A Little Pick-me-up free porn video

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The end of the world was a-coming and I had a “lift ticket” out of that future nightmare, with a couple of extras, all due to having a high CAP score-- “Capacity, Aptitude and Potential”, a measure of an individual’s worth to the gene pool-- and having volunteered for service to the Confederacy in their Sa’arm crisis.

All right, so us humans are weird-- once some news announcer blew his line and called ‘em the “Swarm” the name stuck. I have since heard that some of the races we’re sandbags for not only haven’t really heard of them much less know that there is a crisis threatening their survival.

CAP testing had not been all fun and games but the result had provided a major boost for my ego given my relative lack of visual appeal and desirability to women in general. I’d done it early on in the hopes of getting onto the “Regular Joe” series-- you don’t get much more regular than me, for instance-- but hadn’t made the cut for the show.

Granted, at the time, there were a lot of people out there competing for the show.

Now, of course, I’d come to know, along with the rest of the world, that CAP testing for “Regular Joe” was all just a ruse ... but my CAP score did get me more attention from my female co-workers, and, when I wore the little badge, women in general.

Though being an 8.1 is, well ... trouble. No one will, at first, believe that your score isn’t faked, until you pull out the little difficult-to-counterfeit ID cards with your CAP score on it. Finding my score of 8.1 left me surprised; I had been certain that I wasn’t anything special.

All right, so it doesn’t help make me the “life of the party”, for instance, but I have to admit that I was being invited to more of them. I was also surprised with suddenly being popular with my co-workers, both male and female, and was always included in lunch plans.

Heck, I’d find myself being treated to lunch more often, too. I was surprised...

Having a high CAP score sure helped me in getting my cherry popped, too.

With the news of why CAP scores were important came the news of how volunteers for Confederacy service were being picked up-- you know, extracted-- from the Earth. Given the desperation that many felt, there was no way for a fixed location to take the stream of people who had volunteered because the less desirable people were “in the way”, trying to ensure their own exit. Some examples had been made to show us all that the Confederacy wasn’t going to do this.

With the news of Sa’arm and the extraction process, things changed for me. Early on, I had settled down and married a a woman-- who I worked with-- who had a 6.9 CAP rating. She also put in as a volunteer, herself. Unfortunately, she now preferred to work from home and seldom came into the office with me, so she wasn’t with me on the day when I got scarfed up by a Confederacy pick-up team. This chance event-- and her absence-- enforced an instant divorce.

Well, I figured, maybe someday she’d wise up and try to get out of the house more. On this fateful day marking my final departure from the Earth, I had invited her to come out and meet me at this restaurant for lunch. Her downfall came from her reluctance to drive in to town for such a trivial reason.

Yeah, it has usually been the little choices like this one that have always had significant consequences.

With my 8.1 CAP score I could select up to six partners from the people currently present at the restaurant. My wife, if she had been here with me, would likely have chosen to stand on her own and select two partners, being just .1 point away from being able to select four.

But, then, my wife-- well, now, ex-wife-- would have to be present when and where a Confederacy pick-up was happening.

Like I said, such little decisions can have immense consequences.

With the lock-down imposed by an interdiction field, we’d avoid getting swamped by even more people begging to get off the planet. At the same time it seriously limited what was available for us in the way of “raw material” to pick and choose from, too.

So there I was inside a restaurant and expected to pick up to six people to be my concubines as part of an effort to boost the human population in a safer place. All I-- or any of the other selectees-- had to choose from was locked in here with us. Having four other selectees here for me to compete with didn’t reduce the pressure much, of course, given that I had never been particularly ambitious or having had a very competitive nature. That three of my four competitors for breeding stock were women rather than men did relieve some of the pressure on me, albeit slightly.

The Confederacy extraction team itself was composed of two women, both built for strength, first, but who still looked pretty attractive to me. I figured they both had to have serious CAP scores for inclusion within the Confederacy’s military ... and I figured they were both out of my league, anyway.

