Bottoms UpChapter 21
- 3 years ago
- 18
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“So, Master, that was ... wow, that was some of the best sex I’ve ever had, and given that I’m a Bottom, that’s saying a lot! My ass still tingles and feels a bit raw, but that’s fine ... I love the idea that it might never be normal again. My last name makes it only fitting that a lot of my service to you be anal. Anyway, anything goes as long as you give the orders. You can contradict yourself a dozen times in one day and we’ll just try to keep up with your latest whims ... with pleasure. We live to serve our Master, after all,” Belle admitted as I soaped her up and fondled her fine flesh again.
“Well, there’s a lot more coming, of course. I plan for today to absolutely be Train Tuesday. This morning was just the start of that. I just want to make sure that my ideas are fully enjoyed by all, even though you obviously put me first, as you should. I want a wide variety of group activities, and I’ll have them, I’m sure. Of course, I want everyone to shower as well, but that can be done in phases. You can be sure, though, that if I pick you to shower with someone, I’m expecting you to engage in some fondling, frottage, and foreplay, that sort of thing, babe. Then again, that comes naturally, especially in this family, doesn’t it. There might even be some fucking in the shower, depending on the circumstances,” I added as she washed and groped me as well.
“So, about those butt-plugs and tramp stamps. They sound great ... so does a collar, as we’ve discussed. I kind of like Shannon’s idea, actually, for the most part. You know ... nudity, as much as possible. I would love for all of us to just walk around naked most of the time, at least while home. Can you imagine what a great time we could have? If we kept the camcorder running a lot, it could be like having our own ongoing amateur porn film,” Belle proposed as she planted a French kiss on me.
“All very true, my sweet Southern Belle,” I punned with her name, “Which reminds me of the need to arrange your wedding to Kelly. That is going to be a blast, no doubt. Two fine Georgia Peaches exchanging vows and tying the knot in front of witnesses, though what to wear ... I don’t suppose that a nude wedding would work with all of the witnesses and guests, or would it?”
“Well, Master, I love being nude, but that is one time that I hope to wear at least a bridal gown. I only know for sure that I will get married this once, to my dear cousin Kelly ... an idea that I adore, by the way. I’m a very open-minded, liberal woman, you know that, but some sentimental part of me still wants my wedding to be a big deal. Besides, what could be lovelier than a wedding with two brides in white gowns, with the wedding cake reflecting this, as we feed each other the first slice? Then again, maybe Kelly wants to be the groom ... either way, I definitely want to wear a bridal gown myself and be a bride, whether or not there is another,” Belle smiled hopefully at me as we turned off the water and stepped out to dry off.
“All good thinking on your part. I wonder what Kelly and the guys will prefer for their part ... still, I can see the charm of it. We can go into more detail later, but the image of two sexy ladies kissing, taking vows, and exchanging rings, all the while perhaps wearing something that I would select underneath their dresses ... very exciting. Imagine one or both of you with a strap-on dildo and a thigh harness beneath the gown or gowns. That could be fun as well, along with the tramp stamps, collars, butt-plugs, and what have you. Pastor Jones should be made to officiate, too. I don’t care if he thinks that it’s immoral. He’s already violating Scripture fifty ways to Sunday, along with a lot of ladies. In for a penny, in for a pound. The Bible is such bullshit, anyway,” I winked at Belle, who blushed and nodded as I toweled her off, at which point we noticed that we weren’t alone.
“I like it already. And for the record, I absolutely want to be a bride ... two brides, reasserting that no one has to be the man in the marriage. We’ll both be the women and neither of us will wear the pants,” Kelly told me with a kiss for each of us, “Breakfast is coming along swimmingly, I swear, Master. You don’t mind Belgian waffles with whipped cream and homemade peach preserves, do you?”
“What she said. I second the breakfast plan, too. So, how about sharing bridesmaids and groomsmen evenly, since we’re both brides,” Belle proposed.
“Works for me, cousin. That and the stuff underneath ... nice and kinky. By the way, Master, Joey’s dick felt great in my butt ... and his cum feels nice and slimy back there. I love it, as always. I think that I want to be freshly fucked at my wedding, with someone’s creamy load dripping down my thighs as I tie the knot. What about you, Belle, my dear, sweet, kissing cousin?” Kelly asked her as we all walked down the hallway toward the kitchen.
“Sounds delicious. All that hot cum oozing down my legs as I take the plunge. Smelling it on you, too, as we take our vows to each other. And then, to consummate our marriage, we can lick each other clean ... before fucking each other with the dildos. Naturally, I hope to see you get fucked soon afterward, maybe while we make out and someone fucks the hell out of my pussy for good measure. Who knows? All kinds of kinky ideas. It’s up to Master, anyway,” Belle observed as we entered the kitchen, my hand now fondling both of their asses.
