Anglophile? Me? free porn video

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I was twenty-two or twenty-three. I'm not really sure if I had yet had my birthday that year, but I know I had been in France less than a full year. The French people I had met, had displayed their legendary, insufferable, snobbishness, and as an American Soldier on their soil, I had met more than a tourist's share of snubs. This was so common, that we soldiers had been encouraged to NOT wear our uniforms, off duty. I was anticipating my first leave, and my first opportunity to leave France, with more than the usual eagerness. I had decided on London, as my destination of choice. I was tired of having my best efforts to accommodate the French, by speaking their language, meet with ill concealed derision, and incomprehension, feigned or real. The train trip to Paris, from Orléans, where I was stationed, passed quickly enough, and the taxi ride to Orly was only expectedly traumatic. It was only at the departure gate, that things began to look up, and my furlough began to acquire the texture that one's first leave, in a foreign country, should have.

With an hour to kill, I made it a point to survey my fellow passengers, and see if there were any that I might enjoy spending a few minutes talking to. Since my paranoia about missing the flight, had brought me there so early, there weren't many people around, and I settled on a young man, of about my age, as a likely subject to talk with. His clothing said "French", but I had discovered that the younger people were much less inclined to be unpleasant, so I approached, and introduced myself. He was, indeed, French, with much better English, than I had fractured French. He said his name was Jules, and that he "had twenty-two years". This was his first trip to London too, and we speculated on how we would like it. As we sat in "Le Cafe", drinking our "cafe au lait" and talking, we were approached by a young woman, attracted by our using English. After we had reassured her that she was, indeed, at the right gate, for the flight to London, she accepted our invitation to join us, and introduced herself as Hadassah Revitsky, from New York City, on her first trip abroad. She had flown into Paris five days before, and was going to spend her last week in London, where they "almost speak English".

"Call me Haddy. The other is too much of a mouthful for anybody"

On my several trips to Paris, with a buddy, I had found that about the only people I ever met were Americans, attracted by our speaking English, who longed for relief, from the struggle to operate in French, among people who didn't seem to want to understand. I'd met several nice American girls that way, but I was interested in meeting some natives, and that didn't seem to be happening. When Haddy had her "cafe", and Jules and I had our second round in front of us, we continued our speculation about the next few days, in a country none of us had been to. As we sat and talked, and laughed, another young woman came to our table, and asked in English, if we were American. We answered "Two out of three. Where are you from?"

"I'm from Israel and my name is Yasmine."

Haddy asked, "Are you Jewish too?"

"No. Everyone in Israel isn't Jewish, you know."

These things out of the way, we invited her to sit with us, until time to board. She agreed, and we were having a great time, laughing at our experiences, in a foreign country. Even Jules had some tales to tell, of his trips to The Netherlands, on school Holidays. By the time we were called, to board the plane, for the 40 minute flight to Heathrow, we had agreed to spend the next week seeing London together. During the flight, it came out that none of us had hotel reservations. This may not seem like much, but we weren't scheduled to land in England until 1 AM and in those days, the hotels closed and locked their doors at 11 PM, until sometime in the morning. Not that any of us knew that.

Haddy was only nineteen, and had straight blond hair to her shoulders, blue eyes and a cute button of a nose that tilted up a bit at the end. Her figure was just a pound or two on the plumps side of fashionable. Her Slavic heritage showed, in the broadness of her brow, and silkiness of her hair. She and Jules seemed to hit it off immediately, and were seated with their heads together, laughing softly at something one of them said.

Yasmine and I, in the seat behind them, grinned at each other, when we noticed their rapport. She told me she was twenty, lived in Tel Aviv, and was a student at the university, majoring in English. Her black curly hair and green eyes could have, except for her dark skin, been found in any of the bogs of Ireland, or streets of Dublin. Even the crucifix around her neck, didn't place her in the mid-east. She was short. Probably not more than 5' 2", and built like a typical American teen-ager. A little coltish, with small, perky breasts, and hips more like a boy's than one would have expected, in a girl from the Middle East. Her clear skin was no darker than one could find on a California beach, in mid summer. I looked more Semitic than she, with my brown hair, brown eyes, hooked nose, and weather darkened skin, from my outdoor military activities, of the last four years.

When the plane landed at Heathrow, we were met by mist, and a down-pour. Luckily, we were all prepared for the rain, which England was so famous for. Yasmine's Israeli passport delayed her at immigration, and the three of us waited outside the arrival gate, discussing our options. Jules suggested that we go to an area called "Queensway" where, he had been told, there were many inexpensive hotels, that catered to young tourists. We had decided to save some money by sharing rooms, Jules and me in one, and Haddy and Yasmine in another. Both Jules and I were agreed, that we would try to modify that arrangement, as soon as possible.

