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Neither one thought five minutes wasn't enough time to sneak out for a joint; "Fuck it!" Sister Bernice said and Sister Sara nodded her agreement.

The Youngstown Repertory Company was staging 'The Sound Of Music' and the two women had drawn the parts of nuns in the chorus. Ellen, Sister Bernice, and Susan, Sister Sara, didn't mind the supporting roles, they'd just finished playing leads in the last production. Susan's part in the playbill was Sister Sophia, but, privately, Susan changed that to add more color; Sister Sara was the role played by Shirley Mclaine in the movie, where the nun turns out to be a prostitute in disguise. "El," Susan asked, "Can we do something a little outrageous after?"


"I want to go out for a walk later, just the two of us."

"Suze! What are you up to?" asked Ellen, the glimmer of the answer already illuminating her imagination.

"I think Sister Agatha and Sister Sara deserve a night out on the town," she answered, her hand over her mouth was ineffective at suppressing the giggles.

"Sister! What... " But Susan, overcome by the giggling, waved her to silence as each took a final hit on the roach before returning to the rehearsals.

So, at ten when the director had had enough, Susan and Ellen ducked out before anyone else could notice. The nun's clothing, habit, they wore was extremely old-fashioned, accurate for pre-WWII Europe; both women assumed that no one they'd meet would be able to appreciate the anachronism.

"Where do you want to go?" asked Susan.

"I'm hungry. Let's eat."

"McDonald's... Taco Bell... what?"

"No, fool. Let's go to a restaurant. Let's do something different." It had become clear to Susan that Sister Sara needed to lead this expedition.

"What kind of restaurant?"

"Dear, there's only one kind, the expensive kind."

"But... Dear... We don't have any money," Ellen tried to reason.

Susan made a gesture she'd seen priests use during mass, left hand on her breast, she brought her right hand before her face, palm facing left, raised it up, lowered it then with box corners brought it to her left and then to her right. She'd described a Catholic cross in the air; she'd made a blessing. "Dear Sister Bernice, The lord will provide."

And the providing began. The theater was located in a cluster of establishments devoted to evenings on the town. There was a selection of fancy restaurants all within walking distance, and each with its unique cuisine, there was shops catering to people with a little extra to spend. Strolling along, looking in windows, playing their roles. It wouldn't do to stop and look at lingerie, but it was alright to pause at women's dresses. To add to the color, they spent some time looking in a drugstore window, as if that spelt the limits of their worldliness; Ellen and Susan were accomplished actresses, brilliant at improv, and they were playing to an imagined unseen audience. It hadn't slipped their minds that they were trying to decide which bistro to bless with their blessed presence, and they became increasingly concerned about meeting real nuns or a Catholic priest. Their act could easily be discovered.

"I like this. Let's eat here," Susan said, as they studied a menu in the window.

"I hope it's expensive enough," agreed Ellen. "I still don't understand what you're planning to do when the waiter hands us the bill. Are you gonna pray?"

"That's a wonderful idea! I'll add that to my list.

"Let's do it," she said, as she opened the restaurant door.

It was an attractive little bistro, tastefully decorated, in keeping with its inflated prices. The reception area featured a large, decorative fish tank, with a multitude of decorative fish. There was several potted plants that seemed natural, and vines growing towards the skylight. An attractive hostess was eying the strange looking entrants with indications of major distress. The indications were realized when she was joined by an attractive 40-year-old gentleman who she introduced as Franco, one of the owners.

"Sisters!" he said, wringing his hands as if ready to go to work. He was an attractive, man, well dressed, and the two nuns smiled in appreciation. "How can I help you?"

"My goodness," said Ellen, taking the lead. "We certainly didn't intend to disturb you. We saw your restaurant and it looked so inviting that we just had to stop here for dinner."

"Yes, Mister... umm,... Franco," continued Susan. "You have a lovely restaurant and we couldn't resist coming in. But I'm sure the young lady can take care of us. You must have more important things to do."

Power surged through them, the two actresses felt it. At improvisation, they did their best work without discussion, and this improv was going good. They didn't think the owner had anything more important to do, that's why they told him he did.

