Becoming A Slut Husband - Alan free porn video

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As far as Tuesdays went this one sucked big time. I was ten minutes early and not even at my desk yet when my boss hollered at me to come into his office. I was no sooner in the door when he threw a piece of paper at me and said:

"What the hell is this shit?"

I looked at it and saw that it was an e-mail from the XYZ Corporation telling us that we were being removed from their list of preferred customers. I had no idea of what kind of response was expected from me so I just shrugged my shoulders and handed it back to him.

"How the hell did you let this happen" he asked.

"How did I let it happen? What the hell do I have to do with it? You are the boss. You are the one who promoted that idiot Chambers when everyone warned you not to do it and then you compounded that mistake by giving him the Southeast Region. You need to get him in here not me."

"I can't get him in here. He is on vacation. Find out what the problem is and fix it."

I knew damned little about the region and nothing at all about the account so being saddled with the problem had me in a pissed off mood before my work day had even started. But then that really wasn't true. I was pissed off before I even left the house. My wife and I had had another argument about her job. She was putting in more and more hours and spending less time with me and I wasn't happy about it. So I wasn't in that great a mood when Tom dumped the XYZ problem on me. However, the problem did give me something I could bury myself in which pushed my personal problems to the back of my mind.

Half a dozen phone calls found out what the problem was, but I had no clue as to how to go about fixing the damage. What made things really bad with the mess was that I was going to have to dump the whole damned mess back on Tom's desk. Tom didn't like messes and he had a tendency to shoot the messenger. Oh well, what was the saying? That's what you get paid the big bucks for? Except that I wasn't being paid the big bucks.

I took a deep breath and walked into Tom's office and cut right to it. "The problem with XYZ is that Chambers tried to get them to give him a kick back. XYZ says they don't do business that way and they don't do business with companies that allow that sort of behavior. On a hunch I called four other customers in the Southwest Region and told them we were doing an in-house audit after one of our suppliers complained and two of them told me that Chambers had tried to get kick backs from them also."

"How do you propose fixing the problem?"

"By dumping it back on your desk. Chambers is not in my chain of command and my feeling is that XYZ is gone unless you get on the phone and tell them personally that you have corrected the problem."

"Why can't you handle it?"

"Because I don't have the authority to fire Chambers and I'm not high enough in the food chain here for a call from me to anybody at XYZ to mean anything to them."

"So what do you suggest I do?"

"You call the head man at XYZ, tell him about the e-mail and that you had the matter looked into. Tell him what was found; what you did to correct the problem and give him your personal assurance that nothing like that will ever happen again. Next, you hold an all hands meeting here, describe what happened and then let everyone know that such behavior will not be tolerated."

"You do it."

"Do what?"

"Everything you just said.

"Weren't you listening to what I just said? I am too low on the totem pole to do any of it."

"Not any more. As of right now you are the executive vice-president in charge of something or other. I'll come up with a proper title later, but you do what needs to be done."

I stood there staring at him like he was someone who had just escaped from a looney bin. He saw the expression on my face and said:

"Listen Alan, I'm a salesman, a people person, and I built this business by smiling a lot, shaking hands and being an all around nice guy. Oh I know I rant and rave a lot and can sometimes be a bear to be around, but it just isn't in me to fire somebody and I would be no good in crawling to someone, hat in hand, and begging them to stay with us. So you do it. When you are done come on back and we will talk salary, perks and stuff like that."

"You are serious about this?"

"Yes Alan, you handle it."

As I left Tom's office I pondered on how a bad day could become a good day in such a short time. But then I reined myself in. If I didn't save XYZ for the company my vice-presidency could be gone just as quick as it had arrived. The other problem, firing Chambers, would be no problem at all. I didn't like the son of a bitch and getting rid of him wouldn't bother me at all. I'd just have to be careful not to show too much joy when I did it.

