moms dirty megazine
- 3 years ago
- 38
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By Mike Escondido (as told to and recorded by Tony Reeno)
Chapter 1: The Seductive ShowoffThis is a story that some of you may find engaging, while others will want to ignore. It deals with an erotic bond that developed between my mother and me. Be aware that you know that before proceeding. Moreover, be advised that the story is not about full-blown sex. If anything this is just a reminiscence that is laced with eroticism and exhibitionism more than explosive sex between parent and offspring.
My mother had me when she was in her mid-twenties, which means that by the time I was five or six, she was in her very early thirties. I mention this because I think it was at this time that she began to question the power of her sexuality - her capacity to attract and lure the attention of men. Don't get me wrong. My mother and father were happily married, but upon reflection - and from the stories that my mother eventually related to me - it seems that their marriage was in flux at the time, moving from a period when the passion was running high in their relationship to a more sedate cooling off period. There was still love and still the occasional round of sex, but that, I believe, was one of the problems: the sex moved from a nightly or even twice daily activity, to three times a week romping sessions, to a once a weekend fun time. I think my father was more than content with this pattern (he worked increasingly long hours as an investment consultant and had his hands full by his own choosing, raking money in). My mother, on the other hand, had given up her secretary job when I was born and since money wasn't too great an issue (mind you, we weren't rich, but we were comfortable enough with Dad's earnings to allow mother the option of staying home), had elected to stay home and become a housewife. This left her with more time to build up her erotic hunger - but no one to satiate it.
She tried hard, though. Mother was a beautiful woman. She stood about five feet seven inches and had a curvy, hourglass figure that was most popular in the 60s. She wasn't fat - not by a stretch — but she was generously full in all the right places. Her hair was strawberry blonde and her most distinguishing facial features were her slightly upturned pixie nose, the dusting of very light freckles across its bridge and underneath her green eyes, and her puffy, bee-stung lips that seemed to contradict the delicate nose.
My mother used to bathe me as a kid. I remember these times very affectionately as fun "wet play" as she used to call them. Let me mention that nothing remotely sexual took places during Mother's bathing sessions. She simply let me play with my various aquatic toys and floats and supervised for a while until she decided that "wet play" was over and then she gave me a good scrubbing. Afterward, she would dry me and help me with my clothes.
At about the time that I was five or six, I started expressing a desire to bathe myself. Mom expressed some reservations and continued to supervise me, but once she saw that I had the hang of it, she let me take care of my own needs.
Life at home was gradually progressing to that stagnating stage during this time (again, I learned all this later. As a five-year-old, I wouldn't have begun to notice what was and what wasn't going on in my parents' bedroom. My biggest crisis was making sure that I secured the tube to watch Lost in Space, Time Tunnel or some other sci-fi 60s TV show.
I did notice, though, that my mother began to dress more revealingly in the evenings. My family (there were just the three of us) was not prone to overt exposure of the body. I don't think that Mom and Dad were prudes, but we weren't a household in which nudity was the rule. Even light clothing was kept respectable. Shorts and shirts or halters were worn at all times. At night, if you were to change into your nightclothes, you put on a robe.
That changed the summer that my mother started to feel my father's absences. I remember watching a TV program with my father the night that mom casually sauntered into the living room wearing a light and sheer nighty that came down to about mid-thigh. I remember, even as a kid, being unable to wrest my eyes from her bronze legs and the sinewy shadows that teased me beneath the think blue fabric of the gown.
"Forget your robe, Lisa?" my father asked.
"It's hot tonight. Isn't it?" Said my mother,
Dad laughed. "I'll say it is."
I remember lying on my stomach before the television and feeling a stirring in my loins. My little member definitely responded to my scantily clad mother.
Mother and Father disappeared for a time and then returned. This time, my mother wore her usual robe.
It became a game with them - actually, more with her than him. She tried to lure him away with various glimpses of her scantily clad body. Sometimes he responded, but as the months wore on (and this is hard to believe, since it was driving me crazy), Dad chose the tube over a trip to the bedroom.
He started working later and later, too, and many were the nights that I wouldn't see him before I was sent to my room to go to sleep. But this isn't a "woe is me because I was deprived of affection" story. Dad did his best, I'm certain, given his ambitious nature and the fact that he was trying to raise a family, pay off the mortgage and make enough to keep Mom at home so that she could care for me, etc. And there were plenty of weekend outings when I did see him.
