Buffy Goes To Camp
- 3 years ago
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Although the facilities were just fine, the rural and quite private location for the farmhouse turned into a bed and breakfast got too little business to be profitable. More folks seemed to want the amenities of a town or city than sought a bucolic atmosphere.
The new owners had left their busy corporate jobs when Marsha inherited her grandparent’s farm. The surrounding hundred acres could be rented out for farming as her grandparents had done but she had other ideas for the five bedroom, two story residence sitting in a grove of trees, a common thing on farms to provide protection from storms etc. It was a pretty setting but they needed more of a draw than that. Some kind of destination thing, it seemed. Marsha scoured the web for ideas. One day she had an “Ahah!”. Summoning her husband Tony to the laptop she exclaimed, “Look at this! There is a place in Oklahoma that is for nudists. They are booked way out so it must work.”
His comment, “Good thing we aren’t in Arkansas where being naked in the mere presence of someone of the opposite sex that you are not related to is a crime.”
Marsha laughed, “Maybe that’s why there is so much incest in those hills since they’re not supposed to be naked with others.”
It was Tony’s turn to laugh, “Being naked doesn’t automatically lead to sex but it sure does make it easier. I do like this idea. How do we get started?”
Marsha was thinking fast, “Let’s try being naked around here ourselves to see how it feels. After all, as hosts we’d have to set the example. Their toddler didn’t even notice, still wearing his diaper and their three-year-old daughter thought it was great fun. Per Tony’s comment though, their spontaneous sex activity outside of the bedroom did pick up noticeably even if they were quick couplings not necessarily resulting in orgasms. Having a full-time view of Marsha’s trim early twenties body with rounded c-cups and trimmed pubic triangle had the same effect on Tony as seeing his dong and balls swinging did on her. Tony’s observation was that “B&B” in their case meant “Boobs and Balls”.
After a week they agreed it was worth a try. Copying many amenities from the other B&B, they included meals and wine tastings with a two-day minimum stay. They didn’t have a hot tub but that could be added quickly. There was an above-ground pool that needed some attention. Their accommodations were more old-style country farm than the other place so their price was less. They would offer a special introductory discount the first month too.
The web site was completely updated with the slogan, “A natural get-away.” It wasn’t twenty-four hours before they had booked five stays. They were delighted and got very busy with preparations.
Their first guests were the only ones on a Wednesday-Thursday stay. It was a good way to start. The couple were older and celebrating their fortieth anniversary. The woman gushed she was nervous but appreciated her husband showing some imagination. Marsha and Tony did their best to hide their own anxiety.
It went well and the guests got a big kick out of the naked children too. it was noted they adjourned to their room several times during the day and Marsha was sure she noted signs of sexual activity on the woman. Her husband sure stayed flaccid when around them even though Marsha was an attractive brunette.
There was no gap before the weekend guests arrived, two couples this time who knew each other. The hosts were more relaxed and enjoyed their contacts with these folks in their thirties. Tony noticed that they seemed unusually familiar with one another. After he was asked for a blanket to borrow he watched the couple that requested it head down a trail into the woods. He also noted that they weren’t spouses. The other pair seemed to disappear until he went upstairs where the guest rooms were and heard a bed thumping and sex vocalizations. Hmmm.
He shared that with Marsha as they coupled that night. She’d had some clues too. This hadn’t been anticipated but wasn’t their call to impose some moral rule or other on consenting adults. Their imaginations added to their usually active lust. Tony commented after they finished, “I guess my comment about nudity boosting sex was right on.”
Marsha countered, “I think that was going on before they got here.” He nodded in agreement. It was interesting for them to see the couples shortly after they had intercourse, rather difficult to disguise without clothing. Looking at a woman and thinking that both of the men’s parts had recently separated her lower lips triggered erotic thoughts. One side effect was Marsha’s libido wishing she could see the men erect to compare with her husband. She’d never seen other men naked before this nor copulated with any either. She struggled to contain her curiosity.
