Hot KofeChapter 8: Silver Tongue free porn video

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Kofe let him rest for a while, purring softly as she stroked his head, keeping him trapped tightly against her yielding body. After what might have been minutes or hours, he couldn’t tell, a sudden movement roused him. She rolled onto her back, the mattress beneath her bouncing and the bed’s frame creaking ominously, releasing him from her hold. Her breasts parted, gravity attempting to drag the heavy globes down, and he found himself lying on top of her. She could have served as a bed in her own right, he could have slept on her cushy body like it was a queen-sized mattress and he could have used her breasts as pillows.

“You rub my back, I’ll rub yours,” she said with a suggestive grin.

“It’s scratch your back, and what do you... ?” Kofe pointed towards her parted thighs with a clawed finger. “Oh, right,” he added. He began to crawl down her massive body, her soft fat oddly difficult to move on, he kept wobbling and losing his balance. Finally, he felt the fur of her tree trunk-like thighs brush against his legs, and then his knees found the bed sheet.

Miller kneeled between her legs, Kofe propping herself up on her elbows so that she could see over the twin mounds of her breasts and her obscuring belly. His heart raced in his chest, he was unsure of what was about to happen, but he knew that he wanted to return the favor. She had made him feel so, so good, and he wanted to do the same for her. He had already heard Kofe extol the virtue of human tongues, so it shouldn’t be too much of an ordeal to give her what she obviously wanted.

The problem was, he had never seen a Polar’s loins before. Would they be huge? Strangely shaped? What if he couldn’t recognize what he was looking at and he had no idea what to do with it? He rested his hands on her thighs, letting them sink into her downy fur, probing at the deep layer of fat beneath. He was presented with a view of her mound, as white and as fluffy as any other region of her body, her thighs extending to the left and right like oil drums wrapped in white velvet and decorated with the coffee stain spots from which she had earned her nickname. Above was the tire of her belly, which would have blocked his view of her had she not been bending over to compensate for it, her blue eyes peering at him from what felt like miles away.

He could see the anticipation in her expression, the way that she was biting her lip again, the rise and fall of her chest accentuated by her breasts.

Her white fur gave way to pink skin, fading from one color to the other to create a rose-tinted line between her thighs. Fat, puffy lips surrounded it, the fur sodden with clear fluid that made the fine hairs cling to her body. He reached down with both hands and parted her labia, exposing a glistening, pink vulva. She was impossibly wet, her excitement leaking from her winking opening in a steady stream as her massive body shifted at his touch, Kofe loosing a drawn-out sigh as he peered down at her anatomy.

It was hot, feverish, he could feel the warmth that radiated from it on his lips as he leaned down closer. Kofe was larger than a human woman, at least as far as he could remember, but not dramatically so. Immediately he felt himself becoming hard again, staring at the wet flesh as it flexed and moved, her feminine scent overpowering the smell of her soaps and perfumes. It was enticing, primal, and his mouth began to water as his fingers skirted her sex.

He used his thumbs to keep her lips open, so soft and plump, tinted that delicate shade of pink that set something off in his animal brain. Nobody’s genitals were especially attractive, but something about Kofe’s neat folds and the contrast between her pristine fur and her blushing womanhood fogged his brain with arousal. Maybe it was because he liked her so much, or maybe Polars were just very aesthetically pleasing. Either way, he had never felt such a strong urge to eat someone out before.

“Are you just gonna look at it?” Kofe chimed, snapping him out of his trance.

“What if I am?”

“Jeff,” she moaned, “stop teasing! I want you so bad...”

Her sultry plea was impossible to refuse. He drew closer, giving it a tentative lick, tasting metal on his tongue as he ran it over her exposed flesh. It was slick with a thick layer of her juices. They had the consistency of syrup, and they clung to him in thin strands, breaking as his tongue slid back into his mouth. His next attempt was more enthusiastic, Miller dragging his tongue along her vulva, his organ gliding between her labia. He felt a shudder run through her massive body, looking up over her belly to see her chewing on one of her black claws as she watched with drooping eyelids.

He was suddenly struck by how cute she looked. It hit him like a lightning bolt, his heart missing a beat as Kofe cocked her head at him, her feline nose twitching. Before she could ask what was the matter, he delved his face between her thighs, intent on tasting every inch of her.

His Polar companion shivered and mewled as if she was a giant cat, Miller using the tip of his tongue to trace every fold and crease of her loins, mouthing and kissing wetly as he went. He teased her with his lips, circling her opening with his tongue, dragging its surface up and down her mound like he was trying to paint it with his saliva. A strong desire to please her had overcome his reservations, his pace greedy and wanton.

