My Neighbour's Young Daughter free porn video

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Copyright © 2000, Jack Spratt. ALL Rights Reserved

Special thanks to Pete ‘the old fart’ 2018 for his expertise in reediting and reproofing.

It was a typical neighbourhood of modest single family homes with many mature trees and well-groomed lawns. In this area you usually knew your neighbours on each side of you at least to say hello. I was no different. On one side of my home was a new family; on the other was a family who lived here for eight years.

I enjoyed puttering around the lawn and my garden of weeds. I said weeds as they grow fantastically unfortunately whatever I plant seems to die on the vine. My garage contained a small workshop where I had a number of projects on the go.

I’m an empty nester, a widower; my children were all over the country. My job was my family. I worked in the computer industry, but I loved my time at home. The house was large for my needs but after twenty three years it was very comfortable.

For the last couple of weeks I had noticed the young daughter of the established neighbour watching me. When I was out, she was looking at me making direct eye contact. She had a wonderful haunting look about her. Her shoulder length hair framed her beautiful face. My guess was she is about fourteen, maybe a year older. Her young body was just starting to develop. Her breasts were showing and her hips were starting to take shape. All this was supported by her long lovely legs that were well developed.

We kept exchanging looks. Now I found myself thinking about her. I had never had any interest in young teen girls but this young lady changed all that. I was all mixed up. Hell I didn’t even know her first name. But changes were afoot.

On Saturday morning while reading the local paper, the doorbell rang.

“Hi. I am Jayden Raven. I am selling chocolate bars for a school project. Would you like to buy some?”

“Good to meet you. I am Don Parsons.”

There she was the young beauty from next door in living color. Her name was Jayden. She was dressed in her sexy school uniform. She was a vision in her short pleated skirt and her raised shoes; the view certainly perked up John Thomas. My hope was she didn’t notice. Unfortunately there was no way I could reduce my obvious erection without drawing attention to it.

“Yes. I’ll take a couple. Come on in and I’ll get my wallet.”

Jayden stepped in leaving the door open. I went searching. She seemed fascinated by my computer set up. It’s a powerful unit complete with a scanner and all the gadgets that were required in my work.

“I found it.”

Jayden accepted the money and in return I got two chocolate bars.

“Are you interested in computers?”

“Oh, yes. We have one at home but not as large as yours and we don’t have all the things you have.”

Things were an accurate way of explaining the peripherals. Smiling I studied this lovely angel.

“I don’t get to use ours that much, my two sisters are always hogging it. I really need one for school projects.”

“Maybe I can offer you a solution, you can use mine for your school projects. But you would have to have your parent’s permission. They can call me if you’re interested.”

“Really, you’d let me use your system? Boy that will make my sisters really pissed off. I’ll ask my dad.”

“Just a minute, I’ll give you my phone number.”


With that Jayden left. Watching her walk away was a visual treat. Her hips had an accented sway. Her short skirt left very little to the imagination. I was hoping to see panties but the skirt was just long enough to deprive me of that view. She looked back and when she caught me staring she had a coy smile on her beautiful face.

Nothing happened as a result of my conversation about using the computer. Weeks passed with no telephone call from Jayden or her parents. I made a point of looking for Jayden when I was working in the yard. When she was there, I was greeted with a wave and the direct eye contact. Once she actually licked her lips. I wondered if she knew what she was doing. Even at her young age her beauty was obvious. What would hug and a kiss be like with Jayden? It was just a dream and a stupid one at that.

That evening after dinner the telephone rang.

“Hello. Is this Don Parsons?”

“Yes it is. How can I help you?”

“I’m Frank Raven; we are neighbors, Jayden’s dad. She mentioned you offered to let her use your computer for school projects.”

“Yes I did. She sold me some chocolate bars for a school fund-raising event. She mentioned you had one computer for three young daughters and claimed she didn’t get enough time using it. That is when I offered.”

