Hooters free porn video

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Clint cruised slowly down the gravel road, leaving only a thin, short-lived trail of dust behind his RV. Born and raised in just such an area, he knew to avoid kicking up a dust storm if he wanted to remain friendly with the locals. He absolutely wanted to remain friendly with the locals.

Doing exactly that was why he had access to most of the properties in the area, giving him the best possible chance of accomplishing his goal. If the stories he’d heard were true, and he could prove it, there was a chance of attracting grant money or donations to the foundation.

As he drove, he mentally mapped the locations he had recently stayed overnight, trying to decide where to set the night’s base camp. Naturally, the next logical place was one of the few properties the owner wouldn’t allow him on. He’d asked the previous year, and been refused in a vehement - even threatening - manner. The property was huge, and left a giant hole in his coverage of the area. The man’s driveway was fast approaching, and he glanced that way as he passed.

He immediately let off the accelerator, having seen a woman he didn’t recognize walking down the lane toward the mailbox. He’d also noticed flowers growing next to the house, and those certainly hadn’t been there when the crotchety old man had chased him off the property the previous year. He pulled as far off the side of the road as he could and stopped.

God damn! he thought as he got his first good look at her in the rearview mirror. The white t-shirt she was wearing looked as though it was ready to explode from trying to contain her tits. The rest of her wasn’t bad, either. She had long blonde hair, and a pretty face. Her shorts showed off her nice legs, and a butt that was big, but not too big. He guessed she was about his mother’s age.

He took a moment to compose himself, and opened the door. The heat and humidity hit him like a sledgehammer. A thunderstorm had popped up earlier, drowning the area in a downpour. The clouds had barely passed before the temperature had skyrocketed once more. All the evaporating rain water made the air feel as thick as soup, and it was the absolute hottest part of the scorching summer day.

“Afternoon,” she said when he climbed out of the RV. “You lost? Afraid I may not be of much help. I barely know my own way around.”

“No, I didn’t recognize you, so I thought I’d stop. Isn’t this...” he trailed off as the old man’s name escaped him.

“Hibb Keller?” she prompted.

He snapped his fingers. “Yeah, I think that was the name. Did he move?”

“Passed away at the first of the year.”

“I’m sorry.”

She waved her hand in a dismissive gesture, then used it to wipe the sweat from her brow. “He lived a full life. To be perfectly honest, I hadn’t seen him in over ten years.”

He walked up to her and asked, “Related?”

“My uncle. He left the place to me.” She chuckled, shrugged, and clarified, “Well, he left it to the family, and nobody else wanted it.” She held out her hand and said, “I’m Alice Keller.”

Clint shook her hand and said, “Clint Drake.”

“Let me guess. You want to look through all the junk he had stacked everywhere?”

That explained the old man’s territorial behavior. If he was a collector, having some stranger on the property with his treasures was absolutely intolerable. He knew the type quite well.

He shook his head. “I work with the Raptor Research Foundation. People in the area have been telling stories about a strange owl. I’ve heard what I believe were calls from Boreal Owls in the area a couple of times, and it always seems to come from this direction.”

“I’ve certainly got some hooters,” she said.

You can say that again, he thought, having to fight to keep his eyes from dropping down to her breasts.

She continued, “They’re living in the barns and out in the woods. Hear them all the time and see them once in a while.”

“Those are probably Horned Owls. Boreals make a completely different sound, and if they’re actually here, they’re an oddity. This is easily two hundred miles south of their normal breeding range.”

From farther up the drive, he heard a man’s voice say, “You again?”

Shit, Clint thought, recognizing the old man as Hibb’s friend, from his previous stop at the property.

Shaking his finger as he approached, the gray-haired man said, “If you think you’re going to take advantage of Alice here because Hibb passed on, you best be rethinking it.”

“It’s fine, Floyd,” Alice said. “He’s looking for owls, not uncle Hibbs collection.”

The old man walked up next to Alice and stared daggers at Clint. “Hmph! Owls. Big load of hogwash, I say.”

“We’re trying to sell things, remember?” Alice said, and then patted the old man on the shoulder.

“Sell them for what they’re worth. Not peanuts or pilfering.”

Hearing that they were selling sparked an idea for a possible inroad. “If you’re looking to sell, I know someone who buys. They call themselves Barn Owl Treasures.”

The old man snorted and rolled his eyes.

