Resistance Is Obedience free porn video

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He felt the tug of the leash on his collar and immediately assumed the position of attention as he had been so well trained. On his knees, eyes straight ahead, back straight, hands together as if performing a prayer only fingertips touching. Performing the exercise, touching one set of fingers and then the next. Index, middle, ring, pinky, and then back again. Up and then down, fingers touching in perfect rhythm over and over again. Each touch, each repetition sent him deeper down the one-way channel. It was his gravity, the law of nature, the law of his mind, one can only sink deeper. The harder he tried to keep his fingers from touching, the more perfectly they snapped together. Exposed resistance is more easily washed away, resistance is obedience.

She circled her captive, extending a bright red fingernail and stoking from his chin up to his cheek, admiring her work. He felt safe in this place, performing the exercise. It was the only way out, yet there was only further in, the paradox brought his mind comfort and deeper indoctrination. The little twinkles of light in his mind had been subdued and now only sparkled when she spoke.

"What is your name?"

The sound of her voice spun like silk on his body, endorphins pumped, nostrils flared, a conditioned sexual response. The words flowed in a around brain cells, attaching themselves to memory receptors and tucked away as were all the words she spoke. The answer too, tucked away in the same place. Of course the answer was nothingness, blank, empty. To provide any other answer would require thought. And in this state of conditioning, thought was impossible. A void his weakened mind was completely incapable of filling. It was exactly the answer she was looking for. This one's mind and body had been conquered and now lived a life of sublime servitude. Content and fulfilled in his new life's purpose, serving his Mistress.

"Are you ready for milking?"

For this question, there was an answer, for this question required no thought. Another in a line of conditioned responses, the answer to this question always the same. A single phase promptly emitted from his lips.


The question and the responding answer were also a stimulus. His cock even in its relaxed state had been cultivated to twice its former size, before she took him. In its erect condition, as it was now throbbing, was huge, strapped into the mechanical apparatus. She flipped a switch and the device came to life. Pulsating with strokes up and down his shaft, the cap on the hood of his member beginning to suck.

"Cum now!"

His body begins to tremble at the command, his balls swelling and contracting feeding his shaft. Convulsing in a constant stream of orgasm, his cum sucked down the tube connected to the end of the device. Flowing into a reservoir, the level slowly rising. He was out of the training trance now, here he felt everything. Every muscle in his body shook, felt every nuance of pleasure. Dominica was pleased.

"Very good, you may stop when you think you have had enough."

That instruction was more that he was able to conceive, choosing on his own to end a task she had given him was more than his brainwashed mind could bear. Overwhelmed, his eyes rolled back in their sockets. He would not stop, not until his body gave up in complete exhaustion.

Sam looked over the faces in the crowded bar. He wasn't quite sure who he was looking for, but he had an instinct about him that helped in situations like this. Sam He was the kind of guy who was called upon to find people, when the police refused to get involved. Sam was only twenty-six years old, but his intelligence and keen investigative skills made him highly successful at his craft.

Sam had been hired to find a young college student named Craig by Craig's roommate. The roommate had gone to the police when he turned up missing for a couple of days, but the police just took the report and told him they would let him know. Truthfully they were just going through the motions. Their limited resources preventing them from spending any more than a token amount of time searching for missing adult. Particularly in this case where there did not seem to be any evidence of foul play. In fact there was very little evidence at all. The only clue the roommate had been able to provide was a notepad left by Craig's computer.

On the notepad, in Craig's handwriting were the words Mz Dominica at the top. Underneath written over and over the word Dominica. Initially Sam was confused as to what it meant. After a bit of detective work, he learned that Mz Dominica was actually the name of a woman. That and the fact that she could sometimes be found at this particular bar were all that he had to go on. He was beginning to think that maybe his information was flawed. The bartender claimed to have never heard of a Mz Dominica, but something in his instincts told him there was a possibility the bartender was not as truthful as she could be.

