Ah, HawaII! free porn video

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We've been in Hawaii for two days. Just enough time to remember each others bodies and how well they work together. It's lotsa sun during the days and Mai Tais at night, and every kind and color of volcano-named drink we can try - including a real killer served in a big volcanic rock that takes two straws from a Polynesian restaurant that sports bamboo walls and waitrons in shorts and brightly colored shirts. We sat in a high backed, two seater wicker chair. The food is good, exotic, but not spectacular. We didn't care. There's an enormous terrarium with bizarre plants and wildlife that has a fake thunderstorm every fifteen minutes. We are sure they give smile pills to the people that work there. Aloud, I wondered where we could get some for us, but we decide that if we got any smilier, they'd probably lock us up as escaped mental patients. That was last night. We passed out before we could make love, almost desperately entwined around each other each other.

When I wake up this morning, I spend a few minutes gazing at how beautiful you are when you sleep. Your face is totally relaxed and your breathing deep and slow. I can't believe that we're finally seeing each other again. You turn to the side looking away from me and the sheet drops down your back. I see your amazing long back in detail ... the fine bone structure covered with the skin I love to touch.

I pull closer to you, molding my body to yours. A perfect fit. I kiss you on the neck lightly, then pull you very close and luxuriate in the feeling of oneness that comes from such relaxed times. My arms are around you, cupping your breast. Then, remembering a thing you love so much, I feel a stirring down below. I want you now. I get very hard thinking about being inside you again. Then I reach behind me and get some lube from the nightstand and spread it over my cock. You love it when I surprise you like this. I - very gently - nudge you onto your back and then move on top of you. I place my cock on your vagina and slide it up and down a couple of times to make sure you're wet enough, then slowly, firmly press my cock into your pussy. Your back arches in appreciation, but you're still very sleepy. My movements are slow, deliberate, deep. Your body starts to respond as it always does and you begin to wake ... breathing quickly and thrusting against me. I don't know what you were dreaming about, but it sure must have been interesting.

Your arms reach up and out and grab onto the nearest piece of anything that feels grab-able, your left hand has the headboard and is pushing against it ... your right hand has a handful of sheet and you're pulling against it as your breathing gets deeper, faster and harder. I'm sucking on your nipples, occasionally biting them each gentle bite drawing an appreciative gasp. We both feel ready to come. Your beautiful little moans as you're about to come are one of the biggest turn-ons I've ever experienced. Your breathing is ragged and you hold your breath, then moan as you remember to breathe again. Then, I feel your pussy squeeze me VERY tightly and rhythmically as you moan longer and more low pitched and I feel my explosion building from somewhere beneath my toes. Then it happens ... again ... that moment of perfect vulnerability. I lose total control and splash my come inside you over and over again. I can't believe there was that much come inside me. As I hold you closely, we look into each otherís eyes. Smile. Kiss. (Ah, that gorgeous lower lip of yours.) We hold each other very tightly until we close our eyes and fall asleep again, my (shrinking) cock still nestled inside you.

After a short nap, I sneak out of bed and make a pot of coffee ... Kona coffee, of course. When I get back to the bedroom - our coffee in hand - you are sitting up and smiling at me with that early morning muzziness that always surrounds your first hour or so. We're scheduled to be at the heliport by 10:00, so we have time to drink our coffee and nibble on the fruit and rolls that I had delivered as our breakfast. For a person who never eats breakfast, you seem awfully hungry. Me, too. I guess all our appetites are piqued. We decide to dress lightly today ... we're to be delivered to a secluded beach with a picnic lunch and then picked up late in the afternoon. We take towels, suntan lotion, and snorkel gear ... everything else will be provided.

The copter takes off from the island and we fly over the ocean, looking at all the other islands ... clear air ... water that seems totally transparent ... God it's beautiful. We can see forever. The pilot takes us on a scenic drive-by of the island that's to be ours today ... there's dense forest and long stretches of beautiful beach. No people, no houses, no phones. We will be totally alone for the day. We land on the beach against calm ocean waters and a stream that flows out from the interior. The attendant gets out and sets up a small cabana and a folding table with two chairs. He then brings out a huge picnic basket full of goodies and sets up for our lunch ... total decadence. We ask him about bathrooms he tells us to stay off the trails a little way and points out some paper in the lunch basket. He also advises us that at the head of the stream is a waterfall that is worth the walk to see. Everything in place, the attendant takes his leave and jumps back into the copter. They take off and fly away. Leaving us completely alone. This is the most beautiful and romantic place I've ever seen. We can't stop smiling. My face hurts from smiling, which - of course - only makes me smile more.