"The... Marie?"


"Give them a nice table with Henri."

The table they selected may not have been very nice, but it was certainly out of the way. "Do you think they're trying to hide us?" whispered Susan.

"I suspect having two five-and-a-half foot penguins in the middle of their restaurant might put the diners off their meals," Ellen whispered back.

But their plan didn't include outrageous behavior so the two nuns conversed in whispers. It was a nice atmosphere, a bar with four stools and a bartender was situated against the other wall. There was about fifteen tables, with half of them occupied, and two waiters providing service. A waiter, presumably Henri, arrived and offered them menus. "Do you have a wine menu?" asked Sister Bernice.

"Of course!" Henri responded, and returned in a moment with the requested list. When he returned, Ellen looked it over and selected a small bottle of a tasteful, moderately expensive wine. At least it seemed moderately expensive but, without prices listed, it was impossible to tell. Susan hadn't told Ellen that the nicest thing on the menu was all the missing prices; if she'd known Ellen certainly would have objected but she certainly would have guessed.

The food was excellent, and the two nuns attacked it with gusto, barely pausing, now and then, to remark on this and that. It wasn't until they'd finished their coffee, and the waiter brought the check, that the two of them were completely struck dumb. The final sum came to just over one-hundred dollars.

"Oh, good heavens," gasped Susan, trying to keep to a whisper. "Umm... umm... could we please speak to the manager?"

"Is something wrong?" asked Henri.

"Oh. This is terrible. I had no idea. Please can we speak to the manager?

"Franco... ?"

"Of course. I'll get him right away. But he's not the manager. Franco is one of the owners."

But in a moment Henri returned alone with a message for the nuns. "Mister Luchierro,... Franco, asked me to ask you and your friend to join him in his office. He said it would be a lot more comfortable discussing this in private."

"Of course," said Susan, as the nuns got up from the table to follow Henri to the restaurant office.

"Have a seat," Franco offered, indicating a small leather-covered couch that barely fit in the small office. As he closed the door behind them, gesturing for Henri to return to his duties, the actresses found themselves alone in the small room. In contrast with the pleasant atmosphere outside the door, the office was strictly business. In addition to the couch, the office contained a desk with telephone and computer, two 4-drawer file cabinets which couldn't quite contain the boxes of files stuck in a corner, and one harried owner sitting in a chair scowling at the nuns. He tried to adopt a puzzled, helpful look that couldn't fool two trained actresses. "First, before we begin, my name is Franco Luchierro, my brother and I own this restaurant, and you are... ?"

"Oh!" Ellen replied, as if she been jolted out of a restful calm. "I'm Sister Bernice, and this is Sister Sara."

"And... ?"

There was a slight pause, which was broken after Ellen turned towards Susan to continue with the charade. "We are very, very embarrassed, Mister Luchierro, butó"

"Franco," he offered attempting an insincere smile.

"Yes, of course, Franco. Ummm. My associate and I have been attending a conference on hospice care," continued Susan, surprising her partner with the silliness of the melodrama. "You understand, we're from a small order in Montana, and we... well to be frankó

"Oh, excuse me Franco. How silly of me. To be completely honest, we almost never go to a restaurant, even in Whitefish, that's the town where our hospice is, well,... we have never been to such a nice restaurant as yours, and we had no idea...

"I mean. I wanted to invite Sister Berniceó

"Did I mention that I'm Sister Sara and this," indicating her co- conspirator, who sat somber faced, staring hopefully at the other nun's cowled face. "This is Sister Bernice. Well, we had no idea things could be so expensive."

"So! Sisters. What this all means is that you don't have the money to pay for your bill?"

"Well... Yes."

"How much do you have?" he asked, glancing at the hundred-dollar- plus tab.

As Susan searched through her voluminous skirt, looking for a pocket, Ellen sat, cowed, in suspense, waiting for her cue.

"Both of you together, Sisters," Franco said, providing the missing cue.

Now Ellen began the search just as Susan withdrew her antique clasp change-purse from which she withdrew her folded dollars. "I have... Let me... I have twenty-three dollars.

