Seduced by Stranger in Train in presence of Husban
- 4 years ago
- 37
- 0
Clint cruised slowly down the gravel road, leaving only a thin, short-lived trail of dust behind his RV. Born and raised in just such an area, he knew to avoid kicking up a dust storm if he wanted to remain friendly with the locals. He absolutely wanted to remain friendly with the locals.
Doing exactly that was why he had access to most of the properties in the area, giving him the best possible chance of accomplishing his goal. If the stories he’d heard were true, and he could prove it, there was a chance of attracting grant money or donations to the foundation.
As he drove, he mentally mapped the locations he had recently stayed overnight, trying to decide where to set the night’s base camp. Naturally, the next logical place was one of the few properties the owner wouldn’t allow him on. He’d asked the previous year, and been refused in a vehement - even threatening - manner. The property was huge, and left a giant hole in his coverage of the area. The man’s driveway was fast approaching, and he glanced that way as he passed.
He immediately let off the accelerator, having seen a woman he didn’t recognize walking down the lane toward the mailbox. He’d also noticed flowers growing next to the house, and those certainly hadn’t been there when the crotchety old man had chased him off the property the previous year. He pulled as far off the side of the road as he could and stopped.
God damn! he thought as he got his first good look at her in the rearview mirror. The white t-shirt she was wearing looked as though it was ready to explode from trying to contain her tits. The rest of her wasn’t bad, either. She had long blonde hair, and a pretty face. Her shorts showed off her nice legs, and a butt that was big, but not too big. He guessed she was about his mother’s age.
He took a moment to compose himself, and opened the door. The heat and humidity hit him like a sledgehammer. A thunderstorm had popped up earlier, drowning the area in a downpour. The clouds had barely passed before the temperature had skyrocketed once more. All the evaporating rain water made the air feel as thick as soup, and it was the absolute hottest part of the scorching summer day.
“Afternoon,” she said when he climbed out of the RV. “You lost? Afraid I may not be of much help. I barely know my own way around.”
“No, I didn’t recognize you, so I thought I’d stop. Isn’t this...” he trailed off as the old man’s name escaped him.
“Hibb Keller?” she prompted.
He snapped his fingers. “Yeah, I think that was the name. Did he move?”
“Passed away at the first of the year.”
“I’m sorry.”
She waved her hand in a dismissive gesture, then used it to wipe the sweat from her brow. “He lived a full life. To be perfectly honest, I hadn’t seen him in over ten years.”
He walked up to her and asked, “Related?”
“My uncle. He left the place to me.” She chuckled, shrugged, and clarified, “Well, he left it to the family, and nobody else wanted it.” She held out her hand and said, “I’m Alice Keller.”
Clint shook her hand and said, “Clint Drake.”
“Let me guess. You want to look through all the junk he had stacked everywhere?”
That explained the old man’s territorial behavior. If he was a collector, having some stranger on the property with his treasures was absolutely intolerable. He knew the type quite well.
He shook his head. “I work with the Raptor Research Foundation. People in the area have been telling stories about a strange owl. I’ve heard what I believe were calls from Boreal Owls in the area a couple of times, and it always seems to come from this direction.”
“I’ve certainly got some hooters,” she said.
You can say that again, he thought, having to fight to keep his eyes from dropping down to her breasts.
She continued, “They’re living in the barns and out in the woods. Hear them all the time and see them once in a while.”
“Those are probably Horned Owls. Boreals make a completely different sound, and if they’re actually here, they’re an oddity. This is easily two hundred miles south of their normal breeding range.”
From farther up the drive, he heard a man’s voice say, “You again?”
Shit, Clint thought, recognizing the old man as Hibb’s friend, from his previous stop at the property.
Shaking his finger as he approached, the gray-haired man said, “If you think you’re going to take advantage of Alice here because Hibb passed on, you best be rethinking it.”
“It’s fine, Floyd,” Alice said. “He’s looking for owls, not uncle Hibbs collection.”
The old man walked up next to Alice and stared daggers at Clint. “Hmph! Owls. Big load of hogwash, I say.”