So Sam just decided to find himself a table and scope out the place for a while. It had been a couple of hours and it was starting to get late. He just about to give up for the evening when something caught his eye. A woman sitting along at the bar, "wow was she a fox!" Blonde silky hair, wearing a red satin mini dress, smoke curled up towards the ceiling from the long slim cigarette in her fingers. Sam found himself staring, for a moment forgetting about the assignment he was one. He saw her start to glance his way, and he quickly tried to turn his eyes away, in order to not reveal himself. After a few seconds he tried to sneak a peek back at her. He watched as she took a long drag from her cigarette and tilted her head up and exhaled a long stream of smoke. Her eyes moved to catch Sam's spellbound for a moment, then glanced back and smiled coyly. Sam knew he had been had and felt that warm release in his cheeks.

He watched intently now, as she got up from the bar stool and started walking directly toward him. Her black high-rise stiletto heels accent uated her long legs. Her hips rocked sultry as she moved in his direct ion, smiling all the way. When she reached his table she placed her hands on her hips, thrusting out her round firm breasts. Sam's must have just about hit the table when she asked, "Do you like?"

"Um er, very nice", he stuttered.

"Yummy," she said, "my name is Satina, it will be $200 payable in advance."

Her eyes, those were the clinchers. The hunger in her eyes caused all rational thought to evaporate from Sam's brain. Without releasing his gaze he reached into his pocket and pulled out two one hundred dollar bills. She took the money, folded it in half and tucked it safely away next to her left breast. Then she grabbed Sam's hand and said "Come on, I'll drive."

It was all becoming a blur now. Sam found himself in the sports car flying down the highway, his knuckles white from gripping the seat as Satina zipped around the curves. Still he couldn't keep his eyes off her. The way she fondled the gearshift pumped his endorphins into over drive. Finally she broke the silence, "Can you get that little package up there behind the visor?"

Sam reached up and pulled down the visor above his head. He hardly had a chance to see the canister as it released its spray directly into his face. "Its never a good idea to play when I'm supposed to be working," was that last thought in his mind before he passed out and slumped over in the seat. Satina just giggled and she slammed it into fifth and sped off down the road.

Sam began to stir, he immediately felt the restraints on his immobilized wrists and ankles and a slight cool chill over his naked body. His mind began to quickly clear. Whatever it was that had knocked him out didn't leave him with a hangover. His eyes quickly focused as he glanced around the white room and then his eyes locked upon hers.

If Satina was hot, this woman was absolutely gorgeous. He instantly found himself swimming in her deep green eyes. "Hello Sam I'm Dominica, I understand you've be interested in meeting me and now you have", she smiled.

"What? How did you know my name?"

"It's right here on your drivers license," she smirked.

"Oh yeah, um," Sam was not having his best day. "What are you planning to do with me?"

"Actually anything that I want!" Dominica laughed

With that she reached down and began stroking the back of her long red fingernail over Sam's limp cock. She was pleased when she saw the little twitch knowing it was coming to life. She began stroking her nail up and down as his member began to swell and stand at attention. Sam moaned as his as his cock throbbed hard and stiff. He was a complete goner when she circled her nail around the hood of his swollen penis.

"Exactly the way I want you, just like an animal in heat."

Sam ached for release, but he wasn't getting any, she just kept stroking, deepening his craving to cum. She continued the delicate torture until he reached the heightened state of arousal she was looking for then she stopped. Sam was almost in tears as he begged her for release.

"No not yet, soon you'll learn to accept the fact that I make all the decision, its all for my pleasure."

Dominica then picked up a small vial and unscrewed the eyedropper cap. "Don't worry, this part won't hurt." She squeezed and released the rubber plunger and drew a green fluid into the dropper. "That should be just about the right amount, hold still."

Sam's mind zoomed, what could she possibly have planned for him? She placed the tip of the dropper directly over the top of his cum hole and release two perfect drops. The fluid immediately drained in the opening at the tip of his swollen cock. He felt a cool sensation as the liquid seeped down the canal of his dick.