First order of business was to try to save the XYZ account. I called XYZ and asked to speak to Jim Hanson, the president, and I was put through to his secretary. I identified myself and surprisingly I was put right through to him. I told him who I was and that I had a matter of some sensitivity that I needed to discuss with him, but that I didn't want to do it over the phone and I asked him if I could schedule a meeting with him. I was hoping for sometime during the coming week, but was surprised again when he told me that the only time he could fit me in was at lunch time that day and asked me if I could meet him at the Marriott at noon.

At eleven fifty-five I was at the Marriott and I told the maitre de that I was there to meet Mr. Hanson and he informed me that Hanson was already there and had left word that he was expecting me. He led me to the table and Hanson stood up and we shook hands. As we sat down he said:

"They do a pretty good prime rib here. Now, what is this sensitive issue that couldn't be handled on the phone?"

"I suppose it could have been handled over the phone, but I felt a face to face was needed if my company is going to continue to do business with XYZ."

I explained the situation to him and informed him that Chambers would be terminated as soon as he returned from vacation.

"And from me you want?

"We want to keep your business."

"That's it? You just want to keep my business?"

"That's it."

"Could have been done with a phone call."

"Well, all I can say is that I couldn't be sure of that and your business is too important to us to be treated lightly."

The major topic out of the way we ate our lunch and made small talk until he said:

"What's got your attention on the other side of the room?"

"I didn't know I was being obvious. I was looking at that couple in the booth under the window."

He turned and looked and then said, "That's Sam Wycliff. He's an attorney with Biddle, Biddle and Walsh and the woman is his current girlfriend."

"His current girlfriend?"

"Yeah. She's been with him about three months now. That pretty much means that she is a short-timer."


"Sam rarely stays with the same woman more than four months. Actually, I'm surprised he has stayed with this one as long as he has. She's married and he usually doesn't keep the married ones around this long."

"Are you sure she is his girlfriend? I know her and her husband and I thought they had a strong marriage."

"According to Sam the husband doesn't get the job done where it counts - in the bedroom."

"No possible mistake? Could he just be blowing smoke? You know, bragging to make himself look like a stud? No chance that this is just a business lunch?"

"Could be a business lunch, but as to the other? No, no mistake. She is what he says she is. I saw them at a party two weeks ago and she was all over him. You going to tell the husband?"

"No, I don't think so. He's a hell of a nice guy and I don't want to be the messenger bringing him the bad news. If, as you say, she is a short-timer maybe it will be over with and he'll never find out. Maybe it is just a fling on her part and once it is over she will go back to being who I always thought she was."

"You are a curious fellow."

"Why do you say that?"

"Tom picked you to handle the Chambers problem and that means that he thinks you are a hard ass. And yet you are willing to let this thing with your friend and his wife slide."

"What can I say? You have to keep the job and your personal life separate. Why do you say that Tom thinks I'm a hard ass?"

"It takes some big stones to make a cold call on someone like me to try and clean up a mess like the one you have with Chambers. Most wouldn't want to face me; they would try to do it with a phone call and they probably would have stalled a couple of days trying to work up to it. You got the problem this morning and here you are. Tom picked you to see how you would handle it."

"You sound like you knew I was coming."

"Not really. Tom hoped you would handle it face to face."

"I don't understand."

"I've known Tom for almost twenty-five years and he and I cleared this up last week. This was just a test Alan; he wanted to know if you were ballsy enough for the job he wants to give you. I guess I'd have to say you passed."

As I drove back to the office I thought about what had just happened. Seeing my wife having lunch with another man in and of itself would have meant nothing. As part of her job she had lunch with clients all the time. I wondered if she had seen me sitting there with Hanson. If she had I wondered what she thought I was thinking seeing her there with another man. I thought about what Hanson had said about her being Wycliff's girlfriend.

Was it true? Or was Wycliff one of those guys who bragged about things that never really happened to make himself look like a super stud to other guys? I'd known a dozen like him in high school and then in college; guys who bragged about fucking every girl they took out on a date even though they didn't.

But then it would help explain the problems Laurie and I had been having lately. What had Hanson said? That she had been Wycliff's girlfriend for about three months? It was about three months ago when Laurie started putting in all of those late nights. Hanson also said he had been at a party two weeks ago where as he put it, "She was all over him." Two weeks ago was when I was out of town on business. Another man's girl friend? Was she or wasn't she, that was the question.

