A Reminder free porn video

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"It's that time of the night again. Yes, it's the midnight love hour. Coming to you live I'm DJ Dakota. Call me up and let me know who you're thinking of. Let me know who is special to you. Tell me who you admire."

Larry punched one of the many buttons at his station and The Verve's "Sonnet" began to play.

He sat back and watched the lights flicker on the telephone line. Larry loved his job as one of the cities most popular DJ's. He was well known for his late night show on the radio.

He took the first call.

"Hi I'd like to send my love to Richard from Cindy." The girl had a squeaky voice.

"Ok will do," Larry jotted down the name.

He pressed second line.

"Hey DJ Dakota, I'd like to request Modern English 'I'd melt with you' to Brian Thompson from a secret admirer."

Larry laughed. "Ok you got it."

Next caller.

"I'd like to send a dedication to Annie, the love of my life from her husband Jeff."

"You got it man."

Next call. Silence. Static.

"Hello? KTYZ Radio? Caller, are you there?"


"Hello?" Larry sat up. For some reason his heart began to pound.

"Yes. Hello DJ Dakota."

"Good evening, what can I do for you? Who do you want to send some love to?" Larry asked. His heart still pounding.

"This goes out to ... you actually. Can you play The Cure's "Love Song?"

Larry smiled. "Um ... yeah sure."

"I bet it's one of your favorite's isn't it DJ Dakota?" The female voice asked in a sultry tone.

Larry closed his eyes and could hear the song playing. He remembered being in his room. He remembered watching long dark brown wavy hair swirl and the smell of soft scented perfume. Suddenly he came back to reality. It was another quick flashback. He wished he could remember everything.

"So ... can you play it? Please?" The female implored. Her voice was smooth like honey.

"Y-yeah, sure. No problem." Larry was about to hang up when he heard her say something.

"Play it and remember me."

The line went dead.

Larry stared at the phone and the blinking lights that kept flashing, urging him to answer. He was in a trance for a moment until he realized the song that was playing earlier had stopped. He went straight for commercial break.

The next evening DJ Dakota was on again in full force. The lines were bombarded with dedications and song requests.

"Hey DJ Dakota, can you play Erasures "I could fall in love" dedicate it to Georgie from his love Debbie."

"Yeah you got it," Larry answered.

He got more dedications to husbands from their wives, to boyfriends to their girlfriends to anyone from secret admirers. The phones were ringing off the hook that Wednesday night. Larry was busy answering calls more than ever hoping that maybe ... just maybe that one caller would call in again.

Her voice sounded sweet like honey. Her laugh was sultry. Something about her voice was reminding him of someone. Someone he used to know. He was trying his hardest to place that voice but he needed to hear more.

"KTYZ Radio, who are you sending some love out to?" Larry asked full of energy.


His heart pounded again. "KTYZ radio ... anyone there?"

"Hello again."

It was her!

Larry sat up straight in his leather chair and smiled. "Well, well. Hi again. Don't tell me, you want to hear the Cure's 'Love Song' is that right?"

She laughed softly. Larry closed his eyes and could hear the laughter more now. The sweet sounds of female laugh surrounding him. He was in bed looking up at someone...

He opened his eyes and the flashback was gone. Damnit!

"Hmmm ... actually no ... can you play 'Under the Milkyway' by The Church?"

Larry licked his dry lips. "Y-yeah no problem. Is that a dedication to me again?"

He could hear hard breathing. "Maybe," she said softly. "Do you want it to be?"

Larry bit his lower lip. Who was this woman? She was such a mystery but he knew he'd met her before somewhere. She did have great taste in music, he had to admit.

"I'd like it to be," he finally spoke.

"Ok then, it's to you baby. All yours."

Larry opened his mouth to speak but then heard nothing but a dial tone.

Larry got home that night around three in the morning as he usually did. Brandy, his girlfriend for over a year was fast asleep. She was still in college and didn't live with him, but often spent the night when her roommate was busy entertaining a gentleman.

Larry kicked off his shoes and crept towards the bed. Brandy stirred in her sleep. She slowly opened her eyes and saw Larry had unzipped his pants and had his hard cock sticking out. She groaned.

"Ugh Larry, not right now. I'm tired."

Larry felt his cock instantly get soft. He zipped up his pants and Brandy turned around with her back towards him. He sighed and went to take a shower. A cold shower.

The next evening Larry was busy again taking dedication calls and playing some of the best love songs he could think of. Each time he answered, he hoped that one caller would call him.

It was almost the end of his shift and she hadn't called. Disappointed, Larry began to play the last song of the night. His coworker Jay was taking off his jacket and going over some material he would talk about since he'd be taking over after Larry left.

The phone rang. Larry stared at the blinking orange light indicating a call was waiting to be answered. No one ever called at the end of the song. Not ever.

"KTYZ radio!" Larry answered.

Static. Silence.

Larry's shifted slightly in his seat. He looked over at his coworker who was busy looking through music he would play on his shift.

"Hello?" Larry whispered.

"Hi." The same sultry voice came through the line.

"Hey," Larry smiled.

"It's closing time huh?" She said and laughed softly.

Larry gulped. That laugh. He knew that laugh.

"Yeah. Sorry you didn't call earlier so I could play you another song."


"Hello?" He asked nervously hoping she hadn't hung up.

"I'm here. I'm just ... I like hearing your voice," she purred.

Larry licked his dry lips. "Oh yeah?"

"Yes, very much so. I have missed your voice for so long. I have missed you."

Larry looked over at the monitor that indicated the song playing only needed 45 seconds before it was over.

"Can you call me on my cell phone?" He asked cautiously.


"Hello?" Larry urged. The song was almost finished.

"I can. If you want me to."

"I do," Larry blurted out.

"Ok ... give me your number," she said softly.

Larry recited his number to her just in time the song finished. He quickly pressed the monitored for a commercial break. Larry took off his headphones and looked over at his friend Jay.

"I'm out of here. Have fun," Larry said as he tried to rush out.

"Alright bro, take care," Jay went over and took over the station.

Larry put on his jacket since fall had just arrived. He walked out of the building as fast as he could. He had told the caller to give him at least five minutes before calling him.