But the truth of the matter is that I saw more of my mother - a lot more. And as time went on, I not only spent more time in her presence than in my father's, I also got to literally see more of my mother's body. You see, after awhile, Mom's erotic nighttime wardrobe carried over even into the nights that my father wasn't coming home until late. This wasn't an every-night affair, but it became pretty frequent. Short baby-doll nighties became the rule - powder blue, pink and yellow; most were extremely transparent. And there was no sign of a robe on these nights. Upon reflection, I know now exactly what was going on then. I honestly don't think that Mom was trying to seduce me, but she did start to enjoy showing her body off to me. I think that you could probably label her behavior a kind of covert incest. It was subtle. It seemed, for all intents and purposes, quite innocent; but it was most definitely sensuous activity: erotically charged for me, as a young boy (I was about seven by the time that Mom started exhibiting herself to me in this fashion) and more so for her. My mother was using me - her personal at-home audience - to get a sexual thrill that she used as a precursor to explosive masturbation sessions.
Mom favored her baby-doll nightgowns, most of which came down to just below her buttocks, but I discovered, as the night shows continued, that her wardrobe was extensive and her gowns, varied. Some were cut just above the knee. Others came down to about mid-thigh. The best and the ones that gave me the most thrills were those that barely covered her voluptuous hips and ass, and that actually let me glimpse the lower, half-moons of her butt cheeks about every third step or so that she took. All her nighties were thin and it was clear that she didn't wear underwear beneath them. I remember her strolling casually into the living room at night. A lot of times, she'd nudge me with her foot and play tickle games with me as I lay on the floor. Her feet were very pretty and her toenails were always polished, usually a bright red or a very deep burgundy.
And speaking of that particular color, Mom loved her wine at night. I think it made her a little less inhibited. She had a glass or two with dinner and nursed another couple of glasses throughout the night. Some would probably call three or four glasses a night excessive and I guess it was, but it was the sixties and everyone seemed to do more than their share of imbibing. That's not an excuse, just a rationalization.
There were also the nights when my mother exceeded her usual alcohol intake and three or four glasses of wine became about five. On these nights, Mother didn't get nasty or bitter. She got cuddly and she'd have me nuzzle up against her. I was, to be sure, living with a perpetual erection in the evenings. I wasn't sure what to do about it yet, but I knew that this feeling in my body was truly amazing and I didn't want it to stop, ever. Mom would squeeze me to her chest between the commercials and take long pulls of her wine glass and give me sloppy kisses. I remember feeling the intense warmth of her body and the soft full breasts pushing against my young chest and arms.
Her dress got sloppy too. Her nightgown straps would slip off her shoulders sometimes, especially if we got involved in a tickle fight.
Chapter 2: Total ExposureThe first time I saw my mother completely naked was during the summer of my eleventh year. I had just turned eleven, actually, at the beginning of summer vacation. I wonder if that gave Mom a kind of go-ahead signal. Maybe it did and maybe it didn't. All I know is that one afternoon, while racing down the hall to my bedroom in order to retrieve another stack of comic books. I passed by the open door of my parents' bedroom and something in the gloomy interior caught my eye. I slowed down, stopped, found myself standing at the open door. My mother must have known that I was in the house. I'd seen her shortly before lunch and I hadn't announced that I was going out to play or to a friend's house. Yet she hadn't bothered to shut her door before trying on her new dress. She stood in the center of her bedroom - stark naked.
"Oh, Mike!" she said, sounding surprised. "I thought you were at Joey's." Joey was my good friend, but he was away at camp for three weeks.
I stood stunned and drank in Mother's beauty: her bronze skin, her large and heavy breasts with their round and darker nipples, her hour-glass figure that resembled countless buxom cheesecake calendar models of days gone by. Her pubic mound was covered by dark hair but when she moved her legs in a certain way, I could see through the hair and her thick nether-lips were quickly displayed. In short, my mother was stunning and making no fast move to cover her nude body from her son's astonished gaze.
Mother stood brazenly - almost defiantly -- before me. Just when I thought she was going to ignore the incredibly surreal nature of the situation, she made mention of it. "I guess I should say run along or maybe I should grab my robe or something, but you've already seen me, so what the heck."
With that comment, she started walking toward me! I felt my face flush all shades of crimson even before Mom came up and patted my cheek.
Mom bent down low and gave my cheeks a one-handed squeeze, then planted a sloppy kiss on my nose. I could smell wine on her breath and then spotted a half-filled glass on her nightstand. Even as a young kid, I understood that my mother was being overly immodest because she'd started drinking earlier than she usually did and the alcohol helped loosen her inhibitions.
"Besides, you'll always be Mama's baby, right?"
"Give it a rest, Mom!" I protested.
She laughed, turned and headed to the queen-sized bed where her new dress lay draped. As she walked away from me, I stared as her round and generous ass-cheeks clenched tight, then moved up and down with each step she took.
