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Looking down at the body I could hardly understand why it all happened. I guess some people are just greedy ... or dumb as hell.

Not long ago I was an extremely happy man with no problems and a company that made good money. Actually it made great money thanks to the government contracts. I have a wife who loves me and kids that are happy and healthy. I guess I had it all.

That would explain why some fucker tried to take all away from me. That someone being Hal Johnson. It was his body I was looking at on the floor with a puddle of blood underneath it. Digging down deep I pulled as much bile I could and spit on the lousy fucker. May he enjoy hell because if anyone deserves to be there, it was him.

I've been a business man most of my adult life dealing with the good and the bad that goes with it. There will always be people you deal with that you can forge life long relationships with and those who are just out to screw you. Hal Johnson was one of the latter.

My life/business model was a simple one. Help those who need it and in turn you may receive help when you need it. I had assistance from my in-laws and a few small businesses in town when I wanted to start my little computer shop. Nothing big, just a niche business buying and selling some highly classified computer components. Of course I didn't start out dealing with that kind of stuff. In the beginning all I did was fix broken computers, write a little code and design specialty components for some very specific business uses.

Started out with just me and as took on more clients, I hired a few people. I signed a few contracts with a couple of colleges and small businesses. Just so happens to be the same small businesses that helped me start up in my current form. And you can bet your ass I gave them a discount. I did most of their work for cost. The local college signed because I was an alumni and I hired kids from the school computer school.

I can't tell you what the components are that I deal in, because if I did I'd have to kill you. Just kidding, I always wanted to say that. No, but really, I'd have to kill you so don't ask.

During the early years of my business I met and fell in love with a gorgeous looking brown haired beauty named Julie. I don't think it was love at first sight for her, but for me, I was gaga from the word go. Eventually I won her heart and we got married. During the first years we struggled to make a living but she did a great job in making ends meet. I made her CFO of the business because she has a knack with money.

The other day I was approached during my lunch at a local diner. He didn't ask, he just sat down across from me and started talking like he knew me. Now I don't get shook up too easily so I let him do his thing. He talked about how he could help me make loads of money and keep it out of the government's hands. After a few minutes of him talking, he sounded more like an adult from a Charlie Brown cartoon.

I didn't miss a bite. I really liked the diner's open faced roast beef sandwich with gravy; gluten free of course.

After he finished his spiel I sipped my coffee and looked at him, "No!" Boy did he deflate. I wanted to play a game with the new asshole in my life. "I don't do business with people I don't know. Introductions are a must. You obviously know me, so who the hell are you?"

"My name is Hal Johnson and I..."

Interrupting him, "Well then, you know who I am but you obviously haven't done your homework before you rudely interrupted my lunch. So let me tell you how I do business. One, never ever bother me during lunch. Two, my business ONLY does legitimate dealings with established companies that are checked out by my people. Three, I have too much to risk so NOTHING illegal is ever done by me or my people. Four, the answer is no just because I don't like you."

He made it past deflated and ran straight to ticked off. "You don't understand, we can get filthy rich from this deal I'm proposing."

"I'm rich enough. Now leave before you see the wrong side of me."

Sliding out of the booth, "Trust me when I say, I can't let this go. We will meet again."

"Damn, now I lost my appetite for apple pie."

Hal Johnson said he "couldn't let this go" so now I guess I can't either. Being who I am, I had people who knew people. My people uses computers to talk to people who has all your shit on their computers. I asked one of my most trusted computer geeks to start a cursory check on Mr. Hal Johnson.

My top computer geek's name is Harold Watson, but we nicked named him "Monster." He's 6' 5" tall and weighs 250 pounds. He's a muscle bound genius that loves kids and has a shy streak so bad when it comes to girls, he freezes just talking to one outside of work. I consider him one of my friends.

I told him about my lunch and asked him to start a background on Mr. Hal Johnson. "Keep the check in house for now and get back to me ASAP. Do not check the government's data base until you talk to me, OK?"

"No problem boss. I'll call you as soon as its done. You aren't expecting any trouble are you?"

"I hope not, but this guy puts me off a bit." Monster got an uneasy look on his face cause he knows my senses aren't often wrong.

"I better get busy. I don't like this."

With that I decided to go home early and catch up with the family. My wife took today off early to get home and see to the kids. I caught my wife in the kitchen putting the final touches to dinner. Sneaking up behind her to nuzzle her neck, I was only inches away from her, "Don't even think about it!"

"What? Me? Huh? I wasn't doin nuthin!" both of us laughing at each other. She turned around looking at me so I grabbed her pulling her to me, "I was closer this time, your spider sense must be getting dulled with age or is it because of the incredible hot feeling you have between your legs for your husband?"

"More than likely from age. My husband doesn't turn me on anymore," now she was showing a slight smirk. "But I AM more than willing to take him to bed right now and he can give it his best shot to get me off."

"Well I don't know, maybe we should wait and I'll go take one of those little blue pills just to make sure I'm up for the job."

"Oh no you don't! The last time you took one of those pills you had me for three hours and I was sore for a week! Besides the kids will be home soon and I have to finish dinner."

"OK, no blue pill, but you are still going to be sore. I feel exceptionally large today."

"You wish buster, let's go before I change my mind."

Running up the stairs to our bedroom we were peeling clothes as we went. By the time we reached the bed she was down to bra and panties and I still had everything the waist down on.

Noticing my predicament she smiled, "Well since you are taking your time, I'll just go ahead and get started." With that she teased me by reaching behind and unclasping her bra strap and slowly letting it fall from her breasts. "See anything you like?" as she pushed her panties down to her ankles stepping out of them.

