The Disabled Police Detective-the Protective Custody Assignment free porn video

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Andy Ironside Ripley a member of the farmhouse Indiana police department's special division. Is eating lunch in his private office when the buzzer on his desk buzzed loudly which Indicated.

That his boss police Chief Robert Randolph needed to speak to him so he quickly finished his sandwich drank some coffee then he left his office and reported to the chief's office.

When he reached his destination he entered the chief's office then he said "You wanted to see me sir"?

The boss cleared his throat then he said to his best detective "Andy I have another protective custody assignment for you."

"U.S. Army Sergeant first class Jennifer Davidson is on leave from her unit at fort Leonard wood Missouri and while she was out for a run this morning. She witnessed a bloody murder."

"Your assignment is to take her into protective custody and keep her safe and sound until the killers are caught and brought to trial."

"Here is a copy of her service record please read it then report to interrogation room 4 she is waiting for you there."

Andy opened the file folder and he began to read her service record and he was impressed very impressed. So impressed in fact he read the record twice when he finished the second reading he noticed the service picture that was in the file.

And he was struck by how beautiful Sergeant First Class Jennifer Davidson was especially her eyes they were the most beautiful pair of eyes he had ever seen on a woman's face in his life.

They were mesmerizing he found himself falling in love with those eyes.

So he quickly closed the folder and handed it back to the chief then he headed to interrogation room number 4.

When he got their he opened the door and he got a really good look of Sergeant first class Jennifer Davidson and her eyes.

And again he was mesmerized by her beautiful eyes they were so beautiful Andy nearly had a heart attack so he closed the door.

For a full 10 minutes he unable to open the door it was if he was completely and utterly paralyzed by this woman's beauty.

Then he finally forced himself to open the interrogation room door and got into the room. Then he cleared his throat and he said to her

"Miss Davidson my name is detective Ripley please grab your things and follow me."

So she picked up her things and followed Andy out to a waiting vehicle once Jennifer was safely in the vehicle Andy put his wheelchair into the back.

Then he got into the driver's seat started it up and they headed to a secluded safe house.

When they finally reach the safe house Andy parks the vehicle and they go inside.

Once they are safely inside Andy locks the door behind him then the young detective cooks supper and after saying grace they eat.

When they finish eating they watch a movie and then they go to bed.

The next morning Andy wakes up grabs some clean clothes and his shaving kit and he takes a shower and shaves.

Then he gets dressed puts his service revolver and chest holster onto his body then he goes to the bedroom.

Where Jennifer is sleeping so that he can ask her what she wants to eat for breakfast but he is extremely hesitant to wake her up.

So looked so angelic so beautiful and so peaceful but the young Indiana lawman knew that she had to eat.

So he touched her shoulder and when she opened her eyes and he said to her

"Jennifer what would you like to eat for breakfast?" after wiping her eyes for several minutes she replied.

"If it's not too much trouble may I please have scrambled eggs toast and black coffee?"

Andy replied to her question

"yes you may and it's no trouble at all."

Then he returned to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

While Andy was making breakfast Jennifer grabbed some clean clothes then she went to the bathroom and she took a shower and she shaved.

When she was done she put on clean clothes cleaned up the bathroom and she put her laundry in the washing machine.

While it was washing they set the table and after saying grace they ate their morning meal.

When they finished eating breakfast they did the dishes together and when they were done with that task Jennifer put her clothes in the dryer.

While they were drying the young couple enjoyed the pretty Midwestern sunshine.

When it was time for lunch Andy cooked up a very nice lunch for the two of them.

Eight months after the protective custody assignment started the safe house phone rang loudly RING!!! Andy left the breakfast table and he answered the ringing telephone.

10 minutes later the young detective finished the phone call went back to the table took a few sips from his coffee then he said to Jennifer

"That was the police chief on the phone and he had some good news for you."

"Then men who committed the murder that you witnessed have been caught they are in jail and are awaiting trial. Their trial is in 4 weeks."

When he finished talking they resumed eating breakfast. 4 weeks later it was time for the trial.

