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Carrie winced as the ball popped into a glove. The double play took the steam out of a ninth inning rally. With only one out left, she knew there wasn’t much hope of her boyfriend’s team pulling this one out.

Sure enough, only three pitches later, the center fielder caught a long fly ball, ending the game. She gathered up her bottle of water and purse, knowing Greg was going to need cheering up. The team that had just beat them was their most bitter rival, and he hated them with a passion.

Fortunately, she already had a plan. As soon as they got back to his place, she was going to join him in his post-game shower. She’d suck him off and let him come in her face. He absolutely loved doing it. She was less than fond of it, to say the least. In the shower, it wasn’t so bad. She could wash it off as soon as he recovered enough to admire her cum-spattered face.

A top-heavy blonde jogged past her toward the dugout, giving her pause. Carrie had never seen the girl before. Probably Keith, she thought. The girl looked like exactly the sort of vapid bimbo he usually hooked up with. Carrie rolled her eyes and continued on.

Greg climbed out of the dugout with a scowl on his face. She smiled at him, hoping to begin the process of cheering him up. The last thing she expected was a look of wide-eyed shock.

“Surprise!” the blonde said as she ran up to Greg. “I couldn’t wait until the next time you were in town, so I came to see you.”

The utter panic on Greg’s face spoke louder than words. Carrie’s smile turned into a scowl even more intense than the one he had worn a few moments earlier. She stalked toward him in a red rage.

“You son of a bitch!” Carrie screamed as she reached him.

“Who the fuck are you?” the bimbo asked.

As the last word passed the blonde’s lips, and before Greg could utter whatever lie he’d opened his mouth to say, Carrie slapped him - hard. The smack caused everyone in the area to turn toward them, and she heard Greg’s teammates muttering.

“I’m his ex-girlfriend now,” Carrie growled, ignoring how badly her hand was stinging. “You can have him,” she added as she swept past them both.

“What?” the blonde shrieked. The sound of a second slap echoed off the dugout walls.

Carrie didn’t look back.

Her phone rang that evening while Carrie was walking with her friends from the cab to the bar. She tapped Ignore on the call, which listed it as coming from Piece of Shit. It was the third time Greg had tried to call after sending about thirty text messages. She’d deleted them almost as soon as they arrived, but had seen enough to know he was making excuses.

“Fuck him,” her friend Tracy said, knowing who the call was from.

“That’s not happening, no matter how much he wants it,” Carrie said, prompting laughter from both of her friends. She was hurt by his betrayal, of course, but she was far more angry than sad.

Upon entering, Carrie spotted three stools open at the bar. It took little more than a glance to communicate with her friends, and all three hurried over to where they were certain to be seen. They had just taken their seats and begun talking about what to order when one of the servers walked up behind them.

“Those guys are offering to buy the first round for the three of you,” she said, pointing to a couple of tables over in the corner.

Carrie turned and her eyes went wide. Despite the darkness, she easily recognized the guys as the rivals to Gary’s softball team. The men raised their glasses in salute.

Her friend Jamie let out a purr. Tracy quietly said, “Score. Let’s get our drinks and go over there.”

“Those are the guys who beat Gary’s team today,” Carrie said.

“Even better,” Jamie said. “He hates them, and it won’t take fifteen minutes for someone to text him and let him know.”

“They’re probably all cheating assholes just like him,” Carrie scoffed.

Tracy said, “Who cares? I’m not looking for a husband. I just need some dick.”

“Amen,” Jamie agreed.

Though she had her reservations, Carrie knew that Jamie was right. Gary would know almost instantly, and he deserved it. “Okay.”

Jamie nodded her head and held up a finger. The guys across the room seemed to understand. A couple of minutes later, the three ladies sauntered up to the tables. The introductions took a bit with nine guys and three girls.

It was hardly surprising when Tracy sat down next to a black guy named Marlon. She never passed up an opportunity to hook up with a black guy with a shaved head. Jamie’s choice of a dark-haired guy name Wesley was just as predictable, because he had a beard. With only two outside seats remaining, Carrie sat down next to the pitcher, whose name was Brian.

“Saw you at the ballfield today,” Brian said.

“Congratulations on your win,” Carrie offered.

He chuckled. “Thanks. Kind of saw what happened, and thought you could use a good time to take your mind off it. The drinks are on us all night, right guys?”

The men all voiced their agreement, and Carrie said, “Well, we can hardly pass that up.” She then took a drink of her Jagerbomb.