“It is challenging trying to divide the time equally among the three of them. Unfortunately Jayden and her sister both need the use of it next week. Both have large projects that require Internet research and using the Word Processor for their assignments. I wouldn’t have asked but it is important to both of them.”

“It’s not a problem at all. I use a system all day at work. I usually don’t want to look at it during the evening unless I bring home from work. I’d be glad to help.”

“I don’t know how to thank you. Jayden will be over shortly if it isn’t a bother.”

“I’ll look forward to seeing her.”

After hanging up, I felt a little giddy; there’s nothing more pathetic then an old fool. Here I was getting excited over a young girl coming over to use my computer. Soon there was heavy knock, it was Jayden. She was wearing a pink tube top and a pair of skin tight bicycle shorts. The exotic effect she had on me was crazy; I shouldn’t be thinking the thoughts that were drifting through my imagination. Her breasts were not the largest but her nipples were very evident. Her well-formed bottom was encased in her spandex shorts; everything was outlined in vivid detail. Now I was feeling just a tad uncomfortable, but my eyes stayed on target.

“Come in Jayden. Your dad said you would be over. I hear you have a major project for school. What is the topic?”

“It’s about life in the Old West. We have to touch on all the subjects on this list.”

“Let’s go to the computer and get you started.”

Jayden followed me. Letting the system boot up, I explained how to get the printer to work etc. She listened attentively. It gave me an opportunity to study her. Jayden was absentmindedly spreading her legs back and forth as she watched the screen flashing as the programs loaded. Her skin tight shorts accented her pubs. It was an exciting view. Her pussy lips were puffy and large for her body size and her age. My mind was wandering into uncharted areas. A stupid thing bounced into my thoughts, how big was her clitoris? When the screen flashed the system logo it brought me back to earth.

“Do you think you can get started?”

“Yes thank you. Can you log onto the Internet for me please?”

I logged on and found a search engine for Jayden.

“I will be in the kitchen if you need anything.”

“Thank you, Mr. Parsons. You don’t know how much I appreciate this; the best thing is my sister is really pissed off. I told her about all the neat stuff you had.”

That term surprised me. Then I thought of my school experience and all the coarse words I used as a young boy. I left for the kitchen. A fresh coffee and newspaper needed my attention. But I did take one last look at Jayden. Approximately an hour later I asked Jayden if she would like something to drink.

“Oh, you’re doing a lot for me. But if you are getting something for yourself I’d like a coke.”

I brought the coke to Jayden. She looked deep in thought.

“What is the stumbling block?”

“Well one of the topics is about the large families and that kind of stuff. I haven’t got too much experience talking about that. I can’t find anything about family sex with a search engine.”

Jayden obviously didn’t type in the right topics. Sex ran the Internet.

“What are you trying to research?”

“I know how they made all those babies most families had very large families. But what did they do about birth control? When did they have time for that sort of thing?”

“Maybe you should ask your mom those questions. I don’t think it is my place to answer those very personal questions.”

“Why not? The teacher asked us to research the project. I can use your information as a source of research.”

“Ok. Since you put it that way I will try and help. What do you want to know?”

“What is foreplay?”

Now that was a question to stop you in your tracks. I thought this would be simple. I should’ve kept my mouth shut.

“Excuse me but where did you get that question?”

“Stuff I heard at school. Some of the girls said it was important to have foreplay before having sex to make babies.”

“Do you know what it means to make babies?”

“Only what I read in school on the reproduction in our heath books. I think it must be really yucky by what I read.”

“What do you mean, yucky?”

“You know, putting your thing in my thing, sounds yucky to me.”

Now I was getting hard. How was I going to get out of this?

“Foreplay is something similar. If you thought making babies was yucky, you will likely say the same thing about foreplay.”

“I still want to know about it so I don’t appear such a nerd.”