I got back to the office and with out telling Tom that I knew he was testing me I told him that the XYZ matter had been taken care of and that they were still with us. He then told me that Matt Kincaid, the vice-president of Sales and Marketing, would be retiring at the end of the month and that I would be Matt's replacement. Until then I would be carried on the books as vice-president of Special Projects with my first special project being Chambers and having the "all hands" meeting I had suggested. We discussed salary and perks and I went back to my office feeling pretty good.

That feeling lasted for all of five minutes. My butt no sooner hit the chair when the situation with Laurie jumped back into my mind and it wouldn't go away. The seed had been planted and the only thing for it was to fine out for sure if it was true or not. I got out the Yellow Pages, found what I was looking for and picked up the phone.

That night I did my best to act normal around Laurie which wasn't all that hard since she was still pissed at me over our argument that morning. She made no mention of seeing me at the Marriott so I figured that she hadn't seen me. When she told me that the project that she was working on was behind schedule and she would probably be working late the rest of the week I shrugged and said nothing. I finished eating, rinsed off my plate, put it in the dishwasher and then went down into my basement workshop to putter around with some woodworking projects until bedtime.

When I went upstairs to go to bed Laurie was already there and when she pushed the covers down I saw that she was naked. Since she always slept in a nightgown I knew what she wanted. As she reached for my cock she said:

"I don't like fighting with you Alan."

All I could think of is what Hanson had said. "According to Sam the husband doesn't get the job done where it counts - in the bedroom." I turned away from Laurie and for the first time in our nine year marriage I said:

"Not tonight Laurie, I don't feel like it."

It was dark in the room so I didn't see her face and I wondered if it showed shock or if there might have been the first trace of worry that I might suspect something.

The rest of the week drug by. I was up in the morning and gone before Laurie got out of bed and when she got home from "working late" I was already in bed and pretending to be asleep.

Friday afternoon found me sitting across the desk from a man who had just said, "I'm sorry" as he slid his report and the envelope full of photos across the desk to me. "I'm sorry too" I said as I wrote out the check for the balance of his fee.

I took the report and the photos and headed for home. Laurie had already told me that she would be working late so I'd be alone and could go over the report and look at the pictures. It spelled out in detail what the detective had already summarized. Her evenings working late had been spent at Wycliff's condo. I didn't have any pictures of them "doing the deed" but I did have time stamped photos of her entering and leaving. I didn't really need explicit photos to know what they were doing and truth be told I'd rather not see explicit photos.

I stuffed the report and the photos back in the envelope and put it in my briefcase. I made myself a stiff drink and then sat there in the den and thought about what I needed to do next. Confrontation followed by forgiveness was not an option. I loved Laurie, but she had betrayed my trust. It was as simple as that. It didn't matter what her reasons were for doing what she did, it was still a knife in my back. The trust was gone and there was no getting it back.

I wondered what made her do what she was doing and then I thought of all the chances I'd had to stop being a faithful husband. Chances I hadn't taken because I'd meant what I'd said when I spoke the words "Forsaking all others." I wondered if some of those chances were still available.

But first things first. I needed to get through the weekend and then see an attorney on Monday. I knew that we lived in a no fault state and that unless I could prove fraud or some other criminal activity everything would end up being a fifty/fifty split. The house would have to be sold and the proceeds split and that would hurt. I'd put a lot of myself into that house and had quite a bit of 'sweat equity' in her. On the plus side, Laurie loved the house and she would be forced to give it up.

I checked the clock and saw that it was almost time for Laurie to be getting home so I headed up to bed so I could pretend to be asleep when she got there.

I had a standing golf date for Saturdays and I was up and out of the house early. It was two in the afternoon when I got home and Laurie wasn't there. She'd left a note in the kitchen saying that she had gone to get her hair done for a party we were going to that night. After reading the note I wondered if Wycliff did hair. I wonder if she left early enough to swing by his condo for a visit before she got her hair done. Maybe the hair appointment was early enough that she could get her hair done and then swing by Wycliff's so he could see her new 'do' before coming home.

