EvilAngel Ember Snow Loves Anal Orgasms
- 2 years ago
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I watched the morning shuttle streak across the sky and shook my head before turning to watch the bait I had hung a meter above the water. Crocodylia was considered a hazardous world which always brought adventurers. The predators were like old earth dinosaurs, we even had some that swam in the oceans.
Of course those were huge and there was also the equivalent of mega sharks. Here in the swamps we had what the scientist types called legless lizards, we called them snakes. They ranged from a meter all the way to twenty meters. Then there were the crocs, they grew to fifteen meters or more and weighed tons.
There were thousands of birds and insects and there were even types of mammals or marsupialis. I lifted my large bore plasma rifle when I saw the ripple. By the size I knew the croc would be big and waited until it slowly rose to the surface. I was right, it had to be at least twelve or thirteen meters.
I checked around me before aiming at the rear of the croc's head where the spine connected to the skull. I squeezed the trigger and the rifle roared and kicked. The plasma exploded through the armored hide of the croc and sliced deeper before shattering the spine and expanding. The plasma erupted out the throat in a huge crater of blood and tissue.
I slung the rifle and turned to climb down from the perch. I hopped into the wide carved swamp wood skiff before moving to the motor. The silent motor pushed the skiff towards the croc that had rolled belly up. I shut it down to lean over and pull the croc against the boat. I struggled to put the anti grav collar around the neck.
I looked up at the grav tractor and used the small remote and the huge beast lifted up slowly. I used a sonic cutter to slice it open and cleaned it as it continued to rise up. I slipped the waist belt on and started the second grav tractor while stopping the first.
I lowered the head once the tail was out of the water until I could begin skinning and butchering. It took awhile for me to finish and by then the two long stasis boxes were full. I started the skiff moving after retrieving the two grav tractors. The swamp was full of huge trees that were like cyprus or even mangroves but the wood was a lot harder.
The trip through this part of the swamp took almost three hours and the sun was heading for the horizon when I pulled up to the dock. I grinned at the girl that waved from the window above me, "what did you get Rain?"
I pointed to the huge rolled hide, "a thirteen meter croc."
She vanished and I heard her yelling for her mom and turned to check around the area before a tall pretty woman walked down the stairs, "got a big croc Rain?"
I nodded and let her slip a dock mooring collar through the skiff mooring ring. She looked up and I saw her fourteen year old daughter Storm drop the lower half of a grav hoist. Trish caught it and then tossed it to me, I moved to the first stasis box and slipped a hook in each corner eye.
I nodded to Trish, "it is full."
She smiled and looked up, "raise it Storm."
The box lifted and the skiff tilted the other way which made Trish grin as I leaned over and watched the box lift and then slide in the window. It was a couple of minutes before Storm peeked out and dropped the grav hoist again. After the second one she dropped it with a sling and I worked the rolled up hide into it before attaching the hoist.
I jumped onto the dock beside Trish and slipped my arm around her waist, "any chance you will cook up a nice croc steak?"
She grinned as she walked up the stairs with me, "on you?"
I grinned, "sure."
She turned at the top of the stairs to turn on the sonic barrier before walking in the door with me. I looked at Storm and grinned, "your filling out Storm."
Trish laughed as she started across the room, "do not get her started Rain."
Storm grinned and glanced at her mother's back before unsealing her blouse and holding it open. Her breasts were perky with pretty pink nipples. Trish did not even turn as she started moving the hide to a wide machine to clean and tan it, "close your blouse Storm."
I grinned as a large man started down the wide stairs that led to the general store. He was grinning as he looked at Storm closing her blouse, "careful or she will climb into your bed tonight."
I started across the room to help Trish, "she does and she will wake up in the morning with a belly full of cum."
Trish shifted to one side so I could help her unroll the heavy hide, "that was how she was conceived."
Parker chuckled, "and she does not have an implant."
I grinned back at Storm as she crossed to help, "that just makes it more fun."
