Sex Dare: Can I Suck Your Dick? [B] free porn video

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Foreword: This is a work of fiction. None of the people in this story are real. None of these events ever happened. This story is nothing more than words that came from my imagination. Any similarity to any real people, places, or events is purely coincidental.

Operators of erotic story web sites, whether free or fee-based, have my permission to post my stories for public reading, provided that credit is given to "Hungry Guy" as the author, and as long as you don't make changes other than fixing typos. Even beware of fixing typos, for I occasionally use local slang and dialects that may be flagged by your spell checker. Thanks.

Ned was hanging out at Crazy Eddie's (the bar; not the defunct audio dealer) on Friday night after work. Wearing his favorite Quark's Bar tee shirt and jeans, he was leaning against the rail of the balcony overlooking the dance floor below as My Dying Bride assaulted his ears from the huge Klipsch speakers hanging from the ceiling.

Being a shy geeky guy, he never had any luck with women -- never been laid; never even had a girlfriend. Occasionally, he would build up the courage to ask a girl to dance, but the excuses got more bizarre every time: she has to wash her hair first, or she's having surgery in the morning, or she has to go home to wash her dog.

So Ned didn't come here to meet women -- just to have a drink, watch the people, listen to the music, and play a few arcade games over in the game room.

He took a sip of his beer when an attractive woman walked over to him, laughing hysterically.

"Hi," she said before letting out an explosive laugh.

"Yeah, what?" he said with deliberate impatience in his voice.

He looked her over while she took control of her laughing fit. She was "hot", as guys would say. She was tall and athletic-looking, slender but not skinny. Knock-out face, big brown hard eyes, puffy lips, and shoulder-length light-brown hair. Dressed to kill, too, in a black tank top and tight jeans with several inches of bare tight belly between each. Her tits weren't huge, but they stood out were nice and firm in her tight top. The little gold ring in her navel made for a nice finishing touch.

He was about to just walk away when she leaned close and whispered in his ear, "Can I suck your dick?" and burst out laughing again.

Ned knew when he was being teased, though he had never seen this woman before and was wondering why she had it in for him. He started to turn to walk away when she touched his arm.

"Wait! Can I?" she asked again and let out a giggle.

Ned opened his mouth to start to say, "Fuck you!" but then decided not to cause a scene. He just turned again and tried to walk away from the bully.

She rushed around and stopped in front of him. "You think giggle I'm teasing you, giggle don't you?"

"Uh, huh!" Ned answered with a tinge of anger in his voice.

"Look, giggle my friends and I are doing sex dares. snort And I got'ta suck your dick or I lose."


"Yeah! Really! You look like you're here alone. You're not married, or got a girlfriend, or anything, do you?"

"Uhm, no," he answered defensively.

"Then c'mon! I promise you'll like it! giggle"

"You're really serious?" he asked, not really believing her.

"Yeah! I'm fucking serious!" she insisted with a tinge of annoyance in her own voice.

"All right," he answered guardedly. "Where? Not right here, I hope."

"Back in one of the private booths," she answered.

Ned knew that Crazy Eddie's had a special section lined with private booths for small groups. They were just that, too, booths like at a diner where two to four people could to eat, drink, and perhaps do other activities, in private. They were pretty cheap too, for about $20, you could have a private booth for the night.

"Okay," Ned said again.

She grabbed his hand and led him through the crowd and stopped amid four other women. "I got him," she told the others.

"Okay," one of the other women said, "we'll be waiting right here, Paula."

Another of the woman looked at him and asked, "What's your name?"

"Ned," he answered, and, for some reason, that drew a combined laugh from all of them.

"C'mon, Ned," Paula said as she pulled him away from her friends.

Paula led Ned over to the door where a bouncer stood guard. The bouncer, apparently recognizing Paula, let them through into the private section.

Ned suddenly panicked. What if this woman was going to rob him, or worse -- how often does a woman just up and ask a strange guy if she can suck his dick?

"What's the matter?" she asked.

"Nothing," he answered.

"Don't worry. I won't hurt you! Promise!"

Ned followed Paula down a corridor lined with frosted glass windows and doors, ensuring privacy for the occupants, then around a corner with another corridor with more of the same. She stopped in front of booth 42 and opened the door. Inside was a tiny carpeted room with cushioned wooden bench seats against each side wall. The table was folded up against the back wall.

Closing and locking the door, Paula said, "Okay, boy, drop 'em!"

"Drop what?" Ned asked, his voice squeaking.

"Your pants, silly."

"Look," Ned said, smiling at her, "you don't really have to suck my dick for a dare. I'll tell your friends you did it anyway."

"What? You don't want it? You gay or something?" she asked with slight annoyance.

"No! I'm not gay!" Ned said defiantly.

"So, c'mon, then!" she urged. "Look, that was nice of you, but I got to show my friends your cum in my mouth."

Ned swallowed and unbuckled his jeans. He let them drop and then fingered the waistband of his briefs as he felt his face turn red.

Paula kneeled in front of Ned and looked up at him. "C'mon! Don't be shy! Let me see it!" she urged with a smile.

Ned pulled his briefs down, letting them fall to his feet onto his jeans, showing her his limp cock.

"Oh, so you're going to make me work for it, huh?" she asked with a smirk.

"Sorry, but I'm really nervous," he said.

"You're nervous? You! Jeez!" she said as she grabbed his limp member with her right hand. She thumbed it back and forth a few times, bringing it slightly to life.

Ned gasped when she next opened her mouth and leaned forward, engulfing his member and closing her lips at its base.

She began bobbing her head back and forth, sliding his cock in and out. He felt his cock grow quickly hard at this treatment. She continued sucking, and he cautiously rested his hands on her head and then ran his fingers through her thick soft brown hair. She didn't seem to object as she continued bobbing and sucking.

Ned felt the pressure build in his loins as she continued her assault. Not only was she sliding his cock back and forth, she was also sucking and swirling it with her tongue. Oh man, that felt so good!

The pressure built up quickly, but he was enjoying this so much that tried to hold his climax in check. But when she slid her tongue against the base of his cock-head and pressed the tip of her tongue gently into his pee hole, spreading the opening slightly, it was more than he could stand. He finally exploded into her mouth. His cock throbbed and his body quaked as he squirted wad after wad into Paula's mouth, splattering against her tongue and against the back of her throat, while he moaned, "Oh! Oh! Oh!"

