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It was a strange feeling to get whilst sitting in an open-air nightclub in the mountains not far from Naples in Italy. Oh, you know the sort of place all geared up for the tourists and all very plastic for my liking really. But the crowd I was with wanted to visit the place so I'd gone along for the ride.

Some old bird — well, I don't suppose she was that old really, and she had some figure on her actually, but if she'd been a stripper, I probably would have been a lot happier — was giving it the vocals on what was supposed to be a traditional Italian folk song. Anyway I think the guys were just about getting the idea of why I'd suggested that this excursion was one that we could do without joining. I had done this same cruise more than once in the past.

I was on the cruise with a bunch of friends from the office, some husbands and wives, some couples who were thinking about it and a collection of waifs and strays — of both sexes who hadn't found anyone who could put up with us for very long. Yeah, you got it, mostly divorcees. Whether the committed ones thought that some of us might connect or not, I don't know, but when the trip was being planned we were sought out and invited to attend.

I'd done this cruise the year before, with a pal of mine. He'd got lucky and found himself a tasty widow from up north somewhere. They even got hitched after the holiday and were still going strong. He'd been accepted by Betty's children as a replacement daddy and was appearing to be enjoying the job.

I'd hung around with Betty's sister, just to... well, to give the lovers a little privacy. Yeah, I scored with Betty's sister but there wasn't any chemistry there, if you know what I mean. It was more like a fifteen-day one night stand.

Anyway, having lost my best prowling buddy, I joined this party on the cruise this year hoping I might get lucky and find my dream girl like Mike had. Or, at least, score a few nights during the trip. Okay, I'd bedded Carol, one of the women from accounting, and Jean, a pretty young thing who was married to a guy from sales who got seasick on the first day. How the hell anyone can get seasick on one of these modern floating islands they call cruise ships I will never be able to understand; the things don't rock and roll at all - well, not in the Med anyway. But the bugger recovered and found his sea legs pretty quickly, bringing an end to that little game.

Anyway that might explain why I was sitting in an open-air nightclub that evening, but it didn't explain the feeling that I'd suddenly got. I'm sure you know the feeling; the blood flow to your ears suddenly increases, and they feel hot. Most folks say that it's a sign someone is talking about you, but I'm pretty convinced that it's a kind of in built radar telling you that someone is watching you. Yeah, the blood flow to your ears increases because you are aware that you are being scrutinised.

I checked the likely candidates. Jean's husband who might have sussed that I'd banged his wife most of that first afternoon. Nope, that silly bugger seemed to be enthralled with the warbler on the stage. Carol, perhaps, was hoping for a rematch this evening? Nope, she was eyeing up the lump in one of the ship's entertainment coordinators' trousers and he was eyeing up her front suspension. I figured I'd not get another look in there on this trip.

Everyone else at our table was watching the tits rise and fall on the warbler as she sang - well, she did have an impressive pair, almost as good as Carol's, but with a lot less covering them.

So I looked around at the people sat at tables near our own, twisting and turning to survey them all. No, there was no one looking at me. Everyone appeared to be staring at the stage trying to get some clue as to what the warbler was singing about; or maybe watching those tits, wondering when they were going to fall out.

I turned back and tried to concentrate on them myself, doubting that they would fall out; she probably wore the same dress every night. And if they hadn't fallen out since the previous year when I'd last been in that club, they were unlikely to put in a showing that evening. But I suppose there has to be a first time for everything.

But I couldn't even concentrate on that wish. I still had that damned feeling and my ears were burning even hotter. I looked around again, standing up this time so that I could see the tables further off. But no eyes were cast in my direction.

"Was-up?" Ronny Fisher asked as I sat down again. Ronny was my cabin partner on this trip.

"Dunno, Ronny. I got the feeling someone's watching me!"

"Ears burning, are they?" Carol asked. She must have noticed my fidgeting as well.

"Yeah, they are. Damned disconcerting it is too!" I replied to her.

"Probably some hot Latino woman who's hot for your body!" Carol joked.

"Well, It ain't going to be you tonight, that's for sure!" I whispered to her having leant close. "I've been watching you eyeing up that guy's equipment!"

Carol elbowed me in the ribs and then acted as if she hadn't heard me.

I kept getting the feeling several more times during the rest of the evening. Especially when I slipped out to the gents. I made my way back to our table slowly and only after surveying the whole crowded nightclub from the door. But no one appeared to be looking in my direction.

On the coach ride back to the ship the uneasy feeling I'd had in the nightclub subsided. But I will point out that there were a good half a dozen or more coaches, with maybe three or four hundred people on them. Anyone could have been emanating the waves, or whatever they were, that I'd picked up on in the club.

I found myself stopping on the ship's gangway whilst going back on board, because for an instant I got the feeling again. I looked around but now there were hundreds of people looking at me, wondering why I'd brought the cavalcade back on board to a halt.

"What gives with you?" Ronny asked when we got to one of the bars for a nightcap. I do believe that I was still scrutinising everyone who entered the bar.

"Dunno, Ronny, must have been a disturbance in the force." I smiled at him, trying to make light of my behaviour.

"Do what?" Ronny asked looking at me as if I'd gone completely gaga.

"You remember 'The Force' in 'Star Wars'. Obi One said he felt a disturbance in the force. Well, in the nightclub... I dunno, I felt a presence of some kind."

"Darth Vader!"


"It was Darth Vader; he said he felt a presence that he hadn't felt for many years," Ronny corrected me.

"Yeah, you could be right! I felt there was someone in that club tonight that I knew and it frightened the arse off me."

"Why did it frighten you?"

"Dunno really. Probably because I couldn't see them."

"Or didn't recognise them. Probably one of your old conquests." Ronny suggested.

"Shit, I hope not. Damn bad form, old boy, to forget the face of a woman you've laid," I joked.