I was in the garage changing the oil in my car when she got home. She stuck her head out of the connecting door to the garage and reminded me of the party and told me that I should really start getting ready. I wanted to scream "Fuck off" at her but of course I didn't. It was going to have to be life as usual until after I'd talked to an attorney.

Laurie looked absolutely stunning and it brought to mind the reason I had pursued her in the first place. I wonder what she thought when I didn't comment on how good she looked like I usually did. In the car on the way to the party Laurie said:

"Is something wrong Alan? You seem so out of it lately."

"Nothing wrong Laurie, just some problems at work that are grinding me down."

"Well just put work out of your mind tonight sweetie and relax and have a good time. When we get home tonight I'll try and make it all better."

There was silence for several minutes and then she said, "It isn't me and the hours I'm working again is it?"

"Let it go Laurie."

"That's it isn't it?"

"Just let it go Laurie, just let it be."

The rest of the drive was in silence. Once at the party I wandered off in search of the guys who would be talking sports and left Laurie to her own devices. Hopefully I wouldn't see her again until it was time to go home.

Luck was with me and when it was time to go home Laurie was drunk on her ass. I was looking at her and debating on how to get her out to the car. I decided that the "fireman's carry" would be the most embarrassing when word got back to Laurie as it surely would and I was just getting ready to do it when one of those "chances" I'd passed up on came up to me and said:

"Doesn't look like she's going to do you much good tonight. Why don't you load her into your backseat and follow me home. You can come in for a night-cap while she sleeps it off in the car."

"One of these days Steph I just might surprise you and take you up on your offer."

"Oh goody. You have my number."

Indeed I do I thought as I picked up Laurie and headed for our car. When I got her home I undressed her and got her in bed and when I lay down next to her I was already planning on how to avoid her the next day.

It was easier than I thought it would be. Laurie usually wasn't a morning person on the weekends anyway and with her hangover she was even less of a one. She stayed quiet and out of the way most of the day and around dinner time she came out into the garage where I was working and told me she wasn't hungry and asked if I would mind if she just called for a pizza for me. I told her not to bother; that I had to go to Home Depot anyway and I'd get a bite to eat while I was out. I managed to stay gone four hours and when I got home Laurie was in bed.

My appointment with the divorce attorney was less than rewarding. As a no fault state, baring any criminal wrong doing it would be a fifty/fifty split of all assets and I would be liable for attorney's fees and court costs. If Laurie chose to fight and got an attorney the odds were that I would end up paying his fees also.

"Why would she fight it? Our marriage obviously means nothing to here or she wouldn't have done what she's been doing."

"Yes, but you don't know why she is doing what she is doing. Is it to get back at you for something real or imagined and if it is she would likely want to cause you even more grief by fighting the divorce. It could drag on for quite a while and legal fees would build up. Even if she chose not to fight she still could hire an attorney just to make sure that her interests were protected."

"So basically you are saying that I'm hosed."

"Well, there is another way that would be less expensive for you."

"What would that be?"

"Do nothing."

"Do nothing?"

"Yes, do nothing at all as far as divorcing her. Let her do the divorcing. If she sues she has to be the one to pay attorney fees and court costs. You don't fight it and you don't have any attorney's fees to pay. Except for this initial consultation of course."

"So how would I go about getting her to divorce me?"

"Simple. Do to her what she is doing to you. Stop having sex with her, get yourself a girlfriend or two and when the wife finds out let her be the one to get the divorce. The big thing is to stop having sex with her. If she throws your indiscretion at you, you can throw hers back at her, but if you exercise your conjugal rights with her AFTER finding out about her affair you will, in effect, have condoned what she did."