His cock finally shot its last wad as Ned sighed, "Wow!"

Paula slid her mouth off Ned's cock and stood.

"That felt so good!" he told her.

She shrugged in answer as cum oozed from her lips. Then she rushed out the door and disappeared down the hall.

Ned started to pull his briefs and jeans back up, but hesitated when he realized what a cummy mess his cock was. Looking around for a paper napkin or tissue, he saw none, so he just pulled them up and buckled his belt. Wow! What a once-in-a-lifetime experience!

He opened the door, wondering where his new girlfriend went. He looked up and down the corridor, but it was vacant, so he closed the door and waited for her to return for him.

After about ten minutes, the door opened. One of Paula's friends was with some tall skinny guy with thick black glasses who was wearing a Play Station tee shirt.

"What are you still doing here?" she asked.

"I'm waiting for Paula to come back," he answered.

"Oh. Paula's probably out in the bar looking for you," she said with a giggle.

"Thanks," Ned said to them, and left the booth. He returned to the balcony but couldn't see Paula or her other friends anywhere.

He walked up to the railing and looked down on the crowd below. Ah There she is, seeing Paula and her friends over at the food window getting Pizza.

He struggled through the crowd down the stairs over to the food window and over to Paula. Paula gave him an icy stare as he walked up to her with a big grin on his face.

"Hi," he said to her, "I was waiting for you up on the room. I didn't know you were waiting down here."

"Get lost, creep!" she scolded him.

"What?" he squeaked. "Paula? What happened? Why are you mad at me now?"

"You got your blowjob," she hissed at him. "Now get the fuck away from me!"

Her remaining friends stepped between Ned and Paula. One of them said, "You heard her, dork! Get lost!"

Another said, "Isn't Star Trek on now? Go home! You're missing it!" and broke out into obscene laughter.

Ned backed away from the women as tears welled up in his eyes. Of course Star Trek was on now -- didn't those bitches know what a VCR was for? With his head down so that no one in the bar could see him crying, he rushed toward the door and out to his station wagon.

He got in the car and started the engine, but just sat there crying. But after a while his sorrow turned to anger.

He backed his car out, but instead of leaving, he drove farther to the back of the lot where the asphalt was cracked and uneven, and was poorly lit. He shut off the engine and went to the rear of his station wagon. He lowered the tailgate and tugged on a black trunk that he hadn't opened in years and stored it in his car for lack of anywhere else convenient to store the bulky thing. He opened the trunk and sorted through the items within. About ten minutes later he was costumed as the most loathsome of performers: a mime. He then grabbed some jump ropes to use as props.

He had won second prize in some college contest for this act many years ago, and hoped he hadn't become rusty. He also hoped that the popular misconception that being a nerd equaled being a klutz worked in his favor.

In black pants, prison-striped shirt, bright green hair, face covered with white stage makeup, floppy hobo shoes, and big red nose, he went over to the entrance of the bar and began his act. As people came and left the bar, he danced on the sidewalk pretending to be trapped inside a glass box. A small crowd of people started to collect around him, even though the crowd changed faces every few minutes.

In a moment of panic, he though that the bouncers who exited the bar at one time were going to chase him away, but they just watched and laughed for a few minutes before returning back inside.

He grew tired as the hours passed, but he didn't do anything really tiring during his patient wait. Besides, it was a rush entertaining people and drawing a crowd in public.

His reward finally appeared. Paula and the others came out of the bar

He had, at the ready, an allergy inhaler attached to a small helium canister. Pretending to have a momentary shortness of breath, he took a couple of whiffs, then he launched into his second act. He picked up the jump rope and began doing tricks.

He realized that his plan wasn't foolproof. In fact, he knew his effort would probably be for nothing, but it was worth a shot.

Fortunately, Paula and her friends stopped to watch. He was relieved that his jump rope skills came back to him.

He was careful not to pay much attention to Paula and even played up to some other women on the other side of him coming from the parking lot toward the bar. While keeping an eye on Paula and her friends, he played up to the rest of the crowd deliberately ignoring his targets.

Then, as Paula and her friends lost interest and started to move toward the parking lot, he "accidentally" let it brush against Paula's leg as she walked past, whereupon he feigned a fall to the ground flat on his face.

Phew, the first, easy, part of his plan worked. Next, it depended on the bitch having at least a tiny bit of a heart, which he doubted.

"OhmyGod!" Paula screamed and kneeled down to him. "I'm so sorry! Are you all right?" she shrieked.

"Oof!" he spoke in his helium-induced cartoon voice. "You should watch your step, young woman!"

"Oh dear, I'm sorry, sir," she repeated.

To his frustration, everybody else was crowding in, "Let me help..." "Do you need help?" "Here, let help you..."

To Paula, he just squeaked, "I just twisted my ankle. I'll be okay. Can you just help me to my car?"

"Sure, no problem." she agreed.

To his relief, her friends said, "We'll wait for you at the car, Paula."

Ned picked up his ropes and put his arm across Paula's shoulder, and she put her arm around his waist. He then limped through the parking lot to his car, assisted by Paula.

By the time they reached the rear of the lot, no one else was around. He limped up to the rear of the wagon holding onto Paula. He turned the handle, letting the tailgate drop. Then in a deft sequence that he had played out in his mind over and over again while he was miming for the past hour, he placed Paula between himself and the tailgate, and pushed her in. She fell on her back and he quickly jumped on her and tied her ankles with the rope.

"Hey!" she screamed. He quickly climbed onto her body and crawled up to her head. He sat his ass right on her face to keep her quiet and then tied her hands with the other rope.

While remaining on her face, as her arms flailed and her body bucked, he reached into his trunk and pulled out a few more ropes. He then tied her wrists to her ankles, forcing her into a fetal position. He removed one more rope. He tied a knot into the middle, then tied that knot into a bigger knot. He got off her face and shoved that big knot into her mouth and then tied the rope tightly around the back of her head.

Finally he covered her with a couple of blankets that kept in his car for emergencies.

