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Author’s note: Thanks to all for your kind words regarding the continuation of the Silver series, your comments were greatly appreciated! And so we continue with the romantic series with Silver 10 as Marlene and Michael continue their lives together.

As I have always stated before, your comments are so very much appreciated! Please take the time to vote, leave me your thoughts, positive criticisms, and wishes for future stories in the series! Private emails are also very much welcomed! I would love to hear privately from my readers about their thoughts, concerns, and suggestions for future stories!


And so it would be, a September Super Harvest Moon wedding! The remainder of the day was occupied with phone calls, lengthy conversations, and moments of seemingly never ending tears of happiness.

‘So, where do we begin?’ Marlene yawned as she plopped down next to me on the sofa, stretching her arms upward before wrapping them around my neck as they succumbed to the law of gravity.

‘We?’ I asked, turning to face her for a kiss.

‘Yes, we, Michael, you and I have a lot of work ahead of us.’

‘Hey, I already did the work! I shmoozed you into believing I was a nice guy!’ I rebutted with a grin pasted across my cut, bruised, and taped face.


‘Yep,’ I simply answered, before leaning in and softly kissing her.

‘As I remember,’ Marlene began with a smile to her voice, ‘I was the one who did the shmoozing when I stalked you!’

‘Oh yeah, that was real tough, stalking a blind man, yet alone during the spring and summer months. I was the one who walked down your street in the sub-freezing temperatures of winter.’

Marlene’s body began to shake as she readdressed the subject. ‘But, but, I made…the first…move…and said…hello,’ she rebutted back, doing her best to suppress her laughter.

‘Again, saying hello to a blind man and his dog, real slick!’

‘I helped you in the house,’ she giggled.

‘I kissed you first,’ I said with a smirk.

‘I let you… And then I kissed you back, so there…’

‘I let you feel my face!’

‘I let you feel my boobs!’

‘What? You did not, you took my hands and placed them on top of them!’ I laughed.

‘Oh, well…well, I…I felt sorry for you,’ she giggled, really beginning to stretch her rebuttles.

‘I made you come first!’

‘You did not!’ she shreeked in laughter.

‘Did so… I gave you the first orgasm by squeezing and caressing your nipples!’ I stated before leaning into kiss her soft lips again.

‘Uncle…’ she moaned, her soft, full lips turning into a wide smile.

‘Paybacks!’ I exclaimed, raising my hands into the air.

‘Oh, you are sooo, sooo funny, Handsome,’ she replied, breaking into a giggle as she lifted to straddle my lap. ‘Mmm, I think about that night so often,’ she whispered, reaching up to grasp my hair before giving my lips a wet,sensuous kiss.

Marlene reached down between my legs and moaned, ‘Mmm, I thought so.’

As I dropped my hands around the perfect curves of her ass, her cell phone began to play it’s all familiar tune. Picking it up, Marlene said she had to take it. ‘Don’t forget where we were,’ she teased before bringing the call into the kitchen.

‘Hi Ed! He’s doing much better, thanks for asking. Yes, he did… I was shocked… Oh Ed, it is beyond beautiful… No, I won’t be in tomorrow, I’m going to spend the day with Michael… We need some alone time.’

The conversation with her law partner, Ed O’Neil, continued for another twenty minutes or so, ending with a tear filled thank you and a final ‘See you Tuesday morning.’

‘Taking tomorrow off?’ I groaned, listening to the sound of the room close around me as Marlene approached and re-straddled my lap.

‘Uh huh, I don’t want to leave you here by yourself.’

‘I’ll be fine, Mom will be here.’

‘I want to be away fromeverything and everyone. I want you all to myself for the day.’

‘Is that right?’ I grinned.

‘Yes, Handsome, that’s right! Now where were we?’


The next morning found me sleeping in late. I staggered down the hallway and rounded the corner into the kitchen.

‘Rough night?’ Marlene asked with a devilish giggle.

‘Is mom here?’

‘No, she brought Misty with her next door to Mrs. Wakely’s for coffee.’

‘In that case, I think I pretty much held my own,’ I mumbled.

‘Held your own?’ Marlene giggled, ‘Oh please, Michael.’

‘I recall you saying that over and over last night!’ I grinned.

A wet dish rag hit my stomach, and I somehow managed to grab it as the soaked cloth briefly clung to my shirt. ‘Hmm, feels like your panties last night!’

