Hartford Eds first days
- 3 years ago
- 29
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"What are you doing here?" Caroline asked her roommate.
Fiona sighed deeply and gave a shrug of resignation.
"He had to go. His momma said for him to get his ass home on the next bus." The redheaded coed dabbed her eyes with a well used tissue.
"Well, did he come over? Did you, you know, see him?" Caroline closed the dorm room door behind her.
"Yeah, right! I was all ready for him too." The bed springs squeaked under her rear as lifted her arms in demonstration. The oversized tee shirt was all she had on. "He sent me a text."
"Tell me about it," Fiona sniffed and dabbed again.
"So, now what?"
"Go home, I guess. I mean, what else is there?"
"Well, you could stay here like me."
"As I recall you have plans of your own. 'Orgy 24/7' I think is how you worded it."
"Heh, yeah. Like that was ever going to happen. It's not like I'd be caught dead with any of the guys in our class."
"Maybe, but I bet you'd hop on any hot upperclassman that came within ten feet of you."
Caroline settled on her own bed, arms bracing her from behind and eyes rolling in their sockets as if she had to think about it.
"Ah, right, aren't I?"
"Maybe. Depends."
"On what, how long his tongue is?" Both first-year college coeds laughed at that.
It was not surprising the two could almost read each other's thoughts. As strangers in a new environment, they turned to each other for support early on. Caroline may be a bit more level-headed than her roommate, but secretly intimidated by more aggressive members of the Freshman class. Fiona a good deal smarter academically, and younger than her peers. Perhaps that is why she seemed a bit flighty to Caroline. Together they seemed to balance and compliment each other.
Where Caroline avoided relationships with men - or boys as the males in college still seemed to be - Fiona grabbed at every hint of attraction shown by members of the opposite gender. This usually led to situations she now found herself in: alone, dumped by a guy who didn't even know what he wanted. Caroline learned those hard lessons in high school, and found no urgency to repeat her lapses in judgment.
That was precisely why she did not want to go home for Thanksgiving holidays. She knew too many guys still trying to get her in the sack merely to brag about it. Caroling needed no part of that. Being blonde was certainly a curse.
Caroling also knew why Fiona tried to avoid going home by arranging a wild few days alone with Bradley. He may have been a dork, but he was hot for the redhead. She supposed he really didn't know what to do once he got her.
"So, what then?" Caroline said once they finished laughing. Fiona shrugged. "So? Why don't you stay here with me?"
"I don't want to be in your way."
"That's what you told your parents anyway, isn't it? You need to study for finals and everything?"
"I guess."
"I don't want you to go home, Fiona. I know what's waiting for you there. Stay with here. It will be fun."
"I know. What are we going to do? I don't really need to study."
"What ever we want. Sleep in late. Eat out every night. Find some parties. Besides, you can help me with Ancient History."
Fiona rolled her eyes and fell back on her bed. Caroling blushed at seeing the hem of the other girl's shirt slip up along her thighs. Modesty was not a hard and fast rule in their room - or the dorm in general, it being women only. Secretly, however, Caroline envied her roommate's youthfulness, vulnerability. To see how nearly exposed the 16-year-old's pelvic mound was to her made the blonde catch her breath.
From a different angle she was sure the folds of the other coed's mons would be visible.
Not that Caroline wasn't a total bombshell. Like the color of her hair, her beauty was a curse, causing her more trouble than benefit. In face the physical differences between the two girls was minimal. Caroline stood about two inches taller than the younger girl, but both had slender figures. Neither were overly endowed up top. Caroline's hips flared only a bit more than Fiona's. From the rare glimpses she had, the redhead's pubic hair was as delicate and nearly invisible as her own.
Fiona made a half-hearted effort to pull her tee shirt down, and tilted her head back to look at her roommate.
"Are you sure? I don't want to ruin any of your plans."
"Don't worry about that. If I come up with any fine. It's not like we have to spend every minute together. We just both need a place to sleep."
The redhead flipped over and flashed her friend a bit grin. Caroline smiled too, at how the shirt slipped off Fiona's rear end. That might be the cutest thing about her, the blonde thought to herself.
"Great. It's settled. Now," Caroline said as she pushed herself off the bed, "I'm going for a shower. I need one, bad!"
"Mmm, okay." Then, as the older blonde grabbed a towel and opened the door to the hallway. "I'd join you, but I just had one."
