- 4 years ago
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George lowered himself slowly into the cool water of the pool; the feeling of relief was immediate. Not that the heat of the day was that bad (somewhere in the high 80's) -the real relief was centered in his no longer swollen but still very tender scrotum. It hadn't been that many days since he'd been clocked in the nuts by a softball traveling at near 80 mph. Damn that Michelle from Hell.
Michelle Gardner was the sister of his best friend Pete. Michelle from Hell (Michelle was 11 months older than Pete. Not only had he displaced her as the baby of the family he was also the only boy. His and Michelle's three older siblings were girls; and girly girls at that - former cheerleader's one and all. Michelle was the family mutant and over the years had become Pete and George's nemesis.)
She had always been taller, faster, and just plain better at any athletic endeavor - at least until a couple of years ago or so. She had not taken the change in athletic performance and game outcomes graciously. Her one lone hold out was her pitching. For years she'd been a virtually un-hittable fast pitch softball player. George had been crossing the practice field when Michelle had begun to taunt him about not being able to get a hit off her. She had chided him into taking some swings as the batter during her team practice.
He had struck out swinging for the first two outs when he finally decided to quit trying to belt it over the outfielder's heads. He began to make contact, simply fouling the ball off until he stroked a single to right field. Still alive at the plate with a runner on first he worked Michelle to a full count, fouled off four straight fastballs down the middle of the plate and got a walk out of it.
He could hear Michelle swearing like a sailor out on the mound. He dug in on the next pitch guessing fast ball and blasted the ball over the right fielders head. George could swear he saw Michelle's eyes spinning in her head - he should have walked away. Instead he taunted Michelle with a comment of "Hey - it's only a game." Big mistake!
George watched helplessly as his body reacted all too slowly to the rising fast ball that was curving right at his hips. He felt a stab of intense pain and passed out. A couple of the other girls helped him to his car and he was driven home. He peed blood that night was unable to walk for almost 24 hrs. Rest was recommended by the family doctor and George was more than happy to oblige.
Today was his first venture out of the house and found himself attracted to pool both for it's coolness but also to support his balls. With every one in his family at work he had decided to go free balling - the less contact with clothing the better. The coolness and buoyancy turned out to be just what George needed and he relaxed laid out on the steps. He was nearly asleep when he felt someone cast a shadow across his face. Momentarily forgetting his nakedness George slowly opened his eyes and found himself looking up a skirt containing two toned and tanned legs that met at a dainty pair of white cotton panties.
"Hello George. How are you feeling?" At the sound of Michelle's voice George's anger and irritation were aroused. However, the view up her skirt had already resulted in a far different arousal. He rolled over and stood in the shallow end of the pool the head of his cock breaking the surface.
"Ah Michelle the Man-Hater (yet another of the nicknames she had picked up thru the years) come to finish the job? Did you bring a bat with you this time?" George walked to the steps and climbed slowly out of the pool. His anger was so hot that he couldn't have cared less that he was standing naked in front of Michelle with a raging hard on. In fact it pulsed to the beat of his heart.
Michelle tried to look George in the eyes but her sense of shame for what she had done caused her to hang her head where she found herself starring at George's erection - a very big erection in Michelle's limited experience. She felt a rush of heat through out her body as it radiated from her cunt. She felt wetness like never before.
"I... I came by to apologize, I'm sorry George. I'm so very sorry. I just lost my head. I wish I could say it was a mistake but it wasn't. I was trying to hit you - I just never thought I'd hit you where I did. Are you going to be alright, there's no permanent damage is there? You have to believe me that I am truly sorry." Michelle found herself looking back and forth between George's face and his erection.
George was amazed - Michelle was actually apologizing to him. As far as George could remember she had never voluntarily apologized to him once in his life. George looked at Michelle's bowed head and finally was cognizant of just what she was looking at with her head down. The funny thing was it didn't bother him. They had skinny dipped as little kids and he had spied on her many times as they had grown up. An idea flashed into his mind so outrageous that he had to try.
"I'll live. I'm still pretty sore and the physical therapy has been really hard to do by myself." George waited for the inevitable question, "Physical therapy?"
"Yes. It's very important for me to avoid blood clots that could cause permanent damage. I mean one day I'll want to have kids. To insure that there are no blockages I have to ejaculate at least three times a day - morning, afternoon and right before bed." George paused to let it sink in then added, "That's why I was in the pool - cooling down before the therapy."
Michelle absorbed the information slowly. That she could have caused George permanent damage was more then she could bear - she began to cry another apology. She didn't resist when George maneuvered her to a chaise on the patio and sat her down. Her face was at cock height now and George stood right in front of her.
"Michele, if you're really sorry about what happened then help me with my therapy. I get tired of doing it myself - a little company would be nice for a change."
