My Sexy New Spaceship
- 3 years ago
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My name is Samuel sar Istaban and I was born here on Gavin. This planet is called the space ship graveyard because for thousands of years they brought old ships here to abandon or die. About ninety percent of the planet is covered in old ships. The ten percent that was not covered was the home of the wealthy and privileged.
The planet was full of people of many different races almost all poor. Unlike many kids I grew up with kids from other races. The cat like Kaire were more my family than any other humans. They were warriors and hunters, some of the best in all the known worlds. There were others we formed a loose association with.
The small furred Noss, who were very good at growing plants. The man sized Sizz, who were lizard like and some of the best engineers around. The tall thin Tresis, who were wingless avians and could navigate anywhere and were the best in the galaxy. The next group was small and many did not like them.
They were considered a threat because of their physical size. They were very tall and could almost pass as human except they were cold blooded like reptiles. They were called Cartell and were also considered the best warehouse or cargo masters around. There was also the tiny Albaer, a semi amphibian race that built or ran the best computers around.
From the time I could speak I was learning. I spoke every alien language but my mind seemed to wander until my father let me stay with the Sizz. I was fascinated with the workings of machines. The one thing that always bothered the Sizz was the question why. They always answered with because it is or because it just does.
My closest friends were Sasha, who was older than me by a year and kind of an outcast. She was Kaire but when she was little she had been hit by a blaster bolt. It had destroyed her womb or most of it. As far as the Kaire were concerned that made her worthless, not even a female.
The only reason they did not kill her was because her pelt was a solid golden color which was rare. She had an eye for art and that was rare for one of her people. She also had the ability to get work done, even if it meant working with aliens. There was another Kaire we called Pebble. She defied her people by being aggressive.
She was trained with weapons even though she was a female. Pebble was three years younger than I and I knew her clan would bond her to a male after she turned fourteen. I also knew they would tie her down to do it if they had to. She was not shy and at ten she had promised herself to me as a bondmate.
Jess was human and three days younger than Pebble. Pebble was her protector most of the time. Jess was fascinated with languages and loved to talk to any of the other people that would let her. Like Pebble, she had a deadline that was approaching and like Pebble she had promised herself to me as a bondmate.
Ever since I was ten I had an idea. I saw thousands of ships and thought, "why can't someone put parts from several different ships together to make something new, something better."
So I studied not just how things worked as a whole but their parts as well. When I turned fourteen I disappeared for a couple of weeks. I searched the abandoned areas for a ship, one I could call my own. I had stars in my eyes and dreams to match. I found what I was looking for in the middle of a lake.
It was an ancient Kaire cargo ship. It was ten kilometers long with one of the old composite hulls that did not corrode. It was almost five kilometers wide and over three and a half tall, not counting the three decks on top. I did not say anything to anyone but a few friends or I guess you could say clan mates.
I started designing and building what I needed from other lost ships. I found some of the old Sizz robots and had them fixing or replacing things. Instead of the two huge reactors I was able to fit eight composite hybrid antimatter plasma generators. Each of the new generators was ten thousand times more powerful than one of the old reactors.
It was the same with the engines. I replaced the two old insystem drives and the single jump drive with twelve insystem drives and six powerful jump drives. Now three years later the ship floated easily above the lake and was ready for flight. I had even managed to get a cargo without anyone finding out.
It was time to do something though, Pebble and Jess's time was almost up. I used a rebuilt hybrid grav sled and went to Sasha's. Several of her male clan members were outside and bristled. Other races were not always welcome. When I was younger I was not considered a threat but now that I was almost full grown...
I stepped out of the sled slowly and showed empty hands. I smiled without showing teeth, "I am here all the time. Why do you do this every time?"
An older male grinned, showing teeth but like a human would, "we like reminding you that you are not Kaire."
I laughed, "but I am. Your clan leader told me so when I was six."
He grinned wider, "but you have not grown a pelt."
I bowed, acknowledging this fact before walking into the warren ship that was their clan home. Sasha was in a corner by herself in a huge lounge. She was dressed in a thick shirt unlike other Kaire. I knew it was to hide the scar across her stomach. I ignored everyone else and walked to her.
I bowed slightly which I had never done, "Sasha Alt Nariss, I see you."
The room went quiet and Sasha slowly stood, "Samuel sar Istaban, I see you."
I slowly reached out to caress her cheek, "it is time. I choose you."
She looked around quickly as everyone in the room sucked in a breath. She looked into my face and I could see panic and something else, hope. She bowed her head, "I am not worthy. I am barren."
I caressed her cheek again, "you know that does not matter to me."
She kept her head down and I sighed, "since you are hesitant. I will offer you something your clan could not. I will return what was lost."
Her head snapped up as the room was filled with hissing. I smiled and only waited as she looked at me. She did not take her eyes off me as she reached out with her claws unsheathed. I held my hand out, palm up, "on my honor Sasha."
She finally nodded and I pulled the two bands out. They were made from an extremely rare metal. I slipped the first around her left wrist and it shimmered before thickening and molding itself to her wrist. I gave her the second band and she gently put it around my wrist. When the warmth faded I held my arms out and she embraced me.
I let her go get her things before taking her away. She stared at the huge ship as I approached and opened the grav sled bay doors. I took her hand after we got out of the sled and walked to the inner door. A small glowing blue sphere beside the door turned amber. I smiled, "Jonathan this is Sasha Alt Nariss sar Istaban. My bondmate and the new First Officer."
The sphere turned blue, "welcome to the ship Sasha Alt Nariss sar Istaban."
Sasha laughed, "call me Sasha, Jonathan."
I waved and the door opened into a wide hallway. In the center were several electric float cars. I led Sasha to one and put her in one of the seats. I sat in the other, "sick birth."
