The Chauffeur 33 Thanksgiving
- 4 years ago
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Hey folks. This is this year's Thanksgiving story and it's a little bit different. I broke the pattern a bit with this one. It's also the first Thanksgiving story I've written without that epic everyone gathered around the table food fight. I figure two or three of those was enough. Thanks to Sir Charles for his usual editing magic. I'm sure that both he and I missed a few things here and there. And I'm also sure that those of you with sharp eyes will point them out to me. Thanks very much for that. And thanks even more to the people who notice those errors, don't care and just enjoy the story. Lastly be warned some of you are going to hate the ending here. If so please feel free to rewrite it or to just imagine it the way you want it to be. This is my version, it's not nice, there are loose ends, there's a lot of miscommunication and I like it. SS06- Happy Thanksgiving
Life is complicated. The more we think that we have it all down and everything is fine, the more surprised we are when shit blows up in our faces. Trust me. I thought that I had it made until everything just fell apart. I had to resort to desperate measures and give away a part of my soul to put things back to square one.
As the police officers swarm around the car, I'm grateful ... perhaps thankful for a couple of things. I'm thankful that we weren't driving my Mustang, which as usual for this time of year in Michigan, with snow on the ground is snug and safe in her garage. Her wheels are off of the ground. Her fluids have been drained and her battery is connected to a tender. My baby is safe.
The other thing that I'm thankful for sends my mind back an hour ago in time. There were eleven of us gathered to celebrate Thanksgiving. It was a truly odd collection of people. My wife and I, our two children, our next door neighbor and his wife, my wife's sister and her husband, my brother in law and his partner and of course, my wife's lover. It was an odd gathering to say the least.
It was also more a case of a captive audience than anything else. The mood was slightly less than festive, but we were trying to make the best of it. I don't think that anyone outside of my wife and her lover, Johnny, were really happy to be there.
My next door neighbor was there because he and his wife were in their late forties and had no children and no remaining parents. Neither of them had any siblings who lived in-state and they didn't like to travel. They were nice enough people, they often baby sat for us back when Melissa, my wife, and I were still happily married.
My brother in law, Ted, is a good looking guy. He's very outgoing and very popular. He looks like the kind of guy who could someday run for president, but he lacks motivation. His lover, Ed, is pretty much the same but not so outgoing. The two of them wouldn't exactly be welcomed at very many holiday gatherings so they're stuck here with the rest of us misfits trying to make the best of it.
My sister in law, Selena and her husband Todd also have no offspring. Melissa loves throwing things in her older sister's face. So Selena and Todd are here so Melissa can torture them in our home.
Things got off to a pretty shitty start. I got to the house at about nine this morning. I don't live in my house right now because Melissa and I are getting a divorce. We've been married for eight years and have two kids. My daughter Piper is eight and her brother Steve is seven. I'm pretty sure the word, "trapped," is going through your mind right now and you're right. But at twenty years old and halfway through college on an engineering scholarship, I wasn't thinking about how conniving some women can be.
Even in college, I showed flashes of brilliance. I got an internship in the engineering department of a major auto manufacturer in my freshman year. So by the time I met Selena, in my sophomore year, my future was bright and my head was pretty big to go with it.
Selena was a typical nerd girl/engineering student. She didn't wear makeup. She was maybe twenty or thirty pounds overweight. She wore giant thick glasses and she spoke three languages fluently. Those three languages were English, Geek and Profanity. She could talk Star Trek or Star Wars with the best of them. At the same time she was on pace to be a very good engineer in her own right. Selena and I would have been a great couple, but it just wasn't in the cards and events kind of tripped us up.
I believe that our downfall came from three sources. The first of those sources was perception. I truly saw Selena as one of the guys. If a group of us got together to work on a project or to hang out she was always there. She also joined in on every conversation, even when the conversations turned to women. Selena just never registered to me as a potential mate. I didn't find out until much later that the reason Selena was around so much was that she liked me.
The second thing that worked against us was conniving bitches, one in particular. Selena had told her parents all about me. I'd been to their house on several occasions and although we were, in my mind, firmly in the friend zone. Her parents really thought that Selena and I made a great couple. Melissa, Selena's younger sister, who was nineteen at the time, had other plans. Every time I visited Selena, Melissa got bolder. She started out pretty innocently. She'd ask for my help on a math problem that she was having difficulty with. It would always end up with her and I huddled over a table while I tried to explain the problem to her multiple times. And every time we huddled, I got glimpses of that nineteen year old cleavage or she'd rub that fresh young ass against me.
That eventually led to me "accidentally" catching her in her bikini on a few occasions. And then I caught her naked a few times. Of course those were "accidents," too. At least she claimed they were. After that, she made her move. And I was too stupid to realize that I'd been set up from the beginning.
She called me to tell me that Selena wanted me to come over. It was so casual and unplanned sounding that I never gave it a second thought. I went over to the house, the same way I always did. When I got there the door was open but none of the cars were in the driveway. I stepped inside, calling out as I did.
"Come on back," replied Melissa, to my greeting. I went into the game room and found Melissa there in front of the play station wrapped in a blanket. She was playing one of my favorite games, Soul Calibur.
"Where's Selena?" I asked.
"She's going to be a little late," she said, smiling. "Can't we play for a little while without her? She went to my little brother, Ted's little league game with our parents. They should be back when the game is over."
"Sure," I said. Selena's family was always so nice to me, that I didn't mind being nice to any one of them in return. Besides, Melissa was clearly the hotter one of the sisters. She was the kind of girl that nerds never got. So if she wanted to play a game with me, I was all in.