I heard Marlene break out into a scream of laughter, It does not! ‘Michael, you are so bad, how do you come up with these things?’

‘It’s a gift,’ I laughed, tossing the wet rag back in Marlene’s direction.

‘Are you sure you can’t see?’ Marlene laughed as she caught the cloth before it reached her body.

‘Blind as a bat,’ I grinned.

‘Do you want some coffee, you nut?’

‘Yes, please, my love kitten,’ I replied, reaching for the back of a chair, but coming up empty.

‘A little more to your left,’ Marlene directed while standing at the kitchen counter.

We sat together, exchanging sexual inuindo’s while drinking our coffee. We laughed, groaned, and blushed while recalling the previous nights bedroom antics. We continued giggling like two school children until our coffee had grown cold and our bellies growled their discontent. Marlene came to me and asked me to slide my chair back. After doing so, she sat sideways on my lap, wrapped her arms around my neck and laid her head on my shoulder.

‘I love you so much, Michael, you saved me…’

‘I told you, I will always be there for you, Beautiful,’ I whispered while gliding my fingers through her hair. ‘Will you be happy with me as your husband?’

‘Oh My God, yes,’ she moaned.

‘Hmm, I seem to remember you saying that a lot last night too!’ I responded, trying my best to keep my body from shaking in laughter.

‘Oh my God, you are impossible!’ she laughed in hysterics.


The blue beast screamed to life as Marlene punched the gas. The beautiful Midnight blue Mustang GT drifted onto the Atlantic City Expressway as if it were gliding on a pillow of air. I imagined Marlene’s face lighting up as the powerful engine roared in anger. Her long fingers tightly gripping the steering wheel as she leaned back in her seat while her sunglasses reflected the eastern morning sun. Completing my picture was the soft pink lipstick enhancing the rouge gracing her high cheek bones.

‘Are you alright over there,’ she asked with a smile to her voice.

‘Yep,’ I replied as my fingers released their white knuckled grip on each side of my seat. We had decided we really wanted to be away from everything, so what better place than the southern shores of New Jersey on a cold February day? The lovely seaside town of Ocean City was our destination, and as the Mustang’s engine returned to a steady purr, we cheerfully, dramatically, and sarcastically sang along with the radio as we streaked down the highway.

In fourty-five minutes, we were crossing the Ninth Street bridge and entering the almost barren island. During the summer months, the streets and sidewalks would have been bussling with beach goers, cyclists, and cars doing their best to find an empty parking spot, but the streets were empty, the bicycles were stored away for the winter, and the beach goers, rightly so, were nowhere to be found. Marlene found a local coffee shop which was open year rou
nd for the town’s full time residents. We leap from the car, and scurried to the door of the shop as the cold salt air sent us it’s wickedest winter greeting.

Marlene guided me to an empty table, and we sat together, ordered coffee and egg sandwiches before leaning back in our chairs and letting out a relaxing breath.

Marlene took my hand and held it tightly. ‘Michael, this is just what I wanted, peace, quiet, and you to myself.’

‘It’s a nice change from the past few days, huh?’ I asked while playing with her long fingers.

‘Mmm, that feels so good,’ she moaned.

before I could reply, the waitress was at our table, placing our coffee in front of us and letting us know our breakfast sandwiches would be out soon. She also brought us glasses of ice water, silver wear, and creamers, noticeably standing to Marlene’s side of the table. I was guessing my face wasn’t the most pleasant thing she saw that morning. I reached for the creamers and found them on the first try. Pulling back the tab, I poured the contents in my coffee and began to stir it while asking Marlene to grab me a Sweet-N-Low.

‘And you wonder why people don’t realize you can’t see,’ Marlene giggled as she handed me the artificial sweetner packet.


‘You just reached over, grabbed a creamer, pulled the tab off, and poured it into your coffee before picking up your spoon and stirring it.’


‘And you did it all like it was nothing.’

‘I do what I can,’ I replied with a half smile, ‘Can you pour some of my ice water into my coffee for me?’

Marlene stood and reached across the table. She lifted my chin and softly placed her lips onto mine. ‘I can do anything for you,’ she cooed.

It wasn’t long before our sandwiches were placed in front of us. Biting into my sandwich, my tongue instantly disagreed with my brain and it’s intent to devour the sandwich on the spot. I dumped the contents of the roll onto my plate and began to collect the jumbled egg and cheese onto my fork.

