Changes In Paradise
- 3 years ago
- 30
- 0
The months, the days, and the years as they come along, are important to this story.
Grady had a long term friend, Ed, who passed away. He is taking care of the estate until a niece of Ed's, named Katherine, shows up to claim her inheritance. The two don't hit it off that well. Different personalities build resentment between them, but they do agree to exchange Christmas cards.
June, 17, 2002, Grady Potter, Tatum Road. Brattleboro, VT, 05301
I was driving home from town and could see a person trudging up the hill ahead of me. The person was woman. She was young and attractive. There were only two properties on the road; mine, and the Ed Tatum place. Ed's place was at the end of the road.
Further along past Ed's place was a thrown up road that had reverted to Ed many years ago. You could define it now, but in another few years it would disappear altogether. Ed told me about it, and where it went to. It was over – over the hill to a cluster of farms from when the area was settled a century and a-half-ago. Much like the road, evidence of the buildings would soon be long gone. He took me over there one time to see the cellar holes.
I went past the woman and stopped ahead of her, waiting for her to reach me. I leaned out and asked, "Would you like a ride?"
"I don't know you."
"No, I don't expect you do. I think I know who you are though. If I'm not mistaken, you would be Ed Tatum's niece, Katherine. He talked of you some. I've been expecting someone to come and take over his place."
"I could use a lift. How far is it from here? I thought sure there would be cars on the road. There is a road sign stating this is, Tatum Road."
"Nobody but me and Ed have lived on this road for years. Ed is dead, so there isn't much travel. I will be glad to have a neighbor again. I was getting lonely up here all by myself." I glanced at her and could see how attractive she was.
"Well, you may still be. I don't plan on being too friendly and I don't know if I'm staying. I would like, though, to avail myself of the ride you offered." I didn't say anything, just leaning across the seat to open the door when she went around to the passenger's side. She pulled the suitcase onto her lap as she sat down and proceeded to look straight ahead. She didn't ask my name and I didn't volunteer it. Why should I? I felt pushed away even when I was trying to be friendly and helpful.
I went right by my house and a quarter mile further, I wheeled into the Tatum yard. "We're here. I've been doing chores until somebody came to take over. You're here and that ends what I've agreed to. Your goats will need feeding in another hour. Feed and close them in for the night. Directions are posted near the feed box.
"The biggest goat with teats needs milking, and you had better gather the eggs. The hens run loose and lay eggs everywhere. Hunt for them around the yard. It's best to gather them or the snakes will get them. A snake trying to swallow an egg is a sight. I've heard one egg will be food a whole week for most snakes. Oh, the key to the side door is under the third rock." I drove off, leaving her staring after me. I knew I would see her later.
I was right. It was almost dark when she knocked on my door. I backed away from the stove and went to the door. "Yes?"
"You're a mean bastard, did you know that?"
"Yep, I sure am. Miss Kitty, come on in and have some supper. Actually I have hope for you. I thought you would be here an hour before this. Let me introduce myself. I'm Gary Potter. Most people just call me Potter."
"I'm pleased to know you even if you are an unpleasant individual. I'm Katherine Tatum. Ed Tatum was my father's uncle. I was here one time before I went to grade school. That's the only time I ever met him. Uncle Ed left his property to me. Why, I have no idea."
"I know why. You were his only living relative. He was always hoping you would come to see him."
"You evidently were his friend. Being that, I can see why you could resent me after meeting me and knowing I didn't visit when I should have."
"Some, I guess, but that wasn't the only reason. I mean I offered you a ride and you accepted and then said you didn't intend to be friendly. Also I'm still waiting for a thank you for giving you a lift. But then I have been an asshole too, so maybe we had better wait a little before we trade any more unpleasant barbs."
"I agree we had better get to know each other more than we do now. I realize, not becoming acquainted with my uncle was a missed opportunity. I take it you probably aren't going to call me Katherine. Call me Kitty, although I'm not that awful fond of it."
"Okay, I do know we aren't going to shed any blood over our differences. Sit up to the table. I have meat, vegetables and mashed potatoes. I can even dig up some wine if you would like. How about some apple cider? I keep some in a cask in the cellar. I brought some up earlier."
"I haven't eaten since breakfast. The food smells wonderful, and I will try the cider."
Kitty was hungry. I had the cider in a pitcher and she was pouring herself another glass as she emptied the one by her plate. "Hey, this is pretty good stuff. Did you make it yourself?"
"I did, and it was Ed who showed me how. It's pressed from his apples too. You have an orchard of trees back of your house. The cider might have more kick to it than you realize, so be careful."
"I can handle this easily. I'll bet if we become friends, someday I'll be drinking you under the table."
"We'll have to become friends first."
"I'll agree to that. Say, what is this meat, it's really tasty? It has more bones than chicken."
"It's not chicken, it's rabbit. I raise both types of rabbits – meat type, and the kind for fur."
"Oh, my God, you mean I'm eating one of those cute little bunnies?"
"That's right. Don't be shocked because you will be raising meat to eat too, if you stay here and keep farming."
"What am I raising for meat?"
"What do you think all those goats you fed this afternoon are for?"
"Oh, I didn't milk that goat. I don't know how. Potter, tell me it isn't so?"
"It is so. Oh, I should have cautioned you about the big goat that was in the separate pen. You should be careful around him."
"Why?" Kitty was beginning to slur her speech.
"Because he's dangerous. He could knock you down and trample all over you. He's dangerous to everyone and not just to women either."
"You haven't answered why or how?"
"Have you heard the expression, 'something as a Billy goat"? Kitty looked bewildered. Maybe it was the cider she had been drinking. It took her a few minutes, and then her face flamed. I continued while smiling, "I'm just saying the animal has horns and he can hurt you, so be careful."