She grinned and stuck her tongue out at her father. He and Storm went to the other side and when the tanned hide started to emerge they started to roll the hide back up. Once the last of the hide started through I went to my first stasis box and pulled out the feet and head. I set them on a side table for Parker and glanced at the young woman walking down the stairs.
Trish cleared her throat, "I forgot. Rain, this is Misty. She is here trying to find someone to take her into the swamp to complete a study."
I smiled, "good luck."
She looked at Trish and Parker walked around the machine after finishing the hide, "what Trish was trying to ask was if Misty could go out with you."
I looked at the woman, "the swamp is not for tourists."
She smiled, "I can pull my own weight."
Storm wormed her way under my arm, "he means if you are out in the swamp you can not just observe. You need to know how to shot or use a knife."
Misty nodded, "I am prepared to do that but ... you do not kill every croc or..."
I grinned and headed towards the stairs, "I am not a weasel. I kill when I have to."
I did some shopping while Parker and Trish moved the croc meat out of my stasis boxes and weighted everything. Dinner was very good, Trish had out done herself. The small guest sleeping rooms were only big enough for the bed. I set my rifle in the rack and stripped before hanging my weapon belt on the peg by the door.
I wrapped a towel around my waist that Trish had left for me and headed to the bathing room. I smiled at Trish, Misty and Storm in the large hot tub and dumped my dirty clothes into the recycler before I walked into the shower after hanging the towel. After I washed I headed for the tub and slipped in and leaned back as I closed my eyes.
Trish cleared her throat but I did not open my eyes, "yeah."
I heard the giggles and Trish touched my shoulder, "Storm is old enough to decide when or who to have sex with."
I turned my head and opened my eyes to look past her at her daughter, "if she gets in bed with me it will be awhile before we sleep."
Storm grinned as Trish laughed and Misty blushed. I sighed and sat up, "you going to let her go out?"
Trish looked at Storm before touching her cheek, "I would not for just anyone but Parker and I agreed she could do worse than you."
I nodded and laid back, "make sure you are packed before sneaking into my bed Storm."
She splashed me and a moment later slid onto my lap and kissed me, "you will not be sorry."
I put my arms around her and cupped a breast before rubbing the nipple, "make sure you bring your school comp."
She groaned and wiggled while Trish and Misty laughed. It was awhile before I hugged Storm and got out. I dried off and wrapped the towel before heading back to the small sleeping room. I hung up the towel and slipped into the bed and looked at the doorway when Storm walked in.
She tossed her towel towards the peg mine was on and climbed onto the bed with a grin. I waited before pushing her onto her back and kissing her. I slid down and pushed her legs open and leaned close to lick through her pussy. I nibbled on her inner lips and teased her clit and pushed my tongue into her.
I kept going back to her clit to use my tongue and suck and it was not long before she jerked and shuddered hard while wailing. I moved up and lifted before positioning my cock in her slit and pushing. Storm lifted her hips and pulled on me as I slowly forced my thick cock into her tight pussy.
I kissed her as she groaned and kept pushing until I was all the way inside her. I continued to kiss her as her tight pussy grabbed and squeezed and a minute later I began to move. I used slow grinding humps and it was a minute before her hips lifted to meet mine. I grinned as I pulled almost out and fucked back into her.
She shuddered and grinned back so I started to fuck her with long thrusts. It was not long before I was planting my cock as I fucked her hard and deep. Several minutes after I started she lifted her legs and howled as she wet me and her pussy squeezed, "yyyyeeeessss!"
I buried my cock to press and grind as I kissed her again. She shuddered and relaxed and then I went back to fucking her hard. It was five minutes before I shoved all the way into her as she screamed and thrashed. I held her as my cock throbbed and began spewing a huge stream of cum. Storm clung to me and her pussy began grasping and milking the warm sperm into her.
When I was done I sighed and kissed her before pulling out as she dropped her legs. I grinned and moved back before reached out to roll her onto her stomach and lifting her hips. She laughed as she wiggled her butt and I moved up and pushed into her slimy hole. I fucked her six times before letting her sleep and held her with my cock under her pussy.