To her surprise, that good time manifested itself quickly. The guys were animated, funny, quick with compliments, and at least acted as if they were listening when she talked. After a second drink, she was even more relaxed.

Tracy made it almost an hour before she suggested a bathroom break. The three girls headed for the restroom. As soon as they were inside, Tracy asked, “Are you two okay if I get out of here with Marlon?”

“I’m ready to get out of here too,” Jamie said.

Both of her friends looked at Carrie.

“Go ahead. It’s all good.”

“Going to hook up?” Jamie asked.

The guys were all pretty hot, and Carrie had a good buzz going on. She shrugged and said, “Oh, maybe.”

“Maybe. Yeah, right. You’re getting some cock tonight,” Jamie teased.

Tracy cocked her hip and said, “I know I am. Let us know which one you hook up with?”

“We’ll see.”

Both her friends rolled their eyes. Then Tracy said, “Ready?”

Carrie nodded, and they all returned to the guys. Fresh drinks were waiting on them when they got back to the table. Tracy downed hers without sitting down, and then crooked a finger at Marlon. With that example set, Jamie did the same. She and Wesley left before the other couple had even reached the door.

“Don’t play around, do they?” Brian asked.

Carrie laughed and said, “Nope.” She’d been unconsciously leaning toward him from the moment he introduced himself. Between the drinks and knowing that her friends were going to get laid, she was seriously considering following Jamie and Tracy’s example with Brian.

“Check it,” one of the guys said, and nodded toward the door.

Carrie looked over and saw Gary at the same time he spotted her. She quickly looked away and muttered, “Great.”

“You want to get out of here?” Brian asked.

“Yes, please,” she answered, trying to keep her anger under control. She stood up, and the other guys began sliding out from the table.

Gary was staring at her with an unreadable expression. In a fit of pique, she slid her arm through Brian’s once he stood up. For good measure, she hooked arms with Pablo the first baseman as well. She and the seven men then walked toward the door.

Though she pointedly ignored Gary, the guys didn’t. One said, “What’s up.” Another sarcastically said, “Good game.” That set them all to laughing, and it continued all the way out the door.

Carrie glanced over her shoulder just as she stepped outside, and she could see Gary was absolutely livid. That brought a smile to her face. She had a flash of thought and acted on it before she could think better of it. She glanced at Brian and said, “Grab my ass.”

She didn’t have to ask twice. Not only did Brian give her a squeeze, but Pablo did too.

“Ah man, did you see that motherfucker?” The catcher Steve laughed.

“I know that was for him, but I liked it,” Brian said.

“I’m with him,” Pablo agreed.

“It wasn’t bad,” Carrie teased. The truth was that a chill had shot up her spine when they both grabbed her at the same time, and she was getting wet fast.

“I can do better,” Steve said.

“Me too,” arose a chorus from the other four.

“Chill,” Brian said as he guided her to turn on the sidewalk, still arm-in-arm with her. “So, you want to hit another bar?”

“I don’t know,” Carrie answered. Her phone buzzed in her purse, and she slipped her arm out of Brian’s to retrieve it. It was a call from Gary, of course. Feeling evil, she answered it.

“Are you serious right now?” he asked as soon as she brought the phone to her ear.

“Deadly serious, asshole. I haven’t decided which one I’m going to fuck yet. Maybe I’ll just fuck them all. Guess you lose to them again. Bye.”

Her brain caught up with her mouth as soon as she disconnected the call, and her face burned. Did I just say that?

“If you’re serious, we’re up for that,” Brian said. “We’re in the hotel at the end of the block.”

Carrie gasped when she saw the seriousness in Brian’s expression. He reached down to adjust his cock, and he wasn’t the only one. She’d never been with two guys before, and she’d just been offered seven.

“Just say the word, and we’re all yours. Or, tell us to fuck off. It’s cool. We’ll go back and make sure that asshole doesn’t come over here while you call a cab or something.”

It was a terrible idea. She knew that. Going into a hotel room with seven guys she’d just met was a recipe for disaster. The thought terrified her, but she couldn’t deny that her nipples were hardening and an ache was building between her legs.

Brian said, “Love to see how many times we could make you come.”

“I ... I...” Carrie stammered as she glanced around at the hot guys surrounding her. She’d always had a fantasy about being with two guys, and it had never failed to make her come hard when she masturbated to it. It could be real many times over if she said yes.

