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I often wondered what my life would have been like if I had never gone to medical school. I wondered how my mother would have handled it too. How she would have screamed at me while probably threatening to disown me. She insisted that I do the best no matter what. Not just my best, because the best and my best could be different things. I had to get the best grades, and be the best at everything. School was my main focus as soon as I was young, and it was never ending even while in college.

I do miss my father, as he died when I was ten leaving me alone with my mother. I often attributed his passing with a sign that the last good part of my mother was dead inside. I felt the urge to leave my mother early on as she continued to make me feel that I was less then and needed to do more.

I remember the urge to leave home early on. I remember going to my friend’s thirteenth birthday party and reading about colleges to attend, and how college life was going to be different. When my classmates were going to prom, I was packing my bags to go to college early. Spring break my senior year I was already meeting my professors for early summer classes. All the while I thought about how life was going to be different once I was away from home and the dread existence under my mother’s rules.

I never bragged about myself, or was one to wear revealing clothes even though I had the body for them. The few friends that I had always urged me to show off what I had. To me I was just keeping my body healthy and in shape. My health and my grades were always perfect in my eyes, although my mother would disagree with her constant pushing for more.

Although I never dated or better yet was not allowed to date, I did find some time to play sports. I felt my self-esteem got better as I got older, but I still could hear my mother’s voice telling me I could do better. I was hit on and asked out on many occasions, I just never found the time for guys that did have an interest me. My school work was always my priority, and I had no time to spend on meaningless dates. I do recall boys complaining about me being too smart for them, but I never really let it get to my head.

I met Tricia in college. We were similar in that we both applied to Harvard, and we both changed our minds to attend Johns Hopkins. She was my roommate who became my friend, and then my lover. I knew from the moment I saw her that she was interested in the same sex. Although I never gave it a thought before her, she insisted that I at least try it out as an experiment before passing judgement.

I was a virgin to college life, and sexual relations of any kind. I never kissed anyone, and never even caressed anyone’s privates either. Tricia found it funny, but also sexually stimulating that I was so new to sex. It was not that I found women more attractive, or that men were not my type. I just fell into something with Tricia, and it was easy.

At first it was a simple experimentation. She would go down on me, and I would finger her until we got off. When Tricia began to kiss me, and spend the night in my bed, I knew things had progressed from experimenting to lover. I found it exciting at first that I was able to have someone get me off, but over time it became a full time commitment to Tricia. Although I was never fully committed to the lifestyle or love of it all, I just found it as a pleasant distraction.

I remember how Tricia would wait on me hand and foot, and want to touch me constantly. Although I found some men attractive, I found Trisha to be convenient and easy. She was pretty, and I enjoyed our time together, but I also knew telling my mother that I was eating a girl’s pussy every night would not go over well. I never considered myself anything other than a person, while Tricia made sure she identified as a lesbian. It’s not that I was afraid of my mother’s reaction at this time, but I felt it was just something to do while I passed the time.

After four years with Tricia, I did find myself caring for her more than I cared for anyone else prior. The problem with Tricia though, was she was Tricia. She had good grades, but could never match mine, or my drive to do something great. She was attractive, but she would always tell me how better looking I was, and how she was beneath me. The remarks about how my long dark hair was never flat or messy, or how the curve of my ass was just right. I never considered breast size an issue until Tricia looked into surgery to have the same size breasts as me. She had a nice healthy D Cup compared to my C. But Tricia liked my nipples, and wanted to have the same as mine. I knew she tried to guilt me into a more serious commitment, but I also knew that at the root of all her issues were my grades. She tried so hard just to hold down a B average, while I was easily going to be valedictorian.

After graduating, we both took jobs at the same hospital, and she made sure we had almost the same shifts together. This did not always work out, but it was common for us to have time alone at night together. I had yet to break the news to my mother that I was romantically attached to another girl, and this was another driving wedge in our relationship. While Tricia wanted to build a life together, I was just wanting a build my life as a doctor. I enjoyed our time together, and even enjoyed the sexual release that came with it, but I knew that it was temporary. I was not looking to find a man to sweep me off my feet, but more of doing my research and doing something great.

It was three years after graduation that Tricia proposed to me. I turned her down, and broke her heart. I felt bad, but I failed to tell her of the job that was offered. She knew I was doing research, and knew that I was being scouted by a medical group. I told Tricia that this was the most important thing in my life. She wanted me to take the marriage proposal more seriously.

Tricia cried for days when I took the job, and she would call me every night for me to come home. The heartless bitch comment was followed by the threats on her life, and how she was going to kill herself. I changed my number, and still continued to get pestered with emails about how she could not function without me. I wanted to comfort her, but my research was getting attention, and the new job was well-funded.

At first it was a simple research grant that offered a research position with it. Dresden Biomedical Group was based out of Houston. It had approved my research grant for a new nerve transplant procedure I was researching how to do. I had done a lot of work with transplants, and did research on a new way to transplant small nerve endings with almost no loss of sensitivity or motor function. In theory, my method could revolutionize the way transplants are done, but I was a long way away from any trials or stunning announcements.

I did not realize it until I presented my basic proposal to the board of directors that the company was funded solely by the government. There were no outside donors, and no corporate red tape to get through to approve experiments. I had to submit to medical exam after medical exam before I even was allowed clearance in the building. I was just so excited and desperate I never questioned what I was submitting to. I just knew I needed to leave Tricia in the past.

