(This story is the follow-up to the three part
'Majorette' series.)
By Lynn LeFey
Chapter 1: Out of Sorts
Brandon Shay sat in front of a computer, staring
at articles for the school newspaper. His eyes
were tired, and he simply couldn't bring his
mind to focus on the task at hand. He ran his
fingers through his black hair, laced them
behind his head, and leaned back in the creaky
office chair. He stared at the acoustic tiles of the
drop ceiling.
He had the unfortunate task of editing an article
on a double homicide of two students. In the last
four months, three students had died at Marshal
High, the latest being Mike Mazzy's suicide. At
least there was the positive effect of that
tragedy, in that the school now had a GSA... a
Gay/Straight Alliance, support group for the
Gay/Bi/Lesbian/Trans youth of the school.
The irony was not wasted on him that of the two
students who'd been murdered at the beginning
of the year, Andrea Thomas was an open
lesbian, and the other, Michael Dickinson, was
widely considered gay by classmates.
Investigation so far hadn't revealed any link
between the homicide and their sexual
orientation, though.
He had attended the first two meetings of the
GSA. It did nothing for him, and he found that
his only interest in going was possibly finding
some cute guy to hit on. That made him feel a
little sick, so he simply decided not to attend.
He was stuck doing circles in his head,
remembering one night with a very special
young man. Sure, it had just been pizza and
making out, but it had been magic. Brandon
hated to admit that he'd waited for months to
work up the courage to ask Glen out, only to
have him stolen away by... that girl.
Glen hadn't turned hetero or anything. He'd
done something much worse. He'd managed to
go through gender reassignment. God, how that
ate at Brandon; to finally work up the courage to
ask out this cute guy, then have him transition
two days later!
Since then, Brandon knew he'd been in a pretty
heavy funk, and nothing had pulled him out of
He finally got up and left the journalism room,
headed to his locker, and got his pool stuff. He
walked down to the first floor, across the
courtyard to the gym, and into the locker room.
There were other guys in the room, getting
ready to use the pool, or coming in from football
practice. Keith Patterson walked out of the
showers, giving Brandon the evil eye.
"Keep your eyes to yourself, Brandon," he said
in sour tones.
"Oh, fuck off Keith. I'm looking for a REAL
man," he threw back saucily.
"Fucking queer!" the football player returned.
"What the hell is with you? You hung out with
Mike for years! It's shit like what you're saying
that made him kill himself. Do you feel good
about that?" Brandon was getting pissed.
"Better dead than a cock sucking faggot!" Keith
took a few steps forward menacingly.
"Hey, shit-head, do you remember what
happened to your last target? Do you really want
me to call Gloria down here to wipe up the floor
with you?" Brandon wanted to be mad, but the
cowed look on Keith's face was too amusing.
Gloria. Damn...
Brandon slid into his Speedos, strapped his
goggles around his head and walked off to the
pool. There was no swim practice this evening,
but sometimes Brandon just swam to work off
frustration. Being in the water, feeling it move
across his skin, was one of the few joys in his
He moved to a starting block, and dunked his
goggles. He drained the water and placed them
over his eyes, pushing until they were stuck in
place with suction. His graceful fluid form dove
into the water with a minimum of splash. He cut
through the water smoothly, fluttering his legs
behind him. When he finally broke the surface,
he started into a breaststroke, taking care to
keep good form. He swam sixteen laps before
climbing out of the water. He swept his hair
back and pulled off his goggles, heading back to
the locker room.
He showered, never looking at the other folks in
the open shower with him. He just didn't feel
like scoping anyone out. Then he dressed and
headed over to the gym. The cheerleaders were
just finishing. He watched Lisa Cross as she
packed her pom-poms into a duffel bag.
"Hey Lisa!" he yelled, waiving.
"Hey cutie! What's shakin'?" she asked, her
normal exuberant self.
"Nadda. Just did some laps. My head's all
messed up, and I can't stop thinking about...
well, about all sorts of stuff. The three kids that
died... Glen and Gloria," he admitted.
"I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news,
Brandon, but Glen is not coming back. You
know Gloria's much happier now, even with the
complications of FSHA." She looked him in the
eye, both sympathetic and resolute.
"Yeah... how's that going for you guys? I
haven't gotten much time to talk to any of you
'Fab Five' since the Future Super-Heroes of
America group got it's sponsorship. I did get to
proof the group picture for the yearbook
though," he said with a twinge of sadness to his
"Feeling left out?" she asked sympathetically.
"No," he insisted.
Lisa just looked at him, knowing better.
"Okay. I thought it was kind of cool being in on
the 'Burner' action... not that I would have
wanted all the shooting. But since then, you're
all so busy, and so secretive." Brandon walked
out of the gym with Lisa, into the cold air of
early winter.
Dead leaves rustled, and the sun was already
setting. Brandon felt the biting cold, and zipped
up his jacket all the way. Lisa wrapped her arms
around herself, and tried not to freeze in her
short skirt.
"Where's Laura?" he finally asked, as he led her
to his waiting Corolla.
"Didn't you hear? She dropped off the squad,"
Lisa said.
"Why?" Brandon felt even more out of the
"She's..." Lisa stalled. "Crap. I'm not supposed
to talk about it, but she's been having
nightmares since she activated." Lisa looked
concerned as she spoke.
Brandon hit the power unlock button, and the
two got in the car simultaneously.
"Nightmares about what?" Brandon felt his
journalist instincts were kicking in.
"She's... She's been dreaming about, well,
Armageddon, or the apocalypse, some horrible
cataclysm. She thinks she's seeing the future.
Since she manifested as a precognitive... she's
just been, well, very depressed," she admitted.
"That sucks. Man... There are days when I
guess having a beneficial mutation would really
bite. At least one like that. How's your stuff
coming?" He continued his unintentional
"Pretty good. I mean, I'm a recessive, so I'm
never going to be a powerhouse, but with Ms.
Lynn's permission, Talon has us working once a
month with members of Golden Shield as
mentors. Stellar has been teaching me a lot, and
giving me lots of new ideas about creative ways
to use my powers." She brightened at the turn of
the conversation.
"Do you have a code name, or whatever?" he
asked, somewhat excited.
"Yeah, at least one for the time being. For now,
I'm going by 'Spectra'. It's not great, but it's
really hard to find a name that isn't already
taken," she said. "I even have a costume. It isn't
great either. It's a black bodysuit, with white
gloves and boots, and this thin white stripe
running up the right leg, splitting to a prism
across the belly, and rejoining to a white stripe
as it goes over the left shoulder. Again, not
great, but it'll do for now."
"Oh, man. Don't tell me they got Gerald into
spandex!" Brandon laughed.
"Nope. He wears black pants, a gray pullover
shirt, a black trenchcoat, and combat boots. He
did take your name 'Fade' though," Lisa
informed him.
Brandon looked a little cheerful about this.
"Well, at least I got to contribute something," he
"Bray... is there anything I can do to cheer you
up? I mean, we haven't been out dancing in a
while. Would that help bring you out of your
funk?" she offered.
