- 3 years ago
- 19
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Arilee checked her blonde locks in the mirror, and then turned to the half-elven woman at her side. "Thank you for coming, Cris."
"I have seen the change in Christi's letters as well. I share your concern and love," Crystania said, and gave a little bow of her head. "I pray you may aid her, as such emotional turmoil could prove troublesome for her pregnancy. If you are ready?"
Ari nodded and closed her eyes, having discovered that it did much to lessen the disconcerting effect of the spell that Crystania was weaving. The magic wrapped around her when Cris' beautiful voice reached a crescendo, and she felt as light as a feather for a moment. When the sensation faded, she opened her eyes and smiled. She was back within Blackhawk Hall once more.
Even as she stepped from the teleportation pattern, someone walked into the room. Sharon let out a laugh and bounded across the floor to gather her old charge in her arms. "Oh — it's good to see you, Arilee."
"It's good to see you," Ari agreed.
The matronly woman stepped back and held Arilee at arm's length. "I hear that you're turning the place upside down. We've had nobles sneaking in here to complain ever since you took over up there."
"I'm afraid they will have to endure," Ari said with a smile. "The people will not struggle to eat while those of noble blood bask in fineries, so long as it is my place to judge."
"And good for you." Sharon put an arm behind the Baroness. "We'll have to catch up later. Christi will never forgive me if I keep you any longer."
"Does she know I'm here?" Ari asked, having hoped to surprise her dear friend.
"I'm sure she knows someone is," Sharon answered, assuaging that worry. "She's in her room. Go on and surprise her."
"Has she found someone to replace me, yet?"
"Replace? Ha! She's got a girl to fetch and such, but there's no replacing you, Arilee."
Ari blushed and turned away a little, still unable to take such unabashed praise without feeling somewhat self-conscious.
Sharon laughed again as she playfully pushed Arilee out into the hall. "You never change — and don't you dare."
After offering a final smile and a wave, Sharon returned to her duties. Arilee looked down the familiar hall — still more familiar to her than her new home — and felt her heart soar from the memories.
She took a few steps forward and ran her fingers over the oak door of the bath room. Within, she'd faced and conquered two demons. One had its claws in her heart, and the other did its best to dig its claws into her flesh. It was Christi who had helped her fight both those demons, and now she was determined to return the favor.
She could almost hear the laughter of the gentle half-orc Kronk as she looked toward the stairs. Just beyond was the door to her old room. Though the door was closed, she could see every detail of the interior in her mind's eye — despite having spent more time in the ducal bedchamber.
The ornately carved double doors to that very room suddenly burst open.
The Duke stumbled out, and quickly ducked to the side. Almost immediately, a dagger slammed into the stone wall opposite the door with a loud clang. Arilee winced, now having a good idea of what had caused the sudden dark turn in the letters from the Duchess. Pregnant women seemed to develop a propensity for hurling the nearest object. When such a woman dwelled in Blackhawk Hall, it was twice as dangerous, as the nearest object was usually pointed, and very, very sharp.
Duke Cerebus rubbed his temples, his hand covering his eyes, and muttered under his breath as he walked to the stairs. Absorbed in his own inner turmoil, he failed to notice Arilee at the other end of the hall as he descended.
A steady stream of curses emerged from the now open doors.
Arilee approached, doubting that waiting would improve Christi's mood. When she reached the doorway, she wisely paused before stepping into the portal and called out "Knock, knock."
"Fucking gutter..." Christi's curses continued for a moment, and then ceased in a gasp. "Ari?"
Stepping into the doorway, Arilee smiled, and bent to pick up the dagger lying at her feet. When the Duchess planted her hands on the feather-stuffed mattress in apparent preparation to rise, Ari chided, "No, no, no, no," and hurried into the room. She closed the door behind her, and deposited the dagger on a nearby table, which was stacked high with various documents.
Christi sat back against the stout walnut headboard again, wearing a look of relief. Then she groaned and laid her hands on her very pregnant tummy.
