Pretty Kitty Boo
- 3 years ago
- 27
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Danica sat cross-legged, naked in the circle of candles. The small brown nipples that crowned her tiny breasts were hard in the cool air of Celia's basement. Her short black hair, both above and below, bristled with the strange energies of the ritual as she chanted the ancient words. At last she finished, and the 13 candles snuffed out at once.
"That was adequate" said Celia, turning on the lights. "But your mind was not completely focused. The candles should not flicker when you make the transition from praise to supplication. Hecate is a jealous Goddess and She resents insincerity. Never rush the words of praise, or She will make you pay for it."
"Yes, mistress" said the young woman, eyes down cast. "I am sorry for my weakness."
The older woman in the somber gray dress gave her a long penetrating stare, but at last relented.
"Very well, child. You will have plenty of time to practice while I am away. I want you to repeat the prayer to Hecate thrice daily--at dusk, midnight, and dawn--until I return. Also, by then you should have completed your reading of Zorgaph's Precepts of Power, learned its first five wards of protection, and memorized Thela's Chant."
"Yes, mistress" repeated the naked girl.
"Discipline, my young apprentice. Discipline is key. Remember, if you do not control the magic, the magic will control you."
"Yes, mistress. I must learn discipline."
The young acolyte had heard the speech dozens of times since she came to live with the sorceress last semester. It seemed lately that was all they ever talked about--Danica's lack of discipline. This was not what she had signed up for.
The older woman tossed her a mass of dark cloth.
"Put your robe back on." said the witch.
Danica complied, then followed her mistress up the stairs, three steps behind as was required of her.
"Now the phone number for my sister's place is on the fridge. Call me if there is any problem at all. Don't forget to feed the fish, but don't over feed them. Make sure you've turned the stove off every time you leave the house. Absolutely no parties. You can have one or two guests over when you have finished your duties, but don't take anyone downstairs. And most of all, don't touch anything downstairs that isn't on your shelf."
"Of course, mistress Celia," replied the novitiate. "I'll be good."
Her mistress patted her on the head.
"See that you are." she said, then she picked up her bag and her cat and at last she was gone.
Gone for two glorious bitch-free days! Yes!
The first thing Danica did, after making sure that her teacher had really left, was to loose the robe. It was ugly and uncomfortable and she hated that Celia made her wear it whenever she wasn't in public. She skipped naked down the hall to her tiny bedroom and pulled out clothes she seldom got to wear anymore--her party clothes. She slipped on a pair of bright yellow panties and a matching lacy bra and admired herself in the full-length mirror that hung on her door.
"You are hot, girl!" she said to her reflection. "What are you doing depriving the world of all this gorgeous?"
She had reason to be proud. She had soft shiny black hair cut in a short but feminine style, bright green eyes that she liked to think of as mysterious, and a lovely pale complexion that turned a pretty shade of pink when she got excited or drunk (or both). Her five foot two body was sleek and fit while still being a little curvy. Her legs were made for mini-skirts and had been known to cause traffic accidents around campus. The only thing she wasn't quite happy with was her breasts. The tiny yellow bra was more decorational than functional. Even a miracle bra couldn't give her cleavage. Not that she wanted huge hooters like her friend Marcia, but a little bigger would be nice. There were several little mini-dresses she had seen on her last escape to the mall that would fit her perfectly if she had just a little more up top. But they hadn't grown a bit since she was fifteen and now she was twenty. Maybe she should consider implants, once she could afford them.
"Or maybe I could magic them up a bit, if the old cow would ever teach me something useful," she said to herself.
Danica had always been interested in magic. When she came to college, she had joined a Wiccan group, but all they did was talk about their Earth Mother and chant and burn incense and make herbal 'potions' that didn't work any better than the stuff you could get at any drugstore. That wasn't what Danica wanted--she wanted power. The same power that Celia possessed.
Danica had met Celia at the Women's Center in the student union. She was a professor of psychology and also the chair of the Women's Studies program at the university. Something between the two women clicked, despite the difference in their ages. (Celia was well over 40, though she could easily pass for 30.) Maybe Danica had been looking for a surrogate mother, being so far from home for the first time in her life. Whatever the reason, she and Celia soon became good friends. Celia was fun to talk to. She new all kinds of stuff and she exuded an air of power that Danica admired and envied.
A few months later, Danica got an idea of just how powerful her older friend was. The girl had come to the Women's Center in tears. She had recently broken up with a guy--Steve--whom she had dated for a couple months. She had made it clear that she didn't want to see him anymore, but he just wouldn't leave her alone. He was following her everywhere, leaving notes, hanging out in front of her dorm late at night. It was really freaking her out. Finally, she went to Celia to ask her what to do. The professor had asked her if she had anything personal of Steve's. It just so happened that the psycho had slipped a 5 x 6 photo of himself into her book bag during class, and that was what had sent her to Celia. Celia took the photo, and said she would take care of it.
The next time she saw Steve on campus, a look of terror sprang to his face and he dropped his stuff and ran away from her. The same thing happened every time he saw her from then on until he finally transferred to another school. But that wasn't all. Her friend Marcia worked part time doing secretarial work at the medical center. She told Danica that Steve had been going to urologists, endocrinologists and psychologists ever since. Marcia peeked into his files and found out that Steve was completely impotent and seemed to be slowly going through puberty in the reverse direction. Wicked!
That is when Danica knew that Celia had the sort of power that she had always fantasized about having. She begged the woman to take her on as an apprentice. Celia had quickly agreed--she had targeted her as a potential student the first day they met. At the end of that semester, Danica moved to Celia's little gray house a few blocks from campus. She had become a neophyte sorceress.