"Jesus, John, what you got? A filofax for a brain? Carry a bleeding photo album in your head or something? You're always on the bleeding prowl." Ronny grinned at me.

"Just because I'm on the prowl, Ronny, don't mean I get that lucky all that often."

"Anyway quit worrying. There were a couple of coaches from some place else there tonight. Whoever made the disturbance in the force could have been on one of them."

"I don't think so somehow, Ron. I got the feeling again when we were coming back on board."

Ronny and I finished our drinks and decided to call it a night. But not before I'd taken another good scan of the bar.

When we woke the next morning the ship was at sea, heading for Palma in Majorca. I was up very early, much before Ron made a move; he'd be snoring away for another couple of hours.

Dressed in my tracksuit to ward off the sea breezes, I took my morning run on the track around the top deck. Probably not the five-mile run that I did every day at home; I just ran until I was bored of passing the same joggers again and again. Then I headed for one of the open-air pools and put in a few laps whilst it was still almost empty. There was a much larger pool below decks, intended for serious swimming, but I liked swimming in the open air.

After a shower I joined Ronny and the rest of the gang for breakfast, before Ronny and I donned our swimming costumes and headed out on deck to catch some rays and watch the bikinis go by, near one of the pools. We hadn't been there long before Carol and her cabin mate joined us.

Both women took a swim then Ronny and I applied sun block to their bodies and they did the same for us. It was while I was applying the sun block to Carol's back that I got that damned feeling again. Whether I faltered in my labour or I tensed up, I'm not sure. But Carol was aware that something had happened.

"You all right, John?" she asked.

"Yeah, it's just..." I was saying.

"The force again?" Ronny interrupted.

"Yeah," I said looking round.

"Blond about sixteen and wearing a little yellow bikini," Ronny announced.

"What are you on about now, Ronny?" Carol asked.

Ronny who'd been lying on his back whilst Gloria, Carol's cabin mate, massaged sun block into his chest, looked across at Carol and me who were both staring at him.

"I just spotted her looking over that rail up there. She was definitely staring at you, John. I didn't think you were into the young-uns!"

"How old?" I asked.

"I'd say sixteen, but it's difficult to tell with these young ones, when they are in them tiny bikinis, isn't it. She could be anything from an older looking fourteen year old to a young looking twenty something. No matter how old she is, she was checking you out."

"Nah, you got it wrong. I don't mess with kids, never have," I told him, assuming Ronny had gotten it wrong. After all, he wasn't wearing the glasses that normally adorn his nose in the office.

"Well, I could be wrong, but I'd swear she was looking at you, and from what I heard I figure you felt that disturbance in the force about that time."

"The force?" Carol asked.

"Forget it, Carol, it's a kind of private Joke. Here, your back's done. Do you want me to do your front?" I asked.

"Oh, yeah, and we'd be off the bleeding ship the moment it docks in Palma!" She grinned up at me.

It was later that morning. The four of us had got dressed and were thinking about grabbing some lunch. I can't remember why we took a turn around the top deck before going down to one of the restaurants, but we did.

"There she is, just about to dive in the pool!" Ronny said as we came to the part of the deck that overlooked the deep pool I'd swum in earlier.

I watched the shapely young woman make a perfect dive off of the board.

"Do you know her?" Carol asked me.

"I don't think so," I replied. "She looks familiar, in a way. But Ronny and I have been studying the scenery since we got on board. I could have seen her on deck here anytime in the last four days."

"Yeah, all this naked flesh don't do us dirty old men's memories any good," Ronny chimed in.

Gloria said something to Ronny who turned a funny shade of red, until she put her arms around him and gave him a hug that he somewhat enthusiastically returned.

Ronny, much to my surprise, was turning into a bit of a ladies' man, not the forty something year old nerd he always appeared to be around the office. I'd noted that Gloria and he appeared to be getting along very nicely together.

Good luck to them I thought, I knew that they were both single, although I wasn't sure whether Gloria was a widow or a divorcee. She had a few years on Ronny, who I don't think had ever been attached to any woman. But should Cupid decide to fire one of his little arrows, then good luck to the pair of them.

Carol and I looked at each other, her facial expression and a quick movement of her eyebrows saying that she agreed with me.

"I think I'd better share your cabin tonight. Maybe we can push these two into making a move," she whispered to me.

"What about your Captain Birdseye?" I asked, remembering the way Carol had been eyeing that member of the crew in the nightclub the evening before.

"I think he prefers younger blood. John. Could be you're stuck with me; unless that guy in the flash suit shows again."

Carol was referring to some guy who'd given her the eye the first night on board. But we hadn't laid eyes on him since. It was a big ship, more like a floating town actually. God alone knew how many thousand people were on board. Not really my style but it was cheap as cruises go.

Thousands of people there might have been, but after Ronny pointed that girl out to me, I seemed to see her everywhere. When I was running on deck in the morning, in the cafeteria or restaurant we used for lunch - there were several. And in the à-la-carte restaurant we used for our evening meals, although she was usually escorted by a young man when I saw her eating. It appeared to be a different young man at almost every meal.

After our stop in Palma, the ship passed through the straights of Gibraltar and headed out to cross the Atlantic for the Caribbean.

It was on our first evening in the Atlantic. Carol, Gloria, Ronny and I were ensconced in one of the nightclubs quite early. I think the rest of our party had gone to watch a show. We hadn't been there very long and Gloria and Ronny were dancing when medallion man suddenly made an appearance.

"Don't look now, sweetheart," I whispered to Carol, "but the man of your dreams has just walked in. I'll make myself scarce!"

I stood up and headed for the bar, taking my drink with me. Medallion man — probably an unfair description — got a drink from the same bar then surveyed the nightclub. It didn't take him long to spot Carol sitting alone and in an instant he was heading in her direction. When he got there he invited her to dance. 'Oh, well, lonely night in bed tonight, ' I thought to myself.

