The Chauffeur 33 Thanksgiving
- 4 years ago
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It was three-thirty p.m. on the seventeenth of November 1989, and we were on our way home for Thanksgiving vacation. Ned had come alone this time. I offered to drive and he gladly surrendered the wheel to me.
"Well, it happened. I wasn't there a full month before I got into trouble," I began.
Ned looked over at me, smiled and settled back to hear my story. Talking to Ned about things was always preferable to talking to Mr. Oldham about them. Ned probably knew I was using him for practice, rehearsing my lines before the main presentation.
I told him how I had walked in on Roland trying to take advantage of Angie, gotten into a scrap with Roland, spent the next few days explaining what had happened, been disbelieved, been ostracized by my fellow students and now faced expulsion from school because Angie had been too timid to come forward and set the record straight.
"I thought that kid was trouble when I first saw him," Ned said. "We've got to get you out of that room."
"Thanks," I said, dismissively. I had offered to move but my request had been denied. "They said every room is full. Freshmen stay in the room they're assigned, regardless of the circumstances."
"Get through this year. Next year we'll rent an apartment or house," Ned said.
"It's not that simple. I've been sleeping with one eye open, waiting for him to pounce. What I find incredible is that the authorities believed him. Apparently, they didn't even ask who his girlfriend was or try to talk to her."
"You've got to talk to John about this. He'll have a suggestion as to what you have to do."
Telling Ned had me feeling a little better. Instead of accusing me or getting angry, his immediate response was to look for a solution. Finally, someone was on my side.
We stopped for a quick sandwich, then got back into the car and drove the rest of the way without stopping; arriving at home about nine p.m. Mr. Oldham and Suzanne welcomed me with open arms. I didn't have the heart to ruin the reception by telling them about the trouble at school.
Penelope came over and we all sat down to have dinner. Home cooking was never better. It was ten p.m. before I made it up to my room. The light on my answering machine was flashing. I pushed the button. 'You have ten new messages.'
"Sammy, when are you coming home? Call me." The message was date stamped November 15. Karen left her number.
There were three messages from Marcy, imploring me to call her as soon as I got home. There was one message from Sean, saying he was home and there were also messages from Curtis, Josh and Jeannie.
But the messages I played, saved and played again were the three from Karen. "Call me."
I didn't dare return calls at ten p.m., did I?
"Hi, I hope it's not too late. I just got here and..."
"Sammy? Sammy, I was hoping it would be you. No, it's not too late."
"Well, you left three messages. It must be important."
"Did I really? How desperate am I? I have some questions about... you know... what you said about the domino."
I felt faint. She was calling, wanting to know about the domino. Careful, she may be toying with you. But no, she left three messages. She's interested. Cool, be cool.
"It's just a domino. I see things. This one was twelve dots, six on each side."
"But... how do you know what it means? How can you be sure? What if you're wrong?"
I became bold. "What if it's wrong? You mean what if it's more than twelve times? That's the most dots there are. They don't come with more than twelve dots."
"No, I mean what if you're wrong about the sex?"
I waited for her to continue but she was finished. "I'm never wrong about sex."
"Sammy, really, how can you be so cavalier about something this... this... how can you off-handedly talk about sex that way?"
"I'm serious. You can't imagine how serious I am."
"Tell me again. Tell me what it means again."
"You're interested," I teased.
"No, not at all... but I'm curious, I guess," she said, sounding tentative.
"That domino appeared in the form of the foul ball that I caught at your softball practice. It was a domino with twelve dots until the last second when it became a ball. I decided the twelve dots meant we would have sex together twelve times."
"You decided?" she scoffed.
"That's how it works. I count the dots, decide what they mean and wait for my prediction to come true."
There was silence at the other end of the line. Karen said nothing for a full minute. I waited. I tried to picture her. Was she pacing? No, she was sitting, cross-legged. Was she in bed? Yes, she was sitting cross-legged wearing, what was she wearing? Pajamas, she was wearing silk pajamas. What color? Pink, she was sitting at the head of her bed, wearing pink silk pajamas and talking to me on the telephone.
"Has this phenomenon happened before? Have you ever predicted the meaning of the dots and your prediction came true?"
"Many times," I answered. Now we were getting someplace. She was definitely interested.
"Are you sure it wasn't a coincidence? You may have wished for something to happen and when it did you said, 'Oh, yes, I saw a domino.'"