That being said, this team did not look all that happy with this situation, either. Like I said, out of five selectees, there were two men-- and I was obviously one of them. Two of the women in my lunch group were also selectees, too. Sandra, the tall, elegants black woman who I’d been pining over for for the last two years, was one of them. I would have salivated over the opportunity to sponsor her and suddenly had to shift gears as I learned she had a higher CAP score than I did, at 8.7. Well, between her and Kim, it was obvious that I had an eye for quality. So, suddenly, I had to put her out of my mind because she was even further out of my reach than I had ever felt her to be, before.

Kim, the other selectee from my lunch group, worked over in the research library and was a friend of Sandra’s. She was no slouch with a 7.7 CAP. I had always found her small body and oriental appearance attractive which had led to her role as number two, behind Sandra, on my “wistful longing” list. Having my top two candidates-- and my wife as number three-- suddenly out of reach, made the need to change my plans a shock.

The other two selectees were people I had not met before-- some gal named Josephine with a 7.3 and a guy with a 7.4 named Harry. The pick-up team, once we’d been in lock-down, spoke up and called us all out by name to come up to them to be introduced to all of the people in the restaurant. We got a quick briefing from the leader while the junior member of the team started getting people lined up for their chance to leave with one of us.

Sandra turned to me, and, once we shared our CAP scores with each other, asked “Jeff, are you willing to partner with me?”

Was I? I gulped, a brief sensation of fear running through me. Even though I’d idolized her, Sandra cut an imposing figure given that her eyeballs were six inches above mine without heels. This height difference to my disadvantage wasn’t all bad having made her well-shaped accouterments immediately obvious to my eye. Now, with her CAP score, Sandra well-nigh irresistible to me.

I proved to her that I am no fool. I nodded. More than a little bit enthusiastically, in fact. “Sounds perfect, Sandra,” I added, making sure she didn’t misunderstand me. I couldn’t believe I was still capable of this much of an understatement, however. I didn’t realize, at the time, that she was able to see the adoration I’d tried holding inside for so long suddenly so clear on my face.

Sandra smiled-- no, beamed-- back at me, looking happy, before pulling me away from the crowd being lined up under the orders of the soldiers driving this process, wanting to discuss terms of our partnership.

I’ll admit that I was enough in her sway that I would very willingly surrender to her.

“So, Jeff, between us we can pick up to twelve ... concubines ... for us to breed with. How would you like to break this out? What do you think we should prioritize on?”

I’ve always respected Sandra’s organizational abilities, you should know, from projects to picnics, and her question just increased my admiration. “I feel we should try to maximize genetic diversity as long as we don’t take on any zeros. While you and I are already, well, genetically diverse, just to start with, we will probably want as much variety in genotypes we can get. I know we’re kind of limited to what we can find, here, but we have little choice. On top of the genetic angle, I think, also, that we need certain skills and mindsets, say, strong maternal instincts, for instance, who can cope with raising children. Conception isn’t the only priority, after all, we want help, don’t we?”

Sandra nodded and smiled as I spoke, apparently in tune with me. “And a couple of paternal men, too, I think.”

Well, that was my cue to nod. “Yeah. While I don’t fancy much in the way of competition, I have to agree. Anything less would be unfair to you, so ... at least one would have to be a great fuck for you, since, truly, I am no prize ‘tween the sheets.”

Sandra smirked. “Somehow, given your scores, I don’t doubt that you will be able to scratch my itch just fine. We don’t really need more than one-- well, maybe even two-- men in our mix. Maybe some weak minds and strong backs, for instance, that will do as we need them to.”

I laughed at her phrasing, knowing that she was trying to lessen the sting for me. I smiled some more and looked up just as a little scene caught my eye. I spotted one man-- a little shorter than I was-- kissing a woman’s cheek and carrying an infant to the back wall. I pointed him out to Sandra. “Start with him, all right? And I’ll go talk to the woman he was with. If he’s willing to give up his wife and increase her chances of being picked, probably hoping to save his child, too, in an act of sacrifice, he’s probably got enough of the kind of spirit we’re looking for. If he’s that thoughtful his CAP can’t be all that low, either.”

