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A successful marriage requires falling
in love many times, always with the same person.

"First, I am required to ask anyone present who knows a reason why these persons may not lawfully marry, to declare it now, or forever hold your peace," the celebrant said to the crowd. "Don't worry," he whispered to us. "I have to say that, to make it official. I've never had a situation where someone has objected."

Fortunately, no one spoke up objecting to us getting married. That would have been the last straw; it had been a hectic eight months since I had returned, to be with Heather. After the three weeks back in Australia I had gone back to Florida – experiencing another tearful farewell with her at an airport. Then it was a months of craziness, an almost never-ending pile of paperwork with my US citizenship, retirement accounts, social security, and more. We had settled on August 25th as the wedding date – one day after my parent's 56th wedding anniversary, and most of the organization fell to Heather and her daughter in law, Laura. At least the next two weeks on our honeymoon in Far North Queensland would be relaxing.

And Heather had done a fantastic job of getting everything organized. The location – a resort at Kingscliff – the garden setting was just what we wanted, and they had a reception facility just next to the garden. Plus they had a room that was available for us to spend the night in, before going up to the airport to fly to Cairns. Heather looked beautiful, of course, in a long teal coloured dress, cut to show her figure off. It was a family affair; her son, Daniel looked very serious in his suit as he walked up the aisle to give her away, and Laura was perfect as her bridesmaid. My brother-in–law, David, was best man – in fact, one of his friends was performing the service. We hadn't wanted a church wedding, or a religious service, and Matt knew exactly how to do what we wanted. He was happy to fit our vows into the ceremony, and he impressed us with how it would make it an informal celebration of our commitment to each other, rather than a formal, stuffy occasion.

Matt was right; no one spoke up to object. I had been harbouring a quiet fear that Brad; Heather's ex-boyfriend might turn up and make a scene; he had not been all that pleased last year when they broke up. But nothing was going to spoil our day – even the weather was perfect. The day was warm, sunny – last week had been constant rain, and we had been panicking - how could we have the wedding outside when it was pissing down with rain? But the weather gods were smiling on us, a week of early spring weather had dried everything out, the gardens had started to bloom, and the mud which had been underfoot last week had gone.

"Now, Will and Heather, you are about to make your wedding promises to each other," Matt said. "All you need to do at this stage is just answer 'I will' at the finish of each promise."

We both nodded our understanding.

"William, will you take Heather to be your wife? Will you love her, comfort her, honour and protect her, and, forsaking all others, be faithful to her as long as you both shall live?"

"I will," I answered, my voice steady.

"Heather, will you take William to be your husband? Will you love him, comfort him, honour and protect him, and, forsaking all others, be faithful to him as long as you both shall live?"

"I will," she answered, and she looked at me and smiled.

"Now Will and Heather will exchange their own vows," Matt continued. "David, do you have the rings?"

Fortunately David hadn't misplaced the rings, and placed them on Matt's folder.

"Now, Will, I want you to take Heather's left hand in yours, and as you put the ring on her finger, repeat after me," he instructed.

"Today, Heather, I join my life to yours, not merely as your husband, but as your friend, your lover, and your confidant. Let me be the shoulder you lean on, the rock on which you rest, the companion of your life. With you I will walk my path from this day forward." I repeated after him, sliding the simple gold band on her finger.

"Your turn, Heather," Matt said.

"Today, William, I join my life to yours, not merely as your wife, but as your friend, your lover, and your confidant. Let me be the shoulder you lean on, the rock on which you rest, the companion of your life. With you I will walk my path from this day forward," she answered.

Behind me, I could hear my mother sniffle, and out of the corner of my eyes I saw both of my parents dabbing at their eyes. I had to blink two or three times, to clear my eyes of some tears.

"Now it's the legal paperwork part, if the four of you could come up here and sign the forms, we will make you legally husband and wife," Matt said, pointing to the table where the certificate was waiting.

Once the paperwork had been signed, it was photo time. Everyone seemed to want several photos; of the two of us, with David and Laura, with my parents and Heather's mother and step-father, with Heather's grandkids. I knew these were just the first of a photo marathon; my face would be aching from smiling constantly by the end of the day.

"I hope this won't last too long," I whispered in Heather's ear. "I wonder if there is some place we can get to alone; I really want to make love to Mrs. Heather Morris."

She blushed, and giggled. "Maybe there will be the opportunity for a quickie, when everyone goes inside for the reception," she replied. "I really want to make love to Mr. Morris, as his wife, too. I'm ready for you to do that, if you are."

"Very ready," I replied. "Just as well these suit pants aren't all that tight, or everyone would know just how ready I am."

