Cockaigne free porn video

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'It's certainly no Cockaigne here.' I said about our small city.

John looked at me quizzically, then, with raised eyebrows, at the two girls before commenting. 'Hello! He's swallowed another page of the dictionary. Pray tell what a Cockaigne is.' He pronounced it as "Cock-cane" instead of the correct "Kah-Kane".

'An imaginary land of ease and luxury, somewhere similar to Utopia.' I explained before adding with a laugh, 'but as it sounds perfect then it must be mythical.'

John nodded and grinned, 'and I thought it was a splint for old men like you who can't get it up.'

The two girls burst out laughing. Kelly looked closely at me gauging my reaction. I laughed too, after all, I was well used to John's derogatory references to my age. We both worked for the same company although in different departments, he was in IT whilst I ran the Sales department. We'd talked many times about our mutual love of football but earlier this year we'd both decided to splash out and to go and support England at Euro 2004 in Portugal. Our two weeks there had cemented a friendship that I expected to last a lifetime, even though at twenty-six and exactly half my age, he was just a kid. 'The Kid' and 'The BOF' were what we regularly called each other, 'BOF' being short for 'Boring Old Fart'.

John was a tall, prematurely balding man who felt a lot more at ease with machines than he ever did with people, probably why he ended up talking to computers all day. Since Portugal I had come to recognise him as a really nice, genuine bloke, who because of his innate shyness was normally very difficult to get to know. When you did, as I had, it proved well worth the effort, as he had a great sense of humour and the intelligence to use it to good effect. Unsurprisingly, his introversion coupled with his lack of hair meant he was not very good with new people, especially those of the feminine gender; hence the reason for this little get together.

He had looked a few times at Vicky, who he was meeting for the first time, but, not surprisingly, had not said anything directly to her. Vicky herself had hardly said a word, to John or anyone. It was a good job that we weren't trying to set these two up. Of course, John was not to know that yet. I think he assumed that was our intention because she'd arrived with Kelly.

What could be said about Kelly?

Well for start, she was the vibrant bundle of energy whom I'd met a few months previous and had been in my life since. She was 32 but looked a decade younger and acted two. Looks wise, she was dark-skinned, had dark brown eyes, fabulous hair, thick, long and jet-black; she was petite, slim and way too active to ever gain even an ounce of fat. She was also a sexual demon and I secretly feared that I was getting too old to handle the typhoon that flew into my bed every night.

We had, in fact, agreed to split up as a couple, earlier that week. We both accepted that our brief but passionate affair had run its course. We knew that we would remain close friends but no longer lovers. She had tried her 'older man' and I had basked in her reflected glory. Sexually, it had been enlightening for each of us.

I had mentioned, jokingly, that she would have to watch out for 'The Kid', who fancied her like hell. When she asked how I knew, as she hadn't spotted any sign, I explained that she wouldn't would she and after a moment's thought she agreed. I then added, that he'd said a few times that he couldn't understand how I, at my advanced age, could pull a young stunner like Kelly. He'd asked if I could teach him just enough of my salesman's "Gift of the Gab" to win a similar beauty. We both knew, and were equally sorry, that that was never going to happen.

Being with me virtually every night, Kelly was one of the few women who had had the chance to see the real John, and unsurprisingly liked what she saw. I also knew that for her, personality mattered a lot more than looks, it must, after all, she had been with me, a man twenty odd years older than her and unfortunately past his prime.

She then surprised me by admitting that going out with John might be fun. Even though we had agreed to part, I still couldn't help feeling a slight twinge of jealousy. Then I laughed at myself, remembering the old adage "The King is dead! Long live the King".

As no one else knew that we'd split, Kelly had thought that it would be great fun for me to formally hand her over to John, which is what the whole evening was about. Neither of us thought, for one minute, that John would refuse my offer.

Why Kelly had brought Vicky along I had no idea. She hadn't mentioned it when we were planning the evening, but it was so typical of Kelly to spring a surprise on me too. Whatever the reason I assumed it would become apparent soon enough.

I hadn't met Vicky before either, so being the dirty old man that I am, I had looked her over pretty well, even when Kelly caught my eye and mouthed a firm 'No!' Vicky looked in her early twenties and had a sadness about her. Like Kelly she was slim but was quite tall, towering over the other girl. 5'9" I'd guess and very attractive, which, for me, was a nice bonus, as our plan required Kelly to spend most of the time flirting with John. This originally left me as the gooseberry, but talking to Vicky was a much more pleasant task, even though task it was, as I had to work hard to get any response. In fact her laugh at John's definition was the first smile I'd seen from her.