Once he was in his car, Larry sat and stared at his phone. He waited for her to call. A few minutes later his phone lit up displaying a private number. He smiled wondering why she had to block her phone number.

"Hello?" Larry answered.

"Hello again." Her voice caressing him.

"So ... you seem to know me. You sound familiar but I can't quite place you."

"Do you have children Larry?" She asked.

Larry leaned his car seat back and listened to her voice. "Um ... no kids. I'm 25 years old so I don't want children right now. Why do you ask?"

He could hear her breathing hard. "If you had children ... would you ever get a babysitter?"

Larry thought that was an odd question. "Well ... if I had to. Like maybe if I had a hot date with my wife." He laughed.

"Are you married?" She asked.

"No. I got a girlfriend though." Larry regretted saying that but it was too late to take it back.

"Oh..." she sounded disappointed.

"I don't know if I love her though," he said right away. He didn't know why he was being so open with her.

"Well why do you think that?" She inquired.

"I don't know. I guess you just know how you feel about someone. You know when there's a connection."

"Hmmm ... so you ever been in love Larry?"

Larry looked up at the ceiling of his car. "Yeah..."

"Me too," she said quietly.

"With who?" Larry asked. He was curious.

"It was a long time ago," she sounded sad. "I was so very much in love. I just couldn't be with him."

"Oh? Why not?" Larry wondered.

"He was much too young for me. I was his babysitter ... sort of."

Larry was suddenly stunned. "Babysitter?" His voice squealed as if he was going through puberty.

She laughed sweetly. "Yes, that's correct."

Larry began to pant. His cock suddenly stirred in his pants.

"You want me to tell you about it Larry?" She asked innocently.

Larry nodded and then realized she couldn't see him. "Y-yes."

"Well ... I was actually supposed to be babysitting his new born baby sister who is about ... hmmm ... she's about ten years old by now."

Larry gulped. His heart was pounding. "How old was he?" Larry dared to ask.

"He was fifteen at the time. He's probably ... about your age now Larry."

Larry knew it now! Her voice, her laugh, the way she made him feel. It was all coming back to him ... slowly...

"Are you home yet?" She asked him.

"No. I'm in my car."

"Well why don't you let me call you when you get home? It's going to be a long story."

Larry didn't want to hang up! "No. You can tell me. I got time."

"I prefer you were home," she insisted.

Larry sighed. "Why?"

"Because I would rather have you lying in bed and listening to me than being in your car."

She had a good point. "Ok. I should be home in about ten minutes. Do you promise me that you'll call me?"

"Hmmm yes of course," she promised.

"Ok but please call," Larry urged.

"I will. Hurry on home now," she teased and hung up.

Larry closed his eyes for a moment and the smell of Pantene shampoo, soft scented perfume and sweet girly laugh came rushing towards him. The feel of soft skin, dark brown eyes staring into his blue eyes...

Larry opened his eyes and adjusted his car chair back up. He quickly turned on his car and sped away into the night.

Larry got to his apartment within eight minutes. He hoped Brandy wasn't there. He was relieved not to find her but then he felt slightly guilty for feeling that way.

He tossed his keys on the kitchen table and went to change into some comfortable clothes that usually were pair of boxer shorts and a t-shirt. It'd been over twenty minutes and the mysterious woman hadn't called.

Larry cursed hoping she hadn't teased him and then forgotten him. He laid down holding his phone and watching and hoping she'd call.

It was thirty minutes later until she finally called.

"I thought you had forgotten about me," Larry said as he answered.

"Oh trust me Larry, I could never forget you."

Larry's heart began to pound once again.

"So are you laying down now Larry?" She asked.


"What are you wearing?"

"My boxer shorts and a t-shirt," Larry replied.

"Hmmm ... nice ... but can you at least take off the shirt?" She asked.

Larry smiled. "Yeah I can do that."

Larry put the phone to the side while he peeled off his t-shirt.

"There," he said.

"Nice. Hmmm I can picture you know laying there in your boxer shorts. Do you wear flannel boxers Larry?"

Larry gulped. "Yeah. That's what I have on now."

"Nice ... very nice..." her voice got softer.

"So you were telling me about when you were a babysitter."

She giggled. "Oh yes ... you really want to hear this story don't you?"

Larry nodded again and once again realized she couldn't see him. "Y-yes."

"Ok ... so as I was saying ... he was fifteen. I was 25 at the time. I was finishing up my Masters degree in education. I wanted to be a teacher at the time."

Larry's heart stopped for a minute.

"Do you still want to hear more Larry?" She whispered.

Larry was silent for a moment.

"Larry?" She whispered his name.

"I want to hear more," he breathed into the phone.

"He was a real cutie. He was tall, lanky, longish blonde hair and big blue eyes. I had to admit I had a major crush on him as soon as I saw him. I didn't want to feel that way towards a teenager but one cannot control they way they feel sometimes. Don't you agree Larry?"

"Y-yes," he choked.

As she began to talk about this kid she developed a relationship with, Larry began to remember it all. He didn't know why he had pushed it away. Maybe because it had hurt to lose her or maybe because it was better that he forgot about it all and moved on to live a "normal" life.

He remembered just having turned fifteen. He had always been a shy kid. He had a few friends but none that he could really click with. His closest friend Arnie was a big pervert but one of the few guys Larry hung out with.

The day he met her came back to him. He recalled slowly climbing down the stairs as he heard his parents talking. He knew that since his baby sister Lily had been born, his parents would need a babysitter. His father was in politics and was often going to dinner parties and charity events. His mother of course would always accompany him. The left Larry alone after he turned 14 but then his mother got a "surprise" when she found out she was pregnant.

A year later his baby sister was born and now, they needed to hire a babysitter. Larry wasn't good with children. He knew nothing about taking care of an infant. He knew that was the reason his folks were hiring a babysitter.

He crept down the stairs to get a look at who his parents were interviewing for the job. He had a perfect view of the couch where she was sitting. Her hair was down, and long, dark brown and wavy. Her eyes, so brown and intense. She wore a button up blue shirt that seemed to fit snug around the chest area and black pants. She smiled as she spoke to his parents. Larry stared at awe at the beautiful college girl.

