Nicoles affair with a teenage lover part 2
- 4 years ago
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I'm not usually given to voyeurism, but this time I couldn't help myself. Nicole, my eighteen-year-old niece, had left her bedroom door open, and there I was, standing in the hallway outside watching her put on her nightie. The thin material of the night gown had tangled in her hair and was bunched up, covering her face. Concentrating on trying to separate hair and gown, and unaware of my presence, she was oblivious of the scene she presented. And a delightful scene it was. Even though I knew it was wrong to peep like that, even though it was the forbidden fruit of my own niece I was watching, I was caught up, mesmerized, unable to tear my eyes away.
I could hardly believe how Nicole had changed in the last several years. The last time I had seen her, about four years before, she was just a thin, straggly girl with braces on her teeth and an almost flat bosom just beginning to show the swells of womanhood. From what I could now see, it was obvious that womanhood had not been long delayed. Nicole's body was now fully developed, and she was definitely and completely a woman. Her breasts were large and firm, standing out from her body with only little jiggles to betray that they were flesh and blood. Brown nubbins of nipples topped them, each circled by its wide, crepe-crinkled areola. The breasts were supported by a thin waist, no more than twenty-two inches at the most. From there her hips flared out, forming the graceful lines of her thighs, each wide at the juncture of her vee, then tapering to her perfectly formed knees and calves. An unbidden surge of arousal flowed through me. Despite her being my niece, despite Nicole's mother--my divorced older sister--being asleep in her room at the end of the hall, I felt myself swell, my cock becoming rigid and gristle-like.
One aspect of the scene puzzled me, though. Nicole, very obviously a mature, grown woman, was wearing plain, white cotton panties. Not high-cut or bikini, but full-cut panties that covered her in thick material from waist to thigh. In stark contrast to the message sent by her fully developed body, the panties imposed a virginal, little-girl aspect on her appearance. I thought all girls got rid of cotton panties at the onset of menarche, that silken underwear and womanhood came at the same time. I had to admit, though, that her cotton panties worked a strange magic on me. They made her concealed treasures even more forbidden, more school-girl alluring, than any silken panties could have. I couldn't tear my eyes from the scene, but continued to watch, pre-cum beginning to leak from my hard cock.
Nicole's nightie finally came loose and dropped around her body. When it did, she looked up and saw me standing there, watching. Our eyes met and held for a moment, silently. I came to my senses at that point and started apologizing, almost stammering in my desire to explain away my voyeurism. Nicole just smiled shyly and said, "I'm the one who's sorry, Uncle Will. It's my fault. I shouldn't have been changing clothes with my door open."
As much to show she wasn't angry as to continue the practice she had followed since I had been in her house, Nicole came up to me and gave me a goodnight kiss. Usually it was just a peck on the cheek, but this evening she kissed me lightly upon the lips instead. She must have just licked her lips because the kiss was moist and warm. Her breasts, the nipples clearly showing through her thin nightie, brushed across my chest during the kiss.
The next morning, my sister Ann left for work before either Nicole or I had awakened. I had been staying with her and Nicole for two weeks and would probably be there another couple of weeks. I had taken a new job in their town and Ann insisted on my staying with them while waiting for my work to start and construction on the apartment I was going to rent to be completed. Even though I helped pay expenses and I knew Ann was pleased to have a man around the house, I still tried to take care of some of the housework and cooking. For mornings, that meant breakfast for me and Nicole--Ann only had a quick cup of coffee before work.
The smell of bacon and eggs must have lured Nicole out of bed because she appeared in the kitchen just as I had it ready to serve. "Your breakfast is served, princess," I told her, putting her plate on the breakfast bar. Clad more modestly now in a robe, Nicole got up on a bar stool and started in on her scrambled eggs. I sat across from her and began to eat mine. We ate in silence until we finished, and then I poured us each another cup of coffee.
