Whos your Daddy
- 3 years ago
- 49
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The Island — Summer
The sun was high in the deep blue sky as I sat watching from the outdoor terrace of Emma's Café as the old car ferry slowly approached the dock of Eastport, a hundred eager passengers lining its newly painted, white rails. I could see the two of them now, waving, happy, broad smiles on their faces, their bodies so ripe, their breasts taut against their wind blown shirts, their hard firm bums and thighs stretching their silk shorts.
The annual migration from the cities to our island had started, a migration that annually transformed our sleepy Atlantic island of one thousand people into a bustling, crowded tourist destination.
I knew the locals, who had spent the winter on the island, trying to rest up for the frantic three months of summer when another five thousand people, mostly Bostonians and New Yorkers, descended on the island, would be both elated and disgusted by these arrivals.
Elated because they knew these mainlanders allowed them a standard of living unthinkable to their ancestors, those tough, hard men and women who had struggled to wrestle a living from the sea for three hundred years before the tourists had arrived.
But angry and disgusted also — they simply didn't like these foreign mainlanders, these bossy, rude, crude know-it-alls whose orders they had to take from Memorial Day til Labor Day in order to earn their living. How could they like these people who regarded them as little more than simpletons and treated them as if they were their slaves.
I was one of the few people who knew and interacted with both groups, both local and summer people, moving easily between the two solitudes. My family had been here for generations, my island house sat on a land grant issued to the Von Scouries' more than two hundred and ninety years ago. Every local knew my family, our history, and even though I now spent nine months a year on the mainland, they all regarded me as one of them.
My name is James Roderick Von Scourie and I had been born here sixty-three years ago, in the same house I came home to every summer, a house built on the foundations that my great, great, great, great, great grandfather had first put down so long ago. The present house dated from about 1875, and although it had endured many additions and modifications over the years, expensive alterations that had made the house as modern as any on the island, no one would ever mistake my house for one of those millionaire's monstrosities that had sprung up everywhere on the islands.
Ours was a long thin island, one of a group that stretched outward from Nantucket and my old house sat on its less habited south coast, the last private property before the State Wildlife Refuge that took up the last three miles on the western end of the island.
I had been back for three weeks now, and had been eagerly anticipating the arrival of this very ferry for every day I'd been here — it was of course carrying my two favorite girls in the world.
I had always watched the two girls over the years, had watched them growing up, watched them running on the beach, watched them slowly mature, each summer watching them slowly metamorphose from girls to young women. I can't wait any longer, I thought, as I watched the two skip down the gangplank from the ferry, chatting and giggling as they went, their Mom and Dad trailing slowly after them.
I could see the joy on their faces at being back on the island, their fancy private school and their elegant house in the big city forgotten. They had always preferred casual dress and manner I knew, continually challenging their father's patrician family's sense of decorum and correctness. Taking after their Mom, I thought smiling, quickly glancing at the beautiful Mrs. Butler who trailed behind them.
I can still easily remember the first day Miss Brigitte Nilsson, an innocent looking eighteen year old Swede, who had just finished first year at Bryn Mawr, had walked down this same gangplank she was descending now, giggling on the arm of William Butler the 3rd, scion of one of Boston's most distinguished families.
That year he had just graduated from Harvard law, a nice boy/man who had the world at his feet, but he'd had a bemused look on his face that day, as though he couldn't believe that the goddess at his side had chosen to accompany him. I could see that even twenty-some years later he still seemed surprised that she was with him.
And even as my eyes returned to their young daughters and watched as they in turn jumped the last step onto the cement pier I couldn't stop the image that flashed almost painfully through my brain — the girls mother standing naked on the deserted beach, her straw colored hair dancing in the breeze as she dipped her toes in the surf, her perfect, pink tipped breasts dancing on her chest as laughing, she kicked a rivulet of sparkling water toward me.
Christ it's already eighteen years since that day, I mumbled to myself as the girl's parents stepped onto the pier. Watching I saw the old Rolls turn through the gate and edge toward them, and couldn't help smiling as the car lumbered to a stop and 'Old John' slowly emerged. Jesus, he must be close to eighty, I thought, the handyman and driver for the family as long as I could remember, one of those constants in island life that somehow defined it.
Minutes later Mom and Dad were safely ensconced in the back seat and all the bags safely stowed in the trunk but the girls danced off, I could see them miming to their parents they'd get home later. The two seemed to talk to everyone on the dock and everyone they met as they moved onto Main Street and towards the outdoor terrace where I sat with my late morning coffee and cinnamon bun.
They left a sea of goodwill in their wake as they proceeded along; they had their Mom's ease and friendliness that disarmed everyone and even the locals accepted and liked those nice 'Butler Girls' as they were always referred to, almost as if the two were indivisible.
And yet they were two very different girls, both physically and mentally, their only common trait was their obvious happiness with each others company. I could see that Isobel, the eldest by a year, the blond extrovert, the more obvious beauty of the two, was listening intently to her younger sister as they approached me.
Seeing me they came over, "Hi professor," they both sang out, happy, friendly smiles on their faces as they leant over the waist high rail that separated the terrace from the street.
"Hi Isobel, Samantha," I responded, unable to keep the love I felt for them out of my voice.
We talked for minutes, the girls friendly, comfortable even when speaking to an old man like me, charming me effortlessly without even a conscious effort. They just plain liked people, no matter their class or age or race, and of course everyone who met them recognized this niceness almost immediately and responded to it.