We played for about twenty minutes and I noticed that the blanket was starting to slide a bit.
"Melissa, are you cold?" I asked.
"No baby, I'm hot. But you already know that. You've seen me naked," she said.
In a display of smoothness that belied my mere twenty one years, I replied, "Buh uh ah ba da ba da uh uhm ... duh!"
She started laughing and wrapped her arms around me which showed me that she was naked under the blanket. "Maybe I am just a little cold," she said. "I think you should warm me up."
"I'll get you another blanket," I said.
"Ian, a blanket won't work," she said. "You're an engineer or a rocket scientist or whatever you guys are going to school for. I need something that can warm me up from the inside out."
"You mean like microwaves?" I asked. My mind was already spinning with ideas of how to accomplish what she asked.
"Is that what you call it? You call it your crow wave?" she asked, smiling. "Let's see if I can make it wave." She reached for my pants and I went into shock. I just stood there while she fished out my rapidly hardening dick and started to suck it. My greatest asset, my mind, had no frame of reference to draw from. I'd had quickie sex a few times with some nerdy or unattractive girls. There were even a few regular girls who'd let me fuck them in exchange for homework or tutoring services. But Melissa was hot. She didn't even go to school. After high school she'd gotten herself a job.
That afternoon Melissa fucked me until I couldn't get it up anymore. She did everything that I'd heard of but never experienced. Every time I came, she took it in a different place. She let me cum inside of her pussy and neither of us ever thought about condoms. She also took a load on her face and swallowed one. When I left, I was exhausted and I thought my dick was broken. She promised me anal the next time and we swore to keep what had happened, our little secret. I figured that she didn't want any of her friends to know that she had screwed one of the nerds. But I was also glad, because I had no idea how I would have told Selena that I'd had sex with her baby sister.
The funny thing was that Selena and I were a year older than Melissa, but we had a lot less sexual experience. I was so happy at what I'd gotten, it felt like my birthday and Christmas all rolled into one. But I never thought about what Melissa was getting out of it.
The third thing working against Selena and me was timing. After a pretty big party that we held to celebrate beating a team from MIT in a robotics competition, Selena and I tumbled into bed together. When we woke up after the alcohol in our systems had faded, I had taken Selena's virginity.
It was a guilty moment for me because by that time, I had been screwing her sister for months and things between Melissa and I were only getting hotter. Selena had none of her sister's moves, but emotionally there was something far more satisfying about what we'd done. There was definitely a connection forged between us.
When we got dressed the next morning, barely remembering where we were, Selena was all smiles. I on the other hand was mortified. One of our also drunken classmates had the answer.
"What happened at the party ... stays at the party," he said. "There's no way we should be held accountable for things we did while we were drunk. Everyone needs to blow off a little steam from time to time." Several hung-over future engineers agreed with him.
"I wasn't drunk," said Selena. "I knew exactly what I was doing." I went into shock. Selena had told me several times during the night that she loved me. I felt like shit. Things were even worse. The next two months were the worst time of my life. I worked really hard at my internship. I really had to. Being at work was the only place that I could relax and be myself.
While we were in class, I had to worry about Selena. I had feelings for her too, but I couldn't let what happened between us go any further until I had worked out things with her sister. And that was even worse. Whenever I wasn't in class, Melissa was on me. The problem was that Melissa was like a drug. She would walk into my apartment and simply drop all of her clothes and we'd start. She never refused me anything. She seemed to especially get off on other people knowing what was going on.
There was one time when a classmate of mine had come over to watch a movie. Melissa played the part of girlfriend perfectly. She invited him in. Showed him where the DVD player was and even served us beer and ordered pizza. She invited a friend of hers over as well. I thought that she would hang out with her friend and leave the two of us to our nerd movie, but Melissa saw it differently. She sat my friend in the recliner that was near the TV and sat her friend next to him. Then she went and got a blanket for her and me to sit on the couch with. It was a long movie. About twenty minutes into the movie she repositioned us on the couch so we were spooned under the blanket.
Our friends occasionally looked at us, but thought nothing of it. Nor did I until I felt her hands on my dick. She pulled my hands onto her breasts and I noticed then that she had managed to slip off all of her clothes under the blanket.
She raised one leg and started rubbing my dick against her hot wet opening. She pressed back against me until it slipped in. She moaned as quietly as she could and smiled at our friends who'd turned around to see us.
"Sorry guys," she smiled. "It's just so warm and cozy under here with my Ian. Her friend smiled jealously. My friend barely looked away from the screen.
But even as she spoke, Melissa was pushing her ass back against me very slowly. She had a knack for squeezing my dick with her pussy muscles. It was like being in a warm, slippery vise.
Over the next few minutes, things ramped up. She pressed against my hands to make me squeeze her breasts. I rolled and pinched her nipples which really turned her on. She moaned loudly and started rocking her hips more wildly. It was almost as if she forgot where we were and what we were doing. As usual, once she started there was no stopping her. I could only hold on and enjoy it."
Both of our friends turned and watched us, wide eyed. "Jesus Melissa!" exclaimed her friend. "You're just going to let that guy fuck you right here in the living room with us watching?"
"Of course not," spat Melissa without losing a beat or a single stroke.
"Well what are you going to do?" asked her friend.
"I'm going to fuck him right back," said Melissa. "I can't let him think he can out fuck me. Just watch the movieeee ... ohhhh!"
Since the cat was out of the bag, Melissa was set free. She ducked her head under the blanket and sucked me back to life and then climbed on top of me and rode me to another orgasm.