I was now working for Dresden Biomedical Group doing medical research. I was given government clearance, and was told I was going to be relocated to a new research facility in Arizona in a few months. It came at me so fast I did not realize how deep I was in until the first day I came to the Facility. It did not even have a name, and everyone just called in The Facility.

I was told I did not need an apartment and that I was to stay at the Facility in a separate residential wing. I did not need a car as I was given a government vehicle for my needs if any arose. I was to be stationed at the Facility for six month intervals with only a month off before going back for another six months. I signed on the work there for three years with an option for another three.

When I arrived at the airport I realized why the Facility did not want me to drive. I was to be driven everywhere by a military driver in uniform. I was even more taken aback by the fact the Facility was deep in the desert with no markings or signs that it was a government facility. I knew from medical school that the government ran medical research facilities, but this was something completely different.

Pulling up, I saw that this was not a facility as more as it was a complex of buildings. I was given a quick tour of only two of the buildings and one of those buildings was where I would be staying. The other was my lab where I was to work with a team that had been assembled for me. I was once again taken aback that I was given a team whose youngest member was older than me by more than ten years.

The team consisted of two other doctors and myself. I never had a team to work with, and never was told that I was going to be leading a team either. Dr. Ferris who was the senior project manager told me that the team was assembled to help my transition, and that they all requested to work with me after reading my proposal. I was also told that my budget for research was endless, but it did require success if it was going to continue that way.

Dr. Chen was a young Asian doctor out of New York, and she was both brilliant and beautiful. She was a cross between an Asian model, and a doctor. I had first thought she was a former model by the way her body was perfectly sculpted, and I even had to ask her after a few drinks if she had surgery to get such a perfect form. Although I was attracted to her, I was not the only one. It seemed like everyone was attracted to her; male and female.

Dr. Chen was not interested in finding romance though and was the most dedicated doctor I ever met. Although I wondered why she was not in charge over Dr. Ferris. She had a tedious job too, and I wondered what she did wrong to be demoted.

The Facility used a new type of radiation that was known to cause cervical cancer, and it was her job to keep track of the radiation levels on the doctors,.so Dr. Chen would do routine medical exams on me.

Once a week I was brought in for a Pap test to check for radiation. As much as I wondered about the routine tests, Dr. Chen would smile and comment on how pretty I was as her cold, bare hands examined me. She used no gloves, and I could swear she was doing it to see if I would hit on her, or ask her for more. I thought about it, but knew my research was more important.

My team and I were still planning after three months but were ahead of schedule in the timeline that I was given at the start. My new method used small miniscule electrical impulses coupled with stem cells that helped the nerve attach to its new connection with no loss of sensation.

I was so nervous when Dr. Ferris allowed me to begin the next phase of my experiments on living subjects. I also knew that the facility was not bound by any governmental watchdog on ethical standards. I guess I was so sure of myself, and was happy that I was allowed to progress so fast. When they started bringing in chimpanzees, I knew that my research had hit a point of no return. I also saw that I was in an organization that cared very little about medical ethics.

My first task on live subjects was exhilarating for me. Although my team did most of the research on reattachment before I took over, I was so excited to be the doctor in charge of the project. I was given the task of repairing muscle damage to reattached limbs. I was to repair the muscles on chimpanzees who had reattached limbs.

I knew that another team had amputated the limb, but I tried to think about something else during the surgery. I knew that the cameras in the operating room were probably being watched by people in the highest levels of the government. I also knew that my career would take a hit if not fail if my new method was a failure. It was a year before I thought we were ready to take on the operation.

I eagerly asked for another assignment to progress further in the Facility. I never checked on the status of my last experiment as I was told it was a success. I tried to contain my ego, and I just knew I was just one of many doctors who made it possible, but I felt superior since I performed the surgery. I had never let things get to my head until this time.

My next assignment was not nerve transplants, but entire muscle transplants. Dr. Chen was promoted to team leader in another building, while I was tasked with my new assignment. I was also given a higher security clearance and attended my first division meeting. I will never forget the moment the presentation played and what I was really brought on to do.

The plan was to build a human from the ground up. Apparently the Facility was hard at work for years growing organs and building the perfect superhuman. I could not believe my own eyes as the progress was laid out in front of me. I was the final piece in the puzzle. The only thing I had to do was attach the nerves to the spinal cord of the muscles that were attached by another team.

I just nodded my head in agreement knowing that the Facility was almost twenty years ahead of any research ever conducted. They were past the experimental research and full onto medical discoveries that could change the world. I was just in awe as they explained how far they had gone with full brain transplants.

I later did my own research and found that the body being used had been grown and genetically modified. I was both mortified, and excited at the possibility. I always thought Dr. Chen was given a minor role, but then realized her real task had been completed a year ahead of schedule. She was really in charge of organ modification, and growth. It was her research that allowed for certain organs to be perfected upon and grown with stem cells and cloning. She cloned perfect organs from donors, and then altered them to be stronger and more durable. She only was checking for radiation levels out of boredom.

I was moved to a different building on the site, and was given a team of young nurses at my disposal. I was promoted and given the task of overseeing the patient’s progress. I had never done this before, but I felt I was personally vested in the project and was ordered to keep detailed records of everything.

I had four nurses who were to help me oversee the new task of keeping track of the patient’s progress. Lois was a licensed practitioner that I put in charge of creating the work schedule. Rita, and Karen was simple RN’s, while Lori was my ICU nurse.

Lori was a very petite girl with long blonde hair she always wore in a tight ponytail. Her cute curves were only matched by her sweet demeanor. She was often mistaken for a dumb blonde, but everyone who worked with her knew different.