After ten minutes, or so, Yasmine joined us with her luggage, and we found our way to the bus, that would take us into Central London. Being, as we were, from Chicago, New York, Paris and Tel Aviv; we were amazed at how dark and deserted Central London was at only 2 AM. The rain had tapered off to a light drizzle and the fog had settled in more heavily. After receiving directions, we set off on foot, the 3/4 of a mile to our destination. The tone of the whole week, for me, was set on that walk to "Queensway". As we set our bags down to rest our arms, we were treated to what I had thought, was an invention of the fiction writers, I had read as a child. The fog was parted by a uniformed figure, walking down "the wrong side of the street", with a lantern (albeit electric) in his hand, followed closely by a red, double decked, bus. As we watched in amazement, they both disappeared into the mist in, what seemed, only a couple seconds. I had thought that this procedure was an invention of A. Conan Doyle, and was delighted to see that he had drawn it from life. I could see, in my mind's eye, a horse-drawn hansom cab following that lantern, instead of a two story, red, motor-bus.

The first Hotel we got to was an harbinger of things to come. On the front door was a sign, saying "Tenants Only! This door is locked from 11 PM until 6 AM." It was a distinct disappointment, as we were all tired, and looking forward to a bed and sleep. After five more replays of this scenario, we found a convenient curb-stone and sat, to talk over our options. We were at the point of deciding to find a couple comfortable park benches, for the remainder of the night, when a huge, black, taxi pulled up to our feet. A gray head poked out and a gravelly, Cockney voice asked "Are you all right loves? 'Op in before you drown out there." We were grateful for the opportunity, and scrambled quickly into the back of that beautiful black car. We explained our predicament to "Albert", as he had told us his name was. As we sat there steaming up the window, Albert took of his cap and scratched his head:

"Well, loves, I don't know of an 'otel that'll open up for you right now. I'm going past my flat, so you can doss down at my place. I'll come back at eight, when I get off work, and take you to a place you'll like, right near here. You talk it over, while I stretch my legs."

Haddy was the first to speak, from her New York background. "I don't trust this guy! He might be a rapist, or "Jack the Ripper".

"Maybe he's just a nice guy. Even in Chicago we have some of those. Besides, there're four of us and he's got to be 60 years old. How much of a threat can he be. We'll just be careful; until we're sure he's O.K. Jules or I'll stay behind him all the time, until he leaves us alone, or we feel comfortable."

" 'D'accord'. I agree with Arthur. Let's take advantage of his offer. We don't want to stay out all night, in this weather,."

" 'D'accord, Jules! Porquoi non?' We don't have a lot of other options. I believe Albert is all right, just a generous man, trying to help out some strangers." Yasmine summed up.

Albert returned to the cab, and settled himself in the front seat. "Well, what's the word? Am I going to have boarders, for the night?"

"Thanks, Albert. We'll be very grateful, for the help.", Yasmine answered, for us all.

The flat was on the ground floor, somewhere on the other side of town. To this day, 40 years later, I don't know where. Albert showed us in and made tea, showing us around his three rooms, while the kettle heated. When we were settled at the table, with tea and "biscuits" in front of us, Albert took his leave, with a wave, saying "Ta loves. I'll be back at "half-eight" to take you to an 'otel." As soon as he left, we grabbed our cups, and started to explore the flat in more detail, looking at the photos of Albert in his World War I uniform, and in the country, with his grand-children. I recognized a couple medals, in a frame on the bedroom wall, while the girls tested the mattress, for firmness. When we got back to the kitchen, the girls cleaned up the dishes, put away the cups and "biscuit" tin, then told Jules and me that they were going to use the bed, and we could take the parlor.

The girls went to the bedroom, and closed the door, as Jules and I made ourselves ready for the night, in the parlor. We tossed for the sofa, and it fell to Jules, so I slumped into a large armchair, with a blanket over my legs, as Jules sank, with a sigh, onto the small sofa, and pulled his blanket over himself. It wasn't long 'til the noises from the bedroom stopped, and the only sounds were those from the traffic, on the street, as I drifted off to sleep.

In the bedroom, the first thing Haddy did was to jam a straight chair under the door-knob. Yasmine lay on the bed, and laughed softly. "Who are you afraid of, Jules or Arthur?

