Bottoms UpChapter 20 free porn video

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The knock at the door woke me up from my slumber at exactly 6:45 am, Eastern Daylight Time (don’t even get me started on how much I despise Daylight Savings). I struggled to get to my feet, having drunk more than a few spirits and also fucked my way through quite a few people the day before. It was nice, but it’s good to have a chance to sleep such a marathon session off, too ... and that just wasn’t meant to be ... I guessed that it was caffeine, and lots of it, for me and the Bottoms ... and the rest of the growing tribe. Little did I know that the tribe was ready to grow yet again.

It was Deacon Aaron Jones himself, looking a bit sore, tired, and worried for his part. I was glad that he wasn’t taking this so well, naturally. The racist asshole deserved to suffer more than a little, though I hadn’t gotten a chance to mail out the tape. Well, now I was naked as the day I was born, but luckily, as soon as they saw Aaron, Lowell, Mary, and Belle grabbed the three shotguns in the house and loaded up for bear, handing one of them to me as their Master. Even nude, my shotgun would send a powerful warning to the deacon about any crazy ideas.

“What the fuck are you doing here, Deacon? Without your Klan compatriots, too ... brave of you! Are you sure that you want to be around a bunch of dangerous folk, like, you know, lesbians, bisexuals, homosexuals, Yankees, foreigners, drag queens, Jews, blacks, Asians, and Latinos? It might rub off ... isn’t that what you fear?” I taunted him just a little, but I was surprised by the way that he shook his head sadly and then hung it a bit.

“Okay, what gives? You were all tough and bossy last night, telling everyone to go to Hell who didn’t fit the KKK/David Duke/Jimmy Swaggart/John Hagee version of the world that you hold ... what now? What gives?” I was startled that I actually felt some empathy for this bigot ... well, I did try to be a damn good human being ... shitheads like this guy didn’t make it easy.

“I ... was expelled from the Klan. Rather unceremoniously, too. They wanted nothing to do with me. I angered and wrote off my wife, daughter, and two sons for them, and what did they do? Kicked me out! Those rotten, miserable, bedsheet-wearing, cross-burning asswipes! Well, fuck them! I know their secrets! I know all of their little hypocrisies, scandals, things swept under the rug for the sake of the Cause! I ... chose wrong. I gave my life to save the white, Christian South into which I was born, and for what?

“Those losers threw sand in my face, beat me up, and tossed me off the side of the road a mile from home ... I had to walk to an ER, no one even picked me up, and even then, the admitting clerk wanted nothing to do with me. It took much of the night to get treated for scrapes, bruises, cuts, and ... worse ... cigarette burns from them rubbing them out on my skin. They shaved my head and warned me never to trouble them again ... never to contact them or ask them for help again.

“So, now what ... I have no one,” Aaron Jones asked, as he removed his wig, showing that his head had indeed been ... if rather roughly, shaved.

“You ... still have me, Daddy,” Megan surprised us by hugging him, even naked as she was, “You’re a rather bigoted, narrow-minded fellow, but you’re still my father ... if I’m still your daughter. I did some things to hurt you in my anger ... but none of that should matter now. You’re my father. I’m still gay, though. You’re just going to have to deal with the fact that you need your lesbian daughter’s love.”

“Oh, dear, God ... I never realized ... what it meant to be hated ... I thought that I did. I thought that we were the victims of the hate, the persecution ... but it was because we were cruel to others, wasn’t it? The hate that we showed them came back to hurt us. But, last night ... I was hated. I was called all kinds of names. Cuckold. N ... well, I won’t repeat that word ... I’ve used it far too freely in the past. Fa ... well, there is another such word. They claimed that because I let my daughter be a ... lesbian, that it was a failure. That I had failed to bring my family along into the ways of the Klan, which is true, but it wasn’t my fault, was it? They claimed that because Evan is gay ... and because Morty had an affair with what they called a ‘loose woman’ and a ‘family of perverts, ‘ like the Bottoms ... that it was my fault, and that I was seen in the company of a Jew and three black men, plus a black woman.

“Well, they’ll wish that they had never heard of me! I know things about them that could ruin them all! They think that I’ll be too scared to talk? I have nothing to lose but my life. I destroyed my marriage for them! I lost my relationship with my children ... well, okay, so maybe I can salvage something of it, but what else? I’m going to make them pay! I don’t just own a dry cleaning business ... I have contacts, those jerks ... yeah, they’ll pay,” Aaron Jones stood there, white as a ghost, with a truly horrified look on his face.

