Seahorse free porn video

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I was strangling in my job and my life. I found myself grinding my teeth before going to work every morning. I drank myself into a solitary stupor every night. I'd worked myself into an unendurable present and a grim death spiral. I could see no real way out but a complete break in occupation, lifestyle and habits. What was a more divergent lifestyle from a chair-born computer management job than that of a mechanic? I'd once been a bench tech and found that I had the knack. I took night school classes in welding, diesel engine repair, automotive spray painting, servo control systems, basic fiberglass repair and HVAC.

I included a change in location with my break. I'd always wanted to move to the north-west where I could experience both the mountains and the sea coast on a daily basis. After several months of research using the Internet from work the Puget Sound area became my targeted home. I was full of hope, expectation and excitement.

Quitting my job and securing a decent reserve was just a matter of perseverance. I found a crappy little Isuzu Trooper for sale in the paper. It needed brakes, tires, shocks and an oil pump, but then it was good to go. It had a box hitch already mounted. I installed a trailer light harness, bought a six foot cube trailer, loaded up and took the slow lane west.

I got a job at the docks and a cheap apartment in Bremerton, across the bay from Seattle proper. I had more money in the bank than I thought I would have from my accumulated vacation hours. After the last six years of only taking sick days it all built up.

I found a gutted 48 foot long steel-hulled tug boat with a twenty foot beam. She'd had a run-in with a low bridge and lost. The gross profile had a broad bow and a flat, high stern. She had a nasty beat in the drive shaft that the owner couldn't shake. I stole the hulk for 14 thousand. For another ten thousand I leased a construction slip for eight months with 100 amp metered electrical service. It became my project boat. I took weekly pictures of my progress, inside and out. Rather than keep them in electronic form only, I printed the photos and mounted them in an album, annotating the photos on a sheet of paper on the facing page. I worked eight hours a day at the docks and six hours a day on the ship stripping it down. Let me tell you, it was a grind. However, the pounds fell off of me and I stopped drinking.

In 1990 I bought a copy of Turbo Cad and started laying out the ship. That took over a month to get it right. All the electrical runs were planned and the fresh water, grey water and the black water runs as well. I gave an engineer at work a couple thousand and a copy of my.DXF files to evaluate the plans under full-blown CAD with beam analysis, then give me a critical survey of it. I got the okay to build to my schematic and bought a TIG welder. I was about to make that first cut.

The hull was already dry-docked, so first thing I ripped out the steering gear, propeller, drive shaft and shaft support blocks. I rebuilt the stern to accommodate a hydraulically controlled and powered water-jet. The Caterpillar engine had low hours and would push it along fine. It boasted 330 horsepower. I cut a run through the hull for bow thrusters and installed the support hardware.

I had the engine, lower deck, all the tanks and the keel's ballast pulled out. Then I sand blasted the inner hull and treated every flat, crease and crevice with an organic rust-stop paint. Next the hull got a sprayed-in two inch coating of polyurethane insulation. The stuff was sticky as hell when applied and adhered wonderfully to the paint. Then the keel ballast weight, the tanks and the runs for the tanks were bolted back in. My next step was to install and secure the hydraulic pump and all the big hydraulic lines to power the stern drive and the bow thrusters.

I had designed a bow-to-stern wiring pan for below the lower deck that could be accessed by hatches. That went in, then the lower deck. The engine was installed along with all the mechanical room subsystems such as the battery farm, separate engine starting batteries, the genset, a blower system, the bilge pumps, the battery charging system, the power inverter, the service disconnect boxes, the oil filters, fuel filters, the fire suppression system, the HVAC, the water pump, the water heater and a little bitty water maker. Some of the pieces and parts came out of salvage yards. A lot of the interior wall paneling came to me that way. The cat diesel was a generic marine engine so spares were not hard to come by. Properly mounting all the service runs was more time consuming than installing the systems themselves, even though I took my time to lay out the mechanical room with an eye towards maintenance. All the monitoring and control lines that fed up to the bridge had to be properly labeled and terminated at each end.

Next went in the head along with a fairly large (7'x4') tub and a hand spray nozzle. Across the passageway was a stores locker, then a stairway up to the top deck and the master berth just inside the bow. Watertight bulkheads separated the engine compartment from the passageway and the passageway from the stairs. I made sure that all the passageways and hatches were wide enough to accommodate the furniture and what came next.

The storage locker hosted a small (5 cu. ft.) propane/110 Volt chest freezer, a washer/dryer combination and a lot of shelving with cages to keep the goods from taking a flying leap while at sea. The freezer was mounted as close to the centerline as I could get it, and the shelves for the bulk canned goods were laid in there as well. Do you know how much crap you can store in a five cubic foot deep freeze? It's scary! If the IQF meat portions are prepared with condensed stowage in mind they are frozen between two plates to keep them relatively thin. This doesn't work for roasts or whole birds, of course, but it does wonders for chicken parts, steaks and chops.

Another wiring pan went in just under the top deck. All the hatches that accessed the wire trays had synthetic gas-proof seals to make the trays separate fire zones. That way they didn't screw up the bulkhead isolation.

Top deck hosted the raised pilot house, the galley and the salon. A pair of waterproof doors opened off the stern onto a bolted and welded-on steel mesh deck to allow for European-style, high density docking, and access to the ship's boat that hung on davits above the salon. It was a fourteen-foot high-walled self-righting aluminum craft with a 3/4 cabin to protect the helm, powered by a 45 horse Yamaha outboard. It was a sturdy little work boat that would get me anywhere I wanted to go without an argument.

I wanted plenty of light so six 24-inch portholes were mounted below deck and six were mounted in the salon and galley. Instead of mounting halogen cans everywhere I screwed in LED light strips.

Once I got the hull painted with a few coats of epoxy and a final layer of flo-coat I got the zincs bolted on and the ship floated. The hull up to the top of the rail got painted a darker forest green color and everything else an orange-yellow. It was all done in a nice, tough epoxy that wasn't supposed to chip. The pilot house windows were 1/2 inch tempered glass. All the exposed metalwork around the port holes, pilot house windows and access ways were done in marine stainless steel, along with the screws holding them. I'd seen ships that had standard steel screws used to fasten the shielding in place. The rust marks were obvious and avoidable. The only thing that was painted white were the radar mast and the lifeboat davits.