"Neither one, Yasmine. I'm worried about Albert. What if he sneaks back, while the boys are asleep? He could creep in and kill them both, without our ever knowing, until he was in here with us. What do we know about him, really?" Haddy turned to the easy chair in the corner, and, reaching to her side, unbuttoned and unzipped her skirt, stepping out of it, and laying it carefully over the back of the chair. She turned back toward the bed, unbuttoning her blouse, and caught Jasmine's eyes, fastened hungrily to her body. With a shrug, she got out of her blouse, and turned to put it on the chair arm. As she bent over, to slip out of her sneakers, her vulva thrust back between her legs, mounding under her panties. Between her knees, she saw Yasmine smile, as she ran her tongue over her lips.

As Haddy slipped under the covers, Yasmine rose and went to the chair to undress. Her one piece dress had a zipper, down the center of her back. She reached behind herself, to grasp the tab, thrusting out her breasts and ass, as she strained to reach it. Facing toward the bed, she returned Haddy's smile, and licked her lips again. She slowly rolled the dress down to her hips, pushed it down to her thighs, raised her knees to step out of it, and turned to put it on the chair. Hands on hips, she kicked off her loafers, and walked to the bed, pulled back the covers, and slipped in beside Haddy. Rolling on her side, she reached an arm over to grip Haddy's shoulder, and pull her toward herself. When they were face to face, she craned forward, and pressed her lips hard against the pair directly in front of her, breathing hard through her nose, holding the contact for three long breaths. Haddy's arm went over Yasmine's waist, and pulled her hips tight to her own. The warmth of their groins mingled, under the covers, wafting their aromas up to their nostrils. Yasmine was the first to break contact:

"Tomorrow, Haddy! In our room, when the boys are in theirs, we'll have more time and privacy. Let's go to sleep now." Still entwined, arms and now legs, they soon drifted to sleep, breast to breast and groin to groin.

The girls were in the kitchen, just putting the last touches on breakfast, when Albert let himself in the front door. Jules and I were still asleep in the parlor, but soon woke, to the sounds of laughter, coming from the kitchen. We went in to see what was going on, and were delighted to find that the girls had gotten over their distrust of Albert, and were doing something to repay him for his hospitality. After breakfast Albert wouldn't let us clean up, but insisted he take us to our hotel, in his cab. He had stopped, and made reservations for us, before coming home, to wake us up. At the hotel, we said good-bye to Albert, and made him take a generous tip, over and above his fare, despite his protestations.

At the hotel desk, I approached, and asked for my reservation. As I signed in, and filled out the card, Yasmine and Jules were speaking French in the background, and Haddy stood at my elbow, waiting for her turn to register, for the two girls. When I had finished, and gotten directions to the room, the clerk looked at Jules and said, in perfect French: "Et vous, M'sieur. Sil vous plait." Haddy looked at me, with a grin, and nodded firmly. I grinned back, and stood aside, with a wink at Jules, for him to register. Haddy went to Yasmine, and whispered in her ear. A wide smile blossomed on Yasmine's face, and she broke into hearty laughter. She came to me, and whispered to me: "You can't fight fate, Arthur. It looks like we are sharing a room. I'm sure Jules and Haddy won't mind, right Mon Cher?"

"Mais oui, Mignon! Vous avez d'raison." I said in my, less than perfect, French. Jules and I grinned like fools and the girls giggled, as we followed the boy up the stairs to our rooms, Jules and I, each with a key dangling in our hand. Our rooms were separated by several others, and both facing onto Hyde Park, across the street. Happily, the English were not, yet, furnishing every room with two beds. Mine (and Yasmine's) held only one huge, four-poster, double. A curtain in one corner hid a toilet, wall mounted sink and a bidet. A large armoire, a table with two chairs and a dresser completed the furnishings.

Yasmine lifted her bag on top of the dresser, and opened the armoire, to hang some of her clothing in it. I watched from the bed, as she finished at the armoire, and began to put lingerie, and other small items, into one of the dresser drawers. She spread a few cosmetics on the dresser top, and closed her bag, turning, to slide it under the bed. This done, she flopped down beside me, with a sigh of relief. I reached for her, and she slapped my hand away gently: "Later, Arthur. We've got all week. Let's build up some anticipation, for what we know is coming."

"O.K, O.K.," I said, leaning over, and placing a quick kiss on her warm, soft, lips. "I'm looking forward to later." I went to the dresser, and copied Yasmine's moves, emptying my bag, and putting it next to hers, under the bed. As I put my skivvies in a drawer, I picked out a filmy something in yellow, and turned to Yasmine. "I'll expect to take you out of these with my teeth, later, honey!" I said, smiling evilly at her. Her wicked grin told me I hadn't disappointed her.