Breakfast was definitely in good order, of course. Just as advertised, the trio had indeed worked on quite the meal, down to the crispy bacon strips and eggs on the side, sunny side up. We also had orange juice and coffee to drink, and though my stomach rebelled a little later, I certainly partook of both. I definitely enjoyed sitting at the head of the table again and devouring some fine waffles with the cream and homemade peach preserves, which was nice and fresh ... not to mention real butter melting on the waffles. I also delighted in the company of such fine, naked people ... all of them companions of mine.
“Sweet Jesus, I could really get used to this! Just so you know, Master, I really loved fucking Kelly while Lowell did the same to me. Thank you, that was fun! My ass hurts a bit, but it was so worth it. And to think that she’s going to be my stepdaughter. I get to marry her mother. How many stepfathers can say that they got to fuck their stepdaughters up the ass?” Joey remarked, making us all burst into laughter.
“Well, don’t expect me to call you Daddy, but all the same, it is a nice, kinky thrill! Watching you and Mom take your vows will be nice, though it’s an interesting twist that she’s going to wear the pants, if you will ... to the extent that either of you wears pants at all. Hearing you promise to obey her will be cute. Oh, Belle, I’m going to make the same promise to you. We both serve Master, but we both know that between us, you’re more suited to be in charge. We’re both Bottoms, but between us, you’re the Top. Perhaps Joey, Mom, and I can have a threesome that night, too ... the wedding night, if that’s fine with you guys ... especially you, Master,” Kelly proposed with a wink at each of us.
“Okay with me ... more than okay, in fact. I’d love to work as a team with my own daughter to make my husband happy that he married me, even as a submissive husband under circumstances that would make other men balk. What do you guys think? Belle? Master?” Patty replied eagerly.
“More than happy with such a proposal, though I would prefer to make it a foursome,” Belle suggested, making Kelly giggle and nod.
“Yes, even better,” Kelly agreed, her thumbs up, “My wife should absolutely participate. Your thoughts, Master. Ultimately, it’s up to you.”
“It should be a foursome. Totally. The four of you, man, wife, daughter, and niece, all getting it on together. Very good idea, ladies. What do you think, Joey?” I turned to him as he surprisingly blushed a bit.
“Well ... I’m not opposed, anyway, but certainly if Master wishes it, I will do my best to please my partners. All of them. That includes today, of course. I take it that we’re going to be engaging in a lot of group sex, orgies, gang-bangs, etc., on camera, under Master’s direction, and that he will handpick our partners at every turn, or am I wrong about any of this?” Joey wondered.
“Much of that is true, and I will certainly provide a lot of direction, but I’m not saying for sure that I will choose every single partner in each case. I reserve the right to do so, however, if I wish it. I reserve the right to direct, control, or select any aspect of any your activities at any given point while you’re here, not just today, so brace yourself, buddy, and that goes for all of us. I can and will change my mind ... and change the rules as I see fit. For now, though, let’s finish breakfast, shall we?” I smiled at my partners, all of whom seemed quite ready to do my bidding...
I had apparently stumbled upon the right folks or perhaps something in the Zeitgeist had let me subconsciously discover those whose submissive natures required direction or control. From the way that my lovers, my harem, really, now looked at me, both sexes, as we ate, it was apparent that they were more than ready to take their marching orders from me and be happy with that. As we finished up the meal, I thought of this whole business, even as various topics and current events, even local gossip and tabloid, celebrity stuff came up. It was the subject of my favorite singer, Lisa Kelly, formerly of Celtic Woman, that most piqued my interest, as she had moved into the state some two years before.
“Well, I’m not gonna lie about it or mince words. I don’t rate my chances high, but if I got the chance to tap that sweet Irish booty, you can bet that I would. Of course, statistically, married people carry a high risk of rejection and she would probably not appreciate some carpetbagger accountant from Jersey trying to seduce her. Especially not into a lifestyle of free love, though if she were open to it, I would certainly encourage you guys to fuck her husband, Scott Porter. If he wanted it, too. Look, it’s a nice, hot fantasy, but it’s never going to happen in real life. I’ve been luckier than most, but I wouldn’t push it that far,” I chuckled with self-deprecation.
“There’s always Chloe Agnew,” Carver noted, “Another fine Irish lass. Face it, those women are ... wow. I love Irish chicks.”
“The accents, the hair color, the skin tone, the often nice, healthy curves and hips. Yes, I can definitely see the appeal. And the breasts, my God!” Candy confessed, “Hey, I’m into girls, too, in case you forgot. Obviously, I don’t just stick to sisters.”
We all laughed at that.
“Well, since I’m dreaming, why not fantasize about Chloe, Lisa, and Lisa’s hubby as part of our harem, joining us in bed on a regular basis? And throw some of the past and present line-up from Celtic Woman in with them. Like that violinist of theirs.”
“Yeah, I know which one. I just can’t pronounce her name,” Lowell admitted sheepishly.