"Wow... That would be great. Do you have
much homework this evening?" he asked with a
glimmer of hope.
"Maybe half an hour's worth. Let me check with
the 'rents, to see if it's cool to go out tonight.
How 'bout you?" she returned.
"I'm good. Mom's out of town for the week, and
all my work is clear. I've taken a light load this
year to make time for the newspaper." he
"Coolie. Hang on then." She flipped open a cell
phone to call home.
Chapter 2: Student and Teacher
Alicia Lynn sorted through CDs. Her Aikido
class was over, and only her top student, Gloria
Camdon remained behind. Alicia was an
unassuming woman of average frame. Her dark
brown hair and brown eyes begged to be
ignored in a crowd. She seemed a nearly
indeterminable age, perhaps late twenties. The
only thing anyone ever found striking about her
was her presence. For those who knew her, there
was a palpable aura about her. She was the eye
of the storm. She was so very mellow and in
control, it simply radiated from her. This was
something that had attracted Gloria to her.
She reflected on recent events. It had only been
two months since Gloria manifested as a
paranormal. More accurately, it had only been
two months since Gloria had... well... been
She had to admit, while there was now a small
group of teens she worked with, Gloria was her
favorite. It was simply a matter of what they
shared in common, and perhaps what she might
provide for Gloria as a mentor.
"Gloria, I was wondering about something.
Since your manifestation, you have mastered
every kata I've shown you on the first walk
through. How do you do such a thing?" Alicia
looked at the teen intently.
"Ms. Lynn... I don't understand the question.
I've only followed what you've shown me,"
Gloria said, somewhat confused.
"I know. These are not the basic stances that I've
shown you. The Tai Chi and Aikido kata
sometimes run many minutes in length. You
simply see it once and step through it. Most
people have to train their bodies to move
correctly in such lengthy, complex
movements... For instance... where did you
learn gymnastics? The first night you
manifested, you were out on the field doing full
tumble routines," Ms. Lynn questioned.
"What? I just do." Gloria broke out laughing. "I
guess I never thought about it. When I'm in
uniform, I just act on reflex. It never occurred to
me that I probably never actually learned how to
do the maneuvers." She still giggled.
"Lord...," Alicia thought, "How nice it would
be to feel that alive again."
She allowed a soft smile at Gloria's own self-
"Well... I have something of a theory on that...
and I thought I'd skip the standard work tonight,
and replace it with something totally different,"
Ms. Lynn said. She walked into the locker room
with Gloria.
Alicia showered, and was drying off when
Gloria walked out of her shower stall. She
rounded a row of lockers where she froze as if
in shock when she saw Ms. Lynn, suddenly
diverting her eyes and turning bright red.
Alicia had never seen such a strong reaction
from any youth at the site of an adult nude. She
stopped for a moment pondering the cause.
"Oh, God... Ms. Lynn... I'm sorry..." Gloria
"Gloria, dear. You're a girl now. You don't have
to feel embarrassed being in here."
Alicia thought she understood the source of
Gloria's feelings. Until a few months ago, Gloria
had been named Glen. Gloria's upraising likely
never exposed her to nude female adults. Ms.
Lynn thought how uncomfortable that must
have been for Glen... always sharing locker
rooms and shower bays with what was basically
the opposite gender... and now to have to
readjust to life in her new role as a young
Gloria finally got control of herself, now feeling
ashamed of her initial embarrassment.
"Ms. Lynn, I'm really sorry, I'm all weird now.
God... everything's just changed so quickly. I
mean, you should see the looks I get when I
order something at a fast food joint. I still eat
like a guy. Not just like a guy, but that ravenous
growth-spurt kind of eating. My enhanced
metabolism just burns major amounts of energy.
So I'll be wolfing down like six burgers, and
then realize how wrong it looks. I weigh 125.
I'm a size 8. And my dad and I were throwing a
bunch of stuff out from my old room, and at one
point he just got up and left. He walked outside
and when I went after him... my mom told me
to just give him some breathing room." Gloria
had just burst some emotional valve, Alicia
"You've had a radical change in your life. Any
such disturbance is going to take time to
smooth. Meanwhile... Don't feel foolish. But I
would ask that you get dressed quickly. I have a
lot of stuff I'd like to cover this evening."
They took their separate cars to Ms. Lynn's
place, a small ranch style home in the suburbs.
Alicia led Gloria through the modest home. The
d?cor seemed a mixture of oriental styles,
particularly with strong Japanese influence, very
simple and minimalist.
Toward the rear of the house was the second
bedroom, which was something of a tiny
entertainment room, with a TV and Game
system. Alicia had a DVD in hand, and stuck it
in the extended tray. The menu opened up, and
Gloria realized the DVD had been home made.
It seemed to have lists of names and titles.
Alicia just sat down on the futon, and hit play.
Gloria joined her there. The two ladies watched
snippets from nearly a dozen martial arts
movies. Alicia had particularly selected movies
where the performers intertwined gymnastic
abilities with strong, functional martial arts.
During the clips, Alicia would occasionally
explain to Gloria what to look for, and what
mistakes to avoid. It would take Alicia a while
to make another DVD from footage of
paranormal martial artists in combat. Such
footage was rare, and brief at best. The average
paranormal conflict was only about thirty
seconds long. The odds of catching it on tape
were slim.
She finally put on one of Jackie Chan's films,
and just let it play. She leaned back in the futon
and squished against a big pillow. Her legs were
stretched out on a coffee table. As the film
rolled, Gloria eventually lay down on the futon,
with her head in Alicia's lap.
There was some feeling in her that angered old
wounds. She petted Gloria's hair, trying to hold
back pain.
"What's wrong?" Gloria asked. Alicia knew that
Gloria could hear fluctuations in her heartbeat
and breathing. The young lady had incredible
sensory acuity.
"Just a painful old memory. I had a... younger
sister. She died in a car accident when I was
maybe nineteen. She used to lie against my leg
like this. But please... don't move... not yet,"
Alicia stated, in a very controlled voice.
Gloria stayed where she was, content to play
some role in Alicia's life, beyond student. So
many things had happened in the recent past,
and Alicia Lynn had been an anchor for her in
that time. She felt honored that Alicia had
shown the first glimpse of what laid beneath the
placid surface.
Chapter 3: Changing Direction
Gerald Johnson walked from his job at Fast-
Burger to his meager efficiency apartment. As
he circled the building toward the back, where
his door awaited, he caught a glimpse of a man
sitting on his step. He reached into his trench
coat, and grasped a min-mag flashlight.
He was about to yell at the man to tell him to get
off his steps, when he realized the visitor was no
vagrant or random wanderer. He wore an
unassuming suit, and had a short haircut. Gerald
took him for some government type.
"Gerald Johnson?" the man asked as Gerald
"Yeah, that's me. Who are you supposed to be?"
Gerald asked calmly.
"I'm Agent Miller of the Central Intelligence
Agency. I'm here to talk to you about your
future." he stated flatly, showing an ID.