I thought it prudent to buy Gloria and Ronny another drink then sort out another empty table not too far from the one that we had been sat at. When the music stopped they headed for our old table and then spotted me at a different one, franticly trying to attract their attention. They got the message and joined me.

"What's up?" Ronny asked as they sat down.

"Carol's hooked her fish, I think," I told them.

Gloria looked around and saw Carol returning to the table with her catch. "I don't understand. I thought you and Carol were together," she said.

"No, Gloria; we were just giving you two love birds some room to manoeuvre. And maybe push you into sharing your cabin with Ronny."

Gloria turned an interesting shade of pink and Ronny looked as if he didn't know where to look.

"Come on, kids, loosen up. You're having a good time together out here, aren't you?"

They both agreed that they were. "Then bugger it. Carol and I felt you'd be able to keep each other company when you get home as well. Damn it, you two pussyfoot around each other in the office all the time."

Probably I shouldn't have said that but after some discussion — that included some very plain English from me - they agreed that they were very attracted to each other. So much so that Ronny bought Gloria an engagement ring in one of the jewellery shops on board, before the cruise was over. But that came later.

God knows where Carol slept for the rest of the cruise. Because just after they all got up to dance again, things took a very unexpected turn for me and I lost track of her antics.

I think I was looking around trying to decide if there was any totty worth going after. Well, let's be honest here - if there were any women about who might want to dance with a forty year old has been. Oh, I kept myself fit and I don't suppose I looked too bad, but I'd never considered myself handsome.

Anyway completely without warning she sat herself in the chair next to me. The young blond girl who I'd kept seeing for the last couple of days. She had a very serious expression on her face, a look of determination, that for some reason I thought I'd seen before somewhere.

"Are you Jonathan Kingdom?" she asked.

"That's me, but you have me at a disadvantage, young lady," I replied.

"Good, that's where I want you!" she snapped back at me. Damn it, if my fingers had been outstretched, I think she might have bitten them off.

"Well, what can I do for you, young lady?" I asked, thinking I would see what she wanted and then get rid of her as quickly as I could. There are laws against old men and young girls getting together, even at sea.

"Why?" she asked.

"Why what?" I replied.

A question with a question, that's always a good strategy even if I had no idea what the girl was talking about.

But then she delivered the blind-sided blow that took the wind right out of my sails.

"Why don't you know who the hell I am, father?" she demanded.

I do believe at this point I sat there with my mouth agape. I know I had no idea what to say to the daughter that I had never seen, well, not close up and not for many years. But I also realised that there was no mistake about it; she was Katherine's daughter without a doubt. That's what had been so familiar about her.

After some struggle, trying to get my emotions back under control, I came out with the most stupid idiotic statement that anyone could make in the situation.

"You had a father, a damned good one by all accounts. What would you want to be involved with me for?" I said, trying my best to sound confident.

"He was never my father, you were! But you never, not once, came to see me. You never sent me one birthday or Christmas card. How could you do that?"

"Samantha!" I sputtered.

"It's Sam! Everyone who knows me, knows that I like to be called Sam. But you don't, you never even bothered to find out," she raved on at me.

I was pretty lost for words and was stumbling about trying to think of something to say. But things were just about to get a little more complicated. I could see that Gloria and Ronny were on their way back to the table. I was watching them coming out of the corner of my eye, somehow hoping they were somehow going to rescue me. But a few feet short of the table they stopped, their attention taken by something happening behind me, then I noticed Samantha look up as well.

"Don't you speak to your father like that, Sam!" Katherine's familiar voice commanded.

In a second I was out of my seat and had turned to face her. "Hi, Kath, I didn't know you were on board," I spluttered for want of anything else to say.

Well, what do you say to the woman who had kicked you out of her life nearly twenty years before.

"Hi, John, long time no see! I recognised you at the airport, but you didn't see me. You were too busy with your friends."

"That was very remiss of me, I'm sorry," I said, completely amazed that I hadn't spotted my one time wife.

"There were hundreds of people there, John, and you weren't expecting to see us. Christ, what is it, nearly nineteen years?"

"Eight years, Kathy. I used to stalk you sometimes until you moved to the US."

Kathy smiled. "And you never knew that Sam and I came back?"

"No, how would I know?"

"I would have thought your solicitor would have told you."

"Why, he just transfers the money from my account to yours. I don't think I've seen the bugger in years."

"May I... we join you for a little while, John? I'll try to ensure that our daughter keeps a civil tongue in her head."

I introduced Katherine and Samantha to Ronny and Gloria and we all sat down.

"I want to know why you never came to visit me, father. What kind of man can sit ten feet from his ex-wife and daughter all evening and not recognise either of them?" Samantha demanded again with real emphasis being placed on the word 'father.'

If the deck beneath me had opened up and I'd been dragged down to hell, I would have cheered.

"Just a moment!" Ronny interrupted. "If you don't mind me pointing it out, but this is a night club, not the place for a discussion like I believe you are about to have. Please all of you, hold everything right there." Then Ronny was out of his seat and heading towards one of the stewards standing at the bar.

Both Gloria and I knew Ronny well. A nerd he might be, but he was an organiser in our place of employment, one of those people who comes into his own in a crisis!

In a few moments he was back. "There's a kind of conference room down the corridor. I've fixed it so you can talk in private in there. Follow me please all of you," he said in his 'do it now' tone of voice that no one could mistake.

"Do you want us to be a party to this?" Gloria asked, when we got to the room.

"John might not feel outnumbered," Katherine suggested, before I had a chance to speak.

I just shrugged; this was all completely out of my control.

Gloria came in and sat beside me, but Ronny stationed himself outside the door from where he could watch but not hear through a window in the door. He said he'd keep our drinks topped up and went off to get a fresh load.