Actually, there probably would be time, if we were quick. Once things had finished outside, everyone was to move inside for lunch, and we were to wait in a small room until everyone was seated, and our arrival was announced. Otherwise we would have to wait until we were leaving the reception – maybe as we changed into our "going away" outfits.

I couldn't talk more about that with Heather; everyone was coming up to congratulate us, my parents kissing Heather, and welcoming her into the family, Heather's relatives shaking my hand; testing my terrible memory for names. Finally Peter Miles, who I had asked to be the emcee for the day, called out for everyone to take their places inside. We were directed to a small changing room off to one side of the main reception room, to wait until everyone was ready.

"I'll give everyone time to sort themselves out, find their tables, and get seated before I call you in," Peter said. "How does 15 minutes sound?"

"That'll work," I said to him.

"Will fifteen minutes be enough for us, Mrs. Morris?" I asked Heather.

"Five minutes will be plenty of time for me, Mr. Morris," she replied. "Are you suggesting what I think you are?" she asked, winking.

"I probably must be," I answered. "Unless you object to making love with your new husband, right now?"

"God, no way!" she exclaimed. "If it was dark out here, I would tell you to take me right here, on the grass, right now. In fact, I would tell you to undress and lie on the grass, so I could straddle and ride you. Besides, we just signed a piece of paper saying it's legal and perfectly acceptable for us to do that. You don't think I'm the sort of girl to just let anyone have their way with me, do you?"

We made our way into the changing room, and locked both doors. There wasn't much in here, just a small sofa, which had on in the clothes that we were going to change into before leaving on our honeymoon, a desk and chair, and the door to a small toilet / bathroom.

I wrapped my arms around Heather, and kissed her deeply. She responded, pulling me tight against her body. Our tongues touched. We kissed for a minute, and then Heather pulled away.

"Quick, we don't have that much time," she said. "Drop your pants, and sit on that chair, I can straddle you".

She pulled her dress off, and removed her panties. I saw that she had a panty liner inside her underwear, and she saw my glance.

"That was barely thick enough to cope," she said. "I was getting so turned on out there, I could feel my wetness flowing; it's a wonder the insides of my thighs aren't dripping! Just the thought of what we were saying to each other did that to me. Quick, on that seat," she instructed, pushing me down on the chair.

I didn't need a second invitation; my prick was already hard and ready, and Heather was very wet and very aroused as well. She straddled my lap, and then lowered herself onto me, guiding my prick inside her. She moaned softly as she felt me enter her; I closed my eyes and let the sensations of her wet vagina enveloping my prick take over. Her breasts were right in front of my face, so I unfastened her bra, removing it. A few seconds later her bra joined her dress in a pile on the floor, and I started to suck her lovely breast.

"I love you sucking my tits, Will," she moaned, pressing my face harder against her breast. "Keep sucking them, please."

As she rode me, we kissed; my hands were on her buttocks as she bobbed up and down. She squeezed her muscles in rhythm with her movements, and I pushed up into her each time she slid down. Our movements were synchronized perfectly, as she moved faster; I angled my hips to make sure I was in deeply.

"We are finally making love as husband and wife, Mrs. Morris" I whispered to her. "Yes, I've wanted this for so long, Will; it feels absolutely perfect making love to you as my husband, "she answered. "Oh, can you keep at that angle," she added. "That's just the right position to make me come."

She was breathing heavily; her face flushed as she rode faster and faster. Heather started moaning softly, and I clenched my muscles, making my knob swell inside her, trying to give more stimulation to her g-spot. I felt her clench tightly around me, pushing down hard into my crotch, and crying out as she came. I felt a warm flow of her juices over my shaft and balls, and her spasming was enough to get me over the edge – I held her tightly as I started coming, pumping my hot sperm deep inside her body.

We held each other tightly as we came together, each overwhelmed with the sensations, the sheer pleasure of our mutual orgasms. When we were finished, we were both panting, hearts racing, on a natural high.

"That was some consummation," I said to her, once I had regained my breath. "Welcome to marriage, Mrs. Morris. That's the first time I've made love to a married woman for a long time."

"It's so much better with someone you are totally in love with," she replied. "And I love making love with a married man, too. God, you've got me so wet, I'm absolutely drenched. I had better go and try to clean myself up," she added.

As she rose from my, my prick pulled out of her with a soft "plop" sound. She quickly reached down with her hand to prevent my come from running out all over her thighs. She gathered her dress and bra from the floor, and went into the bathroom to make herself presentable. I looked down at my crotch; my pubic hair was soaked with a combination of her juices and my come. I stood up, holding my shirt up, and with my trousers around my ankles, and shuffled across to the bathroom.

A few minutes work with some wet tissues and a hand towel had us both clean and dry; we arranged our clothes so we looked "decent" and ready to face the other guests. We gave each other a quick "once over" inspection to make sure there was no evidence of our tryst.

