Cockaigne free porn video

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'It's certainly no Cockaigne here.' I said about our small city.

John looked at me quizzically, then, with raised eyebrows, at the two girls before commenting. 'Hello! He's swallowed another page of the dictionary. Pray tell what a Cockaigne is.' He pronounced it as "Cock-cane" instead of the correct "Kah-Kane".

'An imaginary land of ease and luxury, somewhere similar to Utopia.' I explained before adding with a laugh, 'but as it sounds perfect then it must be mythical.'

John nodded and grinned, 'and I thought it was a splint for old men like you who can't get it up.'

The two girls burst out laughing. Kelly looked closely at me gauging my reaction. I laughed too, after all, I was well used to John's derogatory references to my age. We both worked for the same company although in different departments, he was in IT whilst I ran the Sales department. We'd talked many times about our mutual love of football but earlier this year we'd both decided to splash out and to go and support England at Euro 2004 in Portugal. Our two weeks there had cemented a friendship that I expected to last a lifetime, even though at twenty-six and exactly half my age, he was just a kid. 'The Kid' and 'The BOF' were what we regularly called each other, 'BOF' being short for 'Boring Old Fart'.

John was a tall, prematurely balding man who felt a lot more at ease with machines than he ever did with people, probably why he ended up talking to computers all day. Since Portugal I had come to recognise him as a really nice, genuine bloke, who because of his innate shyness was normally very difficult to get to know. When you did, as I had, it proved well worth the effort, as he had a great sense of humour and the intelligence to use it to good effect. Unsurprisingly, his introversion coupled with his lack of hair meant he was not very good with new people, especially those of the feminine gender; hence the reason for this little get together.

He had looked a few times at Vicky, who he was meeting for the first time, but, not surprisingly, had not said anything directly to her. Vicky herself had hardly said a word, to John or anyone. It was a good job that we weren't trying to set these two up. Of course, John was not to know that yet. I think he assumed that was our intention because she'd arrived with Kelly.

What could be said about Kelly?

Well for start, she was the vibrant bundle of energy whom I'd met a few months previous and had been in my life since. She was 32 but looked a decade younger and acted two. Looks wise, she was dark-skinned, had dark brown eyes, fabulous hair, thick, long and jet-black; she was petite, slim and way too active to ever gain even an ounce of fat. She was also a sexual demon and I secretly feared that I was getting too old to handle the typhoon that flew into my bed every night.

We had, in fact, agreed to split up as a couple, earlier that week. We both accepted that our brief but passionate affair had run its course. We knew that we would remain close friends but no longer lovers. She had tried her 'older man' and I had basked in her reflected glory. Sexually, it had been enlightening for each of us.

I had mentioned, jokingly, that she would have to watch out for 'The Kid', who fancied her like hell. When she asked how I knew, as she hadn't spotted any sign, I explained that she wouldn't would she and after a moment's thought she agreed. I then added, that he'd said a few times that he couldn't understand how I, at my advanced age, could pull a young stunner like Kelly. He'd asked if I could teach him just enough of my salesman's "Gift of the Gab" to win a similar beauty. We both knew, and were equally sorry, that that was never going to happen.

Being with me virtually every night, Kelly was one of the few women who had had the chance to see the real John, and unsurprisingly liked what she saw. I also knew that for her, personality mattered a lot more than looks, it must, after all, she had been with me, a man twenty odd years older than her and unfortunately past his prime.

She then surprised me by admitting that going out with John might be fun. Even though we had agreed to part, I still couldn't help feeling a slight twinge of jealousy. Then I laughed at myself, remembering the old adage "The King is dead! Long live the King".

As no one else knew that we'd split, Kelly had thought that it would be great fun for me to formally hand her over to John, which is what the whole evening was about. Neither of us thought, for one minute, that John would refuse my offer.

Why Kelly had brought Vicky along I had no idea. She hadn't mentioned it when we were planning the evening, but it was so typical of Kelly to spring a surprise on me too. Whatever the reason I assumed it would become apparent soon enough.

I hadn't met Vicky before either, so being the dirty old man that I am, I had looked her over pretty well, even when Kelly caught my eye and mouthed a firm 'No!' Vicky looked in her early twenties and had a sadness about her. Like Kelly she was slim but was quite tall, towering over the other girl. 5'9" I'd guess and very attractive, which, for me, was a nice bonus, as our plan required Kelly to spend most of the time flirting with John. This originally left me as the gooseberry, but talking to Vicky was a much more pleasant task, even though task it was, as I had to work hard to get any response. In fact her laugh at John's definition was the first smile I'd seen from her.