Something takes over between us we look at each other and start laughing. No one deserves to be this happy. No words pass between us just laughter like little kids that suddenly get tickled about something.

It's a race to see who can get undressed faster. You win. Your new "muumuu" comes off in a heartbeat and there's no underwear to deal with, so you're totally naked before I have a chance to get my zipper down. You decide to help me my shirt buttons seem to take forever in our haste.

Finally undressed, we kiss. Long and lingering. Your pouty lower lip getting most of my attention. Then, "race ya to the water!" We run. Naked as the day we were born. It actually feels like a rebirth of sorts. A new world. A new life.

You, of course get to the water first because you cheated and began to run as you said the word, "Race you to the water." Somehow watching you prance toward the water and occasionally look back at me ... you are so beautiful to watch ... made me forget you cheated - or maybe I just didn't care so much. I made sure I was far enough behind to watch your every move toward the water ... then we started splashing through the shallows until we were waist deep in the clearest most beautiful water anywhere. I start splashing you because you cheated and you, of course, splash back. It becomes a no holds barred ... no quarter given or expected, winner take all splash fight. I - sensing no victory in the offing - choose to drop down under the water and swim right up next to you and then come up out of the water into your waiting arms. You wrap yourself around me and we kiss. For now. For this minute. We have found Paradise.

"Hungry?" I say.


"Lunch is waiting"

As you rub your pussy against my cock, you say, "Let it wait."

Lunch is temporarily removed from the docket. Your cunt is now pressed against my cock and as I get harder, I gradually slip inside you. We hold ourselves very close together to let this amazing thing happen to us. My cock gets harder and harder, and as it does, it slips inside you inch by (precious) inch until it is totally hard and nestled inside you. We have made no overt movements ... just holding and kissing, and my cock is now buried deep inside you. We stay immobile for quite a while letting the waves move us up and down gently. Then you begin to rock back and forth ... slowly ... almost timed to the waves ... we are in harmony with everything around us. I tell you to squeeze your nipples, then hold you closely and rock back and forth so your clit gets maximum stimulation. You start to come almost immediately. Shaking, barely able to hold on, you squeeze my cock and moan that wonderful moan of yours and the whole world seems to stop. Then we hug until all the spasms stop. Effortlessly floating in our private sea.

I lift you easily in the water and hold you floating in front of me. Your hair swirls around your head making you look like a mermaid in some Disney cartoon. My lips start to roam down your neck. You revel in the pleasure of the moment knowing what's coming next. You are floating in my arms my lips find yours I kiss and taste my way across your body as you float calmly serenely I spend extra time at your breasts wonderful lingering sucking and pulling on your nipples. Your little gasps tell me you don't hate it too much. Then I move slowly down to your pubic bone, kissing and licking and loving my way toward the place we now both want me to go. I'm teasing you ... you're laughing I'm getting salt water up my nose not that I care. I bring you to a small peak no orgasm just the beginnings of sweetness. I look up at you, you slide your body down from my arms and we kiss together we taste salt water, musk, spices. Time to eat.

We walk slowly toward the beach and arrive at the cabana wanting to taste everything in sight. Lunch is fabulous. Paté, cheeses, fruit, a delicious, light white wine, nothing is left out. The breads are exotic and tasty. We lie on the blanket on the sand and feed each other, each juicy bite more erotic than the last. Finally, I know what that scene in "Tom Jones" was about.

"You didn't come," you say.

I laugh "Yeh, but I'm a guy three or four times a day is plenty!"

"Not in Hawaii, it isn't!"

With this last, you bend down and lick my cock lightly.

"Hmmmmmmm you may be right."

My now happy dick is growing under your continuing ministrations I'm in heaven. I reach over and fondle your gorgeous breasts than move my way down - slowly - to your inner thighs we are both getting more excited as we continue. I nudge your leg slightly so you bring it across my face and I start giving you the kind of pleasure you've been giving me. My fingers slide inside you as I lick your thighs and labia not yet touching your clit the tension is building slowly but inexorably. Breathless, you turn over so you're on top and facing me.