"I've taken care of two of my nieces so I know a lot about child care," she said in a smooth voice.

"Ok well do you know CPR and first aid?" Larry's mom asked sternly.

"Yes ma'am I do. I also worked in a daycare when I started college and I had to take first aid class."

"Very well then..." Larry's father said and they continued to question her. Larry couldn't move. He liked looking at her very much and hoped his parents would hire her and not the lady that had come in the day before.

He stared and stared. Maybe he stared a little too hard because her eyes caught his. Larry froze when their eyes met. She simply smiled sweetly at him and continued to stare right back. Larry got nervous and quickly ran back upstairs. He ran into his room and closed the door behind him as if she would follow him. His heart pounded loudly. He leaned against his door until he heard the front door close. He rushed towards his window and saw her walking to her car. The black pants were snug against her body. Larry was panting as he stared at her. He watched her get in her car and drive away. He could only wish that she would be back.

That night at dinner, Larry tossed his food around with his fork. He wasn't too hungry. He listened as his parents spoke of the possible babysitter.

"Well Laura seems nice but she's a little too old. I want someone that can move fast in case of an emergency. I mean what if the house is on fire or something," Larry's mom stated.

"True. But Laura did work at a daycare for thirty years."

"How about Brenda?" Larry's mom suggested.

Larry's father scowled. "No, she's only nineteen. She's not even going to school and seems like she would bring all of her friends over for a party."

They ate in silence for a while. Larry hoped they would mention the other girl. The one with the long wavy dark hair...

"Jennifer seems nice. She seems pretty responsible too. I like the fact that she's going far to get her education," Larry's mother began.

Larry's father nodded. "Yes ... I was leaning towards her more. She seems like a nice young lady."

Jennifer ... was that her name? His body felt warm just hearing her name.

"Yes ... I think she would be great. Shall I call her tomorrow?" Larry's mom asked Larry's father.

"Yes, why not. We could give her a trial run and if it does not work out we still have Laura to consider."

Larry smiled to himself. His parents had made a great decision.

A few days later, Jennifer was hired and Larry's parents had a silent auction event to attend one Saturday night.

Jennifer had arrived wearing comfortable sweat pants and a college t-shirt. Her long wavy hair was up in a ponytail and the only trace of makeup on her face was mascara and lip gloss. Even then, Larry thought she was breathtaking.

Larry quietly went down the stairs and peeped towards the living room where Jennifer sat on the couch talking to his folks. He stared again mesmerized by her beauty.

Suddenly he hadn't realized he had been in a trance, and didn't realize she caught him staring again. She smiled making him nervous as hell.

"Hello there," she said loudly. Larry thought about running away again but stayed put. His folks turned around and spotted him too. Awkward!

"Oh Larry! Come here! Meet Jennifer!" Larry's mom called out.

Larry took a deep breath and headed over to where everyone was at. As Larry got closer, he instantly smelled her perfume.

"Jennifer, this is our son Larry. He will be here just in case if you need anything else or need to reach us, he has all of our numbers. If he wants to go out, that's fine just be sure he's home by ten because I don't want him out late hours of the night. If he's not home by ten, you let us know."

Larry felt himself turning red as his mom spoke about him as if he was a child. Yes, he was only fifteen but it was so embarrassing having her talk about him that way in front of a hot college girl.

"Oh not to worry. I'm sure he's a great kid," she said and smiled at him making him weak in the knees. He didn't like the fact that she called him a "kid" but he'd put that aside.

"Well Jennifer, if you come upstairs with us, we'll let you meet little Lily," Larry's mom said proudly.

"Ok, can't wait to meet her," Jennifer gushed. She looked at Larry once again making Larry shift uncomfortably. He had his hands in his pockets and looked away from her. She was making him a little too nervous!

They headed upstairs but Larry stayed behind for a while and then followed them. He liked to see Jennifer's ass move as she climbed the stairs.

Once they were all upstairs, they headed to Lily's room which was between Larry's room and his parents bedroom.

They all crowded over Lily's crib and Jennifer reached in and lifted the infant up in her arms. She cradled the child so lovingly. "Hi Lily. I'm Jennifer. It's so nice to meet you."

Larry felt his heart melt as he watched Jennifer being so sweet.

Lily cooed in Jennifer's arms. Larry's folks smiled. "Aww she likes you!" Larry's mom said happily.

"I like her too," Jennifer said as she held Lily's little hand in hers.

"Well, we better be heading out. You have our cell phone numbers right? And remember we have a guest room downstairs where we have another crib for Lily so you can stay downstairs if you would like and watch TV." Larry's father said to Jennifer.

"Yes sir. I also have the emergency line one."

"Ok good. In case if you have trouble reaching us, let this kiddo know and he'll find other ways," Larry's dad tousled Larry's hair, embarrassing the heck out of him.

Larry's parents left and Larry was left all alone with a sexy college girl. "So ... Larry is it?" Jennifer asked as she held Lily.

Larry nodded.

"Well looks like it's just me and you..." Jennifer's voice was a whisper.

Larry's heart pounded.

"And Lily of course..." Jennifer added.

Larry exhaled. "Y-yeah of course."

"Well I have some homework I need to do. Do you mind bringing some of Lily's blankets downstairs so I can take her to the other room?"

"Sure I'll bring them," Larry said nervously.

He watched her walked away holding his baby sister in her arms. His eyes roamed down to her ass ... He quickly looked away when she looked back. "Oh and bring some bottles too ok?"

He blushed. "Yeah."

She left the room and he could finally breathe.

Once downstairs, Larry went to the guest room where Jennifer was putting the baby down in the crib.

"Here," Larry said quietly as he handed Jennifer the blankets and two bottles.

"Thanks," she smiled at him.

Larry looked away.

"Why are you so shy?" She asked him.

Larry knew he was turning red. "I don't know..." he said quietly.

She giggled. "It's ok sweetie. You'll grow out of that I'm sure."

The way she'd called him sweetie ... oh boy.


"Well ... I'm going to be up in my room so if you need me..."

"Ok. Have fun," she winked at him and went to tend to Lily.

