Lucille free porn video

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LUCILLE... I Fall in Love

It was late morning on a bright Summer's day that found me pointlessly ambling through my hometown. Just having arrived the night before after a several month's beautiful, yet disaster filled sojourn in Mexico, I was unknowingly struggling to make some sort of a plan to 'get on with' my young life. My head was trying to reject the logic of returning to school... or the vague idea that I should seek some sort of employment... or... (shrug)... ?

Young enough that I didn't relate to the formal labels of "dejection", "rejection", "apathy", "depression", "confusion" or "fear"... I was simply aware that I was filled with a profound emptiness that had me swirling in the grip of confusion and non-direction so tightly, that it wasn't until decades later that I was even aware of the fact that it was a most beautiful day!

Ambling, or should I say shambling, along the sparsely populated business backstreets near the center of town, I was ripped out of my befuddled reverie by the sound of my name being shouted from the intersection.

And quickly glancing up...

... the whole world changed!

I was in love!

The vision of softly rounded curves unbroken by angular harshities! I could feel her solidity and strength as I reverberated to the low harmonics of lurking power! Unadorned, uncluttered by trendy frivolity, she spoke of efficiency and purpose in every vibrating inch of her! Her history showed in the sun-faded patina of oxidation...

... and I was enthralled!

"Hey, George! Nice Truck!" I called to the friend I hadn't seen in months.

As he sat grinning behind the wheel at the stop sign... he shouted back in glee.

"You like it?... You wanna buy it?"

I mumblingly confessed to him that...

(what I later found out was a 1939, derelict, International Harvester, 3/4 ton panel truck he'd dug out of a farmer's field for free)

... it was beautiful, but I was broke. Well... I've got about $30 to my name...

... and he instantly yelled back...


Leaving the engine running, he climbed out of the driver's seat and smilingly took every cent I had!

That's how we met, Lucille and I, to begin a three year adventure along a trail of serendipity, reliability, mundane glory, strife... and so many almost-misadventures that this tale will probably have several 'sub-chapters' devoted to our varied exploits... so you, my intrigued reader, will please forgive me if I now spend a few paragraphs expounding upon her physical nomenclature.

Panel-truck... meaning there were no side windows behind the driver's and passenger doors... Lucille was a large (3/4 ton) variety that was constructed of heavy gauge steel. There were no 'corners' per se... every sculpted line was rounded... from the large front fenders, up over the slightly tilted split-windshield with it's factory curved, external sun-shade, across the slightly corroded - pitted and faded silver roof, to curve downward, encompassing the snugly fitting double rear doors with their high, miniscule windows... to roundly tuck under the rear of her chassis.

Originally painted a deep peacock/navy blue, years in that farmer's field had faded the matt finish of her paint to the point that the greeness within the formula was unevenly luminescing through... along with mellowed, orange-brown hints of an underlying beginning of all-over oxidation. Soft and rich, her hue and curves just added to her obvious solid look through contrary-appearing counterpoint as she invoked visions of a storm-tossed sea!

A long, split hood rose from those ourageously bulbous fenders and led to her perfectly intact grill with it's multiplicity of finely spaced horizontal ribs of dully rusted chrome that extended from a vertical spine. Front and rear... there were no bumpers to break the sweeping travel of my eye... just the small pairs of wrought-iron-looking bumper stanchions where they had once been bolted.

She was a truely lovely sight of hidden engineering efficiency cloaked in the earned granduer of age. A large, hulking beatle of a truck... patiently lurking with untold, untapped potential!

And as I climbed into the faded green, driver's, bucket seat... (curved, encompassing bucket seats!... standard in 1939! who'da thunk!)... and placed my hand on the knob of that tall, four-speed, floor shift that towered up into my palm on that sunny morning...

... my life changed.

LUCILLE... and the White Sisters

Oh, yes! My life had changed! I now had 'direction'... albiet that the direction was only towards whatever quarter of the compass to which I'd pointed Lucille's grill!

Her rusty - trusty flathead, straight-6 cylinder block carved paths through my twenty-year-old reality that I could never have imagined...

... like my entanglement with the daughters of the local chief of police.

My oldest friend at the time was a high-school drop-out named Andrew. We had found common-ground and an affinity for discourse back when we were both in our Junior year. 'Stoney' (he'd been named for Stonewall Jackson, the defender of New Orleans in the war of 1812) was a tall, athletically built (if not inclined) artist who was embroiled in living a life of ease and abject poverty while expressing his hopes, joys, angst and rebellion though his painting and tenor saxophone.