I got into foreplay. I explained it was a means of getting your partner excited before they actually had sexual intercourse. Using all the technical language, I could think of. Jayden listened intently.

“Can you show me?”

Now what was I supposed to do? This could get really dicey. I tried back pedaling, suggesting she ask her dad and mom. That didn’t work.

“Are you kidding? They don’t even kiss in front of us girls. I can see my dad telling or showing me anything about foreplay. I want you to. Please.”

Jayden had very beautiful pleading eyes. I could feel myself caving in.

“I shouldn’t be even talking about sex with a teen as young as you. How old are you?”

“I’m fourteen. I will fifteen in two months.”

I saw a fourteen-year-old Lolita. How could a fourteen year old girl be this sexy? Maybe her beauty had something to do with her diet. I could remember the fourteen-year-old girls from my school. The only way you could tell them from the boys was the length of their hair. That was not the case with Jayden. Jayden’s nipples were pronounced, currently pointing right at me. She was getting excited. I noticed a damp spot on the crotch of her shorts. I was getting in deeper and deeper. What I should do is call her parents. Great plan!!!

“Do you masturbate?”

“What is masturbating?”

“Have you ever played with yourself?”

I was trying to be diplomatic. But I could feel myself slipping in the quicksand.

“No! That’s dirty.”

Then I saw a glimmer of light. If she thought that negatively about masturbation, showing her foreplay would be out of the question.

“Foreplay is very similar except your partner does the playing. Since you think it is dirty we can stop right here.”

“No, we don’t. I want to learn about foreplay. With you doing the touching it won’t feel dirty to me. What do I have to do?”

“Are you sure really sure? I don’t think we should do anything if you are uncomfortable. You may have to do things you may not like.”

“What things?”

“You will likely end up with no clothes on. I’ll see you naked. Are you sure you want to try this?”

Jayden looked at me. I thought she was going to back out. I was ready to run to the kitchen. I couldn’t take much more of her questions. John Thomas thought it was a great topic. Jayden had to notice my tent, now very pronounced in my slacks.

“Can I stop any time I want?”

“Of course Jayden, I don’t want to do it period. I still think you should be asking your parents all these questions.”

“Well. I want to try it, maybe not all of it but some of it. Foreplay sounds very interesting the way you explain it.”

Great, that was just the opposite of what I was trying to accomplish.

“You’ll have to promise me that you won’t tell anyone, not your sisters or your best friend and of course your parents. I could end up in deep trouble.”

“I swear on my favourite cross. I’ll never tell a soul.”

The phone rang. It was Jayden’s mom. Time had gone so fast. It was nine thirty. Jayden had to go home, saved by the bell. I felt a great flood of relief.

“Mr. Parsons. Mom wants me to go home. But I want to learn more. Maybe I could come over on Saturday when I’ll have more time.”

“As long as you have your parents’ permission, have them call me. When is your project due?”

“I’ve three weeks. It’s worth 35 percent of my marks in the subject. I want it to be perfect.”

With that she left me high and dry with a raging hardon. I was hurting. How did I get myself in this mess? My offer of the computer was just to get to see her again. But after today talking foreplay with a young lady, I really needed my head read. Jayden must have been wearing a scent I hadn’t noticed before. The lingering fragrance was still in the air hours after Jayden left, a fourteen-year-old young girl wearing a haunting scent. My mind was imagining all sorts of interesting scenarios. My hope was she would forget about it. That was wishful thinking.

The following day while in my wood shop, Jayden came for a chat.

“My mom said if you’re still agreeable with me coming over it would be fine to work on my project on Saturday. What time can I come over?”

Shit, this could do nothing but get dicer. My foot was in my mouth and I couldn’t get it out.

“How about ten thirty. If your parents approve, we can have lunch together. You should be able to get a lot done. Have one of your parents call me if you are going to stay for lunch. I’ll need to go shopping.”

“Good. I’ll have Mom call. See you Saturday.”