Larry left her in the room and headed upstairs to his bedroom. He shut the door behind him and flopped down on the bed. He was panting and felt warm all over. His cock was hard already and had actually gotten hard when Jennifer had winked at him.

He knew there was no way a college beauty like Jennifer would even want a skinny kid like himself but it was nice to fantasize about it. He imagined her kissing him, giving him his first kiss ever. He could only imagine what her lip gloss tasted like...

By the time he knew it, Larry had jerked off and came all over his own hand. His heart pounded loudly in his chest as his panting subsided.

Larry didn't see Jennifer for two weeks. He wondered when his parents next function would be. He would go look at his father's calendar that he had in his office and curse when he would see no functions they had going.

It was two weeks later when his father had a dinner with the mayor that he had to attend. Larry was psyched since he knew those dinners lasted hours.

Jennifer got there that night wearing some snug blue jeans and a tight pink sweater that showed off her large breasts. Larry stared at her as he peeped from the stairs.

"We will be gone for at least four hours. These dinner parties go on and on," Larry's mom laughed as she explained to Jennifer. "Lily is already in her crib. She's been a little fussy I guess because I changed from breasts milk to formula so I hope you can handle her."

Jennifer nodded. "I can. You two just go and have fun."

"Ok Jennifer, you have our numbers right?" Larry's father asked.

"Sure do sir."

"Ok well, Larry is up in his room if you need anything."

"Thanks," Jennifer said and went to walk my parents out. After they left, she locked the doors and went to the living room to turn on the TV.

Larry headed back upstairs and went to his room. He usually either played video games or watched movies. He found himself pacing the room. He wanted more than anything to go out there and talk to her but he was so freaking nervous!

He decided to take a chance and pretend to go out there and get something to eat just so he can see her even if it was just for a few minutes.

He headed downstairs and the TV was on. Jennifer seemed entrance with a movie she was watching. As soon as she heard him though, she turned to see him.

"Hey stranger," she said and smiled at him making his heart race.

"Hi," Larry said shyly. "I was just getting something to eat."

"Oh ok ... what are you going to eat? Some popcorn maybe?" Jennifer asked with a smirk on her face.

Larry blushed. "I don't know. Do you want popcorn?"

She nodded eagerly. "Please. I'm watching this really good movie and popcorn would go great with it. Do you want to share some popcorn with me?"

Larry gulped. "Um ... yeah sure."

She winked at him again and turned back to watch the movie. Larry went off to the kitchen and went to look for some popcorn. He knew his parents kept some in the cupboard. He popped a bag in the microwave and waited. He craned his neck to see what Jennifer was doing. She was really into the movie it seemed.

Once the popcorn was done, Larry poured it in a big popcorn bowl and went to hand it to Jennifer. Jennifer looked up at him with intense eyes. "Oh thank you. Are you going to join me?"

Larry shrugged. He was shaking.

"I wish you would," Jennifer said as she took the bowl of popcorn.

Larry could hardly breathe! "Oh ok ... I mean if you don't mind."

"Not at all!" Jennifer said cheerfully and moved aside to let him sit next to her.

Larry slowly sat down and began to watch the movie with her although he couldn't really concentrate on the movie. He ate his popcorn in silence but once his hand accidentally touched hers as they reached for popcorn at the same time, he felt a jolt of electricity rush throughout his entire body.

"S-sorry," he apologized when their hands caressed.

Jennifer stared at him with those smoldering intense dark eyes. Larry found it hard to breathe.

"It's ok Larry. It's really ok," she spoke softly.

She moved closer to him and Larry panicked! He stood up so fast he almost dropped the bowl of popcorn.

"I just remembered it's one of my friends birthdays today and I haven't called him! Uh ... I have to go call him. Uh ... sorry." He rushed out fast and headed up to his room.

He paced his room. He had to think of what to do! Why had he gotten so scared from a simple touch? Maybe because no girl had ever been that close to him before? Or at least he'd never been that close to a girl. He knew his teenage body was going crazy with all his hormones raging. He knew his cock was slightly hard he could feel it in his pants.

He decided to call his friend Arnie. He begged Arnie to come over and hang out and explained to him to just pretend it was his birthday. Arnie was confused but agreed to go over.

Arnie arrived twenty minutes later. Larry rushed downstairs to get the door. Jennifer was almost at the door when he walked past her. "Sorry, it's for me," he said shyly.

Arnie stood at the door calmly with his hands in his pocket. "Hey dude," he said to Larry and then his jaw dropped when he saw Jennifer.

"Uh ... oh ... um hi," Arnie said nervously.

"Arnie, this is Jennifer, Jennifer this is Arnie."

"Oh is today your birthday?" Jennifer asked Arnie.

Larry felt his face turn red. He gave Arnie the look to say yes! Arnie just shook his head.

"Oh well ... happy birthday! Do you guys want to order some pizza or something? I mean if you want," Jennifer offered.

"N-no ... we're just going to hang out in my room, play some games and stuff," Larry said right away.

"Oh ... ok..."Jennifer said. She quickly turned when the baby started crying. "Oh there's Lily. Well, you boys have fun," she looked at Larry and winked at him again.

Once up in Larry's room, Arnie wanted to know all of the details.

"Dude! Don't hold out on me! Who is that fox?"

Larry rolled his eyes. "Fox?"

Arnie laughed. "You know what I mean bro. Oh fuck!"

"She's our babysitter."

"Hot dang! She's fine!"

"Dude, calm down! And be quiet! She might hear you!" Larry shushed his friend.

"Can't help it, she's fiiinnne!"

"I shouldn't have invited you over if I knew you were going to act like a pervert!"

Arnie smirked. "Is someone jealous I'm checking out his chick?"

"She's not my chick!" Larry hissed.

"Well then why are you getting all worked up?"

"Dude, just stay here until my folks get home ok? Please."

"Does she make you all nervous or what? You want to get that pussy don't you?"

"Dude, shut up!"

Arnie went and flopped on Larry's bed. He grabbed a game controller and laughed. "Whatever dude. Let's play some games I guess. You won't let me continue to check out that fine display out there I might as well have fun kicking your ass in the video game world."