"Well, are you going to answer my question?" Samantha asked once again.

I looked at Katherine but she sat there, poker faced. I took a deep breath.

"Samantha, when I got out of prison you were five years old. From what I saw you were happy, and you were calling your mother's husband dad. I couldn't see any sense in confusing you and interfering with your mother's life when she was so happy."

I was looking Samantha right in the eye, but I couldn't help but hear Katherine take a sudden deep breath. I looked at her but she still wore that poker-faced expression that she'd worn all through the divorce, my trial and for several months leading up to both.

"All I would have done by sticking my nose in was upset the apple cart again. I'd made a big enough mess of things before the divorce and I figured there was just no sense in causing any more agro. But please don't think I didn't care for you or about you. I used to sneak up and watch you at school, where no one knew who I was."

There was the sound of another intake of breath from Katherine's direction.

"And I arranged for my solicitor to send your mother enough money - once I'd earned it — that you should have a tidy sum stashed away by now."

I looked at Katherine to confirm my statement about the money.

"Sam knows about the cash, John. It's all in a trust that she can't access until she is twenty-one," Katherine confirmed.

"Why were you in prison, father?"

"That's a long story, Samantha. I don't think we need to go into all that," I replied trying to dodge the issue.

"I think we do, John," Katherine said quite sternly. I looked at her. "Go on. She's never heard the full story. I didn't think it was right to tell her from my point of view. Although Frank stuck his ore in when Sam asked him, of course. We had a big fight over that, didn't we, Sam?"

I looked back to my daughter who suddenly looked very sheepish.

"Well, you wouldn't tell me, so I had to ask Frank!"

"I told you, at the time that I only saw one side of the picture, I saw what I thought was true. Even your father didn't know what had really happened at the time and I got very angry. But then your father nearly killed that man and I began to think that I might have been wrong."

"But why didn't you go back to my father then?"

"Because it was too late. In my blind anger I'd married Frank and John had... well, he was in prison. Besides I didn't fully realise what had really happened until you started asking questions about who your father was. When I thought about it properly all the pieces fell into place, but my bridges had been burnt by then. All I could do was wait until John came looking for us when he got out of prison." She turned her head from Samantha and looked into my eyes. "But he never came!"

"Start from the beginning, John. Tell Sam what happened. She needs to know and she deserves to hear it from you. I made mistakes, and I might not explain it fairly."

"You didn't make any mistakes, Kathy."

"Oh, but I did, John. I didn't trust you when I should have done. I didn't listen to your excuses; I went racing off to the nearest solicitor and divorced you. Not for a second did I think to give you a second chance or wait until you could find out what had really happened yourself. Then after the divorce when Frank came sniffing round, I married him when I was on the rebound. I never loved him and I was his trophy wife, until he found a younger model. Oh, yeah, John, I made a damned sight more mistakes that you ever did, believe me. I didn't even have the decency to bring your daughter to visit you in prison, just because Frank objected to the idea."

"Okay, I'll tell it as best I can. Samantha, your mother and I had been married a couple of years..." I began.

"No, John, right from the beginning, from when we first met!" Kathy interrupted.

"But you've told me about when you and he met," Samantha commented.

"I've told you how I remembered it, Sam. Your father might have seen some things differently than me. And besides I doubt Gloria here has heard the story."

"I'm just here as an impartial witness, to keep things even," Gloria said with a horrified look on her face.

"All right, if you insist, but I can't see what difference starting the story from the beginning will make. Samantha, I first met your mother when her family moved into a house down the road from my parents' place when I was about ten."

"You were eleven and I was ten!" Kathy corrected me. I could see this was going to be like things had been back when we were together. 'You tell the story, John, and I'll correct you.'

"Okay, I was eleven and your mother was ten. All the children in the street hung around together and played silly games. Kathy was quite a tom boy back then."

"Only because I needed to be, to stay close to someone," Kathy interrupted again.

"Kathy?" I said. "Who's telling this damned story?" She got a coy look on her face and sat back in her chair.

"Anyway we all went to the same schools and just grew up together. There was a problem though. I fell for your mother when we were both very young really. I couldn't tell her because... well, she was one of the boys and you don't get soppy with your mates. Well, we didn't back then."

"Anyway I wasn't what you call a great scholar and your mother was. So I left school at sixteen and found a job in the office at Westlake's where I still work now. Your mother was clever and went on to sixth-form college as they called it back then. "

"Didn't get me very far though, did it?" Kathy interjected.

"You got your A levels; that's a damned sight more than I got, girl! Anyway whilst she was at college Kathy took up with Frank..."

"We just went out a few times."


"Well, just a few times, that's all!" Kathy insisted on saying. Personally I thought it was many more than could be described as a few. They were together for nearly two years off and on. Whatever, I didn't push the point.

"Then when we were eighteen, we ran into each other at a Christmas party."

"Some run into. I had to insist that Frank take me there!"

"Whatever, you were there with Frank and I was there with..." I couldn't recall the name of the girl I was with.

"Beverley Roundhouse!" Kathy said with a triumphant tone to her voice.

"Yeah, Beverley!" I agreed.

"With the big knockers!" Kathy added.

"I never noticed," I lied. "Anyway how come you remember her name? You didn't even know her."

"There are some people's names that a woman never forgets, John. Am I not right, Gloria?"

Gloria agreed with Kathy, and for an instant I thought that something else passed between the two women that I didn't grasp. It could be that Samantha understood it as well, because all three women were smiling.

At that time Ronny came in with a tray of drinks for everyone. He smiled, kissed Gloria on the cheek and then left the room again. I think I wished he'd stayed; I was feeling outnumbered by women by then.

"The party, dad!" Samantha prompted me.

It didn't strike me at the time, but Sam had called me "dad" for the first time. If it had, I might have understood the whole point of this charade.