I stole the pilot house design (and some of the parts, if the truth be told) from a 41' Seahorse that had been scrapped, thus the name of my ship, the Seahorse. I liked the look of the forward-leaning glass and the layout of the bridge. I hand-welded the superstructure out of 3/8 inch T651 low-corrosion, high strength sheet aluminum. I leased a water-jet cutter to cut the sections and TIG welded them together. Rather than out-source the bending of the sheets I cut everything at matching angles. Thank God for that CAD program and CAM integration with the cutter or I would have screwed up the complex angles on the support frame in nothing flat. At over 800 bucks for a 4x8 sheet my materials costs were high enough without fuck ups. I scuffed it all up with a wire wheel and applied liberal coats of epoxy paint inside and out, sprayed polyurethane foam all over the interior until it was three inches thick then laid in the various runs and the interior wall panels which covered them. Again, the inner panels got the epoxy paint treatment.

The hull was extended an extra three feet up to form a bulwark rather than running posts and chains. I felt it gave more protection and looked better, despite the weight penalty. (I learned the number one secret to CAD/CAM integration. Define your zeroes and work from them. As long as everything is talking the same units of measure and you don't lose registration, it's damned hard to screw up once that's under control.)

Instead of building in a breakfast nook I made use of a deep breakfast bar design. It made good illumination easy with LED light sets screwed underneath the cabinets. The deck sole had multiple coats of epoxy paint with a little sand added to the final coat. It was rough on bare feet and soft soled mocs, but it gripped wonderfully well when wet. The bow deck and the helm were made safe the same way. The mechanical spaces were soled in expanded steel mesh to avoid any grit in sensitive systems.

I didn't believe in keeping propane tanks in an internal locker. Me no go boom. I had four 100 pound tanks in a vented locker off the stern. I used armored flexible couplings everywhere that the lines were exposed in the hopes that this would prevent stress fractures. I had a little gas grill mounted at the stern as well, opposite the gas locker.

I spent several weekends listening to a little transistor radio while I worked on the bridge panels. I had to double-check each run before I terminated and labeled it. I used a little label gun that went through batteries like grain through a goose, but the labels it put out were very nice.

The first day I had her afloat I sat on a stool with my elbows resting on the breakfast bar and closed my eyes. I could feel the ship move under me. My baby was coming to life.

It's amazing what you can find for sale in a marine wrecker's yard. I bought an twenty-two thousand dollar Furuno navigation system and radio-telephone for twenty percent of retail. I had to buy the radar mast unit and the navigation actuators new, but in comparison to a fully-equipped fresh-out-of-the-box installation that was a major steal. I found a new-in-the-box water maker for a couple hundred bucks as well. It only pumped out about two to four gallons an hour but that was enough for my uses. Hell, I could wear dirty clothes for a week at a time or use the shore side facilities when not plugged in.

Speaking of facilities, I knew that I was low and slow off the plate. I had to find a live-aboard slip before the time ran out on my construction slip lease. Thank God I was under fifty feet long! The prices skyrocketed if you were above that. I found a slip at the Port Orchard Railway Marina. They had well-lit parking, card-key security, reasonable services including laundry, showers, wireless Internet, pump-out and propane, and were less than a mile across the inlet from where I worked.

It grated my ass to do it, but I had to take the captaincy courses to get my papers. I spent a winter's worth of weekends grinding through the coursework. Let me tell you, a winter spent in the Seattle/Tacoma area will make you a firm believer in woolens. I bought a couple good shirts, vests and pairs of pants from Filson. Their wool whipcord is unequalled. Their Mackinaw cruiser is worth every penny. You just have to keep your head and fingers warm. Smart wool socks are a blessing as well.

I was ecstatic to get the Seahorse Coast Guard Certified. Yay! The inspector said she was over-built, but there wasn't anything wrong with that. I got high marks for a home-built. She bobbed up like a cork during the righting test, probably due to the concrete ballast bolted to the ship's keel. Once I got her insured I moved everything to the ship, gave up my apartment lease and moved the ship to the marina. The cost was about a wash once I figured in the lease, electric, fuel, live-aboard fees and insurance, but it bought me a much nicer neighborhood. My slip was at the end of an outer dock so I had fewer neighbors than most.

My port-side neighbor was Betty. She was living aboard a little bitty 32-foot sailboat. I goggled at that because she was nearly six feet tall. How she stayed warm and comfortable over a Seattle winter in a sailboat with a four and a half foot cabin overhead confounded me. She took her boat out regularly to sail the back bays for her 'mental health'. She was always cheerful. Betty was a full-time student. I kept cool around her, but wow, did she fill out a pair of shorts!

Sam was a little bullfrog of a guy with a basso profundo voice. I didn't know where he stuffed those organ pipes he used but he sure had 'em! He lived aboard a great big Sunseeker Manhattan 62 that looked out of place slumming up here in Seattle. He was some sort of investment banker and was always hosting parties. His ship was tied up nose-to-tail with mine.

The noise from his parties didn't bother me as the insulation that I'd used did a good job both thermally and acoustically. A little stereo with some Bose book-shelf speakers scattered around sounded wonderful. I initially had some problems with the sound quality in the salon, but a thin sheet of unfinished rough-cut maple glued to the overhead took care of the high frequency echoes.

Amos came out most weekends to work on his Hatteras '36. He was the fourth member of our dock that I recognized. Everyone else was a absentee landlord and just used the place for storing their craft.

I invited everyone over for dinner one cold, misty Saturday in November. My salon was still pretty sparse but everything else was taking shape. I was short on serving space for four so I stood in the galley to eat while they crowded around the counter. I dished up a nice crock pot full of burgundy beef stew with fresh bread and sweet butter. All I had to drink was fruit juice since I'd given up booze, but nobody seemed to mind. Since I was the new guy on the block I got thoroughly quizzed about my ship. When I brought out my photo log to let them dig through it they were visibly impressed.