Kelly dropped her bombshell with her usual superb timing. John was just taking a sip from his pint, full of course, when she looked at him and said. 'Well Kid, I'm fed up with old codgers, I need a young man to keep me warm. Are you up to it?'

John nearly choked on his pint and Vicky looked shocked enough for me to guess that for whatever reason she was here, she hadn't been made aware of our little plot. I tried to look sufficiently amazed. John, to his credit, recovered quickly, making the obvious, but wrong, conclusion that it was a joke.

'About time you come to your senses.' He said smiling at me, 'and ditched that BOF.'

Before he could add any more, Kelly leaned across and gave him a long and judging by the bulge in his trousers, passionate kiss. As she let him go she too saw his all too obvious arousal. She laughed and said to Vicky and me. 'Well! I see he is up for it after all.'

Then she looked down as his erection and with a look of pure innocence, asked John one of the most embarrassing questions I've ever heard. 'And you want to put that where?'

I didn't look. I was too busy laughing, but I'm certain that his erection shrank as the blood from there and everywhere else rapidly rushed to his face.

Vicky, who still had no idea what was going, had not been able to see the effect of her friend's kiss but quickly cottoned on. She too burst out laughing at both Kelly's question and John's reaction. Something however was troubling her as the laughter, although genuine, subsided too quickly. It did leave behind a smile. It was that smile that captivated me. It lit up her face, but also jogged a memory that I kept buried deep within, one that no current friends were aware of but one that I would never forget.

It was time for my scene. I leaned back in my chair, looked from Kelly to John and said to him. 'Well if that's how the little tart's going to act then she's all yours John. I wash my hands of her.'

Kelly, trying hard to suppress a laugh at my ham acting, took 'The Kid' by the hand and dragged the dazed man out of the pub. I could tell by his face that he still wasn't certain if it was all a prank, especially as I was involved.

That was the last we saw of them that night. A few minutes after they left, with Vicky still staring in bewilderment at the door, my mobile rang. Kelly!

'I'm sorry to dump Vicky on you, but she needs help and I can't think of anyone better suited.' Her voice then changed to its usual jovial one when she added, 'and now I have a toy boy to attend to. Byyyeeee!'

I hadn't had chance to utter a word before Kelly had hung up.

'Kelly?' Vicky enquired perceptively.

I nodded.

'Is she coming back then?' Vicky asked.

When I shook my head, her expression changed. 'You mean that was for real. She just dumped you like that and for your friend as well.' It was easy to see that Vicky had been taken in by our little playacting.

'Yup! Looks that way.' I said trying to sound morose.

'How could she. She's not normally like that.' She cried indignantly.

The jest had been planned for John, not Vicky, so I decided to explain.

'Now that IS like Kelly.' She said after hearing the full story.

'Poor John!' we both said almost simultaneously before laughing at our timing.

After a few minutes of mundane conversation I asked her what was the cause of her obvious anxiety. She tried to pretend that nothing was up but I gradually drew her story from her.

Her boyfriend had regularly beaten her and earlier that day she'd finally had enough and walked out. She knew that he would try to find her and force her back home, as he'd done each other time she'd left him, so she'd headed somewhere he'd never think to look. Her mother came from Stoke and Vicky had been born here. When her father had left her mum desolate they'd ended up renting a room above Mr. Patel's shop. By Mr. Patel I knew she meant Kelly's father. Although Kelly was nine years older than Vicky the two girls had become close and stayed in touch over the years. She'd known what Vicky had been going through and it was she who had insisted that Vicky come here to escape.

During our conversation I couldn't help but notice and admire Vicky's physical attributes. Her hair was blonde, straight and worn shoulder length. Her bright blue eyes echoed her soul, there was an emptiness about them when she described the bad bits but they sparkled at happier memories. What I remember most was the few fleeting smiles she threw my way.

I asked her where she was staying and was told, despondently that she did not know. She had assumed it would be with Kelly but now she was not certain. Her story also explained the pretty full holdall that she'd brought with her.

'No problem!' I told her picking up her bag, 'you'll stay with me.'