"This is a dilating solution, it will make the next step a little less painful. Yes I'm afraid this part is going to hurt a little bit."

It was working the hole at the tip of his cock had opened slightly. Allowing the fluid to work its magic, Dominica waiting a few minutes. She then picked up a long rigid plastic tube. The pathway in Sam's cock had dilated enough so that the slender tub would slip inside, but just barely. Sam was white with fear of the pain he would soon experience.

"Oh I'm sorry baby, but this next step can be very painful, but it's necessary. Of course, I could hypnotize you first to help dull the pain. Would you like that?"

"No! Please! Can you just stop now?" Sam pleaded.

"I'm sorry it's too late to go back now. It became too late as soon as I administered the drug. Unless of course you want to go around wearing a diaper the rest of your life.," she laughed. "At this stage the drug dripping down the center of your cock renders you unable to hold it. And you don't want me to leave you like this, now do you?"

"No, please please don't hurt me." The situation was becoming overwhelming for Sam.

"Just relax," again she stroked her nails up and down his swollen shaft. "Now that feels good doesn't it?

He moaned, it felt so good, the drug had already begun to make his cock much more sensitive.

"So would you like for me to hypnotize you for this next step?"

"Yes," he said barely mouthing the word, so overcome with the sensations flowing through his body.

"What was that? Did you say yes?" She knew what he meant, but she always enjoyed making the beg at least a little bit.

"Yes, yes please hypnotize me, I don't want it to hurt please."

"Very well then." It was exactly the response she was looking for. She had him in the perfect state of mind. There would be a few struggles ahead and that always made the hunt just that much more enjoyable, but once she was in his mind, she would always be there permanently.

Dominica moved the pedestal next to the table into his view. On top sat a clear crystal ball. She touched a switch and the ball immediately came to life. Tiny sparkles of colored lights, flickering on and off in different patterns.

"There now, just watch the pretty lights, pulsing on and off, changing patterns, pulsing in perfect rhythm with the beat of your heart. My slaves tell me how much they enjoy watching my lights. They seem to produce a very comfortable relaxing feeling. Almost mesmerizing, don't you think so."

Sam simply nodded his head in agreement. The lights seemed to be pulling him in, consuming his world. Something magical about them, the way they flashed, the way they changed colors. He was spellbound.

"You feel so good now don't you Sam, it feels so good to look at Dominica's lights. Feels good to slip into trance for me, so easy, so simply, just watch and gaze. Already you are beginning to crave this feeling, that's right, nice deep comfortable trance for me. Listening to my words, my words protect you and make you feel so good. You are doing so well, I am going to count to three and when I reach the number three, you are going to find yourself deeply hypnotized. Deeply hypnotized and enraptured in my words. One... Two... and Three... deeply hypnotized. Now I want you to keep watching the pretty lights and as you do, you feel your body becoming numb. Filling with anesthetic that's right, body becoming so numb, can't feel anything, can't move, just watch the pretty lights and completely numb."

He was responding very well to the trance. Oblivious to everything but her words and her lights. As Sam continued to fall deeper she prepared for the next phase. The drug kept his cock rock hard and would continue to do so for the next few hours. It was important that he remain immobilized for this delicate procedure. She placed a tripod over his pelvis in the center was a ring, a clamp actually. Adjusting it into position, then she tightened the clamp around his hard cock. Sam didn't even flinch, his body was numb in deep trance.

Next she picked up the narrow plastic tube and gauged a rough length. Placing the tip into his dilated cum hole, she slowly threaded it down deep inside. When she was confident the tube was down all the way to the bottom of the inside of his cock, she took a pair of scissors and snipped off the excess so that it was flush with his skin. Next she picked up a small metal-sleeved grommet. Carefully she began inserting the sleeve portion into his hole and over the top of the plastic tube. The fit was tight, necessary so it wouldn't fall off. She had to apply pressure as she twisted the grommet down into place. Had Sam not agreed to be hypnotized, this would have been the most painful part, and undoubtedly would have passed out from the pain. But that rarely happened, they almost always begged for the trance first.