Kelly dropped her bombshell with her usual superb timing. John was just taking a sip from his pint, full of course, when she looked at him and said. 'Well Kid, I'm fed up with old codgers, I need a young man to keep me warm. Are you up to it?'

John nearly choked on his pint and Vicky looked shocked enough for me to guess that for whatever reason she was here, she hadn't been made aware of our little plot. I tried to look sufficiently amazed. John, to his credit, recovered quickly, making the obvious, but wrong, conclusion that it was a joke.

'About time you come to your senses.' He said smiling at me, 'and ditched that BOF.'

Before he could add any more, Kelly leaned across and gave him a long and judging by the bulge in his trousers, passionate kiss. As she let him go she too saw his all too obvious arousal. She laughed and said to Vicky and me. 'Well! I see he is up for it after all.'

Then she looked down as his erection and with a look of pure innocence, asked John one of the most embarrassing questions I've ever heard. 'And you want to put that where?'

I didn't look. I was too busy laughing, but I'm certain that his erection shrank as the blood from there and everywhere else rapidly rushed to his face.

Vicky, who still had no idea what was going, had not been able to see the effect of her friend's kiss but quickly cottoned on. She too burst out laughing at both Kelly's question and John's reaction. Something however was troubling her as the laughter, although genuine, subsided too quickly. It did leave behind a smile. It was that smile that captivated me. It lit up her face, but also jogged a memory that I kept buried deep within, one that no current friends were aware of but one that I would never forget.

It was time for my scene. I leaned back in my chair, looked from Kelly to John and said to him. 'Well if that's how the little tart's going to act then she's all yours John. I wash my hands of her.'

Kelly, trying hard to suppress a laugh at my ham acting, took 'The Kid' by the hand and dragged the dazed man out of the pub. I could tell by his face that he still wasn't certain if it was all a prank, especially as I was involved.

That was the last we saw of them that night. A few minutes after they left, with Vicky still staring in bewilderment at the door, my mobile rang. Kelly!

'I'm sorry to dump Vicky on you, but she needs help and I can't think of anyone better suited.' Her voice then changed to its usual jovial one when she added, 'and now I have a toy boy to attend to. Byyyeeee!'

I hadn't had chance to utter a word before Kelly had hung up.

'Kelly?' Vicky enquired perceptively.

I nodded.

'Is she coming back then?' Vicky asked.

When I shook my head, her expression changed. 'You mean that was for real. She just dumped you like that and for your friend as well.' It was easy to see that Vicky had been taken in by our little playacting.

'Yup! Looks that way.' I said trying to sound morose.

'How could she. She's not normally like that.' She cried indignantly.

The jest had been planned for John, not Vicky, so I decided to explain.

'Now that IS like Kelly.' She said after hearing the full story.

'Poor John!' we both said almost simultaneously before laughing at our timing.

After a few minutes of mundane conversation I asked her what was the cause of her obvious anxiety. She tried to pretend that nothing was up but I gradually drew her story from her.

Her boyfriend had regularly beaten her and earlier that day she'd finally had enough and walked out. She knew that he would try to find her and force her back home, as he'd done each other time she'd left him, so she'd headed somewhere he'd never think to look. Her mother came from Stoke and Vicky had been born here. When her father had left her mum desolate they'd ended up renting a room above Mr. Patel's shop. By Mr. Patel I knew she meant Kelly's father. Although Kelly was nine years older than Vicky the two girls had become close and stayed in touch over the years. She'd known what Vicky had been going through and it was she who had insisted that Vicky come here to escape.

During our conversation I couldn't help but notice and admire Vicky's physical attributes. Her hair was blonde, straight and worn shoulder length. Her bright blue eyes echoed her soul, there was an emptiness about them when she described the bad bits but they sparkled at happier memories. What I remember most was the few fleeting smiles she threw my way.

I asked her where she was staying and was told, despondently that she did not know. She had assumed it would be with Kelly but now she was not certain. Her story also explained the pretty full holdall that she'd brought with her.

'No problem!' I told her picking up her bag, 'you'll stay with me.'

I'd expected that I'd need to explain but Vicky just meekly nodded and followed me out. I was suddenly angry, she was looking and acting like the victim her boyfriend had made her, resigned to take whatever shit came her way.

