- 3 years ago
- 26
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*** If you are under the age of 18 or are not of legal age in your jurisdiction, please exit this story immediately ***
Author’s note: As I admitted at the end of Silver Pt. 08, I was very much dissatisfied with the Silver series ending, and from many of my reader’s comments, so were a lot of others. I did however, stick with the original story ending when developing the Silver series concept. In an attempt to continue the story of Marlene and Michael’s love, I present Silver Pt. 09. This particular story does not contain very descriptive sex and is not, I repeat, not a stand alone story. To better understand this story, please read Silver Pt. 08 first.
The slight, soft fingers grasped tightly around my hand. ‘Marlene?’ I weakly inquired, immediately followed by violent pain exploding in my head. Marlene’s familiar voice frantically came to life as the softness of her hands grew tighter.
‘Michael, Michael,’ she called.
‘Where are you bringing me?’ I moaned in a dry, whispering tone. I choked after feeling my throat close, as the violent pain reappeared without warning.
‘Turn his head to the side,’ a man’s voice emphatically directed.
I felt my head being cradled and gently turned. Whincing in pain, I coughed up fluid, and felt the warm remnants trickle down my cheek.
‘Michael, Sweetheart, can you hear me? Try your best to stay awake,’ Marlene pleaded.
I could feel her hands grasping my hair as she continued holding me, begging me to remain awake. ‘Where are you taking me, Marlene?’ I repeated in a faint voice.
‘To the hospital,’ Marlene frantically answered.
‘I’m already gone,’ I whispered, as a steady volume of fluid continued dripping down my face.
‘No Michael,’ I heard Marlene cry before the unrelenting pain knocked me from consciousness.
‘Mr. Dalton, are you with us?’
The male voice was speaking to me. I could only moan in response, listening to his heavy breathing as he spoke. ‘My name is Joey, I’m a paramedic, and we’re going to get you fixed up, OK?’
I made an attempt to nod my head, but instead, coughed up more fluid.
‘His pulse is rapid at 103,’ a female voice stated.
‘Try to relax as much as you can… We’re going to get your blood pressure, so you are going to feel some tightness around your arm, OK buddy?’ Joey explained in a panting voice. The pressure in my arm tightened and the pain in my head increased. I moaned in pain and coughed again.
‘Ninety-seven over fifty-nine,’ the female voice stated. ‘We need to get some fluids started.’
‘OK, grab the IV kit and a litre of saline,’ Joey ordered.
‘Marlene?’ I questioned in another painful moan.
‘She’s right here, Mr. Dalton.’
‘Marlene?’ I repeated.
‘I’m right here, Sweetheart,’ Marlene stated, trying to keep her voice from shaking.
‘Tell them to stop,’ I gasped as another wave of pain shot through my head.
‘No, Michael, they’re taking care of you, you are going to be alright.’
‘No Marlene, tell them to stop, I’m already gone.’
‘You’re going to feel a big pinch, Mr. Dalton,’ the female voice warned, ‘We’re going to start some fluids before we get you loaded into the ambulance.’
‘Marlene, tell them to stop…’
I could still feel the soft hand holding tightly onto mine. ‘Where are you bringing me?’ I whispered, the words bearly escaping my lips.
‘Michael, Sweetheart, we’re in the emergency room,’ Marlene’s voice calmly stated from my right side as the feeling of her hand traced down my exposed forearm.
‘Marlene, I’m already gone.’
‘Michael, you’re not gone, we’re in the ER. Why are you saying that?’ Marlene’s sweet voiced asked with concern.
‘I was shot…’
‘Mr. Dalton, hello, I’m Dr. Schroeder,’ a vibrant female voice stated, interrupting my sentence. ‘Do you remember what happened?’
‘I was shot,’ I managed to whisper through my dry lips.
‘Michael, no,’ Marlene cried out, ‘You weren’t shot… Doctor, he keeps saying he was shot. He keeps repeating he’s already gone, and wanted the medics to stop, again repeatedly stating he was already gone,’ Marlene’s tearful voice explained to the doctor, ‘He just keeps repeating he’s gone…’
‘Mr. Dalton,’ Dr. Schroeder began, ‘You passed out in the supermarket parking lot, do you remember?’
I shook my head to the side, groaning loudly as the pain in my head radiated down my back.