"Let me get this right... you want ME to work
for the CIA? I find that somewhat amusing. I
mean, you ARE aware of my criminal record,
right? I'm also assuming there are a handful of
psychological defects clearly visible in all the
psych tests I've been asked to take," Gerald said
in a bitter tone.
"We at the agency are very much aware of your
past, Mr. Johnson. You might be surprised to
hear that you are quite balanced and healthy
mentally, especially considering your home
environment. You have a unique gift, Mr.
Johnson. We would like you to put it to work
for the good of your country. I assume it would
pay more than what you make at Fast-Burger,"
the agent returned.
"How does this work, with my involvement in
FSHA?" Gerald asked, pulling a note pad and
pencil from his coat pocket. He gestured for the
ID the agent had flashed, and began writing
down the information from it. The agent gave a
look of surprise and pleasure.
"Talon is quite aware of our wishing to recruit
you. You can't really join legally until you are
an adult, but we can get the ball rolling now.
Please, don't take my word for it. Here's my
card. Contact me after your next FSHA meeting,
when you've had time to verify all this." Agent
Miller stood up, stretching a little. He nodded
and walked off to the plain unassuming sedan
parked on the street.
Gerald stood for a moment, looking at the card,
and watching the man drive off. He fished in his
pockets for his keys, opened the door to his tiny
home, and entered.
Chapter 4: Enthralled
"Well, you've just got to see him for yourself.
He is the hottest piece of man-flesh walking."
Lisa almost drooled.
She and Brandon drove to 'The BIG City',
Columbus. Zanesville didn't have any good
dance clubs, especially ones where minors could
get in. Columbus however, had some decent
clubs where on non-peak nights, they had all
age's shows. Tuesdays. Ya gotta love 'em!
Brandon wore tight leather pants, with a long
sleeve fishnet shirt. He was tricked out in Goth
makeup, and had spiked his hair slightly. Best of
all, he had pale blue contacts that reacted under
black light, making his eyes glow. Lisa thought
he looked cute, even with black lipstick. God,
sometimes she wished he was straight. He had
the tightest body! She almost laughed at herself.
She wore knee-high black vinyl boots with 4"
platform heels and chrome bindings. With it she
had a black vinyl miniskirt. Her top was an open
midriff magenta number. It was an off the
shoulder style with long sleeves. She also wore
a magenta wig. She accentuated the outfit with
chain suspenders, belt and bracelet.
The two found a reasonably good parking spot,
and trotted quickly from the warm car to the
club. Once inside, they would be warm enough,
but club-wear was not made to insulate against
the winter.
Lisa led the way into the dark dance club. The
band hadn't yet taken stage, and the dance music
was still going. Strobes flashed, and lights spun,
as the music thumped. It was a dance mix, with
a techno flair. The place had a good crowd, but
was far from packed. The two danced through
four numbers before getting sodas.
Brandon eventually noticed a man at the end of
the bar, looking very out of place in a business
suit. He held what looked like a palmtop
computer, staring at it intently. Probably some
idiot yuppy out for a drink, he thought.
Brandon scanned the room for any hot guys
throwing off the vibe. There were two
androgynous Gothy boys that he approached.
Unfortunately, on closer evaluation, they were
both with girls, and not in the way that he was
with Lisa. He caught site of his friend making
her way through the crowd. It seemed she had
several guys hitting on her. He smiled, with
mixed feelings about her success. He was happy
for her success, but it pissed him off that his
odds of finding someone were slim unless he
was in a gay bar, or some other gay-friendly
establishment. Maybe he could talk her into
going to a coffee shop he knew after the show.
There was this great place where all the cute gay
boys hung out. Mmmm.
He was in the middle of explaining his contacts
to some girl when he noticed the crowd had
gone from being comfortable to being a crush.
People were packing in now. Moreover, it didn't
take him long to see that most of the crowd that
congregated were girls. Just what he needed...
more competition!
The lights on the dance floor stopped their
twirling and the music faded. On the front stage
the ancient looking, tattered curtains parted
revealing mist. A techno beat came from a
synthesizer, followed by a screaming guitar, and
suddenly, the lights spotted the stage, revealing
what Brandon had to agree was the hottest piece
of man-flesh walking. The thin yet muscular
form of the lead singer was very clear. He wore
only a skintight black tank top, and pants that
appeared to be literally painted-on latex.
The rhythmic bouncing of the patrons stopped.
They stood enthralled by the performance. He
had never felt the kind of want he felt for the
singer. He could barely concentrate on the
music over the strong images in his mind of
ravaging that perfect body. He wanted to lick
every square inch of him. He wanted to do a lot
more than that!
Had Brandon not been so caught up in his own
fantasies, he might have noticed the man from
the bar move in behind Lisa, give a hand gesture
to the stage, then move away.
Brandon wasn't sure how long the music went
on, but when the curtains finally closed, he had
the distinct feeling like some part of him was
dying. Maybe he'd gone too long without a
boyfriend, or maybe it was just the growing
urges of puberty, but he wanted that man like
nothing he'd ever wanted in his life. It almost
made him salivate.
Brandon blinked, trying hard to refocus, and
realized he was incredibly thirsty. He looked
around for Lisa, finally seeing a glimpse of her
as she stepped through a side door out of the
main dance room. He slid through the crowd,
squirming through the tight mob of bodies.
Several girls in the crowd made pleasant squeals
as he brushed past them. If he were straight, he'd
be getting some for sure, he thought to himself.
He finally broke out of the crowd, near the door.
It was marked with a single word, 'Private'.
The hell with that! Lisa wasn't going to get a
face to face meeting with that Sex God without
him! He pushed against the door and quietly
stepped through into the short, dark hallway. At
the far end, he could see dim light leaking from
under a door. Faint voices could be heard.
"She'll have to do for now," one voice said.
"She doesn't even break 2.7," a sensual male
voice replied.
"You know this should fix that problem," the
first argued.
"I'd rather not even disturb him, just for this,"
the sexy voice again replied.
Brandon knew they were talking about Lisa, but
didn't understand what they were going on
about. He had a sick feeling that they were
talking about using her as some kind of sex
slave. He reached into his boot and retrieved a
butterfly knife. Any smart gay boy knows better
than to go out clubbing unarmed. He kicked
through the door dramatically, flicking open the
knife as menacingly as he could.
Inside was the man that he'd seen at the bar, the
lead singer guy, and Lisa. On seeing the lead
singer, Brandon was again nearly paralyzed
with the feeling of want. He stood for a
moment, transfixed, then snapped out of it.
"Let her go!" he demanded of the man holding
Lisa. The man simply held up both hands,
showing how he was in no way restraining her.
Brandon turned his angry gaze on the young
singer. He felt his heart flutter.
"Are you a friend of the young lady? We were
just talking with her. She seemed to enjoy the
show. I like talking to my fans. She's seen the
band before. How 'bout you?"
The purity of the blue in his eyes made Brandon
tingle. He blushed in response to this man
speaking to him. It was like being recognized by
the Gods.
"Umm... Yeah. You were SO hot out there,"
Brandon found himself admitting.