"Fuck me."

Never being one to decline that sort of invitation from you, I move you so you're on your knees and enter you from behind you've never been so wet. God I want you. I enter fast and deep. You arch your back to get all of me in, then spread your legs even more, so I can get deeper and deeper. I slide you down to lie flat against the towel and you lift your ass just slightly off the sand to give me room. "Yes, fuck me fuck me" I feel your legs lifting up to pull my ass even closer to you we are both gasping, groaning, humping fucking intensely. Then I come and so do you. We've always been good at coming together. I can feel you squeeze me ripples of spasms that start at the base of my cock and move up this is a deep one for both of us. I practically see stars. You scream. I groan from somewhere very deep no neighbors here so we can make all the noise we want. Afterwards, panting, and laughing, we kiss and nap on the beach.

When I wake up, I see you beside me beautifully naked and reading the latest "Cosmo." I reach out and lay my hand against your beautiful long thigh then kiss your shoulder and walk toward the water

"Get back here, Mister"

I look back and smile wondering what you mean.

"Time for some suntan lotion or you'll be red the whole time we're here."

On my return walk, you get out the SPF 30 and start to put it on your hands. You cover me well especially the parts that never usually see the sun. I do the same for you. We both feel a stirring, but let it go; it's still early.

"How 'bout a walk to that waterfall," I say.

You smile put on your sandals and stand up. We walk down a marvelous path to what feels like another planet. Lush forest. A knee-deep stream we follow to its source. Arms around each other as we walk, we stop occasionally to kiss our bodies warm against each other with the cool water at our feet. Then we see "the pool." Paradise again. crystal clear, cool water just over waist deep with an amazing wide waterfall cascading down a series of rocks more like rock gardens really, since they are covered with ferns and other plants I don't recognize. The white water against the green plants, black rocks and occasional red or blue flower is the most beautiful place we have ever seen. We stand in awe. A perfect moment of a perfect day. We walk into the pool. The cool water takes the edge off the heat of the day again, we find you in the pool at the base of the waterfall you're floating in my arms

I walk around the pool with you floating in front of me. As we approach the waterfall, I tell you to relax completely (as if I had to) and to go with the flow. I move us so that the lower half of your body is in the direct line of the water falling into the pool. It provides a delicious, heavy, constant pressure everywhere. "Spread your legs a bit." You do and I turn you so there is direct constant pressure on your clit. You gasp in surprise, but settle into it immediately ... your eyes close as the delicious movement of the water takes over and you feel a sweetness building that's different ... stronger luscious. I move you back and forth so the feeling changes constantly, from stronger to weaker, but never letting you go from its cool, sweet feelings. "Squeeze your nipples." As you do, you arch your back with the amazing feeling that is taking over, making your mind think of nothing else but the coming orgasm, trying to make it wait, but wanting the climax to be there right away, lost in the throes of complete surrender to the sweet moment. "Look at me." You open your eyes. You can see into my soul again. I can see into yours. Open. Vulnerable. Loving. Wanting. Then it hits. Your face is pleading me not to violate the trust of the moment. I don't. You begin to shake all over as spasm after spasm hits you. Your legs spread further apart as you desperately try to fuck the water the water doesn't disappoint. Again and again you come squeezing your nipples looking into my eyes it seems it will never end. "Oh, God." Then it hits you again - smaller, but deeper - my fingers slip inside you and you come one more time. You're reeling, dizzy, overwhelmed by the amazing sensations that now begin to subside.

You can hardly breathe as I let your legs drop. You wrap yourself around me and I slip my cock into your very wet cunt. Your are filled with me and the feeling is wonderful. I walk us to the edge of the pool and lay you on the grass. We fuck. Needy greedy hungry fucking in the most beautiful place on Earth. I surprise myself and come again this must be heaven.

As we stroll back to the beach, we talk about not wanting this day to ever end. We both know it's magical thinking, but it doesn't hurt to want it. By the time we get to our cabana, we hear the copter returning to get us. We scramble into our clothes and sit and wait for it to land.

On the way back, the pilot tells us we looked as relaxed as anyone ever has coming back. We have to agree.