"Oh, yeah, well, it was Christmas and someone had put up the mistletoe like they always do. I was coming back from the little boy's room and just by chance," I heard a snigger off to my right where Kathy was sitting, "I ran into Kath right under the mistletoe in the doorway. Well, I'd never kissed her at the time so I asked her."

"You asked me?"

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Daytime friends nightime lovers

Introduction: While a few details have been tweaked, this story is as close as I can remember it Prologue She wanted to remember. The hookah was a beautiful piece. It stood at 4 ½, feet. Dark red&hellip, it always was her favorite color. This hookah was her personal prize. It only had one hose, one smoker. She pulled the airtight box from its hiding place and opened the lid. Once released, the heady aroma drifted, tickling her nose. The new batch of bud was a dark green, but the...

4 years ago
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Sandy and RandyChapter 2 Daytime Funtime

After the close call and excitement, in more ways than one, of that first night together, Sandy decided they better cool it a bit so Mom wouldn’t get suspicious. Mom also went back on day shift, 8am – 8pm, so bedtime was less private, but days were not such a problem. Randy tried to act normal around Mom and of course, around Sandy, but he did have some issues like being quieter and more protective. Mom just thought he was getting older and closer to starting into puberty, especially now...

3 years ago
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FaceTime with Ann Next Door

I never FaceTime. I'm not a adolescent girl. I don't need to see your face when a simple text will do. Call me an old bastard, get-off-my-lawn type, but that's the way it is. (By the way, I'm not that old).So when that mechanical beeping emanates from my phone that someone wants to FaceTime me, it's definitely out of the ordinary. Especially when it's 10:30 on a Tuesday night. I got to my phone and it said "Ann FaceTime video."Well, this was different. Ann Next Door and I been fooling around on...

3 years ago
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Thanks P. for help with editing the story. SECONDHAND Another uneventful gray day of my life was coming to an end, and I had just closed the door and turned off the light at the back of the shop when there was a frantic knocking. A tall, white-haired woman in a long fashionable coat was standing outside, with two large black bin bags. I went up to the door and said, "We're closed! Sorry!" "What shall I do with these clothes, then?" the woman asked me, exaggerating her lip...

1 year ago
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Halftime Stranger

It was a warm October night and I was at a college football game with a few buddies. Throughout the first half of the game, I looked to my right and there was this hot sexy bald guy 3 sections to my right. He had huge arms and was wearing a black wife-beater and jeans. We kept looking at each other and at each time, he would show that bright smile of his.At halftime, I went to the restroom and used one of the stalls, luckily I was the only one in the bathroom. As I opened the stall, he was...

2 years ago
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Summertime In Colorado

Summertime In Colorado I absolutely love summertime. The hotter it is the less the girls wear. Instead of long jeans they wear short shorts. Instead of full blouses they wear skimpy tops. Coats are strictly out of the question too. Bikinis are popular even if it is just the top half with a micro mini skirt. Like I said I absolutely love summertime. Girls of all ages are wonderful to look at. Touching them might be a different story but looking at them is still legal. The problem...

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Summertime Blues

Summertime Blues Author's Note: This is an old story of mine which I self-edited using the great suggestions I been receiving. I will go back and edit it more. I want to see how well I could implement the suggestions which I got. Also, I want to give a thanks to all the people who had help me in my writing. It was a bright sunny Saturday afternoon in July yet it was raining in Joe's mind. This was for Joe was having a run of the mill bad day so he headed to the bar for a drink. He...

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FaceTime surprise

I have a new job working away and I bought an iPad to keep in touch with the wife, it’s great seeing her when away I miss her so much so it’s great when I’m bored in my room. Jane and I for years have spoke about sharing? But she never comes through, it must be 4 years now we have had the same conversation about it and it’s always the same answer maybe! Jane is great in the sack she knows how to please, I keep telling her she needs to give it out cos it’s going to waste on me as I only last...

4 years ago
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Showtime for Teri

Showtime for Teri By Teri Franken Chapter 1 My name is Teri and I am 28 years old. I have been a closet sissy for as long as I can remember. My parents knew that I was not your typical child and they let me live how I wanted to and did not judge me, they just loved me unconditionally. I grew up loving everything that a little boy typically doesn't like, such as dresses and dolls. My parents were concerned that I would be a target for bullies, so I was home schooled, took my GED...

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Eagle in the Sunset 2019Chapter 29 Summertime for Us All

October 17th, 1995, 7:30 AM PT, Metro Plaza Hotel, Los Angeles, CA Miriam had been tossing and turning all night; she spent time just sitting in the chair in the corner of the room to try and let Baruch sleep. She was so upset she was oblivious to the fact that Baruch couldn’t sleep either, which was not in her nature. She was usually fully aware of what was going on with her husband. They thought together almost telepathically, and yesterday had been one of the first times in decades when...

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Timeless Beauty

TIMELESS BEAUTY BY PAUL G. JUTRAS Sam walked in the dorm house, looked at the lock and then in the dorm mistress's room. The plus size woman was dress in a black blouse and flats, black with white palm tree design jacket and skirt with dark brown nylons. She new there was only a half hour before she made her rounds and called lights out. Upstairs, roommates Chris and Alex waited on their beds. Like their friend Sam, both guys were petite and lovely looking. Being transsexuals who...

1 year ago
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Younger Than Springtime

The door was open. I had no reason to have it closed. We were all in this together. So I was sitting in the large chair as my nurse prepared to access my port to begin the first liter of Cisplatin. The cancer center had been busy today and I glanced out the doorway as several people passed by. Then I noticed a woman pausing as one of the nurses escorted her somewhere.It was Katherine. I recognized her at once even though it had been so many years ago. Then I heard her laugh as her companion...