Kofe had such a powerful reaction, it was encouraging, erotic. She was having trouble keeping still. He could feel the way that her hips, far wider than his shoulders, rolled and thrust as if some subconscious part of her was trying to fuck his tongue. She arched her long spine, her fat thighs and belly trembling with every minor movement, her long tail waving back and forth as it trailed off the nearest side of the bed.

“Fuck,” she groaned, her rumbling purring making her voice sound like a growl. It would have been intimidating had he not already been familiar with the odd vocalization. Far from being threatening, it was an involuntary expression of her pleasure, she couldn’t seem to help herself. “Your tongue is ... amazing...”

She rocked her head back, out of view from his perspective, her body writhing on the mattress as she made efforts to keep her hips from bucking out of his reach. Miller slid one hand beneath her body, her massive butt cheeks malleable enough that even the weight that she was resting on them did nothing to hinder him, and he took a handful of her fur for purchase. He used two fingers on his free hand to hold her labia apart, keeping up his ardent licking.

Her juices were coming thicker and faster, almost as if someone had upended a bottle of personal lubricant inside her and it was slowly escaping, the goo sticking to his lips and hanging from his chin in ropes. It was drenching the fur around her loins, making it wet and sticky, but Miller had decided that he very much enjoyed the feeling of her wet fur against his skin.

The heat was incredible, almost alarming, her swollen lips nearly warm enough to scald him.

“I thought Railha was exaggerating,” Kofe moaned, her husky voice cracking as he doted on her. “How is it so smooth? I feel like I’m going crazy...”

“Now who’s singing like a bird?” Miller crowed, pausing his licking and rising above the hump of her belly to give her a mischievous grin. Gelatinous ropes of her fluid linked his lips to her burning loins, Kofe seeming to falter at the sight, slowly bringing her claw to her mouth and beginning to nibble on it again.

“That’s a good look for you, Jeff...”

He wiped the strands away with the back of his hand, his cheeks flushing red, then dipped back down to resume his work. He slid his questing organ downwards, pushing his tongue into her twitching passage and feeling it seize around him like a Chinese finger trap, tighter and more muscular than he would have imagined possible.

She was so large, and yet her tunnel clenched around him with such force that he would be hard-pressed to get so much as a finger inside her. It expelled his tongue, too slippery and damp to hold onto. He withdrew his hand from beneath her butt and brought up his index finger, pushing it inside her and feeling her satin flesh grip him like a fist. It was textured and irregular, he could feel the folds and bumps as they pressed around him, her muscles trembling beyond the delicate walls. It was like sliding his finger into a twitching, shifting tunnel lined with the most lavish silk, soaked in warm slime that had the viscosity of honey.

Miller’s member bounced in the air as he imagined what being inside her might feel like. He had been concerned that he wasn’t large enough to satisfy her, but right now it felt like she was trying to crush his digit, it was almost painful.

He crawled his lips slowly higher, flicking her with his tongue as he went, until he located something firm and rounded. Kofe sucked in a sharp breath and lurched, very nearly launching him off the bed, Miller gripping her thigh to save himself from toppling to the floor.

“There, right there,” she hissed through gritted teeth. It was her clitoris, similarly positioned to that of a human woman, but larger. It was about as big as the tip of his thumb, a shiny nub of flesh that was hidden beneath a hood of protective skin. Miller circled his tongue around it, skirting the sensitive bud as she writhed on the sheets, keeping her on edge as he teased her.

“By the great mother ... keep that up you adorable little...” Kofe’s voice tapered out into a low growl, her furry tail coiling around his waist and gripping him as if she was trying to prevent him from escaping. “This is ... we are doing this every day from now on,” she huffed. “Twice a day...”

She let out a disappointed whine as Miller stopped his licking, rising to smirk at her, wetting his thumb with her juices and using it to rub her weak spot. He went painfully slow, tormenting her with a cruel rhythm, just enough to keep the giant alien on the brink.

“Tell me what you like about me,” Miller demanded, turning the tables on her as she wriggled restlessly on the bed.

“I thought engineers were supposed to be smart, yet here you are stealing ideas from the sandwich girl.”

“Sorry, I didn’t hear that,” he said as he poised with his tongue an inch from her dripping loins.