A female voice stated, ‘The paramedics said he was coughing up blood, but discovered he bit his tongue and the blood was collecting in his throat. They managed to stop the bleeding during transit. He has a four centimeter gash above his left eye which they temporarily patched with a compression bandage, and clearly has a broken nose which was also bleeding profusely, most likely caused when his face hit the pavement. His Bp was 97 over 59, and his pulse was rapid at 103. They started a saline drip, and he was in and out of consciousness before being transported, but seems to be relatively stable now, with a BP of 112 over 78 and a pulse of 88.’
‘OK,’ the doctor began, ‘Let’s get some blood drawn, stat and we’ll use dilaudid to ease his pain.’
‘Right away, doctor,’ the female voice replied.
‘Mr. Dalton, can you still hear me?’ Dr. Schroeder asked in a raised voice.
I could hear her, but I couldn’t get any words to come out of my mouth. ‘He squeezed my hand,’ Marlene stated.
‘Mr. Dalton, you had a very bad fall. We’re going to give you something to relieve your pain, OK?’
‘He squeezed again,’ Marlene advised the doctor after I clenched her hand.
‘You did quite a job on your face,’ the doctor continued, ‘You clearly have a broken nose, a nice gash on your forehead which I’m going to take a look at as soon as the pain medicine takes effect. You bit your tongue pretty bad, either from a possible seizure or when you hit the ground.’
‘Let me get this started,’ the female voice said, ‘He should begin to feel comfortable in a few minutes.’
Shortly, I could feel my entire body begin to tingle, and my head go numb , just as the female voice had stated. ‘Marlene?’ I asked, hearing my own, weak voice return.
‘I’m right here, Sweetheart… I’m right here with you.’
‘Put your boob in my mouth,’ I stated, beginning to feel a bit loopy.
‘What?’ Marlene gasped, not quite understanding what I said.
‘Your boob, put it in my mouth,’ I repeated.
‘Michael…why?’ Marlene responded in disbeleif.
‘To prove to me I’m not dead.’
‘Michael, Sweetheart, what are you talking about?’ Marlene asked with a hint of laughter in her voice.
‘You told me… you would put… your breast in my… mouth if I… were ever on… life support,’ I answered with a noticeable slur to my voice.
‘Michael, you aren’t on life support,’ Marlene laughed.
I heard the doctor and who I guessed was the female nurse begin to lightly giggle as I continued. ‘C’mon Sweetheart, slip your luscious nipple in my mouth to prove me wrong.’
‘Michael, stop… I’m doing no such thing, people are here, do you realize that?’ Marlene responded with an embarrassed laugh.
‘Ok then, I’ll just have to ly here dead,’ I said in a long, exaggerated voice, ‘How about you Doc? Care to lend a…’
‘Michael!’ Marlene exclaimed in a raised, stern tone.
Dr. Schroeder interviened, ‘OK, Mr. Dalton, let’s take a look at your head, I think you are feeling pretty good right about now!’
‘Ahh, you girls are no fun,’ I replied, ‘My Marlene would have whipped out her gorgeous tits and ran them right over my lips if you weren’t here…’
‘Michael, please…’ Marlene exclaimed, ‘You are in sooo much trouble…’
‘Promise?’ I replied.
I heard her voice turn away, ‘
I can’t win with him, I just can’t win…’
‘Alright Mr. Dalton, I’m going to remove your bandage and see what we’re dealing with here and get you fixed up.’
‘I’d rather have a nipple…’
An hour or so later, Dr. Schroeder finished working on my head. She decided to use Steri-strips instead of stitches to close the wound. The medics had done an excellent job cleaning out the cut, and since my forehead was split in a perfectly straight line, she felt the wound wasn’t deep enough to require stitches. She did however, warn me if it broke open, or didn’t heal correctly, it would need to be stitched closed at that time. She also felt I didn’t need anything done to the cut on my tongue and it would heal itself, but would feel very sore for the next couple of days.
Upon returning from having x-rays on my nose to view the severity of the break, Marlene ran her fingers through my hair and whispered in my ear that my sister Rose and her husband Matt were there. ‘Hey jackass, what in god’s good name did you do now?’ Matt asked as his hand rested on my calve.
‘Just trying to get Marlene to put her boob in my mouth,’ I grinned, not being able to feel myself speak.
‘Michael,’ Rose chastised.