"You guys watch the movie," she said as she dragged me up the stairs. She was tired of being restricted to positions that allowed us to stay covered up. When we were spent we simply fell asleep.
When we awoke just in time to quickly take Melissa home, our friends were gone. I kept trying to break things off with Melissa, but I was simply not able to. After a few months, Selena suddenly changed the game. I think she must've heard someone mention me and another girl.
She started to dress and behave more feminine. She started wearing makeup and dresses and everyone noticed. She, although bigger than Melissa, was every bit as pretty. Then things got worse. Selena started working out and dieting to lose weight. Every one of our friends noticed her all of a sudden. I especially noticed her.
All of my hard work had paid off though. I was hired by an automotive company before I graduated. Since they were hiring me as a degreed engineer, they allowed me to leave the plant in order to continue attending classes. I started looking for better apartments.
It all fell apart on a sunny Sunday morning. If my timing had been better, I'd have arrived five minutes later and avoided the entire conflict. But a short time after I sat down and started telling Selena's parents about how my new job was going it got hectic. Their dad, after finding out that I made more money than he did, asked me what I intended to with it. As we talked, he was shoveling food down his throat at an alarming rate.
"I'm going to get a better apartment," I said.
"You'd probably be better off forgetting about that. A house is probably a better idea," said Melissa.
"Melissa, Ian is MY friend," said Selena. "If it was one of your friends, your opinion would matter. Ian can do anything he wants."
"I think my opinion in this, matters quite a bit Sis," smiled Melissa.
"That's stupid," said Selena. "Why would Ian care what you think? You two barely know each other."
"Oh we know each other pretty well," smiled Melissa.
"Not as well as we know each other," said Selena. "We've shared classes for three years in college. We've been lab partners in every class for the past two." Selena spat the last part out as if she was sure that she was right.
"Okay, you've got me there," said Melissa. "That lab partner thing is hard to beat. I mean, all I have is the fact that he got me pregnant."
At the same time that Melissa's almost quietly uttered words came out of her grinning mouth, four people went into shock. Our reactions were all very different. Her father spat out his food violently and then on his next inhalation started to choke. Her mother dropped the entire stack of dishes she was about to place on the outdoor table, shattering them on the tile of the pool area.
Selena looked at her sister and then at me, to determine if Melissa was telling the truth. Then she ran into the house, crying her eyes out. I was too shocked to do anything other than stand there with my chin on the ground.
Melissa calmly sat down at the table. She took my hand and sat me down at the table too. Then she gestured for her mom to join us. Her mom stood there looking down on the tile at the shards of her dishes. She seemed torn between picking the dishes up and finding out what Melissa had to say. She slowly came over to the table. She was shell shocked. "I ... I ... I don't understand," she said. "How did you get pregnant?"
"Come on Mom," said Melissa. "You've been pregnant three times. I think you know what goes where and how it works."
"But, Ian is Selena's boyfriend and ... And you work at the Dairy Queen," she said. She looked at us to see if any of what she'd just said made sense.
"Ian is not Selena's boyfriend!" spat Melissa angrily. "If he was, none of this would have happened. They're classmates but that's all. They're friends. She's been bringing him over to the house for more than a year and they've never even kissed. They've never gone out on a date or anything."
I wasn't so shocked that I didn't recognize Melissa working her magic on her parents. Over the year or so that I'd been a part of their family's get-togethers, I'd seen her use the same tactics whether she and Selena were arguing over clothes, chores, where to go for dinner or any other thing. I guess she figured that if it worked for everything else, it might work for this one too.
"Okay, maybe he's not her boyfriend," said their father. "But you know she likes him."
"Dad, we're sisters. It's going to happen. We were raised in the same house, by the same parents. We have the same upbringing and very similar tastes. Is it really a stretch to think that we might like the same guy? And she has the advantage when it comes to meeting guys. She's in school all the time. She's always around guys our age. All I see, all day long are snotty nosed brats who have a dollar and fifty cents for a single cone. And Ian is here all the time, is it any wonder we'd be drawn together?"
Neither of her parents could refute her logic. And Selena, sensing that she was on a roll, pushed onwards.
"Dad, you like, Ian. I've heard you slip and call him your son in law several times. He's in shock right now, because he didn't know either. We didn't plan this, it just happened. But he's going to marry me. He makes enough money to support me and our baby. So the question that this really brings up is why you don't want me to marry him?"
She looked at her dad. She was about to turn the corner on him. We all sensed it. We just didn't know what direction she was coming from.
"So let me work myself through this," she said. "You like Ian. You know that he's a good guy and he'd never hurt me. He makes enough money. He has a good career ahead of him, probably better than any of you think. So it's not Ian is it?" She scratched her chin dramatically and then continued.
"Daddy wasn't Selena born before the two of you actually got married?" she asked. She continued before he could explain. "So it must be me then. You don't think I'm good enough for your chosen son in law because I chose not to go to college, that's it isn't it?"
"No, baby, that's not it," said her father. "It's just ... it's like you said. It's just so surprising. We're all in shock. Look at your mom. Look at Ian. And he knew more about this than we did."
"But Daddy, that's exactly why we didn't tell anyone. We kept looking for a way to tell everyone, but it's hard. We didn't want to hurt anyone. But today when Selena started telling me how Ian didn't want my opinion ... well ... it just popped out. I was angry. I'm sorry."
"Don't be sorry, baby," he said. "We'll find a way to work this out. How far along are you? Maybe..."