The sexy man held an odd look for a split
second, then smiled deviously and stepped
toward Brandon. He gently removed the knife
from his hand and set it on a nearby table. He
pressed lightly against Brandon, inches from his
"People call me Eros. What should I call you?"
he asked, locking gazes with Brandon.
"I'm Brandon. Brandon Shay," he said, in a
breathy whisper. Eros threw a glance at the
other man in the room, who began typing
quickly on the palmtop computer.
"And this is your friend, Lisa?" he asked in a
soft, comforting tone.
"Oh-huh." Brandon found himself feeling all
coy, and bit his lower lip.
"Please, won't the two of you have a seat?" Eros
offered. Lisa and Brandon both sat on the
comfortable, if somewhat ratty sofa.
"Eros. This girl is FSHA in Z-town. And the
boy... well, here, take a look," the suit said,
handing over the computer.
"Well, we can't use her then. It'd get back to
Golden Shield. What about HIM?" Eros
motioned over his shoulder to Brandon.
"With the correct modifications...," the suited
man said, looking squarely at Eros.
"Okay then, let's see what we can arrange.
Brandon, do you want me?" Eros asked, point-
"Yes, more than anything." Brandon found
himself again admitting honestly.
"Well... I have to be honest with you. I'm not a
boy-on-boy kind of guy, but we could, you
know, give you a little change that would make
you much more appealing to me. And for that,
all we want is one little favor from you. What
do you say?" Eros smirked snidely over his
"Anything. Anything you want." Brandon spoke
the words, but somewhere in the back of his
mind, he could hear warning bells going off.
What 'little change'? Please God, not a Gloria
Camdon little change.
In his head, he could feel a barrier crumble.
No... NO! He wasn't sure how, but he'd been
messed with. This guy was using some old Jedi
mind-trick on him. More accurately, he was
being led around by his dick. Still, try as he
might, while he could think such things, he
found it difficult to articulate them, and
especially difficult to displease the master
before him.
"Great. Lisa, it's time for you to go. Here hon,
have my latest CD. You go dance and have fun.
Brandon and I have some talking to do." He
patted Lisa's shoulder and kissed her cheek on
her way out."
"I... I can't let you do this to me...," Brandon
Eros looked a bit surprised.
"Wow. You broke my thrall. That's rare. It
doesn't really matter. We need an... assistant,
and time is running out. You are going to do
something for us. If not, we will get your cute
friend in there to do it for us."
"And what if we don't?" Brandon managed a
spark of defiance.
"Oh, she WILL do it, trust me. I have her
completely. Tell me, what was it that shocked
you out of the hold? It had to be something
pretty major," Eros chatted lightly.
"I will never submit to being turned into a
female. Let's say I have fresh wounds
concerning that." Brandon locked a cold gaze at
his captor.
"Leon... how much longer for the rewrite
codes?" Eros looked at the man in the suit.
Leon in turn looked at the palm-top.
"Two minutes. We need a base for a T-splice.
That's the big guy's orders," he said flatly.
"Be right back..." Eros smiled and walked out
of the room. Leon casually slid a small
automatic pistol from his jacket, and began to
attach what looked like a silencer to the muzzle.
"How 'bout you just stay cool while he does his
business?" Leon looked Brandon in the eyes.
Eros returned, handing a few strands of hair to
Leon, who walked to a laptop computer on a
desk in the corner. He stuffed the hairs into a
small peripheral device, and pressed a button.
"Make sure you correct Dom before you create
the T-splice with that. No sense in getting a
lackey that doesn't even rate 3," Eros reminded
his associate.
"Way ahead of you, kid. Well... that's it. Here
we go." Leon watched as the small piece of
hardware attached to the laptop dripped saline
solution into a vacuum tube.
He shook the contents, and loaded the vial into
an airgun. With a pistol in one hand, and the
injector in the other, he moved to Brandon. A
moment of pain, like a bee sting, was all
Brandon felt.
"There you go. Now that wasn't so bad, was it?"
Eros spoke like a nurse at a children's hospital.
"Now, we expect you back here tomorrow night
at 7PM sharp. We have work to do, dear boy."
Eros touched Brandon's cheek lightly, and
gestured to the exit.
Once Brandon left, Eros typed on the keyboard,
and opened a telecom window.
"Did you inject the virus as ordered?" The voice
came from the small speakers of the laptop.
Even with the small source, the voice was deep
and menacing.
"Sure did. We also hit the other subject with the
airborne change you requested. We won't know
if those changes took hold unless we tail her."
Eros rattled off quickly.
"Don't worry. I'm sure it will work." The voice
"God, I love that band. What did you think?
Wasn't that guy the sexiest man alive?" Lisa
raved as she drove.
"Yes, I must admit he was one sexy mofo.
Could you turn on the headlights, please?"
Brandon held the passenger armrest in distress.
"Oh, thanks. With my eyes the way they are, I
sometimes forget that other folks can't see.
Sorry," she said sweetly.
"Well, it's also the law, you know," Brandon
returned nervously.
"I was kind of hoping that the trip to the club
would make you feel better. I mean, we even
got to meet the lead singer, and you still seem
all stressed out. What's wrong?" she grilled.
"Nothing. Don't worry about it," he said, feeling
miserable. She seemed to remember meeting
Eros, but didn't remember anything negative.
That disturbed Brandon deeply.
Brandon spent the whole car ride home waiting
for the crushing pain in his testes that Gloria had
described to him. He fought back tears, thinking
of turning into a girl. He hated the thought of it.
It scared the living hell out of him. He had no
idea what would happen when the rewrite virus
was complete.
Chapter 5: Moments of Transition
By the time Brandon got home, it was past mid-
night. The cold air ran a wicked chill through
him as he made his way into the house. He had
nearly convinced himself that none of the stuff
in the club's back room actually happened.
Almost, but he knew better.
They'd said they couldn't use Lisa, because
Golden Shield would find out. He wondered
what Eros' 'little favor' would be. He knew when
he found out he wasn't going to like it one bit.
He stripped for bed, and removed his Goth
makeup with cold cream. He realized he was
sweating profusely and felt sick and weak. It
was beginning. Whatever they'd injected him
with was starting its rewrite.
He crawled into bed and lay staring into the
darkness, waiting for the crushing pain of the
rewrite. Even through the stress and fear, he
eventually drifted off to sleep.
His alarm sounded at 6 AM, and Brandon
jumped into his normal morning routine. He was
in the shower before he realized what had
happened the night before. He checked himself
thoroughly, relieved to find no obvious change.
He breathed a deep sigh. He actually felt great.
As he made toast, he noticed the first odd
sensation. His hands had a shaky or numb
feeling to them. He rubbed his fingers against
his palms and went about eating breakfast. Most
of the way through his melted peanut butter on
toast sandwich, he felt the odd feeling creeping
all over him. He walked into the dark living
room, to sit down. His hand brushed the light
switch, and the lamp in the living room flicked
on. In the moment that its light flooded the
room, Brandon felt as though he was suddenly
compressed from all directions, and a bright
burst of light erupted. He fell flat on his butt,
blinking to get the spots from his eyes.