The young couple got up early got cleaned up got dressed ate a filling and healthy breakfast. Then they got into their vehicle and headed for the courthouse.

When they arrived at the courthouse Andy parked the vehicle got into his wheelchair and after locking the vehicle they went into the courthouse.

After getting through courthouse security they went into the courtroom where the trial was going to be held.

After finding a place to sit Jennifer and Andy parked his wheelchair next to her and he gently reassured her that everything would be alright and that she was safe and sound.

When it was time for her to give her testimony Jennifer walked to the front of the courtroom was sworn in then she sat down in the witness stand.

And she proceeded to give an accurate and honest testimony when she was done with her testimony the beautiful U.S Army sergeant first class returned to her seat next to Andy.

After a very lengthy murder trial the bad guys were sentenced to very lengthy prison terms.

After they were taken away the Judge dismissed the courtroom. Jennifer and Andy left the courtroom then they left the courthouse got back into their vehicle and returned to the safe house.

So Jennifer could collect her things once they were back at the safe house Andy helped Jennifer collect and pack her things.

Then they went back to the motel where she was staying during her leave from the Army.

When they got to the motel Andy parked the vehicle the young couple got out together and they went up to her room.

When they arrived at her room they went into it and they completed a second round of unpacking.

Then Andy went to the door reached for the door knob and was about to turn it and leave the room.

But instead of doing that he turned around looked into her mesmerizing and seductive eyes and he asked her.

"Jennifer would you like to go out to a movie on Friday night?"

Jennifer thought about Andy's question for a few moments then she said to him.

"Andy you're a very sweet man but I am a chronic heartbreaker I have broken the heart of every man that I have ever dated and if we go out on a date. I will break your heart as well."

Andy replied

"Jennifer all I am asking for is one movie date. If you have a terrible time we can go our separate ways and you will never here from me again."

Jennifer looked at Andy again and she said

"Ok Andy one movie date I will see you Friday night in the hotel lobby."

After getting their date plans put together Andy left the motel got back into the vehicle and then he returned to the police station.

When Friday night rolled around Andy got home as fast as he could once he was at home he got thoroughly cleaned up changed into his date clothes locked up his house and got into his truck.

After starting up the old Ford F-150 he drove to the Motel to pick Jennifer up for their movie date.

When he arrived at the motel got out of the truck went inside and he asked him to ring Jennifer's room.

So he picked up the front desk phone and he rang Jennifer's motel room and let her know that her date was here to pick her up.

While Jennifer was in her room getting ready Andy waited in the lobby for her.

30 minutes later she finally came into the lobby looking absolutely gorgeous

"I am so sorry I took so long Andy. I had a hard time finding something to wear I hope that I look alright."

Andy looked at his beautiful date and he said to her "You look beautiful very beautiful."

After the small talk they went out to Andy's truck. He opened the passenger side door for her and she got into the seat and put on her seatbelt.

Andy went around the truck to the driver's side got into the seat put on his seatbelt and off they were to the movies.

After some light traffic they arrived at the movie theatre.

After safely parking the truck Andy got out of the driver's seat got into his wheelchair and he opened the passenger door for Jennifer.

She unhooked her seatbelt and got out of her seat after closing the door Andy locked up the truck.

Then they went the short distance from the parking lot to the theatre's front door.

When the young couple reached door Andy did the gentlemanly thing and he opened the door for his date.

After she went through the door Andy followed her through it.

After they got into the theatres lobby they studied the marquee and after some back and forth discussion.

They decided to watch a comedy movie.

After getting the movie tickets and their favorite movie snacks they went into the movie theatre where their comedy movie was going to be shown.

A couple of hours later the movie ended and they left the theatre.

Got back into Andy's truck and he drove Jennifer back to her motel when he got her back to her Motel they said goodnight and she went up to her room.

Andy went home and he got some sleep and he dreamed about the lovely.

U.S. Army Sergeant First Class Jennifer Davidson

Over the next two years Andy Ironside Ripley and Jennifer Elizabeth Davidson got to know each other really well.

