Marty Misbehaves free porn video

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It was a large project and it had been occupying all my time for almost a year and when I say all my time I mean just that. I worked until late at night and I brought work home with me to do on weekends. The survival of the company I worked for, and by extension, my survival, depended on the project being finished on time and on or under budget.

My wife was not happy.

The thing I heard most was "Bullshit. You can find a job anywhere else you want to" and that was probably true, but it would also have meant starting over at sixty percent less pay and benefits and throwing away the sixteen years that I had invested in my job. To me that would not have been a rational decision, but then rational decisions and my wife Marty cannot coexist in the same room.

It did not matter to Marty that I was busting my ass for our future financial security. All that mattered to her was:

- You never take me anywhere any more.

- You never spend any time with me.

- I'm tired of being here with nothing to do except watch TV.

- All you ever think about is that stupid job.

- When you are home you are always too tired to do anything with me.

- You like what is in your briefcase more than what is in this dress.

Finally, after several months of her harping I lost it. It had been a very bad day. A couple of deliveries not made on time; one delivery came in not to specs and had to be refused, one man lost for at least two weeks to an occupational injury and one of my best men had quit. I walked in the door and hadn't even set my briefcase down before Marty started in on me. It was the final straw.

"Shut the fuck up Marty. If your life is so fucking bad just pack up and get out. Go find yourself some twit that can't even come close to making his salary match your spending habits. You didn't mind my job when it made the money that got you this house and everything in it. Now I'm working the same job trying to make sure we keep all of it and I don't want to hear another fucking word from you about it."

Marty just stared at me for a minute and then she said, "Okay Bill, if that's the way you want it, but I'm going to take the last word here. Last weekend you told me that you were too busy to go to John's party and you told me to go by myself if I needed to get out of the house and so I did. You know who else was at the party Bill? Ron Holbrook, Harry Short and their wives. The names ring a bell Bill? Ron is your supervisor I believe and the last I heard Harry still owned the company you work for. They can relax and take their wives to parties and have a good time and you can't? There is something wrong with that picture Bill. Either something is going on that you are not telling me or they are playing you for a chump."

"No one is playing me for a chump, and..." Marty held up her hand to stop me.

"Here's the deal Bill. You go ahead and be their slave, but I'm not going to stay cooped up in this house while you do it. Get used to me not being here in the evening because I'm going to have a life. Dinner will always be ready, the house will always be clean and the laundry will be done. But while you are in your home office or working late at the job site I'm going to be out enjoying myself."

Then she turned away from me and walked into the kitchen. I didn't waste my time trying to explain to her that Ron had already announced he was retiring at the end of the project whether it succeeded or not. And that Harry was a multi-millionaire and that the company's closing its doors only meant more time available for him to jet to Aspen or wherever. She wouldn't, or couldn't, understand that I was working for my future, not some one else's.

The next day was Friday and when I got home I found Marty getting dressed to go out. She already had her heels and hose on and was just slipping into her dress when I came into the bedroom. I watched for a bit and then said, "Going out?"



"I don't know yet. Mary and Robin are going to pick me up and then we are going some place where we can dance and have a good time."

"Do you really think that's a good idea?"

"I don't see a problem."

"Are you considering the message that you will be sending out? A married woman out by herself and letting men come on to her."

"I won't be alone. Mary and Robin will be with me and you are more than welcome to join us, but I'm not staying home again and watching TV while you go into your home office and work. As far as the message that the wedding rings will send, I can always take them off and leave them here on the dresser if it will make you feel better. How about it?"

"No, leave them on."

"Not that silly, I would never take them off and you should know that. I meant would you like to join us?"

"I can't. I have to revise a couple of sets of specs so I can Fed-Ex them to the supplier."

"Okay. I have no idea how the night is going to go so don't bother to wait up. The bars close at two so I should be home by three unless the evening is a dud."

She was just touching up her makeup when a horn honked outside. "That's them, got to go" and she kissed me on the cheek and hurried out of the house.

I worked on my specifications until around eleven, caught CNN for a bit and then went to bed. I woke up needing to pee around four and Marty was sleeping soundly on the bed next to me. I went into the bathroom and took my whiz and was halfway back to the bed when one of the worst parts of human nature grabbed me. I went back into the bathroom and pulled the clothes that Marty had worn that night out of the dirty clothes hamper and checked them out. I even went so far as to sniff the crotch of her thong, but I found nothing suspicious. Had I really expected to? I told myself no, but something had made me look, hadn't it?

The next morning over coffee and toast I looked Marty over as closely as I dared without being obvious looking for a hickey or some sign that she might have done more than had a few drinks and danced, but I saw nothing.

That night set the pattern for the next three months. Marty would go out two or three nights a week with her friends and I would look for signs that she was straying, but I never found a thing. The only thing that changed was the frequency of our sex life. For the past year it had been two, sometimes three times a week, but after Marty began going out by herself it increased. Some nights she would wake me up when she got home and sometimes she would wake me up in the morning after one of her outings. One morning I asked her about it.

"I'm a good looking woman Bill and I get hit on a lot when I'm out. I get felt up on the dance floor and I get a lot of cock poked into my leg and tummy when I'm out there dancing. It makes me horny and when I'm horny I want to make love. Since I assume you don't want me having some one else take care of the problem I bring it home to you."

That bit of information, instead of putting my mind at ease, made my imagination go into overdrive as I imagined all the things that men could be doing to my wife on the dance floor or sitting in a booth. The more I thought about it the more certain I was that something was going on. It just wasn't natural, to me anyway, to think that a married woman could go out bar hoping two and three nights a week and have nothing sexual happen. The more I thought about it the more irritated it made me and finally that irritation drove me to have a confrontation with Marty over what she was doing.