"Tease," Caroline said, sticking her tongue out at Fiona and headed toward the common bathroom, hearing her roommate giggling behind her.
The coed took her time in the bathroom, enjoying a long pee on the commode before undressing and stepping into a shower stall. She washed her hair twice. No one else was in the bathroom, and Caroline felt at ease caressing her entire body with soap, then again rinsing. Masturbating was a pleasure she afforded herself when she could. The hectic business of school being what it was, such times didn't come as often as she wished. Normally the blonde made quick work of getting off, but being here during a vacation leave. She vowed to make up for lost orgasms this week.
That had been her plan all along. "Orgy 24/7" had nothing to do with guys. It was meant to be one long self-gratification holiday. Fiona sticking around did, indeed, put a crimp in her game. Caroline would just have to adjust. This moment was the ideal time to do just that, but an odd feeling made her stop short of getting herself off.
Prior to the brief heart-to-heart the two girls just shared, Caroling didn't think much of her roommate. A super intelligent spoiled rich kid who sometimes got in the way of things, and little deserving of her attention. In the past hour she took a fresh look at the younger girl. Perhaps they might even become friends over the next few days, in a little-sister sort of way.
Caroline toweled off and brushed her hair carefully, standing naked in front of the broken mirror. The rosy glow of her skin pleased her, and she felt quite content as she wrapped the towel around her and carried her clothes back to the room. No one else was in the corridor, so there was no need to panic when the towel fell away as she tried to open the door.
The co-ed blushed when she remembered Fiona was in the room, and covered herself up again. The other girl appeared to be asleep, however. She lay on her bed curled in a ball, breathing evenly. Caroline considered how out of place the kid seemed to be in a college dorm, so small and fragile looking. The tee shirt she wore did little to cover her bottom, and those slender legs drawn up under it appeared impossibly weak.
The younger blonde stirred when Caroline attempted to pull her shirt hem down to cover the girl's buttocks. Fiona rolled to her back, still sleeping, exposing her hairless pelvic mound. The older girl stared in spite of herself. Her head started buzzing as she studied the teen's immature looking pussy, its labial crease scarcely visible between those narrow thighs.
The tingling sensation in her own loins forced the 18-year-old to turn away. Caroline dressed in a a short denim skirt and a blue and white striped knit crop-top. She brushed out her hair, arranging it in twin pony tails, and left to catch the bus down town. Just because her roommate was still around didn't mean Caroline couldn't have her more grown-up fun.
Her plan evolved as she rode to the mall. There she would do a little window shopping before choosing which express eatery to have supper at. After that it was off to her favorite club for the evening. All the while the blonde co-ed intended to keep herself aroused as long as she could stand it. To make a game of it, she decided to make it a rule not to touch herself. Not that she wouldn't, she knew, just not until it was absolutely necessary. If she were lucky some brave guy would notice and make a play for her. While that would be the prize, having an eventual orgasm was the main objective. To get started, all she had to do was sexiest parts as nearly visible as she dared.
A crafty smile turned her lips. To that end, she could start her play right there on the bus. Slouching in the bench seat, Caroline relaxed her legs, letting them gap a bit between her knees.
By the time the bus reached the mall stop, her hands has secretly pulled the hem of her skirt up her lap so far that a curious onlooker could have seen her pussy. The light brown pubic fuzz would hardly been mistaken for white panties. She stood as other passengers did, making sure to let the fabric of her skirt fall as it may.
Without caring to notice if anyone debarking with her might have seen anything, Caroline walked toward the mall entrance as if she had purpose to be there. Nor did she try to discover whether anyone might be following her. Everyone else getting off the bus was obviously going shopping just as she pretended to. The thought that someone might be stalking her added to the excitement of her escapade. She was a young, naïve college girl, after all, and easily taken advantage of.
The mall was busy. Caroline considered that a good thing. So many people made her feel safe in that any attempt to abduct or abuse her would well witnessed, thus discouraging some pervert with that in mind.
The crowd of people also made it unnecessary for her to seek out potential targets for her attention. Instead of putting herself in view of a man to whom to tease with an accidental flash of bare leg, they were everywhere. All she had to do was play innocent and clumsy. Someone was bound to notice, and Caroline didn't need to know who or when.