I did not look at Sasha as she started, "Jonathan notify the medic holo that we may need a regen tank."
"Of course captain."
I looked at Sasha as she stared back, "I should mention that I rescued Jonathan from an abandoned Kaire super dreadnought."
Sasha looked at the dash, "they would not just leave..."
I laughed, "Sasha you of all people know how I think. They left him because he was corrupted."
Sasha frowned and I nudged her, "I had Wilber check his codes and fix him."
She grinned, "I will bet Wilber enjoyed it."
A throat clearing from the dash stopped us, "actually master Wilber added a few things."
Sasha laughed and whispered, "I will bet he did."
The car slowed at a door with a big blue cross. In the room light came on around us and a hologram of an elderly female Kaire stood in front of us. I gestured to Sasha as for the first time I undid her shirt and took it off. I knew she was embarrassed and rubbed her cheek. She smiled hesitantly and relaxed as I undid her long skirt and let it fall.
I looked at the holo, "Sasha was injured by a blaster years ago. The womb was partially removed. I want you to do whatever you need to do to repair the damage."
The holo nodded and bowed slightly before gesturing to a nearby bed. First was the bio scan and then neuro sleep was initiated. I sat beside her as the first class medical robots worked on her. I had managed to salvage several of these very expensive robots and they were worth their weight in credits.
It was several hours before they were finished. I got the medical information and grinned at the results. Her ovaries had been intact and had been reattached to a new, regrown womb. Even the scar on her stomach had been fixed. I took a still sleeping Sasha to the room next to mine and put her in the new bed I had prepared more then a year ago.
I softly rubbed her cheek and she started purring as she opened sleepy eyes. I bent and kissed her, "Sasha Alt Nariss, you are a woman once more. You are my Bondmate and you will not wear anything to hide yourself from me."
She lifted her head to look down her body and then relaxed and smiled at me, "yes my husband."
I laughed, there were no husbands or wives as the Kaire knew them. I caressed her cheek again, "sleep. Tomorrow we have to go claim two promises."
She reached up to rub my cheek, "sleep with me?"
I grinned, "if I did that you would not find much sleep and you need time to recover."
She grinned, "then you do want..."
I laughed as I stood, "since I was ten."
I left and went to do a little checking. I knew I was cutting things close. Pebble would be fourteen in two days. I woke Sasha with breakfast and when she finished with the rare bool blood steak I put the tray aside. I caressed her body and teased her breasts before sliding my hand down to her moist pussy.
Her long tail suddenly came up to wrap around my waist as one of her hands gently held my hard cock. She smiled as I looked into her face, "for the Kaire male, this does not come out until..."
I grinned and slipped my fingers through her slit and rubbed the tiny nub that was more sensitive than a human female's. She jerked and shuddered while gripping my cock. I carefully removed her hand, "lets not break that."
She grinned and leaned into me for a 'human kiss.' I caress her and went back to fingering her. She relaxed against me and kept shuddering. Sex with humans was something that was almost addictive to Kaire females. Sasha shivered and jerked as she just kept cumming. I stopped finally and turned her and laid her back.
Kaire males only fucked their females from behind and Sasha frowned at me. I grinned as I moved between her legs, spreading them open further. Her eyes widened as she realized what I was doing. Her pussy was very wet as I rubbed the head of my cock through her slit. I looked into her face and pushed my cock into her.
Unlike humans, Kaire have no hymen or any other barrier. They did have excellent control of their muscles. Sasha smiled as she milked my cock. When I was all the way inside her my balls rested gently on her butt. She jerked and shivered as I started fucking her. She clutched me tight as she started cumming again.
It was only a few minutes before I was ready to cum and by then Sasha was mewing like a lost kitten. I was pumping hot sperm into her when she started having a jerky kind of seizure. I finished cumming and pulled out. I lay beside her and held her while her body slowly stopped jerking and she opened her eyes to look at me.
She smiled and licked my cheek before snuggling closer. I gave her a squeeze, "we have to go save Pebble and Jess."
She smiled as she looked at me, "more mates?"
I smiled and rubbed her cheek, "they have been our friends since we were little. We are a clan."
She searched my face and then grinned, "yes."
Sasha did not bother with the Kaire skirt, she wrapped a belt around her waist and I had to smile. Her long tail swished back and forth so I knew she was happy. Jess was first on my list. When I stepped out of the sled I knew something was up. There were a lot more gang members around than normal.
I walked into the old frigate ship like always and knew something was wrong. Jess's mom Mona had a red mark on her cheek and Jess look furious. She was glaring at her older brother. I cleared my throat and she glanced at me. Her brother frowned, "get out!"
I smiled, "fuck off piss head."
He reached for his waist and froze as I pulled my blaster and pointed it at his head. I waited and he licked his lips, "I am protected."
I laughed, "you poor dumb bastard. Do you see anyone here to protect you?"
I could see him start sweating and gestured to the door, "your presence at my bonding is not welcome."
He jerked and snarled, "Jess is promised to the Snuffu."
I shook my head, "wrong again idiot. Jess promised herself to me four years ago."
He jerked and stomped out and I holstered the blaster and looked at Jess, "what the hell Jess? You did not forget did you?"
She looked angrily at me, "no. I did not forget! That bastard has been keeping me from calling or leaving for three days now."
I looked at Sasha and she smiled, "do it my husband."
Jess jerked and stared at Sasha, "Sasha what happened to you..."
Her eyes opened wide and she ran to Sasha and grabbed her, "you are whole!"
Sasha laughed and rubbed her cheek, "I am a woman once more."
I cleared my throat, "Jess thar Silver I see you."