"I sure hope this thing fits," she said. She bent over to retrieve the dress and now her ass was on complete display. "I think I've been porking out a bit in all the wrong places." She cupped her right buttock with one hand and gave it a squeeze and a pat.
"What do you think, baby?"
"Moooom! I think you look fine, I guess." I thought a lot more, but it was all I could get out.
Mother laughed and blew me a kiss. "You're a sweetie."
With that, she fitted the dress over her head and brought it down, then walked back to me. "Zip me, baby."
I did conscious of the inverted triangle of tanned skin between each side of the dress. I was painfully erect by now and I could literally feel my heart throbbing in my chest and both temples.
Mom moved over to her full-length, oval shaped mirror in the corner of the bedroom, turned around and placed a hand on her hip.
"What'd'ya think?"
I drank her in and watched the toes of her left foot dig into the carpet.
"You're beautiful, Mom!"
She laughed some more, came over and this time gave my cheek a kiss and told me to run along.
Chapter 3: BathtimeMy mother's displays grew from there. It became common practice for her to wait until I got home from school before she took her bath. And she always seemed to take baths when I was around, more than showers. The first time that Mom displayed herself to me in a way that involved her daily bathroom activities was when she called me in on the pretext of asking me about my day in school. I tried to answer her questions from the hallway but she kept telling me that she couldn't hear me through the door.
"Crack the door open, Sweetheart."
I did as she told me and I got a partial view into the bathroom. From my vantage point, I could hear her more than see her splashing about, but I did get a couple of fine glimpses of her legs.
Things escalated from there. A couple of afternoons later, Mom called out to me from the bathroom. Once again, I went to stand by the closed door. She complained that she forgot her towel and asked me to get her one from the closet in the hallway. Once I did, I knocked at the door and she said to come in. I stuck my hand and the towel through the door, but Mother laughed at me and told me to quit fooling around and bring her the towel. What could I do? I did as I was told. I walked into the bathroom and the reward was instantaneous.
Mom was sitting in the tub. No soapy TV or movie suds in this water. It was pretty clear. She was soaping up a washcloth as she splashed about.
"Just set it on the counter, there, Baby. And sit on the toilet so we can talk for awhile."
I was too busy feeling shock course through my body and mingling with adolescent arousal to bolt. So I did what she suggested and admired the gentle sway of her pendulous breasts, the beautiful curves of her arms and stomach leading to her thick darkness below.
I can't even tell you what we talked about that first day. I honestly don't remember. It might have been school. It might have been TV shows or the weather or vacation-planning. The sights were too good to really drink in anything but Mom. As she rose from the tub, she carefully dried off, padding her body more than drying it. When she did her back, she turned around and I took in the sight of her gorgeous rear end. Her buttocks were quite large but they seemed to anchor her voluptuous frame in a manner most appropriate. When Mom stepped out of the tub and went to hang her used towel on the rack, I watched the way those flesh globes quivered with each step she took. I memorized the way the dark curvy creases formed first under one cheek and then the other as she moved about and I stared and tried hard to penetrate the darker and deeper cleft between her generous flesh globes.
That was the first time that I was invited to join my mother in the bathroom. That day launched a routine in our afternoon activities. The very next day, and just about every day after that (as long as Dad wasn't home), Mom would invite me to come into the bathroom with her to "chit-chat and catch up" while she bathed. I would be only too happy to oblige.
I was, quite frankly, in awe of my mother's beauty and her erotic displays. Today I know that she seemed intent on putting on a longer and longer show for me. How? By increasing the time she spent in the nude in my presence. About a week into our new routine, Mom started to invite me into her bedroom even before she got to the bathroom. We would start our talking there as Mother slowly stripped what little she was wearing and placed her clothing in her clothes hamper. Then, with my mother already stark naked, we would walk into the large private bathroom adjacent to her bedroom. Then my naked mother would sit on the toilet and pee. I remember the extremely casual pattern of her behavior, her movements. She'd be sitting there, her pretty feet arched and on tiptoe, her legs wide apart and I could see the stream shooting out from between her legs and hear it hissing its way into the bowl. Throughout this display (and it was a full-fledged display, more for her erotic benefit than mine, I'm certain of that now), my mom would keep up a steady stream of conversation as though sitting nude and pissing in front of a young son was the most typical of family behavior. She would cut off a long piece of toilet paper, wipe herself and then, on most occasions, bend over the tub and start running the water, her gorgeous ass practically thrust in my face.