"You see, we had a little spending money for our trip, andó"

"I understand, Sister... , umm, Sara. And you Sister Bernice?"

He said that just as Ellen discovered her own clasp purse and was opening it to explore. She withdrew her own little stash and after counting it, offered "I have thirteen dollars," she said, hopefully.


"You have, between you, thirty-six dollars to cover a bill for... let me see, one hundred and fourteen dollars? What am I supposed to do? Do either of you have a credit card?"

They both smiled at his gaffe. "Mister Luchierroó"

"Franco, please."

"Yes. Franco," Ellen continued. "We're a somewhat old-fashioned order and we've taken a vow of poverty. Weó"

"I haven't taken that vow!" interrupted Franco, showing his first sign of antagonism.

"Yes, but I mean we don't use credit cards."

"Can you call them and have you wire some money? Can you go to the local church and ask them? Do you have any plan at all for paying this bill? Why did you eat here if you couldn't afford it?"

He'd finally asked the right question. Susan pounced on it. "Oh, Mister Luchierro... Franco. We didn't know. There are no prices shown on your menu. It's not completely our fault.

"If you want to call the police we'd understand. But we simply can't ask the church to pay for our mistake. It just isn't right."

"That's all I need. The police coming to my restaurant to arrest a couple of nuns. If I know the police here, they'd probably invite the press to come along."

"That certainly is a problem," Ellen admitted.

The three people sat there for several minutes pondering the difficulty. Periodically, one or the other would stir as if an idea was there, but the urge to speak would subside and the silence remained unbroken.

Until Susan broke it. "Uh. I don't... Never Mind."

"What?" asked Franco.

"What is it , dear?" asked Ellen at the same time.

"I don't think I should,... you know, Sister Bernice."

"What, dear?" responded Ellen, but then after a few seconds, "Sister! You can't be thinking about... Good heavens, Sister, we can't talk about THAT!"

"What are you two chattering about? Does this have anything to do with a way to pay your bill?"

"Well... It is in a sort of way." Susan said reluctantly.

"It is none of his business, Sister. You should not even be thinking about that."

"About what?" Franco shouted. "Will someone please tell me what you're talking about."

"I'll tell you," Ellen offered, "but please don't think it has anything to do with the predicament we're in."

"Good," Franco said, shaking his head from confusion.

And Sister Bernice launched into her explanation. "We told you we work in a hospice?"


"Well, not all of the patients we care for are old. Even some of the old ones...

"Well, they have young thoughts too.

"And the one thing they have in common is they're all going to die soon.

"You understand?"

"Yes," Franco answered again.

"Did you know our job is to keep our patient comfortable? To make their death less of a tragedy?"

"That's the way I understand it. Yes"

"And that includes... Well... Sometimes they have needs, do you understand?"

"Uh. No," Franco answered, once again confused.

Sara tried to help. "Did you ever hear the expression 'Blue Balls'?"

"I think so."

"Did you know 'Blue Balls' is a real medical condition,... that it can be quite painful?"

"No. I thought it just meant 'getting horny'."

"Oh no!" Sister Bernice continued with the explanation. "Without going into the exact details, the gist is that the male patient must ejaculate, or the condition won't subside."

"Really! I had no idea.

"But... Aren't their ways... I mean, even if there's no other way, a nurse could...

"They could help themselves" Franco was having the devil's own problem coping with where his thoughts were bringing him.

"All of our nurses are in the order," Bernice explained, "And, as much as we can we help them help themselves."

Sister Sara smiled as she said "They happen to find books and magazines 'accidentally' included in the bookmobile."

And Bernice continued "Men have needs even if it doesn't riseó

"Oh dear. I didn't mean to say that," she had to stop to gather her wits before she continued. "Men have needs which are real, even if they are not medical problems, and, you have to understand, these men are under so much additional stress."

As Sister Bernice became more and more flustered, Sara tried to pick up the explanation. But Bernice waved her off so she could continue. "The fact is they often need help! And for some reason, the idea of having a nun administer this service is particularly exhilarating."

"Jesus. I can see that. I really can. But the idea... wow!

