a question or statement. I just reply in the positive. She wears a low cut blouse, gray skirt, and black heels. She is the business side of fashion.She...

3 years ago
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Erika Cindi Ken and Eddie a Modern Family Chapter 1

Well, I thought it time to write about myself. My name is Erika, I’m currently 38 years old, divorced and the mother of two brats, one a girl age 16, the other ostensibly a boy, age 17, but possibly a creature from another world. Just kidding, I love him dearly. Their names are Cindi and Ken, but you figure out which is which. Me? I’m 5'6" tall, and I have long chestnut colored straight hair with burgundy highlights and lots of bangs over my green eyes. I wear a size four in most things and...

2 years ago
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Claiming Erika

When my wife died from breast cancer five years ago I was devastated. We had been married for nearly forty years, and it had been a good marriage in every way, including a very active and satisfying sex life which gave us both great pleasure.We weren’t swingers in the literal sense, but for the last ten years of our married life, we had enjoyed posting explicit photos and videos on a voyeur website for other’s enjoyment and arousal. We hooked up online using the chat option on the site with a...

1 year ago
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Erika the Sex Slave Chapter 1

To say Erika was smoking hot would be an understatement. She stood tall at 5’6′, 115 pounds with soft-blue eyes and an amazing body: full pouty lips, slender hips, round tight ass and flat stomach decorated with a dolphin shaped belly-button ring, and the most perfect set of tits on an eighteen year old I had ever seen. Her blond wavy hair went 3 inches past her shoulders and was usually loose, or tied in a single ponytail. Erika was a freshman at the local college and rented my one-bedroom...

4 years ago
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Erika the gymnast

I sat and watched the girls practice out on the gymnastics floor while I was waiting for my girlfriend Erika. I enjoyed seeing how the girls, clad only in their form-fitting leotards, moved and contorted their athletic bodies. I was discretely watching two slim girls, Jill and Hannah, that were stretching out near me at the edge of the floor while they talked. Jill was a good friend of Erika’s and was sitting on the floor facing toward me while Hannah was standing and facing away from me. Jill...

4 years ago
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Erika the Sex Slave Chapter 7

Mark Radler rang the doorbell the next evening around 7pm. Erika let him in and he followed her into the living room like a puppy. He sees Erika’s portrait on the wall and smiles. He and Gary had seen it on Sunday when they came by for their ‘payment’. It was Gary’s last and Mark’s second. The moment they saw the portrait they almost fell down. They went on and on about how they would love it if Erika got nude and sucked them off. And if I could give them a copy of that picture. I simply said...

4 years ago
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Erika the Sex Slave Chapter 2

I gave Erika 30 minutes to clean herself up and come back downstairs. She had 5 minutes left. I sat on the couch and flipped through the channels. Not really paying attention to anything on TV, I was more interested in what had just happened. My incredibly gorgeous eighteen-year-old tenant couldn’t pay her rent so she thought she could barter sex in exchange. I countered her offer with mine: be my sex slave for a month. She accepted. I looked around and saw her clothes and underwear scattered...

3 years ago
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Erika the Sex Slave Chapter 6

Unlike Erika, who was eighteen and a freshman in college, Zareen was seventeen and a senior in High School. That would’ve bothered me had the age for sexual consent in my state wasn’t sixteen. Since Zareen was still in High School meant that she lived at home, something else that would’ve bothered me until I learned Zareen’s home life wasn’t a typical Pakistani household. Zareen lived here with her aunt and her family. Her parents were back in Pakistan. Her aunt was always preoccupied with her...

3 years ago
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Erika the Sex Slave Chapter 4

The doorbell rang the next day around 2pm. Joe was supposed to come by around 7pm, like last night, and I wasn’t expecting anyone else. I opened the door and found Gary Weil standing on my doorstep. Gary was a seventeen year old kid from the neighborhood who I hired to shovel my sidewalk in the winter, mow my lawn in the summer and rake my yard in fall. Gary was a skinny kid with slicked back red hair and wire-rimmed glasses. He smiled at me and his freckles amplified. ‘Good afternoon Mr....