Alice said, “I actually called them. They said they’d put me on the list, but I haven’t heard anything back.”

Clint smiled and said, “I know the owner’s son, though. Looking for owls, I spend a lot of time in barns. When I see something interesting, I pass along the tip. I’ve hit pay dirt often enough that he takes me seriously.”

“Really? It would be nice to clean out at least a little of this stuff,” Alice said longingly.

Knowing the type, Clint tossed a trump, hoping to take the trick. He addressed Floyd and said, “You probably know the collection like the back of your hand. You could pick out some things you know are really valuable, and I’ll take pictures for him. That’s sure to get his attention.”

The old man’s eyes lit up, and Clint knew he had him. Floyd folded his arms across his chest and grinned. “Oh, there’s a few pieces here and there that’ll make a man piss himself, if he knows what he’s looking at.”

Clint said, “Point them out, and maybe I can help you sell a few things. In the meantime, I’ll keep my eyes on the rafters to see if I can find what I’m looking for.”

“Sounds like a good deal to me,” Alice encouraged the old man.

Floyd’s brow wrinkled, and he grunted. “I’ve heard they pony up, and deal fair. That’s why I had you call them, Alice.” He turned his attention back to Clint and said, “If you think you can get them here, I’ll show you a few things.”

“Put the right stuff in front of them, and they’ll stop whatever they’re doing to come try to buy it,” Clint said.

Alice clapped her hands, and rubbed them together. “Let’s get to it, then. Clint, why don’t you pull up to the house?” she said while leading Floyd back up the lane.

Clint climbed back into his RV with a victorious smile.

After wiping his shoulder across his brow, Clint took another drink of the ice-cold lemonade Alice had brought out, and sighed in relief.

He was drenched in sweat, covered in barn dust, and losing daylight fast, but at least he was on the property. Floyd had instantly lost his surly attitude and grown animated once he started talking about the items from the collection he wanted to show off. Even with his limited knowledge, Clint knew the old man had reason to be proud of the valuable items.

After snapping pictures of the specific treasures Floyd had selected, he took some wider shots inside of the two barns as well. He then sent a message to Justin, describing the property, and attached the pictures.

It had only been five minutes, but he received a reply that read, “Holy shit. Get them to save that Sinclair sign for me. I’m a couple of days out. Can you get me a number?”

Clint gestured with his phone and said, “Justin just texted me. He’s interested in coming out. He wants a contact number.”

Alice offered a brilliant smile and said, “Sure. Let me know when you’re ready.”

Clint typed in the number as she said it, and sent the message. Justin rapidly responded with a request to call her immediately. Alice agreed, and only seconds after Clint sent the message, her phone rang.

“Okay, I’ll talk to you then. Bye,” she said as she ended the call. She then explained, “He’s going to call me as soon as he gets home from his trip, and make arrangements to come out. He asked if we’d save that Sinclair sign for him.”

Floyd offered a wicked, knowing chuckle. “He’s hooked. You’ll make a pretty penny off that.” The old man then yawned and stretched.

“Go ahead home, Floyd. I’ll call you to let you know when he’s coming out,” Alice suggested.

The old man yawned again. “I’ll drive a hard bargain, and make sure old Hibb doesn’t start spinning in his grave. You take care.” He gave Alice a familiar pat on the butt, and then walked toward his pickup.

“Thanks for making the connection for us,” she said to Clint.

“Happy to do it.” He gave Floyd time to get into his truck and start the engine before asking, “I was wondering if you’d mind me parking here tonight? I’m hoping to hear that Boreal.”

She didn’t hesitate at all when she answered, “No, that’s fine. Do you need to plug in? My uncle had an outlet put in.”

Pleasantly surprised, he said, “If you don’t mind. That would save me some gas.”

“No trouble at all. And don’t worry about waking me up. I keep late hours, and I sleep like the dead once I do go to bed. Are you hungry?”

“Not really. I ate just before I got here” he answered. “If you wouldn’t mind, I’d like to walk around the property and get my bearings before it gets dark.”

“Make yourself at home,” she said as she turned back toward the house. “The RV outlet is right next to where the bug zapper is plugged in. If you change your mind about having a bite, just come knock on the door.”

He said, “Thanks.” Then he thought, I’d love to have a bite of that, while watching her sexy ass sway. He was smart enough to tear his eyes away from the sight before she caught him. He was already parked close enough, so he plugged in the RV, and then turned his attention to exploring the property before nightfall.