‘Don’t bother, Rose, he’s past in trouble with me,’ Marlene giggled, as she tenderly traced her fingers along my arm.
Rose continued, the shock in her voice disapating into a sympathetic tone. ‘Mike, I called Monica to let her know you were in the emergency room. She was quite upset and wanted to know what happened. The only thing I could tell her was what I knew at the time, you passed out in the parking lot and needed to be hospitalized. I told her we would call her as soon as we found out more about your condition. She was pretty upset, so I need to call her as soon as I can.’
My precious Monica… She was away at school, finishing up her last semester before receiving her Bachelor’s degree. I wanted to call her right away, but had to wait until I could thinkmore clearly.
‘So, what happened?’ Rose asked.
Marlene began, ‘He was leaning against the back of my SUV when I returned from placing the grocery cart into the coralle. I leaned over to pick up a glove he had dropped and noticed he had a smudge on his forehead, probably from rubbing against my dirty truck. I reached up to rub it off and as my finger touched his head, his face lost all color and he disappeared from my sight. Before I could blink, he was face down in the parking lot. I dropped to my knees in a panic and rolled him onto his back. His poor face was covered with blood. I was screaming for him to wake up. I asked him repeadily if he could hear me and until he moaned and said something, I thought he was in serious trouble. But then, he coughed up blood and began choking…’
I could hear Marlene’s voice trembling as she told the story. I reached out to feel if she were close enough to touch and felt the familiar warmth of her hand take hold of me. Her touch, the beautiful softness of her hand, her never ending tenderness, it was all too much, and I shook as my eyes began to well.
‘Sweetheart, are you alright? Are you in pain?’ Marlene asked in a concerned voice.
‘I’m sorry, Marlene,’ I whispered in a quivering voice.
‘No, no, no, Handsome, there is nothing to be sorry about,’ she cooed in an empathetic voice.
‘I made a mess of everything,’ I continued.
‘No, no, you didn’t make a mess of anything, we were just food shopping,’ Marlene whispered gently in my ear.
Dr. Schroeder reappeared and began speaking without noticing I was a bit unsettled. ‘Good news Mr. Dalton, there are no signs of a stroke, no concussion, but your blood results indicate you were severely dehydrated. Most likely, that was what made your blood pressure drop so low. The x-rays showed you indeed have a fracture of the nasal cavity. It’s located just at the bridge and is pretty much still in place. We’re going to place a piece of plastic over your nose and tape it down until the nasal bone heals.’
‘Plastic?’ Marlene inquired.
‘yes, kind of like what the life guards at the beach wear to keep the sun from blistering their noses,’ Dr. Schroeder explained, ‘But, it will form snuggly and assist in keeping the bone aligned. His eyes will be much darker tomorrow, so don’t be alarmed, otherwise, he should be feeling much better. We’d like to keep him overnight for observation.’
‘No, I can’t,’ I blurted out, pulling on Marlene’s hand in a failed attempt to sit up. It was the most vocal I had been since my fall. ‘I can’t I repeated in an emphatic voice.
‘Michael, relax Sweetheart,’ Marlene said in a surprised voice, ‘It’s OK, calm down, they just want to keep you overnight in case something goes wrong.’
‘Doctor?’ I asked, looking to where her voice had come, ‘Can I speak with you and my sister for a moment?’
‘Handsome? What’s wrong?’ Marlene asked in a concerned voice.
‘Nothing, Beautiful, I just need to speak to Dr. Schroeder and Rose for a moment. I promise, nothing is wrong.’
‘C’mon Marlene,’ Matt gently said, ‘Let’s take a walk, OK?’
‘OK, I guess,’ Marlene responded in a soft, dejected sigh.
After Matt and Marlene exited the area, Rose spoke, ‘Mike, what is wrong?’
‘Rose the ring… The engagement ring is in the back of Marlene’s SUV. I slipped it into a grocery bag. I wanted Marlene to find it when she was unpacking the groceries in her mom’s kitchen.’
‘Oh Mike,’ Rose began, ‘You were going to propose to Marlene today?’
‘Yes, I was so stressed, I couldn’t eat the previous day. My brain must have had enough and shut down in the parking lot when the reality of my beautiful Marlene stood before me at the back of her truck.’ I took a deep breath, ‘Doctor, I can’t stay, I need to go home with Marlene… Please, I feel fine, it was just stress and apparent dehydration which led to my passing out. Please, please let me go home with Marlene…’
‘So my dear Michael, what did you say to the doctor to have her change her mind and release you?’ Marlene asked in a teasing, but inquisitive voice, as we sat together in the back seat of Matt and Rose’s SUV.