I'd expected that I'd need to explain but Vicky just meekly nodded and followed me out. I was suddenly angry, she was looking and acting like the victim her boyfriend had made her, resigned to take whatever shit came her way.

'Vicky!' I said, the tone of my voice making her stop and look at me. 'I have four bedrooms. When I said you will stay with me, I meant in my house, with your own room.' The gloom lifted slightly.

'I assumed that you meant we'd sleep together.' She whispered.

'I know. I could see it in the way you acted, that's why I explained.'

'Sorry! I thought Kelly had set me up, but I should know her better. What do you want from me then?'

I shook my head. I didn't know who she was used to being with but they were certainly the wrong crowd for her. I wondered how this gorgeous young woman had had all her self-confidence drained from her. John was shy but he was not weak so it wasn't that. I knew of many abused women, and a few men, but still failed to understand why they put up with it. I remember one young woman telling me, 'it's the only way he shows he loves me.' The mind boggles. Now I set myself the task of helping Vicky regain her self-esteem.

'I want nothing from you.' Trying first to put her at her ease. I then tried a compliment. 'I must admit that you are a very attractive young woman but when I share my bed it is always with someone who wants to be there, not someone who is just prepared to be there. I know it's a subtle difference but to me it's a very important one. Plus, ' I added with a grin, 'I'm going to need at least a week to recover from Kelly!'

This last bit brought the smile back, if only momentary. That made my mind up for me. 'Actually Vicky, there is something I want from you.' Before she had chance to frown and to think, "I knew it" I finished, 'and that is your fabulous smile.'

And I got it too.

When we got back to my place I showed her two connecting rooms and told her that they were hers for as long as she required. As there was no en-suite in either of the rooms I did jokingly stress that I'd prefer not to have a heart attack by bumping into a sexy naked young woman on the landing. She smiled again, this time letting it linger.

Downstairs we talked some more about any plans she had, which turned out to be very limited, actually just the one, to let her mother know where she was. It appeared that she blamed herself for her father leaving when she was young; the lack of confidence was only around men and stemmed from that belief. Her mother had stressed that it was ninety percent his fault, ten percent her fault and zero percent Vicky's. I told her that I agreed with the zero bit, but could not comment about the rest. I was pleasantly surprised when first she came and sat by me for a cuddle and secondly that I felt nothing sexual about having my arms around her, it was as if I was cuddling a young child. We talked a bit about me before she declared how tired she was. She smiled her heart-lifting smile, kissed me on the cheek and quietly thanked me, before turning in for the night.

Later I lay on my large, king size bed, turning over in my mind the day's events. Our set-up of John had gone great, but it was Vicky who troubled me. She needed someone to appreciate her, someone to lavish time and attention on her dwindling ego. But! Was that person me? In the past I'd have jumped at the challenge but now I didn't think so. Kelly had turned out too young for me and Vicky was younger still. These were new feelings for me, for a quarter of a century, lust had ruled, ok with my own moral rules attached, but still the flesh came first.

With Vicky it was different, lust was there, but it was not the controlling emotion, but I was not quite sure what was. I just had to admit that there was something about her that appealed at a level I couldn't quite fathom.

As soon as I'd seen her smile I knew the memories would return. They weren't as strong or as frequent these days but regularly were the thoughts I went to sleep with. It was that smile, only this time it was not on Vicky but on another young woman, Angela. Angela Clarke, my first and only real love.

Twenty-five years ago this summer, I'd been out of work for the first time in my life, but with enough money to last so I'd decided to have three months off before looking for something else.

I went swimming one Saturday afternoon and there she was, sitting on the side of the pool, her lovely long legs just stirring the water. Her hair was short and dyed blonde, Annie Lennox style. Odd, I thought then and now, I usually hate short hair on women but on Angela it looked great. She was, I soon found out, celebrating her twentieth birthday with some girlfriends. Her black one-piece suit showed her slim body off to perfection; with her friends fawning around her she seemed like a princess holding court. I couldn't keep my eyes off her.