Sandra smiled at me and nodded. “I like the way you think.”

I chuckled. “I’m not sure which of us should be more worried about that, dearest.”

My new partner swept me up in a hug and gave me one hell of a toe-curling kiss, which I did my best to return. Until this moment I had only thought I was in love with her ... but our kiss sealing the deal confirmed how hopelessly I had fallen in love with her. Before she could get away from me I did my best to kiss her senseless, too, though I had my doubts that I had enough skill to do so.

Best of all, from this shared set of kisses, I could tell that she loved me, too.

Once I was back on my feet-- and, at least, marginally functional again, after a kiss that fried my brains-- we split up to handle the first two interviews. I hurried over to the woman whose husband had shown his thoughtfulness. Fortunately I got to her just before Harry could work his way along the line to her and I asked her for her ID card.

Pam, with her CAP of 6.4, was, to my eye, a keeper. Blonde hair, blue eyes, a button nose, a pretty face ... and, once I started to talk to her I didn’t care that her itemized CAP score indicated that she was, to be honest, not much better than a “dead fuck”. This didn’t scare me much since my now ex-wife was, too. Pam’s maternal instincts did show she’d be a good mommy, though. Additionally, Pam was smart and adaptive even in this mad-house, showing her sense of humor despite these pressures ... and the worry about her husband. I asked her about her husband’s CAP and got the answer of “Five and a half” with a hint of sadness in her voice. I didn’t want to raise her hopes until I saw, over her shoulder, a thumb’s up from my tall, dark, partner.

“Pam, go get your husband and child and bring them both over there” I ordered, pointing to the extraction team. “You’ve both been chosen. Sandra wants him, I want you, and, with Sandra and I being an item, you won’t be far apart. Now git!”

I have never seen such an adoring look on a woman’s face directed at me. Never.

Well, never before. I would turn out to be surprised how many more I got as the extraction wore on.

And, yeah, I could tell that Sandra was basking in the same kind of glow, too.

Sure, we were their ticket to escaping the earth, yes, but the price was damn near abject slavery. Heck, slavery might have been a step up from what the price tag to survival was going to be ... and it struck me, in that moment, that there was a price tag for Sandra and I that was not immediately obvious to the eye: responsibility. I could not see why Pam had given me the look of enthusiasm and happiness that I had gotten from her. Hell, the look Paul, her earthy husband, gave to Sandra wasn’t any less freighted with happiness.

Sandra rejoined me and, once we smiled and kissed each other again, we worked our way along the line of women.

Our next pick, though, was a pretty little oriental girl named Tina. Her CAP of 4.0 had great scores for her sex drive and cooperativeness even though her maternal drives were weak, especially compared to Pam. That Tina was nowhere near as bright as Pam and her lack of womanly curves explained why Harry hadn’t even paused before passing her by, but my partner whispered “We’ll have her hips widened a bit, OK?”

I giggled, nodding. We were, with Tina, up to three out of our alloted twelve picks. Pickings weren’t quite as slim as I had originally worried.

We settled easily on Susan as our fourth pick. Yes, she was a bit heavy at thirty two years of age with two children in middle school. Brunette, a sweet nature, with a nicely (to my eye) padded body shape, not too bright, but a very strong maternal drive, eclipsing Pam’s. We found more than we bargained for when Sandra had her strip to show us what she had to offer us, or, really, me.

Given that she stripped without complaint or even hesitation gave her good marks for obedience even with her shortage of enthusiasm, but what we found then explained everything.

I almost got ill, I really did. It didn’t make any sense ... but Sandra and I shared a look. Susan was going to leave with us.

Why did we take her? Even without any effort to test drive her?

Her husband, to my mind, was an utter imbecile. Her body was marked with welts and scars. Her back, sides and legs all bore marks of abuse. She was reluctant to let us know that her husband had been doing most of this, but, at least, she bowed to our authority.

It was fortunate that her husband wasn’t here today; I have seldom wanted to kill anyone ... but...

Susan had been lucky enough to stop here for coffee on the way to pick him up from work ... and I took a perverse amount of pleasure in thinking that he would have a very long wait. Sandra’s look showed me that we were in accord.