Climbing onto our bed she began rubbing her breasts trailing her hands down to her vagina. Spreading her legs open she continued masturbating herself to a near frenzy, "If you don't hurry up and get over here I won't need you!" I was mesmerized by her show and if the bulge in my pants were any indication, I was turned on huge. But when she said if I didn't get to her I wouldn't be needed, I woke up and stripped the last of my clothes. My engorged cock got caught in opening of the fly of my boxers and I got held up for just a second.

I dived head first into my wife making contact with her clit. In less than 30 seconds she was screaming as I sucked and licked her pussy. Pushing my head away saying she couldn't take any more I brought myself up till the tip of my penis was positioned at her opening. Playfully I rubbed the head along her slit while she made incoherent sounds of pleasure.

To tease her more I pushed in only a little and pulled out rubbing along her opening and again I pushed in further and pulled out. I repeated this several more times until she begged me to stop teasing her. I knew I couldn't take much more myself.

I pushed in all the way and caught a rhythm that made my wife raise her hips to meet mine. Every one of my thrusts was met with one of hers. I looked upon my wife and she had the look of absolute joy on her face. I knew she loved me with all of her being.

I increased my rhythm until neither of us could hold back any longer as we came together. I fell onto my side holding her tightly kissing her face. Moments later she started giggling, "I can't believe you got your cock caught in the fly of your boxers! I almost lost it I wanted to laugh so hard. Only you can make me laughed and orgasm. God I love you."

"All part of my master plan you know. Your happiness is an absolute desire and that especially means laughter and orgasms. Your welcome by the way."

"For what?"

"Oh come on, two orgasms and a cock in the fly episode. I planned it all just for you."

"I bet you did ... Thank You."

"I love you honey."

"I love you too. Now let's get up and finish dinner before the kids come home."

The kids got home from their school activities and we had a nice sit down dinner. With our kids growing up and our business, we have seldom have time for this. But when we do, it is always a great time.

We got cleaned up after dinner and went to bed. One of the best things in life is going to bed with the woman of your dreams and waking up with her in the morning.

Even though we own the company we don't always have the same schedule. I usually have meetings outside the office while my wife keeps things together in the office. But today we went to work together.

As soon as we walked in the door Monster was there to greet us, "Boss we need to talk, now!" He didn't look none too happy and I had a feeling it was about yesterday. Julie asked what was going on so I explained yesterday's lunch and what Mr. Hal Johnson said to me. "I knew a Hal Johnson in college, but I doubt it's the same man," as she said it she had an unsettled look on her face and the tone in her voice disturbed me.

I gave her a look, "What?" was her reply.

Now looking at Monster, "Tell me what you've found out after we get in my office." We entered the office and closed the door, "OK, what's got you on edge?"

"Boss, from what I can find about this guy is he has some connections to organized crime and it seems he owes these guys some money and the look from Julie's reaction to his name I have a feeling you were targeted because of her."

My wife, "Now Monster you have no proof I'm the reason he approached my husband with that so called deal. The Hal Johnson I knew was a nice guy who wouldn't have got caught up with gangsters."

"Julie, I checked him out, he is the same guy you dated in college. How many Hal Johnson's went to the same college at the same time as you? And he is involved with organized crime! Sorry boss but I got into the feds data base even though you told me not to. I had to confirm things."

"That's OK Monster." Looking at my wife, "Julie you obviously were more involved with this guy in college than I like and I think your letting some fond memories cloud the present reality. You and I will talk in a moment about your history with your man Hal," now she gave me a look.

"Monster I think it's time to notify the feds and tell them about our new friend."

"I already did. Sorry I called them before talking to you but with our government contracts I really didn't have a choice. They started their investigation as soon as I called."

"That's fine, now you understand why I count on you so much."

"Thanks boss. I'm going back to work on this guy, I really have a bad feeling about all of this."

"Go do your thing, and thanks."

Turning my attention to my wife, "OK, spill it!"

"Honey, there's not much to say, we dated in college. He was a nice guy and we had fun together."

"What kind of fun?"

"Well ... you know," not able to look me in the eyes.

"Julie, you are my wife and I love you more than you could possibly imagine. It was love at first sight for me and yes I know not so much for you, but now is not the time to hide things from me. I get it, you fucked the guy in school, but if you still have feelings for him you better tell me now."

"Honey, the only feelings I have for him are memories from a different life."

"Really? Then you want to explain the look you had on your face after you heard his name."

I'm beginning to see her getting uncomfortable, "Honey what Hal and I had was nothing. Are you jealous that Hal and me... ?"

"Jealous, envious, mad as hell, your damn right. I hate not being your first, I love you that much. You ARE my life and right now the connection between you and this guy disturbs me greatly. Even after the information that Monster gave us it seems you are defending your old boyfriend. Why? Do you still have a connection with this guy I need to know about? Because if there is, you better tell me now."

Now she's beginning to look upset, "Honey I haven't talked to Hal since school. We broke up in school. He was upset about it, but it was his fault because I caught him cheating on me. That's all, really."

"You said he was a nice guy but he cheated on you. Is that your definition of a nice guy? Now, are you holding back on me? About anything?"

"No honey I'm not."

"OK, it looks like this is going to go to the toilet and quick. Now I have the FBI snooping around because of his connection to organized crime. That means my family is in trouble and I know I'm going to have to get dirty on this. Just when I was planning a fucking vacation. This guy is really pissing me off!"

Now looking at her like I have for so many years, "If anyone ever, and I mean EVER, comes to do any harm to my family or any old boyfriend tries to reconnect with MY wife, I swear to you that a life ending experience will result. You have never seen me that angry, so pray that I don't have to go there."

I think I startled her a little, "I understand honey. I know how much you love your family and there is no way I would allow or want any re-connection from any old boyfriend. I love you too much for that."

"Good. Now you have to go to work and I have a company and a family to protect."

Something was putting me off about my wife and her old boyfriend. I had to find out what was going on. Time to activate STOP (Silent Tactical Operations Protocol).