When Jennifer got leave from the Army she would travel to Indiana to visit Andy when he had vacation he would visit her.

When she was unable to get any leave Andy would burn up the roads between Missouri and Indiana so he could see his beloved Jennifer.

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Note – When I wrote the story, my aim was to make it as realistic as possible and that is the reason why I ended up making it so long. But all the stuff really builds up to this story making it more erotic. Please read it until the end, you’ll enjoy it a lot. (Stuff starts to happen after half the story, so don’t stop midway) My email is – if you want to drop any suggestions. This story happened 2 years ago when I was in South Dakota doing my Masters in Science. I was a keen student back when...

4 years ago
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Undercovers Detective Chapter 8

FrankDuring our engagement dinner with Alexia’s family, I received a text message from my precinct saying Captain Greer was shot. After I showed the message to Alex, we both maintained our composure and hastily said our goodbyes. Her dad seemed visibly upset with our unexpected departure, but I assured him it was all routine.To begin with, Alex’s father had never been happy with her choice to join the police force instead of following him in corporate law. I chuckled to myself, wondering how...

2 years ago
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The Detective

This is a little tale that came to me one day when I least expected it. I was watching a detective show and I wondered what it would be like to put my words into that context. This isn’t a true Consequences story but it could well be. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. If you don’t, just ignore it. Edited by Lady Cibelle with her thoughts included. Prologue We were sitting at our desks and discussing an open case when the phone rang. Ed and I exchanged glances. He...

3 years ago
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The PsychicChapter 2 Detective Lynch

"That's going to piss him off, beautiful," Victor said, and he watched her blush at his comment. "Let him be pissed. Now let's get you into something more comfortable," she said as she reached up under her skirt and slid her panties down. "What are you doing?" Victor asked in shock. "What do you mean? I am going to take your temperature," Linda said as she handed him her panties. "But..." was all he got out as she pulled his cock out and stroked it. Linda watched him moan and...

2 years ago
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Sitting Friends Disabled Mum

One of our oldest friends came up to see Donna and I, she was having a break from looking after her disabled mum who was 89. Her mum was on 24 hour oxygen and really couldn’t be left on her own, but our friend needed to go to a hospital appointment and asked me if I’d ‘babysit’ her on this particular day, I said I would.Tuesday came around and I went up to her mother’s house, our friend was there and she showed me where everything was, her mother, Mavis, was sat in a chair wearing her oxygen...

4 years ago
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Disabled But Still Able Part 2

It was in November that Brian broke his neck and became paralyzed. He still had motion in his arms but his fine motor skills and his fingers were affected. The nerve damage to his legs was complete and he would be using a wheelchair for most likely the rest of his life. He wondered at the time if he would ever have sex again. It was only the following summer that his questions were happily answered by two different women. The first was the personal care attendant he and his mother had hired. He...

3 years ago
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Sex and the disabled Tamsin and her MASSIVE sexu

A few years back, one of my regular passengers was a disabled lady called Tamsin. Life had been pretty hard for her:- she had a deformity of the spine which made walking hard, and she had often turned to drink to cope with her life. Unlike a lot of the other drivers, I always got on with her (I'll get on with anyone!), and she she used to book me privately for journeys to various places as she wanted me to drive her.For a few weeks, I had been taking her to one particular house about 20 miles...

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Fuck Club Chapter 2 Physically Disabled

As I stood before the Africa door, with a drop of cum still on my now flaccid dick, I realized what I had just done. I had just ****d a young woman. I sat down against one of the walls of the main room and went silent for some time. I sat there for about five minutes until a man with a bloody handprint on his belly came out of the door marked "Asia". He looked at me and smiled."That bitch is never having solid food again, let me tell you."I looked at him, puzzled. He opened his hand in front of...

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Detective Hayate

Main Character: Name: Hayate Gender: Male Age: 27 Appearance: 5'9", Medium built with toned muscle. Occupation: Private Detective (former Martial-artist) More info: Hayate is a private detective who used to be a martial artist master at a dojo inherited from his dad. He has a younger sister, Hitomi (18), who ran the dojo together. They both are experts in martial arts. Due to the bad business and no new people signing up for training, they had to eventually close down the dojo and Hayate opened...