‘Oh nothing,’ I quietly stated, ‘I just turned on my regular charm! Sometimes it’s just too hard to turn off!’
Rose and Matt drove me and Marlene to my house to pick up a change of clothes before heading to the grocery store parking lot to retrieve her SUV. It was close to eight-thirty in the evening, and the February night had grown bitterly cold. Rose and Matt had already picked up Misty and dropped her off to Marlene’s mom before they arrived at the hospital.
‘Marlene, are you going to be alright with him staying at your house?’ Rose asked from the front seat.
‘Yes Rose, I’ll be fine. I don’t think he’ll be too much trouble, and he certainly won’t be moving too quickly for the next couple of days!’
‘Alright, but if you need us, please don’t hesitate to call and we’ll get him out of your hair,’ Matt added.
‘You know, I can hear you, I’m sitting right here,’ I groaned, now feeling the pain in my mouth and nose begin to reappear.
We were soon pulling into the parking lot and easing along side Marlene’s SUV. Marlene started it up with her remote while Rose and Matt helped me out of the car. I was a little wobbly on my feet, but not as bad as I thought I would be. Marlene ran into the store to fill the prescription for my pain medicine while Matt got me settled into Marlene’s SUV.
‘So, I guess tonight is the big night, huh?’ Matt asked as he buckled me in.
‘Yeah, I guess, but it wasn’t exactly supposed to happen like this,’ I replied.
‘Hey Pal, she is going to be over the moon when she finds that box in the grocery bag,’ Matt smiled.
‘I guess that is the main goal, right?’ I asked with a half smile.
‘We’ll be sure to call Marlene tomorrow, OK?’
‘Yep, she won’t be
able to contain herself and will want to tell the world! Well, hopefully anyway. Maybe you’ll get a call tonight!’ I answered.
‘You are so fucking lucky, dumb ass,’ Matt laughed, ‘How did you ever manage to snag such a wonderful, caring person, yet alone beautiful woman?’ Matt laughed.
‘I just turned on my charm like I said in the car!’
Marlene soon returned, breathing heavily as she quickly got into the driver’s side. ‘Oh my God, it’s cold,’ she exclaimed between chattering teeth.
‘Are you guys OK?’ Rose asked as she made her way around to Marlene’s side.
‘Yep, we’re all set,’ Marlene replied, ‘Thank you for everything! You and Matt are too kind!’
‘Any time,’ Matt responded from my side. ‘If you need anything, please don’t hesitate to call, OK?’
‘OK, I will,’ Marlene said as she continued to warm up in the SUV, ‘I’ll give you a call tomorrow to let you know how he’s doing.’
Matt and Rose gave Marlene a kiss goodbye and wished me luck before jumping into their car and driving away. ‘Good luck for what?’ Marlene inquired.
‘I don’t know, probably for me getting laid tonight,’ I grinned in a half smile, before placing my hand up to the growing pain in my mouth.
‘You’ll never change, will you?’ Marlene giggled before noticing my hand over my mouth. ‘Oh Sweetheart, you’re sore, aren’t you?’
I shook my head up and down as I held my mouth. ‘OK, let’s get home and get some of these meds into you,’ Marlene said in a worried tone as she put the SUV in gear and began driving. Her hand rested on my thigh and softly rubbed my leg until we pulled into her driveway. Mrs. Cassidy was waiting at the door and quickly slipped on her coat before coming out to help. ‘Marlene, is Michael alright?’ she asked.
‘Yes, but he is pretty sore and basically exhausted.’
‘Michael, you poor thing, are you alright?’ Mrs. Cassidy asked as she opened my door.
‘Hi Mom,’ I said, as I continued holding my hand over my mouth and began swinging my legs out of the door.
Marlene and her mom guided me into the warmth of the house while Misty anxiously pranced in the doorway. Mrs. Cassidy directed Misty to stay inside and get out of the way. ‘C’mon baby girl, let daddy inside, he’s not feeling well.’
The sound of Misty’s paws pouncing on the carpet filled the living room with the slightest hesitation before she dashed down the hallway. Marlene assisted me to the sofa and helped me sit, adjusting a pillow until I was comfortable.