He had a solid sense of where all the outbuildings, the pond, and the edge of the woods that dominated the property were by the time darkness descended. Eventually, he hoped to be able to mark trails through the woods, allowing him to find his way at night, but for the time being, he could navigate nearby. The full moon would help with that.

Even with the sun down, he was still sweating. It had been a scorcher, and the night seemed as if it wasn’t going to be any cooler.

Clint settled into a lawn chair retrieved from the RV, and almost immediately wished he’d asked Alice to turn off the bug zapper. The periodic buzzing of moths and potato bugs led to their doom by the violet light kept breaking his concentration. His ears were his most useful tools in locating and identifying the elusive, nocturnal owls.

Those keen ears heard the door of the house open, and he glanced that way, only to be nearly knocked out of his seat by what he saw. Alice had exchanged her white t-shirt for a bikini top that left vast swaths of her overflowing breasts bared to his stunned gaze.

“I’m going to go have a dip in the pond,” she said as she crossed the porch while whipping a towel over her shoulder. “Do you need anything before I head that way?”

His brain short-circuiting from the unexpected revelation of even more of her huge tits, he seized on the first coherent thought that entered his head - bug zapper. “Would you mind turning off the bug zapper? It keeps distracting me.”

“Sure,” she said, and grinned.

He had to fight hard to hold back a groan when she bent over, showing off her ass and letting her breasts hang in the sling of her bikini top. Though his first thought was that she was flirting, he dismissed it, unwilling to risk the chance he was wrong. She unplugged the insect executioner, and then walked down the steps with her flip-flops slapping on the wood.

“I’ll be back at the pond, if you need anything,” she said. She waved as she walked along the front of the house, and then vanished around the corner.

Clint blew out a long, slow breath through pursed lips once she was out of sight. He needed something, but he wasn’t sure enough of his instincts to try for it. Access to the property was too advantageous to his quest for the rumored Boreal. He felt it was better safe than sorry.

Of course, he knew he was going to be sorry he didn’t jump at even the slightest chance to see the rest of those tits. As flustered as he was, he reasoned that he probably would have made a fool of himself, anyway. Content - for the time being - with that rationalization, he closed his eyes and attuned his ears to the sounds of the night.

It wasn’t long before he was rewarded. The hoot was that of a Horned Owl, but it provided an opportunity. While he wanted to confirm the presence of the Boreal, he was documenting the more common types of owls as well. He popped up from his chair and headed in the direction from which he’d heard the sound arise. He had little trouble negotiating the shin-high grass in the moonlight as he walked toward the largest of the barns. Once he neared the structure, the owl called again, narrowing down its location.

Clint scanned the roof of the barn, and spotted the owl at the same time as it called out again. He lifted the camera slung around his neck, which was equipped with a low light lens and set up for same. He snapped the picture, and upon checking it, found it was a good shot. The roof was shingled, and that visible pattern would provide scale to determine the owl’s size.

With the owl still in sight, he let the camera settle back around his neck, and reached into the pouch on his hip. He turned on the recorder, aimed the stereo mikes at the owl, and hit record. The owl seemed to be purposely holding back, but he kept the device on target, knowing he had 32 gigs of storage. Finally, the owl rewarded him with a clear call.

Though faint, he heard an answering call not long after. Unfortunately, it was coming from deep in the woods. Not having marked any trails, it wouldn’t be practical - or safe - to try to track down the second owl. The first owl chose that moment to leap into flight, vanishing on its quiet wings in search of prey.

Happy with the results, he started back to the RV. He had nearly reached his chair when he heard it.

Clint broke out into gooseflesh, and a chill raced up his spine upon hearing the staccato, high-pitched - for an owl - sound of the Boreal’s call. For the first time, it wasn’t a rumor, or a distant, questionable tease from far away. It was distinct, unmistakable, and thrilling. He managed to home in on the sound before it faded away, and stalked toward it with purpose.

Along the way, he pulled out his recorder, hit record, and prayed the owl would call again. Come on. Come on, he thought as he moved toward the sound. The grass grew thicker as he moved away from the various outbuildings, forcing him to watch his footing more carefully. He slowed as he neared the woods, desperately willing the owl to sound off again.