4 years ago
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Erika the Sex Slave Chapter 5

Gary Weil rang the doorbell the next day, promptly at 2pm. I opened the door and let him and two other people in. The first one was Mark Radler, a teen I had seen around the neighborhood and recognized painting my fence early this summer. Mark was a tall kid with good looking features. His wavy black hair was always unkempt but his goatee was always nicely trimmed. He wasn’t built but he did have muscles and a nice tan. He wore a ‘MILF Hunter’ tee-shirt with the sleeves ripped out exposing an...

2 years ago
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Becoming a Slut Wife Erika

Like so many people in the National Guard I had joined for the educational opportunities and that little extra bit of cash you got each month. Wanting to be a computer technician and being from a perpetually cash strapped family with no chance at college I jumped at the chance to get the computer training that the Guard offered. Going to war was the last thing on my mind. The Guard hadn't gone to war since the Second World War. All the Guard did was work things like flood relief and other...

3 years ago
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THE SIBLINGS chapter 2 Opening moves

I consider this as more of a love story than erotic fiction, and I have trouble telling you how much I enjoy reading it, especially the earlier parts. For me, it kind of makes other erotic fiction pointless. Also, I OWN NOTHING. All rights belong to Michael K. Smith. I am simply uploading his story for him, though since he hasn't uploaded his email since 2004, I don't have his written permission, save the fact that his website gives permission. This is not hardcore stuff, and the sex is not...

3 years ago
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Erikas Journey to Depravity 11

“Fuck...”, she sighed under her breath, and tore her eyes from the mirror, picked up the bucket and went to bed early. “At least it’s Friday, and if I get sick, I won’t have to call into work”, Erika thought to herself. The fair-skinned blonde rested her head of long hair on her pillow, and decidedly ignored her churning stomach, hoping to herself that it would go away. It didn’t take long for her to fall asleep. She hadn’t noticed it herself, but she was fatigued. A few hours into Erika’s...

4 years ago
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Sorcery The Gropening

In the year 2020 a new card game appeared on the market. No one had ever heard of it before but it quickly swept the nation. Many were surprised at this change since it required any store that hosted games to create special rooms for playing it but the proprietors were all strangely willing to go along with this. The game was Sorcery: The Gropening, often abbreviated as StG or just Sorcery, it was the most popular collectible card game to ever exist despite being 18+ only. Within five years it...

1 year ago
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Passion HD

Let's check out some passionate porn at Passion-HD! There are scores of porn sites available on the web that cover any and every hardcore xxx niche imaginable. There are sites dedicated to hardcore double penetration, extreme anal sex, BDSM rope play, and roleplayed incest. But how many sites do you know of, just off the top of your head, that are devoted to intense, passionate lovemaking? Can you even think of any?That’s where PassionHD comes in, offering tons of high definition scenes of the...

Top Premium Porn Sites
4 years ago
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Passion not Sex

Passion, not sex. Youth is definitely wasted on the young. Hindsight being the better part of valor, I would not so indiscriminately engage myself in what was then a one brain celled activity. So foolish was I to have wasted one of the greatest opportunities a man can behold in his life; molding a woman's flesh and spirit within his hands.Having grown older and gained maturity, I now see the folly of my ways. Maturity has allowed me to see the vast difference between sex and making love. To...

Love Stories
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Saroja Amerikalo Adara Dengudu 8211 Part II Telugu

సరోజ మదన సామ్రాజ్యం…………… అమెరికాలో అదర దెంగుడు PART II (సరోజకి చాలా కృతజ్ఞతలు. తన అనుభవాలన్నిట్నీ వివరంగా చెప్పినందుకు, ఆమె అనుభవాలు ఆధారంగా చేసుకు రాసినా, నా కల్పితాలు, ఫాంటసీల మసాలా కూడా జోడించాను. మీ అభిప్రాయాలు పంపాలనుకుంటే నా మైల్ ) నేను తక్కిన పనులన్నీ చేసుకుని బయటికి వచ్చేసరికి, హాల్ లో ముగ్గురుఉన్నారు. ఇద్దరు ఆడవాళ్ళు, ఒక యువకుడు. నేను మా ఆయన ఒక్కడే కదా ఉన్నాడనుకుని, చాలా పల్చటి నైట్ గౌన్ వేసుకుని వచ్చాను. అది ఎంత ట్రాన్స్పరెంట్ అంటే నా నిప్ప్ల్సే కాదు,పుట్టు మచ్చలు కూడా...