College Sex
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Master of All Timelines

Your name is Edward Richardson. You're 20 and you've been fascinated by history ever since you're 11. You're also good at making inventions as well. As you're growing up, you usually found that at various points in history of each country, things always turned ugly at many points. And you wanted to change that. You decided to use your intelligence you create the device called the T.O.S, abbreviated for Timeline Opener and Stopper, that can make you travel back in time and alter the histories...

Mind Control
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I was a wartime TV for the US Army

‘I was a Wartime Transvestite for Uncle Sam!               TJ Ryder                                            Chapter 1           Reform School Romance!     I couldn’t believe that all I got from my uncle Bill when he died after all he said to me about my being his favorite grand nephew was an old diary from World War II.    I mean I thought we got along pretty darn good, and its not like he had any money or anything, just another old geezer in an assisted care center who if he ever had...

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Wartime France

The funeral was a gloomy affair as funerals go. I am somewhat irreverent and remember clearly my twin brother and I giggling all through my Uncle’s funeral because his widow had the price ticket still dangling from the back of her hat. John and I shared a sense of mischief and humour. At our Grandfather’s funeral, we’d been unable to look at each other during the hymn ‘Praise my soul the king of heaven,’ because John had written an alternative verse that was utterly filthy and we both knew what...

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Wartime Passion

A few years ago, my wife was having a midlife crisis while I was away serving in Iraq. She was both lonely and horny. She had been without me for nearly 8 months and I still had four more months to go on my tour of duty. Char is an attractive 40 year old woman, 5'8" tall with blonde hair and green eyes. She keeps herself in great shape and still has a body to prove it, 36-30-36. Our sex life is absolutely wonderful when I am there, and I would not change a thing. She is a Hottie and we are...

1 year ago
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I was a wartime TV for the US Army

  'I was a Wartime Transvestite for Uncle Sam!              TJ Ryder                                          Chapter 1          Reform School Romance!    I couldn't believe that all I got from my uncle Bill when he died after all he said to me about my being hisfavorite grand nephew was an old diary from World War II.   I mean I thought we got along pretty darn good, and its not like he had any money or anything, just another oldgeezer in an assisted care center who if he ever had anythinghad...

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Summertime Fun0

Summertime Fun After my divorce I got my daughter every other weekend and for the entire summer. Now that she was fourteen and developing quite nicely I was enjoying her even more. I also indulged her desire for sexy revealing clothing, since her mother wouldn’t. Holly was pleased that I had purchased a summer home alone the beach. We used to go to the ocean when we were still a family. Another thing that I did to piss my wife off after the divorce. It was a very nice place and I...

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Summertime Chapter One

Summertime: Chapter 1 By Tommie Summertime, and the living was easy. I had just graduated college and I was home for the summer. My parents were on vacation and I had the house to myself. I had settled into a relaxed routine. Up late, lazy breakfast, a little bit of work on the computer to keep my hand in for the programmer's job I was starting in the fall. Then, as often as not, a lazy afternoon reading in the back yard before soccer training in the evening. Soccer had paid my...

1 year ago
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Second Times A Charm

GraceHe’d said the views were stunning and he was right. Only an hour up the trail, Grace had a picture-postcard vista spread before her. Majestic, jagged peaks, a patchwork of forest and meadow green, the still water of Llyn Elsi, sunlight dancing on its glassy surface. It was beautiful, tranquil yet wild. An unspoiled wilderness on civilization’s doorstep, accessed via walking trails even a novice hiker could tackle.But he’d also been right about the weather. The air was stirred by a sudden...

Love Stories
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TimeLine chapter 1

Like Billy Pilgrim, John and Amy have become unstuck in time. Unlike Billy Pilgrim, theirs is a fate more akin to eternal recurrence. Fate, for sure, had intended more for them. The timeline was diverted and the two were paying the price: Amy for her stubborn obstinance; John for his arrogance. For her stubborn behavior, Amy was dealt a hand similar to that of Sisyphus. She was placed upon life's treadmill: forever struggling to make ends meet; forever struggling to find her way...

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TimeLine chapter 2

When did the first, unfortunate fork in the timeline take place? Each attempt to divert the timeline back onto its true, fateful path has resulted in failure. Time is growing short, and an altered fate nearer. Each manipulation has resulted in this fate's end time grower slightly nearer or farther, but no significant change has occurred. Given that recursion is the problem, perhaps it is also the solution. Perhaps. The two share a weakness -- each knows on some level what needs to...

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Facetime Accident With Mother In Law

Facetime Accident With Mother In LawIt was the usual time me and my girlfriend would facetiming but I felt a little risky this time so I was already naked. I gave her number a ring and had the camera straight at my junk trying to throw a little surprise there for her. I was swaying it back and forth and I still didn't get a reply. All I heard was.. “Uhm... Hello...” Next thing I noticed it was my girlfriends mom. I said oh shit and struggled trying to hang up while she said “No no... don't hang...

1 year ago
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Timeless Beauty 2

TIMELESS BEAUTY 2 BY PAUL G. JUTRAS Alex walked from the shower trying to dry his long shoulder length hair. In only a bath robe, he entered his college dorm room and turned on the television. The channel 5 weather man was giving a major warning for its forecast. As a transsexual he was happy to of gotten a single room. "This just in," said the weatherman. "This looks like it will be the worst hurricane season for Florida since the 1960s. The major threats are the hurricanes that...

4 years ago
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Sentiments of a Submissive

Sentiments of a Submissive By:? Miss Georgia Peach As told to:? JEP  Introduction:? Miss Peach is the most unique submissive I have ever encountered.? In addition to being incredibly beautiful, she has the mind of a true intellect.? She has a unique ability to put words together to create a vivid word picture that is truly a work of eroticism.? The following are her words to express her sentiments and a few of her experiences.???????????????? JEP  I do love the concept of being pierced...