Back in the room, we decide to nap before dinner it's been an exhausting day!

You wake first. I'm sleeping beside you, my very used shorter-than-ever-even-when-I-was-a baby limp dick lying and all-but-snoring in front of you. A smile comes across your lips as you lean down to give it a kiss. We were too tired to even shower when we got back so it still has our mixed odors and flavors surrounding it. Spice hangs in the air as you get closer to give it a little kiss. Not a stir. Challenged, you kiss again. Still no response. Now it has become a matter of honor. You take my cock in your mouth and wipe your tongue around and around it until you feel the inevitable stirring take place. He grows slowly now - much to your satisfaction. After all, a challenge is a challenge, and the little guy has never let you down yet. I - of course - begin to stir independently of my dick and groan happily as your ministrations continue. Knowing you've got me going makes you very interested in your own pleasure, so you move your cunt close to my face. As always, you don't have to ask me twice. I start by kissing your inner thighs, lightly biting that beautiful tendon that leads to your cunt from your legs. We are both kissing, sucking, nibbling to our great mutual pleasure.

I decide to escalate a bit and put two fingers inside you ... slowly, deliberately, then tell you to squeeze. As you squeeze, I push them in, when you relax, I pull out ... all very slowly in cadence with your squeezes. Your incredible, beautiful, most wonderful clit is completely exposed. Hot, hard, desperate, it moves back and forth to the rhythm of your squeezes. I kiss and lick around it ... touching only very occasionally when it is sticking out and begging the most. Your breathing becomes ragged ... so does mine. You're sucking very hard on my cock now, making it even harder to breathe.

Suddenly you sit up on top of me with your cunt lowered to my mouth. You begin to shake. I'm still teasing you and you're trying to maintain the sweetness that starts to come and bring it down your thighs and up through your stomach. You do. your whole body now is filled with the ecstasy of the moment. Quickly you decide you need to feel me inside you so you crawl forward and sit on my cock. It slide in easily and quickly. We are both ready now, but I tell you to hold still; keep the feeling alive and rub your clit slowly and evenly. I have to remind you to breathe several times. We keep the slow build going. Then you feel a very lubricated finger playing with your asshole, slowly drawing rings around it and just starting to enter you occasionally ... my finger goes in deeper now as you slowly rub your clit, moving back and forth across my dick and squeezing very hard. I start to fuck your ass with my finger now., in and out slowly, comfortably. Somehow you feel wonderfully violated. Your orgasm starts now, my finger is pushing you over the edge. Grunting powerfully, you feel your cunt squeeze me harder than ever, starting at the outside and moving all the way up. Your cunt is milking my cock, and my cock is loving it. You come, deeply, powerfully. Muscles are in spasm that you didn't know you had. Over and over again, the waves hit you, then gradually subside, but it feels like they'll never stop (not that you want to.) Then I move out from under you and shove my cock into you from behind. you collapse onto the bed, lying underneath me, your legs spread and your hips raised to receive my cock. I start pumping you faster and faster. You begin to come again. It hits quickly as you feel my come splash into you. My cock going through spasms of it own.

I lie down beside you with my cock still inside ... holding you close to me from behind.

"OK, Buddy ... let's hit the showers ... dinnertime!"

I reluctantly loose you from my hug and we walk into the shower together. We get in and I wash your hair, then rinse. A kiss or two with the water running down our faces. Then I take the Oil of Olay buff puff and wash you all over. You do the same for me, then we get out and towel off, and go our separate ways to dressers and closets.

"Wait..." I say, "before you dress, I have a little gift for you that I've been saving for over a while..." I take a bag from my drawer and pull out two orange/red balls tied together with a cord. I walk to the bedstand and get some lubricant and cover the balls with it. Then, I walk to you and put them against your pussy. "Try this, you'll like it." You spread your legs and I slowly push the balls inside you. You feel full, but not uncomfortable. A string hangs down for easy retrieval.

"Feels like nothing," you say.

"Don't worry ... it's subtle and cumulative. These are Ben Hwa balls ... thought it might be worth a try ... jump."

You're a little embarrassed. "What?"

"Just a little jump. try it." You do ... and the sensation is strange, intriguing, and very subtle. "It's the balls knocking against one another. Like it?"

"I don't know yet."

"Give it time. Tell me what you think after dinner."