4 years ago
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Erica The Little Detective

Eric of Erica de kleine detective Door Louis van Amoren. Hoofdstuk 1. Hallo, dag dames en heren. Wie ik ben? Wel, ik zal me even voorstellen. Mijn naam is Eric Paul van Amoren. Het is mij aangenaam kennis met U te maken. Ik ben achttien jaar jong. Nog niet zo gek lang van school. Ik werk ergens op de boekhouding, maar ik zoek iets anders. Het liefst ergens in de stad en niet in zo'n klein dorpje waar ik nu zit. Ik heb wel al een paar keer gesolliciteerd, maar dat is nog steeds...

3 years ago
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Detective Slave

Here I am, in Mistress's dungeon, collared, pantied, plugged and denied access to my own manhood. At least the bottom of the cage was padded, which gave me a decent night's sleep, although it was difficult stretching out my 6foot 2inch frame. Thinking over the events of last twenty-four hours, my whole life was changing. This four-feet by four-feet steel cage would be my new home. But then again, I have been turned into the slave of a woman who I had lusted for, and it was obvious She had...

4 years ago
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The Undercover Detective part 3

The Undercover Detective Part3 19th May On the Saturday, I started my special leave. Kate was free for the weekend, as well, so it was ideal. After a leisurely breakfast, I started planning with Kate. "OK Kate, what are the ingredients of an instant lady outfit?" "First we need to decide what sort of woman you are going to be. Are you going to be demure, sexy, smart and fashionable, a total slapper or a shy little girl?" "Buggered if I know, what would you recommend?" "Do...

2 years ago
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The Undercover Detective part 8

The Undercover Detective part 8 14th June I awoke feeling like death. The moment that I moved, a bolt of pain shot through my shoulder. My head throbbed and my shoulder throbbed. I lay there feeling sorry for myself. Eventually, Fran breezed into the room. "Great Mandy, you are finally awake. It is gone noon and I have already been in to work, seen both the new chief and the big boss, I have picked up your clothes and other belongings from the bed sit and now I can bring you a...

3 years ago
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The Undercover Detective part 12

The Undercover Detective Part 12 July 11th It was about ten o'clock when I phoned Fran "It is a good job you called. I was just about to call you." "What did you want me for?" "We picked someone up this morning, who had retrieved the package. We have him in a cell in the station." "Who was it?" "Not someone we would have expected. It was someone very well known to us. He only got released from jail a year ago. He is a well known house breaker, he's been at it for...

2 years ago
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The Undercover Detective part 7

The Undercover Detective part 7 June 8th Friday and we were back in the shop. Another hair removal session and my beard almost gone. There was nothing to shave now, worth talking about. My mornings and evenings had included a hair brushing and skin care routine now for some time. The routines were starting to pay off. I was getting fast and expert at my make up and female behaviour was becoming second nature. The day flew by, with me helping several, want to be, cross dressers....

4 years ago
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The Undercover Detective part 11

The Undercover Detective Part 11 July 5th Anne came round to Mary's to see me. She was extremely nervous and very upset. She was in Roger mode, wearing a smart suit. After a quick introduction we got down to it. "Mary told me that you were an undercover police officer, but asked me not to tell anyone. Why are you undercover?" "Do you remember the murders of the trans women and the capture of the killer, well I was the person who arrested him. I had gone undercover to catch...

4 years ago
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The Private Transvestite Detective or the Undercover Dick

Chapter 1 It was late Friday afternoon and I sat behind my desk smoking a cigarette, leaning back in my chair with my high-heels resting on yesterday's newspaper. I contemplated my red-painted toenails through the gauzy nylon of my fully-fashioned stockings. They were overdue for a touch-up, and so was I. The fading light feebly outlined the sign painted on the glass panel of my office door. It read: ycnegA evitceteD etavirP- snolyN elehciM. A shadow darkened the glass panel and I leaned...

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