I was the flutist that obscessively sketched and found solace in the ranting philosophy of 'counter-culture' Beat Poets.

He wore loose sweaters and looser, laceless, tennis shoes, while my black turtlenecks, sandals and fledgling beard were becoming my 'uniform-of-the-decade'.

It mattered not that our

disparaging backgrounds were in complete opposition; his being a poor-ghetto black from the wrong side of the tracks; mine being solidly white middle-class with pretentions of 'culture'. We were of like mind in our questioning of authority, color-blind and instantly empathetic friends that picked each others brains and opinions in rambling, boundless discourses.

He introduced me to the music of the likes of B.B.King (in whose honor, I gave Lucille her name) and Sonny Rollins; while I bombarded him with Mozart and Earnest Tubbs.

Late one night we found "The White Sisters" outside a ghetto dive that had live blues music; they were there because of the feeling of 'life', the music... and it was the naughtiest thing they could think of doing to infuriate their parents.

Stoney and I were there on this dark, semi-paved sidestreet because he'd heard a rumor that the smoke-filled, drunk and sweat drenched, dilapidated, corner beer-room was going to be graced by the appearance of Nancy Wilson, a young, up and coming blues-singer.

Beatrice was 16... Cecilia was 14... And two prettier, sexier, louder, little-white-Irish-girls with attitude couldn't be imagined! Masses of dark auburn hair with natural redish highlights; impish-piercing green eyes; that Irish complextion that spoke of a translucency supporting constellations of freckles; blooming hour-glass figures that could instantly stun a young male into awestruck silence;... and raucous mouths that could blister paint.

One look at this strange duo of a gangly, bearded 'beatnik' and a rangy 'coloured' guy...

("... and they're musicians!... and they're older, grown-up (ha!) and can

probably get beer!...")

... and, I came to realize in later years, THEY decided that this was a match made in heaven.

We became an instant 5-some: Stoney and Bea; myself and CeCe... and, of course,... Lucille.

Nancy turned out to be a rumor.

Late one evening in the not-too-distant future, having picked the girls up after they had sneaked out of their bedroom window; we were all meandering down a country road by the light of a full moon. Stoney and Bea were comfortably squirming about on the rugs in the back of Lucille, giggling and whispering between riffs on the tenor sax. My attention was split between driving, listening to bass-clef cacophony and attempting to gain a little acquiessence from CeCe's thigh in the bucket seat next to me.

All was right with the world.

We were headed for the deserted, gravel, parking lot of the Country Grange Hall with all it's oak shaded privacy, where I'd be able to break out my flute to augment the low wailing and honking of Stoney's tenor-sax with some lyrical soprano counter-point melodies... and maybe some musically inspired necking and groping. Lucille was purring right along with her dim, yellow headlights illuminating the deserted blacktop. Happy... at peace and filled with hope we just blissfully cruised though the mid-night darkness.

Stoney suddenly voiced concern over a minor problem... his saxophone reed had split and he was unsure about replacing it in the dark, moving truck. He leaned forward and flicked the broken reed out of the passenger window... and we were instantly bathed in flashing red lights!

Concrete reality came rudely crashing through our non-aggressive bliss! A Sheriff's Deputy was pulling us over, out here in the middle of nowhere...

... WHY?

As was explained to us by one deputy when Stoney and I climbed out of Lucille; the trailing police were certain that it was a lighted cigarette that had come sailing out of the window. And while we struggled to explain that it was a discarded, broken, saxophone reed to the disbelieving cop, his partner climbed into the back of the truck with the girls.

Flashlights couldn't find the errant cigarette, we hadn't been speeding, we weren't drinking or drunk... but it mattered not that they didn't have 'cause' to stop us.

The deputy did a thirty minute inspection of Lucille while Stoney and I listened to voices full of angry protests and denial coming from inside the truck... before he handed me a fistfull of citations:

No registration; no bumpers; leaking exhaust system; burnt out tail-light; no front license plate; no rear license plate light; cracked headlight; emergency brake out of adjustment. I'm suprized that I wasn't written up for being a 'general-eyesore'!

Letting us go with the admonishion that they'd be following us back to civilization; the mood of the evening thoroughly destroyed; we were further infuriated by hearing Bea and CeCe's report that the whole thing had been a ploy because 'their' deputy had spent the entire time questioning the girls around the supposition that they were a couple of naive, under-aged, 'white-girls' that had coerced and abducted into the dark and gloomy night by two, obviously "criminal-low-life" types for the purpose being kidnapped, brutally raped and sold into white slavery.