"That's not how it works. I see a domino falling, count the dots and decide what's going to happen. Then I wait for it to come true."
"I don't believe you."
"Unbutton the top button of your pajama top and scratch your left breast."
"Sammy, I'm not going to... uh... how do you know what I'm wearing?"
"I don't know. I see things," I said, pleased with myself for being right. "Are you doing it?"
"You tell me, Mister Smart Guy."
"Not yet, but you will unbutton the top button before we hang up."
"How many dominoes have you seen?"
I hadn't thought about how many dominoes I had seen fall. "Six," I said.
"Tell me what happened."
I tried to think of a good example. The snake eyes I had seen when everything was going wrong had no real outcome. I considered telling her about the two and two domino I had seen twice at Sheila's house or the three and two domino I had seen the night Charlie lost his cherry. I couldn't tell her about the three and one domino that preceded my afternoon with Cindy and the groundskeepers. The snake eyes domino I had seen in Mr. Oldham's office hadn't come true. I settled on the two and one domino.
"I assigned three different meanings to one of the dominoes I saw fall. It had two dots on one side and one on the other. I wrote to a friend who was considering marriage, telling her the three dots represented her, her daughter and the guy she was considering for a husband. I asked her if that was enough because she wouldn't have more children? She has since left the guy and come home."
"That proves nothing. Your friend was crazy to listen to you."
"Perhaps but I used that same domino to advise another friend that she and her boyfriend would see three other people before they got back together. So far, they've each been with two other people and it looks like they've already met the third one."
"You're making up things about other people's lives and getting them to believe you. You're dangerous Sammy. I don't want to hear any more of this nonsense."
"Wait, don't hang up. That same domino had a third meaning."
"All right, tell me. This better be good."
"A woman I knew, Ann was in a similar circumstance to you at the time. She was twenty-six, divorced and had a six year old son. We were attracted to each other from the beginning but she was seeing someone who was about to propose marriage."
"Wrong! I'm not seeing anyone who is about to propose marriage and I'm not attracted to you," Karen said, glibly.
"Okay, I'll concede that much to you but hear me out. Ann kept telling me she was going to meet the guy's children but then she would call me and want to see me. I told her the three dots on the domino were her tits and pussy and they belonged to me."
"That's... that's preposterous! No self-respecting woman would let you say that to her and get by with it. She would tell you to go to hell and never see you again."
"Ann didn't. She stood under a streetlight in driving rain and yelled across the street to me, admitting that her tits and pussy belonged to me. She said she was my domino."
I heard a snicker that turned into a forced laugh. "You really, really are a head case," she said before hanging up.
Is it me? Why do women keep hanging up on me? Did I say the wrong thing? Did she unbutton the top button and scratch her tit? I think she did.
I went downstairs and told Mr. Oldham and Suzanne about what happened at school, that Ned had seen how big Roland was, how much I had hurt him, that none of the authorities had believed me, about the Dean of Men's warning and how Angie had kept quiet.
Suzanne ridiculed me for not setting the record straight, but Mr. Oldham said he understood my reluctance to embarrass Angie by telling anyone that she had let Roland persuade her to go into his room with him. We talked until past midnight, weighing the various possibilities. When we went to bed Suzanne was still inclined to, 'expose the slut, ' but Mr. Oldham was more restrained, advising that he would 'sleep on it.'
The next morning I called everyone back, starting with Marcy. She was a walking, talking, breathing question box. What's new, college boy? Have you seen any new dominoes? Have you been hitting on those college chicks? Tell me about them. What's wrong, Sammy?
I told her about my discussion with Mr. Oldham and Suzanne concerning my trouble at school and Angie's reluctance to come forward to set the record straight. Marcy agreed with Suzanne, telling me to 'expose the slut.'
She told me things that were impossible to say when she called me at school. Press was improving at what she referred to as 'oral sex, ' and was constantly pressuring her to give in and let him 'make love' to her. "Sometimes he makes my pussy itch and want more but other times he's so predictable that it turns me off. What should I do, Sammy? Should I give in and hope it's as good as everyone says?"
"Who is everyone?"
She didn't answer for several seconds. "Jeannie, for one."
"Don't take Jeannie's word for it. She's a Baldwin. The Baldwin girls live for sex," I said, resolved to call Jeannie next and tell her to stop encouraging Marcy to try sex.