Larry waited until his folks arrived. He and Arnie went downstairs so Arnie could leave. Larry's mom was paying Jennifer for her job and Arnie and Larry walked past them.

"Hello Arnie," Larry's mom greeted him.

"Hello," Arnie said politely and took another look at Jennifer.

Larry gave him a warning look.

"Bye Arnie. It was nice meeting you," Jennifer said nicely and then looked at Larry with saddened eyes. Larry looked away.

"Thank you again Jennifer. You have been a godsend."

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My Wife and How She Became a Hot Milf Sex Slave SlutChapter 9A

Dianka's First K9 Sex Dave continued taping his wife as she lay on the ground exhausted from her fucking and unaware of the mongrels approach. Dave looked at the mongrel and saw him walking stiff legged and then as the dog neared his wife he saw about 9 inches of blood red cock dangling between his legs. Dave's erect cock twitched as he knew his wife was about to become a dog's bitch for the first time. He had always thought it was an urban legend and the video clips he had seen, as well...

1 year ago
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HotMILFsFuck Ellie Lilly 05012021

When we say we are Hot Milfs Fuck, what we really mean is we have hot-as-fuck MILFs that FUCK, and today’s hot MILF is front line medical worker Ellie Lilly. Let me start off by saying thank you Ellie for your services and now it’s time for you to take a break and let Jake service you. And by service you, I mean he’s going to give you your first BIG VAG-cine injection to combat the WHOREona Virus situation. It’s a real thing people and women all around the world are at risk of becoming whores...

3 years ago
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Chat girl made us horny

My girlfriend Emmi was alone at home watching erotic chat and she was logged at Angie's chat room in my account. I came home from work and noticed her masturbating and logged at your room. Angie was so hot and sexy but so was my girlfriend who was wearing sexy black baby doll dress and no panties. Emmi rub her pussy. I get close to her and touch her shoulders. Emmi was little surprised but she didn't stop rubbing itself. My Girlfriend turned her head and give long french kiss. I started to...

4 years ago
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A relaxing moment in time

As night came, he knelt in wait for his Lady to return   As night came, he knelt in wait for his Lady to return. All the chores were complete and the house was spotless. He even had a candle-lit dinner all set for his Mistress when she returned home.  As his Lady entered she smiled to him and motioned for him to rise.  "Come, help me change and we can begin, all right?" he nodded and followed her into the bedroom, aiding in slipping the blouse and skirt from her, removing the stockings...

2 years ago
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mom and son

I am only going to share a few things, for those of interest. Yes it just happened, early today I woke up and was feeling horny, I was massaging my clit when I heard the door open. It was Nick,(my son), I quickly covered myself with the blanket, but he already saw me. I just stood there with a sad depressed look. I said I was sorry he saw me, and he said nothing. He just stood there looking at me like something was wrong. I realized what he wanted, he wanted to watch me. Omg, I felt like it was...

3 years ago
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Innocent Emma

My degree in electronic engineering and my interest in making feature films led me to the idea of rigging up my home with surveillance equipment and filming the baby sitter. Or maybe I should say the dog sitter. I actually didn’t have a baby, nor a dog, for that matter. But what I did have was a calculating, and some might say, devious mind. I’d obtained my university degree and then been taken on as a graduate with a major player in the electronics industry. They were paying me a generous...

2 years ago
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Trip out of town

           I had left the ticket counter with ticket in hand and had just got in line for the security check at the Atlanta Airport, when I noticed you. You were about four people ahead of me and had just flipped your long black hair off of your shoulders. I’m 6’2, so I figured you were 5’10, maybe 5’11 and you were wearing a pale blue sweater. I maneuvered myself around the older woman and man in front of me, to get a better look.               You were wearing a tan knee length skirt, nude...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Pillow Talk

My inspiration for this spoof (am I giving too much away? ) is any one of the excellent nasty stories written by C.D.E. A good example is, "Accidents Will Happen" (YW638) Read C.D.E. for fun, even though you don't have to have read his to enjoy this one (I hope). We open on a typical scene of newlywed domestic bliss. A well-endowed, thirty-something woman, wearing a sexy nightie and four inch red pumps is resting on one elbow looking down into the eyes of her new husband, a muscular hunk...

2 years ago
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Miss Bentner Takes Charge of Elizabeth Part 1

Elizabeth Carson walked back up her path enjoying thestinging feeling across her bottom, ready to go to her bedroom and masturbate. She unlocked her front door and walked in to her house. She stopped short when she saw 24-year-old Miss Bentner was already in the hallway with Emma, Elizabeth’s 17-year-old daughter. Miss Bentner didn’t look like a teacher today. She wasn’t in school so that was Ok. Today she wore a tight fitting vest top that showed off her full breasts and firm arms. Her hair...

3 years ago
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TaraI was eating lunch on a bench in park downtown. It was a warm, late spring day and the world was out enjoying their lunch. Sitting there feeling pretty good in my crisp dark suit and power tie, I noticed a stunning woman, a bit overburdened with her handbag and salad. I offered her to share the bench, and with a blushing smile she thanked me and sat down. She was beautiful. Medium length dark hair. Tan complexion. And eyes, only matched by her full red lips in their ability to melt a man....

4 years ago
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The Runesmith Chronicles Searching for the SkyChapter X1

Later in the night after Kal wakes up from passing the trials. One by one the girls left as the night wound down, leaving Senshu alone with Kal in the sitting room on the bottom floor. Graff and Velt had run off with Sera earlier, the gorgon stopping to give him a goodnight kiss before leaving. By her expression, he could tell that she wasn’t happy about something and he thought it odd that she was going to bed with the vixen and doe instead of with him. It wasn’t a big deal since his and...

2 years ago
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Pauls wife grinds it in his face

I never cease to be amazed by what stories people will tell me in bars. Perhaps I should become a bartender. I’ve spent enough time in bars and heard enough stories. I have always wondered how much of what I hear is true. There’s something about the anonymity of the setting, the booze, and the mood. I don’t know. Maybe they’re truer than those told in the bald light of day. But one night a number of years ago I met a woman who’s story was hot enough to keep me warm on cold winter nights for...