We took the girls home and watched the cops watching... while Bea and CeCe climbed back through their bedroom window... only to be confronted the next morning by their father, the Chief of Police. He'd gotten an early morning phone call from the County Sheriff's Department it seems.

Bea and CeCe were never quite the same after that. I have always wondered what threats their father used to intimidate those gloriously innocent in deed, blithe spirits.

Let it be known that I believe the cops put ideas into the girl's heads... because I heard that three years later these delectable rebels opened the first "Topless ShoeShine Parlor" in San Francisco's North Beach. They certainly had the attitude and natural equipment!

LUCILLE... Pays a Friend's Rent

Always pure of heart and ready to offer her capable assistance, Lucille helped a family in need... and

found me shelter from the elements.

Another close friend at the time was a fellow artist who hailed from Little Rock, Arkansas. Homer, with his quick wit, his stories of his porch-bound, cocaine addicted Granny and her rocker... (a case of Coca-Cola a day, right at her side. She'd rock, and rock... and when her rocking began to slow... Why, it's time to pop another bottle!)... and his mandolin and banjo... Homer fit right into my peers.

He was also an accomplished painter. In fact it was one of his three life directives: to paint; to make music: to repopulate the world in his image.

... And in accordance with the latter, he'd met and married an immigrant Dutch print-maker.

To facilitate housing his growing 'scatter' (I last heard that they were up to nine) Homer had struck a deal with the owner of an 'abandoned' sheep ranch some five miles north of town. The rent was cheap... AND... any improvements he made to the property could be deducted from the rent.

The house was a 'linear', single story mish-mash of six or seven rooms that all had interconnecting doors! It was really one long hallway with 'twin-alcoves' every ten / twelve feet or so... with a door to the outside at either end! Homer told me that their second chore upon moving in was to get the ouside doors to close. The first chore, of course, was to chase the sheep out.

Being that I was without domicile, I prevailed upon Homer to allow me to live in one of the 'out buildings'. In return, in lieu of cash which neither of us had, Lucille and I would help him with the 'rejuvenation' project.

The building I called 'home' was a tiny, unheated, uninsulated one room affair perched on the interior of the apex of the ninety-degree bend of the country road. I mean... right ON the apex! One corner of the building was covered in old red and yellow light reflectors in hopes that any afterdark traffic would use their presence to miss the building as they went ito the acute turn!

(Most were successful.)

This room had one piece of furniture, a brokendown couch. It also had one naked light-bulb hanging from the ceiling... and a door to keep the sheep out. No heat... no water... no... anything else.

Even in the Summer it was cold in this little pocket-valley full of fog! I used to sleep fully clothed, under every blanket I had been able to scrounge, and with every piece of 'spare' clothing I could find piled on top. In the early mornings I would bolt from under all this to lope through the frost stiffened grass in my stockinged feet, across the twenty five yards or so of frozen tundra, to the 'main house' and my nice warm boots that were nestled under the side of the kitchen's huge, wood-burning box stove.

Hilda would hand a morning cup of tea into my shivering hands, ask about the materials that I had in Lucille,... and while standing spraddle-legged while massaging her aching back, look over her always protruding abdomen and list the next necessary items I was to keep an eye out for.

Homer always slept until

mid-morning, but I'd swing by the homestead about sundown to brief him about that evening's activities. I'd cruised various far-flung construction sites during the day and mentally marked the most promising in accordance with Hilda's construction planning. Homer, Lucille and I would then head off into the night to liberate loads of wall-board/ sub-flooring/ buckets of glue/ rolls of linoleum/ etc... with Hilda invariably calling after us...

"Don't forget the 'Bills of Lading'!...

"... for the landlord."

LUCILLE... Music... and the Mercedez

"A motley crew of

sociologically estranged talents, each struggling through that desparate period of personal transition towards adulthood"...

... would seem to be an apt catch-all phrase for myself and my peers at the time. Yet the reality was that we were just older-teens trying to find a balance within our 'new-found freedom'; our exploding sense of 'the injustices of the world'; our semi-conscious sense that we could 'shape the values of society'; our fervent dream to use our art and music to free ourselves from the 'over-bearing strictures' of fear of the unknown.