"You're awful. I'm not going to play with you anymore. Potter, I need to borrow a flashlight to get home with. There is no electricity and I guess there may be a pump for the water 'cause there isn't any coming from the faucets." Kitty tried to stand and was having a problem. I caught her when she began to tip over.
She mumbled something, I deciphered it as something about me having my way with her, but she didn't care. This was when she snuggled into the arms that were holding her.
I carried Kitty into the spare bedroom and laid her down on the bed. I took her shoes off and threw a comforter over her. I went out and drove up to Ed's place. She had fed the goats, but with only me knowing where the chickens nested I could see she hadn't picked up many eggs. I didn't look too hard for them in the dark after I stepped on one I hadn't seen.
I went into the house and down into the cellar. This was a rambling old farm house and the cellar had never been cemented. It was a bit dank although tight enough to keep water from coming in. There were old cupboards beyond the wood burning furnace filled with empty fruit jars. Also there were broken chairs and tools here and there stacked out of the walk way.
Spider webs and dust hung from the ceiling and had taken over the corners. You couldn't go through a door without it getting onto your face and in your hair.
The electric entrance was at the far end of the cellar and it would take a brave person with only a flash light to search for it if you didn't know where it was located. I pushed the switch on and heard the water pump start.
I opened the cellar windows and then went up stairs and opened all the windows that had screens on. I did the same with the second story. I looked around and guessed the place would be okay until Kitty got home in the morning.
I wondered what Kitty would be using for a vehicle. It was six miles to the center of town. It must be that Ed's lawyer had contacted Kitty and she would need to see him. I was looking forward to see how she was going to handle all these problems that were facing her.
I looked in on her sleeping. She was on her back snoring with her mouth wide open. I positioned her on her side to be more comfortable. The bathroom was across from the bedroom so I left that door open with the night-light on. I closed my door and went to sleep.
I was up at my usual 5 o'clock time to feed my rabbits. I checked to see if I had any new bunnies which I didn't. I would have to move a couple of the does today, but would do that later. It took me over an hour to complete my chores.
I went in and started coffee. I heard the toilet flush soon after it was done. I poured a cup of coffee and put it on the table. I started doing last night's dishes. I heard the chair behind me scrape, but didn't turn around immediately.
When I did, Kitty was sitting with her head in her hands, elbows on the table. Her eyes came up and looked at me. Suddenly tears began rolling down her face and she started sobbing. "I want to die. I feel like crap and I don't have any family. I hardly know where I am. I know I'm way out of my element here where there isn't any civilization. I was going to come to Vermont and live by myself, but I'll never make it.
"I don't even have a way to get to town. I thought Uncle Ed would have a car I could drive, but all there is, is an old tractor backed under on of the sheds. Wouldn't I look good driving that down Main Street, even if I could figure out how to get it started?"
"Maybe it would be the tractor they were looking at. That tractor is antique."
"Oh, you make me so mad!"
"Ed gave up driving when he reached ninety. You're not too bad looking, and driving a tractor and you're pretty enough to catch some of the attention."
"You bastard, now you're hitting on me."
"Whoa, there Kitty, that was a complement, and I meant every bit of it. We haven't figured each other out yet, but we need to. We've certainly got off on the wrong foot. For now, I'll get you a couple of Tylenol to make you feel better.
"I'll make you some breakfast and that'll settle your stomach. If you want to see something beautiful while I'm at the range, look out the living room window. There is a deer with two little fawns chasing each other while she feeds." In a few minutes I heard her giggle as she watched the deer.
She soon came back and sat down. I continued, "I've been up for awhile, and have my own chores done. After breakfast I'll take you up to Ed's place and help get you organized. I was a bit of a prick yesterday. The chores I said you had to do were actually mine to do. I'm being paid to do them until the estate is settled.
"I went up last night after you went to sleep and made sure things were okay. You did pen up the goats, and that was the only thing that had to be done."
"Now, what would you like for breakfast? I can make you waffles, pancakes, French toast, eggs and bacon, or if you prefer, I can make you some milk toast. I don't have chipped beef, but hamburger works just as well, and is quite tasty. There is also oatmeal or cold cereal. Just tell me what you would like."
Kitty looked like she was trying to decide and I guess I had given her too many choices. Finally, she declared, "I will definitely not have a glass of that cider you served me last night, and that's for certain. I loved it, but you had better caution me about it again. For now, I'll have two eggs, one bacon strip, and one slice of toast."
I turned around and could see her eyes twinkling. "You're of age. I'll caution you once about a danger, but you should listen because I won't tell you again."
"Fair enough. Potter, I'd like to thank you for giving me a ride up the hill yesterday. I was so tired I almost turned around before you reached me. I was wrong and there is no excuse for saying I wouldn't be friendly. I want to thank you for the wonderful dinner last night, and I certainly know I should have listened to your warning about how potent the cider was–is.
"I do have one question. Would you have warned me the second time about the horny Billy goat, if I got too close and was in danger?"
"Yes, Certainly would. Think of an animal weighing 120 pounds running at you at forty miles an hour? He, intending to hurt, and with malice in his heart to hit you if he could. It would be a crime if I didn't give you the second warning. Now about the cider, you should be intelligent enough to know after a warning what unfamiliar liquor would do to you."
"I was being a smartass. I did love the taste of it, though. I will try some again after I fully recover from last night. I believe I will enjoy it if I take it in smaller amounts."
I smiled, remembering my first bout with hard cider. Kitty, at least, was where just the two of us knew about it, whereas I had been in a crowd of my friends.
"So, eggs and bacon?"
"Yes, but eggs scrambled, not fried."
"Wise choice."
We finished breakfast and Kitty insisted she do the dishes. I was a little concerned for I was a few minutes late in feeding the goats and letting them out to browse. There was the one goat that needed milking. She was at the end of her lactation period, so if I was late it wouldn't harm her in any way. When I told Kitty she stopped dawdling and hurriedly finished up in the kitchen.