For the first time in my life I felt nervous about a woman, not that she'd even noticed me. I wanted her; it was initially just pure physical lust. Although I recognised that desire for what it was I couldn't work out just why it was so magnetic or even why her. Her hair was not to my taste, yes, she was pretty, but no more than that; she had a great body, but so did many others in the pool; so why her? As I pondered this, a friend whispered something in her ear and I had my answer. It was of course, her smile. I was mesmerised by it. I swam towards her, trying to think of an excuse to talk to her when fate intervened and it was taken out of my hands. A young boy, who later turned out to be her younger brother, pushed her into the water and by doing so earned my eternal thanks. Swimming as I was towards her, she landed right in front of me, splashing my face and forcing me to put my hands out to stop her colliding with me. Unintentionally my hands went straight to her breasts and stayed there for the seconds it took for both of us to realise where they were. Fortunately she was aware that it had not been deliberate and smiled, sucking my breathe from me.

'If you must cop a feel, at least wait until we've been introduced.' She said.

'I'm sorry.' I said feeling myself blush. 'I'm David, by the way.'

'Angela!' she replied, then remembering her opening words added still maintaining her beam, 'and no that doesn't mean you can have another feel.'

'Damn!' I exclaimed, 'Thought my luck had changed.' I said throwing her my best smile, a pale imitation of her own.

'I suppose a romantic meal for two is out of the question then?' I said on the spur of the moment.

This offer seemed to throw her as she didn't come back straightaway with a rejoinder. In fact before she could answer another feminine voice cried. 'Oh Angela! You must accept, what a perfect way to end your birthday.'

It was only then that I realised that we had a little audience, all of whom were egging their friend to accept my offer.

I was looking into the most wonderful hazel eyes I've ever seen, even to this day, my own eyes almost pleading.

Then a rush of blood flushed her face and chest and she said in an almost timid voice, 'OK then.'

A big cheer went up around her. We talked for a too brief moment, agreed when and where to meet that evening, but that was about all we had chance for. She was perpetually in demand.

I watched her from afar, winning the odd smile, but didn't speak again, partly because of her entourage but more from my fear of a change of mind on her part. When she finally left the pool, I watched her walk up the stairs to the changing rooms, her firm buttocks only half hidden by her bathing suit. My mind went back to our first contact and the thought of my hands on her small but very firm young breasts. I had an erection that took a lot of swimming before it had subsided enough for me to leave the pool.

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Time to go. The lot. Everybody. Stat. McCock used his PDA to make the broadcast message. Everyone back to Geneva. Acknowledge recall. R1 down into n space and dispatch the assault shuttles to the Geneva Mansion. Lock the Mansion down and pack up the belongings McCock and his expanded party returned to the Royal Scotchman where an international shuttle organised by Sally awaited. A quick scatter to collect belongings and then to the roof pad and shuttle. McCock noted that his ladies...

4 years ago
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My First Sexual Experience

I would like to narrate how I succeed in fulfilling my lust for my neighbor aunty Raji at the age of 18.Now I am 34 years old. At that time we used to stay in departmental quarters wherein 4 flats are together and we used to mingle with each and every family members of our neighbors. About Raji aunty, she is very fair, heavy with attractive flossy look, full size breasts and buttocks, deep naval and rosy lips. Her husband is govt employer and they had 3 c***dren altogether. That particular day...

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New Years Party FavorsChapter 7

Evidently, Father Jason arrived at the same time as Leopold and Cliff, neither of whom could stay away for too long. The middle-aged priest couldn’t help but notice the assless chaps worn by Dale. Earl was likely to take a good while to meet up with us, due to having to work that day. Leopold and Cliff would be delayed by grabbing the pizza from the local pizzeria (which didn’t deliver, it was small enough). We focused on greeting Erin’s priest and favorite confessor, as well as Roger’s and...

1 year ago
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PTA Part 2

Note : This story is completely fictional! Harmon Brubaker, having been awakened his alarm clock on schedule, knew what to do next. Robin Cawdor, the sultry schoolteacher he had met earlier that evening at the PTA meeting, was there waiting for him to fuck her hard. "Alright, remember, I am in charge. I am going to fuck you hard, and I'm gonna spank you as well. Think you can handle it?" "Yes!" "Good, so put your cute, naked ass over my lap so I can spank it hard." She gladly complied with his...

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Isabels Honeymoon

Note : This story is completely fictional! Isabel had finally decided to quit the force, retiring after 18 years on it. She was 36 now, and she wanted to get married and have children, with the man who had proven his worthiness- Ted. Isabel would have had kids out of wedlock if it had happened, but it had not, primarily because they were both on the force, and could not afford to let evidence of their "inappropriate fraternization" reach their superiors. They had therefore chosen to reduce the...