'Vicky!' I said, the tone of my voice making her stop and look at me. 'I have four bedrooms. When I said you will stay with me, I meant in my house, with your own room.' The gloom lifted slightly.

'I assumed that you meant we'd sleep together.' She whispered.

'I know. I could see it in the way you acted, that's why I explained.'

'Sorry! I thought Kelly had set me up, but I should know her better. What do you want from me then?'

I shook my head. I didn't know who she was used to being with but they were certainly the wrong crowd for her. I wondered how this gorgeous young woman had had all her self-confidence drained from her. John was shy but he was not weak so it wasn't that. I knew of many abused women, and a few men, but still failed to understand why they put up with it. I remember one young woman telling me, 'it's the only way he shows he loves me.' The mind boggles. Now I set myself the task of helping Vicky regain her self-esteem.

'I want nothing from you.' Trying first to put her at her ease. I then tried a compliment. 'I must admit that you are a very attractive young woman but when I share my bed it is always with someone who wants to be there, not someone who is just prepared to be there. I know it's a subtle difference but to me it's a very important one. Plus, ' I added with a grin, 'I'm going to need at least a week to recover from Kelly!'

This last bit brought the smile back, if only momentary. That made my mind up for me. 'Actually Vicky, there is something I want from you.' Before she had chance to frown and to think, "I knew it" I finished, 'and that is your fabulous smile.'

And I got it too.

When we got back to my place I showed her two connecting rooms and told her that they were hers for as long as she required. As there was no en-suite in either of the rooms I did jokingly stress that I'd prefer not to have a heart attack by bumping into a sexy naked young woman on the landing. She smiled again, this time letting it linger.

Downstairs we talked some more about any plans she had, which turned out to be very limited, actually just the one, to let her mother know where she was. It appeared that she blamed herself for her father leaving when she was young; the lack of confidence was only around men and stemmed from that belief. Her mother had stressed that it was ninety percent his fault, ten percent her fault and zero percent Vicky's. I told her that I agreed with the zero bit, but could not comment about the rest. I was pleasantly surprised when first she came and sat by me for a cuddle and secondly that I felt nothing sexual about having my arms around her, it was as if I was cuddling a young child. We talked a bit about me before she declared how tired she was. She smiled her heart-lifting smile, kissed me on the cheek and quietly thanked me, before turning in for the night.

Later I lay on my large, king size bed, turning over in my mind the day's events. Our set-up of John had gone great, but it was Vicky who troubled me. She needed someone to appreciate her, someone to lavish time and attention on her dwindling ego. But! Was that person me? In the past I'd have jumped at the challenge but now I didn't think so. Kelly had turned out too young for me and Vicky was younger still. These were new feelings for me, for a quarter of a century, lust had ruled, ok with my own moral rules attached, but still the flesh came first.

With Vicky it was different, lust was there, but it was not the controlling emotion, but I was not quite sure what was. I just had to admit that there was something about her that appealed at a level I couldn't quite fathom.

As soon as I'd seen her smile I knew the memories would return. They weren't as strong or as frequent these days but regularly were the thoughts I went to sleep with. It was that smile, only this time it was not on Vicky but on another young woman, Angela. Angela Clarke, my first and only real love.

Twenty-five years ago this summer, I'd been out of work for the first time in my life, but with enough money to last so I'd decided to have three months off before looking for something else.

I went swimming one Saturday afternoon and there she was, sitting on the side of the pool, her lovely long legs just stirring the water. Her hair was short and dyed blonde, Annie Lennox style. Odd, I thought then and now, I usually hate short hair on women but on Angela it looked great. She was, I soon found out, celebrating her twentieth birthday with some girlfriends. Her black one-piece suit showed her slim body off to perfection; with her friends fawning around her she seemed like a princess holding court. I couldn't keep my eyes off her.

For the first time in my life I felt nervous about a woman, not that she'd even noticed me. I wanted her; it was initially just pure physical lust. Although I recognised that desire for what it was I couldn't work out just why it was so magnetic or even why her. Her hair was not to my taste, yes, she was pretty, but no more than that; she had a great body, but so did many others in the pool; so why her? As I pondered this, a friend whispered something in her ear and I had my answer. It was of course, her smile. I was mesmerised by it. I swam towards her, trying to think of an excuse to talk to her when fate intervened and it was taken out of my hands. A young boy, who later turned out to be her younger brother, pushed her into the water and by doing so earned my eternal thanks. Swimming as I was towards her, she landed right in front of me, splashing my face and forcing me to put my hands out to stop her colliding with me. Unintentionally my hands went straight to her breasts and stayed there for the seconds it took for both of us to realise where they were. Fortunately she was aware that it had not been deliberate and smiled, sucking my breathe from me.