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Springtime Summit

I smile as I step out of the car, my boots crunching against the gravel beneath my feet. It’s one of those perfect spring days – the sun shining brightly through the crisp, cool air, a bit of breeze carrying that intoxicating earthy, damp smell of the season. My smile broadens as I remember that quote from Miss Congeniality: the “perfect date” was April 25th, because “it’s not too hot, not too cold, all you need is a light jacket.” I guess I am a cliché, but I can’t help it. I love Spring. New...

2 years ago
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Springtime is for Lovers

When we first met it was entirely by accident. Even now I remember it clearly, although almost four decades have passed by since then. It was one of those lovely bright sunny days that are so typical of Paris in the springtime.I was strolling along the Boulevard Haussmann, just outside the Magasin au Printemps where the pretty girls were selling their bunches of lily of the valley as they traditionally used to do on the first day of May.  I wasn't looking where I was going, daydreaming as...

Love Stories
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Another Springtime Ch 05

Chapter 5: Encounters On The Open Road Looking back now afterward I still cannot make sense out of what happened that day at the motel at LeGrande, Oregon. They had picked up our trail somehow, although I think it must have been a matter of pure chance. I have reviewed it now a thousand times and cannot see where we left a trail to open ourselves to their tracing. Nevertheless, we had an encounter on a Tuesday morning after a pleasant stay in LeGrande and breakfast at the restaurant across the...

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Springtime In Pennsylvania

I remember vividly, one Saturday last year. It started out as a regular, routine springtime Saturday, filled with plans of getting the trimming done up and then mowing the yard. The sky was a deep, rich shade of blue and not a cloud to be seen. A few short weeks from now, a day like this would turn into a scorcher, but today, being early in the summer, it held the promise of being almost perfect weather for me to get everything done. There was a full case of beer waiting for me in the...

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Springtime for Summers

Springtime for Summers (c) 2002 by Nom de Plume Anne Summers had always thought that Christmas would be the worst time. The death of her husband Patrick the preceding September had been such a devastating shock, she had barely gone through the motions that first December, in an effort to create a semblance of joy for her three year old daughter Lindy. In her fragile state, she had succumbed to the smooth advances of her investment advisor, Andrew Nash, a...

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Springtime In Pennsylvania

I remember vividly, one Saturday last year. It started out as a regular, routine springtime Saturday, filled with plans of getting the trimming done up and then mowing the yard. The sky was a deep, rich shade of blue and not a cloud to be seen. A few short weeks from now, a day like this would turn into a scorcher, but today, being early in the summer, it held the promise of being almost perfect weather for me to get everything done.There was a full case of beer waiting for me in the...

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Springtime on the Farm

It’s been 29 years since this happened but I remember it as if it was yesterday. I changed her name but the incidents are true. I knew what the ‘bird’ was, we used it at school to taunt and tease our friends, a greeting. We knew it had a sexual connotation but that wasn’t why we flipped each other off. I could stiff finger my friends and they would laugh and reply in kind, it was part of how we communicated. Once in a while though I would give my younger sister the finger because she irritated...

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BSC07 the First Lifestyle NudistsChapter 5 Lazy Springtime Dreams

Eventually Joan Simpson stopped gesticulating with her hands and just pointed to a building through the trees that she wanted Hank and Lynn to take the car up to. Once the car was parked the proprietor of the Success Nudist Resort would catch up with them and give them all a proper tour of the facilities. This naked woman then disappeared back into the Admin Building leaving Hank and Lynn to climb back into the car and drive up to the building she had pointed out to them. Tom just sat there...

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Mistress playtime Pt 2

I untie you and move you to the bed. I restrain you to the bed by tying your hands above your head, then spreading your legs. By doing this I have great access to your ass. I look at you looking at me, waiting. I leave your nipples and cock alone for now and get to work on your ass. Using lube and a toy. I get between your legs. My nails are sharp but short. I have to really dig into your skin to scrape you and leave red marks behind. I scrape my finger nails up your inner thighs and grab your...

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Sweet And Sentimental

Sweet And Sentimental by Throne I was at my computer, dressed in panties and my long, pink-champagne nightgown. What I was wearing felt so good against my smooth satiny skin. Instead of one of my wigs I had my natural hair, which is collar- length, up in ponytails at the sides of my head. For make-up I had on just a touch of blush and some pink-tinted lip gloss. I was in the middle of reading a newly posted story on my favorite site, Make Believe Mania, when I heard the front door...

1 year ago
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Carol began to shake realizing her daughter and Jim were becoming excited by her. Hands ran over her body. They were smiling and making lewd comments. Overcome with fear, Carol took the only desperate course she knew. “I’ll do what ever you want, just don’t hurt me anymore. Please, I’ll let you do what you want and then you can live together, I promise, I’ll forget everything.” “ Please don’t hurt me.” “Hannah, I am your Mom. Jim, I have known you for 20 years.” “Please....

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SPELLS r' US: Showtime By Raven Jeff was a drama student at the university. Ever since he was a little boy he wanted to be an actor. Jeff grew up watching all of the old greats: Errol Flynn, Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., and all of the swashbuckling heros. In truth, that is how he pictured him- self. The modern movies just couldn't capture the "daring-do" of the old black and whites! Jeff was convinced that when he became a star, he would be able to bring...

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Showtime Part 3

e amaze each other, Jennifer, but I'm going to amaze you the most. I have a passion to live within easy reach of Shaftsbury Avenue and the rest of theatreland. Footlights and greasepaint are part of me and I constantly need to feel the pulse of the West End. That being the case I'm going to make Horace Pratt an offer for this house." "You're going to buy number nineteen?" Jennifer asked incredulously, "But how? You're always so short of money. You never have two brass pennies to rub...