Then, sweet victory. He silently screamed yes when the owl called again. Reacting quickly, he aimed the mikes directly at the sound. He knew he was capturing something almost unheard of so far south, and everyone at the institute would be just as giddy as he was.

As soon as the call faded, he stopped recording and prepared to play it back, praying the recording was clear.

“What on earth was that?”

Clint’s head turned toward Alice’s voice in a snap. He had been so intent upon recording the Boreal that he hadn’t even realized he was near the pond. Alice climbed out of the water onto a patch of the shore covered in sand, apparently unconcerned with her nudity or his presence.

Glittering rivulets of water streamed down her body in the moonlight. Her breasts were everything he had imagined. They were big and pendulous, but not droopy. He could clearly see her large, bumpy areolas, which surrounded nipples that looked erect. Between her legs was a nest of curls that glimmered from the droplets of water clinging to it.

Clint drank in the sight of her naked body, growing hard at a rapid pace. He only realized he was staring when she chuckled.

Alice leaned on one of the two chairs set on the pseudo beach, and reached up to run the fingers of her other hand through her wet hair. There was no doubt that the pose was meant to show off her body and entice. It was working.

She smiled and said, “Well, it’s about time. I was starting to think you were gay. Like what you see?”

The surprise ebbing, and with any doubt about her interest scattered on the wind, he answered, “You’re fucking hot.”

“Why don’t you come here and show me your hooter expertise?”

It was a foregone conclusion at that point. Clint walked toward her, fumbling to put his recorder back in its pouch, but it refused to cooperate. Alice stepped toward him once he was close, took the recorder, and dropped it on the seat of the chair, where her shorts and bikini were resting. He put a hand on her hip, sliding it up her side.

She let out a little moan, and hefted the camera while his hand continued up toward her breast. With a surprisingly deft movement, she swept the strap of the camera over his neck, and it too found a home in the seat of the chair.

Clint growled as he ran his hand over her right breast. The globe was soft in his hand, but his exploring fingers soon enough found her very hard nipple. She gasped when he touched it, and drew his other hand up as well. He filled both hands with her big, soft tits, squeezed them, and pushed them together.

The barest touch of her hand on the back of his neck was enough to encourage him to lean in.

Alice’s fingers moved down to his back, curling into claws as he flicked her nipple with his tongue. Her other hand soon joined it, and her nails raked his back. Clint took the stiff nipple between his lips, sucked it for a moment, and then moved to its twin. He rolled it between his lips, let it escape, and then swirled his tongue around the other.

Her nails, which had already been tugging his shirt upward, began to do so with intent and purpose. Once she had the tail of the shirt in hand, he pulled away from her breast, and let her jerk the shirt over his head. She draped it over the back of the chair while tracing the lines of his chest with the other hand, and let out a hungry moan. Before he could wrap his lips around her nipple again, both her hands grabbed his belt.

She dispensed with his belt in a pair of rushed tugs, popped open the button, and unzipped his pants. Not pausing in the slightest, she roughly shoved his jeans and underwear down far enough for her to wrap her hands around his hard cock.

A sexy combination of a growl and a moan escaped her as she stroked his erection.

Clint stomped on his heels in turn, allowing him to kick off his shoes, but made sure she had no trouble holding onto his cock.

“Been a while since I felt a cock this hard,” she said.

“And I’ve never seen tits that big for real,” he said while trying - and failing - to lift a leg and remove his sock. The encumbrance of his pants at his thighs and his refusal to move away from her soft hand stroking him made it impossible.

“You do love hooters, don’t you?”

“I’ll show you.”

Alice put a hand on his chest, preventing him from fulfilling that promise. “Let me help you out of those pesky pants, first.”

He wasn’t going to argue with that.

She pushed his pants down, making a show of wiggling her ass and shaking her tits while doing so. Once they were down to his knees, she straightened and said, “Sit down.”

Clint looked behind him, located the other chair on the mini beach, and stutter-stepped back to it. As he sat down, Alice sank to her knees in front of him. She jerked off his socks, quickly followed by his pants, and then looked up into his eyes.

He growled in approval when she hefted her right breast and sucked the nipple in a thoroughly sexy display. She then leaned in and rubbed the moistened nub over the head of his cock. The slippery tickle was enough to make him ooze a drop of pre-cum. Alice didn’t miss that, and scooped it up with her nipple, which she was quick to bring back to her lips and suck clean with a loud moan.