We ended the call, Marcy promising to call me often while I was at home. I promised to keep her up to date on what was going on with me too.
It was a beautiful fall day. I called Josh and Curtis and arranged to meet them at the park. Curtis brought a football and we threw it around, all talking at the same time. Josh was high on football but had to admit that Eddie had bested him scholastically. As juniors, they were still running neck and neck, ranking forth and fifth and hoping to make sergeant at mid-year.
We got my car out of the garage and the guys helped me clean it up. I was going to drive it back to school but I was undecided as to whether to take my computer. With Roland as my roommate it was best to keep all possessions locked up.
I talked to Alice. She was excited about her new job and her boyfriend, promising to introduce him to me while I was home. She thanked me again for advising her to come home. She told me she was happy and that Brenda seemed happy too. We didn't make definite plans but she promised that we would talk again before I went back to school.
Jeannie invited me to go to the movies with her and Josh, but I said I should hang around the house and get caught up with Mr. Oldham and Suzanne. I passed the afternoon writing to everyone I knew, except Becky. I had given up on her. Why didn't she respond to me? Could it be that my letters were being intercepted?
At about six-fifteen, Suzanne paid me a visit and told me to get ready. We were going to the club for dinner. I must have been in the shower when my phone rang. I was on my way to my closet to find something to wear when I noticed the blinking light. The date stamp on the machine verified that it was a new message.
"Sammy, call me please."
I dialed Karen's number from memory.
"Would you like to come to dinner sometime?" she asked.
"Sure, when?"
There was a short pause, like she was checking her appointment book. "Tonight?"
"What time?"
"Any time. I live in the guesthouse behind my in-laws' house. Tell them you're here to see me and drive around to the back. I'll tell them to expect you."
She gave me directions to her in-laws' house and we said goodbye without specifying a time. I think we both knew it would be as soon as possible.
Mr. Oldham and Suzanne must have heard the urgency in my voice when I told them I had a dinner date. They said they were sorry that I wouldn't be going to dinner with them but they understood. I promised to have lunch with them the next day.
As Karen had said, her in-laws were expecting me. I talked into the speaker, giving my name and the gate swung open. A variety of lights illuminated the property. There were low lights along the driveway and floodlights showing off the main house. I parked near the garage and walked across crushed stone to the guesthouse.
"Don't get the wrong idea; I'm not committing to go through with anything," Karen said before I could greet her properly. She had let her hair grow but otherwise she looked the same as I remembered. She was wearing what looked like silk pajamas.
"Hi, how have you been?" I asked as I walked through the door.
"Did you hear me? I don't feel compelled to carry out... just because a domino... is this a scheme you dreamed up to get college girls into bed?"
I was delighted with the way things were going so far. "I'm sorry I'm late. I stopped to pick up condoms."
"You're not late and you won't need any condoms."
Karen asked if I wanted something to drink and leaned over to pour two glasses of white wine before I could answer. We sat down, I on the center cushion of the couch and she in a chair. We both took a sip of wine, it was Chablis, and looked at each other. It was clear that she was nervous and I suppose I was too. I looked around the room. It was spacious, doubling as the kitchen and dining area. A short hallway led to what was obviously the bedrooms and bath. I wondered where her son was. What was his name? Oh yes, Kevin. Where was Kevin?
"Are those the same pajamas you were wearing last night?"
I knew it wasn't pajamas she had on and she must have known that I knew, because she didn't correct me.
"I'm twenty-seven," she said, her eyes somber.
"Did you do it? I think you did."
Her hand went to her top button before she caught herself and dropped her hand. "Yes."
"Did you scratch your left breast?"
"I'm not... I'm not some schoolgirl who falls under your spell. I don't believe in dominoes. I'm twenty-seven years old."
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I drove home on Wednesday afternoon; cut my history class. The weather was cold, gray, but no snow yet. It was good to come home. Mom was making supper in a t-shirt when I came in the door. I hugged her and hugged her and rubbed her ass. Frank and Ralph were there, too. And Dad. It felt so good to hug him again. We all talked thirteen to the dozen through supper and a long time after. Frank told us about his work at school, his engineering drawings and such. Ralph showed me his latest...
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At five o'clock on Wednesday they turned the phones over to voice mail and the call center. Only the number known only to family would ring. Supper was quiet and slow. Afterward, Sigrid said, "Boy, I'm pooped. It's been a great fall, but I am wiped. Tom? Let's go upstairs tonight. I need some sleep." To no-one's surprise, the Big Bed was empty that night. The next morning, work began on Thanksgiving dinner. The only guests were Sarah and Steve, who arrived early and pitched into the...