We dress - you in your new "muumuu" and me in a Don Johnson Hawaiian shirt, shorts and sandals - and then we go to the roller skate of a car we rented and head out to another umbrella drink restaurant. Tonight it's a luau ... sitting on the sand and eating with our hands. When we get to the restaurant, you whisper to me as we go in, "I'm getting very damp." My only answer is "kewl." I pull you to me and kiss you. "Let's eat."

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‘Out the front of the hotel, take a left, go two blocks, cross the street, it curves around and changes its name, but the NGO building will be right in front of you. You can’t miss it.’ You can’t miss it. Sure I can. Especially now that you’ve placed the ‘You Can’t Miss It’ jinx on me. So here I trudge, laptop on my back and carryon dragging behind me, in the middle of Paris where I’ve never been before, wondering where my ‘it’s so easy you don’t need to take a cab just walk’ destination is....

2 years ago
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Ana playing all night long

Ana playing all night longThat Friday afternoon Anita called me from her office, telling me she could hardly think at work. She had been locking herself into the restroom and masturbating wildly during the whole day.She begged me for some more fun on the weekend. I asked her what to do and she answered whatever I could arrange it would be nice for her….So I set up one of my favorites, a small group gangbang, with at least three black guys.Saturday evening passed and about midnight the doorbell...

3 years ago
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My Calendar for KettieChapter 9

January 18-19 Fortunately I was going to be able to go into the plant to pass my time, but would make sure all my calls were going through, and my cell was charged, even if she was just calling to see if I had charged my phone ... but my phone never rang. The whole weekend dragged on and I failed to enjoy ANY part of it, even turning off the football games Sunday. When I went to bed Sunday night I figured I would NEVER got to sleep in anticipation of seeing Kettie, but I was wrong....

4 years ago
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Dear Mother The ReunionPart 2

Liz should have qualified that summer for her national team but she just missed it. The selection committee decided on the proven team members and she was left off. She didn't get that trip to Rome she had dreamed of and I could see that it hurt her. We were getting closer and closer to each other and I wondered when we would finally make love for that very first time. It was very frustrating to be necking and having our hands all over each other and yet not go all the way. We talked about...

2 years ago
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The Barbie Lez Fantasies Week 11 The Anal Punishment

Introduction: A quick and kinky lesbian fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was...

3 years ago
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Thanksgiving Confession

Now don’t get me wrong, I’m anything but innocent most of the time but this was not something I had planned. This happened without any planning or the knowledge of my husband at the time, thus me writing this so as my confession to him about what happened this fateful Thanksgiving.I enjoy cooking and having company so we hosted another Thanksgiving here at our home with lots of good friends, good food, and good booze.I am a happily married and very promiscuous 46 year old ginger. I take good...

1 year ago
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Dust and Ruin

A chill swept through the open window of the kitchen. Aria tucked a black lock of hair behind her horn, stopping to fiddle with the silver charm set into one of them. Aria’s felt a bolt of pain through her shoulder, gritting of teeth followed as the battles of old made their memory known. She’d come to hate winter, the cold seemed to sharpen all her body’s pains, and so she drew closer to the warmth of the fireplace. Though nothing hung over the crackling logs the smell remained intoxicating,...

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Mein Or Sneha

Hi friends mein ho apki rundi apki chinaal erum mery first story “Night Shift ” ko pasand karnay ka bohat bohat shukria uski feedback karnay ka shukria meray bohat say dosto nay net par chatting k thriugh mjhay rundi bana kar chooda jis say mjhay bohat maza aya mein aaj apnay aik or nae expereince k sath hazir ho mein 22 saal ki thein jub mein fist time chuddi thein usk baad hospital k doctors ki nazrain mujh pay thein mery gand ko dekh dekh kar aahay bhartay thein Magar admin jo k mjhay chod...

1 year ago
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Super Deepthroat

There’s nothing like getting deepthroated by a horny babe. Feeling her throat open up as she takes you all in is just fucking amazing. And I’m sometimes jealous of you micro-dicked fucks. You’re much more likely to find a babe who will deepthroat your cock when it barely reaches a slut’s goddamn tonsils. I have it harder. There are very few whores who can bulge their throats wide enough to take my forearm-sized hog. But, oh man, it’s like finding a soulmate when I finally do come across a babe...