She came home on a Saturday night and woke me up by sucking on my cock. When I was awake she swung herself over me to mount me and I twisted away.

"Leave me alone Marty, I don't want sloppy seconds."

She froze and for several seconds she didn't move and then, without a word, she got off the bed and left the room and I rolled over and went back to sleep. She wasn't in bed with me when I got up in the morning and she wasn't on the couch. I looked around for her and saw that she was out on the patio sipping coffee. I poured myself a cup and headed for my den to try and get some work done.

Half an hour later Marty came into the den and sat down. She watched me work for about five minutes without saying a word and then she said, "Is that what you really think? That I'm out there whoring around?"

"Why else would a married woman spend as many nights a week as you do out running the bars? I know what you told me when you started doing this shit, but two, three and sometimes four times a week? I don't think so. That isn't just a night out with the girls, not by a long shot."

"That's what you really think and you don't care enough about me to try and stop it?"

"We've had this conversation Marty and we've done it to death. You know where my head is until this project is over. You are a grown woman and you get to make your own choices. That you can't see that what I'm doing is for us, for our future security, is something that I can't help. When the project is over and I know where I stand financially I'll step back and take a look of what you have left of our marriage and decide whether or not it is worth trying to save."

"That's it? You have just automatically assumed that I'm a slut and that I'm out there just happily fucking any man who buys me a drink or dances with me and wants some pussy in exchange?"

"Yeah Marty, I would say that just about covers it."

"How can you say that — think that- about someone you profess to love?"

"How can some one who professes to love me go out bar hoping three or four nights a week?"

"I told you Bill, I just need to get out of the house. I can't stand sitting in front of the TV every night while you disappear into your home office."

"I can understand the need to get out once in a while Marty, but three and four nights a week isn't just once in a while. Three or four times a week is only a half step from being out there all the time. I also notice that you never go to a movie, to the library, play cards with your friends or do any other activities like that. It is always bars. Places where you can go and, by your own admission, find men to poke their cocks into your leg and feel you up. Just what do you expect all of that to tell me?"

"I don't know. I just thought that you knew me better than that. For your information, no man other than you has ever had his cock in me and no other man ever will. I do admit to a little hanky-panky and I may have even just slightly crossed the line once, but my pussy, mouth and ass have remained cock free except for yours. I'm sorry that I can't furnish signed affidavits from the men I danced with, but frankly, I never expected to need them."

"Hanky-panky? What does that mean?"

"When a guy dances with me and then wants to join me at my table I make it clear to him that I'm married and that I'm only there to have a few drinks, enjoy the music and dance a little — nothing else. But you know as well as I do they are still going to take a shot and try to get lucky. If he is a good dancer, buys me drinks and sees to it that I enjoy myself I don't slap his hands away when they start to roam and I don't fight it if he wants to neck a little. I've been kissed and felt up and I have even gone out to the parking lot and sat in a car with a guy and necked, but I have never been fucked."

"What did you mean when you said you slightly crossed the line?"

"In one case, a special one, I let a guy finger fuck me and I gave him a hand job, but that was a one time thing."

"A special case?"

"Yeah, Robin's brother. He's had a crush on me for years and he was home on leave just prior to being sent to Iraq. When Robin told me he had a crush on me I thought it was sweet and after watching all the news coming from that godforsaken place I kind of felt bad for him. What if he didn't make it back or what if he came back with missing pieces? Like I said, a special case. I haven't cheated on you Bill."

"Not yet maybe, but it will happen sooner or later. Some guy won't play by your rules or take no for an answer or someone really smooth will run a game on you and make you think that he is a special case or someone will drop something in your drink. But it will happen Marty; you can't spend that much time in bars and not have it happen."

"I'm a big girl Bill and I can take care of myself."

"Yeah Marty, sure you can."

We didn't talk for a couple of days and then one night Marty came to me, "I'm horny Bill and I can't take this wall that is growing between us. I need my man in bed with me."

I stood up, "Lead the way."

For a while Marty cut back on her outings to a Friday or a Saturday night, but after about three weeks she was back up to Friday and Saturday and by six weeks it was three and four nights again. The project deadline was closing in on me and I had made my feelings on the subject crystal clear so I didn't say anything more. And then one night, about three months before the project was due to end I came home and found a note on the kitchen table:


I'm sorry, but it just isn't working out between us.

Good luck on your project.


I read and reread the note and then I got on the phone and started calling around. Her mother and her sister hadn't heard from her and neither had Mary, Robin or Tina who were the girls she went out with. I came to realize that there wasn't anything that I could do. If Marty wanted to leave I couldn't stop her and if she wanted to get in touch she would. I put her note in the center desk drawer and then buried myself in the project.

A week went by and I got a phone call from Marty's mother telling me that Marty had called and that she was all right. All she told her mom was that we had differences that couldn't be resolved. Once a week I called Mary, Robin and Tina to see if Marty was around and they always told me that they hadn't seen her. Whether it was true or not I never knew. I didn't hear from any lawyers so I guessed that we were still married although she could have gone to Reno for a quickie and not bothered to tell me.

After a month or so I gave up thinking about it as the project was coming to an end and it was consuming all my time. I barely noticed the time as the project deadline rushed toward me and then it was all over. We finished three days early and just barely under budget. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, bonus money flowed, and I was promoted into Ron's job when he retired and life slowed down for me.

I still hadn't heard from Marty, but I did check in with her mother from time to time and she always told me that Marty had been in touch and was okay.

Two weeks after the project ended I made my weekly calls to Mary, Robin and Tina and found out that Marty had shown up at the one of the bars the night before. All she told them was that she had to leave town to take care of some personal problems and that she was glad to be back. I told them to tell her I said hi the next time they saw her and then I hung up.