"I'm going to stay a minute Izzy," Samantha told her sister, "I need to talk to the professor for a sec," and then turning to me asked, "Is that ok sir?"
Shorter than her sister by maybe two inches, Sam was still a tall girl at five-nine and as her long, curly, auburn hair billowed around her head in the breeze I was captivated by her beauty, a beauty that had snuck up on everyone, so that she now exuded a sexual aura as strong as her older sister. "So where in Boston did you find the magical lantern?" I asked as she sat opposite me.
"What do you mean?" she asked, a quizzical frown crossing her smiling face.
"Here I thought my summer assistant was going to be that thin, coltish, giggling, high school teen who's been prancing around the island for the last four years and now instead, voila, magically you've turned into this gorgeous young woman," I said grinning. "Gosh, poor Izzy, having to live in the shadow of a beautiful younger sister."
Every summer I brought with me to the island a student, an English major from the University, someone who wanted to be a writer, someone who was willing to do my 'Joe' jobs in exchange for being in my presence, a chance to learn from the master. They were always girls, always pretty and I always eventually slept with them, the sweet young things oh so eager to share the bed with the famous author.
Samantha Butler, my next door summer neighbor had written me in January, asking if I'd consider her for the position, that she wanted to be a writer, that she so wanted to see how a real author worked. I was pissed off at first, having had already narrowed my choice down to two incredibly hot University of Georgia sophomores, either of whom I knew would melt under my tongue, thrash under my hard cock.
I was pissed off because I knew immediately that I'd give her the job, that I was incapable of refusing her anything. After a couple of letters and e-mails during the early spring I had offered her the job and now here we were.
"Yeah right!" she said blushing, but I could see she was happy with the compliment. Shy and studious, Sam had lived all her life in the shadow of her blond sister and I knew not many men had ever compared her looks favorably to Isobel. "Like Izzy is ever going to have to worry about another girl. And besides, if I had found a Genie I wouldn't have wasted a wish on my looks."
"No, no need to," I complimented her, my eyes caressing her, and then asked, probing, "What would you wish for Sam?" wanting to know every secret of this darling girl.
"That's for me to know professor," she said laughing as she stretched sinuously in her seat, her full, round breasts testing her t-shirt tops tensile strength as she arched her back. "I am going to College in the fall you know Professor," she finally added. "Bryn Mawr."
"You're only sixteen!"
"I'll be seventeen this summer."
"Bryn Mawr, Your mom's school."
"Uh huh, English major — I want to be a writer," she said shyly, "like you... well you already know that of course... When do you want me to start professor?"
"Whenever you're settled honey. No rush, I'm sure you have lots of friends to see, things to do."
"I'll start tomorrow sir. I want you to treat me just like you would anyone else."
Right, I thought, as if that was possible. "All right Samantha. Why don't you come over first thing, say eight, and we'll get organized. I'll probably need you til one-thirty or two most days Sam, and then you'll be free for all your boyfriends every afternoon. OK?"
"Yes sir," she said beaming, "You won't regret letting me work with you sir, I promise."
As she skipped away, calling to her sister up the road, I watched her rear wriggling firmly under her skimpy, white silk shorts and knew I'd never regret my decision.
The Von Scourie house was a large one, and while the front door stood facing inland and the driveway, the very last house on the road, the real orientation of the house was towards the beach and all the important rooms faced the ocean. A ten foot wide balcony ran across the second floor of the house and gave a perfect view of the Atlantic and the next island in the archipelago, three miles off, from the comfortable wicker sofas that were scattered along its fifty foot length.
Below the balcony, was a deck with chairs and table and barbeque, and farther down a rectangular pool surrounded by a grassy lawn, and then three stairs leading to a path that twisted through the sea grass and led to the forty foot wide beach that fronted the ocean.
But the houses name, at least what the locals called it, 'Von Scourie's Tower', was derived from its most unusual feature, the structure that jutted twenty-five feet upwards from the roof of the house, a tower that dominated the surrounding area.
My great-uncle James, Jimmy to everyone on the island when he was living, had added the tower some sixty years ago, to the derision, I might add, of the whole populace. But now it was quite famous, and now most of the island paintings and seascapes displayed in the tourist shops of Eastport included the Von Scourie tower somewhere on the horizon.
My writing room, my sanctuary, was at the top of the tower, a room that was all windows and bookcases, a fifteen by fifteen foot space some fifty feet in the air, which from my desk gave me a view in all four directions with just the turn of my head.
"WOW," was Samantha's first word when her head poked through the hatch and into my workplace after climbing the steep stairwell of the tower the next morning just after eight. "We always wanted to come up here and see the view and play," she explained, and went on to tell me the various things her sister and she imagined.
"Why didn't you tell me?" I laughed, "I would have let you in anytime."
"Oh look, you can see our house. And all the way over to the north side." She turned and took in the view in all four directions, the ocean, the dunes, the seagrass, the soaring pines that were mirrored by the tall, pine bookcase in each corner that stood flanking the windows, the pond sitting tranquilly in the Park, the seagulls soaring by, the... "God, wait til I tell Izzy, she'll be so jealous," she laughed as she skipped around the room, touching the desks and the computers, the books and the large telescope sitting facing the sky, almost as if she was just making sure it wasn't a dream.
She finally slowly began to inspect one bookcase and after a quick study exclaimed, "These are all books you've written aren't they? Gosh, in French and German and, what language is this sir?"
