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I was sick on the couch in my red cotton pajamas on Thursday afternoon. I was on my back with my head propped up by a pillow, so I could watch TV. Daytime television was awful. Between the soap operas, the chick talk shows, and the reruns of shows no one watched when they were originally on, I discovered I somehow watched Barney the Dinosaur for fifteen minutes before I realized what it was. It demonstrated how sick I truly was today.

"You're watching Group Date?" said my sister's voice.

I craned my head back to see 14-year old Tammy who was three years younger than me.

"Must be nice to lie around all day and not even have to get dressed," Tammy said.

"Ha-ha!" I fake laughed.

"So do you watch that for the pretty girls?"

"I'm not watching it," I said. I changed the channel. Barney was on again.

"That's more your style, Tommy."

"Why don't you do something useful and get me some water?" I pointed at the TV tray next to me with my empty plastic glass.

"Change your diaper too?" she shot back as she picked up my cup.

"Would you?" I retorted.

She gave me a sneer and headed toward the kitchen.

"Could you put some ice in it?" I shouted.

She looked back with a smirk but she didn't stop walking. She bumped into the corner of the wall and dropped the cup.

"You okay?" I asked sincerely.

"Yeah," she said and bent at the waist to pick up the cup.

My eyes grew big. Whoa! This was my sister? When did she get legs? When did she get a waist? When did she get an ass? My sister wore light blue shorts and in my position behind her I could see almost the whole length of her legs. When she stood back up, my gaze gravitated to her hips and waist. When did Tammy get a figure? Wow! My little sister, Tamara, was sexy. Did that happen overnight?

Tammy turned and looked back at me. What in the world? My sister had tits. Tammy, my little squirt of a sister, had tits. They were decent sized tits too.

"What's wrong?" she asked.


"You have a funny look on your face."

"I'm sooooo thirsty but my sister won't help me."

"You could just say I don't want to tell you."

"You'll insist I tell you."

"No, I won't"

"Yes, you will, Tammy. You hate not knowing."

Tammy went into the kitchen. I heard the ice drop into the cup and then the water. She returned.

"Oops!" she said and fake tripped and fake spilled the water on me. She put the water on the tray.

"Very funny," I sarcastically said.

Tammy looked me up and down. I guess that should be side to side since I was lying down.

"What were you thinking?" she asked.

"About what?"

"While I was in the kitchen."

I smirked. Sorry, sis, but no way would I tell you.

"You have an erection now," she said.

Oh, shoot! She could tell? It was strange enough that my own sister gave me a hard-on. I certainly wasn't going to tell her about it.

"Tammy!" I protested.

"When I got the cup you didn't have one, but when I came back you had one. What were you thinking about?

"Why do you want to know?" I asked. I purposefully sounding annoyed at her but I was more annoyed at myself for getting caught.

"Just curious," she said. "I'm 14, you know. I like boys. Since you're a boy, I thought it might be okay to ask you even though you are my brother. So why you are hard now?"

"I wasn't thinking about anything."

"I'm not stupid. You had to be thinking about sex."

Oh Tammy, if you knew the perverted thoughts your brother had you wouldn't want to know.

"I was thinking about Melissa. You know, the cheerleader."

"You like her?" said Tammy surprised.

I shrugged and said, "Yeah."

"You mean Melanie?"


"Isn't her name Michelle?"


"Right. Yeah."

"Was it someone you saw on TV?" she asked. "Barney?"

Barney was in the midst of his sickening song. I flipped the channel. I wanted to feel better not worse. On TV was a man and woman who demonstrated a "revolutionary new kitchen chopper". They were chopping up a sausage. I winced.

Mom came home at five. Dad left us four years ago, so Mom only had time to make dinner and head off to school. Life was still good. We were making it in our three bedroom apartment and after Mom graduated in June she could take her degree into the world then hopefully life would get even better.

"How are you, Thomas?" Mom asked.

"I'm okay," I said.

She put her hand on my forehead and said, "Let me take your temperature."

"Pull your pants down," said Tammy. "Do you want vaseline or do you prefer it dry?"

"Tamara!" chided Mom.

"It's just a joke," Tammy insisted.

"You're still very warm," Mom said after she read the thermometer she pulled from my mouth. "You should stay home tomorrow that way you can be healthy by Monday."