"Perfect, everything in place. Wide Awake." With that she snapped her fingers and flipped off the lights. Sam snapped out of his trance. He could feel the weight of the tube in his penis, the feeling of being violated in a way that he could never imagine. He simply laid there stunned.

"Now that wasn't too bad was it? Since you have been such a good boy, I have a little treat for you." It was actually just the next step, but one that was extremely pleasurable for the victim. Dominica produced a long thin wire; the other end was connection to some sort of electrical appliance with several knobs and switches. With the tube in place, this time it was not difficult at all to thread the wire down the pathway through his cock. The wire slid in easily yet was wide enough that it fit snugly against the walls of the tube. Actually the tube itself was not really plastic, rather another material that could conduct electricity.

With the wire in place, Dominica adjusted a few dials and then flipped on the switch. Sam's body jolted from the first wave. Not from pain, but from the surge of extreme pleasure. His cock was being stroked from the inside out. The vibrations massaging and stimulating up and down his shaft. He began to feel the sensations of cumming. Little bursts and short release over and over again. The machine kept working for several more minutes, Sam screamed in pleasure with each surge. Slowly the metal wire started to work its way out, being thrust out by the building pressure beneath. Suddenly the wire popped all the way out and cum began dripping from his cock. In a steady flow it kept dripping. Dominica started timing the flow, the best ones could go on for two minutes or more. Finally the cum drizzled to a stop. She looked at her timer.

"Hmm not bad, three minutes, thirty-four seconds, this one is going to work out just fine." She smiled, she was very pleased. "Grab a man by his cock and his mind will follow." she laughed. There was just one more step to go and this phase would be complete. This step could be performed with another gadget, but she preferred a different approach.

"Satina!" she called out.

Instantly the door to the room opened and in walked the sexy blonde hooker. "Yes Mistress, I am at your beckon call."

"That's my Good girl. Satina mount"

With that Satina slid onto the table and straddled Sam. This would be a ittle reward for Satina for having captured this new recruit. She swallowed his hard erect member deep inside her hungry pussy. Satina liked it rough, just like her Mistress had trained her. She dug her nails into his flesh and violently bobbed her body up and down, sliding her wet pussy over his shaft. Thrusting forward and back ensuring her swollen clitty got the attention she needed. She arched her back and gasped for breath as she came. Never stopping it only made her want to go faster and faster. Her face absolutely glowed.

Dominica allowed her to cum several more times, and then gave the command, "Stop cumming!"

Satina instantly obeyed and stifled her motions. "Time to get pregnant, Satina" Again she responded to her trigger. She squeezed down tightly on his still rock hard cock. Shifting her body slightly until the device inserted deep inside her pussy was directly aligned with the grommet in Sam's dick, and heard it snap into place. Then she began squeezing and contracting the muscles. Squeezing them and pumping the drug down inside of him. Once she had injected the sufficient dose, she relaxed and moved up slightly and the connect popped free. Looking into Sam's glazed eyes she asked, "Do you like?"

"Good girl Satina, does my horny little slut like to fuck for her Mistress?"

"mmmm yes Mistress, thank you Mistress, I craved to be fucked and have my hole filled all the time."

"Yes baby girl I know you do, but we need to let him rest awhile and give the drug time to take full effect. There will be time for play later." Dominica laughed.

She raised the cigarette to her mouth and tightened her poutty lips around the filtered end. The smoke tasted slightly minty in her mouth. Mistress told her that was the taste of the brainwashing ingredient. She loved being brainwashed constantly by Mistress, it always made her feel a little light headed. She blew the smoke out over his now relaxed cock and giggled as she watched it twitch. Sam was still blacked out, but phase one had left his cock so sensitive that even the slightest breath of air generated arousal.