“I said,” Kofe began, “I thought that engineers were supposed to-”

She trailed off into a lurid moan as he interrupted her, sliding his tongue up her vulva like he was licking an ice cream cone.

“Sorry, still can’t make out what you’re saying.”

“You little beast, I know that you-”

He began to move his finger inside her, stroking her fleshy walls from within, keeping up his rubbing as her comment was cut off by a pitiable mewl. Seeing her like this was turning Miller on more than he had expected. She was so large and powerful, yet here she was completely at his mercy, her eight-foot frame brought to heel by a one-inch tongue.

“I’m just giving you a taste of your own medicine,” he said, watching her try to refocus her blue eyes as if she was drunk.

“You already know what I like about you,” she mumbled, “I thought I made that pretty clear already.”

“Well I want to hear it again.”

He started to curl his finger inside her, feeling her muscles spasm, Kofe biting her lip as the waves of pleasure rocked her. Her juices were flowing even more now, seeping out past his finger to wet the sheets beneath her, the lewd sounds that she was making encouraging his probing.

“Oh, that finger is so smooth,” she whined as she cradled her face in her fluffy hands. “Nobody has ever been able to touch me there before, not like that...”

“Come on, spit it out,” he said as her muscles clenched around his finger like they were attempting to milk it. She feigned annoyance, but her body betrayed how much she was enjoying her present predicament, her loins sucking on him like a mouth and her excitement dampening her fur.

“I love your tongue,” she whined, covering her face with her hands. “I almost can’t believe that it’s real. Your fingers too, you can reach all the way inside me. You have no idea how crazy that is to a Polar. I’ve never had someone’s finger inside me like this before, they’d slice me up.”

He curled his digit inside her as if to demonstrate her point, the eight-foot alien trembling like a leaf.

“Keep going, and I’ll use my tongue again,” he said. That caught her attention, and her next statement was hurried and gasping, as if she was counting down the seconds.

“I-I love that you’re so small. You’re like a little hairless kitten, but at the same time you’re so surly and gruff, it drives me crazy. I just want to pick you up off the ground and squeeze the air out of your lungs all the time, but I know that you’d hate it. Yet somehow that makes me want to do it even more. You’re so fucking cute Jeff.”

“I am not cute,” he insisted.

“The fact that you don’t think you’re cute just makes you cuter.”

He polished her clitoris with his thumb, ensuring that it was good and slippery, increasing his pace as punishment for her teasing. She pushed the heels of her hands into her eyes, baring her sharp teeth as her hips rose off the bed. Her massive thighs were trembling, she was really close, but he wanted to draw out her exquisite suffering a little longer.

“You’re the only human that I’ve ever met who could go toe to toe with a Polar,” she added. “You even managed to fool me, and that’s on top of being an adorable little creature that I want to fuck into the ground.”

She was right on the edge, he could feel it in the way that she was thrusting against his hand, the Polar rambling as her arousal got the better of her.

“I love the way that you pretend you’re not into it when I hit on you. I love how your face turns red when you’re embarrassed, so that you can’t hide it from me no matter how hard you try. I love the way that you throb between my lips when you come, I love your taste and you smell. I love how you’re covered in my scent right now, and you can’t even tell.”

He brought his face back down between her thighs, gripping her with one hand as best he could while the other continued to plunge in and out of her. He struggled to slide a second finger inside her, her narrow passage resisting, but thanks to how slippery she was he eventually succeeded. His lips sealed around her clitoris, and he began to suck gently, drawing it out from beneath its protective hood. He alternated between slow, placating strokes of his tongue and rapid licks that teased its smooth surface. Hearing those words come from her mouth, seeing the state that she was in, it made him feel as if bringing her to completion was the only thing in the world that mattered.

Kofe mewled and purred as he circled her firm bud, drawing shapes on it, pinching it between his lips and doting on it with his wet muscle. All the while he plunged his fingers as deep as they would go into her pulsating loins, moving his digits independently of one another to create a sensation that was wholly alien to her. Just as he had been blown away by what she could do with her prehensile tongue, so too was Kofe having her world turned upside down by his unique traits, and he knew just what she wanted.

His pace reached a fever pitch, Kofe writhing as he played his tongue across her loins. The clenching of her passage around his fingers was becoming painful, crushing them against one another, but he endured as he used them to stroke and caress. He wrapped one arm around her thigh to stop her from wriggling free during the throes of her ecstasy, only able to reach about two-thirds of the way around it, her thrusting and squirming making the bed frame clatter against the wall behind the headboard. She gripped him around the waist with her tail, ensuring that he didn’t topple onto the floor, but it was still like trying to eat someone out while riding a bucking bronco.