Silently chanting; just do it! Just do it! Just do it! George pushed his cock down to the horizontal and leaned in until the tip was about an inch from Michelle's mouth. An exhalation bathed the head in moist hot air and George shuddered and moaned an "oh yeah.' At the sound of George's moan Michelle looked up at him and then back down at the hard cock in front of her. "Wrap your hand around it."
Michelle slowly lifted her arm and grasped the shaft - she was fascinated by the tactility of the feeling - hard, smooth, hot and pulsing. George had lifted his own hand when Michelle had gripped his cock resulting in it angling upwards again - he smiled as she pulled it back to level. As a host of conflicting thoughts and emotions fought for her attention Michelle moved her hand slowly back and forth. Her eyes were riveted on the tip of George's cock and she watched with fascination as a clear pearl of fluid formed at the vertical slit.
George watched as Michelle lifted a finger to rub his precum around the head of his cock. Her tight grip and slow strokes were wonderfully enjoyable. "Taste your finger." Michelle turned her finger to her nose and sniffed then touched it to her lips, The finger slid in between her lips for a moment then reappeared. Michelle's mouth opened wider and she leaned forward engulfing the head of George's cock. She sucked back and forth over the crown and George was soon shaking with tension. He felt his tender balls tightened and his cock swell.
Michelle had found that the taste of George was not unpleasant - basically neutral, well maybe a little musky. She heard many a tales from other girls about the pros and cons of cock sucking - some girls really enjoyed it and other hated it with most somewhere in between (it seemed to depend on how you felt about the guy). What Michelle liked about it was the feeling of control that it gave her.
The issue (soon to be very literal) of George's ejaculation had not been a topic point as yet and it hadn't occurred to Michelle until she felt his cock swell and remembered many of the more experienced girls warning of what would soon follow. What followed filled her mouth so quickly that she really didn't have time to consider matters of taste and disposal - she simply swallowed which turned out to be just fine with her (George apparently had no objections either).
George had been so lost in the inevitability of his orgasm that the question of if he was going to cum in Michelle's mouth was never fully entertained - he simply did. [Now to this day George need only recall that image of his cock in Michelle's mouth, her cheeks bulging then emptying as she swallowed to generate a very hard erection]. George knelt down and began to kiss her.
Michelle was dazed and offered no resistance to George's kisses nor did she resist when he laid her back on the chaise. It was only when he began to pull her shorts down that she asked him what he was doing. He replied that one good turn deserved another as he threw her shorts to the ground. When his mouth covered her cunt all objections ceased. She writhed under his mouth and tongue as he licked and sucked at her clit. He didn't do anything fancy just long continuous licks - she came with a series of loud moans.
George lifted his face from between her thighs and smiled. Michelle was holding her head in both hands her eyes were glazed as she stared into the sky. He looked down at her wet open cunt. He lifted her legs and holding onto her thighs he pulled her hips to the edge of the chaise. He positioned his cock between her thick wet lips and pushed. His angle was wrong and as he thrust forward his cock rode up the furrow of her cunt and across her clit. He heard her state. "I not on anything - do you have something?" He flinched at her words noticing for the first time what he had just tried to do. "Oh my God - yeah, yeah - I've got condoms in my room." He pulled Michelle to her feet and led her inside.
As Michelle sat on George's bed she was able to take stock of the current situation. George's rummaging through drawers did not distract her from realizing that she was on the verge of having sex. Not that she didn't want it and much to her surprise not that she didn't want George to be the one to do it. "George, George we need to stop for a moment." George turned to her with a large smile on his face; he was holding a square packet in his hand. "We need to talk - about this."
"Could you point that somewhere else." Michelle pointed at George's bobbing erection. "If we're not careful it may go off again." They both began to laugh. Michelle became very aware of her nakedness and wished that she had brought her clothes inside with her. George took his bedspread and wrapped it around her. He kissed her on the forehead.
"Are you OK? You sure -I mean, I mean... I can't believe we just did what we just did. You're... you're." George sat on the bed beside Michelle and just looked at her.
"Don't look at me like that." Michelle bowed her head. "You must think I'm just the biggest slut in..."
George grabbed her shoulders and turned her toward him. "Don't ever say that. I mean it." Michelle was surprised at George's intensity. "Don't you ever say that -I think you're incredible, I think you're beautiful, you're smart, you're - you are not a... you're not, alright? I'll go get your clothes."
When George came back with her clothes he was told to turn around while she dressed. He argued half-heartedly and then turned his back to her. By looking to his left he was able to see Michelle's reflection in his mirror. He watched as she put her tank top on first and then searched her shorts for something.
"Looking for these?"
"George! You're not supposed to be looking at me - turn around."
"Only after you tell me something; when you came over - you were spying on me, weren't you? Did you plan this whole thing out?" George couldn't stop himself from watching her dress - a fact that was pissing Michelle off.