‘Why don’t you order an omelette or something?’ Marlene asked, ‘That won’t be enough for you.’

‘Nah, this will be alright for now, maybe I’ll get something else later.’

We talked and laughed while eating our meals. We spoke briefly about the wedding and thoughts of certain people we would like to have in the wedding party. It was going to be a simple ceremony, but we wanted some of our closest friends to share our special moment with us.

Finishing our meals, we paid the bill and wandered out of the door and onto the sidewalk.

‘How far to the boardwalk?’ I asked, as the harsh ocean wind swept down the street to greet us.

‘About a block and a half,’ Marlene chattered.

‘C’mon, let’s go,’ I suggested.

‘On the boards? In this cold wind?’

‘Do you have your hat, gloves, and scarf in the car?’ I asked.

‘Yeah, but…’


We walked along the empty boardwalk as the february wind blew against us. Marlene held tightly onto my left arm and buried her face into my chest as we lazily strolled across the old wooden planks. The syncronis sound of the waves played it’s lonely tune to the empty beach while an angry seagull screeched above us, voicing it’s hunger in it’s searched for food. I asked Marlene if she could lead us to the railing of the boardwalk. We leaned against the icy steel and gazed out into the abiss.

‘What do you think is out there?’ I asked as I covered my shivering Marlene from the frigid wind.

‘A lot of cold fish,’ she chattered.

I chuckled at her answer and held her tighter. We stood in silence as the waves proceeded to rhythmically roll to shore.

‘I saw you,’ I whispered.

‘You what?’ Marlene asked in surprise.

‘I saw your face.’

‘Michael, when?’

‘When I was shot.’

‘Michael, you weren’t shot, it was your mind playing tricks on you when you fainted,’ Marlene responded with a hint of nervousness in her voice.

‘I know, but I clearly saw you, your hair, your beautiful blue eyes, your pouty lips, and gorgeous face.’

‘I was going to ask you why you were saying what you did in the parking lot and emergency room after your accident, but I didn’t want to bring it up so quickly. I was planning to ask after you were healed.’

‘When you reached up to wipe the dirt on my face, a bullet ripped through my forehead. I was out of my body and watched it happen. It tore through my head and shattered the rear glass of the SUV. Your face froze, and time stopped until I saw myself slide down the back of the hatch, leaving a path of crimson along it’s dirty white paint.’

‘Michael, stop, you don’t have to say anymore… It was just an illusion.’

‘I fell to the pavement. You let out a wailing cry as you tried to wake me. My God, Marlene, I don’t ever want to hear that sound again. A black woman came up to offer help, but realized there was none to be given. She took hold of your arm, but you passed out on top of me.’

I continued my tale, describing to Marlene how I saw my daughter Monica, my guide dog, Misty, my sisters, and so on. I told her how the detective pulled the silver jewelrly box from his pocket at her mom’s house, explaining how they had found the wrapped box with the bags of groceries in the back of the SUV.

‘Oh Sweetheart, no,’ she weeped.

I told her how I watched as my sister Rose had frantically objected when the detective held the silver box out for her to take, how her other law partner, Janet Hartgrove read the letter I had written after it fell into her lap, and how Monica helped place the ring on her finger.

‘I saw it all, Marlene, I was standing right there, it was so real… It was just so real.’

‘Michael, I’m sorry,’ Marlene whimpered as she reached up and brushed my frosty cheeks.

I continued again, telling her about the funeral, and how afterwards, I sat in the bleachers of my high school while watching my family and friends spread my ashes over the field of my youth where I played so many years of soccer.

‘Where was I?’ she asked.

‘You weren’t there, you didn’t come until everyone had gone. I thought you had abandoned me, my heart was crushed and my soul left empty.’

‘Michael, I would never abandon you, never, never.’

‘You did finally show up. I heard the rumble of the Mustang pulling into the parking lot of the field. Misty was with you, she was sitting in my seat wearing my sunglasses,’ I chuckled, ‘She would never wear them for me.’

I continued the story, telling Marlene how she spread out a blanket and sat in the middle of the field, drawing her knees up and wrapping her arms around them.