When I got home that night Marty's car was in the driveway and when I went into the house I found her sitting at the kitchen table with a half empty bottle of Merlot sitting in front of her. She looked up at me when I came into the room and I couldn't see any emotion on her face, not love, not hate, not pity, not anything. She refilled her glass, poured on for me and pushed it my way.

"Sit down Billy and let me get this over with so I can get out of here."

I sat down at the table, picked up the glass and took a sip.

"You called it Billy. You looked in the old crystal ball, saw it coming and told me just what was going to happen. No way I said to myself, I'm a big girl and I can look out for myself, except that I didn't. It happened just like you said it would. Somebody slipped something in my drink. I found out later that it was two drops of Special K and one tab of Ecstasy. I got fucked that night. I got fucked real good. Seven guys enjoyed Little Miss Marty and they taped it. Marty in glorious living color with a cock in her mouth, a cock in her ass, and a cock in her stupid, "It can't happen to me" pussy. And if that wasn't bad enough I was told that unless I wanted you to see the videotape we were going to do it again and again and again only without the drugs.

"I couldn't let you see that tape. What it would do to our marriage was certain, especially after you made your little speech, but I couldn't let something like that take your mind off the project, not as close to being done as you were. So, I let myself be blackmailed. Five times over the next two weeks and never less than seven guys. Then one night I told them to fuck off and die; that somehow you had found out and had thrown my ass out of the house and that I was leaving town the next day. And then I told them I would make them a deal. I'd do it one more time in exchange for the tape. They bought it and I spent the next twenty-four hours as the personal slut of eleven guys.

"When it was over I headed for San Diego where my Aunt Millie lives. I told her I was running away from a marriage gone bad and she let me stay with her. When mom told me that your project was finished I quit the job I had and came back to let you know what happened."

She finished off her glass of wine and picked her purse up off the floor and set it on the table.

"I think I know you pretty well Billy and even now I can see it in your eyes. You are going to say "We all make mistakes, but we can work it out. There isn't anything that we can't overcome as long as we love each other." You would be wrong Billy. The thing is, I liked it. I liked having six or seven guys trying to fuck me to death. I even did it a couple of times when I was in California. Actually, it was more like once a week. San Diego is full of horny sex starved sailors and Marines and I tried to be patriotic and help them out.

"Anyway, to make sure that you realize what a slut I've become I've brought you the tape. I was drugged to get me going, but I think that you will see my natural enthusiasm shine through. I'm sorry Billy, I really am. I should have listened to you but I didn't and now I'm paying the price."

She got up and headed for the door, leaving the tape sitting in the center of the table, and when she got to the door she stopped and turned, "I love you Billy. I always have and I'm sorry that I did this to us" and then she was out the door and gone.

Her enthusiasm did indeed show through and that tape put every professionally done porn tape I'd ever seen to shame. Marty did it all, or they did it all to Marty, depending on your point of view, and I confess to having beat my meat four times by the end of the tape. That night I didn't get much sleep and it wasn't because of the tape; it was because of my feelings for Marty. I loved the stupid bitch and I really didn't want my marriage to her to end, but I honestly didn't see how it could survive. I could buy the drugged part and the blackmail that followed, but how was I supposed to get past the "I liked it" — liked it so much that she continued doing it in California?

I woke up the next morning with no better idea of what to do than I'd had when I went to bed. The day at work was a wasted day because all I could think of was Marty. What it came down to was that Marty and I needed to talk. She was in the third bar that I hit, sitting in a booth with four guys and I walked over to them.

"Marty, we nee..." And one of the guys in the booth said, "Take a number asshole, the bitch is with us."

I grabbed him by his long hair, jerked him out of the booth and dumped him on the floor. I kicked him hard in the ribs and then looked down at him, "I'll just take your number sperm breath and if you ever call my wife a bitch again I'll stomp your head into jelly and if you come up off that floor any way but peaceful I'll do it anyway."

I turned back to the booth and said, "There is a table over there where we can talk" and I held out my hand. She took it and I helped her out of the booth and walked her to the table and we sat down.

"It looks like I interrupted your evening."

"No, I may have become a slut, but I'm a selective slut. That bunch wasn't going to get anything but a dance or two and the privilege of buying me drinks. What brings you here?"

"You. Us. You dumped your bomb on me and then got up and left, but you didn't say a word about what happens next."

"I thought that was self-evident. You watched the tape?"

I nodded a yes.

"What else needs to be said? You could never live with the woman on that tape. That's me Bill. The new me — the real me. I didn't say anything because I knew that once you saw that tape and the fact that I told you that I liked doing it hit home your next move would be to call the lawyers."

"That wasn't one of the things that I thought. My first thought was how could we go about salvaging enough out of this mess to keep us together. Next came "Be serious Bill, no way you can live with what she's done" and that was followed by "You have to try. You love her to damned much not to try." I love you Marty. I know that there have been times during the past year that you questioned that, but it is true. I can't give up on you, on us, without trying everything in my power to keep us together."

"I'm glad that you feel that way honey, but it won't work. You just aren't the kind of guy who can sit home and wait for me to come home knowing what it is that I'm out doing. You aren't the kind of guy who can watch or participate so what does that leave us?"

I started to say something, but Marty held up her hand, "Let me finish baby. What I'm saying is that I WILL do it again. I know me a lot better now, and I know that a week from now, a month from now or a year from now I'll be on my back trying to get six, ten or fifteen guys to fuck me senseless. I could say, "Thank God you love me enough to let me back in your life and I'll make it up to you, I promise, and I'll be a good girl from now on." And I would mean it Billy, I really would."