Rita was a Hispanic and had the curves you would expect from one. Her raven colored hair was long but neatly put up. She was not tall, but acted with such authority, one would expect her to run the department at times.

Lois and Karen were friends, and both seemed to have a very pleasant demeanor. They were both striking brunettes with bodies of fitness instructors. I wondered if the facility had an aversion to normal looking medical professionals. I even joked that the Facility was sexist in their hiring practices.

To the Facility he was patient 22135, to me and the nurses he was just John. I called him after a boy that had the courage to ask me out in high school. I knew that he was shy, and yet he asked me out anyway. I turned him down, but did tell him that if I was going to go out with anyone he would be the person.

I had no idea who John was before the surgery, and for the first few weeks I had no idea if he was going to live or die. He was still under a respirator as I pumped him full of drugs to stop the body from rejecting his brain which was transplanted in.

John’s new body was six feet three inches tall, and was the perfect male specimen in every aspect. His vision was engineered to be 20/10, his hearing was altered as well. The muscles in his new body would not atrophy even in old age. All his organs were genetically engineered to be stronger and more durable.

I did find out quickly that one of the doctors had a strong liking for the male genitalia. If John awoke, he would be happy to see that his male organ was about seven or eight inches soft. It was circumcised and perfectly shaped to give any woman pleasure.

I could see that his brain was giving off normal readings, and no signs of rejecting the transplant were detected either. With the normal brain scan it could be determined that the surgery was a success.

I laughed when I found out the nurses took turns giving John a sponge bath. At first, I thought just dividing the task among them so nobody would have to do it all the time. I then realized it was the job they all looked forward to doing.

Lois asked shyly if I wanted to do it as well, and I almost agreed. Although I had never been with a man, or even touched one sexually, I still thought about doing it longer than I should have. I could not deny the fact John was strikingly handsome, but I had to keep boundaries. He was in a coma and anything I did would feel like he was being taken advantage of. I think they took it as that I was not interested in men though.

It seems John might not be able to move in his coma, but his body reacted to stimuli. I knew it would react, but was more concerned with his brain functions once he woke up. I also was not faulting the nurses as I could understand why they were doing it. I just said not to overdo it and have him orgasm from it.

John was still in a coma, but his brain’s ability to control breathing and heartbeat would let me know if the nerves were working. It was right at the moment I heard the beep of the monitor that I realized it was medical history.

I knew my success and research of the Facility would probably be kept secret for years. I wanted to brag to everyone that I knew in college, but I had to keep silent. As much as I wanted to celebrate, I still had to make sure my patient was able to function like he should.

When John awoke he was not able to speak. I did not anticipate his brain being able to recognize the muscles right away. I had not planned for anything actually and was taking each problem as it came. I did notice that the nurses were more eager than ever to attend to his every need.

I did hear Lois make a comment to Rita that one of the reasons I was in charge of his recovery was that I was a lesbian and able to keep better control over my feelings around him. I knew the comment was wrong, but I did feel that for a guy he was very good looking. I also did not feel like pursuing Dr. Chen either and she was gorgeous.

Within a week John was able to talk, and eat on his own. I kept up on his progress almost hourly, and made note of every advance he made. I reported to Dr. Ferris daily, and was happy to learn that I had a new bank account that was filled with a bonus for the work I had done. No matter if John died right now or lived to a ripe old age, I was given a lifetime of pay for my work.

I spent more time with the nurses than John, but I still learned a lot about his life before becoming a patient for the government. He was an Army Ranger who was paralyzed after a parachute mishap during training. He had no family but was eager to start one after his time in the military was up.

John never expressed any concerns or voiced any doubts about the shortcomings of the project. He was the most pleasant person to be around and seemed thankful for every day I met with him. I went over the complications that could arise from his body rejecting his brain, and how the nerve endings in his spinal cord were new and could result in awkward movements or feelings in any area of his body. Nothing fazed him, and he just continued to smile at everything I said. The idea of being trapped in his old body was a fate worse than death, and I handed him keys to a body that could not be matched by any other. All he said he wanted to do was get back to exercising.

I noticed the nurses making passes at John, and just let it slide, as I figured it was normal for them. I never really found out why girls would behave in such a manner, but I also did not want to make myself an overbearing boss. The innuendos could also be seen as simple jokes, and I was not about to make a fuss over something I thought as trivial. The thoughts of my mother being too strict with me, only tempered my lack of strictness in the nurses.

When John began therapy, I was there to monitor his progress. I started him with a walker that looked more like an oversized child walker. Just him holding his back straight was difficult, and his arms lacked any real fine motor skills. It was like he was an infant all over again. His drive to get better was one of the reasons he was able to be finally moved to a normal walker. By the time he was using his walker he was also eating on his own.

By the third week, John was able to get around the hallways of the building, and wanted to try using crutches now. I had set up a schedule of progress for him before he woke up, and realized that he was a month ahead of schedule. A normal person recovering from spinal injuries should be in crutches after three months, and John was able to progress by the second week. I had no idea he was going to be able to recover so fast.

I informed Dr. Ferris about the patient’s progress and was told to monitor him closely in person to avoid any injuries that might come from such a speedy recovery. I was also happy to hear that my contract was renewed and that I was approved for a separate lab out in New York with Dr. Chen.

I decided to let John know that he would be able to get crutches and walk around the grounds outside. I figured he was cooped up long enough a little sun would do him some good. I had seen him progress so fast and wanted to tell him that his recover prognosis was outstanding so far.