I sat and watched her work, which was a treat for me. I hadn't had much to do with women for a couple of years. The last one left me suddenly and it hurt. I shied away from finding a new companion. Kitty was interesting, but she didn't make me feel desperate. I would wait and see what developed. I did know I would enjoy having her as a neighbor up the road.
When we came out to get into my car, I asked, "We have time to walk through the barn to see the rabbits. I have to check them fairly often right at present. I have one doe that is about to have little ones. I have to get her ready when she is near term. She'll tell me within a few days."
"Rabbits can't talk."
"No, but they start pulling their own fur out to make a nest. I've found that when they first start, I have a couple of days, and that's the time to move them." We walked inside. Parked on the barn floor was a bright-blue '50 Chevy pickup.
"That's yours. Ed had it all fixed up for you when he found out he wasn't going to make it. He told me if you didn't show up within a year, it was mine. If you hadn't come soon, I was going to write you if I could get your address from his attorney. So you must know I was very glad to see you yesterday hiking up the road ahead of me."
"You didn't let on you were glad about seeing me."
"I was as sociable as you were."
"True. You must be okay because you haven't done me any harm. You cautioned me about the cider, but I wish you had been a little more emphatic with your warning."
"Lesson learned. Okay, let's go up to your place and I'll show you the routine I've been using in caring for the animals. We'll take a walk in the woods before it gets too warm. You probably should go through the house and see what is in it. Ed never threw anything away. There could be some valuable items hidden under what you see at first. This will give you an idea what you have inherited."
"Okay, Potter, we have a couple of hours. I'm going to call the attorney who is settling Uncle Ed's affairs. Tell me, if need be, can I hire you to sort it out?"
"I could. Aren't you going to be here?"
"I don't know. I'm thinking about returning to the city after talking to the attorney. Can I stay here with you until I do?"
"Of course you can. Not necessarily for you, but because Ed was such a good friend and mentor to me."
"You're making me feel bad."
"Don't, Kitty, it's too late now."
We did go for a walk, but Kitty wasn't comfortable, it being so quiet.
I saw to the animals while Kitty went inside the house "Quite a mess isn't it? I wouldn't know how to begin."
"It is a life-time of accumulation, but Ed knew where everything was. He'd talk about something and then dig out what he was talking about. It wouldn't take him long either.
We retuned to my place just before eleven. "Potter, I'm going to call the attorney. If I can get an appointment, will you drive me?"
"Of course."
When I came out, Kitty said she was to see the lawyer at two that afternoon. She showered and changed. Her dress was rumpled, so I provided a flat iron. When I went into the kitchen to get water for the iron, she had taken off what she was wearing. She didn't tell me to leave, even though I was being boorish and stayed to watch her iron the dress. She was in her underwear.
I didn't comment on how she looked. Her shape was about as near perfect as could be. Too bad she wouldn't hang around for a few days. Maybe she would, but I didn't hold out much hope.
"Potter, did you enjoy watching me? I wanted to find out if you were boorish or not. It was pretty bold to iron my dress where you could watch me. I think I needed to find out if you are still a bastard and maybe get back a little at you. You might have changed some from yesterday, but can't see it entirely."
"Sorry about that. Kitty, you are beautiful, you know. I had a girlfriend that used to do the same thing to twist me up, so it wasn't unusual to watch. She didn't object and neither did you. You could have told me to leave. I'd say we are about even. Tell me, was I pushing the boundaries too far?"
"Some, but we don't have much time to get ready. I'm buying you lunch in town. Get changed. Don't you need your shirt ironed?"
I shook my head, no. I put on a short-sleeved shirt and my jeans were good. I saw her looking at me when I went by the mirror, though. I guess that was fair.
I drove Kitty up Putney Road to the Marina restaurant for lunch. We arrived back at Park Place, just at two, where her attorney was located. Kitty asked me to read a magazine while I waited for her.
After an hour the attorney came out and asked a question, "Gary, Miss Tatum, wants me to ask you if you would be willing to sort through everything that her uncle owned. It would pay five dollars above minimum wage and you would have a year to get it done. She is going to put the property on the market as soon as you finish. Also, could you do any small needed repairs and she would pay you the same hourly rate. She noticed a few windows needed attention."
"I guess I can do that. It's going to take awhile. There are a lot of piles of clutter to look into."
"Good, you can contact me about what's to be disposed of after she goes back to the city."
"You can tell her I'll probably get it all done this summer, so it won't be hanging and she can get it on the market. I'd say I'll have it all done by September first."
"I'll plan on that. I'm supposed to be the one to line up a realtor. You might be available, if you would, when it is time to list the property to show the realtor around."
"Ed, would like that. I'm doing this more for him than I am for Miss Tatum."
"Miss Tatum mentioned you felt that way. I'll write this up as a contract so it is clear. If you come up with any serious changes, I'll take them to her. Come in tomorrow morning. I'll have papers for you both to sign. I think she is planning on catching the eleven o'clock train back to Newton. I'll finish up and then she'll be out. She said she was staying with you tonight."
"That's right. Take your time. I want to finish this article I started to read, anyway."
It was an hour later when Kitty came out. "I like my lawyer. He's good and didn't object to some stipulations I wanted included. This concerns the disposal of the clutter and junk you said you would take care of.
"That's fine. I've known him for years. He's my age, married and has one child."
"He didn't say. I'm not one to pry into the people I come into contact with."
"Good plan. I object to sharing my personal life with anyone, too."
"Potter, can I go to bed early? I'm tired. It seems as if I've been on the jump all day."
"Okay, by me. I guess the animals at your place are still my responsibility aren't they."
"Yes. They are some of the reason I didn't want to deal with Ed's worldly goods. I like my life-style in the city. No goats for me."
"Not even horny ones?"