The door to the white room opened and Dominica walked in. "Satina! what cha doing girl? Are you teasing him? You naughty slut."

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Part 2 Little Missys Disobedience

...Previously on Little Missy's DisobedienceAt work she's known as Store Manager Sarah but she's Little Missy when with me, even if she is in a foul mood. Mondays tend to be Sarah's busiest day so I tend to go easy on her but today she isn't so deserving of such a reward. Only last week I warned Sarah if you don't deal with Paul now he will cause you major issues and today her store failed her company's audit, all thanks to Paul!Even after 2 years though, that sexy uniform of hers never gets...

2 years ago
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Wilfull Disobedience

Feb 10, 1999 I'd been very unhappy. You seemed to not have time for me lately and thefew precious hours spent together were not enough, nor did we play when wesaw each other. I began to think you were either seeing someone else or thatyou just no longer wanted me as your slave. We spoke on the phone and I letmy feelings be known. I made one mistake in that conversation, I refused tocall you Master. When you asked why I explained to you the reason was thatI did not feel the control you used to...

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ObedianceI        I am writing this by candlelight in a basement.  ?Basement? is too glorified a term; ?dungeon? would be more accurate.  There is a stone floor, a wooden bench, a pole, and a gymnastic horse.  This is not my house.  I don’t know the name of the man who owns it; I was given to him last night by another man whom I was given to by my Master earlier in the week.  My ankle is chained to the pole.  I write these words because I just had to let someone know what is happening to me.  I...

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“Emma, please don’t leave me! I’m sorry!” pleaded the young girl. “Oh save it Lisa! You knew it was coming to this and now you’re 18 and made your choice to join the group you have to deal with the consequences,” replies Emma very quietly. “Good girl Emma. You may leave,” cuts in Miss Caitlin, dismissing her. “Now then Lisa, you knew the rules when you joined and I specifically said you cannot ever play with her and yet you constantly defy me. What am I going to do with you?” “Please Miss...

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“Emma, please don’t leave me! I’m sorry!” pleaded the young girl. “Oh save it Lisa! You knew it was coming to this and now you’re 18 and made your choice to join the group you have to deal with the consequences,” replies Emma very quietly. “Good girl Emma. You may leave,” cuts in Miss Caitlin, dismissing her. “Now then Lisa, you knew the rules when you joined and I specifically said you cannot ever play with her and yet you constantly defy me. What am I going to do with you?” “Please Miss...

1 year ago
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Pyx 2 Training DaysChapter 4 Disobedience

Pyx was between Vonda's legs, with tweezers, when I walked into the bathroom. It was about a month after I had fucked Pyx up the ass, for the first time. She now had crew cut length hair; a blonde G. I. Jane. I was up a half hour earlier than usual. They were readying themselves for me. Vonda was the first to notice me in the doorway. "Master!" she exclaimed. Both scrambled to their feet. "We didn't expect you up so early," said Vonda. I waved off their concerns. "I got a call...

1 year ago
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Pirates of Caledonia II Learning the RopesChapter 3 Hollys disobedience

I was dressed and ready to continue my training in the afternoon, when Tara failed to appear on the Upper Deck when she promised. I gazed out over the unforgiving, choppy ocean when she re-emerged five minutes later with a small box and a bag on the Upper Deck. 'I have the afternoon off', she explained, 'So its some weaponry training for you. These are training swords, but the end is blunted' Tara removed two wooden weapons from the box and the ends of the blades were cut off and...

3 years ago
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Her name was Jane Ellen; she was a married Jewish woman about 36, 135 pounds and the blondest hair you ever saw. Her hair was like a black magnet, it drew gazes from every black man on the street and she loved it. She was married, but her husband was kind of wimpy, not to mention the fact that his cock hadn't progressed beyond that of a boy entering puberty, but he made good money and she had no intentions of leaving him, she just had to find good fucking elsewhere. She learned early on that...