Free Sex Games
4 years ago
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Hot And Sexy Cousin Sister Ki Chudai

By : Dino.Hot Hello everyone I’m back with new story, ok let me introduce about myself, I’m Dino remember me I think all of you forgot me, ok don’t worry me apne baare mee btata ho mene apni 1st story aapke sath share ki thi Airhostress ki Chudaai jo kaafi logo ko pasand aai but jitna mene socha tha utna response nhi milaa kaafi Boys and Girls ka mail aae mujhe kaaiyu ne khi mujhe ki aur story ho to share karna isliye aaj m dobara aaya ho ek new story k sath jo bilkul fresh h ek dum. Chalo me...

1 year ago
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Fucked my lovely mom

Hi this s raj and i m here to express my sex adventure with my mom. My mom s a house wif. My dad working in dubai.. Me and my sister with my mom staying in a home outer of the town..i m now 20 years of age doing engineering.. My mom s very sexy lady.. Her sizes are awesome..her age s 40 now.. Most of the time i mastrubate my self by thinking about mom… But one day it happens really.. I cant forget those days. And now I am here to express with u all. My dad went abroad before 2 years. We are all...

3 years ago
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Start Up

Monica watched me excitedly wander around the kitchen, making breakfast and coffee for the both of us. She sat at the table, reading the paper, relaxed as was always the case these days, simply enjoying the good life. “Excited about today?” she asked. “You know it!”, I exclaimed, “It has been great for the past three months doing pretty much nothing, but I really do enjoy working. It’s why I became an engineer. The job is simply fun.” “Well go for it. I am glad for you,” she said. Our house...

2 years ago
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Cry HavocChapter 3

"Where were you last shift?" Kern demanded. The man was hovering over Qi as he sat at his desk. He had only been seated a minute and he hadn't had time to hit the power switch on the desk comp. "You disappeared into the dark for 17 minutes last night. Now where the hell were you?" "I can't remember," Qi said with fake confusion on his face. "Was I spewing dinner out my backside or was I jerking off? Seventeen minutes you say? I never take that long to jerk off. I'm an old pro at it...

1 year ago
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Welcome To Canada Part 3

Mike walks over to the bathtub and holds out his hands to me. I put down the vibrator and place my hand in his and step out of the tub. I'm placing my complete trust in him. I know he loves me and this is what I want right now.He places a finger under my chin and tilts my head up so I am looking him directly in the eye."You know how much I love you, silly, funny girl? I'd never hurt you for the world. We will only do this if it's what you want. Just the fact you've offered that part of yourself...

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There Can Be Only One Chapter 13

There Can Be Only One Chapter 13My door was slightly ajar as I sat at the computer checking for any messages on Facebook. I heard the door to mum’s bedroom shut. I quickly rose and darted to open the door just as mum was passing my bedroom. I could hear the girls laughing and giggling in the bathroom opposite. Mum had changed from her Sunday outfit into a shirt and some Capri pants. The way her tits were held I could tell that she was wearing a bra under the loose shirt. I was a little...

3 years ago
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È da un po' di tempo che cerco lavoro quando su un sito specializzato leggo che una ditta di import/export ha bisogno di un autista che sappia fluentemente parlare inglese e che sia disposto a viaggiare. Essendo mia madre Scozzese sono bilingue e così per l'inglese non ci sono problemi, d'altronde adoro girare per il mondo quando posso... quindi mi sono chiesto: i requisiti ce li ho... e allora, perche' non tentare? Invio il mio curriculum via e-mail all'indirizzo di posta elettronica...

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Jalandarwali Pataka Bhabhi

Hello friend, I am Nabeel here and I am writing down my best sex experience and this is my first sex story as well any feedback or comments will be appreciated. This story is on how I fucked a horny bhabhi who got attracted towards me ! Let me tell you a bit about myself. I am 22 young and open minded guy, I stand quite tall 5″11. This incident happened in december 2015 when I was in jalandhar for 2 weeks. Jalandhr me mai apne frnd k ghr pe ruka hai which is a 2 storey building aur hm upar...