"Don't kid your self, there are plenty of those in the city." We had a good laugh over this.
I checked my rabbits. It was very hot in the barn and the rabbits were panting from the heat. I closed the windows and started the air conditioner. Soon they were comfortable again. I then went up to Ed's place and gathered the eggs. I had over three dozen of them. I fed the goats and sat on the porch. I was thinking about Ed. I sat at ease with the feeling I had treated his niece the same way as he would have handled her. I locked the goats into their pens and headed home.
"You were gone a long time."
"Yeah, I didn't want to pen the goats up too early. I've got a whole basket of eggs. I'll sort them and take them into the market when we go tomorrow or the next day. I swap them for bacon, butter, and cereal. When I have a lot of milk from the goats I make cheese. Now I save what little I have, and take it to a young couple who are trying to raise a pig. They're going to feel awful when they butcher it. It's become a pet."
"That's another reason I don't want to get involved. If I saw the animal that was going onto my table, I'd become a vegetarian. Of, course stepping in that chicken crap wasn't much fun either."
"What do you want for supper?"
"Something light."
"How about waffles and sweet sausage? The sausage is in the freezer. It's some I broiled in the oven. I do a whole bunch at a time. I coat them with brown sugar and they really are quite good."
"I'll try a waffle and a sausage. Do you serve cider with the meal?"
"Not usually, but I can."
"No, God, no, not unless you serve it in a thimble!" I laughed.
Kitty ate a good breakfast and went with me to Ed's when I did chores up at her place. When we got back, she walked into the barn with me. I had to move two pregnant doe rabbits into new cages. She watched me, standing back as far from the animals as possible.
When everything was finished, she handed me an envelope. "Potter – Gary, Uncle Ed intended you to have the blue pickup. I have no use for it. This is the title. You can register it in your name and it's yours.
"Thank you so much, I did covet it, but not enough to ask for it."
"That's all settled then. You have been kind to drive me and I have learned a few things in the last couple of days. I suspect Uncle Ed probably would have treated me much like you have."
"I was thinking the same thing last night. I resolved to behave myself today. I finally remembered you have lost your relative."
Kitty ignored this. "I suppose we should get going. I have to sign papers at the law office. I think you have to sign your name for the contract he wrote up about things to get the property ready to sell. I'm very, very, grateful. You must realize I couldn't survive here."
"Maybe, but you didn't give it much of a chance. One thing before we get in the car; would you give me your address? I might want to send you a Christmas card."
"Good idea, I'll need your address here too, incase I want to send you one."
My contract wasn't ready when we reached the law office. Kitty's papers were, so she signed and I took her down to the train station. "I feel I should hug you, but that is too forward of me."
"No it isn't, come here, Potter. You know, I think I'm going to miss you. I learned some things about you and about my uncle while here. I can say it was an education. A bit twisted, but an education, never-the-less." It was some hug.
I could see her through the train window when she reached a seat. We both waved as the train began to move.
August, 30, 2002, To, Grady Potter, PO box 1227, Brattleboro, VT, 05301.
Mr. Potter:
The attorney wrote that you did a great job in getting the farm ready to list for sale. The price he suggested I ask, and should get, is much higher than I expected. If it does sell, then that will clean up Uncle Ed's estate. Thank you, again.
Regards, Katherine Tatum.
September, 5, 2002, To, Katherine Tatum, PO Box 762, Newton, Ma, 02458.
Katherine Tatum:
Kitty, I'm upset with you a little. Somehow I signed the contract for work to be performed before I read what I agreed to. Your lawyer said there wasn't any way I could break the agreement without bringing suit so I desisted in following my inclinations. You must know I found several valuable treasures while cleaning up the clutter your uncle left with the estate.
Not only were there several pieces of period furniture, but some coins and a couple of paintings that had value. There were three guns, one a Winchester '73 rifle that is much sought after, and prized by most gun collectors
The question remains: Why did you give me title to the '50 Chevy pickup and to everything else, except the real property? You put a woeful burden on me to decide what to do. Ed would say for me to forget it, so I have.
My invoice to your lawyer for wages has been paid and I thank you for tending to this item.
Your faithful servant, Potter
December, 20, 2002, To, Grady Potter, PO Box, 227, Brattleboro, VT, 05301.
Merry Christmas:
Potter, I'm sure your invoice for one hour's work, performed was too low, but you made out the invoice and signed your name so I had the lawyer remit you, $12.50. As far as the clutter I gave you, Ed would have said to forget it. I have and I know some of it had meaning for you so I'm pleased with our association in this matter.
The realtor has received two offers for the farm and both are viable. One offer is from three young people who are talking about going "Back to the Land." I guess I will accept their offer. I hope they will be good neighbors for you.
I'm afraid our short association is coming to an end. On a more personal note, I must tell you, I have met a man I'm very interested in. In Uncle Ed's day, I suppose you could say we are "Walking out Together." Of course in our time it is "Going to Bed Together." Same difference.
Happy Holidays, Kitty
January, 02, 2003, To, Katherine Tatum, PO Box, 762, Newton, Ma, 02458.
Happy Holidays to you.
Kitty, I too am sorry our association is coming to an end. I wonder what Ed would say? I still miss him, and if you had known him, you would too. I'm pleased you received your asking price for the property. Land in Brattleboro has increased in value considerably in the last few years. You sold at the right time, and are lucky you don't have to pay the taxes.
I too, have found someone I'm considering for a mate. She is a lovely woman. She teaches High School Math, coaches the girl's team in two sports, and is well-rounded in all respects." We'll see what develops?
December, 20, 2003, To Grady Potter, PO Box 227, Brattleboro, VT, 05301.
Potter, –Merry Christmas, again!