While there may be a shortage of justice in the world, I was enjoying an opportunity to exercise some, right here.

When Susan got the nod from me-- and Sandra-- her smile and look of adoration made the memory of Pam’s seem to dim in comparison. I had my hopes that Susan’s CAP scores would have a chance to improve in an environment that would help such growth.

I’m still not sure what motivated her razor-edged glee at our acceptance and approval of her. Was it me? Was I attractive to her? Or was it that she’d never have to face her husband ever again?

I don’t know ... but Sandra, when I discussed this with her later, told me it was likely a mix of everything.

Now, realize, the single biggest problem I saw with a high CAP score is that you can’t really avoid a well-developed sense of empathy. All right, so some people can have a low level and score well in other areas, but, truly, you have to have some, you know?

The problem, though, come from having “too much” empathy. It undermines your ability to make dispassionate decisions, especially when you most need to. Susan was empathy, pure and simple ... and we lucked out with her. God, did we luck out, though that’s a consequence that comes much later.

Why is empathy a crippler? Well, it can make you indecisive when faced with tough situations. If you want a prime example of this conflict, just look at the Presidency of Jimmy Carter: Empathy kept him from breaking any of the eggs needed for an omelet.

So, sure, you’re afraid of hurting or killing people, but, at the same time, a real human being is going to want to feel like they are connected to other people.

Well, except for sociopaths. You don’t have to be male to be a sociopath, by the way. We skipped over a couple of them. They usually came in with zeroes and ones since there must be some empathy to enable the other scores ... and, truly, in hindsight, it was obviously a requirement of the Confederacy, perhaps to keep us from being a threat to them.

While I was looking around for something to catch my eye, Sandra surprised me by grabbing my arm and telling me “Let’s pull one from that set of twins over there.”

After seeing them I smirked at my partner. Those two blonde Valkyries could have been on the Swedish bikini team ... and Harry had taken one look and passed them by, shaking his head, apparently not wanting to break up a set of book-ends. Tina and Toni, as twins, turned out to have decent scores for everything but maternal instinct, but, hey, we had that covered better than we’d originally expected. There was nothing wrong with their wombs, though, and their bodies would need little assistance to carry children. The problem they had, to my eye, was that they had chosen to stand together as a pair ... and so Harry obviously didn’t want to use up two of his slots on them ... and was too nice a guy to consider breaking up the set.

But I figured that this would give one of them a chance.

Sandra and I could afford to take both of them on even given they would have cut into our avowed interest in genetic diversity. At the same time I saw them as both good stock, too.

That’s when it hit me-- maybe something could work out after all.

“Harry!” I called out. “I got an idea, c’mere!”

He paused, talking to an older Hispanic woman (who looked pretty cute, too), telling her that he’d be right back, and stepped over to us, standing by the twin girls. “Yeah, Jeff?”

I told him, Sandra nodding with me, “Sandra and I want one of the twins, but not both. You willing to take the other one?”

Jeff looked them up and down, his eyes popping open. “Yeah, I’m willing to take one, not both.”

The twins looked worried for a moment and then relieved ... and, almost in synchronization, started stripping, without being asked.

Harry asked them “Are you willing to be separated?”

They both paused in undressing, their fingers in their panty waist-bands, when they answered, in stereo, “Sure! As long as I know my sister is okay!” Then they skinned the rest of the way.

One had a birthmark on her left hip, the other on her right. The one with the left-side mark was also left-handed, it turned out, and, with being a southpaw myself, I pulled her hand and told her to join the group we were collecting. She made sure I knew her name was Toni. Harry got Tina. The twins turned to each other, gave hugs and then each turned to their sponsor.

I got crushed in a wonderfully warm hug from a hot woman. My dick, still in my pants, hardened further and enjoyed the pressure. When I got a chance to look at Sandra she was smiling at me. Then Sandra was startled by the hug Toni gave her ... including a very hot kiss.