Jess jerked and I saw her mother in the doorway behind her. Jess turned and I saw that the humor was back, "I see you Samuel sar Istaban."
I smiled and stepped closer to rub her cheek, "it is time. I choose you."
Jess tilted her head, "you are early."
I grinned, "I thought you might need a reminder."
Mona laughed and Jess grinned before bowing, she straightened and nodded. Unlike the Kaire wrist band I pulled two bright rings from my pocket. Jess looked at the rings and smiled. She held her left hand out and I slipped one of the rings onto her ring finger. Like with the Kaire bands it molded itself to her finger.
Jess gasped and looked up into my face. I grinned and handed my ring to her and she took it before slipping it on my ring finger. I smiled and caressed her cheek, "get your things."
I looked at Mona, "would you like to come with us momma Mona?"
She started and looked from Sasha to Jess before smiling and nodding. I gestured and Sasha went to help them gather whatever they were taking. I walked outside to see several gang members around my sled, probably trying to see if they could steal it. Four turned to face me, one was Jess's brother.
I walked out calmly, I knew these punks well. One of them had more flashy junk on him and I knew he was the one in charge. He sneered, "this the scrounger that sandbagged you?"
I waited while he looked me up and down, "the girl belongs to the Snuffu."
I was done watching them play flash. In one motion I drew and shot him through the face. Everything was quiet as his body fell to the ground. I looked at the three standing before me, "anyone else want to say anything about my Bondmate?"
They shook their heads and I gestured. They were off and running before I could holster my blaster. Sasha and Jess appeared beside me and then Mona. I loaded everything in the back of the sled and we left and I headed into Kaire territory. The ship that was Pebble's warren was an old battleship.
The males guarding the warren held long blasters and only stared at me. I looked at Mona, "momma Mona would you stay here please?"
She nodded and Sasha climbed out before me. The reaction of the guards was immediate, they stood taller and their tails stood back from their bodies in display. Sasha smiled as she turned to me when I stepped out with Jess behind me. I started walking and Sasha fell in with Jess.
The door guard, an old grey scared Kaire stopped me, "what business do you have with clan Garzzz?"
I grinned, "Joseph."
He squinted and smiled, "kitten pup."
I laughed and gripped his arm, "it is good to know they have not cut your throat yet."
He grinned and I could see several teeth missing. I nodded to the warren, "it is time. Pebble promised me."
He frowned, "her father was trying to get a good match for her."
I leaned closer, "I have sperm from Gar siis."
He jerked and held his hand up, "wait!"
I grinned as he turned and ran into the warren. Sasha stepped closer, "what did you tell him?"
I grinned, "Pebble's father was trying to get a match. I told Joseph I had sperm from Gar siss."
Sasha blinked, "you do know they will gene scan the children?"
I shrugged, "so? I do have the sperm. I have the sperm for our children as well."
She stared at me and Jess laughed, "I will take yours."
I grinned at her and rubbed Sasha's cheek, "do you remember the royal visit? The one with the Kaire delegate?"
Sasha blushed and then grinned, "you did not."
I nodded, "I did. I have kept three matings. He provided them after I showed him your picture. He only asked that you send their names, bios and pictures."
She stared at me in awe, "he is a prince of our people!"
I smiled before turning to watch the commotion heading down the hall. Joseph was leading with Pebble's father pulling her along behind him while she yelled that she was not going to do it. Joseph did not even slow as he shifted and moved around me. Pebble stopped yelling as her father pulled her to a stop and she saw me.
I bowed slightly to her father before looking at Pebble, "Moriss Saj No Garzzz I see you."
Pebble sucked in her breath and looked at her father and opened her mouth before closing it. Her eyes narrowed, "I see you Samuel sar Istaban."
I let my eyebrow raise, "are you going back on your promise?"
She jerked and then slowly smiled, "Gar siss?"
I shrugged, "only a single pairing. I have four matings of Sar mel Torzz. I thought they would be good for later."
I could see her father jerk at the name but kept watching Pebble. She grinned, "it is time Samuel. I choose you."
I grinned and bowed slightly, ignoring her father's glare at Pebble. I pulled the last two bands out and handed them both to her. She caressed my cheek while I held my left arm out. She looked at my wrist and hand. She frowned before looking up past me. It took several seconds for her eyes to widen and her lips moved, "truly?"
I felt Sasha shift and Pebble smiled as she looked at me with tears in her eyes, "you did it?"
I nodded and she bowed her head as she silently slipped the first band on my wrist next to Sasha's. I took the other from her shaking hand and put it on her. I looked up from the fitting and Pebble fidgeted, "get your things my mate and do not forget your weapons."
She grinned and spun to run into the warren. Her father stepped closer, "is it true kitten pup?"
I looked at him for a minute trying to collect my thoughts, "Gar siss?"
He nodded, "and ... Sar mel Torzz?"
I smiled, "he is the best tactician and fighter in the empire."
He grinned, "I knew you would bring us luck kitten pup."
Pebble came running out with what looked like a heavy shoulder bag. I led the way to the sled and she slid in next to Sasha whispering, "did you mate?"
Sasha laughed and her tail wrapped around Pebble, "it was better than you could imagine. My body still tingles and wants more."
Pebble grinned and turned to Jess, "sister Wife, it looks like I get to keep protecting you."
Jess grinned, "you almost lost the chance. My brother was trying to sell me to the gang Snuffu."
Pebble snorted, "just shoot one and they will all run."
Jess grinned again, "Sam did."
They huddled together as I drove and whispered to each other. I was almost back to the ship when Pebble touched my shoulder, "you are being followed."
I grinned, "it is Peter and his wives. The rest of the clan should be behind them."