"Lucky!" said Tammy.

We had dinner and then Mom got ready for class.

Mom said her usual words that she said every night, "I'll be home late. Don't stay up too long. Tomorrow is school. I love you."

"I love you too, Mom," both Tammy and I said.

"I'm going to take a shower," I announced to Tammy after Mom left.

"Are you strong enough?"

"I have to get up to go pee anyway. I might as well shower. I feel so sweaty."

I walked slowly to the bathroom while Tammy headed toward her room.

I started the water first to give it time to heat up and then I undressed. Dang it! I forgot a towel. I cracked the door open.

"Tammy! I need a towel," I yelled.

I waited. Where was she?

"Tammy!" I called again.

I waited. Couldn't she hear me?

I opened the bathroom door fully and that instant Tammy showed up with a towel. Her eyes went to my cock which was erect again. Without taking her eyes away, she held the towel out to me. My cock throbbed. Her pupils grew then scanned up my body.

Tammy said, "I was in the other bathroom. I couldn't come right away." She glanced again at my erection.

"It's okay," I said. I didn't feel as embarrassed about Tammy seeing me naked as I would have expected. "Thanks for the towel."

I closed the door. It was sort of a thrill that Tammy saw me. How strange was that?

I put the towel on the hook and popped into the shower. The warm water on my back was wonderful and I stood motionless for five minutes. I breathed in deeply. The steam helped a lot.

I grabbed the soap and rubbed it all over my chest. I turned my front side into the water and rinsed off. I sudsed up my hands and touched my cock. My light touch felt very good. I was so hard and so ready. My mind drifted into fantasy.

I said quietly, "Oh, yes, Tammy. Suck it. That feels good."

I stroked my cock firm and fast. In my mind Tammy was now bent over with her hands against the shower wall.

"Yes, Tammy, yes! Oh, fuck! Yes. I'm gonna cum. I'm gonna cum!"

I groaned. My cum shot out harder and in a larger quantity than my normal masturbation. My cum quickly went down the drain.

Damn! The fantasy and sensation felt great, but I imagined my own sister. My own little sister! How could I do that? How could I think like that? Fantasizing over Tammy! What was wrong with me?

I wrapped my waist in the towel and headed to my room to put on different pjs. I pulled out green pjs that were identical to my red ones and redressed.

I returned to the couch and found the TV remote. I lay down and had just gotten comfortable when Tammy came from the kitchen carrying a bag of microwave popcorn. I thought I smelled something.

"Hey!" she said. "I was sitting there!"

The popcorn would normally be of high interest to me, but it was what Tammy wore that was of high interest to me. She was in turquoise panties and a light pink baby doll. The top exposed her young flat tummy and my eyes bore down on the bare skin. Tommy saw Tammy's tummy. Yeah, yeah, easy alliteration.

"Just because you're sick doesn't mean you can hog the whole couch," Tammy said.

"Where'd you get that?" I exclaimed too loudly while my cock grew.

"Get what? The popcorn?"

"The ... what you're wearing."

"Huh? I wear this all the time."

"You do?" My cock was full-size now.

"I've had it for a year. I wear it two or three nights a week."

"You do?" My cock throbbed.

"What's wrong with you?"

"It's ... it's short."

Tammy looked at herself then shrugged. "I grew."

"It's a..." I stammered. Damn, Tammy looked good!

I could see the braless shape of her tits covered by the lingerie. They looked firm and perky. Yes, perky was an overused word but it was the right description of Tammy's tits. It was hard to believe I was thinking about my own sister's tits.

Tammy turned to look at the TV. I took the opportunity to look at her panty-clad ass. Wow! What an ass! My cock ached.

"Would you move?" she said perturbed when she looked back.

I moved and sat up.

"You want some?" Tammy said.

My mind immediately went to innuendo on her question, but my mouth stayed sensible.

"Want what?" I responded.

"Popcorn," she said with her best teenage 'duh!' voice.

"Sure," I said.

She plopped down next to me so we could share.

We watched TV and ate popcorn.

"What are you looking at?" she asked after a while.

"What?" I said confused.

"You keep looking at me," she said.

Okay, I watched more than TV, but I thought I was subtle about it.

"I ... uh ... you look so grown up now."