Once a STOP call went out there was absolutely nothing that could end it until those on the tactical teams say so. As far as protocol is concerned, I am also the problem until they prove different. STOP would literally invade every sense of privacy a person can enjoy to determine if they're a threat to any facet of the company whether it be on a commercial or personal level. Commercial level means any facet of the business itself that could be damaged or trusts violated; personal level means fucking with me, my family or my employees in any shape or form.

It was a safety measure that I set up long ago and also the reason I have the government contracts I do. I am also the only one in the company aware of this last line of defense; not my wife, FBI, or the federal agencies I have contracts with knows. Besides the people on STOP, there is only one person outside the company that knows about it and he runs a government agency that has three initials and have guys with computers and guns. To make sure I stay honest, they work behind the scenes periodically to watch me and the company. Like I said before, I'm an honest businessman.

Next I needed to make sure my family was safe. Body guards were assigned, but they had orders to remain distant unless needed. With the FBI called in by Monster, I knew it was only a matter of time before they showed up at the office. I hoped they would wait and look at the organized crime angle first before Mr. Hal Johnson noticed them and skipped town.

I checked in with Monster before I left for the day to see if he found anything new. According to him he traced Hal Johnson back about 15 years and found out he was married to a Angela Martin (maiden name), had 2 kids (Mike and Emma), worked as a middle manager in some now defunct real estate company in Peoria until his wife caught him screwing the company receptionist and divorced his ass. She also sued the company and they had to pay out big time because they didn't enforce the non-fraternization clauses in the adulterers employment contracts. Because of the size of the award and poor management, the company quickly went under. Oh yeah, guess who

owned the company, the same organized crime family that Mr. Hal Johnson is now or should I say still associated with."

"Monster, I need you to send what you have to the FBI, but under no circumstances do you tell my wife or anyone else in this company what you have, understand?"

"Sure boss, but why keep it from your wife?"

"I need to ensure her safety so no information about her former boyfriend goes to her."

"I understand."

With that I went by my wife's office to take her home. As I approached her office she was on the phone talking on what I assumed was company business but as soon as she seen me she abruptly ended the call looking like I just caught her with her hand in the cookie jar. "Honey, I didn't see you there ... umm ... how long have you been standing there?"

"What's wrong? You seem ... uneasy."

"Nothings wrong. I didn't expect to see anyone standing there, that's all."

"Well come on then, days over. Let's go home."

She turned off her computer and grabbed her purse following me out the building. Our ride home was quiet and she looked unsettled the entire ride home.

The kids were waiting for us as we walked in the door, "What's for dinner? We're hungry."

"Tell you guys what, it's been a rough day so let's do pizza tonight. Afterwards we have to have a family meeting. There is something very important I need to talk to everyone about, OK?"

Since pizza night happens seldom I had agreement all around. Since Julie and I are getting older we have been eating healthier and picked up our exercise regimen. Besides it's nice to eat a Mario's Pizza every now and then. I put his online ordering computer system in place along with an Android App for mobile users; at a substantial discount I might add. Yeah, you guessed it, he helped me with my business early on.

Now his son John runs the pizzeria and he expanded the business with a frozen pizza line for regional grocery stores. Needless to say the business employs a good number of local people and is important to the community. He loves the town and still works in the original shop his dad opened 40 years ago.

The pizza delivery driver turned out to be Paul who is sweet on my daughter Bethany; beware of guys who wants to date your daughter. Of course Bethany answered the door and minutes passed before the pizza made it passed the front door. I know if they were kissing on the front stoop before I got my pizza, he won't get a tip. Bethany made Paul bring the pizza in the living room while I put in the newest Godzilla movie in the Blue Ray player.

"Hey dad, Paul's here with the pizza."

"I can see that honey. Hello Paul, how are you?"

Boy does this kid look nervous, "Hello Sir. I ... I ... I'm fine sir." Bethany now nudging him in the arm, "Sir ... Mr. Golden ... sir ... um ... there is a movie coming out on Friday and I'd like to ask Bethany to go along ... if it's OK with you ... sir?"

All I could do was smile along with my wife and other daughter. I wanted to make the kid sweat some more, but took pity on him. Besides the pizza was getting cold. "Sure Paul, I think that would be fine. But you know the rules; Do nothing that could get you guys hurt or in trouble after the movie and she gets home by 11P.M. OK?"

"Yes sir, no problem. I was going to take her to eat after the movie and bring her home right away."

"Sounds like a nice evening. Set the pizza down there and here you go, keep the change."

"Thank you Mr. Golden. I'll see you in school tomorrow Bethany," he said turning and going out the front door.

After the door closed everyone except Bethany busted up laughing, "DAD did you have to be like that! Why did you have to say anything about RULES? My God you embarrass me so much!"

"Oh honey, I wasn't that bad. Now let's get to eating and watch Godzilla," said with a terrible Japanese missed syllable mouthing.

Godzilla is one of my wife's favorite monsters. Hell we went to see the movie a couple times while it was still in theaters.

After the movie it was meeting time. Since my wife knows some of what was going on I needed to tell the girls, "Girls I have a few important things to tell you. There is something going on at work and there's going to be some trouble. I know you don't know all that much about what we do down at the shop, but your old enough now for a little information. But this information is not to be told to others, understand? Our business works with the government on some very important projects. These projects involved are very important and classified. Because of the nature of this trouble I've taken steps to protect the business, the employees and especially us as a family. You may see things around the business when you visit me or your mom and I don't want

you to freak out when you see the FBI there, OK."

My youngest, Carla, "What's going on dad, why would the FBI be getting involved?"

Not wanting to tell too much, "It's just because of the government contracts we have. Our company has obligations that the government be told if I think there could be trouble, that's all it is."

Of course I'm leaving out the fact that they have body guards assigned to them. If the guards do their job right, they shouldn't be seen. "Now go to bed and I'll see you for breakfast in the morning."