‘You buried your head in your arms as Misty laid by your side with her head resting between her outstretched paws. I walked down from the stands, and as I stepped onto the grass surface, Misty sat up at attention. She began to thump her tail on the blanket as I approached. You turned to her and asked her what was wrong as she stood and let out a long stretch. Her tail was whipping your face as I stepped on the blanket. Marlene, you looked right into my eyes. Your face… Your face was beautiful. You called my name, questioning me if I were there. I blew a breath and saw your hair dance behind you. Marlene, you are so beautiful.’

Marlene buried her head into my chest and sobbed. Her body shook uncontrolably as she held me tighter than she ever had before.

‘Marlene, there’s more,’ I whispered after kissing the knit winter hat which covered her head. ‘My father… My father came for me.’

Marlene suddenly looked up at me. ‘What?’

‘He held out his hand for me to take. It was there, it was just as I had remembered it when I had sight, it was big and callassed. It just remained there, waiting for me to grasp. I refused though, I scortched him with every vulgar name I could recall. He just kept telling me to take hold of it, and it
was time to go.’

‘Michael, please, you don’t have to tell me anymore…’ Marlene said in a faint, soft voice.

I didn’t tell her about her father and brother appearing, there was no reason for her to relive the unrelenting pain of her past. But, I did however, finish my tale.

‘I relented, and reached my hand back to my father as my vision of you and Misty dissolved before me. And then, and then I felt your soft hand take hold of me, telling me that our work was done. That is why I kept telling you I was already gone.’

‘My God, Michael, you poor thing,’ Marlene cried as she cupped my wind whipped face with her leather gloves, ‘You are alive, we are alive, and we have a lifetime of pure love and happiness to live.’

‘I know, Beautiful, I know we have a wonderful life ahead of us, but I just had to tell you… It was so, so real.’


We stepped away from the railing and silently began to stroll back towards our exit to the boardwalk. The blustery wind was now at our back, making our winter walk a bit more tolerable.

‘Green,’ Marlene whispered as a heavy gust of wind pressed at our back.

‘What?’ I asked.

‘You said you saw my blue eyes… They’re green.’

‘I knew it, I knew it,’ I laughed out loud as I leaned my head back to face the sky.

‘What are you talking about?’ Marlene giggled.

‘Our first night, when you stood in the doorway of my bedroom…’

‘What about that first night?’

‘You stood there as I tried to picture you in your silver heels and thong. I remember imagining your legs, your flat tummy, and your beautiful milk chocolate nipples.’

‘Oh Michael, stop…’ Marlene stammered in an embarrassed voice, slapping my chest with the palm of her hand.

‘No Beautiful, I wanted to get an image of you in my mind. I remember, you began to tease me, asking me if I liked what I saw, as you lifted your hands above your head. I could picture you standing there, your soft brown hair, pouty lips, and green eyes. Of course I didn’t know if all of this was accurate, but I told myself your eyes would always be green!’

‘OK, now you are giving me chills, Handsome,’ she said as she stopped, placed her hands on my cheeks and gave me a soft kiss. ‘Let’s go home…’


‘This isn’t your mom’s house,’ I said as the Mustang rumbled beneath us.

‘I know, I said, let’s go home…’

It was the first time I had been home since Saturday morning when Marlene picked me up to go food shopping. The house was chilly and incredibly silent. I made my way into the hallway to adjust the thermostat. As I turned back towards the living room, a hand pressed firmly into my chest.

‘Where do you think you’re going?’ Marlene seductively asked.

‘I, I don’t know…’ I muttered.

‘Turn around, Buddy Boy,’ Marlene commanded.

She grabbed my waist and directed me into the bedroom. Spinning me back around as we approached the bed, she draped her arms lazily around my neck and assaulted me with her lips.

‘I’ll be right back,’ she whispered in my ear, ‘Don’t go anywhere…’

I heard the rustling of a bag which she apparently had carried in with her from the car. The bathroom door closed next, and she began to hum a familiar song. I stood along the side of the bed with a growing hard-on in my jeans. It wasn’t long before the bathroom door opened and the sound of clicking heels tapped against the hardwood floor. The sound stopped as Marlene stepped onto the carpeted bedroom. Standing in the doorway, she asked, ‘Like what you see?’

I shook my head up and down like a bashful child and took a step towards her.

‘Sit,’ she directed.

‘Where?’ I asked, most likely with a blank look on my face.

‘On the bed,’ Marlene replied, trying to hide her giggle.

I took a step back and felt for the bed. Feeling the back of my thighs against the mattress, like a little child, I lifted myself up and bounced my ass on the bed.