"No Billy, I would really mean it and I would try hard baby, I would try really really hard, but I know as sure that the two of us are sitting here that one night you would come home from work and find a note on the kitchen table telling you I was going out with the girls and to not wait up. And what would happen when I came home? You pushed me away once when I hadn't even done anything saying that you weren't going to take any sloppy seconds. Has your position changed? Do you honestly think that you could follow seven or eight guys into me? Or it could be even worse; you could come home to find that I haven't even left the house to do it.

"No Billy, it wouldn't work. I'll always love you and I will always treasure the fact that at one time you loved me, but it just won't work."

"We have to try Marty. Even if it does turn out the way you say it will, we still have to try."

We did try. Marty went home with me that night and I tried to make up for three months of going without. We made love more times that night than at any other time in our marriage. It was sick of me, but every time I thought that I couldn't get it up again I thought of Marty's video and I'd rise to the occasion. That tape drove our sex life although Marty never knew it. She thought that I had destroyed the tape and she wasn't aware that I watched it whenever she wasn't around.

One night she asked me what had come over me, "Are you eating Viagra by the handful?"

I think that in the back of her mind she knew what was going on — I was doing my best to keep her from going out and looking for a half a dozen other guys.

Nine months went by and just as I began to think we were okay I came home to find what she had said I'd find someday — a note on the kitchen table:


I've gone out to have a drink with Robin and Mary. Dinner

is in the microwave. Set it for two minutes. I may be late

so don't wait up. Love you


I was torn between waiting up for her and finding out for sure or going to sleep so I wouldn't see her when she came home. I convinced myself that if I didn't see evidence of her being gangfucked I could make myself believe that all she did was go out for a drink with the girls.

She was asleep next to me when I got up the next morning and I got up and left the room without looking for any sign of what she might have done. She was still asleep when I left for work. When I got home that night dinner was ready and Marty was her usual cheerful self. Neither one of us mentioned the previous night and that night when we went to bed we did our best to destroy each other sexually.

Three months went by before it happened again and again nothing was said by either of us the next day. As long as it didn't come up I could force myself to believe it was just drinks with Mary and Robin. Then the intervals got shorter: Two months, then six weeks, a month and then every two weeks and finally it was every Friday and I could no longer delude myself about what Marty was doing. She might be starting her evening with the girls, but she was ending it with the boys.

I should have left well enough alone. Our sex life was fantastic and there was no doubt that we loved each other, but for some perverse reason I just couldn't leave it that way. One Friday night I waited up for Marty. She was surprised to see me and I detected a touch of sadness crossing her face. She knew, even if I didn't — at least at the time — that I had just put the kiss of death on our relationship.

"Hi baby. Finally decide to have some sloppy seconds? Well come on lover, let's get to bed and I'll fuck your eyes out."

She was wet, sloppy and loose and I wondered how many had beaten me into her that night. It was as if she had read my mind.

"How does it feel baby? Think you could learn to like it. There were nine tonight lover. Two spics, three niggers and the rest were white guys. I am an equal opportunity slut baby. Cocks have no color as far as I am concerned. Does it make you hot baby? Does it turn you on to know that black cocks have emptied into me? That Mexicans have put their own type of salsa in me? Come on baby, fuck me hard. Make me cum honey, show me that you love your whorish slut."

I wouldn't have believed it possible, but I fucked her four times that night and listening to her sluttish talk made me cum harder than I ever had before. For the next six weeks I'd wait up for Marty on her Friday nights or she would wake me up when she got home. I can't even begin to describe what was going on in my head at the time. I was disgusted with myself for enjoying Marty's well used pussy, but I gloried in being married to my own personal sex goddess. Six days a week she was a loving an attentive wife and every Friday she became a whorish slut, but she was my whorish slut!

Once again I couldn't leave well enough alone. I had to take the next step in the natural progression that had started on that first night.

"No baby, it isn't a good idea."

"Why not? God knows I wallow in what you bring home."

"That's not the same baby. There is a big difference between knowing, feeling and actually seeing it happen. Please honey, trust me on this, it is a bad idea."

"You don't understand Marty. I need to see it and after I see it I may even want to participate."

"Honey, I'm not the same woman you know when a group of men fuck me. I say things and I do things when I'm in a sexual frenzy, things that will bother you. I won't mean what I say, but my lovers will be pushing buttons and getting me to say things that they want to hear; things that you won't want to hear. You might never want to kiss me again after you see some of the things I do with my mouth. Please honey, things are good between us right now, let it be."

But I wouldn't and finally she said, "Okay, but If we do it we do it the way I say."

That Friday found us in the parking lot of one of her favorite bars. "You sit here in the car until I come out. It may be an hour or two, but be patient. Nothing is going to happen if I have you with me."

An hour and a half later she came out with eight guys who split up and headed for their cars. Marty got in and said, "Follow that Chevy pick up." We drove in silence until we got to a Motel 6 and as we pulled onto the lot Marty said, "Honest honey, it will be best if you just let me out and go on home."

"I'm here Marty. I've come this far, I'll go the rest of the way."

The guy in the Chevy went into the office and came out several minutes later waving a key. He went to room 124 and guys started climbing out of their cars and following him. Marty looked at me and said, "Please baby, remember that I love you and that whatever happens when they get me flying doesn't mean a thing"

She looked at me one last time hoping that I would let her out and then go home and when I didn't she shrugged and said, "Okay, let's do it."

It started out bad. When we walked into the room one of the guys looked at me and said, "Who's he?"

"My husband."

"What's he doing here?"

"Whatever he wants."