"Daddy, are you crazy? There's nothing to work out. I want my baby and I'm having it. And I want to marry Ian. That was the plan all along. Maybe we're ahead of schedule. But this is what I wanted from the beginning."
"I never thought about planning a wedding this soon," said her mom. "I guess I always expected it to be Selena first. And I did kind of think she'd be the one marrying Ian, but as long as my girls are happy, I'm good."
So there was a wedding. All of those people out maneuvered by one conniving nineteen year old girl. And it took a few years but I in particular learned that there was far more in her head than I ever thought.
Melissa and her mom planned out the wedding. Melissa got everything she wanted. She had eight bridesmaids and all of them smiled and nodded their heads every time they looked at me. I felt like a lamb being led to the slaughter or a turkey on Thanksgiving.
Selena never said a word to me. But every time I saw her, the pain in her eyes hurt me. It also made me realize that I had always had feelings for her too. A few weeks before the wedding, she accepted an internship in another state and transferred to a college there as well. She claimed that she was too busy to attend the wedding, but I knew otherwise.
Although marrying Melissa wasn't in my life plan, I was brought up to accept my responsibilities and make the best of them. I had been fucking Melissa for months. I was so busy having fun that I had never considered a possible pregnancy. I had to pay for the pleasure I'd received. I vowed to be the best husband and father possible.
I could tell that Melissa was happy about the whole thing. She positively glowed. She picked out our house and everything in it. She clearly loved the role of young wife and she excelled at it. If I had thought that we had a lot of sex while we were doing it on the sly, it was nothing compared to what happened once everyone knew about us.
She assured me that nothing we did could hurt our baby, so we had sex three times a day, during the week and more often than that on the weekends. Selena did everything she could to bind me to her, physically, emotionally and every other way she could think of. And it worked.
From talking to some of my friends who were involved in long relationships and even some who'd been married for a while, they all seemed to agree that the sex would taper off. But it didn't. After the wedding, things got even more intense. We were together every second that I wasn't working. She even showed up at my job to have lunch with me several times a week. My mistrust of her motives went away. Maybe I hadn't planned on anything happening between Melissa and me, but she clearly loved me very much. I began to realize that I could have ended up with a much worse person to marry.
After the birth of my daughter, we settled into being the perfect young couple. Melissa took care of everything. My daughter, Piper, was named after my mother. We both doted on her. No baby was ever so loved. I wasn't shocked when Melissa started our sex life up again barely after coming home from the hospital. The doctor had told us that we needed to wait a while before resuming relations, but Melissa had other ideas.
"Let's find out if he's right," she said. "If it injures me, we'll stop. But I'm craving my husband." The first few times we did it, I could tell that she was in pain. But she drove us onward. A few weeks later we were back doing it more than ever. We were also trying new positions and acts. If it was possible to do sexually, we tried it. The only things we didn't try we're things that involved more than two people. So it was no surprise when only a few months after Piper was born Melissa was pregnant again.
My son Steve was born thirteen months after his older sister. He was named after Melissa's dad and made us even happier. We were the envy of all of our friends. It was about that time that I changed all of our lives. I invented a process for controlling airbags that made our company billions. Their intention was to license the process to all of the other auto companies.
My reward for the invention was twenty million dollars. After that I continued to work but only because I was still enjoying it. We bought a newer bigger house and everything else we could think of. We travelled and tried everything we wanted. It took a few years, seven to be exact, for the truth to come out.
I came home to find Melissa on the internet, looking at luxury apartments. "Honey, why are you looking at apartments?" I asked. "Are you leaving me?"
"Of course not," she said absent mindedly. "It's for Johnny. He got thrown out of another one. I'll never leave you, Ian, you're my husband. We're going to grow old together."
That made me feel better. "Who's Johnny?" I asked, as I kissed the back of her neck.
"My dumb assed boyfriend," she said. Even as the words came out of her mouth she stopped and stiffened.
"Your what?" I asked. She turned to face me nervously.
"Oh God," she said. "I am clearly not thinking well today. I never wanted you to..."
I erupted. "So after seven years of marriage ... seven happy years, you've started cheating on me?"
"Ian we need to talk about this," she said. "You don't understand anything." There was nothing she could say to take away the hurt. I just shook my head and walked away. I left the house and went to the airport. I flew to Chicago. I had a friend who worked for Thompson-Ritter industries. I called him as soon as I got in. I went to visit him at work. He took one look at me and pointed towards a small cubicle at the end of the hall. All of their engineers used several community labs and each had his or her own cubicle for other things. They saved money on office space and forced their team to work together that way.
I walked up to the cubicle and saw her working on a design for a bracket of some kind. She was using some sort of 3-D CAD software. Her hair was longer and thicker than it had been when we were in college. She dangled one shoe off of her foot as she worked. She had no idea that I was behind her. I watched her, enjoying the vision. After not seeing her for seven years what made me think that I could... ? I realized then that I couldn't. I turned to leave.
I wondered then, why I'd dropped everything and flown to Chicago. What right did I have to intrude in her life? I turned to leave as silently as I'd walked up behind her. But something had other plans.
Her head snapped around suddenly. "Caught ya' pervert," she said over her shoulder. I think that she thought that I was one of her coworkers at first. She looked up at me and recognition flared along with anger. "Get the fuck out of my office!" she screamed.
"I'm sorry. I don't know why I came here," I said.
"Wait!" she said. She looked at me, up and down. "I knew it!" She was smiling as she said it.
"That bitch finally hurt you didn't she?" she asked. "She spent most of our lives taking all of my stuff and wait a minute ... you're crying. Ian, where are you going?"