Sipping my coffee, I once more told Nicole I was sorry about watching her the previous night. She smiled, reached out and patted my hand, and said, "Oh, Poo, Uncle Will. You just stop that. I just stood there with my door open and put on a show. It was my fault, and I hereby officially apologize. I'm used to just us girls being around the place and forgot about having one you men-folk types around. Now, I don't won't to hear anymore from you about it. Especially you're saying anything to my mother. Okay?"
I continued to hold her hand, stroking and squeezing it. I smiled back at her and said, "Okay. If you say so, it's a deal."
"Including the part about mother?"
"Especially the part about Ann," I said, smiling even wider. "But there is one more thing I would like to say about it."
"There is? What's that?"
"Well, as you know, there wasn't much left to my imagination last night, and I want you to know that I think you have turned into one hell of a beautiful woman."
Nicole blushed a little and seemed very pleased. "Thank you, Uncle Will. That's a real sweet thing to say, and you're very sweet for saying it." She leaned across, kissed me lightly on the lips, and said, "Thank you, again."
Nicole then looked down at her plate and was silent, almost pensive. "What's wrong, Nikki? Is something wrong, Baby?" I asked.
"There was something bad about your seeing me like that. You were able to see my darkest secret," Nicole said, looking at me with a sad expression.
"Well, you did have on panties so I couldn't see everything about you, but if what I saw was a dark, bad secret, then all girls should have the same secret," I replied, laughing softly.
At first she looked puzzled, but then she put her hands up to her breasts, cupping and squeezing them. "Oh, you mean these. No, these aren't what I'm talking about. Besides," she said, starting to smile a little, "I could hardly keep these secret."
Suddenly, Nicole reached down and pulled the hem of her robe up to where the edge of her panties showed. "This is what I'm talking about. Cotton panties! White cotton panties! Just like training panties!" she said angrily. "I'm not a little girl anymore, I'm a grown woman--a grown woman who has to wear little girl's cotton panties."
"Why do you wear them, then? Why don't you get some grown-up panties?" I asked, not understanding her anger.
"Because Mother still buys all my clothes for me, that's why. You know my mother. You ought to, she's your sister. Conservative and practical to a fault. She still thinks of me as her little girl and buys me cotton panties."
"Have you ever said anything to her about it?" I asked.
"Yes, but all she does is smile and say, 'Well, cotton panties are cheaper, you know.' That shuts me up because I know that we don't have much money. Between my college costs, what little she makes on her job and what I make on my part-time job, there isn't anything left over for many frivolous things. It's taking every cent we have between us to pay for college and necessities."
Nicole sat there, dejected, and started to cry softly. "Oh, God, just listen to me," she said. "I sound like all the selfish bitches in the world rolled into one." She looked up at me, drying her tears, and said, "I'm sorry about this tirade, Will. I'm not really selfish. It's just that every now and then, I get frustrated and blue. I sure wish I could grow up and get this part of my life behind me."
"Well, I don't know whether it will help you feel better, but I can tell you this: In those cotton panties last night, you were about the sexiest woman I've ever seen."
Nicole reached out her hand and took my other hand so that she now had both of them. "Will, you are about the nicest uncle a girl could have." Then, laughing through her tears, she added, "Or do you tell that to all your naked little nieces?"
I couldn't help but laugh in return. "Since my only other niece is two-year old Susie, that would be hard to do."
"That a very nice compliment, and I thank you for it, but it doesn't do much for my confidence around boys. I've had a number of dates and have gotten pretty hot and heavy with several boys, but when time comes to get down to the nitty-gritty, I think about the boy seeing me in cotton panties and back off. Now that really has been frustrating," she said, with a little rueful laugh. "Although Mother doesn't know it, I've been on the pill for two years. Except for a couple of times when I was in a bathing suit and didn't have to worry about the boy seeing my panties, being on the pill hasn't done much for me. I know it's probably all in my head, particularly since you said they are sexy, but I really feel stymied by the curse of cotton panties."
"I'd like to play Dutch Uncle, if you'll let me," I said.
"What do you mean, Dutch Uncle?"