“We’re trying to sell things, remember?” Alice said, and then patted the old man on the shoulder.
“Sell them for what they’re worth. Not peanuts or pilfering.”
Hearing that they were selling sparked an idea for a possible inroad. “If you’re looking to sell, I know someone who buys. They call themselves Barn Owl Treasures.”
The old man snorted and rolled his eyes.
Alice said, “I actually called them. They said they’d put me on the list, but I haven’t heard anything back.”
Clint smiled and said, “I know the owner’s son, though. Looking for owls, I spend a lot of time in barns. When I see something interesting, I pass along the tip. I’ve hit pay dirt often enough that he takes me seriously.”
“Really? It would be nice to clean out at least a little of this stuff,” Alice said longingly.
Knowing the type, Clint tossed a trump, hoping to take the trick. He addressed Floyd and said, “You probably know the collection like the back of your hand. You could pick out some things you know are really valuable, and I’ll take pictures for him. That’s sure to get his attention.”
The old man’s eyes lit up, and Clint knew he had him. Floyd folded his arms across his chest and grinned. “Oh, there’s a few pieces here and there that’ll make a man piss himself, if he knows what he’s looking at.”
Clint said, “Point them out, and maybe I can help you sell a few things. In the meantime, I’ll keep my eyes on the rafters to see if I can find what I’m looking for.”
“Sounds like a good deal to me,” Alice encouraged the old man.
Floyd’s brow wrinkled, and he grunted. “I’ve heard they pony up, and deal fair. That’s why I had you call them, Alice.” He turned his attention back to Clint and said, “If you think you can get them here, I’ll show you a few things.”
“Put the right stuff in front of them, and they’ll stop whatever they’re doing to come try to buy it,” Clint said.
Alice clapped her hands, and rubbed them together. “Let’s get to it, then. Clint, why don’t you pull up to the house?” she said while leading Floyd back up the lane.
Clint climbed back into his RV with a victorious smile.
After wiping his shoulder across his brow, Clint took another drink of the ice-cold lemonade Alice had brought out, and sighed in relief.
He was drenched in sweat, covered in barn dust, and losing daylight fast, but at least he was on the property. Floyd had instantly lost his surly attitude and grown animated once he started talking about the items from the collection he wanted to show off. Even with his limited knowledge, Clint knew the old man had reason to be proud of the valuable items.
After snapping pictures of the specific treasures Floyd had selected, he took some wider shots inside of the two barns as well. He then sent a message to Justin, describing the property, and attached the pictures.
It had only been five minutes, but he received a reply that read, “Holy shit. Get them to save that Sinclair sign for me. I’m a couple of days out. Can you get me a number?”
Clint gestured with his phone and said, “Justin just texted me. He’s interested in coming out. He wants a contact number.”
Alice offered a brilliant smile and said, “Sure. Let me know when you’re ready.”
Clint typed in the number as she said it, and sent the message. Justin rapidly responded with a request to call her immediately. Alice agreed, and only seconds after Clint sent the message, her phone rang.
“Okay, I’ll talk to you then. Bye,” she said as she ended the call. She then explained, “He’s going to call me as soon as he gets home from his trip, and make arrangements to come out. He asked if we’d save that Sinclair sign for him.”
Floyd offered a wicked, knowing chuckle. “He’s hooked. You’ll make a pretty penny off that.” The old man then yawned and stretched.
“Go ahead home, Floyd. I’ll call you to let you know when he’s coming out,” Alice suggested.
The old man yawned again. “I’ll drive a hard bargain, and make sure old Hibb doesn’t start spinning in his grave. You take care.” He gave Alice a familiar pat on the butt, and then walked toward his pickup.
“Thanks for making the connection for us,” she said to Clint.
“Happy to do it.” He gave Floyd time to get into his truck and start the engine before asking, “I was wondering if you’d mind me parking here tonight? I’m hoping to hear that Boreal.”
She didn’t hesitate at all when she answered, “No, that’s fine. Do you need to plug in? My uncle had an outlet put in.”