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Being a slut in front of my husband

It was Saturday evening and I had noticed my loving husband had been excited most of the day. I was at the kitchen when Victor pulled me close and I felt the growing bulge in his trousers.I asked what he was planning for the night ahead and he smiled.Then he whispered in my ear I should take a warm shower and dress in some clothes he had put on our bed for me. Before midnight it would be time to play. We would have a visitor tonight. He had invited an old friend to come home and use me; as my...

4 years ago
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Becoming Sheffali The Slut 8211 Part 2

This is a continuation of my first part Becoming Sheffali The Slut – Part 1 Hey Guys! The randi is back! Sheffali the slut! I’m back to continue with my story of how i discovered myself and became the school slut! I was very tensed and terrified after that msg from my teacher! I was scared so i decided that i won’t wear bra to school. I just wore my shirt and a white inner. Anyone could clearly understand tht i was not wearing any bra. My nipples were sticking on my shirt making them visible....

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I started seeing Ken when ever there was a chance for us to be alone , with his wife Jill or mom home most of the time they were few . If I was horny , I'd was always find away to satisfy my need for a cock even if there might be a risk of getting caught . On mom and Jill's wine night I'd go across our backyards to Kens for are weekly pool game . I knew I had at least an hour alone with Ken , by then my sexual urges and lust would have me so aroused all I wanted was his hard cock . I'd grab...

3 years ago
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Layla and Alanna

The cab door opens and out pops a sleek black umbrella. Layla can hear the pouring rain beating on the top of it as she pulls herself out of the cramped cab after a long day at work. She looks up gazing at her new apartment admiring its modern exterior before she quickly runs for the door almost forgetting about the downpour taking place around her. As she sprints for the door, her umbrella cutting through the wall of raindrops, she feels the puddles splash on her shoes soaking her medical...

4 years ago
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Becoming A Slut Husband TonyChapter 4

Ronnie gave me a key and for the next two months I stopped by to see her two or three times a week on my way home from work. One evening I got there and found a note telling me that she had to do something, but I could wait she would be back in an hour. I had nothing better to do than go home to Marie and pretend to be a loving husband so I decided to wait. I was sitting at the kitchen table sipping a beer when I heard the front door open. After about five minutes when Ronnie hadn't come...

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Becoming a Slut

slutFuck I been getting down on my knees for a few years now, every since I wascaught given a guy a blow job by my father. Fuck lets start at thebeginning .My name is Peter I live in the united kingdom in the north of England theyare quite a lot of chavs here and I used to get bullied a lot atschool. One day while I was skipping school I met a guy in the toilets inthe park.I am quite effeminate long hair smooth pale skin and very skinny I am only5'4 so small for my age and I am 14 my mother...

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Jeremy the Teenage Bull Slut wife husband and t

My husband, John and our new nineteen year old new friend, Jeremy were both sipping a cold beer when I came down the hall. We met Jeremy a few nights earlier when he delivered room service to the hotel room we were using for some fun. Oh yeah and he delivered a couple of more things to me as well. Read that whole story at was wearing John's favorite white halter neck sundress that exposed tons of cleavage and side...

2 years ago
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Becoming A Slut Husband George

My story starts in college when I met Amy and fell head over heels in love. Amy was five foot seven, weighed one hundred-twenty pounds and was built like a brick shit house. Amy seemed to like me, but her feelings for me, at the time, were nowhere near as strong as my feelings for her. I chased Amy for over a year before I began to get anywhere with her. Gradually I gained ground and we began going steady. One month into our senior year I asked her to marry me and she said yes. Like any red...

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Slut wife just dont tell her husband

Im bored so i thought id write a short story about a slut wife.Sarah is a slut. Theres no other way of saying it, shes a cock hungry slut. Everybody knows about her slutty ways except her husband. Theres only 2 things that sarah works hard at, 1: getting fucked and 2: making sure her husband has no idea.She was a slut from the first time she got fucked in school. She and her boyfriend skipped a class and had sex for the first time in a toilet. From that moment on sarah was addicted to cock. If...