"Get the fuck back in my office!" she yelled.
"It's not really an office," I mumbled.
"Whatever it is, get your ass in it," she growled. I noticed the resemblance to Melissa. Selena and Melissa were, of course, sisters. Melissa looked a lot like Selena but there was a maturity and a look of sadness to Selena that Melissa didn't have.
Without another word we were hugging. "What did she do?" she demanded. Her voice had the sound of a mother protecting her young.
"No Selena," I said. "This isn't your problem. I'm the one who screwed up. I should've..."
"Wait, let me help you there," she said, twisting her face into a grimace.
"You should have done so many things. You should have told me that you were screwing my sister. I know the little bitch seduced you. You should have given me the chance to compete with her. I would have done anything for you that she would. Ian, I loved you. And towards the end ... you know, after I waited years for you to make a move on me, I finally got you drunk and gave you my virginity, you loved me too didn't you?"
I nodded. "But you didn't say anything. You were just enjoying my sister force feeding you her skanky pussy too much. You dummy, she was trying to get pregnant. That bitch was always way smarter than either of us when it comes to real life."
"But I'm just as guilty as you are, Ian. The problem with people like us is that we're too God damned nice to go after what we want. I loved you so much, I should have fought for you ... and you should have fought for us too." Then I was holding her in my arms. She felt too good to believe.
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Beth had been upset for about a week but refused to talk about it and it was frustrating the hell out of me. What had I done to cause this? was my first thought, but I couldn't think of anything that I'd messed up THAT bad. I finally found out when I saw Cindy between classes one afternoon. "Tommy, it's nothing you did. Beth's parents are going to be out of town—something for their company and they can't reschedule it, but it means she'll be alone for Thanksgiving." "Why didn't...
Chapter Thirteen:Thanksgiving We had off for Thanksgiving. My mother sent a plane ticket so I flew home for the weekend. Ben was on the same flight with me. I avoided talking with him or even looking at him. Bethany was at the airport to pick us both up. Ben spoke as soon as we were in the car. “Mark and I sucked each other’s dicks. It was a lot of fun.” Bethany looked at me and asked if I was gay. I told her I was not, and I had a steady date, a girl with whom I had sex almost every day. Ben...
Introduction: At the turn of the nineteenth century an open sleigh was like a convertible in the 1950s Deep in the North Woods Osborn lived miles from town on a small lake in Wisconsin. It was the early 1900s and the automobile had hardly been seen anywhere in those small isolated places. People lived there to cut lumber or work in the copper mines. He worked deep underground and took his meat pie in a bucket on the long walk before sunrise every day. He was a smart young man. Father built...
Jock Tales--Happy Fucking ThanksgivingWell, as the title indicates—it's Thanksgiving day. I loved this day—it was one of the few times I 'let myself go', and just ate what I wanted. The Diamond Dawgs had all assembled at the house to help out with the move. After meeting over at dad's new apartment last week, Kelso and Petroni, and Jackson, had a long talk with dad, and filled him in on pretty much everything that had been going on. The fighting, drinking, the dope, jail, hustling, the trips to...
Chapter Thirteen:Thanksgiving We had off for Thanksgiving. My mother sent a plane ticket so I flew home for the weekend. Ben was on the same flight with me. I avoided talking with him or even looking at him. Bethany was at the airport to pick us both up. Ben spoke as soon as we were in the car. “Mark and I sucked each other’s dicks. It was a lot of fun.” Bethany looked at me and asked if I was gay. I told her I was not, and I had a steady date, a girl with whom I had sex almost every day. Ben...
BisexualAfter Wednesday classes, Will, Alex and I hit the supermarket. We got all the stuff I needed for Thanksgiving dinner, plenty of beer. The guy at the liquor store even let us buy a nice bottle of wine. He knows us pretty well by now. We stopped for supper at the Union. No point in paying extra or trying to make supper in an unfamiliar kitchen. And the weather was cold enough so nothing would spoil in the car. At Henry's house, we put stuff away, looked around. Two big bedrooms with big...
THANKSGIVING DAY DAWNED DREARY and gray like every other November day in Seattle. I woke up feeling pleasantly well. I did an assessment of all my vital signs to make sure I was alive. After dinner with Riley Wednesday night, I came home and went soundly to sleep in my bed instead of my chair. This morning my heart rate was normal, I had no headache, even my back didn’t hurt, and I could take deep even breaths without gasping. As Methuselah said, “I feel like I’m ninety again.” I was...
May stood in front of the mirror in her child hood bedroom brushing her long brown hair, her deep brown eyes sparkled as the voices of her high school friends chatted with laughter throughout her room. She could visualize Cindy, her best friend sitting on her bed still in her cheerleader’s outfit wearing her long red hair in her piggy tails as Cindy termed as bimbo tails. Carla the true blonde of the group that May referred to her as with a wink loved standing on her head in a corner of the...
The cold North wind blew down the leaf strewn street causing Leah to shiver. The black mini and fishnets she wore were almost like nothing against the late November weather. A light rain had begun an hour before. She pulled her coat closer around her throat against the water that run from her hair and down her neck. Jimbo would be mad if he saw her. The coat covered the cleavage exposed by her low-cut blouse. ‘Fuck it,’ she thought. ‘It’s cold. It’s wet. And there aren’t any Johns on this...
Introduction: I had requests for a sequel with my brother, it did not happen, but the possibility developed into this story. Just when I thought I was too old for more wild sexual experiences, I am only 36 by the way, Thanksgiving weekend allowed me to revisit a past experience. I was hosting Thanksgiving this year so my brother and his 25 year old wife along with our parents were all at my house. They were all staying through Sunday so they could play with my new daughter who had just been...