“I’ve ... been a bad man, haven’t I? I thought that I was a good man. I really did! I did what Papa and Mama taught me to do. I believed as they did. I was 18 years old when they swore me into the Ku Klux Klan. I’ve never known any other way to live! I never went to college ... nor even the military, because I felt that the real fight was closer to home. God, so many wasted opportunities in life! I was the good son. The oldest. I took over the family dry-cleaning business. I was responsible. I did what I had to do. I joined the KKK. Papa was so proud that day, you know. I resented both of you, getting to be wild and free, rebellious. I had to do the right thing, be respectable and steady. Reliable.”

“Sit down and have a stiff drink, man,” I told him, as David brought him a tumbler and some Johnnie Walker Red.

“Look, man, really ... you need to face facts. Yeah, you goofed up in life. We all have ... though your errors were worse, but it’s not too late, man! It’s not! I had to start over, yet here I am. Become who you want to be, even now! Stand up! Be a man! So, you had to learn late in life and the hard way that hate and prejudice are the wrong way to live! So, you have to rethink everything that you’ve ever been taught ... well, look around you, man! That’s basically everyone in this house! We’re oddballs ... freaks ... perverts, sinners, rebels, black sheep, libertines, and God knows what else! And we’re proud of it! We’ve broken free of what we were taught in life ... and so can you!

“We ... have become a community ... and a family ... and ... a church. We can bring you in, but it will be a sort of rough process at first. You’ll have to learn ... and un-learn some things. You’ll have to learn to open your mind to new teachings, some of them shocking. Keep your heart ready to accept some things that you would have thought absolutely revolting some time ago. Consider it a sort of ... rebirth and a baptism by fire or whatever. The point is that you need to be cleansed of your old ways, so follow me,” I had a brainstorm now, drawing upon both my Jewish traditions of the mikvah bath and their bastardized Christian copy, the baptism.

I led the man to the swimming pool, where I commanded him to, “Strip. Now. Completely. You need to be purged of your past ... you need to reject your old ways and be washed of your stains of hate and bigotry.”

Aaron was a little nervous, being a bit of a tall, lanky, scrawny guy ... and he wasn’t likely to have ever kept up the weight and muscle mass to have served, anyway. Contrary to many folks’ expectations about men like him, he wasn’t a chubby guy at all. He had a mustache ... and it was one of those mustaches that made it seem that a man was compensating for or hiding something.

“Brother Carver, as an elder of our new church, will you be so good as to baptize this man in the name of the Fatherhood of God and the Brother of Man? Help immerse him in truth and wash away the lies in the bath,” I directed Carver, knowing that this was the acid test of Aaron’s sincerity ... would he accept the authority of a black man and surrender to it?

Aaron undressed without further ado and promptly joined Carver in the water, whereupon Carver improvised a baptism rite of sorts, “Do you, Brother Aaron, renounce your prior beliefs of white supremacy and fundamentalist Christianity? Do you reject racism, homophobia, misogyny, transphobia, xenophobia, and all other evils and injustices that seek to drive men apart from their neighbors and subvert goodwill?”

“I ... do,” Aaron looked nervous, half-expecting lightning from his old god to strike him dead and send him straight to Hell, but it never happened, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

“And do you, Brother Aaron, profess your belief in the eternal Fatherhood of God and Brotherhood of Man, in the essential goodness that Man can achieve, even if he fails to do so at times? Do you profess your faith in the necessity of reason, empathy, and openness to others not like you, your willingness to live in accord with your neighbors? Do you profess your faith in the essential oneness and unity of the Cosmos?”

“I do,” Aaron gulped now.

“Then, by the authority vested in me by our Prophet, Brother George Jacobson, I now baptize you in the name of God and Man alike. Rise, purified of your stains and prepare to serve God as well as Man,” Carver declared as he immersed Aaron in the cold pool water and then lifted him up from the water.

“Alright ... Joey, finish shaving Brother Aaron’s head. The hair is gone, might as well touch it up and make it look neater ... shave off his mustache, too. We will need a fresh wig for him as well. Maybe some sunglasses. Need to keep him incognito, at least in public. Can’t have the Klan tracking him down. He’s an ex-Imperial Wizard. You better believe that they’ll come after him when they realize that he’s a loose end. Then he takes a shower! Need to get the stink of the night and the chlorine off his body. Those Klan tattoos have to go, too. Rick or Jan can do that, right?” I instructed them.