Group Sex
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family vacation 3rd night early 4th day

Sasha here again.I think the last attempt at telling this part of the story did not get posted.I must have been to involved with the person that was sitting next to me. Recalling this got my juices flowing and the dick that was nearby very hard.........As I mentioned we went to Mike and Kathy's for a good time water skiing, jet skiing and boating. Their two girls were waiting for us on the dock as well.Jackie is a living doll and Mandi is really so sexy, that it was at this point I knew that...

5 years ago
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Wrong To Right Ahmadabad

Hello, namskar dear friends..Mere naam vijay. Pehle me apna intro… Dedu, me ahmedabad me rehta hu job karta hu aur pg me rehta hu. Me dikhneme kafi handsome hu aur koibi ldy ya aunties ko afrin karsakta hu. Aur jada tara koi aunti aur ladki muje dekhti hai to mebi koi kasar nahi chhotdta hu. Me rang me white hu height5.10hai. Wht65kg fitness complete hai. Ab ate hai sidhi story pe me ahmedabad me rehta hu pg me aur job karta hu. Yaha bat kuch din pehle ki hai jab me job se aa rahatha to me...

4 years ago
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Only Son Becomes Moms Best Lover Part III

It is easy to accept as evolutionary natural that fathers fuck their daughters and older brothers fuck their younger sisters. Before the institution of marriage was well established and moral principles ingrained in our forefathers I am dead sure such incestuous relationships between fathers and daughters , and brothers and daughter were common. But to me this cannot explain sex between mothers and sons, especially younger sons. Or for that matter, thirty-two years old women teachers...

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Bait and Switch Ch 16

For some reason the two females seemed to get along just fine, despite being from different species, much less planets. I don't remember getting back to my mom's house, much less falling asleep. The front door slamming woke me up. I figured it was just mom finally getting home from up north, and I tried to roll over, but I ran into something. Or rather, someone. My eyes flashed open at the same time Summer's did, and we realized the predicament we were in. We were both still...

2 years ago
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BangBrosClips Janice Griffith Janice Fucks The Trainer

It’s another day at the gym for Janice Griffith. She needs a personal trainer because she doesn’t think she’s strong enough. Luckily, we know the perfect guy. Pressure introduces himself but Janice just isn’t convinced that he’s strong enough to train her. She asks him to do some push ups so she can test his strength. He does them effortlessly, and she decides to lay on his back while he continues. After that. she requests that he benchpresses her. She’s starting to get more impressed as he can...

3 years ago
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She was Naked

I was out to dinner with a very hot date. We had already been intimate so we knew each other quite well. At dinner some how the topic came to daring her to go to the wash room and take off her panties. She was wearing a short sun dress. She did it. Walking back to the table she handed me her panties.We were at our favorite restaurant. It was quite a popular place and given that it was Saturday evening, we were one of many tables for two lined up in a row not more than 2-3 feet apart. While that...

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Paradise Boarding School 8211 Part 9

Hello ISS readers. I am back with the next part of the story. Please do read the previous parts. My name is Aafi. I am from Bangalore. But I am working and living in Chennai. I am a 25-year-old Software Engineer. You can email me or hangout at . Let me continue from where I stopped last time. I entered my room. Anna was sitting on a chair near her table. Me: Hey! Anna: Oh hey! Me: What’s up? Anna: I was reading something. You? Me: Trying to find something to do. Anna: Hmmm. Me: Do you have...

3 years ago
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my adventuresagain

It seems a lot of good nawty things have happend to me over the years..this is another 100% true story...I was drinking in a normal everyday pub/ bar in london...when I met up with two friends..a couple.we had a few drinks and were just chatting when the husband said " its my round what will you have? . " A pint of bitter please,cheers". He then went off to the bar..I was just talking with his wife when out of the blue she said" excuse me dan but how long since you had sex?.I was superised and...

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Chance A Day in May Ch 11

The ride to the local airport the next morning was glum. Helen boarded at the airport in Wenatchee. It was a commuter flight servicing a number of small cities between Wenatchee and Boise. She would have stops in Yakima, Pasco, Walla Walla and Lewiston before arrival in Boise. With all the stops it would be mid-afternoon before she arrived home. With many promises and a chaste kiss for Duncan, Helen boarded. Duncan stood, a forlorn sight, watching until her plane was out of sight. Driving...