I stripped off my shirt, went to the sink with my shaving gear, and lathered my face, to get rid of the light bristle, of the last 24 hours. A soft hand fell on my shoulder, and Yasmine turned me, and pushed me down on the toilet, taking the razor out of my hands, and tilting my head back, to start shaving my neck. Her soft hands, and gentle touch, were erotic, to the point of giving me an erection that pulsed inside my pants, and had me touching any part of her I could reach. I finally took my hands away, when hers began to tremble so much, I was afraid she would cut me. When she was finished shaving me, she took a warm wash cloth, and carefully wiped off the last of the lather, held my face between her hands, leaned forward and placed her lips on mine, opening her lips to welcome my tongue, as it crept forward to meet hers. When we finally broke our kiss, she pushed me toward the bed, with a laugh, and said "Get dressed. We're going sightseeing," and pulled the curtain across the plumbing alcove. I went to the armoire and pulled out clean jeans and a fresh shirt and underwear. As I changed into my fresh clothes I could hear Yasmine peeing behind the curtain, and eventually, the flushing noise, of an old fashioned, high tank toilet. When she came out, she was wearing the yellow panties I had shown her earlier, and a matching bra, carrying her other clothing over her arm. She avoided my reach, as she went to the dresser, and got out her own jeans and a knit shirt, in a yellow that matched her lingerie. When we both had our shoes on, we left the room, and walked, arm in arm, down the hall, to Jules' and Haddy's room. As I went to knock, Yasmine stopped me, and silently laid her ear against the door, with a finger to her lips. She turned to me, and took my arm, to lead me down the hall, saying: "They're busy. We'll leave a message at the desk for them."

The clerk at the desk gave us a sheet of paper, and a pen, and assured us he would catch "M'seur and Madam" on the way out, and give them the note.

Jules and Haddy entered their room and turned to face each other, dropping their bags beside their feet. They went into each other's arms, and kissed, molding their bodies to one another. Their tongues fought the good fight, in each other's mouths, as their hands roved up and down their backs and asses. Jules' hands worked Haddy's skirt up her back until both his hand were grasping her silk covered ass, his hands working their way into the crack, and down toward her pussy. As soon as she felt his hands move to the under curve of her ass, she gave a little spring up in the air, and wrapped her legs around his waist, grinding her pudenda against his belly, feeling his erection press against her mons, forcing her moisture through the fabric of her panties. Twined together, Jules staggered to the bed with Haddy, and fell upon her. After a while they rolled apart, and stared at each other, smiling. Jules reached out a hand, and gently touched her ear, stroking the lobe, and the tender skin below it. He leaned toward her, and blew softly on the sensitive back of her neck, stirring the fine golden hairs there. Every hair that moved sent a tingle to her groin. She stirred restlessly, wishing he would move faster, even while wanting him to stay with what he was doing, at that moment. Jules lapped gently at her throat, and then pulled away to breath on the dampness he had spread. Her hands went to the buttons of her blouse, opening them, and spreading the cloth, to expose her chest to his lips and exhalations. He took her lead, and moved down, as she opened herself to him. She raised her chest to his lips, as she reached behind her back, to unhook her bra, and free her wanting breasts to his attentions. She took his hair in her hand, and raised his face from her chest, as she pushed her bra up to her shoulders, then pulled him down to her now naked breast.

The pads of his fingers tapped lightly on the distended nipple of one breast, while his lips and tongue teased the other. Haddy lifted her hips, pushed her bunched up skirt down over her hips and kicked it onto the floor, exposing her drenched panties, to Jules' exploring hands and mouth. He covered her body with kisses, and light breaths on the wetness spread by his tongue. When his lips reached her cloth covered mound, he opened them wide, and sucked her aroma into his mouth, with the moisture that was seeping through. He inhaled deeply, the perfume of her core, and moaned with the lust it inspired in him. Moving down her legs, he continued his mouthing and kissing until he reached the soles of her feet. They responded to his mouth by curling up tight, her toes clenching tight into themselves. Jules sucked one toe into his mouth, and mouthed it thoroughly, before turning her over and resuming his meander, up the back of her legs, concentrating on the tender skin at the back of her knees as he got to it. As he neared her buttocks, he reached ahead of himself, to grasp her panties and pull them down. He tossed them to the floor, and proceeded to lick and kiss her ass, licking between the globes, closer and closer to the brown ring, as she spread her legs, and reached behind herself to spread her cheeks.