When asked for a blanket again, Tony scouted out a couple of small secluded places of the main trail that were screened by vegetation. He mowed and rake the ground to make it comfortable and marked the side trail with a little red heart tied to a branch. Then he equipped each guest room with a backpack containing a small moving-blanket, more padded and easier to keep clean than a bed one, a small towel, bottled water and snacks, and some baby wipes. There were some condoms in a side pocket too.
Their bookings continued to grow at a nice pace, pleasing them and they were able to leave some gaps so they could have some relaxing space themselves. Almost all were couples, even including some same-sex ones of both kinds. That created some more curiosity of a somewhat different kind. The panoply of bodies was very interesting.
Then Roger came to stay for a week, all by himself, The first solo guest. As usual there were few guests on weekdays and on one he was the only one. It so happened that Tony took the kids to the doctor for a checkup and library for a program, thus being gone all day.
Marsha had been curious about Roger’s uncircumcised organ which seemed to be almost as long flaccid as most men were hard. She’d found a number of occasions to visit with him which the hosts often did with guests. He was twenty years older than she, fit, and interesting as a person.
When she went to make up his room he didn’t answer her knock so she entered. He had on earbuds as he watched something on his iPad. His hand was stroking the penis she’d never seen hard before and it was two hand-lengths long. Her eyes were riveted on it when he noticed her. Stopping the video he pulled out the earbuds and asked, “I didn’t expect you!” He kept his hand on his elongated shaft.
Marsha couldn’t speak for a moment, “I knocked.”
Roger smiled, “Now that you’re here come over and sit by me. I know what you are fascinated by and most women are. Some are scared and some are curious. How about you?”
“Go ahead and touch it. It loves a woman’s caresses.” He was speaking as if it was an entity in its own right rather than an appendage. She reached out and replaced his hand with her own. Proportionally it looked even bigger. She couldn’t touch fingers around it like her husband’s.
Marsha’s eyes glazed over as things progressed. She hadn’t even been touched by Roger as she straddled his waist and carefully lowered herself onto the second cock of her life. With care she took about two thirds of it and was having one orgasm after another. When she felt his flood of hot cream, as much as her husband put there in three fucks, she seemed to snap out of it and pulled off. Using the small towel she provided to prevent stained sheets, she headed for the toilet, showered and douched herself, and got busy fixing the evening meal. She looked at her pussy as her husband returned and it didn’t seem to be obviously used.
She declined sex that night saying she didn’t feel up to it. The rest of Robert’s visit she was careful to avoid being alone with him, feeling guilty and concerned she’d do it again.
People sure can surprise you as she had found out about herself. The next big one involved two women who booked a single-bed room. The hosts assumed that they were lesbian until they came on to Tony in the new hot tub when Marsha was napping with the kids. He had a hand from each side fondling his parts and putting tits in his face. He was a bit overwhelmed but curious. One was short and chubby brunette with oversize tits while the other was tall, slim, and sporting pointy ones.
They took him to their room and took turns riding him. The other one kept his fingers and mouth busy waiting her turn. All was going quite hotly when Marsha came through the door. She gave a little squeak which alerted the others but just stared for a little bit and then left. Figuring that the harm was done, Tony dumped a load in the short one, making sure it was OK first, and then went to face his wife.
Surprisingly, she was not angry but hugged him instead. He was flabbergasted. “You’re not mad at me?”
She dropped her eyes as she replied, “I feel better now that I’m not the only one in our marriage that succumbed to temptation.” They had a long talk punctuated by their own marital coupling. Neither one sneaked an extra piece again, even though there were numerous temptations.
Business continued to grow so the hosts hired Melissa, a seventeen-year-old neighbor girl, and Ted, an eighteen-year-old boy from a nearby farm. She helped Marsha with the housekeeping, cooking, laundry, and sometimes child care. Ted was a big help outdoors having many practical skills.
Marsha had sent Melissa to get some herbs from the garden and when she didn’t come back in the expected time went looking for her. She was eventually discovered in the barn with Ted happily pounding her twat. Marsha simply said, “I need the herbs soon and both of you adjust your time cards for this too.” Melissa appeared in the kitchen red-faced shortly thereafter.