“Mairead, I believe. You’re not likely to pronounce it right. It’s Gaelic, not English. I wouldn’t be surprised if you guys had some Celtic ancestry yourselves, really, though it’s no guarantee,” I responded as I let Shannon sit on my lap again.
“We have a lot of different strains, but the Bottom name has remained in spite of them all. In the past, I believe that it was originally Botham, but somehow, it got changed over time. Proper English name, in fact. Anyway, we like the name and the tradition that has passed down with it, one of service and submission to others.
“The most popular story is that of a Southern plantation heiress who was more than a little willing to survive, enough that she agreed to an unorthodox affair with a key scalawag during Reconstruction. It all, shall we say, snowballed from there. Seems that the scalawag liked to punish naughty, snooty rich women for their arrogance and secessionist, slaveholding ways, so he made the good lady submit to it ... and she found that she enjoyed it, as did her progeny.
“The rest is history. We’re not quite as rich as back then, but we’re not dirt-poor trailer trash, either, as you’ve seen,” Martin, the resident historian of sorts, elaborated, his dick rather stiff by now.
“Indeed, despite the incest. Which is charming, if you ask me, of course. Every time I watch one of you fuck each other, there is a love there and a bond that is hard to describe or explain from the outside. Whether it’s brother-sister, aunt-nephew, brother-brother, sister-sister, in-laws, mother-daughter, aunt-niece, kissing cousins, or any combination of these, it’s incredible to view.
“It’s not just the sex. It’s the playful games and teasing, the cuddling together, the showers, the kissing, the holding hands, and the gentle fondling, too. It’s the open, undisguised love and lust for each other. It’s the willingness to share a man or woman with each other. It’s the easy going acceptance of your full sexuality. It’s the teamwork on tasks like meals, running an office, and household chores. It’s the splendid family traditions, such as keeping the Bottom name even after marriage.
“You’re a very special family, and that’s a good thing from where I stand. I will do all that I can to keep it that way, as well as draw others into your loving embrace, those capable of reveling in it. By the way, new family rule. Everyone greets everyone here in the morning with a full-on, open-mouthed, fluid-sharing tongue kiss. Regardless of sex or gender. I want to strengthen and reinforce that bond, you see. A French kiss as a greeting at daybreak is a healthy reminder of our mutual affection and shared passion, after all. Of course, it’s also a good way to motivate us toward better dental hygiene,” I declared, which prompted everyone present, starting with Shannon (still on my lap), to plant one on me.
“I could definitely get used to being greeted with a tongue kiss every morning. How about you, honey?” Candy asked Carver.
“I could go for it, too. Talk about being open. Yes, let’s all live together. We can have three houses together, live communally, share our resources, kiss each other, make love to each other, fuck each other, breed together, raise a family together, share household chores, and show our neighbors what love really is.
“We can be open about our relationships, too, and if people don’t like it, too bad. I don’t mean volunteer information all the time. I just mean don’t hide it. If I want to hold hands with Lowell or Belle or Mary or Shannon ... in full view of the neighborhood ... if Candy wants to kiss George or Patty on the lips in public ... why not? Let’s just do it. Wear that skimpy clothing. Walk around the house or pool naked as a jaybird. Make out in front of a preacher and his wife. Go out in drag if you feel like it, right?” Carver grinned at those ideas.
“I would love to go in drag now and then, actually. Makeup, wig, nice sundress, and heels or pumps. It might be fun from time to time. Especially if I went to a club or bar or something on an obvious date with one of you ... or as part of a group. Might be even better if I got to wear panties, a bra, and pantyhose, with a butt-plug buried in my ass. I’d have to be smooth all over, of course, that day. I’ll bet that you ladies would enjoy making me over as a woman for that night,” Joey confessed, much to my shock.
“Wow, I knew that you were a twink, but damn! Honey, I’d make you up, with Master’s permission, and the others would help like nobody’s business! We could call you ‘Joanna’ and no one could even tell that you’re a guy. You’re very effeminate and androgynous already, if you haven’t noticed. You’d have men ready to burst from wanting to fuck that tight, pretty ass of yours! Since you’re going to be my husband, I should definitely take charge of your makeover. You want to do me proud, right?” Patty proposed.
“I love it! I can see it now. Guys swarming like bees to the honey, eager to sink their cocks inside Joanna’s sweet booty. We’d have to surround her for protection, though. Don’t want any tragedies or violence. She should be waxed and everything. Keep her hairless. Might even want to make that part permanent. It wouldn’t hurt Joey to go through life smooth and naked. Yes, I said, naked. From now on, when inside and unless I say otherwise, such as for the wedding, Joey is forbidden to wear clothing. He is to be nude at all times. Same goes for Patty, in fact.