We had just finished straightening things up in the room when Peter knocked on the door, and asked "Are you ready?"

I unlocked the door to the outside, and we followed him along the hall to the main room.

"Ladies and Gentlemen," he announced. "Can you all be upstanding for the new Mr. and Mrs. William and Heather Morris!"

Everyone stood and applauded as we made our way to our seats at the main table. I made sure I pulled out Heather's chair for her, and pushed it in as she sat down, then took my place between her and David. Laura leaned over and whispered something to Heather, who then blushed, and whispered something back.

"You didn't, did you?" Laura said, looking astonished. Heather simply nodded – I could guess what that conversation was about.

"How did she guess?" I whispered to Heather.

"I think she suspected, seeing the glow to my face," she replied. "She asked my 'why are you grinning like that, did you and Will, you know?' and I said that we did."

"I wonder if anyone else suspects?" I pondered. "Tough, if they do; I mean we now have a license that says we can do that."

Peter stood up, and struck a knife against his glass.

"Before we start our meal, I'll just ask Lisa Hall to say a few brief words as grace."

My sister stood up and gave a brief blessing, and then the food started to appear.

The food was served – it wasn't too bad; better than what one would normally expect in a function centre – a choice between an Italian chicken dish, and roast beef. With everyone eating, the room was rather quiet – just the sounds of the staff clearing away the dishes. Once everyone had finished eating, Peter stood up again, and got everyone's attention.

"Now I will call upon David Hall to propose the toast to the bride and groom."

David stood up, and with a big show, pulled out a sheet of paper from his pocket, unfolded it, and studied it. I was worried about what he might say – not that there were any dark secrets to my life; Heather knew that I had been married twice before, but with David, you never could tell what he was going to do. He was still a teenaged kid at heart – with all the tact and diplomacy of a bratty fifteen year old; who thinks that fart jokes are still funny.

"Ok, what's on my list here..." he said, looking at the paper in his hand. "Welcome Heather into the Morris family ... check. Tell some embarrassing anecdotes about Will – that's too easy. Propose the toast to the happy couple ... that seems to be about it."

"Firstly, Heather, are you really sure that you want to be a part of this family? Surely you had enough strange weirdos around without getting involved with us?" he started. "Have you had the unique experience of listening to Keith play the spoons during dinner?"

"Spoons in stereo," my Father interrupted.

"Of course, in stereo," David continued. "Apparently when Keith did that, many years ago, when Will bought his girlfriend of the time home for her first dinner to meet the family; Stuart was horrified, and muttered, 'Now you know why I never bring any of my friends home for dinner.' I had to sit through that myself, when Lisa introduced me to the family, and pretend to be suitably impressed, so I'm sure by now you have seen that performance."

"Not to forget the 'interesting' Christmas presents – Heather, what did you receive from them last Christmas? A plastic Tupperware container of old, rotten banana skins, or that great Morris standby, the box of assorted rusty nails? At least he doesn't give you some crawly things from the garden. Lisa tells me his father – Pop Morris – was even worse. So welcome to a family filled with practical jokers. I would advise you to check your luggage before you leave for your honeymoon tomorrow – who knows what precious keepsake someone has hidden in there for you."

"Now, having dispensed with topic number one, onto Will."

Here we go, I thought. What embarrassing stories has he got about me?

"You probably didn't know it, but Will originally made a huge hit on the opposite sex," he said. "That started when he was just a wee lad, not even four years old. He was playing with a young girl, a daughter of some distant relatives, on the front balcony at the house at Mona Vale. Apparently she wanted the tennis ball that Will was playing with, but Will didn't want to share his ball with her, so she pushed him off the balcony, about eight feet to the concrete path below, breaking his leg in several places."

"Don't worry Heather," a voice from the back of the crowd called out. "I'm sure Will will let you play with his balls."

Everyone laughed – I couldn't see who said it, but it sounded like my cousin Graham.

Heather blushed, which had been the intention of the interjection, and I tried not to laugh too obviously.

"I'm not sure how I can follow that remark up," David continued, once the laughter had subsided. "Now, you should know that came from a Morris family member, so don't say you hadn't been warned."

David made a few more generally innocuous remarks about me; nothing too incriminating, thank goodness.

"Now, that's got those out of the way," he said. "And here's the words everyone has been waiting to hear. Could you all charge your glasses, and be upstanding to toast Mr. and Mrs. Will and Heather Morris? To Will and Heather!"

"To Heather and Will," several people in the crowd responded.

Now it was my turn to respond. I stood up, and looked over the brief notes I had made as preparation.