Pleasantly surprised, he said, “If you don’t mind. That would save me some gas.”
“No trouble at all. And don’t worry about waking me up. I keep late hours, and I sleep like the dead once I do go to bed. Are you hungry?”
“Not really. I ate just before I got here” he answered. “If you wouldn’t mind, I’d like to walk around the property and get my bearings before it gets dark.”
“Make yourself at home,” she said as she turned back toward the house. “The RV outlet is right next to where the bug zapper is plugged in. If you change your mind about having a bite, just come knock on the door.”
He said, “Thanks.” Then he thought, I’d love to have a bite of that, while watching her sexy ass sway. He was smart enough to tear his eyes away from the sight before she caught him. He was already parked close enough, so he plugged in the RV, and then turned his attention to exploring the property before nightfall.
He had a solid sense of where all the outbuildings, the pond, and the edge of the woods that dominated the property were by the time darkness descended. Eventually, he hoped to be able to mark trails through the woods, allowing him to find his way at night, but for the time being, he could navigate nearby. The full moon would help with that.
Even with the sun down, he was still sweating. It had been a scorcher, and the night seemed as if it wasn’t going to be any cooler.
Clint settled into a lawn chair retrieved from the RV, and almost immediately wished he’d asked Alice to turn off the bug zapper. The periodic buzzing of moths and potato bugs led to their doom by the violet light kept breaking his concentration. His ears were his most useful tools in locating and identifying the elusive, nocturnal owls.
Those keen ears heard the door of the house open, and he glanced that way, only to be nearly knocked out of his seat by what he saw. Alice had exchanged her white t-shirt for a bikini top that left vast swaths of her overflowing breasts bared to his stunned gaze.
“I’m going to go have a dip in the pond,” she said as she crossed the porch while whipping a towel over her shoulder. “Do you need anything before I head that way?”
His brain short-circuiting from the unexpected revelation of even more of her huge tits, he seized on the first coherent thought that entered his head - bug zapper. “Would you mind turning off the bug zapper? It keeps distracting me.”
“Sure,” she said, and grinned.
He had to fight hard to hold back a groan when she bent over, showing off her ass and letting her breasts hang in the sling of her bikini top. Though his first thought was that she was flirting, he dismissed it, unwilling to risk the chance he was wrong. She unplugged the insect executioner, and then walked down the steps with her flip-flops slapping on the wood.
“I’ll be back at the pond, if you need anything,” she said. She waved as she walked along the front of the house, and then vanished around the corner.
Clint blew out a long, slow breath through pursed lips once she was out of sight. He needed something, but he wasn’t sure enough of his instincts to try for it. Access to the property was too advantageous to his quest for the rumored Boreal. He felt it was better safe than sorry.
Of course, he knew he was going to be sorry he didn’t jump at even the slightest chance to see the rest of those tits. As flustered as he was, he reasoned that he probably would have made a fool of himself, anyway. Content - for the time being - with that rationalization, he closed his eyes and attuned his ears to the sounds of the night.
It wasn’t long before he was rewarded. The hoot was that of a Horned Owl, but it provided an opportunity. While he wanted to confirm the presence of the Boreal, he was documenting the more common types of owls as well. He popped up from his chair and headed in the direction from which he’d heard the sound arise. He had little trouble negotiating the shin-high grass in the moonlight as he walked toward the largest of the barns. Once he neared the structure, the owl called again, narrowing down its location.
Clint scanned the roof of the barn, and spotted the owl at the same time as it called out again. He lifted the camera slung around his neck, which was equipped with a low light lens and set up for same. He snapped the picture, and upon checking it, found it was a good shot. The roof was shingled, and that visible pattern would provide scale to determine the owl’s size.
With the owl still in sight, he let the camera settle back around his neck, and reached into the pouch on his hip. He turned on the recorder, aimed the stereo mikes at the owl, and hit record. The owl seemed to be purposely holding back, but he kept the device on target, knowing he had 32 gigs of storage. Finally, the owl rewarded him with a clear call.