3 years ago
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Its my husbands fault I became a slut

It wasn't my fault! Really! It was my husbands fault. I was just doing what I thought he wanted me to do. So here I am, on Literotica, telling you my story. I have to tell someone, and I know that can't be my husband. So here it is:Let's start at the beginning. My name is Stacy. I am 28 years old and I have been married to James for the past 5 years. We currently do not have c***dren, but we would like to start a family soon. We live in a nice suburban home in the Midwest. I guess I should also...

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Any one that knew me saw an average 18 year old teenage boy , friendly , a good student who worked a part time and lived with his divorced mom an older sister . That's what I wanted them to see , only a few special friends knew the real me and my secrets . In junior high I realized my growing sexual attraction to the other males and living with my mom and sister it wasn't long before my feminine side began to show . It was a Saturday morning mom and Sue my sister were just leaving for the for...

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Becoming A Slut Husband Rob

It had been a long, hard, but very satisfying evening. It had started out with one hell of a good blow job, followed by my eating a baby smooth bald pussy and then a hot fuck session. We then eased into a sixty-nine until I was hard again and then she mounted me and rode me reverse cowgirl until we both came. A short break to catch our breath was followed some more sixty-nine and then one more hot, hard fuck before it was time for me to go. In the afterglow of sexual exhaustion Stella said,...

2 years ago
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Becoming Sheffali The Slut 8211 Part 1

Hey guys! I’m Sheffali .Aap mujhe slut randi whore kuch bhi bol sakte hai! This is my first post on Indian sex stories about how I got used and discovered the real slut in me. I’m just 20 and live in odisha. I belong to a Bengali family and they are very broad minded about my male friends. This is the incident of when I was in the 12th class. I was very bold and outspoken.I had affairs in the past too.. My boobs are huge for my age and were 34c when I was in 9th class. This made me a bomb in...

5 years ago
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When my husband calls me his slut or cunt it makes my pussy wet

I wasn’t always this way. It all started about three months ago when I lost a bet. My husband had some men over for a night of poker. I didn’t have money to go out that night, and so I decided to play. Harry wouldn’t give me any chips to play with, so I “traded” for them, basically flirting with the guys and getting them drinks and stuff so they would give me chips to play with. I started drinking too much, which always makes me horny, and my husband didn’t...

2 years ago
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My Husband Turned Me Into a Black Cock Slut

My name is Laura and I live in a suburb of Los Angeles. My husband, Jimmy, is a police officer there for about 2 years now. When I was newly married I was 24 and my husband was 26. All his life Jimmy wanted to be a police officer. Our marriage was only 6 months along when Jimmy got accepted to the force. I was so happy for him. We were so much in love it was silly. My parents were missionaries and I grew up overseas. I loved where I grew up, but I really missed the states and was happy to come...

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Becoming an Owned Slut and an Amateur Pornstar

Elizabeth - Lizzy by her friends - forced herself to slow her breathing as she heard her phone buzz. The words of the online ad still filled her mind. I am looking for a submissive female. You must be obedient, and willing to please me. I will control some aspects of your life outside of our play sessions. But when you come over, I will control you completely. I will make you into my slut. And I will take sexual pictures and videos of you to post online. In return, I will mentor you in your...

1 year ago
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Slut For My Friends Husband

I am a 29 year-old hot ass, long legs, and my tits are a B cup. My husband looks terrible. He has let himself go, and I am not really turned on by him. I have not cheated on him but find myself checking out hot guys all the time. My friend just had a baby, and I agreed to make dinner for her family. Wearing a sweat suit, I brought dinner to her house. She answered the door and apologized that she had to go to a hastily scheduled doctor’s appointment. She asked me to help her husband, Kyle, get...

2 years ago
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A Slut8217s Revenge Fuck With Neighbour8217s Husband

Hi everybody. It’s Sonal, the slut again. If you haven’t read my previous stories, So, this happened a month ago. I moved out of my old apartment recently. Right opposite my block was another block and we can look into each other’s apartments if the curtain was not drawn. The women there were scared of me seducing their husbands because I was a slut. One of them talked bad about me for no reason, I did nothing to her or her husband. She called me a bitch, whore, etc. So, I decided to take...