2 years ago
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DENIED AGAIN Its So Hard to be Obedient

Last night I was watching TV and my owner told me it was time for me to go to bed.This is her way of saying she wants to play and I am now 'on duty'."Yes Ma'am, right away" I said, heading straight to the bathroom.Sometimes she likes to use my ass, with her tongue, fingers, or I have to make sure I my ass is very clean for her, just in case.I slid in to bed and waited where she joined me in just a few minutes."I think I need a massage" she said as she lay face down next to me.I hopped...

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Brad loved big tits. He guessed it was from his mom nursing him till he was in his teens. He loved to get naked and lay by her nude body and take turns sucking each full tit. She was huge and so full of milk for him. As he got older his cock began to get hard as he sucked the milk from her. He would press it tight to her leg as he sucked. Once in a while she would allow him to rub her pussy as he sucked. He loved the feel of her wet bald snatch. He began to watch porn on his computer and then...

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Too Damn Obedient

The sun hung lazily in the afternoon sky, surrounded by pitiful wisps of clouds, drifting in a similarly lazy manner. I was sitting at the bus stop, minding my damn business; just me, myself, and my cloud envy. I suddenly heard footsteps emanating from my left as a stranger approached the bench and sat uncomfortably close to me. I have my own boundaries, so I very politely asked, " Excuse me,

2 years ago
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Naked and Obedient

The CrossI was used to being naked in front of people, sometimes an audience of a hundred or more at a time when I’m dancing. But not like this. When I was onstage, De Muis (“The Mouse”) was free and in control.Here I was bound and on display to dozens of people who could walk right by me. Discuss me with each other while I listened. Touch or feel or caress me. And I was helpless to stop them.I was tied, naked, to a giant X, a St. Andrew’s cross, feet strapped wide apart, arms strapped wide...

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Resisting Fate Part One of Three

I spent the warm season hunting beaver along the shores of the great river. The hunt was good, but too many days had passed and each one was now shorter than the last. Cold winds were already blowing from the North and soon the white snows would be falling from the sky. I knew that if I were to return to my home fires before thick drifts filled the land, I would be forced to cut through the rolling hills of the Arapaho. It was a brisk morning, and the skies were painted with the deepest blue. I...

4 years ago
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Resisting Temptation

He sighed, looked away and licked his lips. When he looked back at me, he smiled. “Okay, Alice. I’ll see you when you get here. I can’t wait to see you.” I smiled back at him. “I can’t wait either. I love you, bro!” “Love you too, sis.” We logged out. As I started to get dressed, I couldn’t help but wonder why he seemed upset when I wouldn’t dress in front of him. He’s like my brother! That would be weird. So I just shrugged it off as I slid on my flip flops, put on my headband and bag...

4 years ago
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Resist or not

Jess was a young woman, newly 18. She was described as beautiful, but of small stature. She was short, with a thin body, small tits, but a mildly big ass. Often, Jess was mistaken for a girl much her younger, and as such, often was ID'd at clubs, or refused entrance to adult movies. On this day, Jess found herself waking up in her relatively small bedroom. Jess liked to sleep naked, and as she woke up and stretched out, she admired herself lying naked in the mirror. She was very horny this...

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Resist or Fall

You wake up to your amazing wife, Jane. Her body is near perfection sporting DD cup sized breasts, short black hair and a petite body. She is defiantly out of your league your just a normal guy nothing really special about you. Your marriage has been going very well overall but more recently shes been distancing herself it seems. You've been having less and less sex with your wife and when you finally do manage to get her in the mood she only lets you eat her out~. You cant quite remember what...