Her loins were tingling brightly as she shouldered her way through the crowd. The way her unsupported breasts bounced as she strode along brought joy to her heart, and moisture to her labial slit. The latter allowed those lips to slide together as she walked, keeping her level of arousal at a high pitch. Stopping as a store display or a magazine rack helped calm her excitement to a manageable level, but it was all she could do not to reach down to the front of her skirt and give herself a slight squeeze.
That would, even now, put her over the brink.
After circling the ground floor level of the mall, Caroline climbed the stairs to the upper deck. She did so slowly, actually stopping long enough for a male shopper to come up behind her before stepping off again. She hoped one would take an interest in the upward angle of view and care to look under her skirt.
A couple of men passed her on the stairs as if she were merely an obstacle. The young blonde didn't care about them either. She knew it was very likely they did enjoy the view, but didn't dare show it in so public a place. The stairs still seemed a useful tool in her quest to let her privates be seen. A bench that encircled a small garden provided the opportunity. It stood a little off to the side of the top of the stairway, but anyone ascending would have a clear view of the pretty co-ed sitting there.
After fighting the fear of daring, fidgeting on the edge of canceling the whole show, Caroline finally uncrossed her legs. Considering actually slouching as she had on the bus a bit too obvious here, she had to artfully craft innocuous hand movements to draw the denim higher on her lap.
Being able to see heads emerge from the stairway at floor level allowed the girl to pick her targets and time her moves. The moment she thought a guy was ready to turn her way, Caroline parted her knees. Only a few inches at first, closing her legs immediately, but as her courage grew the young co-ed opened wider, and held longer.
The game was fun, but produced only quick flashes of passion inside her. As no evil had yet transpired against her, the school girl became bolder. Not picking a specific target male, Caroline lifted her right leg and hooked the heel of her sneaker on the edge of the bench. Blindly she made a show of re-tying the laces, taking time to do it twice.
Only as she lowered her foot to the floor did she dare look up. To her disappointment, nobody issuing form the stairway was looking at her. She turned her head to look around and saw the man. He stood beside a shop entrance, somewhat to the left of the stairs, staring right at her.
Caroline looked away quickly, then down at the ground, then lifted her head enough to see the guy in the periphery of her vision. He was still there and still looking at her. The 18-year-old's face flushed hotly. Her nipples tightened to painful knots. She dared not move a muscle, even when the man moved, walking in her direction.
Her nearly exposed loins hummed with excitement and fear. Outside she was a statue. Inside she felt like melting butter. Pre-orgasmic twinges racked her body as the guy came within a few strides of her. Fighting desperately to repress them, Caroline waited for what ever was going to happen. If the man touched her, she would climax right there on the spot. If he did not, the blonde was not ready to allow her passion to drain away uselessly.
He did not.
Caroline took a few seconds to compose, then stood on weak legs to loose herself in the crowd. Finding the bathrooms, she went and splashed cold water on her face. The gravity of her close call sank in. even now the danger was not necessarily past, but the rush the event gave her was exactly what she was looking for. It was time to start again.
Folding her top up under itself made the crop-top a tube top, even more so when she stretched the scoop neck wide enough to pull down off her shoulders. She didn't have cleavage exactly, but the mirror image proved that the separate swells of her breasts to best advantage. Hitching up the skirt made it possible to fold the waist under as well.
Turning this way and that in the mirrors satisfied Caroline had indeed transformed herself into the slut she felt like. It was time to show off in public.
Without so much as a thought, the teenager bent to pick up a piece of litter on the floor. The way the skirt rose up on her rear end gave her a fresh splash of excitement. It reminded her just how short the garment was now, and a new game plan was born. First she would have to buy something, a puzzle book perhaps, and a pen to go with it. Not only would she now actually look like a shopper, it would give the girl something to drop.
When she tried it out the first time she disappointed herself. by squatting to retrieve the shopping bag as a nice girl would. When she noticed a stock boy arranging clothes on a rack inside a glassed in store, Caroline steeled her nerve.
She stood outside the shop window pulling the book out of her bag, dropping the pen. Turning her back to the store window she bent at the waist pretending to have a hard time picking it up. Straightening, Caroline looked to see the stock boy staring at her in awe. Tossing him a boob-bouncing shrug and coy smile, she moved on.
Head spinning from arousal, the college student made her way blindly through the throngs of shoppers. Trying to come up with more tricks became difficult when her mind continued replaying those she already acted on. A rumble in her stomach gave her the perfect excuse to sit, relax and calm down.