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Sally gets her promotion

Sally sucks and fucks her way to promotion.This is an account from just over a year ago when I put in for a promotion at work. I work in the health sector and my department is a male dominated environment. I had heard of girl’s giving the odd quick blowjob in a locked office to progress forward.My promotion was up while we where away on a training conference. Three nights in a Brighton hotel. What I had to do to gain promotion while there with my bosses was much more than just suck a cock…...

5 years ago
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Confession of a Seducer 01 Serenity

I always liked porn. If you asked me why I'm happy to live in the twenty-first century, that would be my answer.Porn.I love the different fantasies it can express, all crazier than each other. Of course, there will always be people screaming at, "the degradation of human dignity," but these guys don’t know what beauty is. A red and swollen pussy dripping with cum after a good fuck, a woman's face covered with semen, a cock drowned in tons of saliva during a hot and passionate blowjob. It's...

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Sexual Hunger Secret Desires

Sunlight danced across the baby blue carpet in April’s new condo. She had just finished moving in the day before. Finally after 10 years in a rotten marriage she was free to make her own decisions and do as she saw fit. It was a new beginning for her and she was excited. As she lay there in bed, thoughts of her past life skipped through her mind. She thought about what a tyrant her husband, Dave, had been. She was forced to dress as he liked. She wasn’t allowed to leave their home for more...

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AjaChapter 7

Dawn’s light roused Jason. He was lying on his back with Aja cuddled under his arm and her leg wrapped around his. He looked down and saw she was awake. “Morning, beautiful,” he said. “Did we sleep wrapped around each other all night?” “I woke up and was facing the other way. You were still on your back so I cuddled up against you.” Jason ran his hand along her back. “That feels nice.” “Let’s figure out what we’re going to do today. I think we should go shopping.” “Remember -- I don’t have...

1 year ago
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RV Sex with Friends

He got up to give it to her, but she said , “No, I’ll get it.” She was seated directly across from Chris as we were eating around the campfire. She put her plate down spreading legs as she pulled up her dress showing her whole snatch. She leaves her bush with hair, which I love, so it was quite a contrast to Ruth’s pussy. I thought she had made a mistake and would pull her dress down, but she didn’t, in fact she said nothing, but finally arose and walked over to Chris bending over and giving...

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253 Just a few precious months 6

253. Just a few precious months 6 We had a call from Milligan, he was involved with a complex case he couldn’t avoid and for him he was sorry, but June was out! we asked Could he come this weekend then? Yes, he could and would if we didn’t mind… thus it was that his big old Jag bumped over our cattle grid on the next Friday evening. Milligan, jumped out, an overweight, short old boy, who fitted behind the big oak desk in his office as though he was part of the scene. Here in the windswept...

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Sloppy tenths

My girlfriend lies on the floor surrounded by ten strangers. All are hard and ready to go. I can tell she knows what's coming and she's already wet. She's got such a naughty look on her face.One by one she starts sucking their cocks, working her way round. I'm watching on, stroking my cock. After a while she sits on one guy's cock while she sucks a couple more. After some time one of the guys cums deep inside her. I know she's loving the feeling of it inside her and wants more. By now I know...

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Am I Still A Virgin 8211 A Train Story

Hi friends, So far I missed this wonderful website.Recently I came to know regarding this website where my friend used to post his experiences. So I though of publishing mine as well. Not making u bored with bla bla.. I am Roshan,28 male living in Karnataka. As the story is happening live,.. I am not mentioning the real place name and all. I am basically from kerala deputed in Karnataka for some assignments. So I got posting in a remote , very remote place in Karnataka. I frequently used to...

4 years ago
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The Anniversary Reunion CH 2

What about Heather? My mind raced with thoughts of whether I should tell her what had just happened. What would I say when she went looking for her panties? How could I explain what happened; that I had gotten caught by Aunt Edna? How could I tell her that Edna forced herself on me? Would Heather believe me? I would soon find out. I had reached the back door and reaching into a cooler full of beer my hand was met by Heather’s. Startled, I looked up and said, “Oh, hi. You startled...