She followed that up by letting both globes hang on either side of his erection, and then bouncing it between them. When she squeezed them both around him, his hands joined hers, with his thumbs over her nipples.

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Everyone start burning old memories to make room for new ones because today’s exploit is 18-year-old Emma and HOLY – FUCKING – CUTENESS, and this girl’s what wet dreams are made of!!! So if you’re looking for seasoned porn stars who take cock like they’re eating a foot long hotdog at the county fair this site, and especially this girl, is not for you. What she is though is exactly what we are here at ExCoGi. She’s fresh as fuck, cute as hell, extremely horny and down for trying all sorts...

3 years ago
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I was used by my mami

Let start the story straightway. I just completed the primary education. We lived in a village named Sagorkandi which was 10 km far from the town. My Renu mami (maternal uncle’s wife)Whose husband served in Army came to visit our house for a month. Mama (maternal uncle) got married with Renu mami 2 years ago and as far as I know mama came home once after his marriage for 5 days and that was 6 months ago. Renu mami lived alone in her father-in-law’s house. She was very cheerful and always...

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My Fantasy Came True With My Chahi

Hello, everyone. I am Sid(name changed) from Jalandhar. I have recently turned 18, Height 5 feet- 5inches and blessed with the tool of 7 inches. I am a normal looking guy with slim body. This is my first real sex story on Indian Sex Stories. I am really a very big fan of this site. So, please ignore my mistakes. Your feedbacks will be highly appreciated. Please email me your advice on Any girl, aunty can contact me. But please don’t ask me for my chachi’s pics or her number or address. So, not...

1 year ago
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First Time Sex In Life

Hello friends I am Rahul from Agra and this is my first story is ISS waise to maine ISS par kahi story read ki h but aaj apna bhi ek experience share kar rha hu. Dosto baat us time ki jab mere pass job nhi thi or main job search kar rha tha 2month ho gye the or main ghar par khali baitha tha daily job search karne par convence bhi jyada kharch ho rha tha tab aise hi sham to mere Dosto k sath baith k baat kar rha ki or use apne sari baate share ki usne suna bhi or meri help karne ki kahi, uske...

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It was raining very heavily that night. Tom hated driving in the rain. The thunderstorm roared very loudly and in his car's front screen, he could see lightning blazing itself up on the night sky. On the bright side, the highway wasn't full of that many cars. He was driving from Nevada to Kansas. He grew up in a small little town but his dad took him and the rest of the family away to Las Vegas, being tired of the religious lifestyle. Basically his father and mother ran away together, trying...

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Becky and Scott part 21

"Dear Becky I hate to tell you that I can't date you. I'm sorry I couldn't be faithful so you're free to do as you wish. I found someone whose shown me a new definition on the word love. Please enjoy your life - Jason" Scott said reading the letter. "Ouch..." "That ass...We said we'd try and stay faithful" Becky said. "So what the hell am I?" Scott asked. "Look, Right now, I don't know what we are... I just need to be alone" Becky said as she lied down with the sheets over her...

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Derby Line Marriage Ch 02

Francis stroked Patrick’s hand as he pushed the shopping cart by her side. With prices so much lower across the bridge, it made sense to pick up some items on their house hunting trip. Francis picked up a box of extra large condoms and put them in the cart with a wink. ‘Thanks for the complement,’ Patrick responded, ‘but we won’t be needing those until after you deliver.’ Patrick sighed to himself. -When we started trying in May it seemed so simple, – Patrick thought. – Three months later, it...

1 year ago
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The Walking Dead Reworked

2:31am. Your mind is rudely forced to turn back on when you hear a loud crash, followed by incomprehensible shouting coming outside of your bedroom window. Your eyes shoot open and you lean up inside your bed, the cool night air from the cracked window grazing your bare chest. You try to listen clearly for what is going on, but can only make out more distance noises and yelling. You look over and see that the noises woke your fiancé, Christine, up as well, who was sleeping right next to...

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Batman Arkham City ChroniclesChapter 2

I would like to mention that I found an editor, Ryan Brogan who volunteered his service. Special thanks to him. Monday, January 2, 2012 C.E. Master Bedroom, {cb}Wayne Manor, Gotham City Bruce wakes up slowly, a ray of sun shine being cast over his face from the window behind the bed that he lays on. His own, the same bed that he shared with four women the night before, the same four women who are with him now, some still in a slumbering state. Jaina Hudson occupies a place between Batman’s...