She swallowed hard and nodded.

Walking down the sidewalk in a surreal, almost out-of-body daze of arousal, Carrie was standing in front of a hotel door before she knew it. Brian unlocked it and entered, turning on the light. She followed him in, and could feel the press of the other men behind her, though none was touching her. She walked to the middle of the room and turned just as the last one entered.

Brian closed the door, gave her a hungry smile, and said, “It’s all up to you. You can say no and walk right out of here.” That said, he pulled his shirt over his head. “I hope you don’t, though.”

Carrie’s eyes darted from man to man as each followed Brian’s example. They moved toward the beds, purposely leaving her an open path to the door. One after another, they revealed muscular chests and six-pack abs. Shoes and socks came off, discarded wherever each man was standing. Then, jeans started sliding down.

Pablo’s boxers went down with his jeans, revealing a slightly above average cock, which was hard and bouncing with his heartbeat. The catcher Steve was next, and his cock was just as big. The rest came down near simultaneously. Some were average and some were bigger. Not a one of them was small.

The center fielder - whose name she couldn’t recall through her fog of arousal - proved true the stereotype of black men being hung, in at least his case. He easily had an inch and a half on the others - save one. Brian’s was a match in length, and looked even thicker.

All seven men sat down on the beds - most slowly stroking their cocks. Carrie breathed heavily, on the verge of running toward the door, but with her pussy aching.

“All yours, if you want,” Brian said, and wiggled the impressive erection in his hand at her.

Even she wasn’t sure what she was going to do when she took the first step forward. When she reached the space between the two beds, excitement and need won out over caution, and she climbed into the bed where Brian waited. He sat up, slipped a hand behind her head, and pulled her into a kiss.

Carrie moaned as he kissed her hard, and hands caressed every accessible inch of her body simultaneously in a well-coordinated team effort. When she and Brian broke from the kiss, she found herself awash in a sea of muscular bodies and hard cocks. She didn’t protest in the slightest when Brian unhooked the top button of her pink top. Instead, she went to work from the bottom.

Because she was braless, her breasts were bared in seconds. Her nipples ached from being so hard, matching the ache between her legs. Someone slid down the zipper on the back of her skirt, and she let Brian guide her to lie down.

“Hell yeah. Look at them tits.”

“Get that pussy out.”

“Gonna make you come until you can’t see straight.”

Carrie didn’t have the presence of mind to even identify who was talking. She lifted her bottom when someone pulled on her skirt, and again when Brian pulled down her panties. They joined the scattered clothing surrounding the bed, leaving her nude, save for her top, which nobody had removed.

A big cock moved in until it was nearly touching her cheek. At the same time, hands squeezed and caressed her breasts from both sides. She grasped the center fielder’s huge, dark organ, pulled it down straight, and wrapped her lips around it. She’d barely sucked the head in when two fingers slid into her saturated pussy. She moaned around the cock in her mouth.

“Fuck yeah. She’s got a hot little mouth.”

“And a tight pussy.”

Carrie sucked, not even able to get halfway down on the long shaft, and felt a flash of disappointment when he pulled away after only a couple of minutes. One of the other players stepped forward, and she filled her mouth with his stiff cock.

They all took a turn, letting her sample each erection for a minute or two. Mouths replaced some of the hands, sucking her nipples and licking her pussy. Brian was the first to go down on her, and he was so enthusiastic that she had to concentrate hard to keep sucking Pablo’s cock. As soon as Brian lifted his face from between her legs, Steve moved in. Brian walked over and took his turn in her mouth.

Again, she couldn’t take even half of Brian’s cock. It stretched her lips, making her jaw ache, and confirmed her initial estimation of its girth. The thought of it in her pussy made her back arch, and Steve amplified that by sucking her clit.

Every guy had his own technique, and they were all good. She went from Steve aggressively sucking her clit to another player tickling it with the tip of his tongue. Long laps, quick wiggles, and enthusiastic sucks were making it more difficult by the second to concentrate on the cock in her mouth.

By the time the rotation of manflesh ended with the right fielder - who she thought was named Jake - she was on the verge of coming on Pablo’s tongue. The electric tingles in her clit were joined by a warm itch in her depths. Her toes were even curling. She whimpered in frustration around the cock in her mouth when Pablo stopped just short of getting her off. She let the erection slip from between her lips to beg for relief, and saw one of the guys kneeling in front of her with cock in hand.