I cleaned up the pizza box while Julie went up to shower. She was just getting ready to rinse the shampoo out of her hair when I walked in and wrapped my arms around her cupping her breasts causing her to let out a sigh that made me go stiff, "I don't remember inviting you in here mister."

"Just conserving water my beautiful. Aren't you on the local water conservation committee and your campaign to reduce water usage is in full swing? Well I'm doing my part to save water like a responsible citizen and trusted business owner as the community requires. Now didn't I see you drop the soap?"

She turned around wrapping her arms around me and gave me a kiss. "OK, I'll share. I don't want to be accused of wasting our natural resources." She got the look on her face that always makes my dick twitch, "Talking of precious resources, I understand you carry with you a fluid so rare that only one woman in this entire world has seen it. Is this correct?"

Reaching for her ass cheeks, "If your thinking of the magical 100% Pure Orgasmic Fluid of Dennis then you are correct. Only one woman has seen such mystical delights and only one woman will ever see it. Not only is it rare, but it is only obtainable during highly sensual skin to skin friction brought on from the most intense love ... and shall I say lust, two people could have. The process of harvesting this fluid requires the playful fondling of each others genitals utilizing our fingers and tongues followed by the insertion of my drill into your tunnel repeatedly until uncontrollable muscle contractions and vocal announcements of 'OH GOD' from you and 'HERE IT COMES' from me! Now didn't I see you drop the soap?"

"No, you did not see me drop the damn soap! Now quit messing around and get cleaned up, I'll be on the bed waiting for you and that drill of yours better be ready for that skin to skin friction you just mentioned. I have a place for that rare fluid of yours and it had better not be deposited with a vocalization of 'HERE IT COMES!' You understand?"

Smacking my butt she left the shower and I scrubbed myself clean so fast I broke a world's record. I made it onto the bed before she had the chance to turn the covers down and proceeded with my specialized drilling technique in her tunnel with her vocalizing "OH GOD" twice before I deposited that rare fluid she prizes so much and not with the dreaded words of "HERE IT COMES," but instead with the most used words of my vocabulary of "I LOVE YOU JULIE!"

Sleep came quickly for Julie, but I was troubled and could only manage a few hours. I do love my wife like mad, but I remained unsure of her relationship with Mr. Hal Johnson. I would have to proceed delicately until I received information from STOP associates.

Getting out of bed early I made breakfast for everyone. Eggs, fruit, pancakes and of course coffee. I don't care what anyone says, coffee is good for you. The girls ate and left for school while Julie and I finished ours and cleaned up.

"Honey, I have a couple meetings today so you'll have to drive yourself to the office today and I'll meet up with you later," I told Julie kissing her goodbye.

"OK, I have to finish the audit of the books anyhow so I'll see you in a bit."

"OH yeah, the yearly audit. How's that going anyway? Anything I need to know about?"

"Nothing you need to know honey. Everything is OK," as she walked out the front door. She didn't seem to be terribly convincing to me.

Getting in my car I made the first call, "Let's have the first report."

"As you already know, protocol requires your investigation to be conducted first. The intermittent investigations and this requested review proves no coercion or deceptive behavior on your part and you are deemed cleared for information release."

"You may proceed."

"STOP associates are in place and are conducting the internal reviews as we speak. All reviews of internals will be completed by noon today. External review of the FBI agents and others will be completed by this time tomorrow."

"Very well. Has he been alerted?"

"Yes sir, he has. He is expecting your call."

"Thank you. You can expect my follow up call at 1215 hours. Any other time or if you do not hear from me, initiate DEAP (Destroy External Attack Protocol)."


I expected the next call would be less formal.


"Mike, it's me."

"I was expecting your call. How bad is it?"

"I'll find out after lunch but I think it's bad. She's hiding something."

"You sure?"

"Afraid so. What it is I don't know, but I'm sure it involves her former boyfriend and his coming to push that deal at lunch with me yesterday."

"OK, how do I proceed?"

"Keep her safe no matter what! I don't have to tell you what to do if you get a whiff of any hint of danger."

"No you don't."

"I gotta go. I'll be stopping in the office to check in with Monster and then going to lunch. I'm expecting an unwanted lunch companion."

"You be careful."

"I will. Thanks Mike."

Monster was keeping tabs on my location with the installed GPS in my vehicle so he was waiting for me as I came in. He brought me up to speed on the FBI's surveillance of the crime family in Peoria. I guess Mr. Hal Johnson has been in contact and has pretty much been told if he fails making the deal with me that his little pecker will be in a mason jar before month's end.

I guess they're still pissed he caused them so much money screwing that receptionist. Since it was his actions that caused the court ordered settlement to his ex-wife, he was convinced to repay the money by way of a little death threat. They had no issues with his ex, she did only what any scorned woman would have done.

Guess he's not doing this of his own free will. He's just trying to stay alive after making a seriously poor decision on cheating. But I can give a shit! My wife and business are involved. Another poor decision made by my wife's old boyfriend. I want his pecker in a mason jar just because he had her before I did. No I'm not bitter.

Also the family is thinking that some incentive maybe necessary if I don't cooperate. No specifics were recorded, but still I'm glad I was proactive in my assignment of body guards.

I thanked Monster with keeping me up with the investigation on Hal Johnson.

Remember me telling you Monster loves kids but is shy around girls, "Hey, how did things with you and Suzy go? You guys went out this past weekend right?"

"Yes, thanks for setting me up. Why didn't you tell me she was that gorgeous?"


"You know how I am, I made a fool of myself for the first hour unable to speak."

I couldn't help but laugh. "Buddy, we warned her ahead of time about your shyness so she knew what to expect and trust me she understood. Besides her M.I.T. Doctorate in Computer Science keeps you two on a even keel."

"What? She's a geek like me?"