She had also become Celia's bitch. It was astounding how rapid the change in their relationship has occurred. Whereas before Celia had treated her with respect, almost as an equal, once Danica had agreed to become her protegé she treated her like a slave. She told her what she could wear, what she could eat, when she could go out. She made her do most of the house work. As for teaching her magic, Celia kept her doing what Danica quickly concluded to be mindless busy work, usually naked. Danica was almost sure now that the older woman was getting off on watching her. It would have all been worth it, though, if Celia would just give her access to the power she so craved. But after almost five months, all she had really taught her was some cheap illusions and conjurings--exciting at first, but not particularly useful--and countless prayers, chants and wards that didn't do anything as far as Danica could tell, although Celia kept insisting that they were essential to protect her from all sorts of dangers that came with practicing magic. Danica was starting to suspect that it was all a ruse to keep her working for Celia's voyeuristic pleasure without teaching her anything useful.
But now she had 48 glorious hours in which she could do what ever she wanted and even had free reign of the house. She slipped on a green silk blouse and a black mini skirt, then made her way to the liquor cabinet. Celia had an extensive array of liquors. Danica was willing to bet that her mentor wouldn't notice if a little of it disappeared. She'd just make sure not to take too much from any one bottle. She poured herself a shot of cognac and quickly downed it. She loved cognac, but unfortunately so did Celia. Better go easy on that. She made herself a gin and tonic and went to call Marcia. She was going to get out of the house and party!!!
Three drinks and half a dozen phone calls later, Danica was still at home with no prospects of leaving. Not one of her friends with a car was home. Damn Celia! She had to stay home and keep her practicing stupid chants until everyone had already gone out. Now she was going to have to spend her Celia-free Friday night alone. Well damned if she was going to spend it sober!
The clock struck midnight, and a very drunk Danica giggled. Time to pray to Hecate! She left the TV blaring and weaved her way to the stairway. She fumbled with the door and then barely averted a tumble down the stairs. She started to set up her candle ring, but they kept falling over and so did Danica. Finally she just yelled "Fuck it!...And fuck you, Hecate!...And mossht of all, Fuck Celia!!! Fuck'er Fuck'er Fuck'er!"
She grabbed her crotch and made a lewd mockery of the movements of her midnight ritual, then collapsed in a fit of giggles.
At last she got up and looked around. Her first thought was to wonder if Celia hid anymore cognac down here. She stumbled toward the back room of the basement where Celia had forbidden her to go.
"Thas probly where she hides the good stuff, the bitch!" she said to herself.
The room was small--about twelve by twelve--but it was packed with al kinds of books, amulets, chests, boxes, and things that Danica couldn't begin to identify, even if she was sober. Oh wow! This must be where she keeps the real magic!
Danica didn't know where to begin, but one book seemed to call out to her. It wasn't particularly large--about the size of a hardback novel, but it was bound in shiny red leather with gold printing on it. It was alone on a shelf apart from most of the other books and there were several wards of protection around them, mostly the wards of Hecate that Danica had just learned. This must be Celia's most powerful spell book! Most things in the house she didn't bother to give individual protection, the wards around the house itself were so strong. Luckily, Danica knew all the protections that were placed on the book. Drunk as she was, she still easily removed them and picked up the book. She was so excited! At last she was going to have everything that she wanted!
She opened up the book and swore. It didn't make any sense at all. She couldn't even guess what language it was in! It was a mass of spidery lines that curved and curled intricately across the page. The script seemed to draw her eyes in conflicting directions, yet she couldn't help but stare at the strange characters. They seemed to move and merge, and then suddenly she realized she could recognize the English alphabet, although the words still made no sense.
"I mus be more wased than I thought." she slurred.
She had no idea what the book was, but she figured that she might as well try reading it aloud and see what happened. That always worked in movies.
"Govlee Iso Veego Elra
Monse Elondregma
Hondria Ugelia Gordef Elra
Tonda Ilsa Tegma Sla"
Danica heard and felt a low hum that seemed to emanate from the book, then she felt a strange tingle that started in her nipples and spread through out her breasts. God, it felt good! The tingle continued for several minutes, during which all the girl could think of was how good her breasts felt. As it slowly subsided, she smiled perplexedly. Her nipples were hard as rocks and bra felt tight. But she remembered how good the spell had felt, and just to see if it would work twice, she again read the passage aloud.
It felt even better this time. It was strongest in her boobs, but her whole body seemed to tingle, and it made her alcoholic buzz even stronger. She held the book with one hand and stroked her left breast with the other, reveling in the sensation. After a few minutes, she could think of something else again and this time she was sure that her bra had gotten tighter. She unbuttoned her blouse with difficulty, since she was reluctant to put down the red book. Her nipples were practically pushing through the lacy yellow bra and her tits were spilling out all over. The spell was actually making her breasts larger! How lucky, she thought, to find the exact spell she was hoping for earlier.
She slipped out of the little yellow bra. Her breast were definitely bigger. She might even be able to fill out a B-cup now. This was just so exciting! She wanted to see her self in the mirror upstairs. She scampered up the stairs topless, enjoying the slight jiggle of her new boobs, still gripping the red spell book.
In her bed room, she admired her new look. She was going to buy so many new outfits! But they could still be a little bigger. A C-cup--that would be just about perfect. She read the passage again.
"Govlee Iso Veego Elra
Monse Elondregma
Hondria Ugelia Gordef Elra
Tonda Ilsa Tegma Sla
Oh God!"