Peter was a Noss and our friend. Pebble laughed, "and here we thought we would have you to ourselves."
I smiled, "we have several people coming. I am recruiting."
Sasha laughed, "I did not tell you ... wait until you see the ship he fixed up."
They were talking quickly after that and I slipped into the sled bay before they even realized we were there. I slid out of the sled and turned to open the sled bay door wider, "is everything ready Jonathan?"
His glowing blue sphere appeared next to me, "yes Captain. I have kept the scans online as you directed. Those you have identified as clan are en route."
I nodded and turned to Jess, Pebble and momma Mona, "Jonathan the younger human female is Jess thar Silver sar Istaban. My Bondmate and our communications officer."
The sphere brightened for a second, "welcome aboard Jess thar Silver sar Istaban."
Jess laughed, "call me Jess."
I gestured to Pebble, "the young Kaire is Moriss Saj No Garzzz sar Istaban. My Bondmate and our weapons officer."
Pebble held up her hand, "just call me Pebble Jonathan."
I gestured to momma Mona, "the last one is Jess's mom. She is our minder, call her momma Mona."
The girls all laughed as momma Mona frowned, "you will confuse him."
I grinned as several sleds slid into view. It was a hectic time as our childhood friends, those we had pledged ourselves to as one clan, joined us with their mates. Unlike Sasha, Pebble or Jess most of them knew about or had helped with the ship. I closed the sled bay door as everyone made their way into the ship.
I pulled the girls after me and showed momma Mona to her cabin ... well, the one I had hoped she would accept. I led the girls further down the hall and gesture to the next door, "that one is yours Jess."
I gestured to another door across the hall, "Pebble."
Pebble wrapped her tail around me, "and yours?"
I gestured further down the hall, "next to yours, Sasha is on the other side."
Pebble started leading me towards my cabin and I let her. As the door closed behind us Jess gasped, "Pebble?"
Pebble turned from caressing me and stared at a display. I grinned as I moved out of her reach and walked to the table and the four holo displays that sat on it. I held my hand out to Sasha, "Sasha?"
She walked to me with her eyes fastened on the display. I pulled her onto my lap and held a hand out to Jess and Pebble, "come help us plan."
Sasha looked away from the display and into my face, "mine?"
I nodded, "you released four eggs after they repaired your womb and they were moved and placed to be ready for you to conceive."
She rubbed her cheek on mine and gave me a lick under my ear that made my whole body tingle. Pebble laughed as her tail wrapped around us. Jess stopped on the other side of the chair and one of her hands rested gently on Sasha. I nodded to the displays, "four displays, each programmed with an egg's bio code."
I touched a button on the table and a glowing sphere of dots appeared by each holo. "Roger Sar Nas Urr Liious, the first mating."
Pebble jerked and Sasha's arm and tail tightened. I smiled, "as your Bondmate I will choose first."
I typed, female ... golden. The sphere of dots blinked and only a few remained. I thought for a minute and then typed, "mark, pink?"
The sphere blinked and one dot remained. I looked at Sasha as she stared avidly, "put them together and show me your daughter."
She looked at me and then reached out to touch the proper button. The first holo darkened and a dot appeared, we watched as it shifted shape and grew. In the middle of the display stood a beautiful Kaire woman. She was golden with a necklace of pink fur. I looked at Sasha as she put her fist to her mouth.
I glanced at Pebble to see her doing the same thing, "is something wrong?"
Sasha turned to look at me slowly, "you do not know what you have done."
She leaned over the table and pulled up the display of stats on her daughter. She sighed and cleared her throat, "Jonathan?"
His sphere appeared, "yes Sasha?"
She did not even glance at me, "I need to make a star comm to Roger Sar Nas Urr Liious. Use my full name and say it is on a matter of pending birth."
I leaned forward to put my arms around her and she only smiled without taking her eyes off of Jonathan's sphere. A holo appeared above the sphere and I saw the small golden figure of the prince I had convinced to give me matings for Sasha. She bowed her head, "highness."
She turned and typed a command into the table and looked back at the holo of the prince. He glanced sideways and then jerked and turned his whole body to look at something. He finally looked at Sasha, "noble lady, where do I send the birthing gift?"
Sasha smiled, "that is not necessary. My Bondmate will provide."
His glance took me in and he grinned, "the human from Gavin, I should have known."
He looked at Sasha, "I would still like to send something."
She looked at me, "I do not know where we will be."
He bowed, "then I will find you."
The holo went blank and Sasha turned to look at me fully, "only once in a thousand years is a female marked so."
I rubbed her cheek, "you should have waited for the others. They will be just as precious."
She smiled and looked at Pebble, "well sister Wife?"
Pebble bowed and then grinned as her tail caressed Sasha and Jess laughed. She turned to the table and the second display. She typed and the dots showing the available sperm appeared and then blinked before only two remained. Pebble looked surprised and cautiously typed another command and then only one dot remained.
She looked at Sasha and hesitantly nodded. Sasha leaned forward and brought the two together and like before a young Kaire woman stood in the holo. She was stunning, Sasha stared and I could see tears in her eyes as she bowed her head. Pebble mewed and moved closer to me. It was one of the few times she sought comfort from me.
I glanced at a surprised Jess and reached out to pull Pebble closer into Sasha and my shared embrace. I held them and waited as Jess moved closer and caressed both Sasha and Pebble. It was a few minutes before Sasha looked up into my face. It took several tries before Sasha could speak, "only once in our history has a Kaire been colored so."
I looked at the holo of her daughter. She was a solid pink with Sasha's bright green eyes. I rubbed her cheek with my own, "she is your daughter. Before you go making more calls..."
She grinned and reached up to hug Pebble before sighing and looking at Jess, "sister Wife?"