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Martys Massage

by lingusMarty's MassageI had a problem. Not a big problem but a problem nonetheless. Itwould turn into a big problem if I didn't come up with somethingsoon. My wife Marty's birthday was just ten days away and I didn'thave the foggiest idea of what to get for her. What made mattersworse was that Marty absolutely refused to give me any hints.A few years ago Marty and I stopped telling each other what wewanted for our birthdays because we were getting in a rut. We bothalways seemed to ask for the...

3 years ago
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“You have been my true husband for the last 5 years or did all those passionate moments when I received your seed not count as a wife doing her duty?” She said back, now looking up at me. I smiled and shared a passionate kiss with her. As I felt her warm tongue I thought about the past. Karina was 19 years old when I met her when she came to serve as my aid. Karina had married one of my fighters, but she was barren and could bare no children. Her husband would be away months at a time and...

2 years ago
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Martyn Gets Comfy In Amsterdam

In college, I joined a bunch of musical societies. I met Martyn there. He was an amazing musician who had curly black hair, was crazy tall and had massive hands. You know... for playing the piano. But you knew he had a massive dick. We became fast friends and he was the first male friend I made after I came out as gay. I fell for him. Hard. It hurt. And if I had known we wouldn't be friends now, I'd have tried harder to get in those boxers!What Really Happened.When I was eighteen, I went on the...

Gay Male
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Martiby Abe        Marti  Sheffer, her married name, had from childhood wanted to be an actress, a movie star.  She had married Rudi for two reasons.  Principally, it was because he was wealthy; he could afford to bankroll a movie for her to star in.  Secondly, he was three times her age, and surely he would not want much sex.  Marti didn't much care for sex.  Sex was for casting couches.  She was a good enough actress that she could fake an orgasm, but she had never had a real one.  She was a...

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Smarty Pants

Smarty Pants By Michael Jones The sixth grade class could hardly contain themselves as they heard the news; Billy Alanis was being skipped ahead to the ninth grade. That meant that they would no longer have to worry about looking stupid all the time or hear the teacher praise him for another perfect score. Best of all, they would not have to listen to Billy remind them about how smart he was. Even his friends were tired of hearing him insult them all the time. On his last day of...

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Martie gets Clothespins and More

Clothespins, Wax & Piercing I watched her walk across the room with her coffee and food turning to sit near the sunshine beaming through the warm window, my drink was ready so I sipped for several minutes doing some people watching glancing at her several times stirring in her seat. The second drink I purchased was for someone I was meeting later but I think they won’t be getting it today, she looked warm as she opened her denim jacket so I went over to sit nearby. My eyes glanced as I...

2 years ago
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Marti Home Alone

Marti clenched her teeth and held her breath. She hurt so badly, her pussy was throbbing, she could taste his foul scummy semen in her mouth. Now he was trying to commit anal rape upon her. She clenched her ass tightly, determined to not let him in her one remaining virgin orifice. Suddenly a loud smack rent the air, a searing pain flashed through her ass. She realized a second later that her had slapped her across the right cheek of with an open hand. The loud noise and pain startled her; it...

3 years ago
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Martys New Do

Marty's New 'Do' Looking back, I guess I should have just kept my mouth shut. But that's what happens when I get nervous or flustered. I start talking, just to break up the awkward silence and I can't stop, and that usually makes things worse. No one knows that better than Rina, my best friend. My name's Martin. Most folks call me Marty. Rina calls me 'Mari' (Don't worry I'll explain why in a bit). Rina and I have been friends since both of us can remember. We met in grade...

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When asked to describe how it all began, has become eleven chapters.From 'testing the waters' to 'Mothers lingerie' a portrait of lust is revealed. Those steamyencounters branded well in my mind, were seeking a place to be heard. A secretivepath from all I know, it's a pleasure to share with you all. From the moment I discovered his wandering eye, I had a decision to make. Itstirred this Mother and my thoughts as well, and 'testing the waters' began. After Chicagoa wonderful trip, we were fully...

2 years ago
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PoemChoose to Misbehave

Choose to Misbehave As I strut downtown embracing the lunch My fuchsia panties start to bunch I step wider to try to avoid The pinkish lace that rubs on my rhoid The itch is there, damn! And I can't scratch Can't rub my finger-tips on my snatch The bag is bulky, needs both my hands I curse myself for buying mail-order brands I wiggle my buns, rotate my hips Hoping the itch will ease just a bit But instead the durn itch grows just like the digit That caused these rhoids, that's...

4 years ago
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Jade you misbehaved

Jade is a beautiful woman inside and out—very intelligent, playful with a colorful sense of humor, and very pretty. Just being in public with her makes me feel powerful and important. Keeping Jade interested in one man or any man is a very challenging task. She is 22 years old, in college, and most of the guys that show her interest are too immature for her liking, too serious for her witty personality or just total clowns. Getting Jade’s attention is not a very hard thing to do, but to keep...

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Smarty Tanya

Hi Friends, this story is about Me and Tanya. It happened in the early years when I was just 18 and Tanya was the girl next door. We were neighbours. Now she is happily married and settled in Los Angeles and I met her last year and had a great time, but that story will be posted later. You’d think that Tanya was a normal 19 year old girl. Well she was in many ways…. just a very cute one. At 5 ft 5 she was neither petite nor tall for an Indian and she was blessed with a very slim, but curvy...

1 year ago
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Jade you misbehaved

Jade is a beautiful woman inside and out—very intelligent, playful with a colorful sense of humor, and very pretty. Just being in public with her makes me feel powerful and important. Keeping Jade interested in one man or any man is a very challenging task. She is 22 years old, in college, and most of the guys that show her interest are too immature for her liking, too serious for her witty personality or just total clowns. Getting Jade’s attention is not a very hard thing to do, but to keep...