"You don't know about her degree? I figured you would've discussed your similar backgrounds when you talked."

"She said she was a cheerleader and went to college and got her degree, but she didn't say anything about M.I.T.! Holy cow, she the most beautiful girl I've ever met and she's smart. WOW! Well we did cut dinner a little short because she joined me for a quick stop at the hospital at the children's ward. Little Mary was feeling down so I wanted to stop in and cheer her up."

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It didn’t happen. Copyright Oggbashan December 2014The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.*************************************************I was sitting outside Marco’s uncle’s café in Naples late on a balmy summer evening. We had just finished a great meal of...

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Pehla Pyar Aur Dhoka 8211 Part II

Mene uske kaha k yaha mere mummy papa b aaye hai agar tumhe mere sath dekh liya to gadabad ho jaegi wo mujhase dur hogai par hum done ek dusare ko hi dek rahe the thodi der baad mene use resort k cchat par phn kar kare bulaya n socha k jo hoga wo dekha jaega dil k baat dawane se to acha hai me use such bata du. Wo upar aai n mere pucha yaha kyo bulaya me- mujhe tum se kuch kehna hai R-kya? Me uske pas aya n uska haath pakad kar ghutane k bal bait kar kaha k radhika me tum se bht pyar karta hu...

1 year ago
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I fucked my sister pt2

“Oh good, your up.” My Dad spoke first. “Apparently one of the pipes in the bar broke so your mom and I need to go down there. Your sister had a hard time falling asleep last night and doesn’t feel good. Can you watch over her” I peered over his shoulder and saw Lexi sucking on a popsicle. She licked it from top to bottom and pretended she was sucking on a penis. She’s good at doing things on the sly. “Alex” My dad spoke again. “Sorry, spaced out. Yeah I’ll do that.” I...

3 years ago
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Shutter ReleaseChapter 36 Shooting Star

The scene at Smith Park, when we pulled in around noon, was rather astonishing. The light scaffolds loomed over the stage, and for a long moment I stood by the car door in complete shock. We’re going to be playing on that... ! “Are you coming, lad?” Tommy asked, having already seized his guitar and equipment bag from the trunk. I snapped out of it and went to grab my own things. “Yeah. It’s just that ... it looks pretty damn neat, man.” He grinned. “I’m sure it does. Now let’s go set...

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SheWillCheat Kenzie Taylor Snowbunny hotwife realtor fucks BBC

Kenzie Taylor is in a tough spot; the bills are piling up, she hasn’t sold a home in months, and her deadbeat husband refuses to get a job. This potential sale will make or break her and she’s ready to do anything to satisfy her client’s demands. Jovan’s not interested in the house though, rather he’s more interested in being this snowbunny’s sugar daddy. Kenzie surrenders her tight hotwife pussy to Jovan’s big dick, worshiping his BBC as the savior of...

2 years ago
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Eventful Night

I stayed the night at Katie's house over the weekend. Her mother was going to go camping with her boyfriend and had decided to leave us at home. While I was there, I took a shower, but got half of my bra wet. Setting it over the side of the bathtub to dry, Katie gave me a loose fitting shirt to wear. It felt weird to be without a bra; I always had mine on, even when I slept. My breasts felt kind of heavy and exposed, and I began to wonder if Katie had looked. Apparently she had because she...

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Taking Chance In Kuala Lumpur

I love travelling and I have been to Australia, Canada, India, Malaysia, Qatar, Singapore, Thailand, USA and UK. So on a recent trip fromAustralia and I was staying in KL for a couple of days. Since I was travelling by myself I wanted to meet a girl and do some partying.A month before my trip I signed up on a dating website and started chatting and exchanging emails with a few women. I was honest and told all the women that I will be in KL for only a couple of days and was only looking to have...

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First Stop Airport

For a long time now I’ve been a member of a local band. We started out as an all-female punk and ska group called something that would translate as “pussy lips” into english and play mostly local pubs, clubs and alternative bars where “our” kind of people are hanging out. About a year ago my boyfriend Triss joined the group, mainly because he’s damn good at music, but also because I like playing with him, and since then we changed our name to an expression that would loosely translate as...

4 years ago
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Cousin Foot Fetish Not my story

When I went to my cousin's house, we decided to go camping in the front garden. We set up there and we were messing around all night outside. She then was really tired and went to bed, it was a hot summers night and she did not have a sleeping bag. I too said I would go to bed, and we both did. She asked that we slept top and tail and with no hesitation, I said yes. I woke up at 03:00 and went outside the tent for a bit of fresh air and then went back in. I laid down and just as I was going to...

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My Weekend Part I

Here I was all alone for the weekend. My parents were out of town for a business trip. I had the whole house to myself. I picked up some porno and was going to spend much of the weekend just satisfying myself. Friday after school when I got home I popped in some porno as I undressed in the living room. My cock already starting to rise to the occasion. I gave it a few strokes. I settled onto the couch and proceeded to watch the action on the Big Screen as I stroked my cock. After a few minutes....

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Three Is Better Than Two

Lying on the bed with my beloved in my arm, we wake slowly from our much-needed slumber.“Love you, honey,” I say kissing her mouth.“Love you too,” she replies.Coffee is made and she relaxes back in my arms to watch Pornhub.My favourite topic she says, "Gangbang, Little Miss Red Riding hood is getting attention from a group of black guys and from her expressions and sound, she’s enjoying it."Juicy throws her leg over mine, grabs my hand and places it on her pussy,“Play with me,” she says.I do as...

Group Sex
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Out of Afrika Chapter 15

Out of AfrikaA Fantasy created by International Writers Curt B, Julie Van and Wunderboi******Chapter 15The consolidation of Rhino’s influence throughout the state had resulted in an atmosphere of calm and contentment amongst the population. Nobody could recall in any great detail how polarized and sexually segmented society had been prior to the company’s arrival in Hawksville but there was universal agreement with how good life had now become since Rhino had taken root.Following the agreements...