‘Are you alright, Sweetheart?’ she softly asked.
‘Yes, I guess so,’ I replied raising my hand up to my mouth again.
‘Oh Michael, I’m sorry’ she continued in the same soft tone. ‘Let me get your meds and see if it will ease your pain.
An increasingly loud screech could be heard from the hallway which was soon accompanied by the thunderous paws of the over-excited black Lab. Misty raced into the living room with her pet monkey in her mouth. She abruptly stopped and dropped at my feet, wildly thumping her tail on the carpet. ‘Did you bring me your monkey?’ I painfully asked, doing my best to acknowledge my precious pup.
Marlene let out a laugh, returning with two tablets, advising me I had to take them with food after reading the bottle. The doctor had advised me to eat soft foods for the first couple of days to allow my tongue to heal. Mrs. Cassidy stated she had chocolate ice cream and soon had a bowl filled and sitting in front of me. I took the pills and ever so slowly ate the ice cream. The pain was escrutiating as the frigid ice cream slid against my tongue.
‘Mom, can you keep an eye on him while I bring in the groceries?’ Marlene asked.
‘Sure, Marlene sweetheart, do you need any help carrying them in?’
‘No thanks, there aren’t too many bags,’ Marlene replied with a long exhale before turning away and walking out the door.
‘Hmm, Mom,’ I said, placing my hand back to my mouth after swallowing the ice cream, ‘Marlene’s engagement ring is in one of the bags!’
‘What? Are you kidding me?’ Mrs. Cassidy exclaimed.
‘No, it’s in the bag with the pretzels and potato chips. I wanted her to find it when she unpacked the bags, but wasn’t planning on it turning out with such disastrous circumstances. She’s exhausted, Mom. She is mentally at the end of her rope.’
Mrs. Cassidy raced to the door to hold it open for Marlene as she carried the bags through the living room and into the kitchen where I heard them bang onto the counter. ‘Just two more,’ Marlene panted as she passed through the room and back out the door.
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This is a female authoritarian sissy boy story, although with a softer touch than many others. There is sugar and spice and (mostly) everything sissy-nice! So, if lots of frilly outfits, swishy behavior and a little kinky sex are your thing, please read on. If not, thanks for looking anyway. It is also a purely fictional fantasy work. No references are intended to portray any actual persons, places or events whether past or present. This chapter is rated R, however, some future...
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Hello readers, today I am going to tell you a real incident happen with me which started 4 years ago with one of my sister-in-laws (my younger sali). Now she is 24 years old and having a son, sexy figure and face like south Indian actress Kajal Agarwal. Her name is Jyoti. All the names have been changed in this story. Let me introduce myself, this is Mr. J from Jodhpur, Rajasthan. I am 5’9” tall, good body and personality. After this incident I started to love the sex especially it comes to...
- Chapter 5Daniel stood naked in front of John's desk early the next morning as Johncontinued through some paper work. Finally he looked up."Ready for breakfast," he asked unzipping his pants.His huge cock sprung to life and Daniel moved into position. He looked atthe massive hard rod twitching in anticipation of his mouth. He now knewthis cock almost as much as his own and he knew where the sensitive pointswere, how fast he liked the pace and the massive loads of cum itproduced. As he licked...
Introduction:Set in an imaginary country, this is the story of a young girl who is punished for theft by being sent to the community baths to be a towel girl. She soon learns she has to provide something other than just towels. Loni was in trouble and she knew it. Her rebellious nature had finally gotten her in real trouble. She'd taken a necklace out of old Wauna's hut while Wauna was out gathering fruit and she'd gotten caught with it. Now she was being called in front of the village wise men...
Lori had dropped her son off at a friend’s so she could run down to the corner store to get some things she needed to make Mel’s dinner. Now she was in a rush to get home. There had been a line, the clerk was slow, and she was afraid Mel would be home before she returned. And she knew if that happened, her husband would be furious. Mel demanded that she be home and have dinner ready when he arrived. She ran down the street, hoping to get home before Mel arrived. She decided not to stop at...
Janice and I arrived home to find Bethany, Tina and Kitty sitting around the table. Bethany looked up from the game they were playing and waved us over. "We'll deal you in next game," she told us. "James is right now giving Brittany..." "Four hours of bliss!" Kitty shouted. Bethany smiled at the interruption. Tina ignored the interplay and began moving cards on the table. The game they were playing was an elaborate card game where cards on the table were purchased with cards held in...