"Oh, you must be miserable," Ari said in sympathy, and then sat down next to the Duchess on the bed.
"Gods, I'm so glad to see you," Christi responded, and then held out her arms for a hug.
Ari pressed her cheek against Christi's and slipped an arm behind the woman's back. The Duchess' tummy prevented more of an embrace for that. "I've missed you, too."
"Miserable doesn't even begin to describe it," The Duchess said, her voice weary. "I thought you couldn't get away?"
"I probably shouldn't have, but I knew that there was something wrong that you weren't mentioning in your letters. What happened?"
"It's been getting worse for a while. We can't work out our frustrations with each other down in the courtyard, so we're taking them out on each other with spite. I managed to get over it at first, but now I haven't had sex in a month..." Christi's voice steadily rose with every word that followed. "And I'm about to lose my mind!"
The first was bad enough, as the key to the unique relationship between the Duke and Duchess was their ability to engage each other in combat, and walk away afterwards with any disagreement settled in their minds. The last surely had to be devastating, as Christi had a deep sexual appetite. Ari doubted that the Duchess had regularly gone a day without sex, let alone a month.
"Has he lost interest?" Arilee asked.
Christi snorted. "Gods, no. All he does is stare at my tits, and I'm about to kill him over it. I don't need him to remind me about how huge these things are." She cupped the heavy globes as she finished, and then let them fall.
Ari found that she had a hard time keeping her eyes off of them as well.
The Duchess sighed, shook her head, and patted her tummy. "It's this. I can't even find a comfortable position to sleep, let alone fuck. My pussy has more hair on it than my head, because I can't even see it to trim the mess. I can't get there because I'm uncomfortable, and he's afraid of hurting the baby, and..."
While her friend sucked in a shuddering breath, unable to continue, Arilee felt her heart break. Christi's eyes were misting with unshed tears, something that Ari thought that she would never see from the tough-as-nails Duchess.
"We're going to fix this," Arilee declared, her voice full of confidence and conviction.
"H-how?" Christi asked, fighting back a sob.
"First things first. You're going to have a nice long bath, and I'm going to help you with that over-abundance of hair."
Christi sighed in relief. "Oh, thank you. The bath is one of the few places that I can actually get comfortable for a while."
"All the better," Ari said, and offered a wide smile. "I'll go find Kronk, and get everything ready. You just relax as much as you can."
"Bring me my dagger back, in case Cerebus is dumb enough to come back in here. The ass had the nerve to come in complaining about some stupid dispute between some herb peddler and a potion brewer."
Arilee crossed the room and retrieved the dagger, though she had little doubt that several more were well within the Duchess' reach, even with the limited mobility of her condition. "I don't think that sticking him with a knife is going to solve anything."
"It might make me feel better for a few seconds. Besides, if I actually wanted to hit him, he'd already be stuck."
Knowing Christi's deadly aim, Arilee had no reason to dispute that claim.
"Try not to skewer anyone while I'm gone," Ari said, and felt heartened that the remark brought a smile to Christi's face.
Yet another familiar sight greeted Arilee when she stepped back out into the hall. The dusky-skinned wizard Ashtar approached, his eyes and teeth both shining in brilliant white as he smiled.
"Glad I am to be seeing you, Arilee. Much good you must already be doing, if the cursing and crashing has already stopped."
Arilee had a sudden flash of inspiration, and prayed that Ashtar might be able to help her follow up on it. "I need to find Kronk to draw a bath, but I wonder if you could do me a favor?"
"If being within my power it is, yours it shall be. Doubly shall you have my help, if helping our dear friend it will, as I am suspecting."
A nod indicated that Ashtar had guessed correctly. "I'll come see you in your room as soon as I find Kronk."
"Waiting will I be," Ashtar responded, and then bowed his head before turning back to the room always set aside for him in the Hall.
Arilee hurried for the stairs as soon as the wizard turned.
The door to the bath opened, and Arilee hastily secreted a seashell amulet beneath a washcloth on the edge of the bathing pool.