He closed the tailgate and got in front and started the engine.

Being a nerd had its advantages in other ways. He often used the short dirt road that led from the rear of the parking lot to a back road to avoid the traffic on the main street. Few people used or even seemed to know about the rear exit. It seemed that such small details of the world are the exclusive agency of geekdom.

He slowly left the lot via the back road, without even turning his lights on until after he got onto the road.

He made his way down the back road onto a side street, and pulled onto the main street a few blocks away from the bar. Once on the main street, he slid Misanthrope into the CD player and cranked Rest In Pieces.

He arrived home about a half-hour later and pulled into his garage.

He dropped the tailgate and pulled the shaking and terrified woman out by her ankles and let her fall to the concrete floor with a thud!

He pulled her over the threshold by her ankles into his kitchen, then slid her headfirst partly above the first step to his basement. Then, ensuring he had a good grip on her ankles, he pushed her over the step, and slowly walked down the steps letting her bound and gagged body slide down the steps, one by one.

Once to the basement floor, he unlocked a door, dragged her into finished room, and turned on the light, revealing a BDSM-lover's dream dungeon. He pulled her to the middle of the floor and hooked a pair of suspension cuffs to her ankles. Then he pressed a button on the wall to lower a thin steel cable from a winch in the middle of the ceiling and hooked it to the cuffs. Lastly, he pressed an adjacent button, until she was completely suspended, upside-down, from the ceiling.

She looked comical, hanging by her ankles, with her wrists and ankles bound together with rope, and a rope tied around her head with a knot in her mouth. The only noise she made, could make, was a barely audible, "Mmmm! Mmmmm!"

At that, he yawned and looked at his watch. He turned off the light, locked the door behind him, and returned upstairs.

He took a quick shower and went to bed, pleased to finally have a girlfriend.

Though he usually liked to sleep late on weekends, he woke early Saturday morning to play with his new toy.

Skipping breakfast, he headed downstairs and unlocked his dungeon.

There it was, still hanging upside down grunting and swinging wildly, as if that would help it.

He saw its eyes go wide in recognition as it saw his face for the first time (or was it the second time?) without his mime makeup on.

He sniffed the air as he walked up to it, "What stinks?" he asked aloud as he stood next to it.

"Mmmmmm! Mmmmmmm! Mmmmmmm!" it replied,

"Your clothes are soaked," he said noticing that its clothes were wet from its crotch down its chest. Then he noticed its hair dripping onto a small yellow puddle directly under its head.

"You pissed yourself? You worthless slab of female meat!" he yelled at it. Then he kicked it in the side of the head, not hard enough to break anything, but hard enough to hurt.

Then he untied the ropes that bound its wrists to its ankles and let its arms drop down. Next, he untied its wrists from each other. Then, he untied the rope that tied its ankles together, leaving it still dangling by its ankles by the ankle cuffs. Then he untied the rope from around its head.

"You fucking bastard! Who the fuck do you think you are?" it screamed at him.

He kicked it in the head again, saying, "Shut up, slut! You make another sound and I'll kick you in the head so hard your skull will crack!"

He then grabbed its tank top and yanked, ripping it off. Then he ripped its bra off, letting its boobs hang upside-down pointing down to its chin.

Its jeans were too thick to just rip off with his bare hands, so he took a scalpel and sliced them down the outside of each leg. Then he ripped its panties off.

He walked over to the other end of the room and pulled out a garden hose. Dragging the hose over, he began rinsing it off with the icy cold water, letting the water drain into a drain in the floor directly under its head.

"C-c-c-cold!" it shivered.

"What did I say about talking, cunt?" he asked as he kicked it again, harder this time, but still not hard enough to break its skull.

"Please," it begged, "don't kick me again. Please! I'll be your girlfriend. I'll give you blowjobs every day. Just let me down. Please!"

This time, he kicked it in the head without even answering.

As it swung back and forth from his last kick to its head, he unzipped his pants, pulled his dick out, and pissed on it, aiming down at its chest and chin.

It immediately began coughing and sputtering when he managed to direct the stream directly into one of its upward-pointing nostrils.

"Get used to it, slut!" he yelled. "You're mine now! Your body is my fuck toy from now on! You'll remain naked at all times while at home. The only time you'll ever wear clothes again will be if I take you out for some reason."

Ned returned upstairs and logged on to his computer. While he had built a well-equipped dungeon, he hadn't anticipated owning a genuine non-consensual slave. He had to order a lot of additional bondage gear from assorted BDSM suppliers to train and control it.

Ned had wondered if there would be news of a missing woman over the next few days. Indeed, there was tragic news. A car full of young women out for a night on the town had lost control late at night and plunged 200 feet off a bridge and burst into flames at the bottom of a ravine leading to the harbor.

The news was showing recent photographs of the five victims, Corinne, Fran, Paula, Sue, and Wendy. Of the five women, only three bodies were recovered. All three were burned beyond recognition. The driver was trapped inside the car, while the four passengers had been blown out of the car when the gas tank exploded. One burnt body was found on the bank not too far from the point of impact. Another was found washed up about a mile away. A few burnt body parts were scattered around the scene. Police found empty beer bottles and drug paraphernalia in the vehicle. While inconclusive due to the badly burned bodies, autopsies had suggested that all three had been intoxicated at the time of the crash. The two other women were never found and were presumed washed out to sea with the tide. Sharks had also been spotted in the bay, perhaps attracted to the scent of meat and blood.

Reporters nosing around the bar they were last seen at spoke of a mime show that night, but the women, themselves, were faceless and nameless bar patrons whom no one remembered.

Ned's conscience had been troubled a little, but only a little, by what he was doing to his captive. The news comforted him, in a morbid way, in knowing that, had he not captured and enslaved it, it would have died a gruesome death with its four friends in that fiery crash.

The next couple of weeks passed uneventfully while he waited for his new supplies. In the meantime, he occasionally lowered it onto a large table, shackled it down spread-eagle, climbed on top of it, and fucked it. Sometimes, he would put on a rubber and fuck it in its cunt. But since rubbers were messy and dulled the sensation, he would, more often, climb on it with his hips over its face and fuck it in the mouth. Bearing down under the full weight of his body by his crotch on its jaw, his cock jammed deep down its throat, it would buck wildly as he rode it. And occasionally, he would strap it down on its chest, lubricate its ass thoroughly with KY jelly, and fuck it in the asshole. He slapped it, whipped it, or kicked it, if it tried to speak or make any sounds, and it learned to remain silent.