Hi, Grady, I'm now a deliriously happy married woman. I'm also a very eight-and-a-half-month pregnant Mommy to-be. I sent my Xmas cards out before the main event happens. I'm waiting on the arrival of Edward Tatum Johnson. He is going to be a big boy. Are there any children for you on the horizon, or is that a too-personal question? I just wanted you to know there is another Ed Tatum coming along. Great Holidays to you.
Kitty Johnson.
January, 4, 2004, To Mrs. Katherine Johnson and Family, PO Box 762, Newton, Ma. 02458.
Mrs. Johnson: Happy holidays.
Katherine, My name is Helen Potter and I'm married to Grady. Grady is sitting in a rocking chair rocking our babe, Katherine Tatum Potter. Grady talked about Ed Tatum so much I suggested he use the 'Tatum' name as her middle name. Someday I hope to meet you. We hope to have one more baby, but will wait at least two years. I hope you had Baby Johnson without problems. Please let us know when the event happens. Your friend,
Helen Potter and Baby Katherine
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Hi friends of ISS and you can all read my previous story I got comment from lots of members. Thank you all very much. First I want to apologize to all of you who requested me to post the second part of the story soon. Due to some personal work I am late but today I am going to post the second part of the story how I enjoyed with my didi in GOA as usual hence forward I am going to narrate the...
The next few days after my gang bang were full of thoughts of just what I had actually done being fucked my cocks in all holes and being rough fucked in a way that just make we want more. I had told James that I didn’t want to repeat this too often but honestly I was ready early the next week for what ever might come my way.Tuesday evening I again stood outside the front door my fuck buddy wondering what awaited his slut. I didn’t even need to knock as James opened door and invited me in out...
Joy sets her cup down on the table after chugging it. She looks up at me and has a look in her eyes that I have never seen before. A look that tells me that things are about to go to the next level.I feel a pair of hands touch my shoulders, and a similar voice whispers in my ear, "I hope you enjoyed the show that your wife and I put on just for you. Joy says I can take you for a private dance." I look at Joy; she is smiling and nods in approval.Destiney grabs my hand and pulls me away from the...
Group SexIf I were you, I wouldn't touch your cock until you find the video you want to see. This page is so hot; I bet you won't last three fucking seconds. Kenzie Taylor is the perfect combination of elegance with a touch of edge. Speaking of edge, unless you want to cum in three seconds, you will have to edge yourself while jerking off to this page. I swear, this shit is so good, and I went in way too confident and nutted everywhere. I was pissed for two reasons: one, this shit never happens, and I...
Twitter Porn Accounts"At least its private and no one will ever know I was turned out" I tried to console myself after Gabe had made me suck him and a couple of his friends and let them all fuck my ass till their cum ran out my gapped open ass and down my legs.After about a week had passed I thought this fleeting hope of mine might really be true. However, this daydream about my nightmare was not to be. After the episode with Gabe and a couple of his friends making me suck them and letting them fuck me till I could...
Part I – The Beginning In the spring of 1995, I was on a camping trip at Brazos Bend State Park. It was a solo trip in the small RV that I had at the time. Of course, being the horny young man that I was, I was always looking for pretty women. But I mainly had porn and photography on my mind for this trip, so I hadn't really come prepared, physically or mentally, for a physical encounter. It wasn't the prime camping season yet, so I didn't expect to find a hot young lady or a lonely wife ready...
Straight SexI stood between Anna and Penny, as everyone boarded the coach. They were still discussing the party while I was scanning the area for problems. "So far, so good," I thought. Kip suddenly appeared, speaking to Penny and Anna. "All clear," he reported. "Okay, Michael. We've got it. If you'll get onboard now, we can get going," Penny said. "Nicky? Could I meet with you and Vickie for a minute?" I thought to them as I took a seat near the center of the coach. As before, the adults...
John looked up from his daily and, behind a small-framed pair of glasses saw a pretty little face, belonging to a blond female of what seemed to be about 29 or 30 years old. Light red lipstick, just a bit of mascara and a small bloom on her cheeks. The blond, curly hair was pulled tightly back to where it was bound by an elastic band, and the rest of the hair hung from the back of her head in the form of a ponytail. The body underneath this head was well shaped. It was slim, but not in the...
Hi everyone I am a Rngineer and my mail Mei story directly start kar ra hu without wasting your time so please apna hath apne sex organ p rakh lo it’s my school life incident not any man made story. I am Ashok 21 years old with height 5’6” and healthy body brown eyes and my dick has great urge for sex since I was in 6th class ye kahani meri 12th class ki h hmare school ka ek tour gaya tha jb mei 12th mei th mere mom bi teacher th school mei to vo b tour par gai thi and mei bhi in Bangalore in...
Growing up in the small town of Harpers Mill was about as boring as you would have expected. Still, if you discount the fact that the town had no school, meaning that the thirty kids living there had to take a hour long ride from the last pickup to the nearby town of Grover, and that there was more cows then people on any given day; the town was close to the ocean with no real public beaches, but lots of small hiking access to hidden untraveled coves perfect for hidden rendezvous. The town...
FetishThe Earl Howarth's Butler rushed out in agitation crying "Are you expected sir, only His Grace is away at the whipping Sir." His Grace indeed, as if he was a Prince or Archbishop not a mere Earl. "Oh! Then direct me pray," I requested, in as haughty manner as I could muster. "In the town sir, Allerton, in the square sir, at the whipping sir," he said deferentially whereas by rights he should be ordering us hence. "And the Lady Catherine?" I asked. He paused as if...
Hey hi..mer sare ke story readers,kese ho aap sab? Haan haan yaaro pata he jise lund khane ko ya choot marne ko mil gai he wo sab khush he aur jise nahi wo….Apna hath Jagannath..hahaha,frnz this site is awesome,aaj tak mene aap sab kid hero kahaniya padhi to socha kyu na ap sab ko meri sex mahagatha ki starting story ke roop me de hi du…this is my first story so send me ur dher sare responses and reply on Ok ab jyada boar nahi karunga,to ye wahi story he jisne muje...
