Poor Derek! free porn video

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Melissa Campbell looked thoughtful as she replaced the phone on its cradle. It was the hospital calling with the news. Forty eight hours her husband, Derek, had been lying comatose in intensive care after the car crash, but it looked like he was going to pull through. The doctor wanted to see her as soon as possible for a "little chat" as he put it.

A couple of hours later, Melissa was sitting in Dr Marlow's office. It was her first visit ... there'd been no point coming while Derek was unconscious.

"Oh god, paralysed from the neck down ... poor Derek!" exclaimed Melissa, a shocked look on her lovely face at the news.

"I'm sorry Mrs Campbell, but there is one..."

"Please call me Melissa," she managed a smile. "Mrs Campbell makes me sound so old."

"I'm sorry Melissa," smiled Dr Marlow, "but there is one piece of good news."

"What's that, Doctor?"

The doctor looked at Melissa Campbell, debating how to approach what was quite a delicate matter. She was a real looker, this one, he thought ... gorgeous, actually ... and what, mid twenties maybe? Christ, must be a good twenty years younger than that poor husband of hers.

He found his eyes straying a little. There was nothing slutty about the yellow sundress she was wearing but it was clingy and quite low cut, showing some cleavage, and it was rather short too. A dress which emphasised, rather than played down, the lush female sexiness of her body.

He mentally slapped himself, dragged his gaze back to where it was meant to be. Unprofessional, he chided himself. Come on.

If the doctor was worried his furtive ogling would offend the sexy young woman sat opposite, he was fretting needlessly. Melissa knew he was admiring her and she didn't mind one bit. She was used to this from men and she enjoyed it. She'd been sitting demurely since they'd started talking but now, seeing the effect she was having on him, she made a point of leaning back in her chair and crossing her legs. She did it slowly, sexily, allowed the hem of her dress to slide a fair way up her legs. She smiled to herself as Dr Marlow struggled manfully not to stare at her exposed thighs. Not that she fancied him in any way, he was a rather ordinary looking man in his fifties, but it was fun to tease!

"You were saying, Doctor?" she smiled, "A piece of good news?"

The poor man seemed to have lost his thread!

"Ah yes, that's right." With an effort, he pulled himself together. Fabulous legs! "So, what is it?" she prompted.

"Well ... er ... the thing is..."

"C'mon Doc, tell me. I'm a big girl now," and she leaned forward towards him, signifying her keen interest in whatever it was he had to say. The movement had the effect of providing the good doctor with a mouth watering view of her delicious breasts. The way they were nestling inside the tiny white lace bra, he found that he could see quite a lot ... a hint of nipple even! ... and somehow, it was way more tantalising than if she weren't wearing a bra at all.

He forced himself to maintain eye contact.

Which was disconcerting in itself since she had the most gorgeous, liquid brown eyes. Matched her hair in colour, he noticed ... beautiful hair, luxuriant, wavy but not curled. Flawless skin too ... silky smooth looking, lightly tanned. Oh god and her mouth, those full sensuous lips! ... just the right amount of red lipstick.


"Yes, so the thing is ... although, like I said, your husband is paralysed from the neck down..."

"So all he can do is move his head around, right?" prodded Melissa, a little impatient.

She leaned back again, her tits no longer flaunted in front of the doctor, and that made it slightly easier for him. Then she uncrossed her legs, slowly crossed them back the other way, dress sliding up a little more, and that didn't make things at all easier. Neither did the fact she'd fixed him with a calm and level gaze which seemed to indicate she knew exactly what was going on in his head. That wasn't true obviously, she was just concerned for the well being of her poor husband, but it was nevertheless disconcerting.

"Yes, that's what we usually find in cases such as these," he continued, "but with your husband..."

"What, he can't even do that?"

Oh god, she was dangling one of her shoes on the end of her toes now ... her pretty, red painted toes ... the woman didn't realise what she was doing to him! The doctor had quite a hard-on now and, what was worse, he could have sworn that Melissa was looking down at his crutch, every now and again, and had spotted the tell tale bulge.

Guess not though because she didn't seem offended in any way. She was smiling actually.

"No listen, it's good news remember?" he said, desperately focusing on what he needed to tell her ... was his professional duty to tell her.

"Oh yeah."

"So yes, he CAN do that," continued Dr Marlow, "and he can do something else too ... he can still use a part of his body that's ... um ... quite a way below his neck, if you know what I mean?"

"Not sure I do know what you mean Doctor, no," said Melissa, curious.

The doctor knew he had to stop beating about the bush. "His manhood, Melissa, ... it's unaffected. Very unusual but does happen sometimes."

"He can take a pee, you mean?" asked Melissa.

"Well yes ... with a little help, obviously," said Doctor Marlow. "But what you might be more interested in is it means he can still be a husband to you in certain ... er ... important respects."

"Oh wow! You mean he still gets turned on, gets erections and stuff when he feels horny!" Melissa was laughing in delight. "Oh Doctor Marlow, that's wonderful news!"

Dr Marlow looked at the pleasure etched across Melissa's achingly pretty face, as she realised she could still share sexual pleasure with her crippled husband, and for a moment or two he rather wished he could trade places with Derek Campbell, car crash or no car crash.

"It is, isn't it?" he smiled.

"And he can come home soon?" asked Melissa.

"That's not such good news, I'm afraid," said Dr Marlow.


"You see, Mrs Campbell..."


"Melissa, sorry," he smiled apologetically, "Look, Derek is almost completely paralysed ... the only thing he can move is his head, and so..."

"And his dick," she interrupted, grinning at him.

"Indeed, that too," he felt like grinning along with her but managed to restrain himself. "But nevertheless, he's going to require round the clock care, so I recommend that he stays here for the foreseeable future."

"Okay, guess that's best," said Melissa, agreeing more readily than Dr Marlow thought she might. He'd been braced for an argument, expected her to maybe insist on looking after him herself, but thankfully it looked like, despite her young years, she was mature enough to accept the inevitable.

"But can't he come home occasionally?" she asked now.

Dr Marlow was expecting the question and was glad she'd asked it. "Yes, of course," he smiled, pleased to be back in good news mode. "He can visit once a week, a couple of hours every Saturday, I've signed it off."