'If you must cop a feel, at least wait until we've been introduced.' She said.

'I'm sorry.' I said feeling myself blush. 'I'm David, by the way.'

'Angela!' she replied, then remembering her opening words added still maintaining her beam, 'and no that doesn't mean you can have another feel.'

'Damn!' I exclaimed, 'Thought my luck had changed.' I said throwing her my best smile, a pale imitation of her own.

'I suppose a romantic meal for two is out of the question then?' I said on the spur of the moment.

This offer seemed to throw her as she didn't come back straightaway with a rejoinder. In fact before she could answer another feminine voice cried. 'Oh Angela! You must accept, what a perfect way to end your birthday.'

It was only then that I realised that we had a little audience, all of whom were egging their friend to accept my offer.

I was looking into the most wonderful hazel eyes I've ever seen, even to this day, my own eyes almost pleading.

Then a rush of blood flushed her face and chest and she said in an almost timid voice, 'OK then.'

A big cheer went up around her. We talked for a too brief moment, agreed when and where to meet that evening, but that was about all we had chance for. She was perpetually in demand.

I watched her from afar, winning the odd smile, but didn't speak again, partly because of her entourage but more from my fear of a change of mind on her part. When she finally left the pool, I watched her walk up the stairs to the changing rooms, her firm buttocks only half hidden by her bathing suit. My mind went back to our first contact and the thought of my hands on her small but very firm young breasts. I had an erection that took a lot of swimming before it had subsided enough for me to leave the pool.

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The Starr DAs were as good as the gunsmith had promised them to be. He had reworked the loading lever to be an empty shell ejector, so nothing was wasted. It still took much longer to reload these pistols than it did the S&Ws, but they made excellent backup weapons. I had a special holster made to let me hide the modified Starr in my boot, and the other one was carried in a saddle bag. I was now carrying a total of 15 bullets in conveniently reached holsters, so I felt that I was covered...

4 years ago
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A Sexy Encounter

Sitting on his porch in the middle of a yellowy grassland, Darme sat with the loveliest person he had ever seen in his life. He closed his eyes to the blaring afternoon sun, which shone on her skin, making it glow like florescent amber. His hands ran along her smooth skin, with her wiggling to her and his delight. He was unbuttoning her shirt slowly, making her quiver in anticipation. She kissed his neck and up his cheek. She lightly nibbled on his ear while her radiant chest slowly came into...

3 years ago
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The Sorority HouseChapter 6 Graduation

Saturday morning. At 10AM, the alarm clock blared out, spewing its painful noise throughout the room for fifteen seconds before a weary Lisa smashed its head in. She rolled over and kissed me gently, her hand snaking down my naked body to my crotch. This was the first morning in my entire life that I did not wake up with morning wood. Last night had so completely exhausted me, Lisa had ended up driving us home. And this morning, despite the presence of a beautiful girl in bed with me, I...

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Choices Ch 01

I was finishing reading Bobby his bedtime story so I didn’t see the dark green sedan as it pulled to the curb and stopped. I was just starting to descend the stairs when the doorbell rang. I saw the major in Class A’s when I opened the door. As I noticed the Chaplain insignia on the other officer, I knew why they were there. I had met Kathy when I was a senior at the University of Texas. Some buddies and I had gone to San Antonio for the weekend. Kathy was taking her Army Nurse training at...

1 year ago
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The Adventures of Harry MakepeaceChapter 3

Friday dawned bright, sunny and warm. Summer felt as though it was coming in although it was still only late April. Harry walked to work with a light heart filled with anticipation. He decided to make a detour to the Park Street car park to see if he could meet Sammy. As he approached she was parking her car. She saw him and gave a little wave and Harry was relieved to see that she did not appear to have any signs of bruising. He asked her on first meeting. "No," said Sammy, "Sachin was...

4 years ago
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Byron Bay Foursome

My sexual escapades with Alex over the past couple of months have been really Alex and I did receive a few offers for company last night in Byron Bay and as usual 90% of them read something like this: Hey Dave, would love to play with you and Alex. Email me. You are dreamin’!!! It is too much effort to tell us a little bit about yourself? Include a photo or two? If you sent us a message that read like that, I probably didn’t even bother to read it all before deleting it. If you are too lazy...