I have been married to my husband for ten years and we have always had a very close relationship. Neither one of us are into anything kinky and our sex life seems to be OK, although I must admit that I often find myself engaging in a little secret self-play to satisfy my yearnings and needs from time to time. I can’t deny my Hispanic heritage and the passion is undeniable. Rick, my wonderful husband, had to go on an extended business trip the day after Thanksgiving. It was a pre-planned...
CheatingThanksgiving seemed as though it was going to be pretty quiet for us this year. We had a huge family reunion this summer and there's a wedding happening after the first of the year so we decided to stay close to home.We rolled out of bed in the morning and lazied around for a few hours. Jodi decided that we should go for a drive and find a nice restaurant for dinner. So... we took our showers and put on some nicer clothes. I wore dress slacks and a sweater. She chose a dress that I just...
This is part of an ongoing series of diary entries. If you want more background check out a few of my other stories especially “Dangerous Game,” “Changing the rules” or “A hot shower.” This year my husband and I found ourselves with no set plans for Thanksgiving. We had a mellow relaxing day, put the Christmas decorations up and made dinner. Late in the evening I got a text from Sean. He had finished his family dinner and was hoping to kill a few hours before heading home so he could avoid...
Wife LoversLynn's sexy, shoeless foot with her bright red perfectly-manicured toenails was still retreating off Aaron's leg and had barely cleared his chair when Tom confirmed the suspected transgression by dropping his napkin on purpose to make absolutely sure he knew what was happening underneath the dinner table. He knew already, but wanted to see it with his own eyes.When Lynn saw Tom duck away from her, she tried to retrieve her foot but she was far too committed to rubbing Aaron's thigh and...
Kristie Davenport saw her mother bearing down on her from across the living room like a battleship weathering a rough sea. Kristie took a deep breath to steady her nerves. A lame mother was hard enough to bear, a lame mother who has already had to buy her daughter one full set of new bras is harder still to bear... and if my chest doesn't stop growing real soon, mother's going to have to get a third set in two months. And if the lamers at school notice, they are going to start making cow...
Sophia awoke in the morning, realizing quickly she was alone. She stretched, and looked at the foot of the bed and saw Warren at his desk, headphones on his head, typing away at his computer. Sophia crawled to the end of the bed, so he could see her. He took the headphones off. "Good morning, Pookie. Sleep well?" "Best I've slept in months. What time is it?" "8:30." "Whatcha doin'?" "Sending some emails. Jack, Christine, Liz, Evan and Shawna, a few others. Basically, I'm...
I drove home on Wednesday afternoon; cut my history class. The weather was cold, gray, but no snow yet. It was good to come home. Mom was making supper in a t-shirt when I came in the door. I hugged her and hugged her and rubbed her ass. Frank and Ralph were there, too. And Dad. It felt so good to hug him again. We all talked thirteen to the dozen through supper and a long time after. Frank told us about his work at school, his engineering drawings and such. Ralph showed me his latest...
It was over a week before the good Reverend was able to visit the Flynns. A flock that covered the kind of area that Pastor Pat Willis' covered took a lot of time during the week so it was the day before Thanksgiving that he arrived at the Gordian Ranch, unexpectedly. Occasionally his parishioners knew that he was coming ahead of time but he only set appointments to meet when a member of his congregation needed his presence. While attending that appointment, he would normally stop at other...
At five o'clock on Wednesday they turned the phones over to voice mail and the call center. Only the number known only to family would ring. Supper was quiet and slow. Afterward, Sigrid said, "Boy, I'm pooped. It's been a great fall, but I am wiped. Tom? Let's go upstairs tonight. I need some sleep." To no-one's surprise, the Big Bed was empty that night. The next morning, work began on Thanksgiving dinner. The only guests were Sarah and Steve, who arrived early and pitched into the...
"Hello?" "Hi Karen, I've been thinking about you." Silence ... complete silence for a full minute. "You treated me badly, Sammy." "I know, that's one of the things I want to talk to you about." "I know what you want to talk to me about, and I don't want to listen." "Let me give you my number in case you change your mind." "I have your number, but you'll wait a long time if you expect me to call." The line went dead and she was gone before I had a chance to tell her...
November 1978 Thanksgiving week had only three days of school, but a lot happened. On Monday, Brent asked Beth out on a date and she accepted. When she told me about it, I was happy for her. She was a bit disappointed that it meant the end of our physical relationship, but she knew my rule. On Tuesday, Petra Johansson asked me if I was interested in coming to a St. Lucia party on December 13th. She would be making «pepparkakor» (‘ginger cookies’) and «Lussekatter» (‘saffron buns’) and...
It was only a week before Thanksgiving, when the change happened. Karen Connors realized that she only had one person to celebrate the holiday with, her mother-in-law, Edith. Her own mother lived in retirement community in Florida. Her arthritis made coming up north very difficult in the winter. She only visited in the summer. Karen was used to a large group for the annual feast; now it was just two. It suddenly occurred to her that many people were in the same boat as her. They had no one...
Mike and Ruthie stopped in Santa Cruz for smoothies before driving the final part of their trek up to the university. The stop and having a fruit drink improved Mike's mood. He did not exactly cheer up, but instead of being depressed he became more pensive. He did not want to remain in Santa Cruz, but Ruthie could tell that he did not want to go back to the university either. She suggested going to a lookout just north of Davenport. A few minutes later the couple was standing at a railing...