As I said, there was Stoney and his tenor-sax, Homer and his banjo and mandolin (he also played stand-up bass), and myself noodling amatuerishly on flute. There was also a wonderful fellow named Wayne with his slide trombone; Danny with his drums; Terry on trumpet... and last, but far from least, Tom (an older fellow who was near thirty!) who played and taught masterful guitar. Add to these 'musicians', Keith with his marvelous sense of irony... and a young Latvian refugee (whose name I never learned to pronounce) that filled the air with dark, poetic laments over the post World War II loss of his country.

A truer conglomeration of mutually supportive, mixed levels of knowledge and expertise, couldn't be imagined.

We'd gather, usually at

George's apartment (remember him?... he sold me Lucille), and we'd wail and flail deep into the night. Homer's bluegrass/folk music, Stoney's free-form jazz, Tom's magnificently extensive repertoire of folk and blues... everybody else adlibing riffs, runs and lyrics with much howling and stomping of feet! Laughter and home-spun, counter-culture philosophy that was lubricated with cheap beer and maybe a little grass. It was all an excercise in the creation of an ambience, a comraderie, a surcrease or escape from our philodophical inability to feel connected to 'normal' society.

Reliable Lucille was the group transport... to haul people and instruments... to be push-started at 1:30 am when her battery was low, for one final beer run. To get the girls home before dawn.

Yes, there was a revolving female contingent of friends. Bea and CeCe occaisionally... German Patty with her long black hair who would dance and whirl for hours... Melinda (Tom's wife) who was a consumate mandolin player... vocals by lean and quiet, big-eyed Natalie who quietly reminded everybody of Natalie Wood... SuzieQ. with her flaming red hair... and a stoically aloof Russian blue-eyed blonde who still had her accent, named Anya.

We never thought of these gatherings as 'parties'... they were more like a way of life. Not everyone was present at all the gatherings; the group mixed and swirled without schedule or routine... but if three of us were together, it was sure to grow to six or seven before too long.

One post-gathering Saturday morning Stoney idly mentioned that he wished he had a better saxophone than the battered thing he carried around in a gunny-sack. Something to the effect of, "You'd really hear some sweet sounds then! Can you imagine if I got my hands on a baritone!"

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When rolling into town mid-morning Boone has a stray thought of, Something must be wrong! This is a Tuesday, not a Monday. We never get anywhere except on a Monday. He’s amused by the thought. During the afternoon they talk while they unpack the wagons, and Boone says, “While in Council Bluffs I caught up on the news. There’s been a dozen or so battles between Army units in Missouri since April, hundreds of shootings and killings in Kansas, and militia attacking the people all over Kansas...

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kate 8

I walked into the kitchen , Kate'smum was loading the washing machine, be a dear and make me a cuppa she askedI filled the kettle what did you want me for I asked,She closed the washing machine door and turned it , wait till Kate comes down as she picked up the basketof wet washing and went intothe garden,Kate came in, where is she, out in the garden I said.Oh make me a tea as well she asked Yea OK I said, as she walked behind me she patted my bum, really cute she said.I made the teas and took...

4 years ago
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Can You See Me NowChapter 15

The time passed much too quickly. Even the fact that Bob was there for all of their remaining time together didn't seem to give them any more of it. Part of that was because they tried to cram so much into that remaining time. They spent half of each day with Curtis, usually going somewhere, to see something interesting. The other half of the day, Curtis went to Bessie's. In theory she was supposed to do some work each day. And, looking at the numbers, she should have been able to work...

4 years ago
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Erotic Author Melanie Punished Part Two

Nicole Patton had made it her mission to punish Melanie Pearson again. She made no secret of her pleasure at beating the young author severely in the office of her boss, Suzanne Ann Bryant. Nicole had been patient, believing that the successful young author would miss her deadlines again and this would mean that the nineteen year old secretary would be handed Melanie’s home address and instructed by Ms Bryant to teach the woman the error of her ways. She looked longingly at the cupboard where...

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Adventures of Carrie Office

Carrie squeezed her legs together and tried again to concentrate on the report she was reading. It had been a difficult morning to be at work. Her thoughts were off in a fantasy world and she didnt particularly want them to get back to reality. She had dreamed during the night of running naked on a beach, of wild stallions with massive erections and an assortment of unknown men getting pleasure from her. When she had awakened this morning, she had found herself gently rubbing her swollen clit...