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Dark Passion

She lay across the low padded bench, arms outstretched, chained bracelets holding her in place. Knees on the floor, lashed down to the sides of the bench, spread wide, her gown pulled up above her bottom exposing all of her pleasures. Her skin glistened with sweat from the heat of the firelight and her own trembling. Her hair was bound up on her head, showing the graceful curves of her neck and shoulders. He had left her like this, after first forcing her to strip naked in front of him. He had...

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The Ravishing of Constance Ch 13

Constance woke feeling sated in body and mind. This was a state that she welcomed, and she lingered long in the bed she’d made up on the floor in a corner of Jacqueline’s cabin. Warm tropical sun slanted through the portholes in dustmote-dancing beams, playing over the brass and the rich wood. She closed her eyes and dozed to the swaying of the ship. All was quiet. The sea was calm, the winds low, and the sailors no doubt recovering from their lengthy debauch of the day before. She wondered...

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A Walk Around the Lake Chapter 2

She indulged in a long bubble bath, with a glass of white wine, and a good book.  She was so relaxed when she got out of the tub, she set her alarm, and lay down on the big feather bed, and pulled the fluffy duvet over her and had a nap.  Her short blond hair, was naturally curly, and it would not take long to do when she woke up.  She wore little makeup, so that wouldn't take that long either.  Soon, she drifted off into a light sleep.The alarm went off, and she woke, refreshed, and looking...

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The Pencil Never Lies

The Pencil Never Lies Chapter 1 The young couple were sitting on opposite sides of a small round table in the college's student union bar, having a midweek drink to celebrate being closer to the following weekend than the previous one. The room was smoky and the old, ripped vinyl of the seat cushions always remained sticky, regardless of how often the steward ran a damp cloth over them. The only attractions for the students of the college were the cheap...

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Seeding Hope Among the AshesChapter 17 A Change in Conditions

Alice surveyed the wide expanse of Sheep Meadow in Central Park and began blowing her whistle. Lassie, trotting beside her, started howling in accompaniment, though she was slightly off key. The normally well-maintained field, a familiar escape for thousands from the noise of the city, was overgrown with weeds. Alice turned off West Drive and leaned her bike against the metal gate separating the broad field from the nearby road and jogging trails. She evaluated the area as Peter, Ralph and...

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Wonderful Sex With Married Lady

Hi everyone and my name is Venkat. I am 28 years of age and a software engineer by profession from Hyderabad. I have already posted two stories about my encounter with matured married lady. I got enormous response for the same and believe me lot of females mailed me also. Thank you all and this story is about one such reader only whom I fucked her in Hyderabad. She is one of the horniest female I have ever met. Her name is Radhika name changed 35 years of age, married and has two kids. Her...

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Delhi Young Boy

I’m love Singh Delhi 23yer sexy and handsome boy ,story sure keny sy phely main app ko apny baar main baat dun..I’m 23yer age height 5″8inch higth,32wist,,colour fair, nd my dick 8in long or 3inmota or ye false nhi hai main app ko pic dekh skth hun..ok abe story per aath hun or ye real ki story hai..(any age female, school girl,college girl,wideo,divorce,cpl like 3one sex, incest family member like group sex,,any bottom,,any married bottom male want handsome boy like 3one sex then also buze me...

2 years ago
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I couldn’t believe she caught me…She walked in just as I was edging for the third time. I must have been stroking for over an hour. I didn’t expect her home from the office Christmas party so early. She usually likes to stay out drinking with the ladies from the office until the early hours, but tonight she showed up before 11.“What the fuck are you doing?!?!” she screamed. I tried to close my browser as quickly as possible, but my hands were shaking from the adrenaline of being caught. “What...

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show me off and let them use me

Before we even got married I knew Brad loved it when I wore sexy or see through things when we went out, but after we got married he wanted me to go to the next level. Even on our honeymoon he had me pretend to be sl**ping and call room service up and order something just to get it delivered to our room. It started with me nude with a sheet covering everything except casually exposing my lower body, like a leg and part of my naked ass. Brad really got a trill watching the young guys...

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Story of Creation Chapter 1

_____________________________________________________________________________________ Chapter 1 part 1 – The Story of Creation Long ago, before the dawn of intelligent life, before the wills of petty and miserable gods, before the stars and their giving light, before creation itself, there was Oblivion. A solitary and lonely being, content to float in the eternal black abyss without the chaos of emotion or thought, for in the unending abyss there was nothing, and thus nothing to feel...

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Twice Lucky II Time for a ChangeChapter 29

Jake poked his flashlight into the door opening and illuminated a large room that had been hacked into the mountain’s stone. The room was mostly ringed with sturdy wooden shelves filled with books, journals, and what looked like family mementos. The air in the room was surprisingly dry and fresh as it blew gently to the group at the door. On the wall opposite the door, a tunnel entrance was carved into the limestone. In the center of the room was a large rough hewn desk with an equally large...

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Total Transformation Salon and Spa The Beginning

Total Transformation Salon & Spa - The Beginning (part 1) Christine had made all of her money "the hard way" - growing up with nothing, she married the right guy and when he passed away, she inherited a fortune. She also inherited an attitude where she thought she was the financial genius that her late husband had been. She was always drawn to materialistic things - in life as well as in investments. So when the business plan for Total Transformation Salon and Spa came across...

2 years ago
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My Renewal

My Renewal Synopsis: Justin receives a new lease on life after being punished for being duped into helping commit a crime that leads to a finding out who she is. [-][+][-] Here I am, Justine Renee Jenkins, breastfeeding my son Conner Lance , a robust boy who is like his doting father. We grew up as best friends which is not that remarkable, what is is that I was born a boy named Justin Renee Hall. No, I am not crazy, nor am I telling a whopper of a lie. I can prove it from Court...