4 years ago
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El SobadorChapter 3

It was a miserable pair of weeks before Winter Break. I couldn't piss off one high school girl and not get ganged on by her friends. Bailey seemed okay with me ignoring her for a couple of days after I did my thing again, but on the third day all hell started vibrating. She said hello to me in the hallway. It took me by surprise and without meaning to I kept walking. Once you do it one time, it's easier to keep doing it and at some point on the fourth day Bailey gave up. She didn't give up...

2 years ago
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The Savoy Part 5 Rhys the Barman

Alex spent a few hours in the bar celebrating that particular night. It would have been the sort of story Rhys would have loved to hear. I guarantee his dick was as hard as steel behind that bar, not that it would ever be as hard as when the footballers stayed.Some of the England squad had been staying in the hotel for a few days before they headed off for the world cup training. Mason Mount was a very quiet person. On and off the pitch he preferred to let his skills do the talking.Which...

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Journey Of A Slut In Search Of Money

People ask me about my other stories, click on my name above, which leads to all my stories, this is completely fiction, idea is to write erotica on different aspects of it, which helps the arousal around, mail me on for feedbacks, please respect Girls, I do. It all started after my masters in business administration, I studied in not so reputed college to start with, which made me a bit disadvantaged in the job market, however I did know the tricks to a job, a sexy lady willing to play with...

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Mindfuck Paradise

60 years ago, a strange phenomenon swept over Earth, sparking its transformation into a world of free sexual use. The phenomenon turned humankind into a sexually-focused society, and a wide array of mutations have created new groups of humans with features and capabilities far outside the previous norm. All humans are essentially immortal; their aging slows to a near stop around 30, only progressing if they want to become older, and they'll regenerate from any injury - even total destruction -...

Mind Control
3 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 166

These are compliments of Allan A guy was crawling through the Australian outback, dying of thirst, and gasping, ‘water, water’. He looked up and saw a sign saying “Sisters of Mercy Convent”. He managed to crawl to the door, and banged on it. When a nun opened the door he gasped, “Water, please, I’m dying of thirst”. The nun said, “We don’t have water, but we do have tea brewed from a koala bear.”. The guy said, “Anything, I’m dying of thirst”. The nun gave him a big mug of the tea, he...

2 years ago
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Going Dangerous

Okay, so I was pissed off and that probably wasn't the best time to suddenly accept an invitation to meet a stranger in a bar but frankly, I just didn't care anymore. My boyfriend was a no show for the third Saturday night in a row. He always had a good reason for it but enough was enough. We were on a downward slide toward a break up and the reality was that I had dressed up expecting a good time and I was stuck at home again. Well, no more I decided! If he thought I was staying at home...

Straight Sex
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A Bath to Remember

I just adore England in the spring, it’s the most perfect time of the year. The trees are starting to leaf, the hedgerows are filling out and different hues of red, white and pink blossom seem to adorn every other tree you can see. Spring was the time Allison had first picked for her visit to see me in England, and I couldn’t wait to see her again. We’d fallen in love online some six months earlier. Neither of us had been looking for love or had even remotely expected to have found it in the...

2 years ago
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Blood Moon Chronicles Book 4 Many Faces of the MoonChapter 8

It had been nearly two months since we had left the port town of Iltha’tal and thankfully we had not run into any trouble. We had maintained the schedule of who would travel the forests and who would travel in the wagon. Of those who did travel in the wagon, the driver on duty rotated between everyone and at least one other sat to keep them company. They also kept their eyes on the forest just in case something slipped by the others. Training their skills and accessing their combat awareness...

4 years ago
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The Wrestling Exhibition

By some good fortune you are hired by an unknown wrestling organization as a jobber. your job is to put on the best show for the crowd. your opponents will almost always win so don't worry about losing, because it Will happen. You will have plenty of choices in your matches and they're are many match endings to choose from. Your matches are at the end rated into a star rating. The very best being a 5 star rating, the worst being a 1 star. By helping your opponent perform some moves, or by...

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The Beach House

It was the start of summer vacation, I was eighteen and had just graduated high school. In August I would be starting college at the University of Miami and studying medicine, like my dad. Dad was a doctor specializing in cardiology, so there was a decent amount of money in the family. Nearly every year since I could remember mom, dad, my sister Alanna and I would always take a family summer holiday together. This year we were doing something different and renting a beach house. We lived in the...