2 years ago
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Office Sluts After Dinner

 “Is that cum in your hair, Clair?” She stared stonily at my reflection in the mirror and then burst out laughing. We, and when I say we, I mean John, Adam, Clair and myself were enjoying a business dinner at a high-class hotel, and we ladies had taken the opportunity to powder our noses while waiting for the main course to be served.I noticed the white stains in her hair earlier in the evening and while I adjusted my tight black dress, my curiosity finally got the better of me. Adam’s...

Group Sex
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RagePart I Me

Man, I was high! Not on anything the cops would get excited about. I don't go that way and I do my best to make those around me steer clear of that shit too! No, my drug of choice was rage. Has been since I was a kid, beating the shit out of the playground bully for fucking with my older, geekier brother in Middle School. Keith was a thirteen-year-old, eighty-pound, four-foot-six-inch weakling with thick glasses and a penchant for getting 100% on every test, fucking over the curve for...

3 years ago
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A Lesbian Love Story of SortsChapter 2 Buying a Bridesmaid Dress the Seduction Begins

The next couple of weeks it was simple things. I started hugging her when we saw each other and complimented her every chance I got. The compliments during this time were simple, flattering compliments, things a man would never say. "Oh you painted your nails a new shade of red" or "Those shoes really help showcase your legs," or "Is that a new lipstick? It really makes your lips come to life." Each compliment seemed to perk up Gwen. Then we went bridesmaid dress shopping. "So what...

2 years ago
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My Indian Fiance

.................................................................................................................................................................................................. "Honey, can you take out the trash? I asked you to do this 2 and a half hours ago!" Ugh. The life I live. The name's Raymond, but you can call me Ray. I'm 26, and the woman you just heard whining about the trash is Hana, my girlfriend of 7 years, and recently turned fiance. She's 25, and we...

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The Night Is Dark Full of Terrors Is Darkest Before the StormChapter 2

They were still giggling when they entered Kerry’s house. As soon as the door was shut, Dearglil pushed Kerry up against the wall, kissing her hard on the lips. Kerry was surprised and caught unawares, but quickly got into it, returning the passionate kiss. Their school bags dropped to the floor as their arms wrapped around each other. Dearglil moved a hand between Kerry’s thighs, going straight for her pussy, delving into her pants to touch her mons. “You’re still moist.” “I...” “You’re...

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Waiting For My Sonny Ajay To Cum

My name is Arpita 45 years old living with my son Ajay 24 years old. It all started when my hubby was transferred to a different city. I started inviting my son Ajay to sleep with me during the nights. I reasoned to him that I was afraid to sleep alone. Although my son was an adult, we shared the same blanket. Both of us under one blanket caused a lot of chaos as we both were attracted to each other’s bodies. And my son being a virgin killed him inside. And with him being a virgin and a shy boy...

1 year ago
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Chanukkah and Christmas

Note to the reader: This essay is mainly directed toward Literotica readers who also share the Judeo-Christian world view. It may not make sense to anyone else. The following, to me, is not fiction, it is reality. Merry Christmas and Happy Chanukkah to all true believers. This season is about the mighty acts of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He is the great ‘I Am’ who has been called by many names, YHWH, Jehovah, the Most High God, the Lord of Heaven and Earth and many more. It is He...

2 years ago
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Dear Cum The not very spectacular Wife Lovers Omnium Spectacular Part One

Now in the salad bowl of existence that is our multi-cultural, multi-racial, pantheist, pan-sexual world sometimes, it might appear that what divides us is greater than the sum of our shared humanity. So it is more important than ever that we can celebrate and, dare I say it, worship those most divine of creatures that transcend our petty divisions with the universality of their adorable essence. I am, of course, talking about wives. As a wife of no little standing and some experience, I can...

Wife Lovers
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Feels Like 19 All better now

We were asleep in her bed. I was spooned to Tegan’s backside. Riva spooned to my backside. She snuggled into the pillow and held us both. I was startled, but conscious of who and where. Tegan seemed unparsed. I let Riva slide her warm leg between mine. The sun had warmed her, and she smelt of pool water. Time was lost as I looked at the sunlight streaming in a crack against the wall. School was out this Monday after Easter. I had nowhere to be. The sliver of warm glow on the wall convinced me...