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The Baby Sitter

I had just turned 18 when I started to babysit for Mr & Mrs Johnson every Saturday night. Mostly they went out together when I was there, but occasionally separately to there own function. Being young, free and single and in my teens, I nearly always dressed suggestively. More than once in the corner of my eye I had caught Mr Johnson looking me up and down when he thought that I wasn’t looking.Now I think that I should point out here that I had always had a thing about older men; a father...

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My father in law

My name is Swati and after reading the story of another housewife I am encouraged to share my experience. I think almost 70% of housewives are unfaithful to their husbands on some pretext or the other and mostly thsese things happen during noon since that is the time when the boredom really sets i.Well I am tall and dark with a well shaped body, my breasts are slightly oversized after the birth of my son and actually I am dissatisfied because my hubby travells a lot and we stay in a small town...

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Saturday Night

It's late Saturday night We’re sitting in the living room and we’ve been drinking for a while now the k**s are finally asleep and we’re both showered shavedand relaxed you slip upstairs and after a few minutes you come back downstairs your wearing Black high heeled Shoe’s, Fishnet Stockings and yourFrench Maid Outfit with the frilly lace under skirt, your wearing Long Black Satin Gloves and holding a Feather Duster, you bend over and dust around theTV and shelves bending over just enough so...

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From Cure to Sweet CorruptionChapter 2

I woke in the middle of the night to the sound of the breeze in the trees, and to a wonderful warm sensation on my penis. I looked down and saw Jessica's head bent over it, with her hair flowing luxuriantly over my skin on all sides. She was good, and within a few seconds I thrust my pelvis up a little as I came inside her mouth. The pleasure was intense, quite high up there on the scale for a connoisseur of orgasms, and bathing in it I fell back to sleep. As the dawn came I found myself...

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PureTaboo Lily Larimar Star Quality

Mr. Mitchell (Ryan Driller) keeps one of his students, Kerri (Lily Larimar), after class to talk to her about the school drama club. Kerri is the club president and Mr. Mitchell is the teacher chaperoning the club, which means that they’ve worked together a lot for various school activities. Mr. Mitchell butters her up by saying she’s the most talented performer, and Kerri is more than willing to take these compliments. He says that he has a special project in mind, explaining that...

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Grandma rides again

Growing up as a boy, he never dreamt he would find paradise in the arms of his Grandmother! You know how it is when, as a young man, you first set out in the world on your own, determined to scale every mountain and become a leader of industry. Well Konrad left home where he had lived with his loving supportive parents and his caring widowed grandmother. He was in his early twenties and had completed his apprenticeship. He was going to set the world on fire. But, things didn’t work out that...

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Municipal BlondesChapter 12 On the run

I WAS WHIMPERING when Maizie woke me up. I could still hear myself as her wet sloppy kiss nearly dislodged my mustache. Tears were still running down my cheeks as I sat up in bed and tried to take stock of my situation. Maintaining an identity I’d been dreaming, obviously. I was still caught between that fully submerged state of subconscious synapse firings and objective awareness of my surroundings. The bed wasn’t mine but no one else was in it with me except Maizie. Maizie. I’d spent...

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Sex with my mother8217s cousin sister 2

The next day I woke up at 9 as I heard some cry sound I went to my aunt’s room she was sitting in one corner and was crying I went to console her but she shouted at me to get out of her home. I understood she was in bad mood and went to my room. the next day morning I called her she was crying and shouting at me. I went to her home in the evening and looked very strained due to crying I went near her and asked aunty what happened she shouted “u idiot u did every thing and asking me what...

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The Water Isnt All Thats Wet

I was on a solo backpacking trip, I'd spent a few days in this small town and booked the overnight bus for that evening on to the next place. I wanted to spend the day by the pool, it was the rainy season, but the sun was out today and I planned to make the most of it. The cheap backpacker hostel I was staying in didn't have a pool, so I went to the fanciest hotel in town and managed to sneak into theirs... naughty, naughty! As it was the off-season, the place was dead. There was only one other...

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Blessings Part 1

June 15th, 2025 It had been a rough few years for Anthony Russo. His parents had perished in a horrific crash due to drunk drivers hauling dangerous chemicals crashing into one another and sandwiching their car killing the couple instantly. He was left to care for his eight-year-old sister while finishing his high school diploma and fighting social services off as they tried to his sister into custody due to his young age. Anthony and his sister Rose inherited a large sum of money...

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Sister Sister Sister Part 15

Sister, Sister, Sister - Part 15 By Missy Crystal The alarm clock woke me up at the usual time. I got up, took off my pajamas, folded them and put them away in the bottom drawer of my dresser, then replaced my panties with white cotton briefs. A dark blue cotton t-shirt, white athletic socks, a pair of jeans and sneakers completed my transformation. I went to the bathroom to wash up and brush my teeth, carefully studying my face in the mirror. Satisfied that no trace of Jenny...

2 years ago
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Introduction: her hands felt in the dark….. ___ Where I growed up our parents ran a still thing that made whiskey. They was a gone for weeks at time. Im Bella and my sister is Jennifer. We caint read or write, so Ben is a writin this for me on his flip box thing, or lap top he calls it. —– __We lived way way back in the hills. No phones, no computers, just us&hellip,then one day a hunter happened to come by the woods behind our house. We never went to school and a young man hunter rightly...

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MilfBody Lexi Luna Peeping Tom Gets Rewarded

Curious neighbor Donnie Rock is spying on his hot Mylf neighbor Lexi Luna while she does her workout routine and then while she takes a shower. Donnie can’t stop drooling seeing what a banging body she has, but Lexi ends up catching him peeping and calls him over to tell him off. Donnie begs her not to tell his mother, and Lexi agrees but she’s now noticed the huge boner he’s packing in his pants and demands to have a look at it. Donnie can hardly believe he’s finally ramming his huge cock into...