“Hell, the same rule applies to all of you. And me. We’re all going to be nudists unless or until I say otherwise, indoors at least,” I informed them for the record, “And yes, if you move in, I expect the two of you to comply as well, Carver and Candy. Total nudity whenever inside. And in the backyard, near the pool and all that. If neighbors don’t want to see us bare-ass naked, they shouldn’t snoop on us. If they want to see us ... well, I’m not opposed to being on display for their entertainment ... and clearly, neither is anyone else here, I can tell.”
“Honey, I’m all for people seeing us in our birthday suits, and I think that Carver agrees, given how stiff he is. Speaking of which, any ideas for birthday traditions? Other than the obvious birthday spankings, which could be real fun for us all. What else would be great for the birthday boy or girl?” Candy inquired, obviously curious.
By the time that Carver and Sophie returned from their little quickie, Rick had moved on to Mark, while Jan worked on Sally, of course. While the latter flirted, the former kept it more or less professional, as before, but both were very good at their jobs. It turned out that Rick was a married family man, so that wasn’t likely to turn into anything raunchy, but he still seemed to be open-minded about the rest of us, thankfully. This was even more surprising when I learned that he was a...
I must have been out of it for a while, because when I woke up, I wasn't even on the chaise longue anymore. In my sleep, the Bottoms somehow managed to get me from the back porch to the master bedroom and cover me with just a slight sheet, as too much of a blanket in that heat would have been bad news. It was actually very dark and I could hear heavy breathing next to me, along with a soft, smooth body curled up against each side. I looked down and saw the unmistakable beauty of Sally and...
Naturally, once we all got to the pool, we all stripped naked as before, while I got the brilliant idea of filming us as we skinny-dipped. The sight of so many nude, wet, and sleek bodies in the hot Georgia sun was more than enough to drive home just how sexy a family this was that I had joined. We swam, dived, splashed water, dunked each other, and generally horsed around near and in the pool, each of us eager and ready to soon fuck each other without mercy. We were all hot and bothered in...
Every man has his limits, even with blue pills, and for me, that came about thirty seconds after I did, spewing what little I could manage inside Belle as we wrapped up the orgy for now ... for now being the key phrase. She didn’t protest, knowing that I had certainly given her plenty of seed this past week and would again. As I said, every man has limits ... even me. She swallowed up that spunk and kissed me in a passionate snowball French that made it plain that I would always be first in...
The knock at the door woke me up from my slumber at exactly 6:45 am, Eastern Daylight Time (don’t even get me started on how much I despise Daylight Savings). I struggled to get to my feet, having drunk more than a few spirits and also fucked my way through quite a few people the day before. It was nice, but it’s good to have a chance to sleep such a marathon session off, too ... and that just wasn’t meant to be ... I guessed that it was caffeine, and lots of it, for me and the Bottoms ......
I woke up the next morning to a bunch of hands caressing my body, kisses on my neck, cock, and balls ... to find that the Bottoms were all around me and the bed that I was on. I wasn’t alone on that bed, either. To my right, Megan snuggled up to me, spooning with me, her ass pressed against my cock. To my left, Annie had her arms around my waist. Both were still asleep, oddly enough. “Good morning, Master,” Sally told me with a breathless kiss to my cheek. “Good morning, my love,” I told...
I figured that it was time for a little clean-up, so wipes were brought out to sanitize the cocks while the ladies douched, and none of us hid of this activity from the opposite sex. In fact, while it happened, we made risque jokes and bawdy remarks, swatted each other playfully on the butt, fondled each other, drank some peach tea, and generally goofed off to pass the time. That was when I decided that we needed to cool off by other means, namely a good, healthy swim. “Alright, boys and...
Kelly's ass was certainly tempting, but I had already committed myself to fucking Shannon next, not to mention that I needed to rest my cock for a little bit. After fucking Sally, Kelly, and Belle that morning, my dick was a little sore, if still semi-hard. Even so, I wanted Kelly's ass fucked ... she was perfectly positioned for it and properly lubed as well. My solution was simple: a pinch-hitter, this time around. I tapped Lowell on the shoulder. "Alright, buddy. Let's have you bugger...
Just as Shannon came rather loudly ... and very messily on my cock, I unloaded my seed inside her sweet slit, filling her young, tight pussy with my cum. She staggered to her feet and planted a very deep and steamy French kiss on my mouth, her tongue joining itself to mine with an ardor that was undeniably real. The youngest Bottom girl, all of eighteen years of age, made sure that it was evident to all that she was every bit as fond of me as Sally, her sister and my fiancee. This was not...
It wasn’t long before we were all at least a little buzzed, including Allison, who evidently didn’t object to beer as she did to meat. She also didn’t object to sucking my cock in full view of the others, while Becca began sucking my balls and Marjorie surprised me by rimming my ass openly. I pulled Sally close and began making out with her while these recent partners of mine got to work pleasuring me, though they took breaks to catch their breath and taste some more booze every a few minutes...