When he wasn't fucking it, it remained hanging from its ankles. He fed it water and dog food once each day. He also rinsed its piss, and his piss, off it every couple of days.

When the last of his orders had arrived, he opened all his packages on a table in his dungeon and spread everything out. He spent several hours mounting electronic equipment around the room, then he placed several leather garments in a drawer.

The next thing he did was to place a special electronic collar around Fuck's neck, and hook a padlock though the buckle.

"Bitch," Ned said to it.

It looked up at him in silence, and he smiled down at it.

"Say something," he ordered its.

"Wha... Aaaaa! Aaaaaaa! Aaaaaaa..." it screamed.

"Quiet!" he ordered. "That's what'll happen if you utter a sound. And the pain will continue until you are silent."

It silenced its screaming, yet panted heavily as if trying to catch its breath.

"One more thing," he said. "See this fob in my hand?"

It nodded a yes.


He pressed a button on the fob.

"Aaaaa! Aaaaaaa!" it screamed.

"That's what'll happen if you disobey me," he said to it.


"You're forgetting the pain will continue for as long as you make noise."

Again, it stopped screaming, and returned to panting.

"Good toy!" he said. "Oh? Didn't I tell you I'm changing your name? Your name is now Fucktoy, because that's what you are. You are nothing more than a fuck toy, a cheap object that exists only for my amusement. Now, in a minute, I'm going to let you down. But there's something you should know first. Not only do you get pain for talking or if I press this button; you also get pain if you get too far away from that transmitter on the wall, or if you walk through that door. Do you understand?"

It nodded yes.

"That's not good enough, Fucktoy. When I ask a question, you must answer, 'yes' or 'no'. The pain will only last a second, unless you start screaming."

Fucktoy swallowed and opened its mouth to answer, but it only began quaking in fear.

"Answer my question, Fucktoy," he said and pressed the button.

"Aaaaaaa!" it screamed.

"I'm going to hold this button down until I hear you answer my question, Fucktoy."

"Aaaaaaaayyyyeesss!" it screamed and then closed its mouth.

"Good toy, but next time, I'll expect a simple 'yes' or no' without any screaming. Do you understand?"

Fucktoy paused before yelping out a quick, "Yes," and twitching and gasping for breath.

"Excellent, Fucktoy!" he told it.

Next, Ned lowered Fucktoy down onto the floor. With its ankles still shackled together, he grabbed its wrist and led it, hobbling, over to a gurney.

"Lay on this table, Fucktoy," Ned told it.

Fucktoy lay on the table, naked except for the collar. Ned then shackled Fucktoy to the table by its wrists and ankles then strapped it down with several belts. He went over to one of his recently opened packages and removed some new implements. Then he returned to its side and pushed its head down sideways.

"Now, Fucktoy," he told it, "I'm going to mark you as my property. It's going to hurt like a son of a bitch, but remember what'll happen if you make any noise, okay?"

Fucktoy closed its eyes and nodded as a tear dropped from its eye down the side of its head.

With scalpel in hand, Ned carved a stylized "NED" in Fucktoy's right cheek. He actually made two strokes for each line of the design, resulting in a V-gouge for each mark of the design.

It took a while, because Fucktoy occasionally bucked at the pain, and he also had to wipe its blood off. After about an hour of slow painstaking work, Ned finally completed placing his mark on Fucktoy's cheek.

Yet, he wasn't finished. Next, Ned carved in block letters, "Fucktoy, property of, Ned" on its left arm just below its shoulder.

Ned placed bandages on its cheek and shoulder, went upstairs, and called it a day.

The following day, Ned returned to his dungeon. He removed the bandages from Fucktoy's cheek and shoulder. Next, Ned took a high-power soldering iron, and let it get hot. After the iron had got good and hot, he traced the design on Fucktoy's cheek and his writing on its shoulder.

Afterward, Ned told it, "Fucktoy, you were very well behaved. I have a reward for you."

Fucktoy looked up at him with a smile.

It got on the table and lay down as instructed.

Ned pulled out a gigantic dildo and a leather harness. He pressed the dildo to Fucktoy's asshole and slowly pushed it in, deeper and deeper.

Fucktoy began crying in pain, "Please -- sir -- hurts! I -- beg -- you -- no!"

Ned slapped Fucktoy on the back of the head and then pushed the monster dildo up its ass with one final shove.

Next, Ned took a leather harness and wrapped it around Fucktoy's hips and between its legs, clipping it to the end of the huge dildo so that Fucktoy couldn't shit the dildo out.

"Now," Ned said, "I'm going to use my fuck toy as a cum sponge."

A long time ago, Ned had ordered a custom-made leather harness from a BDSM web site. He had never dared hope that he would ever get actually use it, but he eagerly rooted through his BDSM gear until he found it. But first, Ned grabbed an adult diaper and put it on Fucktoy.

"Now get off the table and squat in front of me, you worthless example of womankind," he ordered it.

First Ned clamped a jaw-spreader into Fucktoy's mouth, turning the bolt until its mouth was stretched open impossibly wide.

Then Ned placed his custom harness over Fucktoy's head. He buckled the belts until it fit snug, holding the cock-ring over Fucktoy's mouth.

Another harness hung loose, attached to that same cock-ring, dangling from Fucktoy's chin. Ned stepped into the second harness, sliding his cock through the cock-ring into Fucktoy's gaping mouth. He buckled the harness around his hips and between his legs, holding his cock snugly inside Fucktoy's mouth.

Ned entered a code on his fob so that Fucktoy could leave the dungeon without getting shocked. Then, with Fucktoy's mouth snugly attached to his cock, he slowly walked out of the dungeon and up stairs, pushing it to crawl on its legs in front of him.

Ned walked into the kitchen, nuked a pizza, grabbed a case of Guinness, and finally made his way into his living room.

He settled down on the sofa and turned on the Star Trek marathon on TNN.