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Wife Trained Abused and Bought Back ch 02

I have, however, written and had published two articles on deviant sexual behavior and the Internet. I failed to mention in my first posting that I have an advanced degree in psychology. Had I finished my dissertation, I would have earned a Ph.D. but my life changed in ways you have already read about. But, even with only a Masters degree, I have been able to get works published. I'm proud of that. I am also proud of the fact that so much of my published material is based on first-hand...

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Arabian Plaything Chapter 9

INTERMISSIONMarjorie Marchbanks clamped her plump thighs to the cheeks of the slave-girl in between them.„That will do,“ she said. Her voice was low and lazy.The tongue which had been servicing her for a good quarter of an hour ceased its movements, yet remained in position. Marjorie Marchbanks sighed contentedly. She had been brought to two orgasms, had wanted a third, yet seemed unable to rise to it. Two plump arms stretched languorously; two hillockbreasts rose up.„I shan’t have you caned,...

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A Wee Bit More O Seasonal Fluff

A Wee Bit More O' Seasonal Fluff By Kelly Blake Nobody told me about the snow. I was warned about the winds and the summer heat and the fall chills. Oh...they did tell me it would snow and the cold could be beyond frigid...but...this snow? Really! It began rather mildly as a sprinkling on the twenty-third. But now? Dear Lord! It was the afternoon of the twenty-fourth and one couldn't see one's hand before one's own eyes! The driveway was a distant memory and the road...what...

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Summer Camp I Come of Age

I guess it all started three years ago. It was our annual family summer vacation, a ritual of my parents that I had already grown to dislike. That year's vacation would turn out to be very, very different.But I am getting ahead of myself.My name is Wendy, I’m twenty years old, and live at home with my parents while I attend college. I’m 5’4” tall, and weigh about 110 pounds. I have long blonde hair, blue eyes and love to wear crazy wigs to change my look. I’ve always been a fashionista, and...

2 years ago
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Fun in underwear ch2

When I got out of the shower, I dried off and and went over to where kit had put the underwear for me to wear. I picked them up and there was a leather bra that had holes where the nipples are and leather panties that had a hole round the back in line with my ass. I put them on and they were a very tight fit, I then noticed there was some other things with a letter.There was a: red ball gag, hand cuffs, leg cuffs and a blindfoldThe letter said:Put these on and come into the bedroom and get on...

3 years ago
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Hypno Slut

Hypno Slut The advertisement was intriguing to say the least and had captured my attention for the last several weeks. I was not one to look at the Craigslist personals, but being bored, there I sat contemplating answering the captivating advertisement. It stated that he had vast experience in helping sissies achieve whatever level of femininity so desired. This could be anything from basic makeup tips, wardrobe selection to complete transformation. Being a part time...

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my Dad part six

Chapter sixMy DadI woke up a few hours later because I had to have a pee, Ana was still asleep and had her hand on my right breast, her other hand was between her legs, and I thought yes we have something in common, both of us like sleeping with a hand on our pussy;s, she looked very beautiful just lying there naked, she had a lovely body and I wondered if she would remember what had happened between us earlier, I went to the toilet and sat down I started to have a pee and Ana said you will...

4 years ago
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Be A Good Boy

I have no idea why this is so hard. My hand shaking with a lit cigarette. Already half way through my third in ten minutes. That feeling of anxiety in the pit of my stomach. Taking another long drag, I tell my self to calm. You are going to survive this, I think to myself. Every fiber of my being wanting to get out of here, I take another drag. Ash falling sporadically from nervous shaking. Either way I will have to pass through and go where I fear. I have no idea what is so frightening about...

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Country Boy City Girl Book IIChapter 48

Once I got home, I went ahead and went into the garage. I moved a few boxes and made room for whatever was coming the next day. Then once back in the house, of course, Dee pumped me about how lunch went. She grinned when I told her I had a date the next night. “Oh, I’m glad of that Pete. A date tomorrow, and dinner with Mandy on Saturday. You are already filling up your schedule. What about next week?” “Well, I am gonna see if I can hook up with Holly on Sunday. After that, I’m gonna look...

3 years ago
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Holly Bounces Back

I lifted my gaze from the bottom of my fifth empty glass to see what was going on around me in the pub. My eyes didn't really focus though. I was thinking about what had happened earlier that day. I had walked to my boyfriend's house to wish him a happy birthday. I had a 'special' surprise present for him, if you get what I mean. But when I got there, some blonde chick had beat me to it. They were hard at it when I went through the door to his bedroom. I had creamed as many curses at him as I...