She saw her nipples quiver in the mirror, then a ripple traveled through her breasts as they jutted forward and expanded outward. She couldn't believe it could actually feel even better! She felt her panties start to get wet. God but this was making her horny. She couldn't imagine anything more arousing than watching her own breasts grow before her eyes. She gave her left nipple a pinch and a little orgasm shot through her pussy. This was so cool!
She tried to read the passage again before she had quite come back down, but she could only focus her eyes on the last line: "Tonda Ilsa Tegma Sla"
To her delight, she again felt the wonderful tingling in her nipples that spread throughout her growing titties. Yes! This was sooo much fun! Better than cognac. Better than sex.
"What nice little titties you are!" she said to her breasts, hunching her shoulders and leaning forward to admire them in the mirror. "But you want to be bigger, don't you, my pretties? Well this is your lucky day!"
The young sorceress giggled, then repeated the last line of the spell and cooed as the euphoria of her growing breasts hit her once again.
"Just a couple more times, my pretty ones" Danica said to her naked boobies. "Then you'll be just about perfect."
She figured two more times and she could comfortably fit in a C-cup. That had been her ideal when she started this. But now she kept wondering what she'd look like with double D's like Marcia. Better to hold off on that, though. She could always make them larger tomorrow when she was sober and a little better qualified to make that decision.
She called out again "Tonda Ilsa Tegma Sla!" then squealed with the sweet sensations of the spell and the excitement of watching her titties expand. The high lasted for a good twenty minutes this time.
"O.K., one last time, my yummy titties. One last time for the happy little spell. Tonda Ilsa Tegma Sla!"
She would swear her nipples could cut glass, they were so hard, with an electric currant running between them. Her mounds rippled and buzzed as they grew and her whole body sang out in ecstasy. She collapsed to the floor, writhing with pleasure and quickly stroked herself to the most powerful orgasm of her life.
After another twenty minutes, she slowly got up wearing a huge smile. She felt so good! She looked at herself in the mirror. Her breasts were big, round and beautiful. They jutted out from her chest, seeming to defy gravity, crowned by large, hard, dark nipples. She gave a little hop, and they bounced deliciously, sending little sparks of pleasure straight to her pussy. She reluctantly put the red book on her nightstand and started to knead her new jugs with both hands, pushing them together and admiring them from every possible position.
"Titties, titties, see my lovely titties" she sang and giggled over and over again.
It was four in the morning, and Danica finally decided she should try and sleep. She would explore the book tomorrow when she was feeling more in control of herself.
She stripped off her mini skirt and soaked panties and turned off the light. She lay naked atop her coverlet, feeling much too warm for even a sheet. She tried to sleep, but she couldn't stop fondling her new breasts. It felt divine, but she wanted more. She was restless. She masturbated again bringing herself to a screaming orgasm, and then another. Still, she wanted more. She wanted the ineffable feeling that came with the spell. Just one more time. One more time and she could sleep. She turned the light back on.
Dawn broke to find Danica sitting, legs spread wide in front of her mirror, the book open between her knees. She smiled dopily at herself in the mirror.
"I really should stop now. You've grown so big! Your as big as Marcia's big ol' melons, aren't you, my pretties? That's o.k. though--we can share clothes now! But I really should stop. Really, you're big enough. But it does feel so good, doesn't it? God but if feels good! A person could get addicted to something like this if they weren't careful. But I can stop. I can stop anytime. All right, once more. Just so your bigger than Marcia's. I don't want anyone thinking that you're not the best titties around. Nothing's too good for my boobies--Tonda Ilsa Tegma Sla!"
Her nipples quivered, her double D-sized breasts rippled and surged. She cooed and gurgled with the intense pleasure. The pleasure was just as strong, but she had slowly built up enough tolerance that she could function after the spell--at least to the extent that after a few seconds of uncontrollable ecstasy she could admire its effect and babble out some words of encouragement to her swelling mammaries.
"Oh yes, yes, yes! You're such yummy-nummy boobie-woobies! So nice to touch and squeeze and lick. You make me so happy! You feel so nice! Such nice, big titties! But you want to be bigger, don't you my pretties? Well, all right. But just one more time. This time I mean it!"
"I feel good about this one," said Lucy as they advanced on the unassuming gray house. She and her roommate Rachel were members of the Campus Crusade for Christ and this morning they were going door-to-door witnessing. Rachel was a bit shy about it--she had only recently been born again--but Lucy had be proclaiming the Good News of the gospel with her family since she was a little girl back home in Alabama. She loved dressing up in her best dress with her long blonde hair in a ponytail and going out on a sunny Saturday morning to do God's work. Yes, many people were rude and wouldn't listen, but the Holy Spirit always seemed to guide her to one of the elect of God. It made all the effort worth while to be able to proclaim the Word to a needy soul.
"You take the lead on this one, Rachel!" urged Lucy, reaching for the doorbell. Her roommate had a winning smile and gentle nature that made some people less inclined to slam the door in their faces. Lucy was once again taken by how lovely her friend was. Her chestnut brown hair gleamed in the sunlight, tied back with a red ribbon. She had big brown eyes and a rich, dark complexion that reflected her Italian ancestry Her chaste dress gave subtle hints of her very womanly body. She seemed even more womanly next to Lucy, who's figure was almost boyish. Lucy wondered if the young man that had seemed so interested in their message earlier had been more interested in Rachel. It was a problem. At least Rachel was dressing more appropriately now, though in Lucy's opinion the skirt was a little short. Before Lucy started taking her friend to church, she had worn tight, skimpy sundresses that displayed most of her ample bosom! At least she had developed some sense of shame, and now Lucy didn't feel quite so inadequate when she was with her.