"Here we are, Milady," Kronk rumbled, easily supporting the Duchess on one muscled arm, while she held onto his neck for balance.
Christi grinned and leaned over to suckle his earlobe for a moment. Then she swirled the tip of her tongue around the circumference of his ear, making the hulking half-orc shiver.
"That's not fair," Kronk pouted as he lowered his passenger to the floor.
Christi laughed, the sound cut off by a groan as she laid a hand over her tummy.
"Thank you, Kronk," Arilee said as she went to help support her very pregnant friend.
"Welcome," Kronk responded, and then left the room, closing the door securely behind him.
As Christi was wearing loose clothing with easily accessible ties — or horrible, ugly sacks, as she called them — undressing her for the bath took only a few seconds. Far from finding her unattractive, as the Duchess so often expressed feeling in her letters, Ari could barely contain her desire for the dark-haired beauty. Christi only looked all the more delicious with the glow of motherhood about her.
The Duke had ordered new steps that didn't have such a steep grade for the tub as well, making the climb less of a chore for his wife. With Ari's assistance, Christi sank into the steaming water and let out a moan of relief.
The Duchess relaxed in the water, and Arilee turned to the task of removing her own clothing. She still wore a rather ornate gown, as she hadn't bothered to change after holding court, when Crystania arrived to transport her to the Hall.
Christi opened her eyes when Arilee took her first step into the water. "Oh — now you're teasing me."
Suspecting that saying what she truly felt would only feel like mockery to her uncharacteristically self-conscious friend, Ari held back the words of desire on the tip of her tongue.
Her painfully stiff nipples likely spoke to the truth, anyway.
"Now, let's do something about that thicket," Ari said, and reached for the scissors perched on the rune-covered wooden lip of the bathing pool. She let out a little moan when Christi's fingers stroked her taut bottom.
The look in Christi's eyes certainly said that she had something far different in mind from trimming the wild hairs between her legs, but resignation crept into her features a moment later. Inability to reach orgasm due to her difficult condition made her hesitant to give in to her desire. "Let me scoot over to a higher step."
"No, you're more comfortable with your tummy in the water. It may take a little longer, but you're fine where you are."
"Just shave it bare. Cerebus will have to get over it." She let out a mixture of a groan and a sigh. "If he even sees it before it grows back..."
Ari had every intention of making sure that he did far more than see it.
"I learned a new spell," Ari began, keeping up a conversation while she worked against the depth of the lapping water confusing her eyes, to trim the dark curls between Christi's legs.
Arilee did most of the talking, as Christi had little energy to do anything at the late stage of her pregnancy. The Duchess was more than happy to listen — living vicariously through her friend.
Once Ari determined that she'd done all that she could with the scissors, she reached for the razor. Though the smile that graced Christi's face was a little sad and longing, Arilee continued to relate some of the more interesting things going on in her new life. Any smile was a good one, in her eyes.
The shaving proved even more difficult, and Ari actually had to hold her breath to dip her head beneath the water several times. She had an alternative, but wanted to save that surprise.
Perseverance won the battle, and Ari said, "Float up a little, so I can make sure that I didn't miss anything."
Christi put her hands beneath her, onto the impossibly smooth wooden step, and pushed so that the water buoyed her toward the surface. Ari supported her friend's knee in the crook of her arm, and looked for any stray hairs. When she didn't see any, she finally surrendered to the arousal that had built inside her, and stroked her fingers over the Duchess' smooth nether lips.
"Oh, Ari," Christi quietly exclaimed, and then let out an almost pained whimper. Now too desperate with need to worry about her recent inability to climax, she started trying to scoot back onto a higher step, so that she could lift her pussy above the water.
"You'll be too uncomfortable," Ari observed as she put down the razor and picked up the seashell amulet that Ashtar had provided.
"I don't care. I need you," Christi argued.