Sam said, "You could pick up quite a bit of cash doing repair jobs around the marina."

"Ever hear of the job that refused to die?" He looked at me curiously. I used to be a computer tech and did some programming on the side. Now, I wasn't a professional or anything like that. I didn't even have a contract. That was my downfall. I took on a programming job where the customer kept adding things and adding things and adding things ... they thought that they could get it by me on the original agreement. I had to quit them cold turkey because they refused to pay any hourly fees. I got burned pretty badly on that one."

Amos nodded. "I do antique car restoration and repairs. It's hourly or hit the road. People are greedy."

Betty was looking around. "You could do with some rugs. It's all unrelenting yellow in here."

I asked her "If you know anywhere around that I can pick up some fall colors in woven or braided rugs, let me know. I'm also after a big, overstuffed red leather recliner. That should outfit me to a tee." She nodded happily. "I'll ask around the design school."

It wasn't long before I got the address of a carpet store that had a reputation for good prices. I bought a 5x10 foot braided rug in browns and reds, and a 2x10 foot braided runner rug in the same colors.

I put an ad in the paper--"Wanted: big red leather chair, looks unimportant. Comfort the prime consideration. I want something I can fall asleep in comfortably and wake up equally comfortable."

I must have driven over a third of the city and tried over thirty chairs. I finally found myself at an old mansion that looked like it had been built for a lumber baron. The chair looked like a hippo had sat on it. I sat down and smiled. Whoever had reupholstered it was a master. It was both massive and massively ugly but wonderfully comfortable. I could lay in it sideways and nothing would dangle off the end. It was a little difficult to get out of, but a two to three inch block under each foot would fix that. I paid twelve hundred for it and one twenty to get it delivered. It was a good thing that the stern waterproof doors were a double set with a removable center post or we'd never have gotten the thing inside. It took up a good part of the salon's real-estate. However, it was a great place from which to watch a movie, read a book or take a nap.

I was puttering around one weekend checking out the views near Point Defiance park when an idiot that had no idea what he was doing out on the water swamped a chain of kayakers. Two of the six didn't recover. I hit the button for station-keeping, grabbed a couple of life preservers and dove over the rail. I got a young man out of a bad situation by flipping him back up, but the young lady that was travelling next to him had taken a hit from a shoreline stone and was bleeding copiously from a cut above her ear. I got her upright and stable, then looked back at my ship. It was then that I realized that I hadn't lowered a rope or a ladder. Fuck.

The kid had recovered and agreed to help. I had him squat down in the water with his feet in my crossed hands. I had my feet on the bottom and gave him a powerful 'alley-oop' that damned near tossed him over the side. He scrambled up and over the rail once he caught a foot in a scupper. He let down a life preserver ring on a rope. I got the girl's head and arms through the ring and he hauled her aboard. I had him lower it again and tie off the rope as I was way too heavy for him to haul aboard. I hand-over-handed it up the sixteen feet of freeboard, over the rail and to the deck. I lay there with my arms on fire for a long delicious minute. Then I got my ass up, checked my GPS coordinates and called for emergency services.

An air ambulance soon showed up to take care of our sleeping princess. A coast guard boat closed in on our joy-rider and damned near had to blow the idiot out of the water before he hove to. I used a boat hook and a couple of lines to secure the kayaks to the stern. I got my guest into a warm shower and a pair of over-sized sweats, then did the same for myself. He availed himself of the radiotelephone to contact his folks while I made way back to my slip. I told him where we were headed so his folks could meet us. In the mean time I threw our clothing in the washer.

Our clothes weren't quite dry when we tied up. I put out the gangplank. My salon was a zoo for a while. The dryer 'dinged and I got us both into our regular clothes (well, him not so much, since he had been wearing a pair of board shorts, a kayak skirt and a polypro water shirt). I loaned him a sweat shirt and pants in the name of propriety. We all headed off to the hospital to see how the girl was doing.

I was sure that if I were the nurse on duty I would have wanted to go hide somewhere when our little circus came to town. Hospital staff don't get paid enough. They see people at their worst--in pain, panicking and frantic. We didn't get to see the girl, but we were told that she was under observation for a fairly serious concussion and her parents were with her. Everyone concerned relaxed. The kid's parents arranged for a pickup truck to get the kayaks from me the next day. Life went back to normal.

My back was sore the next day from the full-power adrenaline-fed 'alley-oop' routine. I had to take it easy for a while. I indulged in a hundred buck massage after a couple of days to break things free and stretch the muscles that had been insulted. Once I told the masseur what had happened I got a great massage. Best hundred bucks that I'd spent in quite a while. I took a card from the guy. If I fucked up my body in the future I knew who I'd go to.

After that, I tied a two-inch thick synthetic rope to a bitt off the stern with a knot every two feet. It would last in the sun and weather.

I was surprised that the newspaper picked up a freelancer's movie of the whole thing and turned it into a feature article. It must have been a slow news day. I found out from the news article that the girl I'd rescued was named Cindy Fetzer and the boy that had had a problem recovering his kayak was Martin Lee.

A couple of months later I got a Lion's club award for five grand and a humanitarian plaque during their yearly appreciation dinner. That paid for a nice little propane fireplace in the salon, a Ryobi pressure washer and a refill on all four propane tanks.

Everybody forgot about the older guy in the graying crew-cut. Life continued on as it always seems to do and I relaxed into the patterns of my day-to-day.

Despite everything, some people were just bound to have bad luck. Cindy's family was wiped out due to a nasty furnace explosion that left grisly singed chunks of her parents and sister scattered over her home's front yard. She was saved by being at a girl scout sleep-over, otherwise she would have likewise been turned into chum.

Her friend Sandy knew where I lived. I woke up early one morning to a knocking on my door. "Mister, I need a place to stay."

After I did due diligence to find out what the hell happened, I offered her a key and a bunk I put together in the stores locker.

I started in on the ferocious process of adopting a minor. After several months of mind-bending futility a judge said 'fuck it. He's got history.' and approved the adoption despite all the whines, screams, hyperventilation and indignant parading of the Seattle tribe of do-gooders. I got Cindy enrolled into the fourth grade and life was good.