4 years ago
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Becoming His Cum Slut

So, as previously told, the events leading up to us having a threesome with my best friend and my husband started me down a path of becoming a cum slut. I never really liked the word slut or whore because of its’ negative connotations, but I soon learned that a woman could be classy and proper in the streets and still be a whore or a slut in the sheets for her man. After that night, I started enjoying my husband cumming in my mouth. I loved how he tasted and as much as I wish I could fit him...

2 years ago
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I was a slut while my husband was away

My husband was going to be out of town for a week and is staying in Dallas with a friend of mine and she has my permission to fuck him.I had a bicycle race and could not go with him. I was been invited out to go dancing with a gorgeous young college guy that has been riding and training with us. When I told my friend in Dallas about the young gorgeous college guy she said I should fuck him and let her fuck my husband. She told me not to tell my husband before he leaves for Dallas. I called...

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It8217s My Husband8217s Fault I Became a Slut

Let’s start at the beginning. My name is Stacy. I am 28 years old and I have been married to James for the past 5 years. We currently do not have children, but we would like to start a family soon. We live in a nice suburban home in the Midwest. I guess I should also give you a description of myself. I am 5’6″, 114 Lbs. I have shoulder length dark brown hair. Both James and I go to the gym 3 days a week, so I am in great shape. James tells me all the time that he thinks I...

3 years ago
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Becoming The Slut

Introduction: Chapter 24 I learn to control my jealousy by becoming a slut. I last left you with the football season starting in our small town. Our local college had won their first game of the season. John had played a great game in their win. I also left you with my confession that I was not only jealous of any girls around John but also jealous of him for getting all the attention. I was still having nightmares about losing him to Kim, Gina and even a real stupid one in which his aunt and...

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Pauline The Slut Part 26 My Husbands Whore

I didn't see my husband for a few weeks after the film shoot. I was still in bed one morning when the phone rang. "Get out of bed slut and put on one of your babydoll outfits. There are some workmen coming over to do some work on the house. They'll be there for two days. Make sure you feed them and let them use you however they want. They promised to reduce the bill if you proved to be a good slut. Don't disappoint." He hung up.Just after 9, 3 men arrived. "Wow, your husband wasn't joking. You...

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Becoming the neighbourhood slut

The following is a fictional story but mixed up with some real experiences and a few of my actual desires :)The first real days of spring were finally upon us. This was extra cool since I would be alone for a week or so. I took a few days off of work too, so I can spend the time dressing up at home and possibly try to find some real fun too.When I got a few free days I always did the needed grocery shopping in the morning so I have the rest of the day completely free to dress up and stay...

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Becoming a sissy slut part 4

He also had me wear a special headset with two screens to cover my eyes and speakers placed over my ears. Continuous loops of different hypnosis tracks and videos would play over and over for hours destroying any sense of my former self with the special key words planted deep in my brain. Larger breast forms were attached to my chest to allow me to get used to the different weight they presented. He told me that one day I wouldn’t have to wear them as I would have a genuine pair of my own,...

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Slut wife just dont tell her husband

Theres only 2 things that sarah works hard at, 1: getting fucked and 2: making sure her husband has no idea. She was a slut from the first time she got fucked in school. She and her boyfriend skipped a class and had sex for the first time in a toilet. From that moment on sarah was addicted to cock. If it meant boyfriends leaving her she didnt care, she just had to have cocks fucking her and either filling her or covering her in cum. Her first boyfriend left her when he found out that she...

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Becoming a School SlutChapter 6

The next day was almost a repeat of the other days, except I didn't eat any teacher's pussies. I had to get naked during lunch, ate my cunt for the enjoyment of the girls. But it was a quiet day. After school we did our practice, me naked like always; and I ate the girl's pussies before going home. Now it was Friday, I showed my cunt and ass in the morning as some boy pulled my panties down to expose me. Classes went by quick for some reason, I stayed dressed during lunch. We all sat...