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You are not going to believe what I did this afternoon. I still can't quite believe it myself; I would have to pinch myself to check that it was real, except that I've got the evidence to prove it. What evidence, you may ask. So I'd better get on with it and tell you.I had been at a recruiting fair held in one of the student halls of residence; this was an event designed to entice all those of us with long vacations coming up soon to join some worthy company or charity for work experience, or...

2 years ago
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my sister i misbehave

It all began some time ago and took a while to develop. I became a widower when my wife died from cancer three years ago. I was feeling very low and a friend suggested that a holiday in the sun might help so I went for a holiday in Gran Canaria. The hotel was a couple of hundred yards from a beautiful beach. The first time I walked to it I changed there and put on bathing trunks. I was surprised to see that many people were stark naked. The island is Spanish. I had always thought, perhaps...

3 years ago
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The Storm Our Storm

What is it about the pounding rain, the thunder and lightning of the storm that brings out the animal in us. Our roof garden patio is open to the sky, the wind and the rain, but not visible from our neighbors. Today, I was working up on it, enjoying the breeze, the fresh air, sitting at our patio table writing documentation on my laptop. The shade from the patio umbrella makes it one of my most favorite places to work, even in a gentle rain.  It was such a day, today. Then the wind started to...

Straight Sex
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Parisian Nights

The echo of designer heels clicking across polished granite tiles pierced the silence of the building lobby. It was the confident stride of a young woman who to look at her, exuded contemporary class and an urban sophistication. She stepped into the elevator as the doors slid open and with a perfectly manicured finger, pushed the button for the twenty-fourth floor. Everyone in the open plan office greeted her as she sauntered past countless bays of fashionably clad employees. Amy in turn wished...

1 year ago
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Lovely Big Ass Aunty

Big Ass Aunty This a real story having sex with my Aunt, She is now 34 yrs old by now, She is brown colored skin with big ASS and BOOBS might be 36-32-40.I am Fair handsome and Fat guy . I was good at studies, so everyone in my family and neighbors liked me, my Aunt was pregnant she had come to my home (i.e She is my Dad’s younger sister). I was helped during her stay in our house, that time I was 22yrs old and didn’t had any Bad intention at that time about my Aunt. Their was house opening...

2 years ago
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Duty Honor Country Family Part 18

Duty, Honor, Country, Family - Part Eighteen by Danielle J Synopsis- Ripley makes some vital decisions as tensions rise between rival Yakuzas. This chapter is probably the closest I have ever come to something X- rated. There is a very violent scene below but also more importantly a long scene with two people getting very intimate. I must thank Puddin for her helping me prepare this story for publication. ***** Police detectives Yeijiro Mazaki and Juri Hayakawa reported in...

4 years ago
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Another Proposal

Another Proposal based upon a story by Snoopbone. "Alright Marlo let's get this over with. You said you had a financial offer to give me here and I'm want to hear it now before I walk out that door like I did on our relationship six months ago." Jimmy was standing there with his hands hanging loosely down sides passing his rotund stomach and ending on his chubby thighs. Marlo and Jimmy had been dating for five years and lovers for four of them. Jimmy had fallen on hard times as of...

3 years ago
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Goodbye Melissa

I approached the counter and asked the clerk if there were any messages for me and he checked the box for room 305, took out a slip of paper and handed it to me. As I was reading it two men who had been sitting in the lobby when I walked in got up and headed for me. I read the note. It simply asked me to call Detective Howard Miller and gave me a phone number. The two men walked up, one to either side of me, and the one on my right asked me if I was Frank Thomas. "Yes?" He flashed a badge...

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Femdomme Marriage Gone Wrong and AftermathChapter 10

As we got inside Michelle came out of their bedroom wearing just a really sexy bra and panties and she had what looked like my collar and leash in her hand. Interestingly tonight she did not wear hers. "Mich is a Domme tonight and will do the punishment. I'm just going to watch" came the explanation. Red must have read my mind questioning the absence of the collar. "Strip down here and then kneel in front of Red for sentencing for your cheeky behavior this morning." I did what I was...

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The Lady Lecturer 8211 Nailed And Screwed

Hi all readers this is Jerry Finolen from Chennai here to narrate you all the best of my fucking sessions.I have been following ISS for almost 4 years and here is my first story. This my sexperience with my lecturer who eventually became a secret lover.Hope you will enjoy it. I look forward for your comments and feedbacks. contact me at “”. It was the time for the Annual Cultural Meet in our college and i was doing my final year engg. The heroine is my Lecturer named Nimmy, 28 years of age ,...

3 years ago
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The Meeting of My PrideChapter 2

As I fucked Eleanor, we were both aware of the several sets of eyes watching our every action, Me, I was more aware of Charlady's jealousy in her eyes than any of my older trainees. For Eleanor it was the humiliated look of defeat on Jerry's face as he knew he would soon be eating cream pie directly from his wife's well fucked cunt. I was mildly aware of the interest and pent up passions of some of the other's, Paul and Roger in particular, I could not help but feel they longed to be in...

1 year ago
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FidleChapter 45

Blinding flashes of muddled memory. Nervous system reboot. Pain. Lungs rattle into motion. More pain. Eyes struggle open. The floor. A bottle. A chair. Unexplained sparkling near the window. At least I didn’t... Digestive system reengaged. A desperate and pathetic crawl to the bathroom. Just barely in time. The cool porcelain whispered of sleep. He listened. thud thud thud “Ow.” thud God, what a horrible taste. His porcelain savior once again offered comfort. Judging it wiser to...