She wanted a pet. I drew the line at cats and dogs. Cats hurled fur and pissed everywhere. Dogs shed fur and pissed everywhere. We lucked out and found bandit, a hand-raised raccoon. She couldn't knock anything off of a shelf as it was all secured aboard ship. She knew how to piss and shit in a toilet so we declared her an honorary human. She adored life at sea. Every time I went fishing she was right there, hanging off of a beam and waiting for the catch to come in. She adored pawing through a net's catch for the sweetest treats.

Bandit slept next to Cindy. Next to Cindy? They shared air space. The funniest thing I ever saw was Cindy trying to brush Bandit's teeth. Oh, Jesus. The foam flew everywhere.

Poor Bandit caught a bullet during a daylight snatch and grab. They came in from sea-side to bypass the site security and must have used a sledge to take out the rear hatch. We came back to one hell of a mess. There were two bodies lying on the salon deck with Bandit's teeth locked into one of their throats. I put out a Craig's List bid for forty thousand bucks for the eyeballs of whoever led my ship's break-in. I received a couple of DVDs and a pair of eyeballs in the post. They were movies that had been stolen from the ship. I paid off. The insurance paid for most everything stolen and got the heavy doors replaced. I had a car alarm installed aboard ship.

Cindy wanted to die. Her best bud had cashed it in. I felt helpless, unable to offer her any advice. The poor kid cried into my shirt a lot that night and for several weeks afterwards. Eventually I gave her the eyes that came in through the contract. She threw them over the side and straightened up. Childhood came to an abrupt ending for her. Being an adult sometimes sucks cheese.

Gracie came aboard from a final recourse pet adoption service. Gracie was a ferret, and a sweeter little girl I swear that you've never seen. she'd crawl up my chest and nibble on my chin while chirring at me. Eventually she wormed her way into Cindy's heart. Soon things approached normal again.

I have an evil secret. You see, I play the bass sax. there isn't much call for a bass sax in a modern band, unlike a bass guitar. It takes a real good pair of lungs to pump out a riff on a bass sax, but when you made it, baby, God loves you. It's one hell of a thing. Every once in a while I'd get Mabel out and we'd wail away out on the deck, scaring the birds and attracting the fur seals and sea lions. She was a 1921 Martin and she was loud!

Sometimes when I played Cindy came out on deck with a dish towel and hammed up honking her nose, then flipped the towel at me when she'd finished and ran away giggling. In the words of the late, great Jimmy Durante, "Everyone's a critic!".

The Seattle music scene was guitar crazy but I did find a couple of jazz venues. I found one group that I couldn't help but think 'they really need some bottom' every time I listened. Finally I couldn't stand it any longer. I brought Mabel along one night. When they started playing I kicked in with a little repetitive background riff. Everybody on stage stopped. "What the hell was that?" I let out a 'honk' and waved from the audience. "Get your ass up here on stage!" The rest of the night went pretty well. I became a regular on Friday nights. It was a lot of fun even though I didn't rake in the coin or anything like that. Cindy got curious about what I did on my weekend nights, and wanted to find out what all the fuss was about. We all crammed into that Isuzu one night and went down to the club. It was late when we got back to the ship. "Not bad, pop. Not bad at all."

Over the past few years I'd applied myself at work and learned enough machining go get a decent raise. When I proved that I could set up and cut a bolt with a specified thread then case harden it to a proven ASTM hardness I got my tool and die maker's ticket. the fact that I'd used a CAD-CAM controlled remote cutter when building my ship's superstructure and had the pictures to prove it sure helped.

I noticed that Cindy was depressed as hell. She'd sit at the bow and look out over the water. I asked her what the problem was. In the usual teen-aged response, I got back 'nothing'. I damned near had to beat it out of her but she was being shat on by girls in gangs at school. I went to see the principal as soon as I could. I was informed by his highness that the school could not be held accountable for actions of the students during non-supervised periods. I thanked him for his time and came back the next day with an axe handle. I beat him within a fractional inch of his life, being certain to fracture his jaw, cheekbones, shoulders, hips, knees and elbows. When I was arrested I asked for an immediate trial with plenty of press coverage.

The school code had this interesting little passage that stated the school was responsible for fostering a safe environment conducive to learning as long as the student was on school grounds. I got a hundred hours of community service, cops got beats on the school grounds, Cindy got a three hundred grand damage payoff and the principal got a brown parachute after he healed up. I didn't mind working the parks and hospitals during the weekends. It got me outside and meeting girls. I got a few dates with cute nurses too. One of which was Kari.

Kari was a curly-haired blonde that crinkled her upper lip when she grinned. I thought she was cute as hell. She was a surgical nurse with weird hours, but we managed to get together to bump uglies now and then. She really appreciated getting foot rubs after her shifts and I didn't mind giving 'em. As long as she was okay with me cuddling with her I wasn't going to bitch. She wasn't all that keen on living aboard a boat, but she got used to it. At least she didn't get the pukes at a moment's notice, thank God. The fact that I had a big, fat tempur-pedic mattress helped a lot.

We'd passed Port Angeles and were out on the deeps, fishing for our dinner when a huge-assed wave came at us from the west. It covered the entire horizon from north to south. I said, "Tsunami coming. Everything land-side is fucked. I'm estimating that it's twenty, thirty feet high way out here. As it gets closer to shore it'll get stronger and higher. Boys and girls, we're not getting any sleep for a while." I called it in to the coast guard. They'd already gotten the NOAA warning, but the GPS points from me and others helped to solidify their projections. We hung out over the deeps until the wave's energy had expended itself and back-washed back out to sea. I kept the satellite radio on so we could keep up with the news. Seattle, Brunen and Bremerton were hit pretty badly. Tacoma was fucking gone with virtually no survivors. The 'inner' cities that had no direct exposure to the path of the wave, like Redmond and Renton, weren't damaged too badly. We motored back to Bremerton to see if our dock was still there. we were lucky--the tsunami had run right over the harbor, only flooding it for a while and thrashing the silt. A lot of the boats were fucked up but the facilities were still there. Kari's hospital was wiped out. I spent the last few hours of my community service along with a lot more helping to pull people out of the debris where the Seattle harbor district used to be. It was three weeks before I went back to work, three weeks of steady, back-breaking thankless work trying to dig people, then bodies out of the storm-tossed trash. Cindy kept up right beside us. If she couldn't be out there tossing aside 2x4's and wallboard she was making coffee and sandwiches with the best of them. There were a lot of heroes that never got commendations for their efforts that month. The Hawaiian volcano eruption might have fried a lot of people in a short period of time, but the aftermath left a lot of mainland people's lives shattered.