"Thank you for those kind words, David, and to Graham, for his additional comments," I started. "Now, before I respond with the next toast, there are some words of my own that I want to share with you all. Some of you know the history between Heather and me, but it's something I want to tell you all about."

"We met in 1975, June I believe, at a school youth group weekend at Mount Victoria. It was one of those things where you fall in love at first sight; there was lots of kissing after dinner on the Saturday night. Kissing, that's all we did, you dirty minded people," I added as I heard a few comments from the back. "Sadly, fate wasn't kind to us; a few weeks later Heather and her family moved five hundred miles away, to Ballina. At least we were able to have a tearful farewell at the airport – mind you, with lots more kisses. I was heartbroken – there is nothing worse to see than a teenager with a shattered heart."

"We made plans, and hoped that I would spend part of the summer holidays up in Ballina with her, but my parents were not comfortable with the idea of me driving all that way by myself, and staying with people they didn't even know. After that, I started at University; Heather continued with her life, and we somehow lost contact. Years went by, we both got married, divorced, married again – but neither of us was particularly happy with our circumstances. Speaking for myself, I knew that in my two previous marriages something didn't feel 'right', it wasn't the right relationship for me, I had the suspicion that there was someone else in the world that I was meant to be with."

"Then, not quite two years ago, through the magic of the Internet and Facebook, I disovered a 'Heather McFadyen' who had attended Ballina High school. Other things about this person seemed to match up, so after a week of procrastinating and worrying 'what if she doesn't remember me, or tells me to go away or some other rejection', I sent a friend request. You have no idea just how excited I was when she responded, ending her message with the very encouraging 'Please keep in touch'. I was on cloud nine – and of course wrote back the same day. We filled each other in on what had happened in the previous thirty-six years, plus a lot more about our lives that we never got to tell back in 1975."

"And the rest, as they say, is history. Our relationship picked off as if there had never been that hiatus, we clicked right from the start, the chemistry we had in 1975 was still there many years later. So, we started to make some plans, discussing options for how we could get back together. There is a word – serendipity – that means when fortunate things come from a combination of events. I heard a definition of serendipity as 'to look for a needle in a haystack and get out of it with the farmer's daughter'. A series of events combined to make our dreams a reality, and last summer moved back to Australia, spending time with her. Almost like a 'test drive' for us; to make sure that neither of us was secretly an axe murderer or anything like that. We got to meet each others families; Heather was subjected to my father's 'spoons in stereo' test and we each got to see the strange members of the families we were both getting into."

"So that brings us to this day; the culmination of a lot of work by several people, particularly Laura, who wasn't just Heather's bridesmaid, but the chief organizer, her main support, someone to do a lot of the running around, flowers, dresses, caterers, place cards, all of the ten thousand and one things that somehow have to get done for a wedding."

"Daniel has also been a great help; not just in giving his mother away, but helping with the organization. So thanks mate, for trusting me with your mother; I promise I'll look after her properly. And to Dave, too – don't worry, mate, your Mum's going to be in good hands. And thanks for all the work you did, picking up stuff, getting the cake here in one piece, you saved us a lot of work."

I mentally checked off the list in my head of all the people who had helped us get ready for the weddding. Even though Heather had resolved the problems between her and her mother, we didn't think it appropriate to make the standard thanks to the bride's mother for raising her; no sense in reopening old wounds. Of course there was Stan to thank – he was providing the music.

"The other family member to thank for their role in today's activities is Stan McFadyen," I said, pointing over to where he was setting up. "You've already heard his music during the ceremony, and in a few minutes we will have a chance to dance to his singing. Thanks again for making our day special."

"Now, my final comments – to all of you or 'all y'all' as I would have said back in the US. Having everyone here; family and friends to share this special day with us; you have no idea what this means to Heather and I. Had the world been fair, this would have happened over thirty years ago, but now the fates have aligned, or what ever contrived to get us back together, we are marrying the person that we were always meant to be with. Having you – our family and friends – with us to share in this day means so much to both of us. Thank you for being here with us."

"OK, I think I have thanked everyone that I had to," I said. "Now, since we should all have a fairly full glass, I want to propose a toast to our daughter in law, and Heather's close friend and support, Laura Woods – we simply could not have done this without your love and support. To the lovely Laura, Heather's maid of honour."

As I sat back down Heather leant over and whispered in my ear.

"That was a lovely speech," she said. "I loved what you said about us – how it's as if we were never apart."

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It Was All In My Head Between Friends part 2

Its a new day, and all Im thinking about is him….Adam. I wrote him that story, and sent it to him. It was a mistake, of course. Hes told me before that he loves me as a friend, which means he wouldnt give me the time of day to fool around. Im outside, I text him, sitting on his porch. I wait outside, running my fingers through my choppy black hair. I look at my scuffed black Converse high-tops, and wonder about life. The door opens, and I turn around. I just…I dont think Im safe alone, I...