Jess looked at her and bit her lip before looking at the display. She hesitated before typing, "White..."
Sasha suddenly laughed along with Pebble, "there are no solid white Kaire ... unless they are albino."
Jess smiled and finished typing, "Female."
The display blinked and only one dot remained. Sasha and Pebble looked at each other before looking at me. Sasha cleared her throat, "my mate would you..."
I smiled and gave them both a squeeze before reaching out to bring the egg and sperm together. Like before it was a minute before we were looking at a young Kaire, she was solid white but we could see her bright green eyes. I pulled up the stats and sat back as Sasha and Pebble both leaned closer to read them.
They finally sat back and only looked at Jess. I smiled and reached out to Jess and caressed her before looking at Sasha, "chose my mate."
She started and then grinned as Pebble poked her. She typed, "male..."
She looked at us and stuck out her tongue before turning back to the display as we laughed. She typed, "golden, solid."
She sat back to watch as a single dot remained. I hesitated and then brought it together with the egg to see a young Kaire male standing there looking out at us. I rotated the display and brought up the stats before sitting back. Sasha sighed as she looked on and started purring while Pebble hugged her with Jess joining.
I moved them off me and stood to lead them towards the door, "Jonathan?"
"Yes captain?"
I smiled as I reached the door, "have the sick birth prepped. Lock those four combinations in and have them standing by."
As the door started closing I heard, "yes captain."
It took about twenty minutes and then we were back in my cabin. I stood beside Sasha as she again called Roger Sar Nas Urr Liious. This time she only sent the birth information and waited until he looked at her wide eyed, "lady?"
Sasha smiled, "my bondmate and sister Wives have given us something unheard of."
The prince knelt and bowed his head, "I will inform my father and the clans. Protect yourself well lady."
Sasha nodded and reached out to disconnect the call. She smiled as she looked at Pebble mischievously, "my sister Wife I have had our ... husband's attention long enough."
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THE HUSBAND, THE WIFE AND THE SCHOOLBOYSPart OneLet me explain. My name is Justin. I am a healthylooking 40-year-old married guy and in quite good shape. Not film star shape but I can still pull acompliment or two. I was lucky to marry an extremelypretty, little women called Carrie. She is still 30and we have been married for 10 years so you haveprobably guessed that she was 20 when we married. Iwas lucky, O.K? She has certainly stayed in shape andher slim body pert little upturned breasts and...
Story Title: Mistress AutumnPOOR, PUDGY ROBILLARD!As he brushed and stroked his beautiful goddesses curls, Robie’s penis nearly wrecked itself, locked in the tiny casing. Would he escape it today? maybe?Robillard St. Croix finished coming Autumn’s cascading blonde hair. He’d given Autumn a great comb over, and massaged his pretty cousin’s shoulders till Autumn had purred. She’d looked up at Robillard lovingly, and he felt like he was on the top of the world.And Robillard was good! He had a big...
I’m Riyaz 24 yrs old Muslim Boy From Andhra Pradesh. I’m big fan of Iss. Actually This was my friend’s real story. To my curiosity to share with u people I’m Posting with original names. My family consists of Father Hussain 38yrs ,Mother Mumtaz 36 yrs Like Indian Muslim Mother But Her sizes made me horny Like 42-38-44,me 24yrs ,younger sister Reshma 19yrs with 36-28-38 sizes. Actually we grown in a poor circumstances that we stay in a single room with all inside. We don’t have proper clothes to...
IncestI live in a town where the national rodeo cowboys come to town every year. And each time they come the testosterone level in town goes up, immensely. All of the big handsome, strong men in spurs and chaps and jeans and western-cut shirts and cowboy boots and cowboy hats get my clitty dick stirring down in my little panties when I see them around town in their pickup trucks or sitting tall in the saddle on horseback. They look rough and rugged and ready. And I'd be lying if I didn't tell you...
CrossdressingI began life in a charity ward of large University hospital just prior to WWII. I grew up in abject poverty and began working as an eight-year old picking pole beans in endless farm fields for tens cents a bushel. Do you have any idea how many beans it takes to make a bushel? It was back breaking work, I can tell you.At the age of ten, a boy named Willard says to me, “do you want to make more money?”“How do you do that?” I asked.“We go to the Country Club and caddy,” he responded. “What is...
Gay MaleOkay. That was a true story. In a way I wish it wasn’t, since I realize it doesn’t reflect too well on me, but I’m afraid it is. That is what happened and it’s more or less how it happened. Not in every single detail. I have made it considerably more wicked and salacious than it truly was. I didn’t plan things quite so cold-bloodedly, for example, and I didn’t do the strip poker trick, and we didn’t do and say all that sick stuff the following morning, but the essence of it is faithful to the...
Group SexThe Newlyweds Chapter 1: Boy's Shorts Ji-min, my new wife, wanted to be called Jasmin now that she arrived in America. We have known each other for for about three years. She served on several mission trips in Africa. And I served in the Peace Corps. Thinking myself too small and not aggressive enough for regular military service I thought it was a good choice. And it was. When we met she was fifteen and I was eighteeen. Over the years she and I exchanged love letters, text...
Poor Amy Jameson was lying face down on the table, arms and legs bound to the table legs. Her body was covered in cum, her pussy and asshole were enflamed and sore, her back, ass and thighs were covered in welts. Her breasts, her tender breasts, were dotted with the marks that the teeth of nipple clamps leave when pressed between abused breasts and the tabletop. Her mind was buzzing, in that place that was neither here nor there — just floating in a space that only the abuse that she had...