Though faint, he heard an answering call not long after. Unfortunately, it was coming from deep in the woods. Not having marked any trails, it wouldn’t be practical - or safe - to try to track down the second owl. The first owl chose that moment to leap into flight, vanishing on its quiet wings in search of prey.
Happy with the results, he started back to the RV. He had nearly reached his chair when he heard it.
Clint broke out into gooseflesh, and a chill raced up his spine upon hearing the staccato, high-pitched - for an owl - sound of the Boreal’s call. For the first time, it wasn’t a rumor, or a distant, questionable tease from far away. It was distinct, unmistakable, and thrilling. He managed to home in on the sound before it faded away, and stalked toward it with purpose.
Along the way, he pulled out his recorder, hit record, and prayed the owl would call again. Come on. Come on, he thought as he moved toward the sound. The grass grew thicker as he moved away from the various outbuildings, forcing him to watch his footing more carefully. He slowed as he neared the woods, desperately willing the owl to sound off again.
Then, sweet victory. He silently screamed yes when the owl called again. Reacting quickly, he aimed the mikes directly at the sound. He knew he was capturing something almost unheard of so far south, and everyone at the institute would be just as giddy as he was.
As soon as the call faded, he stopped recording and prepared to play it back, praying the recording was clear.
“What on earth was that?”
Clint’s head turned toward Alice’s voice in a snap. He had been so intent upon recording the Boreal that he hadn’t even realized he was near the pond. Alice climbed out of the water onto a patch of the shore covered in sand, apparently unconcerned with her nudity or his presence.
Glittering rivulets of water streamed down her body in the moonlight. Her breasts were everything he had imagined. They were big and pendulous, but not droopy. He could clearly see her large, bumpy areolas, which surrounded nipples that looked erect. Between her legs was a nest of curls that glimmered from the droplets of water clinging to it.
Clint drank in the sight of her naked body, growing hard at a rapid pace. He only realized he was staring when she chuckled.
Alice leaned on one of the two chairs set on the pseudo beach, and reached up to run the fingers of her other hand through her wet hair. There was no doubt that the pose was meant to show off her body and entice. It was working.
She smiled and said, “Well, it’s about time. I was starting to think you were gay. Like what you see?”
The surprise ebbing, and with any doubt about her interest scattered on the wind, he answered, “You’re fucking hot.”
“Why don’t you come here and show me your hooter expertise?”
It was a foregone conclusion at that point. Clint walked toward her, fumbling to put his recorder back in its pouch, but it refused to cooperate. Alice stepped toward him once he was close, took the recorder, and dropped it on the seat of the chair, where her shorts and bikini were resting. He put a hand on her hip, sliding it up her side.
She let out a little moan, and hefted the camera while his hand continued up toward her breast. With a surprisingly deft movement, she swept the strap of the camera over his neck, and it too found a home in the seat of the chair.
Clint growled as he ran his hand over her right breast. The globe was soft in his hand, but his exploring fingers soon enough found her very hard nipple. She gasped when he touched it, and drew his other hand up as well. He filled both hands with her big, soft tits, squeezed them, and pushed them together.
The barest touch of her hand on the back of his neck was enough to encourage him to lean in.
Alice’s fingers moved down to his back, curling into claws as he flicked her nipple with his tongue. Her other hand soon joined it, and her nails raked his back. Clint took the stiff nipple between his lips, sucked it for a moment, and then moved to its twin. He rolled it between his lips, let it escape, and then swirled his tongue around the other.
Her nails, which had already been tugging his shirt upward, began to do so with intent and purpose. Once she had the tail of the shirt in hand, he pulled away from her breast, and let her jerk the shirt over his head. She draped it over the back of the chair while tracing the lines of his chest with the other hand, and let out a hungry moan. Before he could wrap his lips around her nipple again, both her hands grabbed his belt.
She dispensed with his belt in a pair of rushed tugs, popped open the button, and unzipped his pants. Not pausing in the slightest, she roughly shoved his jeans and underwear down far enough for her to wrap her hands around his hard cock.
A sexy combination of a growl and a moan escaped her as she stroked his erection.