"Wait here," I said. I went to my bedroom, got my wallet, and took out a hundred dollar bill. I folded it into my hand and went back into the kitchen. I reached out and took Nicole's hand and put the bill into it. "This afternoon, before you go to classes, I want you to go to the store and buy yourself some of the silkiest, sexiest underwear you can find. I know you'll have to hide them from your mother, but at least you'll have them for dates and whenever else you want to feel sexy and good about yourself."
"Oh, I couldn't do that," Nicole said, softly.
"That's why I said 'Dutch Uncle, ' Nicole. It's against the rules to say 'No' to a Dutch Uncle."
"Oh, Will, I like 'Nice Uncle' better than 'Dutch Uncle.'" She put her arms around my neck and kissed me full on the lips. The kiss was hard and wet, becoming more moist as we held it. Instinctively, my lips started to part. She felt the movement and parted hers. Our tongues touched momentarily, sending a jolt to my pleasure center. Nicole quickly broke the kiss, pulling back. "Uncle's naughty, too," she whispered. Her eyes sparkled, and I could tell she was excited. "I can hardly wait to go shopping this afternoon," she said, going to get ready for school.
That evening, after Nicole got home from classes, she passed me in the hall and whispered, "I got to go shopping this afternoon, and I bought some of the nicest silk undies you can imagine. In the morning, after Mom goes to work, I'll show them to you." She seemed pleased with herself, and I was pleased for her, pleased I had had a part in making her so happy. That night I dreamed about Nicole. In my dream, though, she wasn't dressed in frilly underthings, but in plain, white cotton panties.
The next morning, I got up and fixed breakfast as usual. Nicole came in, looking absolutely beautiful. It was obvious she had been up a while. Her hair was tied back in a ribbon, and she had put on just the lightest amount of makeup. Stunning, I thought to myself, the only possible word for the beautiful girl standing there in robe and slippers is stunning. I sat our breakfast and coffee out and sitting across from each other, we ate. Between almost every bite, Nicole smiled at me, smiling as though she had a secret she was bursting to share with me. When we finished, we put our plates in the sink. Nicole then turned to me and gave me a fluttery, light kiss on the lips. It felt like I imagined a butterfly lighting on my lips would feel. "What's that for?" I asked.
"For being such a nice uncle," she said, smiling softly.
"Being nice to you is awfully easy," I replied, smiling back.
"I'm glad you feel that way, because I spent almost all your hundred dollars," Nicole said with a musical little laugh. "Now I'm going to show you what you bought for me. You wait here and I'll call you when I'm ready. Okay?"
"Sure. I'll be waiting right here," I answered. I was a little perplexed by her words, wondering what she might be planning. I expected Nicole to produce boxes from the department store and let me see the undergarments she said she had bought. Apparently, she planned something else. My pulse beat a little faster, thinking about the various possibilities.
"Okay, you can come look now," Nicole's voice came from down the hall. Following her voice, I went down the hall to Nicole's bedroom. The door was wide open and I moved in front of it and looked into the room. Standing there, in exactly the same spot she had been the other night, was Nicole. The scene was different from that night, though. Nicole now stood there dressed in a pair of pale yellow, lacy bikini panties and a filmy, see-through bra of the same color. She had on just those two bits of silky wisp and nothing else.
My use of the word "stunning" in thinking of Nicole had been truly prescient because seeing her standing there with a demure, sweet smile on her face did in fact stun me. She was a lovely young sex goddess, perfect by any means of measurement. She was the vision I seen in all my boyhood wet dreams, the central theme of all my erotic fantasies, the pure personification of feminine sexuality. "Well, what do you think?" Nicole asked.
My mouth was so dry I could hardly speak. I stammered, "My God, Nikki! Stunning! Absolutely stunning! But I shouldn't be doing this. What if your mother should come in, what would she think?"
"Mom's never here this time of day, so don't worry about it. As far as your seeing me this way, you saw me with less than this on the other night, so you're not seeing anything you haven't already seen. I'm not embarrassed, so don't you be either. In fact," she said with a smile that was no longer demure, "I'm kinda enjoying this. Now you go back to the kitchen and let me change into another pair. I want you to see me in all my new things."