He ate his pizza and drank beer after beer as countless battles raged on TV between Klingons, Romulans, Borg, Ferengi, and others throughout the night.

Ned didn't remember when he fell asleep, but he woke the next morning with a splitting hangover. Empty bottles of beer littered his coffee table, and the Star Trek marathon had been replaced with a Gary The Rat marathon something during the morning.

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Scandalous Behaviors A Dare Part 1 of 4

A dare started it all, and my sexual adventures cascaded from there. A fine line can be drawn between a spontaneous dare and preconceived dare. I can't say which it was when my wife said, "Darling, have you ever dreamed of being naked around a group of women?" I asked, "Do you mean a dream at sleep or a fantasy dream?" "Well," she said, "both." "Why do you ask? It sounds silly to me." "It's not so silly. The girls at our club were talking about their husbands watching Internet porn. Stephanie...

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From Candace to CandyChapter 4

When we returned home I took Candace to my bedroom, laid her on her back on my bed, and tied her hands and ankles to the head and foot boards of the bed. I kissed her lightly on her lips, then began to kiss and nibble on her cheeks, eyelids, forehead, around to her ears and her neck. Her body was stock still but her breathing was quick and shallow. When I got to the front of her neck I began to work my way down the front of her body. I grabbed the scissors I left on the bed table and cut her...

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Cand viata bate filmul

Cu ceva timp in urma, un prieten de familie mi-a povestit o intamplare pe care a trait-o vara trecuta in concediu, impreuna cu sotia lui. Pentru ca a citit si i-au placut fanteziile erotice publicate de mine pe site-ul asta, m-a rugat sa scriu eu povestea lui si s-o postez aici. Am acceptat pentru ca mi s-a parut foarte interesanta experienta traita de el, cu atat mai mult cu cat atinge o latura destul de sensibila si de controversata a sexualitatii. Marturisesc ca nu mi-a fost deloc usor,...

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Cand viata bate filmul

Cu ceva timp in urma, un prieten de familie mi-a povestit o intamplare pe care a trait-o vara trecuta in concediu, impreuna cu sotia lui. Pentru ca a citit si i-au placut fanteziile erotice publicate de mine pe site-ul asta, m-a rugat sa scriu eu povestea lui si s-o postez aici. Am acceptat pentru ca mi s-a parut foarte interesanta experienta traita de el, cu atat mai mult cu cat atinge o latura destul de sensibila si de controversata a sexualitatii. Marturisesc ca nu mi-a fost deloc usor,...

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From Candace to CandyChapter 3

The more she talked the harder my cock got. She told me that starting at the age of 8 when I tied her up, she would go to her room afterwards and play with her slit. When she was 9 her clit made its' first appearance and she began getting mini orgasms. By the time we quit when she was 10 she was having orgasms while I was tying her. That was one of the reasons she quit, she was getting embarrassed about it and didn't want me to see. She continued to play with herself, but to make up for not...

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Ms Americana The Palace

DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE UNDER 18OR EASILY OFFENDED BY SEXUAL MATERIAL, BONDAGE, DISCIPLINE, FEMALE SUBMISSION OROTHER SEXUAL SITUATIONS.   Ms Americana/Brenda Wade andLydia Wills/Flag Girl are the creations of Mr. X.  I came up with the othervillains.   Please direct all comments andfeedback to [email protected].  Put Ms Americana or Story feedback insubject line, otherwise I might think it is spam and delete.                 MS AMERICANA: THE PALACE By Thom Gall              Sugar...

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Sex Dares and cheating

I was at a party with a big group of guy friends and girl friends. My girl friend came with me. I am a shy guy, but We ended up all playing a game of dares with one rule. The dares had to be done, no backing out. I didn't like the idea but after an hour of funny and daft things, drinking games and stuff things became a little spicy.Firstly the guys were dared to reduce themselves to boxer shorts only which the girls loved. I kept catching my GF staring at this other guys cock bulge which was...

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Sadhna The Insatiable Dicksucker

I had built my factory in a place that was about 60 km outside of Bombay along the Mumbai-Ahmedabad Highway. In the 10 years since the factory went through ups and downs but over the last 2 years it had doubled production and tripled revenues. Most importantly it had provided employment to a lot of people around the villages in that area. The men in these villages normally went far off to Thane, Mumbai, Pune ,Kolhapur apart from Vapi, Silvasa and Daman. The biggest challenge for me in the early...

3 years ago
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Daris Hilton Hates Ms Americana

Hi guys, first I have to say the main character is not anyway related to a certain hotel heiress that is sitting in a cell rat Hi guys, first I have to say the main character is not anyway related to a certain hotel heiress that is sitting in a cell rather than by pool. That would be wrong?Daris is a creation of my own. Ms Americana belongs to Mr. X. I hope you like this ENTIRELY FICTIONAL STORY. [email protected] If you are a minor, you shouldn?t be reading this story since...

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Mistletoe Candy Canes a Lesbian

Introduction: Frigid MILF turned by one of her husbands young employees. Mistletoe, Candy Canes & a Lesbian Summary: Frigid MILF turned by one of her husbands young employees. Note 1: This story is dedicated to DAVE who requested it for his wife. Note 2: Thanks to MAB7991, goamz86 and LeAnn for editing this story. Mistletoe, Candy Canes & a Lesbian You havent had sex in over a year! I asked my colleague Dave, stunned by his admission a moment ago. He shook his head as he took another...

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Ms Americana The slut is born

Ms. Americana story this time. I?m still experimenting with different form of stories, plots etc, searching for the formula that fits me the most. If you have any thoughts, don?t be afraid to write at: [email protected]. Americana belongs to Mr. X Ms. Americana: A slut is born Ms. Americana almost finished her usual night patrol through the Delta City. She kicked some pimps and criminals, saved two innocent girls from rape and found a hideout of the famous bank robbers. It was fruitful...

3 years ago
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From Candace to CandyChapter 8

The next day at school Candy and I were met in the parking lot by Amanda Gigot. She was dressed much like Candy, short mini skirt, dark hose and a tight top showing she wasn't wearing a bra. Remember Amanda is almost 6 feet tall, she is all legs; her skirt just barely touched the top band of her stockings and whenever she moved her garter straps showed. "I talked to my parents last night and they told me how you all met. I got so horny I played with myself in front of them and then my...