“Yes, but here, not at the parlor. We’ll work from home today. Special project. Shop is closed today. We’ll drive by and get the gear, but other than that, we’ll do this at home. Can’t have the Klan grabbing him, as you say. Here, man, sit down ... you’ve got a long-ass day ahead of you, buddy,” Rick said as he rushed to put on some clothes and retrieve the right equipment from the tattoo parlor.

Sure enough, Aaron Jones, former deacon and Imperial Wizard, dry-cleaner extraordinaire, sat nervously, but tried to stay calm as Joey, now fully in male guise, shaved his head and face. The whole time, Annie was crying while David and Jonathan held her close, and Megan made faces to lighten their mood. I put my hand on her shoulder and stroked her cheek, making her smile at me, if nothing else. I then sat down between Sally and Shannon Bottom, while deciding what to do next with this man, this strange new convert to our way of life.

When Aaron went to take a shower, I pulled Annie aside and told her, “Now, listen here ... what you do with your marriage is yet undecided, but you did nothing wrong, and I want you to be happy in the knowledge that he is now trying to be a good man, after all. The man that you cheated on was a righteous prick, a real asshat. This guy is a new man ... and whether or not you’ll still have a future as a couple is something that we’ll have to work out. We have a lot of work to do ... and it will require more than a little shock therapy in his case.”

“What I do next will be of considerable import for our New Era, if you will. We have never done a conversion rite of any kind ... never had to yet, as a brand new faith, but now we have a new convert and he is also a penitent and supplicant. He will have to be remade almost from scratch, his whole world shaken up and reorganized. That he is a member of the Jones family that is now an integral part of our new faith is also significant ... it indicates that the foundation of this religion is a handful of families that will soon be entwined as one larger family ... but we do need to prepare for future conversions, of course.

“In this situation, normal rules of conduct will have to out the window. He will be eager and ready to obey, and we must prepare ourselves to command him. In time, he will be a full member of our church in good standing, and the sooner, the better, but first he must be set free. Entirely. It was easier for Morty, because he already had one foot out the door, same with Miranda. It’s not going to be so easy for Aaron here.

“One thing is clear. The video can never be shown to him ... not as it is. That video was intended for a different man than this one. That video will destroy him and he will be of no use to us or himself or anyone else as a result. Destroy that tape first, before he can ever see it. Understand me? Destroy it now! He will have to see and do enough as it is. I want his decision to be made by actions that he takes, because by taking those actions, he will have to choose between judging himself or accepting and condoning behaviors that he once denounced.

“For the first phase, I will need Annie. Annie, what you will have to do next is a miniature of what you did last night, just nicer and less brazen. You will have sexual relations with Carver, Wallace, and Elroy ... only this time all at once. They will each take a hole ... I doubt that you’ve ever been fucked by Aaron in the ass, but even if you have been, seeing his wife commit adultery in a gang-bang with three black men will have some definite impact on his heart, mind, and soul.

“Here is the key ... the test of his determination to see this through. He won’t be bound. He will sit, unrestrained, and voluntarily watch his wife have sexual congress with three, only vaguely familiar African-American men. He will not masturbate or anything like that. He will just sit and watch. This is not meant to humiliate him. It is meant to teach him that such things are not vile, depraved, or harmful to society. You will not engage in trash talk this time, none of you. You will not belittle him. You will just enjoy the action, all of you. If he passes this test, it will be time to move on to the next stage. This is not a cuckold thing. After all, by his own admission, he has effectively lost Annie, anyway. This is a declaration that the old rules and traditions are history,” I informed everyone, who took their places, while the other tape was destroyed and the camcorder ran again.

Aaron returned from the shower to find a chair set aside for him next to the master bedroom, while Annie lay naked on the bed with Wallace, Elroy, and Carver. She still wore her wedding band ... the one from him, in fact, but nothing else. He was a little stunned when I indicated that he should sit next to the bed and watch as Annie was lubed up in two holes and she mounted Carver, while Elroy entered her mouth and Wallace sank his dick into her butt.

Aaron turned pale again and then red in the face, but he watched it all. He didn’t say a thing. He just watched in shock as his wife and the mother of his children allowed three men of another race to make her “airtight.” He had fucked his daughter’s’ friends up the ass from time to time, but never his own wife ... now, someone else was taking her that way, before he ever could. While he viewed this, we observed both the sex and his reaction to it. He was hard as steel!