3 years ago
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A Different Plane of Existence Part 5

A Different Plane of Existence By Karen Page (revised January 2005) Edited by Angel O'Hare Part Five Angela examined Charlotte's face for a few minutes and then asked, "I take it you've never had electrolysis before?" Charlotte shook her head no. "Do you know anything about it?" "No...None of this was planned." "Don't worry," reassured Angela, "I've been told that your case is confidential, so I won't be asking any questions about what happened or your original...

1 year ago
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Conspiracy of DreamsChapter 12 Infiltration Flight

Hank lifted off in the pre-dawn sky. Hank wore a tan flight suit and his slave girl Amanda was naked except for her slave collar. Amanda struggled to remain awake, failed. Sometime later the bright sky woke Amanda. She blinked, shielding her eyes. "I can turn the screen down," Hank offered. "The canopy is clear only when all power is shut off. It can opaque, darken, even show cartoons." "Where are we?" "About 30 minutes from Colorado Springs. I'm going to refuel there. Too bad we...

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Six Times A DayPart 95 Start Me Up

Dealing with the likes of Glory and Heather as frequently as Alan did, he rarely had any free time between classes at school. This was especially true today when he'd missed his first three classes. However, there was one thing he wanted to do, and the time left before lunch ended was possibly the only time to do it, and that was to talk to Sean. He hurried away from the theater room to find and talk to his friend. Sean was exactly where Alan had thought he would be, sitting at the same...

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Mayhem in a PillChapter 6 An Unexpected Debut

Summer two-a-day practices are a rite of passage for the Texas high school football player. The players arrived at their new high school, two weeks before the start of the new school year. Sure, they were only going to the football locker room, the football practice fields and also the weight room; but the psychological advantage of being able to GO to high school, earlier, was a definite positive feeling for the young soon to be high schooler. Freshmen did not have their own cars ... yet....

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Game of Thrones

Pferdeschnauben. Gelächter. Hufe, die auf den Boden schlagen. Das metallische Klappern von Rüstung. Vogelgezwitscher. In der Ferne rauscht ein Bach. Eine raue Männerstimme, darauf erneutes Gelächter. Irgendwann hören die Vögel auf zu singen. Die Männerstimmen lachen weiter. Pferdeschnauben. Dann ist es ruhig. Mächtige Fußstapfen, dann das Geräusch eines Gürtels, der geöffnet wird. Das Plätschern von Wasser. Ansonsten Totenstille. Plötzlich durchdringen Kampfschreie die Nacht, gefolgt von dem...

2 years ago
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Younger sister lost her virginity

Hi My name is kavita I m 29 years old with fit body slightly thin with a good figure and clean whitish complexion. My transformation started about 5 years ago when I was 24. I was married into a well to do family and moved from a Nasik to Thane. Thane is close to Mumbai where my husband and his brother had a silver and jewelers shop. My husband Pramod is 8 years older than me so we had our son within one year of marriage. We decided not to have any more children and my mother in law dint mind...

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What We Do for LoveChapter 12 Dave Takes Patricia Evelyn to Dinner

I had my first contact with the VP of marketing on Saturday. Although not in my direct chain of command, he’s considered ‘brass’ and is to be obeyed when he tells an employee to do something. He wanted the financials on one of our accounts on his desk, so I printed out the sales data and took it to him, literally laying them on his desk as he’d ordered. He wasn’t there, so I returned to my work station. A few minutes later, I got an email. He was not pleased. “What the fuck do you call this...

4 years ago
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Who Was It Going To Be

I was in the supply room down behind the copier trying to clear a paper jam when Bill and Henry came into the room for something. Since I really don't like Henry I didn't stand up and say, "Hi guys" so they didn't know I was there. They had been talking when they walked into the room so I didn't know who they were talking about, but the gist of the conversation was clear enough —they were planning on fucking some one's wife. Curiosity grabbed me and I kept very quiet so they wouldn't...

1 year ago
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My Intimate Sex

Meri umr 32 varsh hai. Meri faimly mei 4 log hai, hum miya-biwi aur do bacche. Pahli beti 7 varsh aur dusra beta 2 varsh ka. Hum log jaipur mei rahte hai. Mai dekhne mei jada sundar to nahi hu bas ek sadharan si dikhne wali mahila hu.Ye baat 4 varsh purv ki hai hum log chuttiyo mei ghar gaye the. Hum kuch din aur rahna chahte the lekin mere pati ki chuttiya khatm ho gai thi lihaja wo hame kuch dino k liye wahi chhod kar wapis jaipur aa gaye.Wo din mujhe aaj...