Group Sex
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The new girlfriend

Hey, my names mark. After chatting to a girl on the internet for several months, I got to know her name, where she lived and what she wanted from a boy... I just never realized the darker side to her. Katie who lived only 20 miles away from me was a beautiful, slim, busty, brunette. who was only 18. She described herself as fun, sexy and allways up for a good time. perfect, I thought. We met up for the first time in our closest city for coffee. We spoke about college, music, intrests and even a...

2 years ago
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Happy Birthday0

My name is Josh. My father runs this town. Well, he controls everything that happens here, but he aint exactly an elected official, if you get what I mean. Nothing happens here that he doesn’t have a say in, so I have grown up almost as royalty here. It may be a small town, but it is MY town. One of the clubs my father owns holds a regular poker night and it is pretty popular. The stakes are big, and since I’ve been playing all my life, I normally do pretty well. As well as I do, however,...

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Just a Friday Night Ch 02

After spending the morning getting more ‘acquainted’, we decided to go out and grab some lunch. I take her to this cute little cafe in one of the alleyway’s that spread out over Melbourne CBD and decide to get to know this blonde goddess better. We’ve already established our ages, she’s 22 and I’m 24. She knows I work in Finance but I’m still yet to determine what she does. ‘So, Hailey, what do you do? Work? School? Bum around?’ I ask, as I play with my salad. She laughs. ‘Not much really,...

4 years ago
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"John!" Claudia called as you opened the door of your house. "So good to see you!" "Yeah, you too," you say, trying not to look too eager as you throw your arms wide and offer a hug, one she accepts before pulling away a little too quickly for your liking. She smiles at you, reminding you why you have such a crush on her. The smile is shy, a little awkward, and attached to an uncommonly beautiful face, framed by dark hair that cascades in waves over her shoulders. "May I come in?" she asks,...

4 years ago
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Wife and Mother in law 2

Carole's blonde hair was even cut similar to her daughter's, and was a slightly darker blonde, which he'd noticed came naturally with blondes as they aged. It still looked fabulous, the golden-blonde locks falling in soft waves about her pretty face, her blue eyes as warm and comforting as her daughter's, with that hint of experience showing through.Also much like her daughter, Carole had a penchant for wearing tight sweaters, which emphasized the impressive of her chest. The first time Spencer...

3 years ago
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Billy and Wili Wound Too Tight 5 in STOPWATCHChapter 4

They left Lodi rising 17. After the 'incident' at the park, they bought a vehicle ... NOT a new vehicle. Billy had a minimum of mechanical skills. In 1963 cars had carburetors with adjustment screws, distributors had points and 'timing', some cars had valve adjusters, some trucks had so much room between the engine and fenders a mechanic could climb in and stand with both feet on the ground to change spark plugs and the like. Billy could do that and was reasonable at it. Both of them...

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The Futa Fairy Taboo Futa Wish Chapter 2 Deidres Taboo Futa Passion

Chapter Two: Deidre's Taboo Futa Passion By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 “Wow,” my little sister said as I finished telling her everything that had happened, her lithe, eighteen-year-old body squirming beneath me. Normally, it was a story no one would ever believe. Well, maybe the part that I had the lesbian hots for my little sister, that every night when she slept in my bed—as opposed to her own on the other side of our shared bedroom—that I wanted to kiss her youthful thighs, cup...

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First Time Anal

Alice pondered her situation. She was 21 and had been dating a hot guy for a few months. He was the best fuck she'd ever had, but having said that, she wasn't all that experienced. During conversation one day it had emerged that her boyfriend, Sam, had been much more adventurous than she could have imagined: he'd been involved in group sex and even had anal sex. While the thought of it all kind of turned her on, she was worried that he'd get bored of her and find someone else to do these things...

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Heroes Fantasy Adventure MultiQuest Contributors Welcome

“Ahn! Ahh! Aii!” The moans echoed through the dark room. A raven-haired woman, wearing nothing but high-heeled ankle shoes, moved furiously up and down, impaling herself on the delicious piece of meat. With each movement, a lustful moan left her throat and her huge breasts jumped. Two of her companions lay on the floor, passed out. The blond haired beauty, the cleric of the group, wearing nothing but stockings, lay unconscious on her back – her large breasts moving slowly up and down. Her eyes...