As promised, it was a more toned-down affair than the previous night’s, no slurs or derogatory remarks about Aaron’s sexual prowess or lack thereof, no loud moans or begging for more ... of course, Annie being gagged with a large dick was probably a factor there. It was also finished much quicker, especially as Annie enjoyed it even more than the previous encounter, due to the wonderful control that she had over the pace of Carver’s strokes ... and the stuffed feeling of Wallace’s cock up her ass ... not to mention Elroy’s dick in her mouth, as she got to suck and lick on it. Before long, Wallace shuddered and exploded in Annie’s asshole, while Elroy emptied his balls down her throat. Then, for the final act, Carver spilled his seed, unprotected, into Annie’s fertile body.

Annie stood up, more than a little limp, and staggered over to Aaron before planting a French kiss with a snowball on his lips. I hadn’t planned on that, but it was an excellent improvisation as tests of Aaron’s sincerity went. The thing that struck me, though, and must have also affected Aaron, was that, despite the other man’s cum inside her mouth, Annie put real passion and affection into her kiss ... It was still, very much, a lover’s kiss ... unmistakably so.

“I still love you, Aaron Wilbur Jones. And, yes, I’m still in love with you. It’s just that things have changed around here. You’ll see. You’ll understand, soon enough. We’ve thrown out the old handbook and we’re writing a new one ... for marriage, for family, and for society. You’ll see. You’ll learn, soon enough, I sincerely believe. Have faith, dear. It will work out for us, all of us, in the end,” Annie looked at not only Aaron, but also her sons and daughter, as she said that.

“Good work, all of you, but we’re far from done. Aaron, stay seated. Be glad that you haven’t eaten yet. What you’re about to witness might turn your stomach, but you need to see it, anyway. Jonathan, my man, climb onto the bed. On your belly, ass in the air. That’s good. Alright now ... Mark, lube him up. Good, good, Jonathan ... relax your asshole, so Mark can butt-fuck you. Mark, be sure to go balls deep. Bottom out inside him.

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Bottoms Up

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Bottoms Up

Damn! Damn! Damn! What an ass on that woman!!! She was not a big woman, probably not more than 5' 4" tall and I would guess that she might weigh 130. She had a modest sized waist, maybe 23 inches, was probably 36C on the top but her bottom... wow! I'll bet it was 40 inches, maybe 42, maybe even bigger. And as round as a beach ball. It was certainly the stand-out feature of her figure. I had made it my business to check the figures of all the women in stores where I shopped. Mostly that just...

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Bottoms UpChapter 6 Debbies view

Larry was sparkling with excitement as he went back upstairs. He opened the front door in a hurry, pushed it shut with a bang and headed straight for the living room. Debbie was standing by the window, staring rather wistfully towards the hills that rose above the city, framed against the afternoon light. Alicia must be in her bedroom, he reflected. "Turn around Debs", he said in a low voice. "No, please don't. Not here. Alicia is bound to hear us." Going up to her he encircled her...

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Bottoms UpChapter 10 Meanwhile

No sooner were the four adults out of the door than Tom was bounding up the stairs to do his duty. Alicia answered the door, and she felt the blood rise to her face when she saw our son standing there in his tight top and leisure pants and with a sensual look in his eyes, as if to say "I'm about to explode ". "Mum and Dad said I should perhaps look in on you" he began. Alicia stepped back and made way for him to enter. Greg put his head round his bedroom door and uttered a bored "Hi"...

2 years ago
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Bottoms Up

"Well damn,” I muttered, exiting the bathroom to find my husband sound asleep. He’d had one too many beers, after all.Too keyed up to sleep, I slid on my robe and quietly slipped from the room. I made my way down the stairs, planning to snag a drink from the bar. It would’ve been nice to share a drink with the wives of Brad’s best friends, but at the last minute, neither had been able to join us.As I reached the bottom, I noticed light coming from the great room. Forgetting the drink, I padded...

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Bottoms UpChapter 13

I woke up naked, hard, and far from alone. I was on the sofa, with an equally nude Sally lying on top of me, her head on my shoulders and her breath in my ears. Lying on the carpet next to us was Kelly, who was tangled with Carver, Joey with Patty ... a few feet from where Belle snuggled up with Mary, Mark cuddled his lover Martin, Candy held Shannon, and then Lowell, where the hell was Lowell? A retching sound, followed by the flush of a toilet, and then some running water, answered that...