They waited for several minutes with no answer. Maybe her instinct was wrong. But then they heard activity and, eventually, the door opened. There in the doorway stood a girl about their age with the largest breasts Lucy had ever seen. They were the size of watermelons! She was wearing only a shiny green robe which, on a normal person, would have reached below the knees, but on this girl it barely covered her privates! The girl had a huge smile on her face as she crossed her arms under the massive mammaries, hugging them.
"Hi" she said in a dreamy voice.
"Hello," said Rachel after an uncomfortable pause. "I'm Rachel and this is Lucy, um, and today we're out sharing the Word of the Lord. Could we, um, could we read to you something out of the Bible?"
Lucy doubted that the young woman would say yes. Rachel seemed extremely uncomfortable and really wasn't very charismatic. But Lucy really didn't want to stay here long anyway. The half naked woman seemed out of it and Lucy suspected that she was on drugs. Better to stay away from degenerates. But to the blonde Christian's surprise and apprehension, after a moment of grinning unresponsiveness where the girl seemed to be listening to something, her face brightened.
"Oh goody! My name's Danica. Please, come in!" she gushed.
The large-breasted woman retreated into the house and before Lucy could think of an excuse to stay outside, Rachel followed. Fighting a growing sense of dread, Lucy joined them.
The interior was normal enough. Lucy immediately saw the empty liquor bottle on the coffee table. It was awfully early in the morning for a young woman to be in such a state. Perhaps the girl's unusual appearance had caused her to become a recluse and driven her to drinking. Maybe she was just waiting for someone to preach the gospel to her and change her life. Lucy did her best to calm herself and ignore her irrational fears as the three women sat down in the living room, the Christians facing Danica.
"Would you two like a drink?" inquired the large-breasted girl. "A glass of milk? "
"No thank you. We're fine" Lucy answered for both of them. If this girl did use drugs, there was no way that she was taking anything from her, no matter how innocent seeming.
"Jesus said, 'Whosoever drinks the water I will give him will never thirst again, but will have eternal life." quoted Lucy, attempting to get right into preaching, where she was comfortable. "The woman he said that to didn't understand, but we know that Jesus meant that those who accept Him in their hearts will have His Holy Spirit with them always and that they will be lifted up into heaven instead of being cast into hell."
"That's pretty" said the ridiculously endowed girl with a distant smile. She seemed to be listening to something again. Was she hearing the witness of the Spirit?
"Is that from your book?" asked the girl, indicating the bible in Lucy's hands.
"It's not my book," replied Lucy fervently. "It's God's Book. The bible is the Holy Word of God!"
"I have a book too." said the girl, with a half suppressed giggle. "It's a nice book. It makes you feel really good and have big boobies!"
For the first time, Lucy noticed the red book clutched in the strange girl's hand. Lucy guessed she had been too busy trying not to stare at the girls huge mammaries to notice anything below her shoulders. The book had an ominous look to it and Lucy turned to her roommate, wanting to signal her that they should leave, only to find that Rachel was staring at the book with an odd look of fascination. She reached over to touch her friend, but stopped when Danica's voice rang out forcefully.
"Tallius Ilsa Tegm Soriva Landris Amocrus Vi Elsamor!"
Lucy slowly turned back to see that Danica had opened the book and was reading from it. The strange words reached out to her and clenched at her heart. She knew at once that they wicked--the embodiment of evil. They were contrary to everything she believed, everything that was holy. And more than that, they were oh so...delicious!
She looked again to Rachel, but her friend was staring at Danica and licking her lips wantonly. Sweet Jesus, what was this evil woman doing to them?
"Tallius Ilsa Tegm Soriva Landris Amocrus Vi Elsamor!"
Lucy felt herself smiling broadly. She tried to stop and couldn't. What was this demonic influence that the girl's words had on her? She began to pray to be rescued.
"Oh Lord, save us from this minion of Satan...
"Tallius Ilsa Tegm Soriva Landris Amocrus Vi Elsamor!"
"Oh Lord..."
"Tallius Ilsa Tegm Soriva Landris Amocrus Vi Elsamor!"
"Oh Lord!"
"Tallius Ilsa Tegm Soriva Landris Amocrus Vi Elsamor!"
"Oh Lordy, lordy, lordy!"
Lucy felt so incredibly hot. She could hear nothing but Danica's voice and the pounding of her own heart. She could feel nothing but the bright tingling of her nipples, the hot throb of her secret place, and the aching need to be touched. She could see nothing but those huge, glorious breasts that beckoned to her. And she could smell nothing but a sweet smell which she didn't know, but desired more than anything.
Then something miraculous happened. Still sitting on the sofa, Danica opened her green silk robe and there before them was the holiest of bosoms. The massive mounds of pink flesh stood out proudly, unsupported. The dark nipples pointing towards the former Christians. At the tip of each was a shining white bead, and now Lucy knew what she smelled. Lucy fell to her knees before the glorious left breast, vaguely aware that Rachel simultaneously worshiped the right. She placed one hand on either side of the massive tit, took the nipple in her mouth and began to suck.
The milk was warm and sweet and rich; like nothing she had ever tasted. As she sucked, the voice in the back of her head that had been screaming at her to run from the beautiful thing was drowned forever in a warm white flood. She served only the Breast, loved only the Breast, worshiped only the Breast.
Lucy didn't know how long she had lovingly sucked when she became aware of another miracle. Her tiny bra was cutting into her flesh. She reluctantly pulled away from her blessed beverage when Danica pushed her back and saw that her once nearly none existent breasts were swelling, pushing out of their once adequate restraints. She looked to see that Rachel, big to begin with, was also growing noticeably larger. The Blessed Boobies were remaking them in Their image.