2 years ago
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Adventure Part 7

The pizza delivery boy stood inside the door, holding the two pizzas and staring open-mouthed at Carol naked in her bathrobe. She walked over to me and said out loud she needed money.She whispered to me, "Can I fuck him? You and John be my audience."I hesitated and then nodded yes.  John was sitting a few feet from me and heard Carol's whisper.  He smiled at us.Carol walked over to the delivery boy and stood close to him.  She looked up at his face and smiled.She said, "You're a nice...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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Experience Is What Upgrades In Bangalore

Hello folks, This is Mahesh from Bangalore, from past 8 to 10 years, I am fond of ISS. I am a normal Bangalore guy, will not waste your time with an unwanted explanation, coming to the narration. It might be big but very true as it is most exciting Any ladies or girls can contact me in , but privacy and confidential is more important to me. As I told you, I am a normal Bangalorean and loved to try new things, lived happily with my family till this happened Once I was getting very much bored...

4 years ago
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Let me make gentle love to you

Hello my love: Please read this when you are alone and can take the time to enjoy it. Getting together with you would be wonderful for both of us. If you liked, you could undress me again . Take off my shirt revealing my chest. Would you like to take off my shoes and sox or would you want me to do that myself? Then, you could undo my jeans, unzip them, and take them down my legs. You would see my male organ would probably be already tenting out m y briefs with my erection. Now, standing...

2 years ago
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Best Laid Plans Ch 04

Chapter 4: Will work for Mai Tais. Mike Nash was the darkest black man I’d ever laid my eyes on. He spoke in quick successive sentences that I strained to understand, I made a mental note to invest in a recorder so I could play back our conversations and try to pick out what it was he was saying. Mike also wore a shirt a size too small and pants that swished way too loudly. I was sitting cross legged doing my best to appear angelic in a button down oxford shirt and Express skirt I’d purchased...

1 year ago
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The Deckhand Thursday Cruise Part 3

Sam slid his hands around to my ass and began kneading my cheeks.  As one of his fingers meandered toward my needy hole, I again asked, "What did you have in mind?"Sam finally spoke, "How about we head below and see what develops?"I leaned into his ear and whispered, "I need you inside me now."As I backed away, I pulled him toward the steps, and we headed down below.  Once we were inside, I tore off his clothes and pushed him down onto the bed.  With him watching intently, I did a slow...

Gay Male
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Home in Her Arms

Hey everyone, this is my first story. Please comment, vote, and by all means send me any suggestions on how I can do a better job next time. Thanks so much!! SouthernAphrodite * Mara stood at the edge of the crowd, scanning the faces of the men and women in uniform as they marched into the auditorium, hoping to spot the one she was looking for before the broke formation, but between the domes of the helmets, the thick body armor they were still wearing, and the loose digital camouflage...

1 year ago
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Private Alyssia Kent The Horny Runner

Alissya Kent returns to private.com in Private Gold, Horny Runners, armed with her big natural tits and awesome ass, and today she’s looking for some exercises to further improve that incredible body. Her lucky coach Nick Moreno has something in mind and soon Alissya’s tight leggings are broken apart to reveal that incredible booty as she gets oiled up and ready for a proper good pounding. Watch and enjoy the spectacle of Alissya in action as she shows off her skills, sucking, titty fucking,...

3 years ago
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11 June 2008Chapter 1

Brad and Abby sat holding hands in the large theatre joining the 200 Idol hopefuls. He turned side to side looking at the others wondering who the eventual winner will be. A huge blue oval Canadian Idol logo became the backdrop for the competition. The commotion of countless conversations died out as the four judges walked onto the stage. “Welcome my friends, let’s have a great day! Many of you are going to be in for a long, tense filled three days,” Farley Flex began. “Through solo and...

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ForeChapter 3

Arriving at the Horgan’s house Joni could see that it was not on the lake but was located on the other side of the road which ran alongside the lake. It was an older two story home which had a large backyard. There were people already there to include a number of kids wearing their swimsuits. Ted told her that across from the house was a path going down to lake for those who wanted to take a dip and it looked like a number of kids were planning on doing that. Tony and Carol warmly greeted...

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Auntie Hayley reaches into her bag of tricks

The summer and thus Auntie Hayley's trip was drawing to a close much to my dismay. She was using me daily as a fuck bag doing unspeakable things to me and technically she could have got into a lot of trouble if I had not enjoyed it so much!My day always started down the hay shed where she would give a quick hand job to start my day well! She always let me finger her sopping wet cunt as she tugged on my member! Hayley would help me get off at various times during the day if needed and there was...

2 years ago
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Staying Close to my Sister Part 4

My sister Elizabeth gave birth to our darling Emily, and my mother gave birth to our beloved twins Jane and Jennifer, all three born mere minutes apart. Sally and Amanda, my aunt and cousin, were both beautifully pregnant and helping with the babies that had already arrived. The prior mothers were already quite experienced, though clearly Elizabeth and Amanda had inherited their motherly instincts. The former lesbians Trisha and Karen had since moved in, glowingly pregnant themselves and...

1 year ago
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CherryPimps Mckenzie Lee Helping Step Son When He Needs To Cum For Relief

Johnny Hill had a bit of an accident and all night long he listens to his Step Mom fucking in the other room. He can’t even masturbate with his hands all wrapped up in bandages. McKenzie Lee feels for her Step Son the next morning when he complains about listening to her fuck. What is a voluptuous Step Mom to do with this kind of dilemma on her hands?!? She better help out and get that hard cock just what it needs; she owes him that much after keeping him up all night. She loves that hard...

2 years ago
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My First Night as an Escort part 1

The sun was just starting to set behind the buildings as I sat at my desk finishing up my work day. I was the last one in the office, having stayed a bit late getting things wrapped up for a big project our company was working on. The office was dim and quiet, so I was a bit startled when I heard my phone vibrate softly in my purse. I dug into the pocket and pulled it out, wondering who would be emailing me at this time of night. I was pleasantly surprised to see that it was an email from my...