He felt very disoriented for a moment. He found
standing difficult, and the room was now at a
different perspective. He looked down at his
fingers. His hands looked different. Even
through his now-baggy shirt, he could see
bumps... unmistakable breasts. He turned to run
to the bathroom, and fell, tangled in the legs of
the pants, now too long for him. There on all
fours, Brandon burst into tears. It had happened.
He slowly regained his footing, moving
carefully to the bathroom to get a look at the
horror that awaited him. What he saw when he
looked in the mirror took a moment to
comprehend. He saw Lisa Cross looking at him.
She was wearing his cloths and had his haircut,
but it was definitely her. The sense that
someone was playing a practical joke lasted
only a moment. He was now an exact duplicate
of her.
He thought back. Something about a T-splice.
Eros had walked off, coming back with strands
of hair. It must have been from Lisa. They had
somehow inserted her entire genome into his
own. He looked at his left arm, checking for a
scar Lisa had from childhood. It wasn't there.
He was not identical to her, only a genetic
duplicate. He slumped his petite cheerleader
body against the wall. He wanted to cry, but he
felt numb.
His brain wanted to refuse the reality of his
situation. He felt trapped. His thoughts whirled,
trying to find a way out of this mess. He wanted
to be anywhere but here, atop a reclusive
mountain, away from the rest of the world.
His mind visualized the place, a beautiful peak
in the Rockies. There was another burst of light.
The world blurred, and when his head finally
cleared, he stood in the bitter whipping wind,
looking down from a majestic mountain peak.
What the hell was going on? Had he really
transported here? The winter wind felt real
enough. His eyes drank in the light. He could
see a lodge some forty miles away, with the
perfect clarity that Lisa described. He tried to
concentrate, to focus his desire. The world
shifted again, and he stood at the steps of the
lodge. He could teleport!
Brandon thought for a moment. Lisa couldn't
teleport. Why could he? Maybe it wasn't
teleportation. Maybe it was something else. If
her powers were light based, and if she were
more powerful, she might be able to move at the
speed of light, somehow turning herself into a
burst of photons. Well then... He concentrated
on his home again. A blink of roads, signs, and
houses flashed before him, almost subliminally,
before he again reappeared in his living room.
He was exhausted. He felt a weird sensation
crawl over him, and watched the skin of his arm
as it darkened over a second or so to an utter
pitch black. He felt an odd hunger, and ran to
the bathroom, turning on all the lights. The heat
lamp over the shower was particularly
'nourishing'. He sat in the shower, drinking in
energy. In his exhaustion, he fell asleep.
Brandon woke up in the shower, cramped, stiff,
and disoriented. He pulled himself out of the
stall, and rolled his neck, hoping to work the
kink out of it. He glanced in the mirror.
Everything looked normal. He was a boy. He
was as certain as he could be that what he'd
remembered actually happened. This meant that
somewhere in his mind was a mental tripwire
that caused a transformation into his 'Lisa' form.
Somewhere else was one that turned him back.
He would definitely need to get those switches
under control.
He went back to the living room, this time not
reaching for the light. The light... His first
transformation had occurred after a radical light
shift. Something that simple could
spontaneously activate a paranormal? That was
He concentrated, fumbling in the dark recesses
of his mind for a mental switch. He thought
about light, lightswitches, fireworks, camera
Another burst of light flooded the room, and
Brandon knew from the sensation that he was
now in his 'Lisa' form. He felt horrible about the
theft of her identity. He needed another name
for it, himself in female form... whatever.
'Lisa'... 'L'. 'Elle?'
It'd do until something better came along. Elle
climbed from the couch, to go to his... her
computer. He (DAMMIT!) She got up to move,
and stopped. Something was going to have to be
done about the clothing issue. Not to mention,
there was still a simple function of the
paranormal power he/she needed to figure out.
Namely, how to transform back to Brandon.
Elle focused on her male form. Nothing. She
imagined a lightbulb burning out. She imagined
a void of darkness. Another burst of light filled
the living room. Brandon felt his normal body.
He sighed with great relief. He could live with
being in a female form, assuming he had the
option to return to his normal body at will.
Maybe this wouldn't suck nearly so bad as he'd
He concentrated, and instantly returned to being
Elle. She furrowed her brow, focusing, and
again transformed. Okay, enough with flicking
that switch. Brandon felt comfortable that it was
now under his conscious control.
Next? Clothes for the Elle form. He was getting
a rug burn from the jeans he wore as he
switched body sizes. He wouldn't need much.
He didn't intend on spending much time in the
femme form. Not at all, if he could help it.
He went to his computer, and booted it up.
Glancing at his watch, he realized he was late
for school. Shit!
He hastily dialed the office of the school.
"Marshal High. This is Miss Brooks. May I help
you?" the pleasant voice answered.
"Miss Brooks, this is Brandon Shay. I'm ill and
can't make it in today," he said, trying to sound
as under the weather as possible.
"All right dear. You get well, and hopefully
we'll see you tomorrow. I'll pass this on to
attendance," Ms. Brooks said in her professional
Well, there went the year's perfect attendance
record! He sighed, realizing that an attendance
record seemed a silly thing to worry about on
the morning you wake up with paranormal
He turned to the computer, and began searching
the internet for places that created costumes for
paranormals. He knew they existed. It took
about ten minutes of filtering out porn sites to
find a legitimate costume maker. They offered a
wide variety of styles, custom made, with
various kinds of material available. Brandon
realized between superheroes, professional
wrestlers, rock stars, and fetishists, there was a
HUGE demand for this kind of business.
Lisa wore size six shoes, he was pretty sure. She
was a ... he thought she was a size six in
clothing as well. He typed information onto the
screen, selecting options. The basic outfit in
spandex, with any choice of color scheme was
four hundred dollars, not including accessories.
Not bad. He had about a thousand in savings.
He could get a couple extra niceties. For an
extra two hundred, a costume could be made
that would fit a person of variable size, up to an
He finally considered what he knew of Lisa's
powers, and what his would likely end up being.
It would be along the lines of the
electromagnetic spectrum. Thinking about Lisa's
description of the defracted lightbeam, Brandon
decided to create a costume with the entire
spectrum radiating from a central point. He also
selected an extra item, a set of mirror finish
wrap-around sunglasses, with a special coating
that made them split light like a CD. Depending
on the angle you saw them at, they could reflect
any color. He was happy with the outfit, and
Now for the name... He went through an online
database of hero names, sorting through the
massive list. Lisa was right. Every good name
for light effects was already taken. The best
Brandon could think of was 'Footcandle', a name
certain to get him laughed out of the paranormal
Then he changed his thinking strategy. Eros...
wasn't that a name from mythology? He pulled
out his book on Greek Mythology by Edith
Eros, see Cupid....
The first reference under Cupid was on page 38,
'The Lesser Gods of Olympus'....