NOTICE: This is a work of FICTION. Any resemblance to any real life situation is totally coincidental.*****Rosa, an Asian American who's family came from Vietnam in the early 80s worked as an executive assistant to the one of the upper level executives of mid sized agency for economic development. She enjoyed her job, but if you got to speak with her, she would tell you she preferred to be playing tennis or at least watching pro tennis in person. Her svelte, light brown body was accentuated by...
Over dinner, Donald begins to tell Emma the story of his Aunt Dorothy and Maude. Emma is so spellbound by the tale of these two women she will be meeting the next day. It is astonishing that she eats any of her dinner. But they both do finish all of their meal over a bottle of wine and the tale."Like I told you, my father and my aunt were twins. Born in 1943, while the war was going on. Their father was stationed with the Coast Guard at the time off of Cape Cod, so their mother was near...
Love StoriesThe author kindly advises that this scenario contains descriptions of d**g use, group sex and graphic language. It is only suitable for persons over 18 years old.Grace 4-French Ecstasy (Grace Worthington enjoys wild orgies in a French chateau)The mid-year exam results were in. Grace hurried down the Uni corridors towards to administrative department where the results were pinned on the announcement board. Her finger ran down the list. She found her scores. Above average was the verdict....
When I was bored, I often remembered an affair at Peking University and a sexual story between two people. I remembered the long stone bench on the edge of the small bridge in Ximen, close to the grave of the foreigner.It was a midsummer night, and I knew that the bug was "squeaky". The sparse woods are strong and separate couples. I and she stayed in my dormitory for a while. I can't stand it anymore. The younger brother is up and suffering, but he can't do it. The dormitory is shared with...
HiMy Mum and Dad have been divorced for a while now and my dad moved out and now lives with his girlfriend not too far from where we live.I live at home with my mum and my younger brother Liam.A few months back me, my mum and my brother went on holiday to Turkey for a week.We got a cheap deal on a 5 star resort and when we arrived it was really nice it had everything really.My Mum just wanted to relax by the pool and read her books and work on her tan,while me and my little brother just fooled...
Berlin, Germany Taylor stepped off the plane into the early morning sunlight, adjusting the strap of the sling holding his arm in place. Four days had passed since the chase from Malik’s compound, and he was happy to finally be out of Russia. As promised, Andre had been waiting for him with other members of the FSB, ready to pull Taylor’s ass out of the fire as soon as they got across the border. The crash across the border coupled with the bodies Taylor had left in his wake, had stirred up...
DISCLAIMER: This story is rated X for strong sexual content. If you are under eighteen (18) years of age or in an area where this type of material is prohibited, DO NOT READ THIS STORY. If you are of legal age eighteen (18) or older and are located in areas where this is legal, and not offensive to you, please continue. The characters and locations in this story are fictional and any resemblance to any actual living person or place, either in person or name, is purely...
Their eyes met across the crowded dimly lit bar, quickly she darted her eyes away telling herself what a ridiculous cliche that was, but still she felt the familiar twirl of heat between her legs.She glanced back, under her lashes just to see if he was still there and felt a pang of disappointment that he was not. Pull yourself together lady it was a look, a hot look admittedly, but thats all it was. She shrugged it off, there would be others to play with this evening there always were.Turning...
Straight SexCarther was looking at the work done by his people. The transporter depot now looked like a place for visitors to come to. They had even set up a hotel, shops and warehouses. The infrastructure owned by the city and they leased it out. There were still buildings being erected, but he, Aeron and the Queen who happily backed his projects, were happy with the progress. Since he now kept the Army busy with community jobs, he didn’t have any more deserters or resignations. Apparently, his people...
Everyone gathered around the wooden table in the private dining room they’d used the day before. Corec waited while Ellerie described the proposal. He and Treya occasionally interjected comments when they thought of something important. Boktar had paced around the room while Ellerie was speaking. When she was done, he asked Corec, “What’s this Varsin fellow like? Can we trust him?” “I guess you could say I’ve been working for him for years, but only in the sense that he’s in charge of...
This is my first story so spare me some slack.It all started like this: I was so fascinated by the sight beyond me. I was looking at my neighbour in the nude while she was sunbathing and I was totally jerking off. Let's just introduce my neighbour. Her name was Jillian(Jill) Though Jill was a 26 y/o woman, she had amazing tits. Those tits were a 36dd and were just divine I must say. Now let's get back to me. Although I was 18 then, when hard, my dick would grow to about 9 inches. As I was...
Wed 10-Oct 2007 Chris awoke to see Alyssa, still in her underwear, standing over Maria. He dragged himself upright and went and sat at the little table, stiff all over. Alyssa came over holding Maria, and they sat in his lap. She'd obviously gotten used to what she was wearing. He noticed that Hassan was awake, and smiled at him. This was nice. Not long after that, Shahia woke up. She looked at him and smiled, then hopped out of bed and squeezed into the tiny toilet. Her undies had...
My first marriage was a fucking nightmare. I mean that figuratively AND literally. Shortly after the honeymoon -- within a month, I'd venture -- she became a harridan, for reasons I've yet to understand. Suddenly, nothing I did was right; nothing I could do would ever be right. It was like someone flipped a switch. I may have been that someone; I'll never know, because we divorced three years later. Thanks to the constant tension, we never got around to having kids. (I did have an affair,...
Mere payare patakh aur dosto, yeh kahani ek sachi kahani par gathit hai jo mere aur mere ammi ke saath hua, lekin kahani main kuch mirch masala ka istmemaal kyai hai taki kahai thoda dramatic ho sake aur apko romanchit kar de.meri ammi saira hai uski umar 42 hhai, rang sawla hai aur chuchiya badi badi hai 38dd kamar bhi kareeb utna hi hoga aur gaand mast bhare bhare hai 40 ke, mera naam Sameer hai main 19 saal ka young aur smart ladka hu. Hum log Gorakhpur ke ek bade businessman family se...