Business was brisk enough that improvements could be justified. A covered and solar-heated swimming pool was the delight of the youngsters who became like fish. Then Ted had the idea of remodeling the unused farmhands quarters in the bar. They decided on two guest rooms and a small two room apartment. All were served by a common bathroom with a group shower stall. A couple of the horse stalls were rehabbed so guests could bring their own if they wished to reenact Lady Godiva. :-)
It was finished just in time. Melissa was pregnant so the couple was wed in the little church at the edge of town. The newlyweds were given four week nights at the B&B at a greatly discounted rate and told they could work it off, thus saving everyone taxes. Although they had to change mental gears, it did give them an appreciation of what the guests experienced and they made a couple of suggestions.
Running a service business like this one is very demanding and allows little personal time although they stopped taking reservations for Sunday nights to get a bit of family time.
Melissa’s little boy was fun company for Marsha’s two kids as the younger couple learned more and more about running the B&B. Finally they told Tony and Marsha to “take a vacation”. It took several tries before the owners conceded the need.
Several ideas for a destination were presented by Melissa and the big, busy resorts were rejected. Finally she located an oceanside B&B only a few hours drive away. Off they went, shedding responsibilities for family and work.
The little place was an old cottage that had been remodeled to two bedrooms. The owner lived nearby and would have breakfast ready at 9am. They took a sunset walk along the beach, holding hands like new lovers. It would be a rejuvenation.
The first night they had the place all to themselves so stayed naked and took a nude moonlight walk on the beach. The next day an older couple checked into the other room. Of course, “older” to them was a wide range since they weren’t even bumping thirty very hard. The salt-and-pepper hair didn’t give much of a clue either. They greeted the new arrivals who wondered where to eat dinner. Tony replied that there were several family-run places within ten miles and that got nods. Both couples agreed to go to the Thai place together.
This couple, George and Maryanne, lived about an hour away from them and were celebrating their fortieth anniversary, the first time at a B&B. With some inquiries, Tony and Marsha revealed their business which made Maryanne blush but George was clearly intrigued. He asked a mix of questions from the business model to policies about un-dress and conduct.
The older couple excused themselves after returning to the B&B and Marsha noted that the walls of the old place were very thin. “They’re going at it already,” she commented, “Maybe they retire early.” They themselves were more circumspect in their copulation.
The next day at the delicious breakfast George asked if there were any hiking trails along the beach. The hostess brought a map of the immediate area and pointed out some to him. Maryanne didn’t want to go but Marsha volunteered to accompany him. She’d brought one of the special backpacks from home “just-in-case”. She took it along but with no ulterior motive.
The B&B was on the edge of a state-owned seashore and game preserve so there were no dwellings for many miles. When they were out of sight of the B&B, he asked, “I’ve always wanted to be a nudist but never had the right partners or circumstances. Would you mind if we did the rest of the hike sans clothes?”
Marsha smiled, “Of course not. I was wanting to do that too. All-over tan. Let’s hide our clothes. Oh, it’s ok if you pop a boner. Happens frequently at our place.” With a grin she added she might be insulted if he didn’t. “I know you are capable from what I heard last night!”
“We were THAT noisy?”
“The walls are THAT thin.”
He seemed embarrassed. “Don’t be,” smiled Marsha, “It’s reassuring to know I could have that many more years of sex fun left.”
When they stopped, George was interested in the backpack and Marsha explained it to him. That evoked, “Can I borrow it to take my wife for a hike tomorrow?”
That night as she told Tony about her day she smiled, “His wife said some suggestive things to me too. I think they want to explore what they didn’t when younger. How about we offer them a special weekday price and let them know when a couple they might be compatible with books?
Marsha laughed, “So we are matchmakers now too?”
That was kind of prophetic as it turned out. A week or so later Marsha got a call from a cousin Caiti who was close to her own age wanting to know if she could visit. Her parents were divorcing and she had to get away from them. When told there was plenty of room, she asked if her brother Josh, who had just turned seventeen, could come too. They were put in the room with two beds and sought out ways to help around the place since they were not there as guests.
Caiti greeted the next guest to arrive. Steve was a federal law enforcement agent who was ordered to take a week of personal time. His sister, a previous guest at the B&B had suggested it but didn’t reveal what the “Natural” in their slogan really described. A man who took on just about any situation calmly, he was amused and went with the flow.