3 years ago
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Den of Iniquity Ch 11 final

Annie and I rounded the entrance to the salon and were greeted by a wall of eerie silence. A few looked toward us as we entered. We'd barely stepped a foot inside before Chantelle's voice rang like an executioner's bell. "Close the doors behind you, Roger." Once I pulled the heavy salon doors closed, Annie hugged my arm tightly and we took our places in Chantelle's audience. Looking around I noticed some of the chairs from around the walls had been moved into a semi-circle. Chantelle sat on the...

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A Night Well Spent

Hi, my name is Vidit. I have been a regular visitor of the ISS and enjoyed many stories written by all of you. Have always wanted to write about my own experiences but was always shy. I am 26 years old and I also have a very beautiful girl friend, but somehow I have always been inclined towards the gay sex as well. It is not that I do not enjoy it with my girl friend, do not look, or get tempted when I see a hot or beautiful female but there are times when I would want to do something...

Gay Male
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The Crush The Baldy

The Crush - The Baldy Note to readers, don't read if you don't like poor grammar, this is rough. This is a work of adult fiction. No resemblance to reality should be inferred or expected. Copyright... Are you kidding? - - - - - At least it was a lunch break some change in the flow of the class after class boredom. Will and I headed to school's cafeteria. It's a pity no one of friends already standing in the line so we moved to it's end waited for our turn. Here I saw her. I...

4 years ago
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RAW The Sex Magicians part 4 Why is a duck

Half a mile away, a thin needle pointing toward the sky, stood the office of Pussycat magazine, and on the tenth floor Senior Editor Josh Dill was puzzling over the latest vacation memo from personnel. "This is the worst piece of idiocy I've ever seen, " he complained to his secretary. "It looks like it was written by a computer having a nervous breakdown. Listen to this gibberish: 'Half a man-day shall not be equal to half a day unless the man is actually in the office for the full day, or...

4 years ago
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Emperors BodyguardChapter 7 Alpha Central

I led Michelle across the huge pad and into a station door. An elevator left us on the command level and I led Michelle to the control room door. When I stepped into the large control room everyone was looking at me. Two angry Marines stood beside the door and their hands dropped to the pistols they wore. I looked at them, “I am Colonel Jason Drake. Those sting ships were not using transponders and locked us before firing. I doubt they were Marine sting ships and if you do not remove your...

4 years ago
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Mat Sullivan2Chapter 21

New Mexico Territory, April, 1897 I picked up my horse and resumed my wandering. I headed for the nearest courthouse to restock my file of wanted posters. As I had done previously, I culled my file and took the stack of new posters to the nearest saloon to study. Judging from the new posters, kidnapping had become very popular. It looked like I could expect to run into a kidnapping case at almost any time. I had found that most kidnappers were not very smart and could be caught with only a...

2 years ago
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my house the fucking nest

hi has been some time now since morris forced him self on me , fucking my white sa pussy with his monster black cock , his cock that he hurt my lily white pussy . well he has been quite busy pumping white pussy at my house , lots of my book club friends r now giving him their white pussies to fill with black cock and black sperm.he is so into white pussy now and there is no shortage for him , i love to watch as he goes into my friends , looks so good seen his huge dick sliding in and out of...

2 years ago
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Manmoirs Hot Box

Alexis was a pretty girl down the hall that worked on different live shows than I did. We happened to have mutual friends and once in a while we'd stop in the halls and have a quick chat. I wasn't 100% sure, but I felt Alexis may have thought I was cute. Although her lifestyle wasn't exactly marriage material for me, she had a sex appeal; 5"6, light brown hair, big tits, big booty, not a big girl by any means. Big in all the proper places. She was fine. However, normally whenever I'd walk to my...

Office Sex
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Andrew to Andrea Chapter 2

In all honesty, I should have been mortified by the events of the past few minutes, but I wasn’t…I was excited. I walked into our bathroom and set up the steamiest shower that I thought my skin could handle. I grabbed for my body wash, but realized the scent might be too masculine, so I set it back and grabbed my wife’s. It had a slight scent of vanilla and had a couple of butters and oils that claimed to make skin feel like silk…not specifically on the list, but not specifically forbidden...