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Becoming Gym Bunny Candie Rounds 13

Hi there! Name's Gym Bunny Candie. Of course, you can just call me Candie, but that's up to you. I'm quite the enthusiast when it comes to fitness (the name sort of gives it away:)). Most any day you can find me in the gym, working out, stretching, training clients, teaching classes, or just hanging out. I love most things "fitness" (you should check out my new tumblr page. It's kind of like me--a sassy work in progress). I just adore waking up in the morning, sliding into a sports...

1 year ago
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Zack and Daren

Zack I was laying on the bed, and Daren was laying on me. His head was just under my stomach and just above my hips. His legs were wrapped around my legs, and his arm was laying across my member. He moved his head slightly lower, and his shouler length, wavy, black hair rubbed across a bit of my bare skin' where my shirt had pulled up. He was making me so hot, just by looking at him. I began to imagine him, if he were awake, licking my member, that he was now lying his head so close to. He...

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From Candace to CandyPrologue

Jim Jones is an 18 year old senior in high school. His step-sister Candace, is a 14 year old freshman. Their parents are very wealthy and also very rarely at home. To compensate for their long distance love the parents have given their children unlimited credit cards and run of the house. Jim and Candace have shouldered the responsibility and have never betrayed their parents trust. The two siblings are not blood related; Jims' mother did not give birth to Candace. His father died when he...

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Candices trailer park visit

She was thinking about Max and the crazy sex they had last week nonstop since it had happened. Her pussy or "Cunt" as she was now calling it because Max had called it that and it now pleased her to call her betraying vagina a cunt. Her cunt was back to normal. For a few days after 'having coffee' with Max it was sore and stretched. Very tender and leaking his cum. She smelled and tasted it for days. On the third day she could still get small traces but she really had to force her fingers...

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6 virgins play truth or dare

This story is pure fiction it is just something that kind of came to me in a dream. It is about young teen friends discovering sex together, including incest and lesbian sex, and I may get a little carried away at times. Hi my name is Kimberly, but everybody calls me Kim. I'm 13 years old, 5'4" tall and weigh 108lbs. I have Blonde hair and blue eyes. My breasts are the size of large oranges and are very firm with pointy pink nipples. My pussy is shaved, (it's a thing with my friends...

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Truth or Dare with my friend and our parents

(With my friend, her parents, my parents, and another of our friend's parents.) There will be a number of readers that won’t believe this story. It is true. I pondered how to write the story and from what perspective. I ultimately decided to just go with how I experienced the night. My name is Katie and my closest friends Becki and Jenni (yes- they both liked to end their names with an “i,”) and our parents took annual camping trips in the Sierra Nevada...

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Failure of the Dicklette

She filmed me, wanking on to her panties, my small dicklette being rubbed furiously. She laughed as I groaned, telling me "nothing that small could feel real pleasure, imagine what a real mans cock would be feeling". She tapped my balls with her foot whilst I wanked - her only time "on camera" and laughed, telling me "thats not even got a cum full in there" laughing hard. I asked her if I could cum, and she said "Tiny dicklette, you have only been going 49 seconds, you have to cum already?"...

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From Candace to CandyChapter 9

Candy and I arrived at the Gigots' for dinner at 7. We were met by Helen and ushered in to their home. She told us the servants had been given the night off so she and Mandy would be serving dinner. That was why she greeted us in a French maid outfit. It was black, with a bustier top that held her tits up but did not cover them. Her nipples had been rouged and their redness drew my eyes to them. When Helen saw where I was looking her nipples immediately got harder and I could see them expand...

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6virgins play truth or dare p2

Introduction: part 2 of a ficional story 6 virgins play truth or dare p2 Intro: I actually wrote this before the first part was actually posted. I hesitated to post this part, as I knew I had gotten carried away with it, and am not sure how it will be recieved. If anyone wants to rewright it thats ok juat list it as a rewrite. This part is less reptitious. the first part was, only as you would expect that of inexperienced young teens experiencing their first sex, as they have little idea of...

3 years ago
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6virgins play truth or dare p2

Intro: I actually wrote this before the first part was actually posted. I hesitated to post this part, as I knew I had gotten carried away with it, and am not sure how it will be recieved. If anyone wants to rewright it that's ok juat list it as a rewrite. This part is less reptitious. the first part was, only as you would expect that of inexperienced young teens experiencing their first sex, as they have little idea of wahat to do, and would most likely try what their friend had. Again...

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Truth or Dare

It was clear to Julie that nothing would happen unless she got involved. The party wound down a while ago, and everyone had gone home except Alice’s friend Dan. There was chemistry between him and the two roommates, but he seemed reluctant to act on it. Julie could tell that Alice fancied him, but was hesitating because she could also sense a spark between him and Julie. Alice sometimes suffered from limited imagination, Julie thought, as she grabbed three beers from the fridge.In the living...

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My First Candy Cane

College life was pretty crazy. Between classes, basketball (I was on a basketball scholarship) and chicks I was swamped. The hardest part was balancing the three. Because I an academically strong, I took a heavy class load (I was not on the road to the NBA...I was just using basketball to get my education for free), I was starting on the basketball team as a freshman (a rarity) and I had a few co-ed's who were usually more than eager to suck or fuck me.I am not being arrogant, but I am decent...

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Haitian Americans in Canada

Man, sometimes I wonder what the deal is with them Black women in the Confederation of Canada. As a Black man, they mystify me. The name is Stanley Mondesir. A big and tall young Black man of Haitian descent living in the city of Ottawa, Province of Ontario. I’m originally from the city of Boston, Massachusetts. I moved to boring little Ottawa because my parents had no money for my schooling. My father, Etienne Mondesir is a police officer in Boston and my mother Astrid Xavier Mondesir is a...

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The Mind Control Device Short Daddy Daughter Play Naughty Truth or Dare

Daddy & Daughter Play Naughty Truth or Dare By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! Rosa and Natalie, eighteen-year-old virgins, are shopping with Rosa's father Hector when the mind-control device is activated. Wholesome Foods is about to be despoiled as Dean Michaels makes his second test of his creation. The two virgins are bout to lose their cherries. Neither will remember the moment when Hector rams his cock into his daughter Rosa and Dean...