First Time
4 years ago
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Sexy Priya

Hai I am a fan of this site.when I was reading everytime i thought that i must write my own story.It was happend two weeks back.I am doing 11 std in tamilnad.i have afriend kumar.I went to his home many time not for seeimg him but for seeing his very cute angel sister priya doing B.Sc.i like her very much.one day she went home for study holidays.kumar went to hisnative cit i decided to go to her house.At that time it was raining heavity.i got fever.when i reached her home she was alone.i know...

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SpidermanOwner of Stories

Peter Parker, also known as Spider-man, was sitting in the centre of his living room in the lotus position. He was using the mediation techniques suggested by Dr. Strange and Zatanna to harness the power of the mystical side of his powers. He was breathing in deeply, then exhaling, while focusing on the Web of Life and Destiny. Also known as the Web of Reality, it was this element which linked the universe which powered his spider sense. That or weird superpowers. 'But given my powers could...

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Naumlchtliche Gedanken

Das ist eine alte Geschichte von mir, die ich auch woanders gepostet habe...Ich lag im Bett mit geschlossenen Augen. Meine Gedanken drehten sich nur um die Aufgaben, die noch erledigt werden müssen. Irgendwann kamst du zu mir, aber ich war so vertieft in meine Gedanken, dass ich nicht einmal merkte, dass du da bist. Dies hat dir nicht gefallen und wolltest deine „Rache“. Bis mir klar wurde, dass ich nicht allein bin, warst du schon ganz nackt. Wollte aufstehen und zu dir kommen, aber du hast...

2 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 4

Cassandra and Andrea chatted as we wended our way out of the airport, and into traffic, freeing me to go back to contemplating my circumstances. I knew who I was ... Carl Fleming, fourteen years old ... again. I was still an orphan, but things were looking up. It was ... It was nineteen-eighty-one, the year I became an orphan ... the last – first - time. When I was, was apparently 'adopted' by a wealthy socialite in Dallas, because my magic essence might save her life, along with her two...

1 year ago
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Seduced By Mallu MILF Teacher 8211 Part 4

HarDick69 is back again. Keep sending me your valuable feedback. I was surprised to learn that my mallu milf teacher Beena was actually a lesbian! Wow! It became more sexy to me. Beena masturbated thinking about me and my dick even though she was a lesbian. All that time she was flaunting her navel and cleavage to me in the class, she was a lesbian all along. I might have turned her to liking men. I can’t tell Remya any of that. Remya continued. Remya: She was always like a mother to me. We...

3 years ago
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fucking janet

Janet was married to a friend of mine who was such a fuckin bitch. She was a little overweight nice tits and ass but a real bitch that never made my dick hard, ever. Her and her husband finally divorced after 20 years of marriage and m y buddy was happy as can be and we were all happy for him. Everybody knew want a bitch janet was and no one really liked her.My buddy and I played golf 1-2 times a month, played on the same softball team and were members of the dads club for our sons high school....

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BlacksOnBlondes Alexa Grace 06062017

Let’s face it, we all have taboo fantasies, and the beautiful blonde, Alexa Grace, is no different. She’s been masturbating to the same scenario, over and over: she’s by the pool, sunning herself. She’s in a bikini, and with her eyes closed, she suddenly hears a group of men close by, laughing and talking about using Alexa as a “fuck toy” and calling her names like “slut” and “whore”. She opens her eyes, and there they are, standing...

1 year ago
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Vengeful VirginChapter 6 Carnal Commiseration

Sherry wasn't listening to her father's sermon. She'd never listen to his sermons ever again. Not after what she'd seen. He was a hypocrite. This morning she had gone to her father's office looking for some reference material for the Sunday School class she was to teach after the sermon was done. She hadn't been prying but, in a desk drawer, she noticed the corner of a photo peeking out from a file folder and, idly curious, she had looked in the folder. At first Sherry thought she'd...

2 years ago
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Gorgo the Barbarian

The war hammer glanced off Gorgo's helmet and made his head ring. He stumbled, went down to one knee, and hung his head feigning serious injury. The enemy warrior, a greasy-haired brute that was missing half of his teeth, raised his hammer again and stepped into position. With the warrior's back arched and his arms held high about to bring the deadly hammer down, Gorgo swept his spiked axe off the ground and up between the brute's legs. The spike ripped through the man's testicles and...

3 years ago
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Damp Encounter My Boss Part 1

When I started my new job I couldn't help but notice how sexy my supervisor was. Although he talked incessantly about his wife I would feel myself flush every time he would call me into his office. I started fantasizing about him often, and continually played different scenarios over in my head each time we would find ourselves alone together. Riding in the elevator, late night meeting, all the typical circumstances. Although these thoughts kept me satisfied on Sunday nights when I took my...

Oral Sex
2 years ago
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Tricked my wife into fucking my dad

Introduction: Greatest gift a son could get his fat old dad: The sons Latina teen wife wanting the dad to cum in her to get pregnant since his son secretly got a hysterectomy My name is Jake, I am a 31 year old man. I married my wife, Leticia 2 years ago, she is 19. I dont think Im really in love with my wife, but she is very attractive, petite, and is my dream girl. Sometimes I am very jealous of her past relationships, because she has told me just about everything, so maybe I do love her...

3 years ago
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Never the same

You know what they say, if you get breed you are owned and marked , well its all true , once you look at a guy explode deep in your ass , something happens and he owns you like a pussyThere is just no going back, it will happen again then again and again each time he wants itand real fuckers love to breed there lil bitch boy as often as they can, until all they feel is a willing pussy to fuck for me it was my manager , i was naive and fresh out of universityon a business trip , after too much...

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When The Magic Almost Died

This particular story came about from a memory of a childhood experience. A lot of what takes place in both part 1 & 2 are actually the way I saw the events happen then. – D Part 1: 1957 was a great year for cars, each makes and model seemed to have their own personality. Of course it took two years of tinkering around with the buying public’s money before the carmakers in America could get it right. Strangely enough, for me at least, it also took Santa two years to get my request right as...

4 years ago
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ONE AT A TIMEI sat down on the grass and leaned back, loving the feel of the sun on my face. My legs were parted and I didn’t care. If someone wanted to look up my dress, well, so be it! Just for now I would luxuriate in the heat of the great golden Australian sun on my pale English thighs. In fact, I thought, it would be rather nice to have a man’s eyes, and hands for that matter, on my thighs. Or better still, my pants …in them, that is. Mmm, lovely thought! I stretched out, resting on...