"What, somebody will deliver him to me?"

"Absolutely, Mrs Campbell..."

"It's Melissa."

"Melissa. Yes, a member of our staff will bring him to you on Saturday afternoons at two o'clock, and he'll be all yours until, say, five? How does that sound?"

"He'll be all mine?" Melissa smiled.

"Yes, of course. And we'll make sure he's been ... um ... toileted and that sort of thing, so all you need to worry about is..."

"Other things?" she said, looking knowingly at the doctor.

"Exactly!" he said, congratulating himself on how this had gone. The woman had obviously cottoned on to what these home visits were meant to entail ... although not just that of course, they could talk too! ... and the doctor was mightily relieved because, in his recent chats with Derek, the poor man had made it pretty clear that the thought of still being able to have sex, of sorts, with his gorgeous young wife was the only thing staving off feelings of utter despair.

"So, let me see if I've got this straight, Doc," said Melissa. "Poor Derek is completely paralysed from the neck down and he'll be stuck in a wheelchair for the rest of life, only able to move his head ... but his dick still works and he's going to feel horny every time he looks at me?"


"He's going to get a hard-on, just like before, but he'll need my help to do anything about it. Otherwise, he'll be stuck with a hard-on and he'll be completely unable to ... um ... relieve himself?"

"You got it."

There was something very sexy about the way Melissa was giggling now. The doctor could tell how much she was looking forward already to these Saturday afternoon home visits and he experienced another unworthy stab of jealousy towards Derek Campbell.

"And, in the right ... er ... position, you should even be able to make love to him in the normal way. Children perhaps, who knows?" said Dr Marlow, smiling encouragingly.

"I see," she nodded, bringing the giggling back under some sort of control, "that will be nice for him, won't it? ... sounds like I'd better fix up the downstairs bedroom!"

The doctor couldn't help but be impressed with her immediate grasp of the practical issues around sex and paralysed husbands.

"And when can we start all this?" she asked.

"No reason why we can't say this Saturday coming," he smiled. "So tomorrow, I make that."

"Fabulous!" she exclaimed. "I'll be expecting him."

Melissa got up to go. "Thank you so much Doctor," she grinned. "I'll see myself out."

"Don't you want to see Derek now," he smiled. "He's conscious, you know?"

"Nah, I'd rather wait till tomorrow ... build up the anticipation, you know what I mean, Doc?" she winked.

"Um, guess so," he said, although he thought it was a little strange.

"See ya, Doc," she giggled, as she got up to leave.

"Okay Mrs Campbell."

"Melissa," she grinned.

"Okay Melissa, see you then."

His eyes followed her, lusted after her, as she sashayed out of his office, wiggling her luscious bum in the tight dress. She turned and blew him a pouty little kiss as she disappeared. "Thanks again, Doc," she said.

"No problem."

Phew! Hot stuff or what!

He took a while to compose himself and then he went off to report back to Derek.

Melissa walked quickly to her car. She couldn't wait to tell James about this!

When you're only 24 and you marry a man twice your age for his money, which is what Melissa had done a couple of years ago, you need to look elsewhere for satisfaction in the bedroom, and James Green, a hunky 21 year old auto mechanic, was the latest of her diversions.

She was on the phone to him as soon as she got in.

"Yeah, can you imagine? ... I know, poor bastard ... yeah and James, I told you he's gone and put all his money in my name, didn't I? ... mmm, some sort of tax scam apparently ... nah, he hasn't got a medical policy ... yeah, so now he's totally dependent on me ... I know baby, I know, funny isn't it? ... every Saturday afternoon, yeah, starting tomorrow ... two till five, then they come pick him up and take him back to the hospital ... yeah, totally helpless ... should be fun, sugar, shouldn't it? ... yeah I thought of that too, and a few other things spring to mind ... well we can pretty much do what we want, can't we baby? ... yeah, yeah, stuff like that ... what? ... god you're an evil bastard, you know that? ... stop it! ... just play it by ear, I guess ... no marks though, maybe best if you take your lead from me ... ah ha ... yeah definitely! ... okay baby, see you tonight ... ooo, is that a promise? ... well good, 'cos I'm feeling horny as hell ... yeah, we can talk about it some more ... mmm, have a bit of a giggle ... yeah okay sugar, whenever ... see ya."

Melissa hung up and smiled, thinking about Derek lying paralysed and helpless in his hospital bed. She'd never loved Derek, of course, not even liked him ... it had been all about his money and now she'd got that, courtesy of his oh so clever tax planning.

Hoist with his own petard!

The medical news couldn't have been better as far as Melissa was concerned. She'd wished him dead, when she first heard about the accident, but this was kind of better, definitely more fun that's for sure! ... and that thing about his dick still being operational, well that was the icing on the cake, wasn't it? She giggled out loud ... god, must be so frustrating for a man, getting horny all the time but not able to do a damn thing about it ... jeez, the poor sod couldn't even jerk himself off!

She wondered if there were any young, pretty nurses to drive him nuts, up there at the hospital ... ooo she did hope so!

She would leave him, obviously, before too long, she'd go off and spend all his money, play the field with as many gorgeous young hunks as she could handle, but there were a few Saturday afternoons to be enjoyed first. Poor little Derek, wonder what he was thinking right now?

Melissa would have laughed if she'd known the answer to that. What Derek Campbell was actually thinking about, at that very moment, was her. More precisely, his gorgeous young wife, naked, straddling him, riding them both to a shattering, mutual orgasm. Every Saturday.

Dr Marlow had told him about his talk with Melissa, how delighted she'd been to hear they could still have sexual relations, and Derek's spirits had soared. He'd been a little concerned that Melissa might not be interested, making love to a cripple just too much of a turn off for her, but it looked like his fears were groundless. She must love him very much.

The only slight downer was that she hadn't come to see him today but the doctor said that was because she was very excited about tomorrow and needed to rush home and get everything ready. She'd mentioned fixing up the downstairs bedroom, apparently ... the doctor had smiled when he said that and Derek, although a little embarrassed, had smiled shyly back at him.