Josh was fascinated by this real “man” and hung out with him as much as he could. Steve enjoyed the young company and found things for them to do together. One such was a trip out into the woods where Steve taught Josh gun safety and marksmanship with both his service 9mm and the .380 compact backup weapon. Hearing protection was explained and used.
Caiti had a more intimate interest in Steve but he remained quite polite and professional. His career had destroyed enough relationships that he was reluctant to get into any more.
He didn’t shun her though. One full-moon evening Steve and the siblings were walking down the road that led to the highway. A van approached so they stepped aside but it turned into a field and doused its lights. Steve’s alert went off so they stood quietly out of sight. Soon they heard the sound of a light plane engine and it could be seen circling the big field. Its navigation light were off, another sign that got Steve’s attention. The plane landed and the van moved over close to it. Giving Josh his .380, Steve told them to say put so he’d know where they were and shoot anybody but him that approached. He made a couple of cell phone calls and moved stealthily towards the van.
When the smugglers heard the approaching helicopter they finished unloading the plane quickly and the pilot started the engine and taxied to take off. He was rolling when a very loud gunshot was heard from the hovering helio. A fifty-caliber bullet makes an engine into junk real fast. The pilot managed to stop the plane and got out to run into the woods.
From behind the van, Steve called out “STOP! Law enforcement.” When the three men charged him a single shot took one down and the others went on the ground voluntarily. The local sheriff pulled in and the men were put in the transport truck. Other deputies worked with the chopper to track the pilot with an infrared camera and soon corralled him. Steve told the officers to stay away from the two other “hot spots” that showed up. Those were his companions. He didn’t want Josh to shoot a deputy!
What a story to tell when they returned to the B&B.
Caiti was so turned on by Steve’s bravery she took action and slipped into his bed after he turned out his light. Her lips reached for his and her hand had a tubular target. He was too smart to resist and explored her naked body as their tongues dueled. He was amply rewarded but so was she, reveling his skilled and powerful lovemaking.
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Disclaimer: "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" & "Angel the Series" and their characters are the property of Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy and 20th Century Fox. This story is for entertainment purposes only and no money exchanged hands. No copyright infringement is intended. The original characters, situations, and story are the property of the author.Dawn walked in the front door after a long day at school. "Hello? Anyone home?" No answer, but it was what she had expected. Buffy was probably off on...
Yes, yes, I freely admit I was a fan of the TV series. Shoot me. But in my humble opinion it was one the best written shows on the air. So here is my take on what I think should have happen to Buffy. Cordelia was hotter. Her body was so much better than Buffy’s. BUT ALAS?. she isn’t really a super heroine so unless my fans demand it. I will be not writing a CORDELIA GOES ON SALE. [email protected] BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER AND THE CURSE OF THE GYPSY QUEEN ...
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Buffy The Shemale Vampire Slayer, Part IV By Cal Y. Pygia Damn! Wherever Willow was, she wasn't home. The witch still hadn't returned to her motel room. At least, this time, Buffy hadn't had to rely on Sunnydale's public transportation system. Xander had given her a ride across town. He'd offered to wait, to make sure that Willow was back, but Buffy, wanting to be alone with the witch, had dismissed her chauffeur. Although Xander was no doubt anxious to get back together with...
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Buffy let Jennifer deal with her inner thoughts as she stood up and turned to face Melinda, who was looking thoughtfully at Jennifer. "Do you want to talk about Boomer?" asked Buffy. Melinda jerked her eyes from the same thing Jennifer was watching. "You have no right." she said, crossing her arms. "Charles has a place in my father's business. He'll be important back in Missouri. It's a good business. We'll have a good life." Buffy nodded. "Yes, I'm sure that's all fine. But...
Clint picked up the phone and recognized Buffy's voice instantly. "Hi!" he said happily. "How's my favorite girl?" "I just dodged a bullet and need some help." she said. "Anything I can do?" he asked. "As a matter of fact, there is ... maybe." She launched into an explanation of the idea she had for the Pledges of Delta Chi Epsilon. When she was done there was silence from the other end of the line. "Clint?" she said. 'I'm here." he chuckled. "I'm just trying to figure...