1 year ago
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Boss Laundry Doing You

I show up at the Hotel, and take a quick glance around before spotting you. 'Hmm a skirt, VERY nice.', I think to myself as I walk over to you. I cup my hands on your cheeks and pull you forward planting a kiss on you. "Mmm, love those kisses." As you turn around and lead towards the laundry room I slide my hand down, and cup your ass. 'No underwear, even better.' I give your ass one firm squeeze before letting my arm fall beside me as I walk beside you. I can't decide whether I should keep my...

Straight Sex
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Friend8217s sis

Hi friends, Sending a story for the lovers of erotic stories at indiansexstories2.net I often use to go to my friend’s home since we studied together for more than 10 years. He lives nearby my house with his parents brother, brother’s wife and a sister. His brother’s wife is 23 and his sister is 19. His sister left her studies and remain at home like any housewife. She is very found of hindi movies whenever I visited her I found her watching cable movies or movies on video. I am just like their...

4 years ago
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A New Day A New You part 16

Sleep on the flight home knowing that Guy is probably going to fire me, or kill me, or kick my head up my ass? Yeah not going to happen and I’m not the only one as Ben, Isaac and Robin are wide awake with me on the flight. We land and get picked up by Mrs. Kori driving one of their SUV’s. The whole ride is quiet until I find our first stop at an apartment building and Isaac looking to our driver confused. “We’ll talk later Isaac, get inside and get some sleep,” Mrs. Kori tells him and...

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Theresa Part 20

Now, several weeks later, our online chat was becoming increasingly sexual and perverse as she explained how much she had enjoyed being restrained and dominated by me. She told me she loved being helpless, humiliated and dominated. She had also told me that she was particularly turned on by the idea of being humiliated and undressed in public before being sexually used. She told me that all of her fantasies revolved around elements of being stripped or exposed in public and being used sexually...

1 year ago
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Meet the Andersons

In our house, nudity has never been an issue with my husband John and our kids Daniel, 16 and Elsie, 18. We would think nothing of walking from the bathroom to our bedrooms in the nude, skinny dipping in out pool or anything like that. Even now that our kids are getting older, it has never posed a problem. One afternoon I was having a dip in our pool, naked when I heard my son Daniel walking up the driveway, coming home from school. He slid open the glass back door looking all embarrassed. I...

4 years ago
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More than Friends

Hi friends I thank you for the overwhelming response to my previous stories, my mailbox is flooded with your love and that motivates me so please keep them coming here I am posting one more story I hope you will love it too, mail me your comments and requests on and add me on yahoo I once again want to tell you all that all my stories are fictitious so please do not mail me asking the contact info of the girl just read enjoy and appreciate “Shall I help you wash up?” Sanjana asked, bringing...

2 years ago
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Tails at Flight Level 490 CH1

*************** This is an off-shoot of my Sam and Dave short stories with a quicker short feel to them. I also changed my writing style slightly in hopes to appeal to a large base. Please provide comments, both positive and constructive criticism is appreciated. As always please vote, I am like a slot machine and your votes encourages me to write more. :grin: *************** Pilot's logbook: 4/1/08 Type: G450 Depart: KADS Arrival: RJAA Landings: 2 Total Time:...

2 years ago
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ShilohChapter 33 Deadly Finds

Morning in the ravine comes late due to its geography. When the men get organized for the day Kyle and Dana appreciate KK cooking their breakfast while the rest of the men cook their own. One of today’s tasks is made a lot easier by the horses making their own way back into the ravine to the fodder set out in the corral area. It was their after dawn return that woke up most of the Shiloh men, not the small amount of sunlight filtering down to them. Most of the men are busy preparing the...

1 year ago
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My young friend

I'm a very young 58, in great shape and married for 37 years. Six years ago, when I was 52, something happened to me that I never would have thought I would experience, even in my wildest dreams. This is a true story.Sex with my wife had gradually dwindled to nothing. I was not seeking an affair, but one night I was online looking for some hot chat to help me get myself off. My wife was out, and I had had a few drinks. I went into a chat room called "younger girls for older guys".Just like...

3 years ago
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Massage to Working Lady

Hi to all readers. I am regular reader of this site and love reading stories of ladies being used in crowded buses and trains. My experience of the same will come on the basis of feedback of my this story. About myself. I am working with a life insurance company and i am in sales. Though I am at a senior level I still go on calls and sell life insurance in field. Apart from this I have done lot of study on body massage for relaxation. I am based in ahmedabad taking care of entire...

2 years ago
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Breaking In Ones New Self

------------------------------- The Doctor flipped a switch, and the familiar vworping sound was heard, as the TARDIS dematerialised from the planet Skaro. “Well then, that was certainly a challenge, wasn’t it, Doctor?” Romana said. “Oh hardly,” the Doctor smiled. “Defeating the Daleks is mere child’s play for me. You know, I faced them just after my first regeneration too. The planet Vulcan I think it was. Of course, I had Ben and Polly to look after me.” “Vulcanites?” “No no, they...

4 years ago
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My Brothers Genie Chapter 04

“Charlie?” “Morning Dan. Have fun yesterday?” Daniel sat up, and realised he was in Harry’s room. Memories of the previous day came flooding back to him. “Yesterday? But it was like midday?” “You slept all day and night. You were exhausted.” “I’m not surprised. What the fuck did you do to me?” “I made you shoot half a litre of jizz. You passed out after that, so the girls just made love to each-other while you slept.” “Oh my God…Where are the girls, anyway?” “I sent them home to get...

2 years ago
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The Hypnotist0

She was in New York for a 3 day sales seminar. Living in a smaller Midwestern town, the city seemed so different, exciting, and frightening as well. It was early evening of the second day. The seminars were done and the rest of the evening was open to do what she wished. Taking a shower and dressing something a bit more comfortable, she set out to explore the theatre district. Turning a corner she notices a smaller theatre club, the words, “Greatest Hypnotist” displayed and with her...

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