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Becoming a School SlutChapter 21

I got home and went to my room. Mom and dad weren't home yet so I had time to pamper myself some. I stripped down and after grabbing my robe I headed to the bathroom. I needed a good hot bath and a long soak in it. I got my bubbles and went into the bathroom. After what I had been through today, being fucked and sucking so many cocks today is not a great thing to do if you want to smell good and being on your knees and fucked into oblivion over and over will make anyone sore. I was sore all...

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Cumslut Husband

Cumslut HusbandPart 1 - An Acquired Taste"So, honey, what did ya get me for my birthday this year?" Smiling, my wife sucked a drop of butter from her finger and told me "It'd better be good."Uh-oh. I'd completely forgotten about it, and I think she knew it. Stalling, I snatched a piece of toast from her plate and crammed it in my mouth, mumbling incoherently around it."You forgot, didn't you." Crossing her arms over her breasts, she just sat there and glared at me. I tell you - if looks could...

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Becoming her Anal Slut

It was happening again, the cravings has started to appear a few weeks ago and were slowly building in to what I knew would soon be an unstoppable force. There was only one person I knew who could help me. The last time I called her I swore it would be the last time. Just like the time before that and before that and so on. I can't help it. Im a weak man. I picked up the phone and I called Jen."Hellll---o" the voice on the other end of the phone cooed. I sighed, "Hi Jen, this is Scott"."I know...

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Daughters Slut Trainign 12 Daughters Slutty Fun

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Twelve: Daughter's Slutty Fun By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Leyla Umayyah Kimmy's braces flashed as she beamed at me. She lay atop her father, the nineteen-year-old girl practically glowing after having her virginity popped. My own pussy was so juicy from watching. I had such a delicious orgasm capturing the entire event on my camera phone. I set that on the nightstand as I headed to the bed, my...

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Saras Slutwife Chronicles Part 2 Becoming Mikes Slut

Introduction: Meth + Wife + Friend = A Real Live Fuckfest CHAPTER 1 A little more than a week had passed since Id watched my wife Sara getting fucked to death by JRock, one of our tweaker friends, it was her first time fucking a black man, & my first time wife sharing – and we both loved it. J-Rock brought Mike to the apartment to introduce us, Mike was an MMA fighter, occasional enforcer/protection for higher ranking local Blood members, and, perhaps most importantly, he had been released...

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Slut9Chapter 18 SLuT Slave

Saturday, December 23rd. Lunchtime. It was lunchtime by the time Dave and Olivia left the bedroom, having completed the first half of their impromptu testing of whether a woman who had been dosed with SLuT9 would secrete Serotoxin, one of the two active ingredients of all the SLuT formulas, and, if so, would it cause a reaction in her partner. Both Dave and Olivia were relaxed, smiling, and freshly showered. They had already planned to do the second part of their testing where Dave would...

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Becoming A Sissy Slut part 2

I awoke Sunday morning alone in Kassy’s bed, still in the tight mini skirt, my ass was deliciously sore bringing back a flood of memories from last night. I had spent the evening in full drag dressed as a slut and serving my mistress’s rubber cock followed by swallowing my own cum. It was hands down the best night of my life, I had never came so hard, and the rush I felt while serving her was a high that I’d never known. I rolled out of bed and stood up, my wig had fallen off in the night...

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Becoming a slut

She loved talking with her friends over few drinks. Topics varied from lovely boyfriends to dreams about raising a family. Slut was having the time of her life. As they were departing, slut separated from the group to go to the toilet. Anyways, she was going to the other direction.As she was entering the toilets she was blocked by a muscular arm leaning to the wall. Her excuse was stopped by the man saying "Lady, I've just heard you talk nice shit for few hours. You need to understand that you...

4 years ago
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Becoming a School SlutChapter 27 The Voice of Betty

Wendy has been having a rough time since she had been fucked so much on Saturday. On Monday she was forced to be naked all day and fucked over and over again by everyone in school, including the teachers. She was taken shopping and forced to be naked out in public. Her Mistress made sure her mouth was full of cum all day Thursday and then forced her to drink piss all day on Friday. Things are getting so bad for her that she is beginning to think about telling her parents all that has happened...

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