This time we got Autumn Falls this beautiful eighteen years old brunette, with a great pair of titties and a nice body, she came to BangBros to experience it, during her interview we asked her to get naked for us and masturbate her fresh young pussy and she did, she was even able to fit four fingers, this got her ready to get fucked so we brought our friend Peter Green to show her how we do things at BangBros, Peter pounded her really good, they fucked doggy style, cowgirl, he even fucked her...
xmoviesforyouThe light poured into my blue eyes as they blinked open. A dingy yellow floral curtain blew lightly from the wind of an open window. The soreness of my face and on the tender skin of my ass served as painful reminders of the night before. The peeling yellow floral wallpaper of the room matched the curtains and I found myself sitting up in a bed, taking in my new surroundings. Soft yellow sheets and blankets covered my naked form for the first time since Master acquired me. The dark wood frame...
"Well lookie here..." you let out a whistle of approval as you hold the tiny ceramic figurines in front of your headlamp. They look ancient; one is an intricate carving of an impish creature, the other of some sort of demonic statuesque female. You smooth the dust off the womanly figure, revealing its faded yet uniquely ornate paint job. A strange sense of arousal grips you momentarily, but you manage to shake it off. Stuffing them in your backpack, you ruminate on the local history of the...
BDSMI finally did it.This is a true account of how I finally turned my wife into an out of control whore for black cocks. I recorded the events on my computer which allowed me recreate the event in writing. I tried to be as specific and detailed as possible hoping that it may help you turn your wife. First, I must say that in the beginning I really didn’t believe that I could turn my wife into a slut nor did I believe that most white woman could be turned either despite what you read on the...
There was a slight knock on the partially open door before his secretary pushed the door open and entered carrying a gift. “This was delivered for you, Mr. Hart,” she said with a smirk on her face. She placed it on his desk and left his office. Nate, born Nathaniel Philip Hart IV, was a prominent, third generation, attorney. Very stoic, confident and conservative in his double breasted suit and monogrammed cuffed shirt. The diamond and platinum cuff links matched the tie pin on his Louis...
She sighed as she got up from her chair, picked up her empty plate and mug, and then lifted mine as well. I smiled at her and she paused at the door frame for a second, turning to face me, “Are you coming up soon, love?” I glanced at the clock on the mantel, ten forty-five, I stifled a yawn, knowing that I too should be heading to bed, but I still had much to do before I could join her. Although her eyes were heavy and she looked tired, her hopeful smile told me that she probably had more than...
Oral SexWelcome to the exciting world of Texas Hold'em Strip Poker! As a newbie to the art, hereby follows the rules and guidelines: You start with only one hundred chips and minimum bet is twenty. You have four chances to 'buy' one hundred more chips if you run out by removing (in the following order) your shirt, pants, all underwear, and finally masterbating in view of the whole table. If you lose after masterbating for more chips you must submit to a single demand by each player still at the...
FetishAnother beautiful day dawned over the city of Paris with the sun shining brightly. In the streets below our balcony, people trudged home from working the graveyard shift or partying all night, and delivery trucks and trash pick-ups maneuvered slowly through the city. I lay in bed looking at Shelley, my lover, next to me sleeping. In the early morning sun, she looked like an angel curled up naked for me to behold. I marveled at her beauty preserved for all these years. Her skin was so soft. Her...
I was annoyed when sister Anna started dating her eventual husband Roy and seemed to go out of her way to avoid me though she still had no qualms on insisting on me eating her delicious twat and threatened to tell my parents if I refused. This was about the same time my late father found out my younger brother Wasn,t his, but Mom,s old boss at the dry cleaner,s though I,ve no idea how Dad found out unless she felt guilty and confessed.Dad hit the roof and said he,d bring brother Austin up as...
September 1951 Barbara walked down the long dirt driveway, kicking rocks along the way. Sitting unused in the field was the Cole family tractor. She wasn't sure why Mr. Cole never sold it; it would still fetch a pretty penny. Her dad said Mr. Cole still believes he can go back to farming someday. Barbara didn't know much about farming, but from the look of his fields, no more than dirt and dust these days, Barbara wasn't so sure. She knocked on the screen door and when no one...