As I left the room, I realized I had a raging hard-on. I was naked under my robe, and my boner was pressing against it, causing the front to bulge out. God, I hope she didn't notice, I thought to myself. By force of will I tried to make the hard-on go down, but had little success before Nicole called for me to come back.
When I returned to Nicole's room, she had on a pair of loose silken panties and a matching camisole, so sheer as to be virtually transparent. The dark points of her nipples poking against the fabric and their encircling areolas were visible through the sheer silk. I could detect just the hint of the large dark mass of her bush where the panties covered her vee.
"Well, what do you think? I hope you like them, because I love them. They feel just like I imagined they would. The cloth is so smooth against my skin. Come feel how smooth the cloth is."
Almost in a trance I reached out to her and rubbed my hands over the fabric covering the tops of her shoulders. The fabric had to indeed be silk because it was so slick, so smooth, so sensual in its texture. Nicole took my hands and put them on her front, right on top of her semi-revealed breasts. "Here's where it's the smoothest," she said. "Feel here." I stroked my hands lightly and lovingly over the swells of her breasts, paying particular attention to the nipples. Nicole crooned, "Ummm, yes, so smooth, so smooth." Then, taking my hands again, she brought them around so they rested on her buttocks. "Feel my panties, too. They're even silkier," she whispered. I moved my hands all over her buttocks, feeling the deep cleft between them and then further down. She moved up against me, putting her breasts up against my chest, rubbing them over me.
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The following is a fantasy (as in porn fantasy) story about an abnormally well hung teenager and a MILF. The major theme here is mother/boy. Contrary to my older written works, this is not a xxx story filled with fucking, this is more sensual and erotic. Romantic even. It does start off with rather younger characters, but will move forward through time. INCIDENT #6 - Rinse and Repeat One week passed, and the incident was still fresh in Nicole’s mind. It was now Saturday morning and...
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It's a warm musty evening and Nicole and I are sitting in her favourite restaurant enjoying a wonderful meal and a full body bottle of wine (very much like Nicole). Gazing into Nicoles eyes and holding her hands across the table, I suddenly feel her foot rubbing against crotch and gaining momentum, she then gives me a wink, when the waiter asks me if I would like anything else, I ask for the bill and the Town Car be brought around. Opening the door Nicole jumps in and the driver gives me a wry...
NICOLE: JOURNEY OF A SLAVEBy. Charles E. CampbellCHAPTER 27THE REUNION Tanya was still laughing as she turned and strode out of the women’s washroom at Logan Airport. Not sure what was expected of her, slut closed her cape and sped out as well, hoping the Jewish woman hadn’t yet reported the incident to anyone . They went straight to the baggage claim area and then out from the airport to short term parking. Tanya never spoke. Her long legged strides were gigantic, little Keri needing to take...
When Nicole woke up the next morning, she couldn't believe what had happened. She felt terrible for poor Abby. She felt guilty even though it was all Barry's fault. But her sister was saved! They had enough money for the treatment now. Katie would be healthy for the rest of her life. The price had been high. Nicole was a slave now. She didn't want to admit it but it was true. Her life could never be the same again. Maybe one day she would be free from Barry. She was willing to fight for...
Nicole Doshi’s on Twitter as NicoleDoshi, which makes her a lot easier to find on the platform than some of the other pornstars on the thing. I don’t have anything against clever or funny Twitter names, but I think it makes more sense to name your account after the product you’re hawking. (Have you seen my tweets under @PornDudeCasting?) In the case of pornstars, the product in question is always the babes themselves. Nicole’s also fortunate to have picked a porn name that nobody else already...
Twitter Porn AccountsIntroduction: nicole decides to make a move on one of her mothers boyfriends…. 2nd story –Small fantasy of mine, hope u like it!! The phone rang….. Hello? Hey…Nicole? Yep, Hi John. Haha I thought it was you, how you been? Good, and you? Great, is your mother there? No, she went to the doctors, she should be back soon though. Oh, okay, well tel her Ill give her a call, do you need anything? Haha no, shed kill me, but Ill definatly tell her you called. Okay honey, talk to ya later ...