I say that this was her normal pattern on most occasions, because there were other times when she would decide to remove her nail polish before bathing. Maybe because I was now in a constant state of arousal during these sessions, but I never once questioned her behavior. Much later, I wondered if it was really necessary to remove her toenail polish immediately before a bath. Moreover, even if it was, why did Mother feel compelled to strip her clothes and remove the polish while in the nude? Of course, I didn't think about these things then. I was too enraptured with the non-stop nude show.
And what a show: totally naked, Mom would squat low and retrieve her polish remover and cotton balls from underneath the sink and close the toilet lid. Then, still as naked as the day she was born, her legs slightly parted and the toes of her feet planted firmly on either side of the commode, she would proceed to work on her fingernails. A host of questions would come flying out of her - about school, homework, dinner possibilities, TV that night, the latest episode of a show we had both watched, etc. The conversation never ceased and now and again, Mom would glance my way and smile. For the most part though, she kept her eyes averted and fixed on her clipping and buffing fingernail activities. This afforded me ample opportunity to ogle her exposed pendulous breasts sagging this way and that as her fingers worked over her, her gorgeous curvy torso and her attractive vagina with its thick lips playing peek-a-boo games beneath her trim bush.
When she was done with her fingernails, my mother would then sit on the floor, on the bathmat, bend her legs at the knees and reach around them and between them and, using cotton balls and pungent polish remover, proceed to wipe the polish off her toenails. I still think this is astonishing behavior on her part, sitting there naked and open-legged. I remember her thick outer pussy lips literally growing more engorged and puffing open (I know now that her engorged sex was evidence that her own displays were arousing to her). Her inner lips looked slick and wet. Once, I came dangerously close to erupting in my pants when she casually reached down and fondled the hair above her vagina and said, "What do you think? Does Mommy need a trim?"
I'm sure I blushed all shades of the red. Mom laughed, reached out her hand and waved her fingers at me, which meant she wanted to be hoisted up. I did so and she gave me a quick hug — her first nude hug - and still laughing, said, "You're so much fun to tease, Mike!"
I'm glad she thought so because it only enhanced the show. Many times Mom decided to paint her nails before bathing, which meant an even longer session. And it wasn't just painting the nails that took time. It was waiting for them to dry. She would sit and wiggle her pretty round toes and her hands and dry them out. Then, finally, she would get in the tub and proceed to give herself a thorough scrubbing.
And there were those occasions when Mother did proceed to shave her legs. It was a long and slow process, full of sensuous movements. She would bathe herself thoroughly and then she would sit on the side of the tub and extend one leg across the side and lather it up, then the other. Then my mother would stand up and bend over at the waist. She always made certain to point her buttocks in my direction as she bent over and spread her legs slightly, with one pretty foot atop the side of the tub, as she traced the razor over her calf and onto her thigh, higher up, leaving a trail of tanned flesh exposed on either side of her white creamed leg. The process would continue until the cream and her excess hair were gone.
One afternoon, Mom grabbed some scissors before heading into the tub and snipped them at me, once and twice.
"I've joked about it before, but this time it's for real, Mike."
"What's that, Mom?"
"I'm going to give myself more than a shave. I'm going to go bald!"
Laughing, she snipped all of the hair off her vagina until it was shadowy stubble of growth. This she shaved after her bath, spreading herself wide open with one hand and looking up and grinning and laughing softly as she gave herself an extremely close shave.
But why, mom?"
"Some folks don't like hair on their body and I'm one of them," she said.
It was just past 6 am when the front door woke me up. As I stirred awake I figured it was Mom getting the newspaper, I pulled on some gym shorts and headed to the bathroom for my morning piss. Not always an easy thing with 17 yr old morning wood. As I stood there trying to piss I remembered I hadn't seen Mom last night. She was having dinner with a real estate client after work and she wasn't home by the time I crashed out. After my piss I was headed back to my room to get some more sleep...
Note : This story is completely fictional! My last telling of the exploits between mom and I was the story of how it all started when I was about 18. Now this story happened many years later. I’m now 40 yrs old, married, and have three pre-teen kids. mom and dad retired early and moved from Southern California to Arizona. Mom is 56 and dad a year older. My mother is only 18 years older than I am. The kids were almost hysterical with joy when they heard grandpa and grandma would be here this...
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Incest,I said well mom last night well, it kind of scared me, she giggled and said honey it’s ok I’ll show you what you will want and need to know about sex, and she laid back in the tub and since there were no more bubbles she was exposed and she unplugs the drain and now is sitting with no water and says ok see my hair here and points at her bush, and says feel it but carefully, man I was shaking in excitement sitting a foot away from moms pussy and she wants me to feel it, oh gawd, so I...