4 years ago
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Exchanged Chapter 23

Thanks again for all that have patiently waited for each chapter to be posted. The comments on the reviews are always appreciated, even if I don't get to each one with a response I always read them! Just a reminder for anyone new this story you want to go back and re-read from Chapter 1 for this to make sense. If diapers, bottles, and all that entails for babies doesn't interest you this story will not be for you. This work is set in the 'DiaperDimension' that was created...

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Himura BattousaiChapter 10 Onesided Heart

(Kaoru lies awake in bed) Kaoru (thinking): I can't sleep... what's wrong with me? I'm really worried for some reason. (She gets up to pace the house. Yahiko is out like a light in his room.) Kaoru: Well, it is Kenshin. I'm sure he'll be okay. And Sanosuke's with him too, just in case... Kenshin will be fine... (the Black Hat stands framed in the window.) Black Hat: One, two, three... fourteen, fifteen of you? Not as many as I thought. Sanosuke (to Kenshin): That's the Black...

3 years ago
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Mami ki gujhiya

Hallo iss ke chudakkad ladkon aur meri chudaasi bahno kaise hai aap sab…? Aur aap sabki holi kaise rahi…..? Haan to meri chudaasi bahno aur pyaaare lund dhaari bhaiyon is baar holi me maine kiski gujhiya chakhi uske baare me aap sabko bataane ja raha hoon apne apne laude haath me le liye aur ladkiyan log aur auntiyan apni apni bur par haath rakh kar meri story padiye haan to doston holi ke dusre din main apni mami ke ghar holi milne gaya jahaan mama aur mami ke alawa unki ladki jiski age 18...

4 years ago
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...a dry martini of a Fetishy clich?, a good dollop of raw home made spirit with a dash of insouciance and a twist of lime... Symbiotic; a mutually supportive relationship... at least that's how I choose to see it. Dependence and inter-dependence, give and take. One side or the other, but are we always on one side of the line? Does it shift, or perhaps the question is, what would make you cross? This is a work of adult fiction. No r...

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8 times in 1 night with sex bomb aunt

Hi lovely aunties and girls, I have been getting many requests to post my real experience with aunty. Now I am telling my experiences with my aunty, first let me tell about myself my name is Rahul my age is 22 now I am working for a software company. I stay in Nagpur. From my childhood I was very reserved. It was in my +2 I became close to girls and had few affairs with girls but didn’t get a chance to fuck them. I used to kiss or fondle their boobs nothing more than that. After my +2 I got a...

1 year ago
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MomIsHorny Brandi Love Kenzie Reeves Halloween Special With A Threesome

Juan walks over to his girlfriend’s house ready to go trick & treating. Brandi Love answers the door and lets Juan in for some milk and cookies as Kenzie gets ready. She walks him into the kitchen and takes his shyness into her own hands. She pulls up her dress and shows him her sexy lingerie. She goes down on him before she has him in a leg lock to get her pussy licked. She starts riding him on reverse cowgirl as Kenzie walks in on them. Brandi talks Kenzie into joining them and now we get...

1 year ago
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The Bucket List

The Bucket List I deftly applied my lipstick as I studied myself in the mirror. Behind the glimmer of anticipation I could see the terror reflected in my eyes. Terror of a kind I had never known before. The terror of a first date. Oh, I'd been on many dates before and married twice! This was different. This was my first date with a man. This was the first time I would get to be the woman on a date. After 53 years, I was finally fulfilling one of my most persistent fantasies. I was...

4 years ago
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Neighborhood PetChapter 7

Satyr had not been pleased to see his mistress, Karen. She had come to take him back to the rope, he felt certain, punish him for running away, and he did not intend for that to happen. He had leaped down from the huge bed and chosen a corner of the room from where he could watch her as well as the pretty Barbara who had just brought him a new form of pleasure. His throbbing loins and flanks still quivered from the wild force of his animal ejaculation up into her warm, wet mouth which had...

2 years ago
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I FUCKED MY sister

My sister Carole invited me over to stay at her flat over for a holiday. I was now 20 and she was 22. I’ve always been close to Carole and were best of friends when growing up. We were very alike, just how alike I was about to find out.A few years ago her now ex-boyfriend told me that she was into the kinky stuff but he didn’t go into details. Since then she intrigued me and I always wanted to fuck her and often think of her when I wank off. I arrive early evening and we had a takeaway Chinese...