"Silly girls" spoke Danica, holiest of women. "You can't have big titties if you don't get naked."
Rebuked, Lucy hurriedly struggled with her dress, tearing it in her haste to be rid of the damned thing. She then tried to take off her bra, but her swelling breasts, spilling out of the tiny cups, were pulling so tightly against little clasp in back that she couldn't get it to open. She twisted and squirmed and yanked, but the clasp was relentless. At last, Rachel came to her rescue. The brunette had managed to remove all of her shameful clothing and her dark olive breasts swung free and lovely. She had unbound her hair and dark curls swept across her naked glory.
"I'll help you, Lucy" she said, turning her around. Lucy pressed her breasts together, releasing the pressure on the clasp and sending a shiver through her body. With a bit of jiggling by Rachel, the clasp came loose and Lucy's new titties were free at last.
The blonde girl massaged her naked breasts, filling herself with the most incredible sensations. She smiled more broadly than ever. They were only the size of large oranges, but they were more than she had ever dreamed of having.
"Oh thank you Rachel" she exclaimed, embracing her friend. The girls naked breasts mashed together, Rachel's hair caught in the middle, tickling. The roommates stared at each other with astounded delight. They rubbed against each other with moans and gasps of pleasure, arousal burning through them. They kissed passionately, hands and tongues exploring new territory.
They were broken off by the glorious sound of Danica's voice.
"Tallius Ilsa Tegm Soriva Landris Amocrus Vi Elsamor!"
They immediately knelt before the Holy Titties once again. How could they ever have left them? They once again began to suck, Lucy on the left, Rachel on the right.
"That's it, my little ones." encouraged Danica, stroking the girls' hair. "Your titties can be sooo much bigger!"
Lucy sucked even harder. She couldn't think of anything she wanted more than to have titties as big and beautiful as the Two she loved so much.
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100% fiction! My was out of the house and at work. Her sister stayed the night and stayed until after my girlfriend left. Her sister was a sexy little thing with nice B-Cup Boobs. i have always wanted to see her naked so bad. later that morning after it was just me and her sister at the house she asked if she could take a shower. i obviously said it was ok if she did. she went up stairs and went into the bathroom and turned the water on. I could not help my self i had to take a peak. the house...
IncestThe idea behind this story actually came from an episode of a show I watched almost 10 years ago. I remembered it last night, and wrote it this morning. Comments, questions, or criticism can be directed to [email protected] or [email protected] The Sketchbook By Allison Voorhees I was drawing a portrait of Christy, my girlfriend, in art class. She was standing over my shoulder as I shaded the strands of honey-colored hair that ran down her shoulders. "Are...
We had a game that night against Toronto, but the civic club's meeting was at high noon, and my talk was only supposed to run a half-hour or less, so there was no conflict. As requested, I met with Paul Warren's wife, Orlie, a half-hour before the luncheon at the Sheraton in downtown Baltimore. Orlie Martinez Warren was a tiny, forty-something dark-haired beauty who'd kept her figure and had a dazzling smile. She thanked me profusely for filling in for Brian Roberts on short notice, and...
Hi everyone! I'm your old pal Betty Boop. Lately I've been getting into situations where I have to bust a fella's balls. Why just last week I had to kick my landlord in the scrotum three times. Once for squeezing my boobs and twice for pinching my fanny. I kicked him with my high heel pumps, my high heel sandals and barefoot. Some guys just don't take no for an answer. I've had several jobs that I got fired from. Not because I was doing a bad job but because I crushed the nuts of bosses, co-...
BDSMThe BookwormPrologue---------------A bookstore.The clock on the wall behind the counter tinged five times. Quitting time for the day, and the beginning of a long weekend. As the remaining customers queued up at the register, Susan checked them out, confidently stacking and sacking whatever the customer had selected. Totally at home with literate people, she kept up a friendly stream of conversation..."Good evening, Mrs. Harrison. Find what you wanted?" "They say that is a very good read,...
Once there was a marriage function in Kerala and its dads friends son marriage and dad wants mom too accompany him and she was also ok with that it was of sudden arrangement there wont be tickets in train nor flight and he planned to go by car and both went on attending the function.There was a great party at function and dad enjoyed boozing a lot.Mom was frustarted with dads act and she was so annoyed.Every men in the party had an eye on mom she was wearing a red saree and her...
I rolled into the news paper plant, around 9am. I had overslept again. I hate Monday mornings. I had party the whole weekend. I had just passed my 2nd semester of college. I was interning for a small news paper in my home town. A college professor had gotten me the job. I was her pet project for the semester. She gave me good grades. I gave her my big cock after class. It was a win, win, for me. She was very voluptuous. I had been attracted to skinny girls before I met her. I changed after...
You already know me, the dreamer and science fiction fan from class. Every High School has kids like me. Science Fiction, Video Games and dreams are my life. Getting home from school to get lost in a book or a game. Would anyone know me, care or recognize me one year after school? I am like many boys and fantasize about sex. I hit the incest chat rooms and wonder. Tina is two years older than me, a 5"3" little blonde bombshell with blue eyes, tawny skin with C cups and a slender body. I knew...
by mypenname3000 Copyright 2013 Chapter Twenty-three: The Last Boon Visit my blog at Violet lay panting on the couch, my cum trickling out of her cunt. I was enjoying the cock Lilith gave me as part our bargain. For the next two hours, I would have the cock. I knew why Lilith wanted me to have the cock as her price. It had nothing to do with her wanting to give me a pleasant experience. No, she was hoping I would become addicted to the pleasure, to be unable to...