Harry, we could tell, was as happy as a clam. We was up to three of his alloted concubines with Tina and chose to cut short his search by choosing the hispanic woman he’d been talking to when I interrupted him. He did decide to lay her down on one of the tables for a test-drive, obviously finishing off in her.

We paid attention to other selectees, too, like Josephine, as she worked her way through the meat market. Now, as a selectee, Josephine had a good CAP score, but she must have been carrying some extra emotional baggage to fuck up how she would exercise it. She had picked out three men for herself ... and then chose a mousy little woman to round out her stable. I had no idea how she was going to cope with three big men-- two of whom were black, not that they seemed like trouble-- but Sandra and I got a giggle out of it. Each of her men, however, was way better endowed than I was and Sandra commented that they’d probably be a real pain in the ass.

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PickupIt was, truth to tell, a great summer job! Okay, the hours were long and Lou had to get up early every morning while many of his friends could sleep all morning during the school break. But still..."Lou, this is Sam!" the radio in the van cracked loudly, waking up Lou from his daydreaming."Good morning Sam! What's up?" Lou always tried to appear alert when talking to the boss. Sam was a burly heavy old man and usually a bit grumpy. Your typical butcher, in fact."Lou, we've got a busy...

3 years ago
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Littlest Nymph in the Labyrinth

You are a young boy, approaching the awkward age of puberty, but not quite there yet. You live in a small village in the mountains, and your father is a goat herder. You are likely to inherit his profession, as there is not much else you could do in this place. You spend your days playing with the other children of the village and chasing unruly goats around with sticks. Ultimately, life is boring. You gobble up the stories about grand adventures that the occasional traveler tells you and the...

4 years ago
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A Peril at IshtarChapter 1 Pickup

For me life on Earth ended at a small country music concert. My friends had suggested that I might enjoy a night out to forget for a short time the terror everyone was feeling now that the dangers of the Sa'arm were well known. To be honest the concert was more than a bit dull. The musicians clearly did not have the same passion as the bands that were played on the radio, and about halfway through the first set I found myself spending my time by looking over the crowd. The sight of several...

2 years ago
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Thirty Curlers and Picks

Why the hell didn't he say something to me? Jim and I had been married now for 23 years. Pretty sure we have been madly in love for all those years. Now this has come up. Sort of pisses me off. But I will get over it. I guess. My name is Wendy Rodgers and my husband's name is Jim. I am 46 and Jim is 47 years old. All our marriage we have lived in a small Ohio town, almost in the center of the state. Jim, and his business partner, George, owns a farm implement and seed business. I...

2 years ago
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Stephanie woke up and couldn’t move. It wasn’t long before she realized she was tied down. Three large leather straps ran across her chest, belly and hips and pushed her down into the mattress. Her arms and legs were free to move about. She pried on the leather straps but she couldn’t find a buckle anywhere. What was going on? Where was she? It was dark, she could barely see a thing. The silhouette of bars surrounding her. Was she in a cage, but why tie her down if she was already...

4 years ago
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Carls Pickup

A story in the Swarm Cycle Universe started by The Thinking Horndog I had stopped into my favorite watering hole after work for some good dark beer and a snack before going to an Italian joint I liked for dinner. Gail was behind the bar and spotted me as I walked in. By the time I sat down she had pulled me a draft and made sure the free peanuts were near me. She was a good waitress and I loved the attention. After getting comfortable I looked around saw the place was a little more crowded...

4 years ago
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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 51 Panic at a Pickup

School was out for until after the New Year so for the next few days, Jason, Jessica, and I spent time relaxing with our planned companions. Ashley, Lenore, and I recreated our first morning in the treehouse one day, and affirmed that we definitely wanted to stay together. The biggest surprise came on Christmas day. We had all gathered at the Robert's home for a small feast. Jessica showed up with Milli and Kathy. Our friends were smiling and laughing when they arrived. "Some good news?"...

3 years ago
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Berry Picking

I always enjoyed picking raspberries, blueberries and other wild fruit to make jams and jellies and such. We live near the outer boundaries of the city where there are open fields and wooded areas a frequent and this give me a chance to harvest wild berries and such for our enjoyment. One beautiful day I got my berry picking pail and headed for an area that I knew there was an abundance of wild raspberries. Being only about a half mile from the house it was an easy walk.I began picking plump...