Yes, Melissa must love him very much indeed, mustn't she? ... the prospect of life in a wheelchair, as a helplessly paralysed cripple, didn't now seem quite so terrible. The young nurse who came to feed him that evening certainly noticed a difference from earlier. When she'd brought his breakfast, it'd been almost impossible to feed it to him, what with all the shaking of the head and the awful crying, but dinner was a dream. They even had a chat about this and that, inconsequential but nice, and when they were through, he was lying there grinning from ear to ear ... what a brave and lovely man, she thought.

On the dot of 2 pm, Melissa heard a vehicle parking outside. Couple of minutes later the bell rang, and there he was.

"Darling!" cried Melissa, flinging open the door. "Oh my darling, come on inside."

"Over to you then, Mrs Campbell," smiled Phillip, the male nurse, "I'll be back at five to collect him."

"Thanks so much!" she gushed, "and it's Melissa, by the way."

"So, see you at five, Melissa," he called, walking back to the hospital van in which they'd made the short trip.

Melissa waved him off, then closed the door and wheeled Derek into the large lounge. She parked him in the middle of the room and went to stand in front of him.

"You look wonderful, you really do," she said, grinning down at her wheelchair bound husband and thinking how pathetic he looked.

"There's only one person in this room looking wonderful, darling girl, and it's sure not me," grinned Derek, drinking in the view of his sexy young wife. She was wearing a short denim skirt ... bare legs, no shoes ... and a flimsy lace top, low cut with spaghetti straps and no bra. She looked delicious enough to eat and Derek felt an immediate stirring in his loins. Thank god he still had that, he told himself, for about the thousandth time since yesterday.

"Why thank you, honey, I did make an effort you know," said Melissa, giving a little twirl, striking a sexy pose.

"I know how you like me in short skirts," she giggled.

"Come here, honey," said Derek.

"But you're a sick man, sweetheart," she teased.

"Please, honey."

Melissa, smiling, came forward and settled herself onto his lap in the wheelchair. She draped an arm around his neck and rested the other on his knee.

"Welcome home, darling," she whispered into his ear, wriggling her bum against his crotch.

"Mmmm, so the doctor was right about that, I see," she said teasingly, "or should I say I feel?"

"You can see too if you like, darling," grunted Derek.

God, he wanted his hot young wife so badly ... the feel of her buttocks squirming around in his lap, the smell of her perfume, the way her luscious breasts looked in the skimpy little top, on display right in front of his face ... oh god, he wanted her!

To say that Derek Campbell was tingling with anticipation was a contender for understatement of the century. He was looking forward to the rest of the afternoon as much as anything he could remember.

And so was Melissa.

"Really, can I see it?" she purred into his ear.

"Yeah, I want you to," grunted Derek.

Melissa got up and knelt in front of her expectant husband. "Mmm, now let me see," she giggled, and she undid his trousers, slid them out from under his backside, and pulled them down to his ankles. It was a difficult manoeuvre but she managed it without too much trouble. Then she did the same with his boxers so his lower half was completely exposed.

She stood and surveyed her handiwork, fighting to keep a straight face. A middle aged cripple in a wheelchair, naked from the waist down with his trousers round his ankles, erect cock sticking skywards, stupid grin on his face ... oh yes, and wearing a too small for him black tee-shirt with "Life's a Beach" on the front in yellow lettering. Could a person look more ridiculous?

"Oooo! ... is that because of me, darling?" she grinned, looking down at his cock.

"Yeah, baby girl," he groaned. "God I want you, Melissa!"

Melissa moved closer to Derek, reached down and ran a finger teasingly up and down the side of his cock. "Oooo, so hard!" she giggled. The way she was leaning forward, her top had gaped open and her tits were once again tantalising her husband.

She carried on teasing his cock for a while, then she kissed him ... a soft, sexy kiss on the lips. She broke away and grinned at him. Derek was very excited now, his face flushed and his eyes roaming lustfully up and down his hot young wife. He clearly wanted, needed, a whole lot more.

"I've got the downstairs bedroom all ready for us, my darling," said Melissa, in a little girl voice, stoking his desire, feeding his anticipation, enjoying the way he was looking at her ... kind of like a hungry dog with a juicy bone ... a dog that couldn't quite reach the bone, thought Melissa, inwardly giggling ... oh what a delicious situation!

"Oh yeah, baby," said Derek, giving her his very best wolfish grin. This beat any of those so-called therapies offered by the hospital. He felt like a proper man again. God, Melissa looked hot in that little skirt! ... and she was going look even hotter without it, of course!

"But lunch first, I think," Melissa announced. "You must be famished, poor darling."

Disappointment flashed across Derek's face but he quickly adjusted. He was hungry after all, hadn't eaten today and had missed dinner last night in his excitement at this visit ... so why not eat first and then get on to the main event? In any case, it would be nice to have his lovely young wife feeding him, instead of some strange nurse.

"Lead the way, honey," he smiled, "but maybe pull my pants up first?"

Melissa giggled. "But I'll only be pulling them down again later, Derek. Better to leave them as they are ... don't you think?"

"Um, okay Melissa," he mumbled, feeling a little uncomfortable but not wanting to argue with her.

Melissa wheeled him into the dining room where the table was laid for two with a delicious looking spread of cold cuts and fresh fruit. There was a bottle of champagne, chilling in an ice bucket. "Wow! ... makes a change from hospital food," exclaimed Derek, impressed and a little moved by the effort his wife had obviously gone to. Maybe it was worth becoming crippled for life if this was the result!

Melissa parked him on one side of the table, then she walked around and sat opposite.

"So, why don't you open our champagne, darling? ... you know I love it when a man deals with that sort of thing for me."

"Er ... Melissa darling ... have you forgotten?" mumbled Derek, a little embarrassed.

Melissa stared at him, looking confused. Then her expression changed and she looked mortified. "Oh my darling, I'm so sorry," she exclaimed, running around the table to give him a hug. "Oh what was I thinking?"

"Don't worry, my darling," smiled Derek, "I just wish I could forget too."

"My poor, helpless baby," said Melissa. She gave his cock a little squeeze and went back to her place.

Melissa put some chicken, some ham and some salad on a plate and placed it in front of Derek. She selected a peach for herself and started eating it.