The food court was an open space with wrought iron tables and chairs made to resemble a French café. Surrounding the seating were express representations of local fast food restaurants. Caroling chose McDonalds, and ordered chicken nuggets. The tables were only half occupied, so the girl had no trouble finding one.
The puzzle book held no real interest for the teenager. She used it as a prop, an excuse to sit idle between bites. When she first sat down, the blonde secretly hiked the skirt up. The cold seat was a shock as she settled on it, but it proved that her privates were, indeed, uncovered. One hand holding the book open, the other slipped under the table to lay the skirt's hem back on her lap. The swipe of her fingers across the top of one bare thigh to assess her exposure sent such a wave of lust through her body that made Caroling gasp aloud.
Leaning back in the chair, the 18-year-old gave the room a quick once over, but there after simply stared at a word find game. Her intent was keep her thighs splayed to her "audience" as long as she dared. If she were to be curious about what others could see, she might instinctively clamp her legs shut when a face turned her way - thus drawing more attention to herself - or loose courage altogether.
Just knowing her pussy was completely exposed made her insides sing with lust. She even slouched for a while, offering the world an even better view of her most intimate of places. Caroline even considered reaching a hand down between her thighs, to suggest a willingness to masturbate right there, but the girl knew that even the lightest touch of her fingertips to her cooze would bring on a very obvious climax.
With that thought, and the last of the nuggets eaten, the co-ed decided it was time to move. It was likely getting dark outside by now, and the club would soon be filling with the evening partiers. She stood and took her drink cup and food bag to the nearest trash receptacle. Once her hands were empty, Caroline pulled the back of her skirt down, somewhat embarrassed that it hadn't fallen on its own. As she turned to go, she found a man fall in next to her.
Her was a middle-aged guy. Clean shaven and wearing a suit, though his shirt and tie were loose at the neck. He carried a Sears bag in one hand and a rather full food bag in the other. The young blonde thought he was good-looking enough, and had a nice smile when he spoke.
"I couldn't notice what a nice ass you have."
Caroline bit her bottom lip, shrugged. "Thanks, I guess." She could not repress her own grin.
"I was wondering if I could get another look," he continues as they walked together. "Nothing freaky. No touchy, just lookie. It would make a tired, old workaholic's day. What do you think?"
"I don't know," the young blonde said, trying not to look at the man. The idea certainly appealed to her, but such personal connection isn't part of the game. "I mean, I don't even know you. How can I trust you?"
"I see your point." They walked on silently for a moment, then he said; "You don't really have to know me. How about this. I'll go into a store and watch you through a window. That way there's no way I can touch you, or grab you or anything."
Shrugging, she thought about it. It was plausible enough. Her heart was flip-flopping wildly with anticipation of giving this guy a private show. The thumping in her chest grew as she considered giving him more that a simple flip of the skirt.
"What if I was in the store, and you watched from out here?"
"That works for me. You pick the store."
Caroline smiled conspiratorially and looked around the mall. She saw the place where the stock boy watched her from. If he weren't still there it would be a perfect place. In that part of the department store there was nothing but clothes racks behind the window. The blonde nodded so positively her pony tails flipped about.
"Okay. This way." the aroused teen led him to the store and pointed at the window he should look in. The man spied a bench close by and parked himself and his bags there. He watched the girl walk off, fully expecting her to bolt the moment she got far enough away.
She did not. His own heart began beating erratically as she turned into the store entrance and wander around inside for a moment. A clerk was in the area the teenager indicated he look, apparently replacing garments shoppers decided not to buy. His heart sank upon seeing that, but kept watching until the pretty schoolgirl appeared.
She and the clerk exchanged words, the woman asking the girl if she could help her. The kid's ponytails flipped again when she shook her head. The man could almost read her lips as she said, no, I'm just looking. She pretended to look over a rack of blouses until the clerk finished up and returned to her register.
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This is part of an ongoing series of diary entries. If you want more background check out a few of my other stories especially “Dangerous Game,” “Changing the rules” or “A hot shower.” This year my husband and I found ourselves with no set plans for Thanksgiving. We had a mellow relaxing day, put the Christmas decorations up and made dinner. Late in the evening I got a text from Sean. He had finished his family dinner and was hoping to kill a few hours before heading home so he could avoid...