Hey everyone! I know that it's been a while since my last story and I apologise for that. I took a break for a bit and honestly, I had probably run out of ideas. But on the bright side, since I've gotten back into writing again, I've decided to do a complete reboot of my universe so essentially, ignore everything that has come before and start fresh with this story. With this reboot comes a few changes. I'm trying out a new naming system for the characters which I have developed with a...
This has to be the worst day ever. I start out by running late for work with no time for breakfast. I'd been kept awake all week by strange dreams, and today it caught up to me. I underwhelmed a valuable client, my boss and some co-workers during a really important presentation because I felt so distracted. All day I just couldn't focus on my work, and every time I tried my thoughts wandered back to those dreams. Arriving home, I noticed that my front door was wide open. “Great now I've been...
Fantasy© Russell Hoisington 2003 SUBJECT: USED COPY OF CHILD MOLESTER'S HANDBOOK FOR SALE FROM: [email protected] (Tickle Puss) Norman's jaw fell open, imitating the largemouth bass mounted on the wall behind him. He could not believe his luck. He had just downloaded a complete new set of "West Virginian Virgin Vaginas" pictures, the first new pictures in well over a year, from his favorite newsgroup, alt.binaries.fuckable.young.pussy (there was a pile of used kleenexes...
How far away is this juvenile detention center? We are almost on the other side of town. When we arrived it was pretty obvious why they built the kid jail on this side of town. This was where the majority of their inmates lived when not in jail. On one side of the twenty foot high loops of razor wire toped fences was a group of twenty story tall free government housing projects. At the back were the ones were the section eight ones where the government paid most of the rent. On the right was...
He saw her the minute she walked through the shop doorway and stood there shaking the rain from her umbrella. His hand was raised to wave but something made him hesitate. Later he was to wonder about this. Was it because he sensed something? Did she seem secretive even then, in the doorway? Or had he just been lucky? Standing, half-hidden behind one of the centre rows of bookshelves, he watched her pass, only a few feet from him. He saw she was still wearing the black tailored suit that she...
Violet lay panting on the couch, my cum trickling out of her cunt. I was enjoying the cock Lilith gave me as part our bargain. For the next two hours, I would have the cock. I knew why Lilith wanted me to have the cock as her price. It had nothing to do with her wanting to give me a pleasant experience. No, she was hoping I would become addicted to the pleasure, to be unable to give it up. Lilith had bitter resentment to all us humans, and seemed to delight in causing us misery. Once before,...
"Rrrrrrrnnnnnnnnnggggggg..............." "ahh it was about time" said Dastan feeling relieved. "god this biology class is such a pain in the ass" he said looking at Michael "meh?? I find it easy" replied Michael "Of course you do! You fucking nerd! Everything is easy for you!" said Jack. "Wassupp my boys" David intervened them. "Are you guys ready for tomorrow?" Michael asked them excitedly. "Yesss.. finally tomorrow is the big day! That cosplay event is going to be full of hot milfs and...
IncestMy name is Kelly White. I'm in my room right now. My best friend and roommate, Rae Reddie, is sleeping in the same room as me. Rae had been obsessed with this spell book recently. I was so confused. Why did she like it so much? Did she still believe in magic? Honestly, I was confused that the spellbook wasn't black. I looked at the spell book, and snatched it as Rae slept.. I flipped to a random page, and saw 'Mind Control Spell?' Ooh, looked fun. I snuck out Rae's room, and made it to the...
Mind ControlSo I had just gotten out of a 3 years relationship with a very hot and very sexual woman and was working nights. The bars closed at the same time I got off so there was really nothing for me to do. I started going to a 24/7 adult bookstore sometimes after work. I had been there a few times and even started to wear pantyhose there under my jeans to jack off in the booths. Some of the booths had a viewing window in them that showed into the booth next to you so you could watch each other getting...
A Swingers Handbook I couldnt come up with a name to describe these guidelines, based on my experiences, So I thought, A Swingers Handbook might be fitting. Swingers, that might be a new word for wife swappers, and in this day and age, I have no idea what they call it. Usually its people who are married that have sex with multiple partners with the consent of their spouse, most times including their spouses. Now days, all they have to be is a shack-up. Most all of the women in my life were...
If those noises had been coming from Flat 83, I wouldn't have been so surprised (Irish hooker who'd been warned several times.) Or the ones who'd just moved into Flat 52 (young newlyweds, God bless 'em). But Flat 17...This was the golden couple. He'd made it big in textiles. She'd been a world-class model. Together, they were the toast of every dinner-party circuit. And he was currently away in Russia on a long business trip...After a year or two as Night Porter in a luxury block, you develop...
Chapter 1 I had just turned 17 and I was in a Job Corps center in a major northwest city. One Friday night I decided to wander around downtown. As I walked the streets I found myself on a street that was full of adult bookstores. I decided to try and get in some. The first few I walked into I was ejected. I then walked into one and the clerk didn't pay me any mind. I wandered the aisle a bit looking at stuff and then I noticed a darkened doorway at the rear of the room. I casually walked...
This is not a story about a normal Friday. I am a practical woman, world-wise, aware but not alarmed that I am single and approaching my mid-thirties. Marriage will probably happen for me one day. Children may or not. These aren’t concerns that drive my life. I’m sexually confident and secure with my own body, but don’t I offer myself easily or lightly. The casual fuck has never held much allure for me. In other words, I’m a hungry lover when I’m in...
As it happens so often with me, by the end of my work week, I had become increasingly horny! Work does a couple of thing to me, it stresses me out and also provides plenty of eye candy to see. I have very sexy male and female co-workers and a sleazy male boss that I'd love to bang. Maybe, someday. Anyway, by the weekend, I want to release my stress and pent up horniness that build up during the week. It's true that I do bang during the week if I'm going with someone steady or just set up a...