"Do you do it in the regular way? I mean... y'know."

"Oh yes!" answered Sister Susan. "It's most effective, and best for the patient too."

"Boy," said Franco, eyes glazed as he shook his head. A lump definitely growing in his pants.

Both young actresses, totally consumed by their performance, were almost forgetting their real vocation. The man, with his little friend growing and growing between his legs, was definitely sexy. The private room, the sexy story, and their life becoming fantasy, had the women equally aroused. "Look what you've done to the poor man," Sister Sara exclaimed. "I can imagine HIS poor balls turning blue."

"Do you put it in your mouth?" whispered Franco.

"What?" Bernice asked. "What is he asking me, dear?"

"He wants to know if you give blowjobs, Sister."

"My heavens! He certainly is forward. What am I supposed to say to him?"

"Well, do you?" Sara inquired.

"This is embarrassing. But to answer your question, young man, I have never done that."

"Didn't anyone ever ask?" Franco persisted.

"Dear! Look what you've started. I can't have this discussion."

"He's just asking medical questions, dear," Sara offered consolingly. "Surely the question is valid."

"Well," Bernice finally volunteered. "Several of the patients have asked me to... 'suck them off'.

"Am I using the right term?"

"You certainly are," Franco answered. "Don't you think they deserved it?"

The question seemed to hang in the air until Sara finally prompted. "It's a fair question, Bernice, and it deserves an answer."

"The truth is,... I've wanted to do that for the poor dears, I really have. But I don't know how."

Sister Sara left that alone.

After a silence that extended beyond one-minute, Franco Luchierro knew what he wanted to say. "I would like to suggest..." he whispered tentatively.

"Yes?" Sister Bernice answered in a voice quivering with fear.

"I know what we can do," he said with a shade more assurance.

"Please tell us, Mister Luchierro," Sister Sara said with authority.

That voice proved a setback for Franco's assurance, so it was a full thirty seconds before he spoke again. "I have a suggestion."

"Yes, Mister Luchierro. We got that part," Susan said, using the same nun-with-a-stick tone.

"I can show Sister Bernice how to do it,... and... we can forget about the bill."

"IT?" asked Susan with a shade less boom.

"Y'know. What we been talking about. Y'know. A... a... blowjob."

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My Son RichardChapter 7

It seems they are curious about sex, I can only hope they don’t really have penetrative sex. Brothers and sisters should be good friends, but not intimate. My oldest brother, Roger, was so attractive when we were young, I was 15, he 21. He treated me like an angel, until the day he walked into my room without knocking. I had my best friend, Jennifer over. She had put on a strap on that was 15 inches long and solid black and was in the middle of fucking my pussy. The moment Roger walked in,...

4 years ago
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The Vampiric Hormone

Just a short story about one thought of vampires The Vampiric Hormone By Talonhunter James was out on a late stroll one evening as the fog rolled into the park. Being the type to not let his childish fears run away with him, he continued to walk thru the park. Suddenly he heard a scream but the fog was playing tricks with the sound and it came form everywhere and nowhere at the same time. He stumbled across the body of what appeared to be a man, but as soon as he turned it...

1 year ago
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Me And My Colleague On A Strike Day

Hi, I am Aasrith age 33 of height 5.7 and average body from Rajahmundry, AP.  I am a big fan of this site. This is the first story submitting by me happens 3 years back in 2013. If any mistakes please ignore. Well, I am working in a school in rjy. This story is about me and my colleague Raji. She is married, 5.4 height very slim, attractive body with 34-26-32 measures. For security reasons, I am changing her name. Coming to the sex story. In 2013 there was a big strike are going for partition...

2 years ago
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The Best Week of my Life Pt5

What a difference a week can make. It was around this time last week that my life plummed to its lowest depth in thirty years on earth. Wiped out at the card table the previous Friday and a grand in debt, yesterday the losses had been retrieved with interest - and then some. Not only that, I'd managed to get one over on longtime arch nemesis, Ronnie Carver. Whilst the win was undoubtedly a godsend, it was made so much sweeter by the fact that Ronnie was Debbie's former husband. He'd been...