"I need you, too," Arilee agreed, as she slipped on the amulet and let it settle between her breasts. Before Christi could say anything more, Ari followed Ashtar's suggestion, took a deep breath, and dunked her head beneath the water. Only complete trust in the magic allowed her to take the next step — though she still felt almost mind-numbing terror as she considered what she must do.
She let her breath out in a column of bubbles, and breathed in.
The magic of the amulet worked even better than she had anticipated. Though water now filled her lungs instead of air, she felt absolutely nothing different. She knew that Christi would panic in short order, not knowing the power of the charm, and so she moved between the Duchess' legs, to give her something far more pleasant to think about.
The moan that rumbled in Ari's throat as her tongue delved between Christi's folds made almost no sound, and she could hear nothing of the Duchess' loud gasp. Arilee slipped her fingers beneath her friend's bottom, to lift her slightly up from the step, and then truly loosed her tongue.
The water seemed to have no ability to dilute the sweet taste of Christi's juices, which Arilee hadn't savored in far too long. Her duties as the new Baroness of Dalebord had consumed her, leaving her with little time to take pleasure alone in her bed, let alone with anyone else. She had gone far longer than a month without knowing the touch of a lover.
Christi writhed and twitched under the slippery caress of Ari's tongue. The Baroness took her time, letting the tip of her tongue roam all over her friend's needy, newly shaven sex. Her hair floated in a golden halo around her, caressing Christi's thighs, adding to the sensations.
Arilee pressed her tongue deep whenever desire overwhelmed her, awakening her senses with even stronger tastes of Christi's nectar. She knew her lover's body as well as her own, and gave the Duchess more, exactly when she needed it. Her tongue steadily slipped more often to the swollen bud at the apex of Christi's nether lips, ever stoking her friend's flames of passion higher.
Though she couldn't hear them, Ari could imagine the gasps and moans that were indeed emerging from Christi above the lapping surface of the water. One of Ari's hands left the Duchess' taut bottom, and two fingers slipped into her tight embrace. Christi stiffened, and trembled. Arilee knew that her friend now teetered on the edge. With another silent moan, she suckled Christi's hood between her lips.
Christi's trembling intensified as Ari massaged the pearl with her lips, and tickled it with flicks of her tongue. Soon the trembling was a quake, and then Christi lurched, an orgasm taking control of her body.
Arilee's heart soared as her lover went into throes of passion. She could actually hear a distant, muffled hint of the loud scream of release that burst from the Duchess' lips. Her fingers and tongue changed positions, letting Ari stab her tongue in deep for the reward of Christi's cream, while her fingers rubbed her lover's throbbing clit.
She was still eager for more when a weak push from the Duchess' right hand silently begged for reprieve.
Ari sat back, smiling beneath the water, and mentally prepared for what was to come. She breathed out, emptying her lungs as much as possible, and then popped to the surface for a breath of air. As Ashtar had warned, a short fit of coughing shook her, but she recovered within a few breaths.
Christi floated in the water, quivering and squeezing her breasts. She gasped for every breath, and then immediately released each one in a whimper. The Duchess forced her tightly closed eyes open after a few attempts, and at last took a deep breath that emerged as a quavering moan. "Oh. I ... I need ... Needed that."
"Me too," Ari said with a grin, and pushed with her arms to float over for a kiss from her lover's trembling lips.
"T-that was a ... A sneaky trick," Christi chided, though the beatific smile on her face belied her words. The tender caress of her hand over Ari's breasts made the blonde Baroness join her in quivering.
"A-ashtar?" Christi guessed.
Ari giggled and nodded her head. "He must have felt as if his face was on fire, he blushed so much." She cuddled up next to Christi in the water. "You said that the bath was one of the few places where you felt comfortable, and that you couldn't get there because you were always uncomfortable, so..."
"It worked." Christi let out a long, low moan, her eyes closing for a few seconds. "Oh gods, did it work."
"You should have told me," Ari said before kissing Christi on the cheek. "You wouldn't have had to suffer so long."