I woke to the room alarm and reached out to shut it off. I humped against Storm and she groaned before turning her head. I rubbed her hip, "go wash and make sure you douche. Get your pack and meet me by my skiff."
I slipped out of bed and went to the bathing room and then got dressed after collecting my clean clothes. I put my weapons belt on and grabbed my rifle before stopping to look into the sleeping room Misty was in. She was naked and looking at clothes on the bed beside a pack, "long pants and the light shirt with long sleeves."
She looked at me and grinned, "you are up early."
I grinned back, "get dressed and bring your pack down to the skiff."
I went down through the store, stopping to grab the two large packs with my supplies. In the lower room Parker was already hooking up the hoist and grinned, "Storm was howling a long time last night."
I headed for the other door, "I had a lot saved up and she wanted everything I had."
He laughed as I opened the door and checked outside and then the stairs. I carried everything down to the dock and onto my skiff. I set the packs down in the back and the rifle in the standing rack before looking up. Parker lowered the first stasis box and I moved it into the far brackets before locking it in.
I releases the grav hoist and it was pulled up. A minute later the second box was lowered and I put it in place. I released the hoist and glanced at the stairs as Trish led Storm and Misty down. She grinned when she saw me looking, "you gave her a good first time Rain."
I blushed as Storm jumped into the skiff, "and a belly full of cum."
Trish grinned as Misty laughed and followed her. I took their packs and set them between the two boxes, "get the mooring collar Storm."
I smiled at Trish, "I will watch her Trish."
She nodded as Storm pushed us away from the dock. I turned the skiff and headed back into the swamp. It was going to take me two days to get home with a overnight stop at a sleeping hut I had made. Storm stood between the boxes as I drove and Misty was standing in the prow and I shook my head, "move back Misty."
She looked at me and I gestured, "crocs and snakes see in the thermal range and you make a tempting target up there."
She moved back as she blushed, "I knew that but..."
She shrugged, "learning versus experience."
I nodded and let Storm start pointing things out as I continuously scanned the area around us. Several times Storm pointed out large snakes moving through the trees or water. She also pointed out crocs when we saw them. I had to skirt a lake and kept back in the trees as huge crocs swam by. Storm grabbed Misty's shoulder and pointed, "that is why we do not use the lake."
The huge hump and head rising out of the water a couple of hundred meters away was one people would have called a proto dinosaur. It turned to follow the skiff as I wove through the trees before finally sinking under the water. That made me nervous and I turned further into the trees to stay out of the deep water.
Ten minutes later water exploded behind us as the monster and a croc started fighting. At noon I gestured for Storm to open the small stasis box behind the larger boxes and she pulled out a couple of meals that had been hot when they were put in. She grinned and handed one to Misty who was leaning on a stasis box.
While they shared Storm talked about how different types of meat were cooked. It was an hour before sunset when I reached the sleeping hut. I slowed as I looked at the ten meter snake laying on the dock carved into the tree. I shut the skiff off and pulled my rifle and aimed at the head before squeezing.
I fired and watched as the area at the base of the snake's head exploded. I put the rifle away, "that snake has been trying to eat me for over a year."
Storm giggled, "now you are going to eat him."
I used a piece of rope to tie off the skiff in the front and back before moving to the snake that was half in the water now. I had to pull the tail out of the water before I cut it open and began cleaning it and sent Storm and Misty up into the hut. I tossed the guts into the water and starting at the head and skinned it and cut chunks off.
I put the meat in one of the stasis boxes as I moved down and around until I was done. I knew better than leave a bloody hide out and put it in the other box. I carried a large tail piece up with the pack I had left in the boat box. I closed and locked the small door before smiling at Misty.
I moved to the narrow kitchen counter, "that snake will keep us in meat for a week and I can use some as bait for another snake."
She grinned, "bait?"
I nodded as I pulled out a small heating unit and a frying pan. Storm came to push me away, "you burn everything."
I grinned as I put my arms around her, "that was only once and your dad was the one that distracted me."