“Oh god - yes,” she cried out as he took aim.

Carrie squealed as he buried his cock to the hilt in her soaked pussy.

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The Red Convertible

With times being as tough as they are, I was looking for a way to supplement my income with some extra cash, even if that meant getting a part time job. I had to find some way to crawl out from under some of my bills. I wasn't married, there was no other source for a second income. Then the perfect opportunity fell right in my lap when my buddy who owned a gas station found himself in a bind and needed some help. I started working evenings at his gas station after I got off from by day job. I...

3 years ago
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The Loyalty GeneChapter 18

Jason pulled a chair out from the kitchen table and plopped down. “Heck, Mom, I don’t even know where to begin.” “You can begin by sitting up straight. I’ve seen damp washcloths with better posture.” “Ah, Mom,” he protested. “Give me a break,” but he sat up straight and put both feet on the floor. How old was he again? Mom nodded her approval. “Much better. Now, how did all this start?” “Stephanie’s mom called the other day and told me what really happened...” Telling the tale took...

1 year ago
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How I became a Slave to a Shemale

Hey readers, This is Karan, back with another . I am sure that you guys will love it. I lost my asshole virginity to a shemale I met at a massage parlour. She took me to her place and fucked the wits out of me. So let me give you my brief intro again. I am 5 foot 10 inches tall, have a fluffy personality, and have a dark complexion, but attractive. I have a tool of 6 inches, and I am a pansexual from Hyderabad. I am shemale lover and would have sex with shemales only. I am flexible with both...

3 years ago
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The Gunny and LenoreChapter 11

12:30 Wednesday, August 14th, 1991 Baker and Brown Capital 601 California St, Ste 1201 San Francisco, CA 94110 The suit fit as well as his best uniforms ever did, though the seamstress wasn't the Gunny's customary Filipino woman. The Gunny snorted to himself, as he rode up the richly appointed elevator. Thank God Lenore washed the Beemer, I'd have hated to park the pickup in a garage as nice as this one. The Gunny laughed to himself, there was more than a little truth to the sarcasm,...

3 years ago
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Sibling MagusChapter 7

The School of Architecture building is one of the primary buildings on campus. It houses many classrooms as well as work rooms where the students in advanced classes build models for projects. In the main hall of the building, they were holding the ceremony. I eased my way in while one of the heads of the school gave his speech. “ ... five and a half years ago, and tonight, we add the final piece to this epic compilation of hard work, dedication, and simple determination. This model not only...

1 year ago
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My New Master

My New Master By Erica Wright Draft 1 Feb 20, 2008 Draft 2 March 20, 2008 Draft 3 May 20, 2008 Draft 4 August 22, 2008 Draft 5 Final July 30, 2009 I got the inspiration from this story while sitting in the restroom of a Denny's restaurant. I'm not sure why, but over the last year or so, the faintest whiff of male urine makes me horny, and by horny I don't mean a little, I mean, "Fuck! I want a rock-hard cock up my ass NOW!" So there I was in this Denny's restaurant and a little...

3 years ago
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LilyChapter 3

Lily woke to find that Rich's seed was still sticky between her cheeks, and that Rich had buried his face into her bosom at some point during the night. She felt his breath on her chest, his hand on her hip, and his hard-on pressing against her thigh. Rich woke to find that something was moving under the sheets, and that his cock was in something wet, and warm. He subtly shifted his leg, not wanting to let her know that he was awake, and he watched the figure bob up and down underneath the...

1 year ago
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GingerPatch Alexa Nova Study Session

Sexy Alexa Nova is definitely freaky, and word of her antics is getting around to the boys at school. But when our stud finds out that she sucked his best buddy’s cock during a study session, he barely believes it. To find out if the rumors are true, he and his pal head to her place to brush up on some academia. Much to our stud’s surprise, Alexa climbs under the table and sucks his cock just like his friend said she would! Soon, they move the action to the bed and spitroast the horny ginger...

3 years ago
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Perfect Mommy II

"This is good Mommy." I told her. She stopped eating just long enough to reply. "Thank you sweetie." and she went back to eating. "Really, really good Mommy." I said with a moan, and wrapped my legs around her head, holding her tight to me. "I'm going to cum for you Mommy... here it comes Mommy...Ohhhh Mommy I'm cumming..." and my orgasm that was building in my clit, ripped through me, exploding in my head. As I unwrapped my legs, freeing Mommy, she looked up at me. "You should...