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Nephews panty fetish fuels great sex

This happened quite a few years ago but I thought it was a good story to share today in the light of what happened in our house the weekend just gone.It all began on a mid-week morning when on coming downstairs after getting dressed for work, my wife, Kath, confronted me holding a pair of bright red lacy panties.“Is this anything to do with you?” she asked.I had no idea what she was on about, the knickers were definitely hers so she couldn’t be thinking they belonged to another woman I might be...

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Freeuse Fantasy

NOTE: This story does have media, in fact almost every sex scene has a .gif for your pleasure. TIP: Head to the menu (orange symbol at the top right) and select the Start Game option, as this story has one solid storyline, but branches off some places and returns to the mains storyline which unlocks different things. A sudden voice shatters the tranquil noiselessness of the atmosphere, pulling you away from your deep sleep and back into consciousness. Looking around, you see that you're in...

2 years ago
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Scattered CrystalChapter 2 Cooling

Location Bloody Claw, Red Blade Territory Time Dusk 6500 hours Kin awoke to the sounds of flutes. He tumbled out of his hammock and pulled on a clean breechclout. With practiced economy he unslung the hammock, then collected and packed his gear, lugging it from the alcove to where Ka was stabled. The wagon trays were up on stilts, and the Greens were piping the shard crabs back underneath the trays. One by one the shard crabs straightened up underneath their trays, taking the weight off the...

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Phil8217s Friend 8211 Part VI

Woke up that morning like a zombie had a body bath, I had a rough day at office, due to lack of sleep and exertion was feeling tired my faced showed it, that when someone remarked saying you look unwell today, I took this opportunity and went home at 2pm. Laila seeing me with a surprised face smiled saying salam walekum and said you came early so now again hope you will not do in my back side, telling her that we hardly have another 24 hours and when he is around I cannot do her anus, so please...

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The ImamChapter 10

THE IMAM AND KHOZEM 18th of Safar 1436 (December 11, 2014) Mustafa could sense the heat of Arabia even before disembarking. The heat not only covered the landscape of scattered rocks and tan dust but also consumed the airplane as it sat idly at its gate. The sun shone intensely, and the dark faces imprinted on his recent memory were uprooted and replaced by tan faces in head gear and flowing garments. The men of Arabia seemed to float while walking, their legs unseen, their feet snug...

5 years ago
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The calls would be early tomorrow, because dad had to leave for a long meeting at Aronow & Associates and mother was committed to helping with a Make-A-Wish bake sale at nine. Anger filled the room. That was it; meeting over. My dad was screaming angry things I will never remember as my parents stormed out of the kitchen and up to their bedroom. I sat choking on a strange vomit that just rode in my throat. I could hardly breathe. I reached up under the remains of my blouse. I was hot in...

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BrownBunnies Simone Styles Stepsister Swallowing Cock

Is not every day that you get to fuck your step sister. The other day my step-sister calls me over to her room to give her a massage. I agreed thinking I would be able to control myself, but once I got close to that perfect booty I had to try and get some. She seemed to be into it so I started pushing the limit further and further. Next Thing I knew she was swelling my fucking cock. After that, I pounded her pussy all over her room. She loved every single inch of my dick. It all ended with a...

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Encounter with Monty

This isn't something I ever thought I'd write out, let alone let anyone else read, but it never really occurred to me that anyone would want to, or that there was anyone else like me. Hell, I didn't even know I was like this before Monty.I've been dog sitting for several months now just as a way to make a little extra money on the side. I've always loved dogs and it's nice to stay in other people's big fancy houses for a few nights, away from the real world. I'd housesat for this particular...

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AngelicaChapter 28 Dont Fight It

Thursday morning at school Mia was feeling more down than usual. She approached her locker with Carly at her side and Carly was at a loss because she didn't know how to make her best friend feel any better about everything that had happened over the last few weeks. Jenna Foster spotted Mia at her locker and led her friends in Mia's direction. "So Mia," Jenna sneered, "How is sex with your brother going? I can't believe your prostitute mom wants to bring Coach Bills down. Isn't there...

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The Den

There I was, in a shower, with a man I had just met minutes before, touching his veiny thick cock. It was growing in my hands and hardening. I stared down at it slowly, gently, pulling on it. It seemed to get bigger the longer I stared at it. The man was fondling my balls and trying to get me aroused but my tiny cock was intimidated by his large meat stick. "You can suck it now." The man said calmly. I got on my knees. I opened my mouth wide and wrapped my lips around it....Just days...

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