"Bulgarian," I finally announced after looking at the book. "I'm one of those vain authors Sam, I work surrounded by all these first editions of my novels."
"You should be proud sir," she whispered, just a little bit of adoration creeping into her voice, "I've loved all your books, they're so good."
"And these?" she asked as she danced to the opposite corner and pulled down a couple of books. "You like science fiction professor?" she asked quizzically as she leafed through one.
I'm Professor Emeritus at the University of Georgia in Athens these days, the University my home since they offered me the chance to be writer-in-residence for one year, all expenses paid, thirty-six years ago when I was a struggling young writer. Athens, Georgia is a great town to live in and the people at the University treated me grandly that year, making me feel so welcome that I never left, even when I became successful and fairly famous.
They appointed me a Professorship in their Department of English and basically left me alone to write, my only duty one that I loved, which was to lead a seminar in creative writing for the Schools most talented young minds.
I had written twelve 'Von Scourie' novels over the years, novels set in Boston and the islands of the sound, novels which over the years had won both critical and popular acclaim. I wasn't a Hemingway but there wouldn't be many Modern American Lit courses in America that wouldn't have one of my books on the reading list. And they sold, so what the hell?
But... but I had also written other books, books written under a variety of pseudonyms, and the Sci-Fi book Sam was now holding was one of them. "This is your first trade secret Sam," I whispered conspiringly in her ear.
"What sir?"
"I wrote it, in fact all of them," I said pointing around the room, my finger pressed against my lip, begging her silence in the future.
"What! All of them?" she gasped as she danced to the next bookcase, pulling out a couple of mysteries. "Gee, I've read some of these," she laughed, and then added as she flitted to the final bookcase, "how many books have you written anyway?"
"Uhhhhh," I stalled, my eyes intently watching as she pulled a volume from an upper shelf, wondering what her reaction would be.
"EROTICA TOO!" she gasped as she looked up at me after reading a few lines, startled by her discovery.
"Maybe it'd be better if you don't read those ones," I replied as I stretched my arm to grab the book from her.
"Oh no sir, I want to read everything you've written," she proclaimed with the eagerness of youth, a sly twinkle in her eye as she pulled the book back out of my reach, her body taut against her thin dress as she arched away from me. "All this is so exciting, I'm so happy to be here Professor," she beamed as she swung her arms to encompass the whole room.
It only took me a morning to realize my luck, to understand Sam would be the perfect assistant for me, that my fear that she'd somehow hinder my work had been completely groundless. I slowly took her through what I expected of her and of how I worked. "I'm always working on various projects at one time Sam, I explained. "I try to write four-five hours every day, eight til ten, then a quick swim and breakfast, then til one-thirty or two. I'll often reread and plan during the afternoon or night but I'll be constantly finding jobs for you."
"You're going to have to do a lot of research. For example, you may have to look up the best route from one place to another, street names, distances, what noted buildings on the route, etc., etc. Or how far to Pluto from Mars. Just type whatever you find right into the text in red."
"You're going to have to read all my current stuff, and my background notes so you know where I am and where I'm going. You may have to read a couple of the earlier books in each genre so you understand my style, etc. I also want you to read what I write daily and let me know where my mistakes are, when my writing is crap, when I go off track, when..."
"But Professor, I'm not..."
"You're also in charge of backing up the work, making sure back-up copies are in secure places, handling my web site, my fan letters."
"Golly Sir!"
Even though she was slightly overwhelmed, I also saw that she was more than competent. Two minutes explaining the computer system were enough to show me that she not only understood how I used them, but that she would be capable of easily improving my system, her computer skills far outdistancing mine. Her concise, to the point questions on everything I explained immediately allowed me to see she understood what was required.
Within a half hour we were both hard at work, a record compared with any of her predecessors over the years. Looking up after about twenty minutes I regretted I wasn't writing one of my erotic tales that morning. Watching her sitting in front of her flickering screen at the desk facing me, the morning sun backlighting her thick, rich hair, a pen dangling between her lips, her glasses raised high above her forehead, her breasts heaving; I immediately saw her as 'teenage temptress personified' as a complete sexual story flashed before my eyes.
At some point she had unbuttoned the top two buttons on the demure summer dress she had worn this morning, having earlier explained her choice of clothes as, "I let Mom choose today. She insisted I look proper on the first day of my first job," she had confessed, a slight blush on her face.
"You look perfect Sam," I had complimented her, letting her know she could basically wear any of her summer clothes in future. And now as I looked over at her I could see the top of the valley between her breasts, could see the edge and straps of a lilac colored silk demi-bra, and with each movement she made, from computer to reference book to computer and back, I could see her breasts dancing under the thin material.
I was stroking myself under the table, daydreaming, wondering if I dared lower the zipper on my shorts and let him free, wondering if I could slip under the desk, in search of a dropped pen, to look up between her golden thighs, when she looked up and smiled and said, "I'm enjoying this sir."
She left that first day at three, and would've been content to stay all day if I hadn't shooed her out finally, carrying five books and three CD's of new stories and notes and promising, "I'll get right to work on this tonight sir." As a parting shot, she said with a sexy grin, obviously teasing me and testing my response at the same time, "I took three of your old 'Erotic' books too professor, that's a genre I don't know much about."
"You don't? I thought all you young, modern girls fell asleep reading 'Vagina Monologues', and the like," I laughed.
"Ha, ha, ha professor. But if I do need something explained I'll ask Isobel. She's quite the expert," she exclaimed as she started down the stairs.