Thanksgiving had arrived. Callie was fretting and stewing because she had never cooked a turkey before. "I can't do this Cade," she admitted nervously and he could see the tears forming in her eyes. "What's the big deal?" Cade asked, as if all women should know how to cook a turkey. "I've never cooked a turkey," She had been frantically poring over the old cook books she had found in one of the bottom drawers in Walt's old kitchen. She studied the cook books in the hopes she would...
This is part of an ongoing series of diary entries. If you want more background check out a few of my other stories especially “Dangerous Game,” “Changing the rules” or “A hot shower.” This year my husband and I found ourselves with no set plans for Thanksgiving. We had a mellow relaxing day, put the Christmas decorations up and made dinner. Late in the evening I got a text from Sean. He had finished his family dinner and was hoping to kill a few hours before heading home so he could avoid...
I’m not a big fan of the holidays. Mostly, it’s because my family is just so fucking loud and annoying. So, when I found out my mother and I were going to my uncle’s this year for Thanksgiving and I was required to stay a minimum of two hours I was nothing short of pissed. ‘Sunny, what are you wearing?’ my mother asked. I had on a black shirt with a plunging v-neckline that exposed my cleavage, black pants that fit like a second skin, and black heels. ‘I’m in mourning,’ I simply told her...
It was Thanksgiving night. I was over at my dad's house, with my aunt Sarah, uncle Ruby, my dad, and aunt Sarah's friend Lisa. It was about 2 am. We were sitting by the table, laughing, drinking playing poker. I was 16 at the time, but I still drank.It was fun. Nothing too sexual for the most part though. However as the night progressed, so did the drinks, and soon, we were horny beyond belief.Aunt Sarah and her friend were to my right. Uncle Ruby and my dad to my left. Aunt Sarah was a short,...
IncestAs always real story about my encounters with my MILIts been a while since I wrote a story but its because things have been slow with her and my SIL. That all changed over the holidays when we were forced to be around each other. As I said things have been slow. My MIL hasn't been willing to let me hit her pussy as of late. Shes been taking "Trips with Girlfriends" which has always been her code for seeing the man shes been having an affair with (Besides me). Well that all changed when the...
Twas the night after Thanksgiving, and Taylor and Skylar Hamilton had fallen asleep while watching a marathon of The Twilight Zone. Skylar awoke first because something was tickling her ear. She had fallen asleep with her head in her brother Taylor’s lap and quickly realized his cock had hardened in his sleep. At first she was aghast, but she stopped short of screaming when she noticed how big it was. Skylar was no stranger to dicks, she looked like Brooklyn Decker except with a bigger nose....
Jen Goody a 28yrs mother getting for her first time at preparing thanksgiving dinner for her family (mom, dad, his parents son, and daughter) going to the store for last min. things taking the back roads to stay out of the holiday rush when her car died. Sitting about two miles from town on a county road she lost it crying her eyes out till she seen a truck coming towards her. The truck stopped and two big tall black men got out. Jen had never meet a black person at all, the men looked her up...
It's the day before Thanksgiving with me, daddy and Scotty cleaning the house in our naked bodies. Daddy is cleaning the kitchen, I'm dusting and vacuuming all the floors and Scotty is cleaning the bathrooms and doing up the laundry. Music blaring from the stereo has all of us dancing and singing along. There was a few times that I caught daddy and Scotty watching me as I danced, with my tits flopping around. At one time during them watching me, I caught their dicks standing at attention. ...
Well my cousin came to visit for Thanksgiving she is a year younger than my sister so 10 years younger than me and i guess my sister has not been keeping our secret because my cousin (sara) knew all about how i have been my sisters slave for years now!I didnt know this at first so i let sara stay in my appartment last night thinking we would just have some fun girl chat.After chatting awhile she made a move to kiss me i let her because she is soooo sexy she is in track and volleyball in school...
The girls came home for Thanksgiving and stayed a few extra days. The 27th of Nov was their 23rd birthday so I had some special plans for them. I finally got a hold of 3 of their best girl friends and gave them each a strapon dildo to wear when they came in the door. It was funny to see the look on their faces when they opened the door and there stood the 3 girls with only strapon's on. but it didn't take long for them to strip and get right to work on their friends and vise-versea.They even...
I'm not a big fan of the holidays. Mostly, it's because my family is just so fucking loud and annoying. So, when I found out my mother and I were going to my uncle's this year for Thanksgiving and I was required to stay a minimum of two hours I was nothing short of pissed. "Sunny, what are you wearing?" my mother asked. I had on a black shirt with a plunging v-neckline that exposed my cleavage, black pants that fit like a second skin, and black heels. "I'm in mourning," I simply told her...
Quickie SexThe weekend before thanksgiving each year, four Scandinavia moms and along with their daughters, get together to make lefse, a Norwegian tortilla like bread. The moms are all around 40 to 45, while the daughters are in their early twenties. One of the daughters, Anne, is a lesbian, and she was bringing home her new girlfriend today to help make lefsa. We were all looking forward to meeting this new girl as lesbians, except for Anne, were foreign to our little group of women. Anne was...
"What are you doing here?" Caroline asked her roommate. Fiona sighed deeply and gave a shrug of resignation. "He had to go. His momma said for him to get his ass home on the next bus." The redheaded coed dabbed her eyes with a well used tissue. "Well, did he come over? Did you, you know, see him?" Caroline closed the dorm room door behind her. "Yeah, right! I was all ready for him too." The bed springs squeaked under her rear as lifted her arms in demonstration. The oversized tee...