She grinned as she found the spices and I looked at Misty, "Snake is not a good lure for croc. Sure they may come but they like meat from the animals that live in the trees like the large grey marsups. They are attracted to decaying meat but mostly I use fresh as bait for crocs."
She nodded, "and there are a lot of grey marsupialis?"
I grinned, "you saw them all the way here."
She nodded as I turned back to watching Storm cutting up the large piece of meat. I turned and hung my weapon belt beside the sleeping platform and pulled off my mocs before checking the air mattress Storm had inflated and laid back, "we should be at my place a few hours before sunset tomorrow."
Misty looked at me and then at Storm, "you ever been with another girl Storm?"
Storm glanced back, "you mean have sex with one?"
She nodded as she blushed and looked at me, "yes."
Storm shook her head, "I will try it one day."
I grinned, "I think she was asking if you would consider doing it with her."
Storm looked at her as she blushed and then grinned, "want to do it before Rain gets me all spermy?"
Misty nodded and looked at me, "if you do not mind."
I shook my head, "I do not mind."
Storm grinned as she turned to add freeze dried vegetables and a little water. The pan steamed and she started stirring before looking at Misty, "can I lick you too?"
I smiled but did not say anything as Misty grinned, "I would like that."
Storm giggled as she turned back to the stove. After I finished eating I stripped and went to wash everything in the small narrow sink. I pushed Storm towards the bed, "strip and help Misty."
She grinned and rubbed my shoulder before turning to stalk onto the bed and laid beside Misty. I heard the moans a minute later and looked back to see Misty between Storm's legs. After I was done I packed everything away before setting the sonic emitter against the door and turning it on.
I laid down on the edge of the bed and watched as Storm shuddered and bucked and twisted and pulled on Misty. She had a wet face as she moved up and kissed Storm who kissed her back passionately. She rolled and slid down as Misty spread her legs. It was her turn to sigh and shiver as she lifted her hips.
Her sighs turned to moans and her shivers turned to shudders. Storm seemed to enjoy what she was doing and Misty began to spasm. She finally pulled Storm up and kissed her before looking at me. Storm whispered in her ear and Misty bit her lip before nodding. Storm turned and straddled her before rolling so Misty was above her and Misty looked at me, "fuck me."
I looked between her legs at Storm and she grinned. I moved behind Misty and slowly pushed into her tight pussy and she grunted. I buried my cock and waited as it throbbed and felt Storm licking around my cock. It was a couple of minutes before I needed to move and pulled back and thrust into Misty slowly again.
She shuddered as her pussy grasped and squeezed, "oooohhhh!"
I waited a few moments before doing it again and she shuddered and pushed back, "mmmm!"
I started to fuck her slowly with long thrusts and it was not long before she was shoving back and shaking. She began to moan louder and a couple of minutes later spasmed as her pussy clenched around my cock. She jerked and twitched as I fucked her with deep thrusts and started to do it harder and a little faster.
It was a minute before she wailed and started convulsing as she squirted, "aaaahhhh!"
A couple of minutes later I pushed into her and held her as my cock erupted and I gushed thick spurts of cum. She jerked and pushed back as her pussy tightened again, "yyyeeeesssss!"
When I stopped cumming it was already leaking around my cock. I pulled out and moved back to watch Storm pull her hips down so she could lick the cum leaking out of her. I grinned, "I am going to fuck you so hard and deep."
She giggled and Misty rolled off her and Storm twisted around to lay half on her, "how was that?"
Misty looked at me and grinned, "not like I expected."
She looked at Storm, "can he fuck me after you?"
I shook my head as I reached out and rolled Storm onto her back, "swamp witch."
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On the same night and far away from the apartment, Rahul, Mr. Sharma’s son, was out for having group study with his friends. But, in reality, Rahul and his friends had decided to enjoy the night at a newly opened disco. The Club Prada was opened a week ago and already the popularity of the place was overwhelming. For young crowd like Rahul and his friends, the place was like a magnet – attracting them from all corners and ages. And ever since Rahul and his friends had heard about it, they had...