“Don’t stop, don’t stop,” she whined. He felt her claws on his scalp, the alien doubling over and reaching down to press his face into her crotch, her hold on him gentle yet firm. Suddenly her thighs snapped shut around his head like a furry bear trap, a low moan emanating from the Polar. It was alarming at first, but her fat was so deep and plush, Kofe careful not to apply too much pressure. She was strong enough to pop his head like a cherry, but she was always conscious of their difference in stature.

Now engulfed in her warm fur, slick with her slime, he felt a massive tremor roll through her body. Her muscles tensed, a whine catching in her throat, the rolling of her wide hips halting abruptly. She shuddered, Miller feeling the tremors as her legs shook, her sopping tunnel spasming around his fingers. Her muscles slid up his digits in waves, starting at the knuckle and gliding towards the tip, as if her beleaguered body was trying to pull him deeper.

The brief moment of silent shivering was followed by a drawn-out growl, halfway between a rumbling purr and what sounded like a pissed off lion. She fell back onto the bed, fucking the air desperately as a climax ripped through her. The seizing of her pelvic muscles expelled a flood of clear fluid that coated his hand in a slimy glaze, splashing her thighs and wetting his chin, matting her silky fur and making it stick to his face. Miller continued his licking all the same, drawing out every last pulse of pleasure that he could as Kofe was reduced to a panting wreck.

It went on for longer than he felt was reasonable, until she finally released her tight hold around his head, collapsing into a furry heap on the bed as he tried in vain to wipe away the sagging mass of Polar come that was dangling from his chin.

She lay on her back, her eyes unfocused, residual bursts of pleasure making her flinch and gasp like she was being electrocuted. Her inner thighs and her fluffy mound were coated in a sheen of fluid, her splayed lips swollen and rosy as they dripped like a drooling mouth.

When she had recovered enough to form a coherent sentence, she propped herself up on her elbows, looking down between her parted legs at Miller. She grinned drunkenly, swaying gently, and leaned down to grab him. In an instant she transitioned from lying on her back to sitting cross-legged, surprisingly flexible considering her size and weight, planting Miller in her lap and cradling him in her arms like he was a baby. The meat of her breasts cascaded over his shoulder and belly, pressing down on him with a now all too familiar heft, and he struggled to get his face out from beneath her bust like a drowning sailor trying to get his head above water.

Kofe hugged him tightly, making good on her threats, smiling wider than he had ever seen. She was positively beaming, and he got the impression that it went beyond simple afterglow.

“I’m putting you on a new diet,” she whispered, “and I think you can guess what the main food group is.”

“Coffee?” Miller asked.

She grinned, wiping his face clean of her juices with her fluffy hand.

“Um, by the way, make sure you shower thoroughly before you go back to work tomorrow. It won’t be detectable to a human nose, but right now you reek of sex. It’ll drive any Borealans within half a mile of you to distraction.”

“Oh, so that’s what you meant when you said that I was covered in your scent,” he mused. Kofe put a hand to her mouth, failing to suppress a bashful chuckle.

“Oh no, did I really say that?”

“Yep, you kind of went off the rails back there.”

“That’s your fault, wiseguy,” she muttered as she leaned down to kiss him. She supported his head with her hand, pulling him closer and joining their lips, her serpentine tongue winding its way into his mouth. Her embrace was slow and gentle, oddly soothing, making Miller feel as if all the strength was being drained from his body. Kofe switched gears between raunchy and romantic at such a rapid rate, he never knew what she was going to do next.

She stayed locked with him for a good minute, the slow strokes of her tongue making his heart skip in his chest, until she finally pulled back to gaze down at him with a blend of adoration and lust.

“You taste of me,” she muttered, the thought clearly filling her with a fresh surge of arousal. “You ready for the main course?”

The meaning was obvious, and Miller swallowed conspicuously, nodding his head. He wanted so badly to feel those slimy muscles contracting around his shaft, to join with her in the most intimate way, but this was also what he had been the most apprehensive of. She was so much larger and heavier than he was, she could probably pummel his pelvis into bone dust if she even slightly misjudged her own strength. His survival instincts and his desire for her held a brief battle in his head, but his libido won out, and he kept his concerns to himself as she lowered him to the mattress.