3 years ago
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Alittle bi action

I’ve always been very curious about my sexuality, but I’ve never had the courage to try another man. My wife and I have been messing around with a strap on for the last couple months getting me ready for this night. We drove to an exclusive club 15 minutes out of the city limit, and turned off the car.“Are you ready for this baby” Cindy asked“ I think so, I’m getting hard just thinking about a cock in my mouth”We walked up to the club and showed my card to the man at the door, he took a quick...

1 year ago
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My Aunts big mouth gets me in a pickle

Note : This story is completely fictional! I have had a few razy sexual encounters with one of my aunts. We swore to never tell anyone about what we did. But,she broke our promise by getting drunk with her sister aka my other aunt and spilling the beans. I was so pissed off when i recieved her call late one night. I acted like i was clueless until i heard my other aunt in the backround. So, i asked,"so now what?" She replied,"Don't worry baby she swore not to tell." There was a moment of...

2 years ago
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Cherry picking

“Here,“ mum said placing the two weathered wicker baskets – probably hand woven by my nan around the Second World War - into my hand. There had to be some sort of sentiment behind them, as she still insisted on using them even though they were coming apart around the rim. “You need to fill at least these two if you want both cherry jam and a cake tomorrow,” she said. “And take that –“ she lowered her voice to a whisper, “useless boyfriend of yours with you.”My boyfriend, Will was in my room,...

1 year ago
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Ripe for the picking

Ripe for the picking, that’s what I was, when I had just turned eighteen. Young, naïve, and always horny, that was me. I had sex with only one girl just before I joined the navy. It was good for me, but I don’t think she enjoyed it much. I was too clumsy and thinking of my own pleasure. I love girls and had many fantasies about them. It’s just that I was on the bashful side, and did not know how to talk to them. So you can see I had a hard time getting dates. I was told a number of times...

3 years ago
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The Pickup

by mrchips No one knows better the depths to which men will sink in pursuit of sex than the bartender. Believe me, after a few years behind the mast, he's seen it all. Look carefully at the next bartender you meet and you'll see it around the edges of his eyes. The myriad disappointments and slights accumulate there, ever ready to turn and bite the keeper. Father confessor to the drunk, cruise director of the bar, dispenser of poison and absolution and amateur psychoanalysis, he will help...

3 years ago
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Bisexual Sissy Male Pickup

Bisexual Sissy Male PickupI was sitting around, sipping coffee in a late-night coffee house, the sort of place that puts up the artwork of young starving artists and brings in musicians who will play for nothing more than tips and a cup of coffee themselves. Across from me was an old friend and occasional play partner, Karl. Karl was indulging in a bit too much caffeine and decidedly too little sleep this evening. That is his excuse for the challenge he put to me:“You are spoiled. You have been...

2 years ago
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Barroom Pickup

Barroom Pickup By Bill Hart Norman Gorton strolled into the small out of the way bar on the other side of town from where he lived. As it was late - only a few minutes before closing time - he wasn't expecting to find much in the way of fodder from which to make his selection. He wasn't disappointed. As he'd entered and glanced about the bar, he spotted only a single lone woman still sitting at the counter. Although astonished to see someone like her sitting in a bar as if...

3 years ago
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Naughty Pickup

A Piece of my Imagination "Ladies and Gentlemen, please remain seated and we'll get this over with quickly and allow you to get back to your meal." The man - now that he'd drawn attention to himself - cut a truly imposing figure at over six feet tall with short dark hair and a physique that looked like it belonged on a body builder or a football player. The words he'd just delivered were now almost a cliché and had been heard thousands of times before all over the planet. They signified...

2 years ago
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The Barbie Lez Fantasies Week 89 BlueBEARry Picking

Author’s Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was written as part of a series. For full enjoyment, please read “The Barbie Lez Fantasies: Week 1-88”. *** Have you ever had one of those fantasies? You know, the ones that feel so real you begin to wonder if you are actually imagining them. Well, I do… because I have them all the time! Sometimes, they turn into a story, but mostly they remain trapped inside my brain. That is, until now… I was visiting my father. I...