The Duchess let out a sharp, sensual growl that sounded almost like a bark. "I know, but it was almost worth letting that build up." Then, she gasped and snapped a hand to her stomach. "I don't think somebody is quite as happy about all the shaking and fluttering that's going on in there, though."
"He's kicking?"
"Like a mule. Here, feel."
Ari let Christi guide her hand, and a few seconds later, she felt a sharp thump. She laughed and said, "He has his mommy's kick."
"And a fondness for doing it to my bladder. I've pissed myself twice when the little bugger did that."
"It won't be long now."
"Not soon enough. I'm starting to get worried."
"You're just going a bit long. It happens. He's just not quite ready to come see us yet. Everything will be fine." Ari chose that moment to steal a long, soft, but passionate kiss. Christi's right hand immediately found Ari's thigh.
When their lips parted, Christi said, "There's something else that I haven't had in a long time."
A high-pitched moan of anticipation accompanied Christi's fingers slipping to Ari's nether lips.
"I thought about that, too," Arilee revealed, once she caught her breath — arousal surging within her. A slight push from her legs sent her drifting toward the center of the bath on her back. Once she was as flat as possible in the water, she summoned up another power of her borrowed amulet.
Ari bobbed to the surface, floating on her back like a boat.
Christi needed no explanation that the magic was meant to allow her to remain buoyed by the water, and thus comfortable. She also needed no encouragement. When she grabbed Arilee's ankle with a hungry, sexy growl, the blonde Baroness bent her knees, using the anchor to draw her toward Christi's waiting mouth.
( A Darkniciad story. About 8 mos. after ‘Queen Alicia’ ) Arilee checked her blonde locks in the mirror, and then turned to the half-elven woman at her side. “Thank you for coming, Cris.” “I have seen the change in Christi’s letters as well. I share your concern and love,” Crystania said, and gave a little bow of her head. “I pray you may aid her, as such emotional turmoil could prove troublesome for her pregnancy. If you are ready?” Ari nodded and closed her eyes, having discovered that it...
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IncestWhat should she do?Beverley Crusher's mind wasn't really on it today. To be fair it was quiet in sickbay and all she was really had to do was the unenviable task of sorting out shift patterns and finishing off paperwork. The 'rewards' of being a CMO aboard a starship, she thought, although at least she got her own office.Her mind, however, wasn't on the job at hand. All she could think about was last night. She had slept well, although her dreams contained more visions of her son Wesley's cock....
"Mom!" he shouted as soon as he entered. "Yes dear?" she replied as she came through from the kitchen. "Oh my God!" she exclaimed on seeing him, "What on earth happened!" "I need a fuck mom." He broke down in tears as she took him into her arms, howling his hurt out on her shoulder. She quickly moved them both to the bedroom; her guiding, him stumbling. Laying him on the bed she stripped herself and began taking his uniform off. He just lay there sobbing, unresisting, while she...
I wondered what kind of fun Jeannie would come up with today. I really enjoyed her yesterday and was pretty pumped up for today’s festivities. I hoped she'd take out her strap-on toy again. I never would have believed how much it actually turned me on. I enjoyed her being aggressive with me. I peeked out between my blinds and saw that she was wearing her bikini and was with another woman, who didn’t look like any of the other housewives on the block. But she was as pretty as Jeannie. The lady...
TabooMany years ago, I worked as the night shift security guard, cleaning the mall and patrolling the halls at night. The pay was good, the hours were tiring, but the job was fun despite the loneliness. Around relief time, I was usually exhausted and ready for the walk home, and then avoiding the gaggles of homeless between work and home. Now around the town we had a small issue with homeless people and part of the day time duties were to keep them from loitering inside the mall and at night we had...
Theatre funThis is Mr sweet version of our theatre gangbang. It was finally here Saturday night and we had managed to get away for a few days. It was touch and go if we would get away or. Not but we made it after the usual drive around in circles trying to find our motel we finally got there and checked in headed upstairs had showers got changed etc. to say wifey looked hot is an understatement. She was wearing a silk like dress with a split up the front we’ll sort of an over lap slit lacey...