Wife LoversLynn's sexy, shoeless foot with her bright red perfectly-manicured toenails was still retreating off Aaron's leg and had barely cleared his chair when Tom confirmed the suspected transgression by dropping his napkin on purpose to make absolutely sure he knew what was happening underneath the dinner table. He knew already, but wanted to see it with his own eyes.When Lynn saw Tom duck away from her, she tried to retrieve her foot but she was far too committed to rubbing Aaron's thigh and...
Kristie Davenport saw her mother bearing down on her from across the living room like a battleship weathering a rough sea. Kristie took a deep breath to steady her nerves. A lame mother was hard enough to bear, a lame mother who has already had to buy her daughter one full set of new bras is harder still to bear... and if my chest doesn't stop growing real soon, mother's going to have to get a third set in two months. And if the lamers at school notice, they are going to start making cow...
Sophia awoke in the morning, realizing quickly she was alone. She stretched, and looked at the foot of the bed and saw Warren at his desk, headphones on his head, typing away at his computer. Sophia crawled to the end of the bed, so he could see her. He took the headphones off. "Good morning, Pookie. Sleep well?" "Best I've slept in months. What time is it?" "8:30." "Whatcha doin'?" "Sending some emails. Jack, Christine, Liz, Evan and Shawna, a few others. Basically, I'm...
I drove home on Wednesday afternoon; cut my history class. The weather was cold, gray, but no snow yet. It was good to come home. Mom was making supper in a t-shirt when I came in the door. I hugged her and hugged her and rubbed her ass. Frank and Ralph were there, too. And Dad. It felt so good to hug him again. We all talked thirteen to the dozen through supper and a long time after. Frank told us about his work at school, his engineering drawings and such. Ralph showed me his latest...
It was over a week before the good Reverend was able to visit the Flynns. A flock that covered the kind of area that Pastor Pat Willis' covered took a lot of time during the week so it was the day before Thanksgiving that he arrived at the Gordian Ranch, unexpectedly. Occasionally his parishioners knew that he was coming ahead of time but he only set appointments to meet when a member of his congregation needed his presence. While attending that appointment, he would normally stop at other...
At five o'clock on Wednesday they turned the phones over to voice mail and the call center. Only the number known only to family would ring. Supper was quiet and slow. Afterward, Sigrid said, "Boy, I'm pooped. It's been a great fall, but I am wiped. Tom? Let's go upstairs tonight. I need some sleep." To no-one's surprise, the Big Bed was empty that night. The next morning, work began on Thanksgiving dinner. The only guests were Sarah and Steve, who arrived early and pitched into the...
"Hello?" "Hi Karen, I've been thinking about you." Silence ... complete silence for a full minute. "You treated me badly, Sammy." "I know, that's one of the things I want to talk to you about." "I know what you want to talk to me about, and I don't want to listen." "Let me give you my number in case you change your mind." "I have your number, but you'll wait a long time if you expect me to call." The line went dead and she was gone before I had a chance to tell her...
November 1978 Thanksgiving week had only three days of school, but a lot happened. On Monday, Brent asked Beth out on a date and she accepted. When she told me about it, I was happy for her. She was a bit disappointed that it meant the end of our physical relationship, but she knew my rule. On Tuesday, Petra Johansson asked me if I was interested in coming to a St. Lucia party on December 13th. She would be making «pepparkakor» (‘ginger cookies’) and «Lussekatter» (‘saffron buns’) and...
It was only a week before Thanksgiving, when the change happened. Karen Connors realized that she only had one person to celebrate the holiday with, her mother-in-law, Edith. Her own mother lived in retirement community in Florida. Her arthritis made coming up north very difficult in the winter. She only visited in the summer. Karen was used to a large group for the annual feast; now it was just two. It suddenly occurred to her that many people were in the same boat as her. They had no one...
Ed grew up in a quiet cul de sac in a nice neighbourhood, nothing bad had ever really happened to him until he was 8 when his dad died in an accident. Life could have taken many turns but his mom, Holly, was a strong woman who avoided despair and instead concentrated on raising her son as best she could as a widowed mother. Her husband's life insurance had paid off the mortgage with a little left over, she worked as a fitness instructor to earn extra cash, she enjoyed both the work and meeting...