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A Pirates tale 2

(Author's Note: This is the same story as my previous one, apart from the few changes. I will take down the old one as soon as I have used all its resources on this one. The Significant change to this story is I have used the game mode option. I hope this will provide a more immersive experience. And once again sorry for any grammatical errors, and once again I would love your feedback. Thank you) You are captain Samantha Lawson, the daughter of the dreaded space pirate Jim Lawson. Your mother...

1 year ago
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The Coolest Day

It was Sunday, not much going on, so I decided to go and wash my cloths at the laundromat. I packed up the car, grabbed my iPod and then took off. When I got there, the laundry mat was empty. Unpacking my clothes, pulling my iPod out of my pocket, I realized that I forgot my headphones. It was cool though, I had an iPod touch so it had built in speakers. Sighing, I turned on my favorite band Deftones. As I was jamming out loading up a couple of washers to the music. Right as I was getting done,...

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Diwali Fun Part I

Dear ISS readers, first of all let me wish you all a very Happy Diwali & Prosperous & Fulfilled New Year. My name is Kaveeta Gupta and I am sharing with you 2nd time this real erotic & sex experience. My earlier submission was “Ass Fucking” I hope you all still remember. For your infm. I will briefly tell you about myself I am 38 34 36 I am 34 years married housewife from Delhi now settled in Nagpur after my marriage. My husband is in to business. We are involved in to swapping with one of his...

3 years ago
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Submission pt6

After the orgy at Aunt Jane's, Mother and I settled down into a daily routine. In the morning, she would get up before me, don lingerie, makeup, and then prepare my breakfast. When I entered the kitchen, she would drop to her knees, lift her breasts for my amusement (be it to fondle or abuse them), and open wide her mouth for me to insert my erect penis. Those morning blowjobs kept me going all day.Fred was a little upset when I told him to back off a bit, that this was a training period and he...

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Domd by 2 men

Like most guys, I turned to the internet to satisfy my urges. For as long as I could remember I had fantasized about being forced to serve a dominant man, suck his cock, be degraded and humiliated; basically I wanted to be treated like nothing more than a cum slut used for a real mans pleasure. Recently I had found a site that allowed you to post ads searching for other guys who were into the same thing I was into. I posted an ad saying that I was a younger (26) submissive guy looking to be...

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true story 2 girlfirends hated each other

back in high school i had two girlfriends... at the same time. needless to say it was sweet. unfortunately i missed a lot of classes. the way it worked was that i had my girlfriend who was an extremely pretty short brunette with cute little titties and a tight little bum that kept everything about her soft and clean and beautiful (clearly i sort of regret all this because as could have easily been forscene it had negative consequences for the future of our relationship).but anyway, she...

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The fix of the boiler can wait

We had moved recently to Savannah and now our new house needed really some light repairs; to make it more comfortable.I had found a repairman to show up in the afternoon, to start fixing some troubles with the boiler.Anita and I had been outside the night before attending a party and were really too tired for sex when we got home very late. I woke up early and I then was sitting at the desk on my office, when I heard the shower starting.My sensual wife just finished toweling off her naked body...

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Mom Needs It

I only watched for a second or two. Or ten. But the image was seared into my brain. The sight of my son kneeling at the side of his bed, face buried between his girlfriend's legs. He was fully naked, his penis erect. Her head was thrown back, mouth agape. And there I was, cloaked in the deep shadows outside his room, feeling a small spot of heat between my own legs. I chastised myself, called myself a pervert, a dirty old woman. I am his mother, after all. I was invading his...

1 year ago
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BackroomCastingCouch Bess 24 Year Old

24yo curvaceous, compliant Bess is the next lucky contestant on the Back Room Casting Couch. We’ve had a lot of requests for thicker girls lately, so when Bess applied, we were quick to approve her application. This girl is some men’s dream woman: Beautiful red hair, sweet personality, huge tits and thick. First, she comes in wearing a lovely white flowing dress, which we get off post-haste. But not before we have her answer all our questions. Next, she’s asked to start off...

3 years ago
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Escape from Vuzuno

Vuzuno isn't a nice place. To be totally honest it is a shithole, one of the worst places in the whole Universe. At least that's what you think when you are reading about another edition of “Program for helping the youths from young planets”. It's your only chance to get away from this damned place. In reality Vuzuno is quite a nice place for a planet which was inhabited for only two hundred years. It has a nitrogen-oxygen atmosphere, similar to Earth, so people can breath the air without...