I watched her skip away, admiring her well-developed legs. Her thighs and calves were well defined. An ominous feeling ran through me. I still couldn’t believe her demeanor. It had me wondering what the hell I was doing. This was playing with fire. Maybe Saturday wouldn’t come or Jayden would call and cancel. Again, wishful thinking.

Later that evening I did get a call. It was Jayden’s dad.

“Hello Mr. Parsons. Jayden asked me to call. It was nice of you to offer Jayden lunch on Saturday. She hasn’t stopped talking about how much she appreciates the use of your computer. She has her sisters envious and she keeps rubbing it in. You really impressed her. I had planned to take the family shopping but Jayden begged off wanting to work on her project. I wish her sisters were as enthusiastic. I have to push them.”

“Well I appreciate you calling. I haven’t done anything wonderful. Just answered a few questions and assisted Jayden with the search engine. Your daughter is a very polite young lady. You should be proud.”

“I am. Jayden is the only one of my daughters with an inquiring mind. She never stops asking questions. I hope she doesn’t talk your ear off.”

“No. I find it interesting. I never had a daughter, just three sons whom I see once a year at Christmas. Jayden’s questions keep me on my toes.”

After a few more comments we hung up. My body was tingling. Maybe Jayden forgot what we were talking about. How was I going to show her foreplay?

On Saturday morning at ten thirty the doorbell rang. Surprise. It was Jayden. She was dressed in her pleated skirt, a white blouse, short white socks and shoes. Her hair was in a ponytail. She looked like a beautiful doll. When she walked by me, her scent hit me like a hammer. The little minx’s aromas had me in flux and she just got here! Things like this were not supposed to happen, especially to me.

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Neighbours Chapter 2

Emma was furious as she glared at Madge. How dare she play her? Well she was going to pay the penalty for doing that. A bare bottom spanking was definitely called for. Madge was still blushing as she stood up and went to exactly where Emma pointed. She was forty-five-years-old but had been caught out so easily by her much younger neighbour and now the sensual spanking she wanted was more likely to be a discipline spanking that would really hurt. Twenty-two-year-old Emma demanded, “Get...

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Neighbours son

My wife comes across a very uptight and frigid type however when she is horny she is insatiable and normally stops in that state for a long time. She is only 5ft tall with massive tits and she has one of the most sweetest and nicest fannies I’ve ever seen or tasted. The only problem is that she is so bloody frigid, and It could be months between sex sessions which tends to lead me to shag around where and when ever. Again this stems back to my youth when sex was literally chucked at me and I’ve...

4 years ago
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Neighbours Part 2

Hayley knocked on Jack’s frontdoor. Fifty-two-year-old Jack opened the door and blushed as he saw his eighteen-year-old neighbour. Jack was wearing a short-sleeved blue shirt and jeans. He wasn’t wearing any socks but had on slip-ons. Hayley wore a red vest top and a very short cream mini-skirt. Jack thought she looked really lovely; in fact as stunning as usual actually. “Come in, Hayley,” Jack said standing aside to let Hayley through. Hayley didn’t look very happy as she stomped in passed...

3 years ago
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Jack knew it had been wrong. It was just that he had been taken by surprise. He had stood looking at the girls playing in the park and as usual he had his hand inside his trouser pocket and was playing with his penis. His now erect penis. Jack was fifty-two, single, and worked at the local shopping centre in the department store. He was a manager in the men’s clothing department. As he stood watching the girls Hayley saw him and went over to have a chat. Hayley was eighteen-years-old and lived...

1 year ago
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Neighbours 8211 Part 2 Sneaky Sex

Raj went back home thinking about how he can get rid of Vijay for good. “Patience Raj, he will come again, but now the ball is in your court”, he said to himself. He visited his neighbour’s mom Rashmi from time to time trying to create a stronger bond with her so that she can be more comfortable around him while he waited for Vijay to visit her again, which he did. By then, Raj had already figured out exactly which day of the week he visited Rashmi. Raj was on his balcony when he spotted...