"Is she?" I asked as her head dropped through the hatch and she disappeared. But I couldn't help but wonder just how innocent my little, sweet Samantha was, and just how come those top two buttons had come undone.
The week that followed was the happiest I'd had in years, as I couldn't help but be continually delighted by the presence of this young girl I'd always loved but never known. She was smart and funny and kind and sexy; everything a father could ever ask for in a daughter.
She'd arrive at eight and we'd work for an hour and a half before breaking for a quick swim and then a breakfast prepared by my housekeeper and cook, Mrs. Gomez, Maria. Samantha had been surprised the first day we swam; unable to stop gawking when I appeared by the pool in just a small bathing thong.
Finally, after staring at me for seconds as I walked toward her, she blurted, "Gee professor, is that all you swim in?"
"You're lucky he's wearing anything," Maria interjected crankily.
"The good professor usually swims totally naked honey. In the ocean or in the pool, always naked," Mrs. Gomez complained, a broad grin on her face. "You can't run around with your thingamajig bouncing in front of that poor, innocent girl, I told him," she said smiling.
"But what about you Mrs. Gomez?"
"I'm an old widow Miss, a small little thing like that doesn't bother me," she laughed.
"Is it really that small Mrs. Gomez?" Sam grinned back as I retreated from the two females and jumped into the pool.
Later that day, after I had finished my writing for the day, we found ourselves back lounging by the pool, reading.
"You don't have to wear it for my sake, you know sir," she said as she glanced over at me.
"Probably better if I do Sam, it's bad enough I have you reading erotica," I answered, unable not to gawk at the perfect young body that was trying to escape from her sexy, white bikini.
"Do you mind if I sunbathe topless sir," she suddenly asked minutes later, and before I could respond she had the skimpy bra untied and thrown aside. "I mean, we do it at home," she started to explain, now shy, clearly uncertain of how I'd react.
React — Fuck, my cock was already jumping as my eyes lingered hungrily on her chest. She was bigger, both rounder and fuller, than her mom or sister were. Her aureoles were large and brown, much darker than her mom's pink circles. And the nipples, hard now and straining under my eyes, were short but thick and I knew she'd groan when my lips engulfed them, licked them, stretched them.
"No problem sweetie, no problem at all." And as she shyly grinned, or was it slyly, I added, "I think I'm definitely going to put them in chapter three of my latest little book, you know, when Carlos, the gardener, sneaks into his mistress's daughter's bedroom and..."
"Professor!" she protested as she threw her towel at me, her breasts jiggling delightedly with every move.
But as I lay back and pretended to close my eyes and ignore her, I saw how she kept glancing at my groin, taking in the ridged pole that was stretching my thong to its limits.
Two mornings later she arrived early, just after seven-thirty, and was sitting, sipping coffee by the pool and talking to Maria, when I walked through the sea grass separating the beach from my yard. She pretended embarrassment at my nudity, but I could see the interest, the excitement in her eyes as they raked over me, and I also knew that she had arrived early just so she could see me.
As the days passed it became harder and harder to restrain myself, to not just take her, fuck her on the desk that separated us. I knew it was wrong, that I shouldn't have sex with this girl, that she was one of the only two women in the world I shouldn't make love with. And yet I knew that even that age old taboo wouldn't stop me, that the eighteen year separation I'd been forced to endure was somehow driving me towards Samantha's seduction.
It was a Monday afternoon, ten days after Samantha had started that another event occurred that momentarily sidetracked the mating dance Sam and I had been doing.
I had noticed them coming as they walked up the beach but it was only as they passed in front of the house that I recognized Isobel and her latest beau Kenny White, a Dartmouth sophomore, a boy whose family had been coming to the island for the last five years. Izzy, almost eighteen, and one year older than Sam, looked stunning in a skimpy, yellow bikini top and tight, blue jean short shorts, the fly down in the latest style, the matching yellow pants peeking through in an open invitation.
Sam, working quietly at her desk and facing inland, hadn't noticed her sister as she skipped by on the beach, leading Kenny by the hand, a bright smile on her face. I lost them for a second as they slipped between a dune about twenty yards down the beach but then they appeared again in a little hollow, a natural bowl between two sea grass covered sand hills.
They thought they were completely hidden, unaware that I in my tower could see everything through the two tall pines that framed the window that faced toward them. She pulled him towards her, and I knew immediately that she was the aggressor, and watched transfixed as her hands went behind her back and untied her top, and as it slipped down and off her perfect cones I couldn't hold back the gasp that escaped my lips.
I saw Samantha look up from the flickering screen as I stood and grabbed the binoculars from the desk, a questioning look on her face, wondering what had attracted my attention.
They were already lying on the blanket they had placed on the hot sand when I looked back towards the little hollow, the yellow bra thrown carelessly aside in their haste. He was sprawled atop her now, kissing her hungrily as his hands moved over her chest, but I sensed in his urgency that he wasn't a practiced lover, that in his haste he'd never fully satisfy her.
I heard Sam rise and come towards the window, saw her finally see the scene below and glancing at her quickly saw the surprise flash across her face when she recognized her sister. "But..." she mumbled, "Why's Izzy doing that... ?" And then I saw the blush spread across her cheeks as she looked over at me.
We both watched as Kenny stood and hurriedly dropped his shorts, and Sam almost moaned when she saw his prick standing out from his stomach. "We shouldn't watch," she mumbled towards the window, unable to move her eyes from the unfolding scene.