3 years ago
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Jacob Told Me He Was Gay

A James Johnson Story I Claim This Story as my own, and I ask to be credited if and when it is reproduced of copied. Jacob Told Me He Was Gay All I could do was just sit there. I could not believe what I had just heard. He had told me those few little words that I had waited to hear for what felt like all of my life. Jacob had told me he was gay! My heart stopped, my dick began to swell, and my mouth went dry. My best friend, whom I had dreamed countless wet dreams about, had just told me the...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 512

The Prison Planet ... Bathed and wrapped in each other’s arms, they were asleep almost as soon as they were under the furs. Morning came far too quickly as far as the two were concerned. Groaning from sore muscles, they snatched on their clothes in the cold cave and hurried to relieve their bladders. Back inside a few minutes later, they began their day with Morales hurrying to get the main fire going since he had not awakened during the night to build it back up. While he was doing...

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Nicol Gets an Education

MF,MMMF,mmF,Exhib,HumI just turned nineteen. I graduated from high school last year and I have several jobs. I work as a waitress at a restaurant in the evening four or five nights a week. It depends on how often they need me.I also work for a cleaning service, cleaning homes during the day. One of the houses I clean once a week is my neighbor's house. Not right next door, a couple of houses down. He asked me about cleaning his house when he found out I was doing it and I do it for him without...

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Inspector Lestrade and the Dropped Trapeze Artiste

Inspector Lestrade The little sallow, rat-faced, dark-eyed fellow was a Police Inspector at Scotland Yard. Most people would consider him to look more like a member of the criminal classes than of the ones set to catch them in their nefarious ways. Inspector Lestrade was a lean, ferret-like man, furtive and sly-looking. Few people knew what his initial, G, stood for. George? Geoffrey? Gregory? No, it was shameful Gaylord. In those days, in London, a gay woman was a prostitute: the...

2 years ago
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A Slut Like MeChapter 12

"Mom?" Megan said when she finally caught her breath. "What Sweetheart," I replied. "What just happened?" "Um ... you had an orgasm, Meg. What do you think happened?" "I don't know. I've had lots of orgasms and they never felt like that." "Well, it feel to me like you had a pretty intense one." "Oh, Mom ... it was more than intense. I felt like I was going to melt right into the bed or something ... like my whole body was this hot liquid. I've never felt anything like...

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I Miss You

It has been a long couple of weeks. I have been travelling all over Europe on business.  She has been travelling all over North America for her own work. For the first time in a number of years, we haven’t seen each other in weeks.  Even though we continued to text each other every day, we did miss each other.  Lynn and I are business partners and friends.  We have endured the break-down of our marriages years ago together.  Our friendship had also miraculously survived months upon months of no...

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Oscar MeyersChapter 32

Oscar walked up to the door of the house and entered confident that Debbie and Georgia waited inside for him. The separation of three months had been very hard on him. Despite meditating most of the time he had been there, his thoughts had remained with the two women in his life. They were more important to him than returning to the school and, as a result, he had to stop by the house to be with them. Stepping inside the house, Oscar was greeted with silence. Frowning, he had expected that...

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Day With Drugged Mom

Firstly I would like to give a description of my mom and me. My mom is 44 years old and I am 17 years old. I am 5 feet 9 inches, lean and muscukar body while my mom is an average indian housewive 5 feet 4 inches with an incredibly hot figure. This experience of mine is about 6 months old and I could not wait to submit it. It was a normal sunny day and my mom was working the daily chores. She had not taken a dupatta and whenever she was bending or doing something, I could have a complete view of...

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Two Friends Hungry For Sex

Mer naam rejesh me 27 years ka hun, me gurgaon me raheta hun ese me odisha se belong karta hun, me aapne real story aap logo ku batane jarahahun, me ek bar kis ku phone kar raha tha ta galti se kisi anjane odisha ki ladki ku phone lag gaya , ese baat karte karte kafi din gujar gaya , hun dono ka aachi friendship ho gaya tha , mera sadi ho chukka tha or uski abhi v saadi nehi hui he, hum dono aapni sare baat share karne lage, me kese aapni biwi ki chudai karta hun oh kese fingering karti he, ek...

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My Blind Masseur

It was a long day and I was ready for something to ease my stressed body before a nice dinner with this new guy I met recently. I really wanted to make sure that this would be a special dinner. He would be a great catch! My name is Hye-min, 25 year old, single, American-Korean living in the Bay Area. I’ve been working for an engineering consulting firm for the last five years as an administrative assistant. Unfortunately, there were no real prospects at work–besides it’s a bad idea to date...

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Skeletons in my Closet part 17

Skeletons in my Closet part 17Shelton's in my Closet part 17 The Shrink and Empathy As John drove Michelle cuddled up to him. I asked him why the new vehicle. John smiled as he told us both that it gives us a little more privacy.”Can’t have the whole town knowing daddy is fucking me, mom, ” Michelle said smiling at me.”That’s making love to you, ” I said smiling back at her.Michelle moved from John to me. She cuddled up against me as she had to him. John looked over and smiled at me. ”Did I...

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Briana Does Jamaica

Every year during the winter months, I like vacationing in the tropics. This year I had chosen the island of Jamaica for a five-day getaway. This was not my first visit there, but this is the first time I took the journey on my own. Jamaica’s warm winter months bring the perfect weather for straw hats, summer dresses, daisy-dukes, sandals, and teeny bikinis. The island experiences less rainfall during the winter months than it does during the summer. Although the majority of the people on the...

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Dynasty and Destiny Book 6 of Poachers ProgressChapter 5 A Journey to England

After some early misgivings Mimi had finally agreed to us renting or buying a property in the Grantham area and enrolling Jean–Woodrow at The King’s School. As yet we had not travelled to England as Mimi was adamant that until our twin girls were fully weaned they would not be exposed to coach or sea travel. Thus, it was not until May of 1826 that the family set out for England. During the preceding two years I had kept in touch with my sister and the Slades, and Zinnia was searching the area...