The lights in the hallway were always on, but I could see the lights in his room were dim, but not off. I figured either he was reading or watching TV. I walked past the nurse’s station and noticed Rita was not at the desk. I assumed she was either in the bathroom or copying records for filing. Dr. Ferris was still insisting on old records being stored on paper and electronically. I thought nothing of it until I heard a noise coming from John’s room.

It was not John making the noise, but the sound of Rita softly moaning. This distinct sound of Rita made me think something wrong was going on. It was not a single moan either, but a constant soft moan that could easily be heard the closer I got to John’s room.

I walked over silently wondering what Rita was doing, and if she might have even hurt herself maybe helping John into bed. When I saw Rita almost laying on the bed with her head between John’s legs, I felt naive to what she was really doing. I never really saw John in a sexual way, and I knew that he was created to look like a model of human perfection. I just thought the nurses would have more self control.

The door was slightly open, and I was able to peer in without being noticed. I saw Rita stop what she was doing and then move her long black hair to the side as she used her mouth to fully engulf John’s large manhood. He had to be over ten inches hard and I could see Rita move back down and only get half way before hearing her slurp and moan as she retreated back up his shaft.

I could see John’s hard, thick shaft gleaming with Rita’s spit as she stroked it with her hand before sliding her mouth back down on it again. I looked up to see John’s face moaning with his eyes closed as Rita once again began to fully engulf his male organ with no success. Each time Rita went down to try and deepthroat John’s massive erection her mouth softly moaned as she seemed to be getting aroused from giving fellatio.

No matter how hard she tried she could only get halfway down his hard cock before coming back up for it. It was not for a lack of trying either as she continued to go up and down his male organ faster than before as she tried to get in all the way down. Each time Rita slide her mouth down I could see John’s manhood just dripping with her saliva and her hand just stroking it in as it glided up and down. Like a machine, her mouth went down and then up followed by her hand all the while slurping as I knew her mouth was producing more spit for better lubrication.

I pulled my eyes away and moved along the doorway. My heart was beating fast and I was at a loss of words and understanding. I had never seen such a sight before in my life. I had watched porn only a few times in my life and never really saw the point of it.

I had the full intention of walking in and handling this situation, but I also knew that John having an orgasm was a sign of recovery. It was not a scientific test, but it would let me know he was fully functional. I decided to let it happen, but I also knew I was going to write a formal reprimand for Rita tomorrow morning

I moved back and I saw Rita with her mouth over the tip of John’s cock head as her hand furiously stroked his slick shaft. I knew then that he was about to ejaculate as his manhood jerked and became bright red as it pumped with blood. I peered up to see his face and his eyes were closed as his mouth was moaning softly.

Rita gagged a little and I instantly looked at Rita as I only assumed she was taking John’s ejaculation in her mouth. Nothing was coming down the sides of her mouth or over her lips. I could only assume she was swallowing his sperm.

I had enough, and was disgusted that Rita would swallow John’s ejaculation. I truly thought she was just going to have him spew into a rag she had with her for the sponge bath. I had no idea how far it was going to go, and I truly did not think Rita was actually going to let John spew his orgasm in her mouth, and then swallow it.

I was so furious at myself for not stopping Rita. In my mind, the whole act of oral sex was for Rita’s benefit and not John’s, that her soft moans were her getting aroused from an act of taking his large member in her mouth. The more I thought about what happened, the more I realized I had no real knowledge about sexual relations with men. The idea of not expecting Rita to swallow sperm made me upset that I was so inexperienced.

I made a vow right then and there that if I saw or heard anything inappropriate I was going to say something. I also pulled up Rita’s personnel records and wrote the formal reprimand for her to sign first thing tomorrow.

I decided to not talk to John about this and knew that he was probably the victim since the nurses were talking about him before he was even awake. I just knew I had to continue on with his recovery. I pushed all thoughts of John’s looks and how well-endowed he was aside. I needed to be a professional even if the nurses weren’t.

I went in the next day and was shocked by all of the nurses huddled around John. He was standing up and I was pissed thinking they gave him the crutches before I got there. I needed to document his progress, and here they were going ahead without me.

When I got closer I realized that I was not only mistaken but shocked myself. John was walking on his own. He was not only walking but he was able to walk without any assistance from the nurses. It was like his motor skills in his legs were either finally working with his spinal cord or his past brain memories of how to walk returned and was able to function with his new body. No matter what the cause, I needed to question him and make some tests.

I smiled and approached with my hands out thinking he was going to fall. He smiled and thanked me profusely as he seemed perfectly able to walk without any assistance. I had to force him to return to bed as I ordered Lois to get the lab ready for testing. John still insisted that he could run and was so eager to show me. I told him soon, and that he would have to wait.

I was ordering a full scale work up to see how his nerves were able to remember past memories. Any other time a patient starts to walk after a major spinal surgery it is with years of therapy, not a couple of weeks. The motor skills that John presented were something unheard of and I needed to research it.

I called Rita into my office for me to handle the incident last night. The other nurses were handling the tests that were going to be done, while Rita came into my office. I shut the door and sat across from her.

Rita was twenty-five and was married a year before taking the job at the Facility. I knew from her records that she served time in the Navy before going to school to be a nurse. She was quite attractive and had her raven black hair in a neat pony tail. It was hard to tell while wearing scrubs all the time, but I did know she kept her body in good shape.

I asked her about last night, and she broke down crying. Rita claimed that she was giving John a sponge bath when all of a sudden she got aroused. I questioned why this time was different and she had no answer. All she said was that it just happened and that she felt so guilty about it after.