My Next Door Neighbor Part TwoThe following Saturday I was extremely nervous and highly excited. I had spent all week thinking about taking Christine to the beach party. I kept hoping against hope that nothing would happen to keep us from going. When Saturday finally came the hours dragged by. I shaved probably three times, even though I really only needed to shave about once a week at that time in my life. Finally it was time. I was wearing a sport shirt and slacks. I walked next door and rang...
Straight Sex‘You know what we called it when I was in high school? Huh? ‘Beaver, for Christ’s sake. Sounds silly now even just to say it.’ I was sitting in my editor’s office. He was ranting and raving as usual. Probably his boss had been on his case about something and he was taking it out on me. ‘After that, all of a sudden it’s Squirrel. Can you believe that? ‘Squirrel this,’ and ‘Squirrel that.’ ‘Hey, man, I got me some SQUIRREL this weekend.” Shaking his head. ‘If you got a look up a chick’s...
Alessandra feels fond of her freshly found friend, the elderly erotically experienced gyno, whom she frequently visits.Alessandra opens up to him. First foremost in sexual spirit. She would love to meet a tasty teen great girl like herself.Alessandra admits with a big blush she does pleasure herself often, imagining to make love to a lesbian like she feels.Alessandra says she is still a virgin, as she does not dare to insert her own fingers inside her soft silken pretty pussy.Alessandra can not...
The cool air rushed over him as he plunged into the darkness. This was Jake’s favorite time to run. The darkness heightened all of his senses and he felt like he was floating. As he glided through the side streets on his way to the waterfront, he could hear the traffic and people on the main street. To his surprise, he also heard a woman’s voice call out from one of the dark side alleys. He decided to angle over to investigate. As he rounded a corner, he saw three teenagers surrounding a...
Straight SexThe stories you are about to read take place in a world very much like our own. However, there are a few major differences. Every woman in the world has at least one fetish or sexual behavior that they are compelled to indulge in whenever given the opportunity. This urge manifests itself once a woman reaches sexual maturity around their 18th birthday, and persists for the rest of their lives. While some women do fight their own instincts, the urge is strong enough that it is considered...
FetishClarice felt the mattress dip beneath his weight when he returned to her later that night. She had been asleep for hours, but she opened her eyes now, waiting for him in the dark. She knew what he would want. It was always the same when he returned from a hunt with his blood up, adrenaline racing; there was something about the primal act of killing that returned him to his baser instincts. He would fuck her now, and her usually controlled lover would transform into a wild beast, driven to rut...
**This will be the end of this tale**Those 5 minutes felt like hours. I opened mom’s door to dim lights and my mom propped up sitting in the middle of her bed. She was wearing a black & red corset that could barely contain her breasts with tiny satin bikini panties. There were garters that attached to the corset and attached to black stockings. Her hair was done up. I didn’t think my cock could get any harder but it did. She lifted her arm and crooked her finger for me to come...
Dresses Aren't Bad By Margaret Jeanette Samantha Monroe sat in her office waiting for Leland Keyes to come by. He was president of the leading bank in town and she handled his investments. He wanted to diversify more. She was all prepared for him. She ran the major investment firm in town and ruled it with an iron fist. She took no guff from anyone. She was all business. She had finished today's Wall Street Journal and was up on just about every investment opportunity. ...
Cal was up earlier than normal for a vacation day and was in and out of the shower long before his parents woke. As he waited for the coffee to finish brewing, he wondered what the day would bring. He also thought about the dreams he had last night and hoped it was a premonition of things to come.In his dream, he was clad in the softest and silkiest lingerie imaginable. Cal saw himself in a black bra trimmed with delicate black lace and a garter belt that matched. The garter belt held up a pair...
CrossdressingKim & James StoryChapter 3A Day to Remember Tom told them OK, let's get started. I thought we would go to the same store the strippers and dancers go to. We can save the fancy stores for later. Off they went. The days adventure had begun.Kim, sitting in the back was rubbing her nipples hoping that Tom would notice. She could see him peeking at her thru the rear view mirror. Tom ask her, that feel good? Looks good from here. Glad to see you dressed comfortable today as it is supposed...