MILFMike and Ruthie stopped in Santa Cruz for smoothies before driving the final part of their trek up to the university. The stop and having a fruit drink improved Mike's mood. He did not exactly cheer up, but instead of being depressed he became more pensive. He did not want to remain in Santa Cruz, but Ruthie could tell that he did not want to go back to the university either. She suggested going to a lookout just north of Davenport. A few minutes later the couple was standing at a railing...
BROTHERLY LOVE EXCEEDS TO FUCKINGBy: Londebaaz ChohanLou, was hitting the youth faster than any boy of his age would. He already had a real thick bush under his arms, decent growth on his chest, arms and legs and a really jungle dense growth above and under his beautiful cock. Talk of his booming youth, he had already started jerking; and spilling teen but mature CUM brewed by his larger than a large egg sized seed makers. He did not know of having been sanctified with bigger, thicker dick than...
Now held under his bizarre funeral parlour the "undertaker" begins to bit-by-bit break down their resistance to his evil plans. ***** From her locked bent forward position it was difficult for Keeley to lift her head to look straight ahead. The stocks bit into her shoulders; her tiny wrists snapped through even smaller gaps in the scissor wood beams. Her mouth was dripping saliva from the edge of her lips as she slurped on the big neon ball gag. The feeling was disgusting, this shy...
Thanksgiving had arrived. Callie was fretting and stewing because she had never cooked a turkey before. "I can't do this Cade," she admitted nervously and he could see the tears forming in her eyes. "What's the big deal?" Cade asked, as if all women should know how to cook a turkey. "I've never cooked a turkey," She had been frantically poring over the old cook books she had found in one of the bottom drawers in Walt's old kitchen. She studied the cook books in the hopes she would...
First of all, thank you so much for reading my stories and giving them such high marks. I am so gratified to have you like my work. It might help to understand this story if you have already read my other stories—all dealing with human trafficking. If you enjoy these stories, please give me high marks. I’m new at this kind of thing, but I would love for you to leave comments of what you would like to read and how I can improve my writing. I’m just a lonely girl with big natural boobs, who...
It was a normal Saturday night at The Club-Club, but the clean up after the gig was longer than normal due to the high energy of the show. My guys rocked their asses off trying to keep up with our guest, not one of our ‘friends’ but a strong player and a fun guy. I sent the wives and family home and stayed to close up the club. As I was leaving the overnight security guys let me out of the gate and closed it behind me, making me very glad that I had thought of the idea of letting people keep...
In Part 1 “The Game ... first time sex”, while my parents visited friends, I reluctantly tagged along. I met Donna. She is a couple of year older and lives next door where we were visiting. In a secluded thicket of bushes and brush behind her house, she let me insert my dick into her pussy. That is how I lost my virginity. Somehow the word “lost” is not the correct term. I would say I gained freedom to have sex with the most wonderful girl a guy could meet. I wasn’t old enough to get my...
First TimeIt's the day before Thanksgiving with me, daddy and Scotty cleaning the house in our naked bodies. Daddy is cleaning the kitchen, I'm dusting and vacuuming all the floors and Scotty is cleaning the bathrooms and doing up the laundry. Music blaring from the stereo has all of us dancing and singing along. There was a few times that I caught daddy and Scotty watching me as I danced, with my tits flopping around. At one time during them watching me, I caught their dicks standing at attention. ...
Lisa was enjoying her time immensely running the day-care. The children were a marvel. All were now reading, even the younger ones, and most were reading at a 1st grade level or even higher. The parents were incredibly supportive. Pursuant to her directions and Venera's advice, all had adopted a nudity-friendly environment at home, if not yet a totally clothes free environment. The parents with older children at home noticed that the older ones had also started making astonishing...
This is part of an ongoing series of diary entries. If you want more background check out a few of my other stories especially “Dangerous Game,” “Changing the rules” or “A hot shower.” This year my husband and I found ourselves with no set plans for Thanksgiving. We had a mellow relaxing day, put the Christmas decorations up and made dinner. Late in the evening I got a text from Sean. He had finished his family dinner and was hoping to kill a few hours before heading home so he could avoid...
I’m not a big fan of the holidays. Mostly, it’s because my family is just so fucking loud and annoying. So, when I found out my mother and I were going to my uncle’s this year for Thanksgiving and I was required to stay a minimum of two hours I was nothing short of pissed. ‘Sunny, what are you wearing?’ my mother asked. I had on a black shirt with a plunging v-neckline that exposed my cleavage, black pants that fit like a second skin, and black heels. ‘I’m in mourning,’ I simply told her...