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Rachel Fucking in the Lesbian Threesome

On New Year’s Eve, Erica and I went to a New Year’s party at a local restaurant. As we arrived at the party, a young hot blonde waitress caught my eye. As we sat down with some friends, the hot waitress walked over introducing herself as Amber. 'My God! This waitress is making me wet! I wonder if Erica is as wet as I am,' I thought to myself. After ordering our food, Erica whispered to me, “my pussy is soaked, our waitress is extremely hot.” “I know I’m wet too, should we make a move on her?” I...

4 years ago
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Ahead of the GameChapter 17

As Pegasus began his descent, Jeff could see people rushing out of huts to greet him. Once he had landed, the crowd surrounded the tired teen, welcoming him back from his latest adventure. With a sheepish grin, Jeff worked his way through the crowd, receiving pats on the back as he walked among the cheering throngs. Upon reaching his mother and sister, Jeff hugged each of them in turn, receiving comfort from their answering embraces. Seeing how tired the young man was, Holly led her brother...

1 year ago
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There Can Be Only One Chapter 18

There Can Be Only One Chapter 18Ross’s left hand hung by his side holding the camera, he offered his right to Adèle which she reluctantly took. Ross gently pulled his French teacher up to a standing position. Although she didn’t say anything her eyes had an anxious look, wide and glazed as if trying to send telepathic messages to him pleading with him not to take this to the next stage. Releasing her hand, he gently raised it to grasp the lapel of her jacket and pulled it away from her body. A...

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Sex With My Hot Professor

Hi guys. I’m back with yet another story. Hope you all liked my previous ones. Just click on and go through those if you haven’t yet. Anyway, this is kind of a special one for me. Now if you’ve read the description you know what I’m talking about. So for my new users just a quick intro. I’m 21, living in Mumbai. Tall with a good athletic build and most importantly a cock that can make any woman crazy. Not bragging but it’s what most girls have told me. Now getting to the story. I am currently...

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Demon and Demeanour Book 4 of Poachers ProgressChapter 20 ILL MET BY GASLIGHT

After a morning spent reading the instructions for the Military Advisor to the Grand Duchy of Tuscany I went out for a stroll, and in fact dropped into Boodles. I needed some company and coffee, and thought I might later walk past Madame Whipcrack’s establishment in St James’s Square, just round the corner from Boodles. I had no intention of taking General Fitzwarren’s advice, but as I was in the neighbourhood a saunter past the house was warranted. As it happened I fell in with some old...

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The Princess the Witch and the Sister

“Trick or treat!” the girls called out, in practiced unison. It sounded maybe a little half-hearted, not as musical as it should have, if only because Chelsea felt a bit old for this. But she’d promised her little sis she’d take her trick-or-treating this year and show her all the good spots. And Abbi’s enthusiastic sing-song made up in part for her older sister’s reserve. Only five minutes before the two had been talking together as they walked in the dark, their passage stirring shadows and...

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Second Time Through Book IChapter 23 Twin Springs Ranch

The turnoff was deceiving, and the sign for Twin Springs Ranch was small, so you really had to watch for it. Unless you already knew where it was, and Anna did. We turned off the highway and headed west on an unpaved gravel road. It was barely wide enough for two cars to pass. We followed the gravel road up over a small hill and entered a stand of trees. It was noticeably cooler as the large trees blocked the sun. After another half mile, we emerged from the woods to a panorama. We were on...

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Amazing Anna

I had been seeing Anna for about 3 weeks and hadn't done anything other than kiss her but just by the way she moved her tongue in my mouth i knew it would be worth waiting for.Allow me to describe her for you she was about 5 feet 7 inches tall a size 14-16 reddish hair with blond streaks and most importantly 36H breasts now i absolutly love big natural tits so let me tell you i couldn't wait to get my hands on her breasts and my tongue on her nipples.Anyway it was one weekend in a particularly...

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Daddys Daughter Gracie

After she left her daddy’s room, a thousand thoughts and ideas started to run through her mind. The 18 year old daughter, Gracie, headed back to her room, but with some hesitancy as she wished she could have stayed with him all night long. Seeing as she did go back to her room she could still feel it all. She loved how his body felt all over hers. She began to smile as she “felt” him all over her too. She felt the sensations or so she thought she did and as she thought about it some more she...

1 year ago
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Fucking My Mother in Law Barbra

Fucking My Mother in Law Barbra I'd been married for 3 years to my wife and we were very happy with each other as far as sex and love but when we was around her mother she would always manage to get close to me or rub against me when I was close to her either at my house or her house. I was 19 yrs. old at the time and she was around 36 and I never thought much about it except when she would wear loose clothes and she would make sure she would lean over so I could get a good look at her tits....

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My Boyfriend

--------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- My Boyfriend --------------------------------------------------------------------- I have a problem, big flabby tits. When I was younger and better looking I thought for a while I could be a little choosey about my bed partners. I thought then, and still do, that guys who like girls with small shapely breasts have a healthy mature attitude about the female body. While guys...

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The Job Interview

I had such mixed feelings about the job interview I was going to attend.I so wanted the job - I researched the position, my potential new boss and the company as much as I could. It was my dream job! The company had a good reputation. The boss - well, there was something about him........he was also dynamic and was not one to suffer fools gladly. I had gleaned from a friend of a friend that he was into BDSM! Well, I did not understand much about this at all - I had only heard of the pain bit...

3 years ago
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The KeyAnticipation.The opportunity to finally get the payback I have craved for so long has at last presented itself.  The target is in sight and best of all is drinking alone at the bar.  I have run through all the possible scenarios so many times before.  Now after long wait it is time to set the trap.I see the target get up and with a slight stagger head towards the bathroom.  In their inebriated state I see that the target left their drink at the bar unattended.  I think to myself this is...

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