Clint stomped on his heels in turn, allowing him to kick off his shoes, but made sure she had no trouble holding onto his cock.
“Been a while since I felt a cock this hard,” she said.
“And I’ve never seen tits that big for real,” he said while trying - and failing - to lift a leg and remove his sock. The encumbrance of his pants at his thighs and his refusal to move away from her soft hand stroking him made it impossible.
“You do love hooters, don’t you?”
“I’ll show you.”
Alice put a hand on his chest, preventing him from fulfilling that promise. “Let me help you out of those pesky pants, first.”
He wasn’t going to argue with that.
She pushed his pants down, making a show of wiggling her ass and shaking her tits while doing so. Once they were down to his knees, she straightened and said, “Sit down.”
Clint looked behind him, located the other chair on the mini beach, and stutter-stepped back to it. As he sat down, Alice sank to her knees in front of him. She jerked off his socks, quickly followed by his pants, and then looked up into his eyes.
He growled in approval when she hefted her right breast and sucked the nipple in a thoroughly sexy display. She then leaned in and rubbed the moistened nub over the head of his cock. The slippery tickle was enough to make him ooze a drop of pre-cum. Alice didn’t miss that, and scooped it up with her nipple, which she was quick to bring back to her lips and suck clean with a loud moan.
She followed that up by letting both globes hang on either side of his erection, and then bouncing it between them. When she squeezed them both around him, his hands joined hers, with his thumbs over her nipples.
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From the look on Dad's face, I could tell that he was in no mood to talk. After all, he had just caught me in a lie when I told him earlier that day that he and my brothers and grandfather were the only men that I had fucked since I left home for college. The truth was that I had become another family's sex toy and the proof was standing right in front of him. "I asked you, Girl, who in the hell are these people, and why did this man have his hand on what belongs to me?" "Dad, please....
I was entering the common shower, on the fourth floor of my dorm. I heard the water running and figured that I would not be alone in there. As I came around the corner I saw Dale soaping up his body, since his back was turned to me, I decided to watch as he worked the soap into a lather. Dale stood nearly 5'9" and weighed about 175lbs, he wasn't very muscular, but his muscles were well defined. His thigh and calve muscle glistened from the water and his back muscles rippled as he moved his...
Had he dreamt it all? He looked over at Sandra who was still asleep, snoring loudly. In the morning lit room he could see her mouth hanging open and an exposed nipple peeking out through the middle of her bra. Even still, Sandra was beautiful. Kevin smiled at her and looked over at the clock. Damn it was almost noon. He hopped up and used the bathroom to wash up and shave. He had an important engagement with contractors at 1:30 and traffic was always terrible. Today he dressed in a casual grey...
The advent of the Sixties came as a bit of a shock because it ushered in an atmosphere of carnal awakening for even the most well-behaved citizens of a divided country. Half the country was falling into line and gearing up for yet another war, and the other half was telling the authorities to, “Stick it up your ass and don’t talk to me if you are over thirty.” In 1960, I had reached the ripe old age of 28 and my outside appearance was of a typical fourteen year old girl. I moved to a new...
mistress came home at evening got freashen up and came to me as there was a lot of water I could not finish all of it few remained may b 1 liter.. I was covered with crystal clear piss and my jaws hurt mistress checked the video released me let me took shower while she obserbed I wasnot allowed to touch my cock and balls after I was clean she made me sit on the toilet shaved my butt hole cock and balls usually she does this and I shave rest of my body I was arosed by her touch she digger her...
Soiree. There was snow on the terrace. And there was snow on the mountains. A curtain of fat, slow flakes billowed down from the low sky. It muffled all sounds. All echoes were silenced. Snow didn't often fall in these foothills; the magic would soon melt away again. But tonight the Villa stood like a bride clad in white velvet. Snow wrapped itself all around her sensuous limbs. Yellow light spilt from the blazing jewels of her windows. The great hall was filled with festive gathering....