I hope you enjoy this effort to entertain. Your comments are the only reward an author gets and is more valuable than money. Buffy is from the upper classes of the UK. She has very definite ideas about what it is she wants to do on film. Buffy. My dotage was not so far advanced that I couldn’t get the old boy to polish up quite nicely into some semblance of erectile muscle and throbbing gristle. Occasionally, he would even put out for me and eject a thin stream of jism, but it...
Buffy The Shemale Vampire Slayer, Part VI By Cal Y. Pygia Buffy arrived in the demon dimension on her elbows and knees, just as she?d been when her mentor, Rupert Giles, had been butt fucking her a moment before the spell they?d cast transported her from his apartment to this bizarre land of the damned. Her legs were still spread wide apart, and ass was still high in the air. Although Giles had not been transported with her, it felt to her as if his huge, stiff cock were still...
Buffy didn't know what to do with herself. Uncle Bob had called and asked if he could have Tiffany for the weekend to take her to a local carnival and spend time with his adopted great niece ... or granddaughter ... or four year old pal. So now Buffy, having finished her homework, had a whole weekend free to do whatever she wished and she didn't know quite how to react to it. She was thinking about calling Clint to see if he wanted to go someplace, or do something, or perhaps fuck her...
Buffy the Shemale Vampire Slayer, Part V By Cal Y. Pygia © By the time that Buffy arrived at Rupert Giles' apartment, the former librarian, her ex-Watcher, had just finished reading a new volume of what Edgar Allan Poe, in The Raven, had referred to as a "curious and quaint volume of forgotten lore." He'd just settled the large, leather- bound volume back onto the shelf with the others of its kind when he heard the knock at his front door. He checked his watch. It was nearly...
Buffy the Female Vampire Slayer, Part X By Cal Y. Pygia Buffy Summers was certainly no virgin. She'd lost her virginity to Angel, a vampire, thereby releasing him from the Gypsy curse that, as punishment for his having brutally killed the favorite daughter of their tribe, had restored his soul, that his conscience might torment him as he recalled the thousands of vicious, vile deeds he'd performed over the two centuries during which he'd been a vamp. The handsome vampire...
Introduction: I meet a special person as well as finding out secerts Moments in Time from my Life: Chapter 3 The Campgrounds I finished crying over the fact that John was probably only being nice to me because of my aunt. I went into my bedroom where I got dressed. I then joined my aunt out in the kitchen. So how was your tour? Aunt Lisa asked. You should know as it was only because of the deal you made with John, I replied half-heartedly. What deal is that? Aunt Lisa asked. I have no idea...
Twenty minutes after Buffy left Mike lying happily on his bed, with empty balls, she walked in the college book store where she worked about twenty hours a week. She didn't really have to work, as Uncle Bob and scholarships were paying for school, room and board. But for spending money and investment funds, Buffy decided to make her own money. Her usual work partner was already behind the counter. "Hey Boomer" she said cheerfully. Charles "Boomer" Wiggins waved without looking up from...
Buffy The Shemale Vampire Slayer, Part II By Cal Y. Pygia Buffy waited until twilight, hiding out in her bedroom, as she tried to come to terms with the bizarre fate that had befallen her, thanks to the Feral demon's bite. It wasn't easy, psychologically, physically, or otherwise, to have gone to sleep a girl and to have awakened a hermaphrodite. She wasn't sure how to feel about the weird transformation that had changed her into a shemale. It was strangely titillating. At the same...
My grandparents lived in a beautiful colonial home near downtown. My grandpa was an active senior, he went to the gym regularly and was active community Elks member. While my grandma was usually a stay at home, plant and play in her precious garden. One summer night a severe thunderstorm hit the downtown area. My grandpa was away with his Elks lodge planning for the upcoming Fall town fair, by the time he got home there were fire trucks surrounding the block. My grandparents house was struck by...
Note: I do not own Blade or any movies or characters affiliated with him, the geniuses at Marvel do. Also my first attempt at a TG story. Please be kind. The Vampiress "Yo, that's awesome!" My friend Tony said as we watched Blade kill a vampire. We were sitting on my couch watching Blade II. Tony was my best friend, and we loved action movies. "Yeah, Blade is one bad-ass." I replied to him. The credits rolled and I took out the DVD. I placed it in the case and handed it to Tony....