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Bottoms UpChapter 23

I had already fucked Marjorie, Allison, and Becca by the time we were ready for lunch, of course, and all three ladies were certainly worth my time. I was balls deep within Consuela, in fact, when we noticed how hungry we were and what time it was. I looked at Nancy as I came inside her daughter, rising to kiss both women on the mouth before getting dressed for now. I noticed with no small amusement that Jolene had been screwed forty ways to Sunday in her outfit, cum leaking down to her...

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Bottoms UpChapter 8 The Next Day

Larry collared me the next day and said "Your wife got quite an earful last night". I believe the girls have got to know one another. How about the four of us going out for a drink one evening?" We went to Lascara's, a new "liberated" club on the other side of the city. It had become popular with "free" drinks before midnight and even more free conversation, plus the sight of people doing things normally reserved for the brothel or the bedroom. The four of us handed over our coats...

2 years ago
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Bottoms Up

I love that lustful look of desire in her eyes as she lies with naked breasts pressed against the satin sheets and looks over her left shoulder at me kneeling behind, fully ready. Her round ass is so sexy. The back of her muscular thighs gradually merge with fleshy cheeks, each curving symmetrically together to form a line, an erotic crevice, to be explored fully in only moments. I can feel the heat of her skin when I place the fingers of my right hand on the top of one beautiful cheek. With...

3 years ago
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Bottoms Up

Jay had the girl bent over the end of the couch with her heavy tits hanging down and her ass in the air as he rammed his thick cock in and out of her young tight ass. He loved fucking a girls ass the best of any thing. He was long and thick and loved to see that tight hole stretched to the max as he rammed in and out not caring if it was painful for the bitch he had bent over. He had even tied many girls if they tried to stop his big cock entering the tight assholes. This bitch had huge tits...

4 years ago
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Bottoms Up

I love that lustful look of desire in her eyes as she lies with naked breasts pressed against the satin sheets and looks over her left shoulder at me kneeling behind, fully ready. Her round ass is so sexy. The back of her muscular thighs gradually merge with fleshy cheeks, each curving symmetrically together to form a line, an erotic crevice, to be explored fully in only moments. I can feel the heat of her skin when I place the fingers of my right hand on the top of one beautiful cheek. With...

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Bottoms UpChapter 2 Suzy

It was about a week later that something happened that led to a chain of events which I shall never forget. To say they changed my life would be an exaggeration. But they certainly changed my relationship with my wife Suzy. The neighbours' boy, whose name was Greg, had been playing with a ball as he came up the stairs, as kids will, and he had managed to knock the bike I had by the door to keep it out of harms way. The thing had tipped over and bounced down a couple of stairs, making a real...

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Bottoms UpChapter 4 Two Minutes Later

I went to the door and opened it slightly. Our new neighbour was standing there and I opened the door more widely. "Sorry it's so late, but I just wanted to explained that I'd dealt with young Greg the other day and I hope you'll have no more trouble from him." I mumbled something to the effect that I appreciated it. And then I did something rather strange. I don't know what came over me but I stood back half a step, and this made way for him to step into our hallway. I suddenly...

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Bottoms UpChapter 11 Boy power

After an hour on the net Greg got to wondering what his sister and the boy from downstairs might be up to. He had found a web site which had pictures of young boys, surely around his own age, doing far more than wanking in the back of a classroom. It gave him food for thought. Opening his bedroom door silently he stole along the corridor. The lounge door was ajar and through the gap he was confronted with the profile of Tom's arse bobbing up and down on the sofa. He was on top of his...

4 years ago
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Bottom EporationsThe Intimacies of Anal Enema and Spanking Book Two

Oddly, Gloria had slept with them and Roy and she had sex for their very first time. She’d loved it, reveled in it, Dad was pretty big, a fat eight inches. She’d only had sex twice, one time each with different high school boys and it was, to say the least unfulfilling. Last night was anything but; her little pussy had been stretched accepting Dad’s big tool but she had, he’d gotten it all into her. It had hurt a little bit but it was sure worth it, he’d made her feel like a real woman. ...