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Since I’d lost track of how long I’d been bound, gagged and plugged while in this fetal position, it gave me time to think about the blonde haired babe who lured me into this trap. Her drop-dead gorgeous face was accompanied by pear shaped breasts with strawberries on top. Her toned thighs and calves were accented by a pair of half-moon shaped buns. She was enough to make any man’s manhood stand at attention. She and Andy had gone upstairs to presumably to take up on her offer to suck his cock....

1 year ago
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PervMom Penny Barber Post Porn MILF Bang

When bookish MILF babe Penny Barber gives her stepson a fashion show of the new threads she bought herself, it involves a lot of sultry lingerie and exposed MILF skin. She masturbates while her horny stepson jerks his cock! Later, Penny wants to dive a little deeper into the intimate fun she started the other day. She chokes on her boys super long shlong and gets a throatful of sperm. A couple days later, Penny gets her horny stepson to watch some porn with her on his laptop. The two get so...

3 years ago
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Lust of a Devil

Sanjay, living in Vishakapatnam, (India) was one of the best cops of the city despite being an inspector. During the shooting at Bombay during Taj attacks of 2008, he managed to kill three of the 12 terrorists that almost converted the city into ruins but he was seriously injured. Fortunately, he went into coma for almost 19 months and woke up to know the grieving news of only remaining family's death during the terrorist attack when he was indulged in the combat. His beautiful wife was killed...

1 year ago
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Meet In Chat

MeetInChat! Tired of jerking off to hot pictures of kinky babes by yourself? Are your friends sick of you cluttering up the Discord or group chat with slutty chicks? Well, first off, you need some new friends who appreciate good shit when they see it. Second, I get it. Fapping can be a lonely experience. Some of you fucks resort to anonymous cam sites. Others take to anonymous message boards. But I’ve got something a little different. A perfect mix of those kinds of sites. Like an incredibly...

Sex Chat Sites
2 years ago
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Return to Cockington 5

It had been couple of days since me and the wife had introduced our teenager daughter to the real life in the village and she had loved it, and spent the next few days talking about nothing else, when our youngest wasn't around.But now she out at collage and my wife was at work and I was busy with some work in my office at home, but not for long, because halfway through the morning the doorbell chimed and reluctantly I went and answer it."Yes" I said opening the door, and to my surprise Milly's...

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Marions Story Chapter Nine

Credit here to my friend and fellow author EM Kay (Marina Kelly) who helped with the story and kept me on the straight and narrow and of course did all the editing so thanks Marina.... The next six months disappeared quickly in a flurry of touring and playing. We rode the wave of success, we had record labels bashing our doors down wanting to record us and the contracts they were offering were attractively lucrative. Molly and I were tight, in many ways things had never been...

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Ultimatum by Vickie Tern My big sister came home unexpectedly and caught me trying on her clothes, and boy was she ever mad! She slammed her bedroom door tight shut and she said, "Not a word! I thought it was you, little brother, messing with my dresses and undies! Well, I've got good news for you! Since that's what you want to wear, that's what you want to be, from now on you're my little sister, and like it or not you'll wear my bras and panties and...

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The Old Maid School Teacher

The Old Maid School Teacher By Eric Sitting around a roaring fire at the ski lodge a group of friends were telling Hallowean stories trying to scare or gross out each other. Mary looked at Mike, the football star at the High school. "MY turn - I dedicate this to Mike." She said with a smile. "I'm so scared!" Mary grinned and sipped her drink - then began. "Old Maid School Teacher Miss Hopkins was a very bitter woman. She had given her life to leaching ungrateful brats...

3 years ago
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Maghi Pyari Vahani

Namaskar maghya mitrano , mi marathi manus ahe ani marathi madhe pahli gosht lihit ahe.maghe naav prashant ahe.maghya ghari mi,magha bhau ani maghi vahani amhi tighech rahat ahe.maghi vahani khup sunder diste tiche naav supriya ahe tichya figure 36-24-36 ahe maghya dadache lagn houn tin varshe jhali tari tyala mul hot navate karan to vahani jaast velh det navata to eka software company madhye kamala hota . Hi tya velhachi gosht ahe jya velhi magha bhau german la don mahinya sathi training la...

2 years ago
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How studying turned into my first time with a guy Part 1

This is my first story on Lush. Please feel free to comment on it! This is a real story and it all happened during my time at university. Back then I was twenty-two years old and studying international business. I really enjoyed my time at school. The classes, the people, the parties. School life was just great and I had fun. I'm an outgoing person and I make new friends easily. But because of that I also have problems preparing for my tests at school. At the library I constantly meet people I...

2 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 189

As the Matthews made their way back up the mountain, Diana surreptitiously watched her husband. She hadn't seen him appearing to be this fatigued since college when he was working long hours and going to school. He had been fine a little earlier as he watched everyone enjoying the new classrooms, but after the trip down... "Stop, Baby," she said. "I want to drive." "Di, I'm..." " ... So tired you can barely keep your eyes open. It would be a shame for you to wreck us after the...

2 years ago
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Enjoying Being Bachelor

Hello all of my friends and wish you all a very happy new year . So hope you all that you are all in good health and enjoying your time . So i am Manoj 25 yrs and i am living in rourkela in orissa. I live in a rented house in a residential area and there i live alone. One maid comes to me every day 4 cleaning and other household works . Her name is sandhya and she is 30 yrs with nice figure and she is working 4 last 1 yrs . Though some times i wanted to fuck her badly but never dared to do so ....