You have to be careful how you answer some questions or at least make sure you understand what is being asked. The question in my case was answered based on the knowledge of an eighteen year old k**; not knowing what was really implied or how it would change my perception of sex. The question has also brought about many of the stories that I write -- many of them being true fantasy built on the situation that was presented to me with the question -- trying in a way to recapture that moment when...
By Lilguy31 Welcome to the Sex Wrestling Federation! It is a wrestling league where fights are run by the traditional pin fall or sexual battle. First one who cums loses, or sometime it is last person standing. First one to pass out loses. There a couple of belts. The mixed belt champ, The Tag team mixed belt champ, The woman’s belt champ and the tag team women’s belt champ. Here where you come to pick a character mode. You choose if its female or male. You can choose if it’s a bad guy or a...
FetishROBIN GIRL WONDER - the reboot I recently stumbled across Fraylim's wonderful "Miss-Adventures of Robin the Girl Wonder" drawings again, and decided to write a completely new version of my Robin Girl Wonder story. This time I'll faithfully stick to the storyline as presented in Fraylim's art. I enjoyed re-imagining this story and I hope you enjoy reading it. Here's a link to Fraylim's art online: It's fun and sexy. if the link...
First warning, there is no explicit sex in this story. Second warning, this is the third part to the 'Wetap' series. Each sequence has a stand alone story but intertwines characters, actions, and events from the previous stories. The reader will gain a much deeper understanding of the characters and story line if they read and have first hand knowledge of 'Binding Ashes' and 'Wasting Time.' This story is totally fictitious; any resemblance the characters might have to any person living or...
Ek innocent pativrata bhabhi ko new year party per kiya majboor! Hi readers I am about to share my fantasy with you. It’s a story of a housewife, a very sweet innocent, and pativarata type, her husband were three brothers, and her hubby was the eldest one and others were younger, one was doing inter in arts side, and another was in his graduation, they were both attracted towards their bhabhi, both used to flirt with their bhabhi, but she never taken them seriously, one day her it was raining...
The bookshop was just as Lance had described when he’d e mailed her directions, and the Oxford side-street offered the perfect setting for it. The sign above the door ‘ Books At Leisure’ was professionally hand-painted in bottle-green onto a white background above the window, and the two trimmed box-dwarf conifers at either side of the front door gave the shop a quaint, but chic feel to it’s exterior. Dawn leaned on the wall opposite the shop for quite a while, taking in the scene and finishing...
The bookshop was just as Lance had described when he’d e mailed her directions, and the Oxford side-street offered the perfect setting for it. The sign above the door ‘ Books At Leisure’ was professionally hand-painted in bottle-green onto a white background above the window, and the two trimmed box-dwarf conifers at either side of the front door gave the shop a quaint, but chic feel to it’s exterior.Dawn leaned on the wall opposite the shop for quite a while, taking in the scene and finishing...
Oral SexMe and my wife true story back in our younger married years we owned a 79 Camaro and decided to go to the adult bookstore we got there and it was off the interstate and one of them small book stores that's way out of the way in the country where nothing is around we're truck drivers stopped in to get their adult novelties and videos so as you can tell by the previous stories me and my wife are a bit into the Voyager side so when we got to the adult bookstore which was rather small after we made...
One day after work at the dinner table, my wife told me her sister was going to have a minor operation. She said she wanted to stay with her a few days after the operation to cook, clean, and take care of her while she was recuperating. “Would you mind? I’ll only be gone from Thursday to Sunday. I can make a few dinners, so all you’ll have to do is heat them up.” I replied, “Of course, I don’t mind. It’s your sister. I’m sure I can get through a few days on my own.” Her sister lived about five...
CrossdressingReddit Boobies, aka /r/Boobies! If you don’t know about then you’re probably living under a rock. I seriously don’t think I need to mention what this site is all about, but what I’ll be concentrating on this review today is checking out a specific subreddit called /r/Boobies. This subreddit is one of the best places to get all of the most amazing content that is boobie related. I mean it’s safe to say that if you’re looking for hot boobies, then you should check out /r/Boobies. It’s...
Reddit NSFW ListLife in most ways had been kind to me up until that day. How was I to know that something as simple as my PA at the office, Joyce, leaving her book on the table of a restaurant was going to cause such turmoil in my life? I came back from lunch to find Joyce sitting at her computer cursing loudly. I assumed the PC had hung again. Why is it that some people appear to be able to make Windows hang just by looking at a computer, Joyce was one of those; she was convinced that Bill Gates had a...
Andrea had to admit she was glad that Bria would be back in the office that morning. Her mousy little administrative assistant was not the most skilled employee she could hope for, but, unlike the temp, she usually did as she was told. Andrea was the youngest executive in the company, female and Asian in an industry dominated by white men. If she was going to rise, she needed every advantage. And after a week with a temp, Andrea had to admit Bria was an advantage. She had been a bit ditzy...
I love playing games with Lisa, she is so good at the roles and we enjoyed a quiet evening until I got an alert from Anika that an enquiry had come through for another AirBNB booking. I logged on to see the following message:“Good evening, sorry for short notice but need to book your room for tomorrow evening, too s**tty and forgot, I am a 23yo medical student and in town for a conference on Tuesday and loved your easy going and friendly profile. I do drink (will bring wine) and smoke (happy to...