2 years ago
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Journey to the Past unabridgedChapter 10 Recovery

It seems that women were always deciding my position in bed; I was once again between two lovely ladies cuddled up to me. Hild had hold of my head and was showering kisses all over my face, with tears running down her cheeks, mixing with the saliva from her mouth and also mixing with my tears. We must have looked a sorry sight. I had to pull myself together, and said to them both, "I will never forget Jane, but we must get on with our lives, my mourning is over. I still have one wife by my...

3 years ago
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HitchhikingChapter 6

I felt the flesh open me as it pressed in; my mind began to spin as the pleasure moved through my body. I felt it begin to build, felt it move between my cunt and my brain, slowly moving throughout my body, giving me such pleasure I could almost picture myself kneeling there with these black men. I could just picture that big fat cock going all the way in my cunt with its dark black meat contrasting my lily-white ass cheeks. Then I could also see the big fat cock I was taking down my throat....

1 year ago
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Demigod of WarChapter 2

A few days later: “I quit!” Melvin yelled from the harness. He thrashed in place weakly. “Get me out of this thing!” In a viewing room, down the hall, Mr. ‘Johnson’ turned from the wall of screens he watched over the shoulders of several techs. “This isn’t working.” He muttered angrily. Dr. Veronyka Krasnov looked up from her computer. Born to the mistress of a Russian mob boss in New York, she’d grown up having almost no relationship with her father. The unmet man made sure she was taken...

3 years ago
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The Camera Club

It turned out to be quite a night. Not at all what I was expecting as I drove to the station to pick up the young lady who was going to be our photo model for the evening. It was not the same model we had had on previous occasions, we had been informed that the agency thought this one, Veronica, would be "more interesting". That was OK by me. Sally had been very nice and everything, but we had got a bit tired of her routine which didn’t vary much. She always wore a jumper and skirt which she...

2 years ago
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The Institute Body DoubleChapter 7

I had spent Sunday afternoon in a closed-door session in my mother’s salon chair for the first phase of my makeover. With my wife bearing witness, my shoulder-blade-length sandy blonde hair had been transformed into a huge, layered explosion of Platinum Blonde puffery, worthy of an 80’s rock video. It would require work on my part until the following week, when it could be permed. Then I would be able to wash, dry, fluff and forget. My evil ‘twin’ added two more features right from her own...

1 year ago
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Master PC The ProtectorChapter 37 Final Plan

I had heard tales that women were notoriously slow when getting dolled up. Whoever thought that had never met any of my girls. By six-thirty all of us were gathered in my apartment. Even my outfit turned out nice, but I'll save it for last. Renée wore a gold dress that clung to her body from her breasts down. It wasn't as form fitting as some others I'll be mentioning, but it certainly showed what an hourglass figure should look like. Over her right shoulder was the only strap. The dress...

3 years ago
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Pasayten PeteChapter 20 Healing

The suicide of the priest was front page news on all of the city and regional newspapers. It was even featured on both national wire services. Frank and Madeline Jacobs, who had known Father Bernard and attended his church for most of their adult lives, were stunned. Frank struggled with conflicting emotions. He wanted Father Bernard punished. He wanted him jailed and defrocked for his crimes against Marilee. But suicide? God forbid that Frank should feel any satisfaction at such an end....

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Busty Mom the Bullies Bk3Chapter 2

Thrilled beyond words, at being both allowed into the bullies’ inner sanctum, and at being called ‘bro’ by Jamal, Elliott couldn’t keep the smile off his face as he scurried up the stairs. “You’re making the effort to teach us something,” Jamal said as he put his arm around Elliott’s shoulder and led him into the room, “so it’s only fair that we teach you something.” Surprised at hearing Jamal use the word ‘fair,’ Elliott followed the black youth’s hand as he gestured towards the bed. He...

4 years ago
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Goodbye GloriaChapter 2

As Gloria lay next to Rachel on the night after her third fight she stroked that smooth soft warm skin. Her own skin was roughened these days. That winter on the island had wrought havoc with it. She looked healthy, but she had lost some of the soft feminine smoothness that she so loved in Rachel. Using skin creams would restore her to her former state, of course. But Gloria liked herself the way she was. She'd long given up on shaving her legs, armpits or pubic thatch. Rachel didn't mind...

1 year ago
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The Girl With The Pink Flowered Panties

I was in an apartment laundry room when I saw them for the first time. And my cock went as hard as a rock. I've seen a lot of hot girls. I've seen a lot of girls that wore some very sexy things and that showed off a lot of skin. However, the girl that I saw on that Friday evening was one that I would never forget. The girl with the pink flowered panties.I was putting my clothes in a washing machine when the girl walked into the room. I didn't know her name or who she was. All I knew was that...