Gay Male
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The World Introduction0

Now Price and Black had teamed up to create The World in total secrecy. And once again the global public expressed their outrage at the duo for destroying the fabric of moral society. But this time no sane person could deny their success and no government could stop them. Even though they tried with every resource available. "Dude are you there?" John realized he had zone out again. "Sorry Bill, I was just thinking." "I know what you mean. It's crazy. I had to finally watch the...

2 years ago
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After the Fall Number 2 in STOPWATCHChapter 13 Dont Try to Explain It

"Say ... Tim? Got a simple question for you," radioed Lt. Taylor. ""I've been waiting for it," said Capt. Leary. "Go ahead." "It's 1945 ... I think. At least it was 1945 when we got lost ... They say we're in Kansas ... however, there's no roads, no houses, no railroads and most importantly ... there's no radio. You say David is Harry's son. We trained in 1942 ... the oldest he could be is three ... he doesn't look three. He looks..." "19," I admitted. "19 ... thanks,...

4 years ago
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Brit was my lover with a secret

We huddled into the cubical, four girls, all best friends, and watched as Brittany, lifted her grey flannel dress.She was 'Commando', going without panties, but we had all seen each others before, no she was displaying her new tattoo, a male erection supplanted and centred on her pubis, her reason for being nude, it's vividness and colour, adding a bright focal point, drawing the eye onto her cunt, she beamed and smiled, 'Right guys, what's you opinion'?It took your breath away, the daring and...

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What The Hell Is Wrong With Me

That night, I heard from our parents and found out they were extending their trip by another couple weeks. That gave Destiny plenty of time to let David stick his cock inside of her. As an entire week went by, her tongue never entered my pussy. I stood naked, looking at my closet at one in the afternoon. "I'm gonna get you back, Destiny. You don't beg me to be friends with you again, fuck me and just cut me off." "Yes, cum inside me, David!" I heard Destiny yell. I shook my head and my hands...

4 years ago
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Making Love in the MomMobile

My family calls my van the Mom-Mobile because all I ever seemed to do is drive from one kid event to another. With two active boys, and lots of team events and practices, I used to live in my van. But now that the boys are in high school, they don't want to be seen having Mom drive them everywhere. Still, my van is a great car, especially if you want to have a nice quite drive in the country with your lover. My marriage was having a problems. We had both had affairs; however, I had known all...

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Natalie looked at her watch. “Ten past four. Ten past fucking four!” she said to nobody in particular. As far as Natalie was concerned, it wasn’t fair that she was the only one that had been given detention. Okay, she had a reputation with the lecturers for being a bit disruptive but on this occasion, she was trying to hear what Miss Williams was saying. It was that cow Denise that had been sat behind her poking her with a ruler that should be in detention. Typical that Miss Williams should...

Straight Sex
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Private Dolly Diore Lexi Layo Ass Licking Threesome

Dolly Diore and Lexi Layo are two saucy brunettes that debut for us today in Private Specials, Ass Licking Sluts 3. Watch them show off their skills in this fantastic threesome, treating their man to a sloppy blowjob before demonstrating their expertise and taking turns eating ass, one sucks while the other rims, these two make a great team! And after everyone is warmed up these gorgeous brunettes are treated to a hard fucking, taking turns riding and moaning before heading back down to finish...

3 years ago
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The postman cums twice 3

Julie's cute face stuck through the opening to the camper shell."Deal? What deal?""Shit, Julie! Can't I have any secrets from you? You already made me tell you that your mom is forcing me to let her fuck around. Isn't that enough?""No, Daddy. I want to know everything. Tell me.""But you're my daughter! Aren't there laws of some kind to keep me from having to tell you my sexual secrets?""I'm grown now. The law says you have to tell me.""Shit! Well, here goes. You already knew that your mom is...

4 years ago
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The CatalystChapter 11 Interesting Developments

Just before 7:00, the doorbell rang. I let my neighbors in and we all started laughing. All of us were wearing robes! I introduced everyone to Bob. Sally said, “Well, let’s see your new pool. I heard them working this morning and have been dying to see it!” We all went out back. “Oh wow! A WATERFALL! Is that real rock?” Gracie asked. “No, it’s just plastic, but it does look real.” (Gracie was looking at Ed. SHE had a ‘puppy dog’ look going.) “And a diving board!” Bill said. “I know you...

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