Tonight was the first time I let another guy cum down the back of my throat while I was deep throating him and now I am hooked.I have been fagging off in bookstores for years. I have no idea how many cocks I have sucked or have sucked me. It is a lot, probably close to a thousand. As I get older I have found that I am less and less picky I will let nearly anyone suck me and I am almost as eager to suck just about anyone. Just the feeling of being a cock slut in a public place drives me crazy.I...
The Bookstore Part I By Michelle_TS I walked into the new adult bookstore for the first time and my life was changed forever. I had been dressing up for several months and had gotten enough confidence to go out as Michelle. It started out with short trips to the bank drive-thru where I didn't even have to get out of the car, but soon I was feeling brave enough to run out and do errands. It was very exhilarating to be out and not have anyone know who I was. When I was out like...
Boudoir Boost By Xoop "Snow's Gym!" the flier screamed in 64-point type. Slightly smaller, it continued, "Come see our new location! 60 day free trial!" To Paul, it seemed like a good deal. Free was always a good deal. The place was nearby, too, and he'd been contemplating looking for a place to work out, and maybe make new friends. He'd noticed a small pudge developing around his middle, and he didn't want it to grow any larger. He had a hard enough time catching ladies'...
I overheard two women talking at the mall about going to an adult bookstore that was not very far from Indianapolis. They were talking about sucking cock and being naked in the bookstore. I just had to go it sounded so exciting. Since I was only sixteen, I needed to figure out how to get in. With my big breasts, I was sure I could make myself look older and get in to do some flashing and maybe suck a cock or two. Three nights later I told my parents I had a date and going to the...
ExhibitionismWife at the bookstoreCheryl stopped the car at the curb near the front of the adult bookstore, I got out, then leaned back in to confirm our plans.“Take a short drive, maybe five minutes, then come back, park and come in the bookstore,” I said, looking at the hot outfit my wife wore for her first venture into an adult bookstore, black mini-skirt, black hose, silvery sheer blouse. I reminded her to open a few more buttons, and, of course, no bra or panties.“Looks like the store is busy,” she...
Wife at the bookstoreCheryl stopped the car at the curb near the front of the adult bookstore, I got out, then leaned back in to confirm our plans.“Take a short drive, maybe five minutes, then come back, park and come in the bookstore,” I said, looking at the hot outfit my wife wore for her first venture into an adult bookstore, black mini-skirt, black hose, silvery sheer blouse the I reminded her to open a few more buttons, and, of course, no bra or panties.“Looks like the store is busy,” she...
126. AVIS AND JON DROP IN AT THE BOOKSTORE. Jon and I had passed an adult bookstore on our way to an apple festival and decided to stop at it upon our returning home. As we pulled in, there were only two cars outside, but we decided to check it out anyway. Going into a back room, I noticed only one light was lit above a door. “You want to try it?” Jon asked me. “Why not” I replied and slowly tested the door handle, pulling it out and peeking around the door, was nicely surprised to see a...
I was at the bookstore picking out a couple of books to read at the pool this summer. I had several out but could not decide what I wanted to read. I was sitting in a large chair and suddenly I felt hands wrap around my face from behind and cover my eyes. A feminine voice in my ear said, “Are you going to follow me home and fuck me crazy?” I was stunned and turned to face the questioner. She stood up straight and had this look of terror on her face. She turned and ran down the isle of the store...
Erotic FictionHello People. This is Rizwan writing some of the fantasies. This is not obviously my fantasy and of someone who emailed me. I will let you decide if it’s a women’s fantasy or that of a man. You can give your reviews. I am gonna write from the fan perspective now. Hello, This is Roshni (name changed). I am 48 years old, divorced. I have a daughter. She is married and lives abroad. After my bad divorce, I was reluctant to marry so decided to raise my daughter as a single mom. It was tedious at...
It was a dark and cold Halloween night and Lydia was walking in an alley outside of her apartment. She was your typical Goth with the white pale skin, black lipstick, and dark mascara. She wore a low-cut black sheer shirt with a red bra underneath that cupped her perky C-cup breasts, and black skinny jeans hugging her every curve. A 21-year-old senior in college and knockout to all straight guys and some lesbian girls, however, she was depressed and alone. Every relationship she had been in...
FantasyReddit Booty, aka r/Booty! I love a good booty. And don’t lie, you do too! If you’re as big of a fan of a good booty as me, then you’re definitely someone who needs to go to /r/booty and enjoy himself. is known for having a vast array of different content for you to choose from for free. It’s said that there’s a community for pretty much everything on that platform, and if you’re putting it to the test when it comes to having a community that focuses on the biggest asses ever, then...
Reddit NSFW ListJohn Doe was a successful agent in Hollywood. He'd been that for years, and enjoyed the job, although that was mostly due to his client being a sexy female celebrity. He remembered when he first got her and made her a success, and he got no thanks for it. He had a huge crush on her as well, but was rejected time and time again, and after that, well, his client chose to be as bitchy as possible to him. That was about to change, however. He was walking through the woods one day and found a...
Mind ControlIt all started innocently enough. I merely wanted to make sure my daughter Kerri was doing okay emotionally and keep an eye on the kinds of people she was hanging out with. I didn't really think too much about it, although I knew if she found out what I had done, she would be furious that I had violated her privacy. But I'm getting ahead of myself, so I had better start from the beginning.I was a popular school teacher at a fairly large high school -- we had approximately 2,200 students.. It...
There was a local adult bookstore in town and I had drove past it many times. Today, I finally decided to stop in. I really didn’t know what to expect. I opened the door and saw the private booth area on my right. I opened the door and walked into a dimly lit area. There was a hallway without about fifteen separate booths in it. Each booth had a door with a chain on it. I walked past a few booths and looked in. I saw a few guys stroking their cocks to porn. This turned me on. I found my own...