Her mind told her that she was in great agony. Everything about her hurt. The only thing she felt, despite the pain, was warmth. She ran her tongue over her teeth to see if they were broken but her appendage told her that they weren’t. She tried to open her eyes but couldn’t. She let out a moan as the searing distress swept through her body. She even believed her hair hurt. She moaned again as a needle pricked her arm. She cringed but shortly after that, Nicole felt all the pain leave...
The phone rang..... "Hello?" "Hey...Nicole?" "Yep, Hi John." "Haha I thought it was you, how you been? "Good, and you?" "Great, is your mother there?" "No, she went to the doctors, she should be back soon though." "Oh, okay, well tel her I'll give her a call, do you need anything?" "Haha no, she'd kill me, but I'll definatly tell her you called." "Okay honey, talk to ya later" "You too, bye!" --------------------------- Nicole...
It was about 2 years since Nicole was at the local gym. Her and her husband Brett were regulars there for a while. She was excited to get back into a routine. They used one of the trainers named Kendrick, who had been there since the gym opened. Kendrick was a big man, and with a very imposing physique. He used to play college football and so he had that large frame and since college he worked on his body as a top priority. A big black man, but he was the sweetest of personalities. His demeanor...
The phone rang….. “Hello?” “Hey…Nicole?” “Yep, Hi John.” “Haha I thought it was you, how you been? “Good, and you?” “Great, is your mother there?” “No, she went to the doctors, she should be back soon though.” “Oh, okay, well tel her I’ll give her a call, do you need anything?” “Haha no, she’d kill me, but I’ll definatly tell her you called.” “Okay honey,...
The pain returned and it felt worse than before. She couldn’t help but let out a moan. Nicole still couldn’t open her eyes. She just felt her arm being lifted and another shot given to her. The agony faded as she fell into a blissful rest. “I’m taking a few weeks vacation in the Bahamas to rest up and mend my back and jaw. That bitch did a number on me,” Nicole explained to her superior. “I think you deserve it, my dear,” Zachary said as they sat in his office. “I’ll call ahead and get you...
By mid April, the temperatures moderated. There were some days that the interior of Alaska was above freezing. It was daylight about ten hours a day growing longer as the middle of June approached them. Horace was depressed that Nicole would soon be leaving. She had confessed to him that she had shot and killed a man the night he rescued her from her downed plane. It didn’t matter to him. Just how she acted around him was what was important to him. “I know I never said it,” Horace told her...
Main characters: Nicole Adams: 38, housewife and mom of Ryan, blonde, 5’7, 111lbs, 32C-23-34, slim and tanned Marcus: 25, coach of Ryan football team, black, 6’2, muscular, 10in dick Ryan Adams: 9, son of Nicole, 5’2 slim, athletic Rachel: 35, housewife and Nicole’s BFF, blonde, 5’6, 112lbs, 34D-24-36, slim and tanned Chapter 1 I am Nicole, a typical suburban housewife, married to Daniel Adams for 12 years. Daniel travels for work a lot and I stay at home to look after our son, Ryan....
Nicole felt the great pain as she opened her eyes in the dark. She looked around the room trying to find out where she was. She was both frightened and thirsty. It was such an effort to raise her head that after an initial try, she let it drop back onto the pillow. Tears from the searing aching all over her body ran down her cheeks. She felt weak as a kitten as the howling wind outside made things rattle and shake. She tried staying awake but her body was beaten and broken. She closed her...
Nicole awoke later with her bladder filled. She got out of bed and walked barefoot over the ice cold floor to the bathroom. The toilet seat was cold and she had to put it down in order to relieve herself. ‘Men are pigs, ‘ she thought, flushing what urine she expelled. She washed her hands in the frigid water and made her way back to the bed. In the darkness, Nicole saw a shadow move. She observed Horace shifting in the lazy boy. The cold was affecting her feet and she imagined he was...