3 years ago
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Leprechaun Trickery part 3 of 3

LEPRECHAUN TRICKERY by JENNIFER SUE Part 3 of 3 (For the reader's convenience, there is a directory at the end of part 3) As Grace, Allie, and Jamie left the toy store a mother and son were entering. The boy of about twelve pointed at them and began to laugh uproariously. "Look at the sissies," he guffawed, never suspecting that Heather's wish had just doomed him to girlhood. In the otherwise still air, a tiny whirlpool formed at the side of the building. Leaves and...

1 year ago
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Random Raging Horny Thoughts

He's gone. He's camping with the guys.Know what I wish I was doing? Camping with the guys. "Why?" you ask? Because I wish everyone of those guys was rubbing his cock over my face, slapping my pussy, fucking my ass. Damn. I'm seriously so horny, I should not even be writing.I was going to try to write another story for Babble (the site I originally posted this story for). But it's not even worth it. I can't think about a well written piece of fiction. All I can do is think about cocks and...

2 years ago
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Beneath a Moonless Sky

It had been weeks since I had seen Eric, yet I remembered his face well. The day I left was the day my heart broke. I just had not realized it yet. He was unique, talented. Eric was a musician, an artist, a sculptor, a writer, and one of the most profoundly amazing men I’d ever met. I had made my choice, though. At least, I thought I had. It was the night just before my wedding, and I went looking for him. I had to know that I was not making a mistake, that I should be marrying my fiance. I...

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Social Sex Service SSSMilking A Marwadi Lady

This is Nikhil from Kolkata and this time I’m back with my new service and story both. For those who don’t know me, I’d recommend my previous stories on this website. So to begin with, I had started new stuff named SSS ‘Social Sex Service’. Under this, I have sex with all the unsatisfied Women and females who are looking for good sex, irrespective of their age, caste, creed, religion, location. So, coming to the story. Knowing about SSS, a lady contacted me. She was from an extremely rich...

4 years ago
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Prom Ch 03 Fair

Authors Note: ‘The Rachel Chronicles’ is a multi-part series of stories involving the titular character (a young woman named Rachel) and her various sexual adventures. The stories are themed mainly around oral sex, with the occasional tale involving other forms of sexual activity. Each chapter is somewhat lengthy and detailed and it is my hope that such detail will provide a richer experience for you readers as you truly get an intensive look inside Rachel’s head. Further, the stories are...

2 years ago
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Sweet Dreams Are Made Of This Ch02

Chapter: February"Love (and Lust) is in the Air" * Ever get a feeling of intense guilt when you’re not sure exactly what it is that you’re supposed to be guilty of, a sense that an apology is demanded in a situation where you’re dead certain an apology would only make things worse? Oil on water, Jahn thought, gaping at the shrieking girl before him. Woman, he mentally corrected himself. Both of them, however small and slender they were, could not be mistaken for anything other than women. That...

Love Stories
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AnalMom Jennifer White Complimentary Breast Exam

Dr. Jack Vegas visits hot housewife Jennifer White to do a complimentary breast exam in honor of breast cancer awareness month. Jennifer had never heard of this but after Dr. Vegas shares some statistics she’s happy and grateful for his visit. Dr. Vegas proceeds to do the breast exam and finds them to feel very healthy, so he then offers to do a complimentary rectal exam to check for ovarian cancer. Jennifer wasn’t expecting the exam to feel so good so she doesn’t mind when Dr. Vegas decides to...

4 years ago
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Sex With Mommy Meenu

Hi Guys! This is Pradeep from Coimbatore and my mom name is Meena. I am 22 and working in MNC and my mom is 36 years old now. We are a family of three. My father is working as a Marketing Manager in the private concern. My mom Meenu is damn sexy than any other lady whichever I met in my life. She is really too hot. She has taking much care about her body. She does the exercise regularly. So that does make her really sexy in building up her body well. So she has very less belly fat and perfect...

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A BiAmerican in Paris Ch 02

MEETING AMELIE On Sunday I slept in and woke up about 10AM. I still could not get over that I had fucked a transsexual the day before. It was eerie because Simone looked like a beautiful woman and the sex was great. I had made up my mind that I needed to be with Lina so I showered, dressed and called her on the phone. There was no answer at her apartment. I stopped at the bakery and got a pastry and café to eat on the way and then walked to the Metro station. I arrived at the apartment and...

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The escort girl who gave it to me

I'm not one of those story guies, but I have to share two ones that have happened to me lately with escort girls. TRUTHFUL. Here is the first one.Once or twice a month, I sometimes use an escort girl for the forbidden side and the fun to empty my balls into the mouth of a woman i do not know at all.So regularly I watch the new escorts of the city on special sites.3 months ago, I went on "coco" and one of the connected women presents herself as an escort and offers me to come to my home to suck...