It took several hands to decide the mastery of the night, of course. That was just as well, as we all needed badly to recover. It had been a long, sex-filled day, but we still had at least one good orgy, maybe more, left in us, plus whatever other sex acts the winner opted to direct ... and given that this would be filmed, that was a very appropriate verb, of course. It was about half an hour in when Lowell ran out of chips, followed shortly by Martin and Mary. Shannon lasted another half...
“And then there’s me, but I don’t believe in such stupid taboos, anyway. And you have some dirt on me as well, don’t you, at least by the same idiotic moral code that so many give at least lip service. I don’t personally give a fuck. So, be that as it may, perhaps we should kiss ... and make up, eh?” Marsha told Howard and Kristin with a wink. “Or maybe I can run and tell the press when I get back from this nice little break. I do have a shop to run,” Nancy said breathlessly as my balls...
I had barely finished screwing Candy’s delightful pussy when Marsha started sucking my cock, while Jan lay in front of us, on her hands and knees in the hallway, prepared to engage in what had to be an unpleasant experience ... at least without Marsha involved. While she got me hard, I could see just how nervous Jan was, so much that her whole body shook in contemplation of a possible encounter. I decided that there was a high chance that Jan could not go through the plan that she had...
From that point on we spent quite a bit of time together. It was not unusual to play games where the loser had to take strokes of a strap or a cane, though I noticed Larry laid it on Deb's arse a good deal harder than I dared with Suzy. One evening, about a couple of months after we had got to know one another, we decided to go for a drink round the corner. Little did I realise that this would lead to what might be called the climax of our inter-family relationship. Before leaving we had...
When I woke up that Monday morning, it was to the feeling of a very fine, slippery pussy surrounding my stiff cock, the soft, warm insides of a woman coating my dick without any apology, excuse, or embarrassment. I opened my eyes and found Sally on top of me, of course, riding me cowgirl-style as I impaled her sweet snatch. Her small, yet lovely breasts heaved as she obviously reached orgasm from the experience of fucking me in my sleep and giving me such a delightful wake-up call. The...
The paperwork that Joey gave me was, as expected, a petition for divorce by Ginger Katharine Horowitz, my estranged wife. I hadn’t been gone long enough for grounds of desertion under New Jersey law, so I naturally wondered if she intended any grounds at all. The more surprising aspect, though, was that she was filing on grounds of deviant sexual behavior. I shook my head at that, for while my actions with the Bottoms had certainly been sexually taboo, they had taken place in Georgia, where...
Once in the shower, Sally and I didn't take long getting to business, as she began washing me without even being asked. I grinned and enjoyed her magical hands as she touched, fondled, and groped me every step of the process. I began to really harden in her hands and she would stop just shy of making me cum, knowing that she would have to pay for her cock teasing ways. She had a look of complete mischief on her face the whole time, but she wasn't ready for what I did next. As I washed each...
We had a considerable amount of work to do with the moving, but this didn't stop the ladies from teasing us menfolk, or even the guys and gals from teasing each other. We were quite the randy crew, though we still had to recover. The moving process was more than helpful with that, and indeed, we got quite a bit moved by lunch time, when we finally called it quits, in spite of the teasing. We settled into the small, cozy living room full of light from the Georgia Sun coming through the...
Damn! Damn! Damn! What an ass on that woman!!! She was not a big woman, probably not more than 5' 4" tall and I would guess that she might weigh 130. She had a modest sized waist, maybe 23 inches, was probably 36C on the top but her bottom ... wow! I'll bet it was 40 inches, maybe 42, maybe even bigger. And as round as a beach ball.I had made it my business to check the figures of all the women in stores where I shopped. Mostly that just raised my libido, and gave me hard-on after hard-on, but...
Damn! Damn! Damn! What an ass on that woman!!! She was not a big woman, probably not more than 5' 4" tall and I would guess that she might weigh 130. She had a modest sized waist, maybe 23 inches, was probably 36C on the top but her bottom... wow! I'll bet it was 40 inches, maybe 42, maybe even bigger. And as round as a beach ball. It was certainly the stand-out feature of her figure. I had made it my business to check the figures of all the women in stores where I shopped. Mostly that just...
“What do you want to bet that if you hadn’t specifically told them not to do it, Mark and Martin would be presently engaged in some serious buggery, Mark’s dick so far up Martin’s butt that my brother would feel it in his chest? Those two ... I’ve done some sodomy a few times, of course, especially at your direction of late, but those two have the serious hots for each other! Even the thought of fucking Martin in the ass has Mark hard every time!” Lowell chuckled as we talked of Mark and...
“So, about this planned run for the Georgia House ... you’re gonna need to raise some money, aren’t you? You presumably have some contacts and such for fund-raising, but we need to really build up your network, as it were, unless I’m mistaken. It’s one thing to be on the City Council of a town like Riley. It’s quite another to be in the state legislature and represent an entire district. I take it that you’re a fairly progressive person, too, and this is a red state, unless I’ve badly misread...