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taryns night visitor

her bedside. He stands there looking down at her, she's wearing pyjama's and is laying on her side facing away from him her knees drawn up towards her chest almost in a foetal position. The light from the hallway casts his shadow across the bed as he slowly pulls the covers down off her body, she starts to stir from her sleep, feeling the cool air in place of the warmth of her covers. He quickly puts his hand over her mouth and pushes her shoulder forwards making her lay more...

4 years ago
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A Planet Is TornChapter 9

The two Woden ships that had previously crossed WS Reaper's breadtrail were still relatively close (in galaxy terms anyway) to planet P73197. One was a scout ship appropriately enough named WS Scout and the other a seeding ship named WS Clarion. WS Scout had been doing exactly what its name suggested — scouting far flung galaxies looking for valuable minerals — when Captain Marlon had received an order to return to Woden due to the Zytol attack. Marlon had barely given the order to set a...

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The Collar

over five years to the love of his life, Lillian. They had met in college, through their Greek society connections. He was an Alpha Eta, and she was a Delta Pi. Their sophomore year, her sorority had lost honors to his frat, and the girls had been slaves to the boys for a semester. Lillian had been Brian’s personal servant, and he used that fact to take her virginity from every orifice. When her sorority‘s “debt” had been paid and the game ended, Lillian and Brian continued...

2 years ago
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BangBros18 Kimberly Snow Seducing the Tutor

Kimberly Snow needed some urgent biology tutoring. As she never paid attention in class she had no clue about photosynthesis. Such a complex topic. So many hard to memorize words. Nobody in the world could ever understand this. Except for maybe James Angel her tutor. So he tried to explain how it works but all she could make out was bla, bla, bla. But he was kind of cute. She wondered if he worked out. She wondered how big his dick was. Ooops. Did she say that out loud? Indeed she did. So she...

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GirlsWay Carter Cruise Ashley Adams Lena Paul 2 Scenes In 1

Lena Paul and Ashley Adams sit on a couch, waiting nervously for an interview for the sorority that they’re pledging for. Carter Cruise walks in brusquely, greeting the girls with ‘Hey sluts.’ Carter tells Lena and Ashley that they will call her ‘Pledgemaster’ and she’ll be assessing them. Carter doesn’t waste any time starting her assessment, telling the girls to stand up and strip their clothes off. The girls are hesitant, but Carter explains that...

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Finding Solace

Chapter 1 I've had a good life for the most part: an interesting career, two grown children that love me, and a good tenured position in a mid-sized university teaching advanced biochemistry and conducting research with a number of grad students. All in all, I'm very happy. I did go through a fairly difficult divorce, however, that was no doubt the most unpleasant stretch of my life so far. I won't go into a lot of details but just say that my former wife is now living with the guy. About...

5 years ago
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Star of my Fantasy

I'm having fantasies about my co-worker. Sexual ones. Yes I'm already in a relationship, but I haven't had sex in more than 2 months! Don't even ask. So I figure a little flirting and mental gymnastics never hurt anyone...right? So I'm sitting at my desk, studiously trying to finish this report that was due like yesterday. But the face right across me is so damn distracting! There is a time and a place for fantasy, and this is not it let me tell you. But he's so damn gorgeous! Caramel skin and...

4 years ago
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My WarChapter 2 Repercussions

While Tony and his father were kept busy changing the locks Tina was busy packing, or rather throwing her husbands possessions into a couple of old potato sacks. She then unceremoniously dragged them out of the back door and stashed them by the outside toilet. When Tony tried to help her she refused saying "This is a job that I must do and have had the satisfaction of doing myself." After Tony and his father had finished changing the locks, his father left to go home, and Tony and Tina...

2 years ago
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The Crimson King Ch 07

‘LEON!’ ‘Mary! Mary, calm down!’ Mary Ann opened her eyes and looked around, her entire body shaking with memory. The rich surroundings were unfamiliar but the handsome features poised above her were warm and comforting. ‘You’re safe. You’re safe now, baby.’ She met Leon’s soft eyes and pushed herself up, trying to remember what had happened. ‘Leon?’ ‘Yes, baby. You’re safe.’ He moved aside and Sammi came forward, her open arms encompassing Mary and holding her tight. ‘What … what...

1 year ago
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Building Her Up Fast

The sole young female apprentice on a high-rise construction site is boned by two tilers in an unfinished apartment. Tony was not your average ‘sparkie’. Workmates were impressed by where their petite colleague could squeeze their slender arm and thin fingers to pull those frickin short wires through the bloody small holes the drillers left in the concrete slabs behind the plaster sheets; several storeys up, for the electrical sub contracted team to wire. Tony liked the electrical...

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BlackValleyGirls Jenna Foxx Kira Noir Bratty Black Lesbian Lovers

After a long day of shopping with their rich daddy’s credit cards, Jenna Foxx and Kira Noir returned to their lavish family home to try on their new swag. Kira really savored the time she could spend with Jenna, since she was with her new boyfriend almost 24/7 nowadays. Kira also thought Jenna’s boyfriend didn’t know how to treat her right, at least not as right as Kira did. Kira always knew just what to say and do to make Jenna smile. Kira wanted her best friend back, and the...

4 years ago
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when we were Virgins

I was 19 at the time when i first lost my verginity. I was living on my own for a couple of years now, my family decided to move from ny to maine and I dident want to go so i stayed. They dident have the money to take everything but the things that they needed, so my mother asked me to clean out the appt they were living in. I went there The following day n started making phone calls to get most of the furniture out without throwing it away. On the second day i went n started...