2 years ago
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Double Dare Part3

"So, what's dare?" asked the young redheaded Katie staring at us."Err?" me, my blonde haired cousin Josie, and her hot ebony friend Emily, replied not sure how to reply.Then our college professor Mr Mane stood up and said "Okay, people. We're nearly at the farm. So, make sure you've got all your belongings, because the coach isn't stopping with us, it'll be back later to pick us up!""Oh thank god!" exclaimed my cousin, and quickly the three of us got properly dressed again, and as the coach...

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Sexy Truth or Dare

Note : This story is completely fictional! It had been quite an exciting and lively weekend for forty year old Cybil and her nineteen year old son Matt. Of course, things were always so when Cybil’s sister Amanda came to visit. She had always been a bit of a ‘wild child’ ever since her teen years. In her adult hood she had learned to be a bit more in control, not getting into so much trouble, but was no less wild. The last few hours however, had been quite uneventful. It was as if the three had...

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Truth Or Dare

Our dad, being Dad, knew exactly when we girls were trying to hide something from him. "And what exactly have you two girls been doing at these slumber parties that have you all red in the faces?" Dad asked us. "Not a thing," I told him straight- faced. "Nope, nothing," Tonya added her face getting even redder. Red enough to match her red hair "Now, I know better than that." Dad scolded. It had all started out innocently enough. Tonya and I were in our living room talking about the...

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Double Dare

I've always lived around the corner from my cousin Josie, so we've kind of grown up together, and that included going to the same college just down the road.It was during those college days that my hot blonde slim cousin made a new friend called Emily.Now Emily was a hot slim ebony girl, very out going, had an opinion on everything, and liked a laugh, and they quickly became good friends.So, every morning I would usually meet Josie and Emily outside Josie's house, and together we would walk to...

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Double Dare part2

A few days later after our first game of dare, me, Josie, my hot blonde cousin, and Emily, her hot ebony friend, arrived at college early because we were going on a field trip as part of our course work, and for some reason Emily wanted to get to the coach first."Why are we here so early?" groaned Josie, still half a sleep."Because I want a good seat!" replied Emily.As we reached the front door of the coach, our professor was stood there waiting to great us."Ah, morning Emily, Josie, Ron!" he...

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Truth or Dare Neighbors edition

Characters: Black family - The Johnson's Husband: Thomas 40-years-old, 6', 200 lbs, 12-inch cock Wife: Jasmine 35-years-old, 5' 7" 150 lbs, 44DD breasts, 34-inch waist, 48-inch booty. Daughter: Kelly 14-years-old, 5' 2" tall, 95 lbs, 32C cup, 18-inch waist, 28-inch booty. Son: Marcus 15-years-old, 6' 3" tall, 195 lbs, 12-inch cock Grandma Pam 64-years-old, 5' 8" tall, 240 lbs, 44F breasts, 52-inch booty White family: The Smith's Father: Jim 38-years-old, 5' 11" tall,...

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True or Dare chapter 5

Well been teasing you with this story since the beginning and now Ladies and gentlemen we have finally arrived at how I lost my virginity and The unorthodox way I finally lose that blood cherry Well many month had pass since Christine and I shared that awkward first kiss in the stair well at school and the first of our many wild phones sex that we had and throwing in I’m still am dating my fiancé Jackie it been a wild pass few month for me just to say Well over pass month Christine and I...

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Truth or Dare

I was suspicious as soon as I heard the oozing sweetness in her voice. My wife of four years called me at work just before noon to ask me if I would be willing to go "rescue" her 18 year old little sister and bring her back to California. She went on to tell me how her sister had just broken up with her jerk of a boyfriend and was out of a place to live. She then confessed that she had volunteered me to do the four hour each way turn around trip from our place to Vegas.Six hours later I pulled...

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I was suspicious as soon as I heard the oozing sweetness in her voice. My wife of four years called me at work just before noon to ask me if I would be willing to go "rescue" her 18 year old little sister and bring her back to California. She went on to tell me how her sister had just broken up with her jerk of a boyfriend and was out of a place to live. She then confessed that she had volunteered me to do the four hour each way turn around trip from our place to Vegas.Six hours later I pulled...

2 years ago
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Truth or Dare Anna

Since she was bored, she figured she might as well go down and spy on them to see what they were up too, so she headed downstairs. Once she got downstairs she quietly poked the door open to see what they were up too. Spin the bottle, of course if there was any game dumb enough for them to be playing that was it. It was Jesse’s turn to spin the old glass bottle. It spun round and round and the top pointed at James or Jimmy as they called him. He was the pitcher for the baseball team and had...

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Truth or Dare

Mom and I play games every weekend after my dad left us. Truth or dare No one under the age of eighteen has had sex in this story It has been 18 months since my dad left me and mom for a girl I was dating in high school. Fortunately, she had already turned eighteen… But that isn't what this story is about. I couldn’t believe my dad would leave my mother, she was a little over weight I will admit that, but holly cow, she was still hot! Especially her large breasts and legs, they...

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Truth or dare

Mom and I have a lot of fun now that he left us I would like to take a moment and thank Daz Daz for editing my work for me. I know this would have never gotten to publication without his help Thank you Daz. Truth or dare No one under the age of eighteen has had sex in this story It has been 18 months since my dad left me and mom for a girl I was dating in high school. Fortunately, she had already turned eighteen… But that isn’t what this story is about. I couldn’t believe my...

2 years ago
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Girlfriend dares me to suck strangers cocks

Every word is true.....It's my birthday and after a night out with my girlfriend in Manchesters gay village, pissed and heading home down the canal to ancoats feeling really horny we walk under a bridge where about 15ish lads all sucking and fucking each other. Long story short she dares me to go back and suck a random guys cock so we walk back under the bridge and stand watching. Not knowing what to do I must have looked lost because this black lad walks over cock in hand. This guy was huge,...