‘Take your sneakers and socks off,’ she directed in a higher voice.

I pictured her, bending at the waist and holding her hand over her mouth in an attempt to keep herself from laughing as I did as I was told.

‘Now, your shirt.’

Again, doing as I was told, I pulled my shirt over my head and discarded it with my shoes.

‘Very nice,’ she moaned, ‘Now lose the jeans.’

I unbuttoned my jeans, laid back on the mattress, and began to slide my jeans and underwear off.

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My Favorite Christmas Party

He is gorgeous. Dark hair, dark eyes and an incredible body. I was always attracted to him and it amazed me when I found out that he too was attracted to me. We saw each other at a function which I was thrilled to learn that he was attending. We ended up talking to one another for hours. When he walked me to my car, he kissed me. It was such a good kiss. One I didn’t want to stop, but I knew I had to get home. I couldn’t believe that when I felt his hand go under my dress, I didn’t stop him...

3 years ago
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Staying Put

"Why is your husband still in that kinky French maid's uniform? The Halloween party was over a week ago?" "Well I may have made a few changes to the instructions for the GLOO, not that my husband was ever any good at following instructions anyway." "So what did you do?" "Well, you know how it says if the GLOO is not removed before 72 hours that it permanently bonds and would require mutilating surgery to remove? "You mean he still hasn't removed everything?" "I may have told...

3 years ago
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Problems in the Ponderosas Ch 01

AUTHOR’S NOTE This is another story arising out of the seemingly innocuous situation of a young couple going into a forest to have a picnic lunch and make out a little while they’re there. The first story I submitted that started out that way, got mangled up in the submission process, and only a little bit made it through. Later I re-submitted it, slightly rewritten, under the title ‘Peril in the Pines’ in seven chapters, and it came out all right. This story starts out the same way, but it...

3 years ago
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The Desk Clerk

Traveling for a living can be a boring and lonely existence. As a private investigator working within the trucking insurance industry, I spent roughly three weeks per month on the road. It didn't take long to realize that the better hotels and motels are the only places to stay. You just never know what you'll get with the cheaper places. Therefore, I have stayed at Holiday Inns almost exclusively, for a number of years. With a few exceptions, they offer clean, comfortable accommodations at...

2 years ago
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My First Female Chapter II

Introduction: Jen goes home to tell Tom about her affair with her neice Okay, I know that I was rationalizing. I know its illegal to have sex with a 16 year-old girl, boy, or gorilla. Was it immoral? This young girl was hurting, and I felt I could help. Im not in favor of 25 year-old persons seducing kids. She seduced me. I dont think Im rationalizing that. Does that make any difference? I dont know. I certainly had misgivings about it, and it was certainly my desires and not hers that tipped...

4 years ago
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The nastiest cumshit drinking college slut at fra

Tom came out in the morning to find most of the fraternity brothers alreadyplaying with the Cumbag. Laughter and yelling greeted him as he walked to thecrowd of boys around Cumbag. As he pushed through the crowd he began to laughtoo.Cumbag was a mess! Her face was coated in a thick sheen of dried cum, human anddog. The hard, crusty coating made her look as if she was wearing a clearHalloween mask. Her hair was plastered to her head and sticky with cum. Littledrops of cum dripped from the bench...

3 years ago
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Shelly Samples Semen

Shelly had worked in the fertility clinic for a year before meeting her husband-to-be. The engagement was short but a bit tumultuous. Scott, her fiance, wasn’t happy with her chosen career and she refused to change something she’d trained for and enjoyed. She had a very special job at the clinic, one that few women were capable of. Her management believed that the best semen samples for fertility determination, artificial insemination, or putting in the sperm bank were collected as naturally...

3 years ago
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Best of two wives part 2

I think I shared in the first story that I wrote than I wasn't much of an author but tried to get the facts together as best as I could remember. My first wife just loved for me to bred her in the ass and begged me at times for more. It was always good, always tight and every time I got in it she would rub and play with her pussy and slap it and get wild getting off and loving every minute of it probably as I did. I sure put a lot of cum in it down through the years! She had a black lover...