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Saroja Amerikalo Adara Dengudu 8211 Part I Telugu

(సరోజకి చాలా కృతజ్ఞతలు. తన అనుభవాలన్నిట్నీ వివరంగా చెప్పినందుకు. ఆమె అనుభవాలు ఆధారంగా చేసుకు రాసినా, నా కల్పితాలు, ఫాంటసీల మసాలా కూడా జోడించాను. మీ అభిప్రాయాలు పంపాలనుకుంటే నా మైల్ ) నేను న్యూయార్క్ ఎయ్ర్ పోర్ట్ లో దిగి, ఇమ్మిగ్రేషన్ వైపు నడుస్తూ ఉంటే, “ఎక్స్క్యూజ్ మీ, ఆంటీ, ఐ విల్ హెల్ప్ యూ” అని నా బేగ్ తీసుకున్నాడు నా పక్క సీట్లో కూర్చున్న కుర్రాడు. అమెరికా లో ఎమ్. బి.ఎ చదువుతున్నాడట. ప్రయాణంలో మొత్తం, నా సళ్ళు పిసుకుతూనే ఉన్నాడు, పూకు కెలుకుతూనే ఉన్నాడు. వాడి తప్పు లేదు, నేనే రెచ్చగొట్టేను....

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Alright, neckbeard, it’s time to get you out of the basement. Hose out your pits, scrape the fromunda cheese from your junk, and slap on a button-up shirt. Not the one with the dragons, dipshit, put on that neglected oxford your mom bought you. All set? Now we just need a dating site aimed at horny fucks like you. Let’s take a look at Look At This Ripped, Shirtless DudeThe first thing you’ll see when you hit Passion’s landing page is a shirtless guy. His pants and drawers are...

Hookup Sites
4 years ago
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Erikas Adventure part one A Whole New World

All of my stories are complete fiction, all the characters and situations are also fiction. You should be at least 18 yrs of age to be reading this. This is the adventure of a young twenty something tgirl, who is on a journey of self discovery, and her adventures and mishaps along the way. Some stories involve sexual content and the main story is about sex, while other stories involve Erika's day to day routines. I hope you enjoy it. Erika's Adventure - Whole New World. Part...

2 years ago
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Erikas Adventure Part Two The Awakening

All of my stories are complete fiction, all the characters and situations are also fiction. You should be at least 18 yrs of age to be reading this. This is the adventure of a young twenty something tgirl, who is on a journey of self discovery, and her adventures and mishaps along the way. Some stories involve sexual content and the main story is about sex, while other stories involve Erika's day to day routines. I hope you enjoy it. Erika's Adventure - Part two the...

3 years ago
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Erikas Adventure Part Three

All of my stories are complete fiction, all the characters and situations are also fiction. You should be at least 18 yrs of age to be reading this. This is the adventure of a young twenty something tgirl, who is on a journey of self discovery, and her adventures and mishaps along the way. Some stories involve sexual content and the main story is about sex, while other stories involve Erika's day to day routines. I hope you enjoy it. Erika's Adventure Part Three I was still...

1 year ago
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Erikas Adventures Part Seven The Next Day

All of my stories are complete fiction, all the characters and situations are also fiction. You should be at least 18 yrs of age to be reading this. This is the adventure of a young twenty something tgirl, who is on a journey of self discovery, and her adventures and mishaps along the way. Some stories involve sexual content and the main story is about sex, while other stories involve Erika's day to day routines. I hope you enjoy it. Erika's Adventures - Part Seven - The...

2 years ago
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Erikas Adventure Part Eight Date Night

All of my stories are complete fiction, all the characters and situations are also fiction. You should be at least 18 yrs of age to be reading this. This is the adventure of a young twenty something tgirl, who is on a journey of self discovery, and her adventures and mishaps along the way. Some stories involve sexual content and the main story is about sex, while other stories involve Erika's day to day routines. I hope you enjoy it. Erika's Adventure Part Eight - Out on a...

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