As he took his lunch break, Roger thought of a couple things he needed from the market. It would be a good leg stretcher too. He’d been at his desk all morning. It was a sprawling thing, that market where much of the city’s retail business took place although some more modern stores were appearing in the suburbs. This was a lot more interesting and he loved the local flavor. He could speak enough Punjabi to do some basic bartering. Finding the things that he needed quickly, he decided to walk...
Note : This Story is Completely Fictional By I. L. Liesome My name is Eric. I am a 58 year old man and this story may seem childish to you but it was very hot stuff back in the day. This story began when I was just 18 years old. Yep, 41 years ago back in Oklahoma. My mom had a 5 sisters and each of her sisters had 2 to 7 kids. I had 23 cousins and 19 of them were female. They were all very cute and ever since I can remember they always made me horny, every one of them. The same year I turned...
IncestHi, am Ravi Kumar age 21, fair in complexion, 5.10 height and bit weighty 80 kgs. My heartiest request for every ISS reader is is new to this site and this is my first story so pls go through full story patiently so that u will be very happy to read my story. This is happened just 2 months before, am a Keralian living in a town of Kerala, let u introduce my girl in fact she is my cousin. She is Poornima the god of sex, she is 20yr old heavy fair, 5.4 height and 80 kgs with nice pair of sexiest...
SPOORTI AUNTY’S PLEASURE IN HUBLI… Hi there readers I’m a hungry boy from hubli, Karnataka.I want share a true story of my own with you. I m Rahul from Hubli, 21 yrs old, a young and I m smart looking guy, 5:4fts, 60kgs, good body and big & very hot cock, I live with my parents. This incident happened with a lady whose husband is a professor. Her name is Spoorti and she looks very sexy. Since the first time I saw her, I always dreamt of fucking her, and don’t know why I was feeling that she was...
IncestMy name is vikas, from (Meham)Rohtak, 32 years old and working as civil practicener in gulfrohtak. I am a regular reader of iss now. I am very much thankful to the writers who wrote their incidents very boldly which made courage to me to write this.I also would like to share a real incident that happened to me. This was with a 18 year old girl when she came to our village to spend the vocation after annual exam with their grandparents. Her name is Poornima. That time I was doing my degree.I...
Hi friends ye kahani mere college ke dino ki hai.Mere college mein ek student thi poornima. Woh computer branch mein thi, aur mai mechanical branch mein.Hamare class mein koi ladki nahi thi to hum doosre branch ki ladkiyo ko chodne ke firaq mein rehte the..Dosto jab ladki naya naya college mein aati hai tab uske choot pe khujal thori jyaada hoti,ladko ko bas himmat karke mauka le lena chahiye. Jab poornima naya naya institute mein aayi, to saare seniors haath dho ke uske piiche pad gaye,...
My latest bit of “whoring” was so hot, that he asked me to write a story about it. Bear with me, as this is my first attempt at literature. Trust me; I suck cock much better than I write. This past weekend my two girlfriends and I decided that a “girl’s weekend” was in order. We planned a road-trip to go see a professional bull rider’s rodeo in the next state over from ours. I wish I could say that I wasn’t thinking about finding myself some hot stud of a cowboy to fuck and suck, but...
Introduction: A more recent detailed account of Anne Marie being the slutwife that she is. This time, she wrote the story. My husband and I have been together for 17 years now and believe me, I consider myself to be the luckiest wife in the world. You see, we have what you might call an arrangement. He allows me to fuck pretty much whoever I want, whenever I want. I, in turn have to promise to tell him all the sordid details of my slutty encounters. My latest bit of whoring was so hot, that...
I wasn’t sure what he wanted, he knew fucking well how old I was. “Seventeen” was my puzzled answer. “You ever get laid?” “What?” “Laid! Screwed, fucked, had sex, done the bed bounce boogie! Or are you still as pure as new fucking snow?” he growled with heavy sarcasm. I was shocked into silence, even for my asshole father this was over the top. I looked at the five empty beer bottles beside his chair and shuddered, it was going to be another long night before I could escape to my room. ...
The native now fucking me looked down and punched me hard in the face. I whimpered as I felt my nose and lips start to swell. I noticed movement to my left and another native punched me in the right eye. I tried to turn my head away and saw the chief swing his spear again. It hit me across the stomach again. I coughed and tried to talk. “Please, no more.” I whimpered as the chief raised his spear again. I saw the chief kneel down and grab my hair. He pulled my head up and then I felt...
Yes, he was not just a plumber, he was the CEO of a company and this was his company party. He also had been fucking my Mom for the last 20 years and made her suck my pussy in the back room a little while ago. I orgasmed with my Mom’s face between my legs as the board of directors all fucked my Mom along with Tony. My little mind was reeling as I watched my parents leave the party without me. I guess I was “helping” Tony with something and my parents seemed to be very pleased about it. As...
“Come on baby, I want to show you something.” Tony said and held out his hand. I put my hand in his and he led me back into the house. I immediately saw my parents and he led me over to them. “There you are, Cassie. I was wondering where you were.” My Mom said. “Yes, I found her daydreaming on the deck.” Tony said. “I am so sorry honey. There really is no one here your age.” My Mom said. “You guys want refills on your drinks?” Tony said. My Mom and Dad both nodded. Tony turned...
She was of course born an English girl, a slightly struggling English girl it had to be said, and like so many girls struggling to make a living by herself she had decided to try her luck in the exciting land of America. In truth her early life in the new land had been hard work as well and she had even endured a short spell working in a saloon ,which was not much more than a whore house, as a saloon girl. Something her mother would of died on the spot for if she knew what her daughter was...
Poor uncle ... Advanced family sex For the umpteenth time in just a few days I was lying on my back and felt my boner slide into my aunt's gorgeous cunt, until it could not move any further and she started moving up and down. And just like before, it felt like my dick had entered the gates of heaven ... The only difference now was that my uncle was watching, naked on a chair beside the bed.And to make things worse (or better?) for him - it seemed to excite him in some way - his eldest daughter...