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Adventures of the Dark Side Highschool Heatwave

Ever since I was a young Man in High school I had a constant and very pressing problem.It was made especially worse in the hot summer months, when all the slutty girls (most of the girls at migh High School were total Sluts!) would walk around wearing next to nothing or in the tighest cropped outfits. The Teachers were powerless to stop it and some of them seemed to get in on it too. Only the Principle and the Geography and sports teacher were Males, there was the one gay music teacher, but...

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My Baby Girl

'Honey,' my wife said from across the room, 'it's getting late, can you go get Sara? She was supposed to call, and I can't reach her. She should be home by now.......' Echoing my concerns, after all, this is a school night!Sara had run out a few hours before to her friend Megan's house for a mid-week study party. I had no delusions that they were doing much studying, more likely getting stoned and drinking crappy booze. Lately my wife had taken to prodding me to walk in on her anytime we...

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Sleeping Pills To Neighbour Tuition Teacher

Hi! Mera naam Suney hey ye ghtna tab ki hey jab mein 11th class me tha aur mera final exam tha mein aapko sabse pehle Renu ke bare mein batata hoon jiske saath maine sex kiya tha. Renu ka figure 34-28-36 hey, wo 32 saal ki hey, uski height 5’6 foot hey. Mein uski boobs ka diwana tha. Wo hamlog ke ghar se kuch hi dur rehti thi. Uske husband Kanpur me kaam krte hey aur hafte mein 1 ya 2 bar hi aate hey. Renu ke 2 bachche hey , dono hi school hostel mein rehte hein, wo har sat-sun ko ghar wapas...

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Unplanned Sex With My Landlady

Hello friends.. My name is Vivaan and I’m an engineer from Allahabad, aged 26. The sex story I’m writing here revolves around my landlady when I was in college. There are few people who comes in our life’s whom we can friends with or we respect them due to their nature, behaviour and loving attitude.. She was one of them. A middle aged woman of age 38 approx who was a house wife and the landlord uncle was a government employee in bank. I was new to the state and in ma second year of engineering...

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My wife on the porch part nineteen

Part nineteen. The weekly sleeping arrangements have now changed since her first threesome with Chris and Marcus. Tuesdays and Thursdays she shares her bed with Marcus. Wednesdays is her threesome with Chris and Marcus, Saturdays she shares her bed with Chris and I get to sleep with her on Mondays, Fridays and Sundays. She now sleeps in her bra and panties with me and I love it! You may recall that her new lover Chris is also her fitness instructor and he is very athletic, he loves walking...

2 years ago
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Bottoms Up

"Well damn,” I muttered, exiting the bathroom to find my husband sound asleep. He’d had one too many beers, after all.Too keyed up to sleep, I slid on my robe and quietly slipped from the room. I made my way down the stairs, planning to snag a drink from the bar. It would’ve been nice to share a drink with the wives of Brad’s best friends, but at the last minute, neither had been able to join us.As I reached the bottom, I noticed light coming from the great room. Forgetting the drink, I padded...

1 year ago
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Initium NovumChapter 3

As the review team came off the plane, parents were spotted and nothing was holding them back. Ann and Jan hit Robert at full force. The girls were now thirteen and eleven, and still thought Robert was the reason for their living. Eleven four and five year olds came running to their mothers. They did not care if it was their birth mother, as all of Robert's wives were considered mom. The same with every other parent that was on the trip. Their kids were the most important thing to them at...

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Burning DesiresChapter 8

"Ponkert, look! There--by the roadside--a rose!" Elf's excited words drew him from his idle thoughts of the events that transpired since his emergency landing on this strange planet. Tugging his loyal Richard, the cowardly mankil, to a halt, the Earthman watched as the girl slid from the back of her mount and trotted toward the deep red bloom. He smiled to himself, remembering the weapons demonstration Tomar had provided the morning following their night of wenching in the Hortian...