3 years ago
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SovereigntyChapter 3

Alan was trudging his way back to his room, shit things were starting to get stranger and stranger. Opening the door he sat in the chair thinking about the day. "Alan," Hopix said next to him, "are you alright? I felt your distress but it was over before I even had a chance to lock onto you." Alan nodded and started to recount what had happened to him at the diner, "the strange thing though. he said I couldn't touch him as long as I was on earth but he could kill me. I shouted at him...

1 year ago
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A Most Unusual RomanceChapter 8

I sipped my coffee as Zoe finished her story. She looked up the end of her admission and smiled at me, “So do you still want me with you on your grand road trip.” I laughed and muttered, “So long as you realize I’m going to blame you for all the wrong turns I make.” She smiled and sat back in her seat and gave a contented little burp. She shot me an embarrassed grin. “I take it that means you’re done?” She nodded. I paid our bill, and we headed out to check on the car. Zoe stopped me at...

1 year ago
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Against the Wall Ch 01

Kylie’s friends were waving her over toward them frantically. If she didn’t know them like she did, she would have thought the place was under attack or something. Making her way through the crowd, though ‘crowd’ was putting it nicely tonight, she slowly made her way to her friends’ table. ‘What’s up guys?’ They looked at each other bashfully, then back to her. Ok. ‘Guys? Somebody want to speak up?’ She looked at her four friends sitting around this table. She couldn’t help smiling at the way...

2 years ago
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Shemale flip flop

OMg isn't this meme hilarious, my girlfriend asks me over whatsapp and I'm already like fuck I need to take a bong rip and play cocky games with my tranny friend. So I smoke the bong and put my phone on silent so she will stop writing me while I'm at work. I show up clean and punctual for her at her house. She looks good with her big tits hanging out and I shower. She lets me get comfortable on the bed then she comes in and seduces me.She has me naked in a second. Sucking as kissing on my big...

3 years ago
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Sexy BFFs Chapter 3

Gracie giggled again, "Now do me!", and handed Jenny the hose. Jenny swirled the stream of warm water all over Gracie's shimmering body  then pulled her close to share a hot wet kiss under the spray from the hose. In a swift motion Gracie snatched the hose from Jenny's hand and reached under her tank top to lift it off Jenny's dripping body. Jenny took the hint and proceeded to lift Gracie's top off as well. Jenny let out a soft moan as Gracie slid down her skimpy micro skirt then knelt...

1 year ago
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Husband and Wife and me MMF Part One

This story includes elements of femdom, bisexuality, MMF three some... I couldn't believe how I had gotten myself into this situation. It was just a few drunk DMs sent to an old girlfriend that led to standing on the corner a block away from her house wondering if I should really be doing this. I mean she is a married woman now. Ever since what we had ended and she started dating this guy, we have remained friends. It was always purely sexual between us, so it was hard for me to not fantasize...

4 years ago
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Cuckold Confession

Me and my wife Emily got married four years ago and have enjoyed reading about cuckolded husbands, especially the ones where Black studs fuck the wives. They fueled our fantasies. For the last couple of years I had badgered her to give it a go herself to find out what makes Black guys so good.I became even more insistent when a Black youth joined the firm straight from college and became one of my apprentices last year. Carl was 18 but from his remarks and his way with girls, he was clearly...

2 years ago
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Animal Urges

a****l URGESI Awakening Upon awakening, my first sensation was of nausea. The difference, from the prior three occasions, only manifest in degree. Yet I did not have to open my eyes to know that, as before, I lay naked and covered in blood – hardly any my own – that was largely dried, especially around my face; eyes crusted shut, mouth tasting of blood, vomit, and I-dared-not-think what else. Not to mention the other vile bodily excretions in which I lay. Despite my being largely u*********s of...

1 year ago
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Big Bad MikeChapter 6

(Conclusion) The Hollywood years went by quickly for Mike. He had a nice house out by Laguna Beach now and spent a lot of time running in the sand and swimming in the Pacific Ocean. Mike never got married because he was afraid to ask any of the beautiful women that shared his bed to tie the knot. He knew that several of them would do it in a heartbeat because he had a sort of “in” with the directors and the producers now because of his ugly appearance that seemed to thrill audiences a lot...