1 year ago
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Delta OriginalChapter 1 Going to Tychy

Sean and Lee were having their first real argument, and it was a dozy. Sean was adamant that Lee was not going to Tychy. Lee was equally adamant that she would be on that ship doing her job, just as he would be. The fact she was pregnant was irrelevant as far as Lee was concerned. They only planned to be gone for ten weeks. Sparky was also having an argument with Ross. She was adamant she was going with Sean and Lee. In Ross’s instance, he probably had more of a case because Sparky was due...

2 years ago
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DreamweaverChapter 18 Moving On

Allison was already awake beside me, she kissed my shoulder and whispered, "Go run, then take me somewhere we can talk." I ran a quick two miles just to wake up. Mom and Dad were both up when I got back so we invited them to come with us to IHOP for breakfast. Allison and I went to the park on the way back so we could talk. I was hoping Rebecca could get us that information so we could go over the house for bugs soon. We'd already checked all the spots Rebecca had suggested for video, but...

2 years ago
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Answering my first personal ad

This was the first photo I saw of Steve on his man seeking man, personals profile page. I can’t tell you how many times tI looked at it, stared at it! For months I had been on the fence about answering an ad. I so wanted to experience being with a man but for so many reasons, I just had not done it yet. But my goodness, Steve was beautiful. I mean, look at that cock!So many nights I dreamed of it. So many times I had masturbated, wondering what it would be like. Wondering what a cock would...

3 years ago
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Brian Guess WhatChapter 3

The next afternoon, Lyssa knocks on my door and asks, "Need any help with anything this afternoon? Any muscles that need relaxing?" "Oh, you're cute. Well, maybe we could help relax each other and get rid of the day's stresses." I get up from my bed and start unbuttoning my sister's blouse as she pulls up my tee. Then she reaches behind and her bra falls off her arms to the floor. "Mmm, those beautiful breasts, again. God, they're perfect, so pretty. I love your nipples," and I...

4 years ago
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It was all about the hands

We were laying contentedly in each others arms, emotionally and sexually exhausted, when she dropped her unwelcome bombshell. “I don’t know how to say this Rob, I’ve being trying to for a while, but we are going to have to stop all this- and I mean a clean break from today.”“What…why?” I exclaimed, automatically hugging her beautiful warm body even closer to mine. My mind was racing, wondering what had prompted this devastating revelation. Had I done something wrong? Was she bored or fed up...

Love Stories
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The Ballad of Annie Greene Part 4

A Lipstick in His Pocket by Peggy Sue The next boy who picked me up wasn't so good a lay. His cock was short and fat, better made for sucking than for fucking, but his hands and mouth were talented, so we got along. Things got interested when I found out that Doug had a lipstick in his pocket. I wrote down the brand name and type and was off to see Pierre. I wanted him to find the right shades for me in that exact kind of lipstick. Pierre was more than equal to the job. He added...

4 years ago
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Unknown Amir Aunty Ko Diya Sukh

You can call me hunter mail id aur mai ahmedabad ka rehne wala hun agar koi lady gal ya aunty ko mei company chaiye ho to can mail me too to yeh incident tabka hai jab mai ek raat sg highway Ahmadabad par ek raat aise hi tehel raha tha to maine dekha waha kafi cars ake mere age slow hojati and koi mirror se jhank k chala jati.To mai wahi khada hogya and achanak se ek black sedan car mere age ake khadi hogyi. By the way I forgot to tell I look.Handsome as I height of 6ft fair skin and muscular...

1 year ago
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DaughterSwap Kendall Woods Riley King Trade Twins To Forgive Sins

Kendall Woods & Riley King have their father?s worried sick. They have been out all day and have not checked in. These two hot black girls are going to be in a lot of trouble soon! Their two dads have gotten together and are waiting for them to return home. They are both fuming and once they verify that their daughters are okay, they are both going to get punished! Finally, the two girls get home and both dads go crazy on them. Upon being told they were grounded, the two of them start...

4 years ago
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Paper MatchesChapter 2

Bill got home slightly before his wife that afternoon, and the first thing he did was to put the matches back in the bathroom on the shelf where they had been. Until he thought more about this he didn't want Linda to realize that he was interested in her paper matches. That evening they went out for supper at the Alibi Club, and had a good time together. Linda was even interested in having a drink in the attached lounge after their meal, and they spent an hour and a half there, getting up...