1 year ago
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The Cosca Episode 1 Family ValuesChapter 2

Ray felt numb. The implications of what Joe had been telling him were staggering: on the other hand, it might all be a fabrication. Perhaps the "entertainment" might offer some kind of validation of what he had been hearing - but he hoped not. Shortly after Joe left the room, Ray heard footsteps approaching, and was not surprised to hear the doctor's voice. "Hello again, General," he said. "I trust that you are still comfortable?" "I wouldn't call it that," Ray responded, "but I...

2 years ago
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Sex Lessons For My Innocent Cousin Aruhi 8211 Part 2

Hey lovely readers. Greywolf here and I am back again to finish the sexiest and erotic story that I started in the previous part. Please note that to completely understand and enjoy this story you must read the previous story first and YES IT REALLY HAPPENED TO ME *NO FICTION*. This story will have plenty of details so it could be a bit longer but it won’t take away any fun. I assure that. So as we have ended with the shitty formalities lets heads towards the story. So, in the climax of the...

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NubileFilms Francys Belle Let Yourself In

Francys Belle is ready and waiting for her date with Raul Costa. Decked out in a bra that hides nothing and a matching robe and panties, she keeps herself hot and ready with light caresses. Raul knows to just walk in without knocking, and when he does, Francys is ready and willing. Raul makes it across the room in record time as Francys teases him with her lovely body lines. Kneeling on the bed, she is the perfect height to prop up her titties and give Raul one hell of a show. When Raul leans...

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mother in laws awakening

I was married at 19 years of age and little did we know that at the wedding my father in law had already developed skin cancer and was dying.Within the year we had buried him, leaving my mother in law, Joan, alone in her large house. My wife had just given birth to our first c***d and this gave us the opprtunity to invite Joan over to help out giving her something to occupy her mind and I found myself doing all the household chores for her to keep the her house ship shape. This included taking...

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The Missing LinkChapter 2 Liza

Do I love my husband? I know I should be able to answer that question in a heartbeat. But I can't, so I guess that's an answer too. I do know that I must have loved him, once. Could I have fallen out of love — or at least out of thinking I loved him? Many people say you can't fall out of love. If you do, they say, it can't have been true love to begin with. Ah well, love or true love, life isn't what the books say — or what Hollywood tells us, for that matter. My life never was. And I...

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Sexbomb At Neighbor House

Myself Aamir from Hyd /Chennai/banglore ..Age 25..Heigh 5.11 ,,looks simple and normal…..Working in hyd.I am regular reader of ISS .First of all I would like to “THANK GOD” for creating a beautiful women’s in this earth. We can’t explain about their beauty..what a beauty they maintain from top to bottom each and every area covers sexy spots like Lips, neck ,Navel ,Thighs ,pussy, clitoris and Ass .I used to dream it and sleep every day by having masturbate. After reading these stories I was...

3 years ago
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Gigolo For Jodi And Her Husband

“This time around I have a new man, Marco, who says he will enjoy a MFM threesome with me and another man, though you will be the first for him and me. He is fifteen years younger than me and rather pretty. “He has enjoyed me telling him about you and our brief time together, especially when I am sucking his cock. He gets off on it. “It has been more than a month for me, I am hanging out for a second man. I want to please and be pleased. “What time would suit you?” Jodi asks. We agree that two...

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Sandra becomes my slave

Sandra, a very nice looking 23yr old girl, wasn't sure why she was going to see Vera today, other than because Vera told her she should come back. She certainly didn't look forward to these "appointments", if that's what you could even call them at this point, and her back was feeling much better. Yet here she was, walking slowly towards Vera's house for another treatment that she didn't really need or want. Sandra wondered if perhaps she did like the treatments, but simply wasn't willing to...

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Meeting Julie First steps towards an adventure

The email was pretty much like most of the others, short and to the point – What a lovely body you have, great pair of boobs, I would so like to make love to you.And that made me stop and read it again. Normally these mails were much cruder, telling me for example how much I would be screaming within minutes, and how many gallons of cum would be offloaded over me, sometimes so much that I could imagine myself being drowned in the torrent !But this one was different.I looked at the sender and...

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