1 year ago
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SaMs Place Chapter 13 of 15 Spring Break

WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or...

1 year ago
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Im ready for you Are you ready for me

My hips rolled on the bed in pleasure, grinding deeply into the warm sheets gathering under me.   I grab a handful of the crumpled fabric as my body spasms, back arching, breasts heaving, and thighs clamping together involuntarily as the last drops of cum trickle out of my contracting pussy leaving tiny strands of glistening pearls in the soft but scant hairs remaining on my neatly shaven mound after the magnificent fucking I just received from you.   Spooning behind me bringing your...

4 years ago
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Summer holiday

This is part of our memoirs....Currently we are on holiday with a couple, long time friends of ours that we've met more than a decade ago only recently had a conversation about our sex lives. We've discovered to have a lot in common and decided to go somewhere together and try out what we've talked about.Today in the morning my wife gave us both a blowjob with prostate massage holding a deepthroat during ejaculation. Then she expertly cleaned both our cocks. All with a big smile.. Feels...

3 years ago
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Big Sister Is HornyChapter 2

"So, little brother, does that mean you've been jacking off for two months?", asked Mindy almost casually. "I... ahh... I've... ummmm... Jesus, Sis! What kind of question is that to ask your own brother!" "A perfectly straightforward one, I would have thought", grinned Mindy, enjoying putting her brother on the spot like this. Normally Eddie had a smart answer for everything and it felt good to make him squirm for a change. "Well, I haven't been seeing anyone, if that's what you...

4 years ago
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Sexual Exploits of Kyle James Summers

I had developed a keen interest in pornography, using it as my sex ed. I felt ashamed sometimes, mostly because I felt that I should learn this information through experience. But where is a teenager going to find a woman who’s taking a cock in each hole? I suppose that there’s too much for one person to experience without porn. But still, there’s too much that I should be experiencing for the first time with a woman. I’m not a single man, my girlfriend’s name Jackie. She’s what’s considered...

1 year ago
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My Sex filled Life Part 1

Hi everyone, my name is Dev, 23 year old male from chennai ... In this story I’m going to tell u incidents that happened in my life... This is my first time writing a story. Pls forgive me if there were any mistakes. I will continue to tell all my experience... All the stories im gonna tell are from my own life... For any comments email me in dangerdevdass [at] gmail [dot] com First sex in my life was with my maid 7yrs back... Her name is Chandra... She was elder than me... She’ll be black but...

First Time
3 years ago
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Lateshay 36 G big natural tits on his mind

Sincy aka Kathy my xhamster friend...Want to read a true story? Sincy of xhamster, her man makes her fuck him and she sucks his cock until he explodes while he watches my vids. She gets very humiliated by me this way. She hates it that her man shoots bigger loads and FUCKS HER HARDER! It gets me off when shesends me messages while I use my vibrator and masterbate to her stories. Just knowing her man fucks her and watches my vids is a big turn on. He thinks of me while shesucks his cock. I...

4 years ago
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Webmeets Diary Ch 08

When I arrived in Hong Kong from Shanghai on Thursday evening, I decided fairly quickly that I couldn't afford to stay there long as it was so much more expensive than the rest of China. I would just spend the weekend and however long it took me to get my new visa, then leave. Luckily, I'd already arranged a meeting with the one member of the adult personals site there who had remained in contact with me, although that contact had only consisted of exchanging a few brief emails and...

2 years ago
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My first man

Sexual Experiences... as I rememberAnd then came Rob.By this time, I was married (didn't turn out very well--was a rebound from Pammy Jane who crushed my heart), had left school and was in the retail business as a sales guy. Another young man (we were both in our early 20s) was hired at the same time. His name was Rob.Rob was also married. We had an interesting experience once we the four of us were sharing a room during a trade show in Chicago (my favorite US city). As young men, we were horny...