"That's sick" gasped Ava. I was showing her the child porn material that I had found on her husband's laptop computer. Ava was my mum's best friend - she had been my mum's bridesmaid when mum and dad got married over 30 years ago. They had gone to school together, and had kept in close contact. Mum had married whilst Ava pursued a career in advertising where she now owned a successful agency. I had known Ava all my life (I was now 30 years old), but had had little contact with her in...
Volume II – Exposing Cindy: The workers Chapter 1 – Cindy is sunbathing Jim and I had been married about two years, when we bought our first home, a lovely place on a golf course in North Houston. When Jim received a large promotion a year later, we decided to treat ourselves to an ‘in-ground’ hot tub and spa. The installation was taking longer than we had anticipated, stretching over six weeks, but the end was in sight. All of the plumbing was complete, the heater and filter units had been...
Wife LoversThe Beginning of the Beginning The sound seemed to come from very far away, although the horn was just across the street. On all seven continents, those who remained claimed to have heard the piercing blast. Stripped of earthly trappings, the Angel Gabriel was light, sound, and energy. His appearance was glorious beyond the descriptive skills of even the world’s most talented, prophetic painters. The sky changed in an instant. Pitch-black clouds and blizzard were transformed into sunshine...
August 6, 2017 Dear Ms. Diary, I was right. Once I gathered enough energy and will in the right places, I stood up from the table. We girls went upstairs, where I headed straight for the toilet so that I could relieve my bladder. I sat on the throne, my elbows on my knees, my head in my hands. “Are you okay,” asked Heather. “Yeah, I’m still out of it from that orgasm. That was good, thanks to you guys sending Dad to Heaven.” “I was second; Liya went first. Charlie began panting a bit...
Hi friends, I am new to this writing section but the content is really erotic. So this all started when I was in my final year of engineering. I was a very vibrant kind of a guy. I had a cousin named Anshika who was 4 years younger than me. She was preparing for medical college. We never use to talk that much but suddenly we came into touch through whatsapp. The next part is the conversation Anshika: hii Bhai Me: hi der A: aapko to kabhi yaad aati nahi meri socha mai hi baat kar lu M: arrey...
When a class teacher decided to target a below average girl by reducing her already down marks. The girl asks the teacher for extra credit but the teacher has some demands from the student. Will the student reject and fail the class or will she accept it to pass the class. Characters: EMILY: STUDENT 18 year old girl. Not good in studies. Doesn't have many friends. Wears Almost non revealing clothes. Virgin. Petite but has d cup breast. Also has a sexy figure. In desperate need to increase her...
TeenIt's the hottest month of the year, and that means a lot these days. Your sweat is bleeding through your white shirt as you walk back to your home. The last interview didn't go so well. It would've been a great job, but the interviewer... well, she made you hard, to put it simply. It made it really difficult to concentratre on her questions, and you just couldn't stop staring at her. Just a bit on the short side, with blonde locks and deep blue eyes. An almost child-like build, kinda...
This is my first story, so I hope you enjoy! A special thanks to my new hero Naughtyann for all her help with my story. A few years ago I was out with one of my friends on a Friday night and, as we sipped our wine, we started talking about sex. She started telling me about an older guy she had been talking to online. He had been begging her to let him perform oral sex on her, explaining to her that his wife wouldn’t let him and he missed it. His proposal was that he would only go down on her...
I was shocked as she was when I came face to face with Connie the mother of my daughter’s best friend. We were both standing in the hallway behind the video booths that had glory holes.I could see that Connie had seamen on her chin and I could see additional stains on her dress. I knew that she had been enjoying anonymous sex just like me. I suddenly wondered which of us had sex with the most cocks.Jeff laughed as he realized that we knew each other. He opened the door and we both stepped into...
I met the family at the airport in the company limousine. Mike and Liz were the contest winners. Their guests were Mike's mom (Susan) and sister Lindsey. Liz's sister Sara rounded out the quartet. We got them all loaded into the stretched vehicle and drove up the mountain. I took care to have them all registered when we got the main lodge and the short tour ended in the lodge dining room for lunch. The driver and I took them up to the private cabin five miles further up the valley and...