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Every day I walk my dog in a patch of bush not far from my home usually during the week the only living things I see are Kangaroos and a few reptiles,at weekends a few trail bike riders spoil the peace.Last Friday as I entered the area I thought I saw a mountain bike way in front, but as I walked down the track there was nothing in sight. About a kilometer in I saw a flash of colour in the bush on my right it caught my eye as drought affected bush doesn't have much colour. I kept my eye on the...

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First Time in the BehindChapter 3

When Roger came home from work, Nicole met him at the door. She was freshly washed, powdered, perfumed, and she wore a lush satin robe wrapped around a shimmery sheer nightgown. The curves of her body showed through it, and as she kissed him hello, she let the robe fall open. "Hard day?" she asked, stroking his cheek. Roger's job was an executive position with the company Nicole's father had created. He didn't have to exert a muscle or a brain cell to collect his paycheck. "So-so,"...

2 years ago
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Kya Din Tha Wo Bhabhi Ke Sath Gauv Me

Hello dosto….ye meri dusri story hai…..meri pehli story aap logo ko itni jyada to pasand nahi aayi. par sayad ye story aap logo ko pasand aayegi…..agar aap logo ko pasand aaye to reply jarur karna……mera id Ye bat 5-6 sal purani hai jab me india me tha….par pichhale 2-3 sal se me london me hu….ok me story start karta hu… abhi 24 yrs ka average body wala ladka hu,,,,me 18 sal ka tha tabki ye story hai…me gujarat ke ek chhote se town me raheta tha….abhi bhi mera ghar wahi hai….par me abhi...

1 year ago
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The Whist Drive

Prologue Mrs Diana Fortescue-Slagg was very pleased. She was chairing the Annual General Meeting of the Middle England Whist Club, and there had been a highly satisfactory agenda item. It was the Treasurer’s Report. The Treasurer, Marjorie Snatch, wasn’t a very exciting speaker. (She was a Chartered Accountant, you see.) And the Whist Club was skint. But Marjorie was a great planner and forecaster. Which is a kind of ‘creative accounting’ term for fantasist. And Marjorie’s report hadn’t...

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Dani and the Bull Ch 15

Author’s Note: While I was getting this chapter ready for submission, I realized that Nick had invaded my computer and turned Dani and Bull’s world upside down. When I found the part where he was using his evil to make things worse, I consulted both Dani and Bull and they realized that she would have never allowed such a thing to happen. So I made sure that was made clear in the story. Sorry no rushing ahead, but you’ll know when you get there. I also knew I had to make up for what Andre was...

3 years ago
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Achilles Pussy Or How I Can Never Resist My Urges

I opened my eyes and instantly regretted it. Fuck, my head was pounding. As the faces of my two alarm clocks began to merge and become a single one again on my nightstand, I saw that it was just before eight, in the A.M. I guessed. I gulped, Jesus, my mouth was dry. It felt as though my throat was full of salty sand, I could barely swallow.  I spotted a bottle of water on the nightstand and reached out to grab it, desperate to slake my thirst. I leaned out to grab it and instantly regretted...

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Latex Futa Nuns From Hell Chapter 5 A New Order

The recent rains had turned the farm grounds into a sticky, muddy mess. Normally that would create difficulty while working with horses and other animals, but there weren't many animals left on Stedman Farms. Very soon, there would be none at all. The metamorphosis of the estate was well underway and it was already serving a different purpose than raising animals and staple crops. Margaret heard heavy footsteps coming down the stairs. They approached her from behind, work boots clomping on...

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Thicker Than BloodChapter 38

I didn’t refuse my brother’s offer of a place to recover. I didn’t have the energy to refuse him. He did do me the one thing that I most needed him to do: he left me alone to my thoughts and memories and my tears which just didn’t seem to have a limit. “Stacey brought me all of my meals and she ate with me each time. I didn’t eat much; I just picked at my food. And then it was a week later, a week after the death of the two people I trusted above all others—the only ones I did trust if it...

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the naughty mom chapter 3

Chapter Three: The rain hadn't lessened any. It was dark as Alicia drove home from the health club. The raindrops refracted the glow from lights momentarily, then were swept aside by the rhythmically swishing wipers. Alicia drove in a daze, hardly able to believe she had been fucked at the spa, not wanting to even think about it. She just wanted to get home and shower the smell of of that boy off her, then soak in the hot-tub with a drink in one hand. She needed to...

2 years ago
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MommyBlowsBest Alana Cruise Looking At Mommy

Brad Knight startled his sexy step-mom Alana Cruise while she was picking up his dirty laundry. She says jokingly that she does so many things for him she might as well suck his dick too. When she realizes that he is actually into it she asks to see his cock. Once she sees how thick it is she can’t stop herself from sticking it all the way down her throat. She gets her pretty face fucked hard and covers her stepson’s shaft with her saliva. Alana sure knows how to please a man with a...

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The Whistle BlowersChapter 7

Sam was so pleased with the way his new recruits had followed his orders and shaved their pubic hair off he decided to let them rest for the remainder of the day. The Wheaton’s may think of it as reward but the knowledge of what awaited them would keep them in agony. The girls’ were speechless at the sight of their hairless pussy mounds that made their nubile young bodies look almost childlike. It was clear they didn’t like having to shave their precious pussies bald as a baby. Katherine...

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Bla Book 3 Wrinkles in TimeChapter 17

"Hmm. Interesting," Tabatha said, talking to herself. She moved her fingers on the console and changed the display around. "What?" Jake Hedron asked. He was lying on the bed, spread-eagled, naked and sexually sated; at least for the moment. He'd never met anyone as sexy and as fascinating as Tabatha. The fact that she was an empath intrigued him. His real parents and his grandparents were the only people he knew who were special in any way, and they were more advanced on a physical...

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didi ko preplanned choda

hi to all indian sex stories readers after along time i am going to tell u my real true incident between me and my sweet i am going to write really true my confession to everyone what i did to my didi…i am raju…25 years old young lusty guy…for my Indian Hindi lovers i am going to write in hindi….so as i am doing my masters…now i am going to tell you about my didi… wah bahut hi khoobsurat hai…having 36-30-38 of figure…didi bahut hi mast hai,,eekdum gadraii jawani ki...