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It all started when I was 16, i was home alone all day and decided to venture around moms bedroom, it was then I found her sexy outfits and dildo under the bed, this was the stuff if hope to find, I've always thought mom was a very attractive lady being blonde , a size 8/10 and natural FF boobs, after I found this I couldn't helpBut fantasise about fucking my mom.Years went by and I got into watching mom and son porn, it was then I realised I needed to try and set up a plan, so I read through...
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100% fiction! My name is Mike and I live with my mom. She is 60, widowed, cute, sexy and as slutty as it gets. She's 5 ft. tall, weighs about 120 lbs. with old style cat eye glasses, short gray hair, decent figure with big boobs and a nice bubble butt. Dad was very religous and controlled mine and moms live's. She had to dress very conservatively and couldn't wear makeup or be to outgoing. When dad died four years ago, mom went off the deep end. She quit the church, started dressing way to...
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Note : This story is completely fictonal! Bright Sunday morning and someone is knocking early. My wife Angie and I are sleeping in after a the previous evening. It be mom, looking as sharp and effervescent as ever in dress, designer heels and pearl earrings. Angie staggers thru the house in my long tshirt and tight nylon panties, "who is it?" It be Mom, she wants to hang curtains for us. "Shit, why isn't she home fucking with someone else today?" She obviously misses me with her and Dad now...
IncestShe pulled into the drive, and headed for the door. As she walked to the door, she looked good. I knew where I got my looks from. I smiled. I hope I look that good at 42, I thought to myself, as she walked into the house. Hi honey, she said as she hugged and kissed me. Coffee is ready, lets sit and catch up, I told her. Where is the great white hunter? she asked, while laughing. She has never really liked Tom. Where do you think, he is in the woods with his buddies, I answered her....
This is the story of my mom getting banged hard inside bus by driver and conductor Hi this is raji and am 22 years old and am from kerala.My dad works in a bank in banglore and my mom name is velamma and she is 38 years old.My mom is a house wife she is malayali women.She is so fair,long haired,pink lips,good assets.Her figures are 36-34-44 and her boobs are so huge in size and are round for her age.she wears saree chudithar and nightie at home.Dad never bothers her he is a workaholic and money...
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Note : This story is completely fictional! I'm Rekkaa and just graduated high school and haven't quite made up my mind what I want to do for a job. It was a rainy day and I was coming out of my room and as I passed room I couldn't help but notice through opened dads bedroom door mom had just emerged from her shower and was standing there nude with a towel in her hand. She hadn't noticed me and as I stood there looking at moms body. I was hard and wanted to cum soI went for a shower and jacked...
IncestAfter watching my mom being ganging on New Years I thought about getting some of my friends together for some fun with her. So last Sunday I invited my mom over to watch some football with my friends and me. Now my friends knew about what I wanted to do but my mom didn't because I wasn't sure if she would do it. S o when Sunday came my friends and I were watching tv when my mom got to the house. She came down stairs in a white tight blouse and a black spandex pants on One of my friends Jason...
As I mentioned in my previous story, Beryl and I became regular fuck partners after the first encounter and I regularly dropped in to see her and Mom, on nearly every occasion I ended up fucking her or at least squirting her with my spunk. Mom always joined in but I couldn?bring myself to fuck her. This lead to an interesting situation one night. Beryl and Mom held regular Bridge nights with 2 or 3 of their friends, Ann who was divorced, early 50?and had a nice tight ass, Barbara who was...
Moms property 2 This is another installment to understand the events you should read Cumming at the poker game and Moms property. Your comments please. Joann sat Sunday waiting for her husband to get up, he had gotten in late and she was letting him sleep. That and the fact she needed to talk to Juan about this property thing. Her son Jim had stayed in bed too so she was totally alone in the kitchen. She called Juans number, he answered on the second ring. Hi babes how are you? Well there are...
My name is Zen and this is my real story of an erotic encounter with my friend’s mom. I saw her for the first time and fell in love with her. It was 4 years back when my other friends and I used to meet at night time for playing cards. We used to sit on a bench near four-way, discuss cricket, tease each other by their girlfriend’s name and many other things. One night, one of my friends introduced us to Harry. Harry was a few years younger to us. As there was no boy of his age in the locality....