Kofe loomed over him, her weight making her knees sink deep into the bed as she swung one leg over his prone body, her size seeming even more monstrous as she straddled him. Her thighs were so long that her sodden loins were still a foot higher than his erection, however, the Polar sinking a hand into one of her breasts to knead it in anticipation as she looked down at him.

“H-Hang on,” Miller stammered, his worries getting the better of him. “Is this ... safe? Maybe I should be on top?”

“Trust me,” Kofe chuckled, “I’ll be gentle with you.”

“I don’t doubt that, but if you lose your balance, you’re going to turn me into a pancake.”

She paused for a moment, scratching her furry chin with one of her hooked claws as she pondered their predicament. It seemed that neither of them had planned this far ahead, expecting sex to just work when their bodies were configured so differently. Kofe was a good two feet taller than him at least, and she must weigh as much as four or five adult humans. Her sheer size meant that many of the positions that Miller was familiar with were simply unfeasible. She could crush him during cowgirl, doggy would require him to stand on the bed to reach her.

Same as Hot Kofe
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It was all my Aunt Mary's doing really. She was in Edinburgh for a week, and my sister and I were spending an afternoon taking her around the city centre shops. Mary was in her mid 70's and struggled a bit if she had to walk too much, so by the middle of the afternoon she was flagging and decided that she would treat us all to afternoon tea. However, she was quite clear that the delights of the shopping mall food court and other similar establishments in the city centre were not for her....

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Silver Pt 09

****************************** *** If you are under the age of 18 or are not of legal age in your jurisdiction, please exit this story immediately *** Author’s note: As I admitted at the end of Silver Pt. 08, I was very much dissatisfied with the Silver series ending, and from many of my reader’s comments, so were a lot of others. I did however, stick with the original story ending when developing the Silver series concept. In an attempt to continue the story of Marlene and Michael’s love, I...

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Azzies Silver Tipped Surprise

The night breeze brushed Azzie's delicate features with a welcoming embrace. The night's events were a blur and her body ached. It was a pleasant ache though, a necessary after effect from having so many endorphin releasing orgasms. Azzie's wildest fantasy had come true and her adventure had fulfilled all of her expectations. She reveled in the afterglow. Now all she wanted to do was sleep.The door of her luxury apartment would be swinging open and greeting a new day soon enough. It took...

Group Sex
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Silver ArrowChapter 18 The Next Chapter

Christie and I had a long talk that afternoon. The kids were out playing with their friends and we had the house to ourselves. "I won't be staying at Silver Arrow," I told her, now sure I had made up my mind. She nodded sadly. I had given her chapter and verse of what had been going on during the past week and she was very supportive. "Whatever you decide, Doug," she said, holding my hands and looking directly into my eyes. "Whatever you choose to do, make sure you'll be happy with...

1 year ago
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Hi Yo SilverChapter 2

Xylo suddenly changed from a brilliant orange to a dull olive drab; Zeke suspected that was a sign of distress. Xylo said, "Oh, bother, my defensive shield is down to 34% of effectiveness. One more solid hit and I will be breathing vacuum. I hope that your missiles will hurry!" "Tonto, are we withing range to snatch Xylo from his ship?" "Yes, just barely. He is the only one aboard, so a rescue will be easy." "Xylo, Tonto is going to transport you to our vessel; do you...

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Dun and Dusted Part I Book 7 of Poachers Progress Chapter 9 The Silver Greyhound

September 10th, 1832 We had decided to make the return crossing of the English Channel from the port of Dieppe. Although Calais would remain our chosen entre port to France when travelling to Château Blanchard the journey between Calais and Paris had been long and uncomfortable, and one Mimi and I decided not to repeat. Dieppe was the nearest channel port to Paris, and it was there we were now bound As the diligence headed towards Dieppe I thought back on our time in Paris. Jean-Woodward...

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Choto Temple Ch 13

‘OK, I’ll try to start at the beginning. I guess that makes sense,’ Zerzinski said. Once again, he looked toward the corner of the room. Where he kept his memories, apparently. He was finally seeming to be more or less at ease with telling me stories that include intimate details. I would certainly understand if he never got used to it. But it sure flows better when he can relax, as with anybody else. ‘I probably said this before. But it was like coming up for air. ‘Going from being...

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Summers at Silver Lake

Denise Parrish walked down the lane that went from her family’s cottage and led to Silver Lake. Every school year, the young woman looked forward to spending her summer here. It was a refuge for Denise, a place of calm and tranquility and beauty. Even now, the foliage and the gentle breezes were wafting the stresses of the past year away. Her family had owned the cottage ever since Denise could remember, even though ‘cottage’ was no longer an apropos term for the place. Denise’s parents had...