"What? From yesterday?"

"I guess so."

"You're weird."

"It's true," I said. "Not that I'm weird but that you look more grown up."

Tammy made some type of hissing laugh sound.

I turned back to the TV.

Tammy asked a few minutes later, "Do I really look more grown up?"

"Oh, yeah," I said with a strong head nod. I used my response as an excuse to look over my sister's body. My cock throbbed to remind me it was hard and ready for female action. My cock would get the same action it got for the last 17 years — nothing.

"How?" she said.

How? I swallowed. It sounded like a dangerous question.

"Well ... um ... you have tits ... I mean breasts." I felt my face become flushed.

"It's okay," she said. "I call them tits too."

"And you have a waist now and a killer ass."

"Killer ass?"


"You said I have a killer ass."

"Oh, well ... um..."

"Thanks, Tommy!" she said with a giant smile.

"You're welcome," I said. It was the easiest way to end the conversation.

"Am I sexy?"

Enough of this!

I said, "You should go to bed now."

"Mom's not home until eleven."

"Tomorrow is school."

"What about you?"

"I'm sick."

"You let me stay up or I'll tell Mom you flashed me before you showered."

"It was an accident."

"Maybe Mom believes you and maybe she doesn't."

Why that little... ! I ought to... !

"Only until ten."


"Ten," I insisted.

"Alright," she said.

She stopped talking about the previous topic which made me so uncomfortable and we watched TV until ten. I stayed up until ten-thirty. I still needed to be in bed before Mom came home.

I walked by Tammy's closed door but I could hear sounds. I put my ear to the door. It was a strange sound. It was like a moan from a bad dream but then it changed. I heard clear audible words.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" Tammy moaned out.

I listened for half a minute then pulled my ear away. Fucking wow! Little sis was getting herself off. She was a horny girl and decided to release her sexual energy. My sister! Incredible.

I put my ear back just in time to hear Tammy cry out loudly and then I heard nothing. Did she cum or was it a break? I pulled my ear away again.

Tammy's door opened and I almost jumped out of my skin.

"What are you doing?" she said angrily as I stood there.

"Nothing. Just going to bed," I quickly said.

"You were just standing there!"

"I thought about checking in on you, but I decided not to."

"Since when do you check in on me?"

"Exactly, so I didn't do it."

Tammy walked past me to the kitchen. I watched her panty-clad ass. A minute ago those panties were completely off or pushed down. My cock throbbed.

I headed to my room. I needed to put myself to bed and forget this day ever happened. When did I go crazy?

Tammy was at school, Mom was at work, and I had the house to myself this Friday. Well, me and Barney the Dinosaur or me and the soap stars or me and the stupid talk show hosts. By the afternoon, I had enough of my insipid TV companions.

I was alone so why not have a little fun? I slipped down my pajama bottoms. A little fantasy would lead to a good pleasure. I slowly stroked my cock.

Ahhhh, Alicia, one of the cheerleaders. She was so beautiful with decent tits. Hmmm, her tits weren't any bigger than Tammy's. What about Jessica from my history class? Oh, yeah! She was big titted, sexy, and always dressed nice. Well, she didn't have the legs of Tammy and certainly not the ass. Tammy was a beautiful little package...

I looked up. Oh, shit!

Tammy was home from school. She stared at my cock and the motion of my hand.

"Sorry!" I hastily said and lifted my butt to pull my pajamas back up.

Tammy moved around so she was in front of the couch. In my panicked state, my pajama bottoms were suddenly frustratingly difficult to pull back up.

"Can I see it?" she asked.

I dropped back down and stopped trying to cover up. Did she just say what I thought she said?

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The Protector Vengence Is MineChapter 4

Jonas was lying on his back and he heard voices. His mind swam with the suddenness of his presence here, wherever here was. He was just in a garden talking to; Joe? God? Wasn't he? Had it been real? It couldn't be real. That was crazy. The jumble of words started ordering themselves in his head like a self assembling jig saw puzzle. The sense of the voices started filtering through Jonas's muddled mind. His mind felt like it was just floating. It wasn't focused on anything in particular....