The set up was too perfect. Andrew had rigged up a mechanism to drop a ton of dirty laundry onto his big sister Helen’s head when she walked through the doorway. This was his revenge. A few days earlier, Helen had pranked him. The siblings always had some innocent fun at the expense of the other. It was all harmless and innocuous unless one of them thought the battle went too far. That rarely happened.Andrew wanted this one to have some shock impact so he’d set a few wash cloths at the top of...
Incest“You know, I still don’t understand why the house elves don’t try and speak out against their masters more like Dobby! I mean, why would they be willing to serve anyone for know pay or pensions?” Ron, rolling his eyes turned to Hermione. “I’ve told you already! House elves LIKE to work. They don’t want pay or pensions or sick leave or anything like that! Its not in their nature” Harry continued listening to their bickering while he continued to concentrate on trying to find a place...
The rest of the week was terribly busy for me. Fortunately Alice was very proficient on the computer. By late Thursday she had arranged all our files, back into a workable system on our own computer. She had even put us in contact with a young guy, who should prove to be very good. Mr. Svensson and I were discussing the hackers, but we didn't seem to come up with any good solution. The protection programs, which the big companies could offer, were inefficient, and any determined teenager...
Part 16: AbusedI collapsed to the floor when he released me from the wall. He went back to the bedroom. I tried to follow but my body was wrecked with pain and I was exhausted. I just lay where I was and fell asleep. When I woke, the terror of the night before returned to my mind. I decided to get out of this torture chamber before Gary returned. I crawled to the bedroom. There was no one there. I hadn't the energy to go any further. I climbed onto the bed and collapsed. I don't know how long I...
This is my first story friends to kuch galti hoga to maaf kr dena plz. !St let me giv u my descriptn. I m a 18yr old girl wit wheatish cmplxn,34 26 36 measures and i wear 34dd cupd bra ! Age-wise dekha jaye to mere chuchi khuch zyada hi bare aur sundar h ! Koi bhi mard dekhte hi daba dega ! Frankly speaking,i love getting my boobs pressed. Mera boyfriend bhi unhe bohot dabata h lekin phir bhi mera bhukh mit ta nehi h..To bhir bus me koi daba deta h to main maze le leti hu ! Lekin is baar baat...
Linda's GPS announced her arrival at her destination as she pulled off the side road and coasted across the car park toward the front of the warehouse. Lifting the hood of her shell jacket over her head to protect her from the rain, she grabbed her canvas bag from the passenger seat and darted outside, avoiding the waterlogged potholes as she ran toward the building. The steel roll-up door in front of her was open a few feet, and she ducked under it and into the warehouse, shaking herself to...
Sophie smiled back, relaxed and sat back in the luxurious leather seat, absently smoothing the long white kid gloves delicately encasing her hands. She knew that her husband was upset and worried that the long-planned treat he had arranged for their fourteenth wedding anniversary - that she should accompany him as an equal partner on the summer maneuvers of the Austro-Hungarian Army in Bosnia, evading for once the infuriating, ever-present straitjacket of protocol which dictated that the...
Author’s Note: Hey this is a story about an extraordinarily successful man and his twin wives in a modern-day setting. The story will include F/F/M, F/F, and M/F pairings. Everything from the sweet loving making, to hard fucking, down to role-playing, and obvious implied or overt incest. More or less their lives are “perfect”. They are well off and have done much to ensure they and their future family will continue to be that way. There may be someone who “tries or tired” to get at one of the...
BDSMThis stunning babe is Nina. Unfortunately, she doesn’t see eye to eye with her sister, who is always bringing random guys back to the house when their parents aren’t around. But things have changed. Now she’s bringing home Mick, a gorgeous European guy who has certainly caught Nina’s attention. When her sister leaves the house for a hair appointment leaving Mick there to chill for a few hours, Nina puts her saucy plan into action. She doesn’t care how forbidden this is, she intends to enjoy...
xmoviesforyouMom’s eyes quickly peered at the doorway, and seeing us stumbling into the room here first reaction was to slam her legs shut on poor Duke’s head, yanked the sheet over her head, and pretended to be asleep. It must have been difficult shutting down such an intense orgasm so quickly, and I knew she was probably terrified…mortified at her children seeing the lewdness of what she was enjoying Duke doing for her. That was a defining moment in time for me as the man of the house. Mikaela...