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PornWorld Aubrey Black Big Titty Nympho Dr Aubrey Black DPd by Patient and Colleague

It’s Wednesday morning and like usual Dr. Aubrey Black is horny. Lucky for her, she doesn’t have a patient right away so she decides to make use of her favorite glass dildo. But as she begins pleasuring herself with it she loses track of time and pretty soon her patient is calling to be seen. She then comes out scantily clad, takes him into her examination room, takes his vitals, and starts the physical examination—which then leads to her sucking his cock. As the two are fucking on the exam...

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The Labors of Jasper Episode 0 Prologue

20Jas0000Prologue A favorite author wrote a book on how to write. He explains that there is a great nugget of story buried in the muck of our minds. The nugget must be excavated to be exorcized. That famous author's nuggets are gold. Mine are more of a semi-precious stone. Jasper, in this case. Ok, guys, another princess story. I think this one is my last. Fully excavated now. Time to haunt another nugget. I started a story, Noel, but quickly discovered this story, Jasper. It starts...

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I am very happily married person. My wife Nisha very loves wife. For her, keeping me always happy is her motto. She would go to any length to keep me pleased. Our sex life so satisfying for me that I would never think of any other woman, thanks to the attitude of Nisha. She is very beautiful. Her very fair complexion would give a shame to even a European girl. She is very graceful in her movements. Her long black hairs which she keeps loose, covers my face when she bends on me. I am not a tall...

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FIFTEEN YEARS LATER (2032) “Charles?” K said, now 28. “Yes, Princess?” I responded, now 33. “Everybody’s gone, leaving us alone.” “Where did they all go to?” I asked. “Claire, Annie and Sarah with Rose and Michael, along with Ken and his brood, went to check on the newest Charles & Claire Dance Studio in Pittsburgh. On their way back they were going to Columbus for the day, to check on the studio that Brian and Susan, and their family, are in charge of.” “That leaves us all alone,...

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My tamil teacher

Hi all, My name is vicky. I am from chennai. This is one of my sex experiences. I was in 12th. I studied in salem. There I had a sexy teacher. Of course she is from coimbatore. She was neither my subject teacher nor my class teacher.A bit fat, coffee coloured skin and powdered face are her features. She applies lots of powder and it appears due to the contrast with her skin. She must be around 38 yrs old. I saw her for the first time during my examination. I remember it.She was the invigilator....

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To Be Rich Part 2

“So did you call him,” Carli asked as she answered the phone, not even gracing me with a hello of any sort. “Yes,” I answered, trying to hide any emotion in my voice that might lead her to believe that something had happened between the two of us. “And,” he coaxed at me, trying to get more detail than I was ready to really give her at this moment. I knew she was my best friend and I was supposed to tell her everything, but I was just not ready to tell her this. “We had lunch,” I answered,...

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Utopian RefugeeChapter 14

Ed steered his car onto the access road to the hotel. The access road was a four lane road with a divider between the lanes in each direction. He made it about twenty yards to a turnaround with a security checkpoint blocking the road beyond the turnaround. Security men, armed with automatic weapons, wearing armored vests, and helmets equipped with radios stopped Ed’s car. If they had been wearing military camouflage, they would have looked like soldiers on a checkpoint in a war zone. The men...

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The Day That Wouldnt End

I was inspired to this story after watching the movie Groundhog Day. There are other movies and stories using the same basic idea, but I wanted to add a new twist to it. The Day that Wouldn't End by Morpheus It started out pretty much like any other Saturday. I got up late, watched some cartoons on the tube, hung around being lazy for awhile, then finally got myself dressed up and started doing a little cleaning around my apartment. It wasn't a very big or impressive...

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Matured Widow Maid 8211 Part I

I am of fair, athletic ( Black belt in Karate ) built, and well endowed ( About 10 inches in length, 2 inches wide, 4.5 inches circumference).My first sexual experience was at an age of 18 with a Bengali neighbor of mine and we had this going for 2.5 yrs and was well educated sexually (including oral and anal)by her. This got me into matured women though I had numerous affairs with females of my age plus minus five yrs throughout my academic years. But the most I enjoyed with matured ladies...

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Nan Mom and Me Pt7

Nan, Mom and Me Pt. 7                   Further family frolics.........…… We now come to the years when we have had to explain to our daughter that her Mom and ‘brother’ are really her Mom and Dad.  After hearing this, Gracie seemed to take it very well and surprised us by asking if she could join us both sometimes in bed. That was quite a surprise, I can tell you.  A bolt from the blue!!! – Fran advised her to sleep on it that night and she would come and speak to her in the morning.  With...

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Fools in ParadiseChapter 10

Vincent had been standing there, absorbing what I was saying about cameras. “Ok, Vince, show me what you’ve got.” I think that calling him Vince was the most startling thing that had ever happened to him. His face at first was shocked and then slowly changed to ecstasy. Could it be that this was the first time in his life, somebody went beyond friendly, to friend? This can be an eye-opener for a lonely kid. His face broke out in a huge smile, “Well, Matt,” there was a slight hesitation, and...

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Motherrsquos Boys

For a long time I'd suspected my 19 year old son Michael had been borrowing my used panties from my laundry basket and playing with them while he masturbated. I'd also noticed that while Michael was alone in our house the memory stick with my husband's naughty pictures of me on it moved from where we'd put it. Some of the pictures on that memory stick would never pass a censor! I know I should have been shocked but instead it really turned me on.After Michael went away to university my panties...

3 years ago
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Helping my sister in law

Sister In law ‘There is no way in hell I am helping that bitch move her shit.’ My wife had decided that ‘we’ were going to help her twin sister move into the new house she had built with her fiance. ‘Stephanie’s a little bitch who only cares about herself, and she hates me. Why would I do anything for her?’ I asked. ‘She is my sister and you will be there to help her out,’ my wife fired back. I finally agreed to be my sister-in-laws slave that day, hoping it would pay off for me later that...