Nicole cried for a while. Then she remembered that she had homework to do. It was difficult to study when you knew people were staring at a photo of your pussy on the internet and debating if you should shave. She tried not to think about having to fuck a bottle tomorrow. She needed to concentrate on the present. Get through this one day at a time. The photos inside her pussy and ass made her feel weird. If at least she could take them out while she was doing her homework. She took a deep...
When I see crappy porn sites, I sometimes wonder if what I do for a living is right. But then I find myself writing about slut goddesses, realizing that what I do is right.The holy scriptures of the wankers say: You will never stop desiring or loving porn actresses who have come so far. Today, my brothers, I'm standing before you to tell you about this divine whore's beauty and how badly I want to fuck her. But don't worry, there's enough of her for everyone. I am not envious; I am willing to...
Twitter Porn AccountsIntroduction: Second part, Nicole and John finaly meet up. Im sorry for the delay, my computer got a virus in the middle of writing, but I finished yay! This is part two to Nicole and her mothers Boyfriends. I suggest you read the first story to find out how Nicole and John first met up, and theres the character description also, so if youd like to know what they look like, thats also in part one. Thank you for all of your nice comments and good ratings!!! Please continue to rate, and enjoy...
This happened a few years ago… the fucking weirdest weekend of my life… when I got fucking laid by the hottest young chick EVER!!! Not to mention, she busted my cherry- female-wise- and addicted me to women ever since!. Her name is Nicole, and even though there is another woman in my life these days (and different in every way!), she will always be my first!I used to have this dumb-ass job as an attendant at a male sex club called MACK Folsom Prison… and yeah- that it is a whole different...
You, Nicole, stifle another yawn and look at the clock again...12:15am. You had hoped you could make it until your new boss arrived. You're used to getting up early and jogging as the sun comes up so this late of an hour is hard. It probably wouldn't look too good to your new boss to be sleeping when he arrives.You can't believe your luck on finding this job. Just fresh out of college, you sent out applications to all the companies listed in the phone book that did interior decorating, but...
This happened a few years ago… the fucking weirdest weekend of my life… when I got fucking laid by the hottest young chick EVER!!! Not to mention, she busted my cherry- female-wise- and addicted me to women ever since!. Her name is Nicole, and even though there is another woman in my life these days (and different in every way!), she will always be my first!I used to have this dumb-ass job as an attendant at a male sex club called MACK Folsom Prison… and yeah- that it is a whole different...
As ordered by Sir, you, Nicole leave the den for the rear chambers. You please me tremendously. Had I not given you a beautiful two-carat diamond pendant for on your clitoris ring? I am your grateful Dom, Sir. I speak to you, Nicole, "You have been a good slave and have pleased your Man. You will spend the night with me in my bed." With that I help you to your feet. You had been in a restrained position: thighs wide spread, head on your chest and hands behind your backI lead you into the master...
Nicole by Leigh de Santa Fe Nick Gordon came home early one day to find his wife blowing a strange man in their bedroom. They hadn't heard his approach so when he walked past the bedroom he saw the tableau vivant as though he were glimpsing a pornographic movie. The man was lying on his back on their bed, his legs dangling over the side while his naked wife crouched between his legs, working away at her task with an assiduousness she'd never applied in their own lovemaking....
If you haven't read "From Jeannie to Vanessa," you need to read it. Also, you need to read Chapter 1 of this story. These are NOT stand alone stories.****Chapter 2: Siller comes to callSiller stood in the doorway of the bedroom, an absolutely HUGE shit-eating grin on his face and eyes looking like they were going to jump out of his skull.Siller, (short for Sylvester, "rhymes with killer" he always said, although I sometimes called him "Silly") was my boyfriend.Vanessa and I, attired in...
BisexualThis is part two to “Nicole and her mother’s Boyfriends”. I suggest you read the first story to find out how Nicole and John first met up, and there’s the character description also, so if you’d like to know what they look like, that’s also in part one. Thank you for all of your nice comments and good ratings!!! Please continue to rate, and enjoy the...