2 years ago
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Kelly and Sir cums a lot Part 2

Laying on the bed waiting to be stuffed by his cock was getting me so turned on! When he put his hand on my cunt and I felt his finger sliding inside of me, I knew it wouldn’t be long before I felt this big cock in my hand so deep inside of my cunt and it would be fucking the hell out of me. Babe, it really gets me turned on knowing you are right there watching everything I do, but I have to say that once I start getting anxious to be fucked, we could have a stadium full of people watching me...

2 years ago
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The Son of a Neigbour

I live in wasteland of rundown residential tower blocks, a low income housing on the outskirts of Paris. I’m a woman of 37, slender, quite beautiful, with a certain taste for drugs, celebration and a distaste for work. In these HLM housing blocks you don’t really know your neighbors well. In fact, you have no idea, who lives beside you. I passed the stairway on a dull afternoon as woman asked me if I did have any baking ingredients. She was a bit older than me, a moroccan woman. She seemed a...

3 years ago
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Cocktail Anyone

It was a business trip and tonight was your typical cocktail dinner reception, people floating around pretending to network with people that they know they will never contact or speak to again in order to be cordial. It was during that “networking”, we met. At the time I thought nothing of us meeting and chatting. I didn’t even have one lustful thought or any inkling of an idea that this six foot tall, dark haired hunk was going to be more than a cordial hello, not until the evening ended that...

4 years ago
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The Waiting Game Ch 1

If you didn’t know her, your first impression of Sonya would be that she’d descended from a long and particularly prestigious line of varsity cheerleaders. Tanned, blonde, and sporty—she struck that perfect balance between fit and curvy. But she didn’t get her figure from shaking pom-poms at some football game, no sir. She got it from fencing. From stabbing people, competitively. She had a gift for it. That’s how we first met, actually—she joined the university fencing team with me during our...

2 years ago
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Total Confusion P1 EDITED

Intro: Hey, this is the story of a boy , a prince in fact, who went through his life not understanding the feelings he had for men. By one boys actions this is going to change. The story is of a young boy up to the point of being a teen. (If the story goes well then it will continue further in age but I dont expect it to) Soon the boys aspect on life will change. Soon there will be someone to hold his heart. This is a romantic tragedy much like Hamlet. (IMPORTANT: DUE TO RECENT CHANGES IN...

3 years ago
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Fresh From The Gym

College is a great place. You can follow a career you've already decided on, find one that really grabs your interest, or just waste time for a few years before you quit to “really find yourself.” But what makes college really fun is that it's also where your sexuality can really flourish, if it hasn't already. Want to screw as many girls or guys as possible? College. Not sure if you're gay or lesbian or something in between and want to find out for sure? College. You're away from home, you can...

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Pleasuring a Granny Ch 60

"There is no way I'm letting that monstrosity inside me, I'll masturbate him, I may try and fellate him, but I will not fuck him, I think I'll keep my hymen thank you." "Ah well, we have 10 days to sort that out." Now read on: ************************** Carol's Holiday Part 2 "There is nothing to sort out." "Oh yes there, is! You said; I may try and felate him! That tells me that you are little more interested in that cock than you're...

1 year ago
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Straightening out wrinkles

Straightening Out Wrinklesbypenisleeve©Hello.Like most bars this one was mostly unforgettable, too many people, too many drunks, too much smoke and noise. But I would always remember this one as the place where I began a long adventure into sexual exploitation and servitude. Just entering the door of this particular bar makes my cock throb in memory and anticipation.It was a usual Friday night and I’d decided to go out and have a drink. I’m not as a rule a pub goer but at a loose end, or should...

2 years ago
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Mistrusting a MemoryChapter 8

When Bob went off shift, he returned to the hospital. "How come you're the only cop who ever checks on her?" asked the head nurse. "It's my case," he said bruskly. "How's she doing?" "Better," said the nurse. "She should be awake. All her vitals are normal. The sedative has been stopped. The only reason she's still in ICU is that she won't wake up." "I'll just sit with her for a while," said Bob. He'd stayed in uniform, since that got him almost anything he wanted, with...

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Dont Let A Friend Impregnate Your Wife

{if gamemode=true}You, just got back from deployment today. You cannot wait to see your beautiful wife, Veronica. But most importantly you can't wait to fuck her and hopefully start your family with her by getting her pregnant soon. It's been many months since you have seen her and had sex with her. While you have fucked a few woman while deployed that your wife doesn't know about, it has been a couple weeks since you had any sex at all and you are as horny as ever. You are very much looking...

2 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 392

HARD WORK ... Every morning, the CEO of a large bank in Manhattan walks to the corner where a shoeshine is always located. He sits on the couch, examines the Wall Street Journal, and the shoeshine gives his shoes a shiny, excellent look. One morning the shoeshine asks the Executive Director: - What do you think about the situation in the stock market? The Director asks in turn arrogantly: - Why are you so interested in that - that topic? “I have a million dollars in your bank,” the...

3 years ago
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Cherry chapter 4

After my evening with Cherry, I was about as happy as I’d ever been. I went about the apartment, cleaning and putting things away while humming some song I couldn’t put a title or group name to. My thoughts drifted back and forth between the time spent with my Cherry that night and the time that I would be spending watching her at the upcoming game where she would be cheering. It was getting late, so I decided to get a shower and couldn’t help but recall when we showered together that...