"Eat up, darling," she said, smiling sweetly at him.

"I can't darling, you have to ... you know ... feed me," he muttered, feeling a little put out that Melissa kept forgetting he was paralysed in a wheelchair.

Melissa just smiled and carried on eating her peach. The fruit was ripe and she ate it carelessly, allowing the juice to trickle down her chin and onto her top. "Oh yuck, look what I've done!" she said, looking down at the spilled juice. "Think I'd better take it off. You don't mind if I take my top off, do you Derek?"

"Course not, baby," he grinned, "can't wait!" ... maybe things were picking up!

"Wish you could take it off for me, honey," she pouted.

"Oh god, me too!"

Melissa sighed and pulled her top off. She was now sitting topless opposite the drooling Derek.

She let him drool for a while, enjoying the situation ... his helplessness ... her power.

"Not forgetting your lunch, are you?" she teased. "Oh yes, you need my help don't you, sweetie?" she grinned, reaching towards his plate with her fork.

"Chicken or ham first, sweetie?"

"Er ... chicken," said Derek. He was, in fact, extremely hungry.

Melissa got a piece of chicken on her fork and moved it towards his mouth. "What about a please?" she said in a rather mocking tone of voice.

"Please Melissa, chicken," said Derek, slightly concerned about how his wife was behaving.

"Pretty please?" she giggled, waving the fork around in his face.

"Okay, pretty please," he pleaded, feeling very ill at ease now.

"Here, baby," she said, putting the piece of chicken to his lips.

Derek opened his mouth and went for it but Melissa moved it just out of reach.

"C'mon baby, I slaved all morning with this ... eat it!" she snapped.

Poor Derek craned his head forward to get at the food but Melissa again moved the fork so he couldn't manage it. "Okay, maybe just smell it then," she chuckled and she held the food under his nose, smeared it against his nostrils. He shifted his head around to try to get the food into his mouth but Melissa kept moving it just out of reach. The cruel pantomime continued for a while, Derek getting more and more distressed and Melissa just laughing at him.

"Please stop Melissa, this is not funny," he implored.

"Oh but it is, Derek," she laughed, "it's very funny."

She was clearly mocking him now and Derek just wanted to leave. He'd been wrong about his wife. She didn't love him. She was a cruel little bitch and he resolved to make this the last time he saw her.

"Bet you're wishing you were back in the hospital, aren't you?" she taunted.

"You little bitch!" he spat.

"Aren't you forgetting something, sweetie?"

"Fuck off, bitch."

"Well, let me remind you then," she said, an evil smile on her lovely face. "You have no money, remember? It's all in my name, is it not? ... yes, it is, and so the thing is sweetie, if you don't behave yourself, you'll be out of that nice high end hospital and into the biggest shithole I can find before you even catch your breath ... you got that Derek, honey?"

Oh god she was right! He thought about it for a second and realised, with a sinking heart, that his wife had him at her mercy. Galling as it was, he better had "behave" as she put it.

"Um, okay Melissa," he mumbled.

"You gonna behave for the rest of the afternoon?"

"Yes, Melissa."

"And you're gonna keep visiting every Saturday until I get bored with you?"

"Yes, Melissa."

"Thought I was a little bitch?" she mocked.

"No, Melissa."

"A bitch with great tits though, right?" she taunted, fondling her breasts, grinning at him.

Derek sat silent. Despite his predicament, the sight of Melissa's fabulous tits across the table was tantalising in the extreme and his cock was stirring again. If only he could get out of this damned wheelchair and jump the teasing bitch!

"Aw, poor Derek," she pouted, knowing exactly what he was thinking, "I shouldn't tease you like this, should I? ... getting you horny again, aren't I?"

"Yes, Melissa."

"Yes what, baby?"

"You're making me horny," he mumbled, feeling completely powerless now.

"Oooo I am looking forward to all these Saturday's we're going to have together," she giggled. "Just think of the ways I can torment you ... I can do what I like, can't I darling? ... and you can't do a damn thing about it, can you? ... aw poor baby, just look at you ... stuck there like that, all crippled and paralysed and..."

"Didn't you ever love me?" blurted Derek, not wanting to listen to this any longer.

"Loved your money, darling, your money," she chuckled. "Shouldn't have given it to me, should you?"

He knew that now, of course, but he also knew it was too late. The transaction was not reversible.

"Champagne time, don't you think?" said Melissa. "Trouble is, I need a big, strong, able bodied man ... you know Derek, a proper man ... to open it, don't I?"

Derek's eyes were glistening as he fought to hold back the tears.

Melissa, cool and amused, just looked at him for a few seconds. This was such fun!

"Oh James," she called out, relishing the shock on her poor husband's face, "I need you for something, baby."

And James Green strolled into the room ... a hunky looking young man, wearing nothing but boxers and a shit-eating grin.

"Hey, gorgeous," he said, winking at Melissa.

"Hiya, hun," said Melissa, winking back.

"So, who's the spastic?" said James, looking at Derek

"That's my husband, Derek," she giggled, "and he's not up to the job of opening the champagne, so I thought maybe you could do it? ... that okay, baby?"

"Sure, babe," said James, with a smug little smile.

He picked up the champagne bottle from the table and popped the cork in a fluent, practised movement.

"My hero," squealed Melissa.

"Who is this, Melissa?" Derek managed to mumble.

"James is my friend, sweetie, my ... um ... very good friend, if you know what I mean?"

Derek knew exactly what she meant and the full horror of his situation hit him full bore. He gave up the fight against the tears and he started to weep.

James poured some champagne into the two glasses, gave one to Melissa. "Cheers, gorgeous," he said, and they clinked glasses.

"Hey baby, aren't you going to give some to my blubbering husband?" grinned Melissa.

"Why not?" said James, still holding the bottle. "He looks like he could use a drink or three, poor bastard."

Grinning, he strolled around and stood next to Derek, holding the bottle over his head.

"Would you like some champagne, Derek?" asked Melissa.

Derek shook his head in distress.

"He says yes, baby," she giggled at James.

James tipped the bottle and lazily poured the rest of the drink over Derek's head. Melissa looked on, laughing uncontrollably.

"Oh James, you've drenched the poor man," she said, when she'd finally stopped laughing, "and it's gone all over his nice tee-shirt too."

"Yeah, well maybe he should take his shirt off," grinned James.

"He can't, baby, he's a spastic," pointed out Melissa, "you better do it for him."

So James, who was completely in thrall to Melissa, did exactly that. He pulled Derek's shirt off and tossed it into the corner of the room.

"Do you wanna eat something, babe?" asked Melissa.

"Fuck, yeah, I'm starving," said James, and he moved Derek away from the table, pulled up a chair and sat where Derek had just been. He was about to tuck in when he noticed something out of the corner of his eye.

"Mel, baby, the dude's got his pants round his ankles and his dick's on show."

"Yeah I know. I was just ... er ... playing around with him a little bit before you got here."

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Poor Punjab Pussy

As he took his lunch break, Roger thought of a couple things he needed from the market. It would be a good leg stretcher too. He’d been at his desk all morning. It was a sprawling thing, that market where much of the city’s retail business took place although some more modern stores were appearing in the suburbs. This was a lot more interesting and he loved the local flavor. He could speak enough Punjabi to do some basic bartering. Finding the things that he needed quickly, he decided to walk...

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Poorni 8211 The Sex Goddess

Hi, am Ravi Kumar age 21, fair in complexion, 5.10 height and bit weighty 80 kgs. My heartiest request for every ISS reader is is new to this site and this is my first story so pls go through full story patiently so that u will be very happy to read my story. This is happened just 2 months before, am a Keralian living in a town of Kerala, let u introduce my girl in fact she is my cousin. She is Poornima the god of sex, she is 20yr old heavy fair, 5.4 height and 80 kgs with nice pair of sexiest...

2 years ago
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SPOORTI AUNTY’S PLEASURE IN HUBLI… Hi there readers I’m a hungry boy from hubli, Karnataka.I want share a true story of my own with you. I m Rahul from Hubli, 21 yrs old, a young and I m smart looking guy, 5:4fts, 60kgs, good body and big & very hot cock, I live with my parents. This incident happened with a lady whose husband is a professor. Her name is Spoorti and she looks very sexy. Since the first time I saw her, I always dreamt of fucking her, and don’t know why I was feeling that she was...

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Poornima fucked for the first time

My name is vikas, from (Meham)Rohtak, 32 years old and working as civil practicener in gulfrohtak. I am a regular reader of iss now. I am very much thankful to the writers who wrote their incidents very boldly which made courage to me to write this.I also would like to share a real incident that happened to me. This was with a 18 year old girl when she came to our village to spend the vocation after annual exam with their grandparents. Her name is Poornima. That time I was doing my degree.I...

1 year ago
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Poornima Ki Gaand Maari

Hi friends ye kahani mere college ke dino ki hai.Mere college mein ek student thi poornima. Woh computer branch mein thi, aur mai mechanical branch mein.Hamare class mein koi ladki nahi thi to hum doosre branch ki ladkiyo ko chodne ke firaq mein rehte the..Dosto jab ladki naya naya college mein aati hai tab uske choot pe khujal thori jyaada hoti,ladko ko bas himmat karke mauka le lena chahiye. Jab poornima naya naya institute mein aayi, to saare seniors haath dho ke uske piiche pad gaye,...

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Poor White Trash

I wasn’t sure what he wanted, he knew fucking well how old I was. “Seventeen” was my puzzled answer. “You ever get laid?” “What?” “Laid! Screwed, fucked, had sex, done the bed bounce boogie! Or are you still as pure as new fucking snow?” he growled with heavy sarcasm. I was shocked into silence, even for my asshole father this was over the top. I looked at the five empty beer bottles beside his chair and shuddered, it was going to be another long night before I could escape to my room. ...

4 years ago
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Poor Little Cassie Chap 10 Master Returns

The native now fucking me looked down and punched me hard in the face. I whimpered as I felt my nose and lips start to swell. I noticed movement to my left and another native punched me in the right eye. I tried to turn my head away and saw the chief swing his spear again. It hit me across the stomach again. I coughed and tried to talk. “Please, no more.” I whimpered as the chief raised his spear again. I saw the chief kneel down and grab my hair. He pulled my head up and then I felt...

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Poor Little Cassie Chap 5 Bertrand account

Yes, he was not just a plumber, he was the CEO of a company and this was his company party. He also had been fucking my Mom for the last 20 years and made her suck my pussy in the back room a little while ago. I orgasmed with my Mom’s face between my legs as the board of directors all fucked my Mom along with Tony. My little mind was reeling as I watched my parents leave the party without me. I guess I was “helping” Tony with something and my parents seemed to be very pleased about it. As...

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Poor Little Cassie Chap 4 Xmas Party continues

“Come on baby, I want to show you something.” Tony said and held out his hand. I put my hand in his and he led me back into the house. I immediately saw my parents and he led me over to them. “There you are, Cassie. I was wondering where you were.” My Mom said. “Yes, I found her daydreaming on the deck.” Tony said. “I am so sorry honey. There really is no one here your age.” My Mom said. “You guys want refills on your drinks?” Tony said. My Mom and Dad both nodded. Tony turned...

4 years ago
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Poor Tracey

She was of course born an English girl, a slightly struggling English girl it had to be said, and like so many girls struggling to make a living by herself she had decided to try her luck in the exciting land of America. In truth her early life in the new land had been hard work as well and she had even endured a short spell working in a saloon ,which was not much more than a whore house, as a saloon girl. Something her mother would of died on the spot for if she knew what her daughter was...

2 years ago
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Poor uncle Advanced family sex

Poor uncle ... Advanced family sex For the umpteenth time in just a few days I was lying on my back and felt my boner slide into my aunt's gorgeous cunt, until it could not move any further and she started moving up and down. And just like before, it felt like my dick had entered the gates of heaven ... The only difference now was that my uncle was watching, naked on a chair beside the bed.And to make things worse (or better?) for him - it seemed to excite him in some way - his eldest daughter...

3 years ago
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Poor Amy

POOR AMY Chapter 1 Amy stood, as she had so many times in the past year, tearfully naked and trembling, her arms wrapped behind her neck, awaiting whatever punishment her ?parents? would decide to bestow. Her situation was probably unlike 99 percent of the other kids in the world. These weren’t really her parents. The woman sitting on the couch glaring at her was her dead father’s second wife and the man happily ensconced in his easy chair, scowling at her as his eyes roamed over her nubile...

3 years ago
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Poor Janie

The two women walked past the ramshackle house on the corner. They looked disapprovingly at the unkempt garden, the grimy windows, the peeling paint. Finally, the older one shook her head. "Poor Janie," she said. "You mean that's where she lives?" her friend asked. "Yes, the poor thing. I just don't know how she puts up with that husband of hers." "No. I just saw him down at the garage the other day. I mean - you can tell he's violent. He must make life a living hell for...

3 years ago
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Poor Little Rich GirlsChapter 7 Play It Again Boys

Before he could utter a sound he saw Sue come up behind him, wrap her arms around his slender body and grab at the swelling in his pants. "And just what are you doing here, Sean? I've been watching you peeping at these two. Shame on you." Sean blushed beet red. He almost looked like he was going to try to turn and leave the room, but Sue held him fast. Come on in and let's see what there is to see. She only had to drag him in a few feet before he lost his reserve and eagerly followed....

2 years ago
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Poor Little Cassie Chap 8 Bachelor Party

Trying to not think about something and actually not thinking about it turned out to be two totally different things. I didn’t want to freak out but I couldn’t help it. I really wasn’t sure what was going on. Be recognized? What did that mean? Party? Like the Christmas party? I was myself at the Christmas party. My poor little mind was trying really hard to make sense of all of this but it was failing miserably. I looked at Tony. “I know, baby girl, it is a lot to take in but don’t...

3 years ago
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Poor Boy

I began life in a charity ward of large University hospital just prior to WWII. I grew up in abject poverty and began working as an eight-year old picking pole beans in endless farm fields for tens cents a bushel. Do you have any idea how many beans it takes to make a bushel? It was back breaking work, I can tell you.At the age of ten, a boy named Willard says to me, “do you want to make more money?”“How do you do that?” I asked.“We go to the Country Club and caddy,” he responded. “What is...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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Poor Sub Henry

Another story I found back in the day...Poor Sub Henry Henry walked into the deserted palace and cautiously peered around. He was sure this is where he was supposed to meet her. It seemed like an eternity since he first met her. He had responded to a personal ad on the Internet from a woman who claimed some experience as a Dominatrix. Her name was Victoria and she had replied soon after. Through several email exchanges he began to get a sense that this one was real. He had learned that...

3 years ago
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Poor Little Girl

Poor Little Girl by Janet L. Stickney [email protected] The roaring sound of the trains as they raced by his house rattled the shaky loose panes of the window, sometimes making flakes of the tired paint fall to the floor. He lay under the single thin blanket, shivering as the cold of the night whispered through the cracks of the ancient building, so long neglected. The third floor tenement was old, located in a slum populated by people living on the edge every day,...

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Poor Boy Becomes A Rich Man

I’m Riyaz 24 yrs old Muslim Boy From Andhra Pradesh. I’m big fan of Iss. Actually This was my friend’s real story. To my curiosity to share with u people I’m Posting with original names. My family consists of Father Hussain 38yrs ,Mother Mumtaz 36 yrs Like Indian Muslim Mother But Her sizes made me horny Like 42-38-44,me 24yrs ,younger sister Reshma 19yrs with 36-28-38 sizes. Actually we grown in a poor circumstances that we stay in a single room with all inside. We don’t have proper clothes to...

2 years ago
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Poor Little Girl

Poor Little Girl Janet L. Stickney [email protected] The roaring sound of the trains as they raced by his house rattled the shaky loose panes of the window, sometimes making flakes of the tired paint fall to the floor. He lay under the single thin blanket, shivering as the cold of the night whispered through the cracks of the ancient building, so long neglected. The third floor tenement was old, located in a slum populated by people living on the edge every day, coping the best...

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Poor John has his genitals abused

John was 21, he was a good looking man, not tall but not small he liked sports, had a beautiful lightly tanned skin and he didn't know what would happen to him soon ...When he met Jennifer, he immediatly fell in love with her, as much for her mind than for her body. Even if she was older, 30, she was really a sexy looking woman, always self confident and very immaginative. Even if they had met 1 month ago, they had never had sex together, but Jonh was impatiently waiting for it, because for him...

4 years ago
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Poor Teacher

"What were you thinking?" the principal roared. Stacy cringed. "I'm sorry sir. I just lost my head." "I'm very disappointed in you. Frankly I expected better." Tears gathered at the corners of her eyes as she wiped her nose. "I'm sorry sir." "Maybe you should consider another line of work. If you can't deal with one difficult student, that doesn't bode well for your career." Fear gripped Stacy. She had become a teacher after determining her intended career was beyond her...

1 year ago
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Poor Girl transforms to International Model

A poor girl married to a middle class man meets a diamond merchant and recognizes as international model for ornaments, married the diamond merchant. Hello readers I am Reena, today. I am sitting at CDG airport, Paris waiting for my flight to Mumbai. While waiting for boarding call and during my flight to Mumbai my mind ran back to the past 6 years. Yes, I was not Reena always. The boarding card reminded me that I was born as ‘Rama’ born and brought up in a small place in Indore district of...

3 years ago
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Poor Little Cassie Chap 7 Party Prep

I decided I needed a warm bath. I turned on the water and got it as hot as I could. I pulled the stopper and turned back to the battered girl in the mirror. I pulled my dress up and over my head and tossed it in the laundry. I unsnapped my bra and my boobs bounced free. I dropped my bra in the hamper and massaged my boobs. They were sore and it felt nice to get them out of that bra. I never slept in a bra, I could see the bra marks all over my chest. I sat on the toilet and slid my...

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Poor Little Cassie Chap 1 The Plumbers

I was also delirious that I didn’t have to get up early. I did wake up early that morning, the first weekday morning of my break. Part of that was routine and part was that I knew the plumber was coming. My two brothers were not coming home until closer to Christmas. They were in college but they also had jobs. Yes, I was the baby. I had just turned 16 in September. I remember all this starting as I laid in my bed on that Monday morning. It was a little before 8:00, I had no intention...

3 years ago
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Poor Barkha

This is a real experience with my poor Maid Barkha. I was a bachelor, working in a reputed company, and had a part time maid Barkha who was responsible to cook, clean, and wash in my apartment. Barkha was a young woman about 27 year’s old, dusky complexion, just over 5 feet, but a neatly packed body. What I liked about her was her ever smiling face, and clean appearance. Under the smiling face, however was a much oppressed woman, whose husband was a drunkard, and always looking for a chance to...

4 years ago
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Poor Family

My wife and I were working several jobs each to make ends meet and struggling at that. Our place was very empty with just the basics. Around this time we were once again online looking for ways to make more money. Of course there’s no easy legal way to make fast money. As the days went on it had gotten bad so I brought up the idea of selling pictures of my wife Lisa. At first Lisa thought I was crazy but once she went to go make dinner and was reminded with the realization that we had no...

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Poor Little Claire

If you asked the students of West Point Highschool about the shy nerdy girl, Claire, you would probably get one of two replies, a confused look and the question of ‘who?’ or you would be told about a girl who is always top of her class, in the end you would walk away with the image of a girl who doesn’t have many friends and is more interested in her school work than anything else but like most teenage girls Claire has a secret. Claire’s body may not be as mature as her peers with her short...

2 years ago
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Poor Hunter

Do you remember the Academy Award winning movie "Rain Man"? Dustin Hoffman won an Academy award for his character of the autistic Raymond Babbitt. Well I am not as bad as that, but I do have Asperger's syndrome. For the most part, I am just like you, just a bit quirky. All right, a lot quirky. Us "Aspies" cannot decode social cues. Most people understand that if the person they are speaking with is yawning and looking at their watch, it is time to go. People with Aspergers are unable to...

4 years ago
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Poor Little Rich Girl

The obituary was in the Sunday paper. She had lived to the ripe old age of 105. The last of the Grand Dames. And, I knew her way back when. Poor little rich girl, always chasing after happiness, but never finding it. Never realizing there are things that money just can't buy. Euglena Morris had just dumped her latest husband, the Bolivian playboy. Maybe he'd cheated on her, or even worse, couldn't satisfy her allegedly insatiable physical demands. Either way, the guy was a bigtime dope....

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Poore Pariwar Ke Saath Holi Kheli

Hello friends ye mere family ki kahani hai. Jise padhkar aap sab log muth maarne ke liye betaab ho jaayenge. Mera naam Neel hai. Mere ghar me meri sister jo ki meri twin hai, aur mummy daddy hai. Meri aur sister ki umar 18 years hai ek mahine me hum dono 19 ke ho jaayenge. Meri sister ka naam Sonal hai. Mere Papa (Rajesh) ka khud ka apna business hai aur mummy (Sarita) housewife hai. Papa ki age 37 years hai aur mummy 35 ki. Dono ki shadi kaafi young age me hi ho gayi thi. Humaare ghare me...

2 years ago
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Poor Little Cassie Chap 11 The end

Frankie drove down the street and checked out the addresses. This was the street, he wondered what he would find at her house. He was so hoping he would not find this young girl in a dumpster somewhere. He noticed the numbers getting close and then he saw the house. He pulled into the empty driveway and stopped on the side of the house in front of the garage. He climbed out and noticed there was a deck of some sort in the back. He opened the wooden gate and stepped into the yard. He saw...

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Poor Little Cassie Chap 9 Special Night

It was Thursday night and I was in bed reading. It was around midnight and I couldn’t sleep. My current book was wonderful, so I didn’t really care. I could sleep in tomorrow anyway. My cell phone buzzed. I thought it was strange that one of my friends would call this late but hey, what the heck. “Hello.” I said without looking at the number. “Hey sweetheart, still awake?” Tony’s voice and I froze. “Yes.” I said. “Night owl, huh? I wish I could be there to relax you.” He said and...

3 years ago
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Poor Little Cassie Chap 6 Morning after

“Good morning, sweetheart.” A deep voice in my ears. I opened my eyes and Mr. Bertrand was staring directly into my eyes as his fingers played with my nipples. “Did you sleep well?” he said softly. I nodded and then realized I did indeed sleep well. I felt like I had slept a week and I felt wonderful. “Good, you had quite the night. Did you enjoy it?” He asked. I wondered what he was asking, I did have an interesting night but I was supposed to be asleep when I was with him. I looked...

1 year ago
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Poor Little Cassie Chap 3 The Christmas Party

However, by Friday, I was feeling good. I was starting to go out with my friends, shopping, hanging out, etc. All the things your typical high-schooler would do on her first Christmas break. My name is Cassie. I am normal height, about 5’5” and weigh about 105. I am a cheerleader in my prep school, a flyer to be specific and I am really good in the air. That was always my strength. I have long blonde hair and a decent body. My breasts are 36C but look really good on my little frame. ...

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Poor Little Cassie Chap 2 The Plumbers Return

One of them knelt down and looked me in the eyes. He was wearing a sort of headdress and had white paint across his face in stripes. He turned his head slowly to the side and stared at me. He reached out his hand and touched my cheek. I shivered under his touch and whimpered. He ran his finger across my soft face and then across my full lips. He touched my neck and then my shirt. I was staying perfectly still which I realized was probably the same as telling him I was ok with what he...

3 years ago
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Poor in new world

I don't know why it is like that. I'm not a politician, time is not waiting for anyone. I’m an average guy with my own house and few apartments that I’m renting. After many years that I have devoted to my company, now I have more time for myself. As I’m single, I wanted to have a female companion. I must say that running my own business deprived me of morality. That's why I don't think I would do anything wrong, just exchange. Money for life. You see I have an eye for a beautiful...

2 years ago
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Poor Barry

Once upon a time, there was a young man named Barry, who was very sad and lonely. He wasn’t alone though. He and his lovely mother lived in a large, new home by the ocean. This new house was filled with Barry’s aunts, his cousin, and his grandfather. They spent their days at the beach, playing, laughing, eating or frolicking by the pool. Barry didn’t join in on the fun. He watched from afar, depressed and miserable. Everyone in this beautiful, big home by the ocean was involved in...

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Poor girl part one

… unless the windows were heavily tinted. The kind of windows that allowed those on the inside to see out, but no one on the outside to see in. Of course. That’s the kind of thing Slyguy123 would think of, wasn’t it? Heather felt the van drift to a stop, then heard the quiet as the engine was switched off. She heard Slyguy123 sliding out of the driver’s seat and moving towards her. What was he going to do? She trembled as her imagination submerged her with all kinds of possible...

3 years ago
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Poor Sarah Pt 1

Introduction: Sarah tells her teacher the story of her first time Sarah was beautiful. Being beautiful is hard. There are stares, unwanted advances, assumptions that are made, people judge others on looks. That is just the way it is, and for Sarah it was no different. Prom Queen, at seventeen she was in love with Jim. Yes, captain of [enter popular high school sport here]. They were stars of the school. She was beautiful. She was too beautiful. You look like a slut. He whispered in her ear as...

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Poor Todd

Today was your first day of classes. You had barely settled into your college dorms exchanging little more than a hello with your roommate before he had fucked off to hang with his friends. All in all you are feeling more than a little stressed. Looking at your mirror you take in your appearance, with tanned skin and blonde hair you could almost pull off a surfer look if it wasn’t for the fact that you were so skinny. You where attractive enough to be given a second glance but in no ways where...

1 year ago
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Poor Billy Smith

Billy was a wimpy boy who tended to get himself into a lot of trouble. He was scrawny and only 5 feet 2 inches. Billy was the only man in his family. That was if you could even call him a man. He was of age though. The girls seem to like him in a puppy dog short of way. They found him cute like a little toy. Billy was smart but didn’t speak up for himself that often. He was also into comic books. His mom was name Cathy. Cathy was a stockbroker who took no crap from anyone. She was a bit of a...

3 years ago
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Poor little Superman

Superman flew over his city. He heard a scream. "Help me Superman" It, said Superman flew at sonic speed to an old building. He walked around carefully. He saw where the screams were coming from. A woman was tied to the building. A giant robot was about to attack. Superman flew up and fought. A laser hit him hard in the chest making him spend in the air. Superman landed on his feet and flew around it's laser blast The metallic beast was no match for him. "Are you ok miss" Superman said "I am,...

4 years ago
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Poor Little Rich Wife

Beth Stivens lay next to her husband, weeping, with a pillow over her head to muffle the sounds. She could tell by the rhythm of his breathing that he was already in a deep sleep. Her husband, Rodney Stivens, founder and owner of Stivens Imports/Exports, was a self-made millionaire. He provided Beth with everything from a beautiful home and luxury car to unlimited credit cards and jewelry. The only problem was that he was a workaholic, spending more time at the office than at home. He dealt...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Poor Decision Badly Made

When the vehicle that Captain William Mastov, 4/632 battalion, was riding in first came under attack on the high road, it had become routine for the men in his company and they reacted accordingly. All about the ensuing battle seemed to be going well when a huge explosion had ripped through his vehicle killing his driver and leaving Will dazed and numb. As he was pulled from his wrecked vehicle, he fought to continue to lead in the battle until all went black as he lapsed into unconscious.It...

Straight Sex
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Poor 17

I am not a story teller like most people here, but I got really turned-on watching my cousin when I was 17; she was 16. She was staying with my family, because the school was better and her mum was no more with them. Being my mum’s favourite niece and all, her brother and her, stayed at our house during the term. Their dad was well off, but a polygamist and had lots of k**s, so it was no surprise that they considered our house a family home.I decided not to go to school one day, because I had...

1 year ago
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I live with my uncle and his family in Thrichi. I have an aunt (mothers sister), who lives in kerala. I had some days off from college I am a engineering student), so I thought of visiting her. I called her and told her my programs.The next day I was on my way to Kerala ,by road's got there and my beautiful aunt was waiting for me at the bus stand. she is married to an air force pilot, but they have no c***dren even after 10 years of marriage)!!!She took me to her house. my uncle was going on a...

3 years ago
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Poor Slave Lea

SLAVE GWYNETH’S DIARY July 28So today I was coming back from my business trip in Costigan Heights and on the highway home, I drove past a group of motorcycle guys, obvious patched bikers. I waved at one of them, and he waved back, and I pulled over, and he and the other bikers pulled up, probably quite pleased to note an attractive, curvy blonde waving them over. I stepped out of the car, and made my pitch to the guy who I guess was the um, leader. His name was Phil. I think I might have...

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Poor Amy Diary

Amy Jameson was mortified. She had ripped apart her whole room, and she could not find her diary anywhere. If someone got their hands on it... Amy knew that she should never have put all her secret desires into a place that might one day be compromised, but she had to get it out somewhere. She could not just live with them bottled up. But now it was gone. Unless she had misplaced it somewhere - her fervent yet unlikely hope - someone else had access to her innermost thoughts, and her...

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Poor Alfred

Chapter One He told me his story one cold Friday night at my favourite oasis, 'Charlie's Hangout.' I had noticed him a few times, but you could nowhere say he was a regular. I had noticed him because he always looked a bit gloomy, and the few times I had seen him he had finished his last beer at about quarter to twelve, and then he left. This Friday night he was there when I entered at about half past nine. Sitting at his table with his beerglass almost empty. As I passed him on my way to...

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Poor Duane

Duane seemed to be the almost perfect child, not giving his parents Joe and Marie any trouble other than the occasional unavoidable minor hiccup which boys have happen to them. Joe had a daughter Susan by a previous marriage and as soon as she was eighteen she left home to live her own life with no interference from her father or stepmother Marie. There was no specific reason her wanting to leave home but although she wanted for nothing, within reason, she could not hack the sterile loveless...

4 years ago
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Poor Grandpa

It was the second time 14-year-old Katy had been alone in the house with her grandfather since his stroke. Somehow that gave her permission to grieve as never before. She cried off and on for a half hour. Katy's grandma had been nice, but she had died when Katy was three, so she didn't remember her so well. But grandpa had been such a wonderful grandparent. Whenever Katy and her family arrived for a visit, he would give the brightest smile and the warmest hug, and he always had some...

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