They were both naked now and as he knelt between her legs we could see Isobel grasp his penis and pull him towards her. I sensed it when Sam grabbed the other pair of binoculars and we watched silently shoulder to shoulder, watched him slide his cock in her, and watched him as he urgently fucked her.
I had seen immediately that Kenny wasn't that well endowed (although I'm sure Samantha didn't recognize this) and after just seconds of hurried pumping he came rapidly, his bodies pumping ejaculations obvious even to us as we watched from our window. Rolling off Isobel and on to his back, he lay panting as I focused the powerful binoculars on Izzy's blond bush and her distended pink lips which were leaking Kenny's white sap.
I knew Sam's eyes were trained on Kenny and the now semi limp sausage that lay dripping on his thigh and noticed she was breathing as heavily as the two lovers.
"Well, you'll certainly have something new to write about tonight Sam," I whispered, startling her out of her sexual reverie.
"We shouldn't have watc... oh God... what's she doing now?" Sam suddenly gasped and turning back to the couple I saw Isobel's left hand holding a reawakened prick as her lips popped over its purple head.
After watching her sister's head bob up and down for minutes, Sam finally stammered, "Oh Jesus, I have to go Sir... I'm sorry... but," as she fled from the room.
She was shy the next morning, clearly not sure whether to mention what we had seen or whether to just ignore it. We worked through the morning, not talking for the most part, and it was only when we broke for a swim around eleven that Samantha finally broached the subject.
"I'm a virgin you know sir," were the first words out of her mouth after we had finished our swim and were resting on chaises lounges by the pool.
"Are you? That's nice Sam," I replied noncommittally.
"It surprised me... I mean I've never seen two people doing it... I... don't laugh sir; it's not funny."
"Sorry," I grinned.
"We shouldn't have watched sir. It was wrong," she hurried to add, blushing now, wondering why she had ever brought it up.
"We're writers Sam! Of course we're going to watch. If you don't look at things you'll never be able to write about them," I insisted.
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Sitting in the car next to Daddy as we drive home from school, I'm so scared.I glance over at Daddy; he is clenching the steering wheel, staring straightahead as he drives us home; I have never seen him so angry! Biting my lip,I stare out the car window and try not to cry. Remembering what has happened,I feel the blush spreading over my face. I had been attending an all girl Catholic school since I was 5, and now in11th grade, my friends and I had started to ?alter? our modest uniforms...
Shower time with Daddy I want to be your Daddy's girl that you love more than anyone else in the world. I want to walk around the house in short cheerleading shorts with a tight small undershirt on with no bra on. I am sitting Indian style on the floor of the living room texting friends on my phone but when you get up and walk by to go to your room I will pull the fabric covering my pretty pink pussy to the side and show daddy a little bit of his naughty girl. I am so excited that my Daddy saw...
Kat kept her face forward, ostensibly staring out the car's windshield at the expanse of utterly boring scenery, but her eye strained to the side as far as she could to admire the stiff bulge of Daddy's erection in his tight gray shorts. For the last twenty minutes, at least, his prick was fully erect inside those somewhat-tight shorts, so stiff that she could easily see not only the bulbous head but even the ridge of the helmet of his cock, and some of the ribs of the thick base. Over eight...
It always amazes me….the power of words, and the visual effects of a large cock can have on a sissy. Especially the power of a sexy curvy dominant woman has over a small penis submissive male. A woman with curves knows a small penis man can't satisfy her so, really he is just a toy for her to play with, an after thought if any.Any variation of the above will strike a startling reaction mentally and physically in a male who is about to receive an old-fashioned shaming from a dominant female and...
I was waiting at the kitchen table for Zoey's boyfriend to show up. Tonight was supposed to be "the mysterious meeting." They had something to tell me. Of course, the little bastard was ten minutes late now."He'll be here any minute," Zoey said, holding up her cell phone. "He said he's on his way.""You could just tell me what Ben wants to talk to me about, and I'll act surprised when he brings it up later.""No, Daddy," Zoey said. "This is important. We need to have this discussion together."I...
It was about 2 o'clock on a Saturday morning. I had just gotten home from a date with a guy in my class. My parents figured since I was 18, and it was not a school night. I could stay out late, but I knew if I stayed out all night, I would hear about it the next day. I didn't feel tired so I logged on the computer in my room. I was chatting with a guy who was completely boring me, so I figured I would go to the adult chat rooms. I had never been there but now that I was 18, why not see what it...
Being Naughty for Daddy, H my name is Christy and I love telling stories, especially ones where my daddy and I are fucking the hell out of each other. Its just so happens that I have one of these naughty little tale that I wound love to share with you tonight. You see a little over a week ago daddy and I had one of the best fuck sessions, I can not remember the last time we had sex like that. I knew that mother had stopped giving up the pussy years ago, I guess that is why he turned to me...
Note : This story is completely fictional! H my name is Christy and I love telling stories, especially ones where my daddy and I are fucking the hell out of each other. Its just so happens that I have one of these naughty little tale that I wound love to share with you tonight. You see a little over a week ago daddy and I had one of the best fuck sessions, I can not remember the last time we had sex like that. I knew that mother had stopped giving up the pussy years ago, I guess that is why he...
IncestI will never forget the first time I watched my father masturbate.So much has happened in the four years since that night, to us and between us, that I don’t recall the exact date, but I know it was early in the summer between my sophomore and junior years of high school, not long after I turned 16.I guess I should introduce myself. My name is Kelly and I’m now 20, and a sophomore at a large university in the town where I went to high school. I’ve lived alone with my dad since my mom ran off...