"Hello?" "Hi Karen, I've been thinking about you." Silence ... complete silence for a full minute. "You treated me badly, Sammy." "I know, that's one of the things I want to talk to you about." "I know what you want to talk to me about, and I don't want to listen." "Let me give you my number in case you change your mind." "I have your number, but you'll wait a long time if you expect me to call." The line went dead and she was gone before I had a chance to tell her...
November 1978 Thanksgiving week had only three days of school, but a lot happened. On Monday, Brent asked Beth out on a date and she accepted. When she told me about it, I was happy for her. She was a bit disappointed that it meant the end of our physical relationship, but she knew my rule. On Tuesday, Petra Johansson asked me if I was interested in coming to a St. Lucia party on December 13th. She would be making «pepparkakor» (‘ginger cookies’) and «Lussekatter» (‘saffron buns’) and...
It was only a week before Thanksgiving, when the change happened. Karen Connors realized that she only had one person to celebrate the holiday with, her mother-in-law, Edith. Her own mother lived in retirement community in Florida. Her arthritis made coming up north very difficult in the winter. She only visited in the summer. Karen was used to a large group for the annual feast; now it was just two. It suddenly occurred to her that many people were in the same boat as her. They had no one...
James softly kissed the cute chubby freshman not wanting to frighten him away by rushing things. As the senior student kissed Jerome he put his hand to the freshman’s smooth boyish cheek and caressed softly. Jerome seemed to respond to the kiss and opened his mouth and the experienced student gently pushed his tongue into the boy’s mouth. As the kiss seemed to finish and without a word both excited students holding wine glasses nearly full slowly moved to place the wine glasses on the coffee...
The minute hand of the clock on the classroom wall completed one last agonizing circuit and reached zero. The bell rang, and immediately twenty-five high school freshmen jumped out of their seats. At the front of the class the English teacher called out "All right, class, remember, I want Chapters Two and Three read by tomorrow. There's going to be a quiz, so neglect them at your peril." There was a general groan, and the students began filing out of the room. Among them was Keith O'Donnell, a...
I had been feeling off all day Monday. I think the reality of life in New York finally sank in. That life had nothing to do with how I lived or wanted to live. The drugs and violence were not a part of my existence. The twins had been hurt. They came close to something truly awful happening. When I got home from school, I called Tami. She got onto the video chat and could tell something was wrong. "Is it your Mom?" she asked. "No, actually she is coming home tomorrow." "That's great...
Mike and Ruthie stopped in Santa Cruz for smoothies before driving the final part of their trek up to the university. The stop and having a fruit drink improved Mike's mood. He did not exactly cheer up, but instead of being depressed he became more pensive. He did not want to remain in Santa Cruz, but Ruthie could tell that he did not want to go back to the university either. She suggested going to a lookout just north of Davenport. A few minutes later the couple was standing at a railing...
Chapter 5After their love making the two students discussed their likes and tastes about gay love. Harris said that he had like Francis' look the moment he saw him in class and wanted to do this from that moment. "Are there other guys or mature men you like?" asked Francis. "There is another guy I see around campus, a senior I think. He smiled at me and said hello just last week when I was leaving the library." Francis asked "Is he cute? You think he may be gay or like slim guys like you?"...
High School Part 1 - My Freshman Year [In which Shaun ignores the early warning signs of a serious medical problem - and later pays the price.] You know how it is when you wake up in the morning and feel a bladder that has filled up during the night and is signaling you that it wants to be emptied, and like RIGHT AWAY! So you shuffle off to the bathroom, lift up the toilet seat and stand in front of the bowl, holding your weapon in one hand and releasing a stream into the bowl -...
(episode 6)Over the Christmas Holidays after that hike in the mountains I hooked up with Jennifer two more times and we decided that we would see each other exclusively. Once back in Athens, I found myself spending most nights at Jennifer’s apartment that she shared with her best friend, Brittany. I found myself experiencing sex on a regular basis over the next several weeks and it was absolutely fantastic. That winter semester I pledged the fraternity that mt friends Nick and Bob were in and...