Upstairs, in the bedroom next to her brother's room, 14-year-old Alicia stood in front of the mirror and examined herself with a critical eye. Her body was just completing its change into that of a woman, and she twisted round slightly to poke out her bottom. It was filling out in just the right places! She slowly raised her grey school skirt behind, till she could see her knickers framing her buttocks. She liked these "Petit bateau" knickers her Mum had let her buy during their holiday...
I was determined to take full advantage of the Viagra, of course, as well as the PreP, given to us by Nadine, as several others also agreed, though it took a little time to take full effect. In the meantime, I watched Nadine herself get slammed in all three holes, with Lowell, Mark, and Martin all using her to the max. She was soon airtight between the three Bottom men, her body reacting with delight as she was filmed being a slut in Rick’s presence for the first time. Meanwhile, Marsha was...
About two days later Suzy said something odd to me when we were sprawled on the sofa watching yet another late night film. "You'll think this is very strange, even wicked", she started, rather mysteriously, "but I've been thinking about the way Larry punished his kid. I can't get it out of my mind. You know the way you spank me when we're making love. Well, I've wondered what it would feel like to be hit with your belt. Just to let me feel what it's like. It's not that I like the...
Larry was sparkling with excitement as he went back upstairs. He opened the front door in a hurry, pushed it shut with a bang and headed straight for the living room. Debbie was standing by the window, staring rather wistfully towards the hills that rose above the city, framed against the afternoon light. Alicia must be in her bedroom, he reflected. "Turn around Debs", he said in a low voice. "No, please don't. Not here. Alicia is bound to hear us." Going up to her he encircled her...
No sooner were the four adults out of the door than Tom was bounding up the stairs to do his duty. Alicia answered the door, and she felt the blood rise to her face when she saw our son standing there in his tight top and leisure pants and with a sensual look in his eyes, as if to say "I'm about to explode ". "Mum and Dad said I should perhaps look in on you" he began. Alicia stepped back and made way for him to enter. Greg put his head round his bedroom door and uttered a bored "Hi"...
"Well damn,” I muttered, exiting the bathroom to find my husband sound asleep. He’d had one too many beers, after all.Too keyed up to sleep, I slid on my robe and quietly slipped from the room. I made my way down the stairs, planning to snag a drink from the bar. It would’ve been nice to share a drink with the wives of Brad’s best friends, but at the last minute, neither had been able to join us.As I reached the bottom, I noticed light coming from the great room. Forgetting the drink, I padded...
VoyeurI woke up naked, hard, and far from alone. I was on the sofa, with an equally nude Sally lying on top of me, her head on my shoulders and her breath in my ears. Lying on the carpet next to us was Kelly, who was tangled with Carver, Joey with Patty ... a few feet from where Belle snuggled up with Mary, Mark cuddled his lover Martin, Candy held Shannon, and then Lowell, where the hell was Lowell? A retching sound, followed by the flush of a toilet, and then some running water, answered that...
I had already fucked Marjorie, Allison, and Becca by the time we were ready for lunch, of course, and all three ladies were certainly worth my time. I was balls deep within Consuela, in fact, when we noticed how hungry we were and what time it was. I looked at Nancy as I came inside her daughter, rising to kiss both women on the mouth before getting dressed for now. I noticed with no small amusement that Jolene had been screwed forty ways to Sunday in her outfit, cum leaking down to her...
Larry collared me the next day and said "Your wife got quite an earful last night". I believe the girls have got to know one another. How about the four of us going out for a drink one evening?" We went to Lascara's, a new "liberated" club on the other side of the city. It had become popular with "free" drinks before midnight and even more free conversation, plus the sight of people doing things normally reserved for the brothel or the bedroom. The four of us handed over our coats...
I love that lustful look of desire in her eyes as she lies with naked breasts pressed against the satin sheets and looks over her left shoulder at me kneeling behind, fully ready. Her round ass is so sexy. The back of her muscular thighs gradually merge with fleshy cheeks, each curving symmetrically together to form a line, an erotic crevice, to be explored fully in only moments. I can feel the heat of her skin when I place the fingers of my right hand on the top of one beautiful cheek. With...
Jay had the girl bent over the end of the couch with her heavy tits hanging down and her ass in the air as he rammed his thick cock in and out of her young tight ass. He loved fucking a girls ass the best of any thing. He was long and thick and loved to see that tight hole stretched to the max as he rammed in and out not caring if it was painful for the bitch he had bent over. He had even tied many girls if they tried to stop his big cock entering the tight assholes. This bitch had huge tits...