Daughter,I do not like the fact that you are reading ads on craigslist, you could read something naughty or you could send a message to a man that is unsavoury.Since you are being a bad girl, I think as your daddy I should cum up with a punishment for you.As you have been bad and spread your legs for a dirty boys and you let their cocks touch your delicate petals and that could have made you pregnant, I think first thing should do is to soap your mouth then soap your naughty little cunt and ass...
Sheryl sat at her desk trying to concentrate on her work but her mind kept returning to her next set of instructions she found her self checking her emails constantly to make sure she hadn't missed one, what was he going to ask for next she thought with a delicious shiver she had already sent an email to Steve telling him he was getting a blowjob when he gets in but not the fact she was gonna record it as she was mulling this over her email beeped it was Simon"Sheryl thank you for that your...
Being Naughty for Daddy, H my name is Christy and I love telling stories, especially ones where my daddy and I are fucking the hell out of each other. Its just so happens that I have one of these naughty little tale that I wound love to share with you tonight. You see a little over a week ago daddy and I had one of the best fuck sessions, I can not remember the last time we had sex like that. I knew that mother had stopped giving up the pussy years ago, I guess that is why he turned to me right...
Incestmummy & DaddyAs you walk through my door we greet one another with an embrace and a light kiss... as I start to move away I turn you around rather abruptly... as I place your blind fold on I kiss the back of your neck and whisper in your ear that you are DADDY's girl tonight and you will do as Daddy tells you too... I then lead you before my throne and mandate that you take all your clothes off... as you take your clothes off DADDY gazes upon and admires his baby girl... once naked? DADDY...
My name is Alice and I have just discovered the wonderful world of sex!My very best friend in the whole world is Holly. She and I have been friends for a really long time. We had been through some good times and bad. She had been there when my grandfather that I loved so much died and I was with her when her mom walked out on her and her dad.On the other hand we had so much fun learning to dance and we loved to listen to music or read fantasy stories together. Now that we were teenagers we also...
Who could blame her? It’s been two months since she and Don last had sex, six months since he took her out to dinner. Yes, he had a physically demanding job and always came home tired, but what about on his days off? Couldn’t he find some time for her, instead of working on the car he was restoring? Chloe never did as she was told to do or argued about doing it. Even doing something as simple as cleaning up after she ate was beneath her; forget about asking her to do a load of clothes. One...
But that probably wasn’t going to happen because Tiffany’s mother Lisa had sex on prom night and got pregnant with Tiffany, and she decided to go through with the pregnancy. Tiffany really liked Tim though but wasn’t sure if she could control her emotions if things went too far. She had irregular periods and was put on birth control pills to regulate them, so she didn’t have a risk of pregnancy, but didn’t want to be a cliché of a girl having her first sexual experience on prom...
Momma's and Daddy'sbyIrishRose1215©I sat at the dining room table, both elbows on it, twirling a piece of gum around one finger, while biting at the other end. Mom was yelling at me, as usual, and as usual I was ignoring her the best I could. "Get your elbows off the table! Spit that gum out! Young ladies don't chew gum, makes you look like a cow!""At least I'm not a cow." Mom whipped around, and Daddy looked over at me, trying to hide a smile. "Apologize!""Fuck you." "Oooooo! I don't know what...
A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter One: Virgin Controlled by Her Daddy By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Deidre Icke, President of the Institute of Apotheosis Research, marched through the halls of her office building, the florescent lights flickering, the walls painted a mellow beige. At a first glance, it could pass for any office building in America. But Deidre knew differently. From here, the world would change....
My daughter girl is lying stark naked on the bed, on her back, with her head facing away from me, her long hair splayed out on the pillow. One hand is between her legs, rapidly rubbing her pussy, and the other hand is squeezing her lovely breasts and pinching her nipples. She has her electronic tablet propped up beside her and it is obvious that she is watching a porn video while she plays. It looks like an older man is playing with a much younger woman. I wonder why I don’t hear sound from...
She knew he was a little grumpy today, but it had been so long since he paid attention to her. Her friends were at summer camp and she was bored and lonely. She came up to the couch and leaned against the back of it, idly scuffing her toes on the carpet. It was cooler in the basement, a welcome relief from the heat of the summer night upstairs, but she still shivered a little in her tank top and shorts. “What?” His eyes didn’t leave the TV and she almost turned around and ran upstairs...
My mom really tore into me last night after she caught me in my bedroom giving a blowjob to my boyfriend Justin. I really couldn’t sleep after what mom said to me. I really take what she says to heart. So, I got up early Saturday morning to work out. Daddy doesn’t come home until around six in the morning now because he works the third shift at the factory. I don’t know what the big deal is he only makes an extra $5.00 per hour. What I am really nervous about is whether or not mommy told...
I kept spying my parents and concluded that my daddy liked to watch mom’s ass as he loved her. One day when mom was taking shower, I was sitting in daddy’s lap and watching a war movie. I saw a soldier pulling her trousers down and showing his ass to his enemies, not knowing that he was insulting them. I instantly giggled and I don’t know why all of a sudden, I pulled my shorts down, came on my knees and lifted my ass exactly in front of my daddy. Daddy was surprised to see my naked ass and...