Extra Marital AffairMom's footslaveI just turned 18 My mother is a very beautiful woman. She is 5'5", shoulder length brown hair, pretty fair sized breasts, a nice firm round bottom, and her best feature lovely toned legs and pretty feet and toes. My Dad died when I was very young, so I live alone with my mother. She works as a officer in a bank so she is always dressed very smartly for work. Her outfits consist of mainly form fitting expensive suit skirts..the skirts are usually very short, only a few inches...
sanju_s93Hi friends myself sanjay i am here with an imaginary story hope you would like continuing to the story..My name is Paul. I am 20 year old and I am from a remote village in Kerala. All people in my village including my parents believe in all sorts of superstitions followed in the village. They follow everything that the leader says. For the past 6 months or so my father who was a manager in a plantation had become a drunkard. He used to beat up my mother accusing her to have...
My name is Paul. I am 18 years old and I am from a remote village in Kerala. All people in my village including my parents believe in all sorts of superstitions followed in the village. They follow everything that the leader says. For the past 6 months or so my father who was a manager in a plantation had become a drunkard. He used to beat up my mother accusing her to have extra marital affairs with his friend. My mother was very sad about his behaviour. She repeatedly said that he was wrong....
IncestMom's Mistake Chapter 2 Upon returning home after thoroughly destroying mom's body and half ofher mind at the cabin, there was a new pecking order and she was at the bottom.This position made everyone, including her, very happy for a brief time.Unfortunately "living happily ever after" came to a halt within days. Honey andI fucked up a storm at my place. The first few days back couldn't have beenbetter as far as she and I were concerned. Tits however began to get on ournerves...
I couldn't wait to get home from school today because last night I found for the first time the thrills of discovering internet porn. All day I was thinking about looking at all those sexy mature dames the night before and how they made me so hard. By the time three thirty came around I knew I was only a few minutes closer to mature heaven. I walked through the front door and headed straight to my room for a good jack off session, but to my surprise my mom was on her way to her own little...
The week after Jerome,Travis and myself watched their dad's and uncles fuck my mom, I ran into them at the mall, I asked them if they had found out anything about who Tyrone was, Jerome said he heard his dad calling someone the night before and then said Tyrone, this is Charles how ya been? Jerome picked up phone in his room and listened to them, Charles told him Millie wants another party in a couple weeks, said Harold, Billy and myself will bring her to where ever you have it, then he said...
Moms Horny Pills r My mom Megan, felt she was not performing in bed very well. She didnt get dad, who was way older, turned on anymore. She didnt want dad to stray to another woman so she went to the Doctor. This was a new Doctor, and he was a young guy which she felt may be better suited for her problem. She told him she wanted to turn her husband on and be hotter in bed for him. Mom had a killer hot body. She had beautiful smooth skin, big tits, perfect hips and legs. This Doctor saw...
Honey, Whow`s it going in here, my mom said as she slowly opened the door. Just getting started mom, I said as I was slowly pulling my monster. God Baby!, Your such a big boy. Can mommy watch you? Sure mom, Is it alright if I suck on your panties? Hoping she would`nt mind. I was hoping you would baby. With that, she sat down in a chair at the foot of my bed. She pulled her robe open and crossed her legs. I could see her entire tanned leg right up to her waist. But my eyes were focused on...
The next morning found Karen getting bent forward and pounded from behind from her husband as she was getting ready for the day in the bathroom. John had just heard most of yesterdays story and his response was obviously sexual. He bent Karen over and was plunging into her wet and open sex with no effort at holding back. His plan was to spurt his seed inside her as hard and fast as he could before heading off to work. As he was pumping his way towards his finish Karen was trying to tell him...
MomsTeachSex! In the words of the late great Dr. Sigmund Freud: “There’s no pussy like mom pussy”. Now I certainly wouldn’t give my mom a ride, but your mom? I’d fuck your mom like there’s no tomorrow, and so should you. Now if you’re gonna be a pussy about it and you’d rather keep fantasy from becoming reality, you can head over to They will hook you up with the hottest, horniest moms on the planet. Seriously, these moms are so fucking hot that they’ll have you thinking that...
Premium Incest Porn SitesMoms Sleep Mask Secrets …..I can no longer keep this to myself. Moms who find they can no longer resist the desire to be with their son sexually….this is for you. It may not work for you, but it sure the hell worked for me. I knew all the taboo stuff, but one event changed all that when my son was a young teen.…..I went out to our lawn shed in the back yard to get something, when I opened the door…there stood my son just as he was shooting cum as he jacked off. In a millisecond I didn’t close...
Leave it to me, the instigator, to get cold feet. It used to be Mary Ann who was always nervous about going too far; and I was nudging her along. But this time it was me. "Mom, what's wrong?" my son Robert said as he sat down next to me. "Sweetheart, I don't know," I replied. "I just..." "Is it something we did, Mom? I mean, Andy and me really wanted tonight to be special for you both." "Oh, Honey, no! No, not at all. You and Andy are ... I don't even have words for how...