1 year ago
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The Interviews A Jake Joyfully StoryChapter 8 The Nature of the Beast

I am well into the fifth month of my pregnancy. Clearly there will be no abortion. I am really beginning to show big time now and my sexual passion is lessening a bit. I am told that soon I will lose all passion until after the baby is born. I was escorted here by one of the families who then pretty much dumped me at the school and on Jake. I have met Jun, Rose, Joy, Abbey, Mitch, Anabel, Rosemarie, Cherise, Jana and so many others. Before I was allowed to meet the students and their...

3 years ago
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City Pussy Meets Farmer8217s Cock

Hi guys, Nithin again with yet another story. I like to thank all of you for the immense response I got for all the four parts of my previous story “TRANSFORMATION FROM LESBIAN TO STRAIGHT”. Let’s get into the story. So coming to my description in this story, I’m Nithin from the city of Chennai. Age 35, height around 6 feet, well maintained body and always in the hunt for sex. My wife Sumi, the heroin of this story is 31 years old, still maintains her figure and her status are 34-30-36. She is...

2 years ago
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Trixie Chapter 1 Waiting

Introduction: This is the first story Ive ever written so give me your honest opinions and tips Finally! So close to being with her! All alone for as long as we please. I can imagine how this will turn out and I REALLY like it. I thought to myself and giggled somewhat naughtily. Laying back my head I said to myself and scratching behind my ears I thought, Ooooh, its driving me crazy just thinking about it! as I closed my shockingly ice-like blue eyes and my petite paw-hands wondered to my high,...

3 years ago
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Bus Incident

Bus IncidentThis is a true incident – memories of which are still very vivid in my mind .. I am a 32 year old housewife, mother of a 6 year old k** and I have a fair amount of fucking experience with my husband. I have a dusky complexion & consider myself attractive & have a good well maintained figure of 36-32-38, of which I am pretty proud. A couple of months ago, I had to travel to my native place on an emergency. My husband’s elder brother’s son, Senthil, who is staying at our...

2 years ago
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A man helps out a couple of illegal emigrants who show their gratitude in a most pleasurable way

The headlights came up behind me fast and close. Afraid I was going to be rear ended, I pulled over and let him pass. The green Border Patrol van sped past me. “Asshole!” I thought. “He didn’t have to do that.” Ahead almost out of sight, the van pulled over, U-turned and came rushing back toward me. This time I pulled over and stopped. “What the hell is going on?” I thought. I turned the headlights off and watched the van disappear again in the rear...

1 year ago
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Pehla Pehla Sex

Hi friends, My name is Siddharth, i am an engineer by the profession and this is my first experience of posting my personal story of how i got the chance for my first sex. Baat un dino ki hai, jab main 10th standard mein tha aur us time hum mumbai mein raha karte they, mere ghar mein ek family kiraye par rehti thi, wo uncle merchant navy mein they, unke do chote bache aur wife thi. mera room unke room k saath mein hi tha aur mere bhai aur mummy papa k room k liye gallery k through jana padta...

2 years ago
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Sexual Roleplay In A Train

Hi this is Nikhil again, and thanks for the great response I received for my previous story. A little about me, I am from Hyderabad, living in Chennai, working in an IT company with an average build fun and adventure loving guy. Please leave your feedback at I thought of sharing another story which is partly real and partly fantasy, which is real and which is not is up to your imagination. The incident took place two months back when I was traveling from Hyderabad to Chennai after a good...

3 years ago
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Horny Loving BrotherChapter 9

"George?" Dannie called as she entered the nurses cabin with Kathy in tow. "Where are you?" "Right here Dannie," George called as he came out of his office with a big grin, which fell when he saw Kathy standing next to her. "Is there something I can help you with?" "You could say that," the redhead said as she gave the man a lust filled grin as she ran her eyes up and down his body. "Kathy here has a problem that I thought you'd enjoy helping her with," Dannie said, watching...

1 year ago
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Remembering a Dream

I still remember the first time I saw Emily. I was in grad school, walking from my almost non-existent office to my car. It was a typical early Spring day in North Carolina — still a touch chilly, but sunny enough to remind you that Winter had breathed its last. Cutting across the quad, I saw the inevitable Ultimate Frisbee game: guys with their shirts off, chasing the frisbee here and there, girls watching the guys and sunning themselves. I was single, 26, and healthy enough, so of course I...