Jenny is tied between two birches after providing me with fresh bare birches to birch my babiesJenny is as terrified as excited, being beaten up in front of her five finest great girlfriendsJenny is still a virgin, with her legs spread wide she offers us a fine view of her hot hymenJenny is still a virgin, despite coming very often from my mix of sexy spanking and caressingJenny seduces five fine friends to fetch fruits from my great garden, awesome apples, pretty peachesJenny seduces five fine...
Ellen and I started dating and spending time together in the whirlwind surrounding our separate graduations. I had been accepted at several universities in California, but had decided, for a combination of reasons, to sit out a year before continuing with my studies. Ellen declared that she was finished with her education, and had no desire to traipse off to some university, giving herself with lustful abandon, to an army of drunken fraternity strangers, when she could stay right at home and...
“Eric.!? Eric.!? Eric? Where are you?” I could hear my stepdaughter, Sabrina, calling for me as she walked down the hall. I was laying in bed recovering from my hangover. One of my buddies from work had invited me out for drinks last night. I figured what the hell. Might as well. My wife had to work the next day and I would be at home alone all day to recover. We ended up going to a bar that I would frequently go to before. Becky was work. Becky is this hot beautiful bartender. She is very...
It started out with the two of us having a laugh. I showed Reece some photos on my phone of our mates doing stupid shit with their cocks out and he said we should go one better and pretend like we were doing gay stuff.So that's how it started and it seemed really funny at the time. Grabbing each other's wangers in the first few shots and then making it look like we were sucking each other off. After we'd creased up laughing at all those, he said I should stand behind him and act like I was...
Gay MaleOk so this happened on these past summer vacations… First let me introduce myself I am just an ordinary guy from dehradun who likes to fuck girls if they let me but I love mature women who can teach me stuff which I later on can try on girls my age by the way I am 19 years old with an average body and average looks but an extraordinary cock from what I have been told it’s 9 inch long and 4 inch thick… So getting back to the story it was summer the days were hot and nights lonely all I had was...
Peter kissed Charlotte long, deep, and passionately, holding her trembling body close to him. He could feel the weight in his arms change as her knees got weak and he had to support her more. But he expected it and even liked that his kisses could make her melt like that. Charlotte moaned into his mouth as she gave herself over to his kiss and embrace and her hand went up to cradle his face.After a few wonderful moments where Charlotte was swept away in delirious abandon, Peter broke the kiss...
OccupationsMistress Angelica took the lube and spread it all over her cock. She rubbed her cock and looked back up to Harry. “All lubed up. But wait since this is your first time, I’m gonna be nice. Now, slut, this strap on is going to go up your ass but I’m going to be nice and give you a chance to finish lubing it up first. So suck it, you little bitch,’ this little thirteen year old commanded and, knowing how much worse it would be if he didn’t do so, Carl started to suck and lick the fake cock that...
I have always wanted to try this. And here I am is actually and finally experiencing it. I met this black guy, Steve on Xhamster was his name, his Xhamster name was Bottom Bull. Bottom Bull 58, brown skin, he is well built for his age. Bottom Bull is 5’10”, 200lbs, and hairy. Bottom Bull’s not ugly nor handsome. Bottom Bull cock is cut, dark and nice 7.5in surrounded with thick nappy pubic hair. Bottom Bull balls are full and fat, little beads of hair covers his balls.Bottom Bull’s cock was wet...
by mypenname3000 Copyright 2013 The Devil's Pact Side Story: The D&D Group Come visit my blog at Note: This takes place after Chapter 17 when Mary goes out with Diane. Takes place at the same time as Mary and Diane Go Clubbing. I left Quatch making out with Willow and headed to answer the door. Tonight, I was going to play D&D with the same group of guys I had been playing with since I was fifteen. We had all met in the WOTC store in the South Hill Mall,...
A shower together after a day of meetings leads to much more! I couldn’t believe my luck when my company sent me, my colleague Tony, and two sex-bomb girls, blonde Babs and brunette Lucy to our company headquarters on a graduate induction course, putting us in an expensive hotel in the town for a couple of nights. The four of us spent the whole of the first day of our course in mind numbing meetings in a stuffy windowless room in our company office. For me, and I guess Tony, the boredom...
GroupMy dark, naked body slinks down the pale surface of yours, as I fall to my knees before you. The contrast of my skin against yours is our private aphrodisiac. I lick my berry colored lips in anticipation. I work your pants down, shoving them to your ankles. Grabbing the cuffs, in a swoop I pull them off. You didn’t confine yourself today, as you often do. I laugh lightly. You make every thing so simple for me, removing your shirt in advance and wearing no underwear. You are as eager for me as I...
Am a native of Kerala. Brought up with the typical Malayali culture of submissiveness and modesty!! However, such a conditioning could not do much in holding back the rapidly growing obsession with sex. Though I have never had sex, I was a frequenter of porn sites, often daily. My specs are 34-32-36. The stories I used to read here really spurred my cravings higher and boldness too. I never had the courage or chance to try out, though. Until once I visited my grandparents. They live alone in a...
Hi friends, mera naam Vicky hai aur me bhopal me rehta hu. Maine Indian sex stories pe bahut story padhi hai. Aaj me apko apni real story btane jar ha hu ji ki ek couple ke sath hui . Agar aapko meri story achi lage to mujhe mail kare. Comab me story pe aata hu.Main ghar ke pas ek mall ja rha tha. Wahan pe bahut sari aunty aur bhabhi aati hai. Aur fir me roj mall jane laga mjhe waha ek bhut khubsurat aunty dkhai di usse dekh kar hi mera lund tight ho gaya. Jaisa app sab jante hai mai massage...