*This is a true story of my first time having sex dressed a girl* It finally happened, and it was a dream come true. I started dressing as a girl when I was 17. For me, it started with a thong I stole from my mom’s drawer which eventually went on to lingerie, to normal clothes, and all the way to dressing fully. Im now 24, and all I wanted to do was to show myself to a man and be the little slut I know I can be. I tried online a few times but being in the closet and meeting randomly made me...
so over the next hour I got dressed in everything he wanted (I actually had everything he wanted). I put on black silk panties and black elbow length silk gloves as well. I drove to the parking lot around 9:15 and waited for "daddy" to arrive While listening to music. While waiting I rubbed my dick through my soft silk panties. Wal mart was closed at this so very little cars were around. a few cars drove by but none were daddy. 9:45 rolled around and still no daddy. at this point I was so...
Ich war 15, als ich meine Sexualität entdeckte. Sicher wusste ich schon einiges über Sex, zum Teil aus der Schule, aber mehr noch aus den Erzählungen meiner Freunde. Aber ich hatte keine Ahnung, wie viel Spaß Sex, oder zu mindestens die Selbstbefriedigung, machen kann. Von praktischen Erfahrungen ganz zu schweigen. Von meinen Eltern wurde ich nicht aufgeklärt. Sie waren sehr konservativ und ich habe sie, solange ich denken kann, nicht einmal in Unterwäsche gesehen. So entdeckte ich erst spät...
Incestby Philip Johnson Prologue It’s my position that cats make lousy pets. They don’t come when they’re called. They almost have to be declawed and kept indoors, and have a litter box that we humans have to clean. We have to feed them what they want, and pretty much when they want it. They come when they damn well feel like it and ignore us more often than not. Pet them when they aren’t in the mood? Forget it, they’ll just walk or run just far enough away to be out of your reach. Let’s face it,...
FATIMA AND SHABBIR 11th of Jumaada al-THanny 1416 (November 5, 1995) Fatima’s cloth left her shoulder blades exposed to the Pakistani sun. A red cloth ran to her knees, her legs and feet caked in mud. She lived in the slums, a wide area stretching several miles in all directions at the base of brown hills. Up in the hills she banged on doors. Many doors had been slammed in her face. She became conditioned to the response. While she searched for homes to clean, she carried a sweeper made of...
Tim & The Cage Van While Alicia and Adelaide were talking, Tim Farracut was helping to shut up the pub for the night Looking out across the village green, he could see the lights around the vans. As the landlady grunted and headed off to her room he stared at the warm glow of lights from the vans, wistfully. He turned the last of the bar stools upside down on the tables. The floor would be swept and new sawdust put down in the morning. His work done, he felt himself drawn to the cluster...
Its late when I get off work... I have to walk around the block to where my car is parked. Its starts to rain really hard so I hurry as fast as I could to my car. Not paying attention to much around me. The rain is coming down hard, just cold enough to make my nipples rock hard. I turn the corner and head towards my car. It's the only one there. As I reach the car, I dig in my purse for my keys. All of a sudden I'm being slammed up against my car. "Don't move bitch!" I felt a man's body...
((Please be aware that this story is very much a heavy set fetish story. My writing is and will always be focused on the "darker" side of fetishes, and might upset some people. It is not my intention to bring discomfort, but with that said I wont go out of my way to tune down the intensity or depravity of the way that the fetishes are portrayed. This story contains plenty of dehumanization, degradation, submission and much more. Some topics might be very disturbing to some people and if so then...
BDSMSlowly I eased down allowing Chris's cock to invade my willing bung hole. As his cock head entered my bung hole I sighed deeply and raised slowly back up off his stiff cock. This I repeated about four time, each time letting more and more of Chris's throbbing cock enter my bottom. Chris allowed me to have my fun for a little while, than Chris raised and turned us over till he was on top and I on the bottom. I raised my legs up, Chris adjusted his arms till my legs were were inside his arms....