4 years ago
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Hot Wife And Husbands Interest Payment Part 6

Hello ISS readers, this is Selena here. This is the continuation of the fifth part. And I really want to thank the ISS community for the overwhelming response to my first story. So let’s continue from where I left. I was waiting for Ismail on the bed. He came in. He was stark naked. We were both in our birthday suits. He gestured me to stand up, and I did. He sat on the bed and observed my nudity from top to bottom. Then he lay on the bed and asked me to give him a blowjob. So I obediently...

1 year ago
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Bad Jojo? Guess these fuckers were out of ideas for a domain name? Anyways, ever been in the situation when you want to enjoy some free porn, but you don’t know which site to go to? You know that situation… Am I feeling more like XHamster or RedTube today? Well, with you don’t have to worry about that at all. You get all of the content from all of those sites in one place and you can simply browse through all of their repositories at once! I bet you didn’t even know something like...

Porn Search Engines
2 years ago
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Master PC Mind MagiEpilogue

Sally and I were sitting in the back yard of our new house. A table just big enough for two was laden with a very delectable meal. The sun was just grazing the western skyline of the city as we began our meal. Music drifted to us through a small stereo I had setup on the back porch. A warm breeze swept only a minute portion of the Texas heat away from us. We both sat there eating and sweating. It had been months since my trip to New York. My interview in the early morning hours on the...

4 years ago
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Friends and FamilyChapter 19 The Rest of the Vacation ndash Part 2

Time With Tasha Tasha sounded very happy when Diana, Sasha and I walked into the clubhouse. “Good morning. We were going to send out a search and rescue team for you,” Diana was the first to reply. “No need Tasha. When I walked in, they were still going at it and they asked me to join them.” “Damn! Di, I missed all the fun,” Tasha whined. “It’s not THAT much fun,” Sasha said blushing. “Right, Sasha!” Tasha teased. “And one size fits all and I’ll respect you in the morning!” “Well it...

2 years ago
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A Fantasy

I have been dressing in women’sclothes since I was little. My grandmother used to dress me up in her old dresses and pretend I was her granddaughter. As I grew older it started becoming more of a sexual fascination and turn on for me. I have been more a closet cross dresser getting clothes here and there and then dressing up and having incredible masturbation sessions looking at tranny porn. Only in the recent couple of years I have discovered about sissy maids and bondage and bdsm and how it...

3 years ago
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There and BackChapter 173 Sailing Away

The morning came too soon, and found us standing on the Highever docks, waiting for a tender to ferry us out to the boat Fergus had booked. As I understood it, the ship was some sort of massive, ocean-going vessel usually used more for hauling cargo than guests, although we’d been assured that Alistair and I, and Aedan and Zevran, would have cabins rather than bunks, to my relief. Avanna had assured me that she and the other bodyguards we were bringing were happy sharing bunks or hammocks in...

3 years ago
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My brother and my wife

another Indian Sex StoryWe are a typical Punjabi joint family. My wife is 27 years, 5.2'height with 34C 28 36 figure. We have been married for more than 8years now.Everything was so normal when once at around 9 am when I was havingmy breakfast I saw my wife signaling flying kisses to my b*o fromthe kitchen. My b*o is 4 years elder than me, married for more than12 years and has two k**s. His wife is not so attractive and lacksall kinds of womanly assets. However seeing this fly kiss I...

2 years ago
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ScoutChapter 16

The Indians finally showed up a couple of hours after we had arrived. They were jogging along, obviously following our trail. One of them noted our position and called out to the others. They practically skidded to a halt and looked over their find. The Indians were apparently pleased at finding us so easily, as if it had taken great skill to hunt us down. That was a rather silly attitude, because any one over three years old could have followed the trail of our horses. Shod hooves leave a...

1 year ago
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Too Big For Shorts

Just after I finished college, I was living in a ground level studio apartment. The sofabed was about 6 feet from the sliding glass door with a draw blind that was your only seperation from the outside world. If the curtain was open, anyone walking by could see right in and see the bed. I had only been there about 3 weeks, when I had to go to the rental office for some reason (don't remember exactly what it was). It was summer in New Jersey, and I was wearing a pair of loose fitting shorts that...