"In the early accounts Eros was not Aphrodite's
son, but merely her occasional companion. In
the later poets he was her son and almost
invariably a mischievous, naughty boy, or
worse. 'Evil his heart, but honey-sweet his
tongue. No truth in him, the rogue. He is cruel
in his play'." Brandon laughed. The guy had
picked his name well.
His eyes caught the word 'rainbow' on the
opposing page. He read the passage...
"Iris was the Goddess of the Rainbow and a
messenger of the gods, in the Iliad the only
messenger. Hermes appears first in that capacity
in the Odyssey, but he does not take Iris' place.
Now the one, now the other is called upon by
the gods."
Brandon closed the book, sliding it back on the
shelf. He was more than satisfied. He typed in
the name 'Iris' in the hero name database. No
entries found. Out of sick curiosity, he tried
'Aphrodite'. Three entries appeared. The first
Aphrodite was a member of an organization
back in the forties in Detroit. The second one
died eight years ago. She'd been a member of a
European group. The third was a secure record,
posted a few months ago. The date of the entry
seemed familiar.
He closed his eyes, letting his brain relax. His
eyes snapped back open, and he typed furiously,
checking an article in the local newspapers'
online archive. "Felon suspects, 'Vandals' taken
into custody". It was filed the same night
Majorette made her debut. The girl that was
captured must be going by the name of
Aphrodite. The record was probably sealed
pending trial, or because she was a legal minor.
Damn, if only Brandon knew a hacker. Alas, he
didn't. He was sure one of the 'Fab Five' knew
someone at Golden Shield with that kind of
If he had someone to bounce ideas off of, he
might be able to come up with something.
Unfortunately, the brightest guy he knew was
another of the FSHAkids, Steve Andrews.
Where did that leave him?
He dropped the line of thought. He added one
last detail to the costume order. Along with the
full spectrum color fade, he placed a black spot
at the center of the spread, which would radiate
from the left breast, over the heart, then sent in
the order for the costume. He took a brief
moment, basking in his own clever thinking.
The black spot represented the pupil of the eye,
which was surrounded by an iris. He spent an
extra fifty on express service. It would be ready
in two hours. Nice. He took note of the address.
It was in Cleveland. He started to panic, then
remembered long distance travel was no longer
a problem.
Lisa Cross woke up feeling utterly like hell
warmed up. She lay on her side, staring into the
pitch darkness. At first, this didn't bother her,
but soon she began to distress. She was NEVER
in total darkness. Since puberty, her eyesight
had been so acute that she could read a book by
starlight. Once she was taken into a cavern,
where not even UV light fell. Even in the
absence of that, she could see the infrared
radiated by the other people on the tour. She
could even see nuances of air temperature.
This was the first time in more than five years
that she saw nothing. She waited, and realized
she actually could see the faintest hints of light.
She felt along the edge of her bed, across the
wall, and found the lightswitch. When she
flicked it on, she suddenly felt a screaming pain
behind her eyes, as they tried to adjust to the
She had a brief moment of panic. What had
happened? Her eyes painfully adjusted, and Lisa
realized her beneficial mutation had shut down.
It had taken her more than a year to get used to
the changes the first time. Now, having that part
of her taken away was like having a limb cut
Something weird was going on. Maybe she was
just sick, and her body shut down her abilities to
conserve energy or something. She went on with
her morning routine, without her normal perky
As she worked with her hair and makeup, she
felt a sharp pain in her head. The room seemed
to brighten for a moment. It seemed that for a
second, she could hear echoes in her mind.
Another mental voice fought for space. The
effect lasted only a moment, and finally,
everything seemed normal again. As normal as
things ever get for a seventeen-year-old
activated paranormal.
She focused for a moment, and a burst of light
popped a few feet from her vanity. She smiled
and relaxed. Things were all right. She wouldn't
have to explain anything this evening at the
FSHA meeting.
Chapter 6: Marshal High
Keith Patterson sat in study hall staring at his
hands. He was mad. He'd been mad for months.
His best friend was dead. That had been like a
kick in the head to him. Mike Mazzy had been
just amazing amounts of fun. The two had gone
to ball games together since they were in the
third grade. He missed his friend.
He knew the note Mike left was not bullshit. He
knew Mike had been hiding something. He had
no idea that it was being gay. The two of them
used to torment a couple of the fruity kids
mercilessly. Keith had done it just for fun, but
Mike had some real issue with these kids. Eric
Kingsley said that Mike had put some moves on
him the night before he killed himself.
Keith just felt his anger rising. He couldn't let
the pain out. He wanted to cry, but that just
made him angrier. He wanted Mike back, fag or
not. Keith didn't really care what someone did,
as long as they didn't mess with him.
The thing that made him most pissed was the
way he'd acted last night after football practice.
He'd snapped at Brandon, pulling the fag card
again. Now he sat pondering the reaction to
such abuse. Would Brandon flip and kill himself
as well? Keith felt sick with guilt, wondering if
he'd contributed to another person's death.
He finally excused himself, and headed for the
office. He needed to talk to a guidance
councilor. This would be a first.
On his way, he walked past a study room. Inside
he caught a glimpse of Gloria Camdon and Lisa
Cross. He stopped in his tracks. He stood there,
unable to move. He knew he should go talk to
Gloria. Guilt weighed heavily on him, but his
feet wouldn't respond.
Gloria walked to the door, opening it wide, and
looked at Keith standing there. He expected
something harsh to come out of her mouth.
"Is everything all right, Keith?" She asked. She
seemed genuinely concerned. He couldn't speak.
His heart was pounding in his chest.
"Gloria...," he began, not knowing how to
"Yes, Keith?" She watched him as he nearly
broke out sweating.
"Look... I'm sorry for all the shit I put you
through when you were Glen." He looked at the
floor. "I've been really bummed out since Mike
died, and I guess... I kind of feel responsible for
it, in a way." He managed to look up, meeting
Gloria's eyes.
"Come in here and sit down," Gloria said softly,
gesturing into the room.
He dropped his books on the table, and sat next
to Lisa. She sniffled slightly, and wiped her
nose, watching him with a perplexed expression
on her face. She was still feeling a bit sick.
"Did you come all the way from whatever class
you were in to tell me that?" Gloria asked,
equally perplexed.
"No. I ran into Brandon Shay last night in the
locker room. I started giving him shit about
being gay. It was reflex. Now... I'm sitting here
thinking he might do what Mike did. I was
headed for the office. I just needed to talk to
someone. Then, I saw you. I needed to... I
needed to tell you how sorry I am for all the shit
I've given you in the last three years," he spoke.
"I guess that's everything... " He stood up,
looking at the two girls, and headed down the
hall toward the office. Gloria sat dumbfounded.
Lisa wiped at her runny nose, and smiled.
"Bet you didn't see that coming!" she said
Laura Sanders lay half asleep at her desk. It was
sixth period, and she felt utterly horrible. Along
with the insomnia she had suffered in the last
couple months, she was sure she was running a
fever now as well.
In her dream, she walked over rubble. The
buildings around her were broken and vacant.
As it often is in dreams, things were not the way
they normally were. She had been standing
downtown, and now, here in front of her was the
high school. The sun was setting, casting jagged
shadows from the broken building. She watched
the warm red glow of the setting sun.