2 years ago
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Fucking My Bosses Youngest Daughter

As you already can tell from my profile i am a personal trainer and i have a contract with a privately owned gym to train members there at my own prices...So one Morning while doing my own workouts i stop and talk with the owner of the gym...were good friends hes about 50+ years old...and his daughters walk in...the oldest was hot shes about 24 and ive seen and conversated with her from time to time but always on a hi and bye basis and then there was the youngest one...Ashleyshe was very quite...

2 years ago
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Neighbours Garden Sex Session

It was a beautiful sunny morning and I was at home revising for my exams.  This was my last set of exams before I finished college and went to university.  I decided to go and sit outside in the garden as it was so warm.It was lovely and quiet and the garden was not overlooked by any neighbours, so I had no distractions.  After about ten minutes, I heard Jackie and David in the garden next door quietly chatting and laughing, then it went all quiet.  I assumed they had gone back indoors.  But...

2 years ago
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Neighbour Aunty And Her Daughter

A big salute to all the horny cocks and cunts of indian sex stories dot net …. this is a story of my hot encounters with neighborhood aunt and her daughter, how I fucked both and made them mine….you can contact me at my Gmail I’d Now coming back to the story I’m from the city Patna and am a hard core sex freak… for me, sex is as basic and as important as air. First, let me tell you about myself I’m 5.9 in height, fair and muscular with a gym fit body and a rock hard dick, with a charming and...

3 years ago
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Neighbours Part 4

4.01 Lisa: 4.02 Lisa, Video Preparation: 4.03 Lisa, Basement Session Room: 4.04 Lisa, Hair Removal: 4.05 Lisa, Harness, Sybian: 4.06 Michael and Lisa Meet: 4.07 Michael and Lisa Foreplay: 4.08 Michael and Lisa, First Mating: 4.09 Lisa, Michael Deep Throat: 4.10 Michael, Lisa, The Dark: 4.01 Lisa: John was talking to Mary about Lisa, a secretary in his office. She was about to resign and no one really knew why. John had checked her employment history and found that Lisa had...

3 years ago
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Neighbours Part 1

1.01 Mary, Sara and John: 1.02 Sara and John, Seduction, Handjob: 1.03 Sara and John, Seduction, Deepthroat: 1.04 John and Sara, Seduction, Mating: 1.05 John and Mary, Doggy style mating: 1.06 Mary and Sara, The Cleansing: 1.07 Mary and Sara, The Fisting: 1.01 Mary, Sara and John: Mary, a widower, and her daughter Sara live next door to John, who is still recovering from a three year old failed marriage. Their relationship is close but not intimate. Sara is a promiscuous 16 year...

3 years ago
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Shannon was a beautiful, fit girl. She was very well known in school; she amazed people by her naturally straight blond hair, her firm B cup breasts, her athletically built body, and her nice ass. Apart from her alluring looks, she was also a very smart student, who managed to get A’s and B’s on her report cards. Shannon’s parents were pleased with how well she was doing in school. Shannon was also an only child, so her parents tended to dawdle with her. She lived in a nice, medium size...

4 years ago
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Neighbours Part 9

This hot little teen drove me wild with everything she did and said and I slid my hands up under her school blouse, flipped her little bra up over her tits, and thumbed her pert nipples which brought them to hard points straight away. Her hands were not idle either, as she undid my belt and zipper and dropped my trousers to the floor to release my pulsing cock into her warm little hands. “At last” she purred, “I’ve been thinking of this all afternoon at school and now I’m going to get this...

1 year ago
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Neighbours part 8

I was working from home one Friday when Sarah breezed in and said “Hi Tom, are you busy?” “Hi Sarah, not really seen you since your party, how are you doing? Shouldn’t you be at school today?” “No it’s OK, the school is shut today so we get extra time off. Thanks for coming to my party, didn’t you think it was great? Everyone there just for me and trying to make my party so good for me!” It was then, looking into those sparkling wide eyes that I was reminded again just how young Sarah...