4 years ago
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Wedding Day

This is a true story as told to me by Ted from Dallas. Enjoy! I am twenty five years old, this happened to me eight years ago, it was my first time to have sex. One of my cousins was getting married. They invited the our whole family which to us was a little weird as we hardly ever saw these people. But they were paying for the hotel room so we all went. They had rented the whole floor of this fancy hotel in downtown. There were family members there that I had never met. My aunt and her...

3 years ago
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Cumming while getting my ass eaten

So i was cursing Cl (remember when you could do that) for a guy who was interested in eating ass. I had one experience before but it turned into a fuck fest. Anyway i responded to a posting from a guy who said he was working at a hotel at the oceanfront (Virginia Beach ). It was the off season and most of the hotels were closed. He said that he was alone doing security and minor work so he had some time on his hands. I got his address and headed out that way He was 20 minutes from where i...

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Pretty Wives Lane

She left a note on my desk. It read: 17 Pretty Wolves Lane, Fillston, and a brief direction to get there. That “she” is Mandy, Amanda Bess to be precise. We had been in the same company for about three years by now but not in the same department. Come to think of it, we’d never had a real conversation outside of the “project”, when both of us were among a handful of employees, as models, in the company’s product catalog last year. That was almost six months ago, somehow she had learned out...

1 year ago
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SwingLifestyle! Do you live the Swing Lifestyle, or have you ever considered swapping partners with other horny local couples? Before the Internet, it was hard to find like-minded swingers to fool around with, but we’ve come a long fucking way since the days of awkwardly asking your coworkers if their wife would be DTF. Why risk a sexual harassment accusation or an uppercut from a dude who takes it entirely the wrong way when you say you’d really like to bang his old lady? Today, we’re going to look...

Hookup Sites
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Sucking off the choir director

I love singing at the church in my home town friendly little Midwest town a small Catholic church. St Patrick's I'm a mother of two thirty three years of age one hundred and five pounds and a thirty eight double d cup size. I work hard to keep in shape going to the gym while the kids are at school and I get plenty of looks from all of the cute guys who are also working out trying to impress me I have been hit on numerous times but they seem to immature . Now the kind of man that really rings my...

3 years ago
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Story of myself torture

Note: this was my first story about my journey into being a pain slut. I posted it on my e-mail account with my ex husband. I have now moved it over to my new E mail account. That is why it looks familiar to many of you. -My name is Debbie and I'm a 49-year-old white divorcee. I am 5 foot 7, 148 lbs. I have green eyes, shoulder length brown hair. My measurements for those who want to know is 38C -29- 38. I used to trim my pubic hair but now I shave completely clean. I've had a few...

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A Day in the Life of the Gravity Queen

Kat woke up and got ready like she ordinarily would. She hopped out of bed, stretched her body, and brushed her teeth all while still completely naked. Putting on clothes was usually the last thing she wanted to do before setting off for the day. Kat liked being in the nude and it helped her think about what she wanted to do. Once she was ready, she had to make a decision. What was she going to wear? She could put on her shifter outfit and go about her day as the Gravity Queen as usual or she...

4 years ago
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College Intro

From: Gudrun_Schyman Question: Care to tell us more about your frat guy gangbangs? Using the plural gangbangS is correct, but first let me explain the build up to the gangbangs... ;pI wasn’t a partier in high school, I was a good girl. I touched myself and used objects around the house, but focused on sports and studies. I had sex before college, but only a few times with boyfriends. My college roommate was the one that pulled me out of my shell. Freshman orientation week she invited me to a...

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MONICA A lesbian tale

MONICA (A lesbian tale)Stopped on the side of the road, Madeleine waited for a few minutes, more like 10 minutes, before she drove into the motel parking lot. She always did that. The motel was advertising a lobster festival for that evening. Madeleine laughed out loud.“I’m more in for tuna”, she chuckled, surprised at her own vulgarity.She parked her car in the arrival section, as she always did, and waited again for a few minutes. The space in front of unit 17 was empty. She suddenly felt...

3 years ago
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First Night Gangbang

Jason knew that Fran, his new wife, had been a party girl and an easy lay. He first saw her at a college party as he watched her giving head to some other guy. Before the night was over he had his dick between her legs and the hard nipple of one of her large firm tits in his mouth. She was moaning and thrusting back at him as he plowed into her not so tight, cum filled cunt. After he had poured a big load of cum up her snatch, he asked her what her name was. He also got her phone number.A...

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