Buffy was thinking about Clint, and about how much she liked him. He was thoughtful and sweet and funny. She found herself drawn more and more to him. Until tonight her strongest hints that she might be available to him sexually had been deflected or ignored. But she didn't think he was gay. He seemed worried that she was white, but surely he could get over that. She'd assumed Melanie was his girlfriend, but he'd laughed at that. But he hadn't said he didn't have one. Maybe there was a...
Chapter I:On October 31, around 6 pm, the gang gathered at the Magic Shop per the orders of their mentor Giles. Each person had received a message either by email or phone and called the next person on their list. It was the usual manner in which Buffy's band of spook hunters assembled. Giles looked over the young faces and took note of who had managed to heed his call.Xander, Cordelia, and Willow all sat talking about something mindless and snacking on Halloween candy, unaware of the peril...
Buffy the Shemale Vampire Slayer, Part VIII By Cal Y. Pygia Another torrent of semen rushed through the cavernous vagina, sweeping Buffy before its irresistible force. Again, she felt millions of fresh sperm wriggling over her bare flesh, thrashing their whip-like flagella against her erect nipples, puffy areolas, pert breasts, concave tummy, downy pubes, stiff cock and bunched scrotum, rounded ass, and shapely legs. The male sex gametes were all over her, writhing and squirming...
Here's a little story that bit me while I was working on a longer piece. I kind of think of such stories as gargoyles. When the stonecarvers working on the great gothic cathedrals needed a rest from making angels, they'd carve a gargoyle. These pieces, some of them, are a way of resting while I work on a real long story. Also, since I created the "Mirror Site" about a year ago for Halloween, I thought now was a good time to revisit it. Let me know how you like the story, and,...
Buffy?s cock bounced and her balls dipped and swayed as she ran, but she paid her male genitals no mind. Now that the novelty of having a penis and testicles had worn off, she found them not so much titillating, as they?d seemed at first, but, rather, something of nuisance. No wonder Xander and the rest of the boys at Sunnydale High had worn jockstraps to keep them in check. The sphere continued on its course, toward the distant mountains of ice in the frozen northlands, and the Slayer...
I finished crying over the fact that John was probably only being nice to me because of my aunt. I went into my bedroom where I got dressed. I then joined my aunt out in the kitchen. “So how was your tour?” Aunt Lisa asked. “You should know as it was only because of the deal you made with John,” I replied half-heartedly. “What deal is that?” Aunt Lisa asked. “I have no idea what you are talking about Betsy,” Aunt Lisa added. “You told him something when you went down to his...
Buffy Brandon White Goddess Part 2By lilguy Buffy visits a Black churchWarning- Racial domination, strapon, racial slurs by a white womanTed was in the church, with a limp. People were in the church celebrating the holidays and giving money. It had been 2 months sense he first ran into the dominant goddess Buffy Brandon. A racist white girl who he accidentally unleash on the world. The church wasn’t completely filled and he decided to light some candlesHe didn’t hear someone sneak up behind him...
It had been a quite week and buffy and faith were just hanging around the house chatting and just relaxing enjoying this break in their normal fighting evil.Dawn came home from school and sat down "hi guys having fun" she asked, "I guess just nice to be relaxing" said faith and buffy nodded in agreement "but a little bored too" buffy added, "well I guess there is something we could do" faith said with a smile "and what's that" dawn asked.Faith got up and sat down next to dawn smiled and said...
Buffy the Shemale Vampire Slayer IX By Cal Y. Pygia Buffy had emerged, at last, from the cavernous planet-pussy awash in semen, only to find herself in a landscape filled with phallic plants. The strange stalks could elongate instantly, swelling and stiffening to whatever dimensions were needed to reach and penetrate their prey--and, Buffy realized, "prey" described her status perfectly. As the Slayer, she was not used to being a victim, and her newfound role did not suit her, not...