1 year ago
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Sankaku Complex

I’ve got something a little different for you perverts today. At first glance, SankakuComplex may look innocent enough. You may even miss the sex completely if you’re not looking. Once you find it, though, you’re in for a surprise full of silicone hentai buttholes, live-action Hollywood anime sex, and gender-swapped Super Mario has been around for about ten years now and has grown a pretty fucking strong following. They’re getting more than 30 million views a month...

Hentai Porn Sites
3 years ago
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Babysitter Blackmailers

It was a huge bathroom and I loved it. The thing is, the bathroom didn't have a lock on the door and the girls had a habit of walking right in and giggling as they looked at me naked. I told them it was not cool to walk in on someone but they kept doing it. I even threatened to tell their mom but they still kept doing it. I, of course, would never have told their mom because I was afraid my ass would get in trouble for some reason. After awhile I just let them have their fun. Soon they...

4 years ago
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A Head of the Situation Part 1

Jack Stevens was on his way to paradise. The 26 year old had managed to beat the system. Through some rather crooked accounting, he had managed to liberate almost two million dollars from some retirement homes accounts. His deeds were impossible to trace and now he sat in the driver's seat of his convertible racing towards the beach house he had so recently purchased. Life was looking good. He was rich and unencumbered, healthy and good-looking. He was 5 foot 10 inches tall, with a...

3 years ago
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New Start Rays StoryChapter 7

"Phillip this isn't you, is it? I am sorry that I haven't returned your calls. And my other emails have been so very cold. But things have changed. I am so confused. I really think I need some space." As Ray read her email he nearly did a back flip. She needs space! Talk about the kiss of death. Phillip Marriot your days are numbered. And God help us all if I ever see you, Ray thought to himself. 'Dana, is who as important as why?' 'Had we but world enough, and time, This coyness,...

3 years ago
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Second Thoughts and Last ChancesChapter 15

I sat there in the study for quite a while. How long I'm not sure, because the chair faces away from the only time piece in the room, an old style mariners clock that resides on my roll-top desk. I held the glass of vodka in my left hand, my head in my right; staring out in the direction of the doorway yet seeing nothing but the swirling dissonance of my own thoughts. All the downstairs lights were off, the only illumination was a small nightlight plugged into an outlet halfway down the...

2 years ago
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Good Medicine Freshman YearChapter 30 Rocks and Shoals

September 19, 1981, West Monroe, Ohio “Why are you sending me such mixed signals?” “Mixed signals?” Jocelyn and I were sitting on the couch, and she was cuddled next to me, at least as best she could, given her obvious discomfort from the injuries, catheter, and physical therapy. I had thought a lot after my talks with Doctor Hart, as well as my talks with Nancy. One thing I was seriously concerned about was getting more deeply involved with Nancy and messing things up with Jocelyn. I...

3 years ago
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I wanted to see if I could do a story like the ones I enjoy about a man being stuck in a suite of rooms and being remoulded by them. Like many of my stories I've tried to apply a small dose of realism. Is it possible? Could it happen? Well, if it could, this man could never tell you... I wrote this very quickly to get it out of my head and onto the paper. As such, if there are glaring inconsistencies, please let me know. It is a fun story, and I'd like it to be right. As you...

2 years ago
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First part: Girl Scout Troop 6969 It was several months after the events related in Girl Scout Troop 6969 and winter break was upon us. Becky had decided to come home rather than go someplace warm like Florida. It was really nice having Becky home as I had been missing the girls. When she walked in, it was like she had never left for college. I took her out to dinner the first night to celebrate. Of course, the next day Maria, Jamie, and Lindsey showed up to see Becky. It was uncomfortable...

3 years ago
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Sexiest Familys Awesome Foursome 8211 Part 3

Hello mothers and sisters and their son and brothers! Welcome back to ISS. And welcome back to 3rd part of the series ‘Sexiest Family’s Awesome Foursome’. So my mom was in doubt whether sister is ready for lesbian or not? So we wake up sister and told her that mom is interested in lesbian. So are you ready for it? Listening to this sister got up from bed at lightning speed and started smooching mom’s boobs and also simultaneously kissing. Looking at both of them I thought to give them some...

1 year ago
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We fucked each others brains The best fuck ever

The best fuck ever My name is Marcos, I’m 33 yo, currently living in Barcelona, Spain.   I always read your erotic stories and it’s now as I’ve decided to write one on my own, the most passionate and widest sex escapade a man can have. This account is a real one and just took place on August this year as I was working in a small business office in Barcelona.   Since my co-workers had gone for their holidays for two weeks, I was the only clerk left at work here.  These buddies really deserved a...