Driving home through the hot hazy July afternoon, raven- haired June Wright felt a returning wave of nausea sweep over her and was f****d to pull over to the side of the road to rest for a moment. As she sat there alone in the peace and quiet of the gently rolling Maryland farmlands, breathing in the familiar scents of sun-baked fields and dry hay mixed with the heavy sweet aroma of honeysuckle that grew wild along both sides of the narrow winding country road, she reassured herself for the...
I always had a thing for my mom. When I was 14 and my penis had started to grow harder in the company of girls, I came across a peep hole in my mom’s bathroom. I used to watch her bathe every day. Her boobs were a 36C hung well on a 32 waist. She never shaved her cunt but fingered herself once in a while in the shower. From that day till date, 15 years on, my mom has always occurred in my jerk-off fantasies. She is 49 now. I got married and a couple of years on, my wife and I decided to make...
IncestHi ISS readers, this incident took place on the eve of my girlfriend’s birthday. As you know from my previous story, I and Manisha, my roommate-turned-girlfriend have been dating since day 1. We used to have sex every weekend and as her birthday approached, I wanted to give her a surprise. I knew that one of Manisha’s deepest desires was to get gangbanged. So I asked my close friend Ashok and his roommate Ajay to come to my apartment to fuck my girlfriend. I always knew that both of them ogled...
Creative Non-Fiction Creative Writing 214 Clara Gould Questions I saw you running in PE class! Your buns are really cute! They make me hot! the note read. Below the message, as a signature, was written: Your Admirer! Peter had waited until almost the end of the class on Wednesday afternoon. He wanted to put off disappointment should a note not be there, and to make the discovery of the note, if present, sweetened by anticipation. He folded the note, slipped it into his left jeans...
I knew who it was that was knocking. “They see the strange car. They know I have a guest,” I said. “I expect that’s so,” said Lana. I walked to the door and sure enough. “Owen, I’m surprised,” I said, tongue in cheek. “Hmm, yes, I’m sure,” he said. “Lana, it’s good to see you. Right?” and it was a question. “I hope so,” she said. “Whaddya think of the man’s new gams?” he said. “Nice, nice, very nice,” she said. “The product of a teenager that Owen has had working for him,” I...
Copyright© 2/14/05 Daddy was driving home, happy to have an unexpected half-day off work. As he neared the house, he glanced over at a neighbor's house, and saw his girl sitting on the porch with a friend of hers. Daddy's mood changed immediately as he drove up to his own house. As soon as he got in the house Daddy dialed his girl's cell phone. Nearby the girls cell phone rang, she looked at it and smiled seeing it was Daddy calling her. The smile quickly faded as she realized from the...
That picture caused a shift in the balance that had been there before I took it. Mrs. Carson was different after that. I couldn't put my finger on why, but I could just feel it. And I was different too. That was easy. As soon as I got home, I put the flash drive with her picture on it in my computer and blew it up full screen. Man, oh, man was she sexy. I got hard, and without a thought, I stared at her picture as I jacked off. Then I felt guilty. And, after that, whenever I was over...
Mail me on with your reviews and comments Priya (name changed) age: 37 fig: 36c 34 38 Mumbai resident Native: kerala It was late summers I was staying at her home…..I usually stay at her home during vacations ….This happened 2 years back One evening when her kid went out to play and she was getting ready to goto market and get some snacks for me for that evening….The bedroom door was closed but was not locked so I thought that mausi was cleaning the room so I bangged in….. That view of...
IncestAfter waking, we cleansed ourselves in the spacious hotel shower, washing, caressing and debating where to go on our sightseeing trek. Monique wanted to go home and get a few changes of clothes if she were going to remain with us at the hotel. The only problem was getting her in and out without the staff seeing her. After we finished bathing, we got dressed and continued contemplating our day. I went online and discovered the charge for a third person wasn't as much as we had thought. So, to...
MatureAfter getting a full strength to write the story i am able to tell sex loving people that world is full of sex only thing is U have to wait for the right time. Now let me tell about myself I am 5.11ft, wt.68kgs. athletic body with a nice body shape. The story I am telling is the time when I was at my uncle's house. Where my uncle with his wife & 4 daughters where living but when I was there already the elder’s had gone married & the third & fourth daughter were living in hostel for...