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Son Plays Truth or Dare With Mom

I couldn't believe my dad would leave my mother, she was a little over weight I will admit that, but holly cow, she was still hot! Especially her large breasts and legs, they were hot as hell. On top of that, her mannerisms made her beautiful, she carried her weight with dignity and grace, so much so I never could take my eyes off my mother when I was around her. We made the best of it with my dad being gone, playing games on the weekends helped the time pass and gave me and my mother chance...

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Truth or Dare postgraduate

The four of us, two girls, two guys, have been friends from our college days.  We dated each other once or twice, but nothing serious developed.  So we remained friends, just not lovers.  But even with friends, flirtations and sexual tension has a way of seeping into a relationship.  I especially liked one of the girls, Amy, a tall beauty, 5’8”, with auburn hair, an athletic build and lovely breasts.  She was just my type and I always hoped to get a privileged view of her beauty.  The other...

Group Sex
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Truth or Dare with Twin Cousins

All characters are 18 or older."Truth or dare, Uncle Ryan?" my teenaged cousin Kat said. I wasn't her uncle, but she and her twin sister, Tara, had taken to calling me that teasingly ever since I had turned 30 a few months earlier.At the mention of Truth or Dare, I couldn't help but smile nervously at my blonde girlfriend, Lauren, and her best friend, Kelly. The twins had no way of knowing, but those words were special for the three of us - and a handful of Lauren's other friends.In the past...

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Truth or Dare with Lisa Allie Me

Truth or Dare by Mojo It was about 11:30 when I went downstairs to talk with Lisa and Allie. Ialways went downstairs to talk with them when they spent the night at myhouse, despite my parents' orders that I stay upstairs while they weredownstairs. We usually played truth or dare also. We generally got a goodgame going and we got to a few sexual dares and by then I was usually hornyas hell. They were hot too. Lisa had a nice ass and a great set of boobs.Allie had a sizable...

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Truth or Dare 01

Pete and I have been good friends from the time we met at freshmen year at university. We became so close in the past few years, we are more like brothers now than friends. We both played rugby throughout the university years and pushed each other at the gym every week. As luck would have it, last year when I met my present girlfriend Sophie, Pete hooked up with her best friend Camila. They were both gym freaks like us and in no time the four us became inseparable and really enjoyed hanging...

Group Sex
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Games 2 Niki and Amber Host a PartyChapter 2 Truth And Dare begins

Cyndi, taking the reins, being the most assertive of the girls, nevertheless looked at Chuck for approval, subconsciously recognizing that it was likely up to the two of them to set the rules and limits, if any. “We all know why we are here ... anyone that wants to change their mind, ... leave now ... as, like last time ... no one is to talk about anything that happens here, except with someone that is here right now. And no cameras, no recording.” Turning to Amber, and then Rachel and May...

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Double Dare P5

So my cousin Josie was getting married.It had been a few years since our college days, we had graduated now, and gone on to the start of fairly successful careers, and like what always happens, we now barely saw it each other apart from birthdays, Christmas, and other special occasions.Then my hot blonde cousin, announced one day she was getting married to a guy she had met at her work, and had fallen in love with.I was happy for her, and agreed immediately to give her away, the day she asked,...

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Jessica Nigri Truth or Dare

WARNING: The following is a work of erotic fan fiction, the events of which are completely made up and did not happen, and is no true reflection of the persons, places, events, etc depicted within. This material is unsuitable to be viewed by those under the legal age limit of viewing pornographic material in your current country of residence.Featuring: Jessica Nigri (Cosplay and glamour model)Jessica Nigri - Truth or DareA celebrity erotic storyby DaxG2001 ([email protected]) & Mean...

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Naked dare chapter 2

I don’t recall even getting into bed that night. I woke up the next day and all I could think was how our relationship had suddenly evolved. I was a little nervous about it but I wasn’t scared. If I had known how deep we were going to get into this I might have given it a bit more thought. Well maybe. I really didn’t want to go to work and seriously thought about calling in sick but then I remembered we were supposed to be having an audit today and that meant all hands on deck. So I dragged my...

3 years ago
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New Years Truth or Dare

[Note: This was written by my nephew Steve, myself (Coffeedude), with input from Ginger. All of the participants were at least eighteen years old, and their names have been changed.] Jason and I were watching one of the NFL games when I looked out the window to our frat house and saw two girls from our Greek sorority walking up the sidewalk. I got up and went to the door. As I opened it they came in shivering. Heidi, the taller of the two at about 5’9” with long blond hair and C size tits...

4 years ago
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New Years Truth or Dare

[Note: This was written by my nephew Steve, myself (Coffeedude), with input from Ginger. All of the participants were at least eighteen years old, and their names have been changed.] Jason and I were watching one of the NFL games when I looked out the window to our frat house and saw two girls from our Greek sorority walking up the sidewalk. I got up and went to the door. As I opened it they came in shivering. Heidi, the taller of the two at about 5’9” with long blond hair and C size tits...

Group Sex
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Truth or Dare for Two Virgin Teens

It was finally happening. After pining for Blair basically since he hit puberty, Justin was finally going to get some alone time with her - overnight! Both freshly eighteen and seniors in high school, Blair and Justin had been friends since childhood. Their parents were close friends all of their lives, and even took vacations together every other summer. And when they were not on vacation, they spent their summer days in Blair's parents' pool, and the rest of the year snuggled on the couch...

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Truth And Dare Game Leads To Bed

This is continuation of my first part of the story. Please read first part also to enjoy most. Search with “Invitation of tea leads to bed”. We went to lake at evening. She had decided that she will leave for PG after it. But I was in no mood to leave her. She told me that she liked that I didn’t do anything forcefully at morning. But I was cursing myself that why didn’t I do anything as she has plan to leave. Just to try my luck I requested her that I would feel good if she can stay tonight...

4 years ago
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Naked dare chapter 1

I love my wife, Ella. To say she is gorgeous is a major misrepresentation. Although not tall at five feet two inches, she is the perfect height for me. When I hold her in a hug her head fits perfectly under my chin. She has thick wavy auburn hair that always smells fresh and clean and shines in the sunlight. Her radiant beauty belies her age and she still gets asked for I.D. at bars even though she’s in her early thirties. Along with alabaster skin and eyes the color of melted chocolate, she...

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