I was a freshman in high school. I lived alone with my very sexy and extremely slutty mother who had been divorced since I was 3. Mom worked for a local law office, so she always dressed the part, business suits with short skirts, pantyhose ( vintage seamed or RHT nylon stockings on Fridays, which is another story in itself). My mom is the classic foot tease, always dangling her stiletto ( 5" minimum heel hight) and giving those men around her big hard ons to deal with. This story took...
This story picks up where MOM IS GETTING FUCKED suddenly stopped. A 40 ish man name John invited Mr Black, a friend from work, over to his house to meet his 69 year old Mother (Mama). John failed to tell his mom that company was cuming over that night. He knows his Mother very well and decided to surprise her. And what a surprise for her it has turned out to be.One minute Mother and Son are sharing a meal and the next Mom is stark ass naked with her pussy full of her son best friends huge cock....
Moms Choose Jif The day started off as every other day would, by having to hit the snooze a couple of times before getting out of bed. I was finally able to drag myself out of bed and started get ready for work. As I do every morning, I flipped on the local news channel. I usually don't really pay too much attention to it unless something catches my eye, maybe weather or traffic. Then came the commercial that changed my life. I remember sitting there on the edge of the bed. I...
HumorThe date was July 2, 1989, my mom and I were on our way to Myrtle Beach S.C. for vacation.I felt real good about the trip, knowing we would be away from Walt. Don’t get me wrong I liked Walt but didn’t like having a big black man having sex with my mom. The trip went well, made it through Columbia with no troubles. The traffic in Conway was surprisingly light. We finally arrived at the condo my mom had rented. It was a one bedroom, one bath condo on the third floor. My mom slept in the bedroom...
One day, I came home from school and just had to jack myself. Now I should tell you that my cock is a very good size. Even at that age. I was about nine inches and I learned how to keep myself totaly shaved. And when i jerk, I produce huge gobs of precum. I can fill a shot glass in no time. And I can edge for hours before I shoot. And when I do, Huge strings of rope cum all over. So I just shot a huge load and I ended up falling asleep. I woke to my moms voice saying "Joey ,are you home?" I...
Beryl had worked with Mom for about 20 years, together they had gone through lots of good times and some real bad times, both had lost husbands, Beryl had lost 2 but they always seemed to be having a good time. I had often looked at Beryl and wondered what she would be like, she was quite tall 5’ 10”, a nice womanly figure not hourglass but everything was exactly where it should be, and set off by a wonderful pair of 38C breasts, which I had gazed at many times, just wondering what they would...
Billy Thomas had to beg and plead with his mother to give him and his friends permission to use their garage for his band to practice. She finally gave in and for two hours a day she had to listen to Billy and his three friends jam out hard rock hair band songs. The other guys were really happy Billy was able to convince his mother to let them practice there, one she was always really cool about it and the other she was hot. Christine Thomas, mother of two, 37 years old, she was in very good...
Back again, after reading in journal about the conference mom and Patty were repeatedly fucked and fed cocks to suck there was a calender gap of a couple weeks, I assume while Moms cunt, ass and jaws healed and got over soreness. There were no party's during that time in our rec room either, Jerome and Travis were at a loss too told me their dad's weren't talking about mom anymore, John next door wasn't coming over and at time we thought it was done, that mom had been used and abused at...
“YOU WHAT?” Scott’s mouth dropped open as he turned upon his friend. If he didn’t feel stupid already, Lenny certainly did now. “Well, she really wanted to go so I said I’d take it up with the other guys.” “I don’t fuckin’ believe it!” Scott yelled. “You fuckin’ moron!” “Hey, take it easy. I’ll tell her she can’t come.” “Fat lot of good that will do.” “Tommy and Erik can’t go so their Moms won’t want to either.” “Yeah, and that means their kayaks are free too, pee brain, so your Mom will...
Introduction: Brad gets morning sex, more information about his parents past sexlives than he bargained for and a new fantasy Note: If you want sex right away, read on! if you want a huge backstory first, read part 1: the story only named moms friends. — Brad woke up first with the biggest morning wood ever. He thought he had a wet dream, until he saw Amber lying naked in his arms, holding one of his hands cupped over her own breast. His member instantly went from wood to steel hard. He pushed...
I woke to the sound of Ann puttering in the kitchen. Andrew was fast asleep. He might fuck like a man, but he still slept like a teenager. I knew I needed to talk to Ann. I put on a short robe and found her wearing skin tight shorts and a sports bra, ready for her morning jog. "Morning sleepy head. I was wondering when I'd see you. Wanna go for a run?"That sounded like a good idea. It would clear my head and be an opportunity to chat. I got my shorts, bra, and tee-shirt from my gym bag and...