POOR AMY Chapter 1 Amy stood, as she had so many times in the past year, tearfully naked and trembling, her arms wrapped behind her neck, awaiting whatever punishment her ?parents? would decide to bestow. Her situation was probably unlike 99 percent of the other kids in the world. These weren’t really her parents. The woman sitting on the couch glaring at her was her dead father’s second wife and the man happily ensconced in his easy chair, scowling at her as his eyes roamed over her nubile...
The two women walked past the ramshackle house on the corner. They looked disapprovingly at the unkempt garden, the grimy windows, the peeling paint. Finally, the older one shook her head. "Poor Janie," she said. "You mean that's where she lives?" her friend asked. "Yes, the poor thing. I just don't know how she puts up with that husband of hers." "No. I just saw him down at the garage the other day. I mean - you can tell he's violent. He must make life a living hell for...
At Sheridan Saloon in Wild West Town...Into the old bar they went, they strolled over to the noticeboard to find anything new to fight in the western desert. The time was getting late but not too late to watch the sunset. A few voices chattered and laughed, albeit not as many as the evening would hold in the saloon.Upon the posting board appeared to be a mark, it was an active monster that the cowboys had to defeat today. It was something they always did; it was their greatest hobby to do...
Gay MaleAuthor’s Note: From an idea by a friend on another site comes this story of role playing, X-men, funny stuff, and hamsters. It’s probably much funnier if you’ve ever played a role-playing game. I combined it with another story a role-player told me about a game where he had giant space hamsters, and his players got out of hand with them. This is the result. Disclaimer: I made up the game of Space Cowboys and the Fantastic Gaming House company. To my knowledge, there is no space game with Old...
This all started when my husband said he wanted me to get to know his friends better. They are a group of 6 guys (including my husband) who are awfully close they have known each other for years. My husband is the only one who is married amongst his friends. He insisted that I dress sexy for our gatherings, as he wanted to show me off to his friends. I was happy to do this as I love my body and wear skirts and dresses regularly. I also didn't mind being the only girl present, as I have a lot...
I the writer of this story don’t give a rat’s arse About the spelling and grammar. I don’t get Paid to write here so if you don’t like my story then Go find your slimy hole and jerk off down there. For those that have questioned the reason why all the boys are the same, E.G, black hair, blue eyes and circumcised will see the reason why in this chapter, As for all the negitive remarks about this event will see why I wrote it this way. My stories are about puberty, love and...
Part OneArrivalJanet Thomson lounged on the sundeck of the sleek cruise liner determined to perfect her tan in preparation for the aptly named Fantasy Explorers' visit to the little know Caribbean island of St Pedro, arrival being early next morning. She stretched her slim, tanned body on the sun lounger and enjoyed the final hours of the afternoon sun. She was wearing a tiny black bikini with gold chains on the sides and looked absolutely stunning. She sat up glancing at the ship's pool- deck...
"Sit down sir." The first black TSA agent said to me, pointing at arow of chairs against the wall. "This won't take long." He sneered. I hesitantly walked over to the chairs and sat down with my carry onluggage. Keeping my eye on my barefoot boys as they stood there standingin front of a large metal table in the middle of the plain room. "I said strip boys!" The agent at the office desk in the corner saidas he stood up walking over to the boys. Leif looked a bit shocked butBryan...
And how the lines are between sentences “I don’t give a crap about it”. It’s a story, we don’t get paid for doing this so climb back under your rock and wait for the other stories to be posted. For others that like my stories then enjoy it. Subject: boarding school for loving boy’s chapter 4 gay young friends Copyright: 2011. Do not copy or change this story without First contacting the author. That's me. This story contains sexual content between boys and young teens, must...
Demonde Scott woke up early most days.. He leaned over and kissed his girlfriend’s forehead. He threw on some basketball shorts, a tank top, and a pair of multicolored Nike Joyride Dual Run sneakers. The 5’11”; 200-pound man headed out of his small house on the compound where Westerners lived while working in the Kingdom. He stretched then launched into morning 2-mile run. The air felt thick on his skin. It was around 65% humidity at present, but the temp was good at a little over 80 °F.He...
Please note it’s a story about love and friendship Leave if you are not into this type of story. Subject: Boarding School for Loving Boys Chapter 2 Warning; this is a story about boys having fun with other boys in a sexual and loving way, You need to be 18 and over to read this and if not then go find some other thing to read. Gay young friends Story written by: Boys in the hood. Copyright: 2011, not to be copied or changed with out The owner’s consent, that’s me....
Watching the Boys - Part 17 Leif disappeared back into the lavatory area with Jonathan followingclosely behind. I heard the sound of one of the doors unlocking and Iturned around in my seat looking back down the aisle. I could see Leifenter the small lavatory followed by Jonathan. The last few images I saw of them before the door closed was Leifleaning over the toilet, looking back over his shoulder up at Jonathan. Hehad pushed his khaki board shorts down revealing his beautiful...
The problem was that all the boys her age were jerks. After one date they expected a blow job in return. Although she was a virgin and wanted sex, she did not feel that any of the boys she dated respected her or appreciated her beauty. No, she wanted a relationship on her terms. She had always heard that a girl should date a younger boy. According to this theory, younger guys really appreciated the fact that they were with a more experienced girl and were willing to let the girl take...
grammar so don’t start moaning about my story, if you don’t like it then leave. Subject: Boarding school for loving boy’s chapter 5 gay young friends Copyright: 2011 not to be copied or changed without the owner’s consent so ask me first. This story contains sexual matter between young boys and teens, if you are under 18 and reading this then go find something else to read as you will get into trouble. Chapter 5 *FAMILY DAY PICNIC* Boys in...