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bottom spankings

I like bottoms dressed, undressing, bare and beautiful: Since having my own petite bottom spanked and corporally punished from the age of 11 almost weekly I believe in spanking and embarrassing whoever who trusts me with their bare bottoms with role play etc; Recently I had a 2o year old female in my office: she owned up to not posting important letters for a number of weeks: While I was concerned, I was sure my clients would reply: To hear what she had done I was furious, she knew by...

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“Hey, Layla, are you busy Saturday night? Rod asked. Rod had called his sister on the phone. The summer was winding down and soon they would both be heading back to their respective colleges for the fall semester. Their parents were divorced. Layla was a year older and entering her senior year, and had spent the summer with their mother and her new husband. Rod had stayed with his father. They were both ready to escape the family drama and get back to school and be on their own. “No plans...

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Bottom Slayer A black stud learns white boys

PROLOGUE:Now let's get something straight (pardon the pun). I love girls. I love looking at them; I love their lips wrapped around my cock; and I love the feeling of my cock buried deep in their tight pussies or round asses. But I still get a major thrill from taking a straight man and making him a cocksucking faggot and bottom loving homo. Philosophically, I am not gay. I have never sucked a cock or taken a cock in my ass...although I have fucked many, many men. My cock doesn't see a...

2 years ago
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Bottom Feeders Part 2 of 2

He had no plans other than to get the fuck out of that house.----After he moved his stuff into his old bedroom he showered and headed out. He stopped into a couple of his old hangouts but didn’t find anyone he knew. So he bought a six pack and drove out to the cabin where he and Maud/Marisa had had their tryst. It was vacant so he parked his car and sat outside on the deck for a couple hours staring at the lake and drinking beer. It was late when he drove home.The next day Rod kept himself busy...

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Bottom Gay Slut

It was a warm Saturday night in the summer, and after fasting for 2 days straight, and then thoroughly cleaning myself out with various implements and toys, I was ready to ride. The ads on various hookup sites had netted some interest, but nobody was able to host, and I didn't feel like having a bunch of strangers wandering through my house this particular night. As much as I enjoy hosting a gang bang, and being the bottom at the center of it, without a trusted top or two keeping an eye on...

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Bottom Feeder Toilet Servitude

Bottom Feeder by Blushing SlutMistress Diana has had me in total captivity for about two weeks now.I’ve lost track of the days. After two sessions with her I beggedher to take me in for as many weeks as she thought necessary tocompletely train me into a subservient, begging, shit eating toilet. Toreach the point where I looked forward to our toilet sessions aboveeverything else. Of course everything else revolved around beingwhipped and beaten and caged and humiliated, whored out to hermean...

1 year ago
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Bottom Feeders Part 1 of 2

“Hey, Layla, are you busy Saturday night? Rod asked.Rod had called his sister on the phone. The summer was winding down and soon they would both be heading back to their respective colleges for the fall semester. Their parents were divorced. Layla was a year older and entering her senior year, and had spent the summer with their mother and her new husband. Rod had stayed with his father. They were both ready to escape the family drama and get back to school and be on their own.“No plans yet,”...

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Bottom Bitch

Bottom BitchBy [email protected] me set the scene. My name is Mike, as a "Gurl" I go by Fiona. I am a gay man, mid thrities,white, 5' 9'165, reasonably handsome, both in and out of women's clothes. One of theways I express my sexuality is to dress as a woman and get fucked byother men. Preferably in a humiliating situation, with several guys fuckingme.Just one of my kinks.~This night was the second time I had gone with Anthony. The first time wasthe Friday Night before.I dressed in 3...

2 years ago
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Bottomed Out on the Roadside

Finally, exhausted and in total despair I just sat my smooth, small-framed, almost nineteen year old bod down on the road and buried my face in my hands. How could I get out of this mess? Then I thought I heard something. During brief pauses in the warm summer breeze I thought I heard an approaching vehicle. Maybe it was merely my desperate imagination. Then I heard it again and it was still louder! A vehicle was approaching! I just hoped they could help me. I waited anxiously as the...

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Ever since the day I could remember discovering sexuality, I liked dick! fuck my ass, but even that wasn’t enough. I needed more dick. So I set out on one of my usual prowls, I hit the End Up club where anonymous sex was always guaranteed. Upon arriving, I ordered a drink then slipped off into one of the back rooms. I stripped, neatly folding my clothes and placing them on a small corner shelf whose real purpose I never really knew. I knew it wouldn’t be long before dick started lining up...