Buffy The Vampire Slayer - 31 Days of Summers (part 1)1 AugustDear Diary,Here I am back to writing you, though I guess I didn't really write you before - it's all fake memories. But it still feels kinda real and who else am I going to tell my deepest, darkest secrets to. Not Buffy that's for sure.So, what are my thoughts.... well Cleveland sucks, all my old friends are s**ttered to where-ever their parents fled when Sunnydale went down the Hellmouth; I can't even escape to Janice's when Buffy...
Chapter 1 Giles finally found references to the globe Buffy had got from that cult it was the Orb of Kanuu a magical orb from a hell dimension that allows its bearer to control minds. He knew he could do so much good with it. He could stop wars end all demons the possibilities were endless. As he was thinking about what he could do Buffy burst into his house. "Giles, Giles!" she shouted. She froze and stared at the orb in Giles hand. "Buffy are you..." Giles trailed off as he remembered the Orb...
Mind ControlThe Amplifier by Anonymous-002 1993 Jerry Gilman yawned and wiped his face with a towel. He stared blearily at his watch. Slowly, his eyes focused on the face. 2:30 A.M. He carefully put down the solderingJerry Gilman yawned and wiped his face with a towel. He stared blearily at his watch. Slowly, his eyes focused on the face. 2:30 A.M. He carefully put down the soldering iron and stared at the device on his bench.The Amplifier didn't look like much. A tangle of wiring and integrated...
Waking to sunlight streaming through her bedroom window, between the parted curtains, Buffy Summers frowned, blinking. She'd had some strange dreams, including a few that had been prophetic, but nothing like the bizarre nightmare she'd awakened from just now. Last night, she'd fought a Feral Demon and the damned thing had bitten her! Of course, she'd slain it--eventually--but, by then, she'd already begun to feel sick and, concerned, she'd gone straight to bed. She was always...
"So there really is nothing about this company Dawn went to?" Buffy asked incredulously. Then she looked concerned. "You seem a little dazed, Will. You know, if something is bothering you, you can always tell me." Willow smiled and shook her head no. She did feel weird, but something in her head told her not to say anything to Buffy. "I'm fine, Buffy," she said at last. "I think I just had a bad night's sleep. This table doesn't make for a comfortable bed." Their conversation...
Note : This story is completely fictional! It was the summer before my senior year of high school. I went to spend the summer with my grandparents. We always had a great time together, but this year was different. We had a fun ride from the airport and was happy to see granny when we got to the house. Gramps was always a handsome man for his age of 62. And granny was a hot older woman too. The first nite was just visiting and talking about my life and what is going on with the family. Just as...
IncestMy dotage was not so far advanced that I couldn't get the old boy to polish up quite nicely into some semblance of erectile muscle and throbbing gristle. Occasionally, he would even put out for me and eject a thin stream of jizz, but it needed the stimulant of my past life to get him going these days. As it had become a habit of mine, I had been reviewing some of the old footage of films we had made. Robbie was long gone now; the abuse of narcotics and booze had caught up with him. But, we...
PART 1 Chrissy William Flaherty woke with an erection. Well mostly erect. At sixty five years old his morning woody wasn't all that hard anymore. It was half hard as he liked to call it. He reached his hand inside of his boxers to give it a squeeze. It may not have been as hard as it once was but it still felt good when he touched it. He even masturbated a couple of times a week, probably just to make sure it still worked. He didn't orgasm every time but it still felt good. Since his wife...
To be fair, most people thought the do-gooders had gone too far as there was now a total ban on spanking at home and spanking and caning at school. All such discipline was now carried out at the local Discipline Centre.What was worse, was that discipline between adults for sexual gratification was also against the law and was seen as a mental state and anyone caught practising it was guilty of a crime and faced a period in detention. Of course, no one got physically disciplined when in...
SpankingSince Ultimate Fanfiction is getting a bit crowded......... For every decision made the alternative outcomes are played out in any number of infinite alternate universes. So in some other universe certain key events in Buffy’s history played out differently and the following takes place in one such universe. Season 1 Buffy and her family arrive in Sunnydale. Buffy meets Willow, Xander, Giles and Cordellia battles the Master blah blah blah and the events unfold in the same way. Season 2 After...