2 years ago
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Judo The Gentle Way

Light forced itself behind my eyelids as I woke up with a groan. My head ached and my mouth tasted as if it was a stale ashtray. Reaching out to my side, I found the bed was empty. Vague memories of a floozy blond I had picked up in a bar came back to me. I swung my legs out of bed and went to splash water on my face. The image that stared back at me from the mirror looked like hell. “Well, another day in paradise,” I thought to myself. Two years … It had been two years since my wife, my...

Love Stories
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Fucking Me Fucking Her

I worked late tonight, knowing that I would be coming home to an empty bed. I checked my cell phone again to see if you left me a message. Nothing. It has been a whole two days. Nothing, until a couple of hours later, after I had a little dinner, showered, and got into bed. My cell phone, at long last, uttered a sound. Finally, a sign of life, a text. Hi, Sweetheart. I want you to cum for me tonight by phone . I smiled and almost said out loud “YAY, phone sex!!” I want you to put on my...

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Strange RelationshipsChapter 51 Things that Happen Between the Planned Entertainment

Rob and Mary entered Gino's Greasy Spoon, followed closely by Dwayne and Louise. Rob stopped in the main aisle and looked around, muttering, "Can't do the back booths -- they've got a rep, now. Besides, they're a zoo..." Sure enough, there were a number of even younger couples fooling around back there, obviously intent upon living up to the recent local legends. Rob negotiated briefly with the waitress and the two couples ended up in an off-side booth along the window -- highly...

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Milwaukee Cuckold and a friend

Milwaukee Cuckold and a family FriendJudy and I have had a cuckold relationship for over 20 years. One of her sisters and her best friend knew but none of our other personal acquaintances knew what sort of life we really led.She threatened to tell friends and family members all of the time but never did. I came home from work one Friday and I see the dinner table set for 3 people. Judy walked in the room then and she was wearing one of her really short skirts and her top was done for maximum...

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Miss Beatty Pt 2

Lauren had been ill at ease since her encounter with Miss Beatty. Five days had past since she was spanked and fucked on her teacher's desk. She trembled with lust at every thought of it. She had to sit through Liz Beatty's class twice since her experience, and that had proven to be very difficult. She couldn't keep her eyes off of the young teaches ass and her mind was a clutter of thoughts. Lauren's pussy poured out her juice and soaked her panties for nearly the entire 40 minutes of BOTH...

3 years ago
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I Big Banged the Theory P3 The Penny Conclusion

CREATED BY BIGHORNYCOCK123"Okay! Okay." replied Amy Farrah Fowler standing naked in the middle of the apartment."Well, as you know the boys are away at another comic convention" she then said."Yes, like they often are! But that doesn't explain why you and Bernadette are naked in my living room, with a strange guy!" retorted Penny sternly."Look. What do you want us to say?" retorted Bernadette back, as she climbed off my spent dick and stepped down onto the floor, standing as naked as Amy was,...

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Just A Dream I Had

Just a dream I had the other day…I was standing naked in the middle of a stage in a big theatre. The theatre is mostly empty and there is no audience. I remember feeling somewhat cold and a bit awkward. But any sense of awkwardness was not because I felt self-conscious of my nakedness or afraid or ashamed, but mostly because somehow I felt like I didn’t belong among the people there. Spread across the stage, there were seven or eight guys, seemingly stage workers, walking up and down...

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How Did We Even Get Here Chapter 4

Normally, Bill wouldn’t mind the peace and quiet of the drive home, but the stagnancy was overwhelming. Dreary classical music whispered over the radio set and Frankie remained slumped, only looking down or through the window. When he asked about Dante again, still no response was offered, so he played along and allowed the silence to hang. After they parked and entered the house, only when the door closed did Frankie speak again.“Hey, Bill,” she said meekly, “Um, can we talk for a bit?”“Sure,...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 6 SamanthaChapter 25 A Partnership

October 5, 1992, Chicago, Illinois “Hi, Tiger! I missed you!” “Hi, Babe!” We hugged and kissed more than we normally did when we met at the ER after her shift, then she hugged and kissed Kara, and the three of us started our walk home. “How was San Francisco?” Jessica asked. “Good. The User Group meeting went very well, I saw my old boss and professor, Scott Bannerman, and Bethany and I had a lot of time to talk.” “If all you did with her is talk, I’m not sure I want to go back to the...

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