Sweet Hostage for Daddy By: Candy Sue, aka, Malissa Madison Martin Frost had always know that he was meant to be a girl, he'd just been cursed with the wrong parts. And he really did love his Daddy, he just couldn't be the little boy his father expected him to be no matter how hard he tried, it just felt wrong. His mother Alicia had always let him pretend when he was younger, and had had to step in a few times between him and his father when the man got drunk and wanted to force...
I was about seven the first time I saw my daddy naked. He was taking a shower and I needed to pee. Sitting on the toilet Daddy turned off the water and opened the shower curtain. I sat there a moment before noticing his 'thing' hanging between his legs. I had never seen one before. "Daddy is that your penis?" "Yes, Jackie, that's my penis." He didn't seem to be embarrassed as he grabbed a towel and began drying his back. I flushed the toilet but still sat there watching as his thing...
As I came to, and my vision cleared, I started to notice everything; first, Daddy's favorite flannel shirt, carelessly tossed to the floor by the doorway. next, his work boots, sitting perfectly on the floor beside my bed. finally, as I looked down, still whirling in confusion, I saw the soft white bed sheet, clenched in the palm of my Daddy's strong rough hands, and held taut above my wide spread thighs, creating a perfect tent in which his face was buried. I could feel his warm hot breath...
Hi All, this is my fourth story and is a continuation of my submission to a much older dominant man, or as I call him, Daddy. The day after Daddy had been round to my house and fucked me in the ass for the first time and I had fully submitted to him and his fat cock, he started texting me saying he wanted to increase my humiliation, kept asking if any of my female friends knew if I was bisexual, and if any would like to get fucked by him but also watch me get used by him as way of humiliation....
Boy Meets Daddy (unabridged) Boy knew how awkward the first physical meeting could be. He decided that he would handle it by instinct. When Daddy opened the door, he looked into his eyes, smiled shyly (because that was all he could manage) stepped in the door and immediately put his arms around him, cheek against his chest. A bit startled at first, daddy looked down with a smile, closed the door to the room and held him for a moment. "Sorry sir," boy mumbled. "That's okay, boy" daddy said and...
FIRST SIGHTINGSI was sixteen last week, and I hadn't had any sexual experience. I wondered what all the fuss was about sex.Then one night, about 1:00am, I woke up, having to pee. I padded to the bathroom and did it. On the way back to my bedroom, I heard faint voices from downstairs. I was curious, so I padded down the stairs. The sound was coming from Daddy's study.I quietly crept to the door, and slowly opened it a crack. I saw my daddy at his desk, looking at his laptop. The voices became...
IncestA Sissy's Fantasy Night with Daddy My heart is racing as I attach my pink stockings to my garter belt. My head is swimming from the thought of all the pretty frillies I am going to be wearing, hoping that they Daddy will be pleased with his sissy girl. I take out a pink ribbon and tie a little bow around my clitty. I lube up my butt-plug and put it in place. I take a pair of pink and frilly panties out and slide them on over my decorated clitty. I hope Daddy likes his "present"...
I rolled over and opened my eyes, expecting to see Daddy's handsome, restful face, but I snapped awake when I saw that resting on his pillow instead was the thick, wooden frat paddle. I blinked awake and ran my hand over its smooth surface. Daddy rarely used it on me and I did a quick memory scan to try to find some infraction that would warrant punishment with it. I felt I had been good lately. I had done my chores and my exercise. A shiver went through me as I realized that soon the smooth...
BDSMPhysically I am short and sexy as fuck if I must say so myself. When I met my daddy, I was 23 yo, 5’1”, 98 pounds, almost 7 inches cut, and completely smooth. Most people thought I am still a teenager, and I get carded all the time. Physically I was in good shape as I worked out and exercised regularly. This body was small and still is, but I was rock hard and powerful. If you look up the definition of twink, I think you will find my picture there. Sex has always been an adventure and a...
RICHMOND, VIRGINIA: FALL 2005 Where'd those come from, I asked myself when I saw the burgundy colored panties lying among the pile of clean, white clothes I'd pulled out of the dryer and then just dropped in a pile onto my bed. Huh, they're definitely not mine, I thought as I held the lacy satin up between my hands. I stretched them once, then again, and then drew them to my face where my nose picked up some still lingering odor on the just cleaned panties. A male scent? Could one of my...
It had been a stressful spring. Danielle's parents had decided to divorce after 18 years' marriage when it turned out that Danielle's dad wasn't her biological father. Danielle still felt guilty about it. She'd had a routine blood test and when she brought the paperwork home to show her parents, her dad exploded in a rage as she couldn't possibly be his daughter with that blood group. Her mother had broken down and said that she'd had an affair with a boy in after the summer when...
Danielle Conti had been looking forward to this summer for a long time. As long as she could remember she'd wanted to learn the language of her ancestors and see the country that her family had left a few generations earlier. Now she was 18, a high school graduate and heading off to college in September. Her parents had finally decided that it was time for her to go.It had been a stressful spring. Danielle's parents had decided to divorce after 18 years' marriage when it turned out that...
Bonding with Daddy ============================= I remember my dad waking me from a sound sleep. It was summer and I was wearing low cut white cotton panties and a silky pink top that I had been wearing for years. It started out as a crop top, and as I grew the top got shorter and shorter. Mom always fussed at me for keeping it, saying that as a 14-year-old, I had outgrown it several years ago, but I loved that top. It was so comfortable. I was sleeping on my back since it was very warm, and...