3 years ago
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Frenzy “Kim, I don’t think we should be doing this,’ Jason said as I shoved him against the wall. We were in the stairwell at the University we attended. No one could see us, and if they did, well they were going to get a show. I unzipped his jeans as he stared, looking shocked. I went down on my knees looked him deep in the eyes and grabbed a hold of his growing member. This had to be quick, we had class in 10 minutes. I opened my mouth wide and guided his cock into my hungry mouth. My...

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Payback for Franco

This story takes a slight detour from my previous styles and into the realms of magic, I hope you like it :-). This story is set after my story 'Be Careful What You Say' and involves Eryk the mage. This was to be a longer story but I have left is as a short story. Payback for Franco By Serena Lawhead Chapter 1: A Lesson Learnt Eryk was a local mage of some renown as well as a practising transvestite; he owned a small cottage and grounds outside of town as well as a 'mage...

2 years ago
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She Was Wearing My Sister8217s Clothes

By : Deepikav I know that a person aged 19 years is too young to drink but I didn’t care. I am studying medicine and I had just finished my semester exams and I had partied with my friends until about 1 am. I wasn’t very drunk but I was drunk enough to do the stupid thing I was about to do. When I knocked on the door to my house at 1:30 am I was getting ready to be yelled at by my parents for drinking and coming home late. But I was pleasantly surprised when our servant girl Priyanka opened...

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Meeting up with an Xhamster member

MY NEW FRIEND.I hadn’t been a member on Xhamster very long but in a couple of short weeks I had I met quite a few interesting people from all around the world, I hadn’t really joined to hook up with people I just enjoyed the escapism from my normal life as my husband being away for 10 months out of every year with the army it does become a little lonesome sometimes although I have quite a few good friends, but sex is missing from my life only managing to have a few discrete flings every now and...

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The Case of the Unhappy Clown a Michelle Hammer Mystery

My name's Michelle, Michelle Hammer. I'm an ex-cop turned P.I. The working hours are of my choosing and the pay's adequate for my needs, plus I meet a lot of interesting people. I've enjoyed the circus ever since my folks took me to one when I was six years old. The sights, the sounds, and the smells combined into one kaleidoscope of fun that day and I never forgot it. So when McGinty (my tavern owning friend) received some free passes to the Ringding Brothers and Bunkum & Blarney...

2 years ago
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For the neighbors

with our bedroom window blinds open and the television on. there is enough light for neighbours to see what is going on inside our bedroom. i am on my hands and knees with my rear end towards the tv. the television ligth gives a clear view of my pussy and asshole. my husband at the foot of the bed plunging his fingers into my pussy. first 1, then 2 then up to 3 fingers into my pussy. all this enjoyment while the blinds are open and hoping at least 1 neighbour will see us in action. after a few...

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after my k**s was born my wife stopped having sex, not in the mood or only every month or so, I used to wait never had a wank, I was so horny to unload, sometimes she go longer then six weeks for a orgasm, i have played with her when she was sleeping made her want to cum, my balls were that full my load would fly out like a fountain...then I met tina in the street she new I could repair tv's asked me around, I will never forget that tuesday in 92, me and my wife had been arguing about her not...

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MomWantsCreampie Candy Alexa My Stepmom Just Drained My Balls

Pretty in pink, Candy Alexa is busy with work when her stepson Jimmy Bud joins her in the living room. Jimmy can’t keep his eyes off his stepmommy’s big boobs. Candy knows that Jimmy is into her, and she plays into it as much as possible. She calls Jimmy out on it, saying that she knows what he’s doing, and when Jimmy tries to deny it, Candy doubles down on her naughtiness. Telling Jimmy that if he likes her boobs so much, he should take a good long look at them in the flesh,...

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Garam Chudakkad Aur Chalakh Naukrani

Surya building mein 12 flats hai, Mein us society mein kaam karti hoon. Meri umar hai 29 saal. Mere bahot saare shouk hai aur unko kaise pura karna hai mein achchi tarah jaanti hoon. Mujhe naukri ki zaroorat thi mein surya society ke manager se boli ki mujhe naukri lagawa do. Wo mujhe ghurta raha mein samajh gai kuch liye bina ye naukri nahi dega. Mein bhi meri chaati taane khadi thi haath kamar par rakhke. Usaki nazar mere chati par aur meri badi gol ubhari hui gaand pe thi. Usake bulane par...

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PornMegaLoad Annabel Redd Gymnastic Sex Doll

Annabel Redd is a sexy, perky, pretty, young red-head with green eyes, a trimmed bush, braces and 30E naturals. She becomes a sex-doll under JMac’s control. They get it on in enough amazing feats of fucking and sucking to fill a sex manual, including the seashell position. To do that flexible fuck, Annabel has to lay on her back and put her ankles behind her head. While Annabel is getting the ramrod in that position, she even sucks on her nipples. Laying back on top of JMac after getting...