Moms Submissive side #2 Cindy was standing in the kitchen as her husband Alex walked in, Hi honey I missed you. She smiled at him and continued fussing with the dishes, I missed you too Alex its good to have you home. Im going to take a shower, change and be down in a few minutes ok? Sounds like a plan babe. Alex headed for the stairs, Cindys mind was on the 10cock which had been fucking her pussy while Jasons cock was stuffed deep in her ass Friday night. The feeling of both cocks pumping...
I was feeling stressed lately and experienced back pain. My husband normally remains on business trips and I had nothing much to do. So I had called for a masseur to come home and give me a good rub on my back and shoulders. When he showed up my eyes bugged out. It was a he and he was super built. Hot even. That led to a sensual erotic massage and anal sex with him. I let him in asked him to set up in the living room. I went in to get changed and came back in a towel. “Take it off,†he said....
AnalWhen I was growing up, I always felt different. Like I didn’t belong in this body. It may sound like a typical transgender discovery story, but it is not. I came from a very open family who would embrace every aspect of my personality. At age 7, when being a boy I wore my mom’s dress to a party and they applauded for my courage despite of attracting hatred from the rest of the family. To when I was beaten up in the college for my obnoxious dressing sense, by some men, who could accept...
ShemaleHello dudes this my real real story happened in life.i am cool and innocent looking guy just for people who look inner world is totally i am doing my degree.not able to forget those precious moments .this is my introduction. To tell about my mom.she is very fair,saree wearing all the time without bra or panty(no habit),little bit uncaring about her dress in home.her size is 36.she wears her saree below her belly button.all time it will be visible.totally she looks like hema...
IncestMoms a member, like it or not. You may want to read the first part of this story, Moms joined like it or not. It will put some perceptive of the events. Donna was making coffee when eric her son cam in the kitchen, hi mom hi hon, want breakfast? Think Ill have cereal. He got a bowl and sat down. Donna got her coffee and sat down when the phone rang. Hello, Donald whats up? Your kidding right? Well when will you be home, ok I understand call me when your leaving tomorrow. Donalds call was to...
Well i have a huge fetish for panties ....full blown panty freak lol...i wear them and jack off wit them and of course cum in them ...i sleep in them sumtimes to ...i got a huge stash 55 pairs ..they r from friends moms , pairs iv bought or stole , my aunts , step sister and her friends, .....and my fav my moms sweet sweet panties mom has so many silky pairs they r so colorful and stylish iv taken si many pairs she literly has the cotton and lace left overs i dont mom has...
Today was the 30th of October, one day before Halloween. People had dressed in costumes around college as it was friday and they wanted to celebrate a little early. Walking down the halls I've seen outfits that normally shouldn't be sexy but with todays imagination and creativeness anything can be sexy. From a college girl wearing a skin tight cat costume to my college teacher wearing a nun outfit that outlined her perfect curves. Im not sure if it was because I have a high sex drive but...
At first I was a little worried that our evening was going to fizzle into a dud. Even though our boys had set out a nice dinner and all, they still didn't really know how to be at the table with their moms without acting like teenage boys ... because of course, that's what they are. They paid more attention to each other than they did to us. They were used to that kind of interaction. The moms talk with one another while the boys act goofy. Thankfully when we were done with dinner things...
It all took place in november 1987 just after a hurricane hit the uk.I had just turned thirty and had a dog then (don't worry its not about the dog) we used to go for early morning walks over the downs and through the woods.On this occasion it was about 7.00 am and we set off through the woods,there were many trees toppled over exposing there huge roots. As we walked amongst them I thought how quiet and peaceful it was after the violent storm.I looked around it was very secluded and there was...
Introduction: A young girls story of forbiden Love My CAW8 Entry MOMS SECOND HUSBAND. By Hardrive. One night we were all sitting around talking about inappropriate sexual encounters wed had in the past, when Mollie jumped up and volunteered to tell us her story. She said it happened several years ago and involved a man named Howard Trevor, her mothers second husband and the man that had been her step-father for about two years. Mollie began by telling us that at that time she was no...
“So here we are again, but this time it’s a lot more serious,” I found myself saying. Sat in front of me was Liam Brown and Alfie Slate, Liam is the son of Kate and Tom Brown. Tom is an MP and one of the elected Councillors in our city, Kate is a housewife who does voluntary work with a few local charities. Both are well respected in the community and lead a very privileged life. Alfie is the son of Emma and Graham Slate, Graham is the local Pastor, Emma is also a housewife and helps with the...