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Silver Seduction 2

The weight of sleep leaves my body, and I wake up feeling better than I have the last two weeks. Blinking in my bright room, I find myself alone. I sit up and rub my face, still stark naked, though now I’m under my covers. A replay of last night dances around my subconscious.I called out Alec’s name on a whim, and he showed up out of seemingly thin air. I accused him of taking advantage of me while undressing myself, then finally surrendered to his control, letting him do what my body had been...

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The Gift 2 A Silver Ring

Earlier in the evening, after being stood up by her boyfriend, Tasha befriended the lovely couple, Don and Sharon Whiting. Over many glasses of wine and a delicious meal, Tasha found herself impressed by their wealth and influence -- and they both weren't that bad on the eyes. For all outward appearances, the couple was the usual white, privileged, and happy couple. She had no idea that they would turn out to be the kinkiest experience she’s ever had. Sharon had skillfully supplied her with...

Group Sex
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Silver Satin panties

I've always wondered why bars and motels are the places where wife sharing stories take place. I guess it makes some sense... but the thrill...the heart pounding...the anticipation are so much greater in places where you just don't expect it. I haven't written for a while but this time I just had too. Here's how the fun happened...The week of New Years Day was a week that both Jodi and I took off from work. We didn't have any plans or goals. The thought of hanging around the house and doing...

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Silver satin panties

I've always wondered why bars and motels are the places where wife sharing stories take place. I guess it makes some sense... but the thrill...the heart pounding...the anticipation are so much greater in places where you just don't expect it. I haven't written for a while but this time I just had too. Here's how the fun happened...The week of New Years Day was a week that both Jodi and I took off from work. We didn't have any plans or goals. The thought of hanging around the house and doing...

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135. SARAH AND THE SILVER MASTER 8 Well as usual although a lot later than I expected an e mail arrived Dear Silver Master I know it's been four weeks since we last saw each other and please accept my apologies but this is the first opportunity I have felt well enough to communicate with you. I know you have been in contact with the clinic to enquire about my recovery and I'm aware you have spoken to Tom, so thank you for that.As you can imagine, I was in a pretty bad...

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121. SARAH AND THE SILVER MASTER 1This story promises to be a long saga, and it should be read in order. I should explain I do consultation work giving assistance with sexual mental problems of a serious nature mostly to women who have hang-ups about guilt. Some I find require actual chastisement, some just consultations. This case all began with this letter plopping onto my mat one morning (I have withheld her address for professional and security reasons) ...

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The Silver Dress

It was Friday night. My wife and I often go out for dinner on Friday night. A new place had opened up not too far from our home. There was a piano lounge in front, and some tables for dining at the rear. The place was advertised as having a quiet and relaxing atmosphere, suitable for a sexy cocktail dress or dressy blue jeans. I mentioned the sexy cocktail dress because that’s how it all started. My wife was successful and beautiful; a five foot nine brunette with B sized breasts and womanly...

Group Sex
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Silver Apples

Silver Apples By Armond *** "I fell" "Evidently. Off a train?" "I fell in love." - City of Angels *** "Hi ya, frozen stranger. Some storm outside, huh? You look like you could use some warming up. I'm Suzannah, the owner of this dump. Actually, it's officially Princess Suzannah Yomaris Tinne, which is a real mouthful. I'm still struggling with the 'Princess' thing, so for now, please just call me Suz, okay?" The snowman in the wheel chair had a confused...

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The Silver Door

I still remember very well the last words of my, unfortunately ex girlfriend last night, while she gave me yet another slap. She and I have not been together for over a year, since she dumped me because according to her, I was a coward. I didn't have the balls, she always said. But I still love her, and have since tried over and over to win her back. It always ended badly, always with her wishing me the worst things and slapping me. Also last night, when she yelled at me: "YOU ARE REALLY...

3 years ago
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Turning Gold to Silver

For many generations the dwarves of the Tolek Kingdom have awaited the return of their king. None actually expected him to return, but they waited nonetheless. They kept to themselves, mainly, crafting their fine goods in the mountain fastnesses. When they had to, they would trade with men, and with even elves, if the need was great enough to drive them to it. However, they were mostly self-sufficient. They idolized tradition above all else, and one of those traditions was slavery. Slavery to...