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“Sean, our little league is short a baseball coach. You would be perfect for the job.” “Yeah? How much does it pay?” “You know it’s voluntary.” “Yeah? I’m crazy about you Roxanne, but I know you. You aren’t going to let this be voluntary.” “Get a life my love. Since you graduated high school, about the only time you get out of the house is with me.” “Well that’s because I work at home.” As a freshmen Sean designed web pages for some friends. It came naturally to him. It...

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When Diana Spenser the stage hypnotist started waving her pocket watch in front of the seated volunteers, the room became magically quiet. Everyone, including stage-hands backstage and the audience watching the stage, gulped their breaths in anticipation of the subjects going under. "Relax, relax... just listen to the sound of my voice and hear nothing else... watch the watch... swing... back and forth... back and forth... you can see nothing else but the watch and hear nothing else but my...

Mind Control
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Witches Toil

Beth’s leaving plummeted me back into the depths of teenage depression, leading me down a long, dark tunnel at which end no light could be seen. Not only had I lost the girl who had become my best friend, but I’d also lost my love. Together, we had shared the most special thing, we’d shared the loss of our virginity. No joy was there for me in the dawning of the new millennium, no sparkle in those celebratory fireworks that punctuated the end of 1999.  Some solace was to be found in the...

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How It All Started with the MIL Chapter four

How It All Started with the MIL Chapter fourBetty was standing just three feet away from Joy and I as we sat in the chairs and listened to her rant about what she believed had occurred in the last hour or so. I was beginning to feel a little sick knowing someone had discovered our nasty secret and I’m sure the look on my face left no doubt in Betty’s mind she had a clear understanding of what Joy and I had been doing.“Joy I just can’t believe you would do something like this with your Son...

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Adult theater fun

It wasa warm Friday night. I decided on khakis and button down shirt with sweater. I was staying at local hotel but was making arrangements to visit local adult theater down the block from Old Town location in San Diego. showered and shaved and fresh off nice nap, I took brisk walk over to one f the nicest and biggest adult bookstores around southern California. I perused the topics and videos with movies getting my balls boiling hard. I tried to size up the different characters around the...

1 year ago
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Horny Bengali Girl Gives Blowjob To Friend8217s Boyfriend

Hey readers, my name is Deboleena (name changed). I am from Bengal and I got admission in an NIT recently. It took hard preparation of JEE to get in here. Since I spent my 12 in lockdown and dropped a year for online preparation from Unacademy online, I couldn’t get enough sex in the last two years and had to satisfy myself with fingering and masturbation. As for my figure, I am a hot and thin girl with a short height. Coming to the story, I had come to NIT on the 9th. I came on the first day...

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Scout Part 2 Chapters 23

Chapter 2 The rest of the evening before bed was very interesting. I made dinner and we ate it front of the TV. When we had finished dinner, I stretched out along the couch sideways. Scout surprised me when she came over and curled up on my lap, with her head on my chest. I tensed up at the unexpected action. After a few minutes though, I relaxed and put my arm over her. We watched TV for a couple of hours, until I saw Scout start to yawn. Time for bed, I said. I dont wanna get up, mumbled...

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Taking Advantage of My Mom The drunk MILF0

My Mom the Milf I was always curious about sex with my mom. She was drunk a lot and it was easy to look. I'd look at her shapely breasts and shaven pussy and jerk off while she was passed out nude on her bed. I was eighteen and had sex with girlfriends but sex with mom was burning me up. I got home early on a Friday night since she'd come in loaded around ten o'clock and get naked a pass out. I heard her walking up the stairs to her bedroom and popped out to ask if she needed anything. She was...

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The first time I did it, I had waited until the shower was running, and I could hear the water begin splashing from my bedroom. My younger brother was taking a shower. I had already stripped off my clothes and was in my robe. Quickly, but quietly, I moved down the short hall and paused briefly outside the door, having a last minute reluctance to carry out the plan I had formulated for weeks. Ever since I had come back from college to obtain a job in my home town, I had been living with b*o and...

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Lauren Gisal II In South AmericaChapter 20

Turning the bath taps on, Lauren stripped, once again so pleased to be able to wander from her bedroom into the lounge and bathroom quite naked. At home she used to wear so many layers! The bath filled slowly as she stretched out on the sofa, her feet on the floor as her head rested on the arm so she could see the television. She rested her hands between her parted legs, pleased with the ready moisture that she found. Bringing her fingers to her nose, she reveled in the sweet scent of herself...

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