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Showtime Part 1

SHOWTIME Part 1 The train raced south though a late spring morning. Clickerty-clack, clickerty-clack, wheels making music of their ride over hard steel rails. Jennifer Hancock wedged herself tight into the corner of her seat by the window to gaze with growing boredom at the green fields and tops of houses that had been the scenery for most of the time since her journey from York had begun. On the surface there seemed little chance for sexual intrigue on such a trip. The passenger...

2 years ago
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Showtime Part 5

SHOWTIME Part 5 Daylight cutting in between ill-fitting curtains awoke Jennifer Hancock early, but it took several moments for dormant cogs of concupiscence to crank into motion. Eventually she wiped the back of a hand over her eyes to brush away a wisp of hair before rolling from her bed and lurching across to the window. Rain was falling; fat wet drops bouncing on the sills outside as she gazed out on the closely packed roofs and chimney-pots opposite, all standing on top of...

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Saving Amy Part 5 Showtime

SAVING AMY PART 5: SHOWTIME "So you will tell me if she does anything stupid, right?" Even through the tinny speaker, there were clear overtones of concern in the question. Alyssa glanced down at the phone on the dressing table, then resumed brushing her lustrous hair. "Sure," she replied, but then sighed. "Only..." "Only what?" Alyssa hesitated. "Only, by 'stupid', I assume you mean something other than letting herself get fucked by fifteen horny old dudes and swallowing so...

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Showtime "Gentlemen and lady. We have a new delight for you for one night only. Fresh from the streets of downtown Bangkok I give you an English whore originally known as Thomas but as you can see from her tattoos now known as Felicity." Collared I was led out onto the stage wearing just a black bra filled with large breast forms and black nylon bikini panties. I had been abducted and now I was to be the star of a seedy sex show. I was forced onto my hands and knees. Whilst most Thai...

1 year ago
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Showtime 2

Showtime 2 "Lady and gentlemen. Tonight we have for your pleasure a bridegroom on his honeymoon here in Bangkok. His nineteen year old bride is on her way to our breeding farm where she will be continuously bred until she becomes infertile in probably 20 to 25 years time. Then she will have a brief career as an actress starring in her one and only film. "Contrary to convention James here has taken his wife's name of Veronica and as you can see she is wearing her wedding lingerie. I...

2 years ago
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“We are both naked sitting on high stools facing each other. We are both going to watch each other receive oral sex from people we have never met before. “A male we have never met before is standing behind me teasing my nipples with his fingertips. His lady is watching as she prepares to tongue fuck me. “Or perhaps a female we have never met before is is standing behind me teasing my nipples with her fingertips. Her man is watching as he prepares to tongue fuck me. “And the same for you. A...

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The Untimely Demise of Jessica

The Untimely Demise of Jessica My name is Jessica and I am a 38 year old part time cross-dresser. One night a week usually Wednesday or Thursday and always on Saturday night I shed my non- descript dull accountant male persona named John and emerge as a tall, willowy, red haired, confident, sexy gurl called Jessica. I am 5'11" in my stocking feet but I am always in at least 3" heels. I weigh 160 pounds, with a nice soft round ass. My entire body is shaved smooth and my skin is soft to...

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Turnaround by DCRI woke up, did my chores, and was about to wake up Master.For a while I'd been feeling weird. Not exactly sick, but not exactlywell. I figured it was a stomach thing, and nothing to worry about.Besides, Master's CUM always made me feel better.I applied my makeup. fixed my chains, and crawled to my Lord and Master.Each morning, I had the privilege of sucking him awake! I must be careful.If I scare him, or make him CUM anywhere but in my mouth, I will ruinMaster's day.I crawled...

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TURNAROUND by Geneva In the German Thirty Years War an emotionally crippled assassin is outmanoeuvred by a Gypsy girl. She uses him to get revenge and he gets a chance at a new life. "Who," I asked, "is Count Von Meissner?" Bishop Alvarez looked up from the documents and maps on his table and stared at me. "My dear Heinrich, he is a potential enemy of the Holy Roman Emperor, and of the Church. Some think he may invade in support of the Calvinists. This war has been going on...

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Sissy Cuckolds Turnaround

SISSY CUCKOLD'S TURNAROUND by Throne I got home from work and my wife Tyra was waiting for me with an impish expression on her pretty face. She was wearing a snug sleeveless top and skintight slacks, so her buxom, big-butted figure was well shown off. I knew something was up and stood there, my usual meek self, anticipating some new indignity. She wanted to know, "Which panties did I put out for you this morning? Let's have a look. In fact, just strip down to your pretty...

4 years ago
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Daddy And Laceys Nighttime Ritual

Chapter 1Finally, my wife took her ass to bed! By staying up much later, she’d almost messed up Lacey’s and my nighttime ritual that we’d been enjoying for a year. Maybe my attitude towards Ellen was unfair, but we’d been in a loveless marriage for years. We’d only gotten married because she got pregnant and we tried to make it work, but we’d led mostly separate lives for half of our daughter’s life.Speaking of our seventeen-year-old daughter, I was spooning Lacey on the couch while we watched...

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First Time Sex With My Longtime Bestie

Hi everyone Akshay here, age 23 from Chennai. I’m a reader of ISS for the past 5 years, and it’s high time I shared my experience. This happened a couple of months back. It was with my longtime bestie. Her name is Vaishali. We know each other for around 6 years, starting from our college days. She lives half an hour away from my place. I’m pretty familiar with her parents. We got to know each other from our college days as we were from the same department. She had a sexy shape, which gave me a...

2 years ago
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Second times a charm

I can’t believe I’m doing this... She knocked the brown wood door and waited... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 6 months earlier. Matt walked around the apartment displaying all the mod-cons he installed almost smugly, mentioning how much they retailed for. If he wasn’t so attractive I so would have opted out of the guided tour thought Jo.Jo and Matt met at the orientation meeting for graduate students a few hours ago through mutual friends and there was an instant...

Straight Sex

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