2 years ago
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Sex With The Horny Lady

Hi readers! This is I want to share an incident that happened to me a few days back. Let me introduce myself – I am an average looking 29-year-old guy, born and brought up in Bangalore. I am a fan of ISS website! Once I ran an Ad in Locanto. I got a response from a lady after a few days. She said she’s interested in me and asked how much do I charge. As this was the first time I was providing an escort service, I told her my normal rates are Rs.6500. She called and...

3 years ago
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Return To Pleasant Street Ch 06

Chapter 6: Like Daughter, Like Mother If you read my last collection of stories about Pleasant Street, you probably remember that I mentioned an attractive woman named Ann Truro, who lives just down the block from me. The story in my last collection was about her lovely daughter, Katy, who showed up at my house one night, and shared an evening with me that still causes tingling in my groin when I think about it. Katy surprised me that night by telling me she thought I ought to seduce her...

1 year ago
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The Price of Magic

Warning, this story is rated G, and the TG element is rather limited. If either of these things offend you, please read no further. The Price of Magic By Morpheus The rain was pouring down hard all over the kingdom of Darst, which wasn't uncommon for that time of the year. However, a young man dressed in blue and gray robes was walking through the rain without seeming to notice it. The thin, oung, minor wizard, Sorven by name, was too lost in thought about his upcoming Trials...

4 years ago
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I caught myself gawping at him, and snapped my mouth shut. Never in my twenty three years had I ever met a guy like him: he ticked all the right boxes, every damn one of them. The second that I walked into his office I had fallen under his spell, my heart had double-timed, my legs turned to jelly, and a hot flush had scorched my whole body. From the top of his neatly groomed head to the tips of his highly polished shoes he was immaculate, and in-between those two extremities it was clear that...

4 years ago
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Young Life of White TigerChapter 24 State Champs Part 1

Chapter 24 - State Champs Part 1 I had to hire a car to take me to the States Martial Arts Championship. The reason being, it would take several hours to get signed in, weighed and for the tournament to start, Mom and Dad wanted to come and watch me compete, but it seemed pointless for them to have to hang around for the hours that the preliminary would entail. So by using the hire car, they were able to sleep longer, keeping their sleep pattern the same before driving. I however had to be...

3 years ago
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Under Arrest Part 1 of Part 5

How could I possibly want more cock? More of my randy and ready deputy's cock to be precise. Deputy Williams had fucked me quite thoroughly and fucked me very well on four separate occasions, shouldn't that be enough for me? I tried to pretend I was fine. I went through the motions of the day, the next one, and every day for a week after. I did not try to hide. I did not try to avoid him. I resigned myself to the fact that I wanted him and that for as long as it lasted, I would give him my body...

1 year ago
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The World of Erasthay The Son of Lust Chapter 7 Breeding the Desert Nymph

Chapter Seven: Breeding the Desert Nymph By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn't write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Lasla – Over the Jyou Sea The island that I had spent my entire life on with fell away....

2 years ago
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Not all that shines is gold

The bullying I talked about were always the same 4 girls and one boy who walked the first mile and a half with me who used to bully me. I had a 4 mile walk to school, and back home after school again. One of those days in which they again walked the first mile and a half with me, it started again, after calling me things and I ignoring them, they throwed my books on the ground and while I was picking things of the ground one of them pushed me and trying not to fall I twisted my ankle. It...

3 years ago
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Blindfolded fun 5

After blindfolded 4 things were normal for a month or so then came December.Shelley was going on her works Xmas party on a Friday night and i just planned to go down to our local for a couple of hours, Shelley left and i went to the pub around 8, after a few beers our Asian friend Cab turned up already worse for wear,i explained Shelley was out on her Xmas party,i bought him a drink and we sat chatting, of course, Cab asked about Shelley and was we still having fun with the blindfold, i said...

2 years ago
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Being Hers

“Domina,” the name rolled off Lauren’s tongue so easily even though she was asleep. Lauren spent many nights under her mistress’ command. She mumbled, screamed, and whispered the name of the only woman to whom she surrendered all. Her heated body was tense, her muscles bunched, they burned and then finally they released themselves in an orgasm that was created by the wettest dream she ever had. Michelle, her mistress and the one she called Domina, stood above her pet as she watched while she...

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