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Keep Quiet

I sat frozen in place, staring at my phone. I couldn’t tear my eyes away from the picture of his hard cock. I got up from my seat and walked quickly to the toilet, locked the door and wondered how I was going to calm myself down. I looked over the sink at my reflection. Without really thinking about it, I pulled the clip from my long, dark hair, letting it cascade over my shoulders and down my back. I remember him telling me in one of our flirty exchanges that he preferred my hair down. At that...

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Marriage Of Two Couples 8211 Part 2

This is part 2, which I am releasing as promised, because I have received one response, and a good one that too. ‘Do you like my cock?’ Asked, Shyam seeing me staring at his rod. Continuing to stare at the dripping joy stick, I said… ‘Like? I have fallen in love with such a long, hard tool. Haven’t ever taken such a long dick into my cunt.’ Shyam seemed to relish the compliment, the proof of which was displayed in his mounting and dripping cock. ‘And you have a fabulous body with succulent,...

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The Adventures of Reggie Starr Book 28

The adventures of Reggie Starr Book 2.8 The continuation of "The Haunted Clothes" You readers are going to ask how Reggie got this call? Remember the TG groups in Memphis? Lets go back and fill you in. Well, one of our "sisters" managed to go through Reassignment Surgery and was now post op. She soon discovered the problem with be a TS. She could not find work. While she was a really good engineer, she couldn't find a job anywhere. She would not hook or hustle. She did...

4 years ago
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Rain Gets Fatter

“Welcome to the Stuffington Buffet, ma’am. Just one today?” the host was being super polite, but he noticed Rain the moment she came through the door. At over 400 lbs, her clothes seemed to barely fit her obese form and did nothing to hide her huge gut, allowing it to jiggle and shake as she waddles in and up to the counter. Rain blushed at seeing the eyes on her, staring at her exposed chubby arms and extreme belly hang her shirt has no chance to cover. “Yeah, i-it’s just me,” Rain chuckles,...

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Free MagusChapter 15

The statue was carved from some kind of red stone. I had no idea where the stone came from, but this was the only thing I had ever seen made from it. The design was that of a towering, powerful woman standing tall yet with a seductive allure to her posture. Her body was lush yet muscular. Her breasts were large and full and proudly stood out from her chest. Her midriff was muscular but flowed perfectly into her rounded hips and ass. Her legs were thick without being overly muscular, yet her...

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The Rich and The Famous Ch 04

4 Sabrina glided on to the set, warmed by the reactions of the other members of the cast. She prided herself on being someone who quickly got the measure of other people and she was pretty sure she’d got the measure of Brock, Paul and Lori. Firstly there was Brock who having hailed from daytime soapie world would, no doubt, overact in that patented style. She’d heard the rumours about Brock batting for the other team and while normally she knew that most rumours were closer to fact than...

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DDFBusty Angel Wicky Sofia Lee Titty Fucking Friends

Busty lovers Sofia Lee and Angel Wicky co-star in another too hot to handle and forever memorable DDFBusty premium porn piece. In the beginning on this steamy 4K glamour porn scene, it’s just the two of the voluptuous vixens enjoying titty play and sampling each other’s snatch. But then, Steve Q and his big dick and quick fingers join the big tittied Czech’s to fulfill their dick craving desires. Watch as the chesty cuties titty fuck his big dick with their huge knockers and...

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Down a Rabbit Hole

You are walking through a park that you know like the back of your hand. You know the short cuts, where and when the cop stops by th say, hi. It's evening and your headed off to your friends places. Then there in front of you is a large hole you have never seen before. Shrugging you step across it, as you do, it widens and you fall in. Down the rabbit hole!

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8 Other Peoples Hearts Ch 04

Day eight of her imprisonment in the fat camp was a peculiar one. It started at 5:30 am when Lindsay woke to the realization that she had slept through an entire night. She didn’t remember the last time she had made it through a full night without tossing and turning, adjusting the covers, getting up to pee or get a glass of water several times. She would have attributed it to a superior mattress except that she was sleeping on a pull out couch in the living room of her dad’s mini-apartment....

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Road TripChapter 23

Bobby’s playlist was dreaming in action. I’d heard them at the Mountain Inn and a couple of times at Bear Lodge. They’d never played Arrowhead or Paradise Valley. Arrowhead had a higher class of clientele ... unless I happened to be there and they opened the pickle jar. Then they were a typical bar. Paradise Valley ... reservations ... even for regular customers. They were nice cabins and a lounge. The band that played the lounge had been there for 12 years. Easy listening and quiet...