"I came here to apologize and you took advantage of me. But I 'm willing to take my share of the responsibility I should have said NO more forcefully."
"You never said No. You didn't even try to stop me. You wanted this -admit it."
"Are you on drugs? Are your brains in your balls - I mean was there brain damage, there must have been, because you're talking like some kind of crazy idiot. I'm leaving - get out of my way."
"Explain this Michelle. You wanted me to see you. You wanted me to want you. Finally after all of these years - vindication is mine. After all those things you've said about me - you want me. Period."
"Things I said about you? Are you joking? We kissed after a 7th grade dance and by the time I got to school the next Monday you had told every one that I was easy and that I let you do whatever you wanted to?
"I never said that. You were the one who told all the girls I had a tiny penis and was a compulsive masturbator. It sure looked like 'ole Tiny' was more than a mouthful... and a handful. And please don't bother trying to deny it - Pete told me everything."
"What? Pete told me you said I was easy. He said you guys had a big fight about it..." Michelle stopped as she watched George shake his head side to side.
"Oh my God, there was no big fight was there?" George shook his head. "Oh my God... oh my God. It was Peter. It was Peter. Why would he do something like that? Why?" Michelle began to cry. George held her.
"We need to talk to Pete."
Pete walked opened the door and entered his house, he was not ready for the scene he found - not ready at all. There on the couch in his living room was his best friend and his sister. They were sitting side by side, holding hands. Oh my God now they were kissing - passionately.
"What the fuck?" Pete stopped dead in his tracks - this is wrong. This is very wrong. The thought repeated over and over again in his mind.
George spoke first. "There's a part of me that wants to ask why. There's a part of me that wants to pound you to dust. There's a part of me that can't believe that anyone would do this - period. Why Pete, why the lies?"
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Like always, vote and leave comments. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- He awoke with a shiver, noting the darkness in the room. His eyes quickly adjusted to the light and he saw a fire that was just about out. He didn’t remember there being a fireplace in his bedroom and then he noticed the soft weight in his arms. It was Kumiko, nude like him, fast asleep with a peaceful look on her...
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Chapter One: Popping Kissing Cousin's Cherry By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Clint Elliston “Ugh, I can't believe how much homework Ms. Ayers gave us for math,” my cousin and best friend groaned. She shook her head, her braid of sandy-blonde hair dancing across her shoulders. “Doesn't she know it's the weekend, Clint? I don't want to spend it on figuring out sign, cosign, and tangent.” I snorted, nodding my head. Melody hated math. “How long until you scream at your homework and...
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Repeated From Chapter Two: {“We could be divorced and continue living as we do. However, that would involve the children and I’m sure they would be badly affected by that. So ... what I can live with is that we don’t have the marriage contract anymore, but we continue as friends who live together and we keep the children’s lives as even as possible. I do still love you. In a way. You may still love me. I don’t think we are ‘in love, ‘ that’s all. And ... at long last ... maybe it’s OK. I...
With one woman left in his wake yet not forgotten, Benni makes a determined effort to make his mom like him, at least a little more. It’s time to try to set himself up to make some real money so he examines what are his main interests and concludes there are only two – women and vehicles. He shrugs, thinking that’s not much to go on but it’s his own fault that he allowed his eager penis to get in the way of coming out of college with a useful degree. SEVEN Gladys James was hanging out the...
I was always interested in dominant and submissive relationships in the bedroom. The thought of a strong man dominating me and showing me who was boss intrigued and excited me. A part of me thought I shouldn't feel this way, that it was wrong and perverted to feel so masochistic. But another part of me, the side that I kept hidden and locked away in my deepest recesses of my mind, wanted to be held down, slapped, choked, screamed at, used and abused like a slut. I finally found someone who I...
HardcoreMy name is Dhruv and I am 23 years old. I am 5’11 tall and my penis is 6.7 inches long and hard. I am fair and I have a slim, fair skinned body. But what is special about me is that I have the biggest balls (testicles) in the world! From adolescence itself, I have noticed that my balls are very big, punk and hang very low. They are also very sensitive. I produce lots of cum. This is the reason I am very horny all the time. I have to masturbate 5 times a day or otherwise, my cream gets released...
It was a hot summer day and I knew my friend had gotten a pool a few weeks before. I helped him set it up. It was only one of those 4 foot deep, 12 feet around blow up pools, so we had no trouble except that his hot mom kept coming out to make sure we were OK. My name is Rob. My friend’s name is Jack. His mom’s name is Joan. I am about 6′ 3′ tall and Jack is about the same (give or take a few inches). His mom is 5’5′ tall with a great ass and 36C tits (I asked Jack because he had went through...