I love that lustful look of desire in her eyes as she lies with naked breasts pressed against the satin sheets and looks over her left shoulder at me kneeling behind, fully ready. Her round ass is so sexy. The back of her muscular thighs gradually merge with fleshy cheeks, each curving symmetrically together to form a line, an erotic crevice, to be explored fully in only moments. I can feel the heat of her skin when I place the fingers of my right hand on the top of one beautiful cheek. With...
AnalIt was about a week later that something happened that led to a chain of events which I shall never forget. To say they changed my life would be an exaggeration. But they certainly changed my relationship with my wife Suzy. The neighbours' boy, whose name was Greg, had been playing with a ball as he came up the stairs, as kids will, and he had managed to knock the bike I had by the door to keep it out of harms way. The thing had tipped over and bounced down a couple of stairs, making a real...
I went to the door and opened it slightly. Our new neighbour was standing there and I opened the door more widely. "Sorry it's so late, but I just wanted to explained that I'd dealt with young Greg the other day and I hope you'll have no more trouble from him." I mumbled something to the effect that I appreciated it. And then I did something rather strange. I don't know what came over me but I stood back half a step, and this made way for him to step into our hallway. I suddenly...
After an hour on the net Greg got to wondering what his sister and the boy from downstairs might be up to. He had found a web site which had pictures of young boys, surely around his own age, doing far more than wanking in the back of a classroom. It gave him food for thought. Opening his bedroom door silently he stole along the corridor. The lounge door was ajar and through the gap he was confronted with the profile of Tom's arse bobbing up and down on the sofa. He was on top of his...
Oddly, Gloria had slept with them and Roy and she had sex for their very first time. She’d loved it, reveled in it, Dad was pretty big, a fat eight inches. She’d only had sex twice, one time each with different high school boys and it was, to say the least unfulfilling. Last night was anything but; her little pussy had been stretched accepting Dad’s big tool but she had, he’d gotten it all into her. It had hurt a little bit but it was sure worth it, he’d made her feel like a real woman. ...
I like bottoms dressed, undressing, bare and beautiful: Since having my own petite bottom spanked and corporally punished from the age of 11 almost weekly I believe in spanking and embarrassing whoever who trusts me with their bare bottoms with role play etc; Recently I had a 2o year old female in my office: she owned up to not posting important letters for a number of weeks: While I was concerned, I was sure my clients would reply: To hear what she had done I was furious, she knew by...
“Hey, Layla, are you busy Saturday night? Rod asked. Rod had called his sister on the phone. The summer was winding down and soon they would both be heading back to their respective colleges for the fall semester. Their parents were divorced. Layla was a year older and entering her senior year, and had spent the summer with their mother and her new husband. Rod had stayed with his father. They were both ready to escape the family drama and get back to school and be on their own. “No plans...
PROLOGUE:Now let's get something straight (pardon the pun). I love girls. I love looking at them; I love their lips wrapped around my cock; and I love the feeling of my cock buried deep in their tight pussies or round asses. But I still get a major thrill from taking a straight man and making him a cocksucking faggot and bottom loving homo. Philosophically, I am not gay. I have never sucked a cock or taken a cock in my ass...although I have fucked many, many men. My cock doesn't see a...
He had no plans other than to get the fuck out of that house.----After he moved his stuff into his old bedroom he showered and headed out. He stopped into a couple of his old hangouts but didn’t find anyone he knew. So he bought a six pack and drove out to the cabin where he and Maud/Marisa had had their tryst. It was vacant so he parked his car and sat outside on the deck for a couple hours staring at the lake and drinking beer. It was late when he drove home.The next day Rod kept himself busy...
AnalIt was a warm Saturday night in the summer, and after fasting for 2 days straight, and then thoroughly cleaning myself out with various implements and toys, I was ready to ride. The ads on various hookup sites had netted some interest, but nobody was able to host, and I didn't feel like having a bunch of strangers wandering through my house this particular night. As much as I enjoy hosting a gang bang, and being the bottom at the center of it, without a trusted top or two keeping an eye on...
Bottom Feeder by Blushing SlutMistress Diana has had me in total captivity for about two weeks now.I’ve lost track of the days. After two sessions with her I beggedher to take me in for as many weeks as she thought necessary tocompletely train me into a subservient, begging, shit eating toilet. Toreach the point where I looked forward to our toilet sessions aboveeverything else. Of course everything else revolved around beingwhipped and beaten and caged and humiliated, whored out to hermean...
“Hey, Layla, are you busy Saturday night? Rod asked.Rod had called his sister on the phone. The summer was winding down and soon they would both be heading back to their respective colleges for the fall semester. Their parents were divorced. Layla was a year older and entering her senior year, and had spent the summer with their mother and her new husband. Rod had stayed with his father. They were both ready to escape the family drama and get back to school and be on their own.“No plans yet,”...