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Silver KnightsChapter 3

The twins went through the 4th Grade without any major incidents at school. Several of the kids who were taking the strengthening and the elementary martial arts classes decided that they wanted to organize a formal group, so they got together to form what they called the Silver River Knights (SRK). They never got around to having formal meetings or anything like that, but they did form a solid front whenever bullies started putting too much pressure on students in grades 1-4. Initially,...

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Choto Temple Ch 09

The content of the message: call me. There was Cy on the other end of the Skype line. Her hair was in even more disarray than last time, and a towel was hanging around her neck. ‘You’re lucky I picked up,’ she said. ‘I’ve just been at the beach.’ ‘Of course. What else is an Australian to do?’ ‘Dan-o,’ she said, ‘you owe me big time, and I don’t mean sexual favors.’ ‘What did you find? I’m very intrigued!’ ‘You sure as fuck should be! Exactly nothing like this has ever come out of...

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Choto Temple Ch 11

When I was interviewing Zerzinski this afternoon, I was once again thinking about the vastly different reactions people can have to the whole Donor X phenomenon. As well as to Zerzinski’s specific kind of sexual orientation, and how people respond to that. The evening’s readings were a fascinating exercise in contrast. Rie never came over that night. Presumably, Zerzinski was keeping her occupied. Though I didn’t know, and kept trying not to care. It was a different, though equally...

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Choto Temple Ch 08

Interesting things started happening from the moment I left Zerzinski’s house, to walk down the trail to my place. The first thing was only notable in retrospect. Another beautiful Japanese woman was walking toward Zerzinski’s place as I was leaving, as usual. She appeared to be a member of the Choto Temple. At least, most of the women who were older than teenagers seemed to be Choto members. And this one looked to be in her late twenties perhaps. Her face was lacking the usual...

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Slingshot Billpart one

I lived with my ma an' pa an' my two sisters miles from anythin’ civilized tryin’ to scratch out a livin’. My pa failed in everything he tried includin’ farmin’ an' ranchin’ but him an' ma wuz never bitter an' we wuz a fairly happy family even if we wuz dirt poor. That happiness come to an end one day when I come home from my huntin’. Ma an' Pa wuz layin’ face down in the dirt in front of our cabin. My twin sister Beth an' my older sister Philomena wuz kneelin’ beside the bodies...

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Slingshot Billpart one

Introduction: Bill Tinker relate how he acquired lots of wives in late 19th century Texas. My name’s Bill Tinker an' I am 12 years old at the time I’m tellin’ you about late in 19th century Texas. I can pretty much hit anythin' with my slingshot, mostly rabbits but I can hit doves an' pheasants on the fly too. It’s a good thing too or we’d most likely starve to death.I lived with my ma an' pa an' my two sisters miles from anythin’ civilized tryin’ to scratch out a livin’. My pa failed in...

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Silver Angels

This is my winter holiday contest story. Partly inspired by true events. ………………………………………….. My brother was dying. Not in the abstract everybody is going to die someday way, but in the lying on a nursing home bed, every breath may be his last way. Still, he had a good life. Living to be seventy six, married forty two years before his wife passed, three children, no druggies or miserable human beings in the bunch. His oldest daughter was killed in an auto accident when he she was fifty one,...

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Blonde in Black and Silver

For the long Saturday afternoon that she was going to spend with Russell Clayton, Jenny Craig put on a long black cotton dress that fit her snugly all the way down, with a thin black scarf around her head. The dress reached almost to her black shoes, and the only reason that she really had room to walk was that it was slit up the side and overlapped, so that she was still covered to about mid-calf almost all the time, even though the real opening was above the bottom of her panties. ...

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The Black Silver Ball

The Black & Silver Ball By: Hardtimes6869 I had just opened my mail box and there lay an elegant black and silver envelope, awash in a sea of junk mail. Instantly, I knew that this was an invitation to the most prestigious social event of the year for high society’s crème de la crème . It was a charity awards fundraiser dinner and ball, for the infamous Black & Silver Ball or as I referred to it as The BS Ball. I had not expected to be invited this year as I no longer lived with my parents,...

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Tales of Silver Lake

The Silver Lake Park, near the small town of Azure Rocks, is a large recreational facility with several entertainment options for its visitors. You can enjoy the small beach around the lake or the clear and calm waters of Silver Lake itself, although maybe you will want to be more adventurous and hike through the woods and its various paths, or explore the caves and mountains. Scattered around the park, you can find several cabins, where its owners come to enjoy a quiet time and relax from the...