4 years ago
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The Vampire At No 35

The rhythmic thump, thump, thump of the headboard matched the pounding of my headache. Grabbing the sides of the pillow and covering my ears, I was praying for a reprieve from the creaking bedsprings and sexual groans above me.Moan, moan, thump, thump, thump, grunt, grunt, moan, thump.The coital sounds of the male and female rutting together had been going on for hours now. Part of me was impressed at the stamina of the pair, but the other part was frustrated at yet another sleepless...

2 years ago
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My coworkers 19 year old daughter1

I came to discover that she also has a "daddy complex" and finds older guys attractive while ignoring guys her own age. Tara is about 5' 7" tall, red hair, very slim with small breasts. Tara grew up living in the country and has little to do when she is home from college. Tara's mom would bring her with her to work in town so she wouldn't be stuck at home all day long. Tara would hang out and go for walks and often just hang out in her Mom's car playing on her cell phone during...

1 year ago
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Sangeeta travels

This is NOT a real story…………….. ONLY A FANTASY !!!!!!!!!!!!!! This fantasy is dedicated to Sangeeta , she has contributed two stories. My Hunk My Hunk 2 I have contributed a Same story before….titled Dr Sonali Travels I just wanted to use Sangeeta in this. I hope She Likes it and does not mind. There are some words in Hindi, Please excuse my Hindi, I am not very well avere sed in Hindi !!! In this fantasy, we have You. you are scheduled to travel by train. Anyway you get to the train...

4 years ago
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To Walk the ConstellationsChapter 13

“Well, this is just overkill,” the Hegemonic Knight said. Techne shook her head, her arms tucked over her chest as she stood next to Meetra, with Rossk and Mal both crouched over a set of controls. The controls were all analog – and they were of Mal’s design, which was why several of them were located considerably lower than many humans would have put them. The control system, via simple copper cables and vacuum tubes that had been fabricated for this purpose, would send the command to fill...

4 years ago
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A fiery Tgirl adventures on tinder

You pose in red leather pants and a spicy matching crop top. Your pink nipples on full display as the timed camera winds down. The bright flashing light caught you in full sexy tgirl mode. You look over the snap shot happily. The picture shows off your slender pale stomach. The leather pants highlighting your long legs. The top, you knew, would play with guys mind as they checks you out on the dating app tinder. You throw on a simple yellow and white sundress to show off more of a sweet and...

3 years ago
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Another Steamy night

Went for my usual Steam and sauna last night and had a lovely time ;-)There were 2 lovely middle aged ladies in tonight. A Spanish looking lady with cute boobs wrapped in an orange see through boob tube style bikini top with a pair of flower pattern hotpants type bottoms on. She only around 5ft but what a sexy figure. She certainly looks after herself.The other lady from china possibly?. Great figure again and a peach of an assWell between hopping from the steam room to the sauna I was in...

3 years ago
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New Blood Part 1

November, 2028 It had been a long road for Nick Ross, a young catcher for the Worcester Red Sox. He was just received word from the Boston Red Sox general manager that the team's catcher had signed with another team so he was expected to be in shape to fight for the starting job in Spring Training to battle against their new free agent catcher. It was the news that he had hoped to hear for years, he was about to become a Major League Baseball player! When he went into the living...

4 years ago
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The Beginning

Introduction: This is how everything started for me… Part 1: How it started. I was in my final year of school and was about to graduate soon. Though I achieved a lot in school I didnt had sex yet. Not that I dont want it but that I was with a guy who thousands of miles away from me and the only sexual implications that we had were online to which I fingered myself. I was eighteen when I first got the taste for cum, yes as I said I hadnt done it but something happened one day and it all began....

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Author Note: I had this idea the other day. I used to know this girl in High School. I remember she used to be really abrasive, and a couple of times, we’d be talking, and I’d say something bad about her, and she’d slap me – all of this good-naturedly. Looking back on it, I can’t help but wonder. So, I thought I’d explore the idea, and see where it took me. This is the result. And yeah, the animated comedy mentioned here is basically a combination of South Park and other such programs, with a...

1 year ago
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Betsy CarterChapter 18

Betsy watched a tree remove the wing from her side of the jet, thinking that this had to be the trip from hell. The jet made another spine wrenching jog when another tree removed the wing from the other side of the aircraft. There was a jolt, then the jet came to an abrupt stop, and then the world went black. Unable to guess how long she had been unconscious, Betsy woke with a start. She glanced around the little commuter jet that was supposed to have taken her and ten other passengers from...