Suddenly she could hear something echoing
from the ruins of the school, and without
warning, a swarm of bats burst out of a broken
window, creating a living cyclone. The high,
piercing screams grew to fevered pitch, and she
suddenly snapped back to the waking world.
"Shit," she said, louder than she intended.
Several other students looked at her with odd
expressions. A few were snickering. The teacher
watched her with disdain.
"Miss Sanders, it's bad enough that you sleep in
class, but these sorts of disturbance will not be
tolerated," he said with authority.
She ignored him, moving for the door. She felt
something very odd, like a mounting sense of
tension. It felt to her like reality was about to go
"Miss Sanders. Sit down!" Mr. Wilson
She pushed through the door, and retrieved her
cell phone. She took her eye off the vacant hall
long enough to hit the speed dial button for
Gloria's FSHA pager.
She reached the stair well and stopped. She
could feel an odd fear. The ghost of sounds from
her dream came back. The high pitched screech
of bats sent a shiver down her spine. Her nipples
grew erect from the chill, and the hair on the
back of her neck stood up.
Laura had only reacted precognitively to very
powerful emotional events while awake. Death,
birth, and massive levels of fear had triggered
her visions. This one... this one she didn't
She sprinted up the stairs to the third floor. As
she reached the landing, her phone rang.
"Yeah?" She managed through gasps.
"Lisa? This is Gloria. What's up?" Gloria asked,
in very trepidatious tones.
"I'm not sure. I have some..." Laura paused for
a breath. "Some kind of precognitive event
about to go. Come up to the third floor East,"
she finished. She stopped for a moment, trying
to listen over the sound of her own pounding
heart. The stairwell was definitely the location.
She glanced at her watch. It was mid-period.
Everyone should be in class. She dripped with
sweat from the exertion and from fever. What
the hell was going on?
As she stepped cautiously down the hall, she
neared the third floor men's room. It had no
door, but instead was designed with staggered
walls to block any view from outside. She heard
what sounded like someone throwing up inside.
The sounds continued for another few seconds
before Laura saw Gloria bolting down the hall
toward her. She'd worked with Gloria in
practice sessions for more than two months, and
still couldn't get over how fast the girl could
run, and how silent she was while doing it.
"Lisa's right behind me," Gloria said as she
trotted to a halt. "So, what's up?"
Gloria looked around, throwing her backpack on
the floor, and retrieving two "majorette" batons.
"I don't know. What does 'chiroptera' mean?"
Laura asked.
"I don't know. Why?" Gloria felt disturbed by
Laura's actions. She seemed almost in a fugue.
"The word is echoing in my mind," Laura said
in a far off voice.
A young man staggered from the restroom.
They both recognized him as Thomas McGuire.
He was in their fourth period Life Science class.
On the same day Laura had been determined to
have the Conrad Sequence, he had as well, but
his mutation had no potential for natural
activation. He looked feverish and was
"Tom... are you all right?" Gloria offered.
"I... don't...," he didn't finish.
He motioned like he was about to vomit, but
only coughed. His face was bright red. He
clinched his jaw.
"What... whatever it is, it hurts," he managed.
His legs finally buckled and he fell forward. His
hands seemed to seize up, and a scream of utter
agony escaped his lips. From the kneeling
position, he lifted a trembling hand, and
watched as his fingers began to elongate.
Lisa ran down the hall toward the scene.
"What's...?" she began, then stopped to watch
the horrific metamorphosis before them.
Tom's arms were shifting. The sound of the
bones transforming was clear to all of them. The
arms of his T-shirt began to rip as the skin under
his arm started pulling out into a membrane.
The fingers continued to extend, creating the
spars of a wing. Only his thumb remained
His next scream sent Gloria to her knees. The
sound included a hypersonic burst that felt like
it would make her teeth explode. Laura and Lisa
looked on in astonishment.
"He's activating," Laura finally realized.
"He has no activation potential. He CAN'T
activate!" Gloria shouted.
"Well then, what the fuck do you call that?"
Laura returned, pointing at the young man as his
ears began sliding up his head, and reshaping.
Tom pulled himself to his feet with his
misshapen arm. He looked at it in shock. He
opened his mouth slightly and wiggled his jaw
side to side. It felt so unreal to him. He ran his
tongue over his elongated canines.
"What the hell just happened," he managed
through his new fangs. Tom tore the worthless
remains of his shirt away, revealing the coarse
hair that had grown to cover his upper body.
The sound of his screech had attracted
onlookers from nearby classrooms. Several
students murmured and gasped.
Tom stretched one arm, now transformed into a
leathery wing.
"Oh God. What have I become?" he said in
shock. He wandered back into the men's room.
The students started to crowd about.
"Everybody get back in your classrooms
NOW!" Laura bellowed.
All three girls were surprised at the fact that
people actually listened.
From the men's room, they could hear the sobs,
and finally the scream. Gloria cringed again at
the piercing whistle embedded in the sound.
Without warning, the cinderblock wall closing
off view of the restroom exploded outward.
Reflexively, Lisa threw a hand up to block the
debris and a semicircle of light materialized.
The fragments bounced harmlessly off of the
shield. Tom waded through the rubble, looking
miserable, confused, and somewhat astonished,
as he brushed concrete dust from what now
passed for a fist.
Laura's attention was split between Tom, and
now Lisa. In their time together, Lisa had never
created an energy shield like that. Gloria
stepped out from behind the light barrier.
"Tom, calm down. I know that manifesting is a
hard time," she began.
"You turned into a female, not a freak! You
have NO IDEA how this feels!" He sprayed
spittle as he spoke.
He could see the other students watching him.
"God... my life is over," he said softly.
"Tom, come on. We can help you. Just stay
calm," Gloria tried to speak as soothingly as
She reached out to touch him.
"Shut up!" He screamed.
Tom whipped his deformed arm forward at
blinding speed, catching Gloria in the center of
the chest. The hit sent her hurtling into a row of
lockers. She caved into them, getting wedged
almost entirely inside one.
Tom felt total panic. He turned and looked at the
large window at the end of the hall. He took
several running steps, spread his new wings and
made several rapid beats, before folding them
again as he crashed through the window. Once
through, he reopened them and made a sharp
left turn out of sight.
From inside the locker, Gloria could still hear
his piercing whistles. Somewhere through the
throbbing pain, she was thinking he must have
Steven Andrews sat in a room just off the main
gym. He was working on a rowing machine. He
stared in boredom out the Plexiglas window at
the cute girls running laps on the track that
encircled the basketball court. The raised track
was just above hoop level, and from this
vantage point, he caught flashes of panties under
their jogging shorts. He had a really great
girlfriend, but he wasn't blind. He still liked to
He watched as they glided past. Along with the
particularly cute ones, there was a younger girl
that looked like she was having problems. She
was overweight, short, and pallid. Beyond that,
she seemed ill.
Steve stood up from the rowing machine and
walked into the short hall, leading into the gym.
He could hear the head female coach deriding
the young girl.