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Daze in the ValleyChapter 91

Adam had just handed the phone off to a surprised Karlie when Allie, Mary, Rachelle, Leslie, Erin, Walt and Sean came in. "Look what we picked up in the parking lot!" Rachelle said, putting an arm around Leslie's shoulders. "Can we keep her?" "She's not housebroken," Rebecca replied. "We'll have to keep her in the yard." "Hey!" Leslie giggled. Adam looked at the computer equipment that Walt and Sean carried. "I'll explain in a minute," Mary said. "It's good Leslie is...

2 years ago
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The big cock on the telly 2

I lean down, gently kissing my beautiful wife, my cock soaking in her hot cunt. A huge load I've put up her mingling with the even bigger deposit left by John, it ran out ,down my prick, covering my ballsI told her I loved her" and I love you, more than I can say" she whisperedThen we feel the big cock coming between our mouths, hard, and massive" I want you both to lick it, look up at me" I look up to the grinning face, the Polaroid camera in his hand" just for us, this one" he takes the...

2 years ago
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LeefsticChapter 18

Tommy and Consti didn't make it to work for three days. The three women and I could see into the bio-dome and could see that Tommy though young was performing like a man. His puberty had started many years early then interrupted so he would not be continuously horny. The block was now off and his little testicles were getting a workout. Small pills were put beside his bed and they seemed to help along with the med unit. My work on the computer started again but this time everything was much...

3 years ago
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just a day 2

So there I was, sitting on a bed holding a drink which by now was about half way. It felt like ages. Then a door opened and I saw u walking in. you had a lantern. For a moment I smiled to myself thinking it was 1876. as u got closer I could see u were tall, I could see those beautiful eyes staring at me, like u wanted to shred me apart. As u were walking towards me part of the room illuminated. It was a white room. So far no pictures and no furniture other than the bed, It wasn’t a huge place...

3 years ago
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Prostitute Lady

Carol and Alice decided to sneak off to go see Foxy Brown. It was frowned upon to see R-rated movies at the Brady residence but they thought “The Hell with it”. They told Mike they were going to a book club meeting. The two women didn’t say a word as they watched the movie and ate popcorn and drank their Cokes. Part of Carol cringed at the violence [though the nudity didn’t bother her at all] while another part of her gleefully enjoyed the movie. A small part of...

1 year ago
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Sarah my girlfriends sister

Maria's little sister, Sarah, who at the time was 18 and was going through that phase of "any boy is amazing" and I happened (luckily or otherwise) to fall square in her sights for some reason. (I know this sounds wrong but it was amazing having this little teen always wanting to be with me) She would often hang out with us and even tried to spend time with me when Maria was away. It was small things like sitting on the couch during a movie she would lift my arm over her and snuggle...

3 years ago
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Game Night

Game Night By Tvstar Thank you for reading give me your comments at: [email protected] "The store owner said that the game had some magic in it," said Randy when he laid the cards on the table. Every Friday it was game night my friends and I gathered together to play some board games, Monopoly, Risk, Poker, Domino, everything we could lay our hands in, being in our second year in college we managed to play at least every Friday to ease our school tensions, also once in a while...

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Can I Cane You

"Can I cane you?""What?" I asked, nearly spilling my coffee."Can I give you a caning?""What, like a..."Sarah put down her coffee, leaned forward. Her red curls tickled my face, and she whispered, "With a stick, on your bare bottom, like a naughty boy."She sat back and raised her eyebrows at me with a nervous smile."Why would I... I'm not sure a crowded cafe is the place to discuss-""Walk me home. I'll pay for the coffees."Without waiting for a response, she got up and headed for the counter. I...

3 years ago
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Simple LoveChapter 2

My proposal and Felicity's subsequent refusal at least clarified our relationship. Her position as my ... partner ... was acknowledged and accepted by both of us and by Anji; there was no need for any manoeuvres at bed-time and one of the new wardrobes was assembled in my ... our ... room instead of the attic, which Anji had all to herself. That seemed to please her. She gave the two of us plenty of space, but without isolating herself; she was as likely to cuddle up to me as to her mother...

2 years ago
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High School Again Ugh Ch 05

Author’s Note: As those of you who read my biography page recently already know, I was stupid enough to lose all my ‘fun’ writing sometime ago. I had to start over from scratch. That pretty much shut me down for a while mentally. You see, I don’t typically write one chapter/story to completion all by itself. At any given time I literally have dozens in progress (35 currently, of which 4 are in the final stages). I tend to bounce between them depending on my mood and interest. Most are just a...

1 year ago
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DevilsFilm Ryder Rey Athena Faris Cuck 8216Em While They8217re Young

Athena Faris and her girlfriend Ryder Rey are in detention. Athena is annoyed to be there but Ryder doesn’t mind, since she has her eye on the teacher who is supervising the detention – Codey Steele. As Athena and Ryder chat, Ryder tells Athena that she should try dick sometime, but Athena isn’t interested, preferring a strap-on instead. Ryder tells Athena that she LOVES it when Athena fucks her with the strap-on, but it’s nothing compared to the real thing. But Athena...

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The Monster 3

His Story – Part Two – His Party This is a continuation of our story It’s about our obsession with our neighbors and the way they’ve introduced us to group sex. Frank – WM, 6’, 210 lbs with a 6” dick Shellie – she’s a WF, 5’ 8”, about 140 lbs with hard 42 DD’S Kathy – she’s a WF, 5’ 11”, about 140 lbs with full, hard 40 D’S Donna – she’s a WF, 5’, about 100 lbs with 32 B’s and big nipples On Monday morning I was taking a shower and the phone rang. I grabbed a towel and...