1 year ago
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Jane and her older sister who teaches her how to do it right

Hi It's me again Jane, and here's the third part of my story. After my sister and I had gotten each other off in her room a couple of times that day we didn't do it again until that following weekend. I had to wait two dam weeks for her to lick my pussy again! I was so hot for it too! But, what I wanted was to suck Danny's cock and taste it! It was because Joann had told me about the time she and her boyfriend have had oral sex and we both masturbated each other as she told the story. Read part...

3 years ago
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Heavenly CousinInLaw

Hi, my self manoj agrawal from raipur (C. G.). Main ek married person hu. Meri shadi ko 4 saal hue hai. Story ki heroin meri dedh saali hai jiski shaadi ko 9 saal ho gaye hai. Wo bhi raipur main hi settle hai to usse milne main koi takleef nahi hoti. Uska pati uspe shak karta hai, jisse wo bahut pareshaan rehti hai. Aur use uski is pareshani ka solution maine diya. 34d-40-40 figure hai uska. Behad sudar dikhti hai. Height kam hai lekin height ka kya kaam. Uske paas duniya jahan ki jaanat hai....

3 years ago
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Trixie Chapter 1 Waiting

“NO!!!” I blurted aloud, accidentally, as I sat straight up and jerked my hands away from myself, planting them on the bed to either side of me. "Can't cum until she gets here. She would not be pleased." I mumbled as my eyes wandered to my closet. "But teasing wouldn't be all bad. Be good and wet for her. That would please her very well." I thought as I headed over to the closet, tail high up just as she liked it, careful not to trip on my chain, and glanced at the clock and sighed,...

2 years ago
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Lily woke up in bed with her naked step mom and she had raised her top and had a hand down her panties. Lily said "Please, what are you doing? This is not right." Beth said "Relax. I love the female body and you have such a sexy one. I have been waiting for your dad to be gone so I could ravage and taste your sexy pussy and suck those big full tits. Let me get you naked and show you how good I can make you feel. When I am done you will love the feel of a lady making love to you. Women know how...

3 years ago
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My Darling Cuckold

A twisted love letterMy Darling,So. You've opened the envelope. This is the letter I promised you for when I am away. The story we were talking about. I hope you're sitting comfortably and have got some time to spare. I think you'll enjoy this.The fantasy begins here ...Let's start like we were saying the other night. You and I have been out for the evening. A meal and the theatre, let's say, for my birthday. We've dressed up a bit: you in the suit you wore to Craig's wedding, me in the little...

2 years ago
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Great Sex With Light Thin Servant

Hi to all and I have been a regular reader of indiansexstories especially the maid servant accounts. Why? Because maids make me hornier and I was always attracted to older females and after being seduced by a maid in my young age love to seduce and have sex with them. I am a matured man and still love fucking maids as its simple and they mostly have drunk husbands or have some other problem and so are servants and sometimes you can have great sex with them. Important thing is don’t treat them...

3 years ago
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Emend by EclipseChapter 47

December 2, 1978 For early December, the weather wasn’t that cold. At 10:00 am, it was in the sixties although the wind was blowing at 20 mph with gusts up to 26 mph. The wind made it a lousy day to move. It seemed like anything bulky tried to take off on its own during the short trip from the van to the house. This was a major moving day for three of the four members of the group. Having made the decision to rent out her house, Cathy was moving into Sandra’s place. Tim, having finished his...

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The Demons Harem Regans Story

Introduction: Sorry its been a while! Couldnt figure out what to write. There is alot of backstory in the begining of this one so if you want to get to the good stuff you may want to scroll down I hope you enjoy! Comments and feedback appreciated REGANS STORY: She felt the pain inside her begin to subside with each step the demon took up the spiral stone staircase. Her crying slowed to soft sobs and she began to forget about the tears falling to the floor below her. She had never felt this...

2 years ago
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Fun at the beach pt13

The discovery of the 2 girls totally u*********s on the bed set off a flurry of activity at the hotel. All the maids that ran into the room at first thought the 2 girls had been the victims of foul play. One of them finally noticed that each girl was breathing as another maid called for the manager. The manager burst into the room a few minutes later and took in the sight. Two amazingly beautiful girls, both nude, were passed out on the bed. A large wad of money had been tossed between them,...

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