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Voices in the Darkness

VOLUME ONE — VOICES IN THE DARKNESS * Chapter 1 All eyes turned as my attorney called our witness: ‘The plaintiff calls Michelle Liu to the witness stand.’ The entire courtroom fell silent in anticipation of Michelle’s appearance. The distinctive sound produced from a woman’s high heel shoes walking on a marble floor could be heard approaching. The sound from each step grew louder as she approached the imposing double doors of courtroom number two. Michelle Liu was the star witness in...

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Simple Seduction

Chapter 1: ‘Mallory, please! You have to do this for me!’ Mallory Leanna Evens stared at her older sister as if she had grown two heads. ‘Macey, I can’t just go on your blind date for you and tell this mystery guy that you aren’t interested. It doesn’t work that way. If you want to, you go and tell him yourself.’ she sighed. It was so like Macey to make her do the dirty work. Sometimes Mallory wondered how it was that they were sisters. Besides the fact that they looked nothing alike, they...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 186 My First Day as a Millionaire

Saturday, May 7, 2005 (Continued) Once I was sitting at my desk again, with my schoolwork open around me, I couldn't help noticing that this wasn't a particularly thrilling way to spend my first morning as a multi-millionaire, but I couldn't think of what else to do (not strictly true, as Carol was sitting a few feet away and I had no trouble thinking of what I'd like to do with her). To distract myself, I decided to spoil myself by writing the sexy spreadsheet that I'd thought of...

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Napunsak Bhaiya Ki Biwi Part 8211 7

Bimla ki nabhi mere chusne ke karan laal ho ke suz gayee thi aur bimla ko maza bhi bahut aaya.Jab meine chusna band kiya toh khud hi bol padi thodi der baad ki wapas chusso, toh meine uski nabhi pe daag dikha ke mana kiya aur nabhi mein ungli daal ke hilata raha.Mera lund khada tha lekin dar ke maare himmat nahi thi ki aage badhun.Bimla ko agar zara bhi shak hua ya dari toh tay tha ki phone pe meri shikayat kar deti aur mein agle 6 saal tak 3 biwiyan hone ke bawzud randua hi rahta. Pitaji,maa...

2 years ago
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MyGirlfriendsBustyFriend August Taylor 23727

When your girlfriend doesn’t have much going on up top, you’re always thankful for her busty friends. And you’re especially thankful when one of her busty friends pops by your house when your girlfriend isn’t home, asking to use your shower because she just came from the gym and her house is being remodeled. Mike finds himself in that situation when August Taylor, the stack-iest of his girlfriend’s stacked friends, busts his door down with her big tits asking to use their shower. Sure, he says,...

4 years ago
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Married Lady Owns Me

Hi, everybody! My names Gyan and i work in the IT capital of India as an Engineer!! I have been reading ISS even before i had my first sex experience. But this is the first time i am relating my experience here. This is my second encounter with a lady ever. I always had this fantasy of having sex with a married lady as i was a big fan of the “Milf” porn culture. So i used to try and woo married ladies but i was always unsuccessful in it as they found me too young for their liking. This story...

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AlifChapter 14

"Breakfast!" greeted Ketaba cheerfully, announcing her presence in the bedroom where Ana was sleeping. Ana cautiously opened her eyes and looked at her naked friend towering above carrying a tray adorned with fruit juice, muesli and toast. "I thought you might appreciate some breakfast, Ana!" Ana smiled shyly. Nobody had ever brought her breakfast in bed before, so she gratefully sat up and put the tray on her lap. She picked up the glass of fruit juice which tasted slightly sour to her...

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Babita Aur Jetha Ki Chudai

This is a incident between Babita ji aur Jethalal when Daya went to Ahmedabad. Baarish ka mausam tha. Jethalal baarish mein bhigte hue ghar jaa raha tha. Tab raaste mein auto mein usse Babita ji ne dekh liya. Aur Jethalal ko apne saath auto mein bitha liya. Dono Gokuldham pahuchte hai tab Jethalal ko yaad aaya ki woh apne ghar ki key dukan mein bhool gaya. Bapuji aur Tapu kutch gaye hue the. Babita ji Jethalal ko unke saath ghar aane ko bolti hai. Iyer bhi koi meeting ke liye Delhi gaya hua...

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Aunt Jane

My wife and I occasionally see my Aunt Jane. She has been a widow for several years and lives in an apartment by herself. We think she is a very nice lady and always thoughtful to do something for others. When I was a little boy and my parents and I stopped in to visit her, she would pat me on top of my head and give me a cookie. Now, on occasions while I'm on my way home from work, I stop in to see if I can do anything for her. Friday evening while I was out running errands, I stopped by to...

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His Mothers Hair Part II F

His Mother's Hair, Part II F By Melissa Anne Curling As he started to come out of a deep sleep, Wendy's first awareness in the morning darkness of his room was of the pressure he was feeling inside the panty of his baby doll nightie set. This made him emotionally uncomfortable because he wasn't used to this occurrence, but even more so because he knew it would never happen to a 'real' girl his age. He tried to chase his little erection away by looking forward to the same thing he...

2 years ago
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Fun Sex With Maid In Hot Holiday Summer

Hi I am reddy back with another experience of mine. Thanks for feedback for my previous stories. I hope I will get the same feedback for this one. My email is Coming to the story I am 21 years old when this has happened, I have just finished my bachelors and waiting for my post-graduation. I was on holidays so I visited my home town from there I went to my mom’s mom (aamma) place which few hours’ drive from our place. It is month of June very hot and I was chilling at that place, its old house...

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Useless Sissy Husbands

USELESS SISSY HUSBANDS by Throne John squatted in the corner of the kitchen, wearing only a plaid miniskirt and a sleeveless blouse, along with knee socks and saddle shoes. The hair of his brunette wig fell to his bare shoulders and was cut in bangs across his forehead. He cowered there, biting his lips, while his gorgeous wife Lana sat at the breakfast table with her lover Darren. The latter had on only boxer shorts, his fit body well displayed. Her sole attire was a short robe,...

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