Daddy had been talking to his sissy over the Internet, he had such erotic ideas for transforming his sissy slut! He was so erotic and powerful, even over the Internet his desires had filled her submissive little heart with the desire to obey daddies every wish! He told her how much he loved little sissy sluts, how he wanted one of his very own. To train to be his perfect sissy cocksucker and homemaking shemale slut! The first time he had told her he was going to have her gelded so...
It'd been 3 years since his wife died. Raising their daughter hadn't been easy but she was a good girl, very helpful around the house and very obedient. He hadn't had a date in all that time, preferring to devote himself to his daughter. He had become aware however that at 15, she had developed into a young woman. He found himself looking at her in an unfatherly way and feeling unfatherly feelings for her. The truth is he was very horny and his daughter was developing a very grown up body....
Note : This story is completely fi tional! Sunshine was flooding into my room the morning of my 18th birthday. I lay there sleepily wondering what the day may bring. I was to have lunch with my dad. This will be fun I thought. He picks the most fun places. Hanging out with Dad has always been fun. Shopping afterwards, that will be great. He said he was taking the afternoon off to spend with me. Dad and I have been alone for about 5 years since mom left. She hit the door and never looked back....
IncestTasha looked at the gorgeous man and couldn't help but wonder who he really was. Yes, he was her father, but she did not know much about him and that needed to be changed. He was six-foot two-inch tall, dark black hair that was graying around his temples and a very rugged face. He always had a smile for her and as of late, it started to excite Tasha and she noticed Dad with quite a few hard-ons. She knew it was weird, but Tasha didn't think of him as her Dad, she thought of him as one very...
"Do you like my new skirt, daddy?"He's sitting at his computer wearing just a towel and surfing the porn sites as I walk into his study and lean against the door-jamb looking at his broad muscular back."Very nice dear," he says as he turns round in his chair, then he sees what I'm wearing!"Oh, my God, Sandy, you're surely not going out like that?"I giggle and swivel round letting him look at my bottom. I know that my cheeks are peeking out from under the hem of my micro mini skirt, and I also...
IncestI just turned 18 and had never had a boyfriend sad but true. My mother had died shortly after my 14th summer and since then it had just been Daddy and me. He tried his best but never could fill her void. I never really got the whole dating thing and kissing and everything like that. I think having a mother could have helped in that area. Daddy kind of discouraged it anyway. I think he was just overwhelmed by the responsibility of being a single parent. He spent a lot of time at the gym working...
I helped mom pack for her weekend out with her friends while dads was out in the shop doing whatever he did out there I was not allowed out there but I was going to change that this weekend. While mom packed, we talked she told me to me to look after dad and I said I would but I didn’t say how I would look after dad. Because I knew mommy and daddy had sex every night because I could hear them in my and I would wish it was me that daddy was doing not mommy. So mom was finishing packing and I...
It was shortly after my 14th birthday when I made the decision to seduce my Daddy. I mean, all of my girlfriends were having naked fun with their daddies. I didn't wanna be left out ;-) After all, me and my BFF, Ashley, had been getting naked and having fun with her daddy for 2 whole years now...and with her brothers...and with her uncles...and with her cousins...and with her neighbors...and with her...awwww, shit...you get the picture ;-)It was the morning after my first experience with my...
My name is Jane. I’m 24, and I live with Richard, a 45 year old man I call ‘Daddy.’ We’ve been together almost two years now, and we are deeply in love. Although Daddy is willing and able to support me financially, I enjoy my job waiting tables, so I put in about thirty hours a week a local café. We take this money and put it in our ‘get away from it all’ account, and Daddy looks after paying the monthly bills. I don’t know if we can get married, legally, since I indeed have a penis (as does...
My name is Jane. I'm 24, and I live with Richard, a 45 year old man I call "Daddy." We've been together almost two years now, and we are deeply in love.Although Daddy is willing and able to support me financially, I enjoy my job waiting tables, so I put in about thirty hours a week a local café. We take this money and put it in our "get away from it all" account, and Daddy looks after paying the monthly bills.I don't know if we can get married, legally, since I indeed have a penis (as does...
PART 1There it was again. That little thump. The sound of dad's feet getting out of bed. It had happened more and more often recently. Dammit. And I had just gotten all nice and cozy under the covers, too. Now I had to get up, go downstairs, make sure he didn't hurt himself ...I stood up and quickly put on my slippers and my bathrobe. Man, it was really not comfortable, getting out from under that warm duvet. With a big yawn, I made my way from my room down the hallway towards the stairs....
I’ve never really been one known to have an interest in young teenage girls. I honestly believe they are too immature and they don’t seem to be able to comprehend reality too well. I like matured women, like my wife. She’s very beautiful. Full DD breasts that I just love to suck and lick on...Lately though I’ve been a getting hard-on by looking at my daughters when they get out of the shower or when they are out in the pool. At first I just thought it was my penis acting normal as it should,...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Daddy, you left and that man came over. I was still in my school skirt that rides low on my hips, inches below my belly button. You can see my hip bones which are the only things keeping it on. (you know, the really short one that lets the breeze blow across my ass?) and my thigh high fishnet stockings. The ones you bought me with the seam up the back, black. I had just taken my panties off because they were soaked from our fun. I had on a little Tommy...
IncestYour really have to believe me. I never wanted to become involved in such an illicit relationship. I know that you are going to say: "You were the adult. You should have prevented this from happening!" OK, I accept your judgment; I am truly a worthless piece of trash... but at least one person loves me... You know who she is. My daughter's name is Stella, and this story began when she was f******n. Stella was young and innocent then, not only socially, but physically. She still had the slim...