Kofe let him rest for a while, purring softly as she stroked his head, keeping him trapped tightly against her yielding body. After what might have been minutes or hours, he couldn’t tell, a sudden movement roused him. She rolled onto her back, the mattress beneath her bouncing and the bed’s frame creaking ominously, releasing him from her hold. Her breasts parted, gravity attempting to drag the heavy globes down, and he found himself lying on top of her. She could have served as a bed in her...
Trying to gain an idea of where she was and how she got there Christie's mind was swirling in a maelstrom of thoughts. Looking around her she saw that she was in a cave of some sort, illuminated by a strange bioluminescent bluish light, pillars of rock spread about her. Her black t-shirt, the laced bra, and her tight jean shorts were still on, as were the panties she wore underneath, telling her that nothing untoward had happened to her. Yet. That chilling after-thought made her heart go...
Acting as a Cleaning Lady An Unfinished Story by Susannah Donim If Dave is to become Maria full-time, he has a lot to learn. Chapter 5 - Learning New Skills So in gown and flip-flops, my new feminine flesh jiggling disconcertingly, I wobbled along behind her down the corridor to the hairdressing salon. As Vera had predicted I couldn't seem to stop my new butt swinging from side to side. At the salon Vera introduced me to Sharon and left me with her. She led me to a chair...
I would like to tell you about a true story that happened about 6 months ago when my sister in law and niece visited the wife and I for a holiday, I hope you find it good I will try and keep all the details in without boring you. Frances (sister in law) and Emma (niece) arrived unexpected one day, we was delighted to see them as usual, I had always fancied Frances and had coped a feel now and again without a refusal, I even got as close as to fucking her brains out but got disturbed by Emma and...
visit on www.papahaxx.com to see more stories like theseNot much happening last few days so writing about an incident that happened about a month back. I normally get ready to go to office after packing my husbands lunch box and saying good bye to him. he normally leaves at 8:30 and I after getting ready normally leave the house by 10am. We do stay on the 4th floor of a 7-storey building. We also have a master bedroom, so I normally take a shower and just wrap myself up in a towel and come out...
Chapter 10: A New BeginningI woke up with a start, only to see Hannah and Madison standing over me with their arms crossed, Hannah looking stern, and Madison looking confused. Madison was wearing one of Hannah's robes and was leaning slightly on my dresser. Hannah was fully dressed in jeans and a t-shirt.“Well” Hannah started. “I think we all need to discuss what happened last night”Dread filled my heart, was she going to rat me out to the authorities?“First, personally, I would like to say...
Hello readers my name is raghav and i am here with a fresh and real story. This is my fourth story on iss titled “dost ki mami”. This the first part of the story. Please send me your feedback and suggestions on I am a 6ft tall guy with muscular body and fair complexion doing my batech from delhi. The story i am going to narrate is a real one. This story has mainly 4 characters me, my friend parul, sohan (parul’s mama) and the heroin of this story neerupa (parul’s mami). and further story will...
A K little sister Alyssia BabysitterI had been watching Paul and Nicole's two c***dren for a while. She wasvery pretty, about 5'8", nice legs and loved to show them off. She toweredover my 5'6' in her heels, Paul was about 6'1 or so, clean shaven and atrim wide shoulder athletic build, they made a very good looking couple.They would go out, she in a sexy dress and heels, and he in nice pants andshirt, or a suit sometimes dancing or parties I guess, I never reallycared. It was a cool gig, the...
as i mentioned befor i was puzzled were could they havewent? i thought to myself as i continued on with the day one of my coworkersasked meif every thing was o kay i replied yes,i just had a wildnight she smerkedand said i hope it was 1 to remeber i replied it sure was one i wont forget it for a while and smiled back soas the day progressed it was time to go home and basically follow same routine but the night had come and gone i didnt think i would ever have that encounter again when suddenly...