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Art class

Caroline and me had been pals for ages, our parents were friends so we had spent a lot of time together as k**s and a friendship had developed.This long hot summer may be our last together as I was off to Uni in the autumn and Caroline was hoping to go to art school.We used to spend a bit of time together when our parents were at work, just hanging at her house and listening to music and the like.Today Caroline seemed to have something on her mind, she was a bit shy as if she wanted to say...

1 year ago
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European Adventure

Here it was different. All men traveled in packs more exclusive than the last. To be considered to talk to a guy or spend an evening with him you first had to meet the approval of his friends whose gazes grew more and more icy as you followed their perfectly combed heads around their table. If you were desperate enough, you could find a greasy guy holed up at a lone bar table eyeing every person around; he would be more than happy to take you home and use you as the body you are, not...

2 years ago
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Long Lasting Encounter

Dear ISS readers, This is again raj with a different experience. I have received good feedbacks from you readers which boosts my morale in writing this great experience and share with you all.As usual I have suppressed the real names. Keep on sending your valuable feedback to my mail id in addition to posting comments in the ISS portal.Have a great reading. My earlier stories (night halt with a lady dentist and sexperience with lavanya). One fine Sunday , I just woke up from my bed much late...

1 year ago
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We Are Made of Stardust Part 1

"We are not bound by the Earth. We are all radiant beings made of stardust. Once you know this truth you will be forced to reach for your true potential." Some drunk fool at a bar. Zigmund Van Diemen's disappointment from the news stayed in the background because the accompanying joy which also came was front and center. His date for the prom next week and closest friend, Joy Eno, got back with her boyfriend Stephan Spader. Even with the couple reuniting meaning that Ziggy was not...

1 year ago
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The Second Kiss

She stood at the threshold, her eyes scanning the room. She looked as if she was there to meet someone. Her auburn tresses falling over her shoulder, her emerald eyes sparkling. She had a smile that would make every man and woman have a heart beat skip. Her age, I could not make an educated guess. She was beautiful, at any age. She was a sight to behold. I lost my breath as she looked in my direction. I’m not sure, but I believe we made eye contact. I felt my face blush as I looked at my...

2 years ago
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Heavy Traffic Ch 05

Late morning traffic on interstate 475 in the middle of the week consisted of more semis than cars which was a dual-edged sword as Sean saw it. It made the presence of his three trucks less obvious, but made his vehicle as well as any police vehicles stick out much more than he would have liked. A passenger vehicle that purposely stayed in the right lane following slower moving trucks rather than passing them was hard not to notice. Sean turned on his emergency flashers, hoping that anyone who...

2 years ago
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CindyChapter 19

It was a fifteen minute drive to Tootie's house and when we drew near, I saw my brother Jerry's truck already parked. We pulled in behind him. The front door opened before we got to the last step and Jerry stepped out. I grasped his hand and clapped him on the back. "Good to see you, Jerry," I said. "Meet Cindy, your new sister-in-law." "Hey Cindy!" he said, holding out his hand. When she took it, he enveloped her in a hug, too. "I'm glad to meet you." Cindy feigned surprise....

1 year ago
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"Kyra, would you mind joining me in my office? I'd like to discuss some details of the paper you handed in last week." Mr. Markman's voice interrupted Kyra as she stood up ready to leave the classroom. The bell had just rung and she only wanted to leave that place, but once she had gathered her stuff, Kyra looked up at her Sociology professor and a pleasant shiver ran through her 18 year old body. Mr. Markman was the youngest lecturer in the school and in addition, he was very handsome. He was...

4 years ago
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Ann Goes to Detroit

Ann looked at the card in her hand and wondered when Tom had put it in her suitcase. The card had a simple handwritten message in Tom's handwriting, "You are 1300 miles from home. No one knows you there. Go for it!" Ann knew only to well what that message meant, just as she understood the message sent by the other items Tom had slipped into her suitcase. She found nylons, garter belt, black bustier, a black negligee, and what Tom called her 'come fuck me' high heels. Oh yes indeed, the...

3 years ago
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A Bunnie to Play With Chapter 1

I clenched my thighs around my hand and tried to stifle the gasp that was trying to escape my throat. Outrageous was the word that popped up in my head, and I said so. Fabric rustled at the other side of the room, followed by bare feet which pattered unsteadily through the dark. My mattress sank down next to me. “Anne!” I exclaimed and felt embarrassed, lying in bed like this, my pajama pants down at my ankles, my top bunched around my neck, one hand on my moist sex. Yes, the room was dark and...

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The other day I was in the park with my friends, doing our routine exercises. Since I was with a couple, I figured after we got limbered up and ran around a bit they'd want to get some time alone elsewhere, so I wandered down to the restroom while they snuck off to tug at each other in the forest. The girls room was out of order. Being the adventurous spirit I am, I decided to risk the boys bathroom to see what sort of naughty things might be written on the walls, maybe flick my bean.The whole...

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The Strawberry Patch Book 1 The BabiesChapter 33 It Was Not Supposed To Be Like This

September – Year 1 Well that cat was out of the bag. He shouted it loud enough that people blocks away could have heard him. And since the bar was not yet busy, everyone there now knew something was going on with Erin and babies. “Well that didn’t take long.” Mark hit me on the shoulder. “Well we know she is pregnant, we believe it is twins. We have to wait for a few months to find out.” “So, are congratulations in order?” “Hell yes. Lynn and I both participated and did our level...

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