1 year ago
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Bottom is more fun

During my senior year in school, I started school at a later date than most boys, I begain to like watching my school mates in the shower, they all were so neat and clean. But the taught of doing any thing was out of the question. But I was curious about sex with another man. I had a friend who was a couple years older than me. We used to go fishing and hunting , and swimmng all the time. we were naked and getting dry from our swim and Well he started to look at me with those eyes, just like I...

2 years ago
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Bottom Boys Hot Creampie

Fucked up the Butt by Tony meant one thing, no Condom, that’s the way he wanted it that’s the way I gave it. I’m small in stature, must be the part Asian in me, I stand at about five six I weigh about a hundred and twenty pounds. My body type is slim and slender. Tony, on the other hand is built like a fucking Tank. Towering above me and out weighing me by about a hundred and fifty pounds of pure Muscle. He was so much bigger than me hovering over me between my legs and pressing his...

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Bottom for the New Guy

While at work a few weeks ago I met Juan. He was the new guy. All the guys were ribbing him about how hot Spanish wives are. He just laughed and told us he wasn't married. A few days went by and Juan and I were on a service call. When we finished and packing our gear he pressed against my ass as I leaned into the back of the van. He was packing some wood. I let it go this was work. After we got off Juan wanted to know if I would like to eat dinner with him. I said sure. We went to a...

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My Interesting Office Interview

Charlady is a 21 year old, six foot tall blonde woman with 36D breasts, although living in Scotland she has often travelled to London to meet with her 51 year old Master. She decides to change her job, but after looking through all the local positions available, she decides to look further afield. Checking with her Master Ray in London; who sends her some job vacancies from the London area; one of which looks interesting to Charlady with a great salary. After Master Ray advised her not to...

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The Beta Male Society

The Beta Male Society (SciFi Fantasy Femdom, Authoritarian chastity belts Physically Forced or Blackmailed Cultural Change Bizarre Body Modifications Appliances Attached Breast Enlargement) This is a work of fiction. Any resemblence to real life is strictly in the imagination of the reader (and author.) Any similarity to someone else's work is purely accidental and this story will be removed promptly once the author is made aware. This story contains sexual references so if...

4 years ago
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MageChapter 61

“Was anything found amongst the Most High’s library to illuminate the situation with Beog?” Karkol asked Brnnt as they took a break from going over the military preparations that Crnnch was undertaking on Vultoq. “A lot of ancient history as to how Beog came to be the god of the Yr’ch as well as his betrayal of Chakra, the TechnoYr’ch who built the first Orb as well as the first dimension gates,” Brnnt replied. “I often wondered about that. If he was one of us, then he’d still be alive,...

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I Was BlindfoldedChapter 20

I was in shock. I doubted my hearing and sanity so I asked, “Wh ... what did you just say?” “I want to know who made love to you and who is the father of your child.” Dad said. Is that really what he had said? I wasn’t so sure. Maybe he had said what I thought and he immediately regretted it and with this chance he changed his mind. Or maybe not. I looked into his eyes and saw him pleading silently for the truth. Knowing I couldn’t give it to him I looked down to my lap and said, “I’m...

2 years ago
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SandcastlesChapter 64

It was 1:15 and Sally wasn't here yet. She hadn't missed a minute of our special time together since the day we had started having it, so naturally, I was concerned. I wandered down through the house, looking for her in the various rooms as I passed them. I heard voices when I finally reached the main floor and I followed the sounds to the kitchen. I immediately sensed that something important was going on, as Sally and Nicole were doing their alternate sentence thing. The third person at...

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Meeting John

For the past few weeks we had been emailing back and forth. We had been talking about meeting each other, and what we wanted to do when we met. John and I had met in an online dating service, and both of us were fairly nervous about our first meet. John was a 43 year old man, and like myself he didn't have that much experience with a man. Both of us were a little scared of the whole online dating thing, but we each had a fantasy about meeting a stranger for sex.I heard a knock on my door, and...

2 years ago
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Tennis With The Neighbor

I am not a bashful person, but I will admit I was quite shocked when, one Saturday morning, I walked totally nude into our kitchen, on the way to the laundry room and right into the wide-eyed stare of our neighbor, Pam. I quickly retreated around the corner after she shrieked. I quickly retreated to the master bedroom After throwing on some jeans and a shirt, I made my way, rather sheepishly, back towards the kitchen to find out why Pam was sitting alone at our dining room table.I mumbled an...


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