3 years ago
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The Barbie Lez Fantasies Week 89 BlueBEARry Picking

Introduction: A quick and kinky bestiality fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was...

2 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 9 KamiChapter 17 A Draft Pick

October 20, 1995, Chicago, Illinois She waited a few seconds and the attorneys all shook their heads. “As you all know, I have reports from DCFS, the mediator, and the guardian ad litem who I appointed. I’ve also conducted an interview with Marcia. It’s my job, as judge, to decide this case solely on Marcia’s best interests. At sixteen, she is old enough, and has demonstrated sufficient maturity, such that her wishes must be given very serious consideration. “I am, as are all Family Court...

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Concert Pickup

I noticed the girl standing just in front of me in the line. She looked a little young to be there, then I remembered that this was an 18 and up show, not over 21 like most of the ones I went to. She had long, light-brown hair hanging loose around her face, which was extremely pretty - small, upturned nose, greenish-brown eyes, with just the right amount of eye makeup to cause them to stand out. Her mouth had a slight downturn at the corners, looked very sexy, with very light lipstick. ...

4 years ago
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Tranny Pickup

on Chicago's state street. At the moment his trousers and shorts were around his ankles, his dress shirt was pulled up and he was reclining in the girls couch. But something wasn't quite right. He was beginning to suspect that the she whose mouth was engulfing his cock was really a he. Paul was in the bag thought, and after all 'lips are lips.' What ever the gender Paul was getting the blow-job of his life, she was sucking his nuts, alternately with deep throating him. The...

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Fattie pickup

It was a night of drinking and partying a few weeks ago…….I ended up in my usual watering fountain to have one last drink before going home, I was buzzing really nice and felt good!! at the same time felt a little horny as well. In the bar my eyes caught a glimpse of a latin looking women to the best of my guessing she was about 45 years old dark to medium color skin and the CLEAVAGE she had on her was mind blowing, for the longest time I had not seen such remarkable huge breasts filling out of...

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The Pickup

A light breeze hid the fact that it was 90 degrees. He took a long drag on his cigarette and let his eyes wander around the shade of the mall. From each of the Casinos, a melange of music and clattering coins filtered out onto the street. He saw her a few feet away, enjoying the shade, watching the people and his eyes wandered freely over her. Tall and slender, her high heels peeked from under emerald green silk pants that caressed her legs and clung to her hips. Perfectly pedicures toes...

2 years ago
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the pickup

Sue was a large black woman with soft bright eyes and a nice smile. I am not racist and she had a cute face so when she asked me if I liked oral sex I said yes!  Her lips were full and moist, the thought of placing my cock between them was pleasant. She told me she liked skinny white boys and I fit the bill. Then she told me for 50 dollars we could go to her place and have oral sex! We were on our way there anyway and I said yes. I had picked her up outside a bar. I was heading home from work...

4 years ago
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Bar room pickup

This is my first story that I wrote especially for my beautiful lush girl and she encouraged me to publish it. Hope you like it. Sipping nervously from my glass I allow my gaze to wander around the bar. ‘First timer?’ I look up at the bar tender, an attractive brunette in her thirties. ‘Sorry?’ ‘Your first time in a gay bar, I can always spot the newbies.’ ‘Yeah I guess….’ ‘Okay honey,’ she leaned over the bar towards me, showing me just enough cleavage to tease me, ‘You want some advice?’ I...

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Airport Pickup

My plane lands in Denver right on time. As we taxi to the gate the pilot turns off the fasten seatbelt sign. I dig out my phone and turn it back on. I send you a text that my plane has landed and I will see you soon at the baggage claim. ‘I’ve been thinking about you the entire flight.’ I add, ‘It was all I could do to keep my hands from wandering under my skirt’ When we stop at the gate I grab my purse and my carry-on and walk down the jetway and into the airport. By this point the...