I looked at my sister Erica and wondered what the catch was. As a rule we never did anything nice for each other without some sort of quid pro quo. Erica had just asked if she could give me a massage without asking for anything in return. I had received a few of her massages in the past in exchange for doing her chores, and they were great. She was studying physiotherapy and knew her way around the human body.“Okay, but what do you want?” I asked suspiciously.“Nothing,” Erica said a little...
Incest"Thank you officer." "You're welcome, Miss." "Mrs." "Excuse me. Mrs Slagle. You have a doctorate? Kinda young for that, aren't you?" "I got skipped a few grades in High School," she said, all the while thinking, 'Mostly.' That brought a slight smile to her face. The two policemen tipped hats to the room, thanked the owner for her time and left. Daisy showed them out. "I know this isn't the time or place for it ... it might even sound like levity, but, I'm going to check...
Nights in Gail Older and Younger, Up Skirt Flashing, Cream Pies, Multiple partners, Gang Sex, Taboo, Voyeur and Extreme It was 12:30 am when Gail heard him unlocking her door. Tuesday and Thursday, he was always there and she rolled on her side, scooted her ass back waiting. No words were exchanged, no preliminaries performed, she knew he would thrust into her for 5 minutes, then groan while holding her hips. Resting inside her, then patting her hip, he would pull free of her, cover her again...
Hotel chains work very hard to build brand loyalty with their customers. After reading about my hotel adventure you will understand why I am a very loyal and devoted customer for one particular hotel brand. I seek them out whenever I travel. This experience happened about two years ago. I was traveling alone and I was staying at a large suburban hotel. Most of these hotels are multi story with all of the rooms surrounding an enclosed central atrium area. Most rooms have large picture windows...
VoyeurI love to be sexually dominated, and I am married to a very beautiful young woman who utilizes my obedience to the maximum. She knows that when I am sexually aroused there is nothing I won't do for her. She often makes me go a few days without coming, knowing that I will be that much more aroused and submissive. The other night I arrived home and found her laying on the couch wearing a short satin robe. As soon as I saw her I developed an immediate erection, thus becoming a slave to her...
"They're lovely kids mum.""They're your brother and sister Danny.""Yes."They were happy kids, a boy, and a girl, beautiful children who would be spared the terror I endured as a kid. They'd never lie in bed at night listening to their father raping and beating their mother as I had and as I lay in the hot sun watching them playing happily, I decided to try to be a surrogate father to them, at least until mum met a nice, decent man and remarried.I turned onto my side and looked at her, it was...
IncestI WENT TO WENDY’S ROOM after I’d put the boys to bed, trying to explain to them that Kate was going away for a while, but no, it wasn’t like when Meddy’s daddy went away. She and the Trips were going on an adventure and we’d hear from them soon. I said it with conviction—as if I believed it. Every time I looked at any of my lovers, I felt their incriminating judgment. I’d driven Kate away. I’d let her drift, hidden what I was painting, held back some portion of my trust. It was my fault that...
Hello friend ,I am Nazoo khan lesbian lady 28 year old.My figure is 38 28 38.I have healthy whitish sexy body.Here i am going to share with you a story of my first sexual encounter in my life with the my aunt.I love ISS site,i am big fan & crazy to read stories on this site,i am encouraged by reading all kinds of story so posting my experience over here.I have a neighbor aunt about 30 years with 2kids 1 son & 8 months girl baby,uncle works in a bank.I was just 18 years old that time,in this age...
Lesbian1 -I guess my journey into debauchery began like many others: from desperation.Deep down, I had always known I was a very attractive young girl, but I guess I hid it behind textbooks and nerdy big-framed glasses, sacrificing a normal teen experience in order to trudge through academics and secure an acceptance in one of the nation's most esteemed universities. I didn't mind being the pretty, petite bookworm seeing that I was an only chìld to a single parent who couldn't afford to buy groceries...