"I don't care if you're sick, you little butterball.
You obviously need the exercise, considering
how you're handling it. Suck it up and gut it out,
girl." Mrs. Valentine shouted.
Suddenly, Steve's pager went off. He pulled it
out, and read the text message. It just said "Main
Gym, now". It was from Laura. The group had
worked together enough to agree that anything
Laura said was not up for debate. She didn't
always understand her precognitive bursts, but
they were always accurate.
A moment later, Steve watched Gerald Johnson
materialize through the wall of the second floor.
He took position on the balcony, peering over
the railing. The second floor of the gym had
folding bleachers on two opposing sides, and
equipment rooms on a third. Steve stood on the
first floor under the bleachers. To his left, on the
second floor was Gerald, by the equipment
"Mr. Johnson. Get off my track." Mrs. Valentine
demanded in a drill sergeant tone.
Gerald held up his FSHA pager in one hand and
the middle finger of the other. He threw a glance
at Steve.
Steve held his hands up in the universal "I don't
have a damn clue what's going on" sign, then
pointed speculatively at the young girl on the far
side of the gym, second floor.
Gerald began walking in her direction. He didn't
have the cockiness he had only months ago.
Talon had shown him that his ghosting had
limitations, and even while intangible, there
were still ways to hurt him. He approached with
"Hey, girl. Are you all right?" Gerald asked very
"Yeah. I just have a stitch in my side. I think
maybe I'm sick." She looked up at Gerald.
He watched a strange sheen flicker over her. A
moment later he heard the ominous sound of
splintering concrete under both of them. Gerald
made a dive for the girl, hoping to grab her, and
ghost before either of them could be hurt.
Unfortunately, she fell like a rock through the
crumbling floor.
Steve watched as the entire underside of the
catwalk buckled and collapsed. Along with
twisted metal and chunks of concrete, the entire
folding bleacher tore from the wall and fell on
top of the wreckage. There was a rumble
through the entire building and deafening
screeches of mangling metal, crushing stone,
and splintering lumber. Gerald floated
gracefully down to floor level, landing just
beyond the pile as clouds of dust blew past.
The fire alarm sounded, and students made a
mad dash for every exit.
"Shit!" Steve yelled as he bolted for the fire
extinguisher. He then turned toward the pile of
debris, tossing the extinguisher to Fade. Steve
realized he was going into "hero" mode, even
referring to Gerald as Fade.
One young woman was pinned under a section
of the fallen bleachers. Steve felt the charge of
power revving up his spine. He pushed the
energy out his hands in a concentrated blast of
plasma sparks, shearing the wood easily. Gerald
followed up with a burst from the extinguisher,
ensuring nothing would ignite, then helped the
girl up as Steve looked for the little portly chick.
He knew she'd taken the full load of rubble on
her. He wasn't thrilled at the notion of what he'd
see when he did find her. The pile was so
massive, he didn't know where to start. Beyond
that, he was afraid any heat to metal would
conduct to the girl, and bake her alive, if she
even WAS still alive.
The rubble shifted with a groan of metal. A
moment later, it shifted again. A pile seemed to
erupt from the center, sending debris blasting
across the gym floor. On instinct, Steve
vaporized a piece that careened toward him.
From the center of the pile, the seemingly
unharmed young girl tried to wriggle free, but
everything she tried to brace herself against
simply crushed under the pressure she applied.
After a few frustrating moments, she was near
tears. Steve watched her closely. She was sunk
up to her knees through the floor. Every time
she stepped, the same thing happened.
"Kelly," Steve heard a familiar voice shout. He
turned to see Gloria entering the gym. The girl
turned to look at Gloria.
"You need to relax. Calm down. You have just
manifested a beneficial mutation. If you can
calm yourself, hopefully the effect will lessen or
stop. Until then, you're likely to crush anything
you step on." Gloria stated very gently, but
Kelly closed her eyes for a moment, and
exhaled. She stepped out of the hole she'd sunk
into and clambered over the pile of debris.
Gloria met her with a hug.
"You okay?" Gloria asked.
"Yeah. I think so. Thanks." Kelly replied.
Gloria, Kelly, and Steve walked out of the
building as Gerald made a sweep for other
people who might still be inside. Laura met
them outside the Gym.
"Wow. Two manifestations in one day. I wonder
when the next one will be?" Gloria wondered.
"We already missed the next one." Laura almost
whispered. As she spoke, the fire alarms of the
main building went off.
By the time Talon came screaming in on his
hover bike, the area had already been cordoned
off. Police and firefighters were on the scene.
The firemen seemed to be concentrating on the
gym. Hundreds of students milled about, and the
police were keeping their distance.
Talon rotated the thrusters on his bike, bringing
them to vertical, and leaned the bike in the
direction he wished to go. He gently guided it to
an open area of parking lot, then throttled down.
The wheels of the bike rotated back into normal
riding mode from the horizontal flight position.
The bike touched down lightly, and a second
later, Talon dismounted, pressing a button on
his gauntlet to activate security systems.
He walked confidently toward the officers,
finally veering toward a plainclothes female
"Good afternoon, Lieutenant LeGraus," Talon's
modulated voice resonated. "Any change to the
"Talon," The young detective nodded. "We're
still waiting on the D.O.D. Biowarfare folks.
Without the proper HazMat gear, we can't get in
to inspect any of the youth."
"How many total?" Talon had been listening
over police band as he approached, but things
had happened quickly, and he wanted to make
sure he had the right number.
"It looks like seven manifestations in only about
three hours." Yvette LeGraus confirmed.
"Statistically impossible." Talon stated flatly.
"Especially considering one of the kids had been
confirmed to have CS, with no chance of
activation." the detective added. "Each of the
students also confirmed feeling ill for a few
hours before manifestation."
"Are you thinking it was an airborne virus?"
Talon questioned.
"Most likely," She confirmed. "That's why we
had to quarantine the area."
"Any idea on the vector?" He asked.
"Not yet. One of your kids seems to be the one
with the earliest symptoms. She said she woke
up feeling ill this morning." The detective
watched the stoic hero for any emotional
It troubled her that Talon could control his body
language. It was worse that his voice modulator
and helmet prevented any chance of reading
facial features or hearing minute vocal
inflections. His suit was designed in part to hide
"Which one?" Talon continued.
"Lisa Cross," the detective said, pointing to a
group of students segregated from the others.
"Am I missing something? I have five kids in
FSHA already. There are eleven students there.
You said seven new manifestations. Where's the
last?" Talon turned his dark visored helm
toward the detective.
"We don't know. He had a particularly...
disturbing manifestation. He broke out of a
window and took off before anyone could stop
him. He put Majorette through some lockers in
the process." She stared at the ground while she
"Scary to think one airborne virus created by the
right person could turn all of humanity into
wildcard paranormals, isn't it?" Talon spoke to
her fear.
"I don't think you have any idea how frightening
that is to someone with no beneficial mutation,
to think of countless people capable of who
knows what. Imagine ten-year-old kids suddenly
gifted with the firepower of a small army. It
doesn't even