3 years ago
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My Valentines Pickup

Carla stood under the soft rain. Left hand raised and heavy with bracelets, in the hope of attracting one of those cars flashing by. Cursed rain. Plump lips thinned in a line. One moment the sun was all she could see without the glasses, and the next rain was all she could feel.Today is the 14th February, and this should've been the best day ever. But it will not. Thanks to my jerk of a boyfriend; or should I say, ex-boyfriend.I should've seen the signs the night before but instead, I'm here on...

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Airport Pickup

My plane lands in Denver right on time. As we taxi to the gate the pilot turns off the fasten seatbelt sign. I dig out my phone and turn it back on. I send you a text that my plane has landed and I will see you soon at the baggage claim. "I've been thinking about you the entire flight." I add, "It was all I could do to keep my hands from wandering under my skirt" When we stop at the gate I grab my purse and my carry-on and walk down the jetway and into the airport. By this point the...

Quickie Sex
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Sex after airport pickup

After she cleaned herself up from the massive facial she got at the airport parking garage, we drive to my place which is only about a 20 minute drive. Along the way we chat about regular stuff, nothing too specific. We get to my place and it's nothing fancy. A 2 bedroom apartment whom I share with my roommate who is usually never home, living room, kitchen and our own bathrooms which is nice. We go in and she sets her stuff down around my bed and I grab her and push her onto the bed and I fall...

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redhead hotel bar pickup

It was Thursday evening and I was looking to let off some steam have some fun and meet some women so I headed over to this hotel bar I knew of the place is nice and the customers were usually business people that are staying at the hotel looking to relax after a long day.I got there as happy hour was gaining steam a little after 6 I walked into the bar scanned the room walked over to the jukebox dropped a couple dollars worth of quarters into it and picked a few good tunes I left the rest open...

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Airport Pickup

Long flight from Shanghai.You meet me in arivals at Heathrow.We embrace.So good to see you after all this time.I can feel you are especially pleased to see me.We head off to the Express, hand in hand, in anticipation.We have five minutes to wait on the platform, we kiss passionately, I can feel you growing against my belly.The train arrives, the carriage is empty, we are alone, you sit, I sit astride you.We kiss, I feel you growing, I can't wait any longer.I get off your lap, lift your skirt,...

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Bookstore pickup

I'm a regular customer of a local sex store. They sell clothes, toys, etc. They also have a large video rental business. I'm there all the time. About a year ago, I was in there looking at the transexual and bi videos when I noticed a larger woman standing near me. I took a closer look and realized it she was not a genetic female. She was wearing a red silk blouse, black skirt, stockings and 3" heels. Damn she looked sexy.I stepped closer and and knelt down to look at the lower racks,...

2 years ago
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Beach pickup

Another fantasy storyLike everyone else, I like the beach - warm sun, cool breeze, refreshing water, bare flesh on view. Sometimes the quantity and quality are not there, but occasionally something just makes you think - fucking hell - that is superb.Well, there are places to see this jaw-dropping example of perfect flesh - covered only by a few bits of cotton, and my particular story is in Brazil - Rio. Even during cloudy days, flesh of all sorts is on view - but the freshest is late...

1 year ago
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Flashy Toy pickup

Six years ago, my wife purchased a train set off the internet from a woman in San Antonio, Tx. I worked in the area where the woman lived so she asked me to stop by and pick up the trains.A couple of days later I was working in the area, I work for a fortune 500 company. I called the woman and informed her that I'm minutes away. She had a very soft sexy voice which got me day dreaming of what she looked like. It was around 1pm as I drove through this nice neighborhood. I found the womans home...

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Barhroom pickup


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Pokerbar pickup

was sitting at the pokerbar drinking and playing video poker when a guy sat next to me and asked if he could buy me a dr ink. I looked him up and down. He was a good looking man probably around 40. I said yes. We sat talking and playing when He asked me " are you a hooker?"I spun my head around insulted saying " no I am not."I guess I can't blame him for asking because I probably look like one with the way I dress. He apologized and told me he bought dr inks for a woman before and then found...

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