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130Sarah and the silver master part 7

130. Sarah and the silver master part 7 The expected e mail arrived, it said; Dear Silver Master What a weird feeling I had as we drove home. We hardly spoke as I clutched my painful bloated belly with both hands thinking I'd never get warm again, I really was freezing as I ignored Toms half -hearted attempt to pacify me, I'm still angry at him as he just stood there in your woodshed allowing you to force cold water up into my cunt and doing god knows what to my insides. But there...

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SilverHaired Devil

I’m a 59 year rather distinguished looking silver-haired guy who recently lost about 25 pounds. Ever since, MILF’s and GILF’S have been eyeing me wherever I go, some even approach me and strike up a conversation whether it is at the grocery store, the casino and even in waiting rooms. Finally, Kathy a busty 27 year old co-worker said hey Tom “you silver-haired devil” since you lost that weight you look really handsome, if I was thirty years older I’d bed you down”. I was surprised, but I...

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Silver heat

Sailing AwayByRobert Reams©It all began at my eighteenth birthday party. My parents just would not believe that I was through with all that juvenile 'birthday' stuff, so I had to endure one more embarrassing round of phony smiles and worthless gifts from all my parents' family and friends. I am, I have learned since, a fairly attractive guy. Short, about 5'7" and slim but not too skinny, blond, with sparkling blue eyes and a captivating smile that makes me look even younger than I am.My...

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Silver Blue and Gold Ch 01

Silver, Blue & Gold Author's note: This was one of my early stories, when I was still working on writing. Well, I still am, but had more to learn at this point. I hope you like it, even though it's a bit rough around the edges. Jacob Scott stared at his desk. He couldn't believe she was gone. It had been a week and he still couldn't wrap his mind around it. Chelsea had left him. "I'm sorry, Jacob," she had said, standing by the door with the last of her belongings in a small bag. He had come...

Love Stories
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Silver Shoes

Silver Shoes By Ryoko Dan looked at his watch for the third time in the last few minutes, while looking through the window of his office, he pointed to the phone and almost instantly the sound of the phone breaks the silence. "Liz, has Sharon called yet, she knows that I expect her to phone me as soon as she returns from picking up the kids." "No Mr. Sharpe, I will let you know as soon as she calls, she probably is being held up in traffic." "Well, please let me know when...

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The Report from Silver Lake

THE REPORT FROM SILVER LAKE A Classified Document by Jezebel Jade *Shoot Yourself After Reading* From the Brand Group at Silver Lake, California: A Report on the Nation of Janus and its Political and Economic Impact, with recommendations for proactive solutions. On July 23rd, 2043, Attis Projects, a group advertising itself as a resort developer, announced that it had acquired the title to a group of five atolls in the South Pacific, which it intended to isolate and fill in,...

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Silver Blood Epilogue

As we lifted away from the now burning city, I heard a voice emit from a solitary figure in the back, "Well done, but there are questions to be answered." We looked at Mister Mysterious and knew that things were not yet under control. He always wore a black suit with a black shirt, tie socks, shoes and belt. His dark skin bespoke of his African heritage, he only thing of any color was his teeth and eyes. "And who wants to ask the questions? You?" He knew that we were conditioned to...

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The Silver Ring

The Silver Ring What a beautiful day: the sun just got up, and yet it illuminated the whole apartment Joshua lived in. He had slept deeply throughout the entire night, feeling now completely refreshed. He couldn't help but smile, as he got up, heading to his kitchen to get a nice coffee. His life had been perfect lately, as he got a promotion at his job, began dating a sweet woman, and even started doing some sport at the gym. The stress he used to have was slowly fading since he got...

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The Silver Spoon Set

The Silver Spoon Setby MorlockThis story will stand alone, but is built on characters, settings and situations from the story The Hotel.Prolog---------------------------------------------------A steel cabin, somewhere on a boat.I woke up as usual, wondering where I was.  Unfortunately, it only took a few seconds to remember.  Jill was still asleep on the filthy rug that served for our bed.  Like me, she was totally naked. The room smelled like a pigsty, I guess - I never saw one - but between...

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Silver Angels

My brother was dying. Not in the abstract everybody is going to die someday way, but in the lying on a nursing home bed, every breath may be his last way. Still, he had a good life. Living to be seventy six, married forty two years before his wife passed, three children, no druggies or miserable human beings in the bunch. His oldest daughter was killed in an auto accident when he she was fifty one, his son was a middle manager living out West, his youngest daughter was in Alaska. The only...

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