I took note that Evie said nothing at all about Daphne Bergendorf. She either had no opinion, or felt like an outsider despite how hard we worked to make her an equal in our relationship. We were pretty tired, so she might just have been feeling sleep coming on instead of keeping her opinion a secret from us. The new day brought new challenges. “Lord Terrance, we have a labor problem in Texas.” The phone call was unexpected. The General Manager of one of our manufacturing plants was...
This story dates back to 1990’s when I was doing my graduation in Delhi. Nisha , a gorgeous young lady was my table partner in all the practical classes. We were good friends and used to divulge all the secrets keeping nothing confidential between us. From the first day, I could not keep myself from oggling from her almost ‘D’ sized boobs which were very firmly shaped. In between the talks and the classes, I used to catch a glimpse of the pumpkins whenever opportunity permitted. Nisha used to...
Kimmy was only 12 years old. She lived with her mom and her older sister, Sarah, who was 22. She was a cute girl with long, wavy, brown hair, and bright blue eyes. Her breasts were just starting to develop, but she had a nice ass. All the boys at school like her for that. They were always talking about her, but she was never interested. Kimmy had been having strange feeling lately. A week ago, she caught herself staring at other girls. At night, when she was in bed, she would start to think...
"No, girls, you're not going out to help us trap the skeleton general," Fred Jones said, glaring at Velma and Daphne with their swollen bellies and milk filled breasts. "Shaggy, help me with this," Fred said, turning to his frightened friend as he watched the hall through the crack in the door. "Velma's almost nine months along and Daph's eight months along. At this point they can't even run. If they try their bellies and tits bouncing all over the place and they can't even follow...
Introduction: Rose and Tony are to be married. But Rose is in for a surprise on her wedding day! THIS STORY CONTAINS EXPLICIT CONTENT. It is fictional and does not depict real people or events. All characters are above the legal age of consent. Rose was all nerves as she pulled her stockings up and clipped them to her garter belt. Today was her big day. Today was the day she was to marry the love of her life. She sighed, her breathing shakey and her heart racing. She looked up at herself in...
If you read parts one and two you will recall this adventure took place before the seven taboo words had been defined. Coffee was perked and a pack of cigarettes was sold for less the today’s sales tax. Some things have not changed. “Look, I’ve got a paper to write,” I said in a rather harsh tone. It was true, I was behind on work in three out of four classes and did not have time to chat. The telephone was off limits to me on week nights. It had always been that way while Marcie lived...
Chapter 1 You woke up Friday morning before the alarm went off. You did not sleep much last night. Master didn’t touch you at all. Even on the nights that he doesn't use you for his pleasure he will usually rub your pussy or finger your ass before he falls off to sleep, getting you wet and wanting more. Master likes to tease you, to make you want him even more. Even when he teaches you how to be a good pet for him, he leaves you wanting more of the pain he inflicts on you. Your body aches as...
InterracialShe had a distinct voice. She had soft skin. She had pretty eyes. The college girl realized she was now a woman. It never ceased to surprise.Francesca “Fancy” Escobar was your regular bright college girl. She was studying law at the University of Texas-San Antonio. However, ever since that night at the bar, she’s been questioning herself. She actually liked the kiss.But she was drunk. She was looking at Jezebel’s boobs. But she was drunk. Was she bisexual? Did she like girls? She knew one...
BisexualChloe Quick “My pussy is ready for your dirty dick, Chloe!” Wendy said before me. I grinned at the sight of her perching on a desk, naked and spreading her thighs. She was a petite brunette with small and perky boobs. That made her like me. A member of the A Cup Titty Squad. She had a brown bush dripping with jizz. Some guy had nutted in her. Now she would get a futa’s dick in her. I advanced on her, my cock dirty from my girlfriend’s ass. Naughty Stacey was heading into the rest of the...