Oh, my God, I'm so wet," she said, panting as she pushed back into me.And she was.I could feel her wetness as my cock slowly edged its way up the passage from the opening of her body between her legs. She was wet. And, she was tight. The muscles in her vaginal walls gripped and placed erotic pleasure on my cock as it pushed upwards. Her muscles twitched, contracted and then relaxed allowing my cock to move deeper into her body. Then, I felt my balls nestle between her ass cheeks and rest...
"WHAT!!!" Lizzie immediately smacked her hand against my mouth so hard that it stung. "Quiet!" she whispered hoarsely. "Not so loud!" A door opened, and Richard's voice sounded from the hallway upstairs. "Beth? Everything ok down there?" "Yes, daddy. Everything's fine. I just tripped on this ottoman." "You alright? Didn't hurt yourself, did you?" The voice asked worriedly. "No. Josh caught me." The voice chuckled. "Ok, baby. Get some sleep. I'll remember to throw away...
Seeing her smiled gave me some courage, leaving my hand on her ass,I asked if she wanted me to stop. She said no,but be careful you might start something we both know shouldn't happen. The image of her nude body and us having sex was almost unbearable. Snapping out of it I sprayed lotion on her other butt cheek and rubbed. Slipping my fingers under her swimsuit and rubbed. My fingers found the crack of her ass and I slid down. As I reached the bottom she flinched and said I had to stop it. I...
I carried her out of the elevator and down the hall to her room with her skirt up around her waist and her legs wrapped around me. We had trouble sliding the card to get the door open but neither of us wanted to let go of the other. He still had her legs wrapped around me. Her skirt was up around her waist and her thong was just covering her tight skirt and she wiggled out of it as I pulled it down over her hips and off her legs. I lifted one beautiful leg at a time taking in her spectacular...
Eroticmy bf is alot older then me. hes 48. oh this is a true story btw.we met on line, i wanted to meet olderguys, cuz guys my own age are kinds imature. all the videos I like to watch on this site are all older guys with yunger guys (twinks) so I knew i wanted my first tiem to be with a guy that knew what he was doing. I also like older guys cuz they last longer when they fuck! I met Tom (thats his name) after we talked for like two months, i was nervous, but he was so cool and understanding in...
Polizeimeisterin Kathrin Melzer war heute nicht zum lachen zu Mute. Polizeimeisterin - klang eigentlich nicht schlecht! Eigentlich war sie ganz schön stolz als sie den Titel tragen durfte, als sie sich das erste mal mit ihrer Uniform im Spiegel sah. Selbst in der Kampfmontur die sie jetzt trug gefiel sie sich. Sah ja schon beeindruckend aus, mit Helm, grüner Montur, breiten Schultern durch die Protektoren, Schlagstock und Schild, den schwarzen Boots, sie merkte schon dass selbst die Machos...
As crazy as porn has gotten these days, you can’t deny its humble beginnings around 30-40 years ago when the only kind of sex you would see on an old VHS tape or on some nudie mag pictures was mainly good old missionary and maybe a blowjob if the guy was lucky. As the years went by and demand grew along with supply, pornography started evolving – by the late 70s it was a worldwide thing, and many countries such as Sweden and Germany joined the good old US of A in the never-ending pursuit of...
Anal Porn SitesPatience and time. Never rush things. Let them develop at their own pace, take it slow and you can adjust to just about anything within reason. It’s all about comfort levels…I didn’t hate him. What I felt was resentment, not to mention the awkwardness whenever our paths crossed, usually orchestrated by her. After all, he knew all about me and what we did together – or, rather, what I was to her and how she treated me. I.The first few times we had dinner together, the three of us, I admit to...
WatersportsChapter 4 – New Digs in Kingham Adrian arrived from London in ninety minutes or so. He had to use an umbrella walking from the station platform a short distance to the Inn. He smiled with the lingering warmth of the sunny weekend with his lover, Nicole. The Inn, like many in small towns, was a highway stop for stages before railroads came. Unlike others, the owners had adjusted to changing times, and it served a fine meal and provided a good bed even in the age of the automobile. The...
i going to share my sex experience with my sex bomb mother in law. Her name is surna reka. Her body stat is 38-36-40. You can imagine how big boobs ,she is not fat but her boobs are awesome and she is 5.5 feet tall fair complexion. Since from my marriage i had an eye on my mil. We used to stay very closer to mil home and their family consist of my mil, fil and my wife. On every weekly off myself and my wife used to go their home and spend time with them.She used to wear only sari at home and...
"Oh...oh...mmm...fuck me, oh, yes!" Lily moaned, imaginging she was the pornstar in the video getting her pussy reamed by the thick cock.The top part of a brush was held between the heels of her feet, the rounded 5 inch handle in her hairless 14 year old pussy as she bounced on it. She was naked, glistening with sweat with her head thrown back, her long blonde hair swishing from side to side.. Her pert Bcups were bouncing wildly as she fucked her hairbush like an a****l. The handle was coated...