College SexWhitney Pennington paused outside the classroom and took a deep breath. Like so many other college freshman, the short haired blond found her first day of classes at Northern California State a rushing kaleidoscope of sights and sounds. One that, at times, seemed overwhelming. She didn't think it possible, but her heart was racing even faster than it had been when she woke up this morning. Too nervous to even try and have breakfast, she'd settled for just a cup of tea to settle her nerves....
The next day Jason and Ken joined Mike and his girlfriend for breakfast. Jason was a bit nervous, wondering how Mike and Lisa would react to the sight of him standing on the chair the previous night. Jason had to retell the story of how he had locked himself out of his room and the RA had caught him in the hall, then how she made him help her with the light before she let him back in. His companions found the story quite amusing and Lisa commented: "Well, the next time the light burns out in...
Make sure to press Start Game! You fumble with the lock, opening up a dorm-room that’s only halfway unpacked. Your two suitcases still sit open, their contents strewn across the ground, and you sigh as you prop open the door, and begin to fold a pile of t-shirts. If only I had ordered the steak instead of that crab, you think to yourself, placing a neat pile of shirts into your drawer, then maybe I wouldn’t have been stuck in that hospital for two damn weeks. The day before you were due to...
Chapter 2Richard raised his hand which held the remaining of the hot ejaculation and tasted some of it and then kissed the boy again mixing the sperm with the boy's saliva. After the kiss he raised his hand to Francis' mouth so the boy could lick the remainder of the hot juice. "Have you tasted your own cum before" Richard asked? The excited boy said no and then saw the hand approach his willing mouth and he licked and sucked the rest enjoying the salty taste. When he finished Richard raised...
One time at University of Santa Cruz here in California there was this class building closed down for remodeling, but there were a few rooms used downstairs, and there was this bathroom upstairs with a great gloryhole in the marble stall wall. The building was always open on Saturday, and one morning I brought Alicia this freshman slut who was already cheating on her high school sweetheart with me. We went in there and sat in the middle stall, the gloryhole was between that one and the first...
The Kick Part 1 - As a Freshman (Andrew finds high school much different than middle school, goes out for the Track and Cross Country teams, makes friends with Jeff and mistakenly buys some girl's panties.) Man, is high school different than middle school - at least when you're a Freshman - and not only being in a different school where at least 75% of the other kids are older than you - but all of a sudden you're sharing the hallways with these seniors that are at least a foot...
I had just returned home from my morning workout, when Mom made me promise that instead of swimming at Beth’s I would go with her to the hospital. I’d been putting it off. Every time I thought of it, I would see Terri in my mind’s eye, the girl Mom was friends with at the cancer center at Stanford, and the girl who passed away. What finally convinced me was when Mom said I knew one of the children. As we parked, Mom gave me some pointers. “This is a traumatic time for these kids. Be patient...
The first year of Riley's college career was a difficult adjustment -- for her, for me, for us. When it was time for her to move to campus, she and her mom flew into Boston and spent one night at my condo, while Steve and Jim drove a cargo van from Orlando to Amherst. I'd offered to drive the two of them to Amherst, but Riley asked me not to, and her mom rented a car for the two of them. "It'll be weird enough having to say goodbye to mom and dad and Steve -- if you're there too, I'll...
(AdProvider = window.AdProvider || []).push({"serve": {}}); After four wild years in high school I’d already had enough of partying, immature boys and sexual experimentation. I decided not to go to college, where so many confused teenagers go to “find themselves”, because I’d already sewn my wild oats, so to speak. I knew that there was more to life than getting drunk, and my sexual preference tended towards older partners (men and women) rather than teenage...
In my algebra class, there were many . However, one particular beauty I always had my eyes on. Her name was Ashley, and she was a freshman. She was average height with long, light brown hair. Her face was so perfect it is difficult to describe. It was mature and beautiful, and it wasn't the look of those slutty, cute girls who slept with anyone. She was pretty alright, more than I could have ever imagined from a freshman. Her long eyelashes seemed to beckon to me. She was only 16, but her body...
First TimeThanksgiving had arrived. Callie was fretting and stewing because she had never cooked a turkey before. "I can't do this Cade," she admitted nervously and he could see the tears forming in her eyes. "What's the big deal?" Cade asked, as if all women should know how to cook a turkey. "I've never cooked a turkey," She had been frantically poring over the old cook books she had found in one of the bottom drawers in Walt's old kitchen. She studied the cook books in the hopes she would...