It was Thanksgiving night. I was over at my dad's house, with my aunt Sarah, uncle Ruby, my dad, and aunt Sarah's friend Lisa. It was about 2 am. We were sitting by the table, laughing, drinking playing poker. I was 16 at the time, but I still drank.It was fun. Nothing too sexual for the most part though. However as the night progressed, so did the drinks, and soon, we were horny beyond belief.Aunt Sarah and her friend were to my right. Uncle Ruby and my dad to my left. Aunt Sarah was a short,...
IncestAs always real story about my encounters with my MILIts been a while since I wrote a story but its because things have been slow with her and my SIL. That all changed over the holidays when we were forced to be around each other. As I said things have been slow. My MIL hasn't been willing to let me hit her pussy as of late. Shes been taking "Trips with Girlfriends" which has always been her code for seeing the man shes been having an affair with (Besides me). Well that all changed when the...
Twas the night after Thanksgiving, and Taylor and Skylar Hamilton had fallen asleep while watching a marathon of The Twilight Zone. Skylar awoke first because something was tickling her ear. She had fallen asleep with her head in her brother Taylor’s lap and quickly realized his cock had hardened in his sleep. At first she was aghast, but she stopped short of screaming when she noticed how big it was. Skylar was no stranger to dicks, she looked like Brooklyn Decker except with a bigger nose....
Jen Goody a 28yrs mother getting for her first time at preparing thanksgiving dinner for her family (mom, dad, his parents son, and daughter) going to the store for last min. things taking the back roads to stay out of the holiday rush when her car died. Sitting about two miles from town on a county road she lost it crying her eyes out till she seen a truck coming towards her. The truck stopped and two big tall black men got out. Jen had never meet a black person at all, the men looked her up...
Well my cousin came to visit for Thanksgiving she is a year younger than my sister so 10 years younger than me and i guess my sister has not been keeping our secret because my cousin (sara) knew all about how i have been my sisters slave for years now!I didnt know this at first so i let sara stay in my appartment last night thinking we would just have some fun girl chat.After chatting awhile she made a move to kiss me i let her because she is soooo sexy she is in track and volleyball in school...
The girls came home for Thanksgiving and stayed a few extra days. The 27th of Nov was their 23rd birthday so I had some special plans for them. I finally got a hold of 3 of their best girl friends and gave them each a strapon dildo to wear when they came in the door. It was funny to see the look on their faces when they opened the door and there stood the 3 girls with only strapon's on. but it didn't take long for them to strip and get right to work on their friends and vise-versea.They even...
I'm not a big fan of the holidays. Mostly, it's because my family is just so fucking loud and annoying. So, when I found out my mother and I were going to my uncle's this year for Thanksgiving and I was required to stay a minimum of two hours I was nothing short of pissed. "Sunny, what are you wearing?" my mother asked. I had on a black shirt with a plunging v-neckline that exposed my cleavage, black pants that fit like a second skin, and black heels. "I'm in mourning," I simply told her...
Quickie SexThe weekend before thanksgiving each year, four Scandinavia moms and along with their daughters, get together to make lefse, a Norwegian tortilla like bread. The moms are all around 40 to 45, while the daughters are in their early twenties. One of the daughters, Anne, is a lesbian, and she was bringing home her new girlfriend today to help make lefsa. We were all looking forward to meeting this new girl as lesbians, except for Anne, were foreign to our little group of women. Anne was...
He lay back in his new recliner and sighed contentedly. Thanksgiving dinners were good, but you always ate and drank far too much. The others had smiled indulgently as he'd made his move out of the dining area into the family room nearby, then they'd got up too, and left him to rest, going outside one after the other into the unusually warm October night. He could hear them talking on the deck, lighting up their cigarettes, glasses clinking, then their voices disappeared into the distance as...
November 25, 1986, Chicago, Illinois “The board approved the budget with consulting, rather than full-time staff,” Dave said as soon as I’d said ‘hello’ when I answered the phone. “Excellent!” I said. “Did the budget request cover both programmers for the whole year?” “It did. They did approve an additional position, but that’s for supervising the computer operators and managing the Prime Computers, not for programmers. That’s exactly what Mr. Forster had in his original budget...