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Katheryn and her Father

Kathryn could not wait to get home. It was one of those days at the office; anything that could go wrong went wrong. It was up to her to straighten out the mess caused by others. She finished cleaning up all their problems and she did a good job of it she thought. She just wanted to go home, take her shoes off, and have a nice glass of wine. Kathryn was just sitting down in her favorite chair, shoes off, feet up, sipping a nice glass of Chardonnay, when there was a knock on the door and then...

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Wild weekend

How can I begin to explain? I was 40 at the time. I had a 18 year old son. I was lonely. For the last two weeks I had wet sexual dreams. I could not have a shower without having an orgasm. I was in a desperate need for some serious sex. Late June in Melbourne, Australia, can be a very depressing tome. Short cold days, even colder lonely nights. I could not afford it, but I could not help myself. I booked a two week holiday to Cairns in far North Queensland. I could not wait for Friday...

Drunk sex
1 year ago
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The humiliation of KT

foreword This is a transfer and continuation of my "what if katie was a boy named K-T instead?" branch on the awesome story since this part of the story flips around and has a boy being stuck naked, bottomless and in various embarrassing or exposing situation, I decided to make it a standalone story for more visibility (the other story is tagged with female mc). Expect some ENM, CFNM, some crossdressing ( not the main focus but it might...

4 years ago
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DC UNIVERSE Hero or Villain

You sat in your office one night working on your little trinket. You put off your work trying to figure out how to hook up a piece of alien tech, which was a strange circle or oval shape, to a metal rod and sprang. You received the tech from your old college friend Lex Luthor. He gave the strange tech to you during Christmas when you visited Metropolis. He didn't give you any reasons to why he gave it to you. You always thought he gifted it to you because he knew you would be able to figure it...

2 years ago
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Nurse As Girlfriend

Hey everybody i’ve been reading ISS for a long time now and thought why not submit my own story ! Pls stay calm since the story is a long one this is true story and i promise you would enjoy this story. By the way this is my first story hope you enjoy pls do provide feedback ! Let me first tell you about myself a state level football player athletic body with a 6 pack height 5’10 and a medium complexion ! The story starts just a few months ago when i had been to the hospital near my house to...

4 years ago
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Sexy Colleague Seduced Me 8211 Part II

Hi guys, Rajendra urf Raj here from Pune again. This is the continuation of my first story with my Sexy colleague Anu after that daring sexy evening; my mind was full of thoughts of how to approach her for full sex. That night was all wet bed night. We chatted for long and even had sex chat due to which I had mastrubated 3 to 4 times. Monday morning when we met in office, she had that naughty, bitchy, sexy, smile on her face. I liked it as it was preety clear she was very much interested in me....

3 years ago
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Compensation an Incomplete ManTwo

“Mr. Aho, are you unhappy with me? Or the way I have been taking care of Oona?” I raised my eyes from the newspaper I had been reading and looked at our babysitter, Minna. “No, Minna, not at all. I’m sure that we both have been more than happy with you. Why ... oh, now I get it. It’s because I haven’t needed you that often!” She blushed a bit and I couldn’t help feeling a bit guilty. Minna had pretty severe dyslexia but she was determined to become a children’s teacher. She was able to get...

4 years ago
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The Adventures of Amanda LustChapter 10 Prepare For Battle

"Damn" She exclaimed, all those good feelings left her in a rush. She slipped on her slacks and pulled them up. Mark helped her on with her tee shirt. "Sweetheart, come on out after you get dressed. I'll go on down and see what in hell is so important." She was unprepared for the large, self-important looking man in his mid forties. "I am Mark's father. I have come to take him home, by force if necessary." "Mister, I don't give a tinker's damn who you are. This is my house. In my...

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Mums Friends Chapter Two

Next morning Paul woke at six. Jill was awake. They kissed gently as both of them were exploring each other's bodies. Paul was hard, and Jill was wet. They had ten minutes of foreplay then Paul went inside her. Half an hour later they were in the shower. Jill had fairish hair. Jill asked, “Would you like me to be more blonde than this? A lot of people have suggested that I would look great if I were blonde.”Paul replied, “Wait until you have spoken to your advisors. After we are dressed, we...


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