2 years ago
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Neighbours Part 7

“Why in particular do you hope Hassan will be there?” I asked, knowing his particular talent and wondering if Sarah just wanted to jerk me off or whether she had time for me to fuck her. As I spoke to her I slid my left hand inside her shirt and under her bra to feel her pert little tit whilst my right lifted her school skirt and I moved her pants to one side to allow me to slide my finger into her. This was the funny thing about having sex with this girl, and with Lizzie as well come to...

2 years ago
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Neighbours wife

Sarah was my friend’s wife. She was in her early 30s, fair, buxom, full of fun. My friend was a boring man who viewed life very seriously and was regularly traveling. I have no idea how they were in bed together but watching her I think she would be the more active partner. My friend’s travels drew me closer to Sarah. There were weekends together and even a few weekdays. I could not put my finger on it but I thought she had the hots for me. Our friendship was platonic and we had many good...

3 years ago
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Introduction: Shannon and Robert find that they have a passion for each other and do some dirty things together. Most, if not all teenage girls were curious about the opposite and even their own sex and would sometimes wonder, what would it be like to see them naked? As most girls wonder, some have experienced in their teenage years. Some knew what it was like to have a deep, dark secret with someone. This is the story of a girl who has one of these experiences. Shannon was a beautiful, fit...

3 years ago
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Neighbours son Part 2

Well, after getting back from shopping. I struggled with the bags into the kitchen and threw the car keys on the table. I walked into the kitchen and I could still smell the scent of sex in the air. My cock twitched as it recalled the scene I had seen earlier that morning. I could not see Claire anywhere and called out to no reply. I went to the bottom of the stairs and called out again“Claire, are you up there”“Yes. Just hanging some washing up” was a muffled reply like she was a great...

2 years ago
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It was hot, unusually so for the temperate marine climate of Seattle, and so she was as naked as could be without being fully so--stripped down to her pink and black lace bra and matching tanga cut pink and black lace panties. Still, at ten o’clock at night, with the house a balmy 75 F, that wasn’t enough. She needed to go outside, needed to feel the cooling night air against her skin, needed to feel the breeze coming off of the Sound reminding her body that sooner rather than later, this heat...

Straight Sex
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Neighbours Wife p4

A couple of weeks ago Anne from a few houses down came to me all in a panic, she had dinged her car in a car park and really needed it sorted quickly before her husband found out.You see she had a history of banging and crashing her car and her husband was really getting fed up having to keep paying out to have it repaired, but she promised me if I could fix quickly in secret, then she would pay for it as soon as she could.Well, as I said, that was a couple of weeks ago and she still hadn't...

2 years ago
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Neighbours Naughty Secret

Whilst out in the garden the postman called and delivered the usual utility bills . I went in and threw them on the table to be opened later . I returned to my front garden to dig out those pesky weeds that had been annoying me for so long. "Excuse me" a voice called. I turned round and it was the postman waving a large jiffy bag at me. I had not ordered anything I mused . " I have tried delivering it across the road but no-one is home, If you can take it for me it will save me having to take...

4 years ago
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My name is Sue and I want to tell you a ture story. I'm a married women in my forties and I love my husdand fucking me. I love watching spunk pump out of his cock and rubbing it into my pussy. About 12 months ago a young couple, Tim and May moved in down the road from us and both of them seamed nice. Tim was nice looking and cycled to work everyday so he was quite fit. Tim and husband had been talking and Tim invited us round for drinks the following friday night. It got to Wednesday and as I...