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DevilsFilms Laney Grey It8217s Okay She8217s My Stepsister

Brad Newman arrives at his dad’s house. Needing to use the bathroom, he rushes in, but is shocked when his step-sister Laney Grey walks into the room, about to take a shower. Brad hasn’t seen Laney in awhile and looks her up and down, smiling as he bites his lip. She’s DEFINITELY grown up to be quite the hottie. When Brad tells her she looks sexy, Laney’s flattered, glancing down and noticing that Brad has a boner. She can’t take her eyes off his cock…and it...

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A Binding RelationshipChapter 12

I turn onto my road and open the garage door. I keep thinking about Pete and Amber at the park. I see Amber struggling and wish I bound and gagged in the back of that truck with her. The cat is standing there at the door. "What!" I say. She does he usual and I do mine. We have some relationship. I put my purse on the counter and throw my keys in the bowl that I keep them in. I take my shoes off and stretch my toes out. I look down at them trapped behind the nylon material. I think about how...

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‘I have waited all of my life for this moment.’ She was looking me in the eyes, which was hardly surprising, given that her nose was touching my nose. Her hand grasped him gently and she led him to her pussy, her sopping wet pussy. I obliged her by slowly pushing him inside her until we were pubis to pubis. ‘And let me tell you, it has been worth the wait.’ Her eyes closed as she caught her breath and her arms tightened their hold on my neck. There was no escaping her now. I had waited...

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The Wilmington Womans ClubChapter 15 Thanksgiving 1983 the Elopement

Once she realized she was pregnant, Val called her mother and told her. Being a practical woman, Mrs. Fitzgibbon suggested elopement as the most viable means of resolving Val's predicament. Of course, she was also thinking of the family's social status and how that would be affected with a pregnant bride walking down the aisle. "But Mother, I've always dreamed of a big wedding..." Val whined. "Of course you have," her mother agreed. "But from a practical standpoint, you can't...

3 years ago
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My sexual experiences The Path of Desire part 1 rewrite

In school and mostly everywhere else I used to hang out mostly with guys, not that I was attracted to them I was just more tom boy than anything else and I hated girly girl talks. My usual mates were Pete and Tony who we used to meet every day at bus and at school lunch time. Our hang out space was quite a nice spot, it was behind a big dumpster which isn’t used anymore; so no one comes to disturb us there and we have our chats in peace. Pete had recently broken up with a girl who was...

2 years ago
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Wo Dobara kanwari ban gayi

I am Hakeem Jani.Dostou “x” meri patient thi,osny aik din mjy cal ki or kaha Hakeem SAB ap ny jesy mera ilaj kia or phr meri Suhag rat kanwari larki ki tarha guzri,isi trha ap meri 1 Dost ka b ilaj kr dein,osny apni Dost”Y”sae meri bat krai,”Y”ny mjy apni detail btai,mene”Y”ko aney ka time dae dia,wo 4 din bad”X”k sath mere pas ayi tu mene”Y” ko kaha k tmy mjsy koi shram nai krni,medicine phudi ko check kr k andar rakhni hoti he osny kaha k mjy”X”ny bta diya tha,ap ilaj krein mae tiar hon,mene...

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Mom and Uncle Arif

Well folks Im Mohammed and Im 23 and from Dhaka, we live in a flat and my family consists of me and my mother. My moms name is Lily and we are muslim and she is 58 years old but I must say she does not look her age. She is very fair and 5 feet tall, 60kgs and a bit bulky with a big ass and breasts. She is damn cute and beautiful, even now when she goes to the market people stare at her, but she is very modest and very strict. Now we stay in a building with two flats on a floor, and the person...

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HandsOnHardcore Sienna Day A Horny Milf8217s Cock Addiction

Sienna Day has a cock addiction. The blonde Milf with blue eyes and inviting enhanced tits can’t wait to see Mr. Longwood’s big hard black cock. She pulls down his pants and stares right at this dark veiny dick! The curvy British stunner takes his massive meat into her mouth and starts sucking that tasty prick when suddenly her husband Marc Rose enters the room. After a short dispute, she grabs him by his balls and crams her insatiable mouth with his white dick while giving the...

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BangBus Sasha Yamagucci Sasha catches a ride and some cock

Self-important hot chicks tend to lack a central skill that allows most of us to escape certain death on a daily basis – common sense. Sasha here doesn’t have rare, uncommon, or just regular common sense it seems. She came down to Miami because of some guy and low and behold – he lied to her, about everything. Now she’s broke, walking down the street, and wanting nothing more than to get home. Want a ride Sasha? Lacking common sense and with the promise of money, Sasha says why not....


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