Straight Sex
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My brother is my protector

Joanne: "Ugh I hate school" thinking to myself when getting ready. I am a sophomore and my brother is a senior. This is our new school since dad got his new job and we had to relocate to another town. It was a long day at school and I was tired when I got home. I seen my father in the fridge. "Joanne I'm going to be working all day and night today, I'm doing my shift and then overtime" dad said. "okay" i said while walking to room.. Ray: As I got home, I noticed...

1 year ago
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Asian Massage Parlor

Surprisingly, there were quite a few relatively close and as I looked through the online listings, one caught my eye. It got good reviews however I was hesitant, being it was listed as an Asian massage parlor. Yea, I know we’ve all heard stories, but this one looked to be very reputable and because it was “Asian,” it sparked my interest, for just that reason. I had occasionally gotten a massage at the hotels where I stay, and felt comfortable trying this place, but was still apprehensive....

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The CoWorkers Gray Thomas Ch 01

GrayMy name is Gray, I'm 21 and I live with my best friend Thomas. Me and him have been though a lot together, especially during our High School years!I'm only 5'7 while Thomas is 6'2, he's always been the one saving my ass when I needed it, and boy did I need it a lot!I recently told Thomas I was gay, nothing in my life has ever been so hard - but that day I came out to Thomas made a breaking point in my life, I felt complete.A few weeks went by after I said I was gay, all was normal. Until...

1 year ago
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Ciarra the ColdChapter 16 First Dungeon Exploration

We moved slowly through the rocky caverns that made up this dungeon. Cold water dripped from stalactites, each drop echoing in the dark. Facing away from my pets, I guarded our rear. Vixen and Wumtug each carried one of the long wooden poles I purchased in town. They checked the ground for traps and pitfalls by tapping the ground in front of them. Between [Tremorsense] and [Magesense], the world should have been an open book. Unlike it’s weaker single-target cousin [Magesight], my...

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House Slut 33 Halloween pt3

This is a direct continuation from Part 2, which I recommend you read if you have not already. -phenylalanine Tegan assessed the dildo again and then at the vessel of spunk. The most semen she had ingested in one sitting was eleven, the night she visited the glory hole, and that was in small increments as she served each man. This was spunk from thirty different guys who’d probably cum at least twice, gathered in a container that had been sitting around going cold and coagulating. She...

1 year ago
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MBF 25 A Surprise Gift Pt 2

“Are you ready for this?” Amanda’s question shook my thinking. I looked at her and Jeanette with a smile. “I guess.” Jeanette spoke. “I have been looking forward to this for a while now. How about you?” Amanda nodded her head. “Are you kidding me? I have been so excited about this for the past couple of weeks. I’ve had to resort to use padding in my panties to soak up all my juices so they won’t soak through to my jeans the past couple of days.” Jeanette laughed. “I know how you feel.” And...

4 years ago
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Doc and the French WhoreChapter 3

My shoulder was bothering me something fierce and I was certain they didn’t get the entire bullet out when they operated. I figured the projectile had shattered a bit when it hit my bone and a piece of the lead was still inside making me sore and feeling a mite bit tender on that side. Luckily, Kate showing me her new French undies took my mind off the pain and I made a point of pulling them down and spanking her good and proper right in front of Carmelita, the third leg of our nocturnal...

4 years ago
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Neighborly love

Drake and I have been neighbors since we were born. I'm 9 months older than Drake. He and I have only talked in the hallways at school every once in a while and the one class we have together. One night, I received a text from him asking if I wanted to go to a movie with him. I have always had a crush on him, so of course I said yes. Drake picked me up in his brand new car. He knocked on the door and escorted me to the passenger's side of his car. Once at the door of his car, he opened it. I...

Straight Sex
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The Day I Fucked My Russian Maid

It was another slow day at work. Another day where absolutly nothing happened my whole five-hour shift. I left work bored out of my mind... and craving something different. I was staying at a small hotel, since my wife divorced me, and I went up to the third floor so I could just go to my room and sleep until the next miserable day. I noticed the cleaning girl's cart was outside my door. I ignored it, assuming I could just tell her to come back later. I opened my door and threw down my tie and...