AnalBottom BitchBy [email protected] me set the scene. My name is Mike, as a "Gurl" I go by Fiona. I am a gay man, mid thrities,white, 5' 9'165, reasonably handsome, both in and out of women's clothes. One of theways I express my sexuality is to dress as a woman and get fucked byother men. Preferably in a humiliating situation, with several guys fuckingme.Just one of my kinks.~This night was the second time I had gone with Anthony. The first time wasthe Friday Night before.I dressed in 3...
Finally, exhausted and in total despair I just sat my smooth, small-framed, almost nineteen year old bod down on the road and buried my face in my hands. How could I get out of this mess? Then I thought I heard something. During brief pauses in the warm summer breeze I thought I heard an approaching vehicle. Maybe it was merely my desperate imagination. Then I heard it again and it was still louder! A vehicle was approaching! I just hoped they could help me. I waited anxiously as the...
Ever since the day I could remember discovering sexuality, I liked dick! fuck my ass, but even that wasn’t enough. I needed more dick. So I set out on one of my usual prowls, I hit the End Up club where anonymous sex was always guaranteed. Upon arriving, I ordered a drink then slipped off into one of the back rooms. I stripped, neatly folding my clothes and placing them on a small corner shelf whose real purpose I never really knew. I knew it wouldn’t be long before dick started lining up...
GayDuring my senior year in school, I started school at a later date than most boys, I begain to like watching my school mates in the shower, they all were so neat and clean. But the taught of doing any thing was out of the question. But I was curious about sex with another man. I had a friend who was a couple years older than me. We used to go fishing and hunting , and swimmng all the time. we were naked and getting dry from our swim and Well he started to look at me with those eyes, just like I...
GayFucked up the Butt by Tony meant one thing, no Condom, that’s the way he wanted it that’s the way I gave it. I’m small in stature, must be the part Asian in me, I stand at about five six I weigh about a hundred and twenty pounds. My body type is slim and slender. Tony, on the other hand is built like a fucking Tank. Towering above me and out weighing me by about a hundred and fifty pounds of pure Muscle. He was so much bigger than me hovering over me between my legs and pressing his...
While at work a few weeks ago I met Juan. He was the new guy. All the guys were ribbing him about how hot Spanish wives are. He just laughed and told us he wasn't married. A few days went by and Juan and I were on a service call. When we finished and packing our gear he pressed against my ass as I leaned into the back of the van. He was packing some wood. I let it go this was work. After we got off Juan wanted to know if I would like to eat dinner with him. I said sure. We went to a...
Shadowsblade a Whateley Tale: Written by Shadowsblade Created for war and forged in pain, dealing with demons within and without. In this part, Rohanna lays parts of her past to rest and more will come in the chapters that follow. This one chapter only contains one of the four funerals that come in her life, so suddenly and all at that same time! I hope that my readers love this part? I seem to have lost some of you with the last 2 postings? for some reason? To all my readers,...
For the next couple of weeks our love life was on fire. Lust, it seems, can burn twice as hot fueled by trust built by sharing your bed. I had never felt more in love with someone than I felt with Stacie. By bringing Mike in to our lives for that night my trust in Stacie had built bonds that felt unbreakable. I was madly in love and it showed. John even commented on it in the shop a couple of days later before a photo shoot. When I explained to him what had happened he just chuckled and...
Tyler Nixon has gotten his spoiled stepsister Vina Sky a Christmas gift, but Vina tells him it had better be good because she won’t take shit. Tyler tells Vina that he’s gonna get her a dick in a box. She claims she’d fuck it unless it was Tyler’s tiny dick, which leaves Tyler hurt and poised to take his vengeance. He returns later with his dick tucked beneath a Christmas hat. When Vina puts the hat on and spots Tyler’s dick underneath, she is angry right up until...
xmoviesforyouIntroduction: This is my first story and im just doing it for fun Alex, get your ass out of bed i yelled into my brothers room My name is Sarah im 14 about 5 foot 4, 100 pounds. Me and my brother arnt like many brothers and sisters we get along and when we were little we were best friends, we are twins so we are in the same grade and have alot of the same friends. Alex trudged down the stairs and poured himself a bowl of cereal, rubbing the sleepiness off his eyes. why did you wake me up...
Hi, this is sudeer from raipur and i am 35 years old. I am regular reader of iss and i love the insect stories and i also love to have insect sex. I always look for the opportunity to have sex with my relatives. This is my real incident. This is the incident when i was reading in 1st year of the And i used to visit to my relatives home in vacations. One of my mosi lives in a town and there are four members in the family. My uncle has one son 16 year old and one daughter she was 15 years...
IncestHer beautiful blue eyes, long brown hair with blond highlights that looks so good especially when it is straighten. Nikki’s best features are on her body. Those nice breasts, I’d say B cups and even though they’re not the largest they are the perkiest. Her ass just moves with her in those tight jeans. I can only imagine her soft pussy. I could never have Nikki because she has a boyfriend. She has been dating her boyfriend Karl since the 7th grade. Another reason I will never...