Trying to not think about something and actually not thinking about it turned out to be two totally different things. I didn’t want to freak out but I couldn’t help it. I really wasn’t sure what was going on. Be recognized? What did that mean? Party? Like the Christmas party? I was myself at the Christmas party. My poor little mind was trying really hard to make sense of all of this but it was failing miserably. I looked at Tony. “I know, baby girl, it is a lot to take in but don’t...
Another story I found back in the day...Poor Sub Henry Henry walked into the deserted palace and cautiously peered around. He was sure this is where he was supposed to meet her. It seemed like an eternity since he first met her. He had responded to a personal ad on the Internet from a woman who claimed some experience as a Dominatrix. Her name was Victoria and she had replied soon after. Through several email exchanges he began to get a sense that this one was real. He had learned that...
Poor Little Girl by Janet L. Stickney [email protected] The roaring sound of the trains as they raced by his house rattled the shaky loose panes of the window, sometimes making flakes of the tired paint fall to the floor. He lay under the single thin blanket, shivering as the cold of the night whispered through the cracks of the ancient building, so long neglected. The third floor tenement was old, located in a slum populated by people living on the edge every day,...
Poor Little Girl Janet L. Stickney [email protected] The roaring sound of the trains as they raced by his house rattled the shaky loose panes of the window, sometimes making flakes of the tired paint fall to the floor. He lay under the single thin blanket, shivering as the cold of the night whispered through the cracks of the ancient building, so long neglected. The third floor tenement was old, located in a slum populated by people living on the edge every day, coping the best...
John was 21, he was a good looking man, not tall but not small he liked sports, had a beautiful lightly tanned skin and he didn't know what would happen to him soon ...When he met Jennifer, he immediatly fell in love with her, as much for her mind than for her body. Even if she was older, 30, she was really a sexy looking woman, always self confident and very immaginative. Even if they had met 1 month ago, they had never had sex together, but Jonh was impatiently waiting for it, because for him...
"What were you thinking?" the principal roared. Stacy cringed. "I'm sorry sir. I just lost my head." "I'm very disappointed in you. Frankly I expected better." Tears gathered at the corners of her eyes as she wiped her nose. "I'm sorry sir." "Maybe you should consider another line of work. If you can't deal with one difficult student, that doesn't bode well for your career." Fear gripped Stacy. She had become a teacher after determining her intended career was beyond her...
A poor girl married to a middle class man meets a diamond merchant and recognizes as international model for ornaments, married the diamond merchant. Hello readers I am Reena, today. I am sitting at CDG airport, Paris waiting for my flight to Mumbai. While waiting for boarding call and during my flight to Mumbai my mind ran back to the past 6 years. Yes, I was not Reena always. The boarding card reminded me that I was born as ‘Rama’ born and brought up in a small place in Indore district of...
IndianIntroduction: my first series ill need comments for pt2 This is pointless, grumbled Aaron as he stood with his twin brother, Mark, outside the newsagents. We should keep trying, Mark insisted. Yeah, but weve asked three people already. It aint gonna work, insisted Aaron. It will. Eventually. I dunno. Maybe were wasting our time. Aaron and Mark were both eleven-years-old. They were identical twins, both charming little boys, barely five-foot tall in height, slender and with cute freckled...
“I don’t give a crap. It’s a story. We don’t get paid for this, so crawl back into your hole if you don’t like my stories. Subject: Boarding school for loving boy’s chapter 6 Copyright: 2010 Not to be changed or copied without the owners consent. Gay: Young friends Story line: This story contains sexual contact between consenting boys and teens, love is also involved. Do not read this story if you are under 18 and it’s against your laws to read it. I did not bend your...
FLIGHT 247 LOST BOYS A story about a group of boys stranded on a deserted Island after crashing into the sea. **WARNING** Must be 18 and over to continue reading the story below and you have to understand that this is all fiction as it never happened due to it being? make believe, so what you do when you read this is up to you as I have no control over you. Sexual activity and swearing will be used in this story. ...
Boys Brigade Femucation Chapter 1 - Discovery From a very young age I was aware that I am a pretty boy and have experienced the pleasure of being dressed in my elder sister's clothes for the entertainment of family members - although not when my father is at home. My sisters think it is great fun and my mum goes along with my aunt who is the main protagonist in making me look so sweet and girly. From around the age of four, I enjoyed these sessions, however I became aware that it...
Recent events in my life have shown me that it can be very satisfying to return the favors to others, that we enjoyed early in life, when we are able to repay them.My name is Tom, and I live with my wife, Kendra, in the Atlanta suburbs. We’re in our late forties now, and our two children are already grown and have families of their own in the area. I’m in a management position with my company, and we are expected to perform community outreach in whatever way best suits our talents and...
TeenAfter a while all three boys come into the kitchen for breakfast, Mark and Alex just grabs some toast as they rush out for their lift to school. That leaves Mickey sitting watching his mother. He asks her if she can suck his cock, being the nice caring mother she is Jackie squats in front of her son and gives her 13 year old son a blow job. Mickey wants to come all aver her tits so she slips her night dress down and as he starts to twitch she guides his cock to her tits, he shoots his...
FLIGHT 247 LOST BOYS By Boys in the Hood **WARNING**You are about to read a story that will contain Sexual activity between teens and boys so you need to be 18 and over to continue being here. Due to laws in your state or country I and this site will not be held responsible for any actions to take while being here. This is all fiction, make believe, wow it never happened and no boy/s ever had sex with One another so any name, dates, places may or...