Feel free to comment on my stories and all comments, both positive and negative are welcome. Or feel free to email me comments or thoughts or ideas about stories on [email protected]. Cadogan Street Car Park - Crossing the Line My wife was out all day Saturday and I felt a sense of relief as I watched her and my 20 year old daughter drive down the road. Before I could start I needed to be sure they wouldn’t be back so waited patiently until I received the obligatory phone...
A NOTE FROM AUTHOR: Following story, although it changed to different girl in different country is true. It is slightly changed to fit the storyline. A word of caution: THOSE WHO DON’T LIKE ROUGH AND EXTREME SEX, DON’T EVEN START. - Master, why don’t you slap me sometimes? – asked Thia once in the middle of cleaning my room while I was working on some project drawings. - Excuse me? - Well…. I know that you love rough sex……and I know that you have some rough games with some girls….Sora...
My cocksucker wife.“Come in here, I want to Fuck your face”!A simple command shouted from the bedroom. She responds by simply turning off the TV or putting down her tablet. She also takes a minute or two usually before entering the room, maybe she’s mentally preparing herself or maybe she’s thinking about what an asshole I am for just demanding a blowjob, regardless she always enters the room without a word and prepares. Grabbing a pillow and tossing it to the middle of the bed, she slumps down...
Men ye sex story apne dost ki bate hue suna raha hon jo mere paros men hi rahta he. Us ne bataya k ek din mere walden ghar par nahen the sirif meri 2 behnen ghar par the mere behnen buht hi sexy hen aur mere dil men khayal ayak meri nehnen buht forward hen aur blue print film aksar dekhti hen inko zaror sex ki khahish hoti hogi aj try kar leta hon behin ko chodne ki. Aur mene dedi ko kaha dei sar men dard ho raha he zara chae to bana k mere kamre le ao dedi ko mujh se buht pyar tha us suna k...
i was with my boyfriend skip and he had this friend flanders who had been dying to be with me forever...(if you read my blog you know we finally did...but htis was before)....we were all staying at a cabin in the mountains and had been drinking a lot...skip and i were staying up watching a movie and he ended up going back to bed and i was sleepy and drunk but wanted to watch the end...flanders' and his girlfriend went to bed too and it was just me watching the movie...i had a long t shirt on...
Cade had a lot to think about after his talk with Lonnie's father and he decided to take some time to be alone so that he could absorb everything. It was his day off, and he drove his car to the far edge of town and parked high up on a hill overlooking the town. He got out of his car and stood next to it, smoking a cigarette. He breathed a heavy sigh and allowed his mind to drift back to his time in prison, for the first time in a long time. Every day in prison had seemed like an eternity....
My name is Allysa, but I go by Aly, and I was born and raised on The Island. most people dont know we exist. most people dont really want to. But we do exist, and I am so deeply ingrained in this life style that i find it hard to live without it. You see, The Island is a complex, a settlment started by some of the vangaurds of hippies in the late fifties, and it has only grown since then. it was settled by 8 families, but since it's inceptiom, 5 have left and 3 remain. of the remaining...
"No dancing tonight," said Crystal as she walked away from the hot tub, again outpacing Woody. "Where are you going so fast?" he teased. "You got me horny in the hot tub," she said, darkly. "You were the one manhandling me," he pointed out. "You felt very hard," she said. "I am very hard," he shot back. "But you want to take it slowly," she said. "Not as slowly as I wanted to take it last night," he said. "Dancing really is my weak point." "I actually like slowly,"...
This is my second part of my series. I hope you all enjoyed the first part. The first part is all about me a fresher gets horny in an empty office and naughty stuff. Let’s go into the second part where worse is about to begin. So getting into the story. After an intensive orgasm for the first time in office, I reached home had a good shower and was watching tv. Suddenly office thoughts struck while going to sleep. I got a little doubt about Ashok’s presence. I was almost 1 hour alone in the...
Arushi was 5 ft. She was curvy. 33-26-34. Her hair was long to her waist. She was milky white and her face had sharp features. She was very eloquent, very clever and over all the most exotic girl in the campus. All the guys, with or without girlfriends, were intrigued by her. She was the kind of girl who stopped conversations if she walked by. We had very recently became a couple. What no one knew was she was a shemale. Her mentality and mannerisms were totally like a girl but she had a dick...