4 years ago
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SelfMade Cuckold

Last Tuesday, I came home early. I walked into my ranch style home, heading for the kitchen when I heard a noise emanating from the master bedroom. It's not uncommon for my wife to jill off after a particularly tough day at school, so I thought nothing of it, walking toward the bedroom to watch.Rounding the corner, I stood in the doorway, totally shocked at what I saw. There, on the bed, on hands and knees was Geri. But what shocked me was that she was not alone. Behind her, hips pistonning...

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The Boys at Johns HouseChapter 65

Yeuhan fit in perfectly. He was a hard-core voyeur. He got hard watching me kiss the boys. Watching them walk around the house in slutwear or worse kept the boy dripping. Catching me, Greedy and the Angels in the atrium actually set him off. Plus, he did all the client paperwork. Within a week, Yeuhan began dressing like the rest of the idiots complete with the come-and-get it thongs. I was in absolute heaven. And people were beginning to notice. The first time I took Yeuhan to the club,...

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ProfNigma Stories 2 iCarlyVictorious 3

iCarly/Victorious: Who I Did on my Summer Vacation: Chapter 3By ProfNigmaThe next morning brought about a number of surprises for the teens at the camp, but none greater than that of Spencer Shay, who awoke in his camper, to a really good feeling happening down below. Looking down, he saw brown hair, pulled back into a ponytail, attached to a head that was bobbing up and down on his incredibly erect penis. He wasn't entirely sure whether or not this was completely due to her, or some of the...

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Soma8217s Milky Adventure With An Old Lady

Soma, a beautiful busty young girl, got married two years ago to a well-known family in Kolkata. Soma and her husband Paresh have been separated from the family since the marriage. And 4 months ago, she had the good fortune to be a mother. For Soma, a 26-year-old young mother, it became increasingly difficult to work and look after her family. So, Soma’s mother decided to hire a housekeeper. Soon she found one. The housekeeper was an old-aged woman. Her age was around 56 or 57, a thin and...

1 year ago
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The deal of a Lifetime for a dad and his son

Note : This story is completely fictional! I don't like long drawn out explanations about myself or any thing so here it goes. On a sunny Saturday morning, I went over to my friend Devon's house to watch tv with him. Little did I know that his parents were gone for the day and his older brother Demetric was gone to play football with some friends. When I got there, Devon was acting kind of funny when he answered the door. Thinking little of it, I followed him to the basement. When I got down...

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The Spirit Of The West Educating Fire BringerChapter 15

Even though Fire Bringer and Shadow had subdued the major hate groups, they were unable to do much to control the actions of individuals. Negroes were still casually persecuted by many people who didn't even realize what they were doing. Often, what they did was simply a case of unconscious habit—they were treating Negroes the same way they had done when these people were slaves, and skin color overrode everything else. It was a damned stupid way to act, but all people are like that. The...

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Gothic Revival

Way back in the mists of time, the early to mid 1990's I dated a gorgeous lady. She was a Goth - tall, elegant, legs that went on forever, a very high sex drive and lots of very exciting lingerie. She was also the very first woman I ever slept with who had a completely shaven pussy. Not something that was very common when I first started my sex life back in the 1980's. We had split up, but had somehow always stayed in contact. She had gone on to get married, have k**s, but had also forged...

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Chapter 1Her naked body hissed between the sheets as she slid into bed. It was a luxurious feeling, like hotel sheets always are, cool, crisp and fresh, nearly crackling. She felt like purring as she snuggled down, allowing the soft comfort to ease the tension of the day's drive from her.Fresh from the shower, glowing with a pampered warmth, she rolled to the center of the king-size bed and languidly stretched. A satisfied smile danced across her full lips as she once more came alive....

1 year ago
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Blood Moon Chronicles Book 4 Many Faces of the MoonChapter 6

“How long has it been?” The woman before me asked softly. “You have grown into a fine young man, Davik.” My eyes narrowed, “It has been ten years, but this is not possible. You were not Voguel, nor should this be able to occur like this. I have dreamt of my mother often over the years, but you are nothing like her. So, end your mindless tricks and show me who you really are.“ The woman’s eyes twinkled, a small amount of pride appeared in her eyes and she shook her finger at me. “Ahh, ahh,...

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Lingerie Delivery

I am a busy PA to the CEO of an international import/export company and struggle even to find time to go shopping for clothes as often as I would like. So I began shopping online, recognizing the benefits of the far wider choices available and the freedom to browse any time of the day or night. I also liked being able to try on what I had ordered, seeing what colors and styles went with what I already had in my wardrobe, what suited me best and all in my own home rather than in the cramped...

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