It was my first night as a runner at babestation, which you could say is any guys dream job. Surrounded by stunning women all night, talking about sex and seeing them naked for 8 hours a night what could be better. I wandered round the small studio trying to get my bareings and see where things were kept. The girls changing room was a mess full of clothes make up and other things. the studio was tiny just 3 small sets and a camera on each one not very glamerous when you look at it from behind...
Mutual Agreement By Iris Morrison She had stumbled onto his covert activities purely by accident. She had looked in the Yellow Pages for an electrician to install an additional socket outlet in her bedroom for her new sun bed, and after trying three different numbers she had decided that his price -- and the fact that he could do the job the next day -- made him the favourite. When he turned up the next afternoon, she had just received a phone booking (she was a mobile...
Hi….Guys n gals this is my first story… Blah blah…. I will directly start with my story. There are only two characters in this story. Myself (Joy) & my sweet bhabhi ( Soni) This happened on aug-12, when i and my wife Neetu moved to a new flat in Surat. We were newly married at that time n happy couple. We got a neighbor from Punjab. Punjabi bhabhi’s name was Soni..Her age was around 23. We have only access to each other from balcony. That was at a far distance. Till 9-10 months, me n Soni was...
This was a good time to call Mitch’s accountant. “[Sounded like Bran Dink] Mr. Yim’s office how may I help you?” “I’ve been given his name and would like to open a new account.” “He is with a client. Are you okay with voice mail?” “Okay.” I left a VM and waited for his call. Less than a half hour later my phone rang. “This is Z.” “And this is James Yin. I understand you want to open a new account.” “Yes.” “Okay. I want you to meet me in my office. I will text the address after we...
This is the third in a three part presentation of a novel. You should go back and read Victorian Dreams Ch 01 and Pt 2 to gain context before reading this third piece. This part, as well, as the two parts that preceed it are Copyright 2003, 2004 by Charles F. Johnson and all rights are reserved and protected under the Copyright laws of the United stats and other countries. Chapter 57 There was only one problem. Though their hooved feet and strong muscular legs made them speedy outside where...
"And is Trixie still one of your ladies?" "Sure is, although she works the streets now. A couple of years ago a John beat her up real bad. He was wearing a ring and he cut up her face. Lots of scars and her chassis got some wear and tear on it too, so she don't get top dollar no more. But she does all right on the street." "How much does she make?" "When she first started I easily got a hundred, sometimes even two for her. And she was popular. So she was pulling down around a G a...
Janey balled Rodney on Saturday night, and two nights later was over at Margaret's. The other woman let her in the front door of the little house with a great little smile and real diamonds of excitement in her moist, slitted eyes. She was smaller through and through than Janey'd remembered, just enough to make her fine- boned body feel engulfed by Janey's hug in response to her. She thought she looked good leading the way down the hall quickly, talking over her shoulder to make Janey...
So there I am, right, just riding the bus from work, like I do every night, yawning at the 7:15 PM sun struggling through the clouds, another office worker home from the 9-to-5 grind on a crowded subway car full of other strap hangers. Today was a lucky day. I got a seat, so I opened up the crossword puzzle, whipped out a pen and was ready to waste some time… But then I see her, sitting across from me is a woman…maybe not the most beautiful woman in the world, but there’s something about her....
Michelle was cruising down the highway with the top down on her car, singing at the top of her lungs to the feminist tone of the Beyonce hit song, Single Ladies. It was a song that she had recently adopted as her anthem after she left her boyfriend of three years. It was liberating to walk away from someone after years of on and off again chances, ultimately deciding not to waste anymore time on the relationship going nowhere. Since the break up Michelle resolved to take advantage of her single...
InterracialMorgan rolled around on the plush bed like an outstretched cat, enjoying the soft cotton against her bare skin. It took her a moment to realize she was actually in bed alone for once. Her halo of brown curls were more of a bird’s nest this morning, probably from the drug induced chaos she experienced last night. All she wanted to do was jump into the shower and wash her body using the hottest water she could tolerate. “My fucking head... , “ she whispered, squeezing her eyes closed. Her...