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My wife Threesome I

She blushed a little bit but went ahead and told me about her fantasy of being fucked by two men at the same time. I was happy to hear it from Priti which drove me wild; my dick was going third gear. "See, now you think I'm a slut." She looked at my face, "Don't worry, it is just a fantasy. There is no one else in my life beside you." "No, Priti," I replied, "I am thinking, we can make your dream I mean your fantasy come true." "What? What are talking about?" It was her...

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Maid For Each Other 2

Maid for Each Other By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Meyers Chapter Two "Wake up, Jamie," said Tony, shaking him awake. "Oh?" said Jamie, cracking open his eyes. "Sure. What time is it?" "8am and breakfast will be on the table in five minutes," said Tony. "Go take care of your morning business and I'll meet you in the kitchen." Jamie wandered into the bathroom, emptying his bladder and then brushing his teeth. He took a minute washing his face pretty well and then brushing his...

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After Gabriel

After GabrielBy BrewtMay 2010The Actually Big EventWITH OVER 8 billion people on the planet, that means that at any given moment of any given day, around 5 million people are some way through the process of having sex; a solid ? million of which are in the process of starting penetration, another ? million are half-way through, and another ? million are just finishing up.So it is not surprising that at The Point in Time That Completely Changed Everything About the Course of Human History, we...

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I didnt know she was watching

It was the usual Saturday afternoon, sat round my best friend Mel's house, catching up on the weeks events, having a giggle, watching TV. Her boyfriend was out, so it was just the two of us chatting away. We'd been best friends for years, since school, we could talk about anything. I'd even once told Mel I'd had a sexual dream about her, God I woke up so wet that morning & dieing to rub my clit, but of course I didn't tell her that bit! I am straight, though I get off watching lesbian porn &...

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Our Tattered LivesChapter 11

The Christmas present With the pass of time and paying attention to her, her moods and how she behaved when problems or difficulties in the ranch arises, her reactions, her tantrums and her forlorn attitude I had realized that she was a lonely woman a very lonely woman, a woman with the need to have someone to lean on, a love-starved woman; a woman in need of someone who would love her. And in the closed boundaries of the ranch house with a particularly inclement weather on the outside that...

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Ann and the HandymanChapter 100

Next morning, Lena and I were sleeping soundly after our night of sexual excess and it took several minutes for me to realise that one, there was someone frantically ringing our doorbell, and two it was ten o'clock in the morning. I quickly shrugged on a dressing gown, Lena was still sound asleep, and went to the front door, it was Alan. Gathered around his feet and in his arms, were piles of wedding presents, some still unopened. "Sorry to disturb you Ann. It's a bit early I know. I...

1 year ago
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How I Became A Sugar Baby

I stepped out of the pool into the cool night air and wrapped my robe around my incredibly thin body. I looked at the lake and walked into the large house that I was now living in. I went through the enclosed back porch and into the living room area. Jim was sitting in the recliner as usual watching Thursday night football. I waited for a commercial and stepped in front of his chair and opened my robe showing him my beautiful thin body with my small tits and well-shaved pussy. Then I turned...

3 years ago
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My Birthday Surprise

I met Mary while in college, on a BBS chat room. I never thought that I could have feelings for someone I never saw, but I just simply fell in love with the person I knew as "BrightEyes". I was a freshman at Hofstra University, on Long Island, and she lived in a small town about an hour outside of Philadelphia. We made plans to get together after my last finals were over, and as my birthday gift, my parents bought me the train tickets to go and see her for the first time. On the train...

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Black Package 1st step GayMaker

My wife had left for the office but I decided to stay home that day as I was sick and tired of working and needed some time to myself. After grabbing a cup of coffee, I flipped on the TV and powered up the PC to check my morning mail. After rifling thru the usual spam and bullshit messages from friends and relatives, I decided to check some of my favorite adult websites. I like a combination of erotic stories and pictures so I had several different websites up simultaneously. I like beautiful...

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My sad cuckold dominated life real

Im not sure this is the right place to post this but I hope people in similar situations browse through here I used to post on different sites but they all got taken down. I do have a real life femdom lifestyle but it isn't sexual or anything in fact quite the opposite. Growing up with a brother and three sisters me and my brother were treated like inferiors by my sister and my mother and in so we acted like inferiors. We had worse grades were skinnier then them were generally outsmarted and...

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