Lana dropped her keys on the counter and began leafing through the stack of mail waiting for her after work. Amongst the usual bills and junk mail, she did see one envelope that looked interesting. It had a return address of her old high school. "What's this?" she thought dropping everything except for the letter, beginning to open it. She read: "Tenth Anniversary Reunion". "God. Has it been ten years already?" she asked herself. Along with the usual information, she saw the date was...
I am a bisexual married white male in my late fifties, and this event happened when I was forty-five years old and had not yet had my first cock sucking experience. Up to that point I was mainly curious about other men, and really enjoyed looking at the many Yahoo sites with pictures of cocks and balls of all shapes, sizes, and colors. I also enjoyed a wide variety of stories, including those about cuckolds, creampies and bisexual encounters. I was a financial analyst working for a large...
Gay MaleMy divorce was finalized about 6 months later. After that I started dating a few women here and there. I was being rather picky in my pursuit of the ideal mate for me to spend the rest of my life with. I vowed that I would not settle for a woman that was not a perfect fit, just because I was lonely and desperate. I resorted to Internet dating sites, with which I did not have overwhelming success. There is nothing spectacular about me; I am average in most ways. I do work out a few times...
Of Moonlight and Black Cats. By Tanya H. Black Cat Junction. Black Cat Junction signalbox, where I once worked, had endured an age of Northern weather, countless snorting steam locomotives and the weight of time since way before I was born. It had ceased to be commercially important in the 60s, when the nearby station closed, but remained on the railway map as the point where the branch line from Lentonmill joined the old route from Manchester to Leeds. Even before my Dad toddled...
Just about time for supper. We liked to have supper before sunset so we can all enjoy the beautiful sunsets here from the main cave. Of course after the sun goes down its time for the nighttime activities and everyone likes them. Before we started on supper I stood and addressed my tribe. “May I have your attention for just a couple minutes please? I have several announcements that need to be heard. First we will be having some more people join us shortly. In two day’s time Dignar’s camp will...
David was arranging his bedroll on a bunk. He’d placed his saddle pistol inside a saddlebag along with the ammunition for the pistols and his telescope. A cloth bag containing forty clips of rifle ammunition hung by its strap next to his rifle. All the men had similar bags within arm’s reach. He had almost finished the cup of tea the mortar team had made for the men, when the Havildar reported movement along the crest. David rushed back to his position by the rim. Looking through the...
Chapter 34: Ruthie and Sean It was late on a Wednesday afternoon in mid June when Mom and I pulled into Felicity, Texas. We had ample parking place at the seaside resort and I easily found a slot for Mom’s SUV and the attached trailer. Our room had with two queen beds, a recliner and a sofa in the room. Our window overlooked the sea and had a table and two chairs by it. It was a nice place. We took showers, dressed and were sitting on the terrace with drinks as we enjoyed the sea when a very...
The Skate Park—Rain RainIt had rained pretty hard Saturday night. Just kinda light showers now, Sunday morning. Forecast had s**ttered showers all week. Just laying in bed, still sleepy, I just started playing with my balls. Real slow and gentle, so I wouldnt totally wake up.I ran my middle finger between my balls, more tickling the hairs than the balls themselves. Dippng down underneath, and towards my asshole, I spread just a bit and pushed my finger to my sweaty hole, giving just a nudge to...
I know how he looks at me. How he stares at me and how I just see his eyes, those beautiful electric blue eyes, undressing me with no shame. When he realises I’ve been staring at his eyes and open mouth he quickly closes his mouth and walks away, his face flushed with shame. His name is Charlie and he’s just started college this year. Whenever I seem him around, he always stares at me and my areas and I can only politely start a conversation in which Charlie starts off nicely and just veers...
Marley Brinx and her stepbrother Alex D. have a video channel. Today their video is the Touch My Body Challenge, where you blindfold your partner and have them guess what part of your body they’re touching. Marley and Alex take turns, eventually upping the ante so they’re using mouths instead of fingers. Marley pranks Alex with a dildo, and in return he whips out his fuck stick for her to suck.To get Alex back, Marley sticks her little finger in her ass and then puts it in...
xmoviesforyouMany years ago I was employed as a cash in transit guard and spent most of my working day locked in the back of an armoured cash carrying vehicle. As you can imagine on a long run this would get quite boring. So to relieve the boredom I'd have one or two porn mags hidden away in my bag.When we reached the town we were working in then things got a little better. Whilst my mate was out delivering or collecting and I was on lookout i found my self looking at all the girls walking by the van. I...
I'm a 28 year old fit woman and I'm proud of my looks. I have two c***dren but I've focused on keeping a flat stomach and a tight ass. We live in a large two story home with a pool in the backyard and a separate pool house.My husband is a successful company man and he's on the fast track to success.You';d think my life is complete, but there are some frustrations.I'm fairly sure my husband is having affairs with the college interns he claims he needs. He spends at least two evenings each week...
Dedicated to LUE! "Hey Lisa, would you like to go to Juliana's party with me tonight?" We were juniors in high school. All the boys liked to stare at my butt; it fought so hard against my jeans that people couldn't help but look. I was proud of my boobs; they were a C cup and I made sure that the clothes I wore featured them. My nipples were like crowns, and they often got hard and tried to pierce through my bra. I was very confident about my beauty, but was still surprised when Bobby asked me...
Group SexTami's Descent Chapter Two - The Training Begins So there I was. I could hardly believe my plight. I mean, playing online was fun, but actually being at the mercy of a real flesh-and- blood dominant man? I pulled against my binds, but no luck. I am truly at his mercy. Gagged and bound spread-eagle to the bed, face down at the hands of my new captor, Master Ken. As my mind wallowed in self- pity, I suddenly felt his hands on my legs. "Ah, such smooth legs, my little cocksucker. You...