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Her heart pounding with uncertainty, Zoe held her faith as she shouted in her sternest tone "Listen to me, Brian! You are destroying yourself. And you are destroying me and what was our wonderful marriage. "I love you and that is why I have taken all your shit for the last couple of years - but it stops right now! Look at you, in your pretty lace bra and panties, feeling so sexy and whole until you cum. OK, so now you've finished, why should you stop being that lovely person? Why do...

2 years ago
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Neighbours 7

Those two weeks spent in Tanya Darlington's basement-dungeon will remain in my memory for ever, although I may have forgotten some of the details of the things that didn't appeal to us. We loved the opportunity to try so many things to find out what really turned us on. We found lots that either one or both of us didn't like, but did get the chance to explore ourselves and each other. However we did find many things about ourselves that just really appealed and satisfied us deeply. Both...

2 years ago
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Neighbours Lawn mowing part 5

"Do you remember what you said about that summer evening?" “When?" said I. "When you were home alone all summer and there was a party and… with the neighbors?" "Oh yes, that night I remember very well." "When you were fucked by all the neighbors on the couch." "Yes, I remember.” "Dad and I have talked to the neighbors, and they are ready for a new round." "What do you mean?" "We have planned for the four ladies, Helen, Maryan, you and I to stand on the sofa and guess who...

1 year ago
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Neighbours 8211 Part 1

Raj, 27 years old, returned from Bangalore and had just started living in Navi Mumbai. His parents were usually out of town for work so he often used to have his friends come over to party and enjoy. Raj and his family had good relations with their neighbor Priya who had lost her father 3 years back. Priya was 23 years of age and had recently started working in an IT firm for which she used to travel 2 hours daily. Priya’s mother, Rashmi used to stay at home; spending her time watching...

1 year ago
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Neighbours party goes wild

We traveled by taxi to our old neighborhood and arrived early afternoon as requested. There was already some of our old neighbors there along with some we did not know. Within an hour the drink was flowing and the guests had moved around talking some outside as the weather was good. It was a large house and in the theatre as they called it was a porno movie showing and a few had started to watch it. I then realized it was one made by our hosts and the sight of Sue bouncing on a hard dick made...

Drunk sex
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Big Tits his wife and daughter

A while back, because I lost my job, can not find a job, so you want her to to do pantry maintain in a small restaurant. Although my wife faces of ordinary, but the figure is not got a pair of large white milk, Buttocks, waist and, of course, wine at home who crude Han Meng drooling, her work every day are like prostitutes, they casually eat tofu .Most powerful chef Lao Zhu and clean Zhong bro, two are five, six years old, speak quite nasty, which originally only give them to touch the breast,...

3 years ago
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Wicked Wife Sleeping Daughter

The bathroom door opened right as I reached for the doorknob. I froze. A cloud of steam washed over me as my eighteen-year-old daughter stepped out, still damp from her shower, her brassy hair wrapped up by one towel, another towel wrapped about her budding body. I blinked at the sight of her swelling cleavage and then noticed how sleek her legs were.They glistened.The towel hardly fell down low enough to cover her rear. Up until that moment, I had seen Tiffany only as my daughter. Now she...

1 year ago
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How My Friend Stole My Wife And Daughter

My name is Rob and I am 40 year old typical average man, I have my own house, married to a beautiful wife and have an equally beautiful teenage daughter. This is a story about what happened one fateful night to both of them and how it nearly destroyed my life. It was Friday night and I was having my monthly poker game tonight with several of my buddies. We were all typical middle married guys all except for Frank. Frank was almost 50 years old and a friend from work, he never married and...

2 years ago
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My Sweet and Sexy Daughter

This is merely a fantasy. I have been married to my wife for 25 years. She was my high school sweetheart and is the mother of my children. We have 2 together.Mark, our oldest is 20 and has moved away to go to school on a lacrosse scholarship. Bethany is 18 and getting ready to graduate from high school. She will be attending a university in the fall on a soccer scholarship. I am very proud of my kids and what they are turning out to be. Bethany started developing at younger age. She was in...

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