He lay back in his new recliner and sighed contentedly. Thanksgiving dinners were good, but you always ate and drank far too much. The others had smiled indulgently as he'd made his move out of the dining area into the family room nearby, then they'd got up too, and left him to rest, going outside one after the other into the unusually warm October night. He could hear them talking on the deck, lighting up their cigarettes, glasses clinking, then their voices disappeared into the distance as...
November 25, 1986, Chicago, Illinois “The board approved the budget with consulting, rather than full-time staff,” Dave said as soon as I’d said ‘hello’ when I answered the phone. “Excellent!” I said. “Did the budget request cover both programmers for the whole year?” “It did. They did approve an additional position, but that’s for supervising the computer operators and managing the Prime Computers, not for programmers. That’s exactly what Mr. Forster had in his original budget...
The appearance of Tess/Beth was so completely unexpected that I felt my body going into shock. Why would a fellow Docent lie about her name and age, then claim to be a client? As she walked towards me I couldn't decide whether to be pissed off about being duped or relieved that I'd almost called out the correct name. A lot had happened in the three months since our fateful date, yet I could still remember the way she bashfully shook my hand when we first met and then eagerly absorbed...
It was a normal Saturday night at The Club-Club, but the clean up after the gig was longer than normal due to the high energy of the show. My guys rocked their asses off trying to keep up with our guest, not one of our ‘friends’ but a strong player and a fun guy. I sent the wives and family home and stayed to close up the club. As I was leaving the overnight security guys let me out of the gate and closed it behind me, making me very glad that I had thought of the idea of letting people keep...
It was three-thirty p.m. on the seventeenth of November 1989, and we were on our way home for Thanksgiving vacation. Ned had come alone this time. I offered to drive and he gladly surrendered the wheel to me. "Well, it happened. I wasn't there a full month before I got into trouble," I began. Ned looked over at me, smiled and settled back to hear my story. Talking to Ned about things was always preferable to talking to Mr. Oldham about them. Ned probably knew I was using him for...
Lisa was enjoying her time immensely running the day-care. The children were a marvel. All were now reading, even the younger ones, and most were reading at a 1st grade level or even higher. The parents were incredibly supportive. Pursuant to her directions and Venera's advice, all had adopted a nudity-friendly environment at home, if not yet a totally clothes free environment. The parents with older children at home noticed that the older ones had also started making astonishing...
In Part 1 “The Game ... first time sex”, while my parents visited friends, I reluctantly tagged along. I met Donna. She is a couple of year older and lives next door where we were visiting. In a secluded thicket of bushes and brush behind her house, she let me insert my dick into her pussy. That is how I lost my virginity. Somehow the word “lost” is not the correct term. I would say I gained freedom to have sex with the most wonderful girl a guy could meet. I wasn’t old enough to get my...
First TimeOn Saturday night everyone was getting packed and ready for Sunday. At the end of the night when the kids were in bed the drinks came out. I could not drink since I was still nursing but I was having fun anyway. My parents went to bed shortly after the kids and my husband, brother, and his wife stayed up a bit longer. My brother and I decided to dip in the hot tub since it was a fairly nice night. My husband didn’t feel like it so he stayed inside and my brother’s wife elected to stay...
For those who want to jump to the sex part, I placed in capital letters "SEX PART" at that portion of the story.Brett, as any good employer, let everyone go as early as possible on the evening before we give thanks. He would remain late and close, so he would be late getting home. Agness and I left early enough to enjoy the deer, and turkeys feeding in the freshly cut corn fields. The pre-dawn sky displayed several hues of blue. To the west the light blue turned aqua just before streaks of...
" I can't beleive I'm doing this"A thick wet slap resounds from the steel sink. It is followed by a moist gurgle and then the sound of wet suction followed by another wet slap."Don't throw out the gizzards, they're for the gravy."A trilling giggle hits my ear next, then something heavy and slimy.I turn my head to be met with a slick fleshy column of skin bending towards me."That's the neck.Rinse it off and put it in the skilllhehehet." I laugh, pushing her arm towards the sink.Giggling, she...
It was nearly the end of the first year that they had landed in the new world. The first winter in the had been terrible but they had survived it and the first year's crops had come in. The days were now growing shorter and the air was crisp. But life and one's worked must go on; that is why Elizabeth was out so early. She took the wheelbarrow and started to the field. Her father and brothers had been up nearly four hours after sundown drinking the new batch of apple cyder. This Sunday they...
Recently, I moved in with Jason, a friend from college. He and I weren't all that close even though we had plenty in common. Our lives just went in separate directions, but we both needed a place to stay around the same time. We figured we'd put our money together and find a place that accommodated both our needs. We checked out a few apartments before finding one that was a reasonable distance to both our jobs and wasn't too expensive. Between the two of us, it actually saved us money.Isabella...
It was a long weekend because of a holiday so I figured the park might be good so I got dressed and put on a pair of pants and shirt over my garter belt nylons and open cup bra and headed out to the park close to my house. I always went to this park or another one not far from this one and could always find someone to fuck my sissy ass deep and hard or let me suck their cocks. It was most night not real busy with maybe 5 or so cars driving around looking for someone. Most evenings I would sit o...
Hi I am Asish from bbsr. This story is about my cousin sister who lives in my village .We both used to have fun.Play together and roam around when we were child. But as we grew .My feelings for her grew day by day..Let me tell about my sister. Her name is mama. She has a figure of 32 28 34..She was milk white. As she was growing she was getting more and more sexy and I was getting more attracted to her. I used to see her through door hole when she used to change her dress and go to the roof and...