The small ad at the bottom of the sports page caught my eye. "E.D. Non evasive cure. No pills. Guaranteed results. Natural Cure. Call today for your free medical consultation. Dr. Wayne Webber, MD."I had heard of Viagra and the other so called miracle pills, but they all warned of possible serious side effects. At 50 years old, I was losing my stamina and was concerned for my wife's sake. I was willing to try just about anything, so I called and set up an appointment.I arrived at the clinic...
A week later, the patrol reported that, although the cleft was still blocked, the buttress camp was now accessible. Turin’s men began loading the heavy wagons, while he and Hagar checked off the items on their lists. Later that night he reported to David that he and the Tigers would be leaving at first light. David told him he would be report to the Prince in Putan, and then join him at the Pass the following day. He stood on the wall of the Fort as the first rays of the sun rose above the...
Pink Angel I saw her standing forlornly in the corner of the store, her price marked as "half-off", and I simply had to bring her home. She was a Christmas lawn ornament, a life-size announcing angel with trumpet ready to blow, lit up in pink in honor of breast cancer research. I put brought her home, and set her in my tiny front yard, and then went inside. I was all alone now, and felt desperate for company, so at the start or at the finish of every day, I found myself sitting on...
On a cold Sunday morning, I dropped my parents off at the airport. They where heading out west to visit family for two weeks, leaving me to care for the dogs and house. I had just turned twenty-one, and had never had this much freedom. The next day they couldn't reach me on my phone, and after a few hours started to worry. I had been sick a couple days before they left and had been to the hospital. They called their friend to check on me, and ensure I was ok. After two or three knocks and no...
Straight SexBernie's date was Gail from California. Bernie lived three states to her east and offered to pick her up in his private jet. She easily accepted. Their date was scheduled for Friday. She was to meet him in the airport lobby around three in the afternoon with her passport. He arrived at two. Gail was early and apprehensive. She showed up at two thirty. She said she didn't want to be late. They had an hour before flight time and ordered a drink at the bar while the pilot refueled the plane. Gail...
Straight SexAt that point Joseki made several charges. (your Grace please post your missive) Stephan did try to account for his actions in the face of these charges and aquitted himself well. But was unable to refute the sheer mass of physical evidence presented. He was found guilty of brining a cursed weapon into Avalon. This being the weapon he left in the then Captain Craven’s hand. He was sentenced to remove this Item in the same fashion. It was stuck in his hand and he grandly carried it off. We look...
December 16, 1994, Oguni, Yamagata Prefecture, Japan “And just how do you know that?” I asked with a smile. She smiled, flexed her hips, and tightened her muscles, “From Grandmother.” “Of course!” I grinned. “No, I’m not upset. I told Robert-san I fully expected that to happen. Specifically with Hideki, as that allows your son to become master of his great-grandfather’s school.” Sakurako nodded, “That is why I agreed to the match. Well, I haven’t yet. He will ask formally on Monday, after...
It all started when Mr. Burke told me he was moving and offered me some electronic gadgets he had in his garage. He invited me into his garage and showed me a few boxes of various electronic items. Mr. Burke knew that I have an interest in computers. "What's this Mr. Burke" and I held up a zip-lock bag containing several very small plastic micro-disks. It had lain on the top of a cardboard box of electronic items. "Ryan that is our new baby monitor cam, to check on the babysitter we had....
Kira Perez is super horny and she rubbing her clit on the pillow. She gets caught by her stepmom, Rachael Cavalli. Her stepmom is understanding the natural urges of a young woman. Rachael asks to see Kira’s cookie and decides to teach her how to rub her pussy. Rachael even gets her to scissor. The stepdad walks in on them and is shocked. Rachael sees a good opportunity to learn how to suck cock. Kira sucks Jmac massive dick. and even rides her stepdaddy until she comes. what a beautiful...
xmoviesforyouAmanda is my best friend's daughter. She's been staying with me for the last few months. Her mother passed away about a year ago. Her father started to drink and went into severe depression. Later, he had to be hospitalized for the nervous breakdown that he suffered. He didn't have any family that could watch Amanda. I told him I would be happy to take care of her in his absence. Amanda is eighteen. She’s quite a handful. She loves boys and I think she probably has had sexual intercourse...