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Laxmi With Me 8211 Part II

Hi, this is Jagan from Hyderabad now I am here to describe about sex incident with girl near my house named Lux I call her like that my age is just 19.i am the regular visitor of Iss. I don’t know perfect English but I can describe about my incident she was a cute girl of aged just 18.there are 8 houses by maintaining the circular shape one house is visible to other she and me were living in that type of houses. I used to seduce her many times but no use she is very cute with normal...

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Kim Is Picked Up

She had been unhappy for a while now. Her husband didn't have much of a sex drive and although he was loving and caring in so many other ways, she wanted him to want to fuck her constantly. Not much of an exaggeration either, Kim could fuck several times a day. She got off on how hot other people thought she was. After one particularly nasty argument about this, Kim dressed up in her sluttiest outfit and threatened to go to a club, hoping to make her husband jealous. Of course it worked...

2 years ago
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Cattle Ticks and Ants

1 Going to Sydney three years ago had been an adventure; Brisbane wasn't. After all, I'd been an undergraduate here. But now I was "Dr." Hollister and an employee of the CSIRO. Long Pocket Labs really overwhelmed me, however. It was far larger than I had imagined – around 60 staff. It was also the site of international activity, with collaborations with Brazil and the American Department of Agriculture. I filled out a mass of paper and asked one of the staff about locations to live. It...

3 years ago
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A Stitch In TimeChapter 12

"Now, if we remain very, very quiet, we may actually be able to observe the highly ritualized mating dance of the lawyer and the librarian. The incredibly slow mating dance of the lawyer and the librarian. These two first saw each other more than fifteen minutes ago, when the lawyer entered the library. He quickly scanned the room, and then did a double-take when he noticed the librarian sitting behind the circulation desk. Never having hunted in this territory before, he found himself a...

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New To The Company

I had just got back into my office from making arrangements for another high pressured business meeting. I sat down at my desk with a strong cup of coffee, closed my eyes and rubbed my temples, trying to massage away the dull ache that was beginning in my head. I was tired as I had been working long hours and haven't had much time to relax. Or even time to enjoy my new 'hobby'. Life was currently one big circle of work, little sleep and work. I looked at the wall clock: 12.45pm. Today may...

4 years ago
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Pretty Bitch for Brian

In truth, his entire existence was patently unremarkable. He was a thirty four year old, single, social awkward night watchman who still lived in the small, cheap apartment he had moved into eleven years before. He was not, however, a man without a desire for more. Throughout his life, he had tried to turn himself into the man he wanted to be. He had sought better jobs but, his shyness made him beyond horrible in interviews. Likewise, he tried frequently to find a woman but, with...

2 years ago
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A Trip to Remember 1Chapter 13

As they pulled up to the farm, they first went to the villa. It was a huge house that was mostly empty except for a cook and maid that stayed there in case someone came by. They were both excited to have guests and did everything to make them feel welcome. The girls were soon off to find Hans and start training. Tom went to his private room and locked himself in. He went through his inventory to see if he could find something to help move his projects along. Some of the inventory they had...

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Tits on Display Chapter 3

The Women in the Red BlouseAgain, a total fantasy based on my recollection of a grocery shopping trip. Nothing in this is true, just my old mind twisting and turning through life.Chapter 1 - 2 -“When I asked if you have been with someone like me I mean my age,” Deb said with a smile and pulled my hand between her legs where her erection was covered in the cute cheeky panty...

3 years ago
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Didi Ki Chudai Dekhi

Hi friends mera naam Vicky hai.mere ghar mai 4 log rahte hai mai mere papa meri mummy aur meri didi.meri didi ka naam priya hai vo dekhne me bahut sundar hai meri didi ka fig bahut acha hai .mai aur meri didi hamesha se hi sath me rahe hai mere school ke sare ladke meri didi ko gandi nazar se dekhte the hamare school me ladkiyo ke liye jo dress tha vo skirt aur top tha.didi jub stairs se upar jati thi toh unke class ke ladke niche se unki skirt me jhakte the ek bar maine unhe bat karte suna ki...

2 years ago
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my secound blowjobD

so i was going to my friends house. ( he gave me my first bj from a guy last week). and so i was excited to see him cause he really liked my cock. this time i wasnt nervous cause i was really was usual i was on his bed getting naked and he was coming he was just dressing his clothes cause he got back from work. first he just playeed with it a little just stroking it slowly and kissing it. then very slowly put his warm wet mouth inside it and the feeeling of my cock in his mouth is...

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An Ordinary Mans Life Ch 28

Edited by tangentjoker. Great job. Thank you. ***** However, it was not only the talk about Todd and anal sex that happened after he left for his nap. The girls nodded encouragingly at Sharon and she took the bait. ‘Hey, guys, we’ve something important to tell you. We girls HAVE decided irrevocably to invite Todd to the sex party the weekend after next. That means you don’t have to invite a fourth guy to even up you three men and us four women. We’ve already agreed Betty and Henry are OK to...

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Shellys spit Brandons Cock and my mou

I'm not sure if this blog post will be everyone's cup of tea, but I'm going to share an eye-opening experience that I had a weeks ago. Maybe some of you enjoy this "flavor" of kink. I'd never been in to the Sub/Dom scene -- it wasn't like I wasn't aware of it, I just never had much exposure to it. Then I hooked up with Shelly and Mark, a mature couple I met on a swingers website. She was